#and if you like found footage then raonoke (sxith season)
madegeeky · 11 months
31 Days of Horror Movies (?/31)
Okay, I know I said horror movies, but media would have been over-reaching (I'm not talking about video games or books, though do check out the Shining, it's amazing). And I'm not sure if there's any word that encompasses both movie and tv. (Watch, one of you assholes (affectionate) will tell me within 5 mins of me posting this.) But, I'm going to list some tv anyway, because it's my list and you can't stop me.
Inside No. 9: An anthology series in which each episode is a self-contained story and the genres range from drama to comedy to dark comedy to horror to black comedy. ... As with any other anthology that exists, there are going to be episodes you love, episodes you hate, and episodes that fall everywhere in-between. Most of the eps, for me, fall at least into the "like" category which is how it made this list. With only 6 eps per season and 2 specials, with each ep running 30 mins, for a tv show it's not a huge time commitment.
American Horror Story: Asylum: The second season of AHS follows the stories of "patients" and staff at an asylum in 1964. ... I made myself go with only one season of AHS and it was a no brainer that it'd be this one. The writers had really hit their stride with this one but weren't yet bogged down by all that had come before it (which was only one season). The characters are some of the best characters that have ever been written or acted in the series and the stories are some if its tightest. It's worth noting, though, that AHS is infamous for, as I put it, throwing everything including the kitchen sink into a story and this season is no exception.
The Haunting of Hill House: A fractured family confronts haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it. ... If there's one show that you decide to give a try, this is the show you should watch. Some of the tightest writing I've ever experienced, amazingly acted, absolutely gorgeous character work, and the sixth episode, Two Storms, to this day takes my breath away. Definitely top 5 best tv shows I've ever watched. There is also another series from the same writer, The Haunting of Bly Manor, which is nowhere near as good but as some really amazing moments.
The Last of Us: A man must help a young teen girl get across a fungal-zombie filled United States. ... Man, if you'd told me that there'd be a zombie tv series on this list before I watched this series, I would have raised a very skeptical eyebrow at you. I tend to find zombies somewhat boring, all the survivors are always depressingly horrible to each other, and a tv show is long form which means that these two things are usually drawn out awfully long. But this show does it all right. The writing is amazingly tight, the character and relationships are great, the emotions are there and feel real and meaningful, and my only major complaint is a grudging one because this show is literally so well-written there's no way to change it without ruining the tightness of the script. So, insert "I guess" meme here.
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