#and i was like 'lmao tien :)'
casualavocados · 1 month
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What are you proud of?
KISEKI: DEAR TO ME Ep. 03 / Ep. 06
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scoots-canoe · 5 months
Im trying to draw a tien dakimakura and frankly have no idea where to post it lmao (wip below the cut (sfw👍))
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still trying to figure out how to make his face look less weird. And skirt physics. And a lot of stuff. But I kinda like how the lines are coming out! I'm using a new brush (procreate fine tip pen).
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thedarkeyedcaptain · 4 months
kaladin have you heard the song someone made and attributed to tien? ( https://open.spotify.com/track/7Htam0mM3ngrZkvm8GE6Ym?si=7ZbT9aGgRyem7yavU0vHQw also it’s called Hearthstone (Tien’s Theme) if it’s for some reason region locked, idk)
I have now. and I must admit I have spilled a tear or two.
or three.
or four.
or twenty.
been thinking a lot about tien and hearthstone and my parents and my new brother and. idk.
(I also listened to the other Tien song. and. well. maybe a thousand tears would be more accurate 🥲👍ha.ha.ha.ha.ha.)
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tenshindon · 2 years
Plz post ur essay about why you think DBZA was a damaging thing plzzzzzzz
for a minute i just thought you were asking me to ramble bout why DBZA was cringe but no i just remembered i told you guys i had a official essay on why DBZA was cringe
i'll give you a diet version of it though it's under the cut
DBZ's audience already was disconnected from the franchise in that DBZ was so late to become popular in the west, never mind the original run of DB. with no proper background of the characters, DBZA was free to run with characterizations and interpretations and no one would think it was any less accurate or ill fitting (not to mention no one's going to knock on people for making a parody- i doubt the DBZA team even expected DBZA to become as popular as it did). the late 2000's also offered a grittier internet experience, so even if someone did have a complaint they'd definitely be laughed at to hell and back
i don't think DBZA would be able to get as far as it did if it was just jokes though; while some of DBZA's jokes still land imo, i've seen numerous people praise its interpretations of plot points and characters (not saying i agree of course but it's been an opinion i've seen a lot over the years) and that's what's let its popularity sustain. i think people genuinely take DBZA as The Best Way in ingest DBZ both in a timely manner and narrative/character wise- which is just doing yourself a disservice if you're skipping out on the original material
when DBZ finally did start to actually gain traction and people had more access to the series or were more willing to watch it, DBZA already had made its mark on fans. hell- i think this much is evident when a character like nappa is able to be in a game like fighterz and have such a prominent role, but a character like raditz who had just as much of an equal role in DBZ as nappa is hardly mentioned in the franchise anymore
and i mean. do i have to mention goku's characterization throughout the years.
i'm not saying DBZA was The Absolute Downfall of domino of DBZ's changes, but it's hard to deny it feels as though there was an influence of sort
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
So, like a week ago you said at the time youwere at gun point to give Yamcha ass… who was it Snap who was hurting you?
twitter. my bestie maybe.
