#and im always looking for excuses to gush about them and tell the same ppl who already know all about their love
lorephobic · 6 months
im so fr i don’t think anyone in the world cares about jarry as much as i do. maybe emerald fennell but thats IT.
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everythingsinred · 2 years
apparently zoe’s friend coined the phrase “slavaboo” to describe the strange subsection of people who are a little too obsessed with communism and the ussr, call each other comrade, joke about gulags, and pretend to have slavic accents, etc. u know. people who are superficially interested in slavs without knowing anything about slavic culture or history. they took the form of annoying white american boys throughout high school for me and would mansplain to me (incorrectly) about MY culture and history as if their terrible fake russian accent that they put on for kicks trumps my years of being an actual serb. now its tiktok girlies wearing ushankas and making really uncomfortable content about communism and eastern block “aesthetic”.
like on the one hand ushankas are just hats and im really not interested in gatekeeping my culture bc ive always wanted to share it, but tbh what pisses me off is that these ppl ARENT interested in the culture. ill always think back on that post abt cultural appropriation i saw a few years ago, that rightly challenged white ppl pulling elements of poc culture into their lives without first understanding the cultural significance. but that post then turned around and recommended aspects of european culture, specifically slavic and eastern european, that white ppl could use instead (folkwear and holidays), and that pissed me off.
in my balkan class we learned that eastern europe, particularly the balkans, are viewed as europe lite. it’s a strange place to be because obviously were white. thats just a fact. but western europeans view us as savages, uncivilized, a barbaric and war-torn land of backwards people. the first day of class my professor asked us to tell us words we associated with the balkans and GOD DAMN was there plenty of orientalism in that american university classroom. for most of our history we’ve barely been considered europe. our relationship with the word “europe” is so complex and difficult to properly explain. western europe doesnt consider us europe bc were not on their level. so getting grouped in like that, having someone outside of that group give other white people permission to “use” our culture with the same cavalier attitude that they would appropriate poc culture? its UNPLEASANT. i dont like it.
i guess what im trying to say is that knowing about russian war tanks and pilots is cool and all. gushing about eastern bloc architecture and wearing ushankas is fun. but slavic history is a big mess, torn between wanting to be part of the civilized “europe” but also not wanting to reject our specific culture (like the conflict between westernizers and slavophiles in russian history).
im thinking about the heartbreak of telling classmates and friends that i was slavic but having them be more interested in my barebones knowledge of russian history and culture rather than asking me about my serbian culture. that all i was to them was an excuse to talk about the soviet union or the warsaw pact when my country was never even a part of either. they’d get grossed out by the food i brought to school, demonstrate no interest in my culture at all. id watch their eyes glaze over when i excitedly asked them if they wanted me to write their name in cyrillic or teach them serbian phrases... its all so surface level and vapid. tbh really cringe. thats what yall are. cringe. using ur stupid fake slavic accents, calling each other comrades, making jokes about the ussr and gulags as if theres any humor to be found in a gulag. sickening behavior.
i WANT people to be interested in my culture but i want them to appreciate it. i dont want them pulling aspects that they can use for the aesthetic, or for them to oversimplify slavic history or make jokes about the ussr or gulags. i want them learning about folklore and mythology, actually listening to our music (and maybe actual folk music, not just the russian techno ppl like). look at our art, our stories. we have a rich and vibrant and varied culture with many influences. its not all blank cement buildings and ushankas. we have a lot of beautiful culture to offer and it pisses me off how ppl dismiss it.
