#and in more janez facts he was basically raised by a cult
v-t-holmes-arts · 4 years
ANGST/SOFTober 3: sleepless + whispers
this one is based off a rp I and @randomborednessidunno did, I miss our characters just being Fools and these two prompts reminded me of them
also I'm caught up with the prompts so now I'll be posting one drabble per day
Franek couldn't sleep.
It's not that the didn't try, of course, but if he closed his eyes for too long, nightmares always came.
So he couldn't sleep.
Instead, he moved to the window seat, watching as the stars and what he assumed were either sattelites or space shuttles zooming across the sky.
It must've been centuries since he's had proper sleep, but as a king he couldn't complain about it. As a king, he always had to be refined, graceful, and not so tired he felt like he could sleep for a millenium.
Janez, his guard, was still asleep. That was better, Franek thought, sinking deeper into the cushions spread over the window seat. He didn't have to think about the soulmate mark Janez had on his back - the one that matched Franek's, and the one he always hid away ...
So focused on his thoughts, Franek didn't hear Janez's shifting and footsteps.
"Your majesty?"
The whispered question finally shook the ruler of orion, sirius and aldebaran back into reality.
Janez sat down at the edge of the window seat, moonlight falling onto his sharp features - usually he hid those, and the rest of himself under many layers of clothing. Even now that he was wearing his sleepwear, he hid himself under one of the many blankets from Franek's bed.
"Janez?" Franek whispered back, "You're up?"
"I cannot sleep anymore," Janez explained.
That was the main reason Franek invited his guard to sleep in the same bed as him. And it was easier pretending that Janez liked him back like this.
"Ah ..." Franek let out.
"The stars are quite pretty from afar, are they not?"
"They are," Franek agreed.
"And you know-" the guard paused, now looking at Franek, who turned to look at him when he did. For a brief moment it seemed like he was going to finish his sentence, but instead, he softly sighed. "Thank you, your majesty."
"You can call me my name," Franek reminded Janez, like so many times before, "And what are you thanking me for?"
"Letting me stay with you ... it is nice here."
"No problem ..." Franek softly responded.
The men fell silent, turning to the stars again. Franek wished they were embracing each other, and so did, unbeknownst to him, Janez.
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