#and i was like. um. and i’ve been nice and just taken care of it but i got fed up and left it in the stupid sink
fcthots · 4 months
I log onto tumblr sometimes just to see your posts lol, and I love all the smut content, but I was wondering of you’d write something for a reader who isn’t feeling up to having sex one night, and they’re worried about how Jason will react but instead of being pushy about it Jason just cuddles the reader and affirms that they’re valid?
(I might be going through it a bit and feel this would be nice to read)
Thank you!! Also I think I needed this too lol
He was running on that post patrol adrenaline rush that leaves him looking for any outlet of release. Usually one in particular. You. He comes in through the window of the living room and lets his boots thudding on the ground be your warning. Before he even closes the window, his helmet is taken off his head and dropped to the carpet. He’s usually so careful about his precious equipment but desperate times call for desperate measures.
The clatter of his helmet is loud, much louder than his boots. You can hear it from under the water of your bath. You lift your head above water, and by the time you clear the water from your eyes, he’s standing in the doorway. His chest is heaving. You can see the tight coils of his fists, the lines of tension in the shoulders, the clench of his jaw. You know what he’s looking for.
But tonight isn’t the night for that.
You don’t stop him when he kneels on the ground by the tub and takes your dripping face between his hands, or when he kisses you with the enthusiasm of a starved man. His hands trail from your face to your neck and then trail down your collarbones, and down more. You pull away.
His hands stop. His face tilts like a confused puppy. There is a slight worry in his eyes, and unspoken what happened.
The words are hard to find. “I don’t um. I don’t think we should-. Maybe it would be-.” His hands trail down to yours. He holds them in his and gives a light squeeze, an encouragement, a go on. “I just don’t quite feel up to it tonight.”
He gives you a small smile, one reserved for you and you only. He gives your hand a gentle kiss, and then your cheek. “Ok. That’s alright. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.”
You search his eyes for any sign that he might be lying. You can’t find any but just to be safe, you ask, “are you sure?”
He tilts his head again and smiles. “Of course I’m sure.” He moves his body to make himself more comfortable sitting on the ground. He brings his elbow to the lip of the tub and rests his chin on his hand. “So what have you been up to while I was gone?” The easiness of the question makes you feel a little warm and fuzzy. There’s just something about the casual tone in which he says it, like he wasn’t planning to fuck you not even five minutes ago.
“I’ve just been in the bath.” You swirl some of the water around for emphasis. His nose scrunches when a few droplets of water hit his face. You try to hide your laugh.
“The whole time?” You were hoping he wouldn’t ask. You’ve had to rerun the water a few times after it got cold. You just couldn’t get yourself to get started for some reason.
“Yeah.” You watch the calculating and searching look in his eyes. He doesn’t ask why. You don’t want to explain, not right now.
“Do you want me to wash you? I don’t mind. If you’re ok with it that is.” He moves to sit on the lip of the tub. You just watch him.
“You wouldn’t mind?” He’s already answered the question, but doubt lingers in the back of your mind.
“I’d be happy to. My hands really need something to do right now. Washing your hair would help.”
You smile and nod as you bring your knees to your chest. You wrap your arms around them and drop your head down to watch him reach for the shampoo. Maybe it was something in his training, but that man is incredible at scalp massages.
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written-in-flowers · 3 months
Her Mate: Demon!Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
Tumblr media
Pairing: Incubi!Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
Genre: smut, fluff, angst, MINORS DNI
Word Count: 9k
Summary: Seonghwa's "unconventional" upbringing gave him a strong sense of self-control. Yet, whenever he is near you, he finds himself weakening at the sight of his "mate".
Tags: polyamorous relationship, open relationship, m/m/m/f relationship, light dom/dub themes, implied childhood trauma, implied underage sex, mentions of bisexual sex, incest, office sex, oral sex (m. and f. receiving/giving), anal fingering, rimming, rimjob, vaginal fingering, rough oral sex, window sex, mind games (not on reader), implied dub-con (not with reader), foreplay, nipple play, breast play, tongue fucking (vaginal and anal), messy cum stuff, spitting, light spanking, self-lubrication, cum swallowing. Also, if you happen to know who Marquis de Sade is...um, yeah, he's mentioned too.
Pretty Lady Masterlist
Previously on Pretty Lady
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“And if I only could, I’d make a deal with God and I’d get him to swap our places. Be running up that road, be running up that hill, be running up that building with no problems…”
He found the song suitable for your voice. Seonghwa often thought you had the soprano range of the singer, which befit the genre and eras you loved so much. Of course, you could sing a bit higher but not by much. Yeosang begrudgingly admitted you had a nice singing voice, though could use improvement. Seonghwa disagreed. He enjoyed listening to you sing while you tended to your plants or danced around your room or dressed or undressed or any other time he caught you. You often became shy or awkward when you knew someone watched you, like the beautiful singing birds on the branches. So, whenever he caught wind of your voice, he quietly approached. 
Seonghwa found you in your bedroom, headphones on and head nodding to the music while you worked. He noticed small bags of dirt and fertilizer beside your desk and on the other side bags of various seeds. He knew you sometimes grew plants in your bedroom, turning it into a smaller version of a greenhouse, but they’re usually stuck to the walls or floors. This one sat in a small pot. Seonghwa leaned against your bedpost, brushing his fingers over the peonies on the footboard, while he enjoyed your singing. It was similar to watching an animal in its natural habitat. You looked at ease, unguarded and peaceful. He liked you this way. The slave he’d known always remained quiet, obedient in doing what she was told. The Lady of Eden spoke her mind often and even bit back. Seonghwa wondered if that was the real you. He imagined the ambitious, clever woman who managed to break the glass ceiling into power with her looks alone. Just because you didn’t go to college didn’t mean you weren’t intelligent. A woman owning her own scamming company needed a brain. 
“Oh come on, baby. Oh, come on, darling. Let me steal this moment from you now. Oh, come on angel. Come on, come on, darling. Let’s exchange the experience.”
“What are you up to, Kitten?” he asked, unable to call you anything else now. 
You jumped at his voice, laughing softly from the small rush. “Gaia showed me how to make hybrid plants,” you told him, removing the headphones. “I’ve been giving it a shot.”
Ever since your family decided to train you themselves, your powers have grown exponentially. Your mother told him you’d taken to your training like a fish to water. She said you had a talent for regrowing and strengthening your “children”. He did note how the greenhouse plants thrived underneath your care, much more than they did with him. Rhea mentioned your stable control. Whenever she purposefully ticked a nerve, no doors blew open or plants shooting to strangle anyone. Seonghwa was glad for this. He’d worried he’d be replacing broken doors for all eternity. 
“Come look,” you beckoned him over to your desk. When he reached you, he saw a tiny sprout in the plant. About the height of a pencil, it had arrowhead petals the color of opals with a center a blood red. The flower moved to “look” at him, and he heard it give the softest of coos. “I thought of making flowers that have gemstone colors,” you said. “I think they’d look beautiful. This one is supposed to be opals. I hope when it gets bigger, the petals shine like them too.”
“It’s gorgeous,” he said, putting an arm around your waist. “Is this the first one?”
“No,” you frowned. “The first two didn’t take or die right away. This one has lasted overnight, so I have high hopes for her.” 
You cupped the top of the flower, running your thumb over a petal. He saw how lovingly you looked at your creations. 
“Sometimes, I wish I was a plant,” he said without thinking. 
“What?” you looked over at him, amused.
“Then perhaps you’d look at me the way you look at them,” he said, gazing over your face. 
“I do,” you admitted, turning to him. “You’re just not looking at me when I do it. It kind of ruins the whole ‘looking-when-they’re-not-looking’ if you knew.” 
You slid your hands up his chest to his shoulders. Briefly, he thought back to the first time he’d seen you. The glowing firelight behind you illuminated your features, and caught itself in your hair. You shook with fear, but that quickly dissipated when he licked your center. Not because you’d fallen in love with him, but because you saw you weren’t going to “die”. You understood the benefits of being a duke’s pet. Being a slave to one of Asmodeus’s heirs came with more pros than cons. However, as time went on, he hoped your feelings might have changed. Perhaps you no longer see him as your ‘Master’, whom you must obey and fear, but as a partner. A lover. A ‘mate’, as his mother had said. Gently, he caressed your cheek as he studied your face. 
“Which you’re doing right now,” you giggled, breaking him free of his thoughts. 
“Forgive me,” he said. “I…I get caught up in my thoughts, sometimes.”
“Well, what were you thinking about?”
“How my mother called you my ‘mate’ the other day.”
“She’d said that?”
“You weren’t in the room. She’d said, ‘I heard you have a mate. What’s it like biting from the same apple as your brothers, Seonghwa?’”
“Ugh, she’s the worst. What did you say?”
“That you’re more of a peach than an apple,” he smirked, pecking your lips, “And that sharing you with people I love doesn’t bother me at all.”
“It doesn’t?”
“No,” he shook his head. “I love my brothers. I love them more than what is considered appropriate,” he huffed a laugh, “So sharing you with them doesn’t bother me. I take it that it doesn’t bother you either?”
“Not one bit,” you grinned, arms around his middle. “I’m a lucky girl.”
“Very,” he said, hands going up and down your back. The sweet honeyed scent he loved threatened to overpower his senses. “Would you want to be?”
“Be lucky? Yeah.”
“No,” he chuckled, “Be my…Be my mate.”
“Like a girlfriend?”
“I thought I was?” you looked up at him. “Did you think we weren’t?”
“I didn’t know what to think, if I am honest,” he admitted. “This all happened quite suddenly, and I haven’t had a moment to really think about it.” 
“You? Mr. Brooding didn’t have time to mull over something for hours?” you teased, making him smile rather than scowl. 
“I’ve been concerned with more important things lately,” he said. “Also, I…”
“Was scared that I wouldn’t feel the same way,” you finished for him. 
“Yes,” he breathed bashfully. 
“I do,” you said. “I can’t believe I do, but nobody has ever made me feel how you and the others do.” You played with the serpent stick pin on his tie. “The guys I dated before felt so shallow and meaningless. They left just as fast as they’d appeared. Most of them had wives or girlfriends too, whom they always chose over me, their ‘mistress’. I…” you stared at the golden pin, not wanting to meet his eyes as you spoke, “I meant nothing to them. I want to say they meant nothing to me, but that wasn’t always true. I did like some of them. But, I always knew it wouldn’t last. I had goals, and sometimes I gave up nice things for them. My life seems so hollow now that I look back at it. I had no one. Nobody stayed or wanted to stay.” He spotted tears glistening in your eyes and you turned away. 
“You have me,” he said, gently lifting your chin. “I want to stay, and I want you to stay. I feared you might decide to live in Eden after all, and leave me. Thoughts of never seeing your face or hearing your singing made me feel empty.” 
You smiled softly, tracing his sharp jaw down to his neck. “And I thought San was the romantic one.”
“I can be too,” he said, taking your hand to kiss your knuckles, “When the mood strikes me.” 
“You remind me of those guys in those sappy dime-store novels,” you said.
“Dime-store novels?”
“You know, the little books they sell in the magazine section that have those dramatic, idealized covers? You remind me of them. There’s always these long love confessions and romance scenes that lead into steamy sex right afterwards. She’ll be a woman running away from something or have a traumatizing past; he’ll always be the small town farmer or the shopkeeper or a lumberjack with a stern face but heart of gold. They find each other through various circumstances-it changes all the time- and end up falling in love despite the odds.”
He chuckled at your description, supposing it might be true. “You mean bodice-ripper romances?”
“Yeah, I guess,” you shrugged. “The girl is always swooning and the guy has his shirt open, and he’s super muscular. You remind me of them a little bit.”
“That I’m muscular and always have my shirt open? Sounds more like San to be fair.”
You giggled, “Because you’re the sexy bookish guy who pretends he’s not interested in the protagonist when really he is.” He let your fingers hook around his lapel to bring him in for a kiss. 
“Except I make my interest in you very known.”
He gave you a few brief kisses, wanting desperately to go further. Seonghwa knew the result of kissing you too deeply, and the temptation reached inside him the longer he stood in front of you.
“Don’t go,” you said, your lips against his. “Stay with me.”
“I have work to do.”
“Is it really that important?” you asked, hands going into his black curls. You gave him a few pecks, then said, “So important you’d leave me behind?” You placed his hand on your chest, urging him to fondle you. “I thought you loved me.”
“I do,” he said, giving it a gentle squeeze, “But unfortunately I do one of the most important jobs in Hell.” He gave you another kiss, controlling his lust for you. “You know I come back at lunch time.” He tugged at the bra strap exposed by your off-the-shoulder shirt, pulling it as far as it’d go. Seonghwa started a trail of kisses from your neck to where the strap stopped. “I never pass on a good dessert,” he said, pressing his lips to the top of your breast.
“I suppose waiting makes it better,” you huffed. “Should I wear your favorite when you come home?”
Seonghwa groaned softly, kissing up your neck. An image of you in his study, wearing a short pleated skirt, cropped top, and knee high socks filled his thoughts. But, responsibility came before pleasure.
“Yes,” he breathed, tempted to tug down your shirt and bra to kiss your nipples. “I’d love that.”
“I can put it on for you now,” you told him in his ear. “Would you like to watch me put it on?”
“I would if I could, Kitten,” he said, forcing himself away from temptation.
“Fine,” you frowned, fixing your shirt. “I’ll stay and wait for you to come back.”
Seonghwa, not wanting to leave you frowning, kissed you one more time as he slid his hand into your shorts. You weren’t wet, but he groaned at the heat on his fingers. You clutched his arm suddenly, stiffening at the hand slowly rubbing circles against your panties. Even if you’d started going around without them, you wore them for him. He liked it because pulling them off you felt more like unwrapping a present, your sweet sex being the gift.
“Jongho,” he called out, watching you slowly uncoil at his touch. He heard Jongho appear from nowhere.
“Yes, Master?”
Seonghwa knew the butler did everything he could not to notice what was happening. He smirked over at him, “Your mistress needs some attention, but sadly I must head to the office. Why don’t you lend her a hand?” He gently pulled down your shorts to reveal the soft, cotton panties underneath. “Where do you want it?”
“I want you right here,” you brought him to you, sitting on the desk while you pulled him between your legs. “Just a few licks at least? Your tongue is so much better.”
“You’ll have my tongue later,” he said, knuckles running up and down your slit. “For now, you can enjoy Jongho’s tongue. Don’t you like getting eaten out by him?”
“I love it,” you said, “But I want you, Master.”
“And you will have it,” he said more firmly, “Later.” He kissed your lips, then turned back around. “Jongho, come here.”
Jongho took his place in front of you. Seonghwa stood and watched as your most loyal servant kissed and fondled you. He knew he was a goner when you passionately kissed him, both your tongues sliding over lips and teeth like eels. Leaning against your bedpost once more, he observed as Jongho started sucking and kissing your nipples. His low groans matched yours as you withdrew him from his trousers. Only half hard, Seonghwa knew with a few more kisses and the right strokes, his cock would be throbbing madly. Soon, Jongho sank to his knees to kiss your center. You held onto the edge of your desk as he deepened it, sliding his tongue over your clothed sex and hands gripping your thighs. Your face scrunched up from pleasure, body shifting to grind to his face, you looked too good to pass up. He knew with a bit of persuasion, his brothers would’ve jumped at the chance, but Seonghwa didn’t.
“Would you like me to take them off, Mistress?” Jongho asked you, “Or simply move them aside?”
“Take them off,” you said, looking over at Seonghwa, “So our master can see your tongue on my clit.”
So he did. You lifted one leg onto the desk to give him a perfect view of your naked pussy. Seonghwa bit his inner cheek, knowing you’re doing everything in your power to bring him back over to you. Jongho stuck out his tongue and flicked it against your clitoris, languidly rolling it counter-clockwise. Seonghwa intently watched the servant tease your folds, wetting them with his tongue and your stickiness. He moved back over to you, but only to remove your shirt and tug down your bra. Seonghwa groped at one of them, pinching and teasing your nipple as Jongho licked your cunt.
“I don’t want him to put anything in you,” he instructed, licking his thumb to rub on your hard nipple. “He can only rub and lick your holes. He can touch and lick any of them, but his dick goes nowhere near them,” he said, looking down to see Jongho sucking your throbbing clit. “Do you know why, Kitten?”
“Because they’re your holes, Master,” you smiled, loving the dynamic between you, “And nobody fucks them but you.”
“That’s right. You’re such a good girl,” he said, moving to grope the other side, “I want you to come to my office at exactly eleven o’clock. There, you’re going to sit on my desk facing the windows, legs open, and patiently wait for me. If you’re not there and/or my holes aren’t presented for me when I get there, I’m going to punish you in my favorite way. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Repeat my order back to me.”
“You want me-me at your office at eleven o’clock, sitting on your desk facing the windows, and presenting your holes patiently. If I’m not there or your holes aren’t ready, you’ll punish me in your favorite way.”
“Good girl,” he gave you a soft kiss. “And, yes, wear my favorite outfit today. No panties. No bra. Just the top, the skirt and those knee-high socks I like.”
“May I-I cu-cum, sir?”
He considered it for a moment. It will be a while before he sees you, and it’d be wrong of him to leave it for so long. “Since you thought to ask, yes,” he nodded, “You may only cum twice. Any more and I punish you.” 
Perhaps he was one of your bodice-ripper characters after all. Jongho sped up his lapping tongue, having you tense in his grasp. He’d kill a slew of men to stay by your side, admiring you as Jongho pleasured you over and over again. Suddenly, he reminded himself of another man he’d grown up with. He’d prefer not to think about him.
He kissed you one last time, a promise of ‘later’ on his lips before he left. The walk from your bedroom to the front door gave him a minute to shake you off him. The warm air outside blew your scent off his clothes, and dried the kisses left on his skin. Everything in him told him to go back inside and ravage you the way you deserved, but he’d learned a long time ago that promises and time make it much better.
‘You make your prey wait. You let them dangle by their wrists, keep the blindfold over their eyes, and let the fear stew inside. By the time you return, the sound of your footsteps amplifies all the senses. If you break them well enough, they’ll grow hard or wet at the thought of you.’
Seonghwa stepped into his carriage, hearing the driver crack a whip to get it moving. Unlike San and Hongjoong, Seonghwa did not grow up in the mountains and hills of southern Korea. He’d been born in a small hanok in a village before being taken away to be raised elsewhere. His mother’s “children'' did not only serve her from her homeland. They served in all corners of the world and came from all walks of life. From the beggar on the streets of London to an advisor to an Egyptian pharaoh, his mother had many followers. She decreed Seonghwa would be raised as nobility, considering he’d be a Duke of Lust when he came of age. She first sent him to the French countryside to live with a witch who’d served her well. Amaline was a Duchess by marriage, having gained her position through black magic and love potions. She told his mother she’d train and educate the boy but only until she birthed a child of her own. Judging by her husband’s crazed obsession with her and their nightly passions, this did not take very long.
At five-years-old, Seonghwa then stayed with a peasant couple in Paris. Dominique and Fabien Bacque owned a very popular bakery in the city, where they forced Seonghwa to work. They believed since his mother never came around, they could get away with treating him like scum. They forced him to go by a “proper” name that was easier to pronounce. 
‘Announcing his lordship, Jean Baptiste Bacque, the filthiest, loathsome rat this side of France!’ Fabien often proclaimed in his dingy bakery, ale in his hand as he and his friends laughed. 
Fabien did not laugh for long, however. When his mother arrived to see him, her fury flared at his condition. Her son, a child of the great demon prince Asmodeus, wore rags and was filthier than a street rat. Her son, a Lord of Hell and Duke of Lust, could not read or write. He recalled the vicious hounds his mother set upon the couple. Seonghwa still remembered their screams as the demonic hellhounds tore them to pieces before his eyes.
Seonghwa, twelve-years-old and still growing, went to live in Paris with a nobleman his mother knew well. While Donatien didn’t serve his mother, the Marquis de Sade served his father faithfully since his late teens. Donatien was not only a nobleman, Seonghwa learned, but a writer, political activist and libertine. If anyone was fit to care and educate her son, it was Donatien. This is when his name changed again.
‘Baptiste is such a common name. From now on, you are Jean Hercule Francois, the new Viscount de Sade.’
Still young and new to the world, Seonghwa took to his new position much faster than Hongjoong did later on. Donatien saw his eagerness to learn, his passion for poetry and music, and let him indulge in things like sword fighting, horse riding, croquet, astrology, botany and science. Seonghwa grew up alongside Donatien’s other children, forging close bonds through their lifetimes. It was when Seonghwa turned fourteen that Donatien took him away to the countryside. In a lavish retreat outside of Paris, Donatien told his protege that he’d be taking over his education from then on. Seonghwa thought he meant language, philosophy, literature, swordplay and etiquette. While he’d been half-way right, Donatien taught him more than just that. 
“We’re here, my lord,” the driver said. 
“Thank you.” 
Seonghwa stepped out of the carriage and walked towards a tall building in the middle of a bustling intersection. On the fringes of the main gates, crowds of lost souls wandered in through the stone entrance, crossed a wide bridge, and right into the bowels of the tower. There, they’d be funneled into the long, winding halls of the lower cells where they’d be taken into rooms to be assessed. Seonghwa led a team of demons who had the same mind digging ability as him. Seonghwa reached the glass doors, withdrew his employee ID and swiped to gain entry. He bypassed coworkers on their way into work, making idle chatter in the elevators just to keep up appearances. But, his mind kept going back to his old mentor and guardian, Donatien. 
He started with simple drawings and sharing the pornography he wrote. Donatien taught Seonghwa all about the human anatomy from erogenous zones to the various acts people can do to achieve pleasure. He often brought prostitutes to the estate to perform demonstrations. Donatien would lie with them while Seonghwa watched through a hole in the wall. He explained all the new thoughts, curiosities and sensations his adolescent brain took in. Soon, Seonghwa was sitting beside the bed as Donatien engaged in sexual acts with both men and women. Then, Seonghwa moved to the bed, where his teacher taught him how to pleasure his partners. Donatien hosted full on orgies in his home just for his “son” to experiment and indulge in all sorts of acts. If it weren’t for his demon blood, Seonghwa is sure he would’ve contracted a disease.
When Seonghwa was sixteen, Donatien showed him what he’d done with the servant girls he’d hired to attend to his son.
“Good morrow, Seonghwa,” an elderly demon said as he walked by the elevator. “A fine day for digging, huh? Lots of fresh prisoners down in the dungeons today!”
“As there are every minute of every day, Lord Byron,” said Seonghwa good naturedly. “How are things in your section?”
“Wonderful,” he smiled. “Absolutely wonderful. Our numbers have gone up since that terrible war ended. I forget which one, but it’s one of the larger ones. Yours?”
“We’ve kept good numbers. Nothing to boast of by all means, but my team does their best with what we’ve gotten.”
“You’ll come up soon, son. You’re very talented for such a young demon.”
Seonghwa and Lord Byron talked on their way to sections four and six of the office floors. The pair split up, and Seonghwa walked through a door into a long hallway. 
Bondage. Sadism. Masochism. Using ropes, whips, chains, and canes to bring pain and pleasure to his partners became the primary focus of his teenage studies. They did not have the advanced sex toys of the modern age, but they had the basics. Seonghwa didn’t like the bloody, violent extremes Donatien took his partners to, but he enjoyed breaking them. Not only in body, but in the mind. He learned how to turn a servant girl from reluctant to desperate with more than slaps to the ass. He learned about his talent for mind digging during this time. It was easy to persuade and trick others when he knew their deepest, darkest desires. He often used it for personal gain or to have an advantage over a rival, but he enjoyed it most in his dungeon.
“Morning, Mr. Park,” said a young woman sitting at a desk beside his office door.
Seonghwa noticed how Mya’s tight button blouse and pencil skirt made her scarlet skin pop. Thin stockings covered her long legs, ending just beneath the hem of the skirt. Behind her thin rimmed glasses, bright orange eyes twinkled at him flirtatiously. A look to tantalize him. Seonghwa didn’t particularly care. Mya looked like every other succubus he’d met throughout his life. He honestly had trouble telling them apart sometimes. 
“Morning,” he said. “Mya, I have an important meeting at eleven o’clock, and I don’t want to be disturbed.”
“Of course, sir,” she typed out the order in her computer, “The person’s name?”
“YN,” he told her. “You’ll know her when you see her, trust me.”
“Shall I cancel your appointment with your brother then?”
“Yes, go ahead. Hongjoong will understand.”
Hongjoong would do the same thing if it were him, and he’d understand. 
He remembered the day he’d come to get his little brother from his village in Korea. A scruffy boy with crimson hair hanging over defiant eyes, Hongjoong didn’t like the posh life Seonghwa lived for so long. He didn’t share the French people’s catholic views, he scowled at their abundance and wealth, and spat at their feet when they criticized him. Seonghwa did his best to educate and train his brother to be a gentleman, but Hongjoong was far from it. At fifteen, he was getting drunk and gambling with the scum of the city. He bedded whores of all kinds, and engrossed himself in depravity. Donatien took a liking to him right away and so did Seonghwa. He’d never known a boy to be so bold and brash; he’d never met someone who scowled at priests, spat at city guards, and laughed in the face of authority figures. It intrigued him. He’d started sharing his partners with Hongjoong, but it seemed his brother only desired one person.
“Put it in me, Hwa. I want us to be one,” he’d said, whining and squirming as Seonghwa jerked him off during a hunting trip. 
When Donatien went to prison for his lewd, lascivious behavior, which was illegal at the time, it became only them. Seonghwa and Hongjoong disappeared into their own world in that retreat. They were two demons who’d found each other in an ever-changing world. Neither of them had ever met another demon before, but everything they felt came so naturally. Him admiring Hongjoong’s narrow, upturned nose and soft lips as he slept felt as natural as watching the clouds drift by. They didn’t hide their love. They didn’t care if the church and the law spoke against it. Hongjoong and him shared a bond that nobody else understood. 
Seonghwa logged into his computer, where a photo came up on the screen. San. Sweet San who loved freely and often. In the picture, he sat lounging by a window laughing at a joke Hongjoong told. His smile lit up his face and squinted his eyes, a look that made people swoon. San came along much later with slicked back hair and a fancy suit. Unlike Hongjoong and Seonghwa who arrived in Hell when they came of age, San had died in the living world. He didn’t like mulling over the details, and he never pushed for details. All he knew was his brother died young and brutally. Fifteen, skinnier than a twig with lost puppy eyes, the pair brought him into their ancient home right away. Seonghwa trained him to be the proper gentleman Hongjoong refused to be. He’d decided while they might be Asmodeus’s sons, they would not be scoundrels. They would uphold the family name and image. Hongjoong struggled with that most days. 
