#and i was like. 'hm. okay professor.' and i have never stopped thinking about it
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katierosefun · 2 years ago
i need to write a ghost story i need to write a love story i need to write historical fiction i need to write a 16-episode korean drama i need to write a 5-season sitcom i need to write a short film i need to write a feature film i need to write a coming of age story i need to write a weird modern fantasy i need to rewrite a fairytale i need to write something i need to always bounce between genres and mediums i will not be contained by genres and styles i will constantly exasperate readers and the overall marketing scheme by never fitting in a single box i will constantly dabble in new forms of writing i will never be predictable and etc
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dreamwritesimagines · 6 months ago
AN: Hi my loves! So, this is the first installment of a oneshot series and I hope you’ll like it! Please don’t forget to tell me what you think!
Pairing: Logan Howlett x Female!Reader
Summary: The first ray of sunlight holds many promises.
Word Count: 2844
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You were no stranger to the feeling of inadequacy.
For you it was around every corner; impossible to get away from at least for the last couple of years. Even now, in the clothes you had borrowed from your best friend in an attempt to look more formal and serious, you couldn’t help but feel way out of your element.
Yet in your humble opinion, the very intimidating mansion you were currently gawking at didn’t make this any easier.
Your heart was slamming against your chest as you tried to keep your breathing under control, your tongue shooting up to wet your dry lips, then you looked down when you felt a tug on your sleeve. Theo stared up at you with wide eyes, making your heart clench but you managed to give him a bright smile despite the fear clouding your mind, and crouched down to get to his eye level.
“Hey bean,” you said, pushing his round glasses up the bridge of his nose. “What’s going on?”
“What if they don’t like me?”
You gasped and pressed a hand over your chest, feigning shock.
“Are you kidding?” you asked. “They will absolutely adore you. I myself am more worried that they will love you too much.”
He blinked a couple of times in confusion. “Too much?”
You nodded fervently.
“Yeah!” you said. “And then I’ll have to fight everyone in there to get you to myself every weekend.”
That managed to make him giggle and you pretended to be offended, narrowing your eyes.
“You don’t think I could take them down?”
“Can you?”
“Why yes I can,” you said, sticking your nose in the air. “I just don’t like to brag about it because that’ll scare people off, you know?”
He smiled wide and you pinched his cheek, then turned your head when a pretty girl with gloves on her hands cleared her throat.
“Hi, I’m Rogue,” she introduced herself. “New enrollment?”
 “Yeah,” you said after a beat. “Yeah, hi.”
“Professor is expecting you, please follow me,” she said and you stood up, then took Theo’s hand and followed her into the building.
The interior of the mansion was as gorgeous and intimidating as it was on the outside. Theo looked like he was nearly hypnotized -which made sense, your apartment had to be the size of a simple storage room in this place- and he stared at the ceiling with his mouth hanging open, his eyes darting around.
“I feel like you should know that because of the new policy Professor will need his parents’ signature in order to enroll him,” Rogue said, making you snap out of your haze before you cleared your throat.
“Um, I’m the parent.”
That made her pause only for a moment and she pulled her brows together, looking between you and Theo.
“Oh, sorry about that!” she said. “I just assumed…”
“No no I get that a lot, please don’t worry about it,” you assured her quickly, waving a hand in the air. “I had Theo the first year of college and—”
Never got to finish that year or the rest.
“As I said, I get that a lot.”
She gave you an apologetic smile, then stopped in front of a door.
“Wait a moment please,” she said, knocking on the door before stepping inside and Theo tugged at your sleeve.
“It’s so pretty here!” he whispered and you tried to swallow the nervous lump in your throat, then smiled at him.
“Isn’t it?” you whispered. “It’ll be fun to go to school here huh? The brochure said they even have a maze!”
“A maze?” he asked, his eyes widening behind his glasses. “Like in the movies?”
“Mm hm, just like in the movies,” you said. “And a lake!”
“Where is the lake?”
“I don’t know yet but they’ll show you,” you said and frowned when the thought hit you. “But you’re not going there without a teacher, alright?”
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise,” he said as you hooked your pinky with his and the door opened again.
“You can go in,” Rogue said and you thanked her, then turned to Theo.
“Don’t go anywhere, okay?” you asked and entered the huge office to see the man in the wheelchair behind the desk.
“Hello sir,” you said, your voice trembling slightly despite your best efforts as you approached him to shake his hand, then took the seat across from the desk.
“Hello,” he said with a calm smile. “I’m Professor Charles Xavier, we spoke on the phone. Y/N, isn’t it?”
“Yes sir,” you said. “Thank you for agreeing to see me.”
“Of course, it’s my pleasure,” he said. “I take it you’re here to enroll your son as we spoke?”
You nodded your head, fighting the urge to bite at your nails and took Theo’s file from his other school out of your backpack, then put it in front of him so that he could examine it.
“He’s um, he’s really good at math,” you said, stumbling over your words. “I don’t know if that’ll be helpful here but he’s—he’s very good at a lot of classes really.”
“I must admit, he is going to be the youngest student here and the fact that his power has shown itself this early on…” Professor Xavier trailed off, your stomach doing a painful flip. “We will have to work hard, but I’m confident that we can guide him and teach him how to use his abilities for good.”
You nibbled on your lip, clenching and unclenching your hands.
“I know it’s a boarding school but he’s not used to being away from me and I’m not used to being away from him,” you admitted, “You said on the phone that the students’ weekends are free?”
“Of course,” he said. “Some of our students only stay here on weekdays to attend their classes, and they spend their weekends with their parents.”
You let out a relieved breath. “Okay. That’s nice to hear.”
“I know you’re worried,” he said, his voice completely calm and soothing. “It’s very normal to be worried but trust me, you’re making the best decision for him.”
“I know,” you said, trying to convince yourself and him at the same time. “I’ve done a lot of research and—and I want him to be safe and this place seems like the best place to teach him how to be safe.”
Professor Xavier pulled out a paper from his drawer, then pushed it in your direction with a pen.
“We only need your signature,” he said and paused for a second. “That is if the father…?”
You shook your head.
“Not in the picture, sir,” you said as you signed the paper, your heart beating in your ears. “Um, it’s just me and Theo.”
“I see,” he said. “Well, I promise you that Theo will be in good hands, Y/N.”
“Thank you,” you said, putting the paper back on the desk and fixed your hair with a shaky hand just so that you could keep yourself busy, and Professor Xavier offered you a small smile.
“You can always contact me if you have any other questions,” he said. “I’ll talk to Theo after Rogue gives him his tour, and I’ll see you on Friday?”
“Yes sir,” you said. “Thank you, have a nice day.”
“You too.”
When you walked out of the office, you caught the sight of Rogue talking to a tall man with tousled dark hair, but you couldn’t see his face since his back was turned to you. For a moment you considered letting Rogue know that you were out, but figured it would be rude to interrupt, so you approached Theo who was patiently waiting for you.
“Alright bean,” you said as you crouched down to look him in the eye, trying to swallow the lump in your throat, desperate to keep the tears at bay at least until you were back in the car and Theo couldn’t see you. “What day is it today?”
“And then we have…?”
“Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,” he said, counting with his fingers and you nodded your head, holding his fingers together.
“And on Friday I’ll come and get you, okay?” you asked him and he pursed his lips, then pushed his glasses up his nose.
“Just three days.”
“Just three days,” you repeated. “But before I leave, you need to promise me something.”
“You’ll tell me all about how pretty this place is, in detail,” you said. “And how much fun you have. So you kind of have to see everything here and have fun, promise?”
“And the signal?”
He smiled, tapping over his heart three times and you did the same.
“See? I feel it,” you told him. “When you do that, I’ll do the same even if I’m not here. Okay?”
 “Ready for your tour, Theo?” Rogue asked and he looked up at her, then turned to you and you pulled him into a tight hug, then smothered him in kisses as he let out an embarrassed whine.
“Okay okay, sorry,” you said with a small laugh, then adapted an overly serious expression and held out your hand. “A handshake then?”
He let out a giggle, then shook your hand and you forced yourself to smile, then stood up and straightened your back while he made his way to Rogue. Theo waved at you and you waved back, but as soon as he turned the corner with Rogue, your shoulders dropped.
It was fine.
It was going to be just fine.
 “New enrollment?” a deep voice reached you and you looked over your shoulder, then turned around to see him better.
It was the same man who you’d seen talking to Rogue just now and God, he was so handsome. If your mind wasn’t numb with anxiety, you would have stood there and gawk at him for a good minute, but perhaps your worries were for once working in your favor. His intense gaze raked over you, making your cheeks burn and your heartbeat speeding up, and a small smile curled his lips as if he could hear it.
“That obvious?”
“Just a little,” he said as your hand shot up to pinch your bottom lip, his gaze following the motion.
“People don’t get killed or maimed here, do they?” you asked and he shrugged his shoulders.
“Not on weekdays.”
“Great,” you said after a beat, offering him a weak smile. “Thanks. I’m gonna go on a limb and say there’s a reason why they didn’t put you in the welcome committee?”
That made the corners of his mouth twitch and he nodded in the direction Theo had walked away from you.
“Isn’t he a bit too young to have powers?”
“Funny you should ask that because I repeated the same question over and over again until I cried myself to sleep last night,” you pointed out and scrunched up your nose when he tilted his head. “Sorry. My jokes get a bit grim when I’m stressed.”
“You look like a very relaxed individual.”
“Do I?”
“Not really, I’m convinced that you’re having a heart attack right now.”
You blinked a couple of times in confusion before the idea hit you and your jaw dropped, your stomach doing a flip.
Right. He—
Everyone here had powers.
Well if there was anything more embarrassing than making bad jokes in front of a very hot man, it was that when the said hot man could hear your heartbeat. You managed to close your mouth and shifted your weight, your hand shooting up to your mouth again so that you could bite at the hangnail on your thumb nervously.
“Yeah that’s kind of my factory settings,” you managed to mumble. “I generate enough stress to light up a whole city.”
He hummed, his unwavering gaze making your heart skip a beat and as always, your brain took it as a sign for you to ramble about absolute nonsense.
“I’ll be a very rich person the moment they find a way to monetize stress,” you stated. “Which should be any day now, and I kind of have a list prepared for that day; the first thing I’m gonna do is probably cry because knowing me—I cry like all the time, I cried this morning and I will probably cry when I get to my car after this but— but then I’ll buy one of those very expensive coffees, I don’t know if you’ve tried them—”
“Logan, Storm wants to see us,” someone called out from the end of the hallway, cutting through your rambling but he didn’t even look at the owner of the voice. Instead, a small smirk curled his lips as if he was amused with your nonsense and you swallowed thickly, biting at your thumb again.
“I’m Logan by the way,” he said and you raised your brows, then nodded fervently.
“Y/N,” you introduced yourself, lowering your hand. “Hello.”
The silence that fell upon you felt like it would explode your head so you cleared your throat, throwing your shoulders back.
“I should—I should get back to work before I get fired,” you stammered, jerking your thumb over your shoulder and took a step, then turned around on your heels. “But um, nice to meet you.”
“You too,” he said, his voice completely calm unlike yours and you shot him a tentative smile, then made your way out of the hallway, then walked out of the building as fast as you could as if someone was chasing you.
“Oh I’m an idiot,” you sang to yourself, drawing out the last syllable like an opera singer while fished your car keys out of your backpack, your heart still beating in your ears. “I’m an idiot, I’m such an idiot…”
 The moment you got in your car, you heaved a sigh and pressed your palms on your eyes but your head shot up when your phone started ringing. You unzipped your backpack to grab it, then tossed the backpack back in the passenger seat and checked the screen to see your best friend’s name. You let out a breath, then touched the screen and took it to your ear.
“Julie, I’m an idiot I think,” you greeted her and she paused for a moment.
“Hello to you too sunshine,” she said with a laugh. “What happened?”
“Well the good news is, Theo liked the school,” you said, looking out the window at the mansion. “But I miss him already. Do you think—”
“You’re not changing your mind about this, we talked about helicopter parenting,” she said. “It’s going to be good for him.”
“Is that why you’re freaking out?”
“Not really but I will cry about it,” you pointed out. “Tonight I’m guessing.”
“Didn’t expect anything else, I’m bringing drinks to your place,” she said. “So? What is it then?”
“There’s a very, very, very attractive man there,” you murmured and she hummed.
“Just so I get it clear, how attractive is he again?”
You could practically hear her grin. “Good.”
“It’s not good!” you whined. “I’ve made a fool of myself.”
“It’s a part of your charm.”
“It really isn’t,” you said and looked down at your clothes. “And I look like a tax collector.”
“People other than tax collectors wear white shirts, we’ve been over that.”
“He thinks I’m a tax collector who can’t form a logical sentence,” you said, slipping a little in the driver’s seat to lean your knees to the steering wheel and she scoffed.
“Not really, he probably thinks you’re a—”
“We’re not calling me that,” you cut her off, making her laugh.
You pinched your lip between your knuckles, then heaved a sigh.
“Theo will be okay, right?”
“He will be more than okay because he is going to be surrounded by the people who can in fact teach him how to use his powers, something you can’t do,” she said. “There’s nothing wrong with getting a little help, sunshine.”
You clicked your tongue, still keeping your gaze on the mansion.
“So let me guess,” she said, pulling you out of your thoughts. “This very very very hot man is tall.”
“Looks cocky.”
“And older than you.”
You blinked a couple of times, pulling your brows together. “How did you—?”
“You have a type.”
You drummed your fingernails on the steering wheel, then heaved a sigh.
“It’s fine,” you said. “I…I doubt I’ll talk to him ever again and you know, with Theo, I just don’t have the time for anything else right now.”
“I’m going to convince you otherwise but I’m going to need drinks for that.”
You breathed out a laugh, then checked the time.
“Gotta go,” you said. “I’ll see you tonight then?”
“Yep, love you!”
“Love you too!” you said and hung up, then tossed the phone on the passenger seat and started the car.
“Alright,” you muttered to yourself. “I’m so gonna get drunk tonight.”
[2] - Summer Breeze
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ira-hydrangea · 7 days ago
My mind wanders again so please bear with me 😭
The whole NRC can all agree that they will never be able to fight together. But they can agree for the sake of Yuu
Yeah, that magicless human with extraordinary charm. So extraordinary, that they watch as their dorm leader fights each other for Yuu's attention. Not to mention, they also have a group of friends that protected them like a knight.
It will be no wonder, that Yuu charms can also find their way out the NRC remembering when Yuu almost get kidnapped
But the NRC underestimated how crazy some of those fans can be. From kidnapping, forced marriage, love spell and hypnotized?! How on magic that Prefect sanity is still intact?!
Yuu: Excuse you?! How is it my fault?!
Deuce: One, Don't be too nice with people. All of the people here have issues and kindness will worsen them...
Ace: Two, when you see some strangers, don't talk to them, don't see them in the eyes, don't let out a single sound and just RUN!
Yuu: Isn't that rude-
Yuu: It can't be that bad...
Sebek: *let out a list of paper that goes beyond the floor*
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Yuu: .... Why did you have a list?
Sebek: Young Master has tasked me for this important task! He says to prevent a future attack if we have this list! So be grateful for that, human!
Epel: or for his reference*whisper*
Sebek: *glare at Epel* We have our first list here for a kidnapping attempt made by crazy noble son from Rose Kingdom.
Deuce: Riddle lost control there, and end up having a duel with that son...
Sebek: Moving on, to our second kidnapping attempt by the sunset savannah criminal, that thought it will be fun to kidnap you for ransom money
Jack: He falls for your charm and attempts the mating ritual with you. Thankfully Leona manages to save you on time.
Deuce: Fortunately, his life is still hanging on.
Sebek: We somehow also have a sea siren on our list. You are almost getting married that time
Ace: and manage to give our professor a heart attack because of your announcement of getting married with that siren-in-disguise as soon as possible.
Yuu: Okay, I didn't remember that one.
Epel: Of course you don't, you are under his spell? Hm?
Yuu: ... Fair point...
Sebek: You also created an Internet war between Vil fans and Neige fans. Something about who is more fitting for the best boyfriend award?
Ortho: *appears* Yep, btw that war is still continuing and didn't look like it will stop anytime soon
Yuu: ... Where did you-
Sebek: Don't forget that you even manage to get in between the usurp of wealth between the Asim Family?
Jack: I don't even know how that can happen...
Sebek: I can still go on but it will take our whole day. Thankfully, there never been a single attempt made by other fae. *Proud look*
Everyone (-Yuu): DON'T JINX IT!
Ace: So, please Yuu... For our sanity! Don't be nice to people!
Yuu: okay, okay! Geez, you sound like a professor Crewel... I make sure to remember that Advice when I visit the Noble Bell College, happy?
Everyone nodded with a satisfied look. Until later, they found that even becoming magicless student can get you an obsessive fan, they are already thinking of locking Yuu in some tower at that point Malleus volunteer
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Should I make a series out of this 🤭? NRC saving their beloved damsel in distress from their obsessive fans? I think it will make a spectacular story, right 😚
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 11 months ago
wildest dreams - m. murdock
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a/n: i have literally not been inspired for two weeks then i was STRUCK with the urge to write this. guys. i am so proud of this one i am not even going to lie. this one is dedicated to @bunmurdock because i am literally always thinking about professor murdock.... i really hope you guys enjoy this one, because i enjoyed writing it :) warnings: SMUT! inappropriate dynamic, P in V smut, so much cursing, lots of inappropriate thoughts and pining, power dynamics, dirty talk, reader does an edible and is high for a small part of this fic, reader isn't stupid in this one! she is just horny! she is also deaf, and there is yapping of readers daddy issues word count: 6.3k likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated! <3 summary: you have a huge crush on your professor and spend many days desperate for him. pairing: professor!matt murdock x hoh!reader now playing: wildest dreams - taylor swift (taylor's version) "i said, "no one has to know what we do"/his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room"
You could treat him better than any of these other horny grad students.
