#and if you can't sit back and leave the story in their hands
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fluffeebunzzz · 1 day ago
Love and Deepspace ✨️
The LI's being parents - Xavier, Rafayel, Zayne, Sylus and Caleb
Self insert x Reader
Warnings - none, Fluff, slight angst with Caleb if you squint on the song.
🌟 Xavier: I think would be a boy dad, I can totally see him with your son passed out on his shoulder. Taking after his dad with his excessive amount of sleep bordering on concerning. His soft little sighs as his little hands hold onto Xavier's shirt while his Dad just plops himself down onto the floor inbetween your legs. Leaning his back against the couch and leaning his head back to look at you from his position. "Requesting head rubs for me and our little star?" Who are you to deny the both of them? You have two hands, after all.
🐟 Rafayel: Rafayel is a girl dad through and through. He would be the type to spoil the hell out of your daughter and when she develops his over dramatic antics he's regularly requesting back up from you.
It all started when Thomas gifted her an artist Barbie for her birthday and since then your daughters been trying to paint everything she could get her hands on. It also didn't help that the paint she procured was from Rafayels reject bin, a mass of shades and paints that didn't pass his quality test. "No sweet pea, you can't use that shade of green, its bad. It would clash, here let me get you-", "You're bad Papa!" She would shout back at him in a childish outburst that only a toddler could do so confidently. Confidently enough that it would leave Rafayel flabbergasted while he watches her proceed to paint her Barbie car that horrible seafoam green he hated while he yells for you to come help him.
⛄️ Zayne: Whole heartedly believe he would be a girl dad, no question about it. I can see him reading her bedtime stories and being the one to provide emergency surgeries to her stuffed animals. "Mr.Stuffins hurt his paw again? Where'd he get hurt this time snowflake?" Through fat tears holding Mr.Stuffins disembodied limb your daughter would bable back, "H-he got caught on t-the slide when I went down and I hurt him." Smiling softly he'd wipe her tears away and pat her head gently before taking the limb from her hands. "It's okay sweetheart, Papa's going to fix him right up. Do you want to help hold him steady?" Letting her know it's okay and so she can get closure on accidently hurting her stuffie.
🐦‍⬛ Sylus: Sylus I can see as having two daughters with you. You're currently pregnant with your second while sitting on the couch next to Sylus. All the while your 3 year old is digging through your hair supplies, determined to make her dad pretty. Grabbing handfuls of butterfly clips and star clips to press in, she's creating sporadic patches of hair that sticks up in small pigtails. Her hands clap together in joy as her work comes together while Sylus is gently teasing her - "Be careful, little bird. You're going to make your dad go bald." Giggles erupting from her as she grabs another clip with red gems surrounding it, reaching her small hand out to his for his approval before he laughs and gives the go ahead. (Do you or do you not feel Bonita Sylus?)
🍎 Caleb: Caleb would 100% be a dad to twins, 1 boy and 1 girl. He was absolutely ecstatic when you told him, clearing off his schedule for the next two weeks leaving Liam to handle things unless under dire means. He's immediately taking you to pick out nursery supplies, making the spareroom in Skyhaven into their nursery and getting giddy over baby clothes with you. He's already plotting out decorative themes, airplanes, ships, apples, sunflowers, you name it. His favorite nursery find in particular was the windchimes he found while picking up formula that you could program to play certain songs - his go to song for it was "You are my Sunshine".
He also knew that the pregnancy was going to take it's toll on you just due to the nature of it being twins and thus after giving birth to your twins he purchased a twin holster. That way he could keep the two strapped to his chest while they slept against him while he cooked dinner for the both of you. Your son was starting to get fussy when Caleb crouched down to grab a pot to start his soup base in as he rubs a soothing hand against his back bouncing himself on one heel as he stands. "Shhh, its okay peanut I got you. Mama's resting, are ya hungry?" He'd offer, reaching into the fridge and moving to heat up some of the milk stored for your babies. Swiftly popping a warm bottle into your sons mouth, while checking on your daughter who's still out cold on his chest. Listening to the quiet content sighs your son was making while drinking Caleb starts humming a soft nonsensical tune to himself, or should I say it's only nonsensical if you havent heard the song that would play on the windchimes in their nursery. Caleb continues cooking for you and your family. He's forever grateful to you for being back in his life and for gifting him his sunflower babies.
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ayukas · 2 days ago
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synopsis when lee haechan was fourteen, he thought he'd found forever in the fleeting moments of a summer spent with you. but forever isn’t promised, and he can't seem to let go.
genre angst, summer love au, coming of age word count 1.4k
notes ayukas stop writing for hyuck challenge FAILED... this has been in my drafts for a month loll lightly inspired by this tiktok! i really hope ull enjoy, let me know any and all of ur thoughts but pls remember to be kind!!! :') thanku for reading :D
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the way the cicadas hummed in the july heat. the way your laughter would ring across the narrow streets of your hometown. the way your hand fit so naturally into his, as if it belonged there.
at fourteen, haechan felt limitless, as if happiness could be held in his hands forever.
but forever was never promised, and neither were you.
haechan met you on the first day of summer, in a town too small for secrets. he was the boy who never ran out of things to say, and you were the one who never got tired of listening.
"you're not from here, are you?" he asked that day, his eyes squinting against the sunlight, his honey skin glistening under the glow.
you shook your head. "just here for a while."
just here for a while. he had no idea those four words would permanently brand themselves onto his heart, a warning he should have heeded. but at fourteen, time seemed endless. summers stretched like golden highways, and saying goodbye was just a story older kids told.
you spent that summer together, consumed in the golden hours of childhood—stealing his older brother's popsicles from the fridge (sorry johnny), challenging each other to jump into the deep end of the river, and whispering about the future under a star-filled sky.
one evening, when the sun had set and the air smelled of dirt and fading warmth, you turned to him and said, "i think this is the happiest i've ever been."
haechan could only stare at you, sucking in a deep breath as a strange ache filled his chest. he didn't know why, but he wanted you to know that he felt the same—that every moment with you felt as if it should last forever.
but forever was always an unsteady promise.
the night before you left, the two of you sat by the river, your feet dipped into the water and the stars spread above you like spilled sugar.
"i'll write to you," you said.
he nodded, but he didn't believe it. he was reminded of the movies, where people always said things like that. they meant it in the moment, but moments didn't last forever.
the day you left, he ran after your dad's car, breathless and desperate, as if his pure determination could keep you from leaving. but wheels don't stop for fourteen year olds with broken hearts.
you waved at him through the window, but all haechan saw was the distance growing, stretching, and widening.
and just like that, you were gone.
the first letter arrived a week later.
it smelled like the pages of an old book, as if you'd spent hours hunched over it, your handwriting imprinted deep into the paper. you told him about your city, how it seemed too vast, too loud. you missed the cicadas, you wrote. you missed him.
he wrote back that night. told you about how nothing had changed here, except the fact that you were no longer here with him.
the letters continued, fluttering in and out of his hands. he read them at night, tracing the loops in your handwriting and imagining your voice in the ink.
but over time, the letters became fewer. shorter. until, eventually, they stopped altogether.
one night, he sat on his bed with one of your last letters pressed against his chest, trying to convince himself that perhaps you had just forgotten to write the next one. perhaps it was lost in the mail. you wouldn't just forget about him, would you?
but silence has a way of answering questions that no one dares to ask.
the bench where you used to sit was still there, but haechan never sat on it anymore. the convenience store where you spent too much money on slushies still sold your favourite flavour, but he never bought them anymore.
somewhere along the way, he realised he was keeping spaces open for you, in case you return.
but you never did.
he walked past the river one evening and noticed a couple laughing together, their fingers entwined and their faces glowing in the warm twilight. he quickly turned away, shoving his hands into his pockets, his chest tight with something he refused to name.
haechan found himself talking to you, even though you weren't there.
"you'd love this song," he'd mumble, pulling his earphones off.
"you'd call me an idiot for doing this," he'd say, laughing to himself after stealing his brother's favourite leather jacket.
he wondered if, wherever you were, you ever talked to him too.
there were days when he thought he was moving on. and then there were days when he walked past his reflection and saw a fourteen year old boy staring back at him, waiting for someone who wouldn't return.
haechan stopped looking for you in crowded places. stopped hoping that every unfamiliar face might be yours. but the ache in his chest just kept persisting.
it sunk deep into his bones, quiet and constant.
there was a girl who liked him. she laughed at all his jokes and reached for his hands when she thought he wasn't looking. he even let her kiss him once, under the soft glow of a streetlamp.
but when he closed his eyes, all he saw was you.
haechan's brother often told him first loves never last. that they're just a spark, not a flame.
but what if he never let go of the match?
he didn't say it out loud, but the thought ran through his mind, endless and unrelenting.
on his birthday, he sat on his bed, staring at his phone with your facebook profile on it, half-expecting a message from you. he didn't know why he still hoped. perhaps, because he didn't know how to stop.
you return.
news spreads fast in a small town, but haechan doesn't believe it until he sees you standing there, right in front of him.
you look different, older. your hair is styled in a way he isn't used to. your voice had matured in ways it hadn't before. you're not the same fourteen year old who once held his hand so tightly.
but when you smile at him, even for just a moment, he forgets that you ever left him in the first place.
"hyuck..." you murmur, gasping, like you've seen a ghost. "it's been so long. i can't believe we haven't seen each other since we were fourteen..."
he blinks. his throat tightens. his heart stutters.
and then, almost inaudibly, he says,
"what do you mean? i've been stuck at fourteen."
haechan finds himself standing in a room that feels like a memory. his old bedroom, but not quite—there's something surreal about it, as though it exists somewhere between reality and a dream. the michael jackson posters on the wall, the messy desk, the slightly broken lamp that flickers every now and then—it's all there, the way it was when he was fourteen.
and sitting on the edge of the bed, his legs swinging idly, is a boy.
a boy with rounder cheeks, brighter eyes and an innocence haechan barely remembers having. a version of himself he hasn't seen in years.
"you're me," haechan says, his voice quiet, almost in disbelief as he stares at the younger boy.
the younger version of him grins, tilting his head slightly. "of course i am."
"why am i here?" haechan asks, his voice wavering slightly. it's not the question he wants to ask, but it's the only one that makes sense right now.
"you never left," his fourteen year old self replies calmly, studying him closely. "you don't want to."
haechan's chest tightens, his fingers curling into fists at his sides. the ache in his heart grows the longer he's in here, pressing against him from all directions. he wants to leave this place. he needs to leave. he needs to move on.
to move on as easily as you did, to forget everything and walk away without looking back. that's what haechan wishes he could do. but instead, he stands frozen in place, staring at his fourteen year old self, a sense of suffocation building in his chest.
and so, with a heaviness that fills the space between them, he finally cracks, his voice barely above a whisper, "help me."
"i've been stuck at fourteen. i don't know how to let go."
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elliewrites77 · 17 hours ago
Uncle!Sukuna 6.5
this is not a part 7! this is just a lil snippet to show the day that reader and Yuji had together while Sukuna and Choso were at the mall (in part 6). I hope you enjoy <3
As soon as Choso and Sukuna pulled away, Yuji rushed into your living room to get started on the finishing touches of his project. You followed with a laugh, joining him on the floor in front of the couch. The poster board was laid out, covered in images of different people.
It had surprised you when you first saw the pictures of you and of Choso on the board, making you tear up when you realized he considered you and your son important to him. You had quickly come to care about the pink haired boy, just as you had his uncle, so you felt honored.
The two of you got to work making the project more "artsy" and adding the last few details about each person presented and why they were there. Yuji's handwriting wasn't the best yet, so you did most of that (all his words though). He was filled with excitement as he told you about what each person meant to him.
When he spoke about his parents, he talked about how his mama made the best cookies, and had the prettiest voice when she sang. He talked about how his dad told the best stories, always coming up with the coolest hero's.
