#and i’m not talking about the peach
praetorpercy · 2 months
so i’m reading cmbyn and....... what the fuck guys
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peachyykira · 7 months
Sorry for being obnoxious. I need attention or I’ll die. It will happen again.
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ne-cocoa · 2 years
“And in those moments, that’s when he realized he was in love” 💖 ‧✩͓̊(ᵕ̴̤‧̮ ॣᵕ̴̤∗)ɞ₎₎☽˟
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goldensunset · 3 months
i’m always such a huge sucker for when a character never addresses another character by name until a big plot moment happens
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peaches2217 · 4 months
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Fuck it! We’re writing the overindulgent brotherly angst/comfort.
EDIT FOR POSTERITY: This WIP was completed and published! Read it here!
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he1chouarts · 30 days
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mute me now because this is about to be my whole personality
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peachesofteal · 10 months
God I need Soap so bad. Just need to bite that man’s arm, it’s his fault for looking so biteable! I love how crazy he is. He’s crazy. He’s in love. He’s in love. But doesn’t it feel like more of an obsession? Not complaining, I love having men obsessed with me. Gawd! I’m just gonna
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Agreed and I’m going to go off on a tangent but, I think 🥞 anon really said it best when we were talking about the forced pregnancy trope in the past (and I’m paraphrasing) - dark tropes like this are so comforting (to some) like I want you to love me so much that you’re willing to do terrible things to keep me. I want you to compromise your morals and your values and everything for me. I want you obsessed. I want you to memorize my schedule and my habits and see opportunities to help me while also helping yourself get to me. I want you to love me so much that you’re willing to keep me anyway you know how (IN FICTION, for fucks sake. Please, let’s use our noggins)
So yeah, Waves. Agreed 🖤
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sweetie-peaches · 8 months
Not to come off as rude sorry if this does just want to explain my understanding of the situation. I think the whole post is stating that hes not homophobic just that. Words and actions hurt regardless if he's gay or not and it's incredibly jarring to hear him make light of it and have no one seemingly push back on it. I'm likening it to like if a friend calls you loser or worthless as a joke because they dont actually think those things of you but if you have a history of being bullied with those words it can still sting ?
I’m CRYING I made such a well worded response to this and discord DELETED IT
Anyway, here’s the thing.
I understand why some people might by put off by his humor. Sure that’s, fair, whatever. In my opinion kinda, nevermind not stating my opinion
But, I feel like I have to remind everyone once a fucking gain that the qsmp members are adults and problems can be solved IN PRIVATE if there’s any problems at all AND THEY DONT NEED FANS COMING TO SWOOP IN AND ‘PROTECT’ THEM FROM BIG BAD SCARY TUBBO LIKE THEY ARE INFANT DAMSELS IN DISTRESS
I think that’s an issue with the qsmp fandom as a whole. Y’all act like the cc’s just, don’t interact off stream? Don’t talk at all? Don’t you think by now, anyone would say anything about it if there’s an issue?
And here’s another thing, you aren’t tubbos friend. It might be hard to think that, but you aren’t, im not.
And on that train of thought, isn’t it important to reclaim those jokes? Genuine homophobes use those words against us, can’t we use the same jokes?
And why does it feel like if this was anyone else you wouldn’t have a problem? I’ll get shit for being a toxic tubbling and such a hater and blah blah blah but. Fucking seriously, would it be a problem if anyone else said this stuff? Why do I get the feeling y’all were looking for a reason to “cancel” Tubbo (because let’s be real that’s what this is. You may claim not to be Twitter and so much better, but you still pull the same shit. Be fucking for real)
And don’t even get me started on how you treat tubblings. How fucking disgusting it is.
Because I love getting called stupid for existing on this god forsaken app everyday. I love being called annoying, toxic, rude.
I fucking love it. /sarcasm
Some of you in the qsmp fandom make better bullies then you do people actually participating in a fandom.
It’s funny how you’ll insult and bully us but then turn back and bitch and moan about how toxic we are and how we hurt you and your traumatized now and
Yeah fuck it I don’t care if this makes me seem toxic, I don’t fucking care. I am an aid in a pre-K classroom and I’ve seen more mature TODDLERS then some of the people here.
