#and i've been looking since January which is uh
Patreon June Posts
I plan on making a post tomorrow for what I'll be posting on my Patreon (and my public profiles) for July, but I realized I never did one for June! So, here's a quick round-up with links for those of you who are subscribed to my Patreon!
Original Story: Simon - This is the first chapter of the book I plan on publishing in the next couple of months called Simon. The book revolves around the life of Simon who is the first-born son of a rich and powerful father who values image over everything else. The book deals with the pressure of a parent, finding family outside of the blood you were born into, and a little bit of boxing and learning how to throw a punch. (I plan to make the first chapter, at least, available on my public profile sometime later.
Exclusive Story: BNHA - Repeat - Part 1 - A Patreon-exclusive story I'll be writing and only posting to my Patreon. This story involves Shinsou Hitoshi, the adopted son of Eraserhead and Present Mic, babysitting the two after they get hit by a de-aging quirk and turned into nine-year-olds. He also is babysitting his adopted baby sister Eri. It's essentially four kids with trauma clashing into each other and learning that family can be a stronger bond than anything else.
Exclusive Story: Attack On Titan - A Sweet Hope - This is a drabble I wrote for an Attack On Titan pairing + OC that was requested by one of my $10 tier Patrons (who get a free 2k word drabble each month). It was a really cute one to write.
Original Story: A Chance Meeting - This one was inspired by an old commission I did that dealt with Final Fantasy content. I changed the characters and names and tossed up a few other things to where it's now a short original piece more than anything. It's also one I plan on posting to my public profiles in a month or two.
And that's it!
I'll talk about this more in another post, but the drabbles and stories I post to my Patreon will either be Patreon exclusive or be works that I won't post to my public profiles for 1-2 months, so pledging is a great way to read all of my content way sooner!
Depending on the tier you can also vote in polls, request stories you'd like to see written, or get a free 2,000 word drabble each month.
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penny-anna · 2 months
“Clark, bud, I think you’re outnumbered,” said Billy. “No, I’m not,” said Clark. “We’re fifty-fifty.” “Uh, there’s five of us?” said Billy. “Well –” Billy, as per usual, cottoned on faster than Wally did. He spread his hands. “Dude, I’m on the team too.” “Not right now, you’re not!” Clark shot back. Billy threw the rock at him. It hit him solidly on the forehead. “Ow,” Clark deadpanned. “Billy, don’t throw rocks at Clark,” Bruce told him. Billy was already going for another rock. “Clark, at the very least it’s a solid back up plan.” “We are not,” said Clark. “Using a kid as bait, okay? He’s fifteen.” “We’ve used him as bait before,” Diana pointed out. Clark put his hands over his face and groaned into them. “Oh, God.” “Yeah, you used me as bait like last month,” said Billy. “It’s chill.” “It’s a bit different when you’re powered up,” Clark protested. Billy gave him a weird look. “Dude, I’m still fifteen when I’m powered up?” “He is still fifteen when he’s powered up,” Wally agreed. Clark glared at him. “Which side are you on here?” “Uh,” Wally tried to figure out how best to answer. “The side where Billy’s gonna be fifteen till he turns sixteen?” “That’s math,” Billy pointed. “This is dumb,” said Clark.
big news guys!!! i finally finished this fic concept that i've been sitting on since uhh january 2022? its about 19k and I have titled it 'little warrior'. coming to ao3 SOON but not THAT SOON bcos i have to edit some other stuff first👍
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wayfayrr · 3 months
hey uh. if requests r open. would it b possible to request a follow up to that self-aware-twi fic. if not thats ok i just wanted u to know i havent stopped thinking about it since i read it. altered my brain chemistry, touch-starved twilight princess link my beloved, etc etc. ur writing is top-tier <3<3<3
I think the best part about this ask is - I've had this written since early January. I actually wrote part two as a birthday gift for a good friend of mine @glowyskull <33
So this is more just me finally posting it sfbgdfbgdb. it's also funny to think that the twilight fic is my most popular fic now considering how the self aware au really started as just a really guiltily self indulgent fic - something fun to write that I didn't think could get as big as it did on my blog. and I'm glad that you liked it so much <333 whimpery touch starved twilight princess link is just so AUGH love him so
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“Oh you’re finally wakin up then darlin’.”
“C’mon darlin’, you can’t have forgotten what happened earlier already? Can you? Your fever - cold isn’t that bad so you can't have…”
Who’s rambling… and why does it sound so familiar?  Wait does that mean - is everything that happened earlier all real then, did link really crawl out of my tv just because he was lonely. Because I left him there, left him all on his own to rot in his own solitude. 
“Link? You - that - everything was real then? All of it?”
“All of it darlin’, from how I got out to how I’m never gonna leave ya.”
“Huh..? I could’ve sworn that you didn’t even mention anything like that…”
“Mhm, well you’re ill and still a little out of it darlin’ so you probably just forgot, you did agree though.” 
It does sound like something that I would agree to, I mean I’m the reason that he’s sentient. It would be cruel of me to throw him to the other wolves, he isn’t from here but besides even that, he isn’t from here. He doesn’t know how this world works, it would be worse than sending a dog to a shelter. It would be his death sentence for certain, and after all that I put him through for a simple pause in playing. The way he’s petting my hair like this though, it’s enough to simply just wash the rest of my worries away, if I could I would spend the rest of my life right here easily.  
“About your illness though, do you have any red potion anywhere?” 
“No, no things like that don’t exist here link and the painkillers I have aren’t worth moving for.” 
“If you’re sure… I’ll go and get them for you the second you change your mind.”    
“You don’t even know where I keep them.” 
His hand paused at that, causing me to let out an involuntary whine. I couldn’t even think to stop it with how it slipped out instantly, which he seemed fond of. Cuddling me closer to his chest and resting his head on top of mine, with what felt like a giant smile on his face. 
“I can look for them, It’s not like I won’t need to learn where everything is now that I’m living with ya… besides I’ve already put you through so much stress when you’re not well.”
“You didn’t mean to link, how could you have known I was sick?”
“...I don’t know - I just - it shouldn’t have been hard to know with how you looked when you opened the game. I’m sorry love I just wasn’t even thinking I just wanted to be out, but I should’ve been more considerate to you.”
With how silent he is in the game you could never have guessed how much he likes to ramble, it’s the second or third time it’s happened since he crawled out of the glas- the glass. Are his bandages holding up, he seems fine but he’s not from here, any infection could be deadly. He wouldn’t even see it coming with how much he’s fawning over my comfort right now. 
“Link?” “Yes, darlin’?”
Oh wow, he - well he’s whipped already. Is it real love or has all that time trapped alone twisted him into this. I’d look into getting him therapy but… if he mentioned the truth then it would be a matter of seconds until he’d be diagnosed with something inaccurate. No one. No one at all would ever believe that a video game character actually broke out of their game - especially not someone like Link falling for an exhausted student like me.
“Are you feeling alright? You have so many cuts and wounds right now.”
“It’s nothing that’s worse than anything else I’ve ever had. They do feel more real though.”
“They feel like real wounds, not something that could be healed away in seconds and they’re just tiny scrapes.”He sounds so giddy as he’s talking about being hurt - it’s unnerving when he starts holding me even tighter when he’s saying it. I don’t think I’m ever going to be getting away from him ever again… if I wanted to. Why shouldn’t I take a chance at having a relationship though. He cares about me - he really does even if it’s unhinged - it would be so nice to come home to him, to be able to spoil him and be spoilt by him. Even being held like this feels so unreal, so impossible that I shouldn’t be here with him. So much so that I want to stay here and fall back asleep without any argument. Didn’t he even say he wanted to be my lover? Why look over a gift too closely?
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cherryxcadbury · 2 years
Mbappe loving the relationship his girlfriend has with his family. His mom loves her, his brother coming to her for girl advice, his niece and nephew always wanting come over by Aunty Y/N
this is so so so cuteee
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y/n: your name 
"I've been dying to see them again." You spoke to your boyfriend, Kylian on your way to his parents house.
"All those two ever talk about is seeing Auntie Y/N." Kylian chuckled, referring to his niece and nephew. 
“Now that I think about it, I think they like you more than me.” Kylian pondered.
You chuckled, “Can you blame them? You’re not exactly the most likable person in the world.” 
“Cherie everyone loves me.” Kylian scoffed, turning onto his parents’ street.
You mused at his response. 
“God the paparazzi again. Keep your head down Cherie.” Kylian advised you, as you both became blinded by the camera flashes. 
“What are they doing all the way out here in Bondy.” You muttered.
“They found out where my parents house was at the beginning of January. Been here ever since.” Kylian explained.
The flashes continued to blind the both of you. Kylian rested a hand on your thigh as a meaning of comfort. 
“Ease off the gas pedal slowly Kiks. Their driveway’s coming up.” You directed him as you both managed to pull into the gated home unscathed.
“I feel like one of these days you’re going to eventually go blind.” You sighed.
“That would be a true tragedy. Wouldn’t be able to see your beautiful face anymore.” Kylian winked at you, to which you just rolled your eyes despite a blush forming on your cheeks. 
Before you could respond, noise outside the car caught both of your attention. At the doorstep was Kylian’s mother, waiting with her grandkids, Kylian’s older brother’s children. 
The two were frantically jumping up and down, awaiting your arrival. 
You turned to share a knowing look with Kylian but he was already outside opening your door for you. 
“You go greet them while I get the bags from the back.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You smiled gratefully, walking to the door where the two little ones ran into your arms, covering you in hugs and kisses.
“Auntie Y/N! Bonjour!” They squealed.
The two of them were only fluent in French, but were rapidly learning English as they started school. You yourself didn’t speak French but you knew enough to communicate with them. 
“Bonjour [insert French word for children]! Are you being good for Mama and Papa?” You asked them, bright smiles on their faces.
They enthusiastically nodded, “Oui Oui! Of course!” 
“So you do love Auntie Y/N more than me!” Kylian feigned hurt. 
“You two best go show Uncle Kiks some love else he’ll start crying.” You whispered to them, to which they quickly complied, running to his arms.
“Y/N!” Kylian’s mom welcomed you with a warm hug.
She also did not speak much English and you didn’t speak French but you always found someway to communicate. 
“Comment allez-vous?” You asked, hoping your accent wasn’t too horrible.
You saw her eyes gleam with pride.
“Speaking French just for me! How sweet!” She exclaimed.
“Now come, come! They all want to see you!” His mom beckoned you into the house.
“Uh Mama!” Kylian complained, trying to make his mom remember he too was there.
His mom rolled her eyes muttering something sarcastically in French before hugging and kissing him on the cheeks. He was a huge Mama’s boy. They always jokingly fought with each other. 
You all went to the sitting room where the two little ones had magically teleported from Kylian’s arms back to their parents laps. 
Kylian’s father was the first to stand. He hugged Kylian first, who was physically closer to him before coming over to you.
“Y/N, cherie! Come over here!” He beamed with delight.
You and Wilfried Mbappe got along splendidly. He spoke a bit more English than the rest of his family and was someone you enjoyed talking with. You both loved facing each other in a game of cards and discussing your latest reads with each other. You’d even managed to get him to read cheesy rom coms, your guilty pleasures.
“Did you read the latest book I sent you?” He questioned, hugging you.
You nodded, “I did! It was a very quick read.”
“It was really good! The historical setting was enthralling. But you and I both know you preferred reading The Cheat Sheet.” You replied knowingly, resulting in a laugh from Wilfried.
“Okay okay enough! I want, no need to talk to Y/N now!” Ethan plowed his dad out of the way. 
Ethan smiled at you cheekily before bring you to the kitchen.
“Someone seems excited.” You mused at Kylian’s younger brother.
He was only a few years younger than you, so you got on quite well.
“Do you remember the girl I was telling you about?” 
You furrowed your brows in remembrance. Of course you remembered. Ethan would not stop talking about her.
“Oui, oui. Her!” Ethan exclaimed, sharing the same bright smile Kylian did. 
“Her family supports Marseille.” He grimaced. 
“Yuck. That makes a messy Le Classique.” You responded. 
“Exactly! And we’re playing Marseille’s youth team next week and she’s going to be there because her brother plays for them. So what do I do on the pitch?” 
“Ethan, you do know not everything can be settled with football right?” You glanced at him with amusement.
“But if it had to be…” He tried to steer you in the direction he was headed in.
You rolled your eyes, “The maybe score and dedicate the goal to her. Or look at her during a celebration.” 
Ethan stroked his non existent beard. 
“That’s good! I like it! Maybe I’ll do one of Kylian’s celebrations. Because she’s in love with Kylian! Honestly I think she might even be into him.” Ethan rambled.
You laughed at his lovestruck expression, “How old is she again?” 
“19.” Ethan responded simply.
Your eyes bulged out. She was somewhat similar in age to you. Not at all suitable for 16 year old Ethan. 
You playfully nudged him.
“Do not try and get with her.” You warned.
“Dummy! She’s 19 and you’re 16! So gross on so many levels. Also illegal. Also, not many 19 year olds are into 16 year olds. And if they are, they need to get their heads checked.” You explained.
“You have a point. She seemed kind of bossy anyways, not how I roll. Pretend this never happened!” Ethan exclaimed. 
“I promise.” You smiled, pinky swearing with him.
“Do you wanna know a secret?” He asked. 
“I heard Mama and Kylian talking earlier. She was giving him a family ring she’d saved when she thought he’d found the one.” He whispered before running off. 
What? There was no way. 
You walked back into the sitting room only to see Kylian bent down on one knee, rose petals scattered everywhere, with a book bouquet behind him. 
It didn’t take you more than a second to say yes and find yourself wrapped in his arms. 
Kylian had always known that when he believed he’d found the one, his family would adore her too, unconditionally. And for him, you were exactly that. 
For Kylian, you were the sun, the moon, the stars, and the sky. You were his whole world. He couldn’t imagine living life without you. And luckily for him, you felt the exact same way. 
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I will put this gif on every single post because I cannot with this man 🤩
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dongfuck · 2 years
Pink Venom #2 - l.dh
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pairing: manipulator playboy!haechan x fem!reader
genre: smut, angst, fluff
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, teasing, grinding, fingering, handjob, manhandling, cheating, someone getting in a coma, short cameo of an unannounced character, more drama than smut
wc: 5.4k
note: this was a bit rushed i’m sorry 😭😭
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[ 5th January, 2021 ]
You lay in your bed with your arms crossed to your chest as you thought about what to wear for your date with Haechan. Yeah. I know. A date with Haechan. Never heard of it before right? But unfortunately, he’d found out that you were spying on him the other day and wanted to make up for it. Which was bringing you out on a date. Slowly, you got up from your laying position and walked towards your closet.