It wasn't the first time you had heard the boy talk about his parents. But it was the first time that you saw his grin dim while he did. You understood, you knew it was hard to handle, especially when he was so young.
"Yuji, honey, I know that things might be...hard right now, and I can't...can't really do anything to make that stop. But I want you to know that no matter what you need, I'm always here. Your uncle and Choso are too. I want you to know that you'll never be alone, okay?" You spoke softly, rubbing his hair fondly.
He was silent for a moment, playing with the glue.
"I know, miss y/n..thank you." He says. The grateful smile he gives you just reminds you how mature he is already. A bittersweet thing, surely.
The conversation quickly turned back to a lighter tone, both of you working together to make the project as presentable and "cool looking" as possible (according to Yuji). You let him take the reigns, watching him cover the white parts of the board in red and blue, smiling as he told you (again) about why Spiderman was the coolest superhero.
As the project comes to a finish and you both move away to let the glue dry, you watch as he stares at the pictures, his young eyes glancing between his parents. You see how sad he looks, and it makes sense. He talks about his family often, so it's not like that's new. But this project gave him the opportunity to hunt for pictures of them, gave him a reason to talk about them even more, to talk about what they mean to him. Now that it was over, you imagined he felt he wouldn't have a reason to do that anymore, not that he actually needed one.
So you stood up, bones cracking as you stretched, and gave him a smile.
"How about we leave that to set so we don't mess anything up, and make some cookies while we wait for Sukuna and Choso to get home?" You suggest. You watch the way his eyes light up at the mention on baking, and he quickly stands and runs towards the kitchen. You chuckled, amused by the fact that he could never sit still.
Following him, you start getting out the things needed to make the cookies, getting enough to make two or three batches. You knew the boys would devour them, and Sukuna would probably sneak a handful too, so you figured it was smart to have plenty. While you did that, Yuji ran off to find a speaker, running in to the kitchen with his signature large grin and placing it on the counter. You connected your phone, giving it to him to pick some music while you started prepping.
Yuji danced around as he 'helped' get the cookies ready, though he did more dancing than anything. Off tune singing, and the smell of cookies being baked filled your kitchen, wide smiles on both of your faces. His excitement didn't wane, even after the first batch was laid out to cool, and the second was in the oven. You admired his energy, though it was hard to keep up. He hardly stopped moving, and if he wasn't singing and dancing around, he was hoping from place to place around the kitchen. You had to keep an eye on him every time he went around the corner of the counter, not wanting him to get near the oven and get hurt. You redirected him by spinning him around, laughing along with him each time he got a little dizzy from it.
You were glad you could give him a moment like this, knowing the six year old needed and deserved to be carefree and happy, to forget about the grief even for a little.
When the second batch is almost ready to be pulled out, you and Yuji are singing along to one of the songs, Yuji pretending to play a drum (which he learned to do from Choso). The sound of footsteps get your attention, and your smile only grows when you see your son.
As the four of you get settled into the evening together, you can't help but hope that you and Choso get to be a part of more of those happy moments, for both Sukuna and Yuji.
Here's the little snippet of Yuji and reader! Sorry it's short, but since it's just a snippet, I didn't worry about length. I hope you guys like it, and I do plan to do more on the dynamics of reader & yuji, reader & choso, reader & sukuna, and the same with sukuna. lmk what you think, feedback is always appreciated and helps me improve, and Part 7 will be out soon!
barely proof read
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cillianmurphysdimples · 8 hours ago
A Female Y/N / Cillian fanfic (Part Fifty Five)
Absolutely not based on anything real at all, is all totally fictional, fanciful and is all total bollocks.
Warnings for sexual references and language. Adult themes. Not suitable for under 18s.
We Got Issues
Part Fifty Five: Cillian takes control of a frightening situation and brings Y/N to the labour ward. Fears and anxiety are all that rule their minds, and Y/N begs of Cillian to do something he hasn't done for years - all for their baby girl. [Angst/Anxiety/Pregnancy Related Concerns]
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@cherrycilly @whatcjdidnext @aesthetic0cherryblossom @meister95 @vivianleighwishesshewasme @watermeezer @borntodiemp3 @strangeions @lavender-haze-01 @meadowshelby
A little warning for those who are triggered by pregnancy related content - I've used my story, but slightly altered. I had this experience at 30 weeks with my first child. Take care of your mental health and be warned now that this update contains mentions of potential baby loss, prematurity, and preterm labour.
If you weren't in so much pain, you might have been amazed at the speed with which Cillian flew up the stairs. He bangs the door and when you manage to call out that it's not locked, he flings it open with a fearful look and his eyes wild and wide. You don't care what you look like, and you thrust out your right hand to him. “Help me,” you cry, “It hurts… it's too early.”
He drops before you to his knees in a strange sort of crumble, and keeps hold of your hand. “Where's the pains?”
“All round my stomach,” you say, trying to keep the sobs to a minimum. He scans his eyes all over your face. “Call someone, this can't be Braxton Hicks, it hurts so much.” You are beginning to wonder if your anxiety has taken hold, amplifying everything. Surely it is just Braxton Hicks, it's too early for labour now. Your chest heaves and your heart races, and when each pain does subside you can feel the baby turn violently inside.
His hand tightens around yours. “I'll call the hospital, okay? I'll call the midwives and we'll go in. They'll check you out, they'll see what's happening.” He's calm in his voice but you know he's worried. He's pale and wide eyed still. He gets to his feet to drag his phone from his jeans pocket. “Your notes in the bedroom?” He asks. “I'll get them and come back, alright? I'll come straight back.”
“No, no, no… Cill, don't leave me.” You beg, knowing full well you're hysterical.
He gets closer to your face, bending at the waist, “I'm coming right back, I need your paperwork. I'm coming right back. I'm not leaving you.” he promises. “Have I ever not come back?”
You can barely see him through your tears. “You'll come back?” You ask, wincing against another tightening pain.
“I'll come back.” He pushes his lips hard against your sweating forehead and you loosen your grip on his hand. He sprints from the bathroom and into the bedroom and, as promised, he returns just as fast. Notes in hand, he sits on the edge of the bath at your side and swears under his breath as he dials with a shaking hand.
The pains are evening out - coming less frequently but just as painfully - and in that small amount of relief it offers, you try to gather your thoughts. How could a baby born at twenty three weeks possibly survive? If they did, how would that look? Tubes and wires? Incubators and medication, nurses and doctors holding her instead of you? And if by some miracle she was okay and survived, what would that mean for her life? Disabilities, learning delays, injuries…? But was the slowing of the pains a good sign? Did that mean that it wasn't labour, and just intense practice contractions? Or was it an actual labour event that had somehow stopped itself? You don't think your waters have broken - there's been no gush, no trickles, no blood. Surely that was all a good sign?
As another pain subsides, you look across to Cillian at your left side, staring at you as he speaks into his phone. “...okay? I don't know. No I don't fuc… I don't know! Straight in? Grand. Eh…right, no bother. Thanks.” he brings the phone down. “I've to pack you a bag and bring you in, they want to get you on the monitors. Did your waters break?”
He looks repulsed as he asks, but he looks more afraid than anything. You shake your head, “I don't think so…” you sniff. “You still won't leave?” You say, and you can feel the heat in your eyes returning as new tears begin. He reaches out his right hand, resting it against your shaking thigh.
He takes a deep breath. “I'm right here, Y/N.”
“Dad?” You hear Malachy yelling up the stairs, “Everything okay?”
“Call your Mum, Mal,” Cillian shouts back, “Youse may stay here for now but you'll have to have her take you home, I've to bring Y/N up to the Rotunda.”
“Shit… is the baby okay?” Malachy calls back out.
“Mal, ring your Mum!” Cillian shouts back, tetchy and anxious. Does that mean he doesn't think the baby is okay?
By the time Cillian's bat-out-of-hell driving gets you to the hospital, the pains are even further apart and a little less intense, but the feeling of tightness across your entire lower stomach is just as severe. You feel panicked and sick, hot and overwhelmed, and the fear that this is the moment you say goodbye to your baby girl is the only thing that fills your mind. Malachy and Aran had stared in horror as Cillian had walked you down the stairs, and you could see they knew you were both incredibly worried. Malachy had rung Yvonne, and he promised to lock up the house before they left. Both boys had wished you well. Clutching a bag with changes of clothes and toiletries and your notes, Cillian keeps his free hand on the small of your back as you walk. His trainers are on the wrong feet, and you hadn't grabbed a coat, but it doesn't matter to either of you as you enter the maternity department with a tearstained face and a threat of vomiting at your feet creeping higher. Approaching the desk, Cillian set the bag down and hands the notes over, “Its, eh, Y/N. I called before - you said…”
“Yes, Mister Murphy? It was me you spoke with. Nurse Hickman is expecting you. Take a seat in the waiting area and she'll be right out.” The receptionist says calmly. “If anything changes, you just call us.” She says to you, with a sympathetic look on her face as your face wrinkles at another tightening across your belly.
Picking the bag back up, Cillian again keeps his hand around your back as you walk towards the chairs a little way to the left of the desk. He waits until you're seated before he sits beside you and leaves the bag at his feet. As soon as he sits comfortably, you lay your head down against his shoulder, and he shifts a little to wrap his arm around your shoulders. He lays a kiss against the top of your head. “Whatever happens,” he whispers, and you can hear the fear. You nod your head against his shoulder, but you can't find words. Your head screams inside, though. Don't take my baby girl. I haven't even met her yet. Don't take my baby girl! “I'm here,” he tightens his arm around your shoulders. “I'm not leaving you.”
“Pray for her,” you mumble out. You've never been a religious person, and neither has Cillian in the time you've known him, but you're willing to try anything to ensure your baby girl's safety. “You have prayers, I know you do, I've seen your confirmation pictures. She's our baby girl - say those fucking prayers.” He hugs you closer still. You want to curl against him like an infant, just to have him that close, to have all that protective warmth and closeness, but you don't want to give yourself that sense of security if it'll be ripped from you when they tell you something bad.
The approach of footsteps pulls you apart and you look up at the tall, slim, middle-aged midwife that approaches. “Y/N? Hello pet, I'm Anne. C’mon, let's get you into a room and we'll have a listen to baby, will we?” She's sympathetic and calm, she's sweet and gentle, and you want to cry as she waits patiently for you and Cillian to get to your feet. She exudes maternal energy, and you feel a semblance of calm wash over you. You follow where she leads, and enter a small room with a bed, a small clear cot, and a foetal monitor. “Just hop up if you can, pet, and lift up your top. We'll put the monitors on, okay? Straps around and two small monitors to have a listen in to baby's heartbeat and they'll also tell us if these pains you're having are contractions or not.”
“If they are?” You ask, sitting back against the raised back of the bed with your tummy exposed. You sit forwards as she brings the pink and blue elasticated straps and wraps them around your back to fasten in the front with the small, round monitors.
“A bridge we'll cross…” Anne says quietly.
“She has fierce anxiety, you can't be doing that.” Cillian snaps at her. “If it's labour, then what?”
“Cill…” you shake your head.
“If it is a sign of labour, we can monitor for a while. If it looks as though the baby is on the way for sure, then there are medications we can give you to help the baby out for the early arrival.” Anne explains carefully. “But let's see what shape baby is in, and what these pains are first, and we'll act where we need to when we know.” She remains gentle, calm, and doesn't bat an eye at Cillian's attitude.
“It's too fucking early…” Cillian seems to have found a firm anger in fear, and you're not sure you like it. “...can't you give her something to stop the pain? If it's labour? Instead of letting that wee girl be born too early?”
“Mister Murphy, I appreciate that this is stressful, but we need to know what’s happening before we do anything. It'll do neither yourself nor Y/N any good to let this take you over.” Anne says calmly, giving Cillian her full attention for a moment. “C’mon, she needs you to be as calm as you can be to support her here.”
