#and in the mean time I'd still really love to continue to expose E to more non-binary rep
Do you know any non-binary creators of color?
'creator' here can be used extremely wide- I have a friend who is indigenous and has recently started their journey to self acceptance. There are... certain forces in their life that want to convince them that nonbinary people are all white middle class people and 'aren't real' and I would really love to continue to expose them to more non binary/gender fluid rep.
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David's Family; speculation
I see a lot of different takes on David's possible family life. And honestly I was a bit shocked to notice that most people I've seen are pretty sure he had a rough childhood. Like neglect or abuse or just being a foster kid. And well..I don't know how much I agree with or even like this idea.
I mean, starting with his general attitude towards family, he clearly, for most of season one and two at least, held a blind 'families are typically good. abuse may exist but that's not common!' Type belief.
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When Quartermaster and Quartersister were reuinited he was shocked they didn't get along and seemed certain they could make amends through the "unconditional love of family" and, well...that's not something you see often in abuse or neglect victims? I mean they might still think families love each other in a broad sense but this persistent "No. Families love and care for each other. You're wrong if you tell me otherwise" ideology is really just not something I can see any kind of victim displaying? Especially not an adult who's clearly very independent from his parents and is well acquainted with what's healthy and what's not when it comes to parenting.
And I'd be willing to overlook all that. If it weren't for the way David went about handling Max for the first two seasons.
Idk about you guys. But I placed Max as some kind of victim by episode o n e. And for someone who always took an interest in Max and his wellbeing, David never seemed to catch on. This bling ignorance to Max's family situation is jarring if David were any kind of victim. I mean...even if David had somehow managed to not pick up on the obvious signs (honestly Max is almost a textbook example of an abuse victim?) If he were a victim himself wouldn't he show a little more caution when Max outright said his parents didn't care about him?!?
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Max had said from the beginning that his parents weren't coming. That they didn't care enough to. And David just could not believe him.
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He continued to insist to Max that his parents would show up. They were just late! And honestly this kind of behavior, which is while unintentionally, very insensitive, is understandable coming from someone who was never in this kind of situation. Someone who'd only ever had a good home life who was only ever really exposed to good home lives would have so much more likelihood to behave this way than someone who'd been through anything similar. I can't imagine or excuse anything except ignorance leading David to force happiness and family positivity down the throat of a neglect victim. And honestly it was a big moment when David told Max that his parents were bad because if anyone would have given these people the benefit of the doubt it's David and I can only imagine how validating it was to see someone who'd never been abused or neglected and who loves forced positivity say this isn't okay .
Finally let's get into why people tend to theorize David had a bad home life.
It seems to mostly stem from this
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When the 'spirit' (Basically Campbell) told David he was his real father. People latched onto this and honestly at first I did too. David showing a want to have a different father than the one he has? Surely that means he did have a bad home life.
His father could have just been gone. As in he could very well have just grown up in a single parent household. Which while may be difficult at times...isnt as bad as neglect, abuse, or foster care. I can't imagine anything else. Being raised by a loving single mother would definately explain his daddy issues and his behavioral problems as a little kid (Which coincidently disappeared around the time he latched onto Campbell as a father figure) while still not making me angry at him for his forced family positivity.
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ticklygiggles · 6 years
I'm not leaving | Shell/Eric (aka One)
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A/N: Hi, Alex @ticklishgemini! Thank you for sending this! I’m truly excited to write for my two boys *screams* I hope you enjoy it and sorry for the long wait! I accideeentally changed the prompt a liiiiittle bit... I hope you don't mind too much!!
Summary: Eric doesn't want his lover to feel worried anymore.
Words: 2,336 (under the cut)
Shell jumped out the bed, taking his black shirt in the process and barely being able to put it properly over his arms and shoulders. His heart was pounding against his ribs and he felt an uncomfortable tingling in the back of his neck as fear began to fill his chest.
He's gone, he's gone, he's gone!
He hurried to the entrance of the room with his legs shaking slightly, he opened his mouth to call Eric once more, but he could not utter another sound other than a loud gasp when his lover appeared at the door right in front of him.
"Shell, what's wrong?", Eric's surprised and troubled eyes made his insides twist and the fear fade away from his chest. "What's happening?", Eric changed the things he had between his arms to his left arm, his hand reaching up to cup Shell's cheek, it felt warm under his cold fingers, his thumb lightly caressing the flushed skin.
