#and if i ever feel like drawing a character with sentient haunted hair then he's here for me
jackgoodfellow · 2 years
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Did you know Samo has a big brother?? It's true! He picks them up after class sometimes. Of course, Hikari insists that everything he says sounds ""incredibly threatening,"" but he really is just a wonderful big bro!!
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#i escaped my genre#alt-text#image description#image descriptions#junji ito#my art#isekai#creepy#he has the same resting scary face disease as Tatsu The Immortal Dragon from Way of the House Husband#but he's never actually seen doing anything harmful to anyone. I also kind of like the idea of Samo's teacher having a crush on him.#maybe hikari too idk.#the hair is because I just saw the Junji Ito Maniac episode 'long hair in the attic' and turns out hair horror looks cool#i don't have a design for Samo's teacher and gods willing i won't take on another project right now#for those who haven't read a lot of junji Ito - often in his stories there's some character who is ostensibly fully human but#just has an incredibly creepy aura. and in his stories this always leads to the reveal that the person is in fact supernatural and/or evil#and i thought it would be funny to have a character who is that level of offputting and who talks like a serial killer... who it turns out#is just a nice guy. just a guy who loves his family and works hard being a salary man! he walks the dog in the mornings and he loves ska!#and if i ever feel like drawing a character with sentient haunted hair then he's here for me#simon stevenson#samo Stevenson#hikari hikizuri#he's fairly tall but Samo is still like two feet taller than him#he has regular human proportions#he and Samo have a very sweet and healthy relationship.#might be fun to have everyone around them be like 'OMG ARE YOU TWINS?? You looks so alike!' while Hikari is like 99% sure that's a vampire
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I'm eager to talk about my Au’s instead of drawing them again-
’The Wired’ Au
Gotta love twisting reality to make up this Au.
This is a depressing Au ngl, besides all the mind fucks it has within it has a lot of desperation in it.
Izuku is trying to find his mother who has been lost within The Wired and there are people out there to get him.
More preferably The Knights and Nine and his gang. Gotta include Nine in too, loved his character in the movie and if you watched Serial Experiments Lain you might know who he’ll play as.
Oh, and Izuku’s dad wants to vault him
Nothing like good old DFO to add on to the already depressing Au am I right?
I’ll write and draw snippets of the Au soon enough but it’ll come off as strange and convoluted. But thats like the norm in the anime I based it on so once again mind fucks all around.
Bakugo is going to get ✨paranoid✨ in this Au. One moment he sees Izuku as a villain, the other as a cutesy extrovert wearing pastels, and the other as what he was after the fatal ’swan dive’. It's going to mess with him a lot and the fact that Izuku flat out told him he was the cause of all of this isn't helping him at all.
Does Inko ever get found by Izuku in The Wired?
This Au is like a pinata, I bash on it and possibilities pour out of it like candy. There are too many and some look the same yet are very different, I don't know, that's the Au in a nutshell.
Also white-haired Izuku. That's it just white-haired Izuku.
’Itch’ Au
Oh yeah, this one is my favorite, and all I can think about-
Izuku has the All for One quirk and he doesn't know that yet the quirk is sentient and slowly starts to take over Izuku’s life.
Some DFO sprinkled in because of angst.
I just love the idea of sentient quirks and by far the AFO quirk just radiates chaotic evil energy and I’m living it. Once it awakens, (it was kept at bay until Izuku finally activated it at the sludge monster incident where All Might and many people saw the event with their own eyes) it’s just dead set on causing so much chaos.
But with how adorable Izuku is the quirk can't just help but groom him into his ideals and make him his new vessel. This is middle school Izuku who just got his quirk and he's still young so the quirk has all the time he needs to shape him how he wants to be.
Izuku is scared, no kidding, he still doesn't understand his quirk very well and why it's sentient in the first place. All he knows is that when it’s near he gets chills down his spine and has the unfortunate hunger of taking more quirks. He's learning to control it though and the more he does the more he spends in this so-called ’landscape’ with his quirk.
It's strange, scary sure, but he feels compelled to know more about this quirk he’s acquired. It claims that it’ll help Izuku when he's at his lowest point and by the looks of it he is at his lowest point. Izuku could deny it but the quirk knows Izuku, it’s been with Izuku for so long that it might as well know more about the teenager than the teenager knows about himself.
