#and im proud of my outfit for ara shes like the only girl i actually love cosplaying
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c4rdz · 1 year ago
my wip cosplays are luffy yamato shanks (op) fyodor ranpo (bsd) heizou kazuha aether (gi) yumeno izuru (dr) and fixing up most of my hs cosplays (namely aradia in time for hs day but also john and eridan and probably feffy)
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xoexoxhoe · 6 years ago
Meeting Monsta X in Tokyo after KCON
A/N: YALL. SO- I’m currently in Japan and crying because although im in my mother land- I WAS UNABLE TO SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL BOYS AND GIRLS OF THE INDUSTRY AT KCON CUZ 1) i’m broke, and 2) i’m broke and my dad would kill me if I left my family for that. BUT anyways- I wrote this on the plane because I was just filled with sympathy for myself and literally broke down with my family cause I just wanna be there 😂Hope ya’ll enjoy this imagine! Cuz I enjoyed writing it. (Rant over)
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Takoyaki in a park + Tokyo + Monsta X? Oh, sign me up plz 😪✨
The flight to Japan felt way too long for comfort, but you beared with it anyways. The service was amazing, and you couldn’t shake the sense of excitement that you felt as your plane finally touched down in Tokyo. Your mask, sweatpants, and oversized sweatshirt made you unrecognizable to even your own family. Your brother poked fun at you, saying you looked like ‘one of your Kpop boys trying to evade the paparazzi’, to which you nodded and told him that’s exactly what you were doing. He’d roll his eyes as you both caught up to your father, questioning what the days agenda would entail, begging to go and see at least one anime store of the sort.
Your earphones blared a multitude of Kpop songs, ranging from your beloved Monsta X to your treasured ATEEZ. Your parents could barely get your attention after you had a good look at Monsta X’s posters scattered around parts of the airport, all promoting the one thing you truly wished you could attend: KCON Japan.
“Mom, I’m literally going to die if I don’t go one day.”
Your mom shrugged her shoulders, “Sweetie, you never know, we’re here for a few days, maybe you’ll see them after all.” she gave you a quick wink before helping your father with a few bags.
“Yeah, your mother is right, Y/N. We have a lot of walking to do, I’m sure you’ll see at least one famous person.” Your dad heaved your suitcase off of the large conveyer and you smiled.
“Having a hard time there, buddy?” You teased, looking back at your brother for reassurance.
Your dad stuck out his index finger, shaking it while scolding you, “Now, now, don’t start acting up on me just yet.”
Your brother cackled, “Easy, tiger. The trip only began twenty minutes ago and we’re already fighting.”
The car ride to the hotel you stayed at was shorter than you expected, and you enjoyed taking in the beautiful sights of various temples, food stands, as well as locals and tourists alike hustling around the large city roads. Your dad felt the need to find a ramen place as soon as you checked into the hotel and got situated.
“I- I don’t mean to be rude, Dad, but can I go ahead and walk around a bit on my own?” you gave your dad those signature puppy eyes of yours, ensuring that your lips were extra pouty.
“Y/N, if I let you go will you promise to at least hang out with your super cool family for the rest of the trip?”
You winked at your dad after coming out of the bathroom sporting a new outfit and your backpack, heading for the door,“Matta ne! (See you later!)”
Your mom hollered down the hallway as you sauntered towards the elevators, “Back by ten, no later!”
“Ara, umma! (Got it mom!)”
The city of Tokyo was exceptionally beautiful this time of year. The sakura season was coming to a bittersweet end, but the few flurries left of pink flowers signifying that Spring was alive and well created a soft smile that spread across your face. As you crossed a bridge overlooking a small pond, you heard a few shrill screams, causing your head to tilt in confusion. After craning your neck over the trees across the park, you saw a few girls holding pieces of paper with what appeared to be signatures. You rolled your eyes, not at the girls, but at the fact that they’ve probably seen idols who attended KCON, and you didn’t. You continued to walk down the park path, ending up at a  bench near a vendor selling fresh takoyaki. The smell was irresistible; a mixture of both sweet and bold flavors wrapped in the essence of crispy fish and octopus. You were certain you weren’t hungry, but your stomach said otherwise.
As you approached the vendor, you pulled out whatever yen you could to match the price of a few cheese takoyaki. You had enough Japanese language skills to get through a conversation with the kind man, thanking him for the meal and heading to the far side of his stand to place a few condiments on your plate. After reaching for sweet chili sauce, you were caught off guard by the pristine porcelain fingers that were now mingling with your own. Soon enough, the hand pulled back and so did you, looking up and bowing, saying sorry a few times before looking the person in the eyes.
With a mouth full of takoyaki as well, a familiar face that you knew stared at you with a sheepish smile, in a shaky voice, he stated in English, “I am so sorry! I reached at same time!”
Your jaw dropped, Yoo FUCKING Kihyun; you knew he was beautiful in pictures alone, but the way his smile captured the dim lights of the takoyaki stand made you swoon. You gained consciousness from your dumbfounded stupor and blinked, starting to speak Korean on instinct, “No! I’m so sorry! You go ahead first!” Your eyes darted to the side of him, and once again, you felt your heart jump.
In a husky voice, Jooheon walked behind him, nagging him about being slow, “Hyung! What’s taking you so long? Shownu hyung is asking for more sauce,” he turned his head to see you and Kihyun staring at each other, “Oh! New friend?”
