#and isn't merlin lucky getting to have some of the bread emrys bakes-
ofglories · 9 months
It’s left where Emrys always finds things from Merlin – a bundle of wildflowers and some jarred honey freshly collected left behind on the table. He’s not one for grand gifts and the gifter daresay thinks that it’d be silly to give him something grand after hunting down that cloak of his. Though there was a cloak pin fashioned in the form of a dragon’s wing partially obscured by the flowers when Emrys went looking.
A simple gift, unexpected but not unwelcome.
Wildflowers of course gave away who the gifter was, their fresh scents pleasant in the cool depths of winter. The honey was special too, of course. Emrys had made no secret of his fondness for the treat, particularly when paired with bread fresh from the oven. That would be a treat to eat at slowly, to savor, until the ice and snows finally thawed.
It's only as he brushed his fingers over the flowers that he properly noticed the final gift.
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The soldier paused, lips parting in surprise before a tiny smile took its place. As practical as the cloak he wore now, and certainly fitting considering his family. With a fond sigh he carefully removed the cloak pin from the flowers, taking care to not dislodge any of the petals, and ran his finger over the metal. Eye-catching, but not ostentatious. Not anything like what Uther would insist on a king wearing.
And that was what made it all the better.
To have someone know his tastes in things was just as precious a treasure as the pin, the flowers, the honey, all of them together.
"That mage... Whatever am I to do with him, leaving me trinkets such as these..." Shaking his head, Emrys attached the pin to his cloak before taking the honey in hand. "Hm. I'll just have to invite him to have some bread with me, now won't I?"
How lucky that he'd just popped a loaf into the oven before retreating to his room for a moment!
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