#and in the house well i have roommates. and the walls r thin
nomaishuttle · 1 year
so embarassing when i go to lyrics post and then realize with great shame that ive lyrics posted that exist same lyric like 5 times b4
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shuadotcom · 4 years
Oops | JJK (M)
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+ Pairing: Jungkook x Female!Reader + Genre: College AU, smut, some fluff, strangers to lovers + Word count: 6k + Rating: 18+ (MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI. YOU WILL BE BLOCKED) + Warnings: Shower sex, fingering, cursing, unprotected sex + Summary: You don’t know who the wonderful voice singing in the shower is, but you need to know + A/N: So I love me a classic college AU. It’s my first fic I’ve written to completion in like 5 years so I am amazed I did it.
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“There he goes again,” you sighed wistfully, closing your books and craning your neck behind you towards your dorm room door which was left ajar. 
Your roommate Seulgi and her girlfriend Joohyun sat across from you, very clearly judging you. 
“Why don’t you just go wait for him to get out of the shower and see who it is?” Joohyun asked, also trying to sneak a peek in the hallway.
“I can’t do that! Number one, that’s creepy and number two, what if he’s ugly?”
“Well number one, dropping everything you’re doing in your room at the same time every night just to listen to him sing is also creepy and number two, just tell him to shut up if you find out he’s ugly,” she shrugged.
You let out a sigh as the guy singing finished the Usher song he had chosen for the night and turned the shower off. “Ladies, do you understand what I’m going through? I have to just sit here and listen to my soulmate serenade me through these thin, dingy walls and I can’t even speak to him! How do you bombard someone as they’re coming out of the shower and just tell them how you’ve been listening to them sing the shit out of old school r&b songs in the shower for the last two months and that you’re basically in love with them?”
“I mean...it sounds like he’s about to walk into the hallway, so let’s just-”
“No.” You cut Seulgi off, sprinting towards the door and closing it before she could stand up from her bed.
“Look at the time! It’s almost one in the morning and we still have like half a chapter of reading left so we may as well finish!” You scrambled back to your own bed and opened your textbook back up, pretending to read.
Your friends watched you and laughed as you felt your cheeks burn. Thankfully they dropped it for the rest of the night, but you couldn’t stop thinking about him.
When the school year had started, you and Seulgi were excited to find that you were finally able to room together. You had known each other since the year prior but were in different buildings. Unfortunately, your room was right next door to the co-ed shower on your floor which meant you constantly had to listen to people showering at all times of the day.
You had both initially complained to the administrative office to change your room, but your whole building was at capacity and you weren’t about to change buildings. While your room was not in an ideal location, your building was right between the one that housed the cafeteria and one that held most of the morning classes you both had. You’d deal with the guys on your floor yelling at each other over the shower spray and the couples that decided to fuck very loudly in the stalls in exchange for the best tables in the cafeteria and making it to class on time.
It was even more worth it when the person you had both dubbed Midnight Shower Boy (yes that was the best name you could come up with) practiced his karaoke skills every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday around midnight in the shower.
You heard him for the first time about three weeks into the school year. You were waiting for Seulgi to come back to the room after she had rushed out to see Joohyun and forgot her key, so like the good roommate you were, you were waiting for her. Your door was open enough that you could see shadows walking around the hall as you scrolled through Twitter.
When you heard the first verse of one of your favorite B2K songs, you had thought that your music had suddenly started playing from your phone. After checking, you realized that it wasn’t you, but someone outside of your door. 
You walked as quietly as you could to your door to see if it was some drunk guy in the hallway until you realized it was coming from the showers next door. You ended up very shamelessly listening as the mystery guy finished one song and rolled into another.
Living next to the room where people are notorious for singing when no one is looking, you heard your fair share of people singing their hearts out and most of them were bad. This was the first time hearing someone that sounded like perfection personified. His voice made you shiver while also making your skin hot. Your heart beat a little faster and the hair on your arms stood up. You knew your eyes had gone wide and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel your panties start to stick to your body. You didn’t believe in love at first sight, but how about love at first listen?
As soon as the shower stopped and you heard the shower curtain open, you dove back onto your bed. The door wasn’t open all the way, but there was enough space that if he walked by, he would have seen a crazed woman standing in the doorway.
You listened intently as his footsteps echoed against the tiles. You heard him turn on the sink and brush his teeth before he padded his way out of the showers, past your door, and down the hall. Seulgi returned soon after and you immediately recounted your events. From then on, you made sure to keep your door open at midnight just enough to hear what was on the playlist that night and quickly learned his routine.
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It was a random Monday when your shift at the campus bookstore ended late. The girl that was supposed to relieve you ended up calling out so you had to deal with whiny freshman looking for a book discount for twelve hours on one of your only days with no classes. By the time you dragged yourself to your dorm room, it was after eleven, and all you wanted was a shower and to go to bed.
You could see two heads of hair in Seulgi’s bed, so you grabbed your shower bag as quietly as you could before tiptoeing out to the showers. Monday nights were eerily quiet on your floor as almost everyone had an early class the next morning. With the showers to yourself, you opened Spotify on your phone and let it play on the nearby sink before getting into the spray. You got lost in your music as you washed and hummed along. 
It was when one of your favorite Ariana Grande songs were playing that you realized you must’ve not been paying attention to much else because you heard a voice in the showers that wasn’t yours singing along to “Imagine.” You nearly nicked your armpit shaving upon hearing the familiar voice that was now in the same room as you.
Midnight Shower Boy. You rinsed the soap from your body and leaned against the stall wall to listen to him sing the second verse with Ariana. Not only did he like the same oldies as you, but the same current music as well? You literally felt like you had found your music soulmate at that moment. The familiar heart racing, skin tingling feeling you got when he sang was back, but this time he was so, so close to you and you had to know who he was.
When the song finished you could hear the sound of a shower curtain opening and his flip-flopped feet walking to the sinks. He began to hum the next Ariana song that came on as the sink turned on and what you could only assume was him brushing his teeth. You had to find out who this was. This was fate, right? The night you just so happened to be showering later than usual, on a day that isn’t in his usual shower routine. It had to be.
You heard him spitting into the sink and then the water turned off. It was now or never. 
Throwing open your own shower curtain you scrambled out and saw the no longer mysterious Midnight Shower Boy looking absolutely shocked at your sudden appearance. 
You were staring, you knew you were, but how could you not. This very tall, very sculpted boy with smooth looking skin and long dark hair was gaping at you. He only had a towel around his waist and you could see he still had water droplets running down his chest. His round, dark, almost sparkling eyes were wide and fixed on you. His pink lips, which looked so very soft, were in an ‘oh’ shape as he stood motionless. He was absolutely stunning and matched his dreamlike singing voice perfectly.