Shell breathed heavily, trying to calm his racing heart as he leaned toward the touch on his cheek, opening his mouth to let out trembling words. "I- thought you were-
He hesitated to say it. Feeling scared that maybe Eric would get upset about Shell's lack of trust in him, but it was no surprise, Eric's sudden departure had opened up wounds that had taken a long time to heal, plus, the person he loved the most in the world had escaped from his life without a word, leaving him with the uncertainty of whether he would one day have the chance to see him one more time or-
"I'm here", those warm words almost made tears blew out of his eyes. "I'm here, Shell. I'll not leave without telling you. Never again", Eric let the things that were in his arm on the table near him right before Shell launched himself into his arms, holding him almost desperately, as if he wanted to melt Eric in his body to really make sure he'd not run away from him this time.
Eric held him with equal force, pressing him against his chest and sinking his lips in his blond hair to kiss his warm head, Shell shyly kissing Eric's neck, feeling dizzy with his delicious pheromones' smell. He belonged there, between Eric's arms, wrapped in his intoxicating smell.
They held each other for a long time, until Shell's breathing had calmed down and the tremors of his body and heart had disappeared, even after that they held each other, until their legs began to numb slightly; only then, Eric began to speak, Shell's ears listening intently to the playful tone of his voice.
"Shell", he started. "I can't believe you thought I left after I told you how much I love you and that I don't want to hurt you anymore", Shell quickly pulled away from Eric's chest to look at his face, his was exalted as he searched for the words to say.
"It's- it's not like that! It's just- it's just-
"I feel hurt", Eric put a hand over his forehead dramatically, the other one still holding Shell's waist firmly. "My dear Shell does not trust in me anymore. That's what I've earned, but regardless, after all those words- after all those times I made him come undone-
"Eric!", Shell's cheeks blushed immediately, looking like two red apples. "Listen! I didn't mean to-
Eric interrupted him again, "maybe Shell needs more of last night to be one hundred percent sure that I'll not leave anymore?", Eric smirked feeling the jump against his thigh from Shell's crotch. "Is that a yes?"
"E-Eric!", Shell whined, his face and the tips of his ears burning with embarrassment. "You are not listening to me!"
"And you are not saying any coherent sentence, Shell", he whispered on Shell's ears, biting his earlobe, making a pleasant shiver run down his spine.
Shell doesn't say anything else, feeling how Eric is slowly pushing him back to the bed until the back of his knees are touching the edge of the bed, he squeaks as Eric pushes him in completely.
Eric was on top of him within seconds, his knees buried in the bed at the sides of Shell's hips, his hands opening the front of Shell's unbuttoned shirt a bit more. Shell let out a low whimper when Eric took both his wrists and placed them up above his head, holding them against the bed while his other hand softly caressed his chest with his fingertips, going down to his ribs, making him tremble and shiver.
"Eric...", Shell shighed, trying to hide his face on the underside of his arm as he felt the fingers already at his hips and his lower belly, even circling his navel, making him gasp a little. "Eric, please, I-
He couldn't help but let out a whine when Eric pulled his fingers away from his body, his back arching to make them touch his skin again. Eric, on the other hand, just smirked and sunk into Shell's neck, kissing, sucking and biting, his hand finally coming back to Shell's body, touching softly around his chest, his ribs, his stomach, his wais-
"Found it", Eric sang as Shell arched his back away from the bed and squirmed his body to the side, now avoiding Eric's fingers caressing hia waist. "I honestly though it would not work", he admitted as he pulled away from Shell's neck to look at his smiling face.
He felt a little tug on his heart seeing his closed eyes, his nose scrunched up and his fangs peeping behind his big smile, the blush in his face still present.
"Eric!", Shell opened his eye. "What are you doing moving your fingers there? What did you do?"
"Well, as I was touching you and feeling you squirm, I was wondering whether you were ticklish or not! And it looks like here...", his hand cupped Shell's waist and started to squeeze the skin softly, making Shell shriek with laughter. "... It's where you're ticklish! I was truly not expecting this reaction"
Shell squirmed from side to side, pulling at his captive wrists and turning his body to the side to avoid Eric's playful hand, but Eric had him firmly captured between his legs and that hand holding his wrists.
