#and i was crying and he didnt care and it was dark and i heard him openning up his pocket knife and i couldn't breathe and i was crying and
facelessfractal · 2 months
. Nsfw vent in tag sorry
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grugruel · 10 months
Let the Light in
Pairing: priest!Bucky x f!reader
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Summary: On the day of your wedding, you excpect to love your husband, not fall for the priest.
You'd never been a believer. But when your marrige spiraled into darkness, you had to find light elsewere. So you asked the Lord for help, and He answered.
Ironically enough, He gave you a most devout follower, the priest.
Word count: ca 4k
Warnings: fluff, angst, blasphemy, soft!priest!bucky, pinv sex, oral sex (f receiving), passionate sex, fingering, thigh-riding, adultry, praise (m receiving), priest kink.
AN: its been proof read! I dont understand how yall read it before the fact, my misspellings were crazy. I also edited it a bit, gave yall about 200-300 words more.
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I stod silently on the sidewalk, with my back to the road. Numbly observing the scene in front of me as I waited. Cars were rushing past behind me, slowing as they noticed the crowd.
The chilly autumn winds blew my coat off of my stocking clad legs, revealing them to the elements. I couldnt be bothered to care.
The cold did not affect me anymore, I was strung out on feeling.
I watched my husband struggle, and the guests scramble to help him. They got him on his feet, and his best man slung an arm around him to keep him from falling again. My eyes brimmed with tears, ready to fall any second now.
I felt a hand touch the small of my back in silent support. A palm pressed firmly into the arch below, fingertips curling, rouching the fabric of my dress. I closed my eyes and all my troubles were wisked away for but a second, until I heard the guests approach and the hand left me. I opened my eyes to a grim sight.
We met in college, my husband and I. He'd been lovely and attentive when we first met, he made me fall in love with him. He proposed to me on our graduation, and i'd never been happier.
Unfortunately though, it didnt last that long.
As we were fresh out of school, both with stellar scores and brand new degrees. We got our dream jobs, and bought ourselves our dream home.
Everything was perfect, until he got fired. Why? He wouldnt tell me, he left me in the dark, refusing to tell me himself.
Naturally, I grew suspicious.
So I called his former boss, who told me that they'd caught him with his secretary bent over his desk. They said he'd gotten a reputation within his business and would be experiencing difficulties in finding a new job for himself. My crying increased gradually through out the call, this was the first time hed let me down after all. His boss was very apologetic and so was my fiancé.
He found me sat on the floor with phone in hand, a complete mess of tears and running mascara. Immedietly showing worry, 'Whats going on, whats happened?' He asked, thinking somebody died. But when I glared at him, repaying his silence with my own, he understood. He stuttered an apology, his words a flurry of explanations and sorrys, sounding truly regretful.
So I forgave him, silly me.
With time, bitterness manifested within him. Resentment over the fact that I was well liked and did good work at my own job. It led him down a pityfull path, finding solace in alcohol, resentment turning into lousey drunkeness. I should've left him, but chose to forgive him. I loved him, despite all.
Eventually he found a new job, nowehere near the prestige of his old one. But it calmed his drinking.
When he sobered slightly, he apologized continously. Telling me he promised to get better and told me he wanted to have our ceremony, because I deserved it. Foolishly, I belived him. He stayed sober several weeks before the wedding, and I thought it could be a new start.
But here we are now.
I stood behind the doors of the nave, inhaling and exhaling big shaky breaths, trying to gather strength for what I was about to throw myself into.
The priest, father Barnes. The one who would be marrying us, came to me before I walked down the aisle.
'Miss.' He began, his eyes pleading as he took my hands into his, 'Its now my place, I know. But your betrothed-'
'Youre right, its not.' I cut him off, the idea of discussing my fiancés indiscretions with the priest was not appealing. 'I apologize father.' I sighed and met his eyes, 'Hes drunk isnt he?'
The priest tilted his head to the side, realising I was already well aquainted with the vice, 'Well, yes. . .' He said, sounding apologetic.
I nodded my head, deep in thought, 'Alright, lets not waste anymore time then.'
'You're still going ahead with the wedding?' He asked me, an incredulous expression shaping his face.
I looked down, studying the intricate details of my wedding dress. Id picked it myself, my favourite flowers covered it. That man of mine doesnt know my favourite in anything, nor would he notice them on my dress.
A melancholic smile covered my lips, 'You must think me foolish father.' I whispered under my breath, chuckling quietly.
He shook his head and moved one of his hands to my chin, tilting my face to meet his. The other grabbed my hands, and squeezed them, 'I think youre strong.' He told me, a reassuring smile on his lips.
'He promised me he would get better.' My voice was meak, a tear streaking my face.
'You're a good woman.' He breathed, letting go of my hands to cup my face. He leveled his head with mine, his tall stature forcing him to hunch as his eyes locked with mine, 'Too, good.' He whispered, 'And, Its not my business, thats true. . .' Another tear fell, and he gently stroked it away with his thumb, 'But he does not deserve your kindness.'
My cheeks burned hot, a blush crept up my face. I had not heard such kind words in a long time. I could not controll my crying any longer, unstoppable tears came rolling down my cheeks, 'I have to believe him, father, I have to try.' I told him quietly, hating how desperate my voice sounded.
'I love him.'
He cringed at the words, furrowing his brows 'I admire your devotion.' He said gently, 'Do you want more time? Im sure we can wait a little longer.' He tried, but I shook my head.
'No, I dont want to keep the guests waiting.' I took a deep breath, 'Do I look ok?' I asked him.
He nodded, but pulled the cuff over his hand and dabbed my cheeks dry.
His eyes flickered over my face, studying my features, my wet eyes and rosy cheeks. He leaned in, kissed my cheek and whispered 'Angelic.' His hands fell to my bare shoulders and gave them a reassuring squeeze.
He turned around and as he was about the leave I grabbed hold of his wrist, carefully tugging him back. He faced me and I let go of him realising that perhaps it wasnt appropriate of me. 'I just-' I began, but my voice broke. He met my eyes and pulled me into his embrace, 'Thank you, father.' I whispered against his chest.
He rested his head on your shoulder and rubbed your back gently, holding onto the fabric of your dress, rubbing it between his fingers. Studying the beautiful pattern. He slid his hands up your arms, feeling a sudden urge to kiss the bare skin beneath him. He pulled back hastily, clearing his throat as he silently rebuked himself.
'I must take my place dear.' He said, stroking a piece of hair behind my ear. He gave me a last smile, then left, taking his place by the altar.
I heard the music starting and the muffled sound of the crowd standing up. I sighed, steadied my breathing, and opened the doors to the nave. Everyone turned around, looking at me. Whispers rumbled through the crowd as I began walking, their stares were making me nervous.
Through the gloom of the church, light shone through the windows at the altar. I looked at him for comfort, handsome as he was, I met his eyes and found it within them.
He could not tear his eyes from you, you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, courageous and proud, you walked down the aisle. When your eyes met his, he smiled proudly. Hoping you would find some comfort in it, and you found it.
As I approached the altar, I tore my eyes from his and looked at my fiancé. His best man holding him upright, otherwise slumping over. He smiled sloppily at me, I gave him a strained smile back.
The ceremony was over quickly, my husband stumbled through his vows and his kiss tasted of smoke and whiskey. In fact, the entirety of him was drenched in the odor.
I smiled and thanked everyone as they congratulted us, and carefully, tiptoed around the subject of my husband.
I hurried to change into my reception dress, it was all black. Black coat, dress, heels and stockings. Fitting, I thought. As this felt more like a funeral than a wedding, burrying the woman I once was.
People were drinking, laughing and dancing. The reception was doing a wonderful job of keeping everyone cheery, everyone except me. I sat silently by our table, watching my husband as he kept drinking and his men trying to calm him down. He had barely spoken a word to me, he was to drunk to stand, to drunk to have our first dance. I felt myself sinking into oblivion as my polite smiles and thank yous were running out.
But someone approched me, snapping me out of the darkness. I looked up, and the light returned.
He reached his hand out to me, 'May I have this dance?' He asked, his white collar stark against his black shirt.
'You may.' I smiled, the first genuine smile I'd given anyone since the night begun.
I laid my hand in his and he led me to the edge of the dance floor, somewhere we could be at peace. In our dark colors we went unseen, tucked away from prying eyes.
I snaked my arms around his neck and his arms circled my waist, pulling me tightly against him. A bit unorthodox perhaps. But I didnt mind and neither did he, it seemed. I leaned my head against him as we swayed to the music, basking in eachothers prescence.
He sensed that you werent interested in talking, but rather needed a shoulder to lean on. Someone to hold you up, as your ungrateful husband couldnt even do that for himself.
For several songs, we just held eachother. Until the evening began winding down and we had to depart.
'I think this was a mistake.' He whispered.
'Which part?' I asked, and he sighed.
'Dont hesitate to come to me if you need anyhting.' He said quietly, 'Please.' he pleaded. I nodded, thinking id never take him up on his offer.
Now, I stood on the street. Still feeling the priests hand on my back although he'd already taken a few secure steps back.
I watched as my husband being carried to our car, as we were headed for our honeymoon. Two weeks in rome, I wish I could truthfully say I was excited. They shoved him into the back, and once again congratulated us with cheapish smiles. I walked around the car and opened the door, about to sit down when a hand slid into mine. I looked up and my eyes met his beautiful blues once again. He assisted me into the car, lending me his strong arm for support as I sat down. His hand slid out of mine, and a note was left in my palm, reflexicely I closed my hand around it. 'Anything.' He whispered and backed away, closing the door gently.
Our car drove off as the guests were waving us of, but all I could think about was the priest disappearing in the distance.
I opened the note, written down was his number and adress along with a few intricately drawn flowers.
I smiled to myself, quickly stashing it away in my pocket, afraid my husband would see. But as I looked at him, I realised. He was dead asleep, snoring even.
I opened my hand, tracing my fingertips along my palm. Trying to recreate the feeling of his hand in mine, his gentle, yet firm touch on my skin. I sighed, feeling my tears returning.
I cried silently, afraid to wake him. The driver looked at me through his rearview mirror, I met his eyes and quickly averted my gaze, crying even harder, but I couldnt even do that in peace. God, what had I done. I leaned my head against the seat, closing my eyes. When suddenly, I felt fingers on my knee. I shut my eyes harder, begging for it to be my imagination. But it wasnt.
'My, beautiful wife.' He drawled, tracing a finger along my jaw as his hand slid up my thigh. He sat forward, leaning towrd the drivers compartment and shut the hatch.
I opened my eyes and faced him, 'Aw, crying of joy sweetheart?' He asked, he was so delusional it was scary. I nodded, and feigned a smile which he returned lazily, then leaned in to kissed me.
I closed my eyes again, canceling out the taste and smell of liqour, shutting my ears to his voice.
And when his finger reached under my dress, It no longer felt like him. My husbands face was no longer my husbands, his voice and touch was someone elses.
All of a sudden my core was aching for more.
His kisses on my skin felt like heaven, his touch like fire and when he pulled me on top of him. I opened my eyes, and was met with blue, black and white.
Weeks went by and my thoughts never left father Barnes, whenever my husband made love to me, I made love to a priest.
Eventually his drinking subdued and he started taking care of himself, but grew more distant by the day.
It did actually make my existence bareable.
But there came a day, when I got home from work early and things were not as they should. The were heels in the doorway and clothes strewn on the floor. As I followed their trail, I found my husband and his secretary at the end of them. Naked, sweaty and monaing, in our bed, in our home. I was quiet, lost for words, but they mustve noticed my presence.
Because they stopped and threw the sheets over themselves, covering up. 'Sweetheart, its not what it seems.' He managed, struggling to clme up with an excuse. God, the stumache on that man. I felt like screaming, like cursing him and his entire bloodline. But he wasnt worth it.
I turned on my heel and he scrambled out of bed, dragging the sheet with him as he followed me out of the house, apologizing prefusely.
I shut him out, rage filling me as I got in my car and drove away. I drove to the only adress that came to mind.
I walked up to his house and knocked on the door, a few moments passed and he opened.
With wide eyes he looked at me, unable to hide his surpise. 'I uhm, I-' I stammered, my own surpise catching up to me. I hadnt had time to think this through, I acted on pure instinct. 'He cheated on me.' I got the words out, finally taking a breath as I finally understood their meaning. Misery overtook my rage, and my eyes welled as I tried to explain myself. 'I apologize for barging in on you father.' I started, 'Ive been thinking about you and I-' rambling, all my thoughts and feelings poured out of me. In the doorway of this poor mans home.
He reached out to me and pulled me into a hug, backing away from the door and let it fall shut behind me. He rested his head on top of mine as one of his hands held my head against his chest, stroking my hair. The warmth of his home embracing me.
'Can I confess something father?' I asked him as I laid my arms around him, much like our dance a few weeks ago.
'Anything.' He answered, kissing the top of my head.
'Ive sinned.'
He pulled back with a confused look on his face, but didnt let go. 'Lets hear it.' He ordered patiently.
'Ive. . . Been thinking of another man.' I whispered, looking deep into his eyes. 'During actions that should only take place between husband and wife.' I told him quietly, and his face grew pale. 'Ive had an emotional affair with this man, unbeknownst to him.' My breathing turned heavy, as my gaze switched to his lips, 'But, me and this man. Were both bound by vows you see.' I said and let go of him, understanding my words as I said them, and stepped back. Suddenly regretting coming here, as I felt rejection was imminent. 'Mine are already broken, but his are not and he cannot break them. He would not.'
'You should let the man speak for himself.' He said, serious in tone. His gaze locked in on me, as he stepped closer. 'I havent been able to stop thinking about you, no matter how hard I've tried.' He whispered, laying his hands on my hips. 'Ive never seen a woman so beautiful walking down the aisle, god himself mustve blessed you.' I snaked my hands around his shoulders, burrying them in his hair. 'Im hoping he would bless us, too.' Leaning in, his lips were a ghost over mine. 'I would care for you, in a way your husband never could. He does not deserve you.' He leaned his forehead agagaist mine, 'I'd work everyday to deserve your love, your kindness, your presence.' He said quietly against my lips, planting a gentle kiss on them and pulling back slightly to give me room. But I chased his lips, returning the kiss feverishly. Grabbing a fistful of his hair as I pulled him impossibly closer. His hands roamed my back, reaching under my shirt to undo my bra. It fell to the floor and he pulled my shirt over my head in one quick motion, making me gasp.
I removed the collar of his shirt with my teeth and ripped his black shirt open, burrying my head in the crook of his neck, 'Youre not a beginner, are you father? I asked, between kisses. Breathing heavily as I latched onto his skin, sucking at the sweet spot between his neck and collarbone.
He moaned, a smirk shaping his lips, 'Saints also sin from time to time.' he breathed, his hands falling to my ass and lifted me into his arms. I chuckled, letting go of his neck and circled my legs around his hips. I pushed my bare breasts against him and he burried his face in them, in turns taking them into his mouth. 'Where?' His voice came muffled by my skin.
'Everywhere.' I answered.
I could feel his grin against my skin, as he nipped my nipple with his teeth, making me yelp. He walked us toward his bedroom, and laid me down on his bed. He stood back, studying me as he took his shirt and pants off. I unbuttoned my own pants and shimmied out of them, raising myself onto my elbows, watching him as he took me in. His eyes roamed my body, thighs, hips, stumache, breasts. He loved all of me, 'Youre perfect.' He said, lust in his eyes as he climbed on top of me. 'I need you.' He whispered.
