#and i’m busy with college now too 🧍‍♀️
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huh oh man this took a hot second but i love how they turned out (not so much Dream tho i feel like i could have done better with him sorry Dream fans 😔)
but also Error and Ink bias 💀
ANYWAY i’d be willing to sell these guys if people showed enough interest ya know
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also i think i wanna make more with other sanses so look out for a poll to determine the next three 👀
also also i’m posting the original pictures of these guys below and if people wanna use them as profile pics they can! (w/credit pls it’s not that deep but i’d appreciate it)
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31 notes · View notes
haikyuuwriting · 4 years
anything for you
pairing: kunimi akira x reader
content: college au, business major kunimi, strangers to friends to lovers, mentions of underage drinking, swearing
word count: 7.6k
synopsis: after becoming friends with kunimi akira in their first year of college, y/n figured things can only get better from there. and they do! the two become closer friends, so close in fact that kunimi offers to date y/n for a while to help them with a poetry assignment. y/n agrees, thinking it can’t hurt to go out with a friend. as if that makes any sense.
a/n: hey guys ;) I had lots of fun writing this and I’m probably going to a stick w this format from now on bc i like it! this is only the second kunimi thing I’ve written 🧍‍♀️i hope I did good w his character. sorry this is so late my internet was down for a while >:(
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“Is it alright if I sit here?”
Y/N glanced up from their laptop, meeting the eyes of another student—one with tired eyes despite the start of the semester, and the first class at that. “Sure.”
He set his things down beside Y/N and settled in, just as the rest of the lecture hall was doing. It was a bit exciting, sitting here in their first class of their college career. Y/N didn’t have it in them to be nervous, though. After surviving high school, they were sure nothing could top what had been witnessed there. The professor arrived, interrupting Y/N’s recalling of high school, and refocusing them onto the task at hand. Mastering note taking in a new environment.
The class went by much quicker than expected, and by the end of it Y/N felt drained. It was a mandatory class all first years took, mainly to ease them into the higher level of education, and the class was two hours long, twice a week. What a way to start the year. 
Later that same week, at the same class, the same boy as the first day sat down in the seat beside them. Y/N offered a small smile in greeting, which was barely returned. They both took notes using the same software, Y/N had noticed. He was a much quicker typer, his fingers flying across the keypad with ease as their professor talked and moved through powerpoint slides. 
“Do you mind if I glance at your notes from Monday? I just want to be sure I didn’t miss anything.” I doubt you could with that typing speed! Y/N thought to themselves, already turning their screen to show him. “Yeah, sure.”
“Thank you,” he leaned forward slightly to look, eyes alert as he examined what Y/N had typed. “Pretty much the same as me. I like how you format them.”
“Oh, thank you!” Pleased, Y/N turned their screen back, suddenly feeling giddy. At such a small thing, too. They realized it was a bit ridiculous, but they had done research on the best way to take notes. And if this guy had noticed, then Y/N figured they were doing a good job.
“Looks like we’ll be seated next to each other all term,” Y/N noted. Everyone took roughly their same seats as Monday—already settling into a routine. “What’s your name?”
“Kunimi Akira.”
“I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, Kunimi!”
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“He totally went past the two hour mark,” Y/N groaned, rising to their feet and stretched slightly. “I almost fell asleep.” It was a month into the school year, and Professor Sato had taken a liking to the class. He often talked about his own experiences in the subject and ended up getting distracted with his stories, exceeding the actual time of the class and going into what was supposed to be the lunch hour.
Kunimi yawned from his seat next to them, looking sleepy. “At least it’s Friday.”
Y/N nodded in agreement, packing their things up as they did. The weekend looked busy, filled with homework and studying for quizzes professors were so fond of. But for now, it was lunch time. And they were starving—the entire last thirty minutes of class they’d been thinking of devouring whatever food was being served at the dining hall, even if it was questionable at times. Ah, dorm life.
“Are you heading to lunch?” Kunimi asked as they both headed out of the class together. The hallways were empty already, since lunch had started fifteen minutes ago. Their classmates hurriedly left the building, all excitedly chatting about what to get for food after such a long class. “Yep! Want to eat together? We could quiz each other on the terms we have to know,” Y/N answered, suddenly feeling a bit anxious. Kunimi didn’t seem like the type to want to make friends with a classmate, and the last thing Y/N wanted to do was make things awkward. They were a great seatmate—his notes were just as neat as theirs and so easy to understand! Perfect for comparing to theirs. 
Y/N mentally high fived themselves. “Great!”
The dining hall near them served decent food, according to what Y/N heard from some of their floormates in the dorm. And Y/N was not disappointed; the already made plates of food were full of goodies Y/N would normally make themselves.