"No! Dohohohon't be silly!", he said between laughs. "I am Shehehe- Shell Overlord! A vampi- ahahaha! Stop! Stohohop!", Eric moved to squeeze at the other side of Shell's waist, making him jump away.
"Well, you, Shell Overlord, look like someone who's really ticklish", Eric looked down at him fondly, enjoying Shell's giggling. "Don't tell me you didn't know about this?"
"I don't- Ehehehehric!", Shell threw his head back when Eric decided to let his wrists go to attack both sides of Shell's waist with both hands. Shell laughed loudly, wrapping his fingers around Eric's arms, but it was impossible to push them away.
"What's happening, Shell? Didn't you say you are a vampire? What, vampires can't be ticklish?", Shell shook his head no and Eric let out a little laugh when he felt a knee pressing against his back because of Shell's legs kicking desperately.
"Eric! Eheheheric, please! This is ahahaha human gahahame!"
Eric arched his eyebrows, amused. "A human game? Then why are you laughing so much? Are you a human?"
Shell couldn't say anything against that, so he decided to simply laugh and keep trying to push away those offensive hands tickling his waist until Eric decided to show a bit of mercy to him.
"Are- ahahare you done?", Shell asked as he hugged his own waist, protecting it.
"Nope. I'll continue, but I wanted to give you a little break. Are you having fun?"
Shell panted, his body twitching every now and then and little giggles still escaping his mouth. "I really though this was just a human game", his green eyes sparkling with excitement. "It looked like fun".
"And it isn't?"
Shell giggled. "It is a little bit, but Eric! You are ruthless! I thought I was gonna die laughing!"
Eric chuckled, leaning down to kiss Shell's forehead. "I'd never let that happen, but like I said, I'll continue, so I think you already had a nice rest".
"No! No, Eric, please!", Eric and Shell wrestled a little, Eric trying to push Shell's arms off his way and Shell trying to keep them glued to his torso as a shield against Eric's evil fingers.
At the end, because Shell couldn't stop laughing, Eric was able to lift one of his arms above his head once more. Shell immediately readjusted his other arm around his waist to protect himself, however, he didn't expect Eric not trying to tickle his waist again, instead, his hand went higher up until it creeped under Shell's shirt and his fingers started to wiggle against his bare and exposed underarm.
Shell screamed with laughter right away, his free hand going up to cover up his underarm, but Eric took it quickly and placed it under his knee. Shell howled with laughter, his body squirming as best as he could and his hands trying to break free to cover that extremely sensitive spot as his back arched off the bed and his head was thrown back, letting barks of laughter flow freely from deep inside his core to that big and adorable open smile.
"Eric! Please not there! Not thehehehehere! Oh no! It tihihihihickles too much!", Shell tried to bite the offending hand, but that only made Eric's hand go back to his waist where he squeezed three times before coming back to his underarm.
"What's wrong, Shell? Oh, don't tell me Shell Overlord can't stand a little tickling in his armpit? Could it be that Shell is really tickkish here? Hmm?"
Shell could barely stand all of that teasing, it made him feel even more ticklish. His stomach suddenly started to hurt from laughing so much and soon enough, tears of laughter began to run down the sides of his head.
"Eric! Come back to my waist! Come back to my wahahaist! Ahahaha!", Shell tried to negotiate, definitely, the tickles in his waist were less intense that the ones Eric made him feel in his armpit, so he desperately tried to make him change spots, but it didn't work, instead, Eric's fingers wiggled faster, making him laugh harder than ever until a loud snort made his nose vibrate.
Eric laughed and stopped to give Shell a chance to catch his breath. "Oh my, Shell! That was adorable, do you think that if I tickle you under your other arm you'd make that noise again?"
Shell shook his head as he kept laughing, even when Eric had stopped, but he let out a exalted shriek when Eric started to move toward his waist again.
Wanting to stop him, Shell pulled at his trapped hand under Eric's knee, breaking free and latching it to Eric's side, before he could react, Shell started to squeeze back at him up and down his side, the reactions was instantaneous.
Eric jumped, letting out a little shriek before he exploded into loud laughter, he immediately let go of Shell's wrists to protect himself, giving him the chance to latch his other hand to his other side.
"Shell, no! Not thehehere, please!", Eric said as he fell beside Shell in the bed, trying to escape, but Shell quickly took a seat on top of his hips, tickling him without mercy. "Ahahaha, please!"