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danielnelsen · 1 month
peach (my cat) is having a full-day vet appointment to scan and possibly remove some teeth (the perks of only being allowed wet food)
completely unrelated, but anything regarding peach’s health or her being somewhere else or anything even mildly off with her routine or behaviour is probably by biggest anxiety and panic trigger
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leclerced · 9 months
max is my ride or die i got into f1 a carlos girlie but i’m a max girlie for now and forever. he’s just so!!! i saw a picture of him out in public a couple weeks ago (never in my life have i seen an advertisement for f1 or like, brand sponsorships with drivers in my country) and i giggled so much i had to be dragged away im so unnormal about him (kinda weird now that i think about it but oh well im just a girl).
you know how there’s the whole scenarios of “fucking the english out of someone”. that but max fucking the dutch into his girl where he’ll only let her come if she’s spoken to him in dutch yeah i need him so bad
- 🌙
no its ok i buy redbull bc of him so i can get the cans w him on it 🤭 im only a girl. its good for the economy.
crying that’s a max thing to do and he would tauntingly say whatever he wanted her to repeat back to him until she did, every time she begs, he repeats the same dutch phrase back to her or says he can’t understand her until she finally says it and she can’t stop saying it
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prof-peach · 2 years
So Peach pretty clearly dislikes ten year olds going off as trainers (and people like Oak that support it). If she had a say in it, what kinda of rules would she put in place for people becoming trainers? (Minimum age, requirements, etc)
Take a test: Prove you have the basic knowledge of care, and common sense when confronted with an emergency. Do you know what to do when your pokemons poisoned? Random strangers on the street could help you sure but again, are we ok with 10 year olds talking to strangers who may not be friendly? Professors hand pokemon out, don’t think to explain the basics, and let kids loose on the world. I see so many Pokemon in terrible condition because someone trusted a literal child to care for a complex and powerful creature. Now god forbid what if the kid gets hurt? Middle of no where, what if their phones got no signal? What if they’re travelling alone? What if they’re still in a dangerous area? There’s a lot to consider, the world is big and full of things that could obliterate you for straying too close to its nest, or trying to catch one of its young.
Age restrictions: 15+. A literal child faces the fact that his rattata just got actually eaten by a wild ekans, what do they do? Thats damaging, pretty scary and often a source of trauma down the line, they may even become afraid of snake like mons. A higher age bracket means they’re more emotionally prepared to deal with the unknown. I see so many people complain that their kids Pokemon did something that scared the child, and they blame the mon, not that fact that they got their young child a wild creature to hang with. Pokemon don’t hold the same morals, the same rules or behaviours as us, and many get upset by this when confronted with it. Do you know how many times I’ve been looked at like I’m a bad person for slamming as hard as possible into a Tauros who’s kicking off? So many! But if you go about handling some species the way you’d handle humans, you’ll get hurt, you have to know how they tick, and get on their level, earn their respect in the ways they understand, do things safely and within the realms of understanding for each species. At 10, this is not easily done, you hardly know what you’re about at that age, the worlds huge and you are not as informed as you should be.
Species restrictions: people should start with species that are more simple and easy to work with, and ramp up to the more complex or dangers of Pokemon. If I had a penny for every kid with a dragon Pokemon complaining about how unruly it is, or that it doesn’t listen to them, I’d never have to work another day in my life. Yes they’re cool, yes we all want to one day see or interact with dragon types, he’ll yeah there’s plenty to love about them. But they’re also super dangerous, often come with complex needs, and very rigorous social structures that don’t reflect humans behaviour well. Start with a more common bunch, and work your way to the complex brackets. It saves the Pokemon a lot of grief, and the child potential harm. This could be age implemented, or badge relative, maybe based on skill level with more exams or whatever to prove you’ve got the knowledge to handle it. This also doubles up with physical exams, and it’s a hard truth. A frail old grandma getting her first Pokemon should not be getting something prone to thrashing, something that could break her due to being spooked or something. Same with a 10 year old. Don’t give a child a Pokemon that would literally choke them to death because in their world that’s what they do as a sign of respect or joy, and can cope, but to a human it’s potential death. There’s so many different examples of this, but Pokemon have physical needs, some need to fly, some need to be ran, some have to have a lot of exercise or they get seriously unruly. If you are not able to provide that, the Pokemon suffers. It’s just that simple; so the testing could also include a way to assess what species best fit your lifestyle, or needs.