'You'll have me.' I told him and flipped him over. Positioning him against the headboard as I stradled his thigh, grinning wickedly and leaned forward, kissing his jaw. 'But first-' I whispered against his ear, 'I want to test your self control.' He looked confused, and I began grinding my clit against his thigh, a whimper escaping me. His hands flew to my hips to help me along, but I grabbed them and led them up to the headboard. I leveled my face with his, ghosting my lips over his as I had him hold onto the board, 'No touching.' I whispered and pecked his lips. I leaned back and my grinding resumed, I grabbed his thighs for support as the heat from the friction was making me swoon. I leaned my head back, biting my lip from the pleasure and when I looked back at him, he was holding onto the board for dear life. The muscles in his arms and jaw clenching as he fought himself to stay still, his eyes were running up and down my body.
The way your hips swayed and breasts bounced, it was sucking all the restraint out of him. His hands were itching to touch you, to just feel your skin under his fingertips for a moment. It would keep him fed for the rest of his life.
I hummed, 'Im- im gonna-' I stammered, my breaths frenzied as I was closing in on my orgasm. The crazy in his eyes made me smile devilishly, I felt evil, in the best way. My hips stuttered against his thigh, my ruts becoming faster and shorter as I was approaching my release. When I looked at him, his eyes were pleading, begging for permission, but it was to late. I rushed over the edge in a second, collapsing onto him, panting hard as I was catching my breath.
'May I?' He asked, his voice strained.
I kissed his chest and answered, 'Yes, please. You did so good.' He grunted at the praise, surprising me. He grabbed my ribs and threw me under him, hurridly kissing his way down my body until he reached my thighs. Spreading them, he kissed his way up the inside until he reached my panties. Without a second thought he ripped them apart and burried his face in my cunt. Tasting me, licking my juices, sliding his tongue through my folds and kissing my clit. A string of curses fell from my lips, as he pushed a finger inside of me, carefully sliding it in and out. Then adding another, and eventually a third, he thrusted them into me, my moaning telling him he was on the right track. He curled them into my spot and I nearly screamed.
'Just like that, good job.' I breathed and he moaned against my clit. What fun. He reached into his boxers and stroked himself, the sight made me mad. And for the second time, I came tumbling over the edge. He was not far behind, coming into his own hand, drenching himself in his seed. I grabbed his arm and pulled his hand closer to me, licking a stripe of his hand. He grunted at the sight, spurring me on as I took his fingers into my mouth. Sucking him clean as he watched, furrowing his brows, he became plagued by lust.
I pulled him closer to me, meeting his lips in another kiss as he pulled off his boxers. I reached down, stroking him as I lined him up with my entrance, 'You did such a good job, father.' His head perked at the praise, like a puppy being told hes a good boy. Gratefully pecking my face, cheek, chin and jaw, below my ear and neck. He put his weight on me, we couldnt possibly get any closer to one another. 'I need you in me father.' I told him bluntly, and leveled his head with mine, sliding inside. Kissing me mean while and I moaned into his mouth, sharing my breath with him. I laid my hands on his hips, telling him to move by pulling and pushing. Helping him set a gentle but firm pace, he lowered his head to the crook of my neck, his breath hot against my skin. 'Let me hear you father, dont hold back.' I whispered and appreciatively he grunted against my skin, moaning in my ear. It was fiendish, it was fantastic. 'Deeper, please.' I asked, pulling on his hips to drive him deeper and using the weight of his entire body he thrusted into me, in rythm with his grunts as our bodiess moved together.
'Tell me im good, please.' He begged, nuzzling his face into my neck.
I smiled, 'Youre being so good for me father.' I whispered into his hair.
'Thank you.' He whimpered, putting even more force to his thrusts as he traced my collarbone with kisses, all the way to my shoulder, repeating "Thank you." Over and over again inbetween his kisses. His thrusts were coming faster as he was closing in on his orgasm, driving me over the edge with him. 'I- im- im close.' He stuttered faintly.
'So am I, almost there father.' His pace hastened as his hand slithered between our bodies, finding my clit and circled it. 'God' I moaned, spots specking my vision as the priests thrusts became frenzied. He pinched my skin in warning, reminding me not to take the lords name in vain. Then we came together, and he collapsed on top of me.
'Im sorry for swearing, father. You bring it out of me.' I whispered.
He chuckled, 'Youre forgiven.' Throughout the night, we made love on the couch, the floor, the kitchen table and shower.
Eventually, we got back into bed. Holding eachother tightly as we drifted off to sleep.
When I woke up late the next day, there was a vase of flowers on the bedside table with a note under it, the letter "-B" was written on it.
I unfolded it and he had written me a message, "I had to go to church, but didnt want to wake you. I hope on seeing you later, please stay if you want to. Id love to come home to you. -PS, Your favourites."
I smiled happily and smelled the bouqet of tulips, a soft, warm feeling spreading throughout my body.
For a long time love had felt dark to me, it had felt cold and lonely, but now. . .
I had let the light in, he was my light.
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bvidzsoo · 1 month
Love Me Like A Rockstar (13)
ー☆ Chapter 13: You Know Me Too Well
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Author: bvidzsoo
Pairing: Song Mingi x female reader
ー☆ Warning: cursing, usage of the word 'bitch' ー☆ Word count: 6.5k ー☆ Genre: university!au, enemies to lovers!au, rockstar!au ー☆ Rating: sfw ー☆ Summary: Love. You wanted none of it. You had already been heartbroken very badly once, you didn't wish to go through that ever again. But the Universe works in intricate ways and, somehow, you found yourself webbed up in a local rockstar's life, Song Mingi. He was everything you expected him to be, yet nothing like you imagined him he would be. What happens when you find mutual understanding and have heartful conversations? Will he be able to break down your walls? Will you be able to chase away his darkness?
A/N: Well, well, lovelies...new chapter is up and maybe I'm kind of kicking my feet??? Who knows, we'll see what y'all think of this chapter hehe. Also, happy birthday to Song Mingi?! I actually didn't mean to post the new chapter today, but today was the only day I had enough time to write it sooo, yeah. Tmi, but MC's mother is exactly like my mom, so maybe I drew inspiration from real life lol, I love her to death but sometimes I really wish SHE DIDNT SPEAK lol. Also, I'm so obsessed with today's song for the chapter; I'm screaming, crying, throwing up over it LOL. Just a heads up, next chapter is the last like actual chapter of the series and then I decided to add an epilogue lol cue the sobbing. As per usual, listen to You Know Me Too Well before or while reading the chapter! I hope you enjoy and let me know through feedback hehe <3 Enjoy your weekends! divider
Taglist: @orshii @or5i @lovely-red2 @scarfac3 @juicy-red
@sunaswifes-blog @voicesinmyhead-rc @teez-the-time @maru-matt @kyeos4ng
@deathbyyeekies @chicksmoothie @mjlbn01 @xhexy @tmtxtf
@hwashiningstar @thatfavouritesong @ateez-atiny380 @xciiiomwliah @vixensss
@catchingskzzzs @tesssaurrr @ginger-mingi @mingisbbg
⟨Series M.list ↭ Previous Chapter⟩
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            Saturday (2:55 pm)
Me: mingi can we talk?
Saturday (8:30 pm)
Me: i am free whenever you say so just let me know and i’ll be there
            Sunday (9:15 am)
Me: we need to talk, mingi.
            Sunday (12:08 am)
Me: please hear me out im sorry
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Monday (current time)
            “Do you think he’ll slam the door in my face?” The hallways were buzzing with life as I tried to veer my way around the crowd of students without running into anyone. Today, out of all days, I just so happened to have my last class of the day in a completely different building and at least a good five-minute walk away from the arts building.
“It’s what you’d deserve, to be fair, but—” The was a gasp on the other side of the phone and my eyebrows furrowed as Seulgi muttered something to someone, muffled, “sorry, Wooyoung almost dropped my mother’s favorite vase, I told him to take off that blindfold.”
Eyebrows furrowing even deeper, I abruptly stopped walking, making a girl give me a heated glare that I didn’t care for, “Why is he blindfolded? Wait! I actually don’t want to know.”
“We were playing hide and seek with his niece, you idiot, but I got bored and sneaked away when I saw you calling.” Seulgi’s voice was exasperated and I chuckled as I took off again, leaving the science major’s building as I nuzzled further into my thick scarf. Some days it was warmer, but most days it got really cold and I hated it. I couldn’t deal with the freezing weather, perhaps it was my biggest enemy after Jeong Yunho, “Anyways, as I was saying, you deserve to be ignored by Mingi, but knowing how big of a sucker he is for you, he’ll probably give in before you can utter a single word.”
My heart jumped at the thought as I gnawed on my bottom lip, cutting off the path as I hurried through the grass, uncaring that I was probably destroying the work of the gardener. Besides, the grass had barely just started growing out again, it would be fine, “You think so?”
“I know so.” I heard Wooyoung’s high-pitched voice shouting from the distance and my eyebrows furrowed as I realized Seulgi had probably put me on speaker. Now that was a bit awkward, “He’s an idiot, but he’s in love. Now that I come to think of it, you two are a lot alike, two idiots in love—”
“I believe your niece is looking for you, babe.” Seulgi cut her boyfriend off and I was thankful because I don’t think I could’ve handled hearing him say the words ‘in love’ again. That was scary, even just the thought of it. I was barely coming to terms with liking Mingi, but hearing the word love sort of made me want to turn back around and abandon my whole plan of trying to make peace between the two of us. And Seulgi knew this, thankfully, because she didn’t say anything about it again, “Are you on your way to his studio right now?”
I hummed and curled my fingers tighter around the thermos bottle, my nose cold from the weather as the arts building finally came into sight, “Yeah, three minutes and I’m there.”
“Good.” Seulgi sounded content and I sighed as I tried to ignore the dawning anxiety that tried to crawl through my body and make me abandon my well-thought-out plan. I had to do this. Seulgi and my mom were right, I couldn’t mess this up again. I liked Mingi, a lot. He is a good guy and I shouldn’t let my past and my fears dictate my life. Yes, Mingi is Yunho’s best friend, but Mingi isn’t like Yunho. Hopefully, “Update me later then, I love you Y/N, I hope you know that.”
I chuckled and nodded at the security guard as he was out of his cubicle, standing at the bottom of the steps, smoking his cigar, “I know, thank you for knocking some sense into me.”
“We’ll see about that later.” Her snort was amused and I shook my head as we said our goodbyes, the warmth of the building making me sigh out in relief as I entered through the front doors. I pocketed my phone and unwrapped my scarf from around my neck, greeting the familiar people I crossed paths with. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling nervous at all, after all, I didn’t know how Mingi would react. If he was anything like me, he wouldn’t forgive me so easily. Not when I’ve hurt him again and in the worst way possible.
As I ascended the marble stairs, I found stability in the thermos bottle clutched firmly in both of my hands now, its weight helping me to keep my determination and focus on going through with my own plan. When I woke this morning and went to take a quick shower, I was surprised to hear my mother’s singing and smell the delicious waft of pancakes, making my stomach growl loudly as I didn’t have dinner the night before. It seemed like my mother had taken a day off, grumbling something about her deserving a day to rest after she was almost choked out by one of her mentally ill patients. I couldn’t help but agree with her as we sat at the table in silence, enjoying our breakfast, that is until she cleared her throat loudly and stood up, fetching a mug and a cup from the counter next to the sink. I froze when I realized she was handing me the cup Mingi had designed with funny looking chicks on it, and I was even more confused when I realized it wasn’t coffee I was drinking, but hot chocolate.
“So, what are you going to do about that handsome fella?” I tried not to groan or regret the fact that I told her everything about Mingi. I took a tentative sip of the hot chocolate and realized it wasn’t hot before taking a bigger gulp as I enjoyed its sweet taste.
“I’ll talk to him today—”
“Great!” My mother didn’t even let me finish as she sprung up from her seat again to fetch something from a cupboard, “It’s amazing how strong our maternal intuition is, I swear my starlight, you should make some babies soon.”
“Mom.” I groaned as I watched her curiously as she took a blue thermos bottle from the cupboard and filled it with hot chocolate from the kettle, “We’ve had this discussion many times before, I’m not having children so young.”
“You’re not that young though.” She sent me a sheepish smile as my eyes widened, feigning hurt.
“I’m turning twenty-three?! How is that not young?” She cleared her throat as she sealed the thermos and walked back to the table to sit down.
“I’m just trying to inspire you, anyways,” She huffed and then placed the thermos on the table and pushed it towards me, “Bring this to him as peace offering, he’ll love it. Trust me.”
“I don’t think what Mingi needs right now is hot chocolate—”
“Finish your breakfast and shut up.” My mother didn’t let me finish as she cut off a thick part of the pancake with her fork and forced it inside my mouth, making me groan, “Mothers know best when it comes to stuff like this, be thankful I’m saving your relationship and be back before lunch. I’m ordering take out, and I certainly am not waiting for late your ass if I’m hungry.”
I knew fighting my mom was fruitless, so I just grumbled an okay as I tried to chew the pancake she had forced in my mouth, my cheeks all puffed out. My mother seemed content that I finally wasn’t talking back to her and I shook my head as I pulled the thermos bottle towards me, reminded of the time when Mingi had brought me tea knowing that I would be feeling probably a little sick after getting all soaked in the cold rain and harsh wind.
So, now, with Mingi’s clothes in my tote bag and the thermos filled with hot chocolate in my hands, I couldn’t help but feel optimistic despite the anxiety gripping at my thoughts. If my mother, Seulgi, and even Wooyoung—who knew Mingi like the back of his hand—were convinced that everything would work out just fine, then why would I not believe that? Sure, Mingi was probably still annoyed at me, but I didn’t think a few apologies and even more explanations couldn’t fix the issue at hand. All I had to do was be honest and come clean with my feelings and he’d probably do the same and then—that’s where anxiety stepped in. Then what? Was I ready to pursue a relationship? Did Mingi want to date me? Did I want to date him? Why did it have to be Jeong Yunho’s best friend I was into? Why could I not move past my fears and stop associating Mingi with everything I was wounded by, when he never once made me feel like Yunho did? I could dwell on these thoughts for an eternity, I fear, but I didn’t have that time right now. And to be fair, I didn’t want to think of such things right now because I could feel my determination wither the closer I got to the music majors’ floor, heartbeat loud in my ears.
I stopped at the end of the hallway and took a deep breath, eyes settling on the studio I knew now was used by Mingi only. Wooyoung was nice enough to tell me the number of his studio—not that I had forgotten since the last time I was here—and he also let me know that it was used by Mingi only, the teachers having granted him full access, even at hours when students were supposed to be at home. It seems so Mingi was a favorite amongst the teachers, and I could see why. He was diligent and hard-working; his lyrics were beautiful and nothing would stop him from fulfilling his dream of becoming a well-known rockstar. I couldn’t help but feel excited at the prospect of that, and hoped that I would be part of his journey, that he’d let me back into his life.