“I just really needed to tell you that you have a beautiful voice. My room is right next to the showers and I can hear you sing every time you shower late at night for the past two months and I am so in love with your voice you have no idea. I will literally stay up just to hear you sing and I-” You stopped mid-sentence when you went to lay your hand on your chest only to not be met with the fabric of your shirt, but your bare skin. It was at that moment that you realized you were standing in front of this very attractive boy with an equally attractive voice, completely and utterly naked. 
You heard yourself scream before you could stop yourself, your own voice echoing off of the tile in the showers, before you stumbled back into the stall behind you clutching the curtain. You thought you could hear a chuckle as Midnight Shower Boy left the room, leaving you regretting even bathing that night.
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Of course, Seulgi, being the oh-so supportive friend she is, had laughed her ass off when you told her what happened the next morning. She and Joohyun had woken up to see you sitting upright in bed, clutching your phone for dear life as you let something random on Netflix play. As soon as she had asked you what happened, you exploded and began nearly screaming as you recounted the incident.
She and Joohyun listened intently before looking at one another and bursting into laughter. You stared in horror as your closest college friends found humor in your demise.
“So,” Seulgi said in between breaths, “Just to make sure we got this straight. You showered at the same time as Midnight Shower Boy, then proceeded to gush to his face about how much you love him while you’re butt-ass naked? Tits flying free and all?”
“I...yes.” This only causes them to laugh harder and you seriously contemplated prying your 4th-floor window open and flinging yourself out of it. It wouldn’t kill you, but maybe if you were lucky you’d get a concussion and forgot your entire existence.
“Alright, alright. We’re sorry,” Joohyun said, starting to come down from her laughing fit. “Did you at least get his name?”
“No! And truly, I don’t know if that’s for better or for worse at this point.” 
“Well then you have two options,” Joohyun held up her fingers as she counted. “Option one, you try to meet him again, maybe this time fully clothed, or option two, avoid showering at night until you graduate. You know his showering scheduling, last night being an exception, so just stay away from the showers at those times.”
While the thought of never seeing the most beautiful man you had ever laid eyes on tore you up inside, you decided you could live with that. You only had a little more than a year and a half of college left, and besides, the campus was big enough that you could likely never see his face again, while also still listening to him serenade you singing to himself in the shower. You decided to go with option two.
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The following night, you made sure you were in your room early to avoid any accidental run-ins and your door was cracked open as usual as you did your homework. It wasn’t until you looked at your phone and saw that it was 1:13 AM that you realized you never heard singing. He didn’t show up. 
You reasoned with yourself, noting that Monday night had been a change of pace so his schedule probably shifted a little. When Thursday night came and went with no shower karaoke, you told yourself the same thing. On Friday night, you were losing hope, and on Saturday, you were just in a bad mood.
“I fucked it all up. He hates me and I’m never going to hear him sing again.” You had been complaining all day and as you got ready for work. It had been 7 days that your Mystery Shower Boy had skipped his usual shower routine and you were feeling it. You had been moping around all weekend and well into the week. All you did was go to class, go to your shifts at the bookstore, grab food from the cafeteria, and seclude yourself in your room. You don’t really realize how attached to a complete stranger you can get until you miss out on their presence.
“He doesn’t even shower like he normally does! I made the boy stop practicing personal hygiene!” You whine louder as you looked pitifully at Seulgi over your shoulder. She was on her bed doing homework as you got dressed and was silently listening to you wallow in self-pity. 
“Like, I think I really scarred him for life! I inflicted trauma on a person that I don’t even know!” This time, Seulgi’s eyes met yours briefly before looking back at her laptop. “You know, this is the part when you chime in and comfort me and tell me I’m just being paranoid.” You say to her as you laced up your sneakers.
Seulgi let out a sigh and lowered her screen slightly. “Babe, listen. I love you. You’re smart, funny, gorgeous, witty, dependable, trustworthy, and the best roommate I have had since I started college. We’re basically platonic soulmates and I hope to grow old with you in my life. In an alternate universe where I’m not dating Joohyun and I’m into you romantically, I’d probably be plotting how I was going to propose to you. All of that being said, you have to understand that while yes, you are being dramatic as usual, this situation is definitely your fault.” She closed her laptop to give you her full attention.
“I mean, put yourself in his position. How would you feel if you were showering in the middle of the night, literally going about your totally normal day, and all of a sudden, a naked person you’ve never met, pops out of the shower, telling you they’ve been listening to you sing, when you thought you were having alone time, and that they love you?”
“I…” You trailed off, not really able to think of much to say. She did make extremely valid points. If you were in his situation you would be absolutely terrified and would also avoid the showers, lest you run into the frantic, naked person again.
“I support and love you and I don’t want you to feel bad,  but I can’t tell you that you’re not wrong about possibly being the reason he hasn’t come back.” 
You pouted at her, but she was right. Even if you were being dramatic about a pretty comedic situation, it still made you feel guilty nonetheless and now you just wanted to find him again and apologize.
You thanked Seulgi for her honesty and hugged her before you collected your bag and your phone. As you opened the door, you felt a pen land against the back of your head making you turn towards your roommate. “Also for the record, if you want my opinion, I bet he’s been jerking off to the thought of you naked in front of him this whole time if that will make you feel any better.” You couldn’t help but blush as you threw her pen back at her before locking the door behind you. 
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Tonight you were on closing duty at the campus bookstore with a guy from your public speaking class. Hoseok was probably the loudest man you had ever met, but he was also the absolute nicest with the biggest smile you had ever seen. The two of you would frequently be put on shifts together which you were thankful for. With him on shift with you, you could get out of working the register, which he was a natural at, and you could more or less hide within the bookshelves taking inventory and shelving books. 
It was Friday night which meant almost no students would come in. On Fridays, everyone was typically out doing anything else other than thinking about homework, so they were one of your easiest shift days. You were putting a new shipment of psych textbooks away while Hoseok explained in great detail, how hellbent he was on making a new transfer student in his dance class his friend.
“He’s quiet, but that’s only because he’s new. There’s something about him that definitely screams mischief and I feel like he’s my new best friend already. He also danced circles around me during warm-ups this morning so of course, I need to know everything about him. I saw that he’s in your building actually.”
“Hoseok, how do you know what dorm building the new transfer student is in when he has been on campus for like a day?”
