#and im about halfway through the following one (ch. 14)
retellingthehobbit · 1 year
Ahhh thanks everyone for all the kind comments on the last chapter!!! I'm still going through them now to reply to them, but I appreciate you all so much! <333333 (And again, next chapter will happen on July 13th!)
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re: attempting the silm, there are also a few podcasts that I really like!
Sillymarillion is really fun, it’s one friend who knows the lore ™ explaining to their friend who doesn’t know anything, and the second one makes a bunch of silly pop culture metaphors. It doesn’t go strictly chapter by chapter but is more like summarize-y and just describes events in chunks
I also really like That’s What Im Tolkien About! Mary Clay (both are her first name) has been reading/watching all of tolkien for the first time for a few years now, starting with lotr, then The Hobbit, and now the silm. She’s about halfway through I think? The most recent episode was ch 14 but I haven’t been following along in the book for a while lol. But she has a guest on every week, usually a friend who knows a lot about tolkien or (especially for the silm episodes) bigger tolkien creators on social media & some scholars! She’s also very fun to listen to & as a person going through it for the first time is not gatekeepy at all
They’ve definitely inspired me to try to read it myself. them & the gay tolkien server i joined, not knowing everyone there knew way more about ancient elf drama than me 😂
If you wanna do a book club or something too, I’d be super down to join! I also bought myself a special lil notebook and have just been waiting for some free time (lol) or some external reason to do it
"Elf drama" yeah I've heard that's like 90% of it. Also the podcasts sound really fun!
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gocatboygo · 6 years
1-50 for Sarsaparilla?
ohhh my god skfjskdf sarsaparilla has no development whatsoever this is gonna be a blast and a half
1) which faction did they side with (NCR, legion, yes-man, or house)?
she sided with the legion from the time she saw vulpes in nipton bc Romam Armor Look Cool, cured caesar of his tumor & everything, and then just before the battle of hoover dam, assassinated caesar and sided with yes-man. she realized about halfway through her work for caesar that siding with the legion was never going to pay off and decided to Fool Him TM and then take vegas for herself
2) preferred armor?
OOF probably like… leather armor sdkfjsdk i dont know. she wore the tribal raiding armor at the very beginning of the game. she doesnt wear the legion uniform but i imagine her w some Legion Accessories TM like a mark of caesar on her chest or something
3) melee, guns, energy weapons, or unarmed?
melee babey
4) highest skills? secondary skills? lowest skills?
her highest skills are melee, stealth, and medicine (she polishes that up real nice when she realizes caesar has cancer). secondary skills are explosives and lockpick. lowest skills would have to be barter and survival :/
5) SPECIAL stats?
im just guessing at this point bc i dont remember them skdfjkd but i would say ST:5, PE:6, EN:4, CH:4, IN:6, AG:9, LK:9
6) what are their perks?
black widow, cherchez la femme, friend of the night, cannibal, scrounger, ninja
7) favorite companions? least favorite companions?
literally no one will hang out w her bc she’s legion ksdfjsd. she takes boone as a companion at the very beginning of the game and then she has to kill him. her fave would probably be cass, or raul, who is the Only Mf who will talk to her
8) any romantic partners? how do these relationships begin and end? are they healthy?
she thinks vulpes is hot for 0.2 seconds but she also thinks that about violet, gloria van graff, and some securitrons so i wouldnt worry about it
9) gender / sexuality / ethnicity / species / etc.?
cis female / bi / asian / human ((i just realized all my couriers are cis even though im trans as hell sdkfjsdkfsdj yikes))
10) where were they born/raised? when/why did they leave?
she doesn’t remember anything from b4 the bullet but she’s from new reno. she left because it’s new reno.