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#MARINITAAAA ME HA APROBADO 👌🏾#bueeeh ayer un 9#ni tan mal 😭 el examen chungo es el jueves tbh#pueeeees a hacerle clase a josyyy y a carlita 🙈🙈🙈#so fucking funny to get almost like harassed irl ‘omg pls tell us your man’s name like y’all are married so yeah’#LMFAOOOO#two people after being asked said ‘John’ LABDLSDNSJ#that’s correct lmao#comidita el 26#aunque mi otra marina (la amo) me tiene que contar cositas y graci tambn❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#sala vip el viernes con sofiii y Heidi ME MEO#amo a sofi 😳😳😳 obviamente sagitario tenía que ser#jurao que los signos de fuego somos mejores amigos entre nosotros 😂😂😂 o hay una afinidad natural JAJAAJAJ#about to join a band w my friend Laura (♈️)#it’s so nice to finally be able to dedicate time to music and playing instruments#pd: si un examen va mal… mejor tener un 8.4/8.5 que un 8 la vdd#o si va mal pues sacar un 9 😂#ayer me traje mis apuntes de todos los fármacos iv de urgencias ⛑ ☺️ las cosas útiles se conservan#anyways I love John so much 🙈#we feel each other and I feel him missing my ass extra hard this week#my goodness same#26 comidita y dE FIESTAAAAAA#aun me acuerdo del 90% de los fármacos que di en prácticas#cuando algo se aprende se aprende de vdd#si a alguien le preguntas que es el dostinex o que prepare tal medicación para un niño quizá no se acuerde#con los peques es complicado porque obviamente colaboran poco#a nadie le gusta estar en un hospital 🤝🏾
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bakingmoomins · 1 year
so my faculty is on strike again
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sensivs · 2 years
Male reader… BUT WITH HUGE BADONKERS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!1111!!!!!
hcs on what I think the cod boys would react if you had huge (muscular) boobies
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At this point I’m just filling my own desires
Ft: soap, ghost, Alejandro, ANDDDDD KÖNIGGG WOOOOOOOOOOO
Soap -
- would definitely stare for a very long time
- cannot stop looking
- he talks abt your massive boobies all day everyday
- tries to secretly touch them (ex: bumps into you on purpose, grabs stuff that’s close to your chest, etc.)
- the moment you gave him the green flag of letting him touch you, he could not stop touching your honkers
- “honka honka”
- during sex he’s all up on those boobies
- smooshes his face in between them
- definitely uses your boobies as stress balls
- he just can’t stop the boobie touching grind 🙏🙏‼️‼️
- Most definitely a starer
- he’s so nervous to show that he actually likes something else than your personality
- gets very defensive when he gets caught
- “ghost.. have you see-“ “NO.”
- kinda ooc but idc
- goes crazy on those boobies during sex
- he’s sucking them, he’s kissing them, he’s making love to them
- your boobies are everything to him
- he can’t live laugh love without your boobies in his life
- he doesn’t care that he has boobies of his own he wants yours
- their so scrumptious to him
- definitely tells your straight up you have nice tits
- *whistle* “que linda tetas tienes ahi guapo” (what nice tits you have there handsome)
- definitely isn’t afraid of touching them in public
- squeezes them
- your boobies are his plushies
- he can’t go on in life without your boobies
- he’s also the type to be all up on your boobies during sex
- he’s mostly pinching and twisting your nips to overstimulate you
- he just loves them so much as much as he loves you
- your his everything and he loves every inch of your body
- also a huge starer
- but this time it’s more obvious since he towers over you
- he gets so embarrassed when he realizes he’s been caught
- daydreams abt them all day
- he’s most definitely leaves a ton of hickeys on them
- he can’t keep his hands off of you
- just wants to rub on you all the time
- sleeps with his head on your boobies
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tharett · 2 months
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**** This is going to be the last ranfren post I'll make ****
I'm pretty sure some of you may know (and by looking into the community, will probably tell me to "grow up" lololol), the ranfren creator has... a VERY problematic past (that i properly searched and educated myself about)... and I no longer want to associate with their work (simple as that, really)☝️🤓
[Context as to Why I'm Uploading this xd]:
I was in the process of drawing this page (with the intention of uploading it ywy) before finding about the LORE about the making of the Ranfren series, so I couldn't bring myself to NOT upload this after putting a lot of work in for it... and we find ourselves here in this awkward situation :v
So with this, I will bid the series adieu and continue uploading art of my other interests 🙇‍♂️
Eng Translation of my Chicken Scratch Handwriting:
Nyon and Nyen photo:
- ok 1/2 (letters on his shirt)
- Nyon looks too feminine lmao (in my style)
-Nyen (why is he always drawn all muscley??) (Future thare: I now know (HAH))
Luther photo:
[Headcanon Box]
- always unprepared for visitors (doesn't have enough drinks each visit somehow)
Luther (L): "I hope your friends like them..."