The man shrugged from his position behind the register and shoved a stick of gum into his mouth. “Oh I followed him after class,” he said matter of factly before offering you a piece.
You gladly took one and carried the now empty cardboard box in front of you to the back of the store. You loved Hoseok, but your thoughts were with poor Jimin. If he is as quiet as Hoseok says, he will need the patience of a saint to handle all of Hoseok’s personality.
You were grabbing another box of books when you heard the motion detector in front of the store beep, signaling someone coming inside.
“Ah! If it isn’t my favorite freshman, Jeon Jungkook! What can I do for you on this fine Friday night?” Hoseok’s enthusiastic voice reached you all the way in the stockroom as you dragged the box out onto the floor.
“I need a new English 101 book. I uh, maybe spilled an entire pot of coffee on mine.” You didn’t know who Jungkook was, but you silently laughed at him. You had also once been a freshman who destroyed one of your books, so while you felt his pain, you couldn’t help but find amusement in the shared experience.
Hoseok laughed out loud and smacked the counter, as he tends to do when something is particularly funny. “That is probably the saddest thing I’ve heard all day. The school year just started and already you’ve fucked something up!”
“Yah! Stop laughing at me, Hyung! It’s bad enough I have to buy this book at full price. My brother donated me an entire free textbook and it didn’t even last 6 months! Just show me where your overpriced English books are.”
“Yeah, yeah. Aisle 2 towards the back. My lovely associate is back there somewhere if you need her help finding it.” 
Footsteps made their way across the store to where you were currently putting books away. Grabbing a nearby English 101 book off of the shelf next to you, you started walking, intending to meet the boy halfway. As soon as he rounded the corner, you nearly tripped over your own two feet.
Mystery Shower Boy was standing less than a foot away from you, fully clothed and looking just as shocked to see you as he had during the initial incident. You knew he looked amazing nearly naked, but seeing him clad in a baggy, grey Puma hoodie and matching sweatpants was a whole other sight to see. His dark hair was still as floppy and luscious as it hung in front of his eyes. You really wanted to run your fingers through it.
“You, uh. The shower,” he mumbled. The sound of his voice helped remind you that you were standing in front of him clutching a textbook so hard that your fingers started to hurt.
“Sorry! I’m sorry!” You held the book out to him. You watched as he hesitantly walked over to you and eased it out of your grip. 
“Thanks for this,” he said and made a move to turn around.
Apologize for EVERYTHING, dummy! You screamed at yourself. “Wait, Jungkook!” And he did. “I’m really sorry. About...about before. In the shower.” He turned back towards you but didn’t say anything. “I didn’t mean to creep you out or anything. You just have such an amazing singing voice and I got caught up in the moment and forgot that I wasn’t wearing clothes and again, I am really, really sorry for making you feel weird and making you avoid showering for as long as you have and for flashing you all my bits.” You were acutely aware of how loud your voice was echoing throughout the empty bookstore and really hoped Hoseok wasn’t listening (even though you knew he was).
Mystery Shower Boy, er, Jungkook, was still staring at you. You had anticipated he’d call you a name or laugh at you, but his silence was almost as bad.
“What you said was a little creepy, but I’m flattered,” he finally spoke. “You also didn’t stop me from showering, I just showered on a different floor that my friend lives on. I was a little weirded out.” He shrugged. “It wasn’t that big of a deal though. I accept your apology and thanks for the book.”
He turned then and headed back towards the front of the store. “Oh, and by the way,” he started over his shoulder. “You don’t have to apologize for flashing me all of your bits. That was probably the only thing I didn’t mind about that entire interaction.” The tone of his voice almost knocked the wind out of your lungs. He was definitely smirking behind his words and you couldn’t describe how this was making you feel.
You stayed frozen in the aisle as you heard he and Hoseok talk about a mutual friend of theirs that was having a party tomorrow night as he was checking out. They both agreed that they wouldn’t be going before the motion sensor sounded again, signaling Jungkook's exit.
Hoseok’s rapid footsteps could be heard rushing towards you as he found you, still standing in the same spot. “Do you know that Jungkook hasn’t shut up about the super hot naked girl that told him she loved him in the shower for like a week now? I most definitely didn’t think it’d be you.”
Your brain continued to short circuit upon finding out that Jungkook had not only said you were hot but that he had told his friends about you. As you recounted to Hoseok what was previously one of the most embarrassing moments of your life, your mind kept going back to Jungkook. What did any of this even mean and when would you see him again? You hoped more than anything that it would be soon.
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Seulgi’s bed was empty when you returned to your room later that night which wasn’t surprising. What was surprising was the voice you heard coming from the showers as you approached your door. Jungkook was back and he was singing an old Chris Brown song and you literally could have cried in relief right then and there.
You quietly made your way into your room when you felt your foot step on a paper on the other side. You left your door open as you turned on the closest light and picked it up.
I’m taking song requests tonight - J
“Fuck,” you breathed out. You didn’t know exactly what this meant, but you changed into your shower slides and flung your bag across the room without a second thought, all but sprinting into the showers.
Jungkook had moved onto humming a song you couldn’t name, so you cleared your throat as gently as possible. “Am I too late to request a song?”
His chuckle bounced off of the shower walls, making his voice sound deeper than it had earlier in the night and your knees nearly gave out at the sound. “Unfortunately, you did miss request time, but if you’re interested I figure I can make us even.”
“Make us even? What do you-” Your words died in your throat when Jungkook pulled the shower curtain back and he stood in front of you, every part of his body on display for you. Your eyes automatically zeroed in on his dick which was already semi-hard and flushed red. It wasn’t the biggest you’ve ever seen in your life, but the size definitely couldn’t be considered small. You could see every vein and ridge as he got harder, seemingly from you just watching him. “I figured, you showed me yours, so it’s only fair that I show you mine.”
“Th-that’s fair,” you managed to choke out. Your eyes darted all over his body, not really knowing where to look.
“Like I said earlier, you flashing me didn’t bother me at all. Honestly, I’ve thought about it every night since.”
“Really. What’s your name?” Somehow you remembered your name long enough to tell him. “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” That would’ve been so cheesy and nearly romantic if the two of you weren’t standing in the middle of your very public dorm shower, you fully clothed and Jungkook fully not clothed. “How about this, I’ll sing you whatever you want on one condition.”
“Kiss me.” The words were barely out of his mouth before you were rushing towards him, hands grabbing at his wet hair, lips colliding with his. His lips were just as soft as they looked and his mouth tasted like Hoseok’s watermelon flavored gum. You felt his arms, also just as firm as you had imagined, wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. As your hands traveled down from his hair to his shoulders, his hands also moved down to your ass and gripped tightly, causing you to moan into his mouth. 
