#and i was like oh yeah elom
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whatisshelties · 4 years ago
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Elom Musk
this edit is garbage so pls don’t reblog.
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years ago
Once Rise sucks me back in on the seventh, I plan on drawing that Hippoworm wedding pic (sorry about the wait btw), so if you wanted to elaborate on that (either the mutant or Repo’s Seven AU version of their wedding) I would like to see if I could work any headcanons in, or at least have them in mind while I’m drawing?
Awww, thank you! ^v^ And no worries! I totally get kinda losing interest in a project for a bit cause of various things, and your art is totally worth the wait! ^v^
Heh, I’m not sure how many of these you can fit into a drawing, and it’s totally fine if you can’t fit them in, I know I’m gonna love your drawing no matter what! ^v^ 
But I’m gonna list out as much as I can just cause I love gushing about/thinking about fictional weddings (if only because a. I love my OTPs and I wanna see them happy and b. there’s a good chance I’ll never get married, and if I do it’ll most likely be a quick courthouse thing, so this is my outlet. Apologies in advance if this gets kinda long, lol). Anyway:
For obvious reasons, they couldn’t go all out, but they did as much as they could, having a small ceremony in Central Park at night with the reception being at an empty warehouse down at the docks (since their apartment would be WAYYYY too small, even if there’s less than a dozen people attending their wedding.)
The ELoM attend (mostly for the free food, but also because hey, it’s a sweet occasion and despite their villainy, they aren’t heartless.)
Meatsweats even offers to bring the cake, and Warren and Hypno agree since it’s the one dish he can’t put mutant meat in. Todd officiates so who knows if it’s completely legal but whatever, it’s a real wedding to them at least and that’s all that matters. They also make sure to record their wedding so they can watch it over and over
Warren was a bit of a groomzilla, because he loves Hypno so much and just wants everything to be right and perfect. He never takes it out on Hypno, thankfully, but everyone else kinda has to keep their distance until he’s able to chill tf out
Hypno makes all the flowers for the ceremony himself through his magic. LOTS of roses - mainly pink, purple and yellow with red at the tips (which, of course, symbolize friendship turning into love)
They walk down the aisle together, Warren on Hypno’s shoulder and the two of them holding hands (er, finger).
Hypno’s vows are so dang sappy and romantic that it takes Warren a few minutes to calm himself down enough to say his own vows. Warren also includes a bit of Maori in his vows as a nod to his husband’s culture. It’s a bit broken, but the message can still be understood and Hypno is still touched by the gesture
At the reception and after the first dance, Warren sings a love song to Hypno, wanting to give Hypno a little something extra since their dancing is really just Hypno swaying back and forth with Warren in his hands, and Hypno absolutely loves it, practically falling in love with him all over again on the spot.
Not that it matters really cause of the mutant situation, but Hypno takes Warren’s last name, hyphenating his own and becoming Mezmer-Ron “Hypnopotamus” Patel-Stone.
...idk if they’d actually do this but the idea is kinda funny to me so I’m mentioning it here: A couple weeks later, they stage another wedding and invite the Turtles to it, turning it into an elaborate trap.
“I can’t believe it. You would pretend to get married and fake a whole wedding just to try and capture us?!”
“Oh no no, the marriage is legitimate. We had our actually wedding at the start of the month.” “Technically this is our honeymoon.” *the two share a kiss* “We just thought that since we had all this leftover wedding stuff, well, two birds with one stone and all that.” “Just consider it a wedding present to us, since getting you four out of the way for good really would make my happiest day even happier!”
Of course the Turtles escape and Warren and Hypno are defeated, but they quickly shrug it off. It was worth a shot, and at least they still have each other.
Repo’s Seven AU:
While they may be human, they still can’t afford a HUGE ceremony, but it’s still a lovely one. They’re able to rent out a nice dining hall, at least.
