#and im p fond of this actually hmm hmmm
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seabunnieart · 1 year ago
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casually talking abt the time u drowned a man
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cryptidofthekeys · 6 years ago
All the writer asks!!!!!!
I’ve already answered the pen n paper one so I’ll leave that one out and answer the rest haha
ink: what do you do to “set the mood” when writing?
hmmm… well to usually set the mood would depend on the type of story I’m writing, if its horror/really angsty shit then I’m definitely going for dark themed music, if its something fluffy n cute- then im gonna go for some really happy upbeat music, so to set the mood- it’d usually depend on the genre
diary: how many pieces have you written that are just for you or will never see the light of day?
……Shhh… Let’s keep those my dirty little secret… (their not nsfw, thats not what I mean by that just to clarify)
journal: do you ever write just so you can enjoy something to read?
Hmm I guess I’ve done it once or twice before, but I dont do it too often-
novella: do you prefer to write short stories, one-shots, or entire novels?
I don’t think I’ve even came CLOSE to an entire novel but, I do a lot of short-stories and ESPECIALLY one-shots, im not very good at chapter based stories or anything
pulitzer: tell about/link a piece where you felt your writing was the best.
Ooooh fuck this is a tough one, Im too lazy to link it but- in my Yan!Henrik story there were some parts I ABSOLUTELY loved and felt were p damn good and in the werewolf story I wrote as well, some good parts in there too, but I definitely feel more fond over some of the scenes in the Yan!Hen story than any other one
genre: what genre do you prefer to write in?
Honestly, I’m pretty open to genres, like- fantasy, science-fiction, etc- the whole shabang- im not too picky bout any of them-
narrator: what pov do you like writing in best?
hmmm I guess like- wouldnt it technically be in third person with the way I write, for the reader its always You and or they, I always keep a story gender-neutral so that way all readers can be who they want to be in the stories, it can give them a better chance to imagine themselves in said position, now if i got a specific thing to do, male, female, non-binary, etc- then yeah I’d do that
backstory: how did you come to love writing?
That’s a- actually kinda simple tbh- its not an interesting story- At first I was actually unsure about it, but then- the more I wrote, the more I got super into it-  It was just… super fun to me after I did it for awhile
time-lapse: how long have you been writing (as a hobby or for work)?
It’s a hobby for now, but I do wish I could open commissions- but hmm its been like, maybe 5-6 years by now, maybe even a bit longer
characterization: describe your favorite character(s) you’ve written.
You should know this for sure haha, my favorite characters to write with tho- I’ll just say who they are, all the septic egos p much except… im still not too confident with writing Angus yet, some of the Iplier egos, like the Jims, Harold, and Eric, and I’m trying to branch out to other fandoms, I like writing with David n Daniel, from the cc fandom, and I’m trying to work on Dream Daddy characters too, Joseph, Robert, Mary, etc- and then my own characters too- I dont write wiht them often but I try
carnegie: what authors and/or books/stories have inspired you to write or influenced your work?
hmmm… I get inspired fairly easily so it’d be hard for me to name anything like that off the top of my head tbh
faulkner: what tropes do you LOVE writing? which ones are your guilty pleasure?
…. Why not ALL the tropes? …okay maybe not ALL of them
o’connor: what tropes/genres do you dislike writing?
Eh, im a p open person to tropes/genres- I mean unless like a trope could count as in, like- “it was all a dream” or “you were the killer all along” or some shit like that, then that type of shit isnt REALLY my cup of tea
dickinson: what insecurities do you have about your own writing? what do you think you should improve on?
There’s a lotta things I think I could improve on, honestly… I think, its not a matter of insecurity really, more so like- no matter who you are, there’s always room for improvements, I think we all improve on things every day, writing, drawing, roleplaying, even simple things- after all, there’s nowhere to really go except forward in life, so I just tend to go with my own flow, and if I improve than I’m happy with that, if I dont? Welp, that just means I still have a bit to go-
playlist: what kind of music/songs help you write? do you have a writing playlist?
oh god I w i s h I was organized enough to fucking- have a writing playlist ashdjshfdsj, it just depends on my mood- sometimes I get distracted by songs tho-
record: have you written things based off of songs? do you like to?
…I wrote one, its a really old one and im not too proud of it, but, people like it apparently so I keep it up since it seems to make em happy and thats what matters in that regard, but nah im not BIG on writing things based off songs
nobel: have you published anything you’ve written? online or irl?
Hmmm not yet, I don’t think I’m ready to physically publish my stories or anything, although my dad does encourage it, he tells me I should find a publisher or whatever and publish some stories (it wouldnt be ones with like- characters from things like camp camp, dream daddy, etc of course- it’d be ones with my own characters)
notepad: can you write anywhere or do you have to be in a specific place and mood to write?
D e f i n i t e l y a specific place and mood, my mood’s totally off and wrong right now and its frustrating bc im trying to write but the body and brain is like no motherfucker, be in pain and hate me more than you already do
parchment: how often do you or your personal life influence your writing?