Jungkook pulled back suddenly and looked at you. His pupils were blown wide and his hair was sticking up wildly where you had pulled on it. “I want you to know that I definitely want to take you out on a date and get to know you better, but I would really love it if I could fuck you right now. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the way you looked, standing there, naked and wet...” he trailed off and brought his hips forward so that you could feel his hard-on press against your thigh. 
You weren’t the type of woman who went around fucking random guys whose names you only found out the same day of having a real conversation with them, but there was no way in hell you were about to turn down the most gorgeous man you have ever seen in all of your days. 
Instead of answering Jungkook, you grabbed his dick, wasting no time in moving your hand over it. He let out a harsh breath through his nostrils and let his eyes slip shut for a second. He then began to unbutton the flannel you were wearing, removing your hand to pull the fabric off of your body then moving to your bra.
“We can’t let your clothes get wet,” he mumbled, nimble fingers unbuttoning your jeans and pulling both them and your panties down in one go. The next few seconds were spent getting your clothes off of your body and tossing them onto the sink. Jungkook pulled you further into his shower stall and closed the curtain behind the two of you.
“I want you,” you whispered in his ear, bringing his head level to yours as your lips moved to his neck, sucking and biting at him.
“Fuck,” he groaned out, large hands cradling your breasts, fingers playing with your nipples. Everything was happening so fast, your mind barely had time to keep up. 
Jungkook moved his head down, lips wrapping around one of your nipples, sucking harshly. Your hands were in his hair again, tugging to bring him impossibly closer. One of his hands reached down to hitch your leg around his waist as his finger moved to start rubbing in slow circles around your clit.
“Jungkook,” His name fell from your lips louder than you anticipated. He smiled and switched his mouth to your other nipple, biting the sensitive nub and tugging on it with his teeth. At the same time, one of his fingers slipped into your pussy, making you let out another moan of his name.
One finger moving in and out of you turned into two as his movements became faster. As you were letting out whimper after whimper, you thought about the fact that anyone could walk in on the two of you and hear you all but crying for this man. That thought alone made you clench around Jungkook’s fingers.
“Jungkook, please. Fuck me now,” you whined, grabbing hold of his erection again. He cursed under his breath and slowly removed his fingers from inside of you. After sucking his fingers clean, he left your one leg around his waist as he positioned himself so that the head of his dick rubbed against your clit. You held your breath as you felt him adjust and slide easily into you. You both let out identical moans once he bottomed out. You had never felt this full in your life and you already didn’t want it to be over. 
With a grip on your thigh, Jungkook slowly moved his hips back, almost pulling all the way out before sharply thrusting into you. You could hear yourself let out a shriek at the sensation as you gripped his biceps. 
“Make that sound again,” he grunted, his hips starting to move faster. You genuinely obeyed as Jungkook started fucking into you faster, his fingers gripping your hips so hard you were sure he’d leave bruises. You could feel every inch of him inside of you, the sensation unparalleled to anything else you have ever felt. Each time his pelvis became flush with yours, you felt the head of his dick brush against your g-spot, getting you to your end embarrassingly fast.
“Ju-Jungkook, I’m gonna cum so soon. P-please don’t stop,” you moaned out. 
Spurred on by your words, Jungkook reached down and gripped your other thigh, pulling you closer against his body, now pinning you between himself and the shower wall. Watching his arms flex was enough to almost send you over the edge.
He continued to quickly fuck into you, the sound of your skin colliding made impossibly louder due to the acoustics in the tiled room. You knew that you were making loud, pathetic sounds and Jungkook was loving every second of it. Your feeling of bliss was amplified when one of Jungkook’s fingers slid down and began to harshly rub your clit. It took less than 30 seconds before you were quite literally, screaming Jungkook’s name and cumming all over him.
“Yes, just like that, baby. Cum all over my dick,” he moaned out, his movements slowing down as he came almost immediately after you. You could feel his warm release filling you and dripping out around his dick, the sensation almost enough to have you cumming again.
He held you up like that, still buried inside of you as you both tried to catch your breath. As much as you would’ve loved to fall asleep with Jungkook’s arms gripping you like they were, you were still acutely aware of your location. You reluctantly tapped his arms to break him out of his post-nut daze and he slowly slid himself out of you and carefully allowed you to stand on your own feet. 
You looked up at him only to see him already staring back at you. “I meant what I said. I want to take you out.” He leaned down to kiss you again, this time the kiss was much more innocent with no other intention behind it. “Let’s get cleaned up. It’s probably well past midnight.” You nodded up at him as he pulled back, allowing you to step into the spray.
Jungkook began humming again as the two of you quickly bathed. Your legs felt like gelatin as you found yourself leaning against him for support as you finished, not missing the laugh he let out at your newborn baby deer stance. After turning the water off, he let you use his towel first before you made your way over to the sink to put your clothes back on.
“So...” you started when you were dressed and his towel was securely around his waist. “I guess I should like, give you my number or something?”
“That would be nice. Or I could always just start singing in the shower. I’m sure my siren song will lead you right to me.” You rolled your eyes at him, snatching his phone from his fingers and putting your number in, making sure to send yourself a quick text message. “Really?” he asked, seeing the microphone emoji you sent yourself.
“What?” You shrugged. “If you think this isn’t the emoji going next to your name in my phone then you have obviously learned nothing from this entire saga.” It was Jungkook’s turn to roll his eyes as he grabbed your hand and walked the extremely short journey to your room.
“Can I text you tomorrow? I have class and work pretty much all day, but we can figure out when to meet up next if that’s okay with you,” he murmured, a blush spreading across his face. It was funny to see him look so shy after he had just fucked you hard enough for the entire floor to hear. 
You nodded and stood on your tiptoes to place a kiss on his lips which he returned. He squeezed your hand and turned to walk down the hall. You watched him go into a room that was across and 6 doors down from you. You made that mental note before walking into your room, nearly jumping out of your skin at the sight of Seulgi and Joohyun lounging on Seulgi’s bed, watching her laptop together.
As soon as you walked in, Seulgi paused whatever they were watching and they both eyed you up and down. “Well good evening. How was your shower sex?” She said casually.
You nearly tripped over your jeans as you pulled them off. “What?”
“Oh don’t even try to play us. We got back to the room around the 10th, ‘Oh Jungkook!’ So now you have to tell us everything.”
