notsodailykurudoro · 2 days
do u think u could draw more of day 11's designs? i really like that scientist/creature dynamic
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day 39
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notsodailykurudoro · 3 days
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day 38
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notsodailykurudoro · 4 days
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day 37
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notsodailykurudoro · 4 days
gonna keep it real with yall idk how to use tumblr
dunno how to reply/reblog either
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notsodailykurudoro · 5 days
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day 36
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notsodailykurudoro · 6 days
day 35
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He gently pressed dried lips against the bandaged hand, barely peeping at the taller figure in front of him with a hint of smugness, internally eager to witness his reaction, he couldn't help but smile.
As the Craftsman slowly retreated, seconds that passed for entire lives buzzed inside the thief’s skull, almost too numb to process correctly the gesture and nevertheless lacking the time to act accordingly, his disastrous cognitive process managing to make him give a short bow.
“The pleasure would be no one’s but mine.” He expressed, polite, a hand resting on his chest solemnly.
Struggling with his own bubbling emotions, he offered his previously kissed hand to the mechanic who gladly took it with it’s own.
“Pretentious prig.” Kururu mocked, barely audible among the noisy ballroom that still echoed downstairs, the ballads high enough for them to take that chance there and now.
Devilishly cheesy, the redhead considered, quickly sparing a glance at the exit of the balcony and entrance to the site, making sure that no one was ready to intrude and trying to not give chances to the thought of what would the consequences be if someone stupid or nosy enough were to witness him and another man slow dancing on that secluded corner of the manor to pinch the back of his head.
He grabbed Dororo's waist, holding him as they both positioned themselves right, a very primal muscle memory playing an important part in such activity.
“Do try not to yell if i step on ya’”
“I trust you wholeheartedly” Zero laughed before saying, already starting to sway with the smaller man in arms.
They enjoyed a certain ability, an ability that was instilled many years ago, to one by decision and the other by obligation, by a custom rooted in the putrid scheme that had been drawn for decades in both of their worlds, which weren’t that far apart.
“This’a good one.” The craftsman noted.
“Which is?” The thief replied.
“The tune.”
“You mean the song?”
“Aye, used to repeat it a few times to get the signature right.”
“On the talking machine?”
“Before it flumped on my brother’s head, at least.”
“You've got a brother?”
“Now you tryna get me maggin’” Kururu grinned.
“Oh, I apologize-” He shrank very slightly on the grip. “I do tend to forget you're not much of a talker.”
“Cannae get too carried away making children’s shoes.”
A cackle, that peculiar monosyllabic giggle again, Dororo could never get used to it, and not in a bad way, he softened, a smirk of his own accompanying the blush of his covered face.
“I guess not…”
It was a bit chilly outside, the air whistled, passing through broken windows and worn boards, indistinguishable voices, far away music and drunken stupor characteristic of a Saturday night feeding the white noise.
Zero never had major trouble with keeping eye contact, Unlike Kururu, who needed to look away from other people or movement to concentrate on what they were saying, as well as feeling uncomfortable after at least 5 minutes of holding it. And yet, something made him want to continue staring at the other man’s gaze, it made him uneasy in the best of ways, that glassy tone that you would only find in a well-preserved corpse, it almost incited him to grab forks and take them out to study, to see if he would still stare so astonishingly to a Dororo with bleeding, empty eye sockets. He grinned further.
“Guess I owe you, though.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I know anything I can know about you, Conveyancer.”
“Is that so?”
“Well you’ll have to find the heart to forgive because I highly doubt it.”
Kururu snorted before they both gave a spin on par with the music.
“Now I don't need to empty the bag, do I, Your Majesty?”
Dororo froze, erratically following the craftsman with the dance.
“...I-... Do not seem to follow, I have no idea of what you're getting at with such nonsense…!”
“Don’t play stupid on me, Gollumpus, gonna have to try harder than that.”
“I’m not…! What makes you believe that i am, of all people, a member of royalty?”
Kururu took the lead, clearly enjoying himself, he handled the ‘thief’ as he kept ranting.
“The break-teeth words? Fancy rags? Issues with that skank ya callin’ a mother?”
“M-My mother is a very respectable woman, thank you very much!”
“How ‘bout pops?”
“... I’ve got a feeling that you're the one that’s making me wanna ‘empty the bag’.”
“Dodgin’ bullets tonight, are we? Kuu-ku-ku-”
“C-Can be put that way.”
Dororo said, looking away from him, trying to keep himself from laughing. It was hard to put on the nonchalant facade, Zero always thought that he was at least somewhat good at keeping himself at ease in almost every situation, It is necessary to know how to stay calm to handle things better, however, Kururu seemed to know how to press his buttons, all the time, as if he could read every word and movement he could muster like an open, abandoned book. At times, it could be quite scary, but it was also flattering, because someone was taking the time and dedication to pay attention at what he was doing and why.
Such a shame that the glass-eyed ginger was like that with almost everyone.
“Okay, think I gotcha something.”
The blue haired man turned his attention back to the freckled one.
“Y’can ask three questions, then i can ask three, we don't need to get into much detail, and we can stop with the tilly-tally mind games. How'zat?”
Pondering, the noble slowly pulled away from Kururu, as if running equations on his mind, considering. Kururu fidgeted on his place, out of sight from Dororo to not give away his own facade.
“A tempting offer…” Mustered the blue-eyed man.
“... Very well then, it does sound amusing.”
He smiled, closing his eyes briefly, and the smaller one grinned widely.
And as the night passed, the two of them now knew each other a little more than they had that morning.
no beta we fucking die like viper
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notsodailykurudoro · 6 days
I understand you said earlier that 100 days will be kissing and am very much looking forward to it! But I'm curious if that means this account will only be around for a hundred days, because I want to just watch your work until the world ends.🥺
adunno, I'll see
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thankz tho
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notsodailykurudoro · 7 days
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day 34
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notsodailykurudoro · 8 days
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day 33
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notsodailykurudoro · 8 days
You have no idea how much this blog means to me. New, awesome art for an old fandom of mine warms my heart
holy shit i just saw this im sorry
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notsodailykurudoro · 8 days
Hello mr NSDKD-CHAN, i have a question uwu, your art change a lot, is only one person drawing this or its like a team or somthing uwu Nya 😺😺😺
nope, just me
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notsodailykurudoro · 9 days
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day 32
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notsodailykurudoro · 10 days
Oye w creo q te conozco de algun lado ;-;
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notsodailykurudoro · 10 days
day 31
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notsodailykurudoro · 11 days
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day 30
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notsodailykurudoro · 12 days
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day 29
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notsodailykurudoro · 13 days
day 28
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