#and if they bring up the judo flip I roll my eyes so fucking hard
littleragerr · 2 months
Theres a weird trait on ao3 where people will force a Percabeth breakup too ship Percy w their person if choice but they always have the most stupid reasons known to mankind
No Annabeth would NEVER break up with Percy she loves that boy just as much as she loves him and no she wouldn’t break up with him because she’s “ scared of him ” 😭 she literally loves that man and knows him like the back of her hand they were each other’s support systems in and outside of Tartarus
Yes RR didn’t put as much focus on them healing through that trauma together and moving on together but it’s pretty heavily implied in COTG and if anything them falling in too that Hellpit strengthened their love for eachother
Actually no Annabeth wasn’t even scared of him she was scared of what Tartarus was turning him into she’s not “ ungrateful ” because she asked him too please stop torturing a woman that’s not selfish of her she’s literally in the worst place on earth and doesn’t want him to become something he regrets 😭
And she clearly understands because they are still extremely close and she never mentions it again like come on she isn’t breaking up with him because she’s “ intimidated ” like
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What about us, part 2 (Bucky Fic)
Pairings: Bucky x Female Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst that’s really about all
Word Count: 2,400+ holy shit, I just don’t shut up do I?
Blurb: A few weeks after the events of “What About Us” yours and Bucky’s relationship is still on rocky grounds. Part 1 here ----> https://irachyrooposts.tumblr.com/post/164095070911/what-about-us-bucky-fic
  It’s been two weeks since you had decided to tell Bucky how you felt, only to find him having sex with some blonde bombshell, absolutely shattering your heart. In that time you had managed to avoid him altogether.
Nat was the first person you told of the whole situation, – mostly because she was a master at lies and seeing through them, so she got the truth from you fairly easily – and after you told her, she swapped rooms with you, just so you were further away from Bucky than you already were. It wasn’t much, in the grand scheme of things but you appreciated everything Nat was doing.
“Well, Y/N this is the last of your shit” she said heaving a bag of books up onto your bed.
“Thanks Nat, I really appreciate everything” you said, opening the bag and beginning to arrange your books on your shelves.
“Look, I’m no expert, but things will get easier. You just have to get back on the horse and get your mind off of Bu….. Him” she said, making sure she didn’t say his name around you.
“I know, I just, I feel so stupid Nat and –” you started before Steve interrupted.
“Hey Nat, I was wondering if …” Steve said stopping in the door way, “oh, um, sorry. Wait, what’s going on?” he asked, looking around the room puzzled.
“We’re swapping rooms, because Y/N wanted a bigger window for her reading and I don’t really care where I lay my head, so, we moved” Nat said smiling at you – shit she was a good liar, it was some silly, totally reasonable lie, and yet she pulled it off with such gusto – Steve just nodded.
“Well, okay then, don’t let me stop you; I just wanted to see if you wanted to spar later Nat” Steve said, arms folded, he took up the entire doorframe.
“No can do Captain, but Y/N would love to! She’s got plenty of shit to work through.” Nat said winking, before pushing past Steve and leaving. You cussed under your breath – the gym was Bucky’s favourite place, the last place you wanted to be. Steve turned to you, smiling.
“Great, meet me in the gym, one hour” Steve said turning to leave before you could protest. You finished unpacking until it was time to meet Steve.
 When you got to the gym, you peered in just a little, checking the coast was clear. Steve was already practicing on the dummy, but there was no sign of anyone else. You entered, dropped your towel and water bottle on the floor and started stretching.
“Hey Y/N! Just let me finish this set and we’ll start” Steve called out.
“Okay dokey” you said, continuing your stretches. Subconsciously you kept checking around the room and looking over at the door, you hadn’t noticed Steve had finished and was standing in front of you.
“Y/N? Y/N?” he was waving his hand in front of your face and you jumped, snapping out of it.
“What? Yeah, I’m fine, let’s do this!” you were being overly excited; Steve just raised an eyebrow, before leading you onto the mats.
