#and ill just reply like 'omg wtf did he say i knew he was bad news'
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chickenkooks · 8 years ago
This is!!!!!!!! Wow !!!! I have so many things to say like 1. At the bts concert Jhope was the one who like wrecked my soul (especially bc I got hit by the water he threw from his water bottle) and Jungkook's speech was actually the cutest so I feel you ! 2. Were you at the got7 fanmeet in January or the concert bc I was totally at the fanmeet omg 3. And the block b concert from like a year and a half ago?? That was the first concert I ever went to??? More in the next ask -best friend anon
anonymous asked:
!! Ok !! 4. My own tag??! You’re the sweetest omg 5. I live like an hour away from Chicago!! You’re so close !! 6. I’m so glad you’re such a positive and sweet and nice person bc seeing you respond to all your asks with such sincerity is really refreshing 7. I’m so excited for the preview + tra part 3!!!!! 8. I swear I’ll make a blog that isn’t a personal blog one day so I don’t have to hide myself from irl people anymore -best friend anon (+ my numbering in this list might be totally off oops)
anonymous asked:
Oh wait I totally forgot to mention that I feel like the exact same way you do about Jungkook bc I constantly call him a loser and insult him even though he’s my favorite + one of my closest friends is a Jin stan who lowkey tries to swerve me into his lane all the time but it’s fine everything is fine -best friend anon
1) OMG I KNOW MY FRIEND THAT CAME WITH ME RECORDED J-HOPE THE ENTIRE TIME HES ON FIRE WHEN HES PERFORMING his solo was LIT and omg i know it was so amazing actually being there because u can see accounts of ppl going to a concert but experiencing it urself is another thing entirely!!!!!!! so the fact that chicago’s concert had its own special thing, like the bunny ears n the ment jungkook said JUST for chicago was really nice!!!!!! 
2) i did not actually go to the fanmeet. if i had more money i think i would’ve :-( but its just because i already saw them in concert so i would rather buy 1000 potatoes instead. im sure the fanmeet was fun though!!!! 
4) OMG NO UR THE SWEETEST ahhh i look forward to ur asks so much even though ur on anon i consider u a friend!!!!!! even tho u do not consent :-D
5) AND REALLY OMG ive lived in chicago my entire life and so since most groups go to chicago when they have a us tour i try to go!!!!!! but i secretly pray they dont because i like having money n i wouldnt ever drive to california
6) aw thank you so much!!!!! u guys are so nice to me. i really dont see myself as that nice since i think being kind to ur readers and followers is just what u should do? u guys can always ask me the same question over and over because i do love talking to u guys!!!!!! know that i genuinely mean that
7) I GOT THESE LAST NIGHT AND WAS ACTUALLY UP EDITING THE PART BUT THIS SHOULD POST SOMETIME FRIDAY MORNING but im so excited too to see what u guys think!!!!!! i hope its not disappointing at all!!!!!! it’ll probably be up in a few hours. i think i queued it for like 5 PM CDT?
8) and you honestly dont have to if it makes u uncomfortable!!!!! ofc thats not to say i wouldnt love talking to u privately because i would love to but i never wanna pressure any of u guys to come off anon!!!!! so only if u want to!!!!!!