Steeling my nerves and trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I knew there was no turning back. I wanted to do this, I had to do this. I had to stop sabotaging myself, and so, I marched down the hallway towards Mingi’s studio with a newfound hope and determination. Which lasted about five seconds as I came face to face with Mingi’s studio door. There was a small window on it, which would let you know whether the room was occupied or not, and it was straight across the desk where he was sat at—with the blonde girl standing right next to him. And that should have been okay, because really, Mingi could talk to whoever and spend his time also with whoever he pleased. And it’s not like I didn’t have male friends—I didn’t, Seulgi was my only friend—it’s not like he couldn’t speak to one of his fans. After all, he’s made it clear she was nothing more than a fan he appreciated for helping spread the word about his band.
But then, why was her hand on his shoulder one second and the next second slowly trailing down the sleeve of his beige cardigan—which looked like it was messily stained with paint—and certainly the way my good disposal dissipated and was overtaken by blind jealousy and rage had nothing to do with the sudden possessiveness that shook me to my core. And perhaps the thing that bothered me the most wasn’t even her feeling up Mingi’s arm as she looked down at him with sultry eyes, perhaps it was the way Mingi leaned back in his chairs, legs spread wide, and smirk on his lips as he looked up at her with his sharp gaze, allowing her to touch him. Perhaps that’s what sent me over the edge as I barged inside the studio in the most unceremonious way, making the girl yelp in fright and Mingi flinch as his eyes widened.
『Baby, you're all that I want
I want you all to myself
Oh, but you know me too well』
And when I was angry—or panicking, or hurt—all rational thoughts flew out the window as I was led by nothing else but pure instinct and a shit ton of unclear and not so necessarily nice thoughts. Simpler put, I wasn’t thinking nor making sense, but I couldn’t care less as I glared at the both of them while I struggled to mask the fury licking at my veins. They were both looking at me wide eyed, as if I had caught them doing something I wasn’t supposed to, and that made me snap before I could think through how to proceed with this whole shitshow, “Get out.”
For a second, even I didn’t recognize my voice as it dropped a few octaves, fierce gaze set on the blonde girl as she paled, eyes scrambling between Mingi and me as, suddenly, Mingi seemed to snap out of whatever scare I had given him by slamming his door open and into the wall. God, I hope I haven’t actually damaged it, because I certainly didn’t have the money to pay for it right now. I couldn’t look at the blonde girl anymore, heart beating fast in my chest as Mingi and I made eye contact, his eyebrows set in a deep frown as he had a sneer on his face.
“Excuse me?” God, even her voice was annoying. I looked back at the blonde girl and raised my eyebrows at her mockingly.
“Are you deaf?” I chuckled, but it was humorless, “Do I need to repeat myself?”
She huffed, looking offended—rightfully so—and I gritted my teeth as I stepped inside the studio, making it pretty obvious that I wasn’t going anywhere before this bitch left. I tried not to see red as Mingi’s hands balled up into fists or the way the girl snickered, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“You’re the one that’s barged inside uninvited, sweetheart,” And if I could have, I would have ripped her blonde strands out, “this isn’t your fucking studio, so, shut up. Mingi wants me here, maybe you should leave.”
I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing, somewhere deep in my mind realizing I looked absolutely psychotic and if Mingi didn’t hate me before, he certainly would hate me now. I wasn’t helping myself; I was making everything worse—just the usual, then. But this bitch wasn’t stopping me from getting what I came here for, and I hummed as my eyes fell on Mingi again, who’s jaw was clenching and unclenching. His sharp eyes were narrowed, but it seemed like he wasn’t saying anything anytime soon and that only pissed me off more.
“Sure,” I nodded and walked further inside, forcefully throwing my tote bag on the small couch against the wall on my left, making the contents of it spill out. I watched as both Mingi and the girl looked at the clothes, and Mingi’s expression flashed with something unreadable for a second, “Mingi wants you here.”
I suppose neither expected me not to stop until I reached the desk, coming up on Mingi’s left side as I slammed the thermos bottle—albeit too harshly—against the desk, a loud bang echoing in the room. Mingi’s eyebrows furrowed as I opened my mouth to tell the girl to leave again, but suddenly, he was up on his feet, staring me down. The height difference wasn’t that great between the two of us, but suddenly I felt small under his heated glare and sneer that seemed to settle on his lips, broad shoulders intimidating as he lowered his head just a little bit. He looked nothing like the Mingi I had gotten to know over the past few months, and it made my heart race as I realized I might not be able to reason with him today, “What the fuck is your problem, Y/N?! You tell her to get out when you barge in unwelcomed, and then start demanding for her to leave—”
I couldn’t even let him finish his sentence before I was firing back my argument, “Oh, what’s my fucking problem?! Maybe the fact that you lied to me?”
“About what?!” Mingi snapped, eyebrows furrowed as he took a step towards me, his body big enough to make the blonde girl not be seen behind him.
“Oh, be for real.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes, “You never show anyone your songs to? But you so conveniently let me listen to that unfinished song of yours and now look who else gets to listen to it? Her. If you’re so desperate to get laid, you should have—”
“I didn’t show her shit.” Mingi cut me off, voice shaking as his cheeks grew red from anger, probably. Mingi wasn’t a scary person, but he looked scary right now. There was no ounce of kindness in his expression nor tone, he looked cold and angry and like he hated me. I gulped and realized, once again, that I was digging myself deeper into the shithole I had created for myself, that I was hurting him again and again. This is not how things were supposed to go, “I only showed you. That unfinished song you’re talking about, only you know about it. Thanks for reminding me again why I shouldn’t deal with you anymore—”
“Stop it.” I snapped, eyebrows furrowing as I felt fear grip at my throat, making my voice sound shaky as Mingi’s expression went blank. I hated when he did that. I wanted to know what he was thinking about, I needed to see what he felt. I couldn’t do this if he withdrew himself, I couldn’t do this if I was the only one that would bare her heart to him. I was scared. He was pushing me away like Yunho had done, Mingi was abandoning me.
“Stop it?” If I wanted to cry when he laughed in my face mockingly, impassive smirk settling on his lips, I didn’t let it happen. I kept my composure, anger, hurt, desperation, yearning all mixing together as I found it harder and harder to breathe, “You want me to be nice to you after all the shit you said to me on Saturday? You want me to treat you like before after everything that’s happened? I can’t. You hurt me, made me feel like a fucking idiot, Y/N, you broke—I thought we were friends. I feel disrespected and played, and yet here you are again, acting like you have even an ounce of right to act the way you are right now, when it’s you who made it so fucking clear you want nothing to do with me anymore. Do you enjoy making others suffer? Do you want to see me on my fucking knees begging for your attention? I have enough self-respect to step back and move on with my life when someone so blatantly tells it to my face that I am nothing—”
“But you aren’t!” My tone raised without me meaning to as my heart continued to beat out of my chest so fast my ears started ringing. I felt tears prick at my eyes, but I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want to victimize myself, I just wanted Mingi to understand I made a mistake, that I knew I did, and that I was trying to fix things. I didn’t want us to part ways, especially not like this, he made me realize this second that I didn’t want to lose him, “You aren’t nothing to me. I said those things because I’m scared. I don’t know how to navigate these feelings—”
“Save it, okay?” I was left gaping as Mingi shook his head, pushing his hands in the pockets of his light denim jeans, “I don’t want to hear whatever sob shit you have to say right now, I’m asking you kindly to leave before I call security and delete my number, like I have deleted yours.”
The silence that settled upon us was deafening and my eyebrows furrowed as a tear rolled down my cheek without warning, my chest rising and falling rapidly as I tried to find my breath. That hurt, it hurt more than anything before, it hurt more than when Yunho left me, broke my heart. Mingi meant so much more to me than Yunho ever did, and I bit my lower lip as Mingi seemed unaffected, expression blank and rather bored. Nothing was making sense anymore. I was scared, but I also felt ready to break free of the chains of the past, I wanted Mingi. And knowing all this, I didn’t want to hold back anymore, I didn’t want to consider my next words anymore. I just wanted to speak my mind freely.
“My ex-boyfriend is Jeong Yunho, your best friend.” Mingi had almost turned away from me, but he froze, head slowly turning back to face me once again, “We dated back in high school, many years ago, when we were still some headless and stupid teenagers. But he was the first boy I’ve ever loved and he fucking broke my heart, shattered into pieces with a bright smile on his lips. He promised me many things, and I was naïve, so I believed it all. And because I did, I ended up hurt beyond fixing and I’ve never trusted a man again. He was my first boyfriend and the center of my universe, yet he never cared enough about me to properly break up with me.
“Yunho talked about you all the time. Everything you liked, everything you hated, you were part of our daily conversations and I always wished to meet you, to see what was so great in you that had Yunho gushing all the time. I was jealous, so jealous that I became bitter. I started hating even the mention of your name, I selfishly wanted Yunho to myself, and you gone from his life. I couldn’t understand what was so great about you and why I wasn’t enough. I knew Yunho didn’t love me, but I wanted him to, so I made myself believe it, believe that I was worth more to him than you’ll ever be. And in the process, I stupidly made myself believe that he’d never leave me, that he was the one for me like he has said so many times before.
“He broke my heart so fucking bad that it took years until I could say his name or even see his face again. I am over him now, have been for a long time, but I can’t help still feel bitter about him. I can’t help but associate you with him at times. He made me defensive and untrusting of men, I couldn’t help but assume you’d be just like Yunho when I first met you, at least when I finally realized who you were. I felt so guilty, I tried to push you away but you wouldn’t fucking give up. You are everything yet nothing like Yunho and that scares me, because I want you, Mingi. But I’m scared you’ll abandon me like Yunho did, that you’ll fill my head with empty and pretty fantasies and then leave me alone with them, tearing my heart apart in the process. I want to open up, but I’m scared. I think, however, with you by my side, I’d be able to do that, to let my walls down.”
The silence that settled upon us, once again, was deafening and I gulped, heart racing and making me feel lightheaded as Mingi’s face had fallen, expression finally not as void as before. He looked shocked, but surprisingly, he didn’t look hurt nor like he would hate me for ever. It made me hopeful for a second, it made me sniff loudly and blink away the insisting tears from my eyes. He gulped and took a deep breath, making me stare in his eyes, hopeful and less scared, as he sighed and rubbed at his chin; a stubble was showing. Now that I come to think of it, he looks rather tired with bags under his eyes, and his platinum hair has a blue hue to it.
“I’m sorry he made you go through so much; I know it wasn’t easy.” Mingi’s tone finally lost the edge it had before, finally it wasn’t laced with so much anger, and it almost made me cry, “I kind of—I knew. Not exactly the whole thing, but I suppose I can say I had a feeling that there was history between you and Yunho. It was too obvious whenever I brought him up that you didn’t like him, at first I was confused, but then I suppose everything just clicked into place. The drawing of his eyes, the sweater you lent me and the fact that you gave it to me in the end—I’ve known since then that it was probably Yunho. I never said anything to him, not like that at least, I wanted you to come to me on your own, when you fully trusted me with the information. And I’m sorry, but he—he was an asshole back in high school, he was insecure and he played with everyone’s feelings, he was quite good at manipulating people around him. He’s mentioned dating you, but very few times, and by the time you had broken up I had all but forgotten about you, I suppose I wasn’t much better compared to him.
“But all of this isn’t my fault in the end, and while I completely understand your reasoning now and why you often acted the way you did, I’m sorry, but I can’t just let go of things and start anew. There’s just—too many things that have happened, emotions that you stirred up in me, and I just can’t do it, I—it’s not even about you and Yunho, I don’t give a fuck about it, it was ages ago and Yunho is a changed man and I know he’s long moved on. And you too, I believe you have, you seemed less bitter lately, but I just can’t. I can’t help but ask again, what do you want, YN?”
At least he wasn’t mad at me, but I did feel ashamed that I made him piece everything together on his own, that I wasn’t capable of telling him the truth myself. I have made mistakes, sure, but Mingi apparently didn’t hate me for them, “I just want to apologize, for everything.”
Mingi nodded and I watched in despair as that cold mask slipped back onto his face, expression void of any emotion once again. It made me want to grab his shoulders and shake them, force him to look deep into my eyes and just see everything I felt for him, “That’s fine, I accept your apology. If that’s all, you can leave—”
“But that’s not all!” I snapped, having had enough of being dismissed by him. I saw the way his jaw twitched, the way his eyebrows furrowed at my defiance, at my reluctance to leave just yet. I was being pathetic and a pain in the ass, but I had to make him understand that I was ready to leave all my fears behind for him, to learn how to be a better person next to him. I wanted to change, and I wanted it to happen with him by my side, with him guiding me and teaching me how to be more like him, and less like the shitty person I was for so long. I longed to be the way I was before meeting Yunho, a lot happier and a lot less broody and hateful of the beautiful things that surrounded me, “Mingi, I cannot stop thinking about you. I spend every waking moment when we’re apart wondering what you’re up to, what’s going through your mind, whether you’re okay or not. And I’ve been drawing you, since the first time I saw you, you’ve captured my attention, you’ve made me curious of who you were the longer we spent time together. I don’t want to be like this anymore, I don’t want to hurt you anymore and shut you out, I want to fix everything. I want to—I just want you, Mingi.”
There was a quiet scoff behind Mingi, but neither one of us reacted to it as our gazes bore into each other, my eyes glinting with yearning and his façade slowly breaking down as he released a shaky breath, “Mingi, I adore you.”
“Get out.” For a second, my body froze as I thought he was addressing me, but then, he whirled around and pointed towards the studio’s still open door, “Get out, now.”
And I just realized that the blonde girl had been witness to everything, and I couldn’t help but blanch in embarrassment as she made to interject, but I guess Mingi’s sharp eyes made her reconsider her choice as she huffed and then stormed out of the studio. My cheeks felt hot and I realized the clothes were making me sweaty, so as Mingi hurried towards the door to close it, I shrugged my jacket off and placed it neatly on the back of the sofa together with my thick scarf. And as I looked up, mouth dry as the door clicked shut and Mingi turned around, it felt like time stopped, like the world stopped moving. But Mingi was moving towards me, in nothing more than three steps he stood in front of me, and before I could even as much as try to reason with him or plead more to be forgiven, warm fingers dug into my cheeks and the wind was knocked from my lungs as his plush warm lips slammed against mine, making me gasp as my eyes remained wide open.
『Filthy impetuous soul
I wanna give it to you』
I thought he wouldn’t want anything to do with me, I thought he’d tell me that he needed time to forgive me completely and for us to work things out. But I couldn’t help shudder and feel ecstatic as I grabbed the collar of his shirt and cardigan, my eyes falling shut, as I pulled him closer to my body, savoring the kiss as if it was our first. But it wasn’t anything like that one, it wasn’t soft nor careful nor slow, it was hurried and desperate as Mingi pushed me backward, pressing me against the wall, right between the small space between the sofa and the desk. My arms circled his neck as he grabbed my nape with one big hand and pressed his other into the small of my back, making it arch as my fingers tangled into his soft hair, not pulling, just feeling the need to hold onto something, to keep myself grounded.
And much like the first time, our lips seemed to fit perfectly, and I tried not to keen when he sucked my bottom lip between his teeth, nibbling on the soft flesh, and I tried not to turn into a puddle when he hummed lowly against my lips as my fingers flexed in his hair. Perhaps I kissed him a bit harder and more aggressively as our pace quickened, my hand holding the side of his neck as Mingi pressed his body into mine until it felt like he was trying to forbid me even of the idea of escaping from his clutches, and I had no fucking intention of going anywhere, because in his arms I felt content and safe, and perhaps a bit too hot as goosebumps covered my arms the longer our lips moved hungrily against each other. And when I cupped his cheeks and perhaps held onto them a bit too firmly, his lips parted, and I ignored my lungs screaming for air as my tongue slipped past his parted mouth. I didn’t expect him to moan as our tongues tangled together, all wet and perhaps a little disgusting, but neither one of us cared about that.