Randal (R): "thanks big brother! Woah, an ash tray for a cup!? Cool"
Avalona and Spider Girl photo:
Avalona Mercury (A): c'mon guys! Hurry up! N'hee hee hee!"
R: "I'm on my way ladies!!"
A: "ew you're drooling again hee hee!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki (H): "I'll stick around a bit!"
[Extra Notes]
- HS AU ☆ high school alternative universe
- they all get along like normal teens <3
Comic Strip (LEFT TO RIGHT! Also Numbered!!):
[Contex Box]
- meeting the Ivory Family
[Dialouge + Action Boxes]
H: "oh! Hey Sebastian (S)! What a coincidence! Wanna hang later?"
S: "H-Hirose? What are you...?" [First time meeting Hirose out of school]
H: "I'm also here for groceries?? Lol. Why else would I be here?"
L: "oh? Is he a friend of yours, Randal?" [Lean--]
R: "eeh, I guess? He's a friend of a friend" [uninterested]
H: "hello! I'm Hirose Daiki, Randal's and Sebastian's friend! You must be Randal's big brother, Luther, right?" [Offering hand for handshake]
S: "I told you, you don't have to greet them..."
H: "nonsense!! It's a pleasure to meet you! Hi Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hi..."
L: "(Oh, he's nicer than the other one (Satoru)!) Well yes! Yes I am- it's a pleasure to meet you, too!" [Flattered Blush]
H: "the pleasure is all mine!"
R: "Seb, let's go to the candy section!"
[Contex Box (2)]
- later made plans to introduce his (Hirose) parents
Traducción de Todo lo que Dije antes pero en Esp xd:
**** Esto será el último blog de Ranfren que haré ****
Estoy seguro que algunos de ustedes saben (y al mirar los tipos de la comunidad, probablemente me dirán que "ctm/no mms" xdxd), el creador de Ranfren tiene... un pasado MUY problemático (en la cual yo tome el tiempo para buscar para que me eduque adecuadamente)... y ya no quiero asociarme con su trabajo (así de simple, la neta JAJA) ☝️🤓
[Contexto de pq subo esto xdxd]:
Estaba en el proceso de terminar este dibujo (con la intención de subirla ;-;) antes de enterarme de la HISTORIA sobre la creación de la serie Ranfren, así que como no subir este dibujo después de ponerle tanto esfuerzo para terminarlo, y pues... ahora nos encontramos aquí en esta situación incomoda :v
Así que con esto, me despido de la serie y continuaré subiendo arte de mis otros intereses 🙇‍♂️
Traducción Esp de mi letra culera JAJAJA:
Foto de Nyon y Nyen:
- ok 1/2 (lo que tiene escrito en su blusa)
- Nyon se ve demasiado femenino JAJAJA (en mi estilo xd)
- Nyen (¿pq siempre lo dibujan todo musculoso?) (thare del futuro: ahora lo sé (JAJ))
Foto con Luther:
[Caja con Headcanon] ("Headcanon" son ideas que son implementados en un personaje(s) de cómo interactuan/como reaccionaría en ciertas situaciones, etc)
- Siempre no esta preparado para sus visitantes (por alguna razón siempre no tiene suficiente bebidas para servir en cada visita)
Luther (L): "espero que a tus amigos les gusten..."
Randal (R): "¡Gracias, hermano mayor! Gau, ¿¡un cenicero para una taza!? Chido"
Foto con Avalona y Chica Araña:
Avalona Mercurio (A): "¡Vamos chicos! ¡Apúrense! ¡N'hji ji ji!"
R: "¡¡Voy llegando chicas!!"
A: "¡Que asco, estas babeando de nuevo ji ji!"
[OC]Hirose Daiki(H): "¡Me quedo con ustedes por un poco!"