9) i made this number up for ur third message BUT SAME sometimes i consider myself a jinkook stan because i literally love jin so much??? BUT YEAH IM SURE SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST LIKE “LMAO WHAT A LOSER WHY CANT SHE JUST ADMIT SHE LOVES JUNGKOOK N STOP ACTING LIKE THIS” but when u love someone. n really love someone. u gotta call them an idiot once
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ofmoonlight-androses · 8 years ago
Deity!Seventeen AU - Hoshi, God Of Festivities
Author’s note- I’ve actually planned out an entire au for like,,,which gods all of seventeen would be, so if you wanna see more for any reason just send me an ask for who you’d like to see lmao
Hoshi is one of the most well known gods
Each god has a festival dedicated to them during a day in the year, and Hoshi’s is the most grand
Think Mardi Gras in New Orleans
The streets get completely decked out in decorations and lights, people set up food stalls and knick knack tables, along with game booths and more
He usually just improves the overall mood of any celebration, like even for a little kid’s tiny birthday party he makes sure that each person involved is having as much fun as possible
He’s one of the gods most heavily associated with humans and because of that he’s one of the most revered/loved
Even if he doesn’t show himself often, people can often sense his presence when he’s watching over a celebration because it can go from boring and borderline awkward to downright jovial
And now to you
You had always liked the annual festivals for the gods
They always had special food and games and when you were younger you had memories of winning prizes and goldfish from the lil game stalls (you still had some of the stuffed animals lining your shelves in your room)
But,,,at the same time,,festivals were meant to be spent with many people
So while you had always loved the festivities,,this year you were…,disappointed
Because of some Typical School Drama, you had found yourself friendless, which was a kick to the teeth on its own, but now you couldn’t even attend the year’s biggest event because you were too scared of seeming like a loser by going by yourself
You had actually planned for this to be the one time in your life you missed Soonyoung’s festival,,even though it had always been your favorite, simply because you didn’t want to embarrass yourself
But your parents downright refused
They wouldn’t accept any excuse for you to miss you favorite time out of the year,,,,so, that’s how you found yourself in the town square, alone just outside of the crowd and surrounded by glowing lanterns and laughter
And okay it was…,, just a bit heartbreaking
Here you were, at the festival that you had made so many good memories at every year,,but you almost wanted to cry because you were all alone and apart from everyone else who were having fun and enjoying every aspect of the party with their loved ones and friends
Meanwhile, Soonyoung had sensed something was up
He’s a god of festivities so of course he naturally has a perfect read of the emotions swirling in the air around him, especially at the festival dedicated to him
And he had been enjoying himself for the most part; he didn’t directly attend his own celebration in human form seeing as Jihoon had told him it was an exceedingly bad idea (Jihoon: if you show up in your physical form you’re gonna end up getting yourself drunk and making a repeat of the festival in 1838   hoshi: but that wasn’t that bad-   jihoon: you caught a food stall on fire. Four times   hoshi: ,,,fine), so he decided to just watch over it
And then,,,apart from all the emotions of joy and fun,,,there was something else
Disappointment, withdrawal, and overwhelming sadness,, all emanating from you who had resigned themself to a bench just outside of the town square
And in true hoshi spur-of-the-moment fashion, he decided to say screw it to Jihoon’s warning and made his way to you
You had been scrolling through your phone, refreshing the same four apps and your mood only worsening because apparently every single social media page was overflowing with pictures of the festival. The same festival in which you were alone at and you weren’t going to cry about it even though your eyes were definitely burning and you really wanted to cry because hell this was pathetic-
But then suddenly someone was sitting next to you and leaning forwards so they were in your line of sight
And even worse it was a cute boy and fuck your eyes were probably red and hell you looked so stupid maybe he wanted to tell you it was pathetic that you were here all alone and you knew that he wouldn’t and that it was just your mind fucking with you but what if-
But he simply asked if you were enjoying the festival with a soft smile on his face
(you weren’t sure what it was about him because usually that question in this scenario would,,,upset you more because cmon of COURSE you weren’t enjoying it but. Somehow you felt comforted)
So you just answer with a shrug and look down at your feet, saying,,,well not really because..,,, its no fun when you’re alone
And you nearly jump out of your skin when he grabs your hand and pulls you to your feet, flashing you a beaming smile as he starts pulling you back towards the crowd and hes like well good thing you aren’t alone anymore!!! Cmon what do you want to do? let’s buy some food!!
Part of you is really freaked out because wtf you don’t even know this guy why are you letting this happen ??? but another part,,,,a much larger part,,,is kinda happy??? Like this guy had seen you were upset and was trying to cheer you up and his eyes were so genuine,,,,,,plus he was really cute
He was also buying you food how could you say no
Somehow being around him was making you forget about all the drama that had hung over you before
But wait shit you dont even know his name whoops better ask for that
And so u ask and,,,when he replies with Hoshi ur like okay thats really cute omg but like internally because you’d prolly jump off a bridge if you said that out loud
Him: thank you!!! I’d say your name is cute too but i don’t know it
You internally: time to jump oFF A BRIGE
You externally: its y/n haha :))) didn’t mean to say that out loud but y’KnOw
Next thing you know hes ruffling your hair and hes like i was right!!!!! It is a super cute name good thing we match huh?