San, on the other hand, was a golden boy. Not only physically attractive, and kind-hearted, he proved to be an athlete as well. His skill with weaponry remained unmatched in Seonghwa’s eyes. He’d seen sixteen-year-old San take down a full grown demon with quick, fluid movements. Some people found it hard to believe San was Asmodeus’s son with his skills. The skinny boy who’d come to his doorstep bloody and weeping turned into a golden god. Seonghwa and Hongjoong found it harder and harder to ignore his physical beauty as he grew. They’d taken to watching him bathe through peepholes or finding excuses to get him naked in front of them. Seonghwa never admitted he’d bought the hot tub as another way to admire his sweet brother’s body. 
“If you wanted to watch me jerk off, you could’ve just asked,” he’d said when he confronted them in the lounge one night. 
The three of them became inseparable. 
“Seonghwa,” the call came after three knocks on the door. An older demon with stark white hair and olive green skin stood in a tweed suit in the doorway. “How are you, old boy?”
“Wishing I’d stayed home,” he snorted with a laugh that the man joined. 
“After seeing that lovely mate of yours, I don’t blame you,” he said. “Urik’s called a department meeting. He says it’s urgent.”
“I’ll be there.”
The man disappeared, and Seonghwa thought about what he’d said. ‘Mate’. He’d heard many people refer to you with the primitive term. He thought about what you’d both talked about, and it made him fonder of you. 
He wished he’d given in to you. 
“Minos dares to say we have been misplacing prisoners.” 
“What does he mean by that? We are the ones who see into their misdeeds and only give suggestions.”
The meeting would never end. Seonghwa leaned back in the leather chair, eyes constantly glancing over to the clock on the wall. It’d be eleven in fifteen minutes. In fifteen minutes, he’d have you in his arms. In fifteen minutes, he’d be entirely consumed by you. But first, he must suffer the most boring part of his job: manager meetings. 
This could’ve been an email. 
“He believes we’re being too careless with our suggestions. He says a person who should’ve been sentenced to Wrath was instead sentenced to Pride.”
“Yes, because the prisoners carried out their misdeeds through their pride.”
He wondered if you’d cum at all. You must have. It’s been three hours since he left home. You’ve likely already used up your two free orgasms by now. Seonghwa liked imagining Jongho, drunk on your lips, pleasuring you as long as he physically could. He already knew you could go for hours with your heightened sexual appetite and stamina. Seonghwa thought of every time he laid with you and his brothers. With the natural lust of demons and the constant burning desire combined with your special kisses, the four of you made love almost nonstop. Once Seonghwa tasted one of you, he found it hard to stop. 
“But he claims the wrath outweighs the pride.”
He couldn’t wait to taste you. He might take off the entire day just to have you to himself. 
“Seonghwa, what do you make of these claims?”
He snapped out of his thoughts and looked up. At a long table in a conference room, Seonghwa sat with the heads of departments and his boss, a demon named Urik. The whole table turned when Urik addressed him. He must have appeared too in thought. 
“That Minos is being his usual stubborn, complicated self,” he answered, grasping at an answer. “For thousands of years, he’s made claims that we’re not working to his standards. He sits in his chair, passes judgment, and acts as if it’s our fault if the prisoner is sent back. The man takes no responsibility for his own faults.”
“As I have said,” claimed another demon, Lucinda. “We cannot take him so seriously, Urik. His mind is going and his judgment wanes.” 
Urik, broad and red, nodded with his hands clasped on the desk. “Regardless, Prince Belphegor has commanded all of us to undergo training courses-”
“-Training courses?” exclaimed Bazil, green and horned. “Uh-uh, I will not retake a bunch of baby courses because Minos has convinced the Prince of Sloth that we do not take our jobs seriously. I am extremely thorough with my digs, and give the most sensible, honest suggestions I can make.” 
“Regardless, it is The Prince’s command and we must abide by it,” said Urik. He picked up a stack of binders that he handed to Lucinda. Seonghwa watched them be passed around the table. “These are the recommended courses. It details everything from basic training to advanced digging techniques. I want you to relay this order to your teams, and make sure they are done by the weekend.”
“You’re not serious?” asked an elderly, pot-bellied demon named Arthur. “My team has been working all week on a new batch of prisoners. They can’t be expected to put that aside to work on this.”
“They will have to find the time,” said Urik.
Seonghwa opened the binder to study the different courses. It’d be like Minos, Judge of Souls, to lay blame on the sin seers. He wondered who’d placed you. Personally, he would’ve sent you to Greed rather than Lust. A good chunk of your actions were fueled by a desire for more: more money, more power, and more respect. It could be argued that you enjoyed the feeling of triumph and superiority over the actual material rewards. 
“Urik, you know how ridiculous this is,” said Lucinda.
He then thought of your behavior this morning. You’d ensnared him with your charms and pouting, and he almost gave into it. You loved how sex made you feel, and not only the physical reactions either. It makes you feel desirable. It gave you the power others tried having over you. He knew he was powerless against your charms. Seonghwa could still smell your essence in his nose, driving him back into those desires again. If you’d lived in his time, he’d never want anyone but you and Hongjoong ever again. 
“I understand your frustration, but we cannot ignore a royal command,” said Urik. “I want all courses finished by Friday. You're dismissed.”
The group groaned and left the table. Seonghwa knew his own team wouldn't like the extra workload. They worked exclusively in the 4th and 5th sectors of Limbo, where souls are determined before being sent to Minos for final judgment. Seonghwa heard his department only existed because of Minos's constant deaths and rebirths. He pictured the aged god sitting upon a golden throne, nearly blind and half-mad. Members of his team already complained that he sent too many people back, and that he didn't know one day from the next. When Seonghwa tells them about Belphegor's command, they'll be upset for sure. 
Walking through the busy office, Seonghwa went to the elevator and punched in his floor number. His mind floated back to you, and wondering what you might be doing. He liked the idea of Jongho still in your bed, the both of you pleasuring one another every way possible. However, realistically, you would’ve stopped by now. He hoped Jongho hadn’t tired you out too much. Seonghwa didn’t want you to perform if you didn’t feel up to doing it. 
“The nerve of him, huh?” Lucinda entered the elevator after him, irritated. “I can't wait until the bastard croakes. Then Urik takes over while he’s gone.”
“It can't be long now,” said Seonghwa. His body buzzed with anticipation. In several minutes, he’ll be finding you on his desk wet and needy. He hoped, at least. “He already can't stand up.” Your pussy is so pretty when in the light, especially when wet.  
“Too bad he doesn't have the cane yet. I'd have a laugh knocking it out from under him.” The two shared a half-hearted laugh, then she said, “I saw your mate the other day.”
“Your mate,” she repeated. “The Princess Lilith’s granddaughter. She's an absolute gem. I ran into her at the hardware place buying more gardening supplies. She's such a delight. You must bring her to the office party this year.”
“I wouldn't dream of taking anyone else.”
There was that word again: ‘Mate’. It had him thinking about it again. 
“But, I suppose you call her your ‘girlfriend’. All you young people use that word now.”
“It means the same thing,” they got off on the floor together. “They're interchangeable.”
“Barely,” she replied. “Girlfriend sounds so informal and distant. Mate,” she grinned fondly, “That one sounds much deeper.” 
“I suppose.”
Lucinda had a point. He thought about it as they parted ways. The word ‘girlfriend’ implied some kind of distance between the both of you. ‘Mate’ carried a sense of closeness: it meant a deep connection that others couldn’t explain. He liked the idea of you possibly being “The One”. His father never expected him to marry, and his mother's opinion didn't matter at all. Yet, the idea of you with his last name did not sound so bad. 
The tortured cries and pleas of the prisoners pulled him from his thoughts. Walking into a long hallway, he could hear his coworkers and their prisoners behind the doors. It became white noise at this point. He knew behind the steel doors, dozens of sinners fresh from the gates laid strapped to tables as a demon burrowed into their minds. Piece by piece, the demon pulled back the layers to see right into their soul. Seonghwa understood it to be an excruciating process to undergo. He’d seen it in the faces of those in his chair; he took in how they screamed and begged for mercy. He only laughed. Mercy? In Hell? Ridiculous.
The excitement fueled the arousal slowly rising inside him. Behind the door, he assumed, you’d be sitting on his desk with your legs apart for him. He turned the knob slowly and looked inside.
As he hoped, you sat propped up on your hands with your back to the door. By the way your feet were placed on the edge, he knew anyone who might be looking out the windows will see you splay out for them. You’d put on the outfit he requested, kindling his hardon. He closed and locked the door and walked over to you.
“There’s my sweet kitten,” he said, moving around the desk to you. “Oh, don’t you make a delicious sight?”
No panties, as requested, your smooth sex glistened in the sunlight coming from the wide windows. Without your bra, the shirt accentuated the natural curves of your breasts and the peaks of your nipples. You bit back your lip when he slid his hand from your knee to your inner thigh. He gave it a small squeeze as he stood in front of you. Seonghwa took a moment to caress and massage them in their bent position. You trembled each time his thumbs pressed to the sides of your sex before pulling back. His hands left your thighs for your sides, running up the dips of your waist to the bottoms of your breasts. He couldn’t stop himself from grazing your nipples through the shirt. He looked at your reactions while he lightly teased them. 
Eyes heavy with need and lust, you bit your lower lip to keep your moans from coming out. He saw the way your body slightly twitched whenever he touched your lower stomach, moving dangerously close to the bent position of your body. He sailed up your arms, moving up your shoulders to your neck where he pulled you in for a gentle kiss. There, he licked and tugged at your bottom lip with great risk to his own stability. He unfolded you from your position, letting your legs hang from the desk as his arms went around you. Being this close to you, surrounded by your sweet scent and feeling your soft skin made him understand what Lucinda meant. A mate is a partner for life. A mate is someone who's just as much a part of you as you are of them. Seonghwa slid a hand up the nape of your neck, touching your scalp and giving the roots a tender tug to keep you in place. As much as he loved his brothers, he found himself falling deeper in love with you.
Neither of you said anything as he removed your top, putting it to the side and giving him access to your naked chest.
“Undress me,” he said between kisses. “I want to feel your skin on mine.”
You started with his tie, removing the expensive gold pin and putting it on the desk. Heat flared in the middle of your passionate kisses. Seonghwa wanted to throw you onto the desk and pound you into the wood. Yet, he controlled himself. Donatien taught him all about self-control and restraint. He learned never to hasten the act. Drawing it out and letting it slowly simmer over time added to the bliss of the orgasm later. Seonghwa exhaled deeply once you unbuttoned his shirt, pushing it off his shoulders as you explored his torso. Your hands ignited him. Your delicate fingers traced the lines of his abdomen, sliding up them to his broad chest where your thumbs brushed his nipples. He shut his eyes to savor your lips dotting his neck and chest. He took in the softness sucking on the base of his neck; it was enough to bring a bit of pain before licking. The center of his pants grew tighter and more restrictive as his cock hardened. The feeling of your bodies brushing his stoked that further. He groaned when you nipped your teeth at his nipple, causing him to bring you to kiss him again. This didn’t stop you from pinching it instead. 
“How long?” he asked in a raspy breath, unable to stop kissing you.
“Not too long,” you answered.
“Did you cum at all?”
“Once. I wanted to save the other ones for you.”
He groaned after hearing this. Making a trail of kisses to your breasts, he took one nipple in his mouth. You started undoing his belt and the fly of his pants, whining at the slightest suggestion of his cock close to your hands. Your nipple hardly moved as his tongue flicked and rolled around it. The wrinkled areola tightened up to the pert tips, which he suckled softly before giving it a tender nibble. A low hum left him once you tugged down his pants, leaving his underwear on for the moment. 
“What else did you two do?” he asked, switching sides to repeat the action.
“I licked and stroked him back,” you said, grabbing him through his underwear. “I used my strap on him.”
“You did?” the picture he created pushed his hand between your thighs. 
“You said he couldn’t fuck my holes. You didn’t say I couldn’t fuck his.”
He chuckled through his teeth, giving your nipple another bite that made you jump. “Clever,” he groaned with one more suckle before gently laying you on the desk. “I bet he loved every second of it.”
“He did,” you said, straightening yourself on it. “Since he asked me to fuck him a few more times. I wish you’d been there too. Then you could’ve fucked me while I fucked him.”
“There’s always time for that,” he said, kissing down to the waistband of your skirt. “Right now, I want you to myself.”
He took a seat at the desk, and raised your skirt up to your stomach. Being close to your sex this way made him salivate. Your velvety folds showed small glimmers of your arousal, while your clit remained hard underneath its hood. Pulling at the top, Seonghwa stretched it upwards before giving it a gentle lick. You gripped at the bunched fabric of your skirt, ready for the waves of pleasure you’d soon be feeling. He loved knowing you anticipated it. He loved knowing how his tongue and fingers drove you over the edge over and over. It was like the prostitutes who used to come through his home: he’d be relentless and merciless when it came to that special place inside them. It made him feel powerful. It gave him control over them. 
He kept your pussy in this position as he lapped at it at a measured pace. You whimpered and cried out each time he swirled his tongue around your clit, jerking when he zigzagged over it right after. He licked down to your entrance, where more fluids leaked out when he dipped his tongue into it. The rim of your entrance opened easily at the tip sticking inside, your bumpy ridged walls nearly pulling at it each time he pushed inwards. He couldn’t get enough of your sweet taste. He’d choose your pussy over the finest meal Cook could make for him anytime.
You cried out when his fingers replaced his tongue. He’d seen loads of pussy in his life, but none as nice as yours. Perhaps it’s because he loved you, so he admired yours the most. Maybe your pussy really is the best he’s ever seen. Either way, he lazily traced the swollen lips with his tongue, barely grazing the aching clit and entrance. He dipped his fingers to the second knuckle to hear you mutter a curse under your breath. Seonghwa grew harder the longer he played with your sex. He rolled his fingers side to side over the nub of your clit; he drooled onto it to slicken the soaked puffy lips. You started playing with your breasts, needing more pleasure on top of what he’d given you, and he didn’t stop you. 
“You’re always so tight for me, Kitten,” he groaned when he slipped two fingers in sideways, watching your hole stretch to accommodate them. “Do you keep it that way for me?”
You nodded, “I don’t use toys or fingers when I touch myself. I only rub it so I keep your holes stay extra tight for you.”
He moaned internally when you said ‘your holes’ instead of ‘my holes’. The thought of owning you even without your collar made him harder. He fingered you slowly, watching his long fingers gleam with your juices. “How thoughtful,” he said, spitting on your clit again to spread it around. “All of my holes?” he asked, standing to push his wet fingers into your mouth. “Even your ass?” you only nodded while you sucked your juices from his fingers. “Let me see it then. Roll over for me.”
You stopped sucking fingers and shifted around until you were on your stomach. The anticipation made you grind into the edge of his desk, legs automatically spreading to give him more access to you. He dragged his hand up the backs of your thighs to then squeeze the bottom curves of your ass. When he gave one side a light tap, you twitched. Seonghwa continued doing this, keeping the slaps light and tender. He groped one cheek, seeing the fatty flesh knead like dough to his hand. Lifting and spreading them apart, he groaned seeing both entrances exposed to him now.  Your ass hole, clenched closed and hairless, fluttered when he slipped his tongue from perineum to the crack of your bottom. You trembled, but forced yourself to remain still. His tongue circling the rim of your ass, the other went back to caressing your dripping sex. You moaned when both digits stroked against your taut walls.
“Did Jongho lick you here, Kitten?” he asked, sliding over the rim of your hole while pushing two fingers deep inside you.
“Ye-yes,” you whimpered.
“Did he fuck you here?”
“Good girl,” he praised, flicking at it the way you enjoyed. He knew just the vulgarity of the act aroused you. “I’m putting a plug in you the next time I take you out,” he promised, stopping to watch your pussy stretch around his fingers. “Just so I can watch you squirm from it being up inside you while you sit. Would you like that?”
“Yes,” you said, “Yes, so much.”
He chuckled, “Dirty slut. You’d do just about anything, huh? There’s nothing off limits for you, is there?”
He gave your ass a light tap before sticking his tongue into your ass in time with his fingers. It was then he noticed it. Your ass grew just as wet as your pussy. He knew his servants’ backsides self-lubricated when stimulated, but yours never had. Perhaps it did and he didn’t notice with the lubricant and saliva applied beforehand. It tasted just as good. Seonghwa’s cock twitched against his stomach realizing that your body truly was made for fucking. You were a beautiful half-succubus with a gorgeous body that carried the endurance and stamina to keep up with the appetite of a full-blooded demon. It made him want you more.
“Master,” you breathed, clutching the edge of the desk as his fingers continued penetrating and circling your insides, “Please don’t stop. That feels so good.”
“I know it does,” he pushed both fingers in deep, watching your legs kick up as he wriggled his fingers in your pussy. “There’s nothing my kitten loves more than having both holes filled at the same time.” He kept pulling them in and out, listening to you become a whimpering mess in front of him. “It’s a shame I wasn’t blessed with two cocks,” he said, withdrawing them to go back to rubbing. “Then I can fuck these at the same time.” Still fingering your sex, he bent down to flick his tongue on your ass hole. “Wouldn’t that be wonderful, Kitten?” he asked, listening to you moan at his warm tongue. “Wouldn’t you like me having two dicks for you to play with?”
“God, yes. Oh fuck, that’d be a dream.” 
“I happen to know people who do,” he sneered, standing up from his chair. “They’d love to meet you,” he slapped your ass again before finally pulling his dick out. He let it rest on your ass, groaning at the contact and how large he looked in comparison. “You’d have no problem taking both if you can take mine,” he said, spitting on his tip to rub it over your leaking hole. 
The sudden touch made you twitch and kick a leg up. Sensitive too. He loved that about you. The image of you taking more than one always excited him. He slid his head down to your pussy, rubbing his throbbing tip on it in slow circles.
“Master,” you whined, “Put it inside me, please. I need it so bad, please.”
“Is that right?”
In all honesty, he tortured himself as much as he did you. As he sunk up to the head, he hissed through his teeth. Your heat tried pulling him further, with your hips pushing back into his before he held you in place.
“I asked you a question, Kitten,” he said, “Is that right?”
“Yes, it is.”
“How badly do you need it?” he withdrew to rub himself against your clit.
“Really, really, really bad.”
“Show me,” he said, removing his hands from your waist and lining himself up with you. He brushed the very tip of himself to you, “Show me how bad you’ve been wanting it.”
Your lack of hesitation amused him. Instant satisfaction came when you sunk your aching cunt onto his cock. His dick sliding in and out, filling and stretching you while you bounced against his hips became a mesmerizing sight. You kept your hands flat on the desk, legs further apart as you backed up against him as much as you could. Each time his tip reached your g-spot, he felt you grip him tighter. The tight sensation started in his balls, threatening to rise up to the base of his cock where his dick suddenly became sensitive. Pulling your buttocks apart, he spat onto your ass and started rubbing it. Slick, clear fluid lubricated your hole enough for him to slide two fingers inside. Neither pushing or pulling, he kept his fingers knuckle deep as a toy might. This had you grinding and rocking up to his balls, enjoying the whirl of sensations he created for you.
Soon enough, Seonghwa saw you clawing his desk and shuddering as your orgasm approached. This urged him to hold you by the hip and start thrusting with the same speed as before. The sound of his balls slapping your throbbing clit and your ass hitting his hips brought you right to the brink.
“May I cum, Ma-M-Master?” you whined.
“Yes, you may, Kitten.”
With a few more thrusts, your entire body stiffened at the climax. Thighs shaking, hips desperately meeting his own, your back arched as you moaned freely. He felt your pussy thickly coat him in your cum, making a sticky mess over his balls in the process. Seonghwa kept going even when your orgasm started subsiding.
“On your knees,” he ordered, taking in deep breaths as he pulled out. “I’m going to cum down your pretty throat.”
Immediately, you got into position and opened your mouth. Hands holding you by the hair, Seonghwa shoved himself inside your mouth. The back of your throat squeezed and hummed around his tip, causing him to hold you there for several seconds at a time. His orgasm finally arrived when you cupped and rubbed his ballsack. Your warm hand smearing your cum over each sensitive side had Seonghwa burying his dick deep. Spurts of thick cum squirted into your mouth, and you did your best to swallow them quickly. His dick became incredibly tender to your soft lips and tongue, twitching as each stroke brought out more cum for you to taste. When he pulled out, you spat what remained in your mouth back onto his tip to stroke him with it. He watched in amazement, panting as his body relaxed, as you licked and sucked every drop you could.
“I want you to keep sucking it,” he said, slapping his dick onto your tongue. “I’m not done with you yet.”
He sat back in his chair as you continued sucking his cock. Seonghwa’s first orgasm didn’t soften him at all. It would take a bit more than that to satisfy him. Since you barely took him out of your mouth, the combination of spit, cum and precum created a creamy substance that leaked around your lips. You used it to jerk him off in tandem with your mouth. He could tell you wanted him to give you more. He noticed the hand you’d put between your legs and it excited him.
“Does sucking me off turn you on, baby?” he asked, stuffing himself into your throat before you could answer. He chuckled softly when you nodded, bobbing your head up and down but never taking him out completely. “Enough to cum while you’re doing it?” he smiled at your eager moans, and realized how you lightly and rapidly brushed your clit. “I want you to do that for me,” he said, starting to guide your head on his dick, “I want my slut to cum while I’m fucking her mouth. I’d love that more than anything.”
Your obedience astounded him. He loved your duality. With Jongho, you’re a dominating mistress who keeps him on edge for hours. With him, you’re a submissive eager to serve. Seonghwa’s jaw fell, realizing you’d kept yourself on the edge of another orgasm the entire time. He saw it in quaking shoulders and high muffled moans. He held you in place again as he took control, eager to make you cum from oral alone. In a few more thrusts, you began trembling and moaning around his girth. Even through the gagging and choking, he knew your orgasm when he saw it. You wriggled around on the floor, unable to get a hold on yourself as you came on your hand. When you finished, Seonghwa pulled out and brought you onto his lap. By your hips, he started pushing into your tight walls once more.
“God, you’re so fucking perfect,” he groaned, hearing the slick sounds of your cum mixing with his own inside you. “You’re such a good whore,” he said, not holding back with his thrusts. “A good whore that’s going to keep making me cum until I say so.” 
“Because your dick is so good, Master,” you said in his ear, holding onto his shoulders until your nails dug into his skin. “It’s big and thick and-a-and you fuck me so good and for so long. Please, keep fucking me. Make my pussy your cocksleeve to-to use whene-ever you want.”
“Don’t tempt me,” he growled, getting closer to another orgasm, the oversensitivity starting to hit him down to his toes. “I will.”
“Do it. Do it, please.” 
He wrapped his arms around you, smacking and grabbing your ass as you rode him in his chair. He teased and fingered your ass to his heart’s content before he felt his next climax approaching. You kept riding, not breaking or faltering, and moaned when more hot cum sprayed over your insides. Seonghwa’s head fell back as his body arched to the overwhelming sensations taking over. Every part of him became sensitive to the touch, adding and pushing his orgasm to a boiling point. Even as he started coming down, you kept going. It seemed neither of you could stop. Your bodies became too accustomed to the pleasure, and you found yourselves addicted to it.
But all good things must come to an end. After bringing each other to a third and final orgasm on the floor, Seonghwa pulled out and fell onto the carpet beside you. Neither of you spoke for a long while. Every muscle in his body softened into jelly, and he knew he’d be laying there far past his lunch time. Strangely enough, this was his favorite part. The content, euphoric feeling in a post-orgasm glow was better than any wine or drug he could take. It felt better when it happened to be with someone he loved.
“Come home with me,” you said hoarsely under a whisper. Too much talking often aggravates your itchy throat. “Please?”
“Will you be my mate?” he asked, ignoring your plea. 
You didn’t answer right away, which brought on a pang of dread. He thought of what you said, and feared it might’ve been to lure him into sex with you. But then he felt your fingers slide between his as you spoke. 
The two of you wiped each other’s mouth with your discarded clothes, and shared a soft kiss. He’d found another mate to join his brothers, and he’d never let you go now. 
A/N: awww some fluffy stuff after all the sad stuff <3 I really appreciate all the love you guys are giving this fic. It's really great. Like and reblog as always <3
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winchesterwild78 · 2 months
The Hunter pt 1
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Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader (together), Sam Winchester, Jodie Mills, Bobby Singer x Reader (Uncle/Niece)
Warnings: mention of death, small age gap, mutual pining, language, fluff
A/N: I’ve been working on getting some stories out and it’s driving me crazy. I’m turning this one into a series, probably short(ish), not 100% yet. This story came to me after starting Supernatural again. We all know how Dean feels about relationships, but let’s just pretend he finally gave in. 😀 
This is my own work, please do not take it or copy it without my permission. It’s based on characters from Supernatural, but doesn’t follow the timeline completely. I wrote it fast and edited it fast. Please overlook any errors. 
Minors DNI 18+
You had lived with your Uncle Bobby since his wife, Karen died. Your parents were hunters and were killed on a hunt not long after Karen died. Bobby didn’t want you to stay in a foster home, so he took you in. You were the daughter of his brother, so it only seemed right. 
Living with Bobby was easy. He stayed out of your hair and you stayed out of his. You were almost 18 years old when you moved in, so he didn’t have too many rules. The rules he gave you were pretty easy to follow: Always carry your gun/knife with you, keep your cell phone on you at all times, home by midnight, and above all else stay the hell away from Dean Winchester. 
You thought the last rule was hilarious. You of course knew who the Winchesters were. Their dad, John, had been on a few hunts with your parents. From what you knew Dean was about a year older than you and Sam was about 3 years younger. You hadn’t officially met them, so you weren’t sure why your Uncle Bobby had that specific rule. 
On the eve of your 21st birthday you went out with some friends from work. Bobby was tough around the edges, but even before you moved in with him he always made your birthday special. He was there for every birthday you’d had. 
When you arrived home from a night out you noticed a 1967 Impala in the driveway. It was gorgeous. As you approached the car you noticed it was well taken care of and you couldn’t help but stare. All black with black leather interior, and the backseat was pretty big too. You smiled at the thought of what kind of trouble you could get into in the backseat. 
Lost in your thoughts you didn’t see the man approaching you. “Like what you see sweetheart?” You jumped, startled at the voice. You looked up and saw a tall, broad, very handsome, green eyed man standing in front of you. “Oh, yeah. She’s beautiful. Is she yours?” “I wish, she’s my dad’s. Dean Winchester, and you are?” He extended his large hand towards you to shake your hand. 