Shell smiled. "So you knew you are this ticklish, huh? You never thought I'd be able to tickle you back, right? How does it feel, Eric? Hmm?", Eric just laughed, trying to catch Shell's hands, but they, just like his fingers, moved really fast.
However, it was hard to keep Eric trapped, he really squirmed around more than Shell did, so it didn't take long before Shell found himself laying on his back once again and, (once again), with his arm up above his head as Eric tickled his underarm away, poking him with the tip of his finger.
"Hey, hey, Shell. Stop laughing. Hey, hey, stop! I'm just poking your underarm, Shell, there's nothing funny about it? Hey, hey Shell-
"Fuhuhuhucking stop thahahat!", his cheeks hurt for blushing and laughing so much, and because he was laughing so much, he didn't notice his other hand was free, so, when he finally did, he tickled Eric's side, making him laugh right away.
They both tickled each other in their most ticklish spots until they were too exhausted to laugh anymore, both laying side to side on the bed, trying to catch their breath and giggling silly with their hands intertwined.
"Shell, I could've die!"
"What?! You were the one that didn't even let me catch a breath!", Eric laughed and wrapped his arms around Shell, bringing him close to his chest until his lips were pressed against his forehead.
"I love you"
Shell smiled against Eric's chest. "I love you too"
They stay like that for a few minutes, quietly enjoying the other's company, wondering how was it possible to have a moment like this when someone was trying to change the world as they knew it and also, wondering if they ever could have the opportunity to play around like this one day- to be like this forever.
Suddenly, a growl coming from between them, made them both jump in surprised, Eric pushed himself away from Shell to see his face flushing bright red again.
"Oh!", he said looking at the table were he had left the things earlier. "I brought food, I forgot it. I knew you'd be hungry, let's go", he pressed another kiss on his forehead and he got up, lending his hand to Shell to help him up on his feet, he smiled taking it gladly.
They didn't know what would happen in the future, but they did know that they won't leave each other again, they'll stick together, not matter what.
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youngerdrgrey · 7 years
Hi, I love your writings so much and I'd love to read about a double date between Charley/Remy and Nova/Robert from your perspective or Charley and Remy having to interact with Davis for the first time.
a/n: I haven’t written Robert for more than a few lines tbh, and the second half of the prompt is the stuff of my dreams.
the show gave us a lovely new Davis-Charley-Remy interaction, so I figured I’d continue on with theirs. takes place during 2x12; after Davis drops Micah off. + read on ao3
Charley follows Davis outside. Her body’s humming, and it has nothing to do with the wine. He can’t come to her new place uninvited and unannounced whenever he wants to. Yes, he’s dropping off Micah, but she has a life now, one that involves another man who doesn’t need constant reminders of her past.
Her slip-ons crunch on the ground, which clues Davis in to her presence. He turns to her, expectant. Hopeful even. His eyes have always been one of the most expressive parts of him, and she glares as deeply as she can back.
“You should call, Davis. Moving forward.”
Davis sucks his teeth. “Because of him?”
Yes. “Because it’s polite. It’s the right way to do things.”
“When have you and me ever done things right?” He chuckles as his hands go up and into his back pockets. “Everything we’ve done has been about what we wanted, Charley, not anybody else’s expectations.”
Expectations didn’t stop him from cheating. But, if she says that, then the conversation will turn into a fight. She’s not fighting with him while Remy’s inside. Or, anymore, at this point. They’re divorced. She’s free. It’s over.
She sets on the simplest smile she can. “Call. Okay?” Then she turns back for inside.
“Scrabble, huh?” Davis shifts enough that she can hear the ground beneath his sneakers. She takes another step away. “You winning?” There’s still an echo of the babe he’d ended most of his sentences with.
She nods, but she doesn’t turn back. “I am, but barely. He’s pretty good at it.” The smile on her lips would drive Davis wild if he could see it.
“For a farmer, right?”
She does look back then. She tries summoning up every bit of the light Remy gives back to her. “I’m not complaining.”
“You never did with me either, but,” his hands come out the pockets, “here we are.” He chuckles, but there’s no humor in it. “Ink’s barely dry, and you’re out here with him. On a night you have Micah, no less.”