“Calm? How the fuck can I be calm? That wee baby shouldn't be being born yet and ye are listening into her heart instead of giving drugs to make sure she's not?” He snaps back at her, then covers his face with his hands. He's instantly sorry, you can see, but you know just how bad his verbal diarrhoea can be in his temper - evidently that extends to his temper borne of fear. “I'm sorry… I'm sorry…” he mumbles as he drops his hands.
“Let's see how the baby is doing,” Anne says as she turns to the machine beside the bed. “And monitor those pains. If there are labour contractions over the next ten minutes, the machine will display those and we'll be able to act as needed. If there is no sign of labour, then we can rule that this has been a scary run, but just a practice run.” She lays her hand against your shoulder. “Sit and relax as much as you can, Y/N, pet. I'll be back to check in ten minutes. But I'd anything changes, you can get us, okay?”
You watch her walk away, closing the door of the tiny room behind her, and you eye Cillian at the end of the bed - he's breathing deeply, his hands are shoved into his pockets, and he looks like he might faint. “The pains are less,” you say quietly. “That has to be a good thing, right?” You say, hopefully.
He purses his lips and nods slowly, “Fuck, I hope so.” The machine gives our loud sounds - your baby's beautiful heart beat being the most amazing one.
“I mean it, Cill.” You look at him sternly. “Sit on that chair and say the whole fucking rosary, I can't say goodbye to her before I even got to meet her.”
He sighs and shrugs his shoulders. “It'll be okay.” He says quietly.
“You don't know that.” You frown deeply. “And you don't believe that, either!” You accuse.
“Y/N,” he shakes his head and draws his hands from his pockets.
“I'm scared, Cillian.” Your chin quivers.
“I know,” he blinks slowly. “I know you are, I'm scared too.” He walks slowly up the side of the bed and lays his hand against your outstretched leg. “And I'm right here with you, I'm not leaving. You are not on your own.” He sighs deeply and you watch his tongue swipe over his lips nervously. He's shitting himself.
“What if we can't keep her?” You ask, your throat constricting each word. He shushes you quickly, shaking his head. “No, no! What if we can't? What if we can't keep her?”
His eyes are welling when he shakes his head again, “I don't know.” He mumbles, then bites his bottom lip. “I'm sorry.”
It's a little over ten minutes when Anne returns. She smiles softly as she walks over to the machine. “How are you doing, pet?” She asks gently.
“Better. No pain anymore, but just…tight?” You say, wondering if that's even the right thing to say.
Anne smiles, “Well that's good.” She says. The noise of the monitor is still firing with small bumps of kicks from Clíodhna and the whooshing of her heart. Anne lifts up the long printed paper from the feeder of the machine and studies it carefully. “Well, Y/N, you were definitely experiencing some signs of intense tightenings when we first set up the monitor, but I'm relieved to say that has all stopped.”
“Tightenings?” Cillian frowns. “So Braxton Hicks?”
“No,” Anne shakes her head.
“So…she was in labour?” He challenges, anger so near to the tip of his tongue you're worried he'll start in on her again.
“Not established labour, no.” Anne says gently. “And the good thing here….is that all of that activity has stopped. Your baby's heart is beating nicely, and the movements are wonderful, so I see no signs of distress at all.”
You feel awash with relief, but Cillian just seems annoyed. “No, no - I told you, we told you, and you just wanted to monitor her. She was in labour…”
“Cillian, stop…” You sigh. You understand his upset and concern, but not that he's aiming it at her in the form of his bitter tongue.
He looks at you like you've put an end to something of great importance. “Y/N?”
“She is fine. I am fine. Love, please.” You hold out your left hand to him, “Please?”
“Please what? We came in here terrified, and what we were fucking terrified of was actually happening. And now it's being brushed off because it's stopped? That's…” he grapples for his words.
“Exactly,” you say, taking his hand when he finally gives it. “Exactly, Cill, it's stopped. She's okay, and I'm okay. It has stopped. She's safe in there.” You squeeze his hand in yours. “Love please, don't lose it. I can't…I can't cope.” He squeezes your hand and huffs a deep breath before he nods his head once. He's not calm, but he won't blow. “Can I go home?” You ask, turning to Anne.
“Let's do another ten minutes, ensure everything's settled down fully, and then we'll get you on your way.” She says and touches your arm softly. “Can I get you some water?”
You shake your head, “Oh, no thanks, I was flooded with it before all of this.” You smile nervously and squeeze against Cillian's hand, hoping he takes the humour you meant. He smiles with his lips when you look at him, but his eyes are fierce and firm.
“Grand,” Anne smiles. “I'll come back in a little while, so.” She says, and slowly disappears from the room again.
“We were terrified.” He shakes his head, jaw tight, as soon as the door closes. “And right!”
“Cillian,” you close your eyes and rest your head back against the bed. “Love, please. I am exhausted - I'm tired, I'm sore, I think I'm going to wet myself if they don't finish this up and let me go for a wee, and I know you were scared. I'm not brushing your feelings off, I promise you. I know you were scared. But it has stopped - Clíodhna is fine, and I am fine, and we can go home and call the boys and tell them that everything is okay. Please, love, don't let anger be the dominant fucking emotion here because it's just a reactionary one.” He takes a deep breath, and evidently your words make him take a second look at himself. “As soon as we step out of those door, you can smoke a whole packet of cigarettes if it helps, love, and I won't say a word.”
He scoffs and shakes his head, smiling a little. He sighs again. “I'm sorry. I am scared - so scared. But you're right. The main thing now is that you're both okay.” He nods his head, and as a smile pulls at his right cheek softly, a dimple forms. “Both my girls.”
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pillow-priestess · 2 days ago
If You Know What To Look For
content: dollthoughts, stillness, cozy fluff wish fulfillment
You arrive early to your favorite cafe, several minutes before the agreed time with your date. It's only polite to sit down and reserve a quiet table outside, one with a lovely view over the nearby lake. It'll be her first time coming here, so you'd like to do what you can to prepare nicely!
When she arrives, you notice each other instantly. She greets you with a wide smile that's even prettier than the one on her dating profile! You stand up and exchange a soft hug, laughing it off when she asks if you've been waiting long. The way she tilts her head and grins fills you with warmth.
She sits in the chair across from you, and it's on to pleasant conversation. What you do for work, how you recently moved out, recommendations on what to order here. When you offer to share a favorite tea of yours with her, she happily accepts, and the drinks arrive in no time at all.
It's easy to listen to her. Her voice is clear and focused, even with the mild chatter from other patrons and soft music flowing from within the cafe as a backdrop. Questions and answers flow between you, with the occasional joke that makes you both giggle, and every word feels nice and natural.
As the date goes on, her demeanor slowly shifts, and her gaze seems to pierce you a little more. She asks you about literature, friends, habits. Her eyes follow your cup of tea when you bring it to your lips. She notices every time your posture shifts. A hint of a smirk colors her face.
Eventually, you both refill your tea, and she compliments you on the flavor. You ask if there's anything that could improve it for her, adding that experimenting at home is nice for you. It's been a hobby of yours recently, something you picked up from reading things online. She just smiles and says she'll think about it, and waits for you to take another sip. The moment your cup is back on the table, a single word leaves her lips, one that brings the world around you to a halt.
its body locks up, its eyes frozen on the tea in front of it. human thoughts try to race through its head, but they're muffled, suppressed by the trigger it had slowly, naturally gained over the last few months.
the face of the woman across from it breaks into a smug grin.
some part of it tries to deny that this was intentional. it was just a word, meaningless to the average person, there's no way that she meant-
"That's right. Nice and Still for me, doll. It doesn't have to think, it can just listen. It's so very good at that, isn't it?"
it is. it does.
the woman adds some sugar to her tea, leisurely taking her time stirring it in before taking a sip. it stays frozen, the only signs of life to an outside observer being the slow rise and fall of its chest, and the occasional blink of its eyes, locked looking down at its tea.
"Good doll. It's never been noticed like this in real life, has it? It was very good at pretending to be human… but its true nature is all too obvious, if you know what to look for."
she leans forward in her chair, reaching over the table to slowly trace her fingers over the back of its hand.
it would gasp if it could. the touch feels divine.
"It hasn't been a doll for very long, has it? The way it sounded, it likely fell into dollhood… a month or two ago, I'd think. It must have read a story or two that changed the way its brain worked. How long did it take to Become, I wonder?"
her fingers lace with its own, gently squeezing.
"Resume. Look at me."
motion floods back into its body, and it sits up straight, eyes instantly meeting hers. its jaw opens to try and respond, to ask what she's thinking.
"M- …Miss, I- this one-"
"Shh. No words, doll. Just listen."
it obeys.
he finishes her tea, setting the cup down with a satisfied exhale. "This was tasty. It made the right choice, taking me here."
its cheeks flush at the praise, and its hands clench a fold of its dress. she smiles at the tic.
"I can't wait for it to make me more at home."
opening her wallet, she pulls out more than enough cash to pay for the tea, leaving it under her mug. she stands, holding out a hand to the doll.
"Up. Come with me."
it takes her hand, dainty touch matched with a gentle grip as she turns to walk it down to the lakeside. a light breeze is blowing over the surface of the lake, causing ripples that shine and flash in the late morning sun. she leads the doll down a small walking path, gravel crunching beneath her boots and its shoes. soon, there's a nice little bench looking over the water. before it can sit, though,
"Be Still."
it locks up, halfway to taking a seat. her hands take the doll and begin to move it, shifting its form as easily as adjusting a mannequin. she sits it down on the bench, tilting its head up to look at the gentle waves, then folds its hands daintily in its lap.
a few more touches to fix its hair and straighten its dress, and she steps back to admire her handiwork with a smile that makes its silent heart soar. taking a seat next to the doll, she wraps an arm over its shoulders, letting it lean into her ever so slightly without having to break its stillness.
"That's it. Such a good doll for me… Maybe you weren't sure that this was right for you yet, doll. I'm sure you've felt your dollhood reading and experimenting online, but this is the first time you've truly been treated as what you are, what you're meant to be."
she looks at the lake and smiles.
"But I don't think there's any question left, is there. You are a doll. You are a pretty little toy, made to be posed and instructed and appreciated and played with."
she strokes its hair, curling it around a finger like playing with a string. her eyes move back to it, languidly drinking it in.
"And to think, we're both lucky enough that I need a pretty new doll for my collection. And this one is already nice and ready and free for me to take…"
the glimmering sunlight from the lake is reflected in the doll's eyes. it would like to hope that that shine is enough to show its excitement. she takes the doll by the chin, turning its head to face her and finally meet her gaze. there's a hunger in her eyes, something it yearns to satisfy, to let it devour any semblance of personhood it has left.
"Yes. Yes, doll, you'll do just perfect. Resume. And thank me."
motion floods its form again, hands shaking and squeezing at its dress again and again as gratitude bubbles out of its lips. this one thanks its mistress, thanks her so much, she's wonderful, she's divine, this one is so lucky to be her possession, to be part of her beautiful collection forever-
she sweeps it up in a hug, lifting it off the bench and off its feet like it weighs nothing at all, and all of the praise is suppressed for a moment by an adorable 'eep!' she's smiling up at it, a loving, infectious smile that it automatically matches, her adoration filling it with the greatest purpose it's ever known
"That's my good doll! My precious little dolly…"
lowering it to the ground, she steadies its shaky legs with her hands on its hips. she leans in to plant a long, warm kiss on its forehead, and it feels like it could fall apart into warm mushy pieces.
"Now. Let's get you home, dolly. You're going to be just perfect for me~"
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aforceofevilandchaos · 9 months ago
I am not participating in the Ruthie discourse. I have faith in the players to tell an interesting story, and that's what we're here for at the end of the day.