You started slow, minor hand to hand combat moves, a few light kicks, your mind still wandering to if he was going to walk through the door. Steve took advantage of you not paying attention and tackled you. You hit the mat with a loud oomph.
“Ahhh fuck!” you grumble lying on your back looking up at Steve who was now towering over you.
“Language” Steve teased, before stretching out a hand for you. You took it and he helped you up. You reset and started again. “Y/N? Is everything okay?” Steve asked between punches, “you seem a little distracted.” He lowered his hands just a little, and you pounced. You body slammed into him, wrapping your legs around his waist and judo flipping him onto the mat, before rolling over and standing above him, just as he did to you.
“I’m fine, and I swear the next person who asks me if I’m okay, I will punch in the goddamn throat” you growled. You lowered your hand to him and helped him up.
“Firstly, impressed,” he said, smiling at you taking your hand and getting up, “secondly, point taken, just know I am here if you want to talk” he said, and with that you two were back sparring. You were just about to start again, when the doors flew open and Bucky and his giggley blonde sauntered in.
They were playing with each other, tickling and touching. You made some god awful animal noise and Bucky looked up, not realising they weren’t alone.
“Hey guys” Steve chirped, waving to them.
“Hiya Stevie!” the blonde said, all the while wrapping her arm around Bucky’s waist and glaring at you. Stevie, who the fuck was she to call him Stevie you thought angrily.
“Hi” was all Bucky said, turning from you two and walking with blondie to the other side of the room.
You and Steve kept sparring for a while, but you were completely aware of Bucky behind you. Steve lunged at you, and you pivoted on the spot, stepping out of the way, which also meant you were now facing Bucky and her. He had his hands on her hips, her head leaning into the crook where his neck and shoulder met, he was showing her something, but she clearly wasn’t paying attention.
Before you knew it, Steve had grabbed you at waist height and flipped you over his back, you landed flat on your back and you were winded.
“For the love of FUCK!” you yelled, temporarily forgetting that there was anyone else in the room. Steve stood over you, looking down, to see if you were okay, and you could see in the mirror that Bucky was watching.
You slid your leg across the mat catching Steve’s feet and he fell hard just beside you. You rolled over on top of him, straddling his hips, pinning him down, his eyes went wide and he didn’t move.
“And that’s enough for me today Rogers.” You said, standing up, helping him up and then grabbing your shit and leaving the gym.
Later that night, after everyone else had, had their dinner, you wandered into the kitchen to grab your plate, which you knew Nat would’ve made up and put in the fridge for you. You opened the fridge, finding your plate and some extras in containers and turned to the counter, slamming the door shut with your foot.
You nearly screamed when Bucky came out of the shadows to stand in front of you.
“Jesus!” you seethed. “Give a girl a heartache why don’t you!” you pushed past him and set everything down on the counter, trying your hardest to ignore him.
“Can we talk Y/N? Please” he whispered.
“No” you said, not even bothering to look at him. He grabbed your wrist and turned you to face him. You snatched your hand out of his grasp, folded your arms across your chest and raised your eyebrows. Giving him the best ‘resting bitch face’ you could.
“You’re cute when you’re mad” He smirked.
“Don’t. Don’t you fucking dare Barnes!” you growled, “You don’t get to say things like that to me”
Before you could turn away from him, he grabbed your face and kissed you, hard, passionate, and needy, you moaned and he slipped his tongue in between your teeth.
You pushed away from him and slapped him right across the face – the whole room echoed with the sound. Your hand stung from the contact.
“I deserved that” he said, you could see his Adam’s apple bob in his throat as he swallowed, “I just, I needed to do that, I’ve missed you and I –”
“Don’t even finish that thought.” You yelled, just as Bucky started to speak again, “don’t, I’m serious! It’s not fair; I’m not some toy for you to play with Bucky.” you stepped away, putting more distance between you and Bucky. “You made it clear you didn’t feel the same way for me that I did for you, and what you’re doing to me now, it’s unfair. Besides, you have a girlfriend, one who you were getting hands-y with all morning in the gym, someone who clearly meant more to you than I did, so just, go away… Actually better yet, you stay, and I’ll go.” You put your hand up so he’d stop, and you turned and left the room. He called after you.