I tried to stand on my tip toes for better access as Mingi’s ring clad fingers were suddenly running through my hair and tilting my head back, making my skin tingle where he held my hip firmly. I had been kissed by other people before, but neither felt like with Mingi, neither made me crave more and more and more. But our lungs could only go on so long without air, and I would’ve been embarrassed for the loud gasp I let out when we finally parted, if it wasn’t for Mingi diving straight for my neck and finding the sweet spot that made me putty in his arms. And I tried to ignore his deep grunts as my fingers got tangled in his platinum blonde strands as he pressed open mouthed and wet kisses against my neck, his arms around my hips pulling me into an embrace that had my pulse showing through the skin of my neck. My lips were tingling and my lungs actually hurt, but I couldn’t care less when Mingi finally pulled back and blinked his dark eyes open, pupils dilated and lips so swollen he almost made me chase after them once again.
『Oh, just to see what you'd do
'Cause I'm so drunk on you』
“What’s in the thermos?” His voice was raspier than usual, and it made me bite my bottom lip as my eyes searched his face, his falling on my lips instead.
“Hot chocolate, for peace making.” I answered, sounding a lot more breathless than I actually felt, and Mingi chuckled, the sound deep in his throat. I let my arms fall from his shoulders and instead circled them around his torso, trying to fight off the smile from my lips. Mingi didn’t look angry nor dismissive anymore, but I knew I wasn’t actually forgiven just yet. And that was only fair.
“This is peacemaking, not the hot chocolate.” And there it was, the mischievous glint in his eyes and the smug smirk on his lips as he squeezed my hips once and lowered his face until our lips brushed together, “Although I do appreciate the hot chocolate too.”
“Good, my mom was rather excited when she told me to give it to you.” I pressed a chaste kiss against Mingi’s lips before he could try and say anything, and he chuckled when I pulled away, eyes creasing and crooked front teeth showing.
“What are we now?” His voice was a mere whisper, not insecure nor scared, just wondering, “What do you want?”
I gulped, but decided to be honest. No more hiding my feelings and thoughts from him, “I don’t know just yet, and that’s why I need you to take the lead, but this—I want more of this, of you.”
“Good,” Mingi hummed, lips pursed as he kissed my cheek once before slowly releasing me from his warm embrace, “because I’ve been wanting more of you for fucking ages, doll.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle as suddenly I felt embarrassed and perhaps a little shy, but Mingi seemed to be unphased as he grabbed my tote bag and looked through it because his clothes were in it, “You can keep these, they looked better on you anyway. But you better not give them to Yunho if he ever happens to go over to your house—”
“Mingi.” I snapped mortified and pushed his arm as he dropped the tote bag and burst out laughing, giving me a cheeky smile.
“Want to hear the rest of the song I made for you?”
“For me?”
“Yeah, doll, for you.”
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            By the time I managed to get home I might as well been on cloud nine and in so much ecstasy that one would think I was on drugs. Which, kind of felt like it after the day I have had—not that I’ve ever done any drugs. I failed to notice my mother’s silhouette in the window of our kitchen when I got out of Mingi’s car and, of course, that meant she saw him get out of his old Honda Prelude and jog after me to kiss me hard and leave me dizzy before he left. And all of that, of course, meant that by the time I unlocked the front door and stepped inside, my mother was leaning against the archway of the kitchen with the widest smirk I’ve ever seen on her face.
“So, did you have sex?”
My eyes widened in mortification and I struggled to step out of my boots and shrug off my jacket, “Mom!”
“So, you did, huh.” It wasn’t even a question, and suddenly running after Mingi’s car sounded a lot better than standing in front of my mother as she bit her bottom lip, giving me a wink.
“We didn’t!” I exclaimed, cheeks flushed a deep red as I cradled the tote bag to my chest, “He needs to take me out on a date first—many dates, actually.”
“Well, he better hurry up then cuz you’re glowing and you’re happy.” I froze at my mother’s words as she looked at me with a serene expression on her face, lips pulled into a small smile, forgetting all about her previous teasing, “He’s good for you, too good. I haven’t seen you so relaxed and happy since—since highschool.”
Since Yunho broke up with me.
“I know, and I will make sure I never hurt him again.” I told my mom and she hummed, looking down at her wristwatch.
“You missed lunch, by the way, so you’ll eat chicken tenders—”
“Again, exactly. Go wash up before dinner.”
And I was out of her sight in no time, with a newfound rush in my system, skin tingling as I realized I craved to hold my pencil and my sketchbook in my hands. I couldn’t remember the last time I drew something for me and not because it was an assignment. And if hours later the sketch looked a lot like a familiar platinum blonde haired man with sharp eyes and a tall nose wearing blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a beige cardigan over it, accessories many and nails painted black, then I wouldn’t even deny it anymore. Perhaps he would love seeing my drawings. Perhaps I should finally show him.
Mings 🖤: date on wednesday? Me: but im paying this time Mings 🖤: so when we went to the pottery coffee shop it was a date wasnt it, doll Me: maybe it was maybe it wasnt Mings 🖤: no maybes this time
『Oh, but you know me too well
Oh, but you know me too well, well』
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❱❱ Next chapter
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shamelessfaceless · 6 months
Love, Pain, Death, Repeat II
Navigation | Marvel Masterlist | Part I
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Pairings: Dark!Wanda Maximoff x F!Reader, Billy and Tommy Maximoff x Mom!Reader, Agatha Harkness x F!Reader (platonic)
Summary: Why can't you understand? You were hers, and you will always be hers. You are her solemate. What you don’t understand?
Warnings: Dark!Wanda, mention of cheating, mention of death and suicide, stockholm syndrome (not sure about this one)
Wc: 1550
A/n: Im looking for beta reader (i dont have friends for this😔).
Btw If you saw other post i published before this.. NO YOU DIDNT. It was a dream, and lets keep it that way <333
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“Boys, go downstairs, I think mommy doesn't feel very well and I need to take care of her today.” Her voice is soft, opposite of what you heard last time you saw her.
Your kids, you assumed, get off you. One in a green shirt whispered something to the other one, and they started running. They looked like a perfect mix of you and your ex. Something you really wanted to have. Even as you were younger you always wanted to have your prince charming, and few kids. After a few years, the only thing that changed was prince to princess.
“Why I am here? Is this hell?” After learning that Wanda cheated on you, you started feeling like you don’t deserve love or even kids.
“Aren’t you happy? We can have everything we want here! No Natasha, no Vision, no other people we know.” You looked at her disgusted. She made you believe that you’re not enough, and now she wants to build a dream, more like a nightmare to you, about you and her and your kids.
“Why me? Why not him?!” In a second she was next to you, her hand on your mouth.
“Keep that mouth of yours quieter. We Don't want boys to be suspicious, right?” Her green eyes always made you melt, and she kept her hand on your face. You wanted to give in, but decided to push her away. “Behave” She mumbled sitting next to you.
“Tell me, why me? He truly loved you, as much as a bunch of wires could love someone.” She started stroking your hair.
“It was all just about mind stone, it was all that made me interested in him. I needed to understand this, you are my true love.” Tears falling from her eyes. You couldn’t decide if they were real, or she only wanted to make you forgive her.
You faced the wall not wanting to look at her any longer. She left without saying anything more, after a while she came back and left breakfast on the bed. You were scared to eat it. Who knows if she didn't poisoned it. After a few days of staying in the room and only going to the toilet you decided to finally go to the kitchen to fix yourself something to eat and come back to the bedroom. You started learning her routine, most of the day she wasn’t at home. Taking boys to the school, and going straight after that to work. Boys.. Tommy and Billy, you learned their names yesterday, are coming back from school by foot. Wanda always comes back in the evenings. You need to share bed with her. Feeling her hands on your body makes you feel disgusted and at the same time safe.
“Mommy! Do you feel better now?” Little boy asked. You feel teats building in your eyes, as you looked in his own, almost the same color as yours. Every look at boys is tearing down your walls. Every look at them makes you question what you protect yourself from?
“Yeah Tommy, Mommy feels better now. Do you and your brother want something to eat?”
“Mom was giving us money to buy food at and after school.” He confessed. “But.. Today I bought something else.
“ Tom…”
“But wait!” He runned to his room and came back as fast as he could. Holding something behind his back he looked at you with puppy eyes. “Please don’t be mad, I just… I wanted to buy you this! “He gave you a few flowers. Your favorite flowers. “I wanted to make you feel better, and mom told me you love these!”
You wanted to cry really hard. Feeling a knot in your throat you decided to kiss his forehead and take flowers. You put them in the first vase you saw and started searching for things for pancakes.
When Wanda came back home, the first thing that hitted her was the smell, and just a while later boys came running to her, mouths full of food, and telling her you made them pancakes. She smiled nodding at their words. Everything she could think of was you, and how close she must be to finally break you.
Day after day, you were getting closer to the boys. To Wanda you were closer to breaking point. You even started making dinners for boys. For them you even started learning how to cook. After a few weeks of making dinner only for them you also started leaving something to eat for Wanda. You could not talk to her, but you didn't want her to make herself food after a long day of work, and the voice inside your head wanted her to tell you how good your dishes are, how proud of you she is. Today you decided to bake pizza. Boys wanted to help you but it ended up in flour fight.
“And how will I clean it?” You asked looking at Tommy who has all his hair white, and Billy who has his face in white powder.
“Well, mom can help!” Said Billy.
“Well, maybe I can.” Her voice made you shiver. You looked at the clock, she was home earlier. “Boys, go clean yourself before you eat, maybe we can even watch something together.” They hugged her and speeded to the bathroom.
You wanted to call for them to come back. Staying with Wanda in one room was the last thing you wanted to do right now. After the conversation on the first day you woke up here, you never talked. You didn’t want to hear her voice, you were scared. Not only things she could say, but you could actually brake and fall in her arms.
“What do you say sweet girl, want my help?” She gets closer to you. “Or you maybe want to help you also with something else?” You felt her knee between your legs. Oh how long you weren’t touched down there. Knocking on the door saved you from answering. Wanda only huffed and went to see who disturbed her.
“Hey sweetie! I just wanted to ask if you have some sugar. You know, it's late, and all the shops are closed.” After a while an older woman came into the kitchen.
“Love, why don’t you give our neighbor some sugar.” Wanda said. You only nodded. After a few seconds you were handing a stranger a cup of sugar.
“Thanks honey, oh, i forgot to introduce myself, Im Agatha” She said sweetly. You felt hope, maybe she also knows this world is fake. Maybe if you and her get to know each other you could stop Wanda. You saw a spark of hope and didn’t want to give up not now. But Wanda answered faster than you could think about anything you could say.
“And that's Y/N, she's not very talkative, selective mutism.” She lied without stuttering. You hated her almost the same as you loved her. You couldn't fully hate her, everyone but not her.
You looked into the woman's eyes with a pleading look. You didn’t care Wanda could see that, you only hoped Agatha would understand you. Soon the dark haired woman left and Wanda was again next to you. Her face is millimeters of yours.
“What would you say If I give you another child, hm? You weren’t here when boys were small. “Her lips are almost touching yours.”
“Ew! Moms!”
You were glad Billy finally came back. Thanks to your luck for saving you from Wanda twice. Rest of the evening went nice. You fell asleep while watching a movie. Every night you hoped that she would spare you, she would finally give up and let you be free. Oh how wrong you were. Wanda had plans for you, she needed her pretty girl, and no one could change her plans.
Agatha came a few times when Wanda wasn’t at home. You talked to her trying to see if she also knows if this whole world is fake. When you weren’t sure and asked her about this, she said she knew very well about what Wanda did, she wanted to save you. And she tried. You had everything planned, everything seemed so easy. But one day Agatha disappeared. She no longer came to your house, she wasn’t at home. After a few weeks new neighbors moved in. 
And the day when you couldn't take it anymore came earlier than you expected. When Agatha wasn't there anymore you lost your last hope. No one could help you. There was no one else knowing about what Maximoff did. When you opened your eyes and saw the mother of your childs getting ready to work you had decided. Slowly going behind her you hugged her. 
“Thank you for what you did for us Wands”
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rotthepoet · 2 months
Rival!Lorenzo when he finds you crying in the bathroom at a party, as another boy had been yelling at you.
Oooh i think i just creamed my $8 thrifted pants
Okay so lets just accept Rival as every sense of the word. Starting from the beginning you and Lorenzo Berkshire have just not gotten along! It actually began on the train, when you sat down in a compartment, only to be rudely interrupted by this 6foot man built like a twink telling you to get the hell out of “his spot”. And let me tell you, Enzo is not very threatening looking, but the way he glared down at you sent shivers through your whole body. And not the good kind. From there it blossomed into academic rivalry, maybe unfriendly competition, glaring at each other from across DADA, shoving better marks in each others faces. and gods forbid you play quidditch. Full contact trying to knock you off your broom to your death🙏
And i’m gonna be real with you. Boys are mean to people they like. And oh boy, while it takes a long fucking time, Lorenzo is SMITTEN. Irrevocably so. In fact, he’s so smitten that he gets meaner. I’ve talked before about how Enzo reminds me of an 80’s movie bully. This is where that comes in. He is PHYSICAL and willing to risk a detention to see your cute little face angry at him from the floor.(he wants to hate-fuck you so bad, but he doesn’t really hate you, and now he’s confused).
Countless hexes and pranks and tricks and the worst of it was when he spent 3 weeks writing anonymous love letters to you as a secret admirer, told you to meet him in the library after dark. He got you hella detention, tipping Filch off to your breaking of curfew. You dumped two full glasses of pumpkin juice on his head the next morning. He took it like a champ(he figured it was deserved for playing with your heart, although each compliment he wrote in those notes was from the bottom of his heart.) and for the first time, you two laughed together. (Later that day you found out that your ink had been charmed to turn invisible every time you wrote. You threw a balled up sheet of parchment paper with an invisible “fuck you” written on it at him.)
If anyone didn’t hear the way you speak to each other, they’d assume you were an item. Lorenzo’s friends have taken to calling you his girl/boyfriend/partner. Lorenzo doesnt correct them anymore.
With that little context out of the way, let’s flash forward to present day!
Lorenzo’s a little on edge, unable to relax on the sofa with his buddies. He feels the high in his body, slow and buzzing, but he felt completely sober in his head. His eyes kept drifting towards you. You looked nice tonight, absolutely glowing. Maybe it was the lighting. He didn’t care. He liked to watch you smile. And he liked to watch you laugh. And he liked the clothes you wore. And he liked the way you flipped him off with a grin when you saw him across the room. What he didnt like was seeing you dance with this… this nobody! It made his blood boil. And god when he whisked you away, Enzo almost bolted to his feet. He had to play it off to Draco, who tried to follow his gaze.
The world seems to move around Enzo in 2x speed while he sat still. He laughed when his friends laughed, and he spoke but couldn’t remember what he said.
He only broke out of his stupor whenever he heard your name strung together with some other words in his ear.
Lorenzo’s head whips around fast enough that he almost headbutts Pansy Parkinson in the face.