It knows about his life. The unfairness and treatment he’s been through for nearly a decade because of his ’quirklessness’. The pain, the bullying, the mistreatment, the scowls, the pity, the unspeakable acts acted onto this child because he did not have a quirk.
”I can help you, little one.”
It said with that trademark toothy smile.
”I can help you make those who have harmed you bow and cower at your very feet!” It exclaimed, raising its arms for effect.
”You have the power to make them quirkless! You have the power to make them weak, pathetic, completely worthless to a society dependent on quirks for survival! You have the power to overcome all those heroes and villains that reign this small world!”
Izuku’s only fourteen, he can't handle all this pressure alone, let alone handle the guilt of taking away quirks from other people. Even if they hurt him in his past he could never forgive himself for committing such an act.
Izuku was too busy thinking to himself that he flinches when he's brought into a suffocating hug, two long arms wrapping around his body like snakes. He acts fast, bringing his now visible arms up to push the quirk away but it was too strong.
Its laughter rang through the landscape.
”You can make anyone follow your orders with the power you hold, little one. You have the power to make them all pay for what they all did to you. Don't you think it’s time that they get a taste of their own medicine?”
’No!’ Izuku wanted to say, still struggling within he tightening hold. ’I don’t want to hurt anyone!’
”But you’ve already had.”
Izuku paused.
”How many quirks have you taken so far because of your hunger? Two? Five? Ten?! All of them taken and it's barely been a few months, little one, and the consequences were just tragic!”
Izuku struggled some more.
’I didn't mean to! I didn't know how to use my quirk properly! I want to give them back but I don't know how to do it right!’
”All those delinquents sent to the hospital, I can't say that isn't normal for children like them but the others... People will start turning heads! They’ll start to look around, rumors will spread, people will talk, they will start to get scared, and soon all those heads will turn towards you...”
”Think about it, everyone will now call you a villain! It doesn't matter what you’ll say they’ll all just point fingers at you and screech out ’VILLAIN’ and run away in fear of your presence! Children will think of you as a monster, children your age will start to avoid you like the plague, parents will take their children and run away from you, heroes will arrest you for illegal quirk usage, and your mother...”
Its grip tightened around Izuku, if Izuku could he would be screaming by now.
”What would your poor dear stressful mother think of you? Oh, she would start to blame herself, she’ll start to think that she gave birth to a demon that only spreads bad luck wherever it goes! All because of your quirk...”
It losses its grip on Izuku who was opening crying by this point, he raises his hands to his face, trying to cover his reddening face.
The quirk before Izuku simply crouched down to the teenager’s height, its smile still hadn't gone away. It raised its broad hands to Izuku’s face, carefully moving his hands away to brush away his tears. It waits a few minutes for Izuku to calm down, its hands on the teenager’s shoulders so that he wouldn't run away. As for Izuku could run away, his feet still hadn't been formed yet and all he could do was either stand up or lay down for anything to happen.
”But you don't have to go through all of that, little one, you’re still too young and your future is still too bright. It only makes sense to tie loose ends that could damage your future so that it won't worry you anymore. For instance, that boy, Naito Susumu, he was the first student that you’ve taken their quirk away, right?”
Izuku nodded his head, the memory still haunts him.
”Well, I can tell he would want it back, for all anyone knows he’s having a fit much like all teenagers do as they grow. Not using their quirk is one of them and he is a delinquent so I can tell that his quirk is what earned him his place to be different from the others. He’ll want it back, of course, but standing around and waiting for something to happen won't do.”
”You have to come up to him yourself, Izuku, leave a note in his desk, make sure he gets it, meet him somewhere private and where you two are the only ones there. Look at him and I mean look at him straight into his eyes into his very soul and make him know that you’re not to be messed with. Because you are not to be messed with, Izuku Midoriya, you are stronger than anyone else in that hopeless school.”
”Make him feel worthless, make him know that you have the power to take and give away quirks with your bare hands. And when he begs, let him beg, let him drop to his very knees, hear his cries and shuttered apologies that are directed to you and only you, Izuku. Make him know you are better than him and after his little session, you make a deal with him, make him know that if you ever need help that he’ll always be there to benefit you in your troubles.”