You flicked through your pieces of clothing before a sigh left your chapped lips. A top would be good. But a yellow sundress would be better. So with that thought, you grabbed onto one of your prettiest sunflower-decorated sundress and changed into just that. You did the simplest makeup look you could muster before reaching over to your phone and sitting right on top of your vanity. Right as you switched on your phone, there was a call from your boyfriend, Haechan.
“Hello?” You spoke into the phone. “Y/n. You ready?” he asked and you can hear slight excitement in his voice. “Yeah, I’m ready.” you said lazily as you played with your lipstick on the vanity. “Okay. I’ll pick you up in five.” and with that the call simply ended after you replied with a simple ‘Okay’ Haechan hadn’t told you where you’d be going so you were quite curious as to where he would take you.
Putting on your favourite sling bag (which was a gift from Hyuck btw), you left your room and waited for Haechan in your living room. Exactly five minutes later, there was a sound of a honk coming from outside and you knew it was your awaited lover. You walked towards your mirror that was hung up on a wall on the way to the front door before putting on your best poker face; a sign of showing how disappointed you are at him.
When you opened the front door, you didn’t expect to see him right behind it and the surprised look on your face was definitely obvious. As he grabbed onto your hand, he threw on a cute smile as he said, “You look beautiful.” before leading you to his car. He was quite of a gentleman when he’d opened the door of the passenger seat for you but to be honest, you wouldn’t even mind if he didn’t since you guys had been dating for quite a while.
You watched as he entered the driver’s seat next to you as he began driving to your destined location. “How are you?” was the first thing he said to you in the car. “Fine.” you answered, still with that poker face of yours. “Y/n, I’m sorry…” he probably noticed the way you hesitantly replied when he apologised. “For what?” you wanted to hear it from him himself. From Lee Donghyuck himself. You wanted him to comfess everything he’s done behind your back and beg for your forgiveness.
“For-For everything that I've done to y-”
“What have you done? Tell me.”
You almost laughed at the way his face dimmed in fear before you continued. “I-I don't want to spoil the mood. So for today, let's just act like nothing ever happened. Okay?” you reached over to his hand that was resting on the gear and played with his pretty fingers. “Okay...” and with that the drive to your date place was in complete silence. A few minutes had passed and the air was beginning to become heavy and awkward. So you decided to speak.
“How were you these past few weeks? Anything big happened?” you stared out the front window casually. "Uh... Nothing. Nothing really happened." he tapped the steering wheel in anxiousness. “I see.” and the awkwardness returned. A while later, Haechan finally parked his car in front of an unknown location. "Where are we? " you questioned once you left the car. “You like surprises don't you? Well, I've got a big one.” he whispered with a sinister smile before taking your hand in his and pulling you somewhere.
It was only 6 pm but it was already starting to get dark as you walked through the alleyway with Haechan guiding you. It seemed like forever and your boyfriend still hasn't stopped walking, so you decided to call him out for it. Stopping dead in your tracks, you halted your steps before tugging on Haechan’s hand. “We've been walking for 15 minutes. Where exactly are you taking me?” you heard the man in front of you sigh as he took a few steps closer to you. “We're almost there, don't worry. I'm not gonna do anything to you.”
It was quite odd that he mentioned possibly hurting you but you simply shrugged it off and continued your way down the path. Finally, you were lead to a hidden empty restaurant that seemed too expensive for any of you to afford. “Behold. Eiffel Love.” he turned to look at you with a proud smile plastered on his face. Indeed, the place was shaped like the Eiffel Tower. It was pointy at the top and from where you were standing, you could see a few seats there. The place was also well lit that you wondered why you've never seen it before.
Walking on, you looked around in awe. It was absolutely beautiful. Soft jazz was playing in the background and you could see a few baristas working on some coffees. Probably for themselves since the place was completely emply except for the many workers. Wait. Why is the place empty? “Hyuck?” you called for the man next to you which he simply replied with a happy hum. “Where's everyone?” you played with his fingers nervously. “What do you mean?" he looked at you with a raised brow. “I mean, why is it empty? We can't possibly be the only ones here.
“Oh I uh…” he scratched the back of his neck mid-sentence. “I reserved the whole place.”
You looked at him in pure shock. Lee Donghyuck reserved the whole restaurant just for a date? “You're joking.” you held his palm firmly. “You can't possibly be serious.” you ranted on. “I am! So you can choose to sit wherever you like.” he flashed a cute smile your way as he anticipated your reply. “I— Fine... Let's sit at the top so we can have some privacy.” you pulled him to the elevator (yes, it has an elevator) in the centre of the restaurant as you heard him mutter a small, “As you wish, princess.”
You chose to sit at the seat closest to the edge so you could get a good view of the beach opposite the restaurant. Just then, a waiter walked up to your table with an iPad in hand as he handed you the menu. As you scanned the menu, you took a quick look at the prices and holy fuck. Even the side dishes costs around £7. You gulped at the prices before you heard Haechan ordering sweet and sour ribs. After receiving expectant looks from your boyfriend, you quickly looked through the menu and ordered the cheapest dish there; Aglio Olio spaghetti which costs around £25.
The both of you thanked the waiter as he left with the menus. It wasn't long before you both started talking again. “It's been so long since we last went on a date. To be honest, I miss you. A lot.” he looked like he was holding back tears when he said that but you were smart enough to not fall for his immature acts. “Miss? Present tense?” you raised a brow and smiled teasingly at him. “Yes. Miss. I missed you then and I still miss you now.” he stared deeply into your eyes.
You didn't utter a single word. Instead, you simply smiled at him generously. You pondered around a thought heavily before finally releasing a heavy breath and meeting Haechan’s eyes. “Why did you do it?” your lips turned into a small frown. “I...” he looked around nervously as you anticipated his answer. “I… It was all just lust— Temporary lust. You didn't think it was actual love right?” he bit his lower lip softly. “Well obviously. Cause you're always with a different girl every time I see you.” smiling provocatively, you poured yourself and your boyfriend a glass of white wine before taking a small sip.
“Every time you see me?” he repeated. “So— this is not the first time?” Haechan questioned you. “Of course not, silly! You actually thought I've never seen you cheat on you me before this?”staring at his shocked face, you chuckled mockingly. “This is a nice place, you've brought me to. Good job.” you complimented his choice of location as you looked around the place once again. “Thank you.” his voice was a mere whiper and he looked completely defeated right now. A part of you felt mentally bad for him but he has to know what you felt before.
Just then, the same waiter from before came stopping by your table. “Butter Crab Aglio Olio and Sweet Sour Ribs?” he stated more than asked. “That’s right.” Haechan backed a bit from the two-seater table to allow the waiter to serve the dishes.
Right as he left, the both of you was once again awkward before the man in front of you decided to speak. “I'm sorry, Y/n.” you know he was afraid to meet your eyes because he was Iooking everywhere but you, trying his best to avoid your sharp gaze. As you were about to answer, he spoke again. “I really am. And— And I just want us to be like the old times when there was zero awkward tension between us. When the only ones we could see was each other. When all we did was love.”
“Then look at me. Look at me in the eyes and tell me you love me.”
You saw the way he hesitated to do so but with you pressuring him with your words, he finally gave in and looked at you full of sorry. “I love you, Y/n. And I know it’s not as easy for you to say it back or even forgive me right now but I just need you to know that there’s no one that can replace you or change the way I feel for you. I love you.” Now, do you know the problem you have whenever you’re with him? You always fall for his charms. You could never hate him even when he is found to be the worst human to ever exist. He's like venom. Addicting but dangerous. I guess you could call him the pink venom considering he did dye his hair pink a few days prior.
“I forgive you.”
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[23rd February, 2021]
“Jeno, where the fuck is my skirt?!” you ran down the stairs hurriedly and glared at your brother. His shoulders raised and dropped as he continued scrolling through his phone. You were… annoyed? You took one of the cushions from the sofa Jeno was sitting on before hitting him in the head with it. He looked a bit taken aback by your bold move. “I know you hid it.” you crossed your arms in front of him “Hey— I have better things to do than hiding your tiny ass skirt!”
"It's not tiny— wait... How did you know…” right then, Jeno was seen sprinting down the hallway leading to his room. But fortunately, you were quick to catch up to him before he got the chance to slam the door on you. "Give it back or I'm telling mum." you frowned deeply at him. "Mum's not home.” Jeno slowly backed away from you and it went unnoticed by you when he secretly grabbed onto a pillow to protect himself with.
When you began taking small steps towards him, he took the same pillow and placed it in front of his body as he looked at you in fear. “Give it to me now.” reaching a hand between the both of you, you tapped your right foot impatiently. “Okay, fine! I took it! But I just didn't want you to wear it!” he confessed. “Why not?” your brows furrowed in confusion. “Because sister, it is the absolute tiniest skirt I've ever seen in all 21 years of my life!”
“‘Tis not!”
“Whatever. Just return it back to me now.” you gestured to your waiting hand. “Then you have to promise me that you're not going to wear it.” Jeno has never looked this serious and you’re smart enough to know it's like begging for death if you dare to break a promise with Lee Jeno, “Fine I-I promise.” you eyed Jeno who abandoned the pillow he was holding and marched towards his walk-in closet before walking back out with a familiar black skirt in hold.
“My skirt!” you screeched in happiness and almost ran towards your brother but he managed to stop you before you could attempt anything. “You’re not going to wear it, right?” he asked for confirmation. “No, I’m not.” you but your lower lip eagerly. “Promise?” Once again, he asked you. “For fuck’s sake, Jeno! Yes, I promise!” This time, you furrowed your eyebrows and stared at him angrily. “Okay, okay, here.” he passed you the skirt distastefully and laid on this bed right after. “Get out.” Jeno pulled out his phone from his right pocket before scrolling through it once again.
Letting out a huff of annoyance, you walked out the door and slammed it shut. Nonetheless, you were happy you got your skirt back.
You paced around your room as you pondered on what to wear to an outing with a friend. More specifically, Romi. You turned your head to look at the folded black skirt on your study chair that Jeno forbade you to wear. You gulped at the sight of it and your hand itched to reach out for it, but your heart speaks louder than your mind and you knew you couldn’t. So you drifted your vision away from the item of clothing and left your room; heading towards your brother’s.
Knocking on the door softly, you pushed the door open just to see your brother laying asleep on his queen-sized bed. Soundlessly you walked over to him and shook his body, “Jeno.” you called out for him, “Jenooo,” you shook his figure harder and when he didn’t respond again, you simply slapped his right shoulder as you said, “You fucking dickhead. Wake the fuck up.” At that, he jolted awake into a sitting position and looked like he had just seen a ghost. “What the fuck, Y/n?” he furrowed his eyes at you as you took a few steps towards his closet and looked through his clothes. “Can I borrow one of your t-shirts?” you took a particular brown tee form the folded tees section and eyed it carefully. “What for?” Jeno questioned curiously from the outside of the closet. “Going out with Romi.” you simplified.
“This late at night? And what time are you coming home?”
“Relax, Jeno. It’s only half past nine. Plus we’re just going to watch a movie.” You shrugged. “No, you can’t. I’m not allowing you to.” He laid back on his bed and moved into his usual sleeping position. “You’re not Mum.” You crossed your arms, “Mum wouldn’t allow it.” his voice was causal and relaxed when he spoke to you. “I’ll call her then.” you insisted. “You don’t have to.” Jeno say up on his bed once again and glared at you warningly. “If I said no, then it means no. You can’t go out at this time of the day. So what I want you to do now is call that friend of your yours and tell her you can’t make it. Your brother doesn’t allow you to. Tell her to postpone it to tomorrow or some other time during day. Now, let me sleep in peace. Goodnight, sister. And close the door on your way out!”
You let out an annoyed huff and slammed the door after walking through it. As you entered your room, you reached over to your phone and called Romi. "Y/n! I was just about to call you. I don't think I can make it tonight. My father's feeling sick again. I'm sorry..." You can hear the guilt in her voice. "Oh, that's great. Not that your father's sick though, I really hope he gets better but I can't make it either. How about Saturday?" You continued postponing the date until the both of you reached a date that you're both available. Minutes passed and it's time you go to bed after ending the call.
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[ 2nd March, 2021 ]
Haechan's arm slid around your waist as he peppered kisses onto your skin from behind. You were completely bare in front of him and you’d be embarrassed if it wasn't for the fact that you could literally feel him twitching against his pants under you. "Y/n..." you heard him moan against your burning skin. His hand that was on your waist quickly reached over to your red clit before playing with it between his fingers. You let out a frustrated whine at the feeling. you couldn't remember the last time you felt this good.
"Hyuck..." your voice turned out shaky when his hand began moving faster. He simply hummed as a response to your call; knowing very well what you needed. You were so close to your release that you could feel it in your throat. Suddenly, you felt a finger slide into your leaking hole and that's when you were sure you were gonna break. But it's never that easy when it's Haechan you're fucking with. Your boyfriend seemed to always know when you're close so when you began shaking in his hold, he swiftly pulled away his hand and smeared you wetness on your inner thighs.
"Fuck you, Lee Donghyuck."
"That's what I'm trying to do."
"Not for me." Even with your back facing him, you knew he had a proud smirk plastered on his face and you were so close to elbowing him from the front. You were slowly getting impatient when he kept stalling so you held Haechan's thighs and and started grinding on his crotch as lewd sounds escaped your parted lips. "Oh fuck..." he mumbled lowly into your right ear which send a shiver down your spine. The gesture lasted for a few long minutes and you could sense that he was enjoying this a little too much. So you had to speak up. "Donghyuck..."
"Yes, baby?"
"N-Need you..." you pressed your ass a tab bit harder on him. "Yeah? Can't hold it any longer?" At that, you shook your head vigorously as tears began streaming down your hot cheeks. "No... Please, I need you in me... S-So bad..."you heard a raspy groan from behind you and by then, you knew you had him. "Shit. That's it." He lifted you off of his lap before manhandling you onto the bed with him on top of you. "I always preferred you on top. But tonight I'm feeling a little different." Haechan was talking whilst taking off his clothes off one by one and you can't miss the fact that you were also undressing him. Not physically though, just mentally.
Your gawked at the sight of him. When did he get so big? You cleared your throat once you felt like you were being too obvious judging by the devious smirk on Haechan's perfect face. "C-Can I?" You gestured to his leaking cock that was on full display for you. "I can't stop you, sweetheart." he half-smiled before instantly shutting his eyes when you touched him gently. "Does it feel good?" Your han dporbably has a mind of its own by now when it started to move at a rhythmic pace. "Fuck yes." You don't think it was possible but he might've gotten harder under your hold.
Your hand stroked him faster when there was a sudden twitch from his length. You almost felt like you were holding a Heaven and Earth tin can. He was so big and hard that he barely fitted in your hold. "Can I have you like this?" you questioned him after stopping your movements all together, "Definition?" he cocked an eyebrow upwards your way at your sudden ask. "I mean, can I fuck you while you're in this state?" Just then, he took your preoccupied hand before throwing it to the side. "I don't know. Can you, pretty?"