After Kunimi grabbed his own tray, they both found a small table in the corner of the dining hall, perfect for their lunch and studying plans. Wordlessly they dug into their lunch, sighing in content at the flavors after hours of being away from food. 
“Thank god I don’t have a class after this,” Y/N hummed in content. “I can get ahead on homework! How about you, Kunimi? I haven’t even asked what you’re major is!” Y/N almost gasped at the rudeness and  audacity within them. 
“I’m a business major,” Kunimi said after swallowing a mouthful of food. Y/N noticed he looked much more relaxed now that he was out of class. His shoulders even looked less tense. “What about you?”
“I’m undecided as of now!” Y/N said. “I have some ideas, but I just need to figure it out.” Kunimi nodded in understanding. “Have you talked with an academic advisor? One of my roommates said they were helpful in helping him plan out his classes and deciding on what to study.”
The rest of lunch is spent discussing the past few weeks of adapting to campus life, comparing dorm stories and rating their professors so far. Y/N hadn’t really had the chance to reflect on the past few weeks—everything had been happening so fast, leaving them with little time to actually take time to breathe. The few moments of peace came when it was time to sleep, or time to eat. 
Gradually, though, as the year progressed, that short list expanded to include hanging out with friends. Y/N’s floormates were all great people to be around—they always had snacks to share, cringey memes to send, and even advice. Y/N didn’t even mind their roommate too much. After spending more time with Kunimi (who lived in the nearby dorm building) Y/N realized his experience with dorm life was going a little differently. 
On their lunch/study meetings they now held twice a week after the class they had together, Kunimi would often make a face when asked about his roommates by Y/N or one of their other classmates who sometimes joined them to study. When it was just the two of them, Y/N finally managed to get him to talk about it, exposing the mystery their classmates had always seemed to laugh about. 
“He’s horrible,” Kunimi groaned through his arms. The subject had upset him so much he’d slowly lowered his head onto his arms, hiding his face and muffling his voice. “Too loud.”
Y/N waited for him to elaborate. He usually seemed to get along with everyone, at least from what they’d witnessed. So what kind of person did Kunimi dread living with?
“He’s always like ‘get your assignments done quick, Akira!’ and ‘Akira, let’s go to that movie night our floormates are hosting!’” He groaned from the comforts of his arms. “Too much.”
Y/N held no sympathy for him, and even swatted at his arm in distaste. He shifted to glare at them with one eye. “He seems like the perfect roommate! I thought he was an asshole or something.”
“He’s not that bad,” Kunimi mused, sitting up straight again. He ate his lunch almost thoughtfully, as though rethinking his roommate situation. “Everyone on the floor calls us ‘Lazy and Crazy.’ He plays like two sports and is so loud. He is nice, though.” He adds the last part begrudgingly, making Y/N laugh. 
“Be nicer to him, he sounds like an excellent influence for you.”
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Kunimi: y/n where r u 
Kunimi: please tell me ur on ur way
Kunimi: why did i agree to come to this party
Kunimi: why did i let u convince me
Kunimi: i hate it here
Y/N: i’m literally outside you drama queen 
“I have to go, Hiroto. See ya.” Kunimi is out the door before his roommate can reply. He doesn’t even know if he heard him—he looked pretty busy chugging his beer and chatting with a teammate. But some of his other acquaintances wave goodbye as he leaves. Thank god he had fabricated an excuse to tell anyone curious enough to ask where he was going. 
“What did you tell them?” Y/N asked as he crossed the lawn of the house to meet them. The sidewalks were crowded with cars from upperclassmen, other athletes and friends of Hiroto, who’d invited Kunimi to a party. He’d never been to one before, not like this, and somehow Hiroto and Y/N had talked him into going. 
“That we had to work on a project,” Kunimi replied, falling into step beside them. More upperclassmen were heading to the house, chatting as they walked in groups or pairs past them on the sidewalk. They were in a neighborhood reserved for upperclassmen living, specifically the house section of their housing arrangements. It was a ten minute walk from campus and a fifteen minute walk from where Kunimi actually lived for the time being. He never would have made the walk over with Hiroto if he hadn’t been practically pushed into going, which he was.
“Was it really that bad that you had to have me show up so people wouldn’t pester you about lying?” Y/N nudged him teasingly. 
“Yes. People I knew were there and they know how I am. I didn’t want to seem rude.”
“Hiroto has been influencing you!” Y/N cheered. The two had teamed up to try to get Kunimi to have “some more life in his eyes,” and of course had become fast friends, since Hiroto was practically the sun and everyone loved him. Even Kunimi had grown fond of him after living with him for months now. He was an excellent roommate to have; he kept his side impeccably clean and was relatively quiet at night, despite his daytime loudness. 