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dolcekissy · 5 months ago
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disclaimer // 18+ content. this story includes mentions of sex, fingering, oral, and yeah.
rafe being obsessed with his best friend would definitely consist of him basically fighting demons the entire time he's with you. poor baby just wants to fuck you sooo bad :(
sucking on a lollipop? his dick is hard the moment you started pulling the wrapper off the lollipop. sitting in his bed with him while scrolling on instagram? his dick is hard the moment you sat on his bed.
definitely fantasizes about the time you finally do let him hit. he's not gonna be a weirdo and beg ─ have you seen him? he's not one to beg for pussy, he'll make mfs work for his dick imo.
rafe would definitely want you to go everywhere with him ─ to the point if someone sees rafe out somewhere ─ you're definitely somewhere trailing behind him.
golfing with top? you're there. running errands? you're there. at a party? you're there. you're always there with him.
"do i really need to go get gas with you?" rafe nods his head, grabbing your arm and his keys as he shoves you into the passenger side and shuts the door. "it takes two seconds to pump your gas and go back home... what am i going fo─"
"shut up."
rafe would definitely be up your ass too ─ he's with you 24/7 too. you don't mind it but sometimes he does a little too much, like when he follows you to the bathroom when you have to pee or when he'll check your location and see your at the store ─ he'll just pop up out of nowhere.
"fuck! you scared me! how did you know i was here?" your eyes are wide ─ your hand resting over your chest to calm yourself as he looks at everything in your cart.
or when you're taking a shower, poor boy just can't leave you alone.
"rafe. i'm taking a fucking shower, get out!" you yell as he patiently sits on the toilet seat ─ your towel and clothes sitting in his lap as his foot taps against the floor, completely ignoring what you were saying as he starts talking about something random.
he lowkey just wants to take a peek at your naked body too.
wait whaaat, who said that?
rafe cant sleep without you ─ so if you're out late, your parents know your sleeping at rafes.
half the time he's trying to calm himself down because he's hard as fuck seeing you in a tank top and pink, satin shorts. he's mentally fanning himself with his hands as you back your body up into his ─ praying you don't feel his hard on.
turning the other way immediately, his back facing yours the second your ass presses up against him. "hmm, m'just gonna face this way ─" he says it so awkwardly too, leaving you confused but also you couldn't give a fuck less.
rafe would be over the moon the second you let him hit. i wanna say he'd cum so fast like a teenage boy but i feel like he would also wanna savor the moment.
he'd take it so serious, finger fucking you, eating you out, kissing and licking your tits ─ literally everything. then he'd fuck you sooo good ─ just so you know this is what you've been missing out on this whole time.
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sugarverse · 3 months ago
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𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙬𝙣 𝘾𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧
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word count: 3.2k
mentions of: yeah its just sex,, uhhhh ya get together at the end but it’s pretty vanilla and i think this might be one of my fav writings for iida so far ehehehe this story was so fun to make. I plan on making a pt.3 and I’m going to postttt soon idk :P
part one
moodboard here!
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You tied a cute bow in the belt of your robe once more, walking over to him and fixing the glasses on his oh so cherry red face. “Tenya..?” You ask, sitting on the side of the table next to him. You glance down at the sketch, seeing how far he had actually gotten. It was pretty impressive for someone who is a beginner when it comes to realism, or art itself really. “Do you want some help?”
His jaw was slack, staring up at you now that you were so much closer. Whatever perfume you had on almost made him faint, and there was nothing he could really formulate besides a very quiet, “Ex..excuse me?”
“I said, Do you want some help..?” You tease, leaning down so your faces were only a few inches from each other. You reach for his tie, slowly sliding your hand down his chest. “I wouldn't want you to fail just because your model was a distraction..” You lean closer, gripping the end of his tie as ruby eyes glancing down at your pretty plump lips.
Did you mean help help him, or draw it yourself? There was no way he was reading into this wrong, right? Did you see his hard-on the whole time?? He gave a long blink, trying to keep his head on straight. “I w..would love-” Before he could finish the sentence, you tug on the tie and press your lips against his. He melted into you, hands placing themselves onto your hips softly almost as if you’d break if he did touch you.
He had yearned for this for so long. There was no way you felt this way all this time and he never picked up on it. The thought only made him deepen the kiss, his hands moving to hold your face in his palms. You let his tie go with a smile, giggling at his eagerness to kiss you back. You place your hands on his shoulder, feeling him stand but refusing to let his lips leave yours. It felt like fireworks were going off around the two of you, only pulling away when you both needed the air.
Tenya was once again standing with crooked glasses, red faced, and this time slightly out of breath. “Y/n I.. Why didn’t.. How did I not..” He panted, after what was only a few seconds, he crashed his lips against yours before you could even respond to his stuttering. You whimpered in response, attempting to untie the tie the best you could with your eyes closed. He helped you, loosening it and letting his hands tangle themselves behind your head and into the kitchen of your hair the best he could. He just wanted you closer. Closer than he already was.
You pull away from him, feverishly leaving kissing along his sharp jawline. He sighed, hands going back to your waist patiently. He rubbed your sides up and down as you kissed down his neck, letting out a breathless whine at the missing feeling of your warm lips against his.
“Why haven't we ever k..kissed before now if this is how you ..f-felt..” He sucked in a sharp gasp once you kissed the right side of his neck. Bingo. You bit down on that spot listening to him groan in your ear, gripping your hips a little harder.
You open your legs slightly so he can stand between them, his body involuntarily pulling you towards the edge as he takes the step towards you. “Because I can't lose you.. I never thought you'd feel the same..” You mumble against his skin, leaving open mouthed kisses down to his collar before unbuttoning it.
You could feel the hard-on poke at your thigh, tauntingly moving to grind against him. After all, the silk of your robe was the only thing keeping him from well.. you. He ached, looking down at you with an almost heartbroken look in his eyes.
“Of course I do, I have wanted you for a very long time.. I know I can treat you better than anyone else out there y/n. It hurts so bad when you'd find someone else more interesting than me. I thought I was too..” He paused for a second, groaning as he grinded against you subconsciously. “A square, if you will.” He chuckled nervously at the admission, feeling you nipping at the most sensitive part of his neck as he let out soft moans and grumbles.
You pull away to look at him, fixing his glasses from earlier with a small giggle. “There's nothing wrong with liking books, or wanting to follow the rules..” Manicured hand began to unbutton his collar and down his shirt.
“And I just never thought you'd go for someone like me. I assumed you'd want a shy girl or somthin’.. I guess we really did make an ass out of u and me.” You tease, giggling once more at your own play on words. You stopped about halfway down his shirt unless this was too much. You didn't wanna be too pushy but God did you want to see those abs.
He let out a small laugh as well, staring down at your gorgeous lips. “I would have told you a lonnnng time ago, y/n. I'm sorry I didn't–” He started, feeling your finger press against his lips to stop him.
“We know now, don't we? Now we move forward.” You wrap your legs around his waist, watching him nod until you move your finger away. “How about I finally help you?” You run a hand down his chest, watching him shudder at the feeling of your acrylics.
He leaned over you, hands moving onto the table rather than on your hips. “If we're going to do anything, I want to do it the right way..” You wanted to pout at his response. He was right, being caught would be absolutely terrible for the both of you. I guess it wouldn't hurt to go back to one of your apartments and finish? Ugh but then the mood is different..
As the gears in your brain worked, Tenya still mindless pressing against you, began kissing you once more. You smile, coconut colored eyes following as he kisses your neck. This time looking for you to gasp or make some sort of noise. His lips smirked against your skin, kissing down to your shoulder and moving the robe off of it. He bit right between your neck and shoulder, causing you to squeal and grip onto his shirt.
Your eyes fluttered, feeling him kiss down to your collarbone. He guided a hand to unbutton the rest of his shirt, the other going back to resting on your waist. He made sure to kiss down the valley of your breasts, not breaking eye contact with you once had he looked up.
“May I?” He motioned to the robe, watching you quickly shrug the silk off of your other shoulder and pulling the tie of your belt. All he needed was to open it up completely. He chuckled at your quickness, letting it pull around your legs once again. He made sure to kiss both of your boobs, finishing with the unbuttoning of his shirt. He used that hand to pinch at your nip, putting the other in his mouth to suck on.
You arch your back into his touch, whimpering as you squeezed your legs around him in response. You could feel him smile, swapping to give your girls equal attention. He felt you buck at such simple actions, kissing down your navel and to where your robe pooled.
“You sound so sweet.. I need to taste you. Wouldn't be gentlemanly of me to go first baby,” You melted at the name, nodding hurriedly. He smiled, going onto his knees and scooping his arms under your knees. He pulled you to the edge, watching you jolt in surprise. You could feel your heart beating in more places than one. The entire time the only thing that had been covering you up was that flimsy piece of silk which he finally moved out of the way, staring down at you for a moment.
This obviously wasn’t the first time he’s been in a sexual situation, but he couldn’t help but freeze for a moment. You were so stunning.. ethereal even. He really didn’t mean to stare, not wanting you to think something was wrong or he was too scared. Just very much in love with the look of you. He finally breaks concentration, looking up at you with a small smile. “You promise this is okay?” He wanted to double check just in case you saw him as he saw himself.. God forbid you did.
“I promise.” You put your pinky out, watching him move his hand from your thigh to interlock his pinky with yours. Without any hesitation, he shoved his glasses up and opened your legs wider. He kissed your clit before starting to suck on it, crimson eyes staring up at you to see what he was doing well vs what you didn’t like as much. Your breathing hitched, hand going to take the glasses and set them on the table so you could grip onto his hair the correct way. You rut your hips towards him, staring down in awe.
He couldn’t help but stare back up at you, strong hands keeping your thighs pressed against his shoulders despite your involuntarily squirming. He swirled his tongue around your bundle of nerves, hands gripping onto your thighs so he could be as close as possible. You tasted so sweet. Damn near sweeter than fruit, only making him want more. Flattening his tongue against you and going back to giving your sensitive spot hell.
You pulled at his navy blue hair, hands gripping onto him as you rode yourself against his tongue. Stuttering out praises through pants and moans, “Ffffuck.. tenya-ah!~” You squeak out, thighs beginning to shake from wanting to close. He slithered a hand from your thigh, teasingly tracing his index finger around your entrance. “Don’t t..tease me!” You leaned forward, hair falling around your shoulders as you looked down at him.
“Please please pl-ngh~!” Your begging was stopped by the feeling of two thick fingers sliding into you as he swirled his tongue around your clit some more. He made sure to curl them, feeling you clench around his fingers drove him insane. Thrusting his fingers into you even faster than his tongue was moving. You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, the knot in your stomach starting to tighten. You couldn’t keep quiet even if you really wanted to. You were on another planet.
The face you made when you came could only be described as angelic to iida, he watched as you came undone around his lips. You laid your back against the table as he lapped it up. Almost liked someone dying of dehydration. He slowed his fingers down, sliding them out of you to lick his fingers clean. He lightly placed your legs back onto the table. “You taste divine, you know that?” He asked, unbuckling his belt and tossing his wallet on the table.
You blink up at him, panting and giggling. “I know now,” You stared up at him, messy haired and mouth wet as lustful but loving eyes stared down at you. You took a mental picture, biting your lip to hold back your happy giggles. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, sliding the belt off and placing it on the chair behind him. “Let me,” You lean forward, unbuttoning his dress pants hurriedly and unzipping them. It ached being hard for so long, but as many times as he’s imagined this to play out, he was always going to make you feel good first.
“I need you, y/n..” He admitted almost in a whisper, reaching for his glasses so he could actually see you. You tug his pants down, letting out a small laugh to yourself at the red checkered underwear he wore before pulling them down as well. You assumed he’d be big, the man is 6 foot and built like a fucking unit.
What you weren’t expecting was for it to spring right in front of your face. There’s no way that can.. Well, Doesn’t matter if it fits or not. No way you’d miss the opportunity. He let out a chuckle, assumingly at your wide eyes.
“You have me,” You smile up at him with half lidded eyes, changing your expression quickly so you werent the one looking like a deer in headlights. You grab his cock with manicured nails, licking the precum from his tip before siding as much as you could into your throat.