I dont… know if ANY of my personal life has… influenced my writing? not that I know of anyways
dedication: if you were to publish a book or multiple, who would you dedicate the book(s) to?
I think… I dont know who I’d dedicate the books too or anything-
trope: what’s a pet peeve you have about writing?
…honestly? The one pet peeve I, myself, have with writing is the I/Me POV- now of course its fine if others use it, it could be easier to them, or they simply like it a lot, but I myself, just- cant fucking s t a n d that type of pov
input: what’s something you hate that people say to you about writing/your writing?
Okay- I need to be honest here, bc I get a lot of them, when I constantly state that I only do one shots and not chapter stories but the whole “pls continue” “another part to this please” “Do more of this” that doesnt really make me wanna do more, it makes me wanna move on actually from any of that, like im not about that plz continue, do more!!! type of comments
critic: what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about writing?
Oh god I’ve received TONS of good advice from people, especially when it comes to some of the German I use for Henrik, I will admit… I’ve been severely slacking with learning my German, and I…. I deeply regret it tbh, but- I never mind and am actually grateful when someone corrects me when using a word incorrectly in a sentence or whatever
mifflin: what do you feel is your strong suit in writing?
A n g s t
houghton: what’s something you love that people compliment your pieces on?
I love all compliments tbh, I especially love comments on my angst like NO HOW DARE YOU OP, or OP wha t the f uck- my  he a r t, or anything like that- …im a sadistic lil gremlin arent I? I love breakin hearts with angst, but like any compliments I receive on my stories are all greatly appreciated, I just most of the time I dont have the time to respond to them, BUT- I do read em, every last one of em-
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valleyofthefae · 7 years ago
AHHH OK !!!! 💘💕💕💕💕💕💕💘💘💗💗THANK UUUU (i honestly love when u do this !!! it’s fun answering the questions && stuff 💘🌸🌟)
•moon: what is your astrological sign?Aquarius :) •gingerbread: your moral alignmenttrue neutral 🤔•birdseed: family or friends? friends tbh•sheets: your sexual orientationno ideaaaa •warm milk: when do you usually fall asleep?now i fall asleep around/before 10 (sometimes, not always) but usally 11-12 :)•pot of honey: your gender identityfemale •snow: what is your favorite time of year and why?Fall && halloween & hoodie weather !! •yarn: what are your most enjoyable hobbies?I’m not sure 🤔•bicycle: what are you talented at?i can kinda sing •folktale: what stories remind you of your childhood?Hm, this one book called Skeleton Hiccups :)•woods: where do you feel at peace?In my room @ night sometimes :)•chicken feet: what is your emotional “flaw”?hmmm,,, i dont show my emotions in a very good way/or deal with them in a good way •red cheeks: what makes you nervous?Everything (but in all seriousness, talking in front of the class and having people idk talk to me, etc) •sunflower: what do you love and cherish?My budddiessss && my dog :) •bells: what sounds are your favorite or calm you the most?Pianos & the sounds of chimes •turnip: what is a food you could eat everyday?Apples tbh•spit: do you get jealous easily?Heck yeah i do •mushroom: list unique things you like about yourselfummm,,,,,,, i have some freckles on my face that remind me of a paw print and i think it’s p cool (also the only thing that came to mind)•cupboard: a good childhood memoryany memory i have w/ grandpa before he passed away :) •eyebags: what do you think makes a person attractive?Hmm, a good sense of humor tbh (& pretty eyes 👀) & other stuff i cant think of •fallen log: something you’ve gotten over that you never thought you wouldWhen a pal of mine did a thing that i wasnt too happy with, but i eventually got over it :) •dagger: your worst fearMy worst fear is that everyone actually hates me & is like plotting against me or something and eventually will just get sick of me and leave me & the dark •whisper: do you have any secrets?Probably 🤔•wild boar: which person do you feel closest to?u & kt probably :)) •sweet: what candies or cakes are you fond of?Welll, i dont like cake & candy wise i used to like lemonheads :) •footprints: do you remember your past lives?Nopee•fur: name an animal you feel connected toHmm, im not sure ? bats maybe ? •vodka: do you drink?noppeee•sour cherry: an obscure tradition from your family?None that im aware of •pine needles: what is your favorite scent?vanilla, strawberry, & cinnamonheart-shaped: do you believe in love? are you in love?I dont know honestly,, and nope •home: where do you dream of living?Either Salem, MA, or somewhere in England :) •spice: list your favorite herbsidk tbh ? •mud: something you’re insecure about but trying to loveahhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk •tobacco: do you have any addictions?probably, but not drug wise •sock: how would you describe your clothing taste?hm, hoodies + jeans orr like,, vintage (even tho nothing i wear gives off that vibe) •cuckoo clock: are you a morning, a noon, or an evening person?evening 👌🏼•wooden fence: a favorite memoryidk 🤷🏽‍♀️
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