You slid your hand in his and felt his firm hands grip yours slightly, “Um, I’m Y/N, I’m Bobby’s niece. Nice to meet you Dean.” You shook his hand but an urge inside you made you want to pull him in that backseat and let him do whatever he wanted to you. 
He smiled at you and took a step closer, “Oh, so you’re the birthday girl.” His breath brushed across your ear and neck as he whispered into your ear. A shiver went through your body. He smirked at the sight of it. You blushed and shook your head. “How did you know?” “Bobby had called dad about something he wanted to give you. We were in the area so we came in a day early. I think we’re crashing here tonight.” 
Inside your head was screaming at you to kiss him and take him right there. Now you understand why Bobby had the rule about him. You’d known him less than 5 minutes and you were willing to jump in bed with him. Was he a witch?! 
A few minutes later a taller man came out, and Dean introduced him as his baby brother, Sam. You smiled and shook his hand. He was sweet, and not as forward as Dean. This must be why Bobby didn’t have any rules about him, you laughed when you thought about it. 
It was getting late so the three of you went back into the house. “Hey, Uncle Bobby, I’m back.” You announced as you walked in. Bobby came around the corner and hugged you. “Glad to hear it kiddo. Did you have a good time?” You shook your head yes. 
There was another man standing next to Bobby. You extended your hand, “You must be Mr. Winchester. Uncle Bobby has told me so much about you and your boys.” You nodded in their direction. “Yes, you can call me John, and Bobby has told me so much about you too, Y/N. Glad he has someone around here to keep him out of trouble.” You both laughed as Bobby glared, “Idjit.” 
The five of you sat in Bobby’s living room chatting and having a good time. It was late and you were tired. As you stood up Dean jumped up too. John and Bobby looked at him and then at each other. You smiled at Dean then turned to everyone. “Well gentlemen, I’m beat. I’m heading to bed. See you all tomorrow. Good night.” Everyone said good night as you climbed the stairs you took one more look at Dean who was watching you go. You smiled softly at him until he was out of sight. 
“Don’t even think about it, Dean”, John practically growled. Dean looked at his father, jaw on the ground. “What are you talking about?” “Don’t play dumb with us boy, we saw how you looked at her. She’s still a kid, and you’re 22.” “I wasn’t thinking anything, besides 21 isn’t a kid anymore.” Bobby stood up and stepped closer, “Look here Dean, leave her be. She’s too sweet to get dragged around by you. We know how you are with the ladies.” 
Dean was genuinely hurt by the insinuation he would purposely hurt you. Dean threw his hands up in defeat. “Whatever guys. I’m heading to bed. Bobby, are you okay with me crashing in the guestroom or do I need to sleep outside?” Bobby rolled his eyes and Dean walked up the stairs. 
At the top of the stairs he saw the bathroom light on and the door cracked a bit. As he walked by he looked in and saw you brushing your teeth. He smiled because you looked rabid with all the toothpaste foam coming out of your mouth. 
He walked to the guest room and started to dig out his stuff for bed. He usually slept in his boxers, but since you were there he was going to wear his sleep shorts. “Shit!” You heard coming from the room as you walked past. You knocked softly on the door. When the door opened you saw Dean standing there without his shirt on. 
Your brain stopped working and you stood there blinking at him. It was like your eyes were snapping pictures for later. “Hey, sweetheart, you okay?” He asked, breaking the awkward silence between you two. “Um, yeah, are you okay? I heard you yell “shit” when I was walking by.” “Yeah, I just realized I forgot my sleep shorts.” He ran his fingers through his gorgeous light brown hair. “Oh, okay. Well maybe Uncle Bobby has something you could borrow.” 
Dean chuckled, “Yeah, maybe.” “Well, I’ll leave you to it. Good night, Dean.” “Good night, sweetheart.” Your heart fluttered every time he called you that. You weren’t sure why, but a warmth also spread through your body. No! Uncle Bobby said absolutely no relationship with Dean! Stay away from him! 
You walked away with a slight smirk on your face and a tinge of red on your cheeks. Dean watched you as you disappeared in your room. When he turned to head towards the bathroom Sam was standing there. “Dude, what are you doing? Dad and Bobby both said to stay away from her.” “I’m not doing anything, Sammy. She knocked on the door and we chatted. That was it.” “Uh huh, sure Dean. I know when you’re into a girl. Just please stay away from her. She’s too sweet to be hurt by you. Mister “I don’t do relationships.”” 
“Whatever Sammy. I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.” Dean went to the bathroom to get ready for bed and went back to the guest room. He was completely aware you were on the opposite side of the wall. He stripped down to his boxers and crawled in the bed. 
Bobby always had the best mattresses and Dean loved staying there. As he layed in the bed he smiled at the thought of you and your rabid looking mouth while brushing your teeth, or the faint pink in your cheeks when you got embarrassed. He sighed deeply. He knew he wasn't good for you. Sam was right, he didn’t do relationships. He did one night stands and left a trail of broken hearts. He knew you deserved better. 
You laid in your bed, your mind racing. He was a gorgeous man. One you could see yourself with. The only problem was Bobby. You loved your Uncle, and trusted him. If he said Dean was bad news, then maybe he was. When he touched you though, you felt it through your body. You couldn’t believe how your body responded to him when you saw him without his shirt. You weren’t a virgin, but damn you’d never been with anyone who looked like him. You stared at your ceiling wondering what he was doing on the other side of the wall, and what he was wearing in that big, lonely bed, all by himself. You shook your head trying to rid it of those thoughts and images. 
Dammit you had to get those thoughts out of your head. They were staying a few days and you can’t drool over him the whole time he’s here. You rolled on your side and sighed. Sleep finally washed over you and you dreamed of Dean Winchester for the first time.
You woke up around 9am to the smell of coffee and bacon. You walked downstairs to see Bobby had put up a birthday banner and streamers in the kitchen. When you walked in you smiled. “Happy Birthday, kiddo!” Bobby walked over and hugged you, kissing the top of your head. “She’s not a kiddo anymore, Bobby. She can drink now.” John said as he gave you a side hug. “Happy Birthday, Y/N.”
You smiled and thanked them. Sam stood up and hugged you too, saying Happy birthday before he sat back down. Dean stood at the stove cooking and looked over at you. “Hey, birthday girl! Hope you’re hungry. I’m making bacon, eggs, hash browns, and toast. There’s coffee too.” “Thanks, Dean. That’s so sweet of you.” You smiled and walked over to the stove, “Need any help?” “Nope, I’ve got it, you go sit down and relax.” 
You nodded and smiled at Dean. He smiled back and bit his lip slightly. Sam, Bobby and John all exchanged looks. You sat down at the table with a cup of coffee. “So, what’s your plans today? Are you going out with your friends and boyfriend?” Bobby asked you. Dean’s head spun around at the mention of a boyfriend. “Nope, I hung out with my friends last night, and Alex and I broke up about a week ago. He was an ass, tried to force me into his backseat, so I broke his nose and kicked his ass.” Everyone laughed, “That’s my girl.” Bobby said proudly. 
Dean let out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding when you said you had broken up with your boyfriend. “I figured I’d spend the day with you guys.” You smiled over your coffee cup. “Breakfast is ready, ladies first.” Dean smiled as he handed you a plate. “Thanks Dean, this looks amazing.”
You grabbed a little of everything and sat down at the table. Everyone else grabbed a plate and as Dean was about to sit next to you, Bobby took the seat. Dean shook his head and sat across from you. Bobby kept glaring at Dean. You cleared your throat, “Dean, this is delicious. Thank you again for cooking breakfast.” You smiled at him. “You’re welcome sweetheart, anything for the birthday girl.” He smirked at you. John kicked him under the table and Bobby was staring daggers through him. 
After you finished eating you stood up to put your plate in the sink. Dean instinctively stood too. Bobby and John looked at each other and then back at Dean. Dean sat back down. “Well guys, I’m going to go shower. I’ll be back in a little bit. Bobby stood up, “Okay, take your time.” He kissed your head and you left the room. 
Before you got too far away you heard Bobby and John lay into Dean. “Dean, we told you to stay the hell away from her. What’s gotten into you? Telling her anything for her, standing when she stands. You’re acting like a lovesick teenager.” “Look Bobby, I know you love her and want to protect her, but seriously? Why do you hate the idea of me being with her? She’s 21 and I’m 22. It’s not that big of an age difference. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.” 
“Dean, I know you mean well, son, but you have a history of sleeping with women and leaving them. I don’t want that for her. She deserves better than that.” “Oh, now I get it, you think she deserves better than ME!” Dean growled. “Dean, that’s not what I meant.” Bobby said. “Well, you know what, maybe she does deserve better than me! Maybe all of you would be better off without me in your lives.” Dean yelled and slammed his fist on the table. You jumped and climbed the stairs. 
Dean left the kitchen and walked upstairs to his room and slammed the door. You were still in your room getting stuff ready for your shower. You heard him in the room. He was mad and cursing Bobby and his dad. You walked out of your room towards the shower. You stopped outside his room and took a deep breath, then knocked. 
“What?!” Dean yelled as he swung open the door. “Oh, sorry, Y/N. I didn’t realize it was you.” “You looked at Dean and could see so much hurt in his green eyes. It broke your heart. “Dean, thank you again for making breakfast. That was really sweet of you.” Dean smiled, “You’re welcome, sweetheart.” There it was again, “sweetheart”. It had your thighs clenching together. 
You’re not sure what came over you, but a surge of courage ran through your body and you stepped closer to Dean. He stepped closer to you and put his hands on your waist. Your heart was racing, but you stepped closer and now your hot breath was mingling with his. His hand gently brushed your face and he cupped your cheek. You leaned forward, stopping halfway. Dean leaned the rest of the way and your lips lightly brushed against his. He pulled you closer and his lips captured yours. Moans left both of you as his hand traveled to your hair, pulling you closer.
Your hands instinctively went around his neck. Dean’s tongue ran across your lips asking for entrance. You parted your lips slightly and Dean’s tongue plunged in and fought your tongue for dominance. The kiss seemed to last for hours. Neither one of you wanted to pull away. Finally the need for air became overwhelming and you both parted. Pants filled the air as the two of you took in the needed air. 
Your lips were on fire and you could feel the slick between your legs. You noticed Dean’s not so little problem in his jeans and you bit your lip. “Wow, sweetheart. That was unexpected, good, but unexpected.” You blushed a little. “Yeah, sorry if I overstepped. I’ve just been dying to kiss you, Dean.” “Don’t be sorry, I’ve been dying to kiss you too.” 
He smiled and pulled you back flush to his body. “Maybe we can do it again.” He leaned down and kissed your lips softly. “Dean, I need to go shower. I’ll be back soon.” You kissed his lips again and walked away. 
Dean ran his hands through his hair. He knew he was in trouble, and not just with his dad and Bobby. That kiss set his soul on fire, and you consumed his every thought. Shit! What am I going to do? That kiss was amazing, but Bobby and Dad told me to stay away. How can I? Her lips, her smile, her body. God! It’s driving me insane.
You climbed in the shower once it was hot enough and let the water wash over you like a warm blanket. You just kissed Dean. Bobby and his dad were against any type of relationship, but how could you not. He was so sweet, and that kiss was amazing. Besides, you were 21 and could date whoever you wanted. 
Dean sat on his bed and ran his fingers through his hair. Shit! Dad and Bobby were adamant about not doing anything with her, but man that kiss. Ugh! He was lost in thought when Sam stepped in the room. “Hey, Dean. Earth to Dean!” “Oh hey, Sammy. What’s up?” “What’s up with you, I called your name like 5 times.” “I screwed up Sammy. I kissed Y/N and it was amazing.” “Dude, you heard Dad and Bobby! They are going to kick your ass.”
“Don’t you think I know that? Sam, what am I going to do? I really like her, I’m drawn to her and attracted to her.” “Dean, I don’t know what to tell you. You just don’t do relationships. I don’t blame you. It’s hard to maintain one with what we do.” “Yeah, but Sam she’s in the life too. Maybe it won’t be hard.” Sam shrugged, “You still have to convince Dad and Bobby.”
Dean shook his head. He knew what Sam was saying was true, but he needed you. Sam left the room and headed back downstairs. You came out of the bathroom, dressed but your hair still wet. You passed Dean’s room and saw him sitting on the bed.
Stepping in the room you walked up to him. Dean lifted his head and smiled. “How was your shower, sweetheart.” You blushed, “It was good. I couldn’t wait to get out so I could do this again.” You leaned down and kissed his lips. He stood, not letting your lips fall from his and deepened the kiss. You felt his hands roam over your body and you moaned. 
“Dean, I need you.” You whispered. “I know sweetheart, me too. We have to be patient.” You groaned and pulled back. “I don’t understand why Bobby and your Dad are so against this. We’re both adults and can make these decisions without them.” Dean pulled you closer, “I know, but we have to be smart about this. We will figure it out.” Dean kissed your forehead and you nodded. 
You walked to your bedroom and made your bed. A few minutes later Bobby was at your door. “I can’t believe you’re an adult, Y/N. Your parents would be so proud of you, I’m so proud of you.” He crossed the room and hugged you tight. “Uncle Bobby, I can’t breathe.” You both laughed. “Hey, Uncle Bobby, can I ask you something?” “Sure, kiddo, what’s up?” “Why don’t you want me to have anything to do with Dean?” You asked nervously. 
Bobby sighed, “Look, he’s a great kid, an amazing hunter, but he doesn’t have relationships. He sleeps with a woman and leaves her the next day. I don’t want that for you.” Your heart ached hearing that Dean slept around. You weren’t sure why you felt that way, but you couldn’t shake it. “What if he was willing to change?” Bobby took your hand, “Oh baby girl, I wish I could say he could, but I can’t. If he changed then maybe I’d be okay with you two being together. I just don’t want to see you hurt.” 
You sighed. You knew he was only looking out for you. “Look, let’s focus on your birthday. What do you want to do today?” Bobby said with a smile. “Honestly, I’d like to work more on my car with you if that’s okay.” “Sure, let’s see if we can get the others to help out. They are good with cars.” You nodded enthusiastically. Bobby stood up and so did you. He hugged you tightly, “I’m just trying to protect you from getting your heart broken.” “I know, I appreciate it, but you know you can’t protect me forever.” “I know, and that kills me.” You hugged him one last time before you two walked into the hallway. 
Dean was walking out of his room and you made eye contact. He looked hurt. Did he hear what Bobby said to you? “Hey Dean, want to help us with Y/N’s car today? She’s rebuilding that old mustang and it’s almost done.” “Sure, I can help.” Dean sounded different. Almost small. Bobby walked around and headed back downstairs. 
“Hey, Dean, are you okay?” You touched his arm and he stopped and turned towards you. “Yeah, um, I just have a lot on my mind.” He moved his arm away from you. “Dean?” He turned back to face you, “What Y/N?” “Are you sure you’re okay? Something seems wrong.” Dean’s jaw clenched, “No! I’m not. You know what, this (he motioned between the two of you) isn’t going to work out. You’re too young for me and I can’t be tied down with a relationship. I like to have fun and being with one girl isn’t fun to me.” He growled.
You flinched at his sudden change in tone towards you. “Okay, I’m sorry.” You whispered. Dean huffed and walked away. You turned back towards your room and closed the door before the tears fell. 
You sat on your bed and silently cried. Dean must have heard Bobby, but why would he take it out on you? You were in your room crying for a few minutes before you were able to pull yourself together. Quickly wiping the tears away, you stood and walked downstairs. 
Bobby was the first to see you and knew you had been crying. John saw you next and shot a look at Bobby and then Dean. Dean looked up and you thought you saw a hint of regret in his eyes, but they quickly turned emotionless. Bobby walked over to you, “Are you okay?” “Yeah, just sad. I miss mom and dad.” You weren’t lying, but that wasn’t the real reason you were crying. Bobby hugged you, “Me too, kiddo.”
“Okay, so who’s helping with my car?” You tried to change the subject. “I’m ready when you are. I’ll grab my keys and head over to the garage. I’ll meet you guys there in a few.” You grabbed your keys and headed out the door. Bobby’s land was filled with cars, scrap, and a huge garage where your car was. You and Bobby started to fix it up shortly after you arrived and you found it sitting in pretty good condition. Bobby said it wouldn’t be hard to get it up and running, and you figured it would be therapeutic for both of you to work on it together. 
You walked in the garage and uncovered your car. You took a step back looking at her. “She’s beautiful.” You heard Dean say behind you. You turned and looked at him, regret in his eyes. “Thank you, Dean.” Dean stepped closer to you, “Hey, can we talk?” “Unless it’s about the car, I think you said everything you needed to say to me upstairs.” 
Dean started to step closer and you backed away, “Dean, I get it. You like your freedom and a different girl every night. Maybe you thought you could screw me and then leave. I was stupid enough to actually think I would end up in your bed, in your life but thank you. Thank you for saving me from that. Bobby and your Dad were right, you aren’t good for me. Now if you’re going to help with my car, help. If you want to talk about anything else, there’s the door.” 
Dean’s jaw clenched. He did this, he can’t be mad at you. He pushed you away, now you’re doing what you can to protect your heart. “Fine! You know what, I’m not going to sit here another damn minute and listen to you, Bobby or my Dad tell me what a fuck up I am. Tell my dad I’m going to the bar.” 
He stormed out of the garage and you leaned against the workbench. Your heart was broken. You knew he was going to get drunk and pick up a woman. You were lost in thought when Sam, Bobby and John walked in. “Hey, Y/N, where did Dean go?” John asked, looking around. “Oh, um, he said he needed to run into town.” You couldn’t bear to see the looks on their faces if you told them Dean went to the bar. They’d know something was wrong. 
The day passed quickly and your car was up and running. You were beyond thrilled. Sam and John definitely helped work their magic and your car was purring like the day she rolled out of the assembly line. You asked Sam if he wanted to take a ride into town with you, and he jumped in.
“You kids have fun, and be safe.” Bobby said as he closed your door. “Hey, pick up whatever you want for dinner too.” Bobby handed you some money. “Thanks Bobby, see you shortly.” You said as you hugged him. 
As you drove towards town Sam was grinning ear to ear. “She sounds good, Y/N.” “Yeah, thanks to you and your dad.” Sam nodded and looked out the window. “So, what happened to Dean? He told me he was coming outside to help with the car and then he was gone.” Sam asked, breaking the silence.
“Um, well honestly we got into an argument and he left, he said he was going to the bar. I didn’t want to say anything to your Dad or Bobby.” Sam looked at you, “What were you two arguing about?” “I kissed him, he kissed me back. We were stealing kisses when we could. I guess he heard Bobby talking to me today. I asked Bobby why he was so against me being with Dean and he told me about Dean picking up different women and sleeping around. How he doesn’t do relationships. If I’m being honest it kinda stung knowing Dean slept around.” 
“That still doesn’t explain why he got so mad at you, he knows how he is and is often proud of it.” “Yeah, I don’t know. He told me we wouldn’t work out, that I was too young for him and he didn’t do relationships. When he came into the garage he wanted to talk and I shot him down. I don’t know Sam, maybe I should have heard him out.” You sighed. Sam took your hand and gave you a little squeeze, “No, you had every right to be upset and not hear what he had to say.” “Thanks Sammy.”
You drove around a little longer and pulled into the local bar and grill. Sam looked at you confused. “They have the best food. We can go in, we just can’t get alcohol. Come on, let’s get some dinner. I’m assuming you know what your Dad and Dean like to eat.” Sam nodded. 
When you walked in, a middle aged woman walked over to you and gave you a hug. “Hey Y/N, Happy Birthday! Figured I’d see you today. Who’s this handsome young man with you?” She looked at Sam who was turning bright red. “Hey Cindy, this is Sam. His dad is friends with Uncle Bobby. They are in town for a few days and I wanted to bring him out to show him around.” She smiled and nudged you, “He’s a tall, handsome one, ain't he?” She winked at you. “Cindy, we are just friends.” You laughed. 
She took you two over to a booth and you sat across from Sam. Scanning the room you noticed a man at the bar with his back to you. From behind it looked like Dean. Surely it wasn’t. Sam followed your eyes to the bar and then sighed deeply. “It’s Dean, isn’t it?” You asked. Sam nodded. “Dad is going to be pissed he’s drinking right now.” 
Sam got up and walked over to the bar while you sat in the booth. Dean looked over his shoulder towards you and scoffed. Sam walked back over looking defeated. “Is everything okay, Sam?” “No, Dean is already drunk and he’s being a dick. I wouldn’t go over there if I were you.”
When Cindy came back you placed your to-go orders and sat waiting. The whole time your eyes were on Dean. He had downed at least 3 glasses of whiskey while you sat there. You had had enough and stood up. Sam grabbed your arm, “I’m telling you, Y/N. Dean can be an absolute dick when he’s hurting and drunk, just please let it go.” 
“I’ll be fine Sam.” You shrugged off his arm and walked over to the bar. The bartender Jacob noticed you and walked over. “Hey girl, Happy Birthday!” He came around the bar and pulled you into a tight hug. “Hey Jacob. Thanks!” “Hey, you can finally order something from the big kid menu.” He teased you. You playfully slapped his arm. 
Dean was watching the interaction and you could see his body stiffen. “So, I heard you beat up Alex and broke up with him.” Jacob laughed. “Yeah, the guy was an ass. Tried to force me in his backseat.” “He’s a dick and you’re better off without him. So, what brings you here today? Want me to make you something?” “As much as I would love that, I have to drive. I’m just here picking up food. You see that guy over there?” You pointed towards Sam. “Yeah, the tall, handsome one.” Jacob said. You laughed, “yeah, well him, his dad, and Uncle Bobby helped me get my car up and running. So I took her for a drive.” 
“Oooh, and you brought the handsome one over there with you?” “He’s just a friend, Jacob. Besides, I had my eye on his older brother, but I don’t think that’s going to work out.” You glanced up at Dean and watched his body language shift a little. “That’s a bummer, cause if he’s that good looking I can’t imagine what his brother looks like.”
“Yeah, his older brother is something to behold.” You knew Dean was listening to you. “He’s just a little shorter than Sam, broad shoulders, a toned chest, his body is sunkissed and lightly dusted with freckles, piercing green eyes, and soft pouty lips. His legs are slightly bowed, thick thighs you could ride for days, calloused hands, and he definitely is packing.” Jacob was fanning himself and you saw Dean smirk. “Damn girl, point me in the direction of that man, ASAP.” You laughed, you’re not his type, Jacob. Sorry.” 
“So why are you here and not riding that man until you both see stars?” “We had a disagreement and I, being stubborn, refused to listen to him. I wish I could talk to him and tell him I’m ready to listen.” “So tell him? Girl, if that man is as gorgeous as you say he is, then you should tell him.” “Maybe, the night is still young.” 
Dean lifted his hand up to get Jacob’s attention. You saw Jacob pouring Dean a cup of coffee. Jacob came back over to you, “Now that man, mmm I’d give my left hand for one hour with him. He looks like he’s been carved by Greek gods. I don’t know what way he swings though. He’s turned down everyone that approached him. I asked him why, and he said he’s got someone special at home.” 
You smiled at the thought of Dean turning down women as they approached him, and him telling Jacob he had someone special at home. You looked at Jacob and winked then walked over to Dean.
“Hey there handsome, what’s a guy like you doing in a place like this?” You giggled. Dean looked up at you and smirked. Sam was holding his breath across the room. “That's the best you got, sweetheart?” “Nope, how about, I lost my number, can I have yours?” You giggled and Dean smirked again. 
You touched his arm, “Dean, I am so sorry. I should have let you talk to me. I was hurt and just so disappointed. I really thought we might have something, then you said what you said and I was just sad.” “No, sweetheart, it’s me who should be sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you or taken any of that shit out on you. Come here.” Dean pulled you into a tight hug and pulled back. “Can I kiss you again?” No words were needed, you leaned forward and his lips captured yours in a heated kiss. Jacob was standing there with his jaw on the ground. 
When the two of you finally pulled away, Dean paid his tab and walked over to the booth where Sam was. Jacob shot you a smile and a thumbs up. Dean put his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him. Cindy returned not long after that with your food order. “Oh and Y/N, I put a whole pie in there for you for your birthday. It’s on the house. Happy Birthday again!” “Thank you Cindy, see you later.” “Wait, you like pie?” Dean asked excitedly. “Yeah, who doesn’t?” You laughed. “Oh, sweetheart, you are definitely a girl after my own heart. 
Part 2
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angelfacedelrey · 5 months
Unloved ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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luke castellan x aphrodite!reader
summary: luke confesses some his stuggles to you, then you confess some of yours to him.
words: 1.7 k
!! MAJOR ed tw !!
a/n: this is just me venting about my ed lol. this is my first fic so please be nice <3
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There was something off about Luke. You could tell the moment you saw him. Even though you’ve only been dating for 4 months now, you know when something is wrong. During the party that the Dionysus kids insisted they threw (for pretty much no reason), he wasn’t his usual smiley and outgoing self. He seemed reserved and quiet. You were outside the dining pavilion talking to some other kids from camp. In the glow of the torches, everyone was laughing and having a good time except for him. You weren't either, but you tried to look like you were. Your arm was wrapped around his as you leaned against him and listened to the conversation, though you couldn’t focus on what they were saying. You kept glancing up at Luke every minute or so to see if he looked any happier (he never did). 
After the conversation fades out, you pull him away to a quiet area and whisper to him, “Luke, are you okay… you seem… off.”
He sighs and looks away for a second before answering, “Let’s talk by the lake.” 
Anxiety grows in your stomach. What could this mean? You just nod as he grabs your hand and takes you to the lake. The water is pitch black in the night and there is a chill in the summer air. He lets go of your hand and looks down to see your face. 
“I’m sorry… there’s just a lot going on right now,” His hand scratches the back of neck as he says this. 
“You don’t have to be sorry, Luke. I’m listening,” you say, as you look him in the eyes and gently grab his hand. “I know it must be hard since Percy and Annabeth went on that quest, I know she was like a little sister to you.”
Nervously, he clears his throat. “Yeah, but, um, it’s not just that…”
“Oh…what is it?”
He sighs and lowers his head, “Look, just promise me that you won’t view me any differently after I tell you this.”
“No, no,” you say hastily, while shaking your head. “There’s nothing you could ever say to me that will make me view you differently, Luke. I’ll love you no matter what, I promise.”
Luke looks you in the eyes again. “Nothing?”
“Nothing,” a reassuring smile grows on your face.