Warren’s parents and work friends come, and while Ron’s able to invite friends as well, his mother and a couple of his relatives are unable to attend since they’re all the way in New Zealand. It’s a bit of an emotional hurtle that Ron has to get over, but at the very least his mother is able to send her love and they’re able to send her video and photos in return
I could see Ron wearing a sharp looking black suit with a purple tie while Warren wears a very handsome baby-blue suit with a white tie
Maori songs and vows are incorporated into the ceremony
Again, Warren takes a moment to sing a love song to Ron during the reception, because I love that idea too much for it to only exist in one universe
The two pretty much spent all they could on their wedding and couldn’t afford a honeymoon at all, but they didn’t mind. After the reception, they just went back to their apartment and spent the rest of the night together. Talking, cuddling, kissing, a bit more singing on Warren’s part since he got a bit tipsy lol, lots of expressions of love since it is their wedding night after all, and eventually falling asleep in each other’s arms. 
Both were admittedly disappointed that they couldn’t take a trip, but after such a perfect wedding night, they couldn’t really be disappointed anymore and just enjoyed their long weekend.
After the events of Repo’s Seven/they’ve become secret millionaires and after they’ve moved out to California and settled down some (Warren getting a new newscaster job, Ron getting a couple nice breaks as he continued working towards his dream career as a professional stage magician, getting a house, etc.) the two decide to have another wedding ceremony and are able to renew their vows in Ron’s New Zealand hometown.
Granted, even with all the money they have now, they don’t go insane with it or anything, but they are still able to treat themselves and have elements of their dream wedding
This includes doves being released when they have their kiss (Hypno’s idea), lots of gold incorporated into the decor (Warren’s idea), and an actual band for the reception (both of their ideas). Stuff like that, where it’s a bit of a splurge but it’s not like they’re burning money on stupid or unnecessary stuff
So yeah, these are just my ideas, and I’d honestly love to hear a fellow Hippoworm fan’s ideas, since I’m sure yours differ at least a little from mine, and like I said, I just love talking about fictional weddings ^v^
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nightsonights · 5 years ago
sleeve- z.k.
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summary: zion gets his sleeve and doesn’t forget about you ;)
warnings: the slightest smut, absolute fluff
authors note: i’m back! feels like i haven’t posted in forever. remember, my inbox is open to requests (might take me a little bit to write them but regardless). enjoy!
i sat in hypnotic daze at the squint inducing LED display of the TV. my manicured hand reached into the polymer bag to retrieve another corn-baked snack.
the credits quickly rolled from the current episode of grey’s anatomy; netflix inquiring of my current engagement. my hand retreated in disappointment as it gave up its search through the empty reminiscence of cheese dust and polypropylene.
i reached for the remote when i caught sight of the orange dust that had seeped into the creases of my fingerprint. i mentally scolding myself at the pigsty state i had afflicted upon myself.
the cheese dust fingers. the wrappers hang daintily on the foggy glass of the coffee table. the unconscious awareness of elapsed time watching Netflix.
deciding enough was enough, i lifted my weight from the plump cushions of my couch and carried myself to the kitchen sink.
i towered over the silver faucets lining the sink and switched them on in opposite positions. i laundered my hands with the fruity soap nearby, rubbing over the small tattoos lining the length of my fingers.
i smiled to myself as i recalled the mocking tone of zion on the topic of tattoos earlier that morning.
/“mY fInGeRs taTs lOok dOpe”/
“stop! they slap bro!” i protested, playfully hitting his bicep.
“tHey SLaP brO.” zion threw his head back as he giggled at his playful derisive.
“you’re so annoying”
“i’m just joking witchu. i think your tattoos are... okay” he sided, shrugging his shoulders in comprise-able comprehension.
i let out a short scoff at his lack of impression. “you’re one to talk, flower boy” i teased, referring to the tattooed rose that stood out on the bare of zion’s forearm.
“okay talk your shit now but when i get my sleeve, it’s gonna be hard,” he rubbed his biceps in a boastful manner, “harder than your little finger tats.”
i washed over the palms of my hands once more before letting the transparent liquid seep through the slips between my fingers. the orange artificial cheese hugged the drops of water and together they slithered down the drain.
i quickly retreated to the living room with clean hands and the full intention to continue my sinful Netflix marathon.
as i plopped onto the faux fur decorative throw blanket that lined the couch, the house alarm indicated that someone had entered.
“kaliyah?” zion called out, his voice vibrating throughout the empty spaces of the house.