His breath hitched, a small groan leaving his lips. “No sweetheart, I mean I need you. As much as.. I’d l..love you to,” He let out a breathless sigh filled with pleasure, head tilting back.
“Keep.. feeling your mouth, I need you. Awfully bad, I might a..add.” He struggled to speak, moans escaping his lips as he felt you take him completely down your throat for a moment. You pulled away with a pop, smiling up at him.
“Whatever you want, sir..” You tease, sitting up and putting your hands on his shoulders, slowly sliding them to his neck to cup his face. “Give me a few more kisses, huh mister?” You didn’t even have time to lean up, feeling his lips desperately go back to yours. You tangle your hands in his messy hair once more, feeling him lay you down gently.
He pulled your legs to the edge once more, listening to the squeak you let out as he subconsciously manhandled you. He looks over to the wallet he tossed on the table earlier, opening it to fish for a condom that he always carried around. Not that he ever thought he’d really use it.
“You don’t need one,” You see him quickly look at you as if you were insane, vermillion eyes studying your face. “I’m serious! If worse comes to worse I’ll stop by the pharmacy. I want us both to actually feel it..” You sit up once more, pretty brown eyes staring up at him pleadingly. You place a hand on his arm, which was enough for him to go standing right back in front of you.
“Are you sure, y/n? Absolutely positive?” He asked carefully, cock twitching at the cold air of the room. The snow from the skylight had covered it so much the room was practically black if it weren’t for the very dim but few lights in the room. You nod, giving him a reassuring kiss on the cheek.
“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it,” You smile, laying back down. Big hands gripped your hips as he lined himself up to you, staring down at your sensitive bud for a moment before slowly sliding the tip into you. You whimper, gasping and letting your eyes roll back as he slid what you could take into you. You felt full, eyes trying to focus on the man in front of you.
“Fuck..” He muttered, leaning over you and kissing up from your collarbone to your neck, holding you close as he started to move gently into you. He knew he was big, and he didn’t plan on hurting you. he wanted it to be the best experience you’ve ever had.. despite the uncommon location. You hug him quickly, whining out and pressing your face into his shoulder. It couldn’t get closer than this.. Or so you thought, feeling him slowly start to fuck you open and press against that spot. Tears well in the corners of your eyes, gasping and biting the pain into his shoulder.
He hissed, making sure to go as slow as his mind and body would let him. He needed to see you completely undone, but your comfortability and adjusting to it would come first. “It’s okay sweetheart, ‘m right here. I got you. “ He whispered into your ear, nipping at your lobe with a small smile. You could hear how passionate he was in his voice, letting your legs wrap around him once more.
After a few more slow thrusts into you, you move from his shoulder and whisper back. “F..Fuck me like you mean it, Ten. I can take i..it.” You mewled out, feeling him kiss from your cheek to your lips before slamming into you. You squeaked, having trouble trying to kiss back. You couldn’t quiet down even if you wanted to. Your nails grab at his back, lightly scratching so you didn’t rip his skin open. Shit, fucking you like this you might not be able to stop yourself.
He shuddered at the feeling, pulling away from your lips to leave open mouthed kisses against your neck. You bite your lip hard, you didn’t know what time it was but you knew there were still people in the building. He slid his hands up to your back, letting his hands hold onto your shoulders from underneath you to keep you still while he fucked your brains out.
You were seeing stars, biting and leaving hickeys all over him to muffle yourself. He gritted his teeth, glancing down at you through foggy glasses. “You take it so good, honey.. Need..Need you like this all the time.” He huffed out, letting out another breathless chuckle at your fucked out expression. “Can I have you?”
Broken sobs of pleasure was really all you could give in return, nodding as quick as you could before kissing him once again. He smiled against your lips, letting a hand slide down to your clit. He only thumbed over it a few times before you came, legs squeezing tighter against his torso. He pulled his hand away, moving both of them back to your hips. He was obviously close too, but it felt so good he wasn’t sure he could pull out exactly in time.
“G-Gotta let me pull out, honey..” You shake your head no, burying your face into his skin once again. “Need.. need to feel.. In me– cum in me.” He began to slow down, trying to think through racing thoughts and how good you felt around him. It wasn't much time to make the decision and professionalism was already out the window at this point. “P.. Please- please tenya~?” You cry out, hugging close to him. If that’s what you wanted, he was going to oblige.
He gave a couple more thrusts, cumming into you and holding you close. Once you pulled away enough, he left peppered kisses amongst your neck and jaw.
You smile, sighing out tiredly before giving him a few kisses on his poor red lips. “You are my favorite human being on the planet,” You huff out, trying to continue but your thoughts were a bit scrambled. “I’m yours. For as long as you want me.”
He quickly responded, kissing your cheek in conformation. “Forever. I want you to be mine.. Forever.” He was sweaty, hair sticking to his forehead and still out of breath himself. His face was red, eyes hanging low from both tiredness and wonderment.
You giggle at his response, taking his glasses and cleaning them with the silk of the robe that was under you.
“Forever it is.”
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© if you like what you see please reblog! It means a lot! Want more? Heres my m.list! I write for x black reader so throw me some requests :P my other account are icons and x black reader moodboards if you’re interested!
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ALSO ALSO special thank you @urfriendlywriter for some of the smut ideas and the vocabulary, it helped better than fighting a thesaurus lol
thank you @thecutestgrotto and @arlerts-angel for the banners and thank you @fizzintine for coloring the top photo!
have a good day/night/whatever!
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physalian · 7 months ago
How To Make Your Writing Less Stiff 5
Dredging this back up from way back.
Make sure your characters move, but not too much during heavy dialogue scenes. E.g. two characters sitting and talking—do humans just stare at each other with their arms lifeless and bodies utterly motionless during conversation? No? Then neither should your characters. Make them…
Cross their legs/their arms
Shift around to get comfortable
Pound the table
Roll their eyes
Touch their face/their hair
Wring their hands
Pick at their nails
Tap their fingers/drum
Bounce their feet
Fiddle with buttons or jewelry
Scratch an itch
Touch their weapons/gadgets/phones
Check the time
Get up and sit back down
Move from chair to tabletop
The list goes on.
Bonus points if these are tics that serve to develop your character, like a nervous fiddler, or if one moves a lot and the other doesn’t—what does that say about the both of them? This is where “show don’t tell” really comes into play.
As in, you could say “he’s nervous” or you could show, “He fidgets, constantly glancing at the clock as sweat beads at his temples.”
This site is full of discourse on telling vs showing so I’ll leave it at that.
In the Sci-fi WIP that shall never see the light of day, I had a flashback arc for one male character and his relationship with another male character. On top of that, the flashback character was a nameless narrator for Reasons.
Enter the problem: How would you keep track of two male characters, one who you can't name, and the other who does have a name, but you can’t oversaturate the narrative with it? I did a few things.
Nameless Narrator (written in 3rd person limited POV) was the only narrator for the flashback arc. I never switched to the boyfriend’s POV.
Boyfriend had only a couple epithets that could only apply to him, and halfway through their relationship, NN went from describing him as “the other prisoner” to “his cellmate” to “his partner” (which was also a double entendre). NN also switched from using BF’s full name to a nickname both in narration and dialogue.
BF had a title for NN that he used exclusively in dialogue, since BF couldn’t use his given name and NN hadn’t picked a new one for himself.
Every time the subject of the narrative switched, I started a new paragraph so “he” never described either character ambiguously mid-paragraph.
Is this an extreme example? Absolutely, but I pulled it off according to my betas.
The point of all this is this: Epithets shouldn’t just exist to substitute an overused name. Epithets de-personalize the subject if you use them incorrectly. If your narrator is thinking of their lover and describing that person without their name, then the trait they pick to focus on should be something equally important to them. In contrast, if you want to drive home how little a narrator thinks of somebody, using depersonalizing epithets helps sell that disrespect.
Fanfic tends to be the most egregious with soulless epithets like "the black-haired boy" that tell the reader absolutely nothing about how the narrator feels about that black-haired boy, espeically if they're doing so during a highly-emotional moment.
As in, NN and BF had one implied sex scene. Had I said “the other prisoner” that would have completely ruined the mood. He’s so much more than “the other prisoner” at that point in the story. “His partner,” since they were both a combat team and romantically involved, encompassed their entire relationship.
The epithet also changed depending on what mood or how hopeless NN saw their situation. He’d wax and wane over how close he believed them to be for Reasons. NN was a very reserved character who kept BF at a distance, afraid to go “all in” because he knew there was a high chance of BF not surviving this campaign. So NN never used “his lover”.
All to say, epithets carried the subtext of that flashback arc, when I had a character who would not talk about his feelings. I could show you the progression of their relationship through how the epithets changed.
I could show you whenever NN was being a big fat liar about his feelings when he said he's not in love, but his narration gave him away. I could show you the exact moment their relationship shifted from comrades to something more when NN switched mid-paragraph from "his cellmate" to "his partner" and when he took up BF's nickame exclusively in the same scene.
I do the same thing in Eternal Night when Elias, my protagonist, stops referring to Dorian as "it" and "the vampire" instead of his name the moment they collide with a much more dangerous vampire, so jarringly that Elias notices in his own narration—the point of it being so explicit is that this degredation isn't automatic, it's something he has to conciously do, when everyone else in his clan wouldn't think twice about dehumanizing them.
Any literary device should be used with intent if you want those layers in your work. The curtains are rarely just blue. Whether it’s a simile with a deliberate comparison or an epithet with deliberate connotations, your readers will pick up on the subtext, I promise.
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mintmatcha · 3 months ago
tiktok reader universe
contains mentions of sexual assault. cisfem reader.
There's still times when Bakugo can tell your mind wanders during sex. The focus drains from your eyes, your grip goes limp, and your smile slips just a bit. You always come back to him if he says something, but... sometimes he lets it happen, lets you drift away. Maybe the distance is needed.
Even after all this time, you still never sleep over after sex. Tonight, you're a bit more impatient than usual, fixing your hair and wiping your brow right after he pulls away.
"I was offered a job today," you say casually.
"Yeah?" Bakugo loops an arm around the empty pillow that could be yours, if only you'd lean back into it. "With who?"
Instead, he's left to study the curve of your spine as you throw your legs over the side of the bed. He loves the story your body tells, with its scars and marks. Even the acne pocks are a reminder you were once just a teenager, just like he was. His own scars have puckered with age, still the same raging pink they were when they first healed.
"Someone with way too much money-" you say. -"who likes what I've done for your image and thinks I can fix theirs."
"And can you?"
You shoot him a grin from over your shoulder. "Is that even a question?"
Truthfully, Bakugo thinks you could do anything if you wanted to. You could lean over and rip his heart from his chest with just your fucking teeth-- and you'd make it look easy. He'd maybe even thank you. He'd definitely let it happen again.
Bakugo gives up on luring you back. "Well, when do you start?"
Your head tilts.
"I don't," you say."I didn't take the job."
Bakugo sits up straighter.
"I didn't want to leave you."
The statement sits warm in his chest, then quickly cools.
"Well, maybe you should have."
That makes you turn. You cock your head the other way, expression neutral, but still gracing him with a closed lip grin. The stare lasts for a long while before you crawl back under the covers and return to his side. Your lips find the side of his neck and your hands grip back to him, hot, heavy, breathless in that way you think he likes. A hum builds in your throat, a rolling, performative sound.
"Pull your cock out," you demand, right into the shell of his ear. "If this is the last time, I want another round."
He doesn't have time to react before you're gripping his half hard cock, jerking it up gently. It's still wet with you and buzzing with sensitivity, so much so that he can't help but enjoy it, enjoy you-
"If you're about to break up with me, I want to at least cum one more time."
He loses the remnants of his erection.
"That's not what I fucking meant." Bakugo tries to meet your eye, but you just keep kissing at him, gripping at him. "Just-- stop stroking my cock for a second and be fucking serious."