He can’t help but smile with you. He’ll remember that. “Look, it’s just about my dad… Do you ever feel… betrayed by our godly parents?”
Taken aback by the question, you stop to think before answering. “Betrayed how?”
“Like, they just ignore us, like we’re nothing to them. Like we’re not even their children.”
“I-I guess so. I mean I feel like that sometimes.”
“That shouldn’t be how it is, though,” He sighs and keeps talking. “I don’t think Hermes even knows most of his kids. Most of my half siblings have barely met him, if at all. It’s just so… infuriating. He goes around, siring kids, and then sits up in Olympus and just leaves them. I’ve spent my entire fucking life wondering where my father is. Waiting for him to maybe one day come and talk to me or just acknowledge my existence. But, no. I’ve only met him once, because he can’t be bothered to get to know his own fucking kid!” 
For a moment, he runs his hand through his curls and exhales before he continues. “And what I’m about to say might sound… bad…but seeing Percy get claimed just like that after finding out he’s a half blood for, like, what a week? It just intensified everything I felt before… Like some kid just shows up and now he’s loved by everyone and claimed by his father. And yet, I fight everyday and what do I get? Nothing! I’m the best sword fighter in camp, I pray, I give offerings, I’ve done everything right. But it’s still not enough for him… I’m just so fucking tired of these Gods just doing whatever they want and not caring who they hurt…”
After saying all that he turns back to look at you. You're standing there in stunned silence, unsure of what to say. 
“Luke, I… I’m so sorry,” you walk over and give him a hug. He hugs you back and rests his chin on your head. A few silent moments pass as you stay like that. The sound of campers excitedly chatting and partying could be heard distantly behind them. 
“Do you see me differently now?” He asks, quietly.
You pull away, but keep your hands on his arms, gripping him gently. “No, Luke, I really don’t. I told you nothing you say will ever make me view you differently.”
“I know it’s just that… most people would think that I’m… weak for feeling this…”
“Weak?” You look shocked. “How could anyone ever think you’re weak? You’re one of the strongest people I know!” You kiss him softly on the cheek and smile reassuringly causing a slight blush to appear on his cheeks. 
“I understand what you’re saying, trust me. I, of all people, understand what it’s like to do your best to get your parent’s love and praise… and yet, it’s never enough,” You say, trying to give him a sympathetic look.
“You understand?” Luke asks, his face softening a bit. 
“I understand all too well…” You say with a humorless laugh. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love my mom, but…”
“Well, y’know with Aphrodite being the goddess of beauty and all…there’s, um, a lot of pressure for us to look a certain way…”
Sighing slightly, Luke brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Is this about… dieting?” He says it carefully, unsure of how to word it correctly. 
“Yeah,” you look away, ashamed to be telling someone this. “I’ve been counting calories since I learned to count. I obsess over every little thing I consume. I eat as little as I can, yet it always feels like too much. I go on runs or swims everyday… and it’s still never enough. I’m never thin enough… I love my mom, but… I can’t help, but feel like she made me start doing this.”
Now it’s Luke’s turn to stand there in stunned silence. “I had no idea… that you’re going through all this. I-I’m sorry, I should’ve noticed.” He thinks back to everyday in the dining pavilion when he’d look over to you at the Aphrodite table and see you playing with your food instead of eating. Or all the times when you’d say you weren’t hungry and would change the subject to anything besides food. Or all the daily runs he’d see you go on. Or, most concerning of all, the quick weight loss. How all your clothes that used to fit, now hang over your body like a shower curtain. Your once cherub-like face became pale and almost gaunt with dark circles under your eyes and a tired expression always. How has no one noticed? How has he never noticed?
You just shake your head and give him a gentle smile. “Luke, it’s okay. I tried my hardest to keep it hidden. Also, my mental state isn’t your responsibility…”
“But I’m your boyfriend,” grabbing your hands gently, he looks at you with a sympathetic expression. “It’s my job to care for you, especially when you’re… sick. Does anyone else know?”
“No,” you shake your head once more. “You’re the first person I told… It’s not a big deal, I’m not even that sick.”
“What?” He says, his eyebrows furrowing together as a shocked expression etches onto his face. “Not that sick? Y/N, you’re starving yourself! That sounds pretty sick to me.”
You just shrug in response.
“How long have you been doing this?”
“Since like,10 or 11. I told you, I’ve been counting calories since I learned to count.”
He stands there quietly for a bit, as his heart sinks. “That young?”
“Yeah,” you respond. 
“If you don’t mind me asking… How many calories do you eat in a day?”
“I-I don’t know,” you lie, you know exactly how many calories you consume, down to the stick of gum you’d chew for a snack. “Like about 400-800…” You try (and fail) to fight back a smile that grows on your face. Despite how unhealthy it is, you can’t help, but feel proud of it. 
Luke, on the other hand, just feels shocked and concerned. “That-that’s nothing… and for so long. Y/N, you need help. You’re killing yourself.”
“I know, believe me, I know… But I can’t stop.” 
He reaches up and cups your face, rubbing circles with his thumbs before kissing your forehead. “I wish you could realize you’re perfect the way you are. I wish you could see yourself the way everyone else does,” he says it softly. “I’d love you, no matter how you look.”
“Really?” You ask, while a blush appears on your cheeks.
“Really,” He says, tenderly grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him. You rest your head against his chest and once again, you stay like that for a while.
Slowly, you pull away and smile softly at him. “I’m getting tired, can you stay with me tonight?... Not to do anything, but just like to… be with me…” You hastily added the last part, but hesitated. Most guys don’t react kindly to you saying you don’t want to do anything.
“Of course,” Luke responds. “But can you do me a favor?”
“Can you try to… eat better tomorrow? Please, just try…”
You hesitate before answering, “I will. I’ll try.”
He smiles brightly, “That’s my girl.” He gently grabs your hand and walks you to Cabin 10.
You spend the rest of the night together in your bed. However, Luke doesn’t get much sleep. 
He holds you close to his chest as you sleep and thinks about everything you had told him. He hates himself for not noticing sooner. But a very small part of him feels relieved. If your mom caused you this much pain, then maybe convincing you to join him in taking down the Gods wouldn’t be as hard as he thought…
He hates himself even more for thinking that.   
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thatanimeramenchick · 7 months
Yandere! Lucifer visits the Hazbin Hotel because his daughter called him, but there he meets a human! Innocent! reader and Yandere! Alastor... Where the two of them start fighting over the reader...
Yandere Alastor vs Lucifer and Human Reader
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Ha ha ha, I live for the chaos that this would be.
“You mean, she’s alive? Not an official sinner?” Lucifer asked.
“Yep,” said Charlie, “Um… we’re not quite sure how she got down here, to be perfectly honest, but she definitely doesn’t fit the sinner criteria in looks or attitude.”
You hesitate before you give a small curtsy to the king of hell. You weren’t sure if the act was going to count against you when you actually died for real, but who knows, maybe he’d be as nice as Charlie was? Either way, Charlie was a good girl, and you wanted to help her out. Surely no one could blame you for being kind to someone, even if that someone is the King of Hell himself.
“Nice to meet you, your highness,” you say, voice timid.
“It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen a… living human,” Lucifer said, circling you, as if you were a rare exotic animal, “It’s been decades. Centuries even. And you don’t know how you got down here?”
“No, your highness,” you said, “I really don’t know what happened. I-I just ended up here somehow.”
“And no way to get back home either, I’m assuming?” he said, “How odd. Must find it terrifying down here, not to mention dangerous.”
Charlies chuckles a little, but you see a certain nervousness in her eyes. Your safety had been the talk of many stressful meetings.
“We do keep her as secure as we can,” she said, “Considering she’s so vulnerable down here she stays in the hotel pretty much all the time.”
“Ah, yes,” said Alastor, who seemed to be butting into every conversation poor Charlie was trying to hold with her father, “This little lady here, I assure you, she is under the strict protection of the hotel. The very best, as I tend to her safety personally.”
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders as he said it, pulling you closer to him. The touch startled you, as he wasn’t one for physical affection. In all honesty, you don’t recall him ever touching you in any way ever other than the brief handshake you had shared on meeting. You tense a little at the unexpected contact.
Lucifer’s eyes turn to Alastor and narrow. He looks at him like one would look at a spider crawling on the wall. A chill runs through you with the amount of malice in his eyes.
“… I’m sure you do,” he finally said.
His eyes return to you, a hint of curiosity in them, most of the malice gone.
“But! I’d be more than happy to assist in this matter,” he continued, “I’m not sure if there is anything we really can do as far as sending you back up to earth, but I can do my best to make sure you stay safe. Demons are fine and dandy, but there’s nothing like a royal seal of protection. You haven't made a deal, have you?”
As you shake your head, Alastor’s grip tightens, making your shoulder ache. You worry he’s going to claw through your blouse and into your skin if he’s not careful.
Saying you were uncomfortable would be the understatement of the year.
Lucifer Morningstar
Lucifer would have a clear upper hand in this situation, and oh, the nostalgia you would bring! He’s had plenty of experience getting innocent, naive human women to warm up to him, both in the romantic department and outside of it. While he is a bit out of practice, if he actually tried, I could see him using all of his experience, charm, and knowledge to seduce a shy girl out of her shell.
If you’re still a living human, he’s going to be quite protective of you. You want to leave the hotel? Have you gone straight mad? Honestly, if he had it his way, Charlie wouldn’t let you out of your bedroom with those nasty sinners crawling around the hotel. Do you want to end up as corrupt and filthy as the rest of hell? Perhaps he can talk to Charlie and convince her that you need to be taken somewhere more… secure.
Once he finally moves into the hotel, the real battle is going to begin. He'll be seeing you regularly and therefore make it impossible for him to push you out of his mind. And he has to put up with Alastor's antics now on a daily basis.
While he'd like to think he's levelheaded and mature, I can see arguments with Alastor quickly spinning out of control and getting very personal and very nasty fast. The only thing holding him back from just killing him after a certain point is the fact that Charlie likes him as much as she does.
Part of me would wonder if he actually even likes you or if he just wants to mess with Lucifer tbh.
All jokes aside, Alastor would be pissed. He knows that Lucifer is more powerful in every sense of the word, and he can’t do a thing about it. Well, at least nothing that really matters. He’s simply going to have to be more charming than Lucifer is, to the point where you prefer him.
He’s going to pull out all the stops of being a suave southern gentleman. While Lucifer will try to wow you with bombastic displays that only he can provide, Alastor will offer himself as the sweet, traditional lover that has your back. He's a distinguished romantic compared to this circus leading clown. At least that's what he'll want you to think. When it comes down to it, Alastor has far less experience than Lucifer with women and romance.
Also I see him as being one of those people who’s like, “Since I know I can’t lift myself up more, I’m dragging this asshole down to my level.” Verbally throws barbs at Lucifer, both to piss him off and to try to make him look worse in your eyes. He’d have a real hayday if he can provoke Lucifer into saying or doing something that scares you.
Even when Lucifer’s not around though, he’s the type to plant ideas in your mind that the king of hell is simply not a good match for you. He’d use his verbal skills to make Lucifer look less attractive in your eyes or to make you feel like it would be unwise to get in a relationship with the literal Devil.
I’d like to think you’d turn them both down, but they’re both too polite towards women to be that forceful with you, so instead they just butt horns for what feels like eternity over who should have you. Clearly it’s the other guys fault that you don’t want him, not yours! Then when you finally die, you go to heaven, leaving them both quite upset about the whole situation.
But if things did get ugly and push came to shove, Lucifer would definitely win. At this point in the game, Alastor doesn't stand a chance. Hope you enjoy solitary confinement!
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miradors · 3 months
pretty girl
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: 3,789
Warnings: bottom!jake, feminization/forcefem, crossdressing, rimming, fingering [m.], pegging, pet names, dirty talk, use of the word pussy (directed at m.)
A/N: please make sure you read the warnings, as this fic will probably not be for most people! also this is the first time i’ve ever written anything like this so pls be gentle with me but i hope u guys enjoy bc this was a labor of love <3
crossposted to ao3
Your bedroom door creaks open as Jake steps back into the room, carrying the bottle of chardonnay you had started at dinner, and two plastic solo cups stacked together in his other hand. He hands you one before filling your cup and resuming his spot on the bed.
“Nice cups,” you giggle. “Very classy.”
Jake playfully elbows your ribcage and grins. “Hey, I only have two hands,” he flashes a smile, pouring some into his own cup, only spilling a little bit. “Unless you want to deal with broken wine glasses.”
“Okay, fair enough. That just means less dishes for me to do,” you smirk, taking a sip.
You put your arm around Jake’s shoulders, inviting him to lie back against the headboard. He turns slightly into your warm embrace and rests his head on your chest. “Did you decide on a movie?”
“Yeah, what do you think of this one?” You ask, gesturing toward the movie preview you had pulled up on the television.
You watch his gentle, deep brown eyes flit back and forth over the words on the screen, and then back up to meet your gaze.
“Sounds like it’ll be good,” Jake nods, turning his attention back to the screen.
“Okay, good. I’ve been wanting to watch this with you for a while now,” you say, running a hand through his silky hair and gently scratching his scalp, before grabbing the remote beside you and pressing play on the film.
You feel a shiver run through his body as he nudges closer to you, sliding an arm underneath your sweatshirt and resting it across your stomach. He absentmindedly glides his fingertips over your skin, smiling when you tell him that it tickles.
Jake brings his hand out from under your shirt while the movie’s opening credits conclude, now absentmindedly toying with the hem of your sweatshirt.
You love it when he’s soft and vulnerable with you like this; leaving sweet little touches while he traces the details of your body or playing with your hair while he’s nestled into your side. Of course you love when the roles are reversed, as they usually are, but there’s something incredibly special about getting to see Jake’s gentler, submissive side that you love so much. He deserves to be taken care of and made to feel as pretty and special as he makes you feel.
He pulls your shirt up ever-so-slightly, just enough to reveal your underwear. He innocently dips his fingertips underneath the lace and begins playing with the fabric, lifting his head up to take a look when he realizes he doesn’t recognize the texture.
“Are these new? They’re pretty,” he looks up at you with his doe eyes.
You stroke the side of his face. “Yeah, they’re new. You like them?”
Jake lightly bites his lip - not enough for you to tease him for it, but enough for you to notice. “I really like them..” he trails off, sounding like he has more to say, but he stays quiet.
You sit up slightly, sensing his urge to get something off his chest. “What’s wrong, bug?” you ask, furrowing your brows.
“Um..” he sighs. “Nothing. Let’s watch the movie, we’re missing important parts,” Jake says bluntly, refusing to meet your eyes while trying to distract you, regretting ever bringing anything up.
You feel around for the remote, pressing pause on the movie and sitting up the rest of the way. “Jakey, you’re scaring me,” you pout. “What’s wrong?”
Jake sighs and sits all the way up against the headboard, still not making eye contact with you. “I just..” he sighs again, knowing there’s no way out of this conversation. “There’s something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately but it’s really embarrassing for me to admit, and I’ve been too scared to ask you,” he stares at his lap, picking at lint that isn’t there.
“Jakey,” you say softly, extending a hand and caressing his cheek. “If it’s something that you want, there’s no reason to be embarrassed about it.”
He meets your gaze before quickly looking away again. “I’m just scared that you’ll think it’s weird, or it’ll make you think less of me or something.”
“Honey, have I ever asked you anything that made you think any less of me?” you try.
“Exactly,” you state plainly, moving your fingers from his face and taking one of his hands in yours. “So why would I think less of you? If there’s something that you want to try, I would be more than happy to do it with you. Just tell me what you need, baby.”
Looking everywhere but your eyes, he takes a deep breath to center himself. “Can I try on some of your lingerie?” he asks in the smallest voice possible. “I just.. I think I would really like it.”
Your stomach flutters, imagining Jake wearing one of your matching lacy lingerie sets. You try to speak but all you manage to get out is “Fuck, Jake…”
“It’s okay if you don’t want me to,” he turns his face away as a reddish glow spreads across his face. “I shouldn’t have brought it up.”
“Do you have any idea how fucking hot what you just said to me was?” You place your hand on his cheek and turn his head back to face you. “Jake.. of course you can. Will you? Please?”
“Are you sure?” he asks, not completely sure if you’re being serious.
“I’ve never been more serious about anything else, ever.”
“Okay,” Jake nods slightly. “Would you be upset if I asked you to wait outside while I change? I’m nervous..”
“Not at all, baby,” you assure him. “Come out and get me when you’re ready.”
Holding his face lightly with both hands, you trace your thumbs over his cheekbones before planting a gentle kiss on his lips. You climb out of the bed and make your way to the door, closing it behind you as you make your exit and wait for his cue.
The anticipation builds as you stand outside your bedroom door, waiting for him to finish searching through your drawer for the perfect set of lingerie. Your heart races as you hear the drawer close, and then the soft click of the door opening.
There he is; your gorgeous Jake, wearing a black lace bralette and a micro-skirt, just short enough to tease a sneak peek at a snug, black thong underneath. His hair is messy, his cheeks flushed, and his eyes sparkle with mischief. With a seemingly newfound sense of confidence, he opens the door wider and beckons you inside with a slight grin.
As you step into the bedroom, you're awestruck by the sight of him standing there, so beautiful and alluring in your lingerie. You circle slowly around him, taking in every inch of his body, admiring the way the skirt hugs his hips. He's even more stunning than you could have ever imagined he would be. You reach out to gently caress his chest through the lace of his bra, pinching a nipple that's already hard and aching for your touch.
He lets out a shiver, his eyes closing briefly as you caress him. "You like it?" he asks, his voice a whisper.
"You’re so beautiful," you reply, tracing the delicate lace of his bra with your fingertips, feeling a sudden wave of confidence crash over you as you meet his eyes. "Such a pretty girl."
He lets out a soft moan, and you can feel a shiver run through his body beneath your touch. "Fuck," he whispers, gazing up at you with a mixture of desire and vulnerability in his eyes. “Say that again, baby, please.”
“Yeah? You like when I tell you what a gorgeous girl you are?” You tease, admiring the way the lace of his bra hugs his chest. “My fucking girl.”
Jake lets out a loud moan and you can't help but feel a surge of possessiveness as you continue to trace your hands over his body, running your fingers over his strong shoulders, the smooth skin of his arms, his delicate waist, and finally reaching around and firmly cupping the rounded curve of his ass in your hands. He arches into your touch, letting out a soft groan that vibrates through your core.
"Jake..." you breathe, feeling the familiar heat rising in your chest. "You’re so fucking gorgeous.. I’m gonna make you feel so good, babygirl."
He looks up at you, his eyes darkening with desire, and then slowly leans in, pressing his lips against yours in a passionate kiss. His tongue darts out, seeking entry into your mouth, and you eagerly open up to him, letting him explore every inch of your tongue, every corner of your mouth. As your bodies melt together, you can feel the hard length of his cock pressing against your thigh, heightening the desire coursing through you.
Jake breaks the kiss, gasping softly, and looks at you with a mixture of love and lust. His hands roam over your body, across your chest, teasing your nipples through your shirt. He suddenly stops and pulls away from you with a mischievous grin spread across his face.
"I also found a little something else when I was digging through your drawer,” he trails off, turning toward the bed and bending over, his perfect ass on full display as he reaches for something under his pillow. Your palms start to tingle, wondering what he could have found as he smugly turns back to face you, dangling a modest-sized dildo and a matching harness in front of your face. “You never told me you had this,” he says plainly, raising his brows and flashing a sultry smile. “You’re gonna fuck me, right here, right now.”
His words send a shockwave through you, and you can feel your heart race with desire. You look deep into his eyes, nodding, and without warning, you spin him back around and lightly push him forward until he’s on his forearms and knees on the bed. He peers over his shoulder, watching you intently as you kneel between his legs, his eyes never leaving your face as you look down and take in the sight of him yet again.
“You want to get all dressed up like a girl? Then you’re gonna get fucked like one,” you say firmly, playing into it, fighting off a smile, as you’ve long-awaited this day.
You know he’s hard and ready for you, and it's all you can do not to reach around his slender body and stroke his cock right now. But you want this to be special, you want him to feel everything before he takes your cock.
With a slow and deliberate hand, you guide his body down even further; his chest against the mattress, his face pressed into his pillow. The position makes his ass stick out enticingly, and you can't help but let out a soft moan of appreciation as you run your hands over the back of his thighs.
You move closer, taking in the sight of his exposed, smooth skin and the way his ass cheeks are spread just enough to reveal his tight entrance underneath the skimpy micro-skirt and black thong. Your fingers dance over his skin, tracing gentle circles around his hole. He lets out a needy groan, thrusting his hips backward in response.
Unable to wait any longer, you lean in and kiss his ass cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin against your lips. Then, you flip his skirt up and gently nip at the string of his thong before pulling it aside, revealing his tight, pink hole. You breathe in sharply at the sight, feeling a surge of power course through you as you gaze upon his beautiful ass. Your tongue darts out, tracing circles around the puckered flesh, teasing and tormenting him.
“Oh fuck," Jake moans, arching his back into your touch.
With renewed eagerness, you begin to lick and suck on his hole, relishing the salty taste and the musky scent that fills your nose. Your hands grip his hips, guiding his movements as he begins to thrust his hips back towards you, meeting your tongue with each thrust. The sounds of his moans and gasps fill the air, drowning out any other noise.
Jake's body trembles beneath your lips, his muscles tensing and relaxing in time with your movements. His fingers clench into fists in the sheets, digging in as he struggles to maintain control. The way he arches his back as he pants and moans only serves to fuel your desire, making you want to please him even more.
“Fuck, baby,” he whines. “Eat my fucking pussy.”
You pull your head back before harshly spitting on his hole. “Yeah? You want me to eat you out like the pretty girl you are?”
You push your tongue deeper, not bothering to wait for his reply, feeling the hot, slick flesh of his entrance grip you tightly. You can feel the tremors running through his body as he fights for control, and it only makes you want to push him further, to make him lose himself in this moment.
Your hand moves down to cup his balls, giving them a squeeze as you begin to thrust your tongue in and out of his hole. His moans grow louder, more desperate, and you can feel the tension building within him. His muscles twitch beneath your lips as he clenches around your tongue, his hips bucking wildly. His ass feels impossibly tight, and you can't help but marvel at how perfectly he's made for this. You increase the pace, fucking him with your tongue.
The taste of him, the scent of him, it's all so intoxicating. You're lost in the sensation of having him pinned beneath you, his ass in your face. You feel so powerful, so in control, but at the same time, you're so acutely aware of how much he's in control of you.
You pull away from him, reluctantly removing your tongue from his ass, and watch as he gasps for air, his breath heavy as his chest heaves up and down. His eyes meet yours as he glances over his shoulder with heavy eyes, and he’s wearing a mix of desire and anticipation on his face. He blindly feels around for the strap, reaching over his shoulder to hand it to you after he locates it.
“Fuck me already, baby, please,” Jake whines, his voice raw with desire. “I need it so bad.”
"Jakey, are you sure this is okay?" you ask delicately, your voice barely above a whisper.
Jake nods, his eyes never leaving yours. "I need you inside me."
With a shaky breath, you lean back on the balls of your feet, guiding your legs off the bed and placing your feet on the floor. You stand and take a small step towards Jake, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple before stepping into the harness, getting used to the weight of the toy. You take your time adjusting it, making sure it fits snugly but comfortably, and then you turn back around to face Jake, taking in his beauty once more as he eagerly waits for you. A shiver of anticipation runs down your spine as you approach him.
You guide Jake’s body so his ass faces you as you stand at the edge of the bed, both of your feet still planted on the ground. You gently cup one of his hips with your hand, his skin warm and smooth beneath your fingers. You can't help but marvel at the trust he's placed in you, letting you take control like this. It makes your heart swell with love and desire.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good," you whisper, your voice hoarse with need. You dip your head down, allowing a strand of spit to fall from your lips onto his pretty pink hole.
You stand back up, your fingers guiding the strap toward Jake's entrance. The head of the toy nudges against his opening, and you feel a tremor run through his body at the thought of what’s to come. You push gently, slowly sliding the toy inside him, inch by slow, exquisite inch.
You pause, letting Jake adjust to the feeling of being filled, before beginning to push into him deeper, feeling the smooth surface of the toy slide past his inner walls. His breath hitches as his back arches, his hips moving back involuntarily, meeting yours.
"Oh fuck, you’re so big," he gasps, arching his back even further as you sink the toy to the hilt. "Please fuck me.”
You begin to thrust gently at his command, your hips moving in a slow, steady rhythm that matches the movement of Jake's body beneath yours.
"That's it, baby," you murmur, your voice raspy with desire. "You're such a beautiful girl." You pause for a moment, leaning forward to kiss Jake's shoulder. "You’re so nice and tight for me."
Jake lets out a shuddering breath, his body tensing as you begin to thrust harder. He whimpers, arching into you with every stroke. “Yeah? You gonna fill me up and make me cum?”
You push deeper, answering with a growl, "That's the plan, princess."
As you begin to thrust deeper, Jake's micro-skirt flutters and billows around his hips, moving with your thrusts. It's the most erotic sight you've ever seen, and it only serves to heighten the sensation between your legs. You can't help but pick up the pace, your hips moving faster, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
"Fuck, you’re so big," Jake moans, arching his back and dropping his head. "Tell me what a good girl I am." His words are punctuated by a high-pitched moan as you find his prostate, sending sparks of pleasure through his body.
You bite your lip as you whisper, "You're such a good girl for me.. taking me so well,” you reach forward and grab a fistful of his hair, pulling his body up so his back is flush with your chest.
You feel the muscles in his ass clench as you begin to thrust harder, faster. You groan into his ear, your hips moving with a force that you didn't know you possessed. His moans echo through the room, mingling with the sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the room.
Jake whines, arching his back further and attempting to steady himself as you pound into him. “Oh, baby, fuck my pussy,” he whimpers.
Your jaw hangs slack upon hearing his words, and it's all you can do not to cum just from that. The feel of his ass against your pelvis is overwhelming, and you can't help but moan into his neck as he cries out, the vibrations of his voice sending shockwaves through your body. His muscles tense and relax, his hips meeting yours with perfect rhythm.
"You look so pretty all filled up with my cock," you growl, losing yourself in the sight of his gorgeous body. Jake's movements become more urgent, his body arching further into yours. You fuck into him even harder, feeling the toy slide in and out of him with each powerful movement. “God, fucking take it, pretty girl," you groan, your hips moving in a furious rhythm.
Jake gasps, arching his back even further as his body trembles on the brink of release. "Oh fuck," he whispers, “I'm going to cum.”