Seriously, that is your only conscious thought watching this man move around the front of this lecture center. You’re not dumb, you know everyone sitting here wants him—Those who are attracted to men want to fuck him and those who aren’t seek his approval. But you are built different, you’re also lacking a major sense, besides, your brain runs ramped with disgusting thoughts about the man.
Today’s focus is on the man’s outfit. It’s his last class of the day, and it shows. His clothes are a bit more wrinkled, and his hair is messier than it had been when he started the day. But most importantly, his jacket is thrown on the back of his chair, meaning you have a phenomenal view of his torso.
He wears a white button down, with the cuffs of the arms rolled up to just below his elbows, the bottom of the shirt tucked into the waistline of his pants. The shirt is tight, maybe a little too tight, especially around the arms. Maybe it’s because he works out. Or at least, you assume he works out.
That brings us to his tie. Oh, his tie. It’s nothing special—a pure black tie, just hanging from his neck. Your mind wanders. It starts at the dissection of a key court case in the subject of minimum wage, but from there, it starts drifting to his tie.
You think about the tie moving back and forth above you as he thrusts into you, brushing against your face, pulling on it to bring him closer. You think about that soft half chuckle he does, before he says something dirty like—
“Did you have something to add?” His voice right in front of you snaps you out of your trance. Fuck. You were not paying attention.
“Uh, No, Professor..” Your face is a deep red, embarrassed. You wish you could take off your hearing aids to stop listening to all the giggling from around you, from peers who are thrilled that Professor Murdock’s little (not-so) secret admirer got called out for her staring.
“Hm,” he taps the table in front of you, “Then I want you paying attention.” He says, before going back to his lecture. You could die right there. Everyone is laughing at you. He embarrassed you.
Okay, so you have no proof that he’s ever wanted you in the way that you’ve been so god damn desperate for him, but it’s still crushing that he’d single you out in that way. That maybe while you were increasingly needy for him, he found you fucking annoying, in such a way that he felt the need to embarrass you in front of your peers.
You want to melt—Melt into a puddle with just your boots and your hearing aids left behind so you never have to face him ever again. That’s why you’re so relieved when he dismisses class right on time (Well, right on time for him. He always ends class five minutes early to leave room for questions) and you quickly gather your things.
Because of the sheer level of embarrassment he has caused you, the other students in the class who want him try to flock to him, sensing that you no longer have the confidence to engage with him—But your desire is still there, as you messily shove your things into your backpack. You turn when you’re finished, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
Your face is still flushed, part because you’re embarrassed, part because you are out of breath from rushing. But you are faced with the view of your professor, all alone. Your breath hitches when his hand moves up to the top of his tie, as he smooths it out, running his fingers down the fabric.
“I read your essay on the expectations of the courts and law versus the realities of it. I loved it. The argument using Gideon versus Wainwright to justify the existence of the right to counsel as a civil right and not a liberty was fascinating, especially considering your other arguments about how race, class and gender play into those realities. Well done. I thought it was some of your best work.”
Your face is flushed for a new reason now. Wasn’t this the same man who was mad at you for not paying attention?
“I thought so too.” You confess, and he just smiles. He loves that you’re confident in your work. You’ll make a great lawyer one day.
“Oh, and,” He digs through his leather satchel to pull out some notes, running his finger over the folder tab to make sure he has the right folder, “Here are the printed copy of our notes from the last few lectures.” It’s part of your accommodations that professors give you a copy.
“Thanks, Professor.” You smile gently, reaching out to take the papers. Your hands meet and as you grip the notes, the tips of your fingers just barely brush against his. Neither of you say anything. Neither of you let go.
“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you today.” He starts, “But you’re bright—Smarter than most of your professors, I bet. And I don’t want you to fall behind.” He says softly, and without saying it, you know he’s worried because of your hearing. He was disabled in law school once upon a time, and he recognizes your potential.
“It’s okay.” You say softly, softer than your voice usually is. “I get it, really. It won’t happen again.”
“Good.” He says gently, letting go of the papers now. As you clutch them close to your chest, his hand goes back up to mess with his tie again. Does he know what he’s doing? Does he know how wild it drives you? He must. “I’ll see you on Thursday.”
“See you on Thursday.” You agree, and that’s when you leave the classroom.
As the door closes behind you, he listens intently. He hears your nervous heartbeat, could practically feel the heat radiating off you. But he knows your routine by now. You’re about to start playing music, and he likes knowing what sort of mood you’re in as you leave his class.
A smile spreads across his face when he hears the opening notes of that new Hozier song, ‘Too Sweet’.
• • •
You are a straight A student. You study days in advance for exams, you write elaborate study guides and most of all, you do not miss class, unless you are dying (no, seriously, the last time you missed class you were rushed to the hospital, sick with pneumonia after a big exam, which you aced). So, when you’re not in Matt’s class on Thursday, he tries not to panic.
You’re a grown woman, he tells himself, and he doesn’t have an attendance policy, having told the class on syllabus day that he trusted them to know when to come to class and when they should go lay in the sun or stay home with a bad cold.
But you once came to class doped up on cold medicine with a mask on, just because you didn’t want to miss any important information. He heard it before you got to class, so he faked a family emergency to cancel class early that day. He could hear your rattled sigh of relief as the other students flooded out.
And he knows for a fact you didn’t show up today because of how fucking loud you are; You don’t mean to be, but he can hear the light buzzing of your hearing aids, and you wear these big work boots that stomp even when you’re trying to step lightly. And he heard neither buzzing nor stomps today.
Oh, your boots. He’s spent years with everything being too loud, but he just can’t help but think about the boots—What color were they? What were their texture? He has this fantasy that lives at the very back of his mind of putting you in heels, heels too big for anyone let alone a girl who only wears clunky work boots, that way he would have to help you, take care of you, and it is a fantasy that will probably live at the back of his mind until he dies.
Sure, he’d probably get married, settle down with someone his age and never worry if she might be dissatisfied with an older man, and she’ll be quiet. No hearing aids, no big boots. They’ll have kids, they’ll be happy together. He’ll still go to you when he can’t sleep, and no one will ever know.
Wait, what was he doing? Oh, right. You weren’t in class today.
His fingers move over the keyboard to look you up in the system. He clicks on the audio assistant to read him your information. It reads out your first and last name, middle initial, then your grade in his class (A+), your accommodations (Notes, time and a half, things like that), your birthday, and—
Wait, he takes a moment, and his fingers go over to his braille calendar, realizing that you’re taking a day off because it’s your birthday. A laugh escapes his lips, because how silly was he being?
His fingers move again to find your email address. He debates for a moment before adding the subject line, “Absence Today.” Then, he erases it and changes it to, “Class Today”, hoping you wouldn’t freak out before reading the email.
And just for a moment, he lets himself dream. He writes the following email to you,
“Hey, sweetheart—
Happy Birthday. I’m so happy you’re taking a break, you deserve it, more than anyone else I know. Are you doing something fun for it? Going out and getting wasted? Hooking up with some college guy who couldn’t fuck you properly?
If I could, my birthday gift to you would be a day spent with my face buried between your pretty thighs, although that might be a birthday gift to me and not to you. I’ve always been a selfish man, and you seem to be something I am entirely selfish about. I want your hands tangled in my hair, tugging on it as I taste you. I want you all to myself. I didn’t hear the buzzing of your hearing aids or the clunking of your boots, and I felt this striking yearning.
I can’t stand being around you without having you. It’s torture.
Happy Birthday,
He thinks about it for a minute, before completely erasing the email, and sending you this one instead:
‘Missed you in class today! We went over the reading for Chapter Seven. Happy Birthday! Professor M’
He sends it, and then rubs his face, a long sigh leaving his lips. He is completely enamored by you, and it is so unfair.  You’d be in class on Monday, he told himself. He’d see you then, and it would be like getting his fix of you.
Then, he turns to the distraction of trying to grade papers. It won’t work. He’ll still have you on his mind all day, and there will be no relief in sleeping. Hopefully he’ll dream of that long day between your thighs.
• • •
Truth be told, you were not drinking and fucking some random guy when Matt emails you. You were cuddled up in bed, giggling and eating snacks, so many snacks, because, well, you took an edible with a bunch of your friends and now are high out of your mind.
Some animated shows are on in the background, and when your phone buzzes, you pick it up and almost melt when you see the email from your favorite professor. You start giggling like a kid, your fingers clutching your phone as you read the email over and over again.
One friend looks up to you from her place on your floor and asks, “Are you alright?”
You don’t answer at first, but then you nod, and pull your blanket close, imagining Matt’s arms around you. Your brain paints you a picture of him holding you against his chest and gently playing with your hair.
It’s a nice fantasy.
• • •
For being a law student, you really fucking hate it sometimes. Okay, that’s not true. You love being a law student and are so excited to go out into the world and make that difference. But you’d be lying if you don’t sort of contemplate dropping out and getting a sugar daddy over certain assignments.
Maybe Matt is in the market. Then you shake your head to get the thought out of there, before opening your laptop to check your professor’s office hours. The one that assigned this assignment is an old bat who does not have office hours except for during your other classes on Fridays.
Then, you look at Matt’s office hours. He has office hours right now. You click the pen in your hand a few times, thinking. Contemplating. Would he want to see you at this point? Would you be able to control yourself?
You give the question you’re working on one more time before you lean down and grab your boots, starting to lace them up. Then, you pack up your bag, heart beating nervously over what—Asking him for help with an assignment?
You make it all the way across campus, the whole time worried about if you’ll walk in on your professor with some other girl. You almost laugh at that thought, because you think you’re silly for how dramatic you are about the man.
You stand down the hallway from his office for a few minutes, just contemplating. You could just turn around and not at all open the possibility of being around him, and everything stays the same. Nothing changes, and your relationship with your professor maintains it’s strictly professional relationship.
You walk towards the door, knocking on it before holding your breath.
“Come on in,” He calls from behind the door. Now or never. You open the door, and smile in his direction.
“Hey, professor,” You greet, a soft smile on your face. His tie is loose around his neck. You blink away whatever daydream your brain wants to dive headfirst into.
“Hey,” He greets, “I don’t think you have any assignments due, so what’s up?” He asks, tilting his head in your direction. As you think about it, you realize that you do not need help with an assignment.
“This is going to sound like a lie. But I had trouble with this assignment earlier, and suddenly I walked in here and realized I knew exactly what I was doing. I’m sorry for bothering you.” You explain, but you make no attempt to turn around and leave.
“Let me guess,” He starts, gauging by what year and academic proficiency you’re at, “Professor Reid’s estate planning class? That assignment about the will and testament of an old lady with a marriage less than 90 days and estranged kids?”
You groan and take a seat in one of the chairs in his office. He laughs in response, shaking his head.
“That old bat.” You roll your eyes. He just smiles and shakes his head.
“You’ll be fine. Just remember to cheat on your final.” He tells you, and you give him a perplexed look.
“Well, for the final, there’ll be a question about a super niche argument on inheritance. Just cheat on it.”
“You’re a professor, telling me to cheat?”
“I cheated on it,” He shrugs. You suddenly remember that he used to go to school here and has taken all the classes you’re struggling with right now.
“You’re being unprofessional.” You tell him, and he smiles again. Your heart skips a beat, and somehow, his smile grows. As if he knows exactly what sort of effect he has on you. As if this is all a game he likes to play with you, his eager and willing participant.
“Okay, forget that I told you to cheat on Reid’s exam. We have to talk about something, it would be awkward to just sit here in silence. Uh, what did you major in in undergrad?”
“English. I minored in Disability studies.”
“So why Law?” He asks curiously, leaning forward and clasping his hands together, before resting them on his desk. Jesus Christ.
“I’m tired of being poor.” The answer slips out before you can really stop yourself. He laughs again, and something in you stirs. As if making him laugh is the newest way you feel good about yourself. How twisted is that? “I’m being serious!” You laugh too, unable to contain it.
“I’m sure,” he promises, “I grew up poor too, I was sick of it too. But if you’re going to be a lawyer—”
“You need to have respect for the law and the people taken advantage by it,” You finish, “I get that, really, I do. And I want to help people. I want to go into divorce law and help all the poor and battered women like—” You’re forgetting yourself. You’re forgetting that this isn’t a date and that this man is your professor.
“Like..?” He prods you to finish, curious. He is on the edge of his seat about you. This is more than he has gotten of you in the past few weeks you’ve been taking his class.
“Like my mom.” You finish suddenly looking for something to do with your hands. Anything, really. “But the check that comes with it isn’t exactly deterring me, you know?”
“I get that,” he says earnestly, “I was an orphan, one of those dirty scrappy ones you feel bad for,” he does that half chuckle that makes you want to go over there and kiss him. “Never knew my mom, and my dad died when I was young. So, I get it. Being poor and wanting to do better for yourself. For your parent who sacrificed for you.”
But it clicks for him, the hidden meaning behind your ambitions. You have daddy issues, and he can tell that’s part of your crush on him. Though, he’ll never say it to you. He’ll let it be something unspoken between the two of you.
“Yeah, I guess you do get it.” You smile softly. But this is dangerous. So so dangerous. The two of you are dancing this dangerous line—Well, more like you’re damn well dancing clear over the line and ignoring it. But you don’t know how to stop it. Maybe you don’t want to stop it.
“Well, uh, maybe you could finish that assignment while we’re here.” He clears his throat, straightening his tie and you try to connect the wires in your brain to focus on the assignment. You pull it out of your bag and place it on his desk, smoothing it out a bit. Matt gets up and starts to wander around the office, and you look at him curiously. “I think better when I can move around.”
You should’ve known that much, you have stared at him doing lectures, wandering from end to end of the rows and rows in the classroom.
“Yeah, totally,” You nod, focusing on the assignment. It’s on paper, the old bat refuses to use online assignments. You’re practically flying through the assignment, and it’s at the point where you are forgetting your company. In fact, you really don’t notice him.. Until you lean back and stretch, jumping when you realize that Matt has taken a spot right behind you, his hands on the arms of your chair, leaning forward. You’re practically leant up against him.
“See? Was that so hard?” Your face flushes, his voice right next to your ear. He has to know; he has to know how you’re affecting him. You tilt your head a bit, and your eyes are level with his chin. His stubble moves as he sets his jaw. He doesn’t smell much like anything… except the faintest hint of clean sheets and this slight scent of mahogany. It would go perfect with a whiff of whiskey.
“No,” you say quietly, and he almost shudders at the feeling of your warm breath against his cheek. “Not at all, Prof—”
“Call me Matt.” It’s almost begging. You’re kind of into it, but that’s not surprising given how incredibly attractive you find him.
“Okay.” You say quietly. He has reduced you to one-word answers. The two of you stay quiet for a while. You’re unsure what to say. Matt is contemplating his options. Anyone could walk in on the two of you like this. The door isn’t locked, and you want to bring this up, but the words die out in your throat. His head tilts a bit towards you, and you get a glimpse at those perfect lips of his.
“You know—” He starts, but before he can get any farther, you lean in and kiss him. You kiss him intensely, your hand on his cheek, and for once, you are not filled with regret at a bad decision. He doesn’t react at first, and for just a second, you’re nervous.
Then, He kisses you back, letting out this deep hum as he deepens the kiss. He tilts his head to get deeper into your mouth, and his hands make their way down to your hips. He focuses for a second, before wrapping his arms around you to pick you up and sitting you on his desk.
His hands trail down as the pair of you kiss, landing on your thighs. His fingers rub back and forth, and you gasp when he squeezes your thighs. He grins and takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. Your clunky boots hit against his desk and he practically growls at the sound. He pulls away, his teeth biting your bottom lip as he does.
You’re completely out of breath, and so is he. He stumbles back a bit, his lips swollen and bright pink from kissing you. He wipes his mouth as he pants, and inhales deeply. You run your fingers through your hair, brushing the hair that has fallen onto your face.
“We..” he mumbled gently, running his hand over his chin. “Holy shit, kid—”
“Don’t call me kid—”
“Listen,” he goes over to you and brushes the hair from your face, “That was.. it was phenomenal, but someone could’ve walked in on that, and.. Fuck, if we do that again, I won’t be able to keep my hands off you.” he confesses, his hands on your cheeks.
“When I was staring off into space last week, I was thinking about your tie.” You tell him, your hands are finding the base of it now. He tilts his head, curiously.
“What were you thinking about?”
“Was daydreaming about it brushing against my face as you fuck me.” You could swear his face is red. You grin.
“Yeah?” He laughs, taking the tie from you and bringing the tie up to brush against your cheeks, “Like that?” he teases, and you laugh back. Dick.
“Mhm,” You giggle, and your hands find his, wrangling the tie out of his hands, and tugging on it, before bringing him in for another kiss. He inhales deeply as he kisses you, taking the taste of you in for a moment before pulling away.
“I’m serious, sweetheart, this is dangerous.”
“Sweetheart?” You grin. He takes your chin and grips it between his thumb and pointer finger.
“Hey. Pay attention.” He says, and you want to argue that saying things in that low gravely tone will not help you pay attention, but you can tell he’s serious. That he wants your attention focused on him, this is important. “Listen. I like you. I like you a lot, but we have to be careful if we want any of this to go further. We have to be subtle and watch our steps.” He says softly.
“Okay.” You promise, “Okay, we should be careful.” He smiles gently and leans in to kiss your forehead.