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[ 23rd March, 2021 ]
That's it. You thought. This is the last time you're going to see Haechan having his tongue down another woman's throat and feel hurt about it. It was utterly disgusting how brave he is to have done it in such an open area. Almost as if he wanted you to see. So then you got up, walked towards the couple, but before you could get your hands on either of them, someone stopped you. And that someone turned out to be someone you're very close to. Someone you care for. Someone you trust. Someone you'd call your very own brother. "What the fuck, Jen?!" you released his hold on you quite harshly. "No. Not now." His gaze softened at the look on your face. He knew you'd had enough.
"What the fuck do you mean by 'not now'?? Do you know how long I've been waiting to simply knock some sense into him? I've had enough, Jen. Enough of him and his stupid little game he's playing on me. He makes me feel so fucking worthless and I'm disgusted with myself. I trusted him so much to the point where I even let him take my virginity! I-I just want to make him see that I'm not some doll he can mess around with. You're my fucking brother, Lee Jeno! You should understand how I feel!" Hot tears were beginning to roll down your reddened cheeks and you were suddenly aware that you've become everyone in the campus's attention right now. Except for Haechan and his little fling of course. They're too busy in their own world to care about their surroundings.
The moment Jeno saw you in such a vulnerable state, he immediately went towards you an engulfed you in a soothing hug as he brushed your hair softly. "I'm sorry, Y/n. So sorry. But I really can't let you do anything to him today. It hurts seeing you like this and I'm holding myself back from breaking his ribs too. I promise you, in a matter of a few days you'd be seeing him begging for your forgiveness." Jeno hugged you tighter when you cried harder into his chest. "That's not nice..." you hit him softly. "Were you planning on doing anything nice to him?" He pulled back from the hug and stared into your swollen eyes.
A hushed laugh erupted from the bottom of his throat and you felt slightly happier seeing him like this. “This is why you’re my sister. Hey, why don’t we go grab some coffee?” he asked after the both of you had calmed down a little bit. “Right now?” you questioned to which he nodded at. “Sure.”
A couple of days had passed and you were walking side by side with Haechan along a random park nearby. He pulled out his phone and seemed to be looking through it when he abruptly stopped in his tracks. “Y/n… Look at this.” He showed you the school’s page and behold was a picture of you hugging Jeno in the middle of campus. “The caption says these two looked so sweet hugging each other like that. Some witnesses, in the comment section, says that they’re actually siblings and that the girl was crying. Some others say that the girl was ranting to the other about this one guy that she really seems to hate.” He scrolled through the comments on the post without paying much attention to you.
“But these two look a whole lot familiar, don’t you think?” Haechan lifted his gaze from his phone just to see you standing by him with your eyes slightly wider than before. “Nope. Not at all. Let’s keep walking.” You walked at a faster pace as Haechan tried to catch up with you from behind, “Hey, wait up!” he exclaimed as he ran to your side. “But I seriously feel like I’ve seen them before.” He continued. “Of course you’ve seen them before! They go to the same college as we do, don’t they? And besides, the guy in the picture looks nothing like Jeno.” Silence. Haechan stared at you without blinking and that’s when you realised you fucked up.
“You didn’t say it was Jeno, did you?” you squinted your eyes at him. “No. No, I did not.” He had a subtle smirk on his face before he dragged you to an empty bench and sat you down on it. “That’s you in the picture, isn’t it? You and your brother?” He gazed into your eyes sharply as if searching for answers. “Maybe.” You shrugged, “Why were you crying?” he asked. “I wasn’t!” You were defending yourself as hard as you could. “Stop lying, Y/n. I can obviously see it.” His arms were crossed against his chest by now. “Fine. I was crying. And you wanna know why? It was all because of you. You and your little game you’re playing on me. I fucking hate you, Lee Donghyuck. I don’t even know why I’m still with you at this point. I’m sick of being used by you like some kind of toy. You think you’re so smart going around fucking girls behind my back thinking I’m some dumb, stupid girl who is so naive and oblivious to even realise what’s going on. I don’t think you deserve to be called my boyfriend and I hope you realise that.” Releasing a breath of relief, you started to notice the expression on his face while you were talking. He looked smug. As if he knew it was coming.
“Congrats, love. I was waiting for you to finally break. Took you a while though. I was being so obvious. Quite impressed actually. You know, from the moment I saw you, I knew I couldn’t let you go that easily, so I decided to use you. To be frank, sex with you was… immaculate, I can give you that. But it just wasn’t enough, y’know? Hope that explains most of it. You probably won’t forgive me for this but I wasn’t expecting you to do so anyways. Pushing things aside, I have a date in about ten,” He glanced at his wristwatch, “See you tomorrow.” And with that he stood up and left you all alone in the park.
You felt completely numb at that moment. You couldn’t feel anything except the tears running down your heated cheeks. How could he be this cruel? You just wished you could turn back time to when you didn’t know he existed. All he has done ever since he came into your life was toy with your feelings and you couldn’t feel more betrayed and hurt than ever. It’d never crossed your mind that the one person that was there for you when you were at your lowest ends up being the one to break your heart. Did he ever love you? Were you just not good enough for him?
You buried your ruined face in the palms of your hand when there was a sudden comforting pat given to your back. Sobbing, you looked up to face the person just to see someone you never thought you’d see again. “Sicheng?” You sniffed softly. “That’s me.” He smiled reassuringly at you. “What— When did you come back?” Your eyes widened slightly at the realisation that your old friend was sitting right here next to you. “Just a few days ago. I bought a house around here and I thought I’d go for a stroll.” Sicheng shrugged his shoulders playfully which caused you to feel a little bit better at the sight of him. “I’d love to go visit you sometimes and have long talks with you just like we used to but I’m just really not in the mood for anything, right now. I hope you understand, Cheng.” You bit the inner part of your lower lip gently. “I understand. Oh, and speaking of, I… sorta heard your conversation with the guy from earlier… Are you okay?” his eyes was full of concern when he looked at you through his lashes, “Of course I am. Don’t worry about it.” you said as you wiped the tears off your face.
“I’m glad you are.”
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[ 5th May, 2021 ]
You laid in bed as you though of Haechan for the very last time. Maybe it’s better if you just forget about him. But the problem is, you can’t. Even though seeing him fuck around with other girls around you freely hurts, you just can’t seem to let him go. He has this hold on you that you can’t describe. It’s risky, but… no buts. It’s just risky. you realised that you’re only sure you love them once they leave. And once they leave, they’re not coming back. You clenched your fist tightly as memories of him flashes through your mind. You never thought you’d love someone as hard as this, so in order to get rid of the leftover feelings you still have for Haechan, you decided to go to your brother.
Knocking on the door to his room, you waited patiently for it to open. Once it does Jeno was seen standing by the doorframe with his favourite hoodie on looking tired and sleepless. “What happened to you?” you eyed his disheveled state up and down. “What do you want?” his voice was raspy and almost gone. “Lee Jeno, are you okay? You look like you just killed a guy!” pushing him softly into the room, you sat him down on his bed before touching his forehead with the back of your hand. You swore you heard a faint, “Maybe I did.” coming from him but you didn’t care that much about it. “You’re fucking sick! Okay um stay here. I’ll go get you some water and meds.” you tried to get up but there was a hand pulling you back down on the bed.
“No. Sit down. I have to tell you something first.” Jeno managed to speak. “I overheard… Haechan talking about something along the lines of finally getting rid of you and not having a leash around him anymore to Mark the other day and… I don’t know what got into me but I uh… He’s in a coma.” You could see the way Jeno was hiding his gaze from yours but you couldn’t pinpoint why he was doing so. “What does that have to do with you?” you raised a brow his way. “I did it. I-I put him in a coma and-and I think he broke a few bones… Please don’t get mad at me!” What did Jeno do to Haechan until he broke some bones? Your vision went blurry and all you could let out was, “Is he okay?” a part of you was concerned for him. “Does he sound okay?” A cough was heard from him afterwards.
“No… I-I’ll go get your water.” You desperately wanted to avoid this conversation so you got up and left the room. A few minutes later, you came back with a glass of water in one hand and some pills in the other. After making sure he ate them, you once again left his room before make your way back to yours. You were in no mood to ask for his advice anymore. Were you mad at Jeno for hurting Haechan? Not at all. Though, you wished you could’ve been the one to put him in that state though. Luckily he didn’t die. It would’ve been a burden for you to find ways to keep Jeno’s secret all whilst defending yourself. Shutting the door noiselessly behind you, you sighed discontentedly before sitting down on the edge of your bed. Slowly, you felt the right end of your lips curve into a small smile as you thought of the state your ex was currently in.
How pathetic.
Well deserved.
Should’ve broken more than a few bones.
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the literal WORST ending i’ve ever written. forgive me 😭
411 notes · View notes
hogwartsandhawkins · 11 months
Prove Me Wrong
Chapter 12: Don't Be A Stranger
If you need to catch up here's the masterlist
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Summary: Apparently... Jess has new plans for Christmas
Warnings: Mentions of Neil (gross), crude language, cursing, Neil being homophobic if you squint, Billy being a little shit. I think that's it, but as always, let me know if I missed something.
Word Count: 4.8K
Author's Note: I'm so sorry I've been MIA for so long but I'm officially back from my month and a half vacation! TBH I've missed you guys and hope you all enjoy!
“You chaperoning tonight?” Steve walked with Jess toward the parking lot from the gym as they left practice much earlier than usual. The coaches considered this an “early Christmas present” but ensured the basketball team would be having practice a week before school started again in January. The Snow Ball had been the talk of this school week even if it was only meant for the middle schoolers. However, it had also been an excuse for the high schoolers to throw their own parties or get-togethers, not to mention it marked the beginning of winter break, something everyone, including Jess, was looking forward to. 
“Not this year, you?” Jess already knew the answer. Steve never enjoyed that kind of thing, and even if he did, both Nancy and Jonathan would be there tonight, which would have made him want to change his plans. 
Steve shook his head but added, “I’m helpin’ mini-Harrison with his hair tonight though and droppin’ him off tonight.” 
“Who? Dustin?” 
“Hell yeah Dustin. He’s gonna kill it tonight, I know it.” Jess laughed at the thought of Steve combing another teenager’s hair for them. 
“So what are your plans tonight then?” Jess contemplated this question. She wasn’t sure whether she would start on the tedious task Mr. Crowley assigned both her and Billy as Billy probably wouldn’t want to spend his first night of freedom studying. Considering the night it was, she was sure that Hargrove already had plans. She then looked out into the lot and saw him leaning against the familiar blue car, cigarette already placed in his mouth of course. Max was there as well, which surprised Jess since their practice was released 20 minutes after Max’s school was. 
“Uhm, maybe get a head start on some schoolwork. I’m not sure really.” She kept her eyes on Billy though, hoping that maybe that would change.
“Lame.” Steve teased. He continued to walk with Jess, passing his own car as he did so.
“Uh wasn’t that-“
“I thought I’d walk you. Besides Max is there,” was all he said, keeping his eyes on the pair in front of them now, eyeing Billy skeptically as he walked up. “You excited for tonight, kid? You’re first one, right?” 
Max beamed up at Steve, clutching her board as she responded, “Oh yeah, can’t wait, especially since Henderson said you’d be doing his hair again, and that went soooo well last time.” Steve cringed at the memory of two weeks ago, which was described to Jess as a wreck. Dustin apparently was adamant about doing it himself, as he was a hands-on learner apparently, and it ended with screaming from spraying product right in his eye and a small chunk of hair being ripped out due to his hair tangling in the comb, which Dustin swore was due to him balding. 
“Yeah well, I’ll be doing it tonight… I think.” Steve began to stare down Billy again who was also looking at him intently, blowing smoke straight at Steve when he glanced over at him. 
Steve aggressively waved his hand once to get most of the smoke away from him, annoyed by the gesture. “Harrington.” Billy nodded his direction once Steve was able to get most of the smoke out of his face. 
“Hargrove.” They stared at each other for a moment longer when Steve continued, “Guessing you got big plans tonight,” he prodded, insinuating he would be partying with Tommy and Carol, as the pair were always up to something during the Snow Ball. 
Billy swiped his teeth with his tongue as he crushed his red with his boot, smirking to himself when he looked down to ensure it was fully put out. “Don’t really know, Harrington. Depends on what this one wants to do.” He gestured toward Jess, which caused Steve to shift uncomfortably, not enjoying the thought of Jess spending as much time as she had been with Hargrove. Steve rolled his eyes at this, being the first to break the staring, and directed his attention back to Max. 
“See you when I drop Henderson off. Don’t have too much fun.” He directed his last statement to Jess, shoving her arm lightly as he finished his sentence, flashing her a smile of acceptance to lighten the mood. He made sure to give Billy one last look of disapproval, though, before he turned back in the direction of his own car, shaking his head as he left them. 
Jess sighed as she watched her best friend leave. She had made it a point to hang out with Steve more this week, as there wasn’t much for her and Billy to do for their shared reading and she felt as if she had been blowing him off more the past week. However, she felt guilty when she would sometimes imagine what Billy was doing during her moments with Steve.
Considering his failed relationship with Nancy, a relationship that he sacrificed a decent amount of his friends for, she knew he needed her in a way. And the feeling was mutual. He had been the one person she could turn to after the haunting incidents from a year ago and again just a couple months ago. She knew she could never lose Steve. And yet, here she was, spending time with the one person Steve couldn’t stand. Throughout the week Steve had come to accept her and Billy’s strange partnership, which Jess always defended with, “we may as well get along for the project” or “he hasn’t been a total ass yet” occasionally sprinkled in their conversations. 
This thought also irritated Jess. She wasn’t able to do right by Steve, her best friend since moving to this town, when she secretly enjoyed Billy’s company. And she couldn’t do right by Billy, a boy who over the past weeks had shown just how great of a friend he could be when she constantly undermined his character around Steve. She began to realize she was running out of time, that she would have to be truthful eventually, and that she was on the verge of hurting someone’s feelings. But just like cleaning out her closet, she decided to push this task for later. After all, she wasn’t exactly lying, was she?
“Okay, Jess, I’m in.” Max’s voice ripped her from her thoughts as she turned back around to face the passenger side of Billy’s vehicle. 
“Oh, right.” Jess lowered herself in the seat, placing her bag on the floor of the car as she closed her door softly. Billy still had a smirk plastered on his face as he too watched Steve walk toward his car, but it fell when he shifted his head to Jess who was looking at him, mildly annoyed. 
“I know you’re just trying to piss him off.” 