Jake gasps, his head falling back against your shoulder as you continue to pound into him. His body convulses around the toy, his hole gripping it tightly as waves of pleasure wash over him. His breaths come in short, sharp bursts, and you can feel the tension building in his body, his muscles quivering with the effort of holding back his climax.
You lean in, your teeth grazing his earlobe as you whisper, "That's it, princess.. cum for me."
The warmth of your breath sends a shiver down his spine, and he obeys, his orgasm crashing over him like a tidal wave.With a cry that's almost a scream, Jake's body tenses, and he cums hard, his cock spilling white-hot pleasure all over his panties without even being touched. His inner walls spasm around the toy, milking your cock as his orgasm washes over him. You feel your own release building, your hips moving faster, your grip on his hair unyielding.
You slam into him one final time, your body tensing as you orgasm from the friction of the leather harness alone.
"Fuck," you moan, your hips still moving even as you come down from your high. "Oh, fuck, Jake." You slide your hands down his arms, sucking a dark red mark onto his neck. You rest your forehead against his shoulder as you attempt to ground yourself and steady your breathing.
Jake tilts his head back toward you, pursing his lips slightly to silently ask for a kiss. His chest rises and falls with each labored breath, his back still flush against your chest.You slide the toy out of him, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you both try to catch your breath.
Jake collapses forward onto the bed as you follow his lead. He reaches up to stroke your cheek, his fingers trembling slightly. "Baby, that was... you're incredible." His voice is barely above a whisper, but it echoes in your head like a thunderclap. He tilts his head further to look at you, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I've wanted to do that for ages," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. “Thank you.”
You press your lips to his again, feeling the softness of his mouth against yours. His tongue dances against your lips before tangling with your tongue in a slow, sensual rhythm. You can taste the saltiness of the sweat from his skin on your tongue, and the sweetness of his breath mingling with your own. You feel so connected to him, so close in this moment.
As your lips part, you gaze into his eyes, searching for any hint of what he's feeling. He looks back at you with a mixture of wonder and contentment, and you can't help but smile. You run your fingers through his hair again, this time more gently, as if trying to memorize the feel of it against your skin.
You both lie there in silence for a moment, catching your breath, your bodies still intertwined. The room is quiet, save for the sound of your hearts beating in unison. You feel the warmth of his skin against your body. It's a comforting sensation, and you find yourself wanting to stay like this forever.
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daisyblog · 11 months
Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN is worried after her and Harry take the next step in their relationship, and ends up talking to Anne about it.
Read Trust first
Anne was always awake and up early, an early riser some would call her. She often enjoyed this time to be alone with her thoughts, whilst she enjoyed a warm cup of tea before the rest of the house wakes.
As she entered the kitchen, she was surprised to see YN sitting at the table, alone. “Morning my love.”. Anne spoke gently, not wanting to startle her.
“Morning.”. YN gave Anne a weak smile, trying to be polite. Anne noticed that YN’s smile wasn’t her usual happy and vibrant one.
As Anne flicked the switch on the kettle and began to prepare their cups of teas, she asked YN if she was okay.
“Yeah..I..I just couldn’t sleep properly.” YN explained, not wanting to tell Harry’s mum the complete truth.
Anne placed the two cups of teas down on the table and took a seat opposite where YN was sitting. “Here..a nice warm cuppa should help.”. YN took a sip and whispered a ‘thank you’.
“Are you sure you’re okay my darling…you seem a little down?”. Anne was worried, but was aware that YN may not want to tell her what was on her mind. 
“I..I don’t think it’s something I can talk to you about.” YN gently explained with a nervous look on her face. She hoped Anne may understand what she meant.
With a warm smile, Anne nodded. “I understand my love…but although I’m Harry mum, I care about you too and if you want or need to talk about anything…I’m all ears.”.
YN wanted to talk, she was anxious and nervous and usually in this situation she would talk to her mum. “Um…something happened..and now I’m worried.”.
Anne was trying to piece together what YN may be referring too, without asking too many questions. “Is it something to do with you and Harry?”. YN nodded her head, a little worried this may be awkward for Anne too. “Would it be easier if I pretended I wasn’t Harry’s mum for a moment?”.
YN let out a chuckle at Anne’s words, knowing she was trying to make her feel comfortable. “Um…I..we…we you know.”. YN wasn’t sure how to tell her boyfriends mother that they had sex the night before.
Anne thought for a second, slightly confused at what YN was trying to say until it clicked that they must have taken the next step in their relationship. “Ohh I see.”.
YN began to feel her cheeks heat and she could tell that they now had a slight shadow of pink on them. “It’s just made me feel a bit worried.”.
“Can I ask what you’re worried about my darling?”. Anne didn’t want YN to feel embarrassed or judged. She had been a young girl once and experienced all these feelings.
“I hadn’t done anything before…and I’m scared Harry’s going to find someone who’s more…I don’t know…experienced.”. Anne wasn’t expecting to be discussing her son’s sex life this morning, or at all but she was glad that YN felt comfortable enough to share her feelings with her.
“Would you like my opinion?”. Anne carefully asked, not wanting to cross any boundaries. When YN nodded, Anne continued. “I’d like to think I’ve raised Harry to be a gentleman…I don’t want you to tell me any details…but sex is natural in life…and I’m hoping Harry respected you-“.
YN interrupted Anne quickly “He’s always respectful…Harry hasn’t made me feel like this…I just get into my own head sometimes.”.
“Harry cares about you a lot…believe me I can see it…he may as well have heart shaped eyes.” Anne words made YN smile. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about my love…and if Harry does anything to hurt you…I’ll be the first to speak to him.” Anne tried to reassure YN.
“Thank you for listening to me.” YN was genuinely grateful to not only have a mum who she could talk to about anything, but also Anne.
Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. “Any time my love.”. Harry appeared and was ruffling his hair as he entered the room.
“Morning!”. His raspy morning voice filled the room. 
“Morning darling…did you sleep okay?”. Anne smiled at Harry who was taking a seat next to YN.
Harry nodded. “Yeah…but I’d love one of your cups of tea please.”
Anne went to the counter and started preparing Harry’s tea and peaking over at her son and YN, she could see Harry now had his arm wrapped around her shoulder as he kissed YN’s cheek gently and whispered something to her which caused YN to smile brightly and in that moment Anne knew YN had nothing to worry about. 
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour @bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @jerseygirlinca @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl @buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss
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sky-marbles · 6 months
There are not enough fanfics about Carmilla and Vaggie and their “this is not my kid but she’s now my kid” dynamic. I desperately want more of them together😭😭
Also I know it’s seems like I’m not very experienced in writing fanfic, thats cause I’m not!! This might be the first or second fanfic I’ve ever written and I still haven’t gotten out of that “blank says” thing😔 maybe one day I’ll get better but I’m very aware my writing is not the best but the storyline itself is what matters to me so fuck it imma post it. Lmk if you guys like this and share your thoughts!
After the hotel is rebuilt the overlords call for a meeting. Alastor is getting ready to head out for it when-
“Hey alastor are you coming or what?!” Vaggie called from the lobby.
“Afraid I won’t be able to fulfill any requests until after my meeting today my dear!” Alastor replies as he descends the stairs.
“Well I’m requesting that we can be on time for this meeting, so let’s go” Vaggie says.
Alastor pauses mid stride. “Excuse me? What do you mean ‘we’?” he asks with a bit of confusion.
“I’m going with you” Vaggie says like it’s obvious. Before he can interject Vaggie informs him the she’s been invited to the meeting as well by showing him the familiar envelope. “It seems that you have, well let’s go then” Alastor relents. They make the walk there rather quietly, while Vaggie is not preferred company she is not someone he dreads having to spend time with either.
After taking the elevator ride up Alastor takes his usual seat, instead of sitting by him or standing beside him, Vaggie actually walks over to Carmilla and greets her with a handshake. Once everyone arrives Carmilla starts the meeting, interestingly Vaggie stands beside her, off to the side a bit.
“Now the-“
“Why Carmilla I wasn’t aware you had a third daughter!” Carmilla starts but is interrupted by Rosie.
“A third..? Oh!” Carmilla realizes what Rosie means.
“Oh I’m not-“ Vaggie tries to correct but before she can Alastor intervenes
“Oh Rosie dear, Vaggie is not a Carmine! She’s that lovely angel that Princess Charlie is dating!”
“Oh! So you’re the ex-exorcist girlfriend huh? Well it’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” Rosie stands to curtsy.
“Oh um it’s nice to meet you too??” Vaggie says uncomfortably.
“Wait a second! YOU are an exorcist?!” Velvet asks in shock.
“I was an exorcist, now I am the Hazbin hotel’s manager. Now we’re here to discu-“
Vaggie is then cut off by Velvet.
“Hold on a fucking minute! An exorcist is not only working but dating the princess of hell, and you (points at Rosie) knew about it!!! Who else was aware that an exorcist is in the same room as us?!” Velvet asks accusingly.
“Enough! Alastor, Rosie, and I were aware of Vaggie’s previous status as an exorcist. However, she no longer serves heaven and has since pledged her loyalty to the princess and her people. So let’s finally discuss the actual matter at hand!” Carmilla finishes impatiently.
“Um I think not! How do we know she isn’t some spy for the dickwads upstairs? Not to mention the fact she’s probably killed thousands of us! Why are we even letting her brea-“
“SILENCIO” Carmilla cuts Velvet off. “Vaggie has proven to the princess, to Alastor, and to me that she can be trusted and has the princess’s best interests at heart. She is a formidable alley and source of information so it would be smart not to cause her any harm especially if you wish to avoid the wrath of the princess… and myself.” Carmilla closes off any further discussion. Velvet backs off but glares daggers at Vaggie, Vaggie ignores her in favor of giving Carmilla a grateful look. Clara and Odette smile knowingly, they are very aware of how much their mother cares for Vaggie. They themselves have even taken quite the liking to her. To the point where they will swing by the hotel while on their delivery routes just to say hi and get any updates on the how things are going.
Carmilla finally gets the meeting to continue and the overlords discuss what heavens next move might be.
“So what should we do if they attack again?” One overlord queried.
“I think we could provide a few hundred sacrifices to placate heavens bloodlust?” Another suggested.
“No.” “No.” Carmilla and Vaggie answered simultaneously. “Are you sure she’s not your daughter Carmilla? She must be related to you in some way” Rosie asked good naturedly. Carmilla sighs then says “I’m sure Rosie” while Clara and Odette chuckle to themselves.
“I think we should… test potential weapons on the exorcist in order to expand our arsenal” Velvet suggests.
“Velvet there is no need to-“ Carmilla is then cut off by Velvet again. “No need? I think what we don’t fuckin need is some delusional princess trying to ‘redeem’ sinners when all it’s done is gotten us a bunch of dead cannibals. At least it got rid of that useless snake fucker”
“THATS IT!” Vaggie shouts. She pulls out her spear and is only able to get one leg onto the table until she is lifted into the air.
Carmilla is holding her by the collar of her shirt (like how you would hold a kitten by the skin of their neck).
“Stand down Vaggie. She’s just trying to provoke you” Carmilla orders. Vaggie relents and lowers her weapon. “If I release you will you try to attack her again?” Vaggie crosses her arms and looks away in defiance. “Vaggie.” Carmilla says sternly.
“Ugh yes whatever” Vaggie says in annoyance. Carmilla puts Vaggie down and proceeds to wrap up the meeting.
“Ready to head home my dear!” Alastor calls towards Vaggie. “The farther away from Velvet the better” she answers.
“A moment Vaggie?” Carmilla asks. Vaggie nods and motions to Alastor that she’ll catch up with him.
Vaggie stands before Carmilla with her back straight and arms planted at her sides, very reminiscent of a soldier.
“Vaggie, I just want you to be aware that Velvet should not be taken lightly, the Vees too for that matter. Promise me you won’t get involved with them unless it’s unavoidable” Carmilla says with a bit of concern in her voice.
“She was being a bitch this whole meeting I couldn’t just-“ Vaggie started but was stopped by Carmilla “I know Velvet can be… frustrating. But she’s manipulative, and is unfortunately clever. She’s more trouble than she’s worth.”
“Then why stop me?!” Vaggie questions in frustration.
“She wanted to show the others that you were a threat! Additionally, it would give her an excuse to fight back and potentially take your life!” Carmilla shouted back.
“You think she’d be able to put me in the ground?!” Vaggie is now mad and hurt by the doubt Carmilla has in her.
“I don’t want you to get hurt Vaggie!” Carmilla retorts. She realizes what she has just admitted and wants to back pedal, wants to retract her words but… doesn’t. She can’t. She has grown rather fond of Vaggie and would hate to see her get hurt especially if it’s avoidable.
“Do you mean that?” Vaggie says voice entirely monotone. Before she can think Carmilla answers “Yes.” Suddenly, there are two arms wrapped around her, looking down, she sees Vaggie hugging her waist. Carmilla dawns a light smile and returns the hug and says “Puede que no seas mi hija pero te amo como tal.” (You may not be my daughter but I love you like one)
Vaggie tightens her embrace upon hearing those words and says “I- Muchas gracias Carmilla.”
They both back up and Carmilla fondly smiles at Vaggie. “Now, what are you going to do?” Carmilla asks with a smirk.
*sighs* “I’m not going to get involved with any of the Vees unless it is necessary” Vaggie answers. “Muy bien.”
Vaggie then gets an idea and asks nervously “I know you are pretty busy but if you ever have some free time maybe you could teach me some more fighting techniques? So if I ever do get involved with the Vees, you wouldn’t have to worry as much.”
Carmilla pretended to think about it but already knew her answer, “Hmmm I suppose that would be for the best. Besides, if you manage to take out any of the Vees you’d be doing Hell an invaluable service.” Vaggie pumps her fist in excitement.
“However, I want to make one thing clear.”
Vaggie freezes at the serious tone Carmilla uses.
“You are welcome to the Carmine residence any time” she says in the gentlest voice. Vaggie smiles gratefully and bids her a goodbye before suddenly turning back to give her one last hug, “Adios” Vaggie utters then darting out the door before Carmilla can say anything else. She merely chuckles to herself and waves at her departing figure.
“There you are! I was beginning to think Carmilla was having you sign some adoption papers with how long you were taking” Alastor says as they make their way towards the hotel.
“Relax your radio waves, I was just discussing some uh hotel stuff with Carmilla” Vaggie tried to play it cool, and was failing.
“Hmmm I’m sure” Alastor replied obviously not buying it.
BOOM that’s the end! I have no clue how to end this so welp it’s over :P
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mqverick · 8 months
buick roadmaster | ₊˚⊹ᰔ
mature themes, +18
rough smut included, consider yourselves warned
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“Because I’m going deeper and deeper
Harder and harder”
─── ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ ───
“I don’t want to be demanding here, but… could you say maybe ten — twelve words to me before we get to the hotel?” you asked Charlie, half frustrated, half smiling at him, trying not to look too pissed off. It had almost been an hour ever since he’d begun driving, not even bothering to turn the radio on. Just dead silence.
Charlie glanced over at you, then returned his attention to the street, driving quietly with opaque eyes. You sighed, hand coming up to your forehead as you rubbed the skin between your eyebrows in despair, not knowing what to do.
“…Consider it foreplay,” you tried again, this time more playfully, hoping to get him in the feels.
Instead of saying anything, though, he just smirked discreetly, secretly loving being busted by you. “Glad we decided to spend the weekend together, gives you two whole days to bitch at me,” he eventually replied. As a response, you scooted over and knelt his thigh, crossing your arms as you looked forward with narrowed eyes. “What, you’re not talking to me now?”
God, the nerve of that man.
“If you’re so damn worried that you can’t look like you’re not holding back a giant shit, call your dumb service. I took Friday off because I wanted to spend three nice days with my loving boyfriend, who apparently is the biggest, pompous jerk I’ve ever met.”
Charlie chuckled sarcastically, still not giving the slightest care of looking at you, his gaze firmly locked on the road ahead of you. “So that’s what’s on my mind, huh? The service?”
“I sure hope it’s not another woman,” you replied with the same snarky tone, your head now leaned against the widow as you also refused to look at him. You could feel the radiation of his proud, teasing smirk burning you, nevertheless.
“Maybe it’s three other women.”
Oh, he just loved keeping the tension going, didn’t he? Hadn’t you had enough patience and experience of his almost childish behavior after dating (and baring) him for a whole year, you would’ve grabbed the steering wheel from him and crash the car right into the nearest tree. Sometimes, you wondered how you put up with him, with how full of himself he was.
You saw his motor running and huffed. How convenient, you thought, urging him to pick up.
“Maybe they’re calling you right now.” With flared nostrils, you punched up the speed dial on the car phone, hearing the electronic beeps as Charlie continued ignoring you. His nerves were at the surface, fingers gripping unintentionally hard onto the steering wheel as he pushed his sunglasses over the bridge of his nose, scratching the spot there for just a second.
“Babbitt,” he called.
“Two calls from a Mr. Bateman. You want the number?” the voice operator spoke and you the way Charlie closed his eyes didn’t go unnoticed by you as you slowly turned your body around so that you could see him better, getting worried.
Quietly into silence, “No.”
“Oh, okay. Then there’s, uh — oh shit. There’s this, um, Mr. Mooney, says he’s your father’s lawyer in Chicago… your father died, sir.”
Charlie clicked off the line, interrupting the call. Driving with one hand, the other one sat on his lap, looking for something to fiddle with, doing eighty. He was shaken, that you could tell, even though he was putting up the biggest effort not to let it show. All the previous anger you felt about him was long gone, taken over by compassion.
“Oh, Charlie. Are you all right?” you asked, your fingertips reaching for the side of his face, but he shook them away, strangely cold and distant. You just stared at him, unable to read him as he pulled off the road, trying to turn. No reply to your question, struggling to keep up the façade.
“Sorry about the weekend, hon,” he mumbled lowly, turning the car around. Was he serious? Did he really think all you cared about was Palm Springs? You opted to maintain your calm.
“The weekend? Charlie…?”
You found it weird, how little emotion he showed. Charlie always tempted to do things like that, completely leave you out of his thoughts, pretend that nothing had ever bothered you. It annoyed you, sure, but mostly, it caused you sadness. You wanted to be there for him, let him know that he could count on you whenever he was feeling bad, if only you knew what was going on in that mind of his. He was really good at hiding his reactions and feelings from everyone as well.
“Didn’t mean to ruin our trip, I’ll make it up to you, though, I promise,” he announced weakly. “Look, we… uh, we hated each other. Mom died when I was two and it’s been me and him ever since.”
You reached for his face again, this time more gently. Charlie accepted your touch, leaning into it for comfort as he closed his eyes just for a short moment. That was the most vulnerable you’d ever seen him — that he’d ever let you seen him.
“Did he not treat you well?” you asked, stroking his hair carefully, smoothing it back.
“Beat me up. Emotionally, I mean. Nothing I did was ever good enough… I dealt with it, eventually. Learnt to ignore and let go. Hated him.”
To you, it explained a lot about why Charlie had been behaving like that. It was how he’d grown up, having to shield himself from the others. It hurt you that you couldn’t seem to be helpful for him, hurt you when he abruptly pulled away from your touch away, swallowing back his feelings.
“We’ve been dating for a year. When were you planning to tell me all this? Let me be there for you, Charlie, I’m sick and tired of always having to guess what’s on your head.” But he was back to being silent and acting as if he couldn’t hear you.
Putting up his guard again, not allowing himself to show you how he really felt. You hated him.
“I’m talking to you,” you said in a demanding tone. “Stop fucking playing a game with me. I’m your fucking girlfriend, I should know how to comfort you for Christ’s sake, but you pull away all the damn time! It’s always one step forward and a whole airplane flight back with us. Quit pushing me away every time I try to understand you, it’s exhausting.”
“Not one of these again,” Charlie whispered under his breath as he sighed too loudly for your liking.
“What? Doesn’t it concern you that you had to say ‘again’ in that sentence? You exclude me from everything that’s going on in your life, maybe you’d like to do something about it, just for a change?” you begged sarcastically.
“Fine, you want to talk? Let’s talk. How was your day, honey?” Charlie questioned with indifference, not bothering at the slightest to hide how much he felt like he itched to piss you off.
“I don’t want to talk, I want to—”
“No, you wanted to talk, let’s talk. C’mon, tell me, how have you been doing? Had a nice day? How was it, tell me everything about it, come on.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you mouthed, unbuckling yourself free from your seat. “Stop the car, I want to leave.” But once again, he pretended like he hadn’t heard anything from what you’d said.
“Not going anywhere,” you were simply given.
“No, you know what? One whole year and you haven’t once told me how you feel about me. It’s as though we’ve been stuck on the third date stage, going out for dinner and then fucking. That’s all we do. I’m not asking you to explain everything to me, just let me know that you feel comfortable confiding in me, trusting me. What if I wanted to meet your parents one day? When would you have told me that your mother had died and that you and your father didn’t speak? Relationships are about care for each other.”
“I care about you, you know that.”
You looked over at him with unsure eyes. You’d doubted Charlie’s faith in you before and maybe that was the problem with your relationship. You loved him, loved him dearly — had been in love with him ever since you began dating him. You knew he was capable of showing you a caring side, which was rare, but still very existing.
You believed you loved him enough for the two of you. None, however, had ever expressed that to each other. Spent days, weeks, months, patiently waited for him to make the move, do something romantic or even just spit it out awkwardly while watching a movie or cuddling in bed. But no, Charlie’s head was more stubborn than a donkey and if there was one thing he was good at, it was constantly shielding himself and drawing you away. As if he hated being in a relationship.
“Do I?”
And it killed him. Killed him how incapable he was of reassuring you that for him, it was pretty much over since the day he met you. How he’d bottled up all the things he wanted to say to you, how important you were to him, his only family.
“You don’t mean that,” he whispered lowly enough for you to unintentionally miss it.
“If you’re not ready for a relationship, Charlie, I won’t force you to be in one. And for fuck’s sake stop the fucking car already!” But he wasn’t stopping, wasn’t anywhere near stopping; instead only sprinted faster into the empty road. The wind was blowing through his hair, throwing it on top of his forehead as he pushed it aside, annoyed.
You hair was probably a mess too, for all you cared. You were furious with him, with how little he’d let you know him, how you’d almost never been a part of his life. If only you knew.
“You don’t get to go, I need you,” he yelled, voice loud enough for the first time during the car ride for you to actually hear. He was mad too and you didn’t even know why — no, but honestly — he had no right. No right to even have the smallest, tiniest bit of irritation into his body, when he was the only one responsible for all of this.
“You don’t fucking tell me what to do,” you gritted through your teeth, glaring holes into his head. “Now stop the fucking car or I’ll hit the brakes and we’ll both fly the fuck forward into the glass.”
“All right, stop you want?” Charlie asked, abruptly taking a turn that almost sent you out of the window, holding onto your stomach and the seatbelt that you’d unfastened earlier. “Then stop you’ll fucking get.” He was being insane with it, driving ridiculously fast, you were certain he was planning to end your lives once and for all.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” you screamed, regretting the moment you’d decided it would be sane and safe to not be wearing a seatbelt while on a car with a man who barely knew how to contain his anger tantrums.
“You wanted to stop, so we’re stopping the car. I’m stopping the fucking car!” he yelled back, slapping the steering wheel so loudly and with so much force that he accidentally winced in pain.
You were holding on for dear life, clutching onto the fabric of the seats and holding your breath down your throat, when he finally stopped with a turn that you were sure was a death sentence.
You didn’t even know where you were, where he’d driven. Your brain was permanently off after that reckless driving of him, making it clearer for you that you needed to leave him or at least threaten him about ending the relationship, giving him a break. There was no way he’d ever be clear enough to think straight, though, especially after your argument, especially after his dad’s death.
Man, he was really getting one slap after another.
“You’re not capable of handling a relationship, then you don’t fucking get to be in one! Go fuck yourself, Charlie!” you shouted at him as your hand went to clasp around the door’s handle, furious at him, but before you could even realize what was happening, Charlie had yanked you back by your shirt, sending you flying into his lap.
You yelped and tried to free yourself from his grasp, but he was holding you so tightly on him that you couldn’t move besides wiggle your legs. He looked both troubled and pissed, unsurprisingly hard to read. His eyes were cold and sharp, sparking as they glowered at you.
He wanted to say something. You could tell by the way his lips subconsciously moved as if he had the words right on the tip of his tongue, but were being choked up by him. He was weak with words, always had been. He thought of them as an action that you couldn’t take back, something like a pearl in your head that you’d be able to roll around as you reminisce. He hated words.
The second time you tried to pull away from him, he kissed you. Attached his lips forcefully into yours, causing you to gasp and completely stop moving. It took you a little to comprehend the situation, but once the warm feeling of his mouth moving against yours kicked in, you reciprocated the kiss with the same urge and compulsion.
“I need you,” he murmured into your ear as he rubbed his nose against the soft flesh of your cheek, wrapping his hands around you so tightly that he wouldn’t have to worry about you trying to make an escape again. With each hand firmly positioned on the sides of his neck, you pulled him down on top of you, laying uncomfortably on top of the seats. You didn’t even care if your back was hurt by hitting the transmission stick a little too hard, or how he’d accidentally pulled a few hairs from a strand that was covering your face.
You lifted your leg up as he crashed his lips into yours again, extending over the top of the console and wrapping it around his waist, arousal already pooling in your underwear. Charlie had his way of kissing you; knew exactly how long it took you to get weak for him, to shut your mind off and beg him for more. He loved using it against you.
Loved how it turned you on the same amount it did for him. His left hand travelled in your hair, pulling it from the ends. His right was around your waist, just under the rim of your shirt, gripping your hip. His tongue peaked out of his mouth, exploring yours before pressing an open-mouthed kiss against your lips, detaching abruptly and creating a thin string of saliva between the two of you. His breath was hard to catch and so was yours, both still incredibly mad at one another. He stared at you blankly for a second, his hard-on growing against his pants as he looked over at your swollen, wet lips.
“You fucking dick,” you snarled under your breath as you angled your knee outward until it was tight on the dashboard. You urgently unbuttoned your jeans, then pulled him back toward you, kissing him passionately as your left hand searched for his, leading it downwards and eventually pressing it firmly onto your mound. Charlie groaned into your mouth, cock twitching painfully against the hard material of his trousers. He let his fingers feel down your body, stroking your clothed leg as his palm curved over your butt and down the back of your thigh. His touch was your cause of death.
“Scoot a little,” he instructed you, struggling to pull down your jeans, accidentally hitting the top of his head against the roof of the car. You tried to suppress the automatic laughter, simply choking out a chuckle, which Charlie hushed away the very moment he ground his covered erection on your pulsing core, soaked through your panties.