“Good pup.” He hums, and your face flushes.
“I like ‘pup’.” You like sweetheart too, but your stomach flips when he calls you pup.
“Yeah, I know you do.” He grins. “Wanna get out of here?”
“I thought you said we have to be careful.”
“Okay, then I’ll give you my address and you can come over.” He shrugs. “I know how badly I need you, I can only imagine how you feel.” He hums, and you grin.
“Okay, Here, give me your phone.” Matt fishes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to you. You put your number in with your name, sending yourself a quick text before handing the phone back to him. “There. Send it to me.” He steps back so you can hop off the desk, before putting your homework back in your bag.
As you sling your bag over your shoulder, he grabs your wrist in his hand and pulls you close, just to kiss you again.
• • •
Your hands are shaking as you drive over to Matt’s apartment. You’re so full of desire for him, and you take a second after parking the car to adjust your hair and makeup. Luckily you had no plans with your friends so it’s not like you’re hiding anything from anyone.
Are you about to sleep with the professor you’ve had a crush on since the beginning of the semester? Hopefully. You take a quick glance down to the apartment number he sent you before climbing out of the car, locking it behind you.
Then, you manage your way through the building, finding yourself in front of his door for the second time tonight. You hesitate. Though, you’re not sure why. Well, maybe you do. Maybe you’re terrified that this is going to be bad. Or maybe that you’re scared you’ll be bad, and he’ll hate you.
Maybe you just need to get over yourself. Although, you can’t really do much more convincing because Matt swings open the door and grins at you. You almost die at the sight of him. His tie is gone, and his shirt is unbuttoned by three buttons.
“You’re so hot,” You blurt out as you hand him a cheap bottle of wine you picked up on the way here.
“You’re cute,” he hums, grabbing your arm and pulling you into the apartment, leaving you giggling as he closes the door behind you. You look around his apartment, your eyes catching on the giant billboard. You’re standing in front of the window when he comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. His lips gently kiss your neck, up and down, biting your shoulder gently. “Enamored by the billboard, sweetheart?”
“Your windows are so big, probably a lot of light in here during the day.” You say softly, and he smiles against your neck.
“Mhm, one day, I’ll fuck you against those windows—”
“Matt,” You groan, but he just shushes you and kisses your neck again.
“I know, pup,” He hums, “But don’t worry, I’ll show you a very nice time, hear all those pretty noises you can make for me.” You blush, turning to say something to him but he wraps his arms around your waist again, before throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you to his room. You’re laughing all the way there, before throwing you onto the bed.
“Mean.” You accuse, but he shrugs.
“You’ll get over it, sweetheart, I promise.” He hums, and you sit up on his bed. He stands between your legs, leaning down to kiss you gently, his hands finding your cheeks again. He kisses you like this for a few minutes, before slowly kneeling in front of you, never breaking the increasingly sloppy kiss. You pull away from the kiss to study him. He tilts his head, his hands finding your thighs to rub them again as he did in the office. “What?” he asks gently.
“I spent all those lectures only being able to study you from a far.. Just let me really look at you for a while..” You request. He grins gently as your fingers run over his stubble again. Your hands move up to his glasses. “Can I take these off?” You request, tilting your head.
Matt hesitates, just for a second. He’s not really used to it, to someone truly wanting to see him, every part of him. But he trusts you, wants you to see him. So he nods, letting out a soft ‘yeah’ as you pull off those circular red glasses, gently folding them and setting them down somewhere safe.
Then, you take a good, long look at his eyes. They’re this deep brown, almost black, irises that are drop dead gorgeous. The skin around his eyes is scarred, but the scars are old, yet, you rub your thumb gently against that scarred skin. You lean in and press a kiss to the corner of his eyes, first the left one, then the right one.
He leans up and kisses you after that, his hands slowly making their way down your legs. Your hands find his buttons of his shirt starting to undo them. He pulls away from the kiss, before slipping off his button up, throwing it away somewhere in the room. Your eyes drift down to these scars on his collarbones, and your fingers run over them. Then, you notice other scars on his skin, and your hands find those too.
“Your boots are so loud,” he hums, and you’re taken back by it.
“Your boots.” He hums, “I hear you stomping around with these things on, they’re.. Like a bell, you know? I like knowing you’re around.” His fingers go down to the laces of your left boot, slowly untying them. Then, he does the same with the right boot.
He pulls off your boots, before running his fingers over your socks.
“They’re multicolored. Bright and patterned.” You confess, and he grins, before pulling them off. Then, he stops, realizing you have another pair of socks on. He blinks, before starting to laugh.
“You have two pairs of socks on?” he chuckles, your face flushing.
“My boots are just a little too big!” You tell him, and he laughs, resting his head against your thigh. He finishes taking your socks off, before working on the buttons of your jeans. When he finally gets those undone, he pulls off your pants, throwing them somewhere close to his now abandoned shirt. His hand comes up to rub you through your panties, and he lets out a scoff as he does.
“So wet for me, pup..” He mumbles, coming up to gently kiss your cheeks and then your jaw, as you whine. “I know, baby, I know,” he says softly, rubbing your clit gently. You whine gently at the feeling, gripping his wrist. He chuckles softly, kissing you to shut you up a bit.
He pulls his hand away from your throbbing cunt to pull off your tee shirt, throwing it wherever. He starts to kiss you as you fiddle with the buttons of his pants and pull them off, letting him step out of the before he casts them away.
You grin into the kiss, before he pulls away.
“What? What’s got you so giddy, pup?” he asks, a grin on his face too.
“Briefs,” You hum, fiddling with the waistband of his briefs, and he laughs, shaking his head.
“Thinking about your professor’s underwear?” He teases, leaning in to bite your neck. “Dirty, dirty girl.” He grins, and you swat at his shoulder, which causes him to laugh. He likes having fun with you, even if it’s not inherently sexual.
His hands come up to run gently over your skin, trailing from your hands up to your shoulders, and then all the way to your ears, where his fingers gently run over your hearing aids. It’s a nice gesture, really, but as soon as his fingers brush over your hearing aids, you immediately retract, the feedback shooting through your skull, uncomfortably.
“Ow—” You cringe, leaning your head back to try and get away from his fingers. He cringes, hearing the feedback, not as badly as you do but knowing it’s there and that you’re in pain pains him.
“I’m sorry,” he coos softly, his fingers moving down to cup your jaw. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart, I hadn’t realized—”
“Hey, it’s okay,” You hum, tilting your head to kiss his palm gently. “It happens, It’s why you should never touch them while I have them on.” You shrug. He leans down and kisses your stomach a bit, before going back to kiss you again, deepening the kiss a bit before roughly shoving you back on the bed. You giggle as he climbs on top of you, caging you in between his legs, as he slips his tongue into your mouth again. He kisses you with passion and need, and it drives you entirely too wild. As he pulls away, one hand comes up to grip your chin, before he leans down with his head against yours.
“Want me to fuck you, pretty thing?” He asks gently, his voice sweet as honey as he talks so obscenely to you. You whine, finally getting what you want after weeks and months of waiting. He just smiles and shakes his head, “No, no, puppy, you gotta say it to me.” He requests.
“Yes, I want you..” You groan, bucking your hips a bit at the thought of him finally fucking you.
“Want me to do what?” he asks, innocently.
“Want you to fuck me, please..” You request, and this finally seems to satisfy him. His hand comes down to unhook your bra, throwing it behind him with the rest of your clothes, before his lips begin to travel downwards, kissing down your jaw and neck, before he’s kissing the valley of your breasts, his hand going down to rub your clit again.
He groans against your skin at the feeling of your wetness soaking through your underwear and listening to your moans. His hands begin to work to take off your panties, and as soon as those are gone, your hands come up to his briefs, wanting them gone.
“Off, off, off—” You huff, and he laughs as he slips them off. Then, he reaches over and grabs a condom from the bedside table, but you grab his hand, shaking your head, “No, no—I’m on the pill, promise.”
“You sure?” He asks gently, and you nod, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips.
“Sure.” You nod, and then you’re kissing him again, your hand going down to stroke his cock, and he gasps into the kiss, before chuckling. He pulls away to mutter out to you--
“Needy girl,” he purrs, before moving to kiss you again. As you’re kissing, he slips his cock into you, and you moan into the kiss, tensing at the feeling, “Relax for me, pup.. So fucking tight for me.” He groans, his hand coming down to swat your thigh. “Relax.” He tells you, his voice sterner this time.
You nod, trying to form a more conscious thought than the pure bliss you feel, your hands wrapping around his neck, scratching down his back a bit. He groans softly, as he starts to slowly thrust into you. He is using every ounce of self-control he has, resisting the urge to absolutely violate you.
But he’s trying to be gentle, be nice.
“Faster,” You gasp out, your fingers pulling on the hair at the nape of his neck. He does that half chuckle, and it makes you whine as he begins to speed up.
“Beautiful little pup..” he says lowly, “Been staring at me.. Wanting your professor so badly these past few weeks, dirty little thing,” he hums, “Fuck, so.. fuck..” Your legs are beginning to shake the longer and harder he thrusts into you. “So fucking good for me..” You whine into his lips as they crash into yours, one hand going down to rub your clit gently, the stimulation too much for someone who hasn’t had sex this good, ever, but especially because you haven’t had sex at all in the past.. well, six or more months.
“Matty, ‘m..” You can barely get the words out as he fucks you harder,
“I know baby, come on, cum for me, pup,” he coos, his thrusts nor rubbing slowing down, maintaining his pace. Within a minute, you’re coming with loud moans into his ears, and he’s following suit shortly after, coming deep inside you.
But for the few minutes after the two of you finish, he continues his thrusting, relishing in the pretty moans and the sound of his deep thrusts into you. Eventually, he slows down, remaining deep inside of you. He pulls you close, kissing you deeply before flipping the pair of you over, and holding your legs close to stay buried deep inside of you.
For a few minutes, there are no words spoken, just deep, frantic pants and sweaty skin against each other.
“You know, that was as good as I’ve been fantasizing about for weeks.” You pant, “Better, even..” He laughs and nods.
“Me too..” he kisses you softly. “Let me take you out somewhere.”
“I thought we had to be careful..”
“We’ll go away somewhere then. Just the two of us for the weekend. I need to be with you, I can’t get enough of you now that I’ve had a taste.. Besides, I haven’t even eaten you out. Now that, that is going to be fun.” He grins, and you swat his arm.
“Evil, mean man!” You gasp, and he just laughs, kissing your forehead.
“I’m sorry, pup, let me make it up to you,” he hums.
“Calling you pup a few times, ordering Thai food and teaching you how to suck me off?”
“I know how to suck you off,” You scoff.
“Oh yeah?” He tilts his head, leaning in to kiss him. Then, lips still against yours, he whispers, “Prove it, pretty puppy.”
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charlottes-diary-entries · 9 months ago
HELLLOOO :) could I request a wolfstar x reader where there’s an upcoming exam that r is super stressed about and how the boys would help or comfort them? (This is indeed self indulgent bcuz I’m stressin for finals 😭)
oh my god darling, i'm aware this is two MILLION years late, but i fear i was ALSO stressin for finals :( i hope all of your exams went completely swimmingly and if they didn't then here is a little comfort for the start of your summer <3
"academic avalanche" poly!wolfstar x reader, very fluffy, mostly comfort
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This was it. You'd considered it might come to this, but today seemed to make it official. You were now living, to eventually die, and then rot forever, beneath a wall of books in the library that completely obscured you from view. It was ridiculous. One gentle breeze and you'd be a victim of an academic avalanche.
As you once again desperately tried to cram information about the giant wars of the 19th century into your brain, tears began to slip down your cheeks. Hopelessly, you thumped your head against the horrid tome before you and let the tears fall. Hiccups and sobs also began to escape before you could stop them, and soon enough, you were trying as hard as you could to break down quietly as to not disturb the peace of the library.
They would write your name and death date on your gravestone, paired with the phrase, "Killed by History of Magic."
At the sound of a familiar, endlessly comforting voice, you wished you could pull yourself together and only fell apart more. A miserable moan left you from your place faceplanted in the evil textbook.
"Is that you tucked away there, darling?"
One of the shorter stacks was shoved aside before the voice cooed and you were suddenly shoved by an overly-aggressive hug. The voice chided your attacker with a quiet, "Sirius..." but was ultimately ignored as you were squeezed within an inch of your life.
"What have they done to you?" Sirius pulled you upright and gasped at the tears that still flowed down your face. "Scratch that, how did we let you hole up here like this?! Oh, dovey..."
You hiccupped through another sob as Sirius shushed you, pressing kiss after kiss all over your face in attempt to cheer you up.
"I think-" You began, "I think this exam is going to kill me. Actually kill me, I can't do this."
Remus perked up from where he had begun to deconstruct your cavern of books. "Alright dove, it's okay. Why don't we take a break, hm?"
This only served to upset you more as you moaned, flopping completely into Sirius's arms. Frustration only continued to bubble up and out of you as Sirius cradled you.
"I've got to pass this exam. I think I'm going to fail otherwise and I can't fail. I hate this stupid professor, I hate History of Magic, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!"
Sirius cooed and pressed a kiss to your temple, holding you tighter. "I think passionate declarations of hate are a pretty decent sign you're due for a break. Just a little one love, and then we'll help you study after, yeah?."
"I second this plan, besides," Remus said, now a little sheepish, "we've missed you dove."
"Missed them! Missed them, he says!" Sirius scoffed, "You've been holed up in here for nearly a week and your absence has actually taken a toll on our health! I swear, I've never felt so sick as when you're stuck studying!"
At this, you sniffed and smiled a little up at Sirius, who only grinned down at you, allowing himself to kiss your forehead.
"Starting to feel better now, though."
You giggled and Remus rolled his eyes fondly, having now successfully returned most of your books to their respective shelves. Sirius then easily pulled you up and you didn't have the energy to resist. Now with you on your feet, he began to speak before you were tugged away from him and into Remus's bone-crushing hug.
Whatever dramatic protest at you being stolen from him died on Sirius's lips as he watched you deflate even more in your boyfriend's arms. A few more tears rolled down your face as he joined the hug.
"C'mon dovey," Remus said as he eventually pulled away, leaving his hand tightly entwined with yours, "let's all go cuddle for a bit, yeah?"
You nodded and let him pull you along, Sirius attaching himself to your unoccupied arm. You continued to hang off them as they walked you back to their dorm feeling endlessly grateful for their ability to carry the weight of the conversation on their own.
There was something indescribable about the comfort that came from Remus holding you on his bed with Sirius on your other side telling you both about some muggle band he loved. You felt loved. Completely surrounded by love, actually.
And exam be damned, there was no where you'd rather be.
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this isn't very long, but i hope you enjoyed love! <3
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 4 months ago
Know Your Place 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, power dynamic, age gap, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Walter Marshall, destroyer!Chris [for the purposes of this AU, I will give him the last name Jackson] (Professor AU)
Summary: after a life time of home schooling, you finally get to experience the real world in college. (petite reader)
Part of the Bad Professors AU
Note: Please leave some feedback and reblog <3 As always, I love to chat with you all. 
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The grocery store is nice. It’s not very big or crowded either. You expected one of those manic superstores you saw on TV. Instead, shoppers mill around in a mellow din and investigate apples or jars of jam. 
You take out your list as you step out of the way of another customer. As you unfold it, Walter stands nearby. He looks around the store, his chin high, and heat speckles across your neck. You look up at him and give a sheepish smile. 
“You don’t have to stick around. You just need coffee, right?” 
“I’m in no hurry,” he assures you and peeks down at the paper in your hand, “so, what’s on the list? What are we looking for?” 
“You really don’t have to,” you insist. “I’m sure I can figure this all out.” 
“I’m sure you can,” he says and takes a basket from the stack near the door. “But I’m offering because I want to.” 
“Hm, okay. Bet it would be faster...” you mutter. “Okay, er, zucchini.” 
“Zucchini,” he nods. “Well, look at me talking a big game and you stumped me. I don’t think I’ve ever bought any.” 
“Oh, uh, yeah.” 
“No problem, it’s gotta be with the... squash,” he points and gently nudges you ahead of him. “Right there.” 
He walks with you down the aisle and you squeeze by a cart as he trails behind you. You stop before the green vegetables and take a bag. Walter nears and offers up the basket. You bag up the zucchini and set it carefully inside. 
“Alright, and eggs... flour...” you look down the list. 
“Making a cake?” He wonders as he turns down the next row of produce. 
“Muffins. I thought... every day I could have one for breakfast. Like my mom makes. And I could freeze the extras for next week.” You explain, “and lunches, just a loaf of bread and tuna.” 
“Wow, seems like you’ve got everything planned out,” he muses. 
“I thought I did but I couldn’t even find the grocery store,” you laugh nervously. 
“Don’t be rough on yourself. You’re new. You’ll get around,” he assures. “Hey, be right back, gonna go grab my beans.” 
“Oh, okay.” 
“Dairy’s down there,” he points before he hurries off. 
“Thanks,” you utter after him. 
You grab a carton of eggs and peer around at the aisles, squinting up at the signs for each aisle. You see him down one as you search for the flour. It’s in the same row as the coffee. As you come down it, he tucks away his cell phone. 
He approaches as you look at the bags of flour. You grab a small one. Light enough to carry back to your dorm. 
“Here,” he takes the eggs and puts them in the basket. As you put the flour in after them, you sense his size again. The way he looms reminds you of how small you feel and really are. “So, besides getting lost, how’s school going?” 
“Good, I think. Yeah. I like most of my classes,” you say. 