“I’m glad summer is almost here,” Y/N mused as they finally reached the familiar views of the far outskirts of campus. “It’ll be nice to have a few months off.”
“Have you thought about that apartment deal I was telling you about?” Kunimi asked. He’d given it a great deal of thought himself, and had decided on actually following through with it. His parents had no complaints, especially when he told them he’d be able to pay his rent all by himself since he was going to have a roommate and an on-campus job working at the bookstore. 
“Yep! I’m moving into the singles near your potential new apartment,” Y/N grinned. “And I cannot believe you’re moving in with Hiroto. You guys have become true friends after you walked in on him—”
“Y/N oh god please don’t bring that up again,” Kunimi brought his hands up to his eyes, pressing his palms into his eyes as if he could physically erase that horrible memory from his mind. Y/N was laughing beside him, clearly pleased with his reaction. 
“Why a single? You’re not rooming with anyone?” Kunimi had thought about asking Y/N to room with him, but Hiroto had beat him to it and asked him if he’d like to room with him again. 
“I would’ve if the rent was high,” Y/N explained. “But I got that library position I told you about, and they pay so well! Plus when I go home for the summer I have a job lined up. I’ve got it all planned out—I will not be going broke next year and following in Professor Sato’s footsteps!” They shared a smile at the thought of their Professor’s insistent warnings of not having over the top expenses and be left to eat nothing but crackers and ramen cups for a whole year.
“Hopefully everything goes well,” Y/N sighed. They’d reached the dorm’s where the freshman lived now, and Kunimi remembered the last of his plan. “Hey, can I sleep over? I don’t want to deal with tipsy Hiroto.”
“Well, we’re going to sneak you in then,” Y/N said. “Luckily my roommate already finished finals and moved back home, so there’s a free bed. But I don’t want my floormates insinuating anything.”
When they reached the third floor, Y/N carefully opened the stairway door, peeking out to see if anyone was out an about. No one in sight. 
Kunimi quickly ran after Y/N when they quickly bolted to their room, dramatically throwing the room to their dorm open the second it was unlocked and slamming it shut behind them. 
“There. Hey, did anyone even realize we don’t have any projects since it’s the end of the semester? Our finals are next week.”
“I think everyone was a little too drunk,” Kunimi admitted, laying down on the mattress after Y/N threw a blanket over it for him to lay on. “Or… why didn’t you tell me my plan was flawed?”
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Y/N’s summer was just as quick as the first semester of school had been. It was spent working, just as they’d told Kunimi, and saving up money for the next school year’s expenses. It was actually a bit cheaper to live on your own, since the university loved to prey on the first years and give them a taste of “true college life.” Y/N arrived at the apartment a week before the school year started to finalize paperwork and move in for real. 
“Y/N! Hey!” Y/N turned abruptly, about to head up to their apartment to start unpacking all of the boxes their parents had just helped them unload. 
“Ah, Hiroto! Hi!” Hiroto hugged Y/N in greeting. He looked even taller than he had a few months ago, if that were possible. “Is Kunimi here yet?”
“Yes, he just got here! We’re unpacking too,” Hiroto smiled, ignoring the persistent buzz of his phone coming from his pocket. “I keep convincing him to join a club sport but he won’t listen, the brat. I’ll keep trying, though.” He finally took his phone out of his pocket to answer the call. “Akira, Y/N’s here!” He moved the phone towards them, setting it to speaker mode.
“Hey Y/N,” Kunimi yawned from the other side of the phone. 
“Hi Kunimi.” Y/N replied before Hiroto waved goodbye and brought the phone back to his ear, jogging away in the direction of his apartment. Y/N had toured the place with them both before they’d decided to move in; it was a five minute walk from Y/N’s own apartment, and a ten minute walk from campus. And it was perfect for the both of them, they’d claimed. Perfect size.
Y/N was pleased with their own arrangement, too. The apartment was small, with a tiny kitchen combined with an area barely big enough to be called a living room, and a bathroom the size of a broom closet. But everything worked, and once Y/N had decorated their room and the rest of the apartment, it felt more like home.
The rest of the week was spent helping other friends move in; a few of Y/N’s old floormates were moving in to apartment complexes all around campus, also escaping dorm life and communal bathrooms. It was Sunday when Y/N finally got around to visit Kunimi and Hiroto, right before the semester was going to start.
“Hi Y/N!” Hiroto let them in quickly. “I’m going for a run, see ya!” Y/N barely managed to say goodbye before he was sprinting to the stairs, his earbuds already a tangled mess in his hands as he ran.
“Kunimi!” Y/N called as they closed the door, despite already knowing where he’d be.
