#and in order for Shoka to not know ANYTHING about Shiba and Hishima being besties... like... they had to have been broken up for a while
greetings-sheeple · 2 years
Shinjuku Destruction Timeline
[ ??? before TWEWY ]
— Hazuki decides to purify Shinjuku and Conductor Matsunae disagrees. Hazuki goes behind the Conductor’s back and contacts the Higher Plane. — Kubo is chosen as the Executor.
[ 1 Year and 10 Months before TWEWY ]
— Kubo descends to Shinjuku and appears to Shiba in a form that is barely comprehensible to him. Kubo promises Shiba a place in the Higher Plane if he becomes Their Executor and purifies Shinjuku. — Shiba is given the power of Dissonance, as well as a sigil that would allow him to summon Plague Noise. — Kubo infultrates the Shinjuku Reapers to keep a close eye on Shiba. He becomes Shiba’s Yes-Man and slowly starts to manipulate his perception of the people around him.
[ 1 Year and 6 Months before TWEWY ]
— Hishima and Kaie break off their friendship with Shiba, sensing something has changed with him. Hishima continues to keep an eye on Shiba, but is not sure what to make of it. — Ayano begins feeling pressured to pick sides, and emotionally withdraws from everyone. Susukichi and Tsugumi resolutely stand by Shiba, though Tsugumi is concerned about him.
[ 11 Months before TWEWY ]
— Shoka Sakurane joins the Shinjuku Reapers and Shiba assigns Ayano to look after her.  — Hishima and Shiba’s friendship has completely fractured. Ayano is now Shiba’s new right hand. — Tsugumi begins investigating the goings-on. Tsugumi is concerned that her brother has been acting odd lately. She reaches out to Coco about it in her letters, neither of them are sure what to make of things. — Tsugumi spends less time around Shiba due to her investigations and Shiba begins to feel even more isolated.
[ 3 Months before TWEWY ]
— Tsugumi, frustrated at a lack of answers, reaches out to Kaie for help. Kaie agrees to help her look for answers, but is unable to determine anything about Shiba. Tsugumi begins to suspect Kubo and shares this with Kaie and Hishima. Neither of them know what to do without hard proof. [ TWEWY, Week 3 ]
— Some people with Red Skull pins that wander into Shinjuku distract nearly everyone. Everyone is basically wondering what the hell is happening in Shibuya.
[ 2 Weeks after TWEWY ]
— Shiba announces to Ayano, Susukichi, and Shoka that he intends to erase and replace the Conductor. He tells them that the discontent they’ve all sensed in Shinjuku is his fault and that he believes the Conductor is going to try to destroy Shinjuku. Shiba asks them to begin rallying Reapers to his side in order to “take back Shinjuku.” — Shiba begins to slowly saturate the UG with Plague Noise.
[ One Month after TWEWY ]
— Shiba leads his “rebellion” against Conductor Matsunae in the middle of a Reapers’ Game. In the chaos of it all, Kubo uses his Dissonance to strip Tsugumi of her Reaper wings, intending on leaving her to die when the Game is officially concluded. — Shiba wins and Shinjuku is inverted.
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