“You don’t know shit, Jess.” Billy gave her a teasing smile as he reached toward the glove box to retrieve his Ray Bans. 
“I know he really doesn’t like you.” 
“Yeah, well.” He placed the glass on the bridge of his nose and pulled out of his parking spot, unphased by Jess’s statement. Jess tsked at his nonchalant behavior rolling her eyes slightly, turning up the radio for background music. “So what are you doing tonight, Logan? You’re not one of those freaks who chaperone are you?” 
Jess nudged his arm harder than intended. “I used to be, thank you very much. But no, not this year.” 
Billy laughed at how offended she was. “I’m just sayin’ I don’t understand why any normal teenager would want to spend their night doing that.” 
“It’s not that bad. It’s actually kind of nice.”
“Whatever you say, princess. You know, we haven’t broken in your ‘new’ TV yet.” Billy began to raise his eyebrows at her. “Let me take you to Family Video and actually pick out a good movie.” 
“I actually already watched Sixteen Candles this week in my room. So it is broken in.”
“Without me?” Billy pretended to be hurt by this fact, gasping at the end of his question for effect. “After I moved it to your room and everything?” 
“You don’t even like that movie.”
“I do!” Max spoke up from behind them, leaning in closer to the middle console as she scooted her body closer to their seats. 
Jess turned to face her, smiling triumphantly as she addressed her. “Well then maybe we should have a movie night.” She then eyed Billy smugly, insinuating he was the one who had shit taste in movies. Max bounced excitedly at the thought of this, realizing that she would have all the free time in the world this winter break. 
“Alright Logan, you let me pick one movie, and the rest can be all the corny chick flicks and sci-fi shit you pick out.” 
The three of them pulled into the Mayfield/Hargrove driveway, Billy turning off the ignition before turning to Jess. “Wanna come in for a bit, need to pick up my wallet and drop the kid off to get ready for the Shit Ball.” He flicked Max’s forehead as he said the last part, earning his hand a loud swat from Max. 
“The Snow Ball.”
“Whatever.” Jess once again rolled her eyes at their bickering and left the car, but before Jess could position the passenger seat to allow Max to leave comfortably, she instead climbed the middle console as she normally did in the mornings and stepped on the seat before crawling out. “Aye, watch the shoes shitbird.” Max ignored him, walking into the house first with her skateboard in hand. Jess and Billy quickly followed, Billy holding the door for them, closing it once they were all inside. Max quickly retreated to her room, Billy leading Jess to his. 
Billy walked straight to his mirror, which stood next to a table that had an assortment of colognes and an ashtray. His wallet was placed next to the tray. Billy thumbed through it to make sure its contents were still there and turned to see Jess standing by his dresser, eyeing what appeared to be a photo album. “Ah shit, forgot to put that away.” He began to grab for it, but instead of putting it away as he first intended, he opened it in front of her. “I guess I did promise to show you California, huh?” 
Billy flipped through the album and within seconds made it to pictures of his favorite beach. It looked exactly as Billy described last weekend. The sand looked so soft like it couldn’t possibly burn your feet even if you stepped on it on the hottest day. The ocean was crystal blue, white foam collecting at the edge where it met the shore. Jess looked at the picture at the bottom left and saw the same beach, but this time a beautiful woman was standing in the middle, smiling as bright as the sun that caused her to shield her eyes when taking the shot. 
“Is that…”
“My mom,” Billy confirmed. He stared at the picture with Jess, his face still as stone. 
“You look a lot like her,” Jess replied softly, afraid that the comparison would make him uncomfortable. Billy nodded his head. He knew this already. Everyone said it. 
Except Neil. 
“Yeah…” he whispered, his head nod accompanied by a melancholy smile. Jess turned the page slowly, allowing Billy time to stop her if he felt the need to. When the page was flipped, what she found instead of the same beach were birthday pictures, a young Billy posed in almost every one of them. She looked at the middle picture on the right page and saw Billy smiling behind a cake with five candles lit in a circle. The color of the frosting caught Jess’s attention, as it was a strange shade of purple with random blue streaks hidden in spots of the cake. 
“You like purple as a kid?” 
“Your cake.” Jess watched as Billy’s eyes made his way toward the same picture, and then he began to shake his head. 
“No, uh, my favorite frosting’s strawberry.” He began to run his index finger over the cake lightly before pulling away again. “But, you know, strawberry frosting’s pink.  And my dad didn’t like that so much. Made my mom fix it. She was tryna turn it blue.” Billy then turned the page and directed Jess to another cake, this time it was a shade of bright red and had six candles that were not yet lit. “My dad didn’t like the purple too much either but said it was better than nothing.” He then let out a sad laugh as he kept his attention on the new cake.
“But the next year my mom changed the color. Perfected it, I guess. That’s kind of why red’s my favorite color now, got used to it every year.” However, this wasn’t entirely the case. The truth was, though he did favor red when buying certain clothing and objects for his room, he would much rather be able to say that pink was his favorite. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was due to the fact that he wasn’t allowed the color in his life. Maybe it was the way that he was envious Max was allowed it though she was able to choose not to like it. But he chose red, just like his mother did, and that would have to be enough. 
Before Jess could figure out how to respond to this, Billy began to navigate effortlessly through the pages again, where he found more recent pictures of himself and other teenagers who looked around his age at the same beach he showed her earlier. They stayed for a moment as he pointed out certain pictures and memories before he grabbed the album and plopped it on his bed, nodding toward it, indicating she should go sit. He went to the opposite side dropping himself down as well as he moved the album closer to the pair. Billy propped his upper half with his left elbow, his lower half draped off the right side of the bed. His head would have been on her lap if he hadn’t been holding himself up, making Jess shift nervously. They continued to look at pictures of the beach before Billy changed positions, allowing his eyes to meet hers. 
“So whatya think now, Logan, east coast or west coast.” Jess looked away from the pictures and down at Billy, who was already giving her a smug grin, looking up at her with a glint in his eye. 
“Mmm…” Jess then shrugged her right shoulder forward, rocking the upper half back and forth, teasing her uncertainty, “I guess California isn’t too bad.” 
Billy turned himself once again, facing the album, his arm now brushing against Jess’s leg as he continued to flip through the pages with his other hand. There were now pictures of carnival rides and games. Behind most of these pictures was a beach, but it was much more crowded than the beach Billy had been showing her. 
“Santa Cruz beach boardwalk,” Billy said as he continued to turn the pages. Lots of pictures were taken here, many of which had what looked to be an 8 or 9-year-old Billy throughout them. There was only one of what looked to be a younger Neil, still sporting the same mustache he had now. Unlike his son, he wasn’t smiling as he barely wrapped his arm around Billy for the picture. “My mom always wanted to visit the Bay Area.” 
They continued to look through the pictures, Billy attempting to only show her the pictures of things to do in the state of California and avoid pictures of his family and childhood home. It wasn’t until Billy glanced down at his wrist to look at the time when they decided to leave his room. “Better get goin’ if I’m picking the movie tonight, huh?” Billy playfully smacked Jess’s leg as he began to pull himself off the bed. He reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out his keys, jingling them in his hand as he made his way to his bedroom door. Jess left the album open on the bed as she followed him out of the room, both of them walking out the front door together. 
Billy walked toward the passenger door as he began to make a habit of opening it for Jess when she was riding with him. She remembered when she used to be annoyed by the gesture, but now she realized that she rather enjoyed it, allowing him to shut the door for her when she was secured inside. When he entered the car as well, he quickly peeled out of the driveway, ensuring they were no longer driving on Cherry Lane when Neil’s vehicle pulled in. 
They pulled into the parking lot for Family Video in record time, Billy wasting no time as he promptly exited the car. He began rounding the front of the Camaro but stopped when he watched Jess open her own door and exit just as quickly. Jess noticed where he was standing and looked back at the door before looking at Billy again. 
“Oh. Sorry.” 
“Didn’t I say I was a gentleman?” 
“Eh. You’re kind of on and off with it.” Jess smiled back at him as he shook his head. 
“Smart ass.”
Billy walked closely behind Jess as they entered the store, making a point to open the door for her before they did. She began to look around the store, beginning to walk toward the left. However, Billy grabbed her arm and began to steer her to the right of the store. “Wrong way, princess.” She looked in the direction of where he was leading her, and her eyes began to widen as she saw the section they were entering. 
“Absolutely not!” 
“Ah come on. I’ll be right there.” 
“Yeah. That makes me feel soooo much better.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” 
He let go of her arm and began thumbing through the horror movies, looking around to try and find something more interesting than what was already in front of him. He then looked over at Jess again, still expecting an answer to her earlier statement. 
“You seem like the type to try and scare me even more than the movie is going to.” 
“You should learn to trust me a little more, Logan.” He then held up two tapes and faced them toward her. “How about I let you choose.” Jess was now looking at Friday the 13th and Halloween II. 
“How about…” She mocked the way he spat out his last sentence “… neither.” After what happened in Hawkins, she would have thought her fear of horror movies would have subsided, that nothing could beat the fear of what she witnessed both last and this year. It was only a week before Halloween that Steve also attempted to watch Halloween II with her and Nancy, and instead of Nancy cuddling up to Steve as he intended, she was allowing Jess to hide behind her as she refused to look at the screen. Steve looked only slightly put out the rest of the movie, earning Jess the nickname “cock-block” for the rest of the week. 
“Alright then, smart ass.” He put back Halloween II, the movie Jess would have picked if she really had to, considering she had already “seen” it, and held the other tape in his right hand, beginning to steer Jess to the front counter with his left. 
“Are we really gonna watch that?” 
“I’ll let you pick out the snacks.” 
Billy successfully added the rented movie to his family’s account and the two of them left, Jess shuffling her feet a bit slower than usual, slightly less excited for tonight, not wanting to seem incredibly lame for her inability to watch the screen as the movie Billy picked out played.
As they left the parking lot, Billy drove passed the mini-mart everyone usually picked out snacks for a movie from Family Video, and instead began in the direction of the grocery store on the other side of town. Jess began to turn her head toward the mini-mart and began to open her mouth before Billy quickly interrupted.
“Can’t go there. The guy won’t sell to me.” 
“Won’t sell to… what do you mean ‘won’t sell to you’?”
Billy just gave her a mischievous grin and turned his attention back to the road. Jess then scoffed. “You really think we’re gonna be drinking in my room with my parents in the same house?” 
“Relax… it’s just for me. Unless you actually wanted some. Then whatever.” Jess just shook her head in response, failing to hide her smile as she pretended to disapprove. 
They arrived at the grocery store where Billy apparently had the “hookup”, a middle-aged man who looked like he would rather be anywhere else but there. Billy quickly went after a six-pack of American Colonial and then turned to Jess. “Whatever you want, princess.” 
“Whatever I want.” Jess repeated back, reassuring Billy that she will be getting just that. Considering that she would be forced to watch a movie that would cause Billy to tease her for the rest of Christmas break, she figured he owed her. She made her way to the candy isle first, grabbing a few Charleston chews bars and then a Twix bar. She handed these over to Billy, freeing up her hands as she walked over to the chips and crackers isle, grabbing a bag of Doritos and a package of room-temperature microwave popcorn. “You’re lucky I have drinks at the house,” she stated smugly and began walking toward the register Billy pointed out to her earlier. 
“Is that everything…” The middle-aged man, apparently named Brian, asked with a monotone voice. 
“Yup,” Billy responded, not looking back at the man until he slid his cash out of his wallet and handed it to him. 
“One thirty-two is…” 
“You can keep it big guy.” Billy grabbed the bag and the six-pack from the side of the register, nodding at Brian as he turned to leave. 
“Yippie…” Jess heard Brian sigh as they walked away. 
The ride to Cherry Lane was longer as this grocery store was not on the same side of town as their neighborhood was. When they eventually made it back home, it was beginning to get dark, which made Jess slightly anxious. 
“Shit, I think dinner’s done…” Jess began as she unclicked her seat belt and reached for the door handle. The original plan, as described by Billy, was for him to drop her and the goods off, park his Camaro back at his house, and wait a few hours before climbing her roof to her window. However, she looked back at Billy with something else in mind. “Do you… wanna maybe come in? For dinner I mean. I don’t think my parents will care. You can still come back later tonight.” 
Billy looked at her for a few moments, watching her nervously shift as she asked this question. It caused him to smile. If he were to tell her the truth, he would say how much he enjoyed the first time he ate dinner with her and her family, and how she would never have to ask if he wanted to do it again. All she would have to do was tell him he was welcome to. 
Instead, he dropped his smile and shrugged nonchalantly, looking away from her and to her front door. “I mean, I guess.” 
“You don’t have to if…” Billy was already out of the car, unwilling to have her finish that sentence. 
“Let’s get to it, Logan.” Billy was at her car door again, opening it as she grabbed the plastic bag from her feet. When her door was closed, she noticed that he had taken the six-pack out of the car with him. 
“You said that was for you!” She whispered harshly at him. 
“It is. For tonight.” He winked at her and positioned the pack at the bottom of the bag, covering it with the rest of the snacks. “Why do you think I asked for your shit to be double-bagged?” 
“Dammit, Billy.” 
“Better hurry upstairs.” He winked again, nudging her with his shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry. I’ll distract them. They love me.” 
He was right. For some strange reason, they had taken a major liking to him, especially since the TV incident. And to her dismay, her mother refused to stop talking about how Billy Hargrove was such a ‘nice boy’.
Yeah. Right.
Jess swiftly unlocked the front door and made her way to the stairs, movie in one hand, the now heavy plastic bag in the other. 
“Hey mom, I’m just gonna-“
“Oh hi, hun. Oh and Billy! What a wonderful surprise! Dinner’s about ready if you’re hungry dear.” 
Billy had obviously occupied her parents without even trying, giving Jess an ample amount of time to stash the bag before either of her parents even wondered what she had. When she made her way back downstairs Billy gave her a chum smile, accompanied by another wink as he made his way to the dining room. 
“Told you,” he whispered just loud enough for Jess to hear, both Mr. and Mrs. Logan scrambling around the kitchen. 
“Shut up.”
Dinner tonight was made up of skirt steak, Mrs. Logan’s famous garlic mashed potatoes as served last time Billy stayed for dinner, and an assortment of roasted vegetables. As usual, it was amazing. The silence that accompanied the occasional sound of silverware clanking against porcelain was soon interrupted by Mrs. Logan. 
“Oh! Billy!” Mrs. Logan took a drink from her wine glass before continuing as she captured the rest of the table’s attention. “So my husband has been talking to your father…” she smiled at Mr. Logan, missing Billy’s cringe at the mention of his dad. “They’ve been doing a lot of that at the bank, and the topic of Christmas came up.” She was now looking back at Billy and Jess, both their expressions confused. 