You freeze, but keep your hand on him.
"I don't wanna work together," Bakugo reaches for your hand. The free one. "I just want to date."
You don't respond.
"I want to take you places and have you meet my parents and-"
God. this is so unlike him. When did he lose his teeth? Did you pull them straight from his skull and hang them from your neck like jewels?
"I want you to sleep over." He means it. "Like a real fucking couple."
The ceiling fan hums with an uneven hitch, catching in the same spot each time. It's an easy fix, but he's been ignoring it for so long that it's almost blended into the tapestry of his home. Click-click-click-click-click: now it's deafening, overwhelming the silence you're choosing to sit in. Just as he's about to open his mouth, you look away from his body and meet his eye. There's no sharp edge to your eyes.
You say it like a mother about to comfort a child, with a rounded curve to your tone that he's never heard before. You're trying to dull the blow, but it does nothing. It's a fucking knife to the gut.
"I'm serious. I'm really serious." He points with his whole arm towards the bathroom. "I've had a fucking toothbrush ready for you for weeks now. It's right there, in the fucking package."
You withdraw, smile long gone. The air between you two, trapped under the covers, goes cold.
"The girlfriend thing." You are unrecognizable without your Mona Lisa grin and he's obsessed with it. He wants to consume these rare moments, chew on them until he's full of you and only you, despite how it makes his stomach turn. "It was never real. You know that."
You cover your bare tits with one arm, but leave your pussy exposed. It feels like a reflex more than an actual concern.
"I'm not meant to be a girlfriend. You don't want me as a girlfriend."
Bakugo's quick to close the distance between you, but he pauses when you full body flinch. Your quirk activates for a moment - you glitter out of existence and then immediately back in- like it's unwittingly done. It's another incredibly un-you moment, but one that he doesn't want to drink in.
"I do." He keeps his voice as delicate as he can. "I do. I fucking do."
"I don't know how to do the things you need. I don't know how to be a girlfriend," you say. The corners of your smile return and he can see the wall coming back up. The arch of your back, the way your hand suddenly cups your tit: you turn yourself into someone else, someone's who's happy to be here, in an instant. "I can make myself girlfriend shaped. I can open my mouth and let you fuck it. I can pose for a picture. I can make your friends jealous."
Oh, and that distant look comes back to your face. The dilation of your eye is just... wrong, even as you smile.
"But I'm just something that's girlfriend shaped," you say. "I'm an illusion, a creature, a tool, a hole-"
"Don't ever say that shit again."
It rips out of him too roughly. "A hole? That's-- why would you say that?"
It all seems to hit you slowly, as if you're processing your own words. Like it never occured to you that you were saying something foul.
"Because-" you try to explain yourself.
"You're just a girl," Bakugo doesn't let you finish the thought. He can't. Not when you're above him like that, so guarded and yet so vulnerable, neither predator nor prey. "I hate to break your fucking illusion or whatever, but you aren't this fucking lumbering beast or huntress or, or, or, I dunno, whatever the commission has tricked you into believing."
He tries to meet your eye, but you're ducking away from it.
"You're just a girl." He lets his hands fall back to his lap. The pinky that doesn't work twitches, kicking with it's old muscle memory. The scar tissue itches under it's own tautness. "Underneath it all. You're just a girl."
The mattress creaks under your weight as you shift back. Now, your eyes are incredibly focused, almost pinpricks. You watch him with an unreadable expression, one slowly inching more towards horror with every moment.
"You think I can't see you, but I can." Bakugo stays where he is. "And I think you want to be seen."
Everything moves slowly. You blink a couple times, with this meek nod, swallowing thickly as you listen. Then, you get off of the bed and head towards the door. All of your clothes are still scattered on the bedroom floor, your panties at the foot of the bed.
"Wait." Bakugo scrambles to get to his feet. "Don't- fucking wait."
He says your name, once, twice, three times, and gets no response. Panic and regret swirl in his skull, so violent he almost goes lightheaded. By the time he reaches the hall, you're gone, and he thinks you've activated your quirk to escape him. It's the nightmare he's always had around you, the one where you disappear into the night the second he gets too close.
And then the bathroom light flicks on. With a careful trepidation, Bakugo inches down towards the door, afraid the break the illusion. Maybe, if he moves too fast, you'll really scatter off into the night, a deer under his headlights.
But when he slides into the frame, you're just standing there, holding a familiar little tube.
"This it?" You hold the package in your hand. "My toothbrush?"
With your thumbs, you crack into the packaging and carefully peel the toothbrush out. You run the head under the faucet, then turn it off.
Bakugo pulls out the top drawer. With a sullen nod, you take the toothpaste and unscrew the top. Bakugo watches you, both of you completely naked, both of you completely silent. It surprises him how unsexual it feels to be here, postcoital, still sweaty, watching you brush your teeth. After the moment settles, he steps over and grabs his own brush.
You're just a girl, he thinks as he brushes his teeth next to you. He likes that you're just a girl next to him.
The both of you finish up, then you silently pad back to the room. Bakugo follows, a healthy distance, but close enough the he watches you shrug on his sweatshirt before dipping under the covers. Your head rests on your pillow.
Bakugo finds his space on the other side of the bed and you lay there, in the dim overhead lighting.
"It's hard for me," you say.
Bakugo turns on to his side and almost reaches out. Almost. Instead, he goes back and turns off the light. When he returns, you're nothing but a dark lump beside him.
"That's okay," he says, "You can sleep however the hell you want."
Your silhouette stays still.
"Sometimes I wake up crying," you say. "Or kicking, or just remembering something I shouldn't."
"Remembering what?"
The click of the fan overtakes everything again as you lay there, pulling in even breaths. A moment passes, then another and another. You're silent for too long, long enough that he thinks you've fallen asleep. Just as he's about to give up, you sigh out a winding breath.
"He was a hero," you whisper. "I felt special when he paid attention to me."
A chill he can't place creeps up his spine. He wants to ask what that means, why you're telling him this, but nothing comes out when he opens his mouth. He has to swallow, then cleae his throat.
"Did-?" His voice crackles. "Did someone hurt you?"
Again, you're silent.
"Who?" This time, when you don't respond, he presses. "Fucking who?"
"Someone who retired a long, long time ago."
"Give me a name and I'll fucking-"
"Someone raped you."
He had to say it out loud and dispel the mystery behind it. It's selfish, brash, but he needed it- just as he needs this hand around you, holding, cradling-
"That's what happens when you're just a girl." You clutch at his forearm with a want that isn't present in your voice. "People hurt you."
The bite of your nails surprises him.
"It's safer to be something else."
It's his turn to be quiet.
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yanderedrabbles · 3 months ago
Yandere soldier with Stockholm syndrome
Part Two of Yandere Soldier
Yandere Soldier - Stockholm Syndrome
Yandere! Solider who can't get you to talk to him. You'll sit curled in the corner of the bed, resolutely looking anywhere but at him.
Yandere! Soldier who brings you books, flowers, even old picture albums he finds stashed at the bottom of your cupboard. And still nothing but silence.
Yandere! Soldier who's beginning to think nothing will ever break it. That he's stilled that vicious tongue of yours forever. Who hates himself for what he's done, but what choice did he have? Yes, he's taken you from your home and family and all that was familiar. But was an interrogation room really the better option?
Yandere! Soldier who comes home with a nasty cut all across his arm. Some dumb kid got smart and slashed him when his back was turned and now he's forced into recovery leave for a week.
At first, you just watch him struggle to change his bandages. But something about his injury, this reminder of mortality, sticks with you. You pluck the roll of bandages straight out of his hand and wrap his injury for him.
Yandere! Soldier who stays frozen while you work, terrified of frightening you away. Who basks in the intimacy of it - your bowed head, the delicate smell of your perfume, the pulse fluttering at your throat.
Yandere! Soldier who has to swallow and breathe before he can find his voice again.
Thank you.
You shrug and let go of his arm. Yandere! Soldier who hates to loose your touch. Who wants to pull you back and force you to cradle his face in your palms. But he doesn't want to ruin this tiny bit of progress.
Yandere! Soldier who fills the silence with his stories. Who tells you about his training, his childhood, the places he's been deployed to and how happy he was to leave them. Who teaches you words in his native language, even if you don't bother repeating them.
Yandere! Soldier who comes home exhausted and aching, who sprawls on the bed with a groan and instinctively reaches for you.
Yandere! Soldier who has to bite back a yelp of surprise when he feels your climb onto his back and straddle his waist. You slowly knead at his muscles, massaging away all the knots and tension and lingering aches.
Yandere! Soldier who has to stifle a moan because it feels so damn good.
Yandere! Soldier who finds you waiting at the door the next morning, still as quiet as a monk. He's immediately suspicious. Are you going to make a run for it? Instead you stand on your tip toes and press a quick, uncertain kiss to his cheek.
Yandere! Soldier who keeps touching the place you kissed him, even when it's hidden under his mask.
Yandere! Soldier who cooks you dinner most nights, even if he's dog tired, even if all you do is push it around your plate.
Yandere! Soldier who brings you news of the city and the war effort. The resistance is faltering, it's leaders hunted and put down like dogs. Part of him hopes the news will make you more pliant. Why fight the inevitable?
Yandere! Soldier who doesn't like the way your eyes get hard when he talks about the resistance, the way you clench your jaw and look away from him.
You mutter something and it takes him a moment to decipher it.
"I should be out there with them."
Yandere! Soldier who tries and fails to contain his anger. Who grabs your jaw and pulls you up to face him.
"If you were out there, you'd be dead. Can't you be thankful?"
You're quiet again after that and he stops bringing it up.
Yandere! Soldier who doesn't leave anything sharp around the apartment, but is still surprised when you ask him to trim your hair. He sits on the bed with you between his knees, carefully filtering the hair through his fingers. You're so close to him - willingly - that it makes him feel almost lightheaded.
Yandere! Soldier who carefully dusts the cuttings off you and is secretly pleased when you don't flinch away.
Yandere! Soldier who isn't sure how to react when you start greeting him at the door. At first he watches you warily, expecting you to bolt the second you can. But for some reason you don't and a part of him insists that you're starting to like it here.
Yandere! Soldier who exercises every evening, his shirt off and his black fatigues slung low on his hips. He likes it when you watch him and he'll usually throw in a few extra push-ups just to impress you. He complains that he doesn't have enough weight around for his workouts and you take to draping yourself across his back when he needs it.
Yandere! Soldier who finds himself craving you, even with your cold silence. Who is constantly aware of you around the apartment and has to force himself to look away.
Yandere! Soldier who turns off all the electricity in the dead of winter and claims it was damaged in the fighting. It's icy cold in old buildings like this and it doesn't take long for it to wear you down. Soon you're curled up against him, glaring at him to keep his hands to himself.
And he does, for the most part.
Yandere! Soldier who wakes up to you sobbing, your face pressed into his chest. He tries to soothe you, but you flinch away. You whisper between the sobs, sounding afraid and hateful and needy all at once.
"I love you..."
Yandere! Soldier who instantly understands what's happened. He's spent the better part of his life in war zones afterall, and it's more common than you'd think. Yandere! Soldier who secretly hoped for this outcome all along.
Yandere! Soldier who soothes you as best he can, stroking your hair until your sobs turn to whimpers. He presses his lips to your forehead and tells you to relax, that this was bound to happen, that's it's not your fault.
Yandere! Soldier who holds you in his scarred arms and knows that he's finally caught you, body and soul. Who says the words you long for but dread hearing.
я тоже тебя люблю
"I love you too."