“But?” You check your list again and find a tin of baking soda. 
“You don’t sound entirely pleased.” 
“I don��t?” You look at him. “Well, I guess I miss my mom. A little.” 
“That’s normal. And it just means you love her.” He insists. 
“I do,” you agree. 
“What about friends?” He prompts. 
“None, so far,” you shrug. “But I guess it takes time.” 
“No one you know from home going here?” He asks. 
You shake your head, “home schooled.” 
“Home schooled,” he hums, “wow.” 
“I know, it’s weird.” 
“No, it’s not.” 
“That’s what the guy in my history class said. It’s okay. It’s different. I think it’s weird to go to a school school. Sounds scary,” you say. 
“Well, you are,” he chuckles. “You’re in college. That means you’re pretty smart, home school or not.” 
“Maybe,” you agree dully and check your list. 
“Marshall?” A deep timbre undercuts the next item written down, “figures I run into you.” A man appears at Walter’s other side. “Getting that piss you call coffee.” 
“Chris,” Walter greets flatly. 
“Don’t act so happy to see me,” the man retorts. “How’s classes? You suspend anyone yet? I know it’s the first day but I wouldn’t be surprised.” 
“Haha,” Walter drones sarcastically. 
The man puts his hand on the shelve and as he leans, his eyes fall on you. He’s a tiny bit shorter than Walter but still taller than you. And his dark hair is slightly fluffy and a thick beard darkens his square jaw. His irises are bright and blue. 
“Oops, I’m interrupting,” he says. 
“Doing some shopping,” Walter answers. 
“Don’t tell me you’re in one of his classes. Good luck.” The other man chirps. 
“Don’t listen to him,” Walter girds. 
“Him? Chris,” the man reaches across Walter’s front and offers his hand. “And you... TA?” 
“Mauve,” you shake his hand gently as his covers yours completely. His grip is strong and firm. “Um, we’re... I...” you hesitate as you try to come up with some sort of explanation. “We just met but Walter’s been so helpful. I’m new here so I don’t my way around yet.” 
“Walter being helpful? And who wouldn’t be for you, Mauve?” The man grins. 
“Chris,” Walter growls and angles away from him, “what else is on your list?” 
“Erm, bread,” you flick it nervously with your thumb, the other man peer around Walter at you. 
“Nice to see you, then, Marshall,” he says. 
“Mm, you too,” Walter doesn’t look back as he marches past you.  
You smile at Chris and give a tiny wave before you follow the larger man back down the aisle. You catch up to him as the list crinkles in your hand, “is that a friend?” You ask. 
“Kinda,” he shrugs. “He’s in Psych too. Sometimes we teach 304 together.” 
“Oh. Cool. Must be nice to get to work with others like that,” you say. “He seems nice.” 
“Nice? Chris?” He echoes. “Can be, I guess.” 
“Oh, okay,” you accept. 
“Mauve, you’re a nice girl. You think everyone is nice. Just like that guy in the Student Centre, right?” He says. 
“Well, he wasn’t mean.” 
“No, because he was trying to trick you,” he turns down another aisle and stops by the small cans of fish. “I’m not trying to scare you, I’m just looking out for you. Guys like the one who sat at your table, they aren’t nice. Colleges aren’t full of nice guys.” 
Your lips fall straight and you nod. You pick out a can of tuna as you try to hide your anxiety. You know he’s right. At the orientation, they told you how to call Campus Police and about those buttons on the polls that set off the sirens to signal help. And you’ve seen the news stories. Your mom couldn’t stop watching them before you left. 
“My mom told me the same,” you say. 
“She’s a smart woman. You wanna stay safe for her, right? She must be very worried to have you so far away, huh?” He drawls. You nod. “So, how about I keep an eye on you? Just so you can call and tell her everything’s good.” 
“I think... yeah, that’s a good idea,” you agree. “Walter...” 
“Yes?” He raises the basket for you to put the cans of tuna inside. 
“Are we friends now?” 
You peek up at him and you’re surprised to see his lips curve, just a little, “sure.” 
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barkbre · 21 days ago
what are ur thoughts on sleeper build Chris whos also like hairy . Wholeheartedly i think he’s hairy all over NEED THAT!!
Oh you just opened a huge can of dicks with this... im giving you PORN WITH PLOT BCUS I CAN!
He's insecure but too lazy to shave it.. he doesnt have a girlfriend or anyone he really shows it.. soo? its fine..
until.. he's invited to go paddle boarding with josh, you, and sam.. oh god.. hes gonna be in a swimsuit.. INFRONT OF YOU.. OH NO-
little does he know hes about to get himself a one way ticket to POUND TOWN.
Him and Josh get there early- Josh is completely scheming this whole thing into getting you and Chris to fuck or something, you're blatant flirting back and forth making him sick to his stomach at the fact you two ARENT together.
You and Sam arrive and DEAR GOD chris cannot stop blatantly staring at your legs and ass its like...obsessive
Josh assigns you and sam to sit and relax on the boards while him and chris do all the paddling- Chris almost protests until he sees the stare you've got at his fuzzy chest.. you look like you're about to eat him alive and now he's nervous about what you're thinking.
about 30 minutes out you and chris get ahead of josh and sam a bit and decide to chat- you feeling quite blunt and bold ask him why he'd never taken his shirt off infromt of you prior
"So- have you just never.. taken your shirt off infront of me because.. you're a furry animal?"
"W-well- hey!- jesus that's a bit harsh..."
"... i didn't say that was a bad thing did i?"
".. no.. no you didn't actually- does this not weird you out?"
" jokes on you i'm into that"
"Oh-... Oh?"
"... i said that out loud didnt i?"
"you did..."
"... anyway.. how.. has your week at college been?"
"Mm.. fine, usual stress factors of professors and studies"
You two choose to ignore it.. for now.
You two get back to shore and before you know it you two are making plans for him to come over for lunch- inviting sam and josh only for them to reject politely that they both have plans as well.
No you're throwing on a show you and Chris have binged with the group before and sharing some takeout you picked up on the way back to his place.
You're curious.. and itching.. to run your hands over his fuzzy chest and see where that thick happy trail leads to. you're finding it hard to act normal and sit still..
"H-hey are you- are you okay? you seem really fidgety..."
"Hm? oh.. yeah.. just uh.. thinking about something.."
"...you care to enlighten me on your thoughts?"
"Mm- no- that would be.. a bit weird to you probably"
and he nods his head already knowing what you're thinking of
"Is it the fact you finally saw me shirtless? it's weird- you said you were into it- but if you're just trying to make me feel b-"
"- can i feel it?"
"can- can you-- what?"
"... nevermind."
"Nono- i just.. you want to touch my obnoxiously hairy chest? i've never been asked that by a girl-"
"- you dont need too it- it's fine i was just.. joking..."
"... no you weren't."
" No i wasnt."
Now you're in his lap on his couch running your hands up his shirt while he breathes hard and his hands slowly find comfort on your thighs
"Whoa.. it's really soft.."
".. oh jesus you're treating me like im some mythical beast-"
".. yeah i absolutely am.. i dunno.. maybe you are some type of secretly massive furry beast.."
"In bed sur-"
"- OH?"
"... show me?"
"You claimed to be a beast in bed.. prove it"
"I-is this- real?"
"Yeah.. can i take off your shirt, Chris?"
"J-jesus.. yeah.."
Now you're riding him. and his happy trail is brushing up on your cunt just right while you dig your nails into his broad, bulky shoulders. both of you gasping and moaning while the loud wet noises of your bodies fills his small campus apartment.
"-Yeah- ohh shit.. yeah?"
"T-this prove how much i-mm!- like your h-hairy self?"
"Mmh! Mmhm! yes! yes it d-does!"
Running your smaller hands through his huge chest- the soft golden hair paring perfectly with your skin tone as you grab at his chest to fuck yourself harder onto his lap- leaning forward to kiss him until youre both sloppily moaning into eachothers mouths- babbling about how close you are to cumming together
you're welcome.. ho...
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webslingingslasher · 2 years ago
could you do angst -> fluff?
you and peter are long distance. someone sends you a picture of "peter" cheating. but the picture isn't peter.
Long distance relationships sucked. 
You may be biased, but you knew that long term relationships were the worst of them all. You’d put that in the same category as finding out you’ve been catfished for years. 
It could be worse, like Sadie and Dylan. Dylan moved across the country for school and watching your roommate go through the process of trying to set up date facetime calls, and scheduling calls between the hours of the night, made you feel like you didn’t have any say about yours. 
At least you and Peter were in the same time zone, he was only an hour and a half train ride away but it felt like lifetimes when for years you shared a school and zip code. You always had Peter around, and it’s very noticeable when he’s not. 
Imagine not being able to kiss your lover everyday, hold their body, or look in their eyes. 
Sadie smiled empathetically when Peter called, she got up to leave the room empty. Many times you’ve gotten out of bed at three am for a long bathroom break, you know that there are some things you tell Peter you’d never want anyone else to hear. You could extend that to Sadie as well. 
Peter’s voice was warm through the phone. 
“Hiya, baby.” 
You bit your bottom lip, too excited to keep it in. 
“Hi, handsome.” 
“Tell me three things from your day.” 
You paused to think, you knew this question would come up, you made a mental note of what to tell Peter. 
“So, the fat squirrel by park hall attacked this guy for his sandwich, and I know what you’re thinking, but that squirrel is fucking vicious. And, hm…” 
Peter shuffles around on his end. 
“Oh! My English professor is letting us have open notes midterm, and finally… I really, really missed you.” 
Peter gives you a soft chuckle, you wish you could see his face too. 
“I missed you too, also that fat squirrel? Next time I come down I wanna see him in person, pictures don’t do it justice.” 
When he comes down, he hasn’t visited in a month. Not that you can’t go see him, you make sure to take trips but he also has his aunt here, and he tries to do Spidey in the city as much as he can to keep questions to a minimum. 
“Two more, petey.” 
He hums on the line, you miss feeling his chest vibrate when he does it against your back. 
“I ate a salad for lunch,” 
“Bullshit.” You cough on the line. 
“Okay, listen here, stinky.” 
“Shots fired! I’ll hang up right now.” 
Peter whines, “you can’t! I have to tell you my third thing.” 
“Go on, I have a call to finish.” 
He scoffs, “rude, I was going to say that I may have found an out for my robotics midterm so hypothetically-” 
You squeal so loudly on the phone Peter pulls his own away from his ear, it was slightly obnoxious but knowing you were just as excited to see him made his heart melt. 
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” 
Peter gives you that boyish laugh, the one that makes your heart beat three times fast. 
“Baby, I didn’t even finish.” 
“You don’t have to! I know what you’re saying and I need you here so I can kiss your face and other stuff.” 
Peter’s tone drops seductively,  “oh? Like what other stuff?” 
“You want to see the fat squirrel right?” 
“The one in my pants?” 
“Oh my god.” 
“Okay, okay, so I was thinking I could come up on-” 
His name was called in the background, it made you pause for a second, he stopped talking for a minute. His name was called again, it was tilted, like a song almost, it was a female for sure. 
“Oh, peteyyy?” 
Your stomach dropped, that was your name for him. The name that he only liked you calling him, it was something that was so sacred and this person you don’t know saying it so loosely, like it’s regular. 
“Pete?” You say his name like you’re asking ‘who’s that?’ ‘why is she calling you that?’ ‘where are you, are you in your dorm?’ ‘why is there a girl in your room calling you my name?’ 
He coughs, “sorry, baby. I uh, I need to go but I’ll call you in a few hours, okay?” 
“Oh. Oka-” 
The line went dead. 
Your mind swimmed with dangerous thoughts, each one simmered down with the overwhelming echo that peter would never do anything like what a part of you is insinuating. Not to mention you were sure that he’d explain everything when he called you in a few hours, except when you sat around and waited, and waited, and waited, he never called. 
You fell asleep waiting on his call, you woke up with your morning alarm and checked your phone, no missed calls or texts. It felt weird, he never missed goodnight calls. It wasn’t until ten he tried to call, you had to ignore it because of your class but made a note to call him on your way back to your room.
At lunch everything shifted. 
You and some friends met up in the dining hall and you were in the middle of scarffing down fries when you tried to look up your friends ex’s new girlfriend on instagram, you were confronted with a message request. The picture and text made your hand fall, french fries scattering, you felt like you were about to puke all over the table. 
“I’m pretty sure you’re peter's girlfriend, we shared a class last semester and he talked about you all the time. I was out with some friends last night and I’m pretty sure I saw him at a bar with a girl that doesn’t look like you. If this isn’t him or if you guys aren’t together anymore please ignore this, idk i’d want someone to tell me. I’m sorry :(“ 
Sure enough the picture was grainy, definitely zoomed in from across the bar but it sure did look like him. A plaid button down you’ve seen him a million times in before, curls poked out the sides of his head, it seemed curlier and longer than you remember but it’s been a while since you saw him in person. 
His left arm was looped around the waist of a girl totally opposite of you, it looked like his other hand held her face steady as he kissed her. It made your vision go blurry, you’ve never felt this way before. Curls blocked the side of his face but it looked like him, maybe he looked taller than normal but it was a pic taken from far away, you want to question everything about it but the longer you look at it the sicker you feel. 
You shut out of the app and go back to smiling with your friends, you wonder how you’ll call him out. If you were strong enough you’d just ghost him all together, never speak to him again and make him question his insanity. 
Instead the second he called when you were home you picked it up with shaky hands. 
“Hi ba-” 
“We’re done.” 
You hung up the phone. 
It rang less than three seconds later. 
“I’m sorry, what did you-” 
“I said we’re done. Goodbye.” 
You hung up again. 
It rang even quicker, immediate redial. 
“Is this a joke?” 
“I dunno, peter. Am I?” 
“Save it, it doesn’t matter. We’re broken up, you can stop calling.” 
You don’t know why you thought that would settle things, if anything that made everything worse. 
The fourth time he facetimed, he only did it when he was alone, you assume he either kicked his roommate out or is biting the bullet to get teased by his friend for the rest of his life while he begs to keep his girlfriend. 
You answer, “what.” 
“I need to see your face, what are you telling me?” 
“What did you do last night?” 
Peter’s eyebrows furrow, “I don’t know, what did I do?” 
You take a deep breath, “don’t play dumb. Who was she?” 
He makes a face of realization, “Ohhhh, you mean the girl on the phone?” 
You mock his tone, “yeah, the girl on the phone. You know, the one you were making out with?” 
You hear someone cough, it’s not peter, you can imagine the dead silence that just blanketed the room. 
Peter immediately takes the defense, “I didn’t make out with anyone last night, want to take the offense louder?” 
“Someone literally texted me a picture.” 
“Okay, so let me literally see it.” 
You narrow your eyes, “I don’t have to entertain this, peter. I broke up with you and you cheated, the end.” 
Peter sits up on his end, “no, not the end. You’re throwing damaging accusations out there and not giving me any fucking context.” 
“I. got. a. text.” You paused between each word to prove a point, also a little condescendingly. 
“Show. me.” He mocked your tone. 
You let a groan rip from your throat, “it doesn’t change that you did it.” 
Peter rubs his hand down his face, “okay, fuck this. I was here all night, in my dorm room. If you want you can ask my roommate, he was here, with his girlfriend,” he enunciated the last word, “who called me petey, you know, like you do, maybe, I don’t know, mockingly?”  
His words make you think, if he was truly guilty you don’t think he’d be defending himself so hard. You would think that once he was caught he’d fold his cards, instead he’s insulted you could even assume something like that. 
You take down the threat in your voice, “but… I got a picture. And it looks just like you.” 
Peter takes your side, he may defend his but he can’t make it better by pitting against you. 
“I’m sure it does, baby, but I promise I was here all night.” 
“Peter, it looks just like you.” 
He takes a deep breath to settle his frustration, “I know, but I promise it’s not me. Why would I cheat?” 
It’s a good question, you never would’ve thought he could but the picture was damning evidence. 
“I don’t know. I didn’t think you would, but I mean pete, it looks like you. He’s even wearing your green blue plaid button down.” 
Peter’s eyes bug open, his head spins, you know he’s staring his roommate in the eyes. 
“Evan!” They both exclaim at the same time. 
Your eyebrow scrunches, “who?” 
“Hair a little longer than mine? Maybe a little taller?” 
You pull your head back, “yeah… why?” 
Peter smiles wide, “making out with a blonde? At a bar?” 
“That would be it.” 
Peter shares a high five off screen. 
“That’s our friend Evan, he was on a date. He borrowed my shirt, wasn’t me, promise.” 
You stare at the screen, he seemed authentic and desperate for you to believe him. 
“Fine. We’re still dating for now, but I need to see you and him in the same room. Preferably from the back and in the same shirt.” 
“Done. I’ll print them out and bring them when I see you next week.” 
Peter winks at the screen and you squeal at the thought of seeing him so soon. 
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mattyriddlegf · 5 months ago
The Stupid Closet (18)
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Hello! Happy Sunday release day, I’m so sorry it’s late!!
I want to dedicate this chapter to Maggie Smith who passed earlier this week. Professor McGonagall, we’ll miss you so much <3
You walk out together, walking down the hall, “you know I never thought you’d be so sappy” you mention casually.
“Well you’ve never seen me in love.” He looks to the side to glance at you, “and I’m not that sappy.” He adds.
“Yes you totally are!” You chuckle, watching him try to deny it.
“I’ve turned soft haven’t I?” He asks, throwing his head back as he walks.
You stop walking and he notices, him stopping too and looking at you, “you haven’t turned soft” you mutter out.
You look up into his eyes, him looking back and forth and between your eyes and your lips.