Mr. Logan cleared his throat, nodding as he was beginning to remember the conversation his wife was alluding to. “Right. So we normally do Christmas Eve with the Harrington’s and their boy Steve. He’s actually on the basketball team as well, I’m sure you know him.” 
The same mischievous smile from the car came back as he looked over at Jess quickly before turning his attention to her father. “Oh yeah. Harrington. We’re great friends.”
“Oh good. Figured you would be.” Billy glanced over at Jess again as she cleared her throat. “Well we were thinking, since your family is new into town, you guys live practically next door, and since you, Steve, and Jess seem to be friends, I invited your family over for Christmas Eve as well. We just do dinner and-“ 
Mr. Logan was interrupted by Jess choking on her steak. She reached out for her water and chugged a bit, clearing her airways before looking at her dad. Billy was covering his smile with his hand, his elbow propped up on the table, attempting to look unphased. 
“Sorry,” Jess coughed out. “D- do you think we’ll have enough room? I mean, we don’t have that many chairs and-“ 
“Oh don’t be silly, it’ll be fine. Besides, the table extends and I’m sure we’ll find some other chairs upstairs," Mrs. Logan butt in. Billy remembered the room upstairs with all the old, mismatched furniture, and wondered if any of those chairs would be in any condition to be sat on, considering most were missing legs. 
“Alright,” Jess said in a small voice, pushing her food around with her fork. It wasn’t the idea of having Billy over for Christmas Eve that made her uneasy, rather, the fact that she would be having Billy over for Christmas Eve with Steve Harrington. It will be a whole evening. A whole evening of Harrington and Hargrove in the same house. At the same table. And she would be in the middle of it. 
The vexatious glint in his eye was still there as he removed his hand from in front of his mouth and looked back and forth between her parents. “That sounds great. Can’t wait.” He then smiled over at Jess before bringing back his attention to his food and began to eat again. “By the way Mrs. Logan, dinner is amazing.”
Jess continued to sneak annoyed glances at Billy, who was smugly eating his dinner, apparently amused at what just happened. When everything was finished and both Billy and Jess brought the remaining dishes back to the kitchen, Billy once again spoke up. 
“Thank you so much for tonight, but I should get going soon. Again, Mrs. Logan, dinner was great.” 
“Well thank you for stopping by, don’t be a stranger!” Mrs. Logan called out to him. 
Billy strutted his way back to Jess, who was standing at the landing of her stairs by the entryway. As he reached out for the doorknob, he looked down at Jess, towering over her until he bent down so his lips were just at her ear. 
“See you tonight, gorgeous.”
@nix-rose @fandom-princess-forevermore @ooo---hazelgrimm---ooo @axionn @defenslessheart-main @the-lost-are-ignored
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aliypop · 6 months
Don't Fly Away
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Word Count: 1,722
Writers Note: So for anyone asking yes I saw Elvis Presley's ghost during our shared birthday Weekend and yes his ghost kept doing things to alert me that he knew I saw hi
Warning: None
Pairing: POC OC x Elvis
Plot: When the gates of Graceland have closed for the night, Anya takes it upon herself to sneak back in and finds a birthday surprise she didn't expect
January 7th, 8:00pm
It was last the meditation garden walk up for the night, when Anya had gotten the idea, nothing too silly, but something that would've been hard to do, sneak into Graceland. Of course, earlier that day, she had taken the UVIP tour of the house and felt a strange feeling. But she didn't think much of it until that night. She'd wait for everyone to pass through the garden again to talk to Elvis as she did earlier, although if you asked her, Anya talked to Elvis every day. "El... Once again, happy birthday, even though today is my birthday, and I'm sorry I didn't get you anything, but then again, neither did you." She laughed, "I guess we're each other's gifts, so... ta-da!" She said, knowing she was crazy if Elvis even did respond, but then again, she did see him in Tupelo. As everyone cleared out, the security guards began to politely tell the guest to leave the premises of his home, which everyone did, 
"Alright, everyone, another surveillance of the house, and everyone's good to go..." 
"Man, I don't wanna go in there..."
"Whys that?"
"You don't hear the footsteps upstairs..." One guard said as Anya hid behind a tree by the pool. 
"Alright, goodnight?"
"See you tomorrow, Mr. Presley." One guard joked,
"Yeah, like he can hear you..."
"He moved my cup yesterday!" 
"Yeah, right..." The door then closed, and for a moment, the house was silent. Christmas decorations all glow as the red curtains complimented the white and mirror interior of the living room and piano room, 
"Thank God... They're gone," a familiar voice said as he began to hum. He was wearing the Aztec medallion jumpsuit and his sunglasses as he came down the steps. He looked majestic and lonely and, 
"Hey, Honey, we're closed," He bent down to the girl's level as she looked in shock,
 "I-I really did see you..." She gulped, 
"Whadya mean saw me? " Elvis asked,
"In Tupelo, you were leaning on a tree by your statue... January 5th." 
"Yeah... I do that sometimes to uh clear my head," He laughed, gesturing his hand out to hers. She had a scared expression on her face as he smiled, "Sweetie, I should be more scared of you. Than you of me..." Anya took his hand as she felt it feel like flesh. He didn't feel cold, but he didn't feel all that alive either. "Say, weren't you the one who asked what I was watchin in the TV Room?" He asked as she nodded. She was flabbergasted at the moment, 
"Yes, I-I did..." 
"Well, I would've told ya, but you left." He laughed as he began to play piano. Elvis patted a seat next to him, 
"I don't bite, honey," He joked as he looked down at his appearance. He looked over at his hands and then the jumpsuit as he sighed. He didn't much enjoy the fact he was in his last stage of life, so he decided why not something better, something more lively. Anya was looking around the piano room as she took pictures,
 "You can get comfortable if you'd like." He smiled, wearing his red velvet shirt and some slacks with his black and white loafers. Taking her coat off, Anya was wearing a 1956 pink sweater with black pedal pushers and her black and white oxfords. Elvis couldn't help but notice.
"You dressed like that for me..." he mumbled as she turned to face him, her heart pounding.
"Been awhile since I've been twenty-three, suddenly I've got energy and- sweetheart. You're blushin." He winked at her, trying to get her to open up a bit more,
"I..." She coughed, "I... Are you flirting with me?" She asked as he nodded, "Might be..." He laughed as she physically swooned, "I still got it..." He mumbled, "Like you got my pink Sharpie..." She mumbled as Elvis laughed, 
"I like pink..." He mumbled,
"So do I." She chuckled, sitting next to him, a smile on his face. His fingers tinkered on the keys as she grinned, "So I gotta ask, did you come here with anyone special..."
"Came by myself, figured why not spend my birthday with you. You know." She mentioned as Elvis blushed, "When's your birthday?"
"Today, why let me make ya a cake or somethin!" He jolted up as he took her hand and ran to the kitchen, 
"El... you don't cook?" She laughed as he felt the space where his heart should be tightened, "You're right..." He laughed, 
"Well, you like to talk?"
"Sure, whaddya wanna talk about?" 
10:30 PM
"So then he tried to pretend to be you, which I said he could never be you because Elvis would never!" She laughed at the two hanging upside down on the couch, "I know... You told me about it." He began to smile again as she chuckled. Their faces were close, a blush creeping on their cheeks. Elvis began to lean in until they heard footsteps coming from the attic. 
"Booby, who on Earth are you talkin, too!" Elvis and Anya got up as she saw who it was, "A friend, mama..." He smiled as Gladys looked at her, a bit confused, and then she smiled, 
"She can..."
"Yes, I can, Mrs. Presley." Gladys smiled as she looked at her son. He was cheesing like he once was with Anita, but this time something was different. Of course, she also heard everything that Anya said to her earlier in the garden, "Ain't that something?" Gladys smiled, 
"Elvis kitchen now... Excuse us, will you."
"Of course."
"You're blushin..." Gladys laughed, getting the ingredients out to make a cake, 
"I-I-I- I'm not!" He whispered back as she laughed, "Elvis, I had you, and I know you, you like her." Gladys teased as he rolled his eyes, 
"Yeah, I do, she gets me..." He laughed, "Like earlier, right? She found the pool room spectacular!" He smiled, "And she sings and-"
"She's wearing Dixie's sweater?" Gladys laughed as Elvis shook his head, cracking three eggs, 
"Mama, that's not the point. We got a lot in common..."
"And a lot uncommon..." Gladys gestured to themselves, "She's alive, we're not." 
"Aw hell, mama, I know that, " He sighed,
"Well, you know what. You two go have your fun, and I'll be here." She kissed his cheek, 
"Thanks, mama." He smiled as he began to walk back toward the living room. Anya was admiring the Christmas decoration as she looked at the tree in slight disgust at the tinsle,
 "This is the ugliest thing I've ever seen..." She mumbled to herself.
"I uhm... threw the tinsle in it..." Elvis said rubbing the back of his head as she turned to see him, "Oh, It's so beautiful!" She smiled as Elvis laughed, "Naw it's kinda ugly you're right," He slyly pulled her close to him as she blushed, 
"Say, you wanna see my bedroom?" He asked, realizing how that may have sounded,
 "I-I don't mean it like that I-" 
"I know though if you did I'd still say yes..." Anya blushed as her face was just as red as his, leading her upstairs to his bedroom, he opened the door to the velvet wonderland that was his room, TV's on the cieling and and EP on the wall, though she felt somber being in here, but Elvis knew how to shake the mood, taking her hand he took her to the window and smiled, 
"This is my favorite view ya know."
"It's beautiful, and with all the lights..." She gasped, "It's breathtaking." Anya smiled, taking it all in. There was something beautiful about this moment, but so sad, "Yeah, it's nice seein all the fans come in and out the house everyday," He smiled, "But, somber..." He sighed,
"Hey, hey, hey don't you go getting all sad on my birthday!" Anya held his hands, 
"You don't get it, everyone gets to walk in and out and..."
"You have to sit here and watch 'em leave," She held his face as he nodded, "You're lonely aren't you." He looked down at her as she cupped his cheeks, his eyes were still vibraint blue, she could feel his breath on her lips, "So lonely... I could die." He whispered as she giggled at the refrence, 
"Well...Kiss me." Anya whispered,
"You want me to..."
"Yes." She held him closer to her, "I'd want you to," Anya blushed as she felt his soft lips on hers, her fingers laced in his black hair as she pulled onto his velvet shirt, 
"Cakes read-" Gladys stopped as she walked away, the two blushing as they pulled apart, "I..I just kissed Elvis..." She mumbled as he kissed her cheek, "Mhmm, now come on so you can blow out your candle,"
"Our candles." She blushed,
"Alright blow out the candles." Elvis smirked, Anya counted down, the two hovered over it as she looked at Elvis and they both blew out the candles, Gladys smiling as she saw how happy he was, 
"Alright what did you two silly kids wish for."
"Well, It's silly really," Gladys nodded at her son as she rolled her eyes and shooed him off, "Well if ya'll wanna party I'm going to bed," She walked up the stairs, and back toward the attic, Elvis and Anya had now been sitting in the TV room in silence as they were eating cake as he looked over at her,
 "You know..."
"I died never finding my soul mate..."
"I know..." Anya looked at him,
"You do?"
"Mhmm... I wished for you to one day unite with your soulmate." Elvis looked at her as she giggled, "I think that wish came true, toots," He kissed her,
January 8th 5AM
"Do you really have to go..." Elvis asked as she was half asleep in his lap,
"Yeah... But I'll be back." Anya grinned as he smiled, Elvis walked her to the front door as he opened it, 
"You know something?"
"This may have been my favorite birthday yet." 
Anya walked down the driveway as she felt eyes looking at her from the bedroom window, she turned to look as she saw Elvis watching her leave knowing deep down she'd come home to him. 
"Until August... May we meet in our dreams."
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les-pompiers118 · 1 year
Last call for sin
900 words | rated Teen | Buck angst
A 1x01 coda ficlet for @911hiatus's week one prompt, "hunger." Title from All These Things That I've Done by The Killers, which is a perfect song for pilot Buck (in my humble opinion).
He managed the drive home okay—hands tight around the steering wheel, radio on too loud to keep his thoughts at bay, but he made it. He just put his mind on autopilot and drove. But now that he’s safely on his own front porch, fiddling with the keys in his jacket pocket, Buck feels like he can’t breathe. As if there’s a snake wrapped around his ribcage, squeezing.
He inhales sharply through his nose, then exhales more slowly from his mouth, talking himself through it like he’s his own patient. In… and out. There you go. You’re okay. On the far end of the porch, someone left an empty beer can in the potted geranium that’s languishing between two folding chairs. Buck keeps his eyes fixed on it, both to ground himself while he breathes and to have something—anything—to think about besides what happened yesterday.
He almost lost everything.
In… Out… In… Out…
The front door opens, startling Buck into taking a step back.
“Hey, I thought I heard you pull in,” Kyle says through the screen door. He’s wearing flannel pajama bottoms printed with puffy, cartoon Christmas trees and no shirt. “You okay, man?”
“Yeah, fine. Just didn’t get much sleep.” Buck walks over to the geranium, plucks out the beer can, and hands it to Kyle. “You guys, uh, have someone over last night?”
“Not me. Stayed up late watching a couple movies. I don’t have to work until noon.”
Buck follows Kyle inside, careful not to let the screen door slam. “Sorry if I woke you up.”
“You didn’t. Fucking car alarm next door again. I’m gonna let the air out of their tires next time, I swear to fucking God.”
“I did not hear you say that,” Buck grins, then gestures at Kyle’s pajamas. “Look at a calendar, dude. It’s January.”
“Yeah, so? My mom gave me these. They’re comfortable. Yo, I was about to make some eggs. You want some?”
“Nah, I’m good, thanks. Not hungry yet.”
Kyle gives him a thumbs-up and returns to the kitchen, and Buck goes upstairs to his room. The house is quiet at this time of day, at least on weekdays. Weekends are a different matter. Buck usually comes home to find a few friends-of-friends still hanging around for breakfast. Buck doesn’t care, as long as the mess gets cleaned up and no one has crashed in his bed.
God, he’s so damn tired. It’s not that they had a lot of calls last night; he just couldn’t seem to get his brain to switch off. Four straight hours in his bunk without the bell going off, and he wasted them listening to Chimney snore. Buck drops his gym bag on the floor and kicks off his shoes without looking to see where they land. Clothes are peeled off, replaced with sweats. Curtains get pulled closed. Autopilot. On the way to the bed, he catches his reflection in the mirror hanging over the dresser.
And then he can’t breathe again.
This is not a family.
The next time you screw up, it’ll be your last.
You’re done, kid.
In the dim light, Buck sees all the previous versions of himself staring back at him from the mirror, all with the same birthmark and blue eyes, the same nose that’s just a little too long. Twenty-six goddamn years’ worth of them—and it seems he’s no closer to figuring out how not to screw up his own life.
