#and is updating yas with pics of her growth every 3 business days
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simphic · 4 months ago
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Finally had time to jump on the trendddd, I did Luna & Nani because I'm currently sculpting them. I dressed according to what I would assume they are doing atm lol. Ty for the taggg!!! @whoopssim <3
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mnovenia · 1 year ago
November 8th, 2023
Important day for you 드디어 has come 🏨🥲����🥳🙏😇💪💯
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It's been a while, been busy with work, travel, hosting people here and there till I couldn't remember to update about 'this journey'. Marlene Jie came, Bebey came, Yoora came, Han Sang Hyuk jibsanim came, busy with my lifegroup, work that thankfully never ends, teaching Norman, visiting family in Surabaya, date w my brother, took care of our villa, met up with Bella, Pat, busy busy busy.. Last interaction was perhaps he loves my IG story with bey + when Yoora posted my pic while picking her up at the airport. So ever thankful for October that God provided been most fulfilling so far (apart from Aug ;)) and I believe God is at work, even when it seems He's silent and I don't make any progress. I also learnt about Aquarius AHAHAHA cmon marsh, but i think sifat2nya ada mirip: CUEK, PROVE WITH ACTION, so I learn emang dia ky gitu ENFP pula and I believe by God's grace, he knows what he's doing.
I sent him small gifts through Yoora, it made my heart kinda flutters again because while she and Sara were here they were teasing me and Gwang Hui, they said: cmon Eonnie, everybody knows about you and GH, who went to noraebang just berdua?? Ber4 ber3 itu wajar, tapi ber2? Geugoneun daeiteu <3 hahaha emang, as much as I want to claim it as one, I hope he thinks the same way.
Anyway that's not important, after receiving the gifts he sent me messages, video, photo and thank me by Shella Nuna//// we talked about our both soon a little bit (told him about dede n stuff), he also said I only 1 month left with my group, so I guess he's focusing on ending his work first, his duty and planting as much seeds as possible to his current members, before preparing his way to Bali (guess you have 1 whole month of December to prepare)~ In the meantime he spent time with his supercute nieces 3 girls like Yusosu! What a coincidence, of course for marsela the cocoklogi girl hahaha.
While me? I have also been doing quite the same thing: helping BSF, teaching norman, learning korean, facilitating my soon members, hosting the korean team who keeps coming, helping Han jibsanim looking for church buildings (that was the most tiring day of all month), and guess what? Jibsanim posted everything in our Kakao group that's loved by him of course thank you hahaha..
Cepet banget ya Tuhan bekerja, ky ga percaya within 3 months kita di granted dana besar untuk pindah gereja, dan caranya itu loh bner2 bukan cara manusia, krn me n bella literally not doing anything and cannot take credit. And pas Yoora forum aku blg gatau gmn tithe yg bener, 3 hari kemudian dijawab dg kesaksian jibsanim, therefore I decided to give 50jt as my perpuluhan dan juga renov bathroom gereja baru kita <3 tbh gaada yg bisa aku banggain sih, bulan ini smua kerjaan ku lancar banget, smua akad kredit di approve and I received ratusan juta. I think God is also testing my obedience (while my villa still on progress), and of course I will just follow His way, I pray that I can return what's His in the first place to expand His kingdom. Aku uda takut bgt waktu Ko Wilson kesni, turned out smooth bgt, aku cm doa Kristus walau uda gabisa tidur berkali2, it's like God showed me: ketakutanmu gaakan terjadi Marshella, fight the satan's voice of fear with God's words, hancurkan kegelapan dengan doa, be obedient and prioritize Him in every areas of your life. He cares about your spiritual growth as much as your work, your love life, all the things that you may thought He didn't or He's been silent. Truly my spiritual life renewed after PI, aku ga takut apa2 lagi, aku bener2 bisa berserah sm kedaulatan Tuhan, aku bener2 bisa percaya Tuhan kerjakan seturut firmanNya bagi kemulianNya sesuai waktuNya, dan Dia gak akan membuatku dipermalukan.
Saat ini aku juga punya kekhawatiran gimana nanti pas GH di Bali, even dia jadi kesini atau engga (kok gaada tanda2 prep sm aku), mau soon pake bahasa apa, dia tinggal dimana, banyak cewe2 yg rubungin dia, kita bakalan bisa serius dlm relationship atau engga, berapa lama dia akan stay, dan banyak kekhawatiran lain, yang aku belajar untuk serahin aja sama Tuhan. Apa yg Tuhan reserved untukku toh gaada bisa diambil orang lain, kl bukan pun ya pasti ada yg lebih baik lagi. Kl berefleksi, gw pun kok bisa gak tergoda sm cowo2 indo, colleague, or even si sungchan yg suka DM2/kakao wo. Same thing I believe God protected Gwang Hui from what is not his.
In the meantime, fokuslah sama apa yg ada di depan mata, jadi lah teman yg baik untuk sekitarmu, maafkan org2 yg mgkn bersalah, buang prasangka thdp orang yg Tuhan kirim di hidupmu, use your time wisely, beresin villamu, spend time sm adik dan keluarga mu sebelum kamu berkeluarga sendiri dan harus sibuk urus keluarga suamimu.
Hari ini 2 hari sebelum peringatan 9 tahun mama meninggal, Gwang Hui posted di IG (as pictured above), I think his last day at Korea University Hospital huhuh.. dalam kehaluanku, dia pasti nurse yang di treasure semua colleague nya, 3-6 tahun bukan waktu yg sebentar, but i'm glad he is walking in obedience, following God's plan for his life. Urineun chukeum bites anichi gwuanghuiya? I think nunado lumayan di sayang org2 sekitar, I hope that what makes we can walk together in the future, seiman dan sepadan. Ok excuse kehaluan ini, tapi bener2 gawatnya, ga pernah kynya ada 1 hari gw ga mikirin GH, tiap hari ada aja yg bikin kepikiran, pictures berdua di jimbaran again dlm keadaan pacaran (remake foto PI ceritanya) aduhaduhaduh gila bgt mmg pisces, tapi perkataan adalah doa. Mana kemaren di surabaya gw bilang sm tante da n om hap, mobilku itu yg siap dijual kapan aja kl aku harus pindah keluar negeri lagi (korea for a while maksudnya), entah kenapa ada feeling gt walaupun nantinya tetap balik ke Bali. Ya anyway semua sesuai kehendak Tuhan aja. So let's not focus on the future, aku saat ini cm mau mencintai Tuhan setiap hari, melewati hari2 dengan nikmat anugerah Tuhan, menjadi saksi kebesaran Tuhan dalam menulis cerita hidupku, berbagi bgm Tuhan bekerja dg cerita, waktu, materi dan semua yg Tuhan mampukan aku. Sekali lagi, chukaderimida nae sarang, sugohaesseumnida, na yogi neo gidariyo! Appeuchimalgu, hangbokhaeyo, spend a lot of time with your appa, chukadeul, last moments with sun members, you'll surely greatly missed by each of them as you're making your way to come here. Nuna will pray for you always, let's meet in prayer, oneulbam do!
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