Ur 100% blushing
And Hoshi just leads you around the festival, keeping conversation flowing so easily that you wonder for a moment if this is actually happening because?? Here’s this absolutely gorgeous boy seemingly with a heart of pure GOLD and hes??? Listening to you attentively and following up your dumb jokes and jesus christ he’s so extra but in like,,,the good way
like ,,,at one of the game stalls he was just like BET YOU 20 BUCKS I CAN WIN THE GIANT HAMSTER PLUSHIE and ur like BET YOU 20 BUCKS YOU CANT
And of course hoshi doesn’t like losing so he might have used his godly powers just a bit,,,and you’re like damn oh well a bet’s a bet and you’re digging money out of your pocket and normally he’d GLADLY take money but
,,,this time he couldn’t accept it because hell he was trying to help you have fun and he wasn’t accepting offerings rn, so he was just like nono that’s fine actually here have the hamster-
And youre like but we made a bet
Him: hmm,,,,right,,how about you give me a smile instead?
But Hell u were NOT expecting that and you feel your face getting hot and hes just like woahhh cuTE and you’re like HUSH GIVE ME A SECOND
And after going around the festival,,, Hoshi buying you snacks you looked at for longer than a second,,winning you cheap game stall prizes and even a bag of goldfish,,,you couldn’t help but think that somehow this had become one of the best festivals you’ve ever been to
Not a moment had passed where you weren’t having fun or smiling and you knew that it was all thanks to Hoshi
And so you were just a bit reluctant to head back home, even when the last firework show had ended and your mom told you to start heading back over text,,,you just wanted this to last forever
But you tell hoshi that you have to head home,, and he does look a bit sad but hes like ill walk you home!! And you joke like what do u just wanna see me more lmao and hes like yeah of course???
Cue you almost choking on air because Hell what the Fu k that was too genuine sounding what is this????? Feeling??? No none of that in this house
You cough to hide the flustered noise you made,,,and then you were walking in the direction of your house, a bag of goldfish held carefully in your arms and with Hoshi walking next to you and talking excitedly about his friend Woozi
You: woozi? That’s a cute name
Him: yeah but hoshi’s cuter isnt it
You: i dunno-
And ur like yes yes hoshi is a cuter name,,in fact this fish is gonna be called hoshi
Soonyoung is screaming inside like wtf,,,,this human is so cute,,,and he kinda starts feeling bad that he probably won’t ever see you again,,
(somewhere in the distance, Jihoon has begun screaming)
Out of nowhere, he just bursts out IM A GOD
You: sure sure ur a god of the game booths like you won every single-
But hes like NO IM SERIOUS im sOONYOUNG and ur like lmao alright but hes like pouting because wth!!!!!
And you just adjust the goldfish bag and ur like sure id believe you if you did something godly lmao
And of course you were just joking because cmon,,,,you believe in the gods but seriously?? The god of Festivities taking a human form just to cheer you up? You weren’t that special-
But then he coughs to get you attention anD WHAT THE FUCK IS HE FLOATING
You trip over your own feet in fuckin shock because wait are you SERIOUS the actual god of festivities sHOWED HIMSELF TO YOU TO CHEER YOU UP WHAT
And hes just casually like i told you!!! And you can’t really retort because there’s your house but you also wanna fuck with him,,,like just a bit because,,,,,it was really funny when he was upset that you didn’t believe him
So you’re just like ok so you can float??? Big Whoop only a Real God could summon forty pounds of gold right here right now
You: god??? More like con
He’s screaming inside but you just nudge his shoulder and say jokingly “hey ill believe you’re a god if you go to prom with me”
But it turned on you because he was like OKAY SURE like rIGHt away and youre like wAIt-
He just asks for when it is and what to wear and ur,,,,gonna ride this good luck train because hell you weren’t gonna have a friend to go with anyways so?? Why not ?? plus ur kinda like,,,its not like hes gonna actually do it anyways like??
He’s probably gonna forget about you after he goes to wherever gods go,,,right?