A few weeks went by since the kitchen incident. You had replayed it over and over in your head a million times, different endings, different things you could’ve said or done, what if you’d kissed him back and to hell with his girlfriend.
“Y/N! Let’s go!” Nat yelled, pounding on your door. It was Nat’s birthday and she invited all of the Avengers out to go clubbing with her. Tony had denied, something about he owed Pepper a date, Clint couldn’t because baby Nathaniel, and Vision didn’t want to go, but the rest agreed.
Your rag tag group consisted of Steve, Sam, Thor, Bruce, Wanda, Nat, you and Bucky. You were getting nervous about him being there, you knew Nat had extended the invitation for Bucky to bring a plus one.
“I’m coming!” you yelled, opening the door, revealing your outfit to Nat. She frowned.
“You are NOT going out dressed like that! Even my grandma would be ashamed to be seen in that!” Nat hissed, before barging into your room and rifling through your closet. You looked down at your outfit. Okay, so maybe baggy lounge pants and a hoodie wasn’t a good choice for clubbing, but what was the point? You couldn’t compete with Nat or Wanda or Bucky’s girlfriend.
“Put these on! Now” Nat barked, thrusting a tiny black dress with a deep V-neck and a pair of killer heels. You complied, as soon as you were in the dress and heels Nat rushed you, covering your face in makeup, painting your lips in a dark plum and giving you heavy cat eyes and making a nice smoky affect with the eyeshadow. “There, much better” she smiled at you. Before taking your hands in hers. “Relax, it’s my birthday, he won’t say or do anything, and I will make sure you have a good time and forget about him.” She gave your hands a squeeze before pulling you to the door.  
The music in the club was thumping so loud you could feel the vibrations in your chest. You, Nat and Wanda had come together, and the boys showed up not long after, and Bucky wasn’t with his girlfriend.
Nat found a nice table, jammed in the corner, but close to the bar and dance floor. The first round of drinks came, then the second, then the third, and before you knew it you, Nat, Wanda and Sam were all up dancing. Steve, Thor and Bucky were playing darts or pool or something, you hadn’t really been paying attention and Bruce, poor Bruce; he was sitting in the corner, trying to look like he was having fun.
Nat sauntered off the dance floor and went to sit with him. You, Wanda and Sam kept dancing. Sam and Wanda sort of paired off, allowing one of the guys from the bar who’d been eyeing you all night to come over. You smiled and kept dancing.
His hands were on your hips and you were throwing your hair around, turning and laughing. You backed into him, grinding and swaying. He turned you until you were facing each other, a new song came on, and you kept dancing. You were so close to him, you could smell his aftershave and the whiskey on his breath. Your thoughts went to Bucky, and you looked over at him. He was standing in the corner, arms folded, and if looks could kill, everyone in the club would’ve been dead.
“God you’re beautiful” the man whispered, lowering his head until his lips were fluttering across the skin on your neck.
“Bucky…” you whispered. The guy pulled away, abruptly.
“Who the hell is Bucky?” he frowned at you.
“What, no, no one. I’m sorry!” you said, but he’d already started to wander off. You turned back to Sam and Wanda, they just shrugged at you. You wandered off the dance floor, plonking into the chair beside Bruce, so he was now boxed in between you and Nat. Without saying a word, she slid a shot in front of you. You slammed it down.
“To quote my good friend Thor, ‘this drink, I like it, ANOTHER’” you yelled, Thor smiling over at you, so happy you had quoted him.
“Yeah! DRINKS ALL AROUND” he yelled and the bartender brought another tray of drinks and shots.
You’re not sure how long you’d been in the club or how many drinks you had, had, but you were well and truly going to be hungover tomorrow. Nat announced it was some time after two in the morning, and that the bartenders were closing up and we had to leave. You all grumbled, and stood, grabbing your stuff and heading outside.
