#and instead I spent an hour compiling a list of my prime defenders headcanons
hey, i love your fics and all your headcanons about the prime defenders! i love the way you do dakota's chronic pain (or something similar?), its a very unique one. can you tell me more about what you headcanon for each of them?
Oh! Hi sweet anon! I'm so glad that you like my prime defenders stuff! I love writing them and they are just so !!! to me.
Aha I never do talk about headcanons in public so I've never made a coherent list so I will do my best but I absolutely LOVE talking about this kind of stuff <3 headcanons my beloved. They will be under the cut!
this is really long btw.
you ask me to talk and I won't shut up.
William Wisp
this is my boy! My dude! Me FR! I think about him all the time uh headcanons tho hm.
His eyes glow in the dark
He's ALWAYS cold (doesn't produce his own body heat) and is just constantly shivering (I mention this one a lot in my fics)
Legs and hips are a little messed up, he walks with a limp (he is unaware that he does this but other people can notice it). Often hip and knee pain. Syrup brought up the idea to me of a ghost cane and I think about that a lot.
I think it would be funny (haha) if he's scared of the dark and claustrophobic
The claustrophobic one makes me a little insane bc he would know how irrational the fear is since he can literally... go intangible... if he's trapped in a small space he can get out of it.
I also think he would be very afraid of heights! y'know! makes sense!
He would like to sew I think. His main sweatshirt that he wears is just covered in embroidery and patches that he sewed on it.
He doesn't necessarily have food allergies but he does have a lot of sensitivities. He cannot digest much. (Onions, gluten, lactose, yknow food sensitivities).
Rigor mortis! LOL! I think sometimes he just straight up cant move yknow
I ALSO THINK that sometimes he just loses random senses. Like taste and smell. (I have a ghost character that has the same thing happen to him... Boy my beloved).
He sleepwalks a lot or otherwise just straight up doesn't get sleep yknow?
He knows so much obscure information it is INSANE and also a little frightening. He sends random articles to the groupchat in the middle of the night (poor Vyncent who has his ringer on all the time)
He also just like knows way too much and is scarily good at finding things on social media, he will be able to find a social media account within minutes (like my sister fr).
I think he would like cop or mystery shows like Criminal minds, Macgyver etc those type of shows idk. Maybe NCIS?
This isn't really about William but I think that the wisps mess with him whenever they're bored so he has just straight up resorted to giving them their own source of entertainment so they just leave him alone.
He has a record player that he puts on just so they can mess with it and so he can have a little bit of peace.
I think that electronics go a little funky in his presence, sometimes he just straight up cannot use his phone ("hey did you get my text?" "*phone screen is just static* no")
Speaking of texting, he pretty much NEVER responds to texts and either types for 10 minutes and sends a long paragraph response or types 10 minutes and responds with a singular emoji. It's impossible to tell which response it will be.
But if you want to get a hold of ANY of the boys, William is the best bet to text bc he will actually read his messages (he cannot have his phone off of silent bc he has to look at the messages right away, he just won't respond immediately. The message will be read tho).
He's a stress cleaner (when the rest of your life is falling apart at least you can control one aspect of it)
Will is absolutely ATROCIOUS at playing video games, he doesn't have the reaction time and much prefers making Dakota or Vyncent play a game and he'll watch
He's probably like the biggest impulse spender of the three and absolutely comes home from work with stupid things that he bought.
I think that William has muscle issues in his eyes. His eyes cross a lot, especially when he's tired. He's SUPPOSED to wear glasses for it but he doesn't. He only ever wears his glasses when Tide (or Dakota) tells him to. He would have thick square framed glasses that he technically doesn't need to see but his eyes are still a little messed up.
Ok listen, William is from Deadwood. Deadwood is a real city in South Dakota. I think South Dakota should be real. William has the most rural midwestern vibes ever. In my head he is midwestern, he has to be. He needs a thick midwestern accent. He is a corn boy (hi Syrup)
Ok I've been talking about William wisp for too long I need to move on to someone else UHHHH.
Dakota Cole
He loves baking fr! baking and cooking is his specialty and I think besides Tide, he would be the one to cook for the boys.
Stress baker
Sits on the counter all the time (Will and Vyn are sit on the floor type guys).
His hair IS technically curly but it's so frizzy it's impossible to actually tell, it's just a mass of red fluff.
I think it would be REALLY funny if he was naturally ginger but dyes his hair redder.
I think he deserves freckles too, tons of freckles, all over his body
His stomach and the back of his neck is super sensitive (William constantly tortures him w cold hands to the back of his neck)
He is fr like a walking space heater, he is always hot and gives off so much heat
Weighted blankets aren't really heavy enough for him but he loves being compressed fr
I think he absolutely is so affectionate, a ton of casual touches and just like yknow. Hugs, arm around the shoulder, headbutts, nudges all that type of stuff. Personal space is not a thing w/ Dakota but he backs off quickly when it's not welcome.
He does give big hugs though and will tackle someone to the ground if he hasn't seen them in a while. Absolutely massive hugs. Big squeeze.
I think he also loves to hold hands whenever they're walking places he will hold hands with one of the boys.