“i’m in the living room!”
within a few silent footsteps, zion towered over the loose-cushion back of the couch. his large palms fell to the board of my shoulders; massaging his fingertips into the slips of my scapula.
i melted into his touch, reaching to direct his hands to my most pained areas. i let out a sigh as his hands left my shoulder blades; leaning down to plant a small peck on the soft of my cheek.
“hey baby. how was your day?” he inquired.
“it was good, just catching up on grey’s” i replied, tilting my head up admirably at my boyfriend.
my eyes traced venerably over his attractive features. the curtain of platinum blond locs that hung over his dark, passionate eyes. the loose fitting graphic tee that lightly brushed against his muscle structure.
my examination travelled to his arms, my breath suddenly hitching in my throat at the recognition of the plastic wrap encasing his arm.
“um, z? what’s going on with your arm?” i inquired; eyebrow furrowed as i studied the series of cartoon characters dotting his upper and lower limb.
“oh this? i went to get some ink after work” he acknowledged, glancing down at the fresh puncture of pigment.
“some ink? z, it’s your whole arm. come here, let me see” i urged, patting the spot on the couch next to me.
zion circled around the arm of the long upholstered seating place, plopping down onto the cushion. i gently extended his arm, examining the intricate piercings of the fictional personas.
“it’s just an outline. i have to go back for some shading this week” zion protested, watching nervously as i took in the intricacy of the fictional artistry.
“why didn’t you tell me?” i inquired, my bottom lip sticking out in a pout.
“why? do you not like it?”
i glanced up into his doubtful eyes. “yeah, it’s dope. for a nintendo colouring book.”
i let out a series of unrestricted giggles as zion rolled his eyes dismissively. he sheepishly bit the inside of his cheek; attempting to suppress the laugh threatening to slip past his lips.
“haha good one,” he passively brushed off,” but seriously, do you think it’s okay?”
“yeah baby, it’s hot. id fuck you”i shrugged.
“you’d fuck me huh?” zion challenged.
his large hands groped the soft of my thighs; fingers lightly dancing along the bare of my inner thigh.
“hmm” i hummed, catching onto his salacious proposal and holstering my leg over his pelvis.
zion hooked his finger underneath my chin and slowly reeled my lips onto his fleshy embodiment of love. the kiss left me lightheaded at its simplicity; zion teeth tugging at my bottom lip as he pulled away.
his lips parted to form a sentence but i quickly reunited our moment of fervent inclination. the tension from whatever he needed to say disintegrated as i shifted closer to him; deepening the kiss.
his body hitched forward; lips trying to mirror the hunger found in mine. i gently placed my hands on his chest, signalling him to stop.
“we should go to the room” i suggested, thinking about the tedious work a cum stain would leave on the couch.
i excitedly lifted myself from his lap, reaching for the remote to turn off the tv.
“kaliyah, hold on” zion pleaded, reaching toward to catch my wrist.
“what? i mean, we could do it on the floor but i mean the bed would be more comforta-“
“no, it’s not that” zion interrupted, half smiling at my enthusiasm.
“then what’s wrong?” i inquired.
“i have something to show you” he voiced, ushering me to have a seat.
“okay?” i giggled cautiously at zion’s sudden serious tone.
“don’t be mad at me okay?” zion preferenced, his smile nervously twitching.
zion proceeded to tilt his head, folding the flexible cartilage encasing his external ear. squished between the petroleum jelly and plastic rap stood a nonchalant K.
i lightly traced its swollen properties, brow furrowed at its insignificance. “this is cute.”
zion whipped around to face me, frantically batting his lashes at me in astonishment.
“just cute?” he clarified.
“yeah, i think it’s a cute family tat. kekleli and elom should get one. make it a sibling thing” i suggested innocently.
zion let out a breathy chuckle as he shook his head at my ignorance.
“what? isn’t it just your last name? k for kuwonu” i puzzled as he continued to find the situation amusing.
“that’s a good coverup but i didn’t get this as a family tattoo. i got it for you” zion declared.
i abruptly let out a sharp gasp; clasping my shaking hand over the wide of my mouth. i stared at zion in complete incredulity.
his eyes sparkled with excitement as the corners of his mouth contagiously remained upwards.
“z, you didn’t have to do this” i breathed, misty tendencies forming in my eyes.