“There’s another bar down the street, stays open until four or five” Sam announced. Wanda clapped and gave puppy eyes to Nat, and one by one the Avengers started heading off down the street.
“I think I might head home” Bruce piped up. He gave Nat a peck on the cheek, told her she looked radiant and happy birthday and he started to walk away.
“I think I might too” you announced, giving Nat a look. She gave you a hug and whispered into your ear.
“It’ll get easier Y/N, I promise” before giving your hand a squeeze and leading the rest of the gang down the street.
Bruce and you arrived back at the tower, he said goodnight, and went down the hallway to his room. You headed towards yours. You got back to your room, kicking off your heels, your feet were killing you, and you headed for a shower. After you scrubbed your makeup off and washed your hair, you climbed out and threw on your shorts and baggiest hoodie and started walking to your bed, there was a bang on your door. And when you didn’t answer the banging got louder, more aggressive.
“I’m coming!” you snapped.
You opened the door; Bucky was standing there, panting.
“What do you want Bucky?” you grumbled.
“Y/N need you..... I love you..... and I’ve been such an idiot.”
@debbielovesbucky @magellan-88
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gwynne-fics · 8 years
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[Twisted to a Fault Chapter 95 — banner by mrshobbes]
Lexi has made me lovely banners for some of the chapters. She’s complied them all for us. Please take a look! They are fabulous and she is amazing!
Twisted to a Fault Master List
Chapter 95: 2258 words
“I don’t think I can move.” Rachel stared at the ceiling while Young-Do covered her with the comforter and got up to take care of the condom. “What the hell was that? Who taught you that?”
“I have an imagination and everyone knows about blindfolds.” He came back and climbed in with her. Young-Do pulled her close and nuzzled her neck. “Thank you for trusting me. If you want to blindfold me sometime, I’ll say yes.”
“I definitely want to blindfold you.” There really was no substitute for fucking Young-Do. She felt relaxed and languid. Rachel laid her arms over his and snuggled against his chest. She loved laying her head in the crook of his shoulders as she closed her eyes. “I picked places for us to go on dates tomorrow.”
“Really? Like what?”
“Food, walking along the river, letting you take me for a ride on your motorcycle when downtown is all lit up,” she teased as she rolled over so she could face him. “I get all of your Sunday though. We’re going hiking.”
Young-Do stilled. She knew how much he loved hiking and camping. He always voted for an outdoor activity for school trips. He wanted to do a hiking team building activity with his board members, but got shot down every year.
“Mudeung Mountain?”
“Have you gone yet?” She stroked her fingers over his shoulder and bit her lip. “The summit is closed right now but there are lots of other beautiful places to look at.”
“I haven’t.” He smiled as he bent down and kissed her. “I’ve either been in meetings or plotting to visit you. I planned on begging you to hike it with me during the Pearl’s open house. I don’t have any of my gear.”
“I’m having it delivered tomorrow. I bought myself some, too. I spent the last few days breaking in my hiking boots in the suite because you like to lecture about it.” She smiled up at him and touched his lips. “You don’t have to plot all our romantic moments. I have a few inside me, too.”
“I like it when you’re romantic,” he murmured and kissed her sweetly. Rachel wrapped her arms loosely around his neck as he moved over her. Her fingers found the soft indentations of his muscles and she wondered if either of them had the strength to go hard and fast. His mouth moved over hers as he started touching her body once more.
Rachel groaned in frustration when his phone started making noises. Young-Do sighed and sat up. He was hard again and she wrinkled her nose as he softened a little before answering. She was tempted to do to him what he’d done when she was on the phone with Michael. It would be too easy to climb behind him and tease him.
“No,” Young-Do abruptly growled. “Hyun-Shik, I want you to fix this. And when I say fix this, I explicitly mean to do it legally. No bribes. Just follow the damn rules and find out why we’re having this problem in the first place. Our hotel was burned down. It was deemed arson. If they find someone within the company that did it, I will not protect them. If they believe it was someone in the company, they need hard proof before they refuse to zone. The Pearl existed before zoning was even invented. Fix it.”
