#and im having katsuki taking care of us brain rot
kaidabakugou · 1 year
guess who’s sick again!! 🙃
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mythiccheroacademia · 3 years
—pocket heroes headcanons
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mtha thots: it’s that time of year again where i start projecting my daily academic existential crises on the mha characters. i’ve had this idea in my head for months and got pages of brain rot fading away in my documents, so i’ve decided to stop being selfish and start sharing w some simple hcs. i hope you enjoy it <3
warnings: none
reference for the banner
© 2021 all writing content belongs to mythiccheroacademia. do not repost or modify
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context: pocket heroes are a new phenomenon to the world. the whispers that spread by ear say they are tiny humans dressed in hero-like costumes that support you when you need it most. many don’t believe in them and blame it on overactive imagination. but the very few who know the truth, say otherwise. they say you can’t find a pocket hero, but your pocket hero finds you when they’re ready. luckily for you, your tiny friend made an appearance and is stuck to you like glue! 
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Midoriya Izuku:
this little guy is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen
izu is on the shorter side standing only about 3 ¾ inches tall
but don’t let that height fool you bc he’s a ball of energy!
he’s a chatterbox so if that’s not your game, good luck sis
but he’s so cute and his voice is so tiny how could you not love him
your pocket hero is so encouraging of you
for every assignment, he’ll sit by your hand and cheer you on
it’s impossible to give in to temptation and skip an assignment/call off work bc he’ll puff his chubby cheeks out and pout
he knows it’s tough, but you can do it! there’s nothing you can’t do!
although, if you need to take a break for your mental health, he’ll immediately stop and climb up into your neck to comfort you
makes posters with sticky notes he finds around bc he’s your biggest fan
sits by you during class and takes his own notes so that you two can compare
he doesn’t want you to miss anything important
 you get such good grades bc of deku ong
izuku’s fav place to be is in your shirt pocket or in your cleavage, behind the collar of your shirt with his little head sticking out
it’s bc he likes to be near to your heart
it makes him feel safe and close to you
if you get really stressed out, izu will cry for you
he hates it when you’re distressed and won’t be able to think clearly until you’re okay
his whimpers are so sad it literally pains my heart
your pocket hero loves when you bring him up to your cheek so he can latch on and nuzzle you
he’s highkey attached to your hip
he’s not afraid to use puppy dog eyes if you tell him he needs to stay home when you go out
7 times out of 10, you give in
but when it’s necessary for him to stay, he’ll sadly mope around until he hears the door open and runs to you
deku’s got this huge smile on his face that could make the coldest man crack
his tiny footsteps are so cute ughhhh
uses ofa to jump to your face so you can catch him and give him cuddles until he’s satisfied
i adore him
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Bakugo Katsuki:
katuski stands at a whopping 4 ½ inches which is about average
but this particular pocket hero has a bad case of small dog syndrome
make fun of how small he is at your own risk
bc this little dude bites
bakugo’s a hardass about your responsibilities
like the man will not let you procrastinate!
over his dead body
if he catches you slipping, he’ll pull on your ear lobes
screams at you and threatens to blow you up with his tiny explosions too for good measure
you don’t have the heart to tell him his quirk feels like a flick from a two year old
his yelling is kinda scary tho despite sounding like a preschool kid on helium
nevertheless, pls trust that this little guy loves you and only wants the best for you
you don’t catch how he gets up extra early every morning and organizes your desk to the best of his abilities (some of your stuff is heavy)
or how he’ll spend hours going through your music and making playlists to help you study
bakugo complains about doing it, but he’s always down to go through flashcards with you
he’s a smart cookie and has got a keen memory so trust he won’t let you half-ass/forget any important assignments and exams
a mother hen
if you have at least three inches of hair, bakugo likes to stand on the top of your head and tug on your strands to “make you move” like you're under his control
yes, he has an evil laugh
you humor him every time
although, there was one time you threw your head to the side and he almost fell off bc he called you a bad word and you weren’t having it
it hasn’t happened again since
doesn’t go there often bc he wants to be all tough, but his fav place to be is in the crook of your neck where it’s warm and he can feel close to you
pls reward him for good behavior w a lil kiss
he’ll tell you you're being gross and make a big show of wiping your “germs” away
but he secretly loves it
there was one time you didn’t peck him for a week and he actually got nervous in an angry kind of way
asked if you were mad at him in the smallest voice you’ve ever heard him use  
also stomps when he’s angry
pls he’s like the cutest most annoying alarm clock
i love him
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Todoroki Shouto:
if izu and katsuki are the angel on your right, shouto’s the devil on your left
don’t get me wrong, the little guy will suggest you do your work
but…if you can still get the grade you want and skip out on a few things, who is he to say otherwise
a strong advocate of work smarter, not harder LMAOOO
you secretly think it’s bc he likes to take as many naps as he can with you
anyways, shouto is about 4 ¾ inches in height give or a take a couple centimeters
he’s got an unnaturally deep voice for a pocket hero
he’s very quiet, reserved most times, and will be your silent support as you go about your day
but pls don’t think he doesn’t have the slickest mouth known to man just bc he’s quiet
there was one time you asked your teacher a question and they were being difficult
you went back and forth for a few min, failing to notice the irritation growing on todoroki’s face
then he just blurted out, “and you’re supposed to have a degree in education?”
thankfully, your teacher didn’t hear him but when I tell you your heart dropped
you can’t take this man nowhere
he’s just a very sassy pocket hero
you get some lip from him too sometimes but threaten to take away his soba and he’ll shut up real quick
shouto likes to hang out on top of your head and lay there
also likes to sit on your shoulder and idly swing his legs
when you’re both bored in class, he’ll make little ice sculptures to get you more alert
you let him read articles out to you bc his voice is really soothing
todo lives for head pats or when you gently scratch his head with your finger
he’ll chase your finger if you pull away too soon
you think he purrs but shouto won’t admit to anything
when he’s feeling clingy, he’ll raise his arms up signaling for you to hold him in your hand
it’s annoying sometimes bc you need to take notes or something but does it look like this boy cares?
pick him up now!
if you get stressed, he makes you put down whatever you're doing and drink some water
forces you to take a nap if it’s really bad
all pocket heroes have a reserved “bed” so their caretaker doesn’t harm them when they sleep, but todoroki is wiling to risk death if it means curling up on your chest
your heartbeat helps him sleep easier
i wanna protect him at all costs
im no longer accepting requests!
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