“I fucked up,” Buck whispers. “I fucked up again, Maddie.”
His reflection pleads with him in the mirror, begging for sympathy, but the voice in his head is brisk, sensible. Maddie’s voice.
Okay? What are you going to do about it, Evan?
He hasn’t seen her in years. It’s painful to think of her, still patching up idiots like him in the ER and then going home to her dickhead husband. At least she has one less thing to worry about with her little brother out of her hair. Buck hopes she’s okay. Maybe even happy.
It’s hard to imagine her happy.
It’s been five years since he left Hershey, hungry for something he couldn’t even name. So hungry it hurt. But now he understands what he was seeking as he was crisscrossing the country in her old Jeep: Purpose. Something he could hold up with pride. And people who gave a shit about him. He knows this because yesterday he almost threw all those things away for a couple of meaningless fucks. Jesus.
So. What is he going to do about it? The first step is obvious. Buck sits down on the edge of his bed and begins deleting every dating app off his phone. He’s done. He has to be done.
He makes the mistake of opening the last app. Four messages. Buck scans the profile pictures, his breathing picking up. God, it was an actual nightmare of a shift. That little girl dragged out of her house, bullets—actual fucking bullets—pinging off the fire engine. In two days, Buck’s going to be right back there, facing all kinds of awful shit again, having people’s lives in his hands. And then there’ll be the consequences of his screw-up to face. Bobby’s probably gonna have him scrubbing floors for a month.
Buck lets his thumb hover unsteadily over GirlOnFire94’s picture. The name feels like fate. He clicks.
One last time. He needs this.
His hands don’t stop shaking for a long time.
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gracexthoughts · 6 months
of violent delights chapter 1
duties and dementors
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1 september 1995
Euphemia's POV
"Ugh, I have to get changed and go to the prefect meeting," I groan, leaning my head on Fred's shoulder. I had been secretly hoping the duty would pass me by and be handed to someone else, but of course Dumbledore had other plans. As if I don't have my hands full with school work and Quidditch. Not to mention trying to keep my brother from getting himself killed, again. Last year, he nearly died because he decided taking on a basilisk by himself was a smart idea. 
My little brother is Harry Potter, yes that Harry Potter. Oh, and my name is Euphemia Potter. I am two years older than Harry and, since our parents passed away, he is the only real family I have. Although we were technically raised by our Aunt and Uncle Dursley, really all they provided was the most basic necessities, often in the form of hand-me-downs and locking us in the cupboard under the stairs when we misbehaved. This summer, Harry accidentally blew up our Aunt Marge (she deserved it) and, anticipating the beating of a lifetime, I decided it was time to leave once and for all. I turn 18 in January and I was already planning on petitioning for custody of Harry at that point anyway. We spent the last of the summer living off the inheritance left to us by our late parents and staying at the Leaky Cauldron. When we leave school next summer, I'll find us a real apartment but the old inn was good enough until we left for Hogwarts. 
"Poor, Mia. She's all the teachers' favorites," Lee says leaning forward to sarcastically pat my knee in fake sympathy.
"Shut up, I am not," I scoff, pushing his hand away and standing to pull my robes out of my trunk.
"Don't lie to yourself , Mia!" Angelina laughs. "What's so bad about being a prefect anyway?"
"It's just more work that I didn't ask for and everyone is going to assume I got it just because Dumbledore plays favorites. And Kenneth Trowler is the other for our year," I state turning around.
"Ooh! Awkward!" Fred whoops. I swat down at his face, which he ducks easily, pushing himself into his twin, George.
"Oh, is he still hung up on you?" Alicia asks, looking up at me. Kenneth and I dated for 4 months last year. It didn't end badly but he definitely didn't want it to end at all and had sulked for the last month of the term.
"Let's hope not," I say, rolling my eyes. "I just hope I don't get paired with him for rounds. I've gotta change, I'll see you guys after the meeting," I call over my shoulder as I exit our compartment, robes in hand. After I change, I head to the front of the train. As I near the front, suddenly a body steps out of a compartment right as I am passing, making us run into each other.
"Uh! Sorry, I-" I start with my hands out in front of me, moving away from the body in my way, as I look up into the eyes of none other than Mattheo Riddle, the son and heir of the most evil dark wizard of all time, Voldemort. Mattheo Riddle always has such a knot in his wand and makes it everyone else's problem. He is always getting into fights and intimidating others. Most of the other students are terrified of him, but I have never been. In my opinion, he is just a spoiled rich kid who throws a punch when he doesn't get his way.
"Watch where you're going, Potter," he spits, glaring down at me.
I scoff, irritated by his tone. "I was, Riddle. You stepped out in front of me. Maybe it's you that needs to watch where you're going," His jaw clenches, as I notice a shiny green prefect badge on his chest. Great, I think, this will be fun. Riddle has had it out for me for years and makes his distaste well known. 
"Hi Mia," a kind voice says to my left. I turn and see Astoria Greengrass, standing in the door of the compartment Mattheo came out of. She is wearing a green prefect badge as well.
"Hi Astoria, how was your holiday?" I say, stepping back so she could exit the compartment. Astoria is one Slytherin I actually tolerate- even like. While most Slytherins' attitude towards me ranges from cool distaste to outright hatred, Astoria has always been kind. We were potions partners last year so I actually know her fairly well. She steps between Riddle and I and pushes him forward by the shoulders.
"It was lovely! How was yours?" She asks over her shoulder, throwing back an apologetic smile over her shoulder.
"Yeah, it was alright," I respond simply, not wanting to get into all the details. I hear Riddle scoff ahead of me and I roll my eyes. Astoria and I chat while we walk through the train;  Riddle continues to sulk ahead of us.
We arrived at the first car to most of the other prefects already there. Percy Weasley was chatting with Penelope Clearwater who's wearing the Head Girl badge. According to the Twins, Percy had been insufferable since he got his Head Boy badge in the mail, wearing it at all times and constantly polishing it. The twins told me they had changed the wording and hid it a few times earning Percy's wrath and quite a few scolding's from their mother.
Percy gives me a small nod as I move toward the table with the other Gryffindor Prefects. Kenneth is already here as well and lifts his hand to wave eagerly to me. "Hi, Kenneth. How are you?" I ask, sitting down across from him along with Harper Crane and Jaden Filly, the sixth year prefects for Gryffindor.
"I'm good, Mia. Excited to be a prefect?" Kenneth asks eagerly.
"Uh yeah I guess," I shrug, looking around the car.
"Don't worry. It's not really as much work as it seems," Jaden says, leaning his head towards me, oddly conspiratorially, his eyes trailing over me. 
"I hope not," I say politely.
"Alright, everyone!" Percy calls, getting the meeting started. Percy and Penelope talk about duties and such and go around handing out the common room passwords and the round schedule for the year. I scan the schedule looking for my name. "Oh, bloody hell," I whisper, wanting to bang my head against the table. Under Tuesdays and Thursdays my name is written with my partner being Mattheo fucking Riddle.
"I can't believe they'd pair you up together, I mean c'mon. He's dangerous." Kenneth shakes his head, disbelieving.
"Its fine," I say curtly, pushing the paper away from me. Looking around the compartment, my eyes meet Mattheo's who glare at me. I narrow my eyes back and he turns his head, eyes leaving mine. The meeting drags on for an hour; Percy is very... thorough. Finally, it's called to an end and everyone gets up to leave. Grabbing my papers, I say goodbye to Kenneth and the others. Before I can move through the door, Riddle moves into my path blocking my way yet again. "Excuse me," I say looking up.
"Meet me outside the Slytherin Common Room tomorrow at 8:45," Mattheo says before going to turn. I scoff, and head out the door behind him. He thinks I don't know where it is, probably hoping I will be late so he can rub it in my face. Lucky for me, the twins and I found the Marauders' Map four years ago which is a map of the entire Hogwarts castle. I head back to the compartment my friends occupy and groan, sitting down heavily and laying my head on Fred's shoulder.
"What's wrong, Mia?" Alicia says as Fred moves to rub my shoulder.
"I've been assigned perfect rounds twice a week with none other than Mattheo Riddle." I sit up in the seat, pushing my hair out of my face and wave the schedule. "I'd rather have Kenneth." Everyone's head whipped around to me, their eyes wide.
"What?!" the twins said in unison.
"You're joking!" Lee says, as Angelina takes the paper with the schedule on it out of my hands.
"Why would they pair you two together, of all people?" she questions, looking over the paper.
"Ask if you can get it changed! I'm sure McGonagall would understand you not feeling comfortable around him." Alicia suggests, looking over Angie's shoulder to look at the paper.
"No, I'm not going to fuss about it. If I do that then, Riddle will just think I'm afraid of him like everyone else in this school. Fuck that, I won't give him the satisfaction" I shake my head and pull the paper back, standing to put it in my bag.
"No, Mia, it's not safe. He isn't safe, especially not for you!" Fred says, pulling me back down to sit so he can look at me.
"Please, Riddle is just a spoiled brat who's never been told no in his life. He doesn't scare me any more than Malfoy does." I say, looking down at Fred while I try to convince my friends I can take care of myself. Fred and George have always been protective of me. When I started at Hogwarts I was a shy, nervous kid. All I'd ever known was protecting myself and Harry, from our aunt and uncle, our cousin, the kids at schools. Fred and George found me on that first train to Hogwarts and never let me go. They were my first friends and the first people, besides my brother, who were willing to stand up for me. 
"Phe, you can't be serious! I mean now that Black escaped, do-"
"Freddie, Riddle is not going to kill me in the middle of the bloody school!" I cut Fred off, not currently of the mind to be lectured by one of the most reckless people I've ever met. I can't deny how his mention of Sirius Black sends a chill down my spine, though I'll never admit that to Fred. This summer, a Death Eater known as Sirius Black escaped the most secure prison in the world. Just this morning, Mr. Weasley had pulled me aside to tell me the Ministry believes Black has escaped to come after Harry and I. 
"Mia, c'mon. He's the last person you should be around," George adds.
"It'll be fi-" Before I can finish my sentence, the train grinds to a halt.
"Oh thank god, we're here. I hate how long the train takes," says Lee jumping up.
"We can't be there yet," I shake my head and look at my wrist watch, "It's only 5:15, we should have almost another hour." George and Alicia, who are sitting in the window seats, peer out the windows trying to see through the gloom and rain surrounding the outside of the train. The train jerks again and the lights go out.
"We must have broken down," Angelina says, pulling out her wand to provide light to the compartment.
"I think someone is coming aboard!"
"What, Ali, who would be coming aboard? We're in the middle of nowhere," Fred shakes his head.
"Guys, look," I whisper, pointing to water laying on the bench between Angelina and Lee. It was frozen solid when it had just been liquid minutes ago. We all looked around noticing the windows had an icy layer on them and our breath was visible in the air. "I gotta find Harry."
I bolt up from my seat and move out of the compartment as quickly as I can, moving quickly towards the back of the train. I vaguely hear one of the twins following me but I'm more focused on finding Harry. Finally I reach the last compartment and burst through the door. "Harry!" My brother stands, confusion written on his and his friends faces.
"Mia, what's wrong? What's going on?"
"I don't know, but I-"
"Mia, seriously, how are you so fast?" Fred says, panting slightly as he steps into the now cramped train car. I look around the car at the other. Ron and Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Neville Longbottom are inside as well as a man sleeping in the corner. Besides the mystery man, I know all the others well, even Neville. I eye the man in the cloak. I've never seen an adult taking the train that didn't work on it. "Who is that?"
"Professor R. J. Lupin," Hermione says, pointing up at a case. The train jerks again causing Fred and I to lurch forward. I turn back around to look out the compartment door. Suddenly, a dark figure emerged in the hall outside our compartment, its long bony hand reaching for the door pulling it open. Its face was completely hidden by the dark cloak it wore and it made my stomach twist in knots. Fred reaches his arm towards me protectively as an intense cold swept over the already frigid room. What sounded like a raspy breath was coming from the creature as it flouted closer into the compartment turning towards us. I feel my breath quickening and my eyesight disappearing; feeling as if I'm being dragged downward as a rushing in my ears takes over all my other senses, growing louder and louder. Then I heard a voice, a voice I only hear in my nightmares, a voice long lost to this world.
"No! Please! Take me, leave them be! Please!" The voice pleaded as a bright green light erupted and a baby's crying took the place of the screams.
"Mia! Mia, wake up!" A different voice breaks through the cries and I realize I'm being shaken. I open my eyes to see Fred's face hovering over me, shaking me. The lights were back on and the train seemed to be moving again.
"Freddie?" I move to sit up but a wave of nausea overcomes me and I lean forward. Fred catches my shoulders as I dry heave slightly. "Harry?" I look up, fighting the nausea as I look for my brother. I turn, seeing him sitting up between Hermione and Ron. "Are you okay?" I ask, pushing myself up and hovering over my brother. He nods, looking behind me. I turn to see the man, R. J. Lupin, sitting across us, a distant but caring look in his eyes.
"Was that a-"
"Dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban, looking for Sirius Black." Lupin says.
"What happened? I-" I ask, still confused as to what had happened after the cloaked figure, the dementor, appeared.
"You and Harry passed out," Ron says, holding tightly to his rat, Scabbers, who is squirming in his hands. 
"Here, eat this, it helps," the man says, handing me a small piece of chocolate and splitting the rest of the bar between everyone else. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a little word with the driver." Lupin stands and moves to the door, pausing only to look back for a moment, "Eat, you'll feel better," before turning back and disappearing from view. I sigh, taking a bite of chocolate and turning back to Harry. "You okay?" he nods.
"You?" Harry asks me and I nod. "Did you... hear anything?" He asks, looking down at his feet. I look up at our friends surrounding us, and pull Harry to standing, nodding for us to talk in the hall.
"Did you hear something?" I ask, afraid he will hear the same things I did and hoping desperately I was wrong. He nods, looking at me through his eyelashes. I pull him back into a hug. "I did too, it's okay. It's just the dementors, horrible creatures."
"I heard screaming. Was it-" his voice breaks slightly, "Mum?" I take a deep breath and nod.
"Dementors, they feed on horrid memories. I heard her too, just before..." Harry nods looking down at his shoes. "It'll be okay, Haz," I say, putting on my best brave face. My eyes find the lighting scar on his forehead peeking out from underneath his hair; the one that matches the one on my left wrist. 
No one really knows why Harry and I both have curse scars from that night when Voldemort came after us. Best guess I have is that Harry was sitting in front of me when it happened, and my arm had been wrapped around him, covering his eyes or something similar. Although his pains him whereas mine never has. 
I say goodbye and leave Harry and his friends to go back to my own compartment, ready to get off the train, Freddie following in my wake. For the rest of the ride, Fred lets me lay on his shoulder and I try not to think about my mother's last words. 