”Then and only then is where you finally give him his quirk back and I know what you’re thinking ’how could I do such a thing if I don't know how?’ and I’ll tell you how. You have to place your hand, only one, on his forehead like this.”
It placed its large hand onto Izuku’s forehead, from his obscure blurry vision, Izuku could see the hole in the middle of his palm.
”Keep your hand open wide and your fingers separated, make sure you do this right, or else you’ll send him back to the hospital again. You focus, you calm down and look within yourself for his quirk and you’ll know the quirk when you see it, it’s like a shining star in the vast emptiness that is this plane of existence.”
“You breathe slowly and steadily and you grab onto that quirk and give it back to its original owner. You’ll know when the quirk is gone when the light fades and once it fades away you let go of his forehead and step back.”
It let go of Izuku’s forehead, its smile was thin yet thrilled.
”You’ll need to calm yourself down, you’ll feel a part of yourself feel empty, but you need to know how to get used to that feeling. That feeling will eventually fade away and once it does you’ll feel nothing but the satisfaction that someone else is put on your growing pile of supporters.”
”Did you get that?”
”Good, that's very good, Izuku.”
Something stirred inside of Izuku, the air shifted as he felt a sudden rush of adrenaline course through him. It smiled even wider even when its form started to fade away alongside the landscape it resided in.
”Let us meet again, Izuku Midoriya, I wish you the best of luck.”
It reached out its hand and ruffled Izuku’s unkempt hair but before Izuku could swat his hand away he was already on his bed. Sweating from head to toe the young teenager quickly went off to write down what he could remember in the landscape and from his quirk. He went over the technique, his palms opening and closing for the extra effect he could feel the hunger of his quirk course through his veins.
Izuku had already gotten ready for school faster than he’d done before, he startled his mother by cooking breakfast for himself so that he could get ready faster. He apologized for not cooking for her and hurried to put his shoes on by the doorway and before his mother could ask why he was so giddy he turned and gave a gleaming smile.
”I’m going to make a friend today!”
Izuku left with a skip in his step leaving his still shocked mother beside the doorway.
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The Whole Truth - 2
(Full story available on AO3! If you want to be tagged as new chapters are posted, leave a comment “tag me” on this post!)
(Please note: Tumblr continues to make my Italics disappear. It’s very frustrating, so I apologize if the formatting makes anything confusing.)
Aziraphale stared at the book on his desk. “What kind of curse?”
“Don’t know, not my department.” Gabriel smiled, excited, just a little distracted. It tugged at something in Aziraphale, made him want to prove he was worth the Archangel’s attention, too. “Michael’s soldiers seized it in a raid. Very dramatic stuff. Pity you weren’t able to make it.”
“Ah, yes, well…”
“Could have used another sword.” A nudge of the elbow, so hard Aziraphale staggered a little. “Those demons fought back hard.”
“Yes, terribly sorry. As I’d said there was this urgent business to attend to. Demonic possession. Entire family cursed. The house itself had become sentient. And. Carnivorous. I really had to deal with it all immediately.”
“Sounds frightening.”
“Oh, it was. Very frightening. And gory. And certainly not rated for general audiences.”
“Nothing!” Aziraphale tugged on his waistcoat. The last thing he needed was for Gabriel to learn about movie night. Well. It was mid-ranked on the very long list of things Gabriel shouldn’t know. He hated lying to the Archangel, but no – things were better this way. “Regardless. You say these – these demons had this book in their possession?”
“Oh, yes. Not sure what they were planning to do with it, but it’s cursed. Very cursed.”
“Fascinating.” Aziraphale picked up a pen and used it to lift the cover, peering at the first page. He could just make out the writing. “It’s printed, not handwritten. Not Roman or Cyrillic alphabet.” He let the cover fall and started searching for a pair of gloves. “In fact, I don’t recognize the script at all. I’ll need a larger sample—”
Gabriel clapped his hands. “Good! Excellent, that’s just what I like to hear. Your obsession with material objects and human record keeping finally has a use. So glad we have an expert to consult on this.” Aziraphale hid a little smile at that. Expert. “See what you can find out by the end of the week.”
