#and if u would permit me to be extremely dweeby for a second
drunktuesdays · 2 years
Ten (and Final) (!)
[one ] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six] [seven] [eight] [nine]
"What does that mean?" Garcia says finally, blinking at him.  
"Like I said, I'm an asshole—"
"Not that," Garcia snaps, slicing his hand through the air irritatedly. "You came here for me? I thought you ain't wanna be around me no more."
"That's why I'm apologizing! If you'd listen—"
"Why?" Garcia said. 
"Why? Because I'm talking, and that's how a conversation goes—" If he thought the kid was doing it on purpose, he'd probably try and throttle him right now. But Eddie can tell Garcia's not being difficult to make Eddie crazy. He's genuinely standing there looking bewildered.
 Eddie takes a deep breath, and rolls his shoulders, cracks his neck. "I was an asshole to you," he repeats again, slow and serious. "I was mad at you—I thought you were gonna bond Yuta, and I wanted to hurt you first—"
"Yuta?" Garcia's brow creases in confusion. "What, just because he's an omega? Because you think I should want—"
"No, because I saw the pay-per-view fight. I was watching 'cuz I was proud of you, and I wanted to see—and you—in the ring—you bit him like you were gonna—-"
The kid's face reddens immediately and his shoulders hunch with shame. "That's not—when I'm in the ring, sometimes I get—you know how it gets for me—"
"Yeah," Eddie says. "I know. I know that now. I know you ain't want Yuta. And Yuta said he don't want you—"
"Yeah, he'd be fucking lucky," Garcia mutters, still looking down miserably. 
"Yeah he would," Eddie agrees. "So I acted like an asshole because I didn't want to admit that the idea pissed me the fuck off.  And I'm sorry for that."  He waited a beat and finally, Garcia looked up and met his eyes. Eddie held his gaze, trying to make his sincerity as real as it felt to him. Garcia nodded, a sharp, short thing.  
Eddie exhaled.  "So," he said, and he felt like he was stepping off of the planned out road onto unknown wilderness. "If you're not planning to bond Yuta, and I know you're not—and if there's no one else you are planning to bond—I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I wanted to say." Jesus Christ, he's never sounded so fucking stupid, so incoherent. "I wanted to offer. I mean, I know it wouldn't work the same for us, but if you wanted—we could—Shit. Hang on, I can do this better. Lemme start over."
"Don't even," Garcia said, interrupting him. "What the hell are you even talking about? Did I ever ask you to bond with me?"
"No," Eddie says, startled. "But everyone's been coming up to me—"
"Who gives a fuck about everyone," the kid says viciously. "I don't give a shit—I'm young, bro. I got years left for all that. That's never what I was asking for. That's never what I came to you for. I am not trying to get married right now."
"Okay, then what do you want? Because I've been trying to figure it out—"
"Because you don't listen, Eddie, christ.  I want what I always fuckin' want. I want you to see me. I want your fuckin attention. I don't wanna have to ask for it. I don't wanna have to beg. When you want to fuck, I want you to come find me and hit me up. I want your fuckin room key in my pocket. I want your fuckin boys not to look at me like I'm trash in their way—"
"They don't—"
"They do," Garcia says, steamrolling right on. "I wanna see what your house looks like. I want you to come here maybe. Sometimes. You stupid fuck, I want what I wanted the whole fucking time. I want you."
"That's the stupidest thing anyone could ever want in their life," Eddie says, and his voice is cracking embarrassingly. "But. If you do. Danny, you got me."  
He doesn't know who moved first. Later, he wouldn't be able to say—and then I decided to kiss Danny. or: Danny reached for me.  
Instead, it was as if they'd crashed together somewhere in the middle. Slamming together like a fucking car wreck.  Danny gets his hand curved around Eddie's skull, pulling Eddie closer and closer while Eddie gets an arm around his shoulder, fisting a handful of Danny's shirt. "Wait," Danny says against his mouth.
"No waiting," Eddie says, backing him towards the couch. "I've been waiting—"
"But—" and then Danny's twisting out of his grasp. Eddie startles for a second, his grip going lax before he realizes that Danny's falling over the coffee table they'd been backing right over, and about to take Eddie down with him. 