Me personally, I don’t hand pokemon to anyone under the age of 15, and only if they’re emotionally prepared and prove their metal. Adoption assessment here is run by a number of staff, myself included. We sit the human down and chat, find out where the Pokemon will be staying, how much income they have and if it’s enough to care for that species, how much time they can give the Pokemon, what kind of home they live in and if it’s suitable for the size and needs of the Pokemon. They are asked a series of hypothetical questions, all of which show us if they’re prepared for emergency, consequence, and the care requirements necessary to keep their potential new partner healthy. If they are planning on travelling, I ask that they return with the gear they plan to bring with them on the road, and we do a mock-camp out over the course of a weekend, team brawl run scenarios, the youngsters are in safe environments but are posed with real life dilemmas, and there’s a safety net to see if they have the stomach for the real world. They do one day without their Pokemon and are tasked to survive, and another day with their potential partner, to see how they get along in these situations. It’s more like a boot camp.
If the human fails, we give them tips and tricks, and send them home to try again some other time, if they succeed, we start adoption processes. This is controversial as a lot of other professors just hand living creatures out like candy, but we don’t work that way here, and do not back down from the due process. Our concern is with the Pokemon first, they come above us, many of our residents have recovered from illness, from emotional trauma, and some have extended health conditions to think about. We cannot just let them go not knowing if they’ll be ok or not, it’s down right ridiculous to let that happen. We get parents coming in at us all the time that their precious little sonny-Jim didn’t get the Pokemon he wanted, and we have to explain that they failed the exams, or have an awful personality and would be a questionable match with a living creature, or perhaps they just weren’t emotionally ready yet, they panicked every time an emergency was posed to them. It’s tough love, but someone’s got to be honest and tell people when things aren’t right, so they can grow and improve.
I won’t go into the money aspect, that alone is a big issue for a lot of people. It’s not cheap to feed a big Pokemon. And is a trainer prepared for a species that hunts? Charmander eat meat. Little kid of age 10 ok with seeing it tear through a poliwag? Probably not. No one likes to say it, but Pokemon aren’t all happy little cute things, some have their own sets of issues and habits, it’s not always smooth sailing.
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lisarpgheadcanons · 7 months
people act like vega being gay is just a headcanon as if he didn’t literally have male strippers in his house ingame
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arabriddler · 8 months
you must know I think about Sofia Falcone a normal amount
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goldensunset · 27 days
*said about a thing that already has a sequel* mannnnn i wish this had a sequel
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peaches2217 · 5 months
Two things:
I FINALLY GOT AN ESTIMATE AND EVEN IF I HAVE TO PAY ENTIRELY OUT OF POCKET I CAN AFFORD AT LEAST THIS FIRST VISIT! Thank you Planned Parenthood 😭😭😭 (They knock a good chunk off of your total if you’re uninsured, so that’s the price that’s on display for me right now while they verify my insurance information! Hopefully it’s even cheaper… fingers crossed!!)
I still don’t know what I wanna call my newest fic. I went ahead and published it with what felt like a relevant title because I had it ready to go and figured I could always change the title later, but now there’s a tiny voice in my head screaming “You picked the worst possible title, now no one’s gonna bother reading it and those who DO read it will hate it” and like? Silenzio Bruno, I’ve never hated a fic based on title alone, I don’t think many people truly care what it’s called 😭 That said, if it IS bad or offensive or anything of the sort, please don’t hesitate to call me out! Worst case scenario I can just revert back to its working title and leave it at that. It’ll be a few days (hopefully not more) before I post the first proper chapter, so surely by then I’ll have my mind made up!
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unknownarmageddon · 11 months
really fucking hate the discourse about jakei and them that’s been circulating recently
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