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babymilkawa · 4 years
random boyfriend headcanons with:
bakugou katsuki
gn!reader :)
no. 2
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bakugou warms up the bed for you with his hands and body while ur doing ur night time routine because he knows u get cold easily
although you'd much rather be in his arms rather than ur side of the bed 🙄 hes being sweet so don't say anything 🤫
one day u bought him a shark tooth necklace and just went up to him and said "you shud wear this, you'd look really hot"
and of course, he already knows he'll look good and because it's you saying it, he'll wear it when he's shirtless and on top of you 😏
sometimes if he's talking too much or being annoying you'll just put the necklace in between his teeth
if u wear slippers when it's cold, denki steals them from u sometimes and bakugou will just carry u wherever until u find them so ur feet don't have to touch the cold ground
maybe even hide them from u a little longer so he'll have an excuse
so we all know bakugou reads romance mangas right
u read them with him and what he does is that he keeps in mind of the specific scenes/panels that you gush about or react to
then when u finish reading it, he'll go back and highlight or type them up in his notes so that he can subtly reenact them with you
but every time he does it ur always like "awww u got that from [blank] didn't you " and he's like "no pssh what r u talking about dumbass"
bakugou loves to annoy you,,,now on that note I will present to you:
vacuum kithes <33>>
sometimes if ur having a soft moment and u just wanna kiss those soft lips of his he'll start sucking ur mouth and it makes this weird suction noise and it's so ANNOYING cuz ur tryna have a moment here
ur covering his mouth with ur hand and he's laughing while biting and licking ur hand
ANOTHER annoying thing is like when u guys wear masks he'll just walk up to you
and pull ur mask so that it snaps back in ur face
he does it to annoy you and to see that cute nose scrunch u do whenever that happens
he'll also bring u close while walking next to you and just back kick his foot to tap ur ass
sry does that make sense?? Idk how else to explain it
ok moving on to online learning related things he does
if u guys have some of the same classes, he'll pin your camera on zoom so that ur face is the largest on his screen and all the extras are tiny
it's just an excuse to stare at u better and u'll never knoww sooo👀
ur teachers ask yall to pick the people in ur breakout groups and yall always pick each other
sometimes there are other people in ur breakout groups but u don't rly care, u just talk to bakugou like normal
he's a little iffy cuz he doesn't want the extras to see a peek in his love life with you but his desire to talk to u is much greater
u guys r the only ones with your cameras on and he hates that it seems like the others r just listening to ur convo
the light is hitting u j right and even with the shitty WiFi u still look stunning
he almost starts grumbling abt how he doesn’t want other ppl to see ur face
for social media, if u guys r just chilling or he's bored, he'll j go onto ur account and start hyping up ur posts like even if they're a year old
cos even better right, no one'll scroll that far and see his comments
u guys even do live videos sometimes, mostly u want to do it and he just sits there
a lot of people join actually and ask u guys questions abt ur relationship
u answer them and bakugou just scoffs at them like "why do u wanna know so bad, huh? stick ur nose somewhere else!"
he thinks tiktok couples r cheesy and evthing is staged and honestly same here but maybe I’m j too single
his phone password
It’s UR FREAKING name with his last name IM GONNA DIE 😫💕
it’s literally bakugouy/n
it’s a little obvious for snoopers like the bakusquad but is this not cute or WHAT
for dates, you'll sometimes let him pick ur outfit if he doesn't want to tell you where y'all are going
and he has good taste ok cuz,,his parents,, 😼
n e ways he dresses u up and the place u end up going like fits PERFECTLY with the fit and the pics yall take will obvi b in ur next sm post
if u have an allowance/budget and u overspend sometimes and u complain like "ugh I can't buy that sweater now cos if I do i'll have to skip my weekly boba drink” 🥺
he grumbles "dumbass, i'll just get it for u, y r u even complaining"
sugar daddy
woooh this was long
but imma have to stop here cuz the list will only get longer and longer
but yea! this is honestly what I think about in my daily life hence the pandemic related tings huehue
there'll prolly b a part 2 <33
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bnha masterlist
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gg-astrology · 5 years
a rambly all-over-the-place personal note! Incase you just want to hear from me and talk to me!! I know i’ve been gone for a while so if any followers old/new wants to hear what I actually say when Im not answering posts, here it is! 💓❤️💓 
the main point so you don’t have to see any of the mess: any asks that talks to me like im google will be deleted! 
note: the main part of this isn’t even about the above so if u’re looking for drama or me angsting you may not find it here!! i think i sound more like im fatigued and on my last brain cells.. talking about everything and being v sappy and mellow.. so!!! 💓❤️💓 no drama. not here! not today! 
ok now, consider:
what do u guys think about me just taking it easy... i dont know if you’ve been here for a while or for long.. but I usually do pretty detailed research posts?? about topics like moon phase in astrology, basics on essential dignitaries, etc. 
Astrology ‘topics’... stuff like ‘what is x chart what does it mean’ or ‘what is x concept how does it work’ -- not about placements usually!!! 💓❤️💓Asks about placements I just answer for fun from my inbox.. but posts I actually make.. those are the type of things!!! 💓❤️💓
And well.. I just came back.. not in the mindset right now.. so i was thinking.. would u be ok/interested if i take a break from those posts and maybe post more idol astrology stuff?? nothing serious, I just want to have fun and talk about placements and gush over people who may have similar placements to us and how good they are + how we can learn from them... 