He pulls you in and kisses you gently.
You pull away after a moment, “how much do you want to bet that Pansy is drunk off her ass right now?”
“I know better than to take that bet.” Mattheo tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear before Draco turns the corner and spots you.
Mattheo clenches his jaw, “what do you want Malfoy?”
“Lovely that I ran into you guys but I wasn’t looking for you.” Draco says sarcastically.
Mattheo rolls his eyes before Malfoy continues, “I’m looking for Theo. When we got back earlier, he seemed off and then he left.”
“What do you mean he left?” Mattheo asks.
“I mean he’s gone. He hasn’t come back to celebrate.” Draco responds before continuing, “I’m gonna check the prefect's bathroom, he’s stolen my keys before.”
Draco takes off in that direction. You turn to Mattheo and speak up, “I wonder where he is…doesn’t seem like him to skip out on a quidditch win party.”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine…” Mattheo trails off looking at the ground.
You grab his chin and lift it up so he looks at him, “I’m sorry he won’t talk to you. You don’t deserve that.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Mattheo shrugs it off.
He avoids your eyes as you look at him sympathetically until it hits you.
“I know where he is.” You say.
“How?” He asks.
“He told me this story about you two when we were together and he said it’s where you two became friends.”
“The clock tower.” It finally dawns on Mattheo before you two take off in that direction, holding hands.
When you turn the corner and see the clock tower, Theo is sitting underneath it, on a stair step.
Theo lifts his head up when he hears your shoes on the concrete, shaking his head and scoffing.
“What happened Theo? Why’d you leave the party?” You speak up softly.
“What happened? What happened was I saw you guys break off from the group. I saw you guys go in that potions closet.”
You let out a breath as Mattheo lets out a soft, sarcastic laugh.
“Theo…” you start.
“No, no, no. I don’t want to hear it. I’m tired of pretending to be okay about this.” He leans forward, resting his elbows on his legs.
“I’m sorry.” You say softly.
“Why did you even date me? Hm? Was it because I’d sleep with you?”
“I didn’t know you were that desperate.”
“Theo, shut the fuck up man.” Mattheo speaks up.
“Oh that’s rich coming from you. I always defended you when you drank every day and slept with a different girl every chance you got but you still had to take mine. My girl.” Theo stands up, heated.
Mattheo clenches his jaw before taking a step forward, stopping him with your arm.
“Look Theo. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I fucked up and put you through that. You can hate and ignore me for the rest of your life for all I care but you have to stop taking it out on Mattheo. He didn’t…” you look to Mattheo before looking back and continuing, “he tried to stay away and I pushed him. It wasn’t until he told me he loved me that-“
“He loves you?” Theo asks. He turns his gaze to Mattheo, “you love her?”
Mattheo blinks, avoiding eye contact with Theo.
“I could’ve loved you.” Theo says quietly, staring at you.
“I know.” You respond with little breath to spare.
“Despite what you might think, I don’t sleep around. I don’t date just anyone. You meant something to me.” He explains, almost like he’s pleading.
“You meant something to me too. I didn’t want to hurt you. You have to believe me.” You return the sentiment, pleading your case.
You maintain eye contact with each other for a moment before Theo speaks up, “you could’ve come talk to me.” His eyes shift to Mattheo.
Mattheo steps forward, standing beside you now, “I didn’t know how to. You were my best friend and I didn’t know what to say or do that sounded okay.”
“Are.” Theo responds.
“Are?” Mattheo asks, confused.
“You said I was your best friend. I still am.” Theo smiles softly, showing just a tiny bit of remorse.
Matthew looks down at the ground, trying to hide his relief.
“Theo I really hope you forgive me. Eventually, at least, I don’t want us to hate each other.” You say softly.
“I don’t hate you. I just…” he lets out a breath, “I need time.”
“Sure. I can do that.” You smile gently as you back away, holding Mattheo’s hand, “we’ll see you back in the common room, right?”
“Yeah I’ll catch up in a bit.” Theo responds.
You smile one more time, relieved that you had this talk. While it was uncomfortable, it was needed.
You back away with Mattheo and turn the corner before letting out a breath.
You look at Mattheo and place your hand on his cheek, “I love you.”
“I love you.” He responds before cupping your jawline, kissing you passionately.
“Hey maybe not here” you mention to him, implying that Theo was still close by.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t help myself.” Mattheo smirks as he rubs his thumb across your cheek, still cupping your face. “Hey, I’m gonna stay for a bit, you ok going back alone?”
“Sure. I’ll see you later.” You smile and start to walk away. After you get down to the end of the hall, you see Mattheo turning back towards the clock tower.
You walk back to the Slytherin house, very content with how today has turned out.
When you arrive back, the celebration is still in full swing. Draco walks back shortly after you out of breath, “I couldn’t find him.”
“D, we took care of it.”
“What?” He asks, squinting his eyes.
“Mattheo’s with him right now. It's all good.”
“You mean to tell me I’ve been running around the castle for the last 15 minutes trying to find him for no reason?”
“Sounds like it.” Blaise speaks up, laughing as he takes a sip of his drink.
‘I’m sorry’ you mouth to Draco as he rolls his eyes and walks up to his dorm, leaving the party behind. Typical Malfoy meltdown.
Theo and Mattheo walk in together, still talking. Blaise looks over to you and you smirk before he looks back and engages in their conversation.
Everything seemed ok. Finally, for the first time this year, everybody you cared about was in a good place.
You go over and link your arm in Mattheo’s, your hand on his back, his arm around your waist.
The celebration seemed to go on forever but you didn’t mind, eventually it was just your group of friends and a few others lingering down in the common room before you all decided to finally go to sleep.
You and Mattheo reach your dorm door. He connects his lips with yours, slowly. After a moment he pulls away, “Thank you.”
You smile softly and place your hand on his jaw, him placing his hand on top of yours.
“Goodnight Matty.” You say quietly.
“Goodnight my love.” He pecks you on the lips one more time before lightly squeezing your hand and walking away, back to his own dorm.
You open your dorm door and walk in. You lightly close the door behind you and take a deep breath.
Everything was ok.
Tag list: @helendeath @mayamonroem @princessluvssleep @hatakemrs @feistyfox47
@malydiavsss @shadybutter @swamp-box @iamdnb
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gor3rri · 10 months ago
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❕PAIR❕: (! husband!) Im Changkyun X Reader (!wife!)
❕GENRE❕: Realistic, Romantic, deep, Fluff-smut, !unprotected sex!raw!cum eating, grabbing!
❕SUMMARY❕: You find yourself in the pov of your husband, Im Changkyun. He’s good just like a normal husband material but thinks deeply of everything he does. Serious but a sweetheart. He fulfils all your wishes. He’s completely opposite to you. You’re an ambivert.
❕AUTHOR’S NOTE❕: This Context contains kissing , touchiness and etc. It’s a realistic way of looking through scenarios which might look real in future i.e it’s how he might behave if you were married to him in real life. It’s a little smutty which makes it appropriate for ages 18+.
❕DISCLAIMER ❕: English is not my first language so if you witness anything off while reading of spelling of punctuation, just know ㅠㅠThe context is just scripted and not meant to be taken seriously by anyone. It’s just for fun - ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.
❕CONTEXT❕: MONSTA X members also mentioned (some areas) and y/n(you)- darling or often by her real name ; Im Changkyun - Kyun, Love, I.M, Danny etc.
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“Are you awake yet?”you asked your husband as you turn to his side of the bed, in a sleepy tone. You were restless because of yesterday. You’re a housewife but you spent most of the time helping Changkyun’s father in the Lab. His father is a famous known professor in Pohang-si , Postech University of Science and Technology. As a kid you did well in science and wanted to pursue it but unfortunately couldn’t get enough in finals and you gave up and made ur hobby ur job. You were a Science teacher in a school in Gwangju. So in your free time, you would help his father in research. You were more than qualified but only you couldn’t get in a good college and ended up as a teacher instead.
“Changkyun..? You said again in a sleepy tone while still in bed. You couldn’t find him at his side of the bed so you woke up and went to look for him. It was your day off today. Sunday of course. You were searching for him as you wanted to tell him something. You went downstairs to check. You couldn’t find him there so you also went ground floor. You guys had a ground floor pool and a small living room so basically the house was like 5 floors with a basement. You were at fourth floor which was a ground floor. You finally found him.
“Kyun-ssi?”you said slowly. As you say, he turned to you slowly. He had a book in his hand which he put down as he saw you. “Oh your awake?” He said while approaching you slowly. “You never rush. Is there something you want me to know?” He asked as he came close. “Kyun, good morning” you said. “Don’t tell me you just rushed downstairs to wish me morning. You were tired. Yesterday dad called me to tell you that you don’t need to rush in the work anymore. He’s thankful to you that you stayed the night in the lab, testing the samples. And so I didn’t wake you up.” He said as he looked into your eyes. “It’s my job. If I know stuff I can offer help. My family is more to me hence I don’t think I’ll be tired but he don’t need to thank me :)” you said while smiling and looking down. He went to the table to put the book back in the shelf. “I miss my parents so helping him made me happy. I can say I have two parents now.” You said while helping him. He then stopped what he was doing and look at you. “Do you miss your parents hm?” He asked you ,worrying about you. “I do”. you said while putting the last book in the shelf. “It’s decided, I’ll be taking you to Busan.” He said holding your hand. “Kyun, you’re busy and so am I? It’s okay you don’t need to. I just missed them. I can always call th-“ you were about to finish your sentence but he cut you up by saying “Y/N your stressed and you need relaxation, taking a week leave from work won’t be a problem plus, I hired a person who can do the work when I’m not at work, it’s all fine.” He said while holding your other hand.
You were once upset with your parents cause they didn’t let you think about your marriage. And they made the decision themselves without even considering your opinion. But seemed like you were married to a good person. Im Changkyun was a Biomedical engineer, owned three big Research Companies. He was qualified, rich and stable. He won’t let you pay for anything. He’s caring and loving. You never thought your arrange marriage would lead you two to fall for each other. For now you’re just caring towards each other. Love each other as well. You guys have known each other 70% out of 100% in these 1 year. Since you were upset, you forgot about their caring nature too. Why would a parent want their child to marry someone unknown. Changkyun’s parents and your parents knew each other well but you didn’t so that’s why you found it to be difficult for you to adjust in an arranged way. Hence you forgot about them. You accepted and realised your mistakes and decided to apologise to them.
“Y/N, get ready in some time. We’re leaving soon”said Changkyun. “Kyun..” you said slowly. “Hm?” He said while turning to your side. “What about you..? Us..? I don’t even spend my time with you..it’s been a year, we haven’t progressed..and mom (in law) was expecting us to be paren-“ he again cut you off. “Whenever you’re ready I’ll be as well. I don’t want you to worry about anyone anymore. As you say there’s a right time for everything to happen. It’s okay Y/N” he said while holding your hands “just get ready.” You nodded and went upstairs.
He made you breakfast this time. You didn’t knew that he already made breakfast. You were in a hurry to make breakfast so you bathed quickly but it turned out that he already did everything for you. Watered the plants, gave the food to the fishes in the pond and yes you two owned an aquarium since fishes made you feel happy and calm, cooked breakfast and put the clothes in laundry, almost everything. “Kyun..thank you” you said to him while he was plating the dishes. “If a wife can do things like taking care of everyone and being as grateful to us, a small gesture everyday and some help from my side wouldn’t cause harm right?” He said while smiling and looking at you. You kept looking at his eyes. “You came here to live the rest of your life with me at 22 years, and you thought I never felt you? We all love you and care for you okay? Just the way you do for all of us, in fact I can say that you work more than what all of us here do. I respect you, Y/N. He said while coming closer to you. “You’re talented and admirable, I do know that getting married to someone you don’t know properly could be hard but you made it smooth in just a year, darling.”
“Darling” you thought in your mind. How can someone be so good? Charming in both the ways- by nature and by looks as well. Usually people with good looks turn out to be cruel but him, his just so caring. He spoke less but his eyes says a lot about me. He called me by my name always but the way he used the word “darling” for me is just so.. I’m not flattered but it isn’t the word. It’s more than what I thought. He said he respects me. Men these days lose their temper and respect for women even when they do hard work but it seems like today’s the day __th[day]_____[month] and _____[year] , my perspective towards my husband changed. Getting to know that he loves me so much would always be my favourite feeling.
You hugged him and couldn’t say anything but it all was so self explanatory to him. “The food tastes amazing, Kyun.” You say while taking a bite out of the steak he made for you. “This is just what I could serve to you. We’re not late okay? Just chew your food properly.” He said wiping your lips with a tissue. “Oh oops” you say while holding the tissue he used. “Let me take care of you since you’re leaving your husband for a week cause I won’t be there” he said. “Your not staying?oh I forgot.” you say while taking a bite out of your food. “Mhm. I have to check on the companies whether they have shown any new information.” he said while taking his plate to the counter. “Im done, when you’re done, just keep the dishes on the counter. I’ll ask Ms. Shin to clean them because the dishwasher isn’t working due to some technical issues.” he said leaving the kitchen.
You put the dishes on the counter and waited for him downstairs with your bags. “Im here!” Said Changkyun. “Ready?” He said holding your bags. “Kyun it’s okay I can carry them since you did a lot for me already.” you say grabbing the bags. “Let me do my job, Im Y/N” he said taking them bags to the car. “Im Y/N, I love the way you call me by my full name, Im Changkyun!” You said in a little teasing tone. “Mmhm, my lady”
These little gestures he shows you is his best charm. Not too physical not too touchy. The words he uses are magical to you. Even the simplest word becomes as expensive as gold. “The car smells good” you said after getting in the passager’s seat. “It was the perfume I used haha” he said while taking the car keys. “Mason Margiella- burnt wood and whiskey 🥃 is what it smells like” you say while looking at him. “You seem to know what your husband smells like hm? Soo keeping everything aside, where’s your destination Mrs. Im?” He asked you teasingly. You chuckled and answered “oh please take your passanger to her Parents house.” “Of course, of course, fasten your seat belt, I don’t want you to get hurt.” He said while fastening the seat belt for you. “Thank you.” You said smiling at him.
AUTHOR : You guys then reach to the desired destination.
“Oh my my!” Said your mother you look so much healthy my baby! “Yea mom and I missed you guys, Im staying here for a week so that I can spend some time with you guys after I left in sorrow.” You say while hugging both of your parent. Changkyun saw the tears of happiness in your eyes and in your parents and he thought - “how much loving and caring could a person be? She’s the one for me, mature and perfect by nature and pretty by looks as well.” He was all in the thoughts 💭 then suddenly your dad say “Changkyun-ssi, I’m glad to hear that my daughter is in good hands, I’ll always be thankful to your parents for treating her as their own.” Said your father as he hugged Changkyun. “Oh no no, as we agreed to take the responsibility as promised we’re also doing our job, keeping Y/N happy and healthy, worry free.” He said while hugging back. “Oh dear, you guys are staying here, this makes my heart so much full.” As your mother said this, Changkyun replied “Im sorry to you Mr and Mrs. Yoo that I won’t be staying as I need to check on progress of my companies :), instead Y/N would fulfil my emptiness(presence) here” he said while holding your mother’s hand. “It’s okay dear, next time I want both of you to stay with us. That would make us more happy. But you’re a busy man and taking your time to drop my girl here, thank you.” Said your mother smiling to Changkyun. “No no it’s my job to see your daughter happy, my wife in fact.” He say while looking at your mom and then at you. “Come in for a while Changkyun.” Said your father. “Oh as I’m not staying here, I can at-least come in for coffee or tea.” Said Changkyun.
Your house was just like a normal big house. A little Japanese style, the structure with an open yard for meet up with guests. “Kyun?” You called him. “What do you want? Coffee or tea?” u asked him when suddenly your father interrupted “Whiskey! Haha my young man should try the Glenfiddich, a classic 12 year old” your dad said with a little laugh. “Dad it’s not the right time i-“ you said while looking at them and at Changkyun after. “Ohh I have had that one mhm” he said look at the bottle. “Kyun-“ you looked at him with an expression that stated - “it’s not right time kyun for whiskey 😭” he understood what you wanted to say then suddenly put the bottle aside. As he put that aside, he received an important call. “Dad maybe kyun’s busy so he might have to leave at the moment.” You say to your father and your father understands you. He said “mhm I have no problem, we still have time” he said patting you. “Thanks dad” you said whole hugging him. “I have to leave now Mr and Mrs. Yoo but I’m sure the next time I visit it’ll all be the whiskey 🥃” he said while holding your father’s hands. “Of course son! Let me help you out” he said and you all bid him a bye.
“Kyun!” You called him as he was gonna sit inside “wait-“ He stood there while holding the car door and you kiss him on his lips. He felt so good. He won’t describe it at the moment but surely will when you guys would be all alone together. He kissed you back and said in a low tone while holding your hands “I’ll be back soon, I miss you already..” he said while cupping your cheeks. “Take care, I’ll miss you, kyun” you said as he got in the car breaking the kiss.
AUTHOR : The time passed by and you were missing him so much to the extent that you almost teared up at times cause you felt that you left him alone at the house and how much he would miss you. He would call-text you when he was free but it wasn’t much like his actual presence. A week ended and it was finally when the time when he could kidnap you back lol. Im gonna skip the car part.