“End of the – you can’t be serious.” Aziraphale pulled his glasses off, waving them as politely as he could. “I mean, I’m sure you have your reasons, O holy Archangel, but deciphering an unknown text takes time. Not to mention identifying a curse—”
“We already have a team on that,” Gabriel interrupted, before Aziraphale could confess to knowing very little about demonic curses, apart from the sort Crowley shouted at other drivers.
“Oh. Jolly good.”
“Yes, they’ve told me the curse is so potent, any angel attempting to remove it would be immediately destroyed. Incinerated was the term they used.”
“Ah.” Aziraphale took a step away from the desk. “Well, I suppose that does change things.”
Gabriel shrugged. “As long as you don’t try to remove the curse yourself, you’re fine. Anyway, by Friday night, they’ll have worked out a proper disposal method. I proposed launching the book into the sun but apparently that would cause a, what did they call it, Superb Nova.”
“Oh dear.” Another step away. “You know, Gabriel, as…happy as I am that you wish to entrust this task to me, er, we are currently located in a major population center, and I don’t think—”
“Aziraphale,” Gabriel gave him that warm look, the one he saw so rarely, the one that made him feel included. “This raid was a big deal. I don’t want to start any rumors, but…it’s possible the demons were planning something. I would consider it a huge favor if you could just, I don’t know, poke around a bit? Find out what they wanted?”
“Well…as…as a favor…” There was a shiver of happiness running up his spine at that. Gabriel never asked for favors. “Yes, I think I can…learn a few things that might help you out. As long as it’s safe?”
“It’s fine!” Gabriel picked up the book and waved it around. “Perfectly harmless to angels; obviously, don’t let any humans near it. They might set something off. Probably blow up half the city!” He laughed, tossing the book. It hit the table with a crack, falling open to a random page.
“Oh, dear.” That hardly sounded safe. “What…if a demon tried? Er, someone come looking for his lost property, perhaps?”
“It would be very bad. No one touches this but you. Understand?”
Aziraphale nodded, feeling rather ill. He should say no, there were too many things that could go wrong.
His eyes drifted to the open book, the strange writing, a drawing of some horrifying creature. One word was a little larger than the rest and for a second, it looked familiar. He bent closer, almost instinctively. “This text…I almost think I’ve seen it before. No, it’s gone now, but perhaps…” He looked up in time to catch an eager gleam in Gabriel’s eyes. “Yes, I think…I can take a look. As…as a favor.”
“Excellent! That’s exactly the attitude I like to see. Now if you’ll excuse me, lots to do, places to be. I’ll follow up with you on Friday. Say, four o’clock?”
In a twinkling of light and a pop of air pressure, Aziraphale was alone with the book.
“He just – just left you with a cursed book?” Crowley paid the ice cream vendor and handed Aziraphale his cone.
“Yes. Is that so strange? I am an expert on Earth tomes, and languages, and treatises on magic.” He puffed his chest a little. “Why shouldn’t Heaven give me such a fascinating project?”
“Because they don’t care about any of that,” Crowley snapped flatly. “Besides, languages? I’ve heard you speak French.”
“I was having a bit of an off day,” Aziraphale pouted. “I shouldn’t be judged based on a single incident – what was it, two hundred and six years ago now? For all you know, I’ve been brushing up on my French ever since.” He licked the ice cream, smiling at the thick, creamy texture of it.
“Have you though?” Crowley sauntered alongside him, hands in his pockets, red hair slicked and gelled tight against his head.
“Well, no, but only because I’ve already read everything of interest in French.”
“Is that so?” Crowley smirked as if he was so clever. “Does this mean you finally got around to reading Proust?”
“Well. No. But neither have you.” Aziraphale took a quick bite of his ice cream before it could melt down his hand.
“Yeah, but I don’t live in a bookshop,” Crowley took a few steps ahead and started walking backwards, smirk evolving into a rather large grin. “So that makes me wonder who else you haven’t read. Dickens? Twain? Dostoyevsky? Is the Principality Aziraphale, in fact, a giant sham?”
The angel pursed his lips. “Any luck getting your car to play other music?”
Crowley’s face fell. “No,” he muttered, circling back to walk beside Aziraphale again. “At this point I’m really starting to get sick of Queen. Hope it doesn’t go on too much longer.”