“What.” Y/N found him in his room, sitting on his bed with his laptop open in front of him. Already preparing for tomorrow, as Y/N had also done earlier. 
“How was your summer?” They’d both texted each other a bit while they were off school, but not very much. 
“It was nice. No one bothered me.” He shot them a look Y/N knew full well was full of fake malice. Kunimi had come off as a bit cold when they first met and studied a few times, but gradually he seemed to warm up to Y/N. And after spending a majority of their first year with him, Y/N could now confidently say the two were good friends. 
“That’s good. And this year is going to fly by, just you wait.”
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“I am finally done with this class,” Kunimi groaned, brushing past Y/N and letting himself into their apartment. “Thank god I aced the final.”
Yep, already summertime. Again. It truly had flown by. 
Y/N had spent a large majority of the year finalizing their major and the classes they’d take the next two years, and now that summer was here, everything was finally complete. Kunimi had spent the whole year groaning in the library in response to all of his homework, ignoring Y/N’s shushing as they shelved books near him. Hiroto shined in his sports the past few months; he’d invited Y/N and Kunimi to his games, and a whole group of mutual friends went to cheer him on. Overall, Y/N enjoyed the school year. It went by fast, but at least they’d been able to process it much better than the first year.
 Normally Y/N would have been packing up to go home at this point, but they’d decided to stay on campus for the summer to get an elective credit out of the way. Kunimi chose to take a course on finance management, which he’d described as “an easy A.” Y/N was happy to have a friend on campus—everyone else they were close with was choosing to go home, or to work an internship. Hiroto was also staying, but he’d be working an internship all summer and training for next season, meaning he’d only be at his apartment to sleep and maybe grab a bite to eat.
It would just be Kunimi and Y/N against the world, which Kunimi seemed more than nonchalant about, which was a bit unlike him. “Happy to spend more time with me?” Y/N had asked. He shrugged. “You’re nice to hang out with.” This was quite possibly the nicest thing he’d ever said to them, at least in Y/N’s eyes, and brought them so close to crying Kunimi left the room in distaste.
“Aren’t you having the same professor for the summer course?” Y/N asked him now, watching as he took a seat at Y/N’s couch/kitchen table. It was an old couch someone was going to throw out but Y/N had rescued just in time. After deep cleaning it, it was perfect—big enough for three people if they sat smushed together. And they’d even found a small coffee table to place in front of it, effectively eliminating the need for a kitchen table.
“Yes. I like her, the class was just horrendous.” Kunimi sighed, running his fingers through his hair in deep thought. “What class are you taking?”
“Romantic Poetry in Literature!” Y/N said, sitting down at the couch next to him. “It seems like a fun class; a classmate of mine recommended it, we’re taking it together. The professor seems great, and I heard we even get to write some poetry. I just wanted a fun and easy way to complete a requirement credit”
“Mmm. I didn’t take you for the romantic type.” 
Y/N huffed. “I’ll have you know I am! And there’s lots you still have to learn about me.” They nudged him with their foot. “We have all summer to become besties!”
Kunimi cracked a small smile. “Yeah.”
 Y/N leaned to the side to get a better view of his smile, only to see it vanish from his face as he pulled out his phone. “Meanie.”
Classes began two weeks later, which left Kunimi and Y/N a large chunk of time to get sick of some healthy pea chips Hiroto loved, and also enough time to binge watch a drama on Netflix. They’d finished up the last episode the night before summer courses were set to start, and Y/N unashamedly cried at the finale. Kunimi wordlessly handed them tissues, his face scrunched up in his efforts to suppress his own tears.
The next morning Y/N slouched the whole walk to class, still thinking of the finale from last night. Their mood brightened significantly when they spotted their classmate also on the way to class. “Morning Hitoka!”
“Hi Y/N!” She beamed at them as she settled into step beside them. “I’m excited for the class! I’ve had this professor once before, she was awesome!” They chatted about what to expect until they made it to the classroom, which was on the smaller size considering it was a summer course and a smaller class to begin with. Twenty other kids showed, all sitting in a circle of desks, the professor sat at her desk at the front of the class, a whiteboard with her name written on it behind her.
The class was wonderful, even if it was just the first day. They went over the poems they’d be reading in class and the professor often got sidetracked, abandoning the syllabus she was going over to rave about a particular poem or expand a thought a student had shared. She was clearly passionate about what she was saying.
“Class times almost up, my my.” Professor Ono laughed. “Let’s discuss the final, then.”
Y/N’s classmates shifted in their seats, the whispers about the poems they’d be discussing stopping. 
“It’s due by the end of term, but I like telling students in advance so they can get started on brainstorming. You’ll create a poem focused on describing a strong feeling you feel or have felt, and then you’ll be asked to write an essay on that poem as well as reflecting on how the poems we will read in this class influenced your own writing. Specificities on word count and the like are on the syllabus! Hav a good afternoon!”