Its just fun stuff?? very light-hearted (dont talk to me about crying through them sometimes, bc theyre so good even when i see harsh aspects/them going through manifestation of that throughout their careers) -- idk!! I just want to maybe talk about girls for a while and like, ask people to love girls and support/appreciate girl groups and asian soloists and artists... 
idk!! just a thought.. like.. i’ll still answer astro stuff and maybe i’ll slip astro posts in there as well.. 90% of my blog is still main astro stuff.. just that 10% maybe i’ll do more idol readings.. it lifts my spirits and i like talking about them!! i know its a niche in tumblr, esp the kpop gg astro stuff.. but like... girls...!!! and seventeen members (im nearly done oh my god theres 3 more left!!!)
I know i put a lot of effort into the bangtan readings bc theyre like-- the semi between my usual intense stuff and the light-hearted ones so im-- probably not gonna touch them yet (for now)  -- I always have high expectations for them because they have to be a certain Standard. There’s alot of great bangtan astro posts out there -- part of that is also v pressuring. But another part is that I want to contribute to something in the community as well! That is like, new and welcomed and good and Not Bad... so... I’m holding off bc I have to have like, a week to actually write, edit, re-edit, check myself before I (usually) publish them.. so... this is ur warning my bts inner readings wont be coming out soon!! 
im just talking about gg stuff -- or other idols, thinking about twice and gfriend and oh my god.... girl groups...
I rmb I used to do it to promote solo artists that might not have gotten alot of attention as well.. I still have drafts about Bolb4.. now consider: younha... also consider: xiao zhan, wang yibo... oh my god... but what if-- idk!!! idk!!!!!!
Anyways I just want to let u know whats been on my mind!!! I honestly dont really know? I posted the bangtan answer today (with a warning beforehand) and AS SOON AS I PUBLISHED 4 people left -- to be honest its pretty funny,,, its kinda funny right?? i think its funny,,, like kpop repellent,, but also i Get it!!! its not for u its ok dont take this social media thing so seriously... its fine i do it all the time too, dont feel guilty over blocking or unfollowing someone - do it as soon as you feel uncomfy tbh its a safe place for u make it ur safe spot!!
But!! Yeah!! 💓❤️💓 Idol things, thoughts? 💓❤️💓 
And this is not related but I was looking at old questions/asks in my inbox (some that ive alrdy answered but its still there -- like 6 asks? so thats... 6 out of the current 122 asks oof) and people are So Nice and So Polite to me!!!! amazing!!! fortunate!!!! One lucky bitch!!!!! Thats me!!!! Im the lucky bitch, who?? people are just so courteous towards when they request or asks for something?? wow---
Its only like, half way in the middle of my old asks that I realize once its more mainstream astro ppl start sending asks in like im google search... rip anyone who does that i deleted the ask bc i have a faq.. my only rule is that be nice.. not playing by the rules!!!!! 
Its also a little introspective to think about it now.. how back then when I didn’t realize it was happening I carried through and answered them anyways bc like... atleast people were asking?? they’re curious?? right?? keep the public fed! there’s people out there who does enjoy my actual answer than the ask itself...but like... now that i’m back and Refreshen: any asks that talks to me like im google will be deleted. I’ll quote this and put it up before the read more so thats the main meat of this long rant!! 💓❤️💓
basically what im saying about all this is: don’t let people treat you that way, or anyway you don’t feel absolutely positively happy about. I’m still keeping some asks that I do want to answer/I think can be turned into great points. But marie-kondo yourself, you don’t deserve to be treated like someone’s encyclopedia, dictionary or google!!!!!
they don’t really care, and it doesn’t really matter if you answer or not -- bc they can just type in the same thing to other astrologer out there and mayb someone will hit it and answer for them. So!!!! dont compromise, delete anything that doesn’t treat u like human. Bc u’re not a bot!!!! Do better!!! This is from future nita to past nita!!! Do better!!! This is why u burnt out and went awol for like a month!!!!!!!! Dont let this happen again or get into the habit, cry to ur friends!!! Ask ur beta for help!!!!!!! Add some people in as ur admin so they can clearly tell u what is right and whats wrong!!!!! dummie you’re too soft and kind!!!!! stop making excuses for others!!!!!!! do better in 2020!!!!!
So this is my rambling over!!! Answered 42 asks in my queue, know that around 30 of them have already been posted. That’s 72 done today!! Not to mention the 30 yesterday -- I was v dumb and didn’t close the ask box, thus I had +10 asks in my inbox today but its ok!!!!!!! Let the people Speak!!!! I’ll post this PSA now and go I hope u enjoy hearing from me even if I’m just rambling -- love u!! take care of urself!!! i hope this helps or entertain anyone who’s looking to know me better or hear some words from me personally!!!! this is me, signing out!!! 
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