#and i’d been telling her for monthsssss to either get a splint or something and keep walking on it but noooooooo
gretagerwigsmuse · 1 month
my parents have been driving me crazy all day (literally the one thing my mom planned for this entire trip was…not fun and i still had to take care of everything) and they were so fussy about any place i suggested for dinner when we got back. so after looking for 45 minutes i found some place that they agreed upon and it’s fine…it’s an ivy restaurant which like whenever. but this 45 minutes was a portion of the time i had originally planned to go shopping (which is something my mom hates) at liberty on my own, but then i couldn’t go since we had to be at dinner for 6:15
so whatever. we’re getting ready to go to dinner and they went down to the lounge to have a drink beforehand. and i texted them saying i have a stomach ache and they can head to the restaurant without me and i’ll meet them there. but ofc my mom texts me back saying they’ve decided they’re not going to the restaurant and are just staying in the lounge for dinner instead. so all that work…for nothing…
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