Aziraphale stood before his desk, book lying innocuously on the blotter. He wore the thickest gloves he could find and – just to be safe – had rolled his sleeves up past the elbow. He still approached it with extreme caution.
One finger carefully tapped the spine, pulling away instantly.
No sparks. No chills. No cloud of demonic energy.
Just a perfectly ordinary book, really.
With feather-light touch, he brushed his fingers down the cover. Leather-bound, deep red-brown. Hopefully normal leather, but you never knew with demonic books, or for that matter certain obscure human texts. Sturdy and thick, the binding worn through in a few places just enough to indicate irregular use. No title, but gold pressed into the leather formed some sort of broad-leafed plant. Nothing he recognized.
Lifting the cover, he inspected the pages inside. Thick, rough paper – the edges a bit uneven and ragged in places. When he leaned close to inspect them, he detected the distinct dusty scent of old book, with just a hint of spice.
It seemed that Gabriel was correct. Nothing suggested the book was dangerous to touch.
Aziraphale set his armchair beside the desk and settled in for some proper investigation.
The first step of his process: Aziraphale turned to a page at random. He liked to think providence was guiding him to the first clues.
It looked much as that page he’d glimpsed during Gabriel’s visit, yet also entirely different. Small, curving letters – a bit like calligraphy, half unical, he thought, perhaps English or Irish – arrayed around complex illustrations of green plants on one side, and something that might have been an insect on the other. The artwork was immensely detailed, with subtle color variations, but resembled nothing he had ever seen.
The text was also strange, the longer he looked at it. He skimmed the page looking for patterns, groups of letters that appeared together more than once. Nothing. There were distinct words, all between four and seven characters, but each was unique. And the characters each looked sharp and clear and perfectly uniform in size, but there was variation, each uniquely formed, as if handwritten.
He turned the pages, sheet after sheet, looking for anything he recognized, leaning closer as he read. Sometimes a word would look almost familiar and then – no, it was gone.--
(The horror movie Aziraphale mentions is supposed to be “The Haunting” but I got it a bit confused with other movies from the late 90s. The mysterious writing and diagrams are loosely based on several mysterious texts, most notably the Voynich Manuscript.)
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The Saturday Review is a weekly meme hosted by me (Taylor Fenner's Bookish World) where fellow book bloggers and readers can share what books they've recently reviewed.  The Corner of Heartbreak and Forever by Addison Cole Blurb: Fall in love with Addison Cole's rich and romantic storytelling, and discover the magic of the Montgomerys. In The Corner of Heartbreak and Forever...  Leaving New York City and returning to her hometown to teach a screenplay writing class seems like just the break Grace Montgomery needs. Until her sisters wake her at four thirty in the morning to watch the hottest guys in town train wild horses and she realizes that escaping her sisters' drama-filled lives was a lot easier from hundreds of miles away. To make matters worse, she spots the one man she never wanted to see again-ruggedly handsome Reed Cross.   Reed was one of Michigan's leading historical preservation experts, but on the heels of catching his girlfriend in bed with his business partner, his uncle suffers a heart attack. Reed cuts all ties and returns home to Oak Falls to run his uncle's business. A chance encounter with Grace, his first love, brings back memories he's spent years trying to escape.   Grace is bound and determined not to fall under Reed's spell again-and Reed wants more than another taste of the woman he's never forgotten. When a midnight party brings them together, passion ignites and old wounds are opened. Grace sets down the ground rules for the next three weeks. No touching, no kissing, and if she has it her way, no breathing, because every breath he takes steals her ability to think. But Reed has other ideas...  ** The Corner of Heartbreak and Forever is a Sweet with Heat novel and conveys all of the passion you'd expect to find between two people in love without any graphic scenes or harsh language.  If you're looking for a more explicit romance, pick up the steamy edition, Embracing Her Heart, written by New York Times bestselling author Melissa Foster. Addison Cole is Melissa's sweet-romance pen name. My Review: This will teach me to read blurbs instead of blindly signing up for blog tours because of cute covers. A romance novel without sex scenes or swearing... oy boy.  I will say, this book was "cute" and a quick, easy read that grabs the reader right away. I can see this book being perfect for the more innocent reader or the type of novel a mother could share with a teenage daughter.  I do like the second chance romance trope and if you're like me that will draw you to this book.  