#and i'm *mad* the young justice cartoon wasted her
necrotic-nephilim · 24 days
I know you like Young Justice 98 so I have to ask what you think of my favorite problematic girl Greta Hayes.
Greta Hayes is my favorite bbygirl ever. i think her backstory is super interesting and i wish DC had done more with the whole Warder concept, exploring other Warders and what her relationship could've been with them. i just love the like. duality of her? the way she appears pretty shy and timid but has this really deep, explosive anger to her. she's a hot mess and i love her dearly, she can do no wrong in my eyes. the only moment i didn't like with her was when she and Steph fought, but i blame that more on the writers bc "two girls must have a crush on the cool main character and fight over him" just happens a lot in comics.
i lost my shit when Stargirl: Lost Children brought Greta back. i'm so happy she's back around and i think Lost Children was an interesting plot to explain the concept of all of these teenage heroes and sidekicks getting lost to comic book limbo. i wish Anita had also been in Lost Children but, i'm happy for the scraps of Greta we got bc if you'd asked me before if we would ever see her again, i would've said probably not. i hope the New Golden Age stuff does more with her and i'm delusional that we'll see her reunite with Young Justice, or at the very least Bart, since that's who she mentions being friends with in Lost Children.
i do ship her with Tim, i fear. i think her crush on him was really cute and how much faith she had in him. and him being the one who was able to talk out of working with Darkseid? just very cute vibes. i do also like GretaSteph, but GretaTim is rlly fun and i wish we had more content of it. whether it be an unrequited love situation where she has to watch him grow up while she's trapped as her age in this life/death limbo, or them actually trying to make it work. i crave to use her more in fanfic, i just haven't thought of stories to easily slot her into yet.
anyway, i love her, she's a doll, she should've been in Young Justice (2019), begging DC to do something with her now that she's officially back in the continuity. give her a mini or something pls DC my kingdom for content of my dumb angry ghost child.
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souljellied · 2 years
What would you have changed about the Kim Possible live action?
To start on a very oddly specific note: I get what they were trying to do with all of Kim's random flips and tumbleturns etc, but it really highlighted to me that some movements which look fine in a cartoon look absolutely unnatural in real life. I think they did some cartoony things great - Drakken and Shego still have big Cartoon Villain energy to them, and the school setting looked almost exactly as it does on the show which was neat!
But some of the action visuals did not translate well to live action. I'm not sure what I would have changed exactly, but the scene where Kim's running for the schoolbus and does a bunch of unnecessary flippy stuff went straight into Narm territory to me and that's the one I'm thinking about here. Keep the flips for the fight scenes, maybe?
Changing the setting: A timeskip with an older Kim and Ron would have allowed them to take the plot in a bigger and more grandiose direction. Replicating the animated show felt like a waste, really. Give Drakken and Shego some huge mega death laser (I can't remember what schemes they've done exactly... something they haven't done, but big and ridiculous and overambitious) or find a way to bring the aliens back! Dip into some of the show's lore (Team Go, Global Justice, or any of the bizarre worldbuilding around the fact that supervillains walk around everyday places in their costumes and no one bats an eye!)
Seeing Kim and Ron in university or jobs would fit with that theme of 'taking a step up' that just makes sense for a big budget movie. Fans of the show already saw Kim in high school, let's take the chance to see her somewhere different (in a setting that we're not constantly visually comparing with its animated counterpart).
Monique. WHERE WAS SHE I'M SO MAD. Same for the other secondary/tertiary characters, even if it's just cameos. Felix, Zita, Josh! The characters, even the less prominent ones, help make the world of KP what it is. It would have been nice for the movie to acknowledge more of them. I'd have liked the movie to have given us more things that built upon the world we knew and loved instead of ditching half of it.
Drakken and Shego were honestly great and so was Ron's casting. Kim's vibe felt... off. She's got insecurities but the movie put too much emphasis on those insecurities IMO. Kim's charisma is intense though, so I get it's hard for a young actress to pull off.
All in all, something dramatic and plotty and funny and ridiculous and grandiose that felt bigger than high school drama, really.
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