You arrived your home after a long time and seeing everything back again just made you happy. The scent of your own home just felt so good. Then you heard doorbell ring. You rush towards it cause you knew it might be your husband. “Y/N!” You said nothing but hug him. “Im sorry I couldn’t pick you up and you had to come here by yourself and even the driver wasn’t here today due to some personal reasons..” you said nothing still but just hug him. His scent was something you missed. Fresh roses and whiskey with burnt wood. That’s what he smelled like. Even after working too much, his scent never changed, it felt natural on him, his scent. Then you slowly let go the hug. “Changkyun Im” you said while looking close to his face. After what you just called him, he came closer to you as well while slowly throwing his blazer. “Keep looking at me like that and-“ you cut him off “didn’t you miss me?” You said after putting him in the MOOD and you backed up. “Miss dare to change the topic hm.” He said as he went to the couch and rested there. You turn back at him. “Now you kept me waiting like that you know how much I missed you?” He said while looking at you. “You called me by what earlier ?hm?” He then stood up and started walking towards you again. “Im actually glad someone else took you here or else I don’t know what would happen, I won’t even let us reach here by this time” he said teasingly. You became all red and nervous. It was all your fault that you set him in the mood and now you’re wanting to back up. It would be a big loss not to kiss a man who’s in the best mood. You knew he was not drunk but just sipped whiskey at work because he smelled like Ballentines and it secretly drove you crazy seeing him like that. Loose tie, white shirt and long silky hair with scent of Margiella was enough for you to surrender yourself.
You couldn’t believe you guys had an arrange marriage almost a year ago. “Y/N? Darling? You slept alone these days?” he said while going upstairs. “There was none to warm my side up.” You say while following him upstairs. “Aw” he said after reaching to the room door, he turned back to you. “Wash up, you might be tired from that travelling” he said while patting your head. He went to his office after saying but you had a feeling that you needed him so bad but he still seemed busy so you just interrupted him “Kyun~?”You called him, he turned back “hm?” he said starting at you. “Are you busy even in that kind of mood?” You asked him confidently. “What mood??” He said with a slight smirk and then continued walking towards his office room. Gosh it drived you crazy when your husband acted like that. You pouted and then went towards bathroom for a warm shower. You took 20 minutes for it and then came back out with a robe. When you entered your room, you saw your husband, arranging his clothes in the closet properly. You couldn’t help but stare at him. He caught you off guard. “Hm~? What’s something that Y/N is staring at?” He asked you while still putting his clothes back in the closet. “Im looking at Im Changkyun.” You say while moving to your closet. “Call me by my name again and I’ll show you what happens, darling” he said while looking at your eyes. You stopped and so did your heartbeat. “I wanted you so bad. Ever since I was there at my parents house. Couldn’t wait honestly but I saw your busy even after you came home from work. I’m not in a playful mood but I’m very serious about what im talking about.” You turned back at him and went towards his direction and you added on “Love, when you call me with nicknames, it drives me crazy. That I want you with me. Near me.” You said looking at his eyes. Not even realising how honest you were, you stopped. “Is that what my darling thinks about me? Just want me? What else?? I’m curious” he said while cupping your cheeks. “Kyun, are you really okay with me behaving like this all of a sudden.” You said and then he added “didn’t you notice me earlier? I behaved the same and you didn’t seem to have a problem as well. Even if I wasn’t like that and you asked me the same question, I wouldn’t hate it.” He said, then you added “I missed you besides me during night time”. This time as you spoke, he just said nothing but stare at your lips. Your lips, bare lips drove him crazy, he couldn’t resist your behaviour and lips of course so the next step he did, lead to a whole new scenario. To be completely honest, you and him were just awkward as you guys barely knew each other back then but as you guys got closer and got to know each other, man, it’s like complete opposite, now your totally lovers and I don’t think someone would actually think that this might be the arranged marriage. Not at all.
“As I said I missed you besides me at night, it’s cause the first word you would ever speak in the beginning of a new day is my name and I couldn’t hear it ever since, like a week and-“ you heard him say everything but then suddenly your lips meet his, you cut him off. It was your first ever kiss with your husband. Shocking but yes. All the year passed, you guys were just arranged but now it seems like your arranged to lovers. You could feel his lips taking the same feel as yours. Oh you loved him too much at this point. Your windows were all open which led to a cold air breeze moving inside your room and the white transparent curtains of your room just waving, the moon shined through as well. You had your left hand on his shoulders, and the other on the back of his head, grabbing his medium mullets lightly, black hairs, silky and smooth, his chest was almost exposed because he was wearing a simple white shirt with just three top buttons open. His shoulders were broad, broad enough to just trap you in there. Then slowly the kiss became insane, deep and more passionate and your right hand moved slowly back on his almost bare chest. Then after a few minutes you guys stopped, then his gaze went towards your eyes. “It’s would be a shame and disappointing decision on not marrying you, Y/N” he said looking at you. You’re all red, even though you have been this much close to him before but it still made you damn nervous. “Mmm look at you” he said in a teasy loving low tone. You looked away as you heard him say that, hiding yourself. “Wouldn’t you wanna say anything to your husband? I mean I wanna listen it from you, Y/N. Your bold I know mm, since you kissed me.” He said while leaning onto the couch in your bedroom. Then you turned back and said “anything for my husband but he’s too charming, my eyes couldn’t take the view.” You said and then ran back to the bathroom since you needed to change clothes (you were still in a robe). “Im waiting” said Changkyun while letting out a small chuckle.
AUTHOR : You took your time and then you came outside wearing a usual night gown, wasn’t too fancy but it made your body shape look SO GOOD.
Then you came in the room, you saw Changkyun laying down on his side of the bed while closing his eyes. You were confused and pouty. You thought to yourself that “he just asked me to wait and just did everything so hurriedly ://“ as you thought this, you went towards your side of the bed and laid down facing him. He’s so pretty and of course charming as usual but you became restless as you thought that meeting after a week long period, he just slept like that? You meant that you wanted to get lovey-dovey with him but here he just told you to come out as he was waiting. You were all restless, little angry. Then you turn to your side, facing away from him. You were little pissed 😭 cause he got u in the mood but then he dozed off. You mumbled in a little aggression “mmmhmm, tricked, cheatedㅠㅠ”
AUTHOR : You really thought he would let you go that way haha, he wasn’t asleep tho he was just wanting to see what and how you react. And it seemed like you waited for him to wake up. I mean you wanted to see if he was actually asleep or no but he didn’t react until he found out that he had enough play with you(lol) so he woke up and then he (smartass) took his actions when you were on the verge of sleeping ㅠㅠ. He just slowly moved his hand in your hair and whispered—-
“Mmm..sorry about playing like that, darling” he said and then he trapped you. You were in between his hands and his chest towards your face almost. He was on top of you. You were tricked again 😭. He just wanted you to be restless so he waited till u reached limits. “!!!!huh,oh??” you were all sweaty and nervous. “Kyun. You-“ you didn’t get time to say anything. He kissed you. He slowly lifted you up and now your position was like you on his laps facing him eye to eye. You become nervous and try to look away but also intrigued looking at him. You didn’t know what to do but you weren’t awkward. It drove you crazy since he took you on his lap. You were happy knowing that you can now officially act personal and however you wanted in front of him. He pulled you even closer, he was still wearing the white shirt and his hairs slicked back. His bare face is what you loved, those eyes, dark brown pupils which shone throughout the moonlight, as it entered through the open window. “Oh..kyun, it’s a shame not being able to love you..” you said looking all innocent (but he knows you aren’t😏) “mm? Love or fuck? You didn’t know me yet, Y/N, I never got time to show my real avatar..” he whispered in your ears which made you even want him more. You were all okay with what he was gonna do because he asked you many times that in future if there would be a time like this, would you be all ready? And you guys had enough time to find out until today as you both were out of limits. You loved loved loooovveedd his scent. You sniffed him and kissed him on his lips. He got excited to the extent that he took off his shirt and now was on his trousers and you? “Darling, it would be a shame not to appreciate your bare body, he said and asked you “Can you..remo-“ as he was about to say the whole sentence you just didn’t take seconds and took off your pretty floral nightdress which was almost translucent from the top and bottom as well. You wore tights. It was in his favourite colour- purple. The light shined on your body and highlighted his favourite parts, the chest and the collar. Changkyun didn’t have an ideal type cause he’s into someone’s personality but now looking at you, he felt like girls who look good in bikinis would work. But don’t worry, it’s just only gonna be you whom he’ll admire in that attire. You looked perfect. A normal body, not too skinny nor too over. He kissed you all over your neck and then slowly moved to your chest. You had big boobs, he started licking you as he moved down. You let out a moan. “Already moaning hm..?” He said while licking your neck and tummy back and forth. “Mmm~~kyun it tickles” you said being all crawled up. As you said, he just stopped to look at you. “Nuh uh.. you need to be rewarded but also punished for leaving me like this alone for week.” Said Changkyun then he started biting your neck and collarbones, you collar and neck was all his of course, it drove him crazy. You looked at him, he was all over you, looked like a hungry alpha. Whatever he just spoke, made you realised that he’s not gonna let you sleep tonight and you didn’t care about it because you wanted it. You indeed has a sex drive throughout the day, a high sex drive. “I don’t know, I mean you, you don’t know how much I missed you, I drank an entire bottle just because I was missing you. This was yesterday night.” He said kissing you all over. “Kyun~ punish me? Let it all out on me, it’s my fault for making you impatient.” You say whining over as you felt his saliva all over your chest. Plus it was all cold so that little wetness on your body because of sweat and saliva made you whinny. “Punish? You want me to do what I just said earlier ?? Hmm?” He said. He kept asking you which made you say it even louder because in between he would keep making you wet. “IM CHANGKYUN~~~ your too good, I’m gonna be so wet if you keep doi-“ he cut you off “Princess? I almost forgot that you’re messy down there already? Let me check” he said. He ripped your panties, it was too wet and it was shocking to him cause it was your first time as well.
“Next time I’ll bring you a lingerie, it would just look so alluring on you baby” he said in a deep husky voice. You reached too high to your limits that you wanted to be more pleasured so you started acting all slutty (😏). “Next time I’ll make you wait more kyun” you said as you kissed him shutting him up. That thought of buying you your first pair of lingerie drove you insane. He then pulled away the kiss as he heard you. “Mmh? Naughty much? So suddenly huh~?” He said then he slowly put his finger inside your clit. I thrusted it inside whenever you made a statement that he didn’t like. “Oh goddamn, you make my cock swell like..your asking me not to stop huh?Thrusting again, you moaned loudly, and your pussy clenching onto his cock so hard. “You’re totally in mood, huh?” As he said, the tone you couldn’t handle it put hop on his lap fully. “I’m always gonna be in the mood as long as your with me, husband~” you said while kissing his neck. He let out a relaxing moan. “Idk why but I want you so messed up right now~” he said while grabbing your ass and lifting u up to the wall and started biting you, all those love marks meant that you won’t dare to look at someone else but your husband. He’s passionately would be jealous of anyone getting too close to you. You were a science teacher married to a biomedical engineer who owned three big laboratories and companies, what else did you even need in your life? Nothing more nor less. Every touch of his would just make you crave for him even more. More than what a horny feeling contains. You didn’t have words to describe how good he’s in person but on the bed as well. “Kyun, don’t..don- go in too- harsh-“ you said as you were into him. His whole body just on you. He slowly slide in his dick inside you. He knew you wanted to relax, and just making you work too much for him, might not be good, he was a little too rough indeed but he did slow down at the BEST MOMENTS. The room was filled with warmth and just scent of wetness of sweat and his perfume. Gosh that Margiella scent, you felt like a pure heaven and that too after so many days, a week. He wanted to have sex, it was obvious. It felt like the first night of the honeymoon. If it was you, he wouldn’t control he knew this as well, he stripped down your already ripped panties and then went in and out as you felt good, too good. He does have a beautiful dick, you trembled a little so he held on you tight, you could feel that you already have his finger marks on your ass, those marks are of possessiveness. It was 12:00am sharp and the moon was shining bright onto your sweaty body. He then took you to the bathroom but on your way you guys were busy kissing that you missed the couch and fell on it, the couch was a leather couch, brown coloured and it was wide enough to let him have you all night, just laying on it.
He sucked over you. “Such a damn big..prett..y..nose, daddy~” you complimented while being on top of him, riding through out on his dick. He just kept staring at how good you looked riding on him, all the way down you were dripin’ so hard that he turned you over and glide inside the hole of yours, it was small but you just had your first time and that too all raw, “the best thing about us-..Is that I get it.. all raw~” Changkyun said as he licked your hole, he bit your inner thighs and just marked you. He just trusts you and loves you so much. He’s a kind of husband who just knows when your wrong and help you correct it. His sensation reached to your inner walls, just locked it all in. It was like him thrusting into you too much. My goodness it felt so goood, and he forgot about punishing you. He pulled you on him, too much passionate sex and that too no protection, all raw. You moaned too well. “Mm Ahh~” you sounded too good for him but you were all not in your state. “Daddy~” you said “Princess or Slut? Pick one” he asked as he kept on letting you ride him like an actual cowgirl. You were too busy enjoying for yourself. “I ask one more time~” he said then as he got no answer from you, he grabbed your ass, holding you in that position and threw you to the bed again. He threw you on the bed and he climbed on you. “I wanted MOREEE~~” you said to him cause he interrupted you. “So much fun for the living, now let me.” He said. “Now do as your daddy says mm?” He said as he looked at you. You looks so damn good even when your doing nothing but just lying on the damn bed all wet. “No~~” you said while biting your lips and all restless. “Whatever you wanna do but now it’s time for taking the remote control back~” he said while looking down your hole which of course was closed right now “I can’t see it Y/N so open your legs for your daddy~” he said while rubbing your inner thighs. You couldn’t open even if you wanted to because he already had you riding him for some time straight. “Let me then~” he hold your knees and opened your legs, in between all that condensed milk looking consistency oozing out like a river. “Too bad if I couldn’t have it” he said and he licked and sucked you down there. “Mmmmmmmm~” you led out a cry. Too much guilty pleasure for the living. He then turned you over to your chest side facing the bed and ass towards him. “Your pussy and ass both are who’s??” He asked you as he leaned towards you on the position. It was the most penetrative position ever, doggy style in lying position. He thrusted you in your small hole. Your clit was swollen as he turned you back over and kept going as restlessly as you were. You couldn’t even dare to move your legs as they got folded and twisted and things like that many times, it hurt because as he became more passionate, he became more rough. He then in the standing position took you to the bathroom.
“Your getting all this for being selfish earlier, hmm? Get it baby~?” He said. He put you on the bathroom counter besides sink and the mirror. Then you looked at him with tired af eyes and it immediately reminded you of what he might wanna do next. “Shit” you thought. Of course you didn’t want to see yourself like that in the mirror while your partner is doing you. It’s Changkyun, he’s too strong, even if you escape where else would you even hide? “You know why? You didn’t answer my question earlier~” he said while grabbing you back down from the counter and now he grabbed your waist from behind and made you look at the mirror, you refused. “Never mind it’s gonna be slut for now~” he said grabbing your boobs and squeezing them. “Aauah…mmmm, Kyun~~” you let out a moan. “Nuh uh.. what’s my name~???” He asked. “Kyun~” as he heard you say, he put his finger back down in your already too much swollen clit and rubbed it hard. He asked you five times, but didn’t get his desired answer. In between them wrong answers, he kept squeezing, rubbing and penetrating you hard. When I meant hard, it’s on the most passionate but insane level. You were tired, too much tired than you couldn’t stand up. “IM CHANGKYUN~~~!” You moaned and you let out a cry. “Good girls don’t answer late. But seemed like you’re a bad girl now hmm~? For answering late~”. He thrust his dick into you even harder, you dripping down too bad, it needed to be cleaned up. “Damn, that looks so~” he said kissing your back. You wanted to turn towards him as you couldn’t see the mirror. But he didn’t allow you. “Not until I make you see how beautiful you look this way Mrs. Im~” he said biting your shoulders which made you look up and moan. “Mm aah~~” you say as he finally made you see the mirror on his 7th attempt. Yes you just had 7 rounds of having intercourse with your husband. After then finally he let you turn back, facing towards him. You looked at him with tears and anger, not too much angry. “What hm? My Princess just needed..to see..her pretty body and how much more you look..in my eyes” he said kissing you all over your face and then neck. You hugged him at the position and those bites and kisses made you grab his back, muscular and stiff back with your long nails. As he kissed you, his kisses went down till your chest to the tummy and he got on his knees, kissing your cute belly. “A belly piercing ~? You didn’t know how much your making me want you more my darling~” he said to you as he licked your belly. You let out a small chuckle as it tickled you there. “I got it..~ for you.. Danny~” you moaned as he hold your waist and started biting your tummy as well. Gosh this man just likes being all possessive, not a single place on your body was left unmarked. All filled with cherry red marks. “You got the..piercing for daddy~?” He asked you while lifting you up and taking you back to your bed. “I knew you liked piercings..~” you said to him as he carried you, you facing towards him. “Jooheon told me once that you like.. girls who look good in bikinis and piercings~~” so I did them days after our wedding without letting you notice. I kept the moment for today~” you said to him. He heard you and threw you on the bed again. Having just sex and that too raw too, still seemed incomplete for him. He again caged you up. “I want to plant us a seed.” He said while kissing your chest. “And what does that mean~” you asked him even though you knew. “Baby~ idk if you’re ready for our mini version.” He asked you sucking through your tits. You said nothing but moaned. “Do I stop~?” He asked you. You shook your head restlessly. “While you sucking the second most sensitive part of mine~? No, Mr. Im~” you said while ruffling his hairs back. He chuckled and kissed your chest and went down to your belly again. “Knock ✊ knock~” as he knocked your belly. “There’s got to be someone in there soon~” he said while putting his dick inside you. Thrusting again but this time slow and steady, it all oozed out, the cum. It filled your walls and at the Highest time, your walls sucked all of that.