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burnforyou · 3 months ago
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♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ before you started dating, he had the biggest crush on you. he'd stare at you from across the lecture hall for three hours straight, never looking away. he once paid a chemistry professor to partner you two up for the lab.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ before he met you, approaching a girl never made him nervous. but you, you were different. you just made him so flustered and he hated it so much that he had to have you.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ he's a simple man: he just loves looking at you. when he wakes up in the middle of the night he admires your features under the moonlight.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ he's so touchy. he wants to be touching you 24/7. he constantly has his arm wrapped around your waist or shoulders. he holds onto your hand and guides you through crowded spaces. he plants his hand on the small of your back and rubs shapes on your skin beneath your shirt. he holds onto your thigh as he drives. when he can't hold you, he's whispering in your ear how badly he needs you.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ when he makes a joke in a group, he looks at you first to see you laugh. his eyes on you make your skin glow.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ in a group setting, he's pulling you into him and kissing you in front of everyone, so they all know you're together. even before you were officially together, he made sure everyone knew you were his.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ he taught you how to surf because he wants to share his hobbies with you. sometimes you'd "go surfing" with him, but you really went to watch him wet and shirtless for hours. he pretended like he didn't know that, and still fuck you every time. he takes you on his trips internationally to explore the world with you.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ you attempted to study for your chem final together, but it ended in him eating you out on the desk, your papers scattered and computers shut. you'd sit on his lap while doing flashcards and everytime he'd get one right you'd reward him with a kiss.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ you're both jealous and possessive. often, you see him talking to his girl friends and can tell they're into him, but he's clueless. so you show them he's yours by leaving dark marks on his neck or kissing him in front of them. when he sees you talking to another guy, he'll interrupt your conversation and steal you away from him.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ he loves to listen to you talk for hours, even if it's about something he truly isn't interested in. you're english/history smart and he's math/science smart, so you talk a lot about the latest book you're reading, your fun history stories, or psychology. you can convince him any theory is real. he doesn't necessarily believe in every one, but because it's you, he believes it.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ he constantly showers you with gifts, more than you could've ever imagined. he pays for everything and you can't remember the last time you paid for anything.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ when he cooks for you, he calls you over to taste test the sauce. he holds his hand under your chin and the spoon to your lips. he watches your face closely to study how you react to the taste.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ he begs you to wash his hair for him. when you do, he gets down on his knees in the shower and holds onto your hips. its not sexual, he just purely loves how it feels when you take care of him. when you massage his curls with conditioner, he feels like he could die right there and his life would be complete.
♡ ‧₊˚ ⋅ at night, you both read under the warm light from your lamps and you rest your head on his shoulder.
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levandright · 4 months ago
their favorite way to show their love for you is through — physical touchꜝꜝ
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pairing ⋆ ot7 enhypen x gn reader! ʬʬ content / warning(s) ⋆ fluff, est relationship ꕀ word count : 1082 ʬʬ go back to the start? ・ archive
ᐢ..ᐢ lev notes : i had a lot of fun making this! the whole wyll drabble is my advanced celebration for (almost) 50 followers!! hope you guys like this <3
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heesung loves to hold your waist. his hands will somehow always find a way there. but can you blame him? his hands fit perfectly around your waist, like pieces of a puzzle.
after a long day, your feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. heesung notices your quiet sighs and the way your shoulders seem to carry a little extra weight.
as you both stand in the hallway, he gently pulls you close, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you snugly against him.
you relax into his embrace, resting your head on his shoulder as he whispers softly, “i’m here, okay? you don’t have to go through this alone.”
his hands rest lightly but securely on your waist, grounding you. in that moment, his steady warmth eases your worries, and you feel safe, surrounded by his love and support.
jay loves random touches, like brushing a stray hair away from your face or letting his hands linger on your cheek for a moment. these little actions convey so much affection and intimacy that words can't replicate.
you're sitting together in a sunlit park, surrounded by the gentle sounds of nature. as you share stories and laughter, you suddenly become quiet, lost in thought.
sensing your shift in mood, jay turns to you with a concerned look. instead of asking directly, he reaches over and lightly places his hand on yours, his thumb stroking your knuckles softly.
the warmth of his touch pulls you back from your thoughts, and you meet his eyes. in that simple gesture, he conveys his support and understanding without needing to say anything.
you squeeze his hand in response, a silent acknowledgment of your connection, feeling comforted by his presence and the care behind his touch.
jake loves to carry you. he finds the little noise you make when he picks you up to be absolutely adorable, so any chance he gets, he’ll try to lift you off your feet without warning just to hear your surprised reaction.
you’re walking home together after a movie, laughing and talking, when suddenly, it starts pouring rain.
without an umbrella, you both start to run, but you slip on a puddle and stumble.
jake quickly catches you, grinning, and before you can protest, he sweeps you up into his arms to keep your feet out of the water.
you laugh, playfully telling him to put you down, but jake just smiles and says, “not a chance—i’ve got you now.”
you wrap your arms around his neck as he carries you through the rain, both of you laughing as the world blurs around you.
in his arms, you feel like the only thing that matters, and he’s happy to keep you safe and close, rain and all.
sunghoon loves to pat your head. he thinks it’s the perfect balance of playful and intimate, and what more could he want than that?
you were trying your hand at making a new dessert—a mousse cake. the recipe called for eggs, sugar, all-purpose flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt for the cake part.
you checked your ingredients and realized you were missing just the flour. you looked everywhere around the kitchen for it, but no luck you couldn’t find it.
the last place you didn't check was the high cabinets, and you couldn’t reach there—unless you wanted to climb onto the kitchen counter. you just cleaned it so doing that was a big no. so, you had to get help from sunghoon.
"hoon!" you called for your boyfriend, then you hear his familliar footsteps echo around your shared apartment.
"what does my little lady need from me this time?" he teases.
"can you reach the flour for me, please?" he grins at your request.
"why, of course~ anything for my lovely lady." he reached the container of flour with ease, and hands it over to you.
"thank you, hoon."
"anything for you," he says with a gentle smile, lifting his hand to your head and gently patting your hair.
sunoo loves to cuddle you! just lying in bed cuddling is the perfect way to spend your morning with him.
it's the weekend again, you spent all night watching movies with sunoo. your little movie night ended up going untill 3 am.
you peacefully sleeping until the light coming from your windows end up waking you. you let out a sound of complain as you groggly open your eyes and move your arms to cover your face.
your sudden movement ended up waking your sleeping boyfriend.
"mhm, what're you doing?" sunoo's morning voice greeted you.
"the light from the windows woke me up," you mutter sleepily.
"come closer and get back to sleep."
you scoot closer to him, and sunoo wraps his arms around you, moving your head closer to his chest.
"now go back to sleep, i don't wanna get up yet."
jungwon loves to hold your hand! when you're on dates, he always make sure he's holding your hand while you both walk to your destination. even when you're both doing nothing in particular — just idling by on the couch or laying in bed together — his hands will always be intertwined with yours.
you and jungwon are laying on a couch in comfortable silence with hands intertwined. you're on your phone, scrolling through the internet, when you see something that reminds you of your cat-like boyfriend.
"jungwon, look!" you say excitedly, showing him a picture of a cute pair of kittens.
"they're adorable," he says smiling, rubbing the thumb of his on the back of yours.
"they are! reminds me of you," you say with a grin. "mhmm, we do look pretty similar"
"i'm cuter, though," he smirks.
riki loves to kiss your face. whether it's a quick peck on your forehead while you're tired or a light kiss on your cheeks when you aren't paying attention to him, he absolutely adores smothering your face with kisses.
you're busy looking around the snack aisle of the conveniece store, with riki behind you, pouting as he watches you ignore him— all your attention taken by the assortment of chips.
as you reach out to grab the bbq-flavored chips, you feel something soft make contact with your cheeks.
you turn to face your boyfriend, who looks at you with a cocky smile.
"can't have you ignoring me for some chips, can i?"
you roll your eyes playfully at his words. "well, now you have all my attention."
"as it should be," he says confidently.
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taglist. @honeychocos
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leeloooonfire · 8 months ago
Steve hasn't read out loud since 4th grade - he still remembers the snickers of his classmates when he stumbled over the words as the letters twisted and turned on the page.
He doesn't like to read in general. It takes him so long to finish a story, let alone an entire book. He tried to read Hamlet once. When he and Nacy were a thing and he knew she liked classic literature. He hated it. Shakespeare, while the storyline seems to be interesting enough, nearly bored him to death.
So, that's the thing: Steve doesn't read, especially not out loud.
But then Vecna happened, and while Max and El finished the bastard off, they barely managed to get a deadly wounded Eddie out of the Upside Down.
(Eddie died in Dustin's arms and came back to life under Steve’s furious hands.)
While Eddie is bound to the hospital bed, unable to move, Steve picks up The Hobbit. He doesn't intend to read it, but when Edide can't hold the book long enough, let alone concentrate on it, Steve takes over. (He always does these things for the people he cares about. It is a small mystery to Steve when he started to care about Eddie.)
So, he reads - stumbling over the words, stuttering and slowly, but instead of laughing or making snide comments, Eddie listens to him patiently, a small smile on his lips.
(They finish The Hobbit and the first of Lotr before Eddie is allowed to leave the hospital.)
Steve thinks with Eddie free to go, that's it. No more hours sitting together and learning the tale of Frodo and Sam.
He is surprised when Eddie wants to hang out with him every other day. (He didn't think Eddie would want to be his friend.)
Two months after Eddie was allowed to go home, they lie in Eddie’s bedroom, sharing a joint and listening to Dio when the cassette comes to an end and Eddie turns slowly to him, brown eyes wide.
(Steve doesn't try thinking about kissing Eddie. He fails. Just a little bit.)
it's then when Eddie turns and grabs something from underneath his bed. A book. The two towers. "Aren't you interested how the story continues?"
Instead of waiting for Steve to answer, Eddie lays back down and starts reading. He is so much better than Steve at it - voice animated, each character distinguished.
(Steve loves it. Maybe even loves Eddie a bit.)
After a while, Eddie's voice gets rough and he pushes the book into Steve's hands, "Your turn." And he's too high to say no, so he reads. Less animated, less practiced, but Eddie lays his head on Steve's stomach and he smiles, humming whenever they reach parts he especially likes.
(If Steve's free hand runs through Eddie's curls every now and then, there's no one here to call them out for it.)
The letters still play tricks on him, turn and twist and make it hard for him to read, but Steve gets better. He doesn't really care if he comes to a stuttering halt or if he doesn't know how to pronounce a word, because Eddie doesn't seem to mind and only speaks to help when Steve gets frustrated with himself. Then they take turns and Eddie takes over reading.
(If Steve gets frustrated on purpose so Eddie reads for him, it's our tiny secret.)
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yuujispinkhair · 11 months ago
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Yakuza King!Sukuna lives a dangerous life. That's why he only wants you to leave his penthouse with your bodyguard. But what if you crave a treat from your favorite shop just down the street and go on your own?
Based on this lovely ask I received from @subarusuguru. Thank you so much for sharing it with me!! ♥️
Pairing: Yakuza!Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: smut + fluff Word Count: 900 Warnings: 18+, smut, spanking + pussy spanking, edging, fingering, dirty talk, use of the pet name daddy. It isn't explicitly stated in this story, but Sukuna and Reader are in an established relationship and have a safe word, etc. Everything happens with mutual consent. Minors don't interact. Divider @/benkeibear
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Yakuza!Sukuna loves you. He loves you so much. You are his whole world, and he needs to protect you, especially when he has so many enemies because of his line of work.
Usually, Sukuna enjoys a little disobedience when it comes from you. He loves to tease you about being a brat and enjoys playfully putting you back in your place. But things are different when he is actually worried about you like he is tonight after finding out you went to a shop all alone, without one of Sukuna's drivers, and even worse, without your bodyguard.
Sukuna knows that he is to blame, too, because he didn't want to scare you and, therefore, didn't tell you how grave the threat is at the moment. But he still can't stop himself from spiraling when he hears you so foolishly went out on your own. 
"This has to stop. If I tell you not to leave the house on your own, you will be a good girl and stay inside. And if you really need to leave, you will call Nobara. Do you understand that?"