Anyways,,you go into your house and before you close the door he just says “see you later!!” and ur like haha sure ok bye
And ur mom is like :))) did you have a good time??? Aren’t you glad you went??? Ur like oml FINE OK i had fun GOD MOM
Before you go to bed you pull out your old fish tank and clean it out before putting ur new buddy in,,bc ur fish is a KING he won’t be rotting away in some BOWL no he deserves a fully filtered tank with a bunch of decorations ((take care of your fish properly kids))
But,,,,it wasn’t the last time you saw Soonyoung
Because like two days later??? You hear your mom say that your friend was downstairs and ur like lmao what friend but whAT the fuck soonyoung is in your LIVING ROOM
And okay you’re DELIGHTED because you may or may not have missed him even though you only knew him for a few hours,, so ur like fuck it this god is my friend now lets go play mario kart
His godly powers might be able to win rigged fair games but he has no power over the domain of video games
Translation: he got really upset because you beat him 6 times in mario kart and 3 times on wii sports
And without realizing it,,,it kinda became normal for you to hang out with him?? Like sometimes he wouldn’t even go to your front door like normal and you’d just hear knocking at your window and at first you almost had a heart attack,,but now you’re just like oh its Soonyoung
Your favorite part of the day becomes learning the latest Divine Drama
Soonyoung: so Jeonghan was teasing Chan so Chan got upset and called Seungcheol but then Jeonghan just ended up teasing Seungcheol and so Seungcheol called Jihoon-
You: omg he did NOT
Soonyoung: he DID-
Sometimes you’ll leave stupid lil gifts at Soonyoung’s shrine like a little trinket at a garage sale that reminded you of him and he always gushes about it to the other gods like loOOK my human friend got me a THING do any of your followers do that???? No????? Well guess im just the best-
He also occasionally shows up to walk you home from school bc he’s impatient and wants to talk with you bc cmon you’re the most fun human he’s met-  well,,, fun in the sense that he knows you, and he doesn’t know many other humans as well as he knows you
And plus you always laugh at his jokes and the other gods don’t
But,,,as the days tick closer to prom which,,you were actually getting quite excited about because hell you actually??? Had a trustworthy date because Soonyoung reminded you constantly that he would show up,,so you couldn’t help but believe him
Alas, Jihoon has started catching on to Soonyoung’s feelings towards you,,and he’s seen gods that have fallen for humans before and it usually ends one of two ways
One: very very good, everyone ends up happy and theres a new god in the land
Two: very very bad, either the god has to watch the human die or the god has to abandon the human and it hurts both parties involved
And though Jihoon might pretend not to worry about the other gods,,,he doesn’t want to see Soonyoung hurt
So,,,though he doesn’t want to,,,as the god of reason he felt required to pull Soonyoung aside,,
And Jihoon explains like,, Soonyoung i know you like this human a lot but,,please think about what you’re dealing with
Soonyoung’s just like i know what im dealing with im dealing with a lovely person
Jihoon just sighs,,,,like no i mean seriously. Before you leap, think-  are you going to get tired of this human as soon as another interesting one stumbles along? Are you going to accidentally involve this human in matters they can’t control? We’re gods, Soonyoung, and though it’s fun to be around humans, it’s dangerous. So think about what you’re going to do before either of you get hurt
And soonyoung just,,,sobers up completely and he can’t help but,,,realize that he was just a bit caught up in you…
He couldn’t imagine hurting you?? Thinking back to when he first met you,,it broke his heart to have learned why you had been crying all alone at his festival and,,,,he really, really didn’t want to be the cause of that, ever…
So he decided; he would stay away from you for now,,,but if he still missed you after the time passed, he would see you again
But even then he didn’t realize that he was making choices before thinking
When Soonyoung didn’t show up at your house for a few days, you thought nothing of it
He was a god with duties to fulfill; you understood that and so you weren’t upset or anything when he was gone for a few days. Of course, playing video games and doing homework alone was less fun without him there,,but you could manage
You trusted him to keep his promise to go to prom with you,,and you even allowed yourself to get fully excited. You had even picked out a dress that was actually expensive,,and even tho ur not like,,a cheesy person….
Interally ur like,,,,,i hope  he thinks its pretty but right after that ur like wtf is this????a drama?????
Regardless, no amount of internal irony or cynicism can stop you from excitedly waiting at your meeting spot the night of the prom,,,just a little bench that you two would eat lunch at together on weekends
And you were all dressed up, your hair styled up all fancy and your makeup done by someone way more equipped with liquid eyeliner than you'd ever be,, and you can’t help but smile as the clock ticks closer and closer to the time you agreed on
Then 7pm hits, and hes still not there, but you don’t worry because hey even gods can’t make it on the dot right?