“I forgot to ask you~ would you be able to take our baby if you get pregnant~?” He asked you while stopping. “It’ll be our first little baby, kyun” you cried as you shared. “With you taking care of it? I’ll be so happy to give birth” you said while hugging him. You were all wet. “So should I plant?” He asked you and you replied “get in already~!”. As mentioned, he slit in this time not taking his dick out, instead, he filled you up with his seed. “Now if I let you let all that out..—“ you cut him off “too late, you fertilised me already~” you said as you kiss him on his lips very passionately.
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AUTHOR : After that moment, he tucked you in the blanket and pat your head and massaged your legs. He realised he was too cruel and rough earlier so he helped you relief pain you had in your legs. They were sore and they pained since you kept them open😳😖. He helped you throughout until you fell asleep. He kissed you and lay besides you, hugging you and cuddling you with you burring your face onto his chest and then falling asleep. You guys were sooo cozy to look at.
(The next morning)
You woke up the next morning and found out that your husband was asleep on your tummy i.e his head on your tummy. His hand was on your legs which made you think that he might have fallen asleep while massaging your legs. You just stared at him for some minutes then you ran your hands through his hair, cat like big man. “🐈‍⬛” as you stroked his hair again and again he just woke up. “Oh darling, it’s too early why are you awake?” As he said this, you replied “I was gonna say that to you~” you kissed him saying that. “Mm~?” He said. “You slept late I know, rest up cmon!” You say while slowly getting up the bed. You still had pain in there, you slowly trumbled upon. “Haha~ says the one who’s still tired~” he said and then teasingly grabbing your hand. You looked at him “😭”. “Aww my baby, cmere” he grabbed you on his lap. “How can I see you like that hm? Let me massage your body.” He said as he grabbed your waist and then massaging your back. “Mm not the backkk I want the legs!!” You ordered him. He turned on your side on his knees as he turn towards you and then sit in front of you and take one of your legs on his lap and pulls you. “You remember something~mm?” He said teasingly. You hit his lap and said “yah husband~!!”. He enjoyed you being getting teased. He just massages you till an hour. You felt so good. You slept again while he was massaging, it was clear that you did need extra sleep and so did your husband but he received a phone call from his work so he had to leave in a hurry. But the way he left, you didn’t even got disturbed from your sleep. At the end he put a note besides your bed’s side tables which went like-
“In the end, I think that taking care of yourself is the best way to love yourself and if you can’t then I’ll do it, I’ll be there for you always until- I’ll be home soon my love~”
(The above quoting is taken from an interview of MONSTA X spoken by Changkyun himself, not the same as the above but I moderated it to fit with the context. Also idk which interview he said so cause they didn’t really state the name.)
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The end 💜
📑 writer : @gor3rri
📑 I post new context weekly so stay tuned 📑
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gigglesandfreckles-hp · 9 months ago
OH JILY PROMPTS pleaseeee can you do number 51 (we're so hot) or 56 (baking is a science) ♡♡
from these prompts
They’re on very official, very important Head duties.
If asked to specify exactly what those duties entail or what makes them so very official and important, there would be some hesitation and a fair bit of fumbling, but ultimately, they’d make something up, because it’s well after curfew and the rumours about the Head Boy and Head Girl dating aren’t entirely baseless, but it’s not as if they need to add fuel to the fire.
They are distinctly not taking advantage of the freedom afforded to them by their badges to find new places to fool around.
“It’s this way,” James says, using his grip on her hand to tug her down another hallway. “I think.”
Lily sighs, a mix of exasperation and fondness. “Why didn’t you just bring the map?”
“Because, Evans,” he drawls, “where’s the fun in that?”
“Of course,” she says, rolling her eyes and quickening her pace to match his long strides. “No fun to be had in actually having a destination in mind instead of mindlessly wandering around the castle at half eleven, trying Alohamora on random doors.”
“I’m hearing a lot of complaining from the girl who practically begged me to—” He jiggles another doorknob and curses under his breath before dragging her further down the hall.
“And what if I change my mind before we find an actual spot?”
James comes to an abrupt halt, dropping her hand to turn around. “Lily Evans, you wouldn’t.”
She laughs, the kind that bubbles up and spills out. “No, Potter. I wouldn’t.”
He watches her for another moment, his eyes searching her face for any hint of deceit, before reclaiming her hand, this time threading his fingers through hers, and continues to pull her along the corridor.
And that’s when they hear Mulciber and Avery.
It couldn’t be Dolohov or Snape or anyone with half a brain; no—it had to be fucking Mulciber and Avery. The Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum of Slytherin House.
The issue with it being them is that there’s no reasoning, no common sense, no ‘get back to your common room before we have to dock points.’
It doesn’t mean they don’t try.
“Do you have a pass from a professor, to be out at these hours?” Lily speaks up before James can, because a) it’s usually easier this way and b) one of the lovely things about James Potter is that he never minds being in the background, at least not if it’s her background.
Mulciber sneers at her and Lily immediately knows what’s coming next. She wishes she was still holding James’s hand so she could warn him too, with a small squeeze of ‘don’t freak out, I’m okay, I’m used to it, please don’t freak out, he’s not worth it.’
“Filthy Mudblood bitch.”
Lily has less than a split second to decide whether to try and stop James from raising his own wand or whether to draw her own. In the end, it is a good thing she chooses the latter because Avery fires off a nasty curse that Lily barely manages to deflect toward Mulciber. The howl of pain he releases as he drops to the ground isn’t enviable. The amplification of that howl as James hits him with another hex for good measure makes Lily wince.
They make short work of Avery after that and, barring a quick argument on whether or not to levitate the boys to the Slytherin common room with a signed note and a confetti bow, decide to leave the boys where they are in the halls, petrified for whichever professor happens to be up the earliest.
It isn’t until after they round the corner down the hall that Lily lets herself think about it. Not what Mulciber said because she has spent plenty of time thinking about that—but about them, her and James, and how, well, nice it is to have him at her side in moments like this. Even if he tends to go overboard, like, all the time.
“Hm?” He doesn’t look up from his task—rebuttoning the cuff of his shirt now that the sleeves are pushed up to his elbows. His forearms flex with the motion, catching her eye. The button is stubborn, apparently, as James deftly twists his fingers around. He uses his shoulder to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose, his brow furrowed in concentration. A light sheen of sweat dots his forehead, but Lily loses sight of it as a wild curl flops down into his eyes.
She smiles appreciatively at the scene. “We’re so hot.”
His head pops up to look at her, amused and curious. “Er…what?”
Lily laughs and stops them in their tracks, gently taking over the task from his fumbling fingers. “Look at us. We’re…” She successfully manages to fasten the button and smiles up at him. “Don’t you ever feel that way? Like, one day, we’ll tell our kids about all the things we got up to and they’ll tell their friends and their friends will be like, shit, your parents were so cool.”
He grins down at her and tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Our kids, huh?”
She playfully shoves his chest, feeling her cheeks warm. “You know what I mean.”
“I do. I absolutely think our kids are gonna tell stories about their ridiculously fit, Quidditch Captain dad and the sexy, rebel Head Girl—”
“Why are our kids using terms like fit and sexy to describe their parents? That feels problematic.”
“It feels inevitable, actually. I mean,” he leans down, his tone light and teasing against her lips, “have you seen us?”
“Oh, piss off,” she snorts.
His grin widens against her mouth, even as he—finally—kisses her. “We are so hot, Evans,” he murmurs, his lips ghosting over the corner of her smile. “You," and back to her lips again, "are so hot.”
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mr-voorhees-husband · 1 year ago
Hello! Could u please make a second part from the P!Jonathan Crane x Student!Reader (the one where he tells the reader abt them having feelings for him)
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Imma be honest, I wasn’t thinking about Jon lately, so I put on BTAS and remembered why I liked him,,, ty for this request.
Yall just spam requests, force me to write again, PLEASE!!!
Also if any of y’all like Sabretooth, Wolverine, Hellboy, Or Lobo, throw some requests my way PLEASE
Warnings: Professor x Student, power dynamic, Jonathan is kind of ooc, reader is called Star Student, dear, and various other nicknames,
Info: (General) Jonathan Crane x GN!Reader, Reader is Jon’s student
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“I’m a bit disappointed, dear.” Jonathan sighed, sitting at his desk while twirling a pen in his hand. It was one that you had actually got him during national teachers week, one of pens made to look like a syringe. It was his favorite to use for grading, partially because he liked to use what you got him, but also because the red ink was particularly darker than most pens he had. “A C on your report. That’s the lowest grade you’ve gotten this entire semester.”
You nodded quietly, knowing good and well there was no reason for you to get such a bad grade. This was your best class, and even if you were mediocre in your other ones, you prided yourself on how well you understood Jonathan’s teaching methods. The report in question was done perfectly, and anyone with half a brain could tell that.
This was just Jonathan’s way of getting you to himself for a few hours.
“Really, I’m disappointed.” He sighed, shaking his head as he stood up, walking around his desk to stand directly in front of you. “After our last… one-on-one meeting, I really expected you to put more effort in your work.”
“I—“ you began, before being cut off by Jonathan’s finger on your lips.
“Ah. I’m talking.” He tutted, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “Now, I’d be willing to raise your grade, after all— I know my star student would never willingly get such a bad grade. That is, if you’re willing to work for some extra credit…”
Swallowing nervously, you nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. “Yes, sir. I’ll do anything.”
“Anything, hm?” Jonathan leaned in closer— so closer your noses were almost touching and you could smell the coffee he had been drinking. “How about a private study session? A little extra help should straighten your grades right up.”
“That— that sounds good.” You couldn’t stop yourself from stuttering, and that just made Jonathan smile wider. “Should I stop by after your office hours..?”
“No, I was thinking we have dinner first, at my place.” It was obvious what was going on. This wasn’t just a ploy to get you in his bed, it was a ploy to get you on a date— a proper date. Which was more intimate than you expected, but you didn’t plan to argue. “Says… 7 o’clock Tuesday night? If I remember correctly you don’t have any classes that day.”
You tried to ignore that he definitely shouldn’t have known that fact. “O— okay. Yeah.”
“Good, I’ll pick you up outside your dorm.” He smiled, grabbing your hand and gently leading you to the door, “see you Tuesday, darling.”
Jonathan’s lips tasted like coffee and he smelt like autumn, just like last time; and you knew you’d never get sick of the taste or the scent.
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cloudcountry · 9 days ago
part two will have all the affinity ones!!
Opening Cutscene
“I’m not going to let anyone die. I can’t. I have to save them all, none of this is fair. If I’m not going to be remembered, the least I can do for them is this.”
“Hi! It’s nice to meet you, my name is Auburn!”
Home Screen
“Ah...you remember me? Oh, don’t mind me! Hello, how have you been? What’s new?”
You’ve Got Mail:
“Um, I think you have mail. Do you want to check it? I can’t peek at any of it, don’t worry! That’d be breaking the law of correspondence...”
“Professor Hyde said I would have been assigned to Hotarubi had I not become inspector...it seems like a lovely place.”
“Working at Jabberwock is really hard, but I think it’s rewarding! Psst...don’t tell Ritsu I’m doing it without pay, he’d lecture me again.”
“I’ve been reading the Compendium of Laws for Ritsu, and I don’t know how he does it! I’m taking it one section at a time...”
“If you need help with anything, you can come to me! Just...make sure it’s nothing unsavory, or Rubia will have your head.”
“I’ve gotten in the habit of carrying around an extra notebook and pens with me everywhere...I never know when Ritsu is going to call me with new details.”
Spring: (March-May)
(between 5 am and 11 am)
“Ritsu says there’s more business at this time of year, and oddly enough I’m not nervous. I know he can handle it.”
(between 11 am and 4 pm)
“There are so many flowers blooming...I’m glad I have a spring birthday.”
(between 4 pm and 8 pm)
“Have you gone to see the tours in Jabberwock yet? No...? You should! I really like the water section, so I pick up the slack there!”
(between 8 pm and 5 am)
“The cafeteria had a really good salad with apple slices and poppyseed dressing...I’m going to be thinking about it for weeks...”
Summer: (June-August)
(between 5 am and 11 am)
“You know, I think working outside for the majority of the summer upped my heat tolerance. Be careful out there!”
(between 11 am and 4 pm)
“Oh...It’s so hot....water, I need water...”
(between 4 pm and 8 pm)
“I’m so glad the day is over, I feel like I could collapse. The sun felt nice, though! ...What do you mean I wasn’t looking too hot? It was nothing BUT hot!”
(between 8 pm and 5 am)
“I wonder if I can drag Rubia and Ritsu away from their obligations to watch the fireworks tonight...”
Autumn: (September-November)
(between 5 am and 11 am)
“I like this weather a lot, it’s my favorite season. Finally, I get to wear my sweaters again.”
(between 11 am and 4 pm)
“Oh, this drink? It’s chai! You should totally order one sometime if you stop by the Mystery Diner, Ren makes really good drinks when he puts his mind to it.”
(between 4 pm and 8 pm)
“The nights are so long now, it gets dark so early...it doesn’t throw me off, but I still find it weird sometimes.”
(between 8 pm and 5 am)
“I wish I could go stargazing right now. I’m sure the sky is beautiful, but...hm, I don’t trust the campus to be safe enough at this hour.”
Winter: (December-February)
(between 5 am and 11 am)
“You know, most of my casual winter outfits are a mix of red and black...I don’t mean to declare allegiance to anyone, but whatever happens happens, right?”
(between 11 am and 4 pm)
“I used to love snow as a kid, but now it’s an inconvenience...I can’t do my laundry or carry around papers when it’s so wet outside.”
(between 4 pm and 8 pm)
“Stay warm, okay? Make sure you’re wearing long socks and gloves! Also a coat. Don’t forget a good coat.”
(between 8 pm and 5 am)
“Mmm...this weather can make you feel really awful, but it’s important to keep pushing no matter what. That’s what my loved ones have taught me.”
Her birthday:
“Oh, right. It’s my birthday. Thank you for the congratulations! I wasn’t really planning on celebrating it...”
Rubia’s birthday:
“Did you hear? It’s Rubia’s birthday! ...What do you mean, why am I so excited? You would be too if you knew her like I do!”
Vio's birthday:
“If you can do me one favor today, don't contact Sho. Why? He's going to be spending the whole day with Vio, obviously! It's her birthday?”
Vivi’s birthday:
“You'd better say something nice to my big sis today, it's their birthday! ...Why are you looking at me like that? They're not scary!”
Ritsu’s birthday:
“I have a whole thing planned for Ritsu’s birthday today...I know, I’m so bad at subtlety! Do you think he’ll notice how bouncy and twitchy I am?”
Friend birthday:
“Yes, I hope (Name) has a wonderful birthday today.”
Neutral/Dislike birthday:
“Oh, it’s their birthday? ...Cool.”
New Years: (January 1st)
“Happy New Year! My resolution this year is to read more of the Compendium of Laws...and hopefully memorize a few more sections.”
Valentine’s Day: (February 14th)
“Oh, chocolates? Thank you so much, you’re the sweetest! Here, I got you something in return!”
White Day: (March 13th)
“Ritsu got me some confectioneries from this really fancy shop as a thank you for the chocolates I gave him on Valentine’s. I almost don’t want to eat them. Maybe I should share them with him?”
April Fool’s Day: (April 1st)
“Oh, I don’t celebrate April Fools. No, it is not because of Ritsu or Article 233 of the Penal Code. I just don’t see the appeal.”
Halloween: (October 31st)
“My work with Ritsu does not stop on Halloween! In fact, I’d say it only gets worse. People on campus can be degenerates on this date.”
Christmas: (December 25th)
“Ah...it is Christmas, isn’t it? I hope you have a merry one.”
(below 13 affinity)
“Um...can I help you with anything?”
(13 affinity and above)
“Hey, it’s nice to see you! I hope you’re doing well today! Is there anything you’d like to talk about?”
“You know...I hope you’ll have better attendance in the future. It’s not good for your academic standing to be gone for so many consecutive days.”
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sylvia-forest · 2 years ago
[CN] Shaw's Field Date (Part 1)
⚡Warning: This post contains detailed spoiler's for a Date which hasn't been released in EN yet!⚡
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[This date was translated with the help of Google translate!]
✧[Section 1]✧
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Shaw's message: "If the old man doesn't grant me leave, I won't be able to come back to celebrate the Qixi Festival." MC: Hm…
Looking at the text on the phone, I let out a long sigh.
During this period, I will be filming a cultural and tourism promotional program about ethnic fashion. Shaw will be accompanying the professor for field research, and both of us was away from Loveland City.
As a result, what should have been a joyous "couples' summer vacation" has now turned into being apart from each other.
We had previously planned to set aside at least two days for Qixi Festival to find a place and have some fun together. However, upon seeing this message…
MC: "It's okay, let's forget about it... Um, will he think I'm being stubborn?" MC: "It's okay, I can't take time off either... Wait, this sentence sounds a bit strange, let's delete it…"
Characters are jumping on the screen, and I keep withdrawing them.
Just as I was considering how to reply, the director nearby called me.
Director: MC, it's possible that we won't be able to film the scenes about Miao Village the day after tomorrow. MC: Huh? Why? Director: We didn't notice before, but just now we sent a drone out, and we realized that on the other side of the mountain, at Cuisong Slope, it seems like some archaeological excavation is taking place. Director: The entire area is full of pits and uneven terrain, it's impossible to capture on camera! MC: How about letting the drone shoot from a different angle? Director: We just tried it, and the results were just okay. The main issue is that Cuisong Slope is right between the bamboo forest and the Miao village, and it's difficult to frame the shot properly…
The director paused, as if he had an idea.