Once we were off the train, McGonagall pulled Harry, Hermione and I into her office. Madam Pompfery checked to make sure Harry and I were okay and then talked to Hermione about her schedule before the three of us could head to the Great Hall. Hermione was upset we missed the sorting but I was secretly glad. I never liked the Sorting Hat's song and the ceremony drags on for what seems like hours. I take a seat amongst the other fifth years, sitting between Fred and Alicia, as Harry and Hermione move down to the third year table in the Gryffindor row. I whisper to my friends that they were just checking to make sure Harry and I were okay as Dumbledore stands up for his welcome speech.
"Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast...." Dumbledore clears his throat and continues, "As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host to some of the dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business. They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds, and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or disguises -- or even Invisibility Cloaks," he comments blatantly. I look ahead at Harry who is staring at Ron wide eyed.
"It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. I look to the prefects, and our new Head Boy and Girl, to make sure that no student runs afoul of the dementors." The twins scoff as Percy, who is sitting down with the seventh years, puffs out his chest very importantly. I can't help the anxiety settle in my stomach as Dumbledore speaks. 
"On a happier note," Dumbledore continues, "I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year. First, Professor Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." There is mostly scattered applause for the man who gave me the chocolate. I watch him as he stands and bows slightly in greeting. He looks weary and tired and ill, scars marring his face and peeking out from his clothes.  "As to our second appointment, well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs." At this a few laughs ripple through the student body. "However, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to take on this teaching job in addition to his gamekeeping duties."
"That explains the biting book Ron and Harry had to get," I whisper to Fred and George, laughing.
"Well, I think that's everything of importance," finishes Dumbledore. "Let the feast begin!" At this, the goblets and plates in front of us are suddenly full of food and drinks. It is a delicious feast as it always was. Fred and George started brainstorming pranks ideas with Lee while Angelina, Alicia and I started talking about Quidditch. It's Oliver's last year at Hogwarts and we are certain he will be vying for the Cup this year; probably pushing us harder than ever before. After dessert, Dumbledore excuses everyone and students start scrambling to leave the hall.
"I have to escort the first years. Password is Fortuna Major. I'll see you later," I say to my friends, standing up from my place. I wave goodbye and find Kenneth to walk the first years to the common room. 
"Hey Potter!" I hear a familiar voice call from my left. I turn and see Elladora Lestrange leaning over the Slytherin table looking at me. Next to her standing Evan Rosier Jr, Theodore Nott and Lorenzo Berkshire; the rest of Riddle's friend group.
"What do you want, Lestrange? I'm busy."
"Is it true you fainted on the train? Were the big scary dementors too much for you?" She mocks and the boys laugh. I turn and throw her the middle finger over my shoulder, not bothering to come up with an insult. Their laughter follows me as I walk away. 
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scandalouslamb · 2 months
obligatory felix ravinstill ask for the character thing
Ask Game
Thanks for asking, Bel! I tried to keep things rooted in canon which… uh for obvious reasons was hard!
My first impression Related to the current president, is he going to be important? Oh, it doesn't look like it.
My impression now Felix Ravinstill is the most thematically important character in tbosas actually. That's my guy! My boy!
Favorite thing about that character Um, well, ignoring everything that I've mostly made about him (bc clearly I like that) which is nearly everything. I kind of love that Coriolanus has such little to say about it. It speaks to not knowing him despite Felix being a Ravinstill. So many different ways to interpret why that's the case, but it does help me build my case that even people who are keeping track of important players doesn’t single anything out about Felix other than his relationship to the President which adds fuel to my fire that he’s kinda isolated and may not have many close/sincere friends.
Least favorite thing I hate that I've been making him up since January. I hate that he's my favorite little guy.
Favorite line/scene
The movie's "Have you tried this lamb? It's scandalous." will always be iconic for apparently changing my life, but Felix deciding to send Dill the water using whatever sponsor money has is also interesting to me.
Favorite interaction that character has with another When he's gossiping with Dean Highbottom.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more Coriolanus Snow. I like the dynamic of weird jealousy that I've invented for them, and I can kind of see Snow's narration potentially giving credence to that in whatever we do get (but it could go either way like everything with Felix). Alternatively, I'd love for him to interact with Max (his great-uncle) but that's another guy that I basically just made up so…
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
I once compared him to Iphigenia (Greek Mythology), and I can stand by that in the narrative role I have given him in many of my fics...
If we want a character who's like him in canon, look no further than random office worker that I randomly get attached to in the background of an action movie.
A headcanon about that character
Ummm, is there a headcanon about him that I haven't shared at this point? I'm drawing a blank, because I never shut up about him.
His relationship to Ravinstill cousin OCs, Marius and Gnaeus is like meeting their eyes as they turn down a different hallway just as he enters the one he's currently in.
A song that reminds of that character Growing Sideways by Noah Kahn… Just "I'm terrified that I might never have met me" and "And if all my life was wasted / I don't mind, I'll watch it go / Yeah, it's better to die numb / Than feel it all."
I think I meant to mention this to Lily when she was doing the Noah Kahan song assignments but I… uh forgot. Whoops. (better late than never with the thoughts sharing though, @persephoneprice getting to the Persephone ask soon!)
An unpopular opinion about that character
This isn't really an unpopular opinion, but I think most people headcanon him as having a lot of external pressure put on him. I do think that's the case to the extent that there's external pressure put on a lot of the mentors to act and be a certain way, but I think that a lot of that for Felix is also self-imposed. Mostly, because in my head, President Ravinstill takes a "of course, my family can do whatever they want" approach to things, but has failed to communicate this to any of them.
Favorite picture
Tumblr media Tumblr media
he looks so... pompous. I love him. (added the same picture again for better crop)
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Ok, so, I've never watched any of the qsmp streams, but I read your rambling about it and read your one shots abt it, and uh do you have any advice on how to get into watching the streams? Like where do I start? How to catch up on missed lore? Stuff like that
well there are a lot of different POVs you can choose to catch up on and which one(s) you choose will definitely affect your understanding of what's going on. if you want to just catch up on the primary major story beats overall (federation lore, main egg lore) this channel on youtube has made 3 videos so far summarizing the lore as it goes on. I haven't watched these videos myself so I can't say how accurate they are or if they leave anything important out, but I've heard positive things!
now if you wanna catch up on more individual lore/character dynamics and all that then you're facing a bit more of a challenge. I believe quackity has most of his qsmp vods uploaded on his vod channel so you can definitely check those out for his story stuff. if you wanna understand my fics better wilbur has the smallest number of qsmp vods out of the cc's at least somewhat tied into the storyline so it shouldn't be too hard to catch up on his stuff. his vod from day 1 of the qsmp has one of the funniest moments from any wilbur stream ever (yes I am referring to that moment he was talking to max) but I don't think you need to watch a ton from any of the day 1 POV's after the first hour or so.
while phil is the pov I watch the most for qsmp, he's definitely less involved in the plot. but unlike what I keep seeing some people on twt and tumblr say, he DOES participate in the rp and does care about the lore. he just doesn't go out of his way to get super involved in it and likes making 4th wall breaking jokes. but yeah if you're looking for more lore based stuff, phil might not be a great pov to watch as your primary.
now bad is the english speaking cc most involved in the heavy federation lore stuff, so his vods are definitely good to check out if you're looking for an english speaking cc to watch. jaiden's also definitely tied into it and has her own very interesting plotline going on atm involving the federation, but she doesn't stream as often so there are a few more gaps with her compared to bad who's been daily streaming for months now.
now for the cc's who don't primarily speak english, it's definitely a bit more of a challenge to watch those POVs if you don't speak the cc's language, but when many cc's are in a group they'll usually switch to english since that's the most common language on the server. also there's the translator that most of them have up on their screen, but it's not super accurate and a lot of the time cc's forget to switch it between languages so I don't rely on it much. for lore stuff, cellbit is a great choice because he's been heavily involved in investigating the federation and solving puzzles and all that since he first got on the server. from the french side, baghera jumped into lore stuff pretty quickly too so I highly recommend her pov as well
again I don't know how detailed/what the summary videos do and don't include but if you see clips from certain streams on that summary video that look interesting, I definitely recommend going to the vod itself and watching at least a bit of it. the group dynamic between all the players on the island is so delightful to watch. so many great friendships have formed bc of this server and it's so much fun to watch them grow in real time.
more than anything though when you're trying to catch up, go through the tumblr tag! follow people who liveblog a lot! follow the updates accounts on twitter! I actually don't catch many streams, but I'm usually pretty up to date on the big plot stuff happening on the server at all times just from what I see on my dash. read posts and check out the tags to absorb info via dash osmosis. that's how I caught up on dsmp when I first got into it back in january 2021 lol
hope this helps :)
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aihoshiino · 8 months
Since you haven't yet, could you please tell us your thoughts about the recent interview with Ai? After all, it seems to reveal a lot of interesting things about her.
For those who haven't read it yet, this is referring to the four-page in character interview with Ai that was published in the January 2024 issue of Da Vinci magazine!
Off the bat, it was really interesting to get such a direct and length look at Ai's public persona as it exists in OnK. Ironically enough, despite so much of the series being about people who are unable to get past her 'Ai of B-Komachi' mask, we actually don't get a ton of time spent with it as readers — we mostly see Ai in her private life, with Saitou, Miyako and the twins, where she is considerably more unfiltered and explicitly not on the job and we even get peeks directly into her POV from our perspective as out-of-universe observers. In fact, apart from the Da Vinci interview, the only other time we see Ai 'on the job' to this degree is a really quick exchange she has with a TV presenter just before her first post-hiatus performance. So it was really interesting to chew on!
The thing that stands out to me most from the interview is kind of a confirmation of something I've been saying for a long time — which is that Ai is a lot more honest than a lot of people (both in universe and in the fandom!) give her credit for. A lot of her answers are surprisingly frank and in line with what we know to be her true feelings and her more honest way of expressing herself elsewhere. Don't get me wrong, she's absolutely full of shit in plenty of spots here (EL OH EL ABOUT B-KOMACHI'S 'IRREPLACEABLE BOND') and her answers are still very polished and pretty, but there's a lot more of Ai herself here than I think even she herself would want to acknowledge.
This matches up with how Ai describes herself in 45510 — that, even though she's afraid of opening up, she does want people to know her as she really is and to accept her as such. It's interesting to see that expressed, even indirectly, through the interview like this.
It was also super cool to see a lot of my more incidental headcanons/personal interpretations confirmed! In particular, seeing Ai talk about Kana so warmly got me really excited. I'd always liked to imagine that she felt pretty fondly towards Kana and that she admired her hard work and dedication at such a young age so seeing Ai talking about her so effusively was really cute.
Less sweet was the confirmation that Ai's shitty home life in Ayumi's house stretched way back prior to Ayumi beginning to physically abuse her. Reading Ai calling herself a 'nasty brat' (almost definitely her mom's words) and then talking about her feeling so unwelcome at home that she'd sneak out of the house in the dead of night and wander around near the traintracks, daydreaming about being able to run away… it pains a really horrible image of what growing up in that house must have been like.
Speaking of parents, though… uh, wow, holy shit, Ai's dad! This is the only direct mention of him we've ever gotten and it definitely raises more questions than it answers. Prior to this, he'd been such a non-entity in Ai's life that I just kind of assumed he'd either passed away when she was very young or that he'd never been involved in her life — Ayumi is consistently referred to as her only parent to the point that, once she's out of the picture, Ai's only other option for stable family is, specifically, her mother's relatives. The idea of Ai being cared for by her dad or his side of the family is just never addressed as a possibility, so it's clear that past a certain point he was unable or unwilling to care for her.
The Da Vinci interview does imply she saw him occasionally — she describes their shopping trips as something that 'didn't happen often' — which supports the idea that he and Ayumi divorced or separated when Ai was quite young and he wasn't really involved in her life. It's honestly kind of depressing that he's the center of her happy childhood memory because like… man, it really says something about how abjectly unrelentingly dogshit her life was that "my dad sometimes took me to the grocery store" was happy enough in comparison to everything else in her life that she thought of it as a cherished memory.
Overall, the Da Vinci interview was a really nice surprise! We don't really get a lot of additional info about Ai from that time period specifically — a lot of the new reveals about her as a character tend to come from periods of her life prior to the timeline of the story, so getting a little extra peek into her final days really was a treat.
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dimancheetoile · 5 months
uh, hi.
maybe you're seeing this on your dash and thinking "hum, this username is kinda familiar". maybe you do remember me, in which case, again, hi.
i've been gone for an entire year. it hasn't been a great one. for those who read my posts before, you might already know this, but for everyone else, I was born with a rare genetic condition. on top of that, i had a very serious accident at 13 that more or less destroyed my right leg. i haven't been able to walk right since then, and it hasn't been helped by the following years of botched surgeries, complications from the operation, misdiagnosis and medical malpractice. i'm left with a barely functional leg that has a permanently torn set of ligaments, collapsed nerves and debilitating, constant, torturous chronic pain.
then i had a weird relapse of sorts. a bucketful of symptoms. hives and flushing, limbs and joints swelling, rashes, trouble breathing, sudden drops in blood pressure, heart rate above 100 at rest, stomach cramps, nausea, headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue, confusion, memory loss, dizziness and loss of consciousness. it's called MCAS.
i can't describe to you what it's like to never be well. to never wake up in a body that feels right, even just ok. to always have something going wrong, something painful, something that doesn't work right.
i'm hooked up to an oxygen machine twice a day. i wear a compression garment that goes from my ankles up to the tips of my fingers. i have to do two self-injections every month. i live with additional compressive equipment for both my knees, both my ankles, both my wrists, an elbow. i have a machine with electrodes i can put on painful areas to electrocute them and sometimes, it helps with the pain. i have to use pain-relief plasters and poultices a couple times a day.
i have premature arthritis. the arthritis in my back ate all the cartilage of my last three vertebrae (the ones above your tailbones, your lower back) so i'm like a car with no suspensions. my vertebrae are rubbing against each other with nothing in between to protect them, my discs are crushed, i have severe sciatica. chronic light sensitive migraines.
my joints don't hold. since january, I dislocated my left knee leading to a synovium effusion (big pocket of the lube in your joint that gathers and forms a ball and it pushes on your nerves, ligaments, tendons and tissue); i sprained my left ankle and it tore my external ligament and heel ligament. i dislocated a bunch of my fingers multiple times.
oh, i also got diagnosed with endometriosis and PCOS.
i live bedridden now. i have an entire grocery bag of medication sitting by my bed so i can reach it easily. opioids, neuropathic pain medication, anti-inflammatory medication, a medication that completely stops my period.
and that's without mentioning the hours and hours of hospital visits, specialists, family doctors, physical therapists, etc.
i'm gonna be honest. same time last year, i was having a hard time. i had turned 25 in january and moved into my first apartment since uni. it's in the same village as my mom which is the only reason i could live independently. so i was just 25 and all the MCAS stuff was happening on top of everything else and i had this realisation that this was what the rest of my life would look like, but worse, because my disease is degenerative. it gets worse as you age.
so i was just 25 and i realised i had the next 50 to suffer through this and more, and suddenly i didn't want to be here anymore. there was no ideation, it was more a complete break down of my hopes for the future. what was my future going to look like in this cursed body?
anyway, i collapsed under the mental pressure, my health continued to worsen. what i used to be able to do was no so much harder, and sometimes impossible. i was a 25-year-old in a prison of their own flesh. i couldn't deal with the rest of the world, so i cut myself off from it.
i'm doing better now, mentally. physically, it's only gotten worse. as i write this, i'm reaching for my pain meds because everything below my right knee is screaming in agony and i have a splitting headache. this is a good day for me.
thank you, if you've read this far. thank you, if you thought about me even once in the past year. i'm not asking for anything, except maybe to talk with you if you have a similar story. i feel so alone in this hell, it'd be nice to talk to someone.
i love you all.