As each minute ticks by, you feel the pain in your chest grow,,,of course when you had first met him, you had expected this outcome, but after all the time that had passed you had really grown to trust him
When the clock finally hits 10, you swallow the lump in your throat and head back home, holding back your tears so that you could at least tell a decent lie to your parents that you had fun with your friends
Soonyoung had been thinking, more than any carefree god of partying usually would, about you
Because,, while he understood Jihoon’s warning...he really didn’t like staying away from you
He missed hearing you rant about your teachers and the stupid questions people asked in class, he missed how you would fall backwards whenever you laughed really hard and how, if he told the perfect joke, your laugh would turn loud and goofy. He missed how you would pretend to be annoyed when he whined about how you weren’t paying attention to him,,,he just missed you
Jihoon: :)
Soonyoung: what’s with that face. Why aren’t you disappointed.
Jihoon: you actually made a decision on your own,,, just wait until seungcheol hears this-
Everyone fears Seungcheol’s Dad Mode.
But, as Soonyoung prepares to run back to you and apologize for his absence,,Jun stops him
Because, guess who has a charm in their house for Jun?? Of course you would, your family believed in every god no matter how small,,,,and so,, Jun knew what happened
And hes just like Soonyoung,,my man, what time is it
Soonyoung: time to tell y/n i like them??
And jun is like oh my god i meant literally
Soonyoung’s like oh its 11- OH MY GOD PROM JUN HOW BADLY HAVE I FUCKED UP
The moment Jun just shakes his head, Soonyoung is ready to Die because usually Jun LOVES rubbing mistakes in people’s faces,,,,not even like in the mean way because usually they’re minor,,,,but if he’s not even gonna say
well,,,Soonyoung makes it to your house in record time and oh hell he can definitely feel that something is very, very off
He’d always been able to sense when you were upset, he just never knew it would hurt so much to realize that he had caused it,,,because if he listened hard enough he could hear you crying through the window
And its fair to say that you were only upset more when you hear a familiar knock at your window
All the hurt that had built up in you at every hour that had passed sitting alone in the dark turned to anger the moment he showed up
And you hated feeling angry,,you hated feeling all the negative energy running under your skin because it made you want to punch a wall but you never would so all it did was turn to bitter tears and more anger
So,,when you got up and went to your window only to see soonyoung….you closed the blinds
Or,,you try to but he sEEs your plan and his hand just slams on the window anD HES LIKE Y/N PLEASE DONT LET ME EXPLAIN-
And ur like what?? Ur gonna explain why you ditched me? Dont worry i understood your message anyways
His heart? Shattered into a million pieces
But,,,ur weak and too kind for your own good, so you open the window anyways because its probably cold outside
Soonyoung just tumbles in on hes knees and hes like liSTEN YOU DONT HAVE TO FORGIVE ME BUT LET ME EXPLAIN ILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU 1000%
You just wipe your eyes and nod bc even though you’re really, really upset,,you still know deep down that Soonyoung doesn’t have a mean bone in his body,,,,and usually if he does something rude its always on accident,,
And then he just SPILLS everything that’s happened in the last week; what Jihoon warned him about, how he got worried about hurting you (you: you already did that   him: I  kNow im so sososososososososososo-   you: soonyoung-   him:SOSOSOSOSOS O SO SORRY) and how he decided to stay away from you just so that he would have some time to think about what choice to make clearly
Before you can even get a word in he just jumps to his feat like listE N ILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU wanna go to a restaurant??? Ill buy you food we can go to the fanciest one in town gO get ready lets go!!!
He just looks so ready to GO ur just like okay,,,,just a minute,,
You gotta make it look like you haven’t been crying for the past half hour,,,and for a moment you can’t help but smile because when you look back he’s bouncing on his feet and staring at the clock on your wall and,,,soonyoung always displays his emotions so clearly its endearing,,
Before you know it soonyoung has your hand, dragging you down the streets and talking a mile a minute,,,
And ur just like soonyoung,,,soONYOUNG and he pauses in the middle of his sentence about the super fancy restaurants like ???