“I said they’re in the bathroom crying. What did you do?”
And Lorenzo doesn’t even remember when he got up from the sofa. He doesn’t remember Draco bitching at him to come back. He doesn’t remember shoving people out of the way. He doesn’t remember opening the bathroom door. He just remembers how sad you looked, trying to dab away your tears in the mirror.
“What happened?”
“No, I’m serious. What happened?”
And you’re quiet when he approaches you. He doesn’t remember when he grabbed the paper towel from you. He doesn’t remember when he reached up to hold your cheek so gently in his hand. He just remembers the wide eyes you gave him as his thumb wiped away tears, and he dried your wet face. He just remembers how hard his heart pounded in his chest when you closed your eyes, crying even harder as you pressed your hand over his.
He remembers when you spoke to him.
“It’s really nothing. I just thought this guy actually liked me but… he just…” and he continues to wipe your tears away as they fall again, “Its just embarrassing. Yknow? That I thought he actually liked me and it wasn’t just for sex.”
Lorenzo doesn’t remember pulling you into a hug, but he remembers the way your hair smelled. The way you shook in his arms. The way your breathing slowed as you calmed down.
“Can you answer me honestly, Lorenzo? Why don’t people like me? What is so unlikeable about me?”
And Lorenzo remembers his heart shattering in his chest. He remembers the wide and confused eyes you gave him when he answered. He remembers the cute blush spreading across your face as you processed his words.
Anyways!!!! Idk if this is what you had in mind! I was originally going to write a fight but I had a rough day at work and needed some fluff in my life<3 i kinda deviated from your idea but im gonna keep this in mind more. thank you so much for rival lorenzo tho, im kinda obsessed with him.
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widowmaxff · 5 months
In overwhelmed, it mentions that Y/N used to be in a dark hole and how Wanda is afraid she’d go back to it. Can you write about it? Like what happened?
hope ur ok
pairings: mom!wanda × daughter!reader (platonic)
warnings: depressed reader, cryingg, bad thoughts, and sad sad things
a/n: okay how did you pay so much attention to what i wrote in overwhelmed bc i didnt even remember writing that 😭 BUT THANK YOU for the request i literally just ramble what was in my head but hope you like it love!
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You don't know when it started, much less why it started. Maybe a few days ago, a month ago, maybe a year ago the signs that something was wrong started to appear. It was almost as if these feelings were always there, just hidden by a layer that was slowly removed and made everything more difficult. It seemed like there were days when you could easily deal with it, maybe ignoring it or just hiding it very well, you didn't know. But there were days that were more difficult. It was more difficult to get out of bed, your appetite was barely there, you didn't want to leave your room, just stay in darkness and total silence. Even though this silence made your head spin, it was better than anyone talking and making you even more depressed.
If someone asked the people closest to you if you were sensitive, you were sure that more than half of them would say no. They would talk about how you had a frozen heart, that you didn't cry when you watched a sad movie, that you didn't fall in love with the character when watching or reading a novel, that you didn't care when someone was fighting with you. But deep down, you knew it was a lie. You felt hard feelings most of the time, including when watching sad films. Maybe you just don't like showing the sadness and emptiness you feel. It makes you feel weak, worthless, and selfish, especially selfish. You shouldn't feel this way, not when you had the perfect life: a loving mother, food on the table, new clothes, and expensive sneakers. Then why?
You didn't really care that you felt depressed, you knew that eventually it would pass, just like every other time - even if that feeling came back some time later, even worse. It wasn't like anyone noticed and said anything to you, even though you were sure most of the adults around you blamed it on teenage hormones when they saw you sulking or just isolating yourself in your room all day. Maybe a few questions like 'are you okay?', even though they knew you would respond with something positive even if everything was falling apart. But there was always someone. Someone who knew that it wasn't just teenage hormones but something that was slowly consuming you. Wanda, your mother, was that someone, and she certainly didn't let those details slip.
The first time you actually showed that you were in a depressing state was on a random Thursday at six-thirty in the morning. Wanda didn't mind much in the first moments when you refused to get out of bed, it was normal for any teenager to not be able to stand school. But when you finally decided to show up for the morning in the Compound's kitchen, she was surprised. You had big black bags under your eyes that were tired and red, looking like you hadn't slept well that night and maybe you had been crying most of it. Wanda didn't take long to ask if something had happened and if you were okay, only receiving a murmur of something like ‘'m fine' before turning back to look at the emptiness of space. Tony who was nearby joked “Maybe the red eyes are because of something she used. Don't tell me you snuck out to a party, Mini Maximoff?”, you'd laugh on any other day, even replying something like 'Yes, I did some hard drugs at a party. How do you know?', but that wasn't the case. Stark laughed to himself after saying that sentence but soon the sound of his voice disappeared when he realized that you hadn't heard him and, apparently, nothing around you.
The second time was right after a mission Wanda had done. It was only three days away from you and everything seemed different when she came back. The first thing she noticed was that you didn't run into her arms when she stepped inside the Compound, much less respond to the messages she sent you a few hours earlier. Obviously like a worried mother she went after you, not taking long to find you in your room with all the lights off, two blankets around your body and how it looked like the things in your room had been in the same place since your mother left for the mission. She turned on the light in your room, hearing a soft growl leave your lips. You were awake and conscious, so it didn't make sense for you to want to be lying down and almost sinking into your mattress at four o'clock in the afternoon. She remembered when you were little and couldn't sleep if at least one light wasn't on, now it was ironic to think that you just lived in the darkness and emptiness of your room without fear that some monster would catch you, because no monster could hurt you like depression was.
Wanda couldn't count how many more episodes like those happened and lasted for several days. She was worried, very worried. She was afraid that you would end up doing something that would hurt you, end everything. It was obvious that your mother tried to ask you what was wrong, how she could help you, but you always said that you just woke up on the wrong foot that morning and that everything was fine. Of course, how were you going to tell her what was happening if you didn't even know. There was no reason for you to feel down like that and not even the absurd desire to just want to close your eyes and not open them again. And every day that passed, this dark hole you were in would get deeper and deeper. You knew you needed to ask for help before it was too late. 
It was no longer strange when once again that week you had no will to live. You look at the clock next to your bed and realize that your mother would be coming to your room to call you for another day in two minutes and a few seconds. Just the thought of 'one more day' made you want to throw up the food you didn't even eat the day before, as that empty feeling made your hunger go away. But as much as vomiting, you wanted to cry, cry until you couldn't take it anymore. And it was no surprise when the tears started to fall and you couldn't stop. Even though you are not a loud person, trying to keep yourself in your own bubble, the sobs wanted to get out of your throat anyway.
“Darling?” Wanda didn't mind knocking on your bedroom door in the morning, since you would be sleeping, well, not at that moment. When she heard the choking sounds you were making to keep from crying, she didn't take long to run towards your body on the bed and get under your covers, pressing you against her chest giving the perfect comfort to let you know that you weren't alone. “Oh, my love.” Wanda has seen you cry, many, many times, but it was so different to see you cry as if you were drowning in a sea and needed help from someone, anyone. “It's okay, Mama is here.” With each passing minute it seemed like the tears were getting even bigger than before, but you tried to focus on Wanda's heartbeat as you placed your hand on her chest, making you feel calmer despite all the panic. 
The lullaby that starts to leave her lips and go straight to your ear makes you start paying attention to the soft melody and not your terrible thoughts. The language Wanda sang in, Sokovian, was not understood by you, but you still remembered when she sang you to sleep on the days you had nightmares. It was as if Wanda was using her magic to calm you down, even though you knew she would never use her powers on you without your permission, but her voice was so sweet that it was more powerful than any of her red magic. Your breathing becomes soft and your movements slow, as if you were choosing the right words to get rid of that moment, but with your mother there it was almost impossible to lie.
“I wanna get help,” You murmur for just her to hear, despite there being no one else in the room with you two. “b-but I don’t even know why I’m like this.” Your crying had stopped, but you still choked to say a few words. Admitting those words out loud seemed like a challenge for you, and when you said them, a weight seemed to lift off your back despite not having yet deciphered all your feelings. And Wanda knew that. She knew how hard you were to avoid looking like a weak person even if you weren't, even if asking for help wasn't a sign of weakness but rather of improvement.
Your mother kisses your head, taking a few seconds before cupping your face and looking at it. “I'm so proud of you, my angel.” You didn't see pity or lies in the expression on her face. You didn't see disappointment and much less as if you were a problem for her. “I'm glad you want to ask for help, and I'm here for it, yeah?” You felt a little guilty when you saw a tear come out of your mother's eyes, but she was still smiling. The same smile you saw when you woke up, or when you told her some good news, or even when you told her a joke. Wanda never wanted you to feel anything negative about her. She never took out any frustration on you, never made you feel bad when you got a bad grade at school, or when you accidentally knocked a glass on the floor. “I will help you with whatever you need, my love. It will be slow, but I promise that the tightness in your chest will pass, okay?”
“I trust you.” She nods before pulling you into a hug that she knew you needed more than anything at that moment. The process would take a long time until you felt well again, you both knew that, but it was never too late. It's never too late to ask for help, because it's normal to need someone to pull you out of the dark hole sometimes, it's normal to not feel good all the time. Having feelings is normal, even if sometimes they are too deep, or too shallow. You just needed to realize that you were never alone, that people around care about you and will always want the best for you. 
“I love you so much. Always remember that.”
“I love you too, Mama.”
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Just a Baby (Part 2)
Kakashi x NarutoMotherFigure!Reader
Part 1 Part 2
Synopsis: When Naruto's parents died, the third Hokage asked you to raise him. You were only a baby back then, but now at the age of 17, with a three-year-old on your hip, you started to see the world as it was. Cruel.
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Your hand moved softly through Naruto's hair. It didn't take much to put him down for his nap and you hated to admit that you were beyond tired. The way your eyes drooped would suggest to anyone that you were severely sleep-deprived, so the fact that it would take you 5 minutes flat to be out wouldn't shock them.
What they didnt know is that the nightmares made it difficult to stay asleep.
Kakashi leaned against the door frame, eyes narrowing as you resisted the urge to leave Naruto's side. You needed sleep and he was kicking himself for not noticing that his absence was the cause of it. "C'mon, Y/n… Why don't we go lay down sweetheart?"
A sigh came from you but you didn't budge, the incident at the market was still circling around in your mind. The way the lady talked about Naruto like he was an animal was upsetting, the looks that everyone threw your way only made it worse. They truly saw him as a monster, but looking at his 4 year old face, you knew he was anything but a monster.
He was your baby. A sweet, funny and caring little boy. He wasn't the monster the parents would warn their children about. He was just Naruto.
Kakashi pushed off from the door frame as he heard a tiny sniffle come from you. He got down onto the floor beside you and wrapped his arm around you, "Don't cry… Those people don't know him like we do."
You inhaled shakily at the words as tears fell down your cheeks, landing on the bed below. Naruto looked so peaceful and innocent, it broke your heart knowing that he would only know hatred from anyone other than you and Kakashi. "How can they be so cruel to him… He's just a baby. He didn't choose for this to happen to him" you cry out softly only breaking Kakashi's heart further. Your reaction was warranted and expected, but he knew the pain you were feeling was heightened because of your lack of proper sleep.
Kakashi moved to press his lips against your forehead as his fingers came up to play with your hair. Your eyes began to droop and you could feel the edge of sleep creeping into your vision. Kakashi pulled you more into him and positioned your head into the crook of his neck all while he continued to soothe you through the ache.
"Why don't we go to bed?"
Your eyes drooped close but he felt your small nod against his skin. Before you knew it, you both had moved into your room and were snuggled deep into the blankets. "I don't wanna go to sleep" you whined out as you tried your best to fight against the hands of dreamland. Kakashi pulled you into his side before resuming playing with your hair, "You need rest-
"The nightmares-"
"I'm here now. The nightmares can't harm you."
"But they feel so real. I hate them" you choked out, fingers gripping onto his shirt as if it would keep you tethered to the world of light and happiness. As if he could keep you from falling into the dark dreams that haunt you. Kakashi sighed as you curled into his side like a child. He's never seen you so afraid of your dreams, not like this at least.
"What do you dream of?"
Silence answered him, and for a split second he wondered if you had fallen asleep. "The masked man came to take Naruto away and I could do nothing to stop him."
Kakashi didn't know if he was breathing, all he felt was his heart breaking for you. Your voice sounded so small, as if speaking too loud would make your dreams come true.
But he wouldn't let that happen.
Even if for some reason the masked man did come back, he would protect the both of you with his life. "I won't let anything hurt you, hurt either of you. I'm sorry I've been absent but know that you've always been protected while I'm gone."
Your eyebrows furrowed at that and you pushed up a little to show him your confusion, but he only shot you a smile and pulled you back down onto him. You didn't need to know that he always left a dog to keep watch over you and Naruto, it didn't matter. His dog would protect you, yes, but you needed him.
"Will you stay with me? Just for a couple of days?"
Kakashi nodded and pressed a kiss to your head, "I'll stay for as long as you need me to. But I won't be leaving until the bags under your eyes disappear." You nodded against him and snuggled into his chest. The dark hands of sleep were starting to pull you under and for once in a long time…
You welcomed it.
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wonbin-truther · 5 months
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i will
bf! mark x reader - 715 words
hurt/comfort , non idol au
"its always you" mark whispers, hands cupping your cheeks as if you were made of glass as tears fell from his eyes.
it seemed like everything had been going wrong recently. your car had broken down, you misplaced your house keys, you and your best friend got into an argument, and other things that had been building up as the days continued. you could feel yourself slipping into the dark hole you had once pulled yourself out of by the skin of your teeth.
everything boiled over today. first you overslept, curled up in your boyfriends arms so comfortably you missed all your alarms. you showed up to class 15 min late, causing the professor to kick you out. next, you had studied weeks for an exam worth 75% of your grade and failed it horribly. the final thing was your car breaking down for the 3rd time, leaving you to walk back to your small apartment.
you could already feel tears picking your eyes as you kicked off your shoes and collapsed onto the couch. the pounding headache making it hard to gain the strength to get up and finish the housework and classwork that had to get done. you sighed, pushing yourself up to take care of the pilled up responsibilities.
at some point into your now 4 hour studying session your boyfriend mark let himself into your place. "hey babe?" his voice rang through the silence. you didnt respond, focused on the math problem that had your head in your hands. you heard the footsteps get louder as he found his way to your room, pushing open the door. he walked over to your place at the desk and kissed the top of your head. he knew better to interrupt when you were focused.
it had now been 7 hours since you started studying. mark noted how you havent moved from that position despite him trying to get you to eat and drink water for the last 3 hours he was there. he stood up from your bed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pressing a kiss to your temple.
"babe dont you think its time for a break"
"not now"
"lets just get dinner quickly"
everything was starting to bubble over and you could feel the stress getting to you. without thinking you yelled out, "jesus fucking christ mark leave me alone!" you didnt have time to realize what you said until mark let go of you, walking out the door wordlessly. you let the tears fall down your face as you buried your face in your hands. to add on top of the shitty weak, you can put losing your boyfriend.
little did you know mark hadn't gone very far, standing just outside your room so he could take a breather. he heard your muffled sobs and spun on his heel, pushing open your door and making his way to your shaking figure. he turned your chair around so that he had room to kneel in front of you, moving your hands out of your face so he could get a better look at you. you stared at him through wet eyelashes and jumped to hug him, knocking him to the floor and burying your face in his shoulder as you sobbed harder.
he held you close, rubbing circles into your back.