“i know, i wanted to do this” zion paused to massage away the lone tears painting my cheeks, “you mean everything to me.”
“you’re amazing z. this is beautiful. thank you. i love you” i cooed, pressing my lips against his.
“you’re welcome baby. i love you too” zion replied as we both feel back onto the couch; eager to reel in the benefits of our love.
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nickuwonu-blog · 7 years ago
suffer pt. 2 [z.k]
warning: sexual content, i would say 'don't read if you're under sixteen' but my smut is so mediocre and amatuer that it doesn't even matter lmao.
word count: 1,500+
a/n: im trying out this new style of writing, i think i like it tbh but let me know what you think. and this is my first time writing smut so if it's cringy then sis i am so sorry. also, i had to cut this shit short because it was getting too long for my liking. but, if you guys want a part 3 with just smut then let me know.
"i'm still kinda pissed at the fact you didn't tell me your real name until after, like, the third time we hung out," zion turned himself over in her bed as he watched her get re-dressed before his very eyes. he watched as she rolled her eyes at him out of spite while pulling a shirt two-times larger for her over her head.
"you say 'hang out' as if we were literally just friends hanging out, we hooked up and you know that," she walked away to enter her bathroom, leaving zion with a shocked but not surprised look on his face. he leaned over so she was still in his viewing range. "regardless, i had to find out through instagram. why didn't you just tell me your name was (y/n)? is that even your real name?" he was still skeptical, which was understandable.
"yeah, it is. and i only lied to you about my name because you lied to me about yours," she searched around for a hairbrush before finding it and running through her hair. in this moment, zion thought she looked beautiful; but he'd never tell her that, she'd only tease him for it and tell him not to say things like that. he didn't know why she was like this to him, but he was too whipped for her to care.
"i didn't lie about my name, what are you talking about?"
she continued to brush her hair while staring at herself in the mirror, "zion is your middle name, caleb is your first name. and i had to find that out through elom. by the way, can you tell him to stop commenting heart eyes on my pics? it's weird."
zion laughed as he rememberd all the times he'd seen his younger brother under (y/n)'s pictures. "the boy's got good taste," he discretely complimented her but hoped that she hadn't noticed.
"shut up," she noticed, "stop being soft." she pulled the hairtie around her wrist up into her hair and formed a bun, zion was amazed at how quickly she did so but left his compliments to himself. "friends say nice things to each other, yanno." he nagged.
"good thing we're not friends," she shut off the light before walking back into her bedroom. she sat on the edge of her own bed in front of zion, scared of being too close to him. "well, does this make you my girlfriend?"
she snickered, "definitely not. oh god, no."
still basking in the afterglow from the passion that happened between them only a few minutes ago, zion sat up in the bed and pulled she sheets off of his bare chest. "then can you tell me what we are 'cause my fans are starting to notice. i don't wanna leave them in the dark."
"ugh," she groaned, hanging her head down. "why does everything with you have to be so damn serious when it comes to me? loosin' up a little bit. alexa," she called out to the robotic personal assitant, "play 'why don't we'." she smirked, turning to zion.
"now playing 'why don't we'." alexa responded, before an unfamiliar tune played in the room, causing zion to grimace. "turn that shit off, you play too damn much." much to zion's annoyance she only smiled at him, "and you don't play enough."
zion rolled his eyes before running his hands through his hair for the millionth time that night, "if we're not friends and we're not dating then what are we?"
"why do you keep doing that? running your hands in your hair? stop it." she responded, avoiding his question as much as possible.
"'cause you pulled it too hard."
"maybe you can return the favor, yeah?" finally showing intrest in the conversation she began to move closer to zion as she watch his face automatically tense up.
he shook his head, much to her surprise. "how do you expect me to concentrate when a group of white boys are playing in the background talking about some fucking trust fund baby? whatever the fuck that means."
"good point," she turned to alexa, "alexa, play 'bleach' by 'brockhampton'."
"now playing 'brockhampton'." she turned back to look at zion once the music starting flowing within the room, making the overall presence more calmer and more enjoyable for the both of them. zion looked at her and suddenly became self-aware of what her intentions were right now: a second round to avoid confrontation. although he didn't mind, he was still gonna find a way to sneak the conversation
"what are you trying to do?" he asked once she crawled to sit directly next to him.