Her pulse races so fast she can practically see red. “Funny that you want to bring up Micah now. Where was he for the three years you were with Milena?”
“Home,” Davis says. “That’s my point, Charley. He never saw any of them.”
She doesn’t even remember turning, but now she’s staring right up at him. “And that makes it better?”
“It sure as hell doesn’t make it worse.”
He towers over her, even from steps away. He towers, and she pushes back, and this is how he keeps a hold on her. This is how he finds way back into her life when she’s already supposed to be done with him. She forces her fists to unravel. Lets the air against her pinched palms soothe her.
“I am not about to do this with you.” He’s not running her out of this relationship. He does not have the power over her that he thinks he does. She won’t let him. If that means she’s got to have that straight up hood attitude Nova mentioned, then fine. Charley swipes at the side of her mouth and meets his eyes with a steel in her own. “I’ll see you after the festival.”
She turns back and walks all the way to the door.
He tries one more time. “You got my attention! If that’s what you’re after.”
If she’d wanted his attention, she would’ve stayed on top of Remy. She would’ve been as exposed as he’d let the world see her. Would’ve and could’ve tossed her head back and made eye contact with Davis while she moaned another man’s name.
“You’re the one who cared about the attention, Davis.” She only wants the love. “Good night.”
She closes the door behind her like it should mean something. Remy stares from behind the couch, his knuckles blanched with his grip. He doesn’t open his mouth though.
“I know you have something to say to that,” she says.
“I do, but first, are you okay?”
She wants to sink into the door. Or sink into Remy. “I will be.” She slips her shoes back off so she can walk further into the place.
Remy nods. “So, should I be worried?”
She shakes her head. She’d meet his eyes, but her own weigh more than they should right now. Her ribs weigh a bit too much too. So, the breathing takes some effort. The blinking and the seeing, and her nose lifts up the way it always does when she might cry.
She’d told Davis once that it didn’t have to be this way. It shouldn’t have been this way. They don’t have to be together, but he doesn’t need to make her feel guilty for moving on. He ruined them. He practically sent her running straight into Remy’s arms, and now he wants to act concerned for their son? If he cared about Micah, he would’ve come home instead of running around with those boys on the basketball team. He would’ve —
“Hey.” Remy talks, and she can’t even respond to him. “Hey.” She can’t breathe right. “Hey.” She squeezes her eyes shut even as Remy crosses the room to get to her. Even as he slips his arms around her and she crumbles. “I got you.”
He shouldn’t have to hold her together when her ex comes around. She shouldn’t let Davis get to her like this. It’s still just frustrating that he holds his high ground as if he has any right to do that. Talking about Scrabble like it’s his game and not one of the most common fucking word games in the world. He’s not even good at it.
She snorts. It turns into a bit more of a laugh. Davis loses every time they play. No contest. It’s why they would play with Micah when he was little because then he at least had a chance of making some kind of dent on the board. Then Micah got into AP English and started giving Charley a run for her money.
They should play the game again.
Charley glances over at the board, and her eyes narrow instantly. “You moved my letters.” Before she left, she didn’t even have letters actually. She’d finished the row, but now there’s seven letters on her rack.
Remy nods against the top of her head. He steps back enough that he can turn to see the board too. “Yeah, I’d add a question mark, but there’s no punctuation in the game.”
She laughs again. Groans because the joke’s not even a good one. He should learn to make better jokes if he wants to talk about hers.
“You only want a rematch because you’re losing.”
He clicks his tongue. “No, baby, we got interrupted. That’s cause for a do-over.”
“In the game?” she clarifies, but her voice lilts up like a traitor. Her eyes snag his, and she could really get used to the way he calls her baby.
“Yes, Charley,” he practically whispers it, “in the game. We’re keeping it PG tonight. Think you can handle that?”
“For now.” She slips out of his hold, but she makes sure to drag her fingers along his side as she goes. His sharp intake of breath puts a fresh smile on her face. “I’m keeping these letters though.”
“It’s already a word. That’s cheating.”
“You cheated to give them to me.”
“I was being cute!”
He was. He is. She settles onto the couch and meets his eye again. He’s more understanding than she thinks she deserves. More honest. More light.
She’s not the only one fighting for herself anymore.
“Thank you, Remy.”
He grins all lopsided. “Thank me with a head start?”
“Not a chance.”
a/n: thoughts?
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