There was some mumbling on the other side and Rachel gave into her temptation. She crawled around Young-Do after stealing his pillows to make space for herself. Rachel pressed herself up against his back and enjoyed the way he tensed. She ran her fingers through his damp hair and kissed the back of his shoulder.
He tensed but his voice stayed much too calm. “Hyun-Shik, I know it isn’t easy to be caught between your president and vice president. Ji-Hoon has his own agenda but you are a part of this team. I don’t want excuses. I want results. I will be at the meeting at nine and the second one at ten. I am giving you two hours tomorrow. That is all. Do you understand?”
Young-Do caught her hand when she intended to stroke down his stomach and tease him back into being hard for her. He held her fingers still against his chest and so she whined softly in his free ear before she nipped at his neck.
“Good. You will call me at eight to update and not a moment before.” Rachel heard a mumbled Yes, Acting-President before Young-Do hung up. She let out of a screech when he reached behind and grabbed her. He flipped her over his shoulder but his still managed to bring her down softly to the bed. “You are evil.”
“I’m fair,” she corrected and pulled him down for a fierce kiss. She linked her legs around his waist so he couldn’t sit up and avoid her. She loved when he would relax and just flatten her out on the bed. “I love it when you give other people orders. It really turns me on.”
Young-Do lifted his head and gave her a confused look. “You hate people telling you what to do, including me.”
“You aren’t giving me the orders.” She giggled when he rolled his eyes. “Your voice gets all deep and your body hard is all the right places. I really like it.”
“I am not turned on by telling people what to do.” He raised his eyebrows at her and she shook her head.
“No, it’s the same hardness when I watch you compete in judo.” She said the wrong thing. She could tell when he started to lift his head and detangle from her. Rachel let him go and tried to guess why he didn’t like that. “Judo isn’t like bullying. It has rules. Bullying doesn’t. You aren’t a bully anymore. I didn’t like it when you did it high school. It wouldn’t turn me on now that I’m your girlfriend.”
He got out of bed and she sighed as she smoothed out the blankets. She pulled them over her and gave up on the hope he would fuck her. She’d done what she could to soothe out his mood.
“I used to like it, Rachel, because judo wasn’t enough. When I…figured out I was in love with you, I knew I had to really give it up. It wasn’t all Cha Eun-Sang.”
Rachel tried not to make a face on her rival’s name. “I bullied people, too. I bullied her.”
“But you didn’t enjoy it. Not like I did.” He braced himself against the bathroom door after pulling on some pajamas. She didn’t like it. Pajamas signified the end of anything more happening between them. After the blindfold…“I’m sorry. You were trying to give me a compliment and I…I can’t accept it.”
“Come back to bed,” she said finally. “I’m tried and I miss sleeping with you.”
“With these new meetings, I need to go through some stuff so I’m not blindsided. Why don’t you cleanup and I’ll join you when you’re really relaxed.”
Rachel sighed and pushed aside the blankets. She did need to wash up or suffer a breakout. She went to her suitcase and pulled out her ditty bag. She tried not to be obvious when she glanced at him sitting at the small desk reading something on his laptop. Rachel wasn’t really tired anymore when she finished getting ready for bed.
She started to head out to the kitchenette to grab more leftovers when he stopped working and followed her. “I forgot how hungry you get after sex,” he teased.
“You’re just worried I’m going to steal the last of the egg rolls.” She tilted her head as she put everything she wanted to eat in the microwave. “I definitely am so you should just resign yourself to it and go work.”
“There are three left! Leave me one?”
Rachel picked up the bag and pulled one out. She playfully bit down on the end only to find his expression abruptly change. Young-Do ran his hand over his mouth and looked away as he swallowed. Fuck. That was not what she wanted him to envision with her.