"nothing," she said. "seduce you."
"it's working," he replied once felt her suddenly sit on his lap. staring up at her, zion realized he was never truly going to get the message through to her that he wanted more from her. he wanted to be able to see and talk to her through the day and go and dates and be able to call her his girlfriend. but, she just wasn't quite ready for that yet. and he didn't know why, but that wasn't going to stop him from finding out.
"so...who was the girl you went live with today?" she questioned, a hint of jealousy in her tone as she placed her hands on zion's chest. he could tell she was feeling jealous and, in a way, it made him happy. it showed she cares about who he talks to and it showes she cared enough about him to watch another girl's live simply because he was in it.
"what girl?" he pretended to act clueless, only to annoy her (and it worked).
"well..." she pushed her hips down the slightest bit until zion could feel the fabric of her underwear brush against the crotch area of his sweatpants. "a girl went live and i saw you joined in? it's not a big deal, like, if you don't wanna say who she is that's fine i don't care. i'm just curious.
"tell me you love me and i'll tell you who she is," zion barely pulled up the large shirt up her body until he was able to see the lacy, black hem of her underwear. "i love you, now tell me who she is." zion was shocked at how quickly she could tell him she loved him yet have it not mean anything.
"she's a friend, zion smirked as he placed his hands on her hips. "you do know what that is, right?"
"shut up, i have friends other than you."
"wait, so i am your friend?" he questioned once he started to feel her soft lips connect with his neck. he knew she was trying to distract him, but it wasn't going to work. at least not this time.
"hmm?" she mumbled, clearly not intrested or listening to a word he was saying.
"i said: does this mean that i'm your--fuck," he groaned, accidentally interrupting his own sentence once he felt the friction of her hips slightly speed up against his length. "i'm listening," she lied. "keep talking."
"we're, uh, we're friends? like, i can call you if i wanna hang out?" he tried to keep his breathing pattern straight but fell short of doing so. "text me," she mumbled, starting to tug at the hem of his sweatpants.
"what?" he asked.
"if you want to hang out," she sat up in zion's lap, pulling him up with her, "you can text me. don't call, i hate talking on the phone."
"deadass?" he questioned, getting more excited by the second. if he had no chances of dating this girl, the most he'd want out of her is a friendship. it seemed as if god was finally answering all of his prayers tonight.
she slowly managed to wrap her legs around his torso, "phone calls are awkward, why does it matter? what's the difference, anyway?"
"no," he shook his head, "i mean about the hanging out thing, you'd actually be down to do normal shit?"
"what do you consider normal shit that friends do?"
"i don't know: go out to lunch, chill together, be nice to one another?" his statement came out as a question while he began to search her face for some sort of validation. "sure, yeah. we can do that."
'oh fuck' he thought, 'holy fucking shit.'
not knowing how to respond, his smile was enough to tell her he was genuienly happy; and so was she. however, his body knew exactly what to do (his fingers, more specifically). moving his fingertips from her waist, his thumb and index glided across her skin until it reached the very spot right under her belly button. she felt as if zion was staring into her soul as they maintained eye contact.
"uh, what are you doing?" she asked, nearly shivering at the feeling of his fingers slowing starting to inch towards her underwear. "i'm be friendly." he replied, flashing her an innocent smile.
"friends don't act like," she suddenly inhaled a sharp breath, feeling a new sensation stir inside of her. holding onto zion's shoulders, she kept her breathing at a steady pace as she avoided looking directly at him.
"finish your sentence, baby," he stated as his lips began to move across her collarbone. "friends don't act like this." she completed, finally.
"friends liked us do." he mumbled against her skin in the most sensual way possible.
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slightlysuspect · 3 years ago
Tano on the Outer Rim
Ahsoka leaves Lothal, unsure of where her travels should take her next.
I hate running out of fuel on the outer rim. I should've refueled on Kashyyyk. Now I'm left with some unsavory options. Florum is close, but I don't know if I'm in the mood to experience pirate "hospitality". Elom is also close, and the locals have to be easier to deal with than pirates. That's probably where I should go. The Elomin shouldn't give me any trouble.