A few students left, but many of them stayed behind, talking amongst themselves on topics. 
“I’ll write it about the time my hamster died when I was a kid. I was so crushed.”
“That time I got rejected.”
“What are you writing it on Hitoka?” Y/N turned to her as they packed up their things to go. 
“Probably about my girlfriend,” Hitoka replied, blushing slightly as Y/N smiled at her. “That’s so cute Hitoka!”
They chatted for a bit as they left the class, excited to get started on the reading that had been assigned. It was a lot, since summer courses moved much quicker since they were only six weeks. Hitoka headed off to run an errand, telling Y/N they’d see them on Wednesday for the next class.
Y/N walked slowly back to their apartment. They had no plans for the rest of the day other than doing the reading and responses that had been assigned. And possibly pestering Kunimi about his own course. No busy plans meant no distraction from the fact that they had no idea what to write for the final project. 
Y/N decided to visit Kunimi early, knowing his class was over by now, too. 
“Hey,” he swung open the door to his apartment without glancing up from his phone, typing with his free plan. “I’m inputting assignments into the planner app Hiroto told me to get.”
“Nerd.” Y/N sat down at the kitchen table, where Kunimi had set up his laptop and a few stray papers. He sat down across from them, sticking out his tongue in response. “Whatever, romantic poetry dweeb.”
“Ugh!” Reminded of the assignment, Y/N rested their face in their hands. “Ono assigned the final already and I have no idea what to write it on.”
“That’s the problem with the humanities,” Kunimi tsked, earning an annoyed glance from Y/N. “Why, what’s it about?”
Y/N quickly elaborated, ending with the fact that Hitoka was writing hers about her girlfriend. “Which is so freaking cute! My only current idea is to write it about how much I love those frosted cookies you ate a whole box of.” Kunimi made a noise of appreciation at the thought of his favorite cookies. Hiroto had screamed in shock when he saw that the box was gone, before he could even have one as a special treat. 
“Why don’t you just write it about a crush or something. Stuff like that is the easiest to write about, isn’t it?”
“I’ve never even been in love, though!” Y/N was feeling thoroughly dejected, especially after that incredibly romantic and heartfelt drama finale they’d only just watched last night. “I’ve never dated anyone, never kissed anyone. I’m so close to masking my love for the cookies and making it seem like they’re people.”
Kunimi let out a huff of laughter at that. “How long do you have to write it?”
“Six weeks, since the class ends then.”
“Oh, okay.” Y/N sat up to look at him better. 
“What?” He had a pensive look on his face. “Do you have an idea? Oh my god please share it.”
“Yeah. Why don’t I date you for a few weeks, so you have something to write about.”
Y/N hardly registered their jaw dropping slightly in shock, focused entirely on Kunimi, trying to tell if he was being serious or not. His expression hadn’t changed—he was still inputting tasks into his app. He glanced up when he realized Y/N was being too quiet.
“What? Sorry, was that weird? It’d just be so you can get something to write about. I read a book where two people dated just for the hell of it, and they ended up being better friends after it.” Y/N couldn’t see an ounce of mirth or anything malicious in Kunimi’s expression, and the fact that they were searching for it made them feel guilty. They relaxed their shoulders.
“You’d do that for me? And you want to be better friends? That’s so sweet.” Kunimi grimaced, recognizing his mistake. He wasn’t usually straightforward with his feelings, since he believed what he was thinking was obvious (it wasn’t, usually). This was a rare slipup of his.
“It was just an idea,” Kunimi said, going back to his app. 
“I’m in if you’re in.” What? Where was this coming from? And what was Kunimi thinking, suggesting that? It seemed like it’d fail in so many ways—
“I suggested it, you ass.” 
And so it began.
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“Morning loser.” 
“Is that a way to treat me, oh loving boyfriend?” Y/N locked  the door behind them. “I didn’t think you’d actually stick with what you said.”
“Oh I’m very serious about this. And since my class is pretty easy, I have time to research.” Y/N looked at him curiously, waiting for him to answer. But he only linked his arm through Y/N’s, as though this type of casual physical contact was something they had always done. 
“Is it really necessary to walk me to the library?” Y/N asked as they made their way out of the apartment building, arms still linked. 
“Course. I’m heading there too, anyways. And in that drama we watched, and the one I just started, the guy walks his date everywhere.”
“That’s what you meant by research?” Y/N can’t help the laugh that escapes them. “It’s touching that you care so much, Kunimi.”
“I’m fully invested in helping you,” he answered. “So when you date someone for real you don’t end up embarrassing yourself.” Y/N would’ve been offended, but it was actually a bit touching that he cared so much. 