Gift giving is his love language, he loves getting the boys things that reminds him of them.
He likes watching cooking and baking shows too, absolutely
He has so many joint problems, mostly in his hips and knees (bc that's where he fights mostly) but his back, shoulders and elbows hurt as well during times. He cannot sit on the floor for very long otherwise it will hurt.
Around the base he has various braces and stuff to help w that along w/ stretches and all that
He would be SO good at platformer games (cuphead, donkey kong, super mario bros etc)
Dakota will sit and do something for maybe half an hour at most and then move on to a different activity (exceptions for this are baking, watching tv with the other boys or crochet). Compared to Will and Vynce who could sit for hours doing something specific.
He would just have a ton of stim toys I think, there's a couple that he uses often but he does have a lot in general just bc he'll see one and think it's interesting enough to buy.
This is kind of for all three of them, but around the base they have whiteboards n stuff to draw on, he always draws pictures on the board. (Will and Tide are the only ones to leave actual notes, Vyncent just draws faces).
He has so many pillows on his bed, he would love pillows. Absolutely cozy fr.
Short. I don't care how tall he is on the character sheet. This dude is not over 5'5. He cannot reach the top shelf.
I think he likes fruit punch for his select choice of juice.
He is accidentally the mom friend and by that I mean he just knows his own body well enough to have stuff that he needs. It just happens that no one else in the friend group knows how to take care of themselves.
Re: previous thought. If you need something, he'll probably have it in his bag, he's just like that.
He doesn't always see messages when they're sent but he always responds right away. (rule of thumb, if you need a text to be seen, text Will. If you need a response, text Dakota. Do not text Vyncent).
I don't care about the canon universe for this one headcanon but Dakota would LOVE Spiderman I think.
I think he would have a lot of night terrors.
^I had to add that one because I realized I didn't have that many sad headcanons for Dakota.
I think Dakota also steals clothes a lot. They just let him tho like no one cares. William will see him in the kitchen in a dark T shirt that is the most jarring image but just does not say anything. (He is not allowed to do laundry, certified thief fr)
Ok I've been talking about Dakota too long, Time to move on again
Vyncent Sol
Fr one of the most Boys to Boy yknow? he is a creature fr!
Eyes glow in the dark, Dakota is the only one without glowing eyes, he lives with two cryptids fr.
you can pry the headcanon that he has a tail out of my cold. dead. hands. He has a tail I believe in it.
Re: ^ that thought, super long skinny tail with a little tuft of fur at the end.
Continuing with that, whenever he's upset or scared he wraps his tail around whoever is nearby, constantly hits people with his tail but does not notice. Whenever they're in public he wraps it around his torso to keep it hidden.
Big ears fr! constantly twitching and flicking back and forth, they move so much it's funny to watch sometimes. Also floppy ears tbh.
I think he would have sharp teeth and sharp nails.
When he was younger, his hair used to be like a very pale lavender and was a lot curlier than it is now. He still has the baby curls but he tries to hide them bc he doesn't wanna be seen as immature.
His hair is also super delicate and soft, he cannot use shampoo or product bc it WILL destroy his hair, you have to be very gentle with it.
He purrs. Absolutely does.
Not a fan of physical contact but puts up with it for Dakota
That one post of like that really grumpy cat reluctantly purring on the chest of someone who was sick? yeah that's Vyncent. He hates comforting people. Will purr to comfort others tho. Even if he is wildly uncomfortable with every second of it.
Vyncent would be such a light sleeper, he has super sensitive hearing and will wake up at every little sound. Headphones are not just to hide his ears <3 too much noise gives him a headache all the time.
he would LOVE bugs and plants. Wants to know more about all the nature on prime <3
He always talks about little facts super excited and Will and Dakota always are excited about it too (even if it's common knowledge for them, it's not for Vyncent and he's excited about it).
Will, despite being terrified of bugs, gives Vyncent facts about bugs in return (Vyncent loves hearing about it!)
He's the type to torture bugs on the playground but it's completely scientific, he's doing it for science purposes. He wants to know more.
Vyncent thinks Will and Dakota are super hard to read, they think the same of him. They have different body languages <3
I think he would be allergic to stupid things in the same vein that dogs are. He can't have onions either. (poor Dakota loves onions but no one else in the base can have them except for Tide).
He likes sitting with the others and just kind of sitting in the same room as them, not even doing the same thing. He's just vibing.
I think Vyncent would walk really quietly and constantly sneak up on people by accident.
You could hand Vyncent literally anything and say "eat this" and he would. Same thing with Dakota but for Dakota it would have to at least look like food. Vyncent will eat a rock if you hand it to him.
William showed Vyncent how to do emojis one time and it has been one of Will's biggest regrets (Vyncent now pretty much only texts in emojis. No they do not makes sense).
I think Vyncent would get so motion sick in cars.
I think that he should have a noticeable accent, no one can tell what TYPE of accent (obvious reasons) but it's uncanny enough that he does not sound like the locals.
He deserves a little uncanniness as a treat, limbs too long etc something like that idk. He should be more of a creature.
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