[Notas Extra]
- UA de Prepa ☆ Universo Alternativo de la Prepa/Secundaria
- se llevan como adolescentes normales <3
[Caja de Contexto]
- conociendo la Familia Ivory
[Diálogo + Cajas de Acción]
H: "¡oh! ¡Que tal Sebastian (S)! ¡Que coincidencia! ¿Quieres pasar el rato?"
S: "¿H-Hirose? ¿Que haces aquí...?" [La primera vez que mira a Hirose fuera de la escuela]
H: "¿¿También estoy aquí para el mandado?? Lol, ¿para que más estaría aquí?"
L: "¿Oh? Este es un amigo tuyo, Randal?" [Se inclina--]
R: "eee, ¿yo diría? Es amigo de un amigo" [desinteresado]
H: "¡Hola! ¡Soy Hirose Daiki, amigo de Randal y Sebastian! Usted es el hermano mayor de Randal; Luther, ¿es cierto?" [Ofreciéndole la mano para saludarlo]
S: "te he dicho, no necesitas saludarlos..."
H: "¡¡Tonterías!! ¡Es un placer conocerte! Hola Randal ^^"
R: "ugh... hola..."
L: "(Oh, ¡es más amable que el otro (Satoru xd)!) ¡Por supuesto! Soy el hermano mayor- ¡Es un placer conocerte!" [Rubor Halagado(?)]
H: "¡El placer es todo mío!"
R: "¡Oye Seb, vayamos a la sección de dulces!"
[Caja de Contexto (2)]
- después hicieron planes para introducir sus padres (de Hirose)
Con esto, me despido y les deseo que tengan una buenas/os días, tardes, o noches 🫂💕
And with this, I say goodbye and wish all of you a good day, afternoon, or night 🫂💕
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 6 months
Please tell me I'm not the only person who thinks it's like, incredibly gross and creepy to play "f*ck, marry, kill?" with the contacts in your phone. Those are real people, why??
Like, I am a sex repulsed/averse person but is it just me?
I mean it was a stable of every sleepover ever when I was a kid, but it was with tiene kids from school and it was “kiss marry kill” kill was the easiest lmao
Fictional characters are fine
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scoots-canoe · 6 months
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tien doodle from work today
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tenshindon · 2 years
You know I think I’ve found the characters you like. You like absolute right dick heads… that change GENUINELY change not Ve6eta “change.” Tien, Endevor Jo
this gotta be the funniest line up like 2/3 of these blokes are dads and i just rewatched the scene where onea those dads gouges a man's eye out
but you right i can't deny these facts in front of me
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gangrenados · 1 year
i JUST watched ATSV and omg MIGUELLLLLL, that clip where hes whispering in miguel's ear just saying the most hurtful things DID something to me lol -🧚🏼‍♀️
SAMEEEEEE ohhh let the whore hours begin, lmao I got carried away
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•Do I think Miguel would be into degrading? Yes, I do.
•This man can be mean sometimes, mean and rough and he would pound at you mercilessly as he tells you how good you're taking him.
•He got mad brat tamer vibesss
"Now we're not so feisty are we? Tienes suerte de ser una buena puta." He whispers in your ear, gracing his fangs into your ear gently as the grip he got on your throat tightens a bit.
•Miguel it's a control freak so I bet he's into punishments lol.
•Miguel got stamina for days, so he can keep going without breaking a sweat, besides he's so mean he would overstimulate you till you can't take it anymore.
•Don't get me wrong, he can be sweet when the time is right.
•Slow and intimate sex can make his heart race as well, he loves your sweet touch and how at home and loved you can make him feel.
•Is it me or he got the face of a man who knows how to eat pussy? Lmaooo, no doubts he would ask you to sit on on his face at some point.
•BREEDING KINK, loves seeing his cum drip down your cunt.
•I bet he's into marking, hickeys and bites (when it comes to these you're the one giving them cuz I doubt you wanna get paralyzed with his venom lol)
•Miguel might have some kinky things, but honestly I feel like he would love the simplicity of vanilla sex.