They spent the morning at the library, something they usually did. Y/N wasn’t working that day, choosing to work later in the day so they had time to do homework. Kunimi had also chosen later shifts at the bookstore, and when asked why he said “so we can have the same schedule.” Y/N was only just beginning to realize their schedule matched up remarkably well, save for the fact that Kunimi had class on Thursday instead of Friday. 
They were practically spending 100% of their free time together, which Y/N tried to rationalize was normal. They usually did, right? Nothing was changing.
The first time he held their hand was on a walk to class, a bright Wednesday morning when Y/N was chatting away about a poet from the middle ages who’d written with such love in his words it practically jumped out at them while they read it. Y/N hadn’t even noticed they were holding hands until they reached the classroom and Kunimi let go, waving goodbye and heading back out to walk to his own class.
Y/N stood in the doorway for a few seconds, registering the fact that their hand now felt cold without the warmth of Kunimi’s and also that he’d casually taken their hand as they’d left Y/N’s apartment, and Y/N hadn’t even noticed.
Y/N didn’t dare mention it to him. He hadn’t made a big deal about it, so why should they? 
And why should Y/N make a big deal about the fact that wherever they went together, he held their hand? It was normal. Part of the agreement, nothing more. Y/N figured it was their fault, since they hadn’t discussed any ground rules. And Kunimi was getting way too many ideas from the “research” he was doing. At one point Y/N was horrified, thinking he was watching something else, but Kunimi had looked constipated at the thought, so Y/N was left reassured he was only watching an absurd amount of cheesy romantic themed movies and shows.
He’d even watched a few with Y/N, when both of them had free nights on the weekends. It was now a habitual movement of Y/N’s to lean into Kunimi and settle in, head either against his shoulder or in his lap as they watched the movie, a blanket enveloping them both. 
On one of these movie nights, it was getting pretty late, something neither of them paid much attention to. It was a Friday night, and they normally stayed up and slept in on Friday nights, especially ones where neither of them had a shift. Kunimi was sprawled on the couch, Y/N on the floor beneath him in a comfortable nest of blankets and pillows, idly tracing Kunimi’s hand that dangled from the couch and onto their stomach below him. They’d been “dating” for three weeks now—half of their agreed time. And it seemed they’d both fully adapted to their odd relationship, easily intertwining hands when they met up, leaning into the other’s embraces when they were sitting down on a couch. It was getting a little too easy, but Y/N truthfully didn’t want to ruin it. Kunimi smiled way more, and it wasn’t his usual smile. This one was softer, one Y/N hadn’t seen very much before. And it felt as though it had been reserved for them all of this time.
“Do you wanna sleep over?” 
“Hm?” Y/N was half asleep, still tracing his hand lightly with their fingertips. The movie had just ended, and they were slowly being lulled to sleep by the ending song as the credits rolled. 
“It’s late, and I don’t want to go put shoes on,” Kunimi mumbled from the couch, sounding as though he were about to fall asleep, too. “Let’s go.”
He sits up slowly, pulling Y/N’s hand until they do the same, wrapped up in blankets. Kunimi leads them to his room and lets them walk past him to settle down onto the bed. Once Y/N has unraveled from the cocoon of blankets, they lie down and lift up a free blanket. Kunimi took his place beside them, wrapping an arm loosely around their waist and sighing at the warmth. They fit perfectly against him.
“Comfy?” Y/N yawned, feeling much sleepier now that Kunimi was right beside them.
“Mhmm. G’night.”
Y/N never got a chance to reply; they’d already fallen fast asleep.
The next morning was especially hard for Kunimi, who wasn’t much of a morning person to begin with, and was now incredibly reluctant to let go of Y/N, who he’d cuddled closer to in the night. 
“I’m hungry!” Y/N complained, turning to face him and almost gasping at how close their faces were. Kunimi still refused to let go of them, and also to open his eyes. 
“So? Me too.”
“Then let’s go make breakfast,” Y/N said, blowing slightly at his face. He wrinkled his nose a little bit. “Okay, I’m up. Your morning breath was enough.”
Y/N flicked his forehead as he finally let go of them. Kunimi slipped his hand into his and walked to the bathroom, about to pull Y/N in with him when they tugged their hand away. He turned back to look at them, a frown on his face. 
“I’m not about to pee with you! Hurry up I have to go too.”
He smiled, almost to himself it seemed, and closed the door, leaving Y/N alone in the hallway with an embarrassingly big smile on their face.
Eventually they finally made it to the kitchen, where they found a note from Hiroto on the fridge.