Overall, I should have read the fine print on this one because it's not for me. Clean books that focus heavily on romance instead of physical attraction aren't my style but it was an okay read.  My Rating: 🌟🌟🌟 2.5 of 5 Stars! On Thin Ice by Julie Cross Blurb: Brooke Parker never expected to find herself in the tiny town of Juniper Falls, Minnesota. Of course, she also never expected to lose her dad. Or for her mom to lose herself. Brooke feels like she’s losing it…until she finds Juniper Falls hockey. Juniper Falls girls’ hockey, that is. Jake Hammond, current prince of Juniper Falls, captain of the hockey team, and player with the best chance of scoring it big, is on top of the world. Until one hazing ritual gone wrong lands him injured, sitting on the sidelines, and―shocking even to him―finding himself enjoying his “punishment” as assistant coach for the girls’ team. As Jake and Brooke grow closer, he finds the quiet new girl is hiding a persona full of life, ideas, and experiences bigger and broader than anything he’s ever known. But to Jake, hockey’s never just been a game. It’s his whole life. And leveraging the game for a shot at their future might be more than he can give. Each book in the Juniper Falls series is STANDALONE: * Off the Ice * Breaking the Ice * On Thin Ice My Review: Have I mentioned how much I love this series?? I was so excited when I heard the series would be continuing with On Thin Ice and the yummy Jake Hammond. Brook is the new girl, the quiet girl with the messed up past and the screwed up parents, neither of which she wants to talk about. But that's okay, because she's really interested in listening lately. Meanwhile, Jake is finally a senior, top of the food chain in school and hockey. Captain is in his sights and he's hoping for a good scholarship. But with senior year comes a hockey team tradition Jake would rather forget about. When the tradition goes horribly wrong and Brooke witnesses the whole thing Jake and Brooke will form an unlikely truce that blooms into trading secrets and confiding in each other and eventually into love.  While they spend more and more time together Jake's life is imploding, his spot on the hockey team seems less important than before, and keeping quiet about things he thinks is wrong becomes increasingly harder while Brooke is just trying to start his life over again.  Overall, I loved this book so much and I was shipping Brooke and Jake from the beginning. The reader also gets to see the couples from the first two books but On Thin Ice is a standalone, you don't need to read the previous books to understand this one (even though I highly recommend Off the Ice and Breaking the Ice!). If you love Contemporary YA Sports Romance, this book is a must for you! My Rating: Cover: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (I love the orange color of this cover and the couple depicting Brooke and Jake are perfect) Summary/Tagline: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 ("Small town boy, meet city girl" is not a bad tagline but it doesn't tell much about the magnificent story inside or the struggles of the characters) Characters: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (Brooke and Jake are both well-developed characters with real-life struggles that they must overcome. I like Jake's struggle to make his father, his coach, his teammates, and the town proud of him while wanting to tell the truth about what really happened and the guilt and responsibility he feels. Brooke is adjusting to life in a much smaller town, her mother's depression, life with her grandmother who seems all up in her business, and her father's arrest - each in their own would be a major thing but she handles all of it so well.) Worldbuilding: 🌟🌟🌟 It's contemporary YA romance. There isn't much worldbuilding to develop other than telling the reader that it's a small, hockey obsessed town. Like, really hockey obsessed. Not that it isn't done well, because it is. It's relatable when you live in a small town like I do.  Story: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (This is not just a one-dimensional romance, or a sports romance. Yes, two characters fall in love, yes there is a sport that they both play, but it goes deeper than that. It talks about the weight of expectations, hopes, and dreams of the many being pinned on the few, how snap judgments in a small town can ostracize you whether the talk is true or not, generations of hazing within an organization (in this case a hockey team), and the influence of coaches and other adults on teenagers and how the pressure from them makes you question what is right or wrong.) Overall:  🌟🌟🌟🌟 4.4 of 5 Stars! Gunslinger Girl by Lyndsay Ely Blurb: James Patterson presents a bold new heroine—a cross between Katniss Everdeen and Annie Oakley: Serendipity Jones, the fastest sharpshooter in tomorrow's West.  