They both hit the carpet, Eddie landing on his back with a grunt.  Danny snickers at him, says "fuckin' disaster," even as Eddie rolls on top of him and kisses the laughter right out of his mouth.  
"And I'm still pissed at you," Danny says, digging his fingernails into Eddie's nape. 
"Yeah?" Eddie says distractedly. "Join the fucking club." He strips Danny out of his shirt, sheds his own one-handed, nearly ripping the neck as it goes over his head. Then he's groping Danny, roughly rubbing up over his pecs, thumbing his rosy little nipples until they're stiff peaks.  Danny's like a live wire under him, squirming and shoving his tits up for more, and humping at Eddie's thigh. 
"Relax," Eddie says, and pinches Danny's nipple, making him yowl. "We got all night."
"Eat shit," Danny grouses back. "Some of us haven't gotten it in weeks."
"Where do you think I'm getting it?" Eddie says absently, admiring the flush rising up on Danny's chest. Then, startled, says, "You haven't? With anyone else?"
"Shut up," Danny tells him. "Don't get a big head."
"Too late," Eddie says, and he reaches down and unties the string on Danny's sweatpants. "My head is fuckin' huge already. You waited for me, for real?"
"Waited for you to grow the fuck up," Danny says, and shoves his hips up demandingly, begging for Eddie's hand on his cock. But Eddie feels like good behavior should get good rewards and shit, so instead, he scoots back so he's kneeling between Danny's legs.  
Danny sits up on his elbows, bemused. "Where you goin?"
"Lay back," Eddie says. "Hands over your head and keep 'em there. Don't fuckin' choke me, and if you say one word about my technique—"
"Oh shit." He complies with Eddie's orders so fuckin' fast it almost makes Eddie grin. But he's too intent on what he wants to do, and finishes stripping the pants of the kid's legs. He shoulders between Danny's thighs, and with a deep breath, licks a stripe up Danny's cock.  Danny hisses, and Eddie can see his stomach muscles trembling with the effort not to move his hips.  Good boy, he thinks, and dips his head down to fully suck Danny's cock into his mouth.
He's never done this before. Not for any particular reason—he's got no objection to giving head to either guys or girls. It's just that the guys he's been with over the years tended to be quick little hookups—handjobs exchanged in dark spaces. A quick fuck here or there. Eddie's never been one to really wanna be on his knees for anyone, so he just never has. He don't hate it though. Danny tastes good, clean, fresh. His cock is fat and heavy on Eddie's tongue, stretching his lips in an unfamiliar way.  The extra skin where his knot will pop is soft and loose under Eddie's fist and Eddie takes a second to lick at it, kissing it nice, before he goes back down.  
The kid's babbling like a maniac. Eddie can hear him begging and swearing and groaning, but he don't pay attention. It's not interesting. What's interesting right now is the way the kid's cock is starting to leak pre-come, and drips even more when Eddie dips his tongue in the slit to chase it.  He closes his eyes and takes it deep in his throat for a bit, swallowing around the unfamiliar shape. Fuck, it's good. He likes it. He likes the way it feels. 
He comes back to himself when he notices a hand on the back of his head, not pushing, not nudging. Just touching him, rubbing over his hair.  
"I thought I told you to keep your hands above your head," Eddie says hoarsely, pulling off. 
Danny sobs, says, "C'mon. I can't—"
"Pussying out already?"
"—I'm gonna come."  
Eddie blinks at him. "Okay," he says. "Not tryna brag or anything but that's the goal, so."
"C'mon, what," Eddie says and then absently nips at the kid's thighs. Danny hisses and jerks under his hands, so Eddie does it again. A sweet little mark starts blooming up, right on the inside. Selfishly, he kinda hopes Danny's gotta wrestle soon, that he has to wear Eddie's mark out in the ring. 
"Mm," Eddie says, and thinks about going full hog and sucking a big ass hickey there. How much would he get in trouble? Would it be worth it?  Maybe. 
"You're gonna make me say it? Are you serious right now?"
Startled, Eddie comes all the way up, sits back on his heels, and surveys the situation. Danny's red-faced, squirming, and biting his lip. His hands are back above his head, but clenched into fists. Hand to God, Eddie has to think real hard about what they were even talking about. 