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belethlegwen · 8 months
The Rescue - Chp 54 - That Dark Old Friend [+ Life Update]
Hey there everyone!
So sorry about the delay in updates since the Christmas season, there's a lot of shit to blame for it and I'll get into it in more detail, but in short this was a wildly busy Christmas season where I had 0 time to write between work and family stuff from like, November-end of December, and then a whole lot of house shit started happening and I've been unbelievably stressed since just before New Years.
Longer details and stuff below the cut for people who are interested, but in short the important details are:
Updates to works on AO3 may be at random times with long delays between for the coming year. Can't be sure, but for now that's how things are looking while I have way too much shit going on IRL.
Please enjoy this little chapter for now, and if you're up for a long winding journey about why it felt like all of my hair has been falling out for two weeks, meet me below <3
So the Christmas season at my job was wildly busy, on top of that there's some issues going on there between the business owner I rent space from and the person who owns the building. It's a mess, for a while it looked like/still kinda looks like we're going to have some major issues with the lot clearing what with winter being a major issue where I live in the Frozen Nor'Atlantic. That was all bad enough.
I had been told back in the fall by my landlord, who I've been renting from for 10 years now, that her mortgage was up for renewal in January and that it looked like it was going to go up a hot amount. Rates are super fucking high in Canada right now, shit's bad, the mortgage specialist at the bank I was talking to yesterday said that it's bad enough they legitimately expect the government to be stepping in soon to do something about it before it's a crisis (or more of a crisis because personally, it's already a fucking crisis and has been, but I digress). She warned me the rent was going to have to go up, I told her I expected it, I knew it was going to happen, she's been amazing to me for 10 years, if it's gotta go up it's gotta go up, I get it.
This past fall is when my partner Zip came to visit for 6 weeks and we got engaged, and when we started to plan to move them up here so we could start immigration and the like, which we were aiming to do for the beginning of this summer.
So as we're gearing up to New Year's and everything, I am expecting to deal with the start of immigration application readying, and expecting rent to increase. December 27th, I got a message from the landlord that uh, someone wants to buy the house (as an investment property and keep the renters) and despite her best efforts to try and bounce around and get a lower mortgage rate, it didn't work out and she's going to have to sell either way. So we suddenly had to get the house ready to be listed and viewed.
Viewings were fucking hell, by the way. While priority for accepting the offer was going to someone who wanted to take the property over and keep the renters in place, Real Estate agents just want the fucking sale, so being in my home while people are wandering around it scaring my cats and talking about how my bedroom was going to be the kid's room and my office was going to be turned into something else? Shit time, don't recommend. Not to mention the agents that were showing up half-hour not just away of their own scheduled appointment but a half hour outside of when viewings were actually permitted to happen.
I'm glad we have such high paying careers available for people who are, apparently, fucking illiterate, but I was getting extremely rude to agents and their desperation for a sale by the end of it. Someone tried to show up yesterday after a offer was accepted literally the night before and we sent them packing fine enough, but now anytime the rain hits the gutters too hard I think someone is walking into my home so that's fun.
We have signs all over the house about keeping doors closed to keep the cats inside, including one on the back door (where it isn't an enclosed porch) that says in extremely large lettering Access To Patio From Outside ONLY, and there were still at least two agents that opened the back door, so. Nightmares all around.
An offering has been accepted, the person who is hopefully going to buy wants to keep us as tenants, and I'm locked in a lease until later this year anyway. Things are at least, as of yesterday when I got the confirmation that an offer was in that stage, stable now that I didn't throw up this morning. Hooray! It's been hell. I can not stress enough that this has been hell.
It still leaves the later part of the year up in the air a lot, because new landlord may still want us out at the end of the lease of whathaveyou, and between now and then I am flying down to America to drive across that wild country with a car full of stuff to move my fiancee here, then we gonna get immigration rolling and the employment switchover and everything else. My Dad has been a massive rock for me during this time in terms of trying to keep me level, and as he says: "this is all just one-step-at-a-time things. You're just keeping ducks in a row".
And as I keep saying: "Yeah but I've got a lot of fuckin' ducks, man."
So that's the kind of thing that's in the air right now for me. Lots and lots of stuff going on. I'm still picking away at writing but to make things easier on myself, I'm going to not stress about any kind of schedule or the like right now and just play with whatever flows come when I have them and have the time/ability to focus on them in the few quiet moments I have between all of the other stuff.
Much love to all of you, thank you all again as always for the wonderful comments you've all left, the kudos, the people who reached out, all of it. You're wonderful <3
Take care of yourselves out there,
~ Belle
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Tyler Hoechlin- Our Love
Tears And Fears
January 2012
Tyler and still haven't confirmed our relationship, although there is a lot of speculation in the fandom and a lot of shipping, it hasn't made it into mainstream media since at the moment Teen Wolf is kinda small.
However recently my ex has been messaging me, I tried blocking him but he just gets a new number. This has started to make me nervous.
I'm on set right now having my hair and makeup done. Melissa walks in and sits next to me
"Hey sweetie"
"Hi Mel. Looking forward to our scene today"
"I bet you are. A shirtless Tyler in front of you while you have to stop bleeding"
"Oh hush up" I laugh just as a text comes through. I look to see that once again my ex has messaged me. I sigh blocking yet another number
"Are you ok?" Melissa asks
"Huh? Oh yeah fine"
"You sure?"
"Uh huh"
"Come on YN I'm a mom. I know when somethings bothering someone"
"Ok but promise you won't tell anyone?"
"As long as your not hurting yourself or anyone else or anyones hurting you then yes"
"Ok" I take in a deep breath "my ex keeps messaging me, I've tried blocking him but every time I do he just uses a new number. Guess at this point I'll have to get a new phone number"
"Have you told Tyler about this?"
"YN you need to tell him"
"Mel my ex is an ex for a reason, I haven't told anyone what happened during our relationship. Didn't think I would need to"
"Look all I know is if you don't tell Tyler and he finds out another way, or this ex finds out your dating Tyler and he messages him, then your going to have a lot more explaining to do"
"I'm just worried that if I tell Tyler everything, he won't want to carry on our relationship"
"You know Tyler won't be like that, but if you keep secrets he's going to be more upset" I know she's right, I really need to talk to Tyler about this, but not here. Not on set
"I'll ask him to come over tonight after we finish filming"
"You'll be ok"
"Thanks" I give Melissa a small smile.
I sit in my seat waiting for my scene with Tyler
"Hey where have you been all day?" Tyler says sitting next to me
"Sorry had a costume malfunction then hair and makeup took a while" not wrong but also not 100% true. I've been avoiding Tyler because like I said to Melissa I don't want to tell him on set and if effects both of our acting "erm do you want to come over tonight? We can order in?"
"Sure. What time do you finish today?"
"6 this evening"
"Ok I'll swing by yours when I finish"
"Ok YN, Hoechlin your up" Jeff says looking towards us. I slide off my chair and walk onto set.
Later on in the evening Tyler comes over after picking up a pizza and fries
“Hmm” he hums in response before taking a sip of his drink
“I need to tell you something” I say nervously which Tyler obviously catches on to because he frowns
“What’s wrong?”
“I haven’t really told you anything about my past relationships”
“You don’t have to. They’re in the past”
“Not quite”
“What do you mean?”
“My ex has recently been messaging me. I keep blocking him but he’s just getting a new number. When we were dating he was very controlling, kinda manipulative. I couldn’t have male friends, tried to keep me away from my family. I know your different I can already tell, but him messaging me worries me”
“What worries you?” Tyler asks placing his arm over the back of couch
“Him messing up what we have” I then feel a tear run down my check. Quickly I wipe it away but it’s replaced by another one “what if he messages you or sells a fake story to the press or…”
“Ok first look at me” I finally look at Tyler who places his hands on the side of my face
“No mater what happens, I’m here by your side. I’m not going anywhere”
“No buts. We will get through this together”
“Why is he messaging me now?”
“I don’t know, but if it carries on we can go to
The police with harassment” I take in a deep breath and nod my head
“I’m sorry I have a crazy ex”
“No need to apologise. Come here” Tyler holds his arms out for me. Of course I scoot closer and let him hold me close to him, my head resting on his chest “you want me to stay over tonight?” I give Tyler a little nod “ok”
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mlbigbang · 2 years
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2022 General Fic Rec List
It's the end of the year which means it's finally time for the ML Big Bang's yearly fic rec lists! We're really excited to bring you our contributors' favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you're waiting for the Big Bang fics' publication in January.
deliverin' by @fragileizy 5,750 words, General, 2/2 chapters
“Is everything okay?” “Yeah. Yes, of course it is, I just”—she swallows ash and ice—“it was just the Book I was reading. It, uh… their family separates after a bit, and it’s all a misunderstanding, and—” she can’t finish. She’s not allowed to. “Do you need a hug, Jules?” I need you to stay, she wants to cry. You’re my only brother. And I’ll miss you so terribly when you’re gone. Every day, I’ll be alone without you, because Mom will try to visit as often as you always visit me, but she’ll keep feeling guilty for the rest of our time together because she knows how upset I am. And she’ll be upset, too. I’ll never be able to watch her cry, but I’ll hear her. And I don’t think I’m strong enough to deal with that. “I do,” she says instead, wings closing up around her like a ball. “Please. Just for a little while.”
Telling the bees by @feather-dancer 5,768 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Chloé and Zoé have a routine where at least once a week they meet up somewhere for a chat which is an excuse to get away from their shared mother and to vent as much as anything. Folklore says it is very important to keep the bees up to date with the coming and goings of their keepers, these two are no different. Part of Haven of Strays.
"Canon has denied us any real Zoe&Chloe sisterly content. It's up to the fanfic community ot make up the difference. This author does all that and more in a weighty interaction between two sisters who are not friends, but are sisters."
Chaotic Company by ADeadmansBliss 5,450 words, Mature, 1/1 chapter
It's been nearly a week since Adrien's acquisition of a new pet and unfortunately traumatic injury is not something that can be recovered from quickly. Bored with only an unconscious former hero for company he decides to sneak out to find some entertainment which goes fine until Hawkmoth decides to ruins it.
"It's unlike anything I've read before and it's so super fantastic!!!"
Stranger Acquaintance by @bugchat 1,885 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Marinette just wants to live her Special Agent life as quietly as possible. Put bad guys behind bars, maybe make friends with three people at work, and eat pizza once they close a case. What makes its way into her life is a mop of blond hair with a stunning smile and too much of a back-talking mouth to be healthy for her.
"It's an good AU concept with fun dynamics, and it's a short, easy read! Detective Marinette and her team of four being Alya, Nino and Kagami. There's so much room for sequels if the author chooses to!"
maybe shake a tambourine by noirshitsuji 1,703 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Written for a Miraculous Writer's Guild blog request: Start a story with "I need a place to stay." Felix looks at his cousin, sometimes. Looks and wonders. The silver ring he’d taken to wearing a couple of years ago is gone. But the Adrien he’s known since childhood isn’t there either, and, much as Felix would like to attribute the tapping he’s noticed his fingers do every time Adrien doesn’t answer one of his questions to annoyance, he knows it’s truly because he feels unnerved by it all.
"It's a lovely exploration in Felix's character and his feelings toward Adrien while absolutely teasing a glorious plot about Adrien, Marinette, and Gabriel"
(may we write it all down) in cursive light by @sunfoxfic 3,503 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Since retiring as a journalist, Alya hasn't been involved in an interview in several years. But now that her identity is out, that's about to change.
"An amazingly written future!fic that beautifully explores a time long after Hawkmoth's defeat and "our" heroes' retirement."
Off the Mark by @buggachat 4,632 words, General, 1/1 chapter
Ever since Nino's (frankly embarrassing) akumatization into Rocketear, Chat Noir's behavior had taken a strange and sudden turn in the presence of Carapace, and Nino could only think of one possible explanation: Chat Noir hated him. Somehow, Adrien didn't seem to agree.
"Any fic that focuses on Nino and Adrien being bffs is important. After Rocketear, Nino may have rambled a bit to Adrien about how weird it's been being around Chat Noir. Adrien is weirdly invested in this problem. A lot of misunderstanding leads to heightened emotions and eventual revelations. Just a really good examination of the difficulties of secret identities and being best friends."
Infestations and Maladies by @sunfoxfic 100 words, General, 1/1 chapter
Bunnix called Chat Noir to go to a mysterious version of the timeline and fix… something.
"A well-written drabble exploring a reverse Chat Blanc. A very clever concept written in a very clever way!"
In Memory Of by @graaythekwami 3,012 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Gabriel Agreste was never good with kids, but his granddaughter needed him.
"A very interesting story with a dark backstory, but it's very sweet and well-written."
I Am Your Ghost by @emmalylis 1,559 words, General, 1/1 chapter
Adrien attends one of Gabriel’s galas in his mother’s old dress.
"Adrien in a dress. Need I say more?"
goodbye, goodbye, goodbye (you were bigger than the whole sky) by @hanaasbananas 865 words, General, 1/1 chapter
Distantly, he hears the music still blaring behind him, the song mocking in its cheerfulness, imprinting itself into his memory as the soundtrack to his devastation. For a moment–the longest of his life–everything stands still, the universe holding its breath and then Sabine shrieks and it shatters like glass beneath his feet.
"This is short but its just so damn sad😭 hit me right in the feels"
Moon mission by @ultrakart 2,789 words, General, 1/1 chapter
For Fei, escaping her past is as difficult as trying to escape the Earth’s orbit.
"Kart is the king of the Shanghai special and this is such a sweet short fic that showcases just how great his writing over it is."
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