You make him stop walking bc ur lowkey exhausted because everything is happening FAST and you’re like hey listen i see what your goal is but how about we get some cheap fast food instead and just hang out??? Like normal??
Its like you just gave him a puppy like his face just LIGHTS UP and you see his Signature Hamster Smile
So you buy like two handfuls of chips and junk food from the nearest convenience store and Soonyoung says theres this really nice clearing in the woods to hang out in and he can tell Joshua to leave the two of you alone
And thats how you find yourself sitting on a log next to a pretty little pond in the middle of the woods with a god next to you who is. Currently struggling to hold the armful of snacks you guys bought at the 24 hour convenience store buy your house
You can kinda tell that Soonyoung is walking on eggshells around you,,,like his jokes don’t poke fun at you and he makes sure to give you any snack u ask for when he would usually make you play rock paper scissors for dibs,,
Okay you can’t help it because the thought he was putting into his actions was. Really endearing but at the same time you kinda want old rambunctious soonyoung back
So you push him slightly with your shoulder and you say, “Okay Soonyoung, I’m still a bit upset but I forgive you okay? Just explain a bit more ask to,,,like,,..why you avoided me??”
Once again, he acts like you just gave him the fucking world n for a moment you wonder if its okay for a god to be so easily impressed but you brush it off as he starts explaining
And its basically him repeating the speech Jihoon gave him and you’re nodding along until he’s like well I decided to say screw the rules like i mean i know it’s kinda weird for a god to fall in love with a human but hey whatever right-
You’re entire mind just kinda,,, fizzles out
In love??? God in love with a human?????? What?? //taps mic// hello?? What the fuck??
Soonyoung notices that you froze and he just blinks at you, not really understanding what he said to make you freeze up
You: s-soonyoung you s-said-
Soonyoung: that im in love with you? Yeah
And hes just like well if you don’t like me back then we can pretend i never said anything but,,, im just sayin I’m a god and i can read emotions pretty well so i know you like me back :)
You push him off the log and he almost cries when his cheetos fall into the dirt
~~dating a LITERAL GOD~~
You wanna have a significant other that’s your best friend at the same time BOOM. SOONYOUNG
So its partially the same to how it was before; he still comes over and tries and fails to beat you at video games, he distracts you from school work (but only because he could tell you were starting to get stressed) and he still teases the everloving shit out of you
But at the same time, he kisses u. A LOT
Like Soonyoung is the world’s GREASIEST boyfriend ever,,,like he uses fucking pickup lines and youre like soonyoung we’re already dating and hes still like BECAUSE YOU’RE THE ONLY TEN I SEE
(you love it but you’ll never say it outloud)
He actually takes you to meet all the other gods?? Like he can’t take you to the god’s dimension because you’re human and all but he can call them down to meet u
Jihoon is like oh hey, you’re the human that soonyoung always talks about
Soonyoung is like jihoon SHHhshHSH but its too late youre already like :)))) oh so he talks about me?
Truth is Jihoon 100% plans on getting back at Soonyoung for worrying him so he makes sure to explain in detail all the things soonyoung told him about you
“Oh yeah one time he came back and i asked him why he was smiling and he said, and i quote-” soonyoung is fuckign writithing on the floor like JIHOON PLEASE NO “AND I QUOTE, ‘Jihoon you wouldn’t understand you don’t know what LOVE is like’”
You never let it go. You tease soonyoung about it constantly and he grumbles about how he would kill jihoon if gods weren’t immortal-
But every time he can never stay mad at you because you always kiss him on the cheek and he can’t help but smile
Sometimes he likes to play around and be like “youd COWER in the face of my true powers” but at the same time hes like “Y/N LOOK LOOK LOOK” while he makes a bunch of tiny glowing orbs that look like multicolored fireflies just because he wanted to impress you
Whenever you’re upset he can obviously sense it and he always tries his best to cheer you up, and if its something that a simple joke won’t fix, he’s always good at listening
Like,,,you don’t know if its the whole ‘god’ thing or not but he just always makes everything feel a bit less serious, like your world won’t end with a mishap
As a whole, dating god of festivities Kwon Soonyoung is happy and fluffy, with a side of lovely Godly Drama that he always spills to you as soon as it happens
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