Once your pajamas were on, you climbed into your own bed and began telling your friends what had transpired all the way from the bookstore to about ten minutes ago. It had literally been a rollercoaster, going from moping about one of your less than glamorous moments to getting your guts rearranged by someone you had pined over as long as you had. Now that you thought about it, it was Saturday now which meant Jungkook would be hitting the showers later that night.
As Seulgi compared your turn of events to some cliche fanfiction, you sent Jungkook a quick text.
Y/n: I know when we can meet up next. Tonight in the showers. Normal time? 👅
You hadn’t expected a reply, but your phone buzzed almost immediately making you smile.
Jungkook: See you there. You bring the music 😉
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch.21
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: Rose and Willy officially move in together.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​ @sleepiesapphicxoxo​
After dinner and when Rose's friends made their way home for the night, Rose immediately packed a bag of clothes and personal belongings she wanted to bring with her to the house she was moving into with Willy.
Charlie wasn't going to lie. He was sad that he was losing his roommate, but he also knew that she was still living within the factory so he would still be seeing her everyday.
"I'm really going to miss you, Rosie" Charlie said.
"Oh, Charlie" Rose cooed, pulling her little brother into a hug. "I'm still going to be in the factory. I'll make sure to stop by the house everyday, and you can come see me at mine and Willy's house"
"I know" Charlie said. He looked up at his sister with a smile. "But still. I'm really going to miss hearing you sing yourself to sleep at night. I enjoy hearing you sing"
"Thank you, Charlie. I'm going to miss you too" Rose gave Charlie a kiss on the top of his head before letting him go. Once she had everything she wanted packed up, Charlie helped her carry her bags down the ladder.
"Well, Buckets" Rose said, taking a deep breath. "I suppose this is goodbye. Well, not really goodbye, I'll still be seeing you all everyday, but—"
"We know what you mean, darling" Mrs Bucket said. She gave her daughter a hug. "I knew this day would eventually come. I just never expected it so soon"
"The day our little girl finally moves out" Mr Bucket said.
"Dad, I'm twenty-six. Not exactly a little girl anymore" Rose said to her father.
"I know, but no matter how old you are, you'll always be our little girl" And with that, Mr Bucket hugged Rose.
And last, but certainly not least, Rose said goodbye to all her grandparents. She gave them all hugs and kisses on their cheeks.
"We'll miss you, Rose" Grandpa Joe said.
"We know you and Willy will be very happy living together" Grandma Josephine said.
"But don't you go forgetting about us" Grandpa George said.
"As long as you're happy, Rose. That's all that matters!" Grandma Georgina said.
"I love you all!" Rose said to her family. "And don't worry, Grandpa George" She winked at her grandfather. "I would never forget about you guys. I'll make sure to visit every day" There was a knock on the door. Rose answered it, finding an Oompa-Loompa waiting on the other side. She smiled down at him. "You must be here to escort me"
The Oompa-Loompa nodded at her with a smile. "Thank you" She said to the little man. She picked up her bags, and looked back at her family one more time.
"Goodbye, Rose!" They all said, waving to her.
"Goodbye, Buckets!" She said. Rose stepped out of the house. She followed the Oompa-Loompa to her garden. The garden where Willy was waiting in that small house for her. The house where they would officially start their lives together.
When Rose stepped into her garden room, she immediately noticed that it was dark, and the ceiling displayed a scenic picture of the moon and stars. She saw a light coming from inside the house and knew that Willy was inside, waiting for her.
She walked up the steps of porch. Rose was feeling very excited yet nervous. She was about to live in a different house from her family, but she was going to live with the man that she loved.
Taking a deep breath, Rose wrapped her hand around the door knob and turned it. She pushed the door open and stepped inside. She immediately fell in love with what she saw.
The house reminded her of a small rustic cabin. There was a small living area with a couch, a small coffee table, a small electric fireplace, and she loved the two chairs that were side by side. A W was stitched onto the back of one chair, and a R was stitched onto the other one.
On the opposite side of the living area was a small kitchen area. There was a working fridge, stove and oven, cupboards and counters. You know, everything a functional kitchen requires to be a kitchen. There also a sat a small table with two chairs placed on either side.
She explored the other rooms in the house, finding a functioning bathroom (With a shower! She couldn't wait for one of those), and a bedroom with a twin bed. This must've been an extra bedroom, in case Charlie wanted to spend a night.
Then finally, she came across what was to be hers and Willy's room. She walked through red satin curtains that acted as their bedroom door. The walls were a deep red and the carpet was black and plushy. There was a large dresser with labeled drawers, a vanity, two bedside tables and finally, a king size bed.
Rose ran her hands along the bed. The sheets matched with the room, being satin red. The pillowcases on the pillows were as well. The headboard, however, was black and velvety to the touch, and it was almost as tall as the wall itself.
"What do you think, starshine?" Willy's voice asked from behind Rose. She turned to look at him. "Do you like the house?"
"I love it, Willy" Rose said. She moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "But the best thing about this house, is the fact that you're here with me"
Willy let his hands rest on Rose's waist. "I couldn't have said it any better, my beautiful starshine" He started peppering kisses all over her face until he reached her lips and gave her a long, passionate kiss. "It's getting late. I suppose we should get ready for bed. I'll give you some privacy so you can get ready" Willy let go of Rose then walked over to the dresser, opening up a drawer and pulling out a pair of pyjamas for himself.
"I got some pyjamas for you as well. Just look in the drawer labeled 'Rose Pyjamas'" Willy explained to her. "I'll make sure to knock on the wall before I come in, that way I don't walk in on you" He gave Rose a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving the bedroom to give her some privacy, and to go change himself.
Rose walked over to the dresser to find herself some pyjamas. She smiled to herself when she saw how the drawers were labeled. Everything on the left was labeled for Willy's things, and everything on the right for Rose's. She reached into her pyjama drawer, and pulled out the first thing that she saw.
She put it on and immediately looked in the mirror. It was a long and satin purple nightgown with thin shoulder straps. It also showed off the shape of her body, but not enough that you could completely see through the night gown.
Rose sat at the vanity, and grabbed a hair brush, preparing to brush out the length of her hair. She was about to start brushing when she heard a knock on the wall. "You can come in"
Willy emerged through the curtain door. Rose looked at him through the mirror and smiled at him. He was wearing red, silk pyjamas. Willy looked at Rose, returning her smile. "Could I brush your hair for you?" He asked as he stood behind her.