She quickly made a face and spat it out into the sink. “Yuck. It’s cold.” She held it out to him and told herself this wasn’t a test. “You can have this one. I’m keeping the other two and heating them up.”
“You’re teasing me, but I absolutely will eat it.” The weird moment was gone and he took the egg roll from her. He put together his own plate and heated it up after she sat back down at the table. She pulled her feet onto the chair and tucked them to her chest. They ate in silence until he quietly said, “I want to ask you about it but I don’t want to hurt you by asking about it.”
Rachel tried to keep her face as neutral as possible before she sighed. “I don’t like having my hair pulled. I don’t like the taste of it. I know some women see it as a powerful thing to have control over a man but I never felt that way. I’m sorry. I pull your hair and I never asked how you felt about it.”
“I like it.” She caught him staring at his food. “Alright. I’m sorry for bring it up.”
Rachel watched him for a few moments before going back to her leftovers. “No promises not to pull my hair?”
“I’m not going to convince you to do something you don’t enjoy. I like going down on you. It is fun for both of us. I was just curious. Thank you for answering me.” Young-Do caught her gaping at him and he shrugged. “My mom got me a book about relationships. I thought it would make me a better boyfriend if you ever thought of me that way so I read it. It’s got two chapters about sex and consent.”
“Can I read it?”
He smiled into his fried rice. “It’s a book directed at men.”
“Alright. It’s in my bookcase. It’s called Being a Mindful Man.” His ears were red and he looked mildly embarrassed. “My mom got it for me,” he repeated and she did her best not to laugh at him because this was definitely sweet and not embarrassing. “She doesn’t want me to be like my father.”
“I hope she isn’t giving you a complex about it. You’ve told me enough about him for me to know you aren’t like him. I think it’s great you read a book to be a good boyfriend, Young-Do. I haven’t bothered to read anything to make me a better girlfriend.”
“Girls don’t need books like that. I asked my mom and she said you don’t. Also, you gave me flowers. You’re a fine girlfriend.” He shoved about four spoonfuls of rice in his mouth. Rachel honestly didn’t expect their evening to go like this—talking about uncomfortable things for both of them. She’d wanted it to be easier.
She needed to get along with Kyung-Ran. His mother was so important to him and he barely ever talked about her. Rachel let her feet drop back to the floor so she could fit them in between his. Young-Do looked up at her and she smiled in return. Whatever weirdness happened with them together had finally faded away.
“Does your mother ever wear the necklace I got her?”
“She does. She likes it.” That filled Rachel with pride. She liked being able to give good gifts. Hyo-Shin wore his watch all the time. Young-Do reached across the table and took her left hand. “My mother likes you. Just because you aren’t what she expected for me, doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like and admire you.”
“I will have to trust you on that.” Rachel picked up his hand and kissed the back, leaving behind a little bit of sweet and sour sauce. She set her chopsticks down and picked up a napkin to wipe it off. Then she daintily wiped her lips and they continued to have good evening. She ended up curled beside him while he went over the important points of his recovery proposal and played with her hair.
It was much too close to midnight when his phone rang. Rachel looked up from her tablet and blinked rapidly to clear her vision. She’d been working steadily beside him for the last few hours. Young-Do’s eyebrows went down as he answered. “Yes, Hyun-Shik?”
His face relaxed and Rachel straightened when he grinned. “That’s excellent news. I will gladly attend a brunch to sign those permits. Tell the organizer that my girlfriend is visiting and will be joining us. What companies have put in bids?”
They talked for a few moments before Young-Do hung up and flopped back into the bed. He buried his face in her stomach and hugged her tightly. She giggled as she ran her fingers through his hair. “Did you win?”
“I won.” He looked up at her before he pulled her down for one of the kisses she liked best. The kind that was hungry and desperate with his fingers digging into her body. Soft and slow as he teased her with a blindfold had its place but she loved getting fucked by him more than anything else. “Are you up for it?”
Finally. She pulled off her nightgown in an effortless movement. “My way?”
“Your way.”
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