Seventeen-year-old Serendipity "Pity" Jones inherited two things from her mother: a pair of six shooters and perfect aim. She's been offered a life of fame and fortune in Cessation, a glittering city where lawlessness is a way of life. But the price she pays for her freedom may be too great.... In this extraordinary debut from Lyndsay Ely, the West is once again wild after a Second Civil War fractures the U.S. into a broken, dangerous land. Pity's struggle against the dark and twisted underbelly of a corrupt city will haunt you long after the final bullet is shot. My Review: Cover: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (I love how colorful this cover is and how it looks old-times yet you can see a city skyline in the background behind the cover model. I love the pink woven into the model's hair and her clothing gives you a sense of the old west despite this being a futuristic dystopian novel.) Summary/Tagline: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (The blurb convinced me to read this book even though I usually don't like dystopian novels or westerns. It made me want to find out more.) Characters: 🌟🌟 (While I appreciated Pity's struggles I had a hard time liking her as a character. There was nothing unique about her. She's a sharpshooter with great aim, but so is Amani in Rebel of the Sands which I enjoyed much more than this book. She's another beautiful girl slated for a marriage that she doesn't want until she runs away and finds herself in a western show type thing. It's a trope I see a lot, the whole "maybe the grass will be greener on the other side, oh wait it isn't" thing.) Worldbuilding: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (While I struggled with the characters, I loved the worldbuilding in this one. It's a crazy wild-west-meets-dystopia mash up and I could see it so clearly. The mix of new technology and old western style, dusty towns and glittering, dangerous cities.) Story: 🌟🌟🌟(I'm torn about the story. I've read this book twice, once in physical format and once on audiobook and I find that when I don't connect with the main character it makes it harder to finish a book, even if I like the worldbuilding or premise. This book felt ununiquely unique. It had the awesome mashup of worlds but it was bogged down by worn-out tropes and themes that have been seen so many times before. I struggled to get through this one both times and honestly if it weren't for the cover, blurb, and James Patterson's imprint, I might not have picked this one up at all if I knew what lay inside beforehand.) Overall: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 4 of 5 Stars! My Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 4 of 5 Stars! Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston Blurb: Seventeen-year-old Ana is a scoundrel by nurture and an outlaw by nature. Found as a child drifting through space with a sentient android called D09, Ana was saved by a fearsome space captain and the grizzled crew she now calls family. But D09—one of the last remaining illegal Metals—has been glitching, and Ana will stop at nothing to find a way to fix him. Ana’s desperate effort to save D09 leads her on a quest to steal the coordinates to a lost ship that could offer all the answers. But at the last moment, a spoiled Ironblood boy beats Ana to her prize. He has his own reasons for taking the coordinates, and he doesn’t care what he’ll sacrifice to keep them. When everything goes wrong, she and the Ironblood end up as fugitives on the run. Now their entire kingdom is after them—and the coordinates—and not everyone wants them captured alive. What they find in a lost corner of the universe will change all their lives—and unearth dangerous secrets. But when a darkness from Ana’s past returns, she must face an impossible choice: does she protect a kingdom that wants her dead or save the Metal boy she loves? My Review: Cover: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (I love most sci-fi covers and this one doesn't disappoint. The colors, the spacecraft - this cover begs to be picked up from the shelf) Summary/Tagline: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 ("A girl without a past. A boy without a future." This makes the book sound mysterious without even knowing what the book is about. Why doesn't the girl have a past? Why won't the boy have a future? It begs you to crack it open and see why) Characters: 🌟 (I've heard this book is an Anastasia retelling, but as I DNF'd this one I will never know. Judging by the main character's name and the tagline I can see that's the direction the author was going. As for the boy... she's in love with a glitching metal boy, that much I got, but I'm kind of over the girl falls in love with a machine thing. There's nothing here that I haven't seen in other sci-fi or other Anastasia retellings.) Worldbuilding: 🌟 (Again, I DNF'd this book fairly quickly so I didn't get to see much of the worldbuilding but what I did read wasn't very unique.) Story: 🌟(Again, nothing unique here. There's been a flood of Anastasia retellings hitting the shelves over the past year or so ranging from historical fantasy to sci-fi and this one wasn't one of the better ones. And as far as sci-fi goes, it's not Defy the Stars (which I could compare it to romance-wise.) Overall: 🌟🌟.6 of 5 Stars! My Rating: 🌟🌟 2.6 of 5 stars! 
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