You shook your head, “I’m so sorry I bothered you!”
Jooheon laughed and his crescent eyes melted your heart, “hey now! No one said you were bothering. Did Kihyun do the awkward thing where he reaches for sauce at the same time as you?”
You gulped, fuck how does he know?
You nodded, “He did- but; It’s fine! Really! I should have been paying attention!” You had a hand behind your head, running your fingers through your hair to distract your nerves.
“AIGOO! Kihyun-shi, you’re so awkward at times!” Hyungwon. With his signature ice coffee in hand, you almost couldn’t contain your laughter and admiration.
“Guys, he’s just trying to make small talk with an obviously beautiful woman.” Changkyun came from behind and gripped Kihyun’s shoulders.
“Yah, hands off.” Kihyun’s goofy smile and the way he brushed off Changkyun’s hands made you laugh as well.
With a small voice you raised your hand, “I… I don’t mean to be-“
You were interrupted by a deep voice, “Kihyun-shi, where’s the sauce?”
Shownu’s tall figure came over to your side and you almost jumped. Minhyuk came to the side of Jooheon with a vlive phone, waving goodbye to the probable hundreds of thousands of fans that were tuning in. “Who’s this?” Shownu smiled, waving at you as you bowed slightly.
“Oh- I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you all.” You bowed yet again, feeling as if you weren’t being polite enough to the people you so loved with every fiber of your being.
The boys all went down the line to introduce themselves rather than doing their typical introduction, and you smiled, thanking them for that.
Jooheon smiled, “Y/N, do you know who Monsta X is by any chance?”
Your cheeks became flushed and you felt yourself get hot, “Uh- Yes! I do…”
“That doesn’t sound too reassuring, guys.
I don’t know if Y/N likes us.” Wonho walked behind you and squeezed your shoulder while laughing, looking into your eyes and winking. This isn’t real.
You wanted to scream, run a million laps around this entire damn park; you were dying to start singing a bar or two of Beautiful, or better yet, start belting Trespass. Your inner Monbebe began to crawl out from the depths of your deep ocean of love for all things Monsta X, but you suppressed it as best as you could.
“No! I actually really admire you all, and on behalf of all Monbebe, I just want to say that we are so proud of all of your hard work and please sleep well, eat well, and live it up.” You snickered to yourself at your Japanese Monsta X song reference and awaited the reaction of the members.
Minhyuk took your hand and bowed, “And on behalf of Monsta X to our Monbebe, thank you for loving us, we hope you all feel our hard work as we continue to progress in our career.”
You were quaking as his soft hand slipped out of yours slowly, followed by his charming smile.
Kihyun shook the sweet chili bottle and poured some into your paper bowl, “I do this and mix the sauce with the homemade sauce here,” he placed another dollop of whatever daisy looking sauce was in the bottle, and all you could do was thank him over and over.
“Hey guys, should we grab a picture with our Monbebe?” Jooheon put up his hands, and the other members nodded their heads in unison. You were frozen, barely able to move with your takoyaki in tow as Changkyun grabbed your wrist and led you to a tree off to the side of the takoyaki stand. Your heart jumped into your throat when his hands grabbed your bowl and placed it on a bench to the side.
“Thank you so much.” You whispered over and over.
“No, thank YOU for not attacking us.” Shownu chuckled and you couldn’t contain your smile this time, staring into the camera as Minhyuk placed a selfie stick in the air, counting down the moments before he clicked a picture. Once you were finished, the boys disbanded from their selfie positions and looked back at you.
You pulled out your Polaroid camera and smiled weakly, “Is it too much to ask if we could take individual pictures?”
They smiled brightly, “Let’s do it!”
After taking brilliantly radiant selfies with each of the members, they grabbed the pictures and signed them, each writing a small note addressed to you. You couldn’t believe it; your cheeks were writhing in pain from the amount of happiness radiating off of your smile and body. They each waved you goodbye, stating that they hoped to see you back in Korea someday, and you lifted your arm in response, allowing your fingers to move freely to send them off. You sat on the bench where Changkyun left your food and stared at your boots in complete disbelief. You found your way back to the hotel around the same time as your family.
“Hey, honey! How was your walk? Have you eaten?” Your mother was at your side stroking your hair.
“Mom; I don’t think I’m gonna eat for the next lifetime because I just got served a full course MEAL.” Your eyes were misty with happy tears, and your brother’s eyebrows knit in confusion.
“What the hell, Y/N? It looks like you saw a ghost?”
You began to belt the chorus to Ghost by Monsta X, tears of joy trickling down your face. 
“Whoa! I didn’t mean to hurt you, sis!” Your brother looked shocked as you continued to sing the lyrics while entering the elevator .
“Umma, Dad- I SAW THEM!” You screamed into the elevator wall and your brother laughed hysterically.
You whipped out the selfies and your brother’s face dropped as well, “holy shit…” he whispered.
It was undeniably the best day of your life and you didn’t want to change it for the world. You were thankful for your sweet, kind hearted, and beautiful Monsta X. You held those pictures close to you heart the entire night, thanking the Kpop God’s for sending you this blessing. Although you couldn’t utter all the words you wished you could have, you still cried at the fact that busy people such as themselves took time out of their lives to pay attention to you for more than a second; and for that, you were forever grateful.
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