Morning roomie :) I’m sleeping over at a teammates place today, so I won’t be home :( I’ll bring back some of his cookies b/c they’re super good!!! See ya
P.S. hey y/n, hope you slept well :)
- Hiroto 
“Cheeky asshat,” Kunimi grumbled, handing the note to Y/N. “What should we make?”
They settled on pancakes. Kunimi didn’t have any batter he’d bought, and they ended up making it from scratch. While Y/N expertly whisked Kunimi hunted for a pan he knew they had somewhere. He emerged victorious from the floor of the kitchen, where he’d been looking through the cabinets. 
“Hey,” he started as he got to his feet, pan in hand. “We should spend the day together.”
“Yeah?” Y/N asked, in a teasing tone Kunimi knew too well. 
“I mean, we both need to go grocery shopping.”
“True,” Y/N mused. “Alright.”
They ate quickly, both admiring their great work with the batter. It was nearly midday—ideal weather for grocery shopping, maybe even visiting the farmer’s market a bus ride away from campus. 
Kunimi got dressed and then they headed to Y/N’s apartment so they could grab their reusable bags and wallet, as well as change out of Kunimi’s sweats and t-shirt he’d let them borrow. 
“Should we walk or take the bus?” Y/N asked. “I’ve heard if you walk through the park it’s quicker than walking the other way.” Kunimi agreed, and he led the way, slipping his hand into Y/N’s when they weren’t looking. 
They must’ve looked a bit ridiculous; two college kids, each with shopping bags slinged over their shoulders, walking through the park in the middle of the day. At least that’s what Y/N thought for about two seconds before realizing this was a college town, and the fact that they must’ve looked more like a couple, what with the hand holding and all. Suddenly feeling very self conscious at any stares from nonexistent people around them, they hardly noticed Kunimi leading them down the path that led to the lake, and not the path to the shopping centers.
“Can we sit for a while?” Kunimi asked, silently praying Y/N would agree. To his delight they agreed, and they both sat down at a bench that looked down on the lake, where ducks were enjoying the sunshine. Kunimi hadn’t let go of their hand (he hardly did nowadays) but Y/N didn’t seem to notice. They were staring at the ducks, a small smile on their face, and began talking about plans for the new school year. 
It’s not that Kunimi wasn’t listening. Of course not. It was just that over the past few days, he’d found himself glancing down to look at Y/N’s lips as they talked, or focused on the way their eyes were constantly looking around at everything, or the way their thumb would almost subconsciously rub against the back of his hand when they were talking together. Right how, his gaze was fixed on their lips. He shifted forward a little, pressing their knees together as he turned to face them better. Y/N was still looking at the ducks and talking about next year, something about major requirements, while Kunimi kept slowly moving forward until finally he was so close to their cheek he thought he’d fall over if Y/N decided to abruptly get up.
He squeezed their hand gently to get their attention and they turned to face him, almost knocking their nose against his.
“Can I kiss you?”
Y/N nods, and Kunimi can’t help the smile that spreads across his face. With his free hand he reached up to cup Y/N’s cheek and guided them the last few centimeters so their lips brushed softly. It’s only a few seconds, hardly a proper kiss in Kunimi’s book. He leaned forward slightly, pressing their lips together a bit harder, but pulled away just as quickly. His hand hadn’t left Y/N’s cheek, and he rested his forehead against Y/N’s, who was opening their eyes to look at him.
They abruptly turned away from him, and he dropped his hand back to his lap reluctantly and leaned back against the bench. Y/N had their free hand hovering over their mouth, as though unsure whether or not their lips were still where.
“Y/N?” Kunimi asked, almost whispering. “Sorry, was that too far?”
Y/N shakes their head quickly. “Just… Can we go buy groceries now?”
Oh, he’s done it now. Kunimi nods, and they both get up to leave, turning their backs on the happy family of ducks and their persistent quacking to head to the shopping center.
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The next day, they’d planned to bake a cake together. Y/N had bought the batter yesterday, and Kunimi texted to double check if they were coming over. Y/N assured him they were, they’d be there in twenty minutes. 
He paced through the apartment for that time, having already laid out every bowl, measuring cup, and ingredient beside the batter they’d need to bake the cake. He’d even started to preheat the oven—anything to distract himself. From what? He wasn’t sure, exactly.
Y/N had seemed fine the rest of the afternoon yesterday. The only sign that something was off was the reaction after the kiss, and not wanting to come over to Kunimi’s apartment to make the cake then. “Tomorrow, yeah? I’m just tired.”
Kunimi’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knock at the door. Nearly running, he scrambled up from the couch to open it, revealing a smiling Y/N holding a bag from yesterday. “Cake time!”
Soon Kunimi found his incessant worries irrelevant. Y/N was all smiles, talking about how great this cake was going to turn out and the cute sprinkles they’d bought to decorate it with. They even put music on to listen to while they both work, and Kunimi finds it hard to focus on anything negative when Y/N is singing horribly off-key to a popular pop song. 