"I'd like that" Rose said, handing the brush to Willy. He took it and began to gently brush her hair. He was careful not to pull on it, as he didn't want to hurt her. She watched him through the mirror, his hands especially. She hadn't really seen them without his purple gloves before. She couldn't help but think they were the most delicate, yet beautiful looking hands she'd ever seen. "You have beautiful hands, Willy"
"Thank you" He said, grinning lovingly at her through the mirror. "Your hair is beautiful. It's soft to the touch and it smells nice"
"Willy, I couldn't help but notice the extra bedroom" Rose brought up. "Is it for Charlie to stay in if he spends a night?"
"Yeah, it's for Charlie..." Willy answered, before his grin faded a bit. It wasn't because he was sad or angry though. It was because of something that had been pressing on his mind since the moment Rose agreed to live in the house with him. But, he didn't want to bring it up now. Maybe later, when he and Rose have been settled into the house a bit more.
Rose saw his smile drop, but she didn't want to press him on what was wrong. If he wanted to talk with her about something, she would let him bring it up. Instead, Rose started humming the song that had been in her head for the past few days. Willy's smile came back as he listened to her.
"Charlie once told me that you like to sing him to sleep sometimes" Willy said.
"I do" Rose replied.
Willy had finished with brushing her hair and placed the brush back onto the vanity. He gently grabbed Rose by the shoulder and kissed her on the head before asking her, "I'd like you to sing me to sleep"
"Absolutely" Rose said.
The two of them crawled into bed and made sure that they were cuddled up together. Willy's arms were wrapped around Rose, and she had her head and hands against his chest, with her head tucked under his chin. Rose began to sing.
I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you it's hard to survive
'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last
Need you by my side
'Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static
And everytime we kiss I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so I can't let you go
Want you in my life
Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky
They wipe away tears that I cry
The good and the bad times we've been through them all
You make me rise when I fall
'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling
And everytime we kiss I swear I could fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last
Need you by my side
'Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static
And everytime we kiss I reach for the sky
Can't you hear my heart beat so I can't let you go
Want you in my life
Willy fell asleep peacefully with a smile on his face. Rose fell asleep shortly after he did. Never once throughout the night did they let go of each other. They dreamt of one another once they were deep into their peaceful slumber.
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panharmonium · 4 years
some disjointed thoughts about stranger things 2 under the cut (concealed to hide spoilers from my sister)
so, season 2!
i’ve gone into every season of this show knowing absolutely nothing about it.  i’ve had no exposure to the fandom or to reviews or anything that would indicate what it was about or how good the seasons are in relation to each other, which i like, because i know my opinions are my own.  season 1 i watched back in the winter, i think, and it was amazing.  blew me away. 
i just finished season 2 and i’m like...not as into it?
and i’m glad i had no preexposure to anything, because if i had, i’d worry that i was just being influenced by other people’s opinions, but i genuinely don’t know what people think of the various seasons.  i’ve been stringently avoiding anything about this show, have it blocked on tumblr, etc, so i could watch it cold.
i’d have to watch it again to really pin down the places where my investment was flagging, and i’ll probably do that eventually, because i know my roommate will want to see it, but my general impression was this: they had me hooked in the beginning, and then they started to lose me.
- i feel like overall it was 9 episodes where very little substance actually happened.  plotlines were stretched out over a reallllllly long period of time and became paper-thin.  like nancy and jonathan?  the only thing they really did over those entire nine episodes was make a tape recording and send it to the paper.  that was their whole story, and it could have fit in one episode.
- and what did happen felt like it suffered from a lack of focus.  can i explain this in more detail without watching the show again?  not really.  but i just mean that in S1, i could tell you what each of the main character’s arcs were, and i could lay out how those arcs had clear beginnings, middles, and endings.  in S2, i can really only do that for El (and even that i feel like got messy by the last third).  
- the horror vibe was different this season.  it was LESS scary, to me.  S1 was a CREEP factor that had my skin crawling - it wasn’t like...creature horror - it was the unsettlingness.  the whole parallel world thing was so - well, the only word for it is unsettling, like.  you felt like you could take a step and accidentally wind up somewhere no one should be - the idea that you can be trapped so close to somebody and yet so far away - you just felt like the world was inside out (or upside down, if you will).  and so much of the fear in the first one came from how incomprehensible and uncertain the entire situation was - you didn’t know how things worked and nobody believed you when you tried to tell them what was happening.  that scene where the christmas lights spell out R-U-N?  scariest fucking thing i’ve ever seen.  but S2 changed it to be like...it felt like more of a monster flick.  like a zombie movie or something - lots of creatures running around that you can just shoot with a gun - that’s just not really the same vibe as the first season, and i didn’t find it quite as interesting.
- i don’t want to be That Person, because i liked maxine as a character in general, on her own terms, but from a writing perspective - what even was the purpose of her introduction?  her and her brother both, honestly, the whole family.  i feel almost bad for saying that, because i can guarantee that there were people out there complaining about her being introduced because “they just wanted to have another girl; it’s so stupid, blah blah,” cue more sexist stuff, etc, and that’s really not where i’m coming from, but for me, from a general storytelling perspective, i don’t understand why she or her family were introduced.  they were superfluous to the story.  they didn’t need to be there.  and since i don’t even feel like the returning characters got enough development this season (see point #2), i don’t understand why we spent so much time on her/her family/her introduction to the Party.  it felt like filler.
- stranger things S2 did that thing teen wolf does where 2/3 of the way through the season it drops a tonally-different expository/flashback episode that does a lot of the legwork tying other shit together while also being completely disconnected from the rest of the plot, which is basically an info dump and is my least favorite way of relaying plot/getting characters to the spot the writer wants them to go.  i think kali was the most interesting new character we met this season; i was rapt every time she was onscreen, but i don’t love the “we’re going to shove all of the character development and background info into this one episode and at the end El has had her turnaround and goes back home.”  it didn’t feel believable to me.  are we ever going to see those people again, or were they just a plot convenience to serve the aforementioned purpose?  (idk, i haven’t watched S3 yet, so...we’ll see.)
- some weird...minor tonal changes/dropped plots?  in S1 one of the running undercurrents was how mike and nancy’s mom wanted them to talk to her and she really did care about what was going on but they couldn’t connect to her and that bothered her, whereas in S2 it’s like - that theme has been dropped; she’s not involved in their lives really at all, and her and ted’s spousal relationship is just being played for laughs, and there was that REALLY weird scene with her like...lusting after billy??????  that was so fucking bizarre.  
and until one line in the very last episode, they dropped the whole thing about hopper’s daughter, too - the way they wove that into the first season was brilliantly done, and just - you don’t see a bit of it in S2, and that felt off, to me.