Your moan came out ridiculously loud, shadowing the pleased hum that fell from his lips due to the feel of your warmth and wetness, almost convincing himself that he was just a second away from losing it when he hadn’t even gotten to touch you yet. You took the chance to knee him in the crotch, livid at the fact that he was smirking at how ready you were for him, feeling all proud of himself, knowing that he was the only one to ever offer you that feeling — that kind of pleasure.
Charlie looked at you with lustful, blown pupils. You were pretty sure you were as much of a mess as he was, hair combed, clothes half off, red neck and ears, swollen lips and glassy eyes. You grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head, the only thing covering your chest know being a black lacy bra. You swore you felt an orgasm creep up inside of you as the pad of his thumb made contact with your clit through the underwear, biting so hard down on your lip in order to not scream his name from the top of your lungs, hips subconsciously thrusting against his hand. You were embarrassed, on one side, but on the other, you couldn’t care less.
After all that was done, you were out.
Out of the car and out of his life, you’d decided.
“Fucking touch me already,” you demanded, but he responded negatively to your tone, pinning you down on the seat so tightly that it caused you to let out a tiny wince. With one hand, Charlie held your wrists down and over your head, while the other finally shoved your underwear out of the way. For a contemplative minute, he almost forgot that he was supposed to be mad at you.
How much he loved having you like this.
But he wasn’t going to say anything just yet. Maybe another time, in another case, where he wouldn’t utter it out during sex talk, where he was stronger than that, put his pride last instead of first. He didn’t want to break up with you, ever. To him, you were the one. It was hard to express, complex to explain — bless his heavy heart strings that only allowed him to pick all the wrong talks, places and times.
“Y’feel so good,” he murmured into your ear as he entered a finger into you, carefully enough not to hurt you with the rings he had on. “You fucking kill me whenever I see you. You’re too much, I can’t handle you, I just can’t.” The word came out of his mouth like honey and you had to dig your nails into his back, over his shirt, to stop yourself from cumming undone right then and there.
His finger curled inside your walls, following all the small bends and curves of the part of your body that needed him the most, sluggishly applying pressure and picking up place.
Your juices are dripping down your thighs, thing that helped him to easily add another finger in you. The mixture of his low groans, your choked moans and the slapping sounds of his hand rawing you was probably the biggest turn-on you’d ever experienced. All that in the middle of an empty street, in public view. All one had to do was peak over the windows of his car.
“Keep doing that, I’m so fucking close,” you purred into Charlie’s lips as you kissed him, giving permission to your hands to travel around the waistband of his trousers and undo the zipper.
“I want to fuck you.”
“Maybe another night,” Charlie replied with sureness as he suddenly dragged his fingers out of you and rubbing them against the skin of his bottom lip. You both wanted to punch the life out of him and not say anything at all, just enjoy the view of him licking your precum off his hand.
The image was so insanely sexy that you could orgasm just by looking at him and nothing else.
Charlie finally threw his black shirt off somewhere into the backseats, his trousers coming up next as he stood on top of you with just his boxers, which were pretty much a whole other level of mess; leaking with his own precum. He’d never looked so pretty before, so blown away.
It was visible to anyone with a single brain cell that he wanted to fuck you in a way of letting you know that you had no place to leave him, that he needed you more than anyone and more than ever. You opted not to comment on it, instead, leaving him be. Charlie loved angry sex, anyway.
Seemed that you were right after all — the twelve words he’d spoken had been the best foreplay.
“Charlie, I need you,” you pleaded beautifully, so desperately that he discarded his gray boxers immediately, taking his throbbing cock into his hand as he grazed the tip over your entrance, torturing you just a little. You cried out, wanting more, tired of his games. His heart pounded, close to beating right out of his rib cage.
Fuck it, he decided, as both of his hands grabbed your left hand and placed your open palm on his chest, right over his heart, and let it linger there. For the first time that night, you could finally understand what was going on behind his eyes. You smiled as he let go of your hands, running his fingers through your hair and gently guiding your face closer to his, eventually leaning himself in to rest his forehead on yours.
When he thrusted for the first time, you were already chasing after your high (and you were pretty sure the same thing could be applied to him as well.) The grunt he breathed was insane, sending you to heaven and back as you moaned along, realising that you didn’t want to repress yourself any longer. If he were to get cocky and insufferable, then so be it. You’d been used to it.
Your fingers flew into his hair, pulling at it and encouraging him to go deeper and harder. Charlie happily obliged, getting the message instantly as he whispered your name through every groan, beads of tension gripping one body on top of the other. Both his mind and vision were blurry as his thrusts frantically took off to a steady pace, fucking you so deeply, so roughly that he was sure it was hurting you. Why weren’t you stopping him? Why weren’t you telling him to slow down?
“Harder,” you hoarsed, and it nearly rocked his world. Charlie was quick to accomplish your request, filling you up with his dick so nicely as he fucked you through the pleasant moist of your combined bodily juices. He couldn’t comprehend how you weren’t scared of him damaging your body; instead taking lazy glances at you just to figure out that you were loving it, embracing him just right as you clenched so tightly against his dick, squeezing him gut-wrenchingly hard.
“Fuck — ‘m not going to last any longer,” he confessed while pressing his eyes shut, pursing his lips and trying not to fall apart on you yet.
“Just a little bit, Charlie,” you croaked, digging wounds into the muscles of his back with your nails, letting the roughness of his grinds and thrusts vibrate through your entire system, get you pathetically weak under his weight.
“‘M going to cum.” And with that, he gripped onto the sides of your outer thighs as he held still while still deep inside you, releasing hot jets of cum into you as you clamped down on his cock, following with your own earth shattering orgasm. You felt so full, so vulnerable and so fulfilled, all at the same time and it was overpowering. With an exhausted, loud groan, Charlie collapsed on top of you, squishing you as he buried his head in the crook of your neck, placing small pecks down on the curve of your shoulder as he tried to catch both his breath and untamable heartbeat.
“Charlie, I…”
“I just want to hear that it’s not over,” he interrupted you, still a bit breathless as you gave him a puzzled look. “I mean… I’m scared it’s over. Everything you said was right about me. I can’t offer you much, I’m terrible with relationships and I’m very fucking terrified of trusting someone. I’m not really good at showing my feelings.”
“There are many things you’re not good at.”
“I know. I know and I’m scared of getting my heart broken, because I genuinely believe I won’t be able to last one second without you. I’m in love with you,” Charlie finally confessed, trembling as he looked you dead in the eyes, hoping to catch the tiniest hint of response from them.
Your jaw hung slightly agape at his words, never in a million years expecting to hear him drop those words out of his mouth. You were on the verge of tearing up, grabbing him by the sides of his face as you pulled him down to kiss him sweetly on the lips, lingering there longer than needed. Charlie sighed in relief, chuckling with pure joy as he heard the following sentence reassuringly fall from your lips; “I love you too.”
again, this is for my favourite person on earth @honeymvnt i hope you’ll like this ml 🫶🏼🎀
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mouwrites · 10 months
HEYY POOKIEE!!!! I had an idea from the movie, so basically the reader being the ninja's little sibling who don't get along at all. They fight over the smallest things at school and at home. That's until one day while Garmadon attacks the reader gets captured and the ninja has to save the reader, which accidentally causes the ninja to reveal their identity and the reader just gives their sibling a big hug and apologizes for everything they've said in the past and they up!!!
Yes of course!! <33
Ninjago - Ninjas When You (Their Little Sibling) Are Taken
Kai pretended like he didn’t care when he first saw you were taken
But he was determined to get you back; in reality, he did indeed care
He was ready to do whatever it took to get you back
He fell blindly into a trap, finding himself restrained by one of Garmadon’s goons
They pulled off his mask, but his face remained hardened
He snapped at his captor, taking advantage of their brief moment of shock at seeing his face
He left his mask forgotten on the ground, rushing to your aid
He lifted you in his arms and booked it to safety
He paused on a rooftop to catch his breath
You decided to take the opportunity to apologize
The words didn’t come easy, but you finally found them
“Kai… I’m sorry. For everything. For the mask, for everything I’ve said—”
“It’s okay, Y/n. I’m just glad you’re safe.”
After that day you made an effort to be nicer to him, difficult as it was
He tried to keep his temper in check too
You silently appreciated each others’ efforts, but the fruits were even more precious
Your relationship started to shift ever so subtly, but it was doubtlessly improving
Jay was terrified when you got involved
It was like he forgot your terrible relationship entirely
He clumsily rushed to your aid, his skills crumbling under the weight of his anxiety
He ended up pinned down, and his assailant roughly pulled off his mask
His face turned bright red as he was exposed, and in a sudden burst of panicked energy he was able to push them off
He nabbed his mask quickly before remembering his original mission
Then he jumped back into action, managing to retrieve you and find a safe place to hide
He grabbed you by the shoulders, turning you from side to side to check for injuries
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?”
“Jay, I’m so sorry! I’ve ruined everything, haven’t I? Oh, I’ve been so horrible…”
He couldn’t deny that you had been pretty bad
But he also admitted that he was no better
You shared a hug
In that moment, you formed a new bond
You both started to act nicer from then on
That hug established a new norm of tenderness between you two :)
He was mostly miffed when you were taken
He directed his anger at his father for getting you involved
So he went into battle with a fury he often felt when facing Garmadon
But this time it was extra personal
He confronted Garmadon directly, making a snide comment about treating his children like chess pieces
He pulled off his mask to prove the point, too angry to think clearly
Garmadon was so shocked that Lloyd was pretty much able to walk away with you
He marched away angrily, dragging you behind
He started to vent about Garmadon
After you got over your shock, you started agreeing with him, even adding your own complaints
When he was done he just huffed, burying his face in his palm
You saw that tears were dribbling onto his glove
“Um, Lloyd? I just wanted to say sorry… we don’t really have the best family dynamic, and I… I don’t want our relationship to be like the one we have with our dad.”
“Me neither. I really do love you, you know.”
“Same here.”
You embraced, vowing to be better
And you both made a valiant effort, using your father as a sort of anti-example
As it turned out, he was a strong motivator; your relationship improved quite steadily from then on
As much as he might’ve disliked you, he knew he had to save you
He couldn’t live with himself otherwise
So he hurried into the thick of the battle, his eyes locked on you all the while
He was secretly worried they’d hurt you, though he’d hesitate to admit it
He was distracted; it wasn’t long until an opponent grabbed a sudden hold of his mask
He whipped around, downing the assailant in a single blow and grabbing his mask
But he didn’t take the time to put it on, simply tucking it into his belt while he ran to your aid
The hardened look in his eyes made you feel especially guilty
You could only imagine how angry he was, having to save you and then having his identity revealed in the process
But when you were alone, he asked with surprising softness if you were okay
The look on his face had softened, too
Still, you felt guilty
“I’m fine. Um… I’m really sorry, Cole. This was all my fault..!”
“What? No, it was Garmadon’s doing. I’m not mad at you, Y/n. You’re my family. I love you, little rascal that you are.”
He ruffled your hair roughly, making you giggle
You wrapped your arms around him suddenly
He slowly hugged you back
In that moment you shared a silent agreement to be better
It might not have been spoken, but you both held fast to that agreement, and slowly your relationship did improve :)
The second you got involved, Zane’s objective was to save you
You were more important to him than anything: his pride, the mission, anything
He forgot everything else, abandoning his current task to rush over to you
In his haste, the opponent he was running from managed to catch his mask
He ran without realizing that the mask had come off
Even your flabbergasted gaze didn’t clue him in
The stares he was getting didn’t even register as he carried you away from danger
When you were alone, he mechanically asked if you were okay
You just stared at him, the image of a thousand eyes on you as you ran stuck in your mind
“Zane, your identity… I’m so sorry, if I had never been taken..!”
“Why are you apologizing? It was not your fault. I’m just glad that you’re safe. You’re my family, and I care for you greatly.”
You blinked at him, cursing the tears that came to your eyes
He hugged you, and through your tears you told him that you loved him too
After that, you decided to try and be nicer to him
He matched your efforts as soon as he noticed them; he was more than ready to fix your relationship
After all, you were his top priority ;)
She was incredulous when you were captured
She took it sort of personally
This fueled her rage, and she went on a war path to save you
She threw you over her shoulder; saving you was how she was measuring her victory
With you in her arms, she was satisfied
In her mind, she’d already won
Which made her getaway a little sloppy, and she ended up losing her mask to an especially quick assailant
She was frozen in shock and horror for a moment
Then she ran, faster than ever before
She practically collapsed as she set you down, chest heaving from the exertion as much as the panic
But she calmed herself, reminding herself that she saved you
Exhaling slowly, she straightened and put a hand on your shoulder
“Nya, I’m sorry! I never meant for any of this to happen! I love you too much… even though I don’t act like it…”
“All that matters is that you’re safe. And, for the record, I love you too.”
You shared a little smirk, a secret understanding established between you two
Knowing that you really did love each other seemed to soften the tension between you two
Teasing turned into jokes as your relationship gradually mended :)
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Thanks for this request!! And thanks for reading, take care honey bears <33
(divider by saradika)
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somanyratsinthewalls · 9 months
HI HI HELLO, Just saw your recs. we’re open and i thought i’d chime in! Maybe both Usopp and the strawhat reader are virgins, and decide to have their first time together to “be more experienced”? but..it’s ends up being friends to lovers!! feel free to ignore if you don’t like it or don’t feel comfortable filling it tho!
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Pairing: Usopp x Afab!Reader
WC: 2900 ehehehe
Summary: You and your close friend Usopp decide to bite the bullet and lose your virginity to each other to get that awkward first time out of the way. Will it lead to more?
TW: alcohol consumption, nicotine consumption (don’t do it!), virginity loss, first time awkwardness, making out, fingering, heavy petting, condom usage, early bustin, p in v sex, they're so cute idk
Tags: My moot @usopp-enjoyer hope you love it (also pls enjoy other Usopp fuckers)
— —
“I’m way more of a tits guy. I mean, I’m not one to ignore a nice ass, but a super rack is really what does it for me.” Franky remarks taking a swig of his cola as he sits at the table with Sanji, Zoro and Usopp after dinner aboard the Sunny one night. 
“How could you even choose? The female form is perfect, I simply can’t choose one part over the other.” Sanji smiles dreamily as he takes a drag from his cigarette. “If I did have to pick, the view of a gorgeous ass bouncing while being taken from behind has to be the most perfect sight of all time.” 
“You’ve never seen that a day in your life, shitty cook.” Zoro smirks and takes a big gulp of sake. 
“I’ve certainly seen it more than you, moss head! All you care about is playing with your stupid swords, I doubt you’ve ever been with a woman like that!” Sanji furrows his curly brows and shouts at the swordsman.
“Obviously I have, it’s the best way to take a girl. Gripping her hair and just drilling into her until she’s screaming…” Zoro leans back in his chair, seemingly visualizing the act. 
“Jeez guys… can we not?” Usopp felt his face heat up at the lewd conversation. He was hoping the focus didn’t turn to him being so obviously inexperienced. The discourse continued despite his protest. 
“Nah bro, don’t sleep on missionary! If you think missionary is boring, you’re just bad at sex!” Franky loudly exclaims. 
“You have a point. How could it possibly be boring? Looking down and seeing a woman writhing around under your touch? Being able to watch her face as she cums? Absolute perfection.” Sanji brings his fingers to his lips and mimics a chef’s kiss. 
“I-I’m heading to bed, night guys.” Usopp quickly excuses himself from the table, face flushed with embarrassment and nervousness. He swiftly heads out from the galley to the deck and found you sitting up against the railing of the ship enjoying a glass of wine and a cigarette. 
You turn your head in the direction of the man leaving the galley and smile. 
“Hi Usopp, how’s everything going with the boys?” You ask. 
“Oh, uh, hi y/n. Good. I mean um? Fine I guess. I was gonna go to bed.” He stutters out nervously, unable to make eye contact with you. 
“Are you okay? Your face is bright red and you seem uncomfortable. I mean… more uncomfortable than usual.” You say with a hint of concern in your voice. “Come sit with me?” You pat the spot next to you on the deck. You always were better at reading Usopp than he was at reading himself. 
Usopp lets out a big sigh and sits down cross legged next to you and puts his head in his hands propped up on his elbows on his knees. 
“It just got kind of weird in there. I hate when they go on and on about… you know… sex…” Usopp finally admits. 
“And it makes you uncomfortable because you’ve never had sex, right?”
He nods. 
“I know how you feel. Nami and Robin do the same thing. I know that might be hard to believe but women are just as vulgar as men. It makes me feel insecure about being a virgin, so I get it.” You commiserate with Usopp because you really knew exactly how he was feeling. 
“Wait you’re a virgin too?!” Usopp snaps his head in your direction, finally being able to look you in the eye. 
“Yeah, you didn’t know that? It’s not like I’m saving it for anything, I just never really have found the right time or the right person I guess. The only relief I get is from ole reliable.” You raise your right hand and wiggle your fingers in Usopp’s direction. He blushes. 
“S-same. I just don’t want it to be awkward when I finally get around to having sex. Everyone always says the first time is so bad…” 
“For you? Yeah right! I’m the one who is constantly being told it’s going to hurt! I don’t want to do it with just anyone in case it is painful!” You take another drag of your cigarette, scoffing at the fact that a man is telling you he’s nervous to lose his virginity. 
“Okay okay maybe you’re right about that part… I just want to get it over with so I can stop worrying about it.” Usopp hangs his head in his hands again. 
There was a pregnant pause. 
“Well… we could… have sex… with each other?” You sheepishly suggest. 
“WHAT?” He snaps his head back up at you. 
“Is it that silly of an idea? We both said we wanted to get our first time out of the way and get some… experience… right?”
“R-right now? I don’t think I-“ Usopp stutters, incredibly flustered but also interested in your proposal. 
“Not right now!” You laugh and put your hand on his shoulder. “Maybe tomorrow? My room? After dinner? Unless you don’t want to, which I completely understand and we can forget this ever happened." 
“I-I do! I think it’s uh.. it’s a great idea… tomorrow then…” Usopp rises to his feet and bids you a nervous goodnight as you finish your wine on the deck. 
— —
The next evening you couldn’t help but buzz with excitement as you skip to the showers after dinner. You make sure to shave and lather your body in sweet smelling body wash in preparation for your “date.” You don your nicest matching bra and panties, a lacy black set, and pull some casual clothes over them. You light a few candles around your room to set the mood. You weren’t sure what kind of mood you were trying to set exactly, feeling a bit silly, but you still wanted to enjoy your first time even if it was going to be awkward. Soon enough you hear a knock at your door. 
You open your bedroom door to see a blushing Usopp with a single, beautiful red flower in his hands. 
“Uh, hi, y/n.” He smiles softly and hands you the flower. 
“For me? You’re so sweet.” 
“I grew it myself so maybe don’t… don’t get too close.. it might explode. I haven’t quite figured this one out yet…” 
You chuckle and move to gently set the flower down on your end table. 
“Are you sure you still want to do this? We really don’t have to, it was just an idea, Usopp.” 
“Yes! Yes, I really do want to. It’s… it’s about time, right?” He laughs nervously. 
You nod. 
“Come, sit with me.” You grab Usopp’s hand and pull him to sit next to you on your bed. You were anxious, but you could tell he was far more so. You raise your hands and pull his bucket hat off his head. You smoothly brush one of his now exposed dark curls out of his face. 
“I guess we should probably kiss first.. right?” You say as you cock your head and smile at him gently. 
You close your eyes and lean in and press your lips softly against his. After a few moments, you shift your body closer to his and begin kissing him deeper with your hands on either side of his face. It was a bit uncoordinated, but Usopp eventually moves his hands to your hips and kisses you back with a bit more confidence. His kisses were messy, not at all experienced. You couldn’t help but wonder, had he even kissed anyone before? I mean, even you had gotten to first base… 
You slide your tongue gently along his bottom lip, asking for permission to enter. Once granted, your tongue slips into his mouth eliciting a small whimper from the man in your gentle hold. You found yourself becoming wetter by the second as he lets out little sighs of contentment during your kiss. Eventually, you pull away. You tug at the straps of his coveralls. 
“Could you take these off? I’ll take mine off too…” You ask while already lifting your crop top over your head. 
“Sure just a second I- um…” Usopp stands and fumbles with his clothes before eventually dropping them to the floor. You had already shed your sweatpants and were laying back on your bed in your bra and panties. 
“Woah, y/n…” Your cowardly sniper is in awe at the sight of your body adorned with black lace laying barely covered on the bed before him. “You’re… beautiful…” 
Your face flushes red and you press your legs together to somehow try to cover yourself. 
“You’re not so bad yourself…” You giggle. “Come here.” You beckon him to come join you on the bed again. You raise your torso up to meet his lips again in a passionate kiss. After a few moments, Usopp reaches his hands around your back to undo your bra. His fingers fumble for quite awhile and he mumbles into your lips. 
“No, I got it.. just a second… hold on… there!” Finally your bra comes undone and he pulls it off your body onto the floor. Usopp leans back to marvel in the sight of your naked breasts. “Y/n can I…?” 
“Yes!” You cut him off, wanting to feel more of his body and mouth on your skin. Usopp leans down and takes one of your nipples into his mouth and gropes your other breast with his hand. 
“Oh!” You gasp, reveling in the new sensation. 
Your newfound lover messily switches from one breast to the other, a string of saliva connecting his trembling lips to your body. You grip his thick, gorgeously coarse hair and push his head into your chest further, encouraging his actions. After a few moments or servicing your sensitive nipples with this lips and tongue, Usopp pulls back and lifts his head to look you in the eye. 
“Do you want to..?” He asks shyly. 
“Yes, want you so badly, Usopp…” You breath out under him. 
Usopp momentarily leaves the bed to retrieve something from his overalls pocket. After Usopp returns to your side with a condom, you slip off your panties. 
“Where the hell did you get that? Saving it for a rainy day?” You question him teasingly. 
“Pfft yeah right. Stole it from Sanji’s room. He isn’t using it any time soon.” Usopp smirks and positions himself on top of you again. You laugh. 
“You’re so bad.” You jokingly slap your hands against his smooth chest. 
“You like it.” Usopp chuckles and leans in to kiss you again. After kissing for a few moments you pull back.
“Maybe I do… take these off.” You pull at the waistband of his briefs and he obliges your request by pulling them down to free his throbbing cock. It wasn’t huge but it was certainly big enough to wonder how it was going to fit inside of you. 
“It’s… it’s okay, right?” Usopp asks uncertainly. 
“Oh sweetheart, of course it is. Maybe even a bit too much… do you think you could maybe… prep me a little first?” You ask a bit embarrassed. You were so aroused, but you just didn’t want it to hurt. 
“How do I… OH! Yeah I can do that I think…” Usopp snakes his hand down your body and cups your mound. “Can you show me?” He starts to rub tentatively at your sex. 
You slide both of your hands down to your center. With one hand you use your pointer and middle fingers to spread your sticky folds apart. With the other, you grab Usopp’s fingers and bring them to your clit and begin to use them to rub gentle circles. You let out a long sigh. 
“Just like this is good…” You softly moan and you let your head fall back. After rubbing at your clit for awhile, your move Usopps’s fingers to your entrance and guide one of them inside your wet hole. You gasp lightly at the intrusion, but you grab his wrist and prompt him to move his hand. 
“Shit… you can add another one now…” 
“R-right okay…” Usopp slips his second digit inside of you. “Is this- does it feel good?” He asks. 
“Pull them up like this…” You mimic exactly how you do it yourself and Usopp curls his fingers upwards inside of you and you feel him hit that delicious soft spot. “There! Keep touching me there!” 
“Like this?” Usopp continues to pull and tap on your g-spot and you involuntarily arch your back. 
“Fuck, yes baby, just like that… you’re doing so well, you’re gonna make me cum. Keep going just like that…” You gasp as Usopp brings his free hand to rub at your clit as he massages your insides with his fingers just the way you’ve instructed him. 
“Really?! I-I mean… shit, you’re so hot… I wanna see you cum so bad…” He honestly couldn’t believe he had you like this in front of him, laid out naked and moments from climaxing, all from his doing. 
“Gonna cum, don’t stop, shit-Ah!!” You moan out loudly as you release directly all over Usopp’s working hands. Your legs shake and your head falls back on the pillows. 
You breathe heavily while laying on your back, recovering from your orgasm as you hear your lover fiddling with the foil condom package. His hands were shaking. 
“Let me…” You sit up and grab the condom from his hands and tear it open. You gingerly lean forward and grab Usopp’s sensitive length and roll the condom on for him. He shudders as your soft hands touch his dick. 
“Thanks, y/n…” He smiles down at you nervously.  “You ready?” He asks, still wanting to make sure you were certain about this. 
“Yes, please fuck me now, Usopp.” You lay back and spread your legs so he could slot himself comfortably between them. He pushes himself close to you and lines his tender, throbbing cock up with your soaking hole. “Please be gentle…” 
“Of course, y/n, I won’t hurt you.” Usopp begins to push his member into your tight entrance and you suck in a breath. “Breathe, y/n, it’s okay, I’m almost in…” You could feel Usopp’s callused hands shaking on your hips, trying to keep his composure. 
“Hnnnn…” You whine and grab Usopp’s biceps. The stretch was uncomfortable, but not nearly as bad as you were expecting. You finally feel his pelvis flush against yours as he fills you completely. “Ahh…” You whimper out. 
“Shit, y/n you’re so tight… I’m not gonna last long…” Usopp pants out. 
“It’s okay.. you can move now.. please…” You pull him down by his neck and he begins experimentally thrusting into you. The pain began to meld into pleasure as your cunt begin to flutter involuntarily around Usopp’s thick length. 
“You feel so fucking good, holy shit y/n…” Usopp lifts his head from its hiding place in your neck and smashes his lips onto yours in a deep kiss. You moan into his mouth as he hits an extra deep spot in your tight cunt. “Wanna be inside of you forever…” Usopp grinds his hips into yours and whines. 
“Fuck me harder, Usopp, want to feel you!” You cry out. He obliges and starts pounding into you with reckless abandon. Years of celibacy were being taken out on your pussy and it felt so good. By the deep grip on your hips you were certain he wasn’t going to last much longer, but you wanted to feel him while you could. “I-I’m gonna-shit, fuck, shit!” Usopp spills his load into the condom and quickly collapses on top of you. You soothingly rub his back and draw circles into his shoulders with your fingers as he catches his breath. He rolls off of you and removes the condom from his softened member, tossing it into the waste basket next to your bed. He sits up next to you in bed. 