"What, you don't wanna come in my mouth?" he says. "Why, you wanna get weird? Come on my face or some shit?"  
Danny's face is turning redder than hell. He looks furious, but his hands haven't moved from above his head.  
"No," Eddie says. "It's not that at all, is it?  You wouldn't mind if you shot off on your own belly, would you? You don't care about that."
The fury is turning murderous on the Danny's cute little face. Christ, Eddie loves him so much. He's crawling up over Danny's body before he can stop it, pressing his wrists to the carpet, kissing him deep. 
"You don't care where you come, as long as I'm in you, is that right?" Eddie says, when he lets the kid take a breath again. "My cock, my knot. Is that what you want?"  
Danny nods. He looks almost drugged now, sweet and pink and dazed. 
Eddie kisses him once as a reward, and then again because Eddie likes him so much. "Okay," he says. "Anything you want, honey. I got you." Eagerly, Danny squirms over onto his stomach, presenting, waiting. Like a little feast, all for Eddie. All for the taking. Eddie gives him a little slap to pink up his sweet skin, then spreads him open and pushes inside. 
It's been a bit since he's had this. Maybe he could have forgotten what it was like. Maybe if Danny had never let him in the front door, he would have gone home telling himself it wasn't really that good. It wasn't much at all. 
He woulda been a fuckin' liar. Fucking into Danny is like fucking into silk, but hot. Like fucking into liquid gold but sweeter. He can't make sense of it, at all. 
Danny's groaning his head off like Eddie's the one showing him a good time. Like getting it like this is what he'd been wanting, been missing. Absolutely fuckin' insane. Eddie gets a hand around one of Danny's thighs and hauls it up so he can get even deeper. 
It makes no sense that Danny likes it so much, wants it so much from Eddie, but if he does—Eddie's gonna give it to him right. He's gonna do the best job he can possibly fuckin' do. 
He kisses Danny on the back of his neck.  "You like it? This what you wanted?"
"Yeah," Danny says. He's got one hand curled into the carpet, his nails clinging on like the kid's trying to grab hold of something. His mouth is hanging open, and the noises he's making. It's unreal. This whole day has been unreal.  
"Gonna give you anything you want, honey," Eddie says and kisses him on his shoulder. "Anything you ask for, anything you need. Anything. I'm gonna give it to you. Always."  
Danny makes a soft, wild, little sound and shoves his face into his folded arm, and well. Eddie can't be having that.  "You don't believe me?" he says, trying to pull Danny's arm away from his face. "You think I'm still gonna fuck you over?" 
"You don't have to say this shit—" Danny gasps, resisting him. "Just—say the regular stuff—"  
"The regular—? Christ, no."  Eddie can't be having this. He pulls out too fast, making Danny cry out. Eddie doesn't care. He got business to attend to.  
He grabs him by the hips and flips him over onto his back, almost getting kicked in the head for the trouble. "Watch it," he warns, muscling back between Danny's thighs.  Danny doesn't say anything but he groans, deep and loud when Eddie gets back inside. 
Eddie slides back up the kid's body, and looks at him. Danny's face is—Eddie doesn't know exactly. His cheeks are beet red, and his hairline is sweaty.  His  pupils are blown up nice and big. The expression on his face is complicated—muleish, impatient, anxious.  
Then Danny realizes Eddie's just staring at him. "You gonna move any time soon?" he says snidely.  "Or what, you want my hands above my head first?"  
"No," Eddie says, but he does start moving, slowly. He touches the kid's face, kisses him. "You really don't believe me."
"I told you already I got time before all that—" 
"I heard you," Eddie says. "And when I ask you to marry me again, you'll fuckin' know it. That's not what I'm saying. Baby, c'mon, tell me you know you got me."
"Could get you a little faster," Danny says, and shoves his hips down, trying to get a reaction.
"Mm," Eddie says. "Maybe when I think you're hearing me."  He moves his hand to Danny's hairline, smoothes the kid's bangs out of his face. "I make a lotta fuckin' mistakes in this world, a whole lot of 'em.  But I don't make the same one twice. Sweetheart, I'm not going anywhere."