11) when, why and how did they become a courier? how long did they remain a courier before benny shot them?
she needed work after she left home and delivering packages didn’t seem terrible. she did it for like 2 years max before she got shot
12) how did the bullet affect them?
took out most of her memories (including her name) and sort of scrambled her good sense. she doesn’t feel very much fear, restraint, or remorse anymore, which is why she’s been doing All This recently
13) how did they deal with benny?
seduced him, slept with him, killed him in his sleep, and took his roomba yes-man
14) what’s their reputation with the ncr / the legion?
the ncr - fucking horrible she can barely go on the strip sdjfskdsd. pile body upon body babey. / the legion - superb. sparkling. if she weren’t a woman they’d even stop insulting her
15) what do the people in freeside think of them? the followers, the kings, the garrets, the van graffs?
the followers aren’t a fan of her because of all that legion business. the kings like her because she takes care of rex. the garrets generally dislike her. the van graffs like her a lot because she let them kill cass & did all their quests
16) what’s their reputation with goodsprings / novac / primm? (i know primm reputation was cut from the game but like let’s pretend for a minute sdkfjd)
goodsprings: bad bc she sided with the powder gangers kdsfjs / novac: she did come fly with me so its lookin alright! / primm: very mixed bc she’s pro-powder ganger but she also got them a new sheriff (meyer) 
17) what’s their reputation with the khans / the brotherhood / the boomers / the powder gangers?
the khans: she’s a Legion Ambassador… a shining monument of their new allies… Excellent and yet they know fuckall about her / bos: well she did blow up that whole bunker. / boomers: i dont remember / powder gangers: as i mentioned before she sided with them at goodsprings and made meyer a sheriff so they like her a lot. boxcars is happy to see her
18) what do the people on the strip think of them? the omertas, the white gloves, the chairmen, ncr military police, mr. house? do the gamblers like them?
the omertas: she did cachino’s quest so it’s pretty good / white gloves: idolized / chairmen: hey that’s the fink that killed benny / ncrmp: BAD / mr house: well considering the fact that she killed him, not excellent 
19) what is their motive for taking vegas?
literally just ‘she wants to’. the whole point of this courier was that she’s a no rules run, she’s lost a lot after the bullet scrambled her brain and she’s literally just doing whatever she wants to do
20) do they have a theme song?
no :(
21) what do they look like? how tall are they? are they attractive? any piercings, tattoos, scars?
she has black hair in the “blast back” style. pretty short, like 5′4″. no piercings or tattoos (but she probably gets a legion brand at some point w like the mars symbol or something). there’s of course a bullet scar on her head, and a few around her arms and torso.  
22) how old are they? do they know their birthday? if so, what’s their sign?
she’s in her early-mid twenties, very young. im not sure if she remembers her bday (probs not) but she’s a Sagittarius 
23) do they speak any languages other than english?
god no. she doesnt even try to learn latin jhjhkjgfkj she pronounces all of it wrong and caesar’s like please shut up,
24) can they read, write, do math, sing? did they ever receive an education?
she went to school in new reno so she can do all that. maybe not sing.
25) what were their parents like? are they still on good terms with their parents?
i honestly havent given it much thought. her parents were probably Just Okay TM. she doesn’t remember them.
26) what’s their d&d alignment? (bolded bc i really like that one ksdjfksd)
chaotic neutral, leaning into chaotic evil.
27) how’s their karma?
not great
28) how do they feel about killing people? do they try to avoid it?
like i said, the bullet messed w her remorse a lot, so it doesn’t particularly bother her anymore.
29) do they take chems? if yes, when and which ones?
yes, sometimes! usually mentats, buffout, med-x, or psycho.
30) do they gamble? where? is their luck good?
she likes to gamble. usually at the ultra-luxe. her luck is pretty good!
31) where do they usually sleep? do they have more than one home location? do they live with any other people?
she usually stays in the lucky 38, in her hotel room in novac, or in the tent Big C TM hooked her up with at the fort. if it comes to it she’ll sleep in the ncrcf. no one else really lives in her 38 save for the securitrons
32) what are their favorite weapons? where did they get these weapons?
her caesar’s fall collection legion-brand machete babeyyyy, one n only! she’ll also use a pistol (a light shining in darkness most of the time since u know she sides w joshua graham) or a police baton if that’s appropriate
33) do they flirt a lot? is it well-received?
yes she does and no it isnt! she licked vulpes. just. right on his visibly ugly face. one time she tried to climb yes-man
34) do they goof around a lot? do other people find it funny or do they just entertain themselves?
once again yes she does and no they do not! she’s doin it all for her, baby. chaotic neutral here we go
35) what do their companions think of them? are they close? have they done any companion quests?
the companions,, obviously dont think very well of her most of the time bc she’s legion. cass thinks she’s a Real Wild Card and respects her for that at first. raul doesn’t like her very much but he’ll still travel with her from time to time just to see what she Does TM.