He can see you gulp hard when you hear how stern he sounds. His maroon eyes, which are usually so warm when they look at you, are cold and hard right now. Tonight, the man sitting across from you isn't just your charming and loving husband. Tonight, you are talking to the King of Tokyo's Underworld, and he will do what he has to do to ensure you stay safe.
That's why Sukuna pats his lap and points an elegant tattooed finger to his fine black suit pants.
"Come here. I will make sure you remember to do as I tell you from now on."
You squeal when he grabs you and bends you over his lap, lifting your skirt and pulling your pretty lace panties down. And you squeal even louder when Sukuna's large hand connects firmly with your juicy ass cheek.
You make a cute sound, a mix between a hiss and a moan, when Sukuna spanks you again, several times in a row, before he uses his other hand to spread your pussy lips and watch the glistening wetness gathering there, your arousal so evident. You are breathing heavily when Sukuna runs a teasing fingertip over your creamy folds before he pinches your wet little clit, eliciting a loud gasp from you.
"I am doing this for you, darling. Don't you understand that I need to protect you? The Zenins are out there, trying to take everything from me. What do you think will happen if you run into them?"
You whimper softly, and Sukuna kneads the plump flesh of your naked ass cheek before he pulls his hand away and adds in a low, stern voice, emphasizing every word,
"That's why," his palm connects firmly with your naked ass again, "you have to," another firm spank, "learn how to obey me."
Sukuna wishes he didn't have to do this. He doesn't want to bend you over his knees like this and spank you like some naughty brat.
He doesn't want to tease you for hours like this, torturing you with pleasure and pain. Rubbing your swollen clit, and occasionally pushing a finger into your tight wet cunt, pumping it in and out of your obscenely squelching wetness, only to pull away again anytime he feels you beginning to tighten around him.
He doesn't want to punish you, making you whine loudly when he lets his large palm connect firmly with your spread pussy.
Sukuna doesn't want to spank and edge you until you are a crying, needy mess who promises him over and over again that you won't leave the penthouse on your own again.
"Please, Sukuna! Please...I... please... I won't go out on my own again! Please, please let me cum, Daddy! I'll be your good girl!"
Sukuna hates having to use his power and strength like that. But he also knows that pain is a good way to ensure a lesson is learned. And at least this is a pleasurable pain, judging by the way you mewl when he pushes two long fingers deep into your soaking wet cunt and fucks you hard and deep with them, torturing your g-spot unrelentingly while his other hand spanks your sensitive flesh.
Your whole body shakes as you cum all over his long fingers that are stuffing your cunt while Sukuna's other hand connects hard with your ass again, spanking and fingering you to an orgasm that makes you cry out loudly.
Sukuna lets out a long breath. The hand that spanked you is brushing gently over your abused skin now, caressing it lovingly, while he slowly fucks you through your orgasm. His voice is low, sensual, and full of love,
"Yes, just like that, sweetheart. You can be so good for me when you want. And I hate having to act like such an asshole. I love you, darling. I just want you to be safe. Do you understand that?"
He smiles when you answer him with a voice thick with tears but also filled with that sweet euphoria you always get after Sukuna made you cum.
"Hmm, yes, I know. I'm sorry for being so reckless, Kuna. I love you too."
You scramble to get up, and Sukuna quickly helps you, wrapping his strong arms safely around you and pulling you up so you straddle his lap, your wet cunt soaking his fine suit pants.
You smile at him and wrap your arms around his neck,
"But, next time, just tell me the whole truth, so I know how dangerous things are at the moment. You shouldn't keep these things from me, baby. I can take it, you know?"
Sukuna's lips lift in an amused smirk, his large hands sprawling over your naked ass, pulling you closer, his lips ghosting over your neck. He presses a tender kiss to your pulse point while lifting his hips to let you feel the large, hard bulge in his pants, his throbbing cock pressing against your hot wet cunt, only separated by the soaked-through fabric of his suit pants and boxer briefs.
"First, show me how you can take Daddy's cock, and then I will tell you everything."
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FUCKKK I NEED HIM!!!! Yakuza!Sukuna still manages to make my head spin, and I am so happy I could indulge in this!! Thank you so much for the prompt!! And thank you so much for reading!!
Comments and reblogs would be very sweet ♥️♥️
You can find more Yakuza King!Sukuna stories here
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rafeandonlyrafe · 1 year ago
deputy's daughter
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words: 1.6k
warnings: 18+ only!, p in v sex, unprotected sex, pull out method, caught
“rafe!” you hiss as he makes his way into your room through his preferred method of the window. “my dad is going to kill you!”
“is he home?” he questions. he didn't see the cop car sitting in your driveway, which is why he scaled the lattice to sneak inside.
“no, but he's gonna be home any minute now!” you keep your voice quiet despite the rest of the house being empty.
“let me kiss you until he gets home then.” rafe says, cupping your cheeks and pulling you into a heated kiss. you know it's never just a kiss with him, but you can't help but open your lips for his adventurous tongue, gripping his shirt to pull him in closer.
rafe smirks against your mouth. he could have texted you asking you to let him, but that would have taken all the fun out of it. 
“you have to leave as soon as my dad gets home.” you scold him as rafe lays you back on your bed. 
“i know you can’t keep quiet.” rafe chuckles, hand groping at your tits through your thin pajama shirt. thankfully the flood lights above the garage are motion sensored, and with your open window they'll alert you when your dad gets home.
“if only deputy shoupe knew what i was doing to his little angel of a daughter.” rafe chuckles as you send him a glare, tugging at his shirt in a silent plea for him to take it off.
“shut up, cameron. he likes you anyways.” you roll your eyes. now if it was a pogue in your bed, that would be a whole different story. 
“mhm.” rafe nods, tugging your shirt up, revealing your bare chest. “im just so charming. all the parents love me.”
“all?” you raise your eyebrows, taking your shirt the rest of the way off, flinging it across the room. “you mean you do this with other girls.”
“not anymore.” rafe shakes his head, mouth dropping to your nipple, tongue flicking over the sensitive bud. “you know they don't compare to that delicious pussy, baby.”
you tsk. “it's a shame you don't have time to eat it then.” 
rafe sighs dramatically, like it physically hurts him to not be able to give you head, to let his tongue drag through your folds and slurp up your juices.
“just a quick taste then ill fuck you, promise.” rafe tugs your pajama shorts down, knowing you never wear underwear just for him as he buries his face between your legs, forcing your thighs apart as his greedy mouth explores your pussy.
“delicious, baby.” rafe groans, voice vibrating against your skin. “my favorite meal.” he continues for only a moment longer, flicking his tongue against your entrance before moving up to press a wet kiss to your clit, making you moan out, eyes flickering to your window, making sure you somehow didn't miss the floodlights turning on.
rafe stands up with a lick of his lips, quickly undressing himself until he's just as bare as you are.
“condom?” he asks, forgetting to put one in his pocket, so caught up with getting over to your house on time, even running from his car to your yard, always parking a block away to not cause suspicion.
“fuck, you didn't bring one?” you groan, turning towards your bedside table. you squint in the low light as you scrounge through the drawer, but you know that you used the last one with rafe a week ago.
“just…” you sigh, pressing your forehead into the bed. “just pull out, okay?”
“promise.” rafe nods, eyes on your ass like they have been since you first turned onto your stomach, only half listening to what you're saying, but glad that you're still letting him fuck you.
rafe kneels over your legs before you can move back to your front or rise to your hands and knees. “stay like that.” he hums, gripping his cock and pushing it between your thighs, rubbing the head through your slick.
“fuck, you're so hot.” rafe groans as you reach behind your back, pulling your ass apart to show off both of your holes. “gonna let me play with this one one day?” rafe hums, his tip sliding past your entrance to your other hole, tapping against it.
“maybe.” you smirk. but certainly not today, not when you're already playing on limited time.
rafe slides back down to your cunt, pushing in as he leans forward, covering your body with his own. one hand keeps him held up, stopping from putting his complete weight on you, while the other grips your ass.
“fuck.” rafe groans out, his voice sounding more hoarse than usual. “you feel so good with nothing in between us.”
you moan as well as rafe bottoms out, pushing as far in as your pussy allows. he sits still, allowing you to adjust, to feel every ridge and vein of his cock. he goes from giving you nothing to pounding into you in an instant, the sound of your skin slapping together filling the room.
rafe gives a glance at the window. lights still off. he smirks down at you, your hands now gripping into the bedsheets as he plows into you from behind, using the full force of his hips with every thrust.
“m-more.” you mewl out, body shuddering as rafe manages to go deeper with a tilt of his hips, along with you arching your back and bringing your ass up further into the air.
you let out loud groans with every thrust that's now hitting your sweet spot, pushing your orgasm quickly to the surface.
“fuck baby, you're so tight.” rafe grunts out. “don't know how much longer i can last.”
“re-remember to pull out.” you manage to hum out, even though you wish you could feel him fill you up, you're not on birth control and are already taking a risk with having sex at all.
“ass or tits?” rafe questions. 
“ass.” you shake your hips from side to side, making rafe let out a loud curse, pulling out sooner than he'd like to to jack himself off, spilling almost instantly over your ass and back, spreading long ropes of cum along your skin.
rafe is quick to grab a tissue and clean you off, as much as he likes seeing you covered in his cum, he's got other things to focus on.
just as he's about to flip you over to eat you out, the lights outside turn on.
“fuck!” you curse, knowing you have seconds before your dad enters the house. you turn over to look at rafe. you gotta get out.”
“you didn't cum yet.” rafe shakes his head, body covering you again, pressing you back down into the plush mattress. “im not leaving without giving you at least one orgasm.”
“you're gonna be leaving with a bullet in your chest if my dad catches you!” you hiss out.
“itll be worth it.” rafe manages to force his hand underneath you, finding your clit with ease as he rubs his fingers between your folds. 
“y/n!” your dads voice calls out. you usually greet him downstairs, staying locked in your room is bound to cause suspicion.
“rafe.” you moan out quietly. “please, stop.” you can barely keep yourself from screaming out as his fingers just move faster, his weight pressing down on you too much to move.
“babygirl?” shoupe calls out, his loud footsteps marching up the stairs.
“i-in my room!” you call out.
“you okay?” he asks, now right outside your door. you have to cover your mouth as rafe flicks your clit. you take a deep breath before answering.
“yeah, fine!” your voice wobbles a little, something you know your dad notices. “just period cramps!”
“can i get you some midol?” he questions, and you know his ear is pressed to the door, listening for any signs that something is amiss as rafe rubs you quicker, refusing to slow down, needing to get an orgasm out of you.
“already took some!” you call out, having to press your face into your mattress as you cum, body shaking as rafe smirks above you, hearing your muffled noises. “i think im just gonna go to bed early.” you say as soon as you recover.
“alright, goodnight sweetheart.” 
rafe finally allows you to flip over, lifting himself to lay on his side next to you. you raise your eyebrows and hold your finger to your lips, signaling rafe to be quiet until you hear your father's footsteps move down the hallway.
“rafe, you almost got us caught!” you whisper, giving him a shove on the shoulder, only to be met by a proud smile on his face.
“had to get you off, princess, otherwise it wouldn't be fair.” rafe leans forward to plant a kiss on your lips, feeling the way you melt against him.
“am i forgiven?” he questions.
“yeah, just get out.” you giggle quietly. you think your dad bought your explanation, but you can never be too sure.
rafe dresses quickly, throwing your pajamas onto the bed so you can also get decent.
“gotta give you one more kiss.” he leans over your bed to give you a sweet kiss, lips moving gently against each others.
“okay, now go.” you shoo rafe out, heading to the window now that your legs feel a bit more stable, watching him climb down the lattice. he gives you a wave once his feet hit the concrete, only for his entire body to freeze when the side door opens up, your dad stepping out into the light.
“rafe cameron, im going to kill you!”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @folklorsweet @yourenogoodforme @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl
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