Danny scoffs, but it's weak, thready. "I heard you."
"No, you didn't. Hey— look at me. Hey." He fucks him a few times, slow and easy, until Danny gives up and looks at him.  "I see you now. I see who you are. I ain't gonna hurt you—or at least, not like that."
Danny makes another weak strange noise, almost a laugh. "So what? In a different way instead—?"
"Probably," Eddie admits. "That's life, man, and you chose a real fuckin' dirtbag. But I'm like fuckin' herpes, dude. You're stuck with me. I'm not going anywhere." "Don't say herpes while you're fucking me," Danny says, but he sounds a little different, saying it. Looks a little shocked. 
"Whatever, dude," Eddie says. "You believe me? For real, babe. I'm here. You got me now." He kisses him, long enough that he feels light-headed when he pulls back. "Do I got you?"  
"Hmm?" Danny says distractedly, chasing after Eddie's mouth.
Eddie holds off, but snaps his hips, giving it the way Danny likes it. "I've been making a lotta declarations to you, and I ain't heard shit back."
Danny's gaze sharpens, and he gives Eddie a look. "I've been obvious. Don't tell me the whole company doesn't know where I stand. It's been humiliating."
"Do you know," Danny says, glaring at him. "That Taz told me to keep my head up the other day? Taz, Eddie. Taz told me not to let you get me down."
"Yeah, you had it bad," Eddie says, and wraps a hand around Danny's cock. "Still wanna hear it though."
Danny's cute little body goes tense underneath him, abs quivering. "Hear what."
"Mm," Eddie says, giving him a loose, easy stroke. "I told you I'm gonna give it to you whenever you want it, whenever you need it. You gonna let me?"
"Yeah," Danny says tightly, trying to thrust up into Eddie's grip. 
Eddie rewards him by starting to fuck him again, letting the jostles of his hips shove Danny's cock through the tight circle of his fingers.  "Yeah?" he says. "You're gonna let me take care of you? Let me be good to you? I ain't been good to nobody in a long time. I might not be real good at it right away. You gonna let me try?"
"Eddie, c'mon. You know—"
"Tell me," Eddie says, and he can feel his knot starting to blow, catching on Danny's rim on every outstroke. Danny starts to whine, catching his legs around Eddie's waist to keep him in. "Tell me," he says again, coaxingly, running his thumb down the underside of Danny's cock. 
"You're such an asshole," Danny says and almost sobs when Eddie drags the knot deliberately roughly out. "I'm yours, you fuck. You know I am."
"Mine?" Eddie says and he drops Danny's cock in favor of getting his knees under him, really pounding Danny.  "You wanna be mine? Mine to fuck, mine to take care of?" "Yeah," Danny says, getting a hand on himself now, jerking himself ruthlessly. "You knew that."
"I'm not gonna fuck up," Eddie says. It was a stupid promise—Eddie was a fuck up, always. It didn't matter. Somehow, he'd keep it anyway. "I'm gonna love you, honey. The way you deserve."
Danny hissed, looking at him with big, dark eyes. He was close, Eddie could tell. That was okay, Eddie was close too. He was gonna knot Danny, pin him still, fill him to bursting, kiss him about it.  Then maybe he'd take him to a real bed, eat him out, then do it again. They didn't have to be nowhere for days. They had all the time in the world. 
His orgasm was licking in the space of his spine, and the knot was insistent now, too big to pull out. Eddie laced his hands over Danny's, jerking him off together. "Tell me again," he says. 
Danny makes a bratty face. "If I knew you were gonna be so needy—" Then he tenses up and groans, shooting up all over their linked fingers. "Fuck. C'mon, Eddie. You know I've always been yours."
"Yeah," Eddie says with satisfaction, kissing him, his own finish heartbeats away. "Don't worry sweetheart. This is how it's gonna be now. This is how it's always gonna be."  Danny smiled at him, big, sweet, happy, his eyes bright and shining. His heart trustingly in Eddie's big dumb clumsy hands. "I'm gonna take care of you," he said, his voice embarrassingly hoarse. "I'm gonna do it right now. I'm not gonna fuck it up."
"I know," Danny said. "Eddie, I know."
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