#and i wasnt expecting him to flip around and latch onto my hand
warlordfelwinter · 1 year
i had such a good streak going of not getting bitten by anyone at work
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15001700tt · 6 years
Mix And Match
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6.
Part #4
“If you blow that air-horn one more fucking time, I will beat the shit out of you with it.” Jong In’s voice broke through the silent room. Baekhyun's laughter rang through the closed door as he walked away. I turned to face him smiling at his threat. I ran my hands through his hair, he closed his eyes in return, bringing me closer.
“I hate you, baekhyun” he mumbled against my head, chuckling at him i untangled myself from him.
“Come on sleepy head, you have work.” i pull off the covers from his body as he whines more.
As we made our way to the dining hall, he filled me in on how the war is going. It didn't look good from our side. In my opinion, this war is pointless, we’re literally fighting over something that happened long time ago. I admit it was a stupid mistake on the Pack’s part bu i think they apologized. But then again, it was stupid mistake. Who in their mind thinks they can turn a baby vamp into a werewolf, because they wanted to end the feud between the two kinds. And so were suffering from their bad decisions. Even after the New Age, they didn't want to meet us halfway with our apology. The Pack is now fighting a war, although the casualties are small, that doesnt mean that the effects of it arent. Jong In and his knights found out that they were planning a surprise attack on them, and The Pack is planning a winning strategy and not a killing strategy.
Although they havent found one yet. But Jong In tells me that they might go on defense and try to make it out alive. That doesn't sound comforting at all.
The doors were open, i could see that everyone was present. I am guessing that Jong In was going to tell them the plan over breakfast so that the mates know too. I smiled at Minseok as he cheerfully smiled back at me. He was the only one that still hasnt found his mate, he looked lonely but i tried to help by hanging out with him while Jong In was in his meetings, we got really close and became really good friends.
Jong In started to explain his plan, as he talked, i made eye contact with Ji Mi and then Hyun Jin. we agreed silently that we want to go with them. We know how to fight like professionals and we would be good assets on their side. As Jong In came to a close and had decided that Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Minseok, Kyungsoo and Junmyeon. I interrupted.
“I want to come too.” i calmly added. Jong In started shaking his head furiously, Hyun jin and Ji Mi chimed in, “us too, we all know how to fight, we can help” Kyungsoo was wide eyed, while Baekhyun started shaking his head and refusing to even think of the idea.
“look , you said youre going to be taking the defense, that means we arent going to be in as much danger if we were taking offense, and you need more hands.” i persuaded.
“If i did i would take Yixing, Sehun and Jongdae if i needed but i am not going to put you in danger.” he retaliated. I wasnt going to give up.
“I am going to go” i stated. He shook his head.
“Were doing this for your safety. I am not going to be able to focus if youre in danger.” he added.
“Fine, but i dont like this.”
“If this helps, at least you can help protect the girls with Yixing and Sehun and Jongdae if they decide to attack the castle.” Junmyeon chhimed in trying to diffuse the tension. I looked at the two girls, they didn't look like they were going to give up. I smiled at their persistence even if they loved their mate to death.
3rd POV
Ji Mi didn't give up on the idea of going, but they needed a way to convince Kyungsoo, so after breakfast, Hyun Jin and Ji Mi took a walk around the gardens, and try to to figure out how to tag along to the battle. They stumbled against Yong Sang trying to convince her husband once again but no avail.
“He wont let me.” she huffed.
“Maybe if we seduce them into saying yes?” Hyun Jin suggested, they started to laugh.
“Thats funny, but it might work on Baekhyun but not Kyungsoo” Ji Mi rolled her eyes. Hyun Jin shrugged her shoulders and excused herself to go and try one more time with Baekhyun.
“What about you?” Yong Sang asked Ji Mi.
“I am thinking of proving to him that i can take care of myself.” she responded
“That might actually work” she praised. As they continued to walk, Yong Sang admitted that she might as well stay in the castle because Jong In wasnt going to budge especially since shes a princess and all.
“Its fine, i have a duty as a younger sister to protect the future queen.” she reasoned. Ji Mi nodded in understanding, she gets it but that doesnt mean she has to give up too. They parted ways and Yong Sang wished her luck.
“Can i at least prove that i can take care of myself?” Ji Mi said after a few tries of persuading him.
“I know that you can take care of yourself, but this is different then advancing suitors, this is a battle with vampires, who are ten times stronger and faster than humans” he retorted.
“But can i try still?” She pressed on.
“Fine lets see, but that i am still not letting you go” he agreed and started making his way to the training grounds.