My ship receives a transmission. "Hey Snips! How are the adventures treating you?" It's Anakin, who's in seemingly high spirits.
"Hey Master." I say. "It's been an experience for sure."
"Well are you currently busy?" He asks. "Me and Padme are vacationing on Naboo, and if you wanted you could swing by and catch me up."
"Oh yeah I'd like that. Are you already there?"
"Well Padme is." He says bitterly. "I got hung up a bit, but I'll be leaving shortly."
"Sounds like we'll be arriving about the same time then." I say. "I'll meet you at the port in Theed. Anyways I gotta go for now."
"See ya Snips. May The Force Be With You."
The Elomin have greatly quelled my anxieties about refueling in the outer rim. No hassle and non-threatening. I guess I was expecting them to behave like pirates. The scoundrels give everyone in the outer rim a bad reputation, but these people are generally friendly and offer fair prices.
And then it happened. Hondo's ship appears on the horizon, and I immediately groan. I swear you can't go anywhere out here without running into pirates. The ship lands in the same port I'm in naturally, and the first one to step out is Hondo himself.
He sees me and surprise lights up his face. "Ahsoka! What an unexpected surprise! What brings you this far out?"
He's so slimy. I don't want to give him any straightforward answers. "Personal business." I say. "I stopped at Elom to refuel."
"You come to Elom for fuel when Florum is a few short systems away? You wound me! But I'm not one to take things personally. Please continue about your business, and stop being so afraid to stop by and visit." I think there's some legitimate sincerity to his offer to visit, but I think I'll try to keep my distance.
"Speaking of business, what do you and the crew need from here?"
Hondo lets out a laugh. "Well the lommite of course. We always need more Durasteel. Fortunately us and the Elomin have an arrangement."
"An arrangement?" I ask. I observe as Hondo's henchmen begin their rounds. They're pretty roughly shaking down the civilians. "Hondo I know little of your business here, but it isn't happening today. Leave these people. Now."
His body language shifts and he sighs. "Ahsoka why must you always take a stand against my profits?"
"I'm not gonna sit by and watch you rob these people."
"And you really believe that you can stop me?"
"I have before."
This gets a big laugh from him. "You have never been alone. Boys!"
All the pirates stop what they're doing, and turn their focus towards me. I should've gotten fuel on Kashyyyk! I draw my lightsabers, and prepare for the ensuing fight. I charge the pirates that are the most immediate threat to the civilian population. This way I'm positioned so that all the pirates are in front of me, and the Elomin are behind me. I get to work, focusing on disabling blasters with my lightsabers, and using elbows and kicks to incapacitate the pirates. My gentle tactics don't get me far though. I get four down, before the incoming blaster fire begins to overwhelm me. I need to retreat into cover, preferably away from the civilians. Beyond the mining compound is just dirt as far as the eye can see. Maybe if I go deeper into the mines? I dart into the rocks for cover, and wait to see what they do next.
"Well what are you waiting for? After her!" Hondo says. Perfect. The tunnels are intricate in here. I can always operate with the element of surprise. Fifteen of them come in, and the tunnels force them to break into groups of five. Easy picking. I begin tailing one of the groups, and they're completely oblivious. I strike from the back, immediately dropping two and I work may sabers to disable the remaining blasters before they make a decision to react. The last three drop quickly. I can hear rushed footsteps. Someone heard. I flee from the scene, and wait for the footsteps. Another group of five. The scene immediately puts them on guard. and they take a 360 degree security posture. If I'm gonna sneak up on them, I need them all to be looking the same way, or maybe I come from above... after all no ones looking up. I scale the wall silently, and maneuver until I can drop into the middle of their formation. I strike quickly and silently one at a time. None of them are aware of what's happening before they lose consciousness. Now I need to find the last five, although I've lost track of them a bit. I proceed with caution, trying to get on their trail. However they're the ones that get on me. I begin taking fire from my six, so I spin around and ignite my blades. I see where they are, but they're far enough away that the range gives their blasters an advantage. I need to reposition. I identify a weakness in the mine's wall, and begin manipulating it with the force, to collapse the tunnel. The angle the pirates were shooting from gets blocked and I begin working on a way to outflank them. However the mine starts shaking, and rocks begin falling from above. The mine isn't collapsing is it? That's not what I meant to do. New plan. I need to get out of here. I'm pretty sure I can find the exit, even though the way I came from is blocked by rubble and pirates. I swiftly begin navigating the underground maze, while the mine threatens to collapse. I begin growing frantic once I realize how hopelessly lost I really am down here. But then...light! An opening! Probably not the one I came in from, but I need out of here. I reach the surface and take stock of my surroundings. Hondo has evidently already left with a significant stock of Lommite. The Elomins meanwhile, are screaming at me for collapsing their mine. I should've refueled on Kashyyyk.
