#and in that case bless u and ur chaotic endeavors
odysseys-blood · 4 years
oh to be a tired space transmasc with a husband having to manage my extremely chaotic mech pilot lesbian friend
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segatoys · 3 years
Can u show more of ur OCS 👉🏼👈🏼 🥺 I love altalune btw
THANK U FOR THE KIND COMMENT!! an altalune doodle for you..
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so i post about elios and altalune a lot.. and rei to some extent but id love to tell u (and whomever else this may concern) about my other characters!!!! (under the cut cause i wanna include pics.. long post incoming. thnak u anon for my life) ill also link to their toyhouse pages in case u wanna see more ^__^ <333
so i must talk about my meow meows.. my lovely trio of marie, alexandre, and jeanne!! (in that order)..
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marie and jeanne are human, but alexandre is the child of a human and a high deity!! jeanne has a lot of connections to the deities (elios and especially altalune) through some weird events from her childhood. marie is not associated as much but learns a lot about that whole world from these two.
jeanne is a character i wanna expand a lot more specifically. because of a traumatic event that involved elios and alta, shes kind of obsessive over these things. Especially things (objects) she considers blessed, or cursed. in this world deities are like.. accepted as truth, but moreso as like. urban legends? things that are not interactable with the average human society, so its really hard for jeanne to seek help for what happened. she knows what happened; but she isnt really listened to. I posted about this some days/weeks (?) ago, but jeanne is schizophrenic. she has delusions seperate from what happened but still has to navigate going through healing from something people dont believe you about thru the context of ur Brain. she also has a really close bond with CIMYK, someone else who was inadvertently traumatized by some deity drama.
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CIMYK was an attempt at a man-made deity; specifically one meant to represent light, human progress, and technology. abandoned, elios and alta investigate. CIMYK is based off of elios, so out of some weird curse/fate nonsense she attacks a (technically not even alive) CIMYK. their arm gets torn off. the higher gods pity them, so theyre granted like. some deity-like status and protection. they kind of roam the earth and other worlds alone but enjoy their time alone; but still enjoy the company the aforemtioned trio provide. SPEAKING OF THAT TRIO I WANNA TALK ABOUT ALEXANDRE AND THEN I WILL LEAVE U TO IT ANON..
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ALEXANDRE MY SWEET PEA<3 so like. his god mom is VERY much high on the hierarchy for lack of a better word so basically he was supposed to follow in her footsteps. he ends up falling in love with the human world and what it has to offer, so with his moms' support he also does his fair amount of solo traveling to expand his horizons! hes also quite close with CIMYK, very much a "hyperactive dog and loner cat" dynamic; they both respect what they bring out in each other. He meets marie and jeanne on one of their own adventures and they all hit it off... theyre kind of a chaotic trio but we love fthat for them. alexandre.. hes an embodiment of all the positives i see in the world. he loves art and fashion and cooking and music and just all the things that brought humanity together as the centuries went by. he also helps marie out in her fashion design endeavors and models for her.
SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG LMFAO but anon it touched my heart (if u are reading this far...!) that u wanted to know more about my characters!! all the ones ive described here were ones ive had roamin around in my brain since i was a wee babe. but im only getting around to like, actually developing them now. also.. be on the lookout for my elios intro comic which should be done soon...
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