- killing bob was a bad call.  it was gratuitous, AND it was contrived - who the hell is running for their life and then just stops dead in the lobby to smile at their girlfriend?  ANY SENSIBLE PERSON WOULD KEEP RUNNING FOR THE DOOR.  like - bob died, but the doctor survived????????  the doctor, who was attacked and immobilized and defenseless in a stairwell, somehow wasn’t killed??????  of course not, because he needed to survive, so he could get El her papers later....that entire thing irritated me.  it made no sense.  that was actually the point where i said to myself “uh-oh.  first Bad-with-a-capital-B decision this show’s made.”  
- lack of consistency in terms of how, exactly, Stuff Works.  in S1 it was like - the Upside Down is everywhere.  the demigorgon could come through anywhere, if you were unlucky.  that was part of what made it so creepy - there’s this whole other world and it is RIGHT THERE with you, and sometimes the fabric separating the two universes gets scary thin, and bam, you’re somewhere no human has any business being.  whereas in S2 it’s like - ok, things are coming through this one portal and spreading through tunnels underground, in our own dimension???  like at first i thought hopper had actually entered the Upside Down in the tunnels, but then it seemed like the tunnels were still on our plane, just gross-looking.  so why in S1 could the demigorgon come through the ceiling of will’s house, or through that tree in the woods, or take barbara through the pool?  why did the lab people think burning that little gate would help, when the first monster from last season was obviously popping into our dimension from all sorts of other places?  
- this is a minor quibble, but it was driving me up the WALL in the last couple of episodes - what in god’s name were they injecting will with???  and HOW.  mike just grabs that syringe off the counter like “we need to make will go to sleep” - there is NO reason that anyone in the room would know what was in the syringe or what the correct dosage was or HOW TO GIVE AN INJECTION IN THE FIRST PLACE.  joyce gives it???????  by stabbing straight down????????  into will’s arm????????????  what the hell kind of injection technique is that?!?!?!  that’s not....how that works.  ever.  and maxine does it to billy too, in his NECK - just straight in there.  there is no....look, people in human medicine can weigh in better than me here; maybe things are different, but just from the veterinary perspective, you can’t just stab a creature any old place you want, and giving something via any route that isn’t intravenous isn’t going to drop an animal immediately, AND you do not have control over how long they’re going to be out.  if you give a sedative, you can’t just wake an animal up by wafting ammonia under their nose.  AND the animal is likely not going to be actually asleep until you also give an anaesthetic induction agent, and if you do give an anaesthetic induction agent, you’d better have some monitoring equipment and a breathing apparatus hooked up to your patient!
look, it just - the “go to sleep” injection was used to solve too many critical situations for me to just ignore it.  it bothered me.
anyhow.  overall, i didn’t hate it.  but i thought it was way less cohesive than the first season, and therefore way less effective.  i’m still curious to see what happens in S3, but my expectations are lower now. 
[if you wanna talk to me about this, you have my permission, but ONLY if you’re able to do it without talking about S3 in any capacity, including your own personal evaluation of how good/bad it is in relation to the other seasons.  i like to watch without knowing other people’s opinions of things, otherwise i feel like my viewing experience is colored by what i hear.  thanks! :) ]
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Hi college is hard and I’m very stressed out do you have any tips/stories/advice 😔✊ also, I know a while back you mentioned something about dorm (?) stories 👀👀
Yes!! Honestly I remember getting really stressed out especially when I started college (it took me really my entire freshman year of constantly being sick and freaked out to get used to it) and it took a long time for me to get into a routine where I felt like I had things under control?
I think for me a big thing was just like…figuring out what time worked best for me to do work. In high school I was an overacheiver and an insomniac so i stayed up doing homework late most of the time and was used to being burnt out but what I found worked for me in college was scheduling time in the mornings/afternoons I didn’t have classes to do most of my work? Like on weekends if I didn’t have brunch plans or on quick lunch breaks during week days I’d pack my computer and or my readings and work at the dining hall. I also found once I sucked it up and went to the library to write essays/do research that was super helpful as well? There’s something comforting about being around a bunch of other people who are also working really hard at the same time you are in just not feeling alone, and I think getting out of the dorm was helpful in the sense that it makes your room a place you go to relax and unwind where you don’t have to carry the stress over into. Also, I’m so into rewarding yourself with treats, and picking up like tea or coffee or something to accompany you while you’re working at the library or having a tv show you let yourself binge at night when you’re done with your work.  Working out ended up being something that really helped regulate my emotions/get rid of excess anxiety and always is a quick pick me up, so I do highly recommend getting into that routine. Other than that? Try to be gentle with yourself. It’s so easy to feel lost and like you’re a failure or you’re not enough when you’re adjusting to a new lifestyle, but everyone else feels that too more than you know and just as long as you keeping on and doing your best, you’re doing more than enough, even if your best doesn’t FEEL like enough it really is, i promise.
omg i really have the best dorm horror stories from my freshman year like i really can’t believe it looking back it’s really like “bitch u lived like this?” but basically bard’s freshman housing in 2011 when i started college was a literal n i g h t m a r e in the sense that my dorm was essentially a tiny little mobile home that probably cost a max of $300 and which housed 12 of us featuring paper thin walls, a mouse infestation located primarily in my and my roommate’s room (we lived behind the kitchen), incredibly wealthy dormmates fostering drug habits and throwing ragers every night of the week (this would probably surprise people now but i really was NOT a party person in college especially when i was 18, i didnt even really drink and i didnt smoke at that point either ), and the guy on the other side of the wall from my bed having incredibly loud sex/arguments with his girlfriend every night for the entirety of my freshman year (like occasionally it would knock over stuff on my desk). it was overwhelming, and it definitely ended up being a struggle but even though it felt like the end of the world at the time and like i was an alien on a foreign planet, it served as kind of a “well i got through that so i can do anything” and living situations really could only go up from there, and even if it sucks at the time, it’ll probably be a funny story someday.
anyway, hang in there, really. people dont talk about it enoguh because theres this idea you have to immediately be having “such a great time!!” but i dont think anyone really does, at least at first. it gets easier.
i didnt do college perfectly and theres a lot of things id change with hindsight but the main thing i think would be to be kinder to myself and the rest would have followed
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pettyrevenge-base · 6 years
I locked my inconsiderate roommates out of the internet and phone lines.
Back in 2002, when dial up internet was still a thing, I rented a room in a house a few blocks from the University. Rent was $500 for a room and a shared kitchen, bathroom, and common spaces. Included in rent was a shared phone line that went to each room. Per the lease agreement, everyone had access to the shared line, but if you wanted internet, you had to pay for your own line to your room.