Author's Note
I thought this chapter was gonna suck tbh. I didn't feel confident in my ideas before I began writing, but man did I really enjoy this piece. It might still suck, but it was a lot more fun to write than I could've ever imagined.
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nickuwonu-blog · 7 years ago
(dream anon) DO IT!!!11!!!! i Dare YOU
“…but you said you liked the name miles, didn’t you?” you questioned your fiancé as you walked into your empty home, carrying your sleeping newborn son in his car seat.
zion shut the front door behind him as quietly as possible, “i do like the name miles but…doesn’t he look like his name should be elom?” you didn’t get upset zion was so fond of his brother to the point where he wanted to name his first born son after him, but it did get annoying at times.
“his name is literally ‘miles elom kuwonu’ and you’d rather his name be ‘elom miles kuwonu’?” you questioned him softly as you gently picked up miles from his car seat; being careful not to wake him up.
“actually, it’d be nice if he was ‘elom zion kuwonu’.” zion replied jokingly while helping you lift miles as safely as possible. you smiled in reply before a sharp pain struck right in your back, causing you to wince slightly.
“you okay?” zion asked, a look of concern washing across his face.
you nodded, “miles was the only good thing to come out of the nine months of suffering.” you began to make your way upstairs with zion only inches behind you.
he scoffed, “not true, your ass got bigger.” you didn’t need to turn around to know zion was already smirking to himself as you made your way to the second floor.
“don’t say ‘ass’ around our child.” you silently scolded zion once you made it to your shared bedroom.
“damn, we made a baby. a whole human.” zion sounded proud once those words left his mouth, and he had every right to be, the two of you had made a beautiful child together and were extremely proud of him already.
“i know!” you whispered-yelled to zion as you held up a hand for a high-five. before miles was born, zion and you promised you wouldn’t be uptight parents and would keep everything as fun and non-stressful as possible. it was the little things like this that kept the both of you happy and would keep the mood of your family overall pleasant and calming.
returning the high-five, zion helped to set your sleeping son down in his crib before throwing himself down on your king-sized bed. following his actions, you laid next to him and sat in silence for a moment, giving you time to admire the glistening engagement ring that sat upon your finger.
“oh, austin and tiff– fiff– ugh,” zion put his hand on his forehead as he tried to remember the woman’s name; he knew austin had told him before, he just couldn’t remember.
“austin and his lady wanna stop by tomorrow.” he turned to face you in the bed before moing loose strands of hair from your face.
“isn’t your mom stopping by, too?” you asked, trying to stay awake. the past couple days were extremely tiring, and all you wanted to do was sleep. but, you couldn’t blame zion for wanting to talk so much. it was a new chapter of his life, and he was more than happy to be spending it with you.
“yeah, but sh–,” his words were cut short by your now awake (and fussing) son in his crib. you sat up and started to get out of bed before zion stopped you; telling you to lay back down and that he’d go get miles before carefully slipping out of bed and returning moments later with your son swaddled in his arms.
“you should get some sleep.” zion spoke after finally calming the fussing boy, leaving you silently confused. 
“weren’t you just talking?” you looked up to zion who had miles now laying on his chest.
“yeah, but you’re tired, so you should sleep. nothing really seems as important to talk about as you and,” zion gestured to miles, “him are, anyway. i could seriously go on for, uh, miles about how lucky i am.” he smiled to himself, successfully using his own son’s name to make a joke.
being too tired to even reply, your eyes began to slowly shut as you felt your fiancé’s soft lips plant on your forehead before whispering, “i love you.”
but you were already asleep.
if i was an asshole, i would ended this imagine w your mom waking you up LOL
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