#and idk or idc about how that’s changed since the shows blessedly ended but I’m not putting myself through that
Interrupting my weekend overwatch posting to not comment on a YouTube video I’m not agreeing with- so not to post about St*ven Univ*rse on main (cause if it’s not clear I do not and never have like that stupid fucking show) but I was watching a recent (posted in the last week) response to L/ily O/rchard’s criticism video and while I believe that anything posted on the internet is open to critique and no one is above that this response is imo dead on arrival so to speak. Admittedly I’m only 25-ish minutes into the 3 hour video but the author has stated multiple times in those 25 minutes that St*ven Univ*rse is a mystery show and that is just not true. As a show it has never been billed as a mystery like contemporary Gravity Falls, even a quick 5-second google search for St*ven Univ*rse’s genre will show that it’s never been a mystery. Comedy, action, coming of age, fantasy, even romance have all been used to describe St*ven Univ*rse but never once mystery. A show having mystery elements or plot twists like the pink diamond reveal does not make it a mystery and this instance by this essayist that St*ven Univ*rse is a mystery while critiquing another video that rightfully does deserve an in-depth rebuttal is making me take his opinion with several grains of salt because if he can’t get that basic fact of the show right how am I supposed to follow his logic for the rest of this 3 hour video?
0 notes