Director: Wait a moment, maybe we should talk to them. It might be possible to ask them to stop work for two days, move the excavators and such away, and then we could manage with the visuals? MC: That could work... I'll try talking to them and see if we can find a compromise.
After making up my mind, I asked the production team to contact the local cultural and tourism bureau. Meanwhile, I set off to meet the archaeological team in person and have a face-to-face discussion.
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As soon as I got in the car, my cell phone rang.
MC: Oh, shit!
With this unexpected turn of events, I haven't had a chance to reply to Shaw's message yet!
I hastily pressed the call button, and a low-octave voice came over immediately.
Shaw [on the phone]: I saw you typing for almost two minutes, and then you disappeared. What happened? Shaw: ...you're not mad at my message, are you?
Even though his voice sounded confident, his sentences were subtly probing. I found it amusing and couldn't help but curl my lips into a smile.
MC: I'm not upset at all. I just got caught up with work and couldn't reply to your message right away. Coincidentally, you called just as I was about to respond. Shaw: Fine.
Shaw hummed twice, which could be considered him acknowledging my explanation. At that moment, I heard a burst of noise on his end, as if he was arguing about something.
MC: What happened to you guys? Shaw: Oh nothing, just now a program team called and wanted us to stop work so they could shoot. MC: …..? Shaw: Now the program producer over there says they want to talk face-to-face with us. Tsk tsk, quite arrogant. Your company shouldn't learn from them. Shaw: Old Man Shen wants to take me along. He said we must show that arrogant producer who's in charge when the time comes. Shaw: But if they do stop work, it seems like I might be able to fight for some time off again… MC: ….. MC: …Shaw.
I interrupted Shaw's muttering.
Shaw: What's wrong? MC: I never asked before, where is your field research site? Shaw: Even if I told you, you probably wouldn't know. It's called Cuisong Slope, right next to a Miao village, extremely remote... Why suddenly ask about this? MC: ….
I took a deep breath, signaled the driver to increase the accelerator, and spoke with a smile.
MC: The producer of the program you're about to dismantle… should be me.
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✧[Section 2]✧
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Shaw: ….. MC: …… Professor Shen: …..
In the afternoon at the archaeological site, there was complete silence. Professor Shen wiped a thin layer of sweat from his forehead and gave a slight cough.
Professor Shen: We originally thought that we encountered some unreasonable program group, but we didn't expect it to be...... MC: It's okay. It might have been a little misunderstanding from the start of our phone conversation, which led to the confusion on your part as well. Professor Shen: Hahaha it's okay.
…There was silence again.
I turned my gaze to Shaw, desperately sending him a "help" signal. He subtly glanced at me and then spoke up.
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Shaw: What's so awkward about it? Worst case, you two can pretend not to know each other, and I'll just introduce you again, right?
He gestured with four fingers close together, pointing at Professor Shen, and then pointed at me.
Shaw: This person— is Professor Shen, in charge of the Cuisong Slope archaeological excavation work, and this person is Miss MC, the producer from [MC Company's Name]. Shaw: Is this formal enough?
Professor Shen shook hands with me, and the atmosphere relaxed.
I formally expressed the needs of our program to Professor Shen, and he nodded happily.
Professor Shen: Since you also want to promote the customs and culture here, of course we can cooperate. Professor Shen: You don't need to worry about the duration of the work stoppage. I'll communicate with the team here. Besides…
The old gentleman glanced at Shaw who was at the side, and lowered his voice.
Professor Shen: Some people have asked me for time off multiple times, eager to spend the Qixi Festival with their girlfriends. Now they're finally getting their wish fulfilled.
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Shaw: Hello, you two don't think I can't hear you. Shaw: Moreover, when have I taken time off multiple times? Am I the kind of person who can't separate work and personal matters? Among the whole archaeological team, I'm the most dedicated person…
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Professor Shen: So, starting from today, the archaeological team is taking a break, and you can continue working. Go be a tour guide for your girlfriend. How about showing some "dedication to the job"?
Professor Shen waved his hand generously, and blocked all Shaw's stubborn words.
I chuckled, took Shaw's hand, and waved towards Professor Shen.
MC: Thank you, Professor Shen, for cooperating with our work and letting us borrow your star student!
Back in the car of the production team, Shaw and I sat side by side in the back seat. He had his arm propped up, looking out the window, but suddenly he turned his head…
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Shaw: Why are you staring at me? MC: ...Is my gaze really that noticeable? Shaw: It's obvious from before even getting in the car.
My face flushed, not wanting him to catch on to the uncontainable longing. I coughed awkwardly.
MC [blushes]: It's nothing, I'm just surprised to see you dressed so casually for once, it's a bit unexpected~
The Shaw in front of me now feels completely different from the Shaw in Loveland City.
The Shaw I usually see is always the most conspicuous one in the crowd, but today he's just wearing a simple vest covered with work overall.
The fabric was stained with dirt and mud spots, clearly indicating that he had spent this time in the dirt pits.
I reached out and poked the small cluster of hair tied up with an elastic band at the back of his head. It was a little prickly and a little itchy.
MC: Your hair has gotten longer.
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Shaw: I've been so busy, and I didn't want Tony, the local hair stylist, to touch my hair, so I just let it grow.
Shaw shrugged nonchalantly, and my fingers shifted along the tips of his hair. I poked the slightly reddened sunburn on his cheek.
MC: You've gotten tanned as well. Shaw: Yeah, digging in the soil during the peak of summer, it'd be strange if I didn't get tanned.
He paused, and suddenly looked at me suspiciously.
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Shaw: Are you…? MC: What? Shaw: …nothing. MC: What "nothing," why stop in the middle of your sentence?!
But no matter how much I pestered him, Shaw refused to speak, and even put on his earphones.
After the car returned to the shooting location, there was still a lot of work that I needed to continue to participate in.
I gave Shaw an apologetic look and then turned to coordinate with my colleagues to wrap up the remaining tasks.
MC: I'm off work, do you want to go to a nearby town to have a good meal tonight?
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Shaw [someone feeling jealous]: Who were those guys wearing ethnic clothing just now? MC: Just now?
I froze for a moment before realizing that Shaw was referring to the male models who came to ask me about the filming of the Qixi Festival at the end.
MC: They are the models we hired for the Qixi Festival. Since we are filming an ethnic-themed program, they naturally need to wear ethnic clothing.
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Shaw: …..Do you still want to shoot during the festival? MC: Exactly, these are the hardworking laborers. MC: Speaking of which, why did you suddenly ask about them?
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Shaw: Nothing much, just... they were dressed so flamboyantly in ethnic attire, and their appearances seemed so mature for their age, it felt a bit strange. MC: ?? Mature? My eye for choosing models shouldn't be that bad, and besides, their ages are similar to yours.
As soon as I said that, Shaw seemed to have been poked by something, and his expression subtly changed.
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Shaw: …… Shaw: ……
He opened his mouth, then closed it, and tugged at his dusty work overall.
Shaw: I'm hungry. How about having some local specialty sour soup fish for dinner? MC: - That's a great idea! - Wait, why did you change the subject again?
Seeing Shaw about to walk away, I quickly grabbed his arm and took the opportunity to express my confusion.
MC: Shaw, I have a serious question for you.
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MC: Did you got jealous when you saw me talking to the male models? 
⚡ Part 2
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shizuedayo · 2 years ago
Random Thought
We repeatedly saw "Seele" trying to impersonate Seele, but never have we seen Seele impersonate "Seele"...
It would be fun to see them impersonate each other as a prank during April Fool's It would probably be something like this: --5 days before April Fools--
"Seele": "Hey Seele, are you planning something for April Fools?" Seele shakes her head Seele: "Nope, why the question?" "Seele": "I saw the Twins buy balloons and paint the other day, probably to make paint balloons and throw it to everyone's faces, and I think that dumb bird's planning something... scammy." Seele: "I can see the professors and the staff having a hard time cleaning the mess..." Seele mumbled, already imagining the paint-splattered walls the twins would bring upon them that day, and the angry screams of a certain lobster-head "Seele": "So why not join them? Since there's going to be chaos and all of us would be inevitably affected. Besides, it's been a while ever since we did something together." Seele fell into deep thought In one hand, she believes that they shouldn't contribute to the chaos considering that everyone (well, except the perpetrators) would have a hard time dealing with it afterwards, on the other hand though... "Seele" is right. It's really been a while ever since they did something together. The two of them are always busy training, completing missions, and helping those in need. There are even days where the only moments they see each other is at the start and at the end of the day. Hmmmm... I think this would be a nice change of pace. Besides, seeing "Seele" be excited on doing something is quite rare. Even if it's meant to cause more chaos...
So.... Seele eventually agreed. Seele: "Sure, it's really been a while ever since we did something together, that day is also a weekend so we have the day to ourselves. The question though... What should we do that day?" The two of them fell into silence "Seele": "Swap canned foods for expired ones?" Seele: "NO! We don't want people to get food poisoning and get hospitalized just for a simple prank..." "Seele": "How about stealing lobster-head's latest invention and go guns ablazing?" Seele: " 'Seele'... We're gonna cause property damage if we do that... Preferably something harmless, please."
Harmless... something... harmless... hm? This can do. "Seele": "How about you act like me and I'll act like you for a day? It's something only we can do and it won't hurt anyone, right?" Besides, I wanna see how you would impersonate me hm~ Seele: "Ah, like that one time you-" "Seele": "Ahem. We don't need to bring up the past." Seele: "Sure, we can do that, but 'Seele'..." "Seele": "What? Don't tell me we can't do this too?" Seele: "Nono, it's just that... are you fine with this?" "Seele": "Well, do you have any other ideas?" Seele: "...Okay then. But I have to prepare, I don't really have any experience acting as you like you do." "Seele": "I'm sure you'd do fine" And indeed she did. Too perfectly may I add. too lazy to write more since I have to draw but basically During the 5 days of preparation, Seele keeps staring and taking notes of "Seele's" habits (much to "Seele's" embarrassment). Being the hardworking girl she is, she also researched about how to act www All in all, she's taking this way too seriously wwwwwwww Then when the big day came, Seele acted as her other self so well and so perfectly to the point her other self had existential crisis :"DDD
Heck her performance was so stellar to the point that when Seele was offered spicy food she ate it like no problem, maintaining her act flawlessly (even complaining it's not spicy enough for her taste), while "Seele's" struggling to eat sweet foods, her facade slipping from time to time wwww Bronya even believed the two's prank (although she had some suspicions of "Seele" (who is impersonating Seele) because she's acting weirdly www). But Bronya for sure didn't even doubt Seele's "Seele" act www In the end, "Seele" herself stopped the whole prank because she died a thousand times internally when she witnessed Seele's "Seele" tsundere act :"DDDD "Seele" asked how tf did she manage to do it so perfectly and Seele listed three reasons: 1. The both of them know each other for a long time; 2. She researched a LOT so she won't embarrass "Seele" (though it had the opposite effect); and 3. She took pointers from Senti xD The last point basically gave "Seele" a target to take out her embarrassment but then she would be bullied by Senti and her mind-reading teasings wwwwwwwww
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lily-janus · 2 years ago
Take A Break
Summary: Logan first thinks of Janus as a smart but lazy person, but he's about to be proven wrong.
Pairing: pre-romantic loceit
Warnings: none that I can think of but do let me know if I missed any.
Word count: 1,225
For @loceitweek day 3 Law School/Astronamy
(I have no idea how law school work so it might sound more like regular school but bare with me😅)
"...and then I will argue that the evidence is not really reliable because- are you listening?" Logan stopped his explanation, noticing that his… partner was, once again, not paying attention.
"Hm?" Janus hummed, focusing his gaze on Logan's own, "were you saying something?" He smirked, knowing full well how that will annoy Logan.
"You know as well as I that I've been," he used air quotes, " 'saying something', for the past hour. We need to do this assignment perfectly, Janus." Logan said, exasperated by his classmate.
Okay, don't tell Janus that, but Logan really does think Janus was an incredibly intelligent person, there were multiple occasions throughout the semester where Janus had impressed Logan with his arguments.
That being said, Janus had a tendency to be… extremely frustrating. Acting cocky and smug most of the time, egging people on with no more reason than simple amusement… and, of course, his cryptic way of behaving. And, for some unknown reason, Janus seems to enjoy annoying Logan the most out of all their classmates.
Always cornering him after lectures, arguing with him during lessons no matter what side he chooses, or are assigned to.
So, when they were chosen to work this assignment together… Logan was, at the very least, not pleased. Not that he'd ever defy the will of their teacher, so he was stuck with his smug classmates who didn't seem to care enough to even listen to Logan's ideas.
Janus shrugged, "maybe I know that, and maybe I don't, I could have a very short attention span for all you know about me, which isn't much besides my brilliant intelligence that I repeatedly show in class." Janus smirked smugly again.
Logan let out a frustrated sigh, "can we just be serious long enough to finish this?" He asked, on the verge of begging. He never ever failed at anything and he's not about to let Janus change that.
Janus groaned, "Jesus, Teach, ever heard of relaxing? We still got months until the due date." He pointed out.
"While true, you neglect the fact that this assignment is only one out of many others we have from other classes, plus my reputation to hand in assignments early-" but he was interrupted by another, rather exaggerative, groan from Janus.
"You talk a lot." Janus complained.
Logan could feel his eye twitching in annoyance, "well, it would seem like I'm the only one out of the two of us who's doing anything, why are you even in law school if you're not willing to put effort into anything?" Logan asked with a groan of his own, not really looking for an answer, mostly wanting to annoy Janus back.
But of course, that didn't work, as Janus' smirk only grew, seeming more satisfied the more frustrated Logan became. "I wouldn't say that, I put lots of effort into my studies, I'm just balancing it more so I won't get overwhelmed and burned out. Surely you can appreciate a healthy work balance, right Teach?"
Logan's fist hit the table, "stop calling me that!"
Janus was unphased, "how about… professor? Nerd? Glasses? Ooh, maybe Specs?"
"How about simply Logan?" Logan suggested, as calmly as he could.
Janus faked thinking it over before shaking his head, "nah, I like Specs best."
With a growl of frustration, Logan dropped his pen and pushed his chair away from the desk, "I think we're done for today.."
Janus clapped his hands together in glee before standing up, "marvelous! Same time next week?" He winked at Logan.
Logan blushed slightly at the gesture for some reason, "ah.. sure."
Janus smirked again, "it's a date, Specs!" He called as he walked out of Logan's dorms.
That statement caused Logan's blush to deepen, which was… odd.
"Oh he is totally flirting with you, Lo!" Roman, his roommate, said after Logan finished telling him about Janus.
Logan huffed, "I doubt annoying me is considered flirting." Roman was being ridiculous again, there's no way!
Roman shook his head with a sigh, "sometimes I forget how little you understand about the delicate art of romance." He said, "it's because he likes you!"
Logan almost laughed at Roman's statement, "that's absurd, we're both completely different and he always gets out of his way just to get a rise out of me and… always corners me after class and…" he trailed off in thought.
"And trying to get your attention and more time to be with you?" Roman finished for him with a knowing smile.
The more Logan thought about it now, the more Roman's explanation made sense… is he feeling the same way?
"Oh my stars! You're blushing! You like him too! Oh, the robot finally found his heart!" Roman swooned, placing both his hands on his heart in a dramatic gesture.
Logan shook his head, "n-no, no. Janus doesn't like me and I don't like him."
Roman was still smiling knowingly at him, "ah ha, sure, whatever you say, Calculator Watch." He winked at him.
"You're late." Logan said when Janus finally showed up to their second meeting to work on their assignment.
As usual, Janus was unphased, he simply walked in, took his seat on Roman's red beanbag, put his legs up on a chair and leaned back on his hands. Choosing the most dramatic position to show his carefree attitude towards this assignment that they were supposed to work on together.
"Sorry, Specs, it took longer than I thought it would, but I'm here now aren't I?" Janus looked up at Logan to where he sat in front of his work desk.
"It?" Logan asked, "what were doing that took so long?" He asked, barely two seconds passed and he was already starting to get annoyed. What could possibly be more important than law school? Does Janus hold no regards to-
"Our assignment, of course." Janus said casually, halting Logan's thoughts in their place for a minute.
"Excuse me?" Logan asked, surely he didn't hear that correctly.
Janus smirked and handed Logan the notebook he's been holding, "o-u-r a-ssign-ment." He said slowly, emphasizing every syllable.
Eyeing Janus suspiciously, Logan took the notebook and looked it over… he really did do it…
Janus suddenly hopped to his feet, offering Logan his hand, "now that the boring stuff is out of the way, it's time for you to relax with me." He smirked at him.
Logan frowned, "what do you mean?"
Janus sighed, "I really need to spell it out to you, huh?" He chuckled to himself, "fine. Logan, will you go on a date with me?"
Logan flushed a deep red, "b-but there's still work to-"
"Logan." Janus cut him off, suddenly serious, "you really need to learn to take breaks from time to time, you're not helping anyone by running yourself to the ground."
"I'm… not running anywhere, let alone to the ground…" Logan stammered, trailing off.
Janus snickered again, "it means you're overworking yourself, c'mon, I'll take you to my favorite Cafe' on campus." Janus gently grabbed one of his hands and tagged on it.
Still flushing, Logan gave in, putting Janus' notebook on his desk before standing up and following Janus.
Perhaps Janus had a point, he doesn't remember taking a single break other than sleep since the start of semester. And, well, Janus wasn't the worst person to take his first break with…
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