•Aside form a boner, another way to know if these man is horny is if the claws come out.
•Aftercare it's sweet, he doesn't talk much tbh, but Miguel is attentive towards your needs.
•Well, that's it if you guy are dating lol, cuz if it's just one night stand mf is cold and just leave without looking back 💀
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latinotiktok · 1 year
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-‼️ y muerte a los que la dibujan blanca !!
Chell de portal - vi que alguien mas dijo chell y son completamente correcto. Y MUERTE a los que la dibujan blanca !
Comments on the VS KARKAT showdown:
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood
-Nicholas D Wolfwood because he looks like my dad (mexican), he's catholic, his life's purpose is to protect children (against the church), and he's got eldest daughter syndrome. He doesn't want to be doing any of this he's someone's older brother who's working 3 jobs to pay his family's mortgage. Eldest of thirty. In canon forced to take care of his younger foster siblings.
-Wolfood y leorio porque son dos morenazos tetones
-Nicholas D. Wolfwood aka el Nicolás Villalobos. Lo tiene todo. Catholic guilt. Homosexualidad reprimida. Problemas emocionales. Energía de hermano y primo mayor. Tits out guns out. Escucha Chayanne mientras va en moto me lo dijo él mismo
-Nicholas D Wolfwood (Trigun)El chabón tiene todo para ser latino. Morenito, con traumas católicos, canchero, esa nariz que denota que no es un blanco cualquiera ❤️
-el don nicolas de trigun 199algo. solo miralo.
-nicholas d. wolfwood ya todos sabemos por que, este blog completo tiene posts de por que. el tipo es ecuatoriano/colombiano vamos ptm. (imagen del perrito wolfwood que dice te quiero mucho latinoamerica)
-nime (2023) Anime (1998) Manga KANJI ニコラス・D・ウルフウッド ROMAJI Nikorasu Dī Wurufuwuddo ALTERNATE NAMES Reveal DEBUT Episode 4: Hungry! APPEARS IN Trigun Stampede RACE Human, genetically modified VOICE ACTOR JP: Yoshimasa Hosoya EN: David Matranga STATUS Reveal FAMILY Reveal MORE We're nothing like God. Not only are our powers limited, but we are sometimes driven to become the devil himself. NICHOLAS D. WOLFWOOD Nicolás D. Wolfwood de Trigun. ¿Es un pedazo de carne Y es Católico? TIENE que ser Latino no hay de otra!
-nicholas d wolfwood de trigun maximum por que lleva con el una cruz gigante y tiene tetas grandes 🥰
-Nicholas Wolfwood nomás porque es un moreno que está bien pinche guapo!!! Aparte las tetas que se carga son un patrimonio de Latinoamérica
-Nicholas D. Wolfwood, because he's the perfect man & I love him. I'm sure there's more lmao I can't think of anything good rn it's so late. I just see other people adding him & I want to up our chances of getting him in the poll
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dotichmeinbens · 5 months
"Todo alto tiene a su chaparrita que lo vuelve loco"
It seems like it's a mating dance
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thedarkeyedcaptain · 3 months
-> wtf is this about??
other polls:
name RIVAL
starter pokemon
explanations/justifications for the options under the cut !!
*the number of people who want to call them Tien just so there is a chance for Kal to lose him all over again is frankly concerning lmao
**Taln, unbreakable anchor of the team. Also seems to suit a mudkip, which is in the lead (kaladin mod note: I'm not sure I know who that is tbh 💀)
*** Stormlight since it's where Kaladin gets his power from. (kaladin mod note: I'm actually all for naming the pokemon after towns or phenomena instead of just characters. like I think having a pokemon named "voidbringer" or "recreance" would be so cool lmao)
****MY FAVORITE CHARACTER MADE IT!!!!! chicken is technically meant for if torchic manages to pull through (though I can't stop you from voting either way heh)
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