"my love its okay. what happened?" he spoke softly, holding you as close to himself as he could.
"i dont deserve you," he made out between your sobs.
"what do you mean?"
"you're too good for me. i dont deserve it"
his heart broke into a million pieces as he felt tears prick his eyes. he pulled you away from his shoulder, cupping your face in his hands. he left kisses all over your face, making you scrunch your nose and let out a small giggle as he continued to pepper them around your face. as he pulled away, you caught a tear slip down his cheek.
"why are you crying?" you stared at him, placing your hands over his.
"i hate when you cry. you deserve more than the universe could ever give you. it'll always be you my pretty girl," he left a gentle kiss on your lips and you happily kissed back. he pulled away and rubbed the stray tears from your cheeks.
"cuddle and watch a movie?" you asked
"whatever my girl wants to do"
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a/n not proofread so idk if theres mistakes here 😭
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midnightblues444 · 1 year
Yebbas heartbreak |
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Suguru Geto x fem! Reader
Warnings: angst, teen pregnancy, grief, slight mention of mature content
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blankley staring at the celling of your dimely lit room. The soft snores of the baby beside you fill the silence as you attempt to make out shapes that stay hidden in the dark.
It makes you think of how Suguru always saw the things you couldn't, not just because of his sorcerer abilities but his general perception of the world around him.
You loved that about him.
He knew how to pick up on things that seemingly weren't there.
You never completely understood the whole sorcerer thing. You remember the feeling of confusion in your heart after you first learnt he was going to jujutsu tech for high school.
You worried for the boy who you've seemingly spent your whole life with being without you and you without him.
Remembering how he held you tight, calm and sure that youd be okay, kissing your forehead and pinching your cheeks, with his signature grin and a playful remarks.
He made you realise he would in fact be alright at his new school, sealing it off with a vow that he'd be careful with curses.
With that you found ways to make due with the distance, his new friend Gojo would help sneak him out. For dates in Harajuku and make outs in the school.
Slowly though, you think of the transition from day visits to spending the nights exploring the other, beginning a new chapter of your relationship.
As each others firsts, feather light kisses filled with nervous giggles and whispered I love yous, he made it beautiful every time you did it
You knew eventually the magic would turn into something that would catch up to you.
You remember buying the test and calling him, crying telling him how you didnt want to do any of it alone, to which he promised, you would never have to.
He kept to his word
Even with his head bowed as both sets of parents raged at him for your reckless behavior. He held your hand, squeezing it, wordlessly telling you he loved you
You remember how he and his friends documented the pregnancy, leaving messages for when the unborn baby arrived. Uncle Satoru, gathering footage for you two.
As the day came nearer your doctor commanded bedrest until delivery. Suguru grew anxious, chewing at his lip as the doctor spoke. You knew how he tended to spiral under stress, he always preferred to deal with shit alone and push you out until he was ready.
You knew he'd be ready eventually
You never expected it to get too bad
Even when he was visibly exhausted, dark circles under his eyes, he hadn't been eating, your Suguru was doing it alone. "I'm just tired" he'd say dejected, absentmindedly kissing your forehead when he'd come visit your bedside.
Maybe you should've done more
When you found out about what he had done to his parents. Your body froze,a denial and grief, mixed with unmatched confusion seeped into your senses.
That night, you heard something fall in the nursery, you abandoned your bed, with sore feet and navigated to the room.
There he stood, peering over the empty crib. You didn't realise you were shaking,and the source of your fear; the man you love.
" Sugu...?" not so much a question and your voice barely a whisper.
He slowly approached you, touching your belly, softly caressing the skin, kneeling to kiss it.
"you still love me"
"Suguru please..." warm tears slip down your cheeks, you begged him not to leave, you pleaded that it's a bad dream. He mumbled something about his "off spring" before he left
You cant help but think that's why he spared you, the baby in your belly binding you to him
But anyways that was the last time you saw him, before Gojo told you everything. Suguru had more going on than you knew
Your newborn son in your arms, you were alone Suguru wasnt there , exhaustion and a strange feeling weighing your heart.
You stare at the ceiling tearing up at the memories, you hated when you thought about him, you always spiral into the entire story. Leaving you here, puffy eyes and small wishing he was here.
He promised to be here
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secret-smut-sideblog · 8 months
Prey Drive
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Astarion x F! Dark Urge
18+ violence, death, dark urges (duh), bloodlust (literally), fingering (f!), roughness, deranged shit and I'm not sorry, tenderness
Her violent needs going unfed for too long, Astarion has an idea to help...
"Hunting..." She sighed, exhausted. Then seemed to consider. "Would that even work? Animals?"
It had been a long time since their last battle, her last bloodshed. Consumed with more mundane but equally important tasks.
She hid it well but he could see the strain in her body, the circles under her eyes. Knew she hadn't been sleeping, faking until the rest of the their companions fell under. Getting up to walk the perimeter of camp in circles, far from them. Far from him.
It hurt him to be away from her but he understood. If there was anything he understood it was hunger.
Pulling her reluctant to his tent, just for a moment, he promised. He had an idea.
"Honestly, I dont know." Laying on his bed roll he looked up at her, her gentle hand smoothing one of his curls back into place. Her eyes dark rimmed, tired. Sitting openly but limbs stiff.
Recognized so many of his own long nights in her exhaustion.
"But Gods, It's worth a shot right? Besides," Sitting up to reach her, putting on a fake pout. "I get so lonely out there most nights."
She rolled her eyes, smiling. "Oh you poor thing." Nuzzling into his neck. "How could I desert you in your time of need."
"Ready?" He asked, the glow of her eyes uncertain. They stood together on the treeline outside camp. The night air still.
"I guess so." She murmured. "It feels weird to be out of my armor." Smoothing her hands down her camp clothes.
"We'll be much quieter this way, darling."
"Yes, yes, you've explained." She huffed, the slightest tremble in her hand.
"Nervous?" He whispered, voice kind.
Her eyes fell shut, a dejected sigh. "Yeah."
He threaded his hand in hers. Thumb brushing the inside of her soft wrist.
"You aren't going to hurt me." A command, a blessing.
"I'm not going to hurt you." Gripped his hand in determination.
Though they had been careful, stealthy, there was little in the woods that night. He tried not to show the desperation on his face. He wanted to help, really wanted to help.
Between the two of them he was rarely the one to offer solutions. Often bringing in new problems. Needing to prove himself. He knew she would huff at him if she knew but it was important to him.
Her eyes didnt betray any despair as they stalked the empty forest, if anything she seemed more focused. Moving just as quiet as him, steps sure. Always thrived under pressure.
His ears picked up voices, seeing the faintest glimmer of light on the trail far beneath them. Hooded figures moving in the dark. Cultists, of course.
He sighed, no wonder there was nothing. These imbeciles stomping their way through like rothe in heat.
Turned to her to reassure her, they'd try again tomorrow.
A flash of silver hair.
Running. She was running.
Startled, he almost called out to her but had no time, planting his feet to take off after her. Ducking and weaving through the underbrush.
Gods, how was she so fast.
Like a bat out of Hells she burst from the treeline, leaping down onto one of the figures. Heard a startled cry. The three other robed men turning sharply in shock. Pulling daggers from their sides.
Glad he had the foresight to bring it he readied his bow. Firing down shot after shot into the chests of the men attempting to descend on her. The sound of many arrows hissing through the air.
His eyes still trained on the pierced men, assuring they stay dead, he stepped down onto the gravel.
A wave of blood struck the ground below the cultist she was straddling. Another. Another.
He hadnt seen her pull her dagger, had he?Confused he stepped closer. On tip-toe he skirted around her side, curious.
Her entire front drenched in blood, her sharp teeth ripped into flesh. Head wrenching side to side. Clawed hands gripping the soil. Moaning and slurping.
Gods, was she..? She was. She was drinking.
Heat spread like a fever from his pelvis, eyes wide.
She groaned in ecstasy, talons digging into the wound. Pulling open for more.
The whole front of her face, her hairline stained dark. Grinding her hips into her prey.
Unbelievably aroused he watched her, dumbstruck.
Lifting the limp body up she ripped and ripped with her talons, eyes closing as the last of the blood struck her. Leaning back on her haunches in a scattered puddle of it. Eyes closed she slicked it back into her hair. Throwing the body down, chest heaving.
Gods he needed her. Badly. But had no idea if she was sated. If he could be next if he tried to touch her. Surely one couldn't be enough.
Taking the dagger from the dead he plunged it into a chest. Sternum cracking against his force.
Glowing eyes whipped to his work. Up to him.
"Take more." He urged, his voice a pant.
Descending on fresh meat she kneeled next to the body, plunging her hand inside the hole he made. Other hand wrenching, cracking the ribcage open.
He moaned, straddling around her back. Pulling her hair from her neck. Licking long stripes up the still warm viscera coating her.
Crack, crack, crack. Her hand caressed the still heart, viscera coated up to the elbow. Expertly spinning the discarded dagger in her free hand she cut into the valves, freeing it.
Reaching his hand around her front he pushed his hand into her waistband. Finding her drenched. Plunging his fingers inside with a groan. Oh this was very wrong.
Her prize in hand she bit into it, a garbled whine of pleasure. Hips rolling into his hand, knees pushing out to give him more access.
Trailing messy kisses down her neck he was entranced. Pulling her collar from her shoulder, groaning at the line of clean skin that it revealed.
His free hand cupped her breast, the blood squelching against her, pushing between his fingers. Watching her bite and tear in awe, unbearably hard. Grinding into her lower back to get some relief.
Turning her head she caught his mouth in hers, her desperate whine filling his mouth. His other hand coming to rub hard on her clit. Blood soaked hand reaching up behind, talons digging into the back of his neck. The pain sharp, delicous.
She was already almost there, he could tell. Death, despite her best efforts, her strongest aphrodisiac. Her body rolling in waves, rising onto her knees. He kept pace with her, not letting up.
Ripping her shirt open, needing to see her breasts move with their riding. Biting and suckling on her earlobe.
"I'm, I-" She whimpered.
"Dont you dare hold back." He growled in her ear. Hand gripping her hair taut. Fingers unwavering.
Going rigid against his pull she muffled a moan. "No." He pulled her hair hard. "Louder."
She whined a handful of desperate moans, clenching hard on his fingers. Buckling into him, a huge wave about to hit her.
Teeth gnashing, a guttural growl erupted from her that slid into a shriek, her whole body erupting, shaking. Gripping his neck so hard she drew blood. Driving the dagger hard into the ground, just barely grazing his thigh. The slick gushing out of her onto his waiting fingers.
He came along with her, shocking himself. Shuddering hard against her gore slicked body. Hips stuttering against her back. Groaning a cry into her neck. The inside of his trousers a mess.
She turned to face him, catching his mouth in a hungry kiss. Fingers tangling in his hair.
The inside of her mouth still lined with blood. Licking it out of her with a growl.
The sound of many unfamiliar voices coming down the trail broke his trance, hers too it seemed.
Body stiffening she came back to herself, grabbing his hand and leaping up, moving like lightning to the cover of the forest.
Running again, he wanted to laugh. Watching both his feet and her. His love stained all red. Both of them a joined bloody blur in the moonlight.
Reaching a clearing she released his hand, fell to hands and knees. Dry heaving, coughing. Wrenching forward.
He fell in front of her, cupping her face in his hands. "Its okay, I'm okay, you're okay." A chant. Forced her eyes on his. "You're in control. You're right here."
She gripped his hand against her face, eyes wild. Took big shaky diaphragm breaths, trying to steady herself. He breathed in tandem with her, encouraging.
"You've got this, I'm here. I'm here."
She buried her face in his shoulder, gripping his shirt. Breathing him in. Relaxing into him. Coming back.
"How do you feel, Bhaal-babe?" He teased.
She groaned at the name, but he knew she loved it. "All spawned out, if I'm being honest." Paused, getting serious again. "Better, much better." She muffled into his shirt.
"I'm so proud of you." He smiled into her wet hair.
Heard her laugh. Pulling him further into her. "You're the only person who could ever say that about what I just did."
"Well, did I die?"
She snorted into his shirt. Sighed into him, body fully releasing. His hand trailing in her hair. Nuzzling, his voice soft into her. "You're so much stronger than you think."
After a moment she took a deep breath, pulling away. Smiling up at him. Her eyes so full of light it made his chest ache.
She looked down and groaned.
"Oh Gods, I'm going to have to throw these clothes away, arent I?" She pulled at them, dejected. "I like this shirt..."
"Oh please, we'll get you a new shirt. A better shirt."
"...Were we actually just fucking?" She groaned in embarrassment.
"That was my favorite part."
She hit his back in protest. "And our companions think I'm the deranged one..."
"Was it your favorite part?"
"Of course it was, you degenerate."
Part 4
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drkbluedream · 2 months
Please... Make a fanfic of one of the Sabbath crew, anyone.
Thank you🫶
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Leaving a toxic relationship is a hard thing. Not really when you are the toxic one maybe.
Mention drugs
Cast ; Yoo Wooin, Joker
Clear sky turned dark after cloud decide to cover the surface. Seems like it's going to rain sooner or later. You look around panicked. You didn't bring any umbrella to use and there's not much place to hide from rain.
You turn on your phone and made sure you have arrived at the right place. You supposed to be at Wooin hangout area but it's very quiet. Probably they know it's going to be raining so they change place to meet. You sigh and hugs your knees. Having a thought about how waste of time, money and energy for you to come here.
You plan to meet him, have a talk, and beg for forgiveness. You regret asking for a breakup from Wooin that you decided to end everything. But you was on one of your so called episode.
So here you are. Alone, in dark alley, with nothing. No extra clothes, not much money, and no internet connection. Maybe you should've told him that you want to meet him. That's going to help you out for sure. But you got feeling that he will reject your invitation if you said you were coming.
While you were about to cry, you heard steps coming closer to you. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
You immediately look up as you heard his voice. The excitement you felt make you immediately stand on your feet and hug him. "Wooin, I miss you"
Wooin didn't seems shocked with your action to suddenly come without saying, hug him without warrant. After all he been with you for a long time before. He knows you inside and out. As you crying on his chest, he just pat your head and stroke you back. "There there. I'm here now, right?"
Situation went silent for few minutes where you don't want to let go of the hug and Wooin didn't seems care if you want to stay in that position for a long time. Both of you just stand there, hugging, like a statue.
"Who do you come here with?" He asked.
You just shake your head that 'stuck' on his chest. "Cab" you answer, short.
Wooin stay silence a bit. "then what's your plan after coming here?"
You looking at him as you dumfounded by his question. "I don't.. have one" you let go of the hug as you sure it will trouble him a lot. You can hear Wooin sighing after listening to your answer.
"You didnt book a hotel for yourself to stay didn't you?"
And you shake your head again.
Stupid girl with a stupid plan.
"I'm sorry I can't let you stay in my place. You know I stayed with Joker right?" Wooin said. But after looking at your pathetic state, he called Joker and explain your situation.
You glad that Joker understand and allow you to stay over for one night. Even though if he doesn't want let you stay, you planned to drag Wooin along with you.