So, I moved in and bought myself a phone. I didn't use it a lot, mostly just to call my mom and my work had the number on the very off chance they needed to call me. My mom mentioned during one of our conversations she couldn't get through for awhile and I just thought someone had a long chat. I went into work one day and my boss was irritated. She had left a message for me that I definitely didn't get. I was convinced the couple on the main floor answered and didn't care enough to take it down, much less pass it on. Meanwhile, we had a rocky relationship at the house. They were ALWAYS cooking in the kitchen. Seriously I was living on PB&J that I kept in my room. They were antisocial to the point of being rude, and I was already annoyed with them when IT happened: I picked up the phone and screeching through the handset was the unmistakable noise of ancient internet. They must have gotten it that day, because after that first time it seemed like every time I went to use the house phone, dial up was using it already. I tried to kick them off by picking up and hanging up over and over rapidly but that didn't seem to work very well. I confronted them and the girl smirked and was like, "call the landlord." Ugh. Cute.
I should mention the landlord lived like, 3 hours away and wasn't super interested in a lot. I didn't call the landlord. I already had my notice in at the time, and waited until my last day there. I packed everything up, except my phone. I took my phone off the hook, left it on the floor of my room, locked my door, and left forever, taking my key with me. I hope they could hear the incessant beeping it made through the shitty thin walls and I hope it inconvenienced them for at least through the night.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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“Untitled” by Kiya L.
A pit is growing inside my stomach, slowing expanding with each breath. Its weight almost too much to bear, as if I were wearing a thick wool sweater amidst a vicious thunderstorm. No words come to my lips, although my mind runs rampant. Sleep is futile.
The pain is fresh. Memories of betrayal replay every time my eyelids meet, so I keep them open. Unfortunately, being awake is no better. Everything I see and hear forces my mind and soul back into this prison of torment and heart ache. Like a broken record, the events that unfolded in the late hours of Saturday, early hours of Sunday repeat over and over, not skipping a beat.
As the famous quote says, “the heart was made to be broken,” but the industry of soppy love stories and heartbreaks did not prepare me for the war that had begun within this fleshy exterior.
My boots click merrily against the aged porched steps. My heart is floating high in my head as if it were a white dove taking flight to find its other half. The motive for the migration of my muscular organ may be due to one too many shots of a golden liquid chased by a sour lime that has warmed and elevated my usual somber being. However, my love cavity would prefer to call it excitement. Excitement to finally see, touch, and feel him. Excitement to plop on top of him in surprise, and cuddle into those thick black sheets, further disheveling what I had crisply made earlier that day. Excitement to sleep after a long night of music, laughter, and chaos.
I whip right through the screen door. I hear it shudder a few times. Awoken by the sudden momentum initiated by my careless hands, before it goes back to its natural resting state, hugged tightly against the white wooden frame-- an action that will soon be repeated as I shake him from what little sleep he has gotten. But only for a moment because like door and frame, we will pair back up into our natural resting state. My leg draped over his thigh; my head tucked in the crook where his shoulder and arm meet; his scent, a form of melatonin, enveloping me in a cocoon of comfort and slumber. I turn the door knob, only to be met with a halting reaction.
The backdoor did not budge.
Shocked that it was locked, for he and his roommates care little of safety, I call him to let me in. Impatient after listening my phone ring two times through… bring, bring, bring… I turn to find another way in. I firgure he has already put his phone on “do not disturb” mode given that it was way well into the night. To the extent that the sky has slowly begun to regain its exuberant glow.
Thinking only of him and the necessity to sleep, I carelessly disturb the screen door yet again, prance my way down the wooden steps, and drunkenly venture my way through the uneven grounds beside the house, where erosion and poor management have caused the cement to spread and grass to roam in unwelcome territories. Once snuggly laid side by side, these concrete lovers were forced apart by an unforeseen force. 
I make my way to the front door, and I turn the once golden bulb with slight hesitation, prepared to be met with the same aggression as the door before. To my excitement, it creaks open with relative ease. I slide my way though and close it with gentle care, not wishing to disturb the door any further, nor wanting to awaken anyone else inside this house. Except for him.
As I prepare myself to quietly tip toe down the main hall, I am met with familiar sound. The rhythmic hum of R&B. It vibrates my ears, shaking them awake, as if they were sleepy a child in the back of the class surprised awake by the teacher’s question, forcing them to tune in and concentration on their surroundings.
Knowing of his late night insomnia, he usually turns to the soft comforting effects of music to put him asleep. Also knowing of the thin walls and multiple roommates within this big old house, he often uses it to disguise and wash out noises in his room, particularly those made by heated moments of passion. Consequently, I am confused as to which it could be.
Here is where the little seed began arranging itself in the bottom lining of my stomach, taking root within me, where it will begin to feed and grow through the emotions that wave through me.
My ears, seek for other clues… Volume. At a level a little too loud to put the mind to sleep, my ears begin to collect data to support one of my predictions. The cause for these melancholic vibrations could only mean the latter.
I gradually make my way down the hall. No pep in my step, my heels wretchedly tap against the worn floor boards. The excitement has morphed into curiosity and confusion.
The sounds I heard next was proof enough; my eyes did not have to confirm what my ears just did-- The voice of another girl.
As I finally make it to his door, the voices simmer down a bit. I twist the doorknob and am met with the same aggression from earlier. I should have taken que from the prior denial. I am not welcome here. 
All air is swept from my lungs. My heart plummets from cloud nine, like an injured bird in flight. Unable to vocalize my presence, I frantically turn my heel and swiftly make my way back the way I came. My heels pitter harshly along the wooden surface. Not caring to disturb this old house or anyone inside, I rip open the door with haste, ripping the two lovers apart, and exit.
For good…
I think.
The books never told me that this would be easy, but I never imagined a pain so real. As if I were physically hurt, this pain has left a hole in my soul. The pit within me has taken over my insides. I cannot eat. I cannot laugh. I cannot do anything because all my energy has been consumed by this ever-expanding knot.  
Ever since day one, from the moment I admitted to myself that I liked him, I have been walking in unmarked territory—no man’s land. Some steps glide easily along the unfamiliar surface as if I’m wearing skates propelled by infatuation and warmth. Other steps, however, are not as smooth. Its cautious footing on rough rooky rides, taking timid steps forward and some back for fear of the uncertain. To my dismay, my cautions were not unwarranted.
I cannot claim that I know for certain what’s to come from that night because events are still unraveling with the passing days, but one thing that will never be erased from my brain is that night. The night my heart fell and shattered in two.
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