As they arrived to the practice mat, he rolled up his sleeves and gave her small smile, before telling her, “try your best”, making her roll her eyes, before she got into her stance. She had a plan, she was going to go easy on him, then shock him with her swift moves. And so they started.
“Was that a punch? I couldn’t actually tell.” he teased when she feigned a punch to his face and he expertly avoided it. She tried to swing her other hand at him, he caught it before it made contact with his jaw, but this was what she was waiting for. As soon as he grabbed her hand she used all of her momentum and grabbed his and flipped him to the ground and victoriously sat on him.
“It seems all the Songs know that move” a voice started from the doorway, the initial shock wearing off and Kyungsoo relaxes under Ji Mi’s body and rests his hand on her waist as he turns to Baekhyun.
“You know, i feel like i should have expected this but i still didn't, what does that make me?” he dramatically said.
“Whipped” Baekhyun stated to answer his rhetorical question. With a laugh Ji Mi rolled of his body as he got up and made a face at Baekhyun’s smug one. Kyungsoo turned to Ji Mi and motioned for her to try again. Her stance was different this time, didnt have the obvious mistakes she faked the first time, but it had a professional feel to it, and Kyungsoo could feel his muscles tightening in anticipation. She stuck her leg out and tried to make his lose he footing but he successfully avoided it and tried to land a hit on her stomach, but she jumped back, she ackflipped out of the way, also trying to land a hit with her flipping feet. Kyungsoo swiftly but barely avoided it. His next move was to roundhouse kick but she blocked it with her hand and latched to his foot that was no hanging in the air. She twisted his foot and made him finally land on the mat back first.
“Never in my life have i seen someone beat the crap out of you so efficiently.” Baekhyun mused from his seat. He got up and wiped the sweat of his eyebrow. Ji Mi expected a scowl to be etched on his face, instead a small smile was playing on his lips.
“I am guessing Hyun Jin and Yong Sang have the same fighting style?” he conversed as he attacked Ji Mi, who barely processed his question.
“Same training just different style. Hyun Jin uses more bows and arrows and Yong Sang more daggers. But were all good with hand to hand” she revealed.
“Wow, our mates are awesome” Baekhyun wolf whistled. He watched as Kyungsoo kept attacking and she kept defending. She looked like she was concentrating hard to block but also to try to land a hit back.
“What about you?” Kyungsoo asked as he avoided a jab in the ribs. She then tried to grab onto his extended arm and hike herself on his back with one of his arms bend back. He hissed, before she let his arm fall back to its normal position.
“My specialty would be swords and martial arts.” she responded falling from his shoulders onto the mat before jumping up from the ground. And dusting off her pants.
“Do you also happen to use seduction as a fighting technique?” Baekhyun asked abruptly causing Kyungsoo to growl at his comment.
“Not Ji Mi, i meant, Hyun Jin literally just tried to seduce me into saying yes” he explained. Kyungsoo burst out in laughter, Ji Mi chuckled, shaking her head.
“She thought that would help.” she admitted. A second after she was blocking a surprise attack from Kyungsoo’s fisted hands. She twisted them and kept them against his back.
“So can i please come with?” she asked still holding him hostage.
“No” he gritted out. She huffed before she maneuvered his hands in front of him and flipping him again towards the floor but face plastered against the floor. Once again she sat on him.
“Please?” she whined.
“How the fuck do you keep doing that?” Baekhyun exclaimed. “He's heavy as fuck and you just flipped him like no big deal!” he continued.
“No i didn't, he did” Ji Mi innocently said, from on top of a sighing Kyungsoo.
“She uses my own strength and momentum” he murmured, as he flipped around and was now on his back. He looked sideways as the gaping BAekhyun.
“Wow she really is your mate” he said, he got up and headed toward the exit.
“Where are you going?” Kyungsoo asked.
“I want to find out how Hyun Jin fights just for research purposes” he yelled back before disappearing. Ji Mi looked at Kyungsoo with a raised eyebrow.
“He wants to get laid.” he grumbled
“And you will not if you dont let me come with” she countered, his eyes growing wide and mouth wide open.
“How is that fair? I am trying to keep you out of danger, and i am trying to come back safely and you still wont reward me?” he whined. She shook her head rolling off of him.
“You wont die because of lack affection if you dont die in the battle.” she waved off as she grabbed her water.
“It sounds almost like you want me to die out there” he faked his hurt.
“Well at least as youre taking your last breath, you realize i could have saved your life if you took me with you” she huffed and turned away from him. He took a few steps and hugged her from behind.
“You're scared” he stated.
“Shitless” she breathed out.
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