“I-I’m sorry… it probably wasn’t really that-“
“It was so great, Usopp. Thank you. I’m really glad we did that.” You smile up at him from your position laying on your pillows. 
“Y-yeah.. it was great, wasn’t it?” Usopp laughed. “I guess I’ll get my stuff and go then…” 
“Why?” You ask. 
“Well we just agreed on the sex and I-“ 
“I want you here. Stay with me.” You pull on his hand and bring him back down to lay with you in bed. 
“You’re sure?” Usopp looked at you like he could barely believe what he was hearing. 
“Listen Usopp, I know we’re friends but after that… I kind of want to see where it goes from here… I can’t help but feel like that meant something, not just to me but to you, too.” You caress the side of his face as he lays next to you on the pillow. “We don’t have to hash it out tonight, but… could you just stay with me and see?” You ask. 
“I guess… but if you want to kick me out in the morning, you just say the word!” 
“Shut up and go to bed, Usopp.” You laugh and nuzzle your head into his chest so that you can comfortably drift off to sleep. 
xx Mo
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ahonice · 1 year
it doesn't matter
jamie drysdale x fem reader (ft. trevor zegras)
word count: 4.3k
warnings: drinking, sexual themes and mentions of sex, cursing, jamie being a fake swiftie (dw that is taken care of), reader has a guilty conscious, fluff (some angst i think), happy ending (those are rare on this blog), not proofread because i accidentally queued this so it posted on its own oops
note: i rewrote this about three times over the past two months, hope you guys are pleased with the final outcome. any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. hope you guys enjoy. have a great day, love y’all babes <3 !!!
“hey you’re single right?” your head shot up at the sound of trevor, one of your closest friends, voice. you had known trevor since you moved to anaheim for college, on your first day in town he accidentally took your coffee from the pickup area at starbuck and you chased him down because you would be damned if you spent ten dollars on an iced coffee that you wouldn’t of been able to drink. it would’ve been a lie if you said you didn’t have a crush on him, he was so funny and kind and not to mention the fact that he is genuinely gorgeous, but you never acted on anything because you were worried he wouldn’t reciprocate your feelings, and the fact that the two of you have had one too many drunken, and a couple sober, hookups didn’t help either.
“of course i am, or else what we did last night would’ve been morally wrong, why?” your heart rate picked up, thoughts running a mile a minute. was he about to ask you out? did he actually like you back the way you dreamed he did? was our relationship finally gonna be something more than friends who fuck at times?
“i wanna set you up with my roommate, jamie. i think you guys would like each other.”
it was a crushing blow, not only did trevor just inadvertently just tell you your feelings are one sided, but that they are so one sided that he thinks his roommate would be a better match for you than himself. you felt sick to your stomach, this was in no way a heartbreak, but that doesn’t mean it can’t hurt.
“earth to y/n.” trevor’s voice shook you from your trance, you had completely forgotten he was there. “you good? you haven’t said a word in like five minutes.”
“yeah i’m fine, um who is this guy? i don’t think i’ve heard you talk about a jamie before.” you wanted this to be a joke, for trevor to say he was kidding, maybe jamie wasn’t real and he just wanted to see if i was open to a relationship right now. 
“well he’s on the ducks as well, seems like your type. brunette with blue eyes, he’s got nice eyebrows too, just a couple weeks older than you, i know you don’t like extremely tall guys so him being 5’11 is perfect.” the more trevor went on about jamie the more you realized that jamie was in fact a real person and did seem like my exact type. “he has freckles too, i know you love those on guys and he looks good in the color green, he checks off all your boxes y/n.” you hated that he did. 
“can i see a picture before i agree to anything?” you didn’t want trevor to get suspicious when you said no, so you wanted to seem like you were at least considering it.
“absolutely.” looking over at trevor’s phone you let out a small sound of surprise.
he was gorgeous
“trevor why have you never told me about him before?” you said, grabbing his phone to go through all of his instagram posts. “he is literally beautiful!” 
“i honestly didn’t even think about it, but jamie saw you at our party last week and asked about you and i knew i had to make you two happen.” trevor said, taking his phone back. “come over tonight. we’re having a party before the season starts, you’ll be able to meet jamie.”
it didn’t take you very long to get ready, your hair and makeup having already been done from your errands earlier in the day, but you did struggle picking out an outfit as every twenty year old girl would. you didn’t quite know who it was that you were dressing up for, in previous months it was always trevor. you were always hoping that he would see you and you would end up staying with him until the morning. while that was usually the case, the second part of your fantasy never came true. the part where trevor realizes he has feelings for you that go further than seeing you as a good fuck. but now there was jamie, you hadn’t even met him yet and you were still wanting to impress him. maybe trevor would see you with jamie and it would make him realize his feelings for you. but jamie seemed nice, once trevor left you looked him up and watched a few too many tiktoks and interviews involving him, he seemed like the polar opposite of trevor and that might just be what you need, it also doesn’t hurt that he was just about one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen in your life, trevor was not lying when he said that jamie was your exact type. settling on a simple pink top and black jeans you made your way towards the uber trevor had ordered for you, palms sweaty and legs slightly shaking as you confirmed where you were headed before you saw your apartment complex disappear in the distance. 
“y/n thank god you’re here, i was starting to think you were pussying out.” trevor loudly yelled as he approached you, great he was already at least three drinks in. “catch up” he said once he was standing in front of you, handing you a beer. 
“i don’t drink this crap, you know this.” you said, shaking your head as trevor silently continued to push the can in your face.
“fine, i bought you some caymans. they’re in the garage fridge, but don’t take too long, jamie is excited to meet you.” you ignored the way his eyebrows wiggled as you began walking towards the garage.
once you were in there you grabbed two drinks, just so you wouldn’t have to come back out for at least half an hour, as well as a shooter. you needed the liquid confidence that would come from the tiny bottle of pink whitney. 
once you made your way back into the party you walked around looking for trevor, stopping a couple of times to greet those you knew, before you found him sitting with the man of the hour.
“y/n! come here, meet jamie.” trevor waved you over, you took a generous sip of the alcohol in your hand before making your way over, sitting down on the couch. trevor in the middle of us, as he began rambling to no one in particular about something you didn’t quite know, your ears tuning him out as the sound of your heartbeat in your ears took over all your senses. 
“y/n, are you even listening to me?” trevor asked you, gently poking the exposed part of your waist.
“no.” the laugh you heard after that made a bush creep up your neck, jamie’s laugh was just as beautiful as he was.
“rude, anyways y/n this is jamie. jamie, this is y/n.” he motioned the two of you towards each other as he talked, jamie reached in front of him to offer you his hand. “now get to know one another, i’m gonna go play pong.” trevor stood up before you could protest him leaving you alone with jamie.
you expected it to be awkward, but it wasn’t. conversation was flowing between the two of you like you had known each other for years, you talked about the basics, what tv shows you enjoyed, favorite movies, taste in music, which then led to a thirty minute discussion about taylor swift and how jamie claimed he was a swiftie but couldn’t name any songs that weren’t played on the radio
“i have a lot to teach you i guess.” you were definitely making it obvious that you were interested in him, but you didn’t care. you’d usually be so shy around a guy so cute, but something about jamie made you calm, that was the simplest way to put it.
“i would love that.” the blush on his face matched yours. you smiled at him, contemplating whether or not you wanted to ask the question you had been wanting the answer to all night.
“so why have i never seen you around or met you before? i’ve known trevor for almost two years now, and i’m over here quite a lot.” 
“i usually just stay in my room all day, especially during parties, i’m not the biggest fan of them.”
“then why are you out here right now and not bunkered up in your room?”
“i wanted to meet you, to get to know you.” jamie answered, scratching the back of his head and giving you a sheepish smile. “i came downstairs last weekend to grab something from the kitchen and that's when i saw you, i really lucked out that you are friends with trevor or else i probably never would’ve been able to find out who you were.” 
you nodded at his response, informing him that you were glad you were friends with trevor too.
“speaking of him, i was hoping to see him again before i left.” you told jamie, standing up from your spot on the couch noticing his slightly upset expression. “let me give you my number, i would love to see you again, maybe begin my lessons on taylor swift to you.” 
“i would love that.”
after exchanging contact information with jamie you made your way outside towards the pong tables, hoping that trevor would still be out there. 
“hey trevor, i was just about to leave, wanted to say goodbye.” you said approaching him in the dimly lit yard.
“you’re leaving already? i didn’t even get any time with you.” he pouted, resting his chin on your shoulder his arms loosely around your waist. 
“sorry trev, but i got to know jamie. don’t let this get to your head, but i think you might be a pretty good wingman.” you joked, your arms around his neck gently running your hands through the ends of his hair. it wasn’t abnormal for the two of you to be so affectionate, so this felt normal.
“good, i’m glad.” his tone didn’t sound like his statement, but you could easily chalk that up to the alcohol in his system finally wearing him down. 
“why don’t i help you get into bed? basically everyone has left already.” you suggested, forcing his head up to meet yours at your eye level.
he smirked before responding. “i like where this was going.” 
“nothing like that buddy, besides you just set me up with your best friend that wouldn’t be a good idea, don’t you think?”
“that's not fair, you can’t do that.” he mumbled, his head dropping back down into the crook of your neck. “you can’t say you're taking me to bed, and then not take me to bed the way i want you to take me to bed."
you rolled your eyes at his comment and began dragging him back inside and up towards his room. once you wrestled him out of his jeans, giving up on putting pants on him because of his multiple attempts to lure you into bed, you got him to lay down and made sure he was comfortable before you headed downstairs to get some water and pain killers for him to take once he woke up in the morning. 
“goodnight trevor.”
you made your way outside onto the front lawn while you waited for your uber to arrive. you usually would’ve taken trevor up on his offer to spend the night with him, but something about even just thinking about doing that was now making you feel guilty. it wasn’t like you and jamie were in a committed relationship or anything, but he seemed to genuinely like you and was actually interested in getting to know you and you didn’t want to do anything to sabotage that.
from: unknown number
can we meet up today for coffee or lunch? i would love to start becoming a real swiftie.
to: unknown number
am i right in assuming this is jamie??
from: unknown number 
yes 🙃
to: jamie🤭
i would love to meet up.
to: jamie🤭
could we get lunch? i am literally starving because of my hangover.
from: jamie🤭
absolutely. send me your address, i’ll come pick you up. 
you were in full panic mode, you had no idea what to wear and the fact that it was visibly obvious that you were hungover didn’t help at all. you told jamie to give you at least thirty minutes, after he told you that an hour was too long. 
you took the fastest shower you ever have in your life before tackling the biggest issue, your outfit. you went through every drawer, bin, and your closet before you decided on biker shorts and a crewneck. you could only hope that jamie wasn’t planning on taking you somewhere with a dress code. 
makeup was applied and your hair was pulled into a claw clip before jamie texted you that he was outside, you did some final touches before you made your way out of your apartment complex. you lucked out seeing that jamie was in a comfy outfit just like you were. once you were buckled up jamie handed you his phone and told you to pick the music before driving off.
“so what is your all time favorite taylor swift song?” jamie asked once he joined you in the booth you found for the two of you, he had taken you to in and out claiming he was craving a burger, and you didn’t complain because you would never pass up the opportunity to fuck up some animal fries.
“i don’t have just one, i think it is humanly impossible to have just one.” you told him, taking a sip of your lemonade before continuing. “i do, however, have a list of my top sixteen songs by her in no particular order.”
“sixteen songs? that’s insane.” 
“she has over two hundred songs, you’ve got a lot of listening to do.”
“well why don’t you give me your list of songs, the only ones i really care about are the ones you like.” you blushed at his words, before stating all of your favorite songs by her. his only responses were “i don’t know that one, never heard of it, i know that one, wait no i don’t”
once you were done and jamie confirmed all the songs were now added to his spotify you two began eating as you gave him a run down of her career.
“so who is your favorite and least favorite ex of hers?”
“i hope you don’t have plans for the rest of the day because i have a lot to say on this.”
“do you want to get dessert? there is a nice ice cream place a few minutes from here.” jamie asked while you two were walking around huntington beach. you didn’t even realize how long the two of you had been hanging out until he asked if you wanted to get dinner, and now three hours after that when he is now asking to get dessert. 
“yea i would love to.” he smiled down at you and you made the move to hold his hand. “sorry, i hope this is ok, i just wanted to hold your hand.” you blushed, turning your head away from him.
“it’s ok, i wanted to as well.” he blushed as well before he began leading the way towards the ice cream shop. 
“i had a lot of fun today, i was honestly a little nervous that with both of us sober it would be a little awkward, but it wasn’t and i would like to see you again. soon. sorry if that is a bit forward.” you told jamie as he pulled up in front of your apartment.
“i’d like to see you soon too, like tomorrow soon. are you busy tomorrow? we could get dinner, a nice place this time, not that in and out and qdoba aren’t nice it’s just-”
“yea i would love to, just send me the restaurants info before so i can figure out what to wear.”
“you’ll look beautiful in whatever you wear y/n.” you blushed at jamie’s comment before leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. you were quick to get out of the car, yelling a goodbye as you ran into the front doors of your building.
“finally you’re back. where the hell were you? i’ve been here for hours.” 
“how the hell did you get into my apartment trevor?” you asked the boy who was sprawled out across your couch eating your food. “stop eating my wheat thins asshole.”
“i found your spare key, i mean hiding it on the top of the door frame is just a horrible idea y/n.” trevor said as he went back into your kitchen, hopefully to put your snacks away.
“what are you doing her trev?” you asked, taking your shoes off before making your way into the living room.
“where were you? you’re never out late, and i got here at like two and it’s now eleven. did you pick up a shift?” trevor was quick to join you on the couch, grabbing a blanket and throwing it over the two of you.
“no, i was actually with jamie, he picked me up at noon to get lunch and then we spent the whole day together.” you blushed remembering how much fun you had today and how it was the first time in a while that you had enjoyed a date that much.
“oh, i didn’t realize that you two were getting along that well.” trevor said, reaching towards the table to grab the remote. “what the hell did you two talk about for nearly twelve hours? jamie cannot be that interesting of a guy.”
“we started off talking about taylor swift and how he is a fake swiftie, just like you are.” trevor cut you off with a gasp and hit you with the pillow he was using. “and then we talked about our childhoods, stories from school and growing up where we did.” you smiled at nothing, just reflecting on this one story jamie had told you about his worst halloween costume, which you then one upped with your own horrible halloween story. “thanks for pushing me to meet him trevor, i know it’s only been a day but i feel an actual connection with him and i can’t remember the last time i felt that with a guy.” 
you and jamie had been going on dates multiple times a week for the past month now and tonight the team had the night off and jamie was taking you to his favorite restaurant for date night. you weren’t dating, yet, but both you and jamie have spoken about it as something you both want. it’s just up to when the timing is right.
“where is he taking you out tonight?” trevor asked you as he joined you in your bedroom. you called him over to help you pick out an outfit for tonight.
“cortina’s” it wasn’t a black tie restaurant, but it wasn’t a jeans and a tshirt restaurant either. “i was thinking my black leather pants and then a nice top, maybe my pink top with the mesh sleeves?” you were met with silence from your best friend, “hello? earth to trevor.”
“sorry what?” you rolled your eyes before entering the bathroom, changing into the outfit you had in mind. “what do you think?”
“i think that jamie isn’t coming to pick you up for another two hours and that gives us plenty of time to have some fun.” trevor said, wrapping his arms around your waist and giving you open mouth kisses on the exposed skin of your neck down to your shoulder, you let yourself revel in the feeling before you snapped back into your senses.
“trevor stop.” you pushed his arms off of you as you distanced yourself from him. “trevor you can’t do that, we can’t do this anymore.”
“why not y/n? you and jamie aren’t dating, there is nothing wrong with it. it’s been a month and i’m getting frustrated.” he groaned, flopping down onto your bed.
“that is not my issue trev, don’t blame me. i can guarantee that there are at least one hundred girls in your dm’s right now who would be willing to hook up with you, go bother one of them.” you snapped back at him, not in the mood.
“i don’t want some random girl, i want you y/n. aren’t you in the mood even a little bit, it’s been a month for you too.” you avoided his eyes as you made your way to your vanity to begin your makeup. “wait have you been fucking jamie? what the fuck y/n?”
“trevor you have no right to be upset, we are nothing. you were the one who set us up. isn’t this what you wanted?”
“no this isn’t what i wanted, i should’ve just made jamie make a move on his own. if that was the case you would still have no idea who the hell he was because jamie is too much of a little-”
“get out.” you cut trevor off before he could say anything worse. “trevor get out and don’t talk to me until you manage to get your head out of your ass.”
“is everything okay? you seem a bit off.” jamie asked, he was right. after your argument with trevor you had been a bit out of it, the guilt of what you had done with trevor in the past was eating away at you. “could we talk about it later? i don’t want to ruin dinner.” your voice was shaky as you spoke.
“yes of course, but i’m gonna be honest i’m a little worried now.” jamie said, playing with the napkin on his lap. 
“i am too, don't worry.” your attempt at a joke didn’t help, but thankfully the waiter came to take our orders. 
dinner was terrible. 
you two tried your hardest to have everything be normal and how things had been in the past month, but both of you were worried about what you had to say. jamie was scared you were gonna break things off with him, he was already nervous for tonight because he was going to ask to make things official between you two, and now he was even more on edge. while you were worried that after you told him about you and trevor’s past that he would no longer want anything to do with you and would break things off before they even got fully started. 
“so can you tell me what is going on?” jamie asked once you two had exited the restaurant and were sitting in his car.
“i want you to know that this started before i even knew you existed and it stopped the moment i met you.” you took a couple of deep breaths before continuing. “trevor and i had been hooking up, for nearly the whole time we were friends, but i swear to you the second i met you i cut it off. i’m really sorry for not telling you sooner, it’s just that i really, really, like you and i didn’t want anything to jeopardize that, even though keeping it a secret probably wasn’t the best alternative.” you looked out the window, avoiding his gaze, afraid of how badly he was judging you right now. “i understand if you don’t want to continue this anymore, you can just drop me off right here and i’ll uber home.”
“y/n. i don’t care.” you finally peeled your eyes away from the reflection of the cars in the side view mirror to see jamie looking at you with a smile. “your previous relationships are none of my business, yes it is a bit uncomfortable that he is my roommate and one of my closest friends, as well as one of yours, but i really, really, like you too so that doesn’t matter to me.” you smiled back at him, a few tears building up in your waterline. “i was actually going to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend, and i still want to. so y/n would you make me the happiest man alive and officially become my girlfriend?”
“yes jamie, i would be honored.” you leaned over the center console and kissed his cheek, to not distract him from the road. “it sounds like you proposed jamie.” you laughed. “are things going to be weird around trevor for you?” you hated the idea of being the cause of their falling out, or to have any team problems sprout from this.
“yes.” jamie replied bluntly. “and i’m definitely not the biggest fan of you two hanging out without me there, at least for a little bit, but it’ll all work out. i won’t let it get to me or my game, but the second he makes a comment about you it’s over.”
you giggled before replying with a short “got it.” and placed your hand over his.
“and don’t worry, i never plan on going anywhere without you drysdale. you’re gonna have to start coming to girls' nights too.”
note: i actually rewrote this three times and each time the plot was different, the last version was so much juicer and had so much drama (trevor realized he was in love with reader, but he was too late dun dun DUNNNN) but i cut that out because i couldn’t get the wording right. anyways i hope y’all enjoyed, leave feedback (any and all is appreciated), have a great day, i love y’all babes <3 !!!
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fiction-is-life · 1 year
Lousy Chaperones
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Author’s Note:  I hope this cheers you up a bit!!! @ohwowimlonley​
Summary: You tag along on one of your sister Sarah’s dates with John B.
Warnings: Cameron!reader, none really
“Sarah, dad and Rose are gonna figure out that you’re sneaking out, and they’re going to blame me,” you called through her bathroom door.  The next thing you knew, the door flew open to show Sarah blow drying her hair, her hip propped up against the door jamb.
“Why don’t you come with me, then?” Sarah suggested, surprising you and making your eyes widen.  “John B said JJ will probably be there for a bit, and it might be nice for him to have someone to talk to as well so he doesn’t feel like a third wheel.”
Sarah turned away from you to look back in the mirror, missing you freeze in shock.  “JJ will be there?  Why will JJ be there?” you asked, stuttering only slightly.
Sarah shrugged.  “Of course he will be.  He and John B are best friends, and I think JJ’s date canceled on him.”
You nodded your head with a furrowed brow.  “Okay, um, I’ll go get ready then,” you said, already planning what you were going to wear.
“Sarah, are you sure about this?  I mean, I don’t really know JJ that well, and I don’t want to intrude on you and John B.”  You were trying to talk yourself out of going and you knew it.
Sarah rolled her eyes quickly as she drove towards the Cut.  “Come on, (Y/N/N), do this for me.  You may just have a good time.”
You huffed quietly.  “That’s not what I’m worried about,” you whispered as you pulled into the grass at the Chateau.
You couldn’t seem to break out of your shell as the four of you sat on the beach, intermittently eating and surfing.  JJ was just so charismatic; he never seemed to be awkward or out of place.  You were content to just listen to the three of them crack jokes and ignore the looks John B and Sarah were giving each other.  In fact, you were almost relaxed enough to join in when Sarah stood up, saying that she and John B were going to go on a walk by themselves.
“Sarah! Are you -”
“Sounds good!  (Y/N) and I will be fine,” JJ interrupted, throwing a wink in your direction.
Sarah threw a look back over her shoulder.  “Take good care of my sister, J,” she called in a sing-song voice.  
You bit your lip as you looked back at JJ.  “I guess it’s just you and me, JJ,” you spoke quietly.  
He chuckled, stretching his arms to lay them on the log behind him.  “Guess so.  It was only a matter of time, really.  They are crazy about each other.”
You laughed nervously along with him.  “Yeah, I’ve never seen Sarah so happy before,” you say honestly.  
“I never thought a Kook would come slum it on the Cut, to be honest,” JJ said, making your guards go up instantly.  He continued, however, “It kinda makes me think this whole Kooks vs. Pogues thing is all stupid, you know?”
Your mouth fell open in a perfect “O”, but you recovered yourself quickly enough with a nod of your head, squealing internally.
You tried to hide your shiver, but it couldn’t be helped now that the sun had set.  You and JJ had been talking for a couple of hours, not even wondering where Sarah and John B had gone as you laughed and taught each other party tricks and told funny stories about your respective friends.  
“Are you cold?  We can go back to the Twinkie and find you something to put on,” JJ said, already sitting up and putting his shoes back on.
You smiled, touched at his sweetness.  “Thanks, J.”  You hopped up and followed him closely as you made your way back to where John B had parked the Twinkie.
Except it wasn’t there.  
“Ah, shit, John B must have taken your sister back to the Chateau,” JJ huffed, running his hand through his blond locks.  He gave you a wry smile.  “I guess we’ll just have to walk.”
You smiled, subconsciously rubbing your arms to get some heat back into them.  “That’s okay.  It’s a pretty small island,” you joked.
He smiled, glad you were being so easy-going about the lovey-dovey couple’s disappearing act.  You started to walk towards the road with JJ at your side, just happy to be actually talking and hanging out with your forever crush.  Content just to be.
So you were really ecstatic when said crush put a warm arm around you, tugging you closer as you walked.
And JJ was glad to have finally convinced John B to go along with his plan.
Taglist: @adventuresinobx @bradleybeachbabe​ @starkeyobx @penny4yourthoughts​  @topperscumslut​ @drewbooooo @honeybear-yammy​ @gillybear17 @hoebx @darksideofmyshallow​ @fangirlfree @get0ut0fmyr00m @poppet05 @graywrites20 @yellowbitchs-blog @laneyy003 @hydraironcaptian @honeybuzzzzzz​​ @powellssugarbaby​​ @ietts @art3mas​
My Masterlist
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gaycragula · 2 years
haha um if you wrote this soldier 76/(cis)m!reader i would love you forever: (bottom soldier: 76, and post-fall of ovw plz) so reader and 76 recently got together romantically, and this is their first time having sex with each other. but since soldier 76 has been alone and surrounded by negativity for so long, he gets really overwhelmed from the tenderness during it and starts to cry (not sad tears, just overwhelmed). reader takes care of him and they have tender sex. thank you <3
Tear in His Heart
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Pairing: Soldier 76 x Male Reader Warnings: There's probably an age difference, crying during sex, first time sex Word count: 1776 Masterlist
You were sitting on Soldier’s bed, waiting for the man to come back. It was his birthday today- you wanted to surprise him. A neatly wrapped present sat on the bed next to you, all you needed now, was your boyfriend. 
An hour passed, and then two, then the sun was casting an orange hue into the room through the window. Still, you waited. You decided to start on a nice dinner. You had gone out to get groceries and decided to pick up a couple steaks since you knew Jack liked them.
It was your plan to make them for dinner anyway. The sun had disappeared by the time dinner was done. The table was set, candles lit, wine set to the side. It seemed to be perfect timing.
As you finished up the steaks, Jack came in through the door. Even just looking at him, you could tell he was exhausted. His movements were sluggish as he removed his shoes and jacket. 
“Are you hurt?” You ask, walking over to him so you could take his jacket so you could wash it later. Jack shook his head before removing the visor he wore out.
It had taken a long time for Jack to trust you enough to remove it. You had never pushed it. And it only happened after you’d expressed romantic interest in him that he removed it for the first time. It had flustered you and you spent almost an hour tracing over his facial features, pressing kisses over scars and  telling him just how handsome he was. 
You did the same then. You draped his jacket over the arm of the couch before bringing him in for a soft kiss. Jack relaxed against you, you could feel it. He let out a deep breath as he returned the kiss. “I made dinner and I’ve got something for you in your room.”
“What’s the occasion?” Even his voice sounded tired. His usual gruff, almost commanding voice was quiet, soft.
“Your birthday, Jack.” You had laced your fingers with his and were gently pulling him towards the set table. “I wanted to do something nice for it.”
“You didn’t have to,” he murmurs, pulling your hand up to kiss the back of it. You smiled, returning the gesture. 
“I know, but I wanted to treat you tonight. If you’d allow me to of course.”
“I- Thank you, dear,” Soldier whispered, pulling his chair back so he could sit. “What did you make?”
You headed back into the kitchen, bringing out the steaks for him. “A couple steaks and some sides. I bought some wine as well,” you hum, offering one of the steaks to the man. He thanked you as he pulled it onto his plate.
Soldier waited for you to sit across from him with your own food before he started eating. You made idle talk with him as you ate. The longer the two of you spoke, the more relaxed Soldier became. 