When they’re decorating the cake, Kunimi tries hard to not outright stare at Y/N. He doesn’t know why he’s suddenly obsessed with finding any trace of sorrow on their face—maybe he’d imagined the first signs of it. 
“There!” Kunimi almost jumped in shock, rudely snapped back into reality by Y/N’s loud proclamation. They’d added the last finishing touches of baby blue frosting and sprinkles, and overall it didn’t look too bad. Kunimi quickly cut out a slice, moved it over to a plate, and wedged out a piece onto a fork, moving it towards Y/N. They happily took the bite of cake, nodding in appreciation as they chewed, smiling. Kunimi felt himself smiling, too, happy to see Y/N wasn’t upset after all.
Their smile quickly disappeared, and Kunimi almost didn’t notice. Y/N reached over to take a sip of water, as though that would cover the fact that they’d stopped smiling suddenly despite their being a perfectly good cake they’d seconds ago been enjoying.
“What’s wrong? And don’t say nothing, you liar.” Y/N closed their mouth promptly, looking at him in mock disdain. 
“I think we should break up. Like, end the fake relationship.”
“Oh.” Oh. He made sure to not show any emotion on his face, scared of what it might reveal. “Okay. Think you’re good to write your poem now, then?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“Thank you for helping me, by the way,” Y/N sliced another piece of cake and slid it onto a cake for Kunimi, sliding it across the table for him. “I’ll buy you some salted caramel next time I go to the store.” Kunimi smiled through his slice of cake. Anything for you, Y/N.
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The next day, Kunimi almost runs away from Y/N out of sheer embarrassment. He’d gotten out of bed early, like he usually did, so he could walk to Y/N’s apartment and walk them to class, which was already a bad way to begin the day. With his extra five minutes he sat in bed, thinking he might go back to sleep and get up in an hour right before his class started, but he couldn’t stand sitting there any longer. He was dressed and out the door, an hour early since he didn’t have anyone to walk to class anymore, when Y/N fell into step beside them, on their way to class, which for some reason was the direction Kunimi was headed in. 
And on instinct, he reached over to take Y/N’s hand. And it didn’t quite process in his mind what he’d done until he was full on holding hands with them, and Y/N was looking down at their joined hands, and Kunimi was growing horrified at himself and a bit nauseous. 
Y/N vaguely remembered Kunimi slipping his hand away as he said goodbye and headed for the library, the opposite direction Y/N was headed in. Y/N said goodbye and headed to class, their hand tingling where Kunimi had touched it. 
“Hi Y/N!”
“Hey.” Hitoka sat down at her seat beside them with a slight frown on her face. “Where’s your boyfriend? He usually talks with you before you come inside.”
Y/N almost burst into tears, and Hitoka looked alarmed. Thankfully they were both in the habit of arriving to class five minutes before the professor, so Y/N had time to get the weight off of their chest. And Hitoka was a great listener, as they found out.
“I was so scared I’d actually fallen for him, Hitoka.”
“I think you should tell him how you feel, Y/N,” Hitoka urged. “After class of course.” They shared a smile before turning to listen to their professor, who’d already arrived and was loudly ranting about their latest poetry assignment. 
Y/N couldn’t keep still throughout the entire class period—their leg jumping as they listened to the lecture and their classmates speak. After it was finally over, they walked out with Hitoka, not wanting to seem rude. “Go on, Y/N! And tell me how it goes!” And with that Y/N was off, running out of the building and toward Kunimi’s apartment, figuring he’d be there to grab lunch before potentially heading back to the library again. 
Kunimi opened the door more, looking confused. “Didn’t your class just end? Did you run?”
Y/N was doubled over with their hands on their knees, trying to catch their breath. They nodded at him in response, smiling at the sound of his laugh. 
“I broke up with you,” Y/N paused to inhale a breath, straightening their poster to look at him. “Because I was scared.” They let out another deep breath, finally feeling less winded. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same—I hope we can still be friends, though, since I’ll miss you way too much.”
“Why didn't you just say that instead of breaking up with me?”
“Because I was scared!” Y/N exclaimed as they walked into his apartment. They turned to face him again, only to see him smiling at them teasingly. 
“Dork,” he slipped his hand back into theirs, knocking shoulders with them. “Now that I’m your boyfriend can I kiss you?”
“Of course. But I have to go write my poem,” Y/N laughed as they leaned away from him, heading towards the door. 
“Oh you’re for sure getting an A.”
Y/N grinned at him one more time, blowing him a kiss before they ran back to their apartment to get started on the assignment. And for sure get an A.
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