You follow Wooin to their house. It's not very tidy yet not messy either. It's a house of two guys. It's normal to have some mess here and there. You don't look around much. Your eyes just stick on Wooin. Unsure how to convince him to get back together with you.
You aware it's your fault for being stupid enough to ask for breakup. But who thought Wooin will easily accept it? Not you obv. You thought he really in love with you that he don't want to let you go but turn out he is not. He doesn't really care about you. He just treat you the same way he did to anyone who ask for attention from him. Then why you desperate for him? Because you never feel loved.
"You can stay in my room and I will sleep in--" without letting Wooin finish his sentence, you grab him by his collar and kiss him.
"What is this? New tactic?" he chuckle and push you.
Wooin is weird. Even though you guys brokeup, he don't mind you kiss him, hug him pestering him. Perhaps he loves the attention. Perhaps he like the idea of you need him. He did say he won't push you away after breakup but doesn't this too much?
Some might say it's better to stay the way it is. You and him still could do what couples do. No it's different. What you need is unwanted attention. Good morning and goodnight chat. Weird updates. Sharing ideas and jokes. Sleep calls and all. Usually Wooin will chat you first when you were in relationships. But after you guys brokeup it's all gone. Obv. Wooin still will do those if you ask for it. But you look desperate so you stopped.
But then here you are. Looking up at him trying to read him mind. Does this guy still want you or does he just seriously look at you as a friend? 'we still can be friend' that was his last word when you guys brokeup before you hang-up the call. Long distance is hard indeed.
"Do you really don't want to give me second chance?" You hold his shoulder and make it to support you while you tiptoing, try to match his height.
He didn't answer you and avoid eye contact. Yet his hand around your waist, making sure you to not fall.
"Do you enjoy breaking my heart? Listen to my sobs and cry whole my heart on the phone?" Yes yes you called him and beg for second chance but you got rejected twice. Pathetic girl still not give up on him and come to meet him even though the distance between both of you more than 200km.
"It's time for you to feel what I felt" he answered. His voice soft but it's clear he is clench his teeth. Wooin take a deep breath and look at you. "Don't think I don't love you. I do. I still do infact."
You look at him with teary eyes. He said all that but it feels like he doesn't mean it. You try to find his sincerity but there is none. He moved on. "Was I being hard on you?"
Wooin just nod.
You can't hold your tears that I dropped. Wooin wipe it off and bring your head to his chest.
How can't you still love this man?
He said he won't give you second chance but his actions is otherwise.
"I forgave you." He again, patted your back.
You grab his face and kiss him. You try to hold his groin from outside of his pants but he hold your hand.
"I didn't do it with someone who isn't my partner."
Again. He reject you again.
"Please. One last time. I will be gone forever from your life" your tears falls as you begged. So unlady like. Yet he smile and wipe it off your face. "There there. Don't cry"
Wooin lead you to his room and make you sit on his bed. He didn't turn on the light as he aware you have been insecure with you body. He kiss you and slowly push you to make you lay down on his bed. Slowly he kiss your cheeks, neck, and your ears.
"I want to see you" you sobs and try to find him in dark.
But unfortunately you can feel a cloth wrapped on your eyes. Probably tie that he have around him. Then you can feel he open your clothes, only to leave it wrapped around your wrist. Leaves you immobilized.
"Wooin, please. I want to see you" you can't handle the feel of wanting to see your love of life while having make love. You aware you should have never reject his request to open the light while doing it.
You can hear the switch been turned on.
"I don't know what you have been insecure but you are so pretty."
You can feel he start kneeling above you and his hand slowly move from your chest to your hips.
"It's flawless" Wooin whisper.
"Wooin, I'm scared. Please. I want to see you"
Your boobs have been fondle with a pair of hand that you really familiar with. You can feel the callouses on his palm. It shows how long someone been training with his bike. After awhile, something hot and wet lick your nipple, makes you become bit more sensitive. With his split tongue, and piercing, it feels a bit more different.
It’s quiet yet the room filled by your sinister voice, moaning and pleading him for more. Wooin didn’t leave your pussy alone. He put one of his knee there and you, who have been craving for him, start to move your hips, riding on his thighs.
“You are wet. Just from a bit of tease”
“Only for you”
“Liar” he bite your nipple made your voice stuck on your through. Shocked by pain and pleasure. “My fave M” he slap you boobs before going down on you.
You can feel he ripped your panties after tossing your skirt upside. It always been Wooin favourite. Ripping your panties. You also intentionally wear the one that’s easy to rip off.
Wooin keeps spreading your legs apart and hold with his two hands. Rubbing your thigh and kiss around your private area.
You can feel hot breath around your private part. You can hear Wooin’s trying to clear his throat before sticking out his tongue and lick the opener of your pussy. His finger playing with your clit, making sure he stimulates you perfectly.
Eating you out while fingering you is a heaven for him. Have i mentioned he has split tongue and piercing? Everytime the piercing touches your clit, it gives you more weird sensation. With you unable to push him as your hand is stuck on bed head, he could go as long as he can. Your thigh keeps sandwiching him but it doesn’t bother him. Infact he is happy that your smell is conquering him. Wooin hope the time would stop. He hope he can rewind time and back to the time where he reject to meet you on your birthday. Yea he regret but what’s done is done.
Wooin didnt stop when you shower his face with your dirty squirt. He lick it clean. Drink you as if he didnt get any water ever since he wokeup this morning. When he realised your asshole been twitching, he start to lick that area too. He knows you have been playing with your back door for more pleasure.
The more you beg to the faster his hands do his work. He use his tongue at the fullest. “Beg more” he said. The vibration from his voice gives you more sensation. “Beg like a little slut”
He stopped when you almost come. You whine but you can feel how wide Wooin’s lips curl. Satisfied with your reaction. That was intentional. Making you cum non stop and deny it.
He continues edging you again and again. Makes you hear your own voice begging and plead. Mixed with noise your wet pussy made.
“Can you hear that babe? You pussy wet for me” “Yes, scream my name more. Beg more” “Oh how i love your voice turned raspy and you gasping for air” “Stop trying to break free. Itll live bruises.”
“I will let you know why i do this ok, love?.”
His hand stopped and flip your body. Putting your body on his thigh. He rub your ass thats buttnaked. Eh
“Gaslight” “Manipulated” “Abusive” “Dishonest” “Anger issue”
Every words he said, followed by spank on your butt. Didnt let you relax even a bit. Didnt even feel sorry for you even a bit. Your ass turns bright red with visible vein that looks like almost burst. Didnt let you rest, he put in a plug in your butt and continue.
“Trust issues” “Obsessive” “Negative” “How am i supposed to get back with someone like you? You dont love yourself.”
Wooin then stopped a bit. He stroke the idea that been spanked by him.
“I do love you. Even now. But i need to prioritise myself too. I cant let you drag me down. Not until i know i can stand on my feet. I wont let anyone drag me down.” He play with your back.
“I forgive you, dont worry. I dont hate you. I know you will eventually come here so i prepare something for you. I dont mind if you hate me after this. I will disappear. Not from this world. Just from your world.” He said that while rubbing your lower stomach. Remembered how much he hate the idea of having kids.
“Take this as my last gift from me for you”
Wooin hands lead your face to face him. Without seeing anything, you kiss his mouth. It was really intense kiss. You can feel he try to pass some short of pill inside of your mouth but you try to reject. He hold your cheek with his hand, leave your mouth open abit, enough to make it enter your mouth and continue kissing you.
Gave up, you just let him kiss you with the pills that you swallowed. Not long after, you feel extreme pleasure and you see a lot of colour pop infront of you. You feel happy and thats the last thing you remember before you passed out.
You wake up with feeling heavy. You try to look around but failed as everything is blurry. Its not bright yet not really dim. Its cold and quiet. Remembered you were in Wooin room, you try your best to sit and then stand.
“Wooin?!” You shout his name. Your throat feels so dry and burning. Tears coming out from your eyes without any particular reason.
“Wooin??” You crawl out of bed. Your body feels hot as if you burning alive. All your joints feel weak that its really hard for you to even crawl.
You arrived infront of the door. “W-wooin”
Again, you fall. Last thing you remember is you see Joker carry you and put you on the bed.
The stuffs he gave you turn out to be ecstasy that he has been selling to high schoolers.
Who expect thats the last time you meet Wooin? He deleted all his pictures and his number on your phone. Blocked you on socmed, change his username everything. He, himself, take down and delete all post you made about both of you on your socmed.
Even waited at Joker place, he said Wooin wont come back. You endup staying at his place for few days before going home.
Yeah he didnt comeback.
All his friends refuse to talk to you. Or answer anything regarding him.
What break you the most is he didnt put his dick inside of you :D ----------------
i got an ask long time ago to write specifically Wooin from Sabbath being toxic in relationship. and i feel bad to ignore this ask too long so i decide to use this ask. thankyou for reaching out. sorry for taking long time. i went through a lot.
based on real event
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dwritesit · 11 months
this was supposed to be just a ramble about t4t phantom dew scissoring but it turned into a whole. thing.
unedited, i just wrote this on my breaks at work today lol
tags?: trans ghouls, cunt/pussy/clit/dick/tit used to describe their anatomy, scissoring, puppy as a petname, looots of petnames for tommy
word count: 3244
read under the cut!
dew coming back from a trip, an errand that ifrit used to take care of and is now dews responsibility. he's tired, pent up from having to go alone, and he misses his mates so much that it drags at him - but its late when he arrives at the abbey so he knows he's going to have to wait until morning for any sort of pack cuddles or... more than that.
he heads right for his room, fumbling to balance all of his belongings while he pushes the door open, and he's met with the most delectable sight.
he nearly drops his bags when the scent hits him like a punch to the nose. lavender and mint, electric on his taste buds as his tongue darts out to lick his lips. the scent burrows into dews gut, quickly burning into heated desire as sweet whimpers tickle his ears.
"what's this, puppy?" dew will ask, slowly setting his things down.
phantom whines at the name, his hips still thrusting against the pillow like an invisible force is moving them. the quintessence ghoul’s cheeks are blotchy, hes been crying, wailing as he gets close to the edge but can never reach the finish line. he didnt register dew at first, so lost in his heat, in the sensation of dews pillow against his little dick, but as soon as he realizes dew is there, the fire ghouls name is flying off his tongue like a reverence.
dew takes in the sight before him. phantom, bare as the day he was summoned, his lilac and white patched skin glinting with sweat. his plush lips were swollen, they looked bitten, chewed with worry as the poor ghoul tried desperately to catch his release and was met only with more need. dark hair, streaked with white at the front was a mess, poking out in all different directions. what really caught dew was phantoms eyes. how his furrowed brow scrunches and precious tears continue to tumble down his soft cheeks as the fire ghoul stares at him.
"please," phantom says shakily. his hips slow, and dews breath catches in his chest as he admires the large, dark patch on his off-white pillowcase. it wont come out, he already knows, its going to smell of the quint ghoul's desire for him until theyre long gone from the earth. dew doesnt care. he plans to shove his face in the pillow after the night is over and breathe it in while he touches himself.
it burns through him, lust, need, want, desperation. like he's pulling phantom's emotions off his shoulders and adding them to his own. it makes him feel lighter, and he wants to pounce and ravage and take the sweet ghoul apart, to make him cry. equally, it fills him with warmth. with passion, love, makes him feel gooey inside to find one of his mates waiting for him like this - that phantom had missed dew just as he had missed him.
so he moves slowly. though his quickly stiffening clit spasms in his boxers. he takes his time, keeping eye contact with phantom, who is beginning to look more curious than distraught, as dew sits down on a bench across from the bed to untie his boots.
phantom stills himself, watching the fire ghoul, waiting for instructions and dew knows it. the room is quiet, and dew also knows how the other ghoul tends to squirm against the lack of rules. hed be desperate to know what sort of game dew is about to play - maybe he will be patient and wait for dew to tell him what is going to happen, or-
"im sorry," it's almost a whisper, voice coarse probably from crying. it makes dew wonder why none of the other ghouls had gotten to the room first, they must have heard the shouts of pleasure throughout the entire hallway lined with their separate bedrooms.
dew clicks his tongue as he slides one boot off and then moves to the other, taking his eyes away from phantom to focus on his task. there was a wet patch spreading through his own underwear, making his fingers shake against the strings. he cant wait to take phantom apart.
"sorry for what, baby boy?"
phantom whines, "your pillow, dewy. i ruined your pillow."
the other boot comes off and hits the floor with a loud thud. dews tail flicks at the nickname he only allows this puppy to use.
"that's okay, you didn't do anything wrong. its just a pillow," dew says as he stands. he shucks off his jacket and tosses it over a chair, but leaves the rest of his clothes on as he approaches the bed. he watches phantoms eyes flick up and down his body, a silent question as to whether or not dew planned to stay clothed. dew doesn't answer it.
"why didn't you ask one of the others to help you? you're in heat." he says instead, and phantoms eyes well up again in response, "did you miss me?"
phantom nods fervently, catching his lower lip on one of his fangs in an attempt to not cry.
"just-just wanted you. needed- need you. it hurts"
dew understands this; many of the ghouls' heats often craved for a specific partner in the beginning, sometimes craving the mate they hadn't been with in a while, or in dew's case, it was always rain who he was bonded with. the heat doesn't settle until it gets what it wants.
dew reaches out to stroke phantom's cheek, and the quintessence ghoul leans into his hand heavily, a crackling purr kicking in instantly as he nuzzles dews skin. dew's own purr spurs to life, filling the silence with their rumbles. he feels good. being needed, being missed. and phantom's openness, some might call naïve, but to dew it was beautiful. the quint ghoul unburdened by shame, wearing all of his emotions on his pretty features, not yet instilled with the insecurities and fears many of the other ghouls gathered during their time on earth. a part of dew aches, remembering how he had once been just as vulnerable, splaying his heart out for all of his lovers - he's grateful for their patience with him now. he's grateful for this ghoul in front of him who doesn't even know yet that one might judge the display of emotions.
"need me to take care of you, sweet bug?" dew asks, bringing his other hand up to cup phantom's face. phantom nods in the hold, his body squirming under dew's watchful eyes. the fire ghoul considers what the next step is, should be. phantom often enjoyed when dew was mean, the back of a hand against his cheek, but tonight felt heavier than that. thick with more than just lust, softer around the edges.
"are you going to be good for me?" dew asks, taking step back, a shiver running down his spine as phantom chases his touch. the way he needs him makes possessiveness spark inside dews chest.
"always," phantom promises. dew takes another step back, just so he can see all of phantom before him. still poised on his knees, cunt pressed to the pillow. dew can tell he's itching for more friction, lilac tail hitting the mattress in quick succession.
"always good for me," dew says, "show me then."
"show you?" phantom tilts his head to the side cutely.
"show me how you were before i got home, tell me what you were thinking about."
phantom swallows visibly, nodding as he mentally prepares, "no teasing right?"
"i wont tease you tonight, sweet bug. just want to see how beautiful you are when you're so desperate for me."
phantom flushes at the words and nods again, more eagerly, "i was..." he grinds down on the pillow softly, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment at the sensation, "i was thinking about you... missed you so much."
"did you miss my cock, baby?" dew gently palms himself through his pants, they were almost soaked through already.
phantom shook his head, "n-no, i mean - yes! always... but i wanted-want just you."
dew stares as phantom rolls his hips down harder. his little patch of hair above his slit is glistening with his slick, the puffiness of his lips are mesmerizing as they drag across the fabric. dews desire to grab and devour is almost as strong as his want to take his time with the other ghoul.