Once dinner was done and you finished cleaning up, you led Soldier back to his room. The gift was still sitting where you left it. “I know it’s not much, but I really wasn’t sure what to get you,” you apologized, handing Jack the gift. 
He took it, weighing it in his hands before opening it. You sat on his bed again, watching for his reaction. Soldier held the picture in his hands, staring at it. Your leg bounced, nervous he didn’t like it. 
A smile graced his features and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. Soldier set the frame on a nightstand by his bed before coming back to stand in front of you. “Thank you,” he hums, leaning down to kiss you. 
“I’m glad you like it,” you grin, resting your hands on Jack’s hips. He was the one to move into your lap. His hands moved to your shoulders before they ran up your neck and cupped your cheeks. He kissed you with desperation that he hadn’t before, like a man starved. 
His hips rolled into yours and he moaned into your mouth. Blunt nails scraped over your cheeks before rough fingers slipped back down your neck and down the back of your shirt. Your own hands slipped under his shirt to rest directly on the skin above his pantline.
A shiver went up Soldier’s spine and he choked on a breath as he pulled away. For once, his usual put together appearance was messy. Spit had accumulated on his chin, running down it as he panted. His nails dug into the skin of your back, scratching over your skin. 
Soldier seemed to get his senses back. He apologized quickly, trying to push himself off your lap. You tightened the grip you had on him in response.
“We can do it,” you whisper, nails pressing into Jack’s skin. “We can go slow.”
He nodded, shifting in your lap. “Please.”
You pressed another kiss to his lips before you stood up with him in your arms. He tensed, arms squeezing around your neck out of fear you would drop him. You moved him so he was laying down at the head of the bed and climbed atop of him. Soldier squirmed a bit to get comfortable before he pulled you down into a kiss.
One of his hands wrapped around the back of your neck while yours traveled back up his shirt, pressing into the skin of his tummy. The kisses stayed slow, both of you feeling each other up. Clothes were slowly removed, both of you taking the time to admire the other’s body.
You traced over scars on his torso, watching goosebumps rise to the man’s skin. Every touch set his skin on fire, he was choking on breaths, arching into your touch. Your chest pressed against his when you pulled him into another kiss and he felt your heartbeat against his own. It was euphoric. 
Your lips trailed across his jaw and down his neck while you worked his pants off. Soldier lifted his hips enough so you could pull his jeans off, hearing them thump to the floor next to the bed.
“Jack, if you need me to stop or slow down, tell me. I want this to feel as good for you as it will for me,” you whisper against his skin, your fingers dancing just above the waist of his boxers. “Alright?”
You felt him nod and you took it as your sign to remove the last bits of clothing separating your skin from his. Both of you were hard and you could see the nervousness in Jack’s eyes as he glanced at your dick. 
“Do we need to stop?” You ask quietly, running your hands soothingly over his sides. “Is it too much?”
“No. Please no,” Jack breathed, pulling you down into a kiss. “Not now.”
You reached for the bottle of lube you kept in Jack’s apartment, popping it open and pouring a decent amount on your fingers. He tensed when he felt your finger circle around his rim. You waited for him to relax again and when his hips wiggled impatiently, you pressed the digit into him.
He cursed, clenching down on your finger as he pulled you down into another kiss. You started pumping your finger into him, watching him for any signs of discomfort. Second and third fingers were quick to join due to Jack’s impatience. He was begging against your lips for you to take him, whispering that he needed you.
Jack watched as you spread lube over your dick before you lined up with him. He was trying to stay relaxed, taking deep breaths as he waited for you to push in. 
You pressed the tip in and heard the sharp inhale it brought from your lover. His teeth were grit as you slowly pushed in, leaning down to kiss him in an attempt to help keep him relaxed. You bottomed out, letting a moan melt into Jack’s mouth. 
The proximity was new to both of you. You were skin to skin almost everywhere, you could hear his heartbeat and you were sure he could hear yours. 
When you pulled away from the kiss, you noticed tears building up in his eyes. You cupped his face, using your thumbs to brush stray tears off of his cheeks. “Are you alright, Jack? Do I need to stop?” You ask, concern evident in your voice and on your face. “Are you hurt?”
Jack let out a choked sob, shaking his head. Words seem to evade him and all he could do was pull you back down to press a shaky kiss to your cheek. His hips shifted and it forced your dick deeper inside of him and caused him to whimper quietly. “I’ll be gentle,” you whisper, slowly rolling your hips into Jack’s.
You shared kisses with each other, hands traveling wherever they could reach. Jack scratched over your back and shoulders as he moaned, legs locking behind you to keep you close. One of your hands jerked him off in pace with your thrusts, offering him the stimulation he wanted, needed. 
Tears still glistened in his eyes, threatening to spill with every roll of your hips into his. He looked so pretty. 
Your name fell from his lips over and over again when he wasn’t kissing you, desperation obvious in his voice. It was a change of scenery to see Jack so desperate beneath you. But goddamn was it a beautiful sight. Cheeks flushed red, lips puffy and wet from where you’d been kissing him, tears wet in his eyes as he looked up at you.
“Fuck Jack, you’re so fucking pretty,” you whisper, leaning down to kiss him again. Jack arched into you, the moan he gave almost sounding like a sob as his dick twitched in your hand. A couple more thrusts into him had him coming in your hand. You jerked him through his orgasm before you pulled out of him and came along his inner thighs. 
He laid boneless against the bed as he caught his breath and as you went to get a wet rag so you could clean him off. Once both of you were cleaned up and redressed, you both laid down in the bed.
Jack laid on your chest while you ran your hands through his hair and ran them along his neck. “Happy birthday, Soldier,” you hum with a smile, tracing a heart into his skin.
You felt Jack chuckle and heard him whisper a thank you before the room fell to silence and you both eventually drifted off to sleep.
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You’re not sorry-Jughead Jones
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A/n:  This is going to be based on a song...so I hope you guys enjoy! And thank you all for the love and support. 
Song: You're not sorry
Written: Taylor Swift
'All this time I was wasting hoping you would come around, I've been giving out chances every time and all you do is let me down, And it's taken me this long baby, but I've figured you out, And you're thinking we'll be fine again, but not this time around.'
Your POV
I was sitting in my regular booth at Pop's waiting for Jughead to show up. I was getting kind of worried since he's normally earlier than I am. This is not normal behavior for him. He probably lost track of time and didn't realize he did, so I'm praying he gets here before I have to head home.
" Hey Y/n." Pop said
I turned to see him right next to me. I gave him a small smile. " Jug still not here?" he questioned
I sighed and messed with my fingers. I could feel my eyes watering, but didn't want to show it so I quietly told him. " Um, if he comes in can you just tell him I'll see him tomorrow in school?"
He gently put a hand on my shoulder. " Sure, have a nice evening Y/n." he softly said before walking away. I took one last sigh before making my way to my car to head home.
Jughead's POV
I looked up from the paper I was studying over for Betty when I saw the time. My eyes' widened when I saw it was past ten. Betty glanced up in confusion. " Juggie, what's wrong."
I didn't even spare a glance at her since I was rushing to grab my things. " I don't have time Betty. I'm late."
She just sat there, so I spun around. " Betty, I'm sorry, but you have to leave. Not that I don't trust you...I just don't want anyone in my trailer."
She slightly nodded and packed her things. She took her time getting to the door which made me grow annoyed. " Betty, let's go!" She moved faster, when we were both outside I immediately got on my bike to head to Pop's.
Time Skip
I parked and ran inside to find her not there, which made me panic before Pop looked over with a disappointed look. " She told me to tell you she'll see you in school."
I sighed and nodded. I slowly walked to the door to head back to my trailer.
Your POV
'You're looking so innocent, I might believe you if I didn't know, could've loved you all my life if you hadn't left me waiting in the cold, And you've got your share of secrets, And I'm tired of being last to know, Oh, And now you're asking me to listen, 'Cause it's worked each time before.'
I wasn't paying attention to anyone around me since Jughead still hasn't come talk to me. I felt someone sit next to me, but didn't care to look who it was. I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned to see Kevin giving me a concerned look. I took out one of my earbuds to listen to him. " Are you okay?"
I smiled to make it look like I'm okay. " Yea, I'm really fine Kev."
I knew he didn't believe me, but he didn't say anything. That's why I like Kevin, he knows when to stop cause he knows I'll talk when I want to.
I would have normally sat with the group, but since I've been ignoring Jug I'm sitting in the Blue and Gold. I was about to start some homework since I didn't feel like eating a huge lunch, but I saw a familiar notebook. I know it's wrong to snoop, but I want to know what he's been up to. What I saw was shocking it brought tears in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.
" Y/n/n?"
I froze from hearing his voice. I didn't know what to do or say. " Um, what are you doing in here?"  he asked
I turned around slowly with the notebook still in my hand. His eyes scanned over me until they dropped to the item in my hand. He started walking closer to me. " Don't come any closer." I said softly
He froze and nodded. " It's not what it seems like. I'm just helping her find her sister okay."
I didn't know what to think. " Are you sure?" I asked unsure
He nodded in response. I pretend to believe his words without him knowing. Before either of us could say anything Betty came in. She had this glow coming from her which only made me not believe his words even more.
" Juggie, you ready to go." She questioned
He turned his head and nodded. " You know I love you right Y/n/n." he said
I smiled and softly said..." I love you too." I watched them both leave and I just knew something was going on.
'You had me crawling for you, honey, And it never would've gone away, no, you used to shine so bright, but I watch it fade.'
It's been about five weeks since Jug and I went on an actual date. He's been hanging out with Betty which is driving me insane. Ever since Betty asked for his help that's all he ever talks about. I can feel the spark between us failing. Our world is fading while his world is shining with Betty.
" Babe, guess what." he said coming up to my locker
" If this is about Betty, I don't want to hear it, Jug." I said annoyed
I heard him let out a scoff. " What's your problem?"
I just let out a laugh. I felt him glare at me, so I turned to face him. He raised his brow to get me to talk. " You do realize you have a girlfriend right." I stated
He nodded " What does that have to do..." I cut him off. " Which means I don't want to hear about Betty. Hell if you like her that much then date her." I couldn't look at his face anymore so I walked away.
' So you don't have to call anymore, I won't pick up the phone, This is the last straw, There's nothing left to beg for, And you can tell me that you're sorry, But I don't believe you, baby, like I did before, You're not sorry, No, no, oh-oh, You're not sorry, No, no, oh-oh.'
Jughead's POV
I was sitting in the booth at Pop's waiting for the group to show up and all I could think about was Y/n. I couldn't figure out if she wants to talk when she's ready or if she said all that to me because she is done with this whole relationship. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't hear the bell ring. " Yo, Jug"
I looked up to find Archie sitting right across from me. Before I got a chance to say anything he spoke up. " You alright dude?"
I sighed before saying anything. " Yea, I'm fine. Don't worry about me."
I knew he wouldn't believe me, but didn't say anything about it.
Your POV
I was walking up to Pop's when I noticed the whole group sitting in a booth. I took a pause and let out a deep breath. I finally got the courage to walk through the door. " Hey Y/n, what can I do for you?" Pop asked
I smiled while walking up to the counter. " Um, just my regular." He smiled " You got it."
When he disappeared it didn't take long for the group to come up to me. " Y/n/n, it seems like forever since we saw you." Roni said
I turned and smiled. " Sorry Roni." I really do feel bad for ditching them all, but since Jughead wants to get with Betty I've been avoiding the whole group. Before anyone else could say something I heard..." Can we please talk?" Jughead said
I looked over at him. I took a deep breath before following him outside. I was just waiting for him to start talking. He let out a sigh, then ran his hands over his face. " The things you said at school, did you mean any of that?" he asked
I sighed..." Jug, whatever is happening with Betty..." I paused to get my words put together. " It's ruining our relationship. You're spending almost all your time with her where most days you're ditching me."
I didn't really want him to see me cry so I looked down until I heard these words. " I'm sorry." he whispered
I let out a laugh. I looked up at him and told him. " You're not sorry." I turned to go get Pop to put my food in a to go bag, but before that I turned back around with tears falling down my face I stated. " Also Jug, we're done. Enjoy your life with Betty."
I turned back around so I didn't have to see his face.
 I don't know how sad this will be, but hopefully it's sad enough for you. Request any time. Please enjoy!! 
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ezlebe · 1 year
prompt: either of them mistakenly & flippantly says “love u bye” out of habit b4 hanging up the phone (i’ve done this b4 when talking to a random old lady) & chaos ensues
“– and the time slot cannot be changed, but you can give her the contact to Ubon to buy another one,” Tom says, emphasizing the last words, making it easy to tell he’s probably gesturing in that little pinch. “You get all that?”
“Yeah, I… yeah, I can do it,” Greg says, flipping through the day planner with a peek at the corners. He pauses at the sight of a fluorescent orange sticky with a relieved sigh.
“Seriously, do I hear the paper planner?” Tom says, voice pitching bright with mocking amusement. “How old are you – seventy-five?”
“I got it, Tom,” Greg says, again, fully flipping open the planner.
“Good,” Tom says, voice fading on the other end of the line. “Shit. Kerry. I got to go. Bye-bye!”
Greg nods absently, tugging the note out of the edge of the planner, so it peeks through the pages. “Ye-yeah, bye. Love you.”
Tom sputters across the line. “What?”
“What?” Greg echoes, then his own words catch up, and he hurriedly hangs up the phone with a slip of his thumb across the screen. He stares at it in his hand, as his heart thuds, face flashing cold, then hot, as a tingle rushes in a wave across his skin down to his fingertips. He stiffly loosens his grip on the planner to cover his face, bending across his knees.
Fuck fuck, fuck.
Greg is at least is relieved to be out on assignment, as it were; he can’t get cornered in his office with heckles when he’s out here in California. He could, in theory, not even go back… but Tom would come looking, if it came to that, probably? It’s not a real option, either way. He might, at most, push it back a day or two.
It’s especially fucked because Greg has been like so fucking careful, too. He doesn’t touch too much, he’s pretty sure, and he hardly starts up anything himself. He’s been like a total… bro, or whatever, since stumbling into finding out Tom is less conflicted on the rules of it’s-not-gay-if-it’s-a-devil’s-three-way than anything else they could do. He’s like pretty sure, though, Tom has some idea that Greg… prefers him to be there for like completion’s sake? But also that he thinks Greg just gets nervous.
Tom’s always telling him not to get too nervous…
Fuck. Greg is thinking about that now, somehow even less appropriate for his upcoming meeting. It’s a thought that does calm him down in a way, Tom's low voice in his ear, which is nice... though, when taken apart and isolated, it’s just as much of a problem.
Greg looks up with a start at a bell at the opposite end of the hall, straightening his back, as a woman in a bright white power suit exits the nearby elevator. He stands when she closes in on the seating area, and knows he has to bury all this for the next hour, at least, because this is the hard ass ad exec who Tom has had him doing background on the last two days.
“Mr Hirsch?” She says, pasting in on bright, toothy smile while sticking out her hand. “I’m Crista Ball. Welcome to NoHo.”
“Nice to meet you,” Greg says, then clears his throat, forcibly brightening his voice while reaching out to take Crista’s hand. “Call me Greg.”
“Hey,” Tom says, looking up, as Greg enters his office. “Good flight?”
“Um… cramped,” Greg says, as he looks toward the window and the grey sky framing the skyscrapers, and realizes he’s having a little trouble remembering the actual flight. It must have been boring. “Not that, like… eventful, I guess, which makes it good?”
“No news is good news,” Tom says, standing up from his desk with an exaggerated oof. He walks around it, the fingers of one hand lingering on the desk, while the other sweeps out in a gesture toward the floor outside the hall with an upturned palm. “Unless you work here, obviously.”
Greg huffs with an assenting lift of his shoulder. He shifts his bag behind him, when Tom gets close, opening his arms to reciprocate Tom folding him into a loose hug.
“But hey,” Tom says, quietly, turning his head to the side with a press of lips under Greg’s ear. “Welcome back, baby.”
Greg tightens his fingers in Tom’s shirt, trying to pull him closer, but the shirt slips from his grasp. He looks down, furrowing his brow as he realizes Tom’s actually only in a white tee, worn thin and loose around the collarbones. He exhales a low mumble of confusion, looking at Tom, “Did you wear this to the office?”
Tom raises an eyebrow, from where he stands in the middle of his penthouse bedroom. “The office?”
Greg looks over his shoulder at the door, a dark, narrow hall beyond it. “I – I mean –?”
Tom leans in Greg’s face with a smirk and a with a pair of tuts, hands settling wide along Greg’s pelvis. “We couldn’t do this at the office.”
Greg shakes his head to agree, but he’s… He’s still having trouble really holding on. It’s like the fabric and Tom are no more solid than sand.
“Got you all to myself,” Tom continues, wagging his brows, having no trouble on his part for tugging at Greg’s belt. “No one else in the way. Just like I like it.”
“Yo-you do?” Greg asks, hearing his voice lift in a fluster.
Tom laughs under his breath, leaning in, sliding both hands up Greg’s torso, his chest, then curving across his lower jaw. He stares for a few beats, then his mouth curves into an ugly sneer. “No.”
“Shit,” Greg croaks, blinking at the creased pillow under his head. He’s not in New York, at all; he never even got on the plane. He maybe on purpose let his meeting run long, asked the car to take a detour for dinner, and then had them take him back to the hotel once it was solidly two hours after the flight.
He turns over into the pillow with a groan, entertaining the idea of suffocating himself against the cotton and fiber. He slowly continues to roll entirely to the opposite side that he woke up on, grimacing at the way his feet miss against the edge of the mattress, and determinedly counts various light across the city while trying to forget the dream. He feels winded, and too hot, like he’s been out in a run, or something, though the only thing racing is his mind.
It was just a dream. Greg like really doesn’t even… care, because it – It would be sort of a pointless, painful waste of energy. The way it is just is how it is, and he has known that for months.
He’s known since he awkwardly tried to remind Tom he had a lot of life ahead of him, only to get too tipsy, go a little too far, and be drawn into some loosely-labeled fun. It had actually only been a little awkward, at first, until it got very awkward when Tom admitted that he’d partly done it because of Shiv, as he was apparently carrying some kind of bizarre spite that he hadn’t really explained. He then joked it made him disgusting, because he was still married to her, but it felt heavily implied that also was because Greg was Greg, and they were disgusting together.
It gets harder to remember why that’s really so bad every time the situation repeats itself. It doesn’t recur exactly like the first time, but they’ll get just as drunk, and Tom will become especially evocative, settling on a wall or a lounger like it’s a throne, and throw an arm around Greg, squeezing his hip, his ribs, his thighs, and tugging his clothes, while he tells him in sly detail how they might sweet talk someone that Greg’s really only been looking at just to keep from looking at Tom. And then never, ever talk about it. It’s like they both become different people, entirely separate from who they are when they’re sober in daylight.
Greg thinks that he might actually hate drunk-Greg, who is so desperate, though not as much as he hates drunk-Tom, who treats Greg with the possessiveness and condescension of an especially posable doll. Truthfully, though, nothing can really top the hate for how much he still keeps going along knowing it leads exactly nowhere. It leads nowhere, except here, laying in the dark and wishing he had never told Tom that a woman at the bar was looking at them those months ago. He’s a bigger liar than he’s ever been, and the real truth is that he’s always been too good at faking it. His parents must be so proud, all considered.
The train of thought is jarringly interrupted by a sharp thwack hitting the door. Then another. And Greg reaches out to tap the lamp, squinting towards it, and then back to the door. He stumbles up, once he fully grasps it’s knocking, and that it’s getting louder by the second.
“Just a – One, uh – one moment, please,” he says, clearing his throat, and he nearly falls across the table alongside the suite sofa. He fumbles at the door, thankful that it makes the knocking stop, and slowly peeks out a narrow crack.
He quickly opens the door wider, squinting blearily down at Tom, who’s standing in the harsh light of the hotel hallway. He’s in shirtsleeves with a wrinkled jacket over his arm, has sunglasses on his head, and he… He didn’t even wait a day to fly out. He didn’t even wait half a day – is he tracking Greg, in a very literal sense?
“You skipped out on your flight,” Tom says, rather than any sort of greeting. He shoves past Greg, though the door and scratching at his brow while moving across the suite. “Very mature.”
“It was a-a meeting conflict issue, I didn’t – ” Greg shakes his head once with a hard swallow. “It like wasn’t a deliberate skipping.”
“Uh-huh,” Tom says, now scrubbing a hand entirely across his face. He settles in front of the window, chin resting on a fist. “Whatever you say.”
Greg lifts his hands slowly across his elbows, squeezing into the joints.
“Look, bud, it was just a little faux pas, you –”
“Can we not – ” Greg inhales tight, as the words rasp from his throat, “Not talk about it?”
Tom peeks over his shoulder, mouth flattening, as his eyes gradually narrow over a count of seconds. He clicks his tongue, as he looks back toward the city outside the window.
Greg has gone through a lot of… phases when it comes to Tom, all shifting blends of attracted, and agitated, and attached, and ambivalent, and altogether it’s the most keyed-up he’s felt about anyone. He doesn’t like getting forced into thinking directly about it, and he especially doesn’t want Tom thinking about it.
A tiny, impetuous part of Greg wishes that he would just say something.
Tom turns around entirely, dropping his hands with a shake that goes through to his fingertips. He steps in closer, making some face that’s probably condescending, but too shadowed against the dim bedside lamp to really tell. “Your call.”
Greg agrees with a hard swallow and a jerky drop of his chin.
Tom stands silently for another beat, then abruptly leans up to slip a hand around Greg, tugging him into one-armed slap on the back. “Hey, buck up.”
Greg suddenly can't help the way his shoulders immediately roll forward and hunch, his hands pushing weakly at the loose wrinkles of Tom’s shirt. It feels too much like the dream, of something under his hands and with soft whispered affection, only now it’s solid, and he literally chokes at the thought, breath trapped at the back of his throat.
Tom goes markedly still for a pair of tense beats, then exhales lengthy and low between them. “Okay,” he murmurs, palm settling warm and heavy across the back of Greg’s head. “Okay.”
Greg gradually presses his face entirely across Tom’s shoulder. “I’m like…” He says, voice barely above a murmur. “Tired, Tom.”
Tom is quiet for a few long seconds, then gives a jerky nod against the side of Greg’s head. “It’s… It is the ass of dawn.”
“Yeah, um – wh-why are you here?” Greg asks, and maybe that’s not what he meant, but it is a little more crazy. He’s aware enough that, between the traffic and the air time, Tom must have gotten a flight at like the minute Greg didn’t step off his own, so it’s almost 7AM for both of them, only Tom probably hasn’t had any sleep. “I was like scheduled for tomorrow?”
“Doesn’t really matter,” Tom says, rubbing his thumb hard and distracting into the curve of Greg’s scalp.
“It does, though,” Greg insists, grudgingly pulling back, forcing himself to release Tom’s shirt from his stiff grip. He looks down into what he can see of Tom’s face, but it’s just the slope of his nose and the upturn of his lashes, too shadowed to read. “You have like stuff to do.”
“I was… concerned,” Tom says, briefly wringing his hands, then again dropping them to his sides in loose fists. “That you may have overcorrected in some way.”
Greg shakes his head, as he rubs deep into one of his eyes with the heel of a hand. He can’t really guess what that could mean, and decides not to try – he overcorrected? He didn’t take a six hour red-eye.
“Can I, like… just go back to bed?” he mutters, into the curve of his own palm, attempting not to look directly at Tom while his stomach threatens to tighten in upset. “If we apparently don’t have anything to talk about?”
Tom exhales a harsh, predictably irked breath that’s close to a scoff.
“I know you… uh, you have trouble sleeping a lot, anyway?” Greg says, carefully, as he manages to pull away entirely from Tom to take a few steps toward the bed on what feel like lead feet. He had piled the more… decorative pillows on the side he wasn’t using, but now he starts to move them toward the sofa. “But you need like a couple hours, Tom.”
Tom makes a soft, pitchy noise, entirely unfamiliar, so somewhat worrying.
Greg looks back, and it’s easier to see Tom’s face from this angle of the lamp; he’s got his sunglasses in his hands, flipping at the arms, and is staring at the pillows like he’s never seen one. Greg realizes with a discomforting yank under his sternum that he’s assuming way too much, Tom probably wants and should get his own room, and that’s even in some way why they’re both even standing here, as he squeezes at the last pillow he’s got in his hand.
Tom drops the sunglasses with a clack to the coffee table. “You know… how much I hate to admit when you’ve got a point.”
Greg manages a nod, as he swallows thickly, throwing that last pillow to the pile. He wets his lips, as he turns his head back down at the bed, anxiously listening to Tom undress behind him. He hears the clatter of a belt joining the sunglasses, then a thunk that’s probably a watch, while heat flares unbidden across his nape and the backs of his ears.
He tries to seem unbothered, as he tucks himself away best he can back under the too-thin blanket while keeping his breath in even, conscious counts. He stays stiffly on his side, listening to a pad of footsteps around the bed, then feels Tom slip in beside with a barely there displacement of the mattress and the bedclothes. He does peek open his eyes for a split second, catching that Tom is entirely down to his boxers, and his undershirt nowhere to be seen.
Tom unceremoniously leans over Greg, across the mattress, and it takes both forever and a split second to realize he’s tapping the light. It goes brighter, then brighter, prompting grumbles, until finally the room is dark. He doesn’t actually move away, once he’s finished, but stays pressed close to Greg on his side, too, settling his reaching arm lightly across Greg’s shoulder with an unintelligible murmur under his breath.
Greg carefully rests his nose into the hollow of Tom’s shoulder, warm and solid, inhaling against the bare skin. He tries but can’t think of a time they’ve just laid together. He’s then struck unwelcomingly with the memory of the Tom in the dream, pretending at being fond, before sharply becoming mocking; it makes Greg turn his head away, trying to pretend he didn’t do anything at all, even though he knows the dream was less real than anything else – particularly, how Tom is in bed with him, and just him, even if it’s only because he’s such a… a control freak that he’ll take a whole cross-country flight.
They lay there for a long while, until the principal concern keeping Greg awake is the low buzz of the fridge in the kitchenette. He’s less hyper aware of Tom, mostly comfortable, exhaustion bringing him near to dozing across the arm under his chin.
Tom abruptly exhales a loud, shuddering breath, breaking the quiet, as his chest deflates against Greg. “You, too.”
Greg peeks open his eyes, glancing up the bed, then hurriedly squeezes them shut.
“That’s what I should’ve said,” Tom continues, in a voice barely above a murmur.
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