36) why did you create them?
i wanted to do a no rules run! like i thought it would be cool to just. do the craziest things i could think of in fnv and do it all with one courier. and thus sarsaparilla was born
37) do they draw, paint, play any instruments?
hell no
38) how do they deal with injuries? do they use stimpaks, healing powder, med-x? does a companion help them? can they bear a lot of pain, or do they need to attend to injuries immediately? when they do have to see a doctor, do they have a preferred doctor, or do they just see anyone?
she uses all 3 depending on how bad the wound is. for minor wounds she uses healing powder because she has an abundance of it from the legion, but since she has fairly low endurance she often just has to use stimpaks & med-x. she’s not very tolerant to pain all of the time? but if she has a lot of adrenaline (which she comes by very easily) she can all but ignore it entirely. she doesnt have a preferred doctor
39) have they ever been irradiated? how did they deal with it? did it have lasting effects?
probably a few times but she just threw up and then took a bunch of rad-away and ended up fine. she’s never been damaged by radiation permanently 
40) in conversation, are they kind? gentle? sarcastic? rude? do they speak warmly and openly with people, or are they more guarded? do they talk a lot?
she’s somewhat talkative, she mostly says whatever pops into her head whenever it comes to mind so her talking is just. a big mess of Thoughts She Had. she likes making a lot of jokes that are mostly for her
41) do they like long journeys through the mojave, or do they prefer to travel more quickly? do they prefer using roads or travelling through the deep desert?
she likes to travel quickly. no time to waste! she’s almost always using the roads
42) name a random fact about your courier.
she thinks it’s really funny to blow vulpes’s cover whenever she sees him undercover on the strip & she almost gets killed every single time. oh holy shit it’s vulpes! vulpes inculta! spelled v-u-l-p– oh my god its the ncr mp quick vulpes take your dick out in this gift shop
43) do they watch movie holotapes? what are their favorites? least favorites?
yes but shes literally only seen blazing saddles, gladiator, and we bought a zoo
44) what do they do with the lucky 38? do they like being there? do they leave their companions there? if they’re a yes-man courier, do they open it back up as a casino?
she doesn’t leave companions there too often, like i said. she likes it pretty well bc of the robots and the hot water? but i think that she really prefers staying in hotels except for special occasions. she doesnt open it back up bc yes-man kills her sldkfjds great transition 
45) what do they do after hoover dam?
yes-man says fuck work and just absolutely murders her. hes like ok enough of this and finds a new human to do what he needs done skdfjksd
46) how do they die? how is their death received, by the mojave and by their companions?
yes-man fucking KILLS her ass! the mojave takes a great big breath of relief knowing they wont have to watch her shenanigans anymore skdjfds
47) what are their vices? are they an alcoholic, a thief, a hoarder?
oh boy literally all of them. she definitely steals a lot but thats literally just. a part of her “do whatever you want” complex that Is TM her greatest vice
48) can they cook, and if so, what do they cook? what are their favorite & least favorite foods?
she absolutely cannot. she likes pizza from the tops dskfjkds
49) did they kill caesar? vulpes inculta? what about prominent ncr figures, like kimball and colonel hsu?
yes she did kill caesar! her securitrons killed vulpes at hoover dam and she was power-tripping so hard she didn’t realize they’d already gotten to him. she probably didnt think about him again before she died. she didnt assassinate kimball herself but she definitely assisted in making the assassination go smoothly, and im sure her robots got to hsu sometime before she had yes-man throw oliver off the dam skdjfskd
50) what’s their happiest memory?
not to be fake deep but all this shit she does obviously causes more adrenaline than happiness. you could say that it’s when yes-man threw oliver off the dam, because that was her most exhilarating moment, or you could say that it was when she woke up in goodsprings, because it was the last time she was calm and being taken care of.
thank u so much if u read all this and thank you for sending me this ask. it took a long time but its a good exercise like i said skdfjsdf. send me more if these if yall have the heart, maybe not a whole 1-50 but like ! & please reblog my fnv courier questions post because i do think its nice, bye
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