"i was thinking about that-that time when i felt- shit, felt you against me," phantoms words trail off into a moan. dew steps forward, unable to stop himself from lifting phantom's chin so he can swallow the sounds off of his tongue. he kisses him greedily; slow and deep, savoring his sharp, electric flavor, phantom continuing to let out sweet little noises into dew's mouth as he ruts against the pillow. when he lets go, phantom keens loudly.
"can we please?"
"please what, baby boy?" dew knows what.
"dewy, i need to feel you. i need it. it hurts, please."
dew kisses him again, filthier this time, until there's spit dribbling down his chin. he moans into it, which spurs the other ghoul on further, "you need to feel my pussy on yours?"
phantom cries out, hips stuttering at the words, more weak than even dewdrop is to dirty talk. dew knows it, revels in it.
"please, please!" phantom begs.
"want me to ride your sweet little cunt like last time?" dew emphasizes the words by reaching down between them to slide his fingers between phantom's folds. the quintessence ghoul ruts up into his hand, covering it in slick, moans growing louder. the whole abbey must know what they're up to by now. dew grins, thinking about how the other ghouls would be begging for every detail in the morning, probably jerking themselves to all of phantom's desperate noises.
"you have to let the pillow go and help me undress if you want it. can you do that for me, puppy?"
phantom nods quickly, but his body is reluctant as he slowly takes the pillow out from between his thighs. dew lets him take his time, shaky fingers pulling at his shirt buttons and struggling with his zipper. he knows phantom wants to earn it, wants to be good for him, so he lets him. praising him as he goes, drinking in the sight of his blushed cheeks, his wagging tail.
the room is thick with both of their scents by the time dews clothes are fully removed and tossed to some corner. they both breathe it in, phantom's sharp heated scent; the lavender and mint - and dew's beach campfire, salt and smoke. he likes the way they intertwine with each other, so different that they never fully homogenize, but its exciting the way he can taste both of them on the air.
phantom is staring at dew, between his thighs where the fire ghoul is now on display. he's waiting for permission.
"want to touch?" dew asks.
phantom licks his lips, "want to taste."
so dew lets him. he kneels onto the bed before settling back against the headboard. his thighs part, skin already shiny, his cunt aching. phantom wastes no time before diving in, licking up between dews folds, sucking his clit, lapping at his slick. a cacophony of moans and cries leave dew's tongue, forcing down embarrassment because he wants to bare himself open for phantom, wants him to know how good he makes him feel. phantom swallows it down, becomes more eager he louder dew gets.
a barrage of praises fall off dew's own tongue, and he grasps at phantoms hair, shoving him deeper, "that's it, baby, you're so good at this. making me feel so good, fuck."
he lets phantom up for a moment, and the quintessence ghoul is grinning, face covered in dew from his nose to his chin. his dark tongue swipes around his mouth, wiggling his ass in the air. then hes dropping back in again, his tongue poking at dew's hole before sinking inside and fucking in and out. dew shouts with pleasure, phantoms nose pressed against his clit as he licks inside him.
dew's gut tightens. he gently tugs on phantom's horn to bring him up, he doesn't want to finish like this. phantom looks drunk when he rises for the second time; pupils completely blown out, covering his bright gold irises almost completely, and he's whining while one of his hands slithers between his own legs.
dew replaces that hand with his own, teasing phantoms hard nub, its raw and sensitive, and he brings their mouths back together. the taste of himself fills his senses, electric campfire as he sucks his slick off of phantom's tongue. dew nips at his lips, adding sweet metallic to the spice, and phantom gives into all of it. gives all of himself to dew as he grinds into dews hand.
"you're so lovely," dew says against his lips.
"i love you," phantom cries in response.
dew cant help but smile into their kiss, fangs clicking together, "i love you too, sweetness."
"need you now, need to cum." phantom's breathing is erratic, his clit twitching in dews hand.
dew nods. he tries not to show it, wanting to remain calm and steady for his mate, but he needs it just as bad. he craved touch the whole weekend he was away.
"lay back for me, sweetheart. there you go,"
phantom lays back on the bed, head propped up with a pillow, one leg raising at the knee instinctively knowing what is coming. dew smiles at the beautiful vision before him.
"look how wet you are," he says, eyeing the way phantoms thighs have slick dripping down them, and now down towards his ass. the whole bed will need to be stripped but its worth everything, "almost as soaked as rainy when he's in heat."
"rainy," phantom breathes out.
dew grins, "yeah? want rainy to come help out in the morning?"
phantom nods, biting his lip. dew spreads his legs farther apart, raising himself up on his own legs to settle vertically across phantom's. he lifts one of phantom's legs higher, positioning himself so his own cunt is directly above his own. he's dripping down, aching to press against phantom's, to feel his little clit against his own.
"you know," he starts as he slowly lowers himself, wanting to drag out the heat of it all, "they're probably listening right now."
phantom nearly sobs as dew finally sits down, their cunts sliding together with how wet they both are. dew has to grit his teeth in order to not cry with him. he grinds down slowly, watching phantoms head fall backwards against the pillow, eyes rolling with the movement.
"they'll all be jealous, jerking off into their hands right now listening to your pretty sounds, puppy," dew continues, rolling his hips in a rhythm that phantom doesn't have enough brain left for to keep up with. the quintessence ghoul's hips only stutter and rut, and dew can't blame him. the sensation against all his aching parts is intense, he can feel his own heat being kicked at, pleasure zipping through every nerve in his body. the sounds made it worse, slick noises filling the air as he ground down on him. he tries to emphasize his movements over phantoms clit, wanting to stimulate him as much as he can.
"good puppy," dew says through his teeth, fingers digging dimples into phantom's thigh as he speeds up his pace, condensation beginning to bead on his brow and shoulders, "maybe we should let them watch next time, would you like that?"
phantom can't respond, too lost in it, falling into bliss as delicate feminine moans are ripped from his throat. dew wants to keep him there, keep his mate feeling this good forever. he knows how stressed the ghoul gets, how exhausted. phantom's love language was physical touch, a way for him to relax and cool down, and dew wants to give it all to him, make him feel loved. praise him for asking for what he needs.
dew's riding phantom in earnest, sweet words tumbling out unapologetically. phantom is crying his name, begging for more, asking if he's allowed to cum over and over.
"you need to cum baby?" dew asks, grinding harder, able to keep his own desperation out of his shaky voice. that familiar knot is growing in his gut, he needs this just as badly. to let go with his mate.
"need it so bad, want to cum with you."
"want to cum with you too, puppy."
phantom arcs off the bed, one hand digging into dews thigh, the other tweaking his own nipple - if dew could reach at this angle, he'd be sucking on them, running his forked tongue over the buds till phantom was crying from sensitivity.
"can you play with your other tit for me sweetheart? i cant reach, but i love how sensitive you get," dew says and phantom obeys quickly. hand leaving dews thigh and whimpers leaving his lips as he fondles himself. "good boy, so good for me."
"can i please cum?" phantom is crying, tears streaking down his cheeks, making his eyes sparkle.
"cum for me," dew begs, "cum with me."
he moves his hips back in forth, faster and faster, watching phantom's face as it contorts in concentration, chasing the finish line. phantoms body goes rigid for a moment, then he arcs up again, mouth agape with a cut-off cry as he finally gets his release. it gushes out, soaking between them further and that's all dew needs before he's coming with him, vision going white, legs shaking with the effort to keep riding phantom through it. he feels it between them, their releases combined, making the most sinful, wet sounds as dew slowly comes to a stop.
chest heaving, dew tries to catch his breath.
"dewy..." phantom's voice is mushy, and when dew looks at him, he sees the ghoul barely able to keep his eyes open.
"you wanna sleep?" he asks as he raises himself up, shivering as their combined fluids seep down his legs. phantom nods, already beginning to curl into a ball, his tail pulled up towards his mouth, "sleep, i'll clean you up, okay?"
"okay... i love you," phantom says sleepily around his tail. dew smiles, leaning over and pressing a lingering kiss to the sweet ghoul's forehead. he quickly goes to the bathroom to clean himself off, maybe he takes a little bit longer than intended because he can's resist sucking phantom's slick off his fingers, but eventually returns with a warm, wet washcloth. he keeps it warm with his magic as he wipes between phantom's thighs. he cleans it once, then returns to wipe the salt from the other ghoul's skin. he only has to move phantom once, just to put a fresh blanket down - he can strip everything tomorrow - and then settles down beside him.
he feels... good still. the ache is dulled. it's the best homecoming he's had in a while.
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fujii-draws · 2 months
had another thought about your big bad ghost dad after reading the ficlet starring him and aimilly. how much do you think dusknoir wonders about how his future would've played out if he acted differently? while most scenarios would probably end in "his untimely demise", i can see it as a subject that would plague him a bit, specifically following his post-betrayal and his se5 redemption arc. how different would it all have played it out if he was honest? if he didnt care so much about his own existence being at stake, primal dialga be damned? what if he was kind and genuine, not opting to play with the kindness bestowed upon him from the two kids who mattered to him the most, and simultaneously planning the part where he tears them apart mentally and physically after spitting that love back in their faces (even for how much he dug himself into it, and some level *understood* that it could not be that way)? what if he didnt constantly betray everyone, including himself? what if he could really be the legend everyone made out of him to be, and not just a ghastly mockery? what if he could be anyone else but himself? and for how unhealthy it would be to dwell on the past and try to look towards the future, dusknoir knows his own future beckons and calls upon him through his own demons. he has many scores to settle, too much of them to count.
Ah. About that.
Dusknoir realizing on that mountain that there was a chance of every future Pokémon reviving, regardless of altering the course of time would plague him.
He never had to harm them. He could have been there for Ribbons and Aimilios. Every step of the way. When they were finding the Hidden Land. When they traversed the daunting Tower. When he and Ribbons began to disappear in front of Aimilios momentarily, scooping up both Pokémon to reassure them everything would be okay. Knowing that he could have been there to continuously protect them. To comfort them.
…It leads to many, many sleepless nights when he’s traversing the newly healed future with Grovyle and Celebi at the start. Knowing that there was a different path he could’ve taken. That he could have kept them so close to him. That he never had to harm them why did he harm them—
Many warm, heartfelt memories he once proclaimed as ‘meaningless’ and ‘unnecessary’, are now replaying in his head over and over. Like a broken record. Sometimes even thinking of potential futures, where all three of them were still close, still happy. Still—
Even if Ribbons and Aimilios continue to live on. The wraith still has leftover blood on his hands. Stains that never wash away until years later.
(Which also, is something I thought about when making the ‘Hate’ animatic. Mainly during the point where he promises that he would have never hurt them if he could go back and change his previous actions. It’s no fucking wonder Ribbons snaps at that point. Like ‘Oh? You would have been there for me and my partner now because you know you would’ve been safe? Because now, there’s no burdening choice of being there for us when we needed you most?’ Do you have any idea how many nights I’ve heard Aimilios crying because he still misses you even after EVERYTHING you DID—‘)
(I love writing him selfishly as possible. Just. His glaring flaws despite how much of genuine, kindhearted ghost he is without the fear of being erased dangling over him 24/7. And willing to throw out his moral compass out the window just to ensure his own survival.)
But in short, Yes. It messes him up. A lot. (Hence the dark, inkblotted tears at the end of the Never Love an Anchor animatic.)(I try to use crying-Dusk as sparingly as possible but that reason you just explained right there sinnoh is the reason why he does.)(at least Celebi and Grovyle are too deep in their slumbers to witness the ghost-type’s silent tears.)
He nearly stole their futures,
Now he’ll never get to share one with them.
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beetlebug-bii · 1 year
Part 3 of feral mc but with Belphie being released from the attic. Just imagine Belphie trying to kill mc and they just bite him. Not even Barbatos could handle the child so I highly doubt Belphie could either lol.
Feral Child Mc (part three)
MC Gets Betrayed & Bombastically Side Eyed Their Way To Beating A Bitch.
A/N: I like my writing to be nothing short of silly goofy, i also wrote this at like 4am two weeks ago and was so surprised to see it in my drafts. Did i proof read it? No.
Enjoy anyways💕
Now, you have been a menace since you've arrived
Only truly unstoppable by Diavolo, Lucifer and Barbatos on a good day
Was not one of those days
Not at all
You see
Late in the night after being very snuggly tucked in
And then duck taped to the bed
And then your pajamas stapled to the bed
And then tied to the bed
In their defense
Not a single brother has gotten a single decent night of sleep
Not since Mammon awoke one night to see your little face peeking out from the vents
You screamed at him and launched from the darkness, stealing his sun glasses before scrumbling deep into the walls
no one has ever heard Mammon scream so loudly
Needless to say they were pretty fucking done with your scrumbling
Besides, they tied Satan to the bed and look at him! A totally chill and normal member of society :D
Anyways you were built different and managed to escape
You had to check on your little friend in the attic after all, it had been a few days
Upon going in, you glared at eachother for exactly three minutes and fourteen seconds
Before he started the whole sweet act on you
"Awh hey, you can let me out now right? You can do that? Whose a good little human?"
Offense taken
You werent a dog
though you wont lie and say you havent growled back at Cerberus before...
No you know what
Who does this man think he is?
You are a child with 6 of the deadliest pacts in the world!
Wait a second
Who thought that was a good idea
You are feral
A monster
The other students at RAD cower before you
You made the Angel's cry
well whatever it's not like this is gonna come back and bite you
But you werent gonna release the bitch from his kennel
Not without a price
Mammon would be so so proud of you!
It took a lot of back and forth, but he promised 12 firecrackers, a new plushie, and a trip to the candy store
Hell yea candy
Open up oh magic lock
Oh he fucking kicked you across the room
Well that's not fucking candy
Lying prick
So this fucking incel loser started ranting about something or other
To be honest you didnt care
In fact you decided he didnt get a monologue
You were pissed off
You freed him
Were you the embodiment of capitalism while doing so?
But that doesnt mean he can just hit you
You have such a cute face
He's just mad that you're the baby of the family now
And that thought gave you a great idea!!
"I'm telling Lucifer"
Would have been your final words
Had you not been
Next thing you know he's chasing you down the stairs, grabbing you and choking you out
Not gonna lie
Was a bitch move
So you kicked him square in the jaw and started screaming, just like papa lucifer taught
Stranger danger kids
Dont release strange men from the attic in exchange for candy
It's not worth it and they are lying
So obviously you pissed off what's his name
You're pretty sure its bitch boy
Anyways so you pissed off bitch boy and he started trying to stab you with a chair leg
Which was like
So rude
And the others were like bro stop
Except more panicked you're pretty sure but you werent a crybaby bitch like this loser so you know
You had to go for the knees
You slid around him, kicked him in the back of the knees
This wasnt your first rodeo
Because you climbed on the demonic cow and grabbed the horns man
You were holding on for dear life before you just bit into his head
I dont think he even knew what to do at that point
You ruined his WHOLE SPEECH
gee I wonder why
Recounting this tale now, a few months later, you'd like to think that he was just being the most frfr brother out of everyone
You two had to be torn apart like a pair of summer popsicles
You were kicking and screaming
He was kicking and screaming
Mammon was kicking and screaming, somehow his leg got caught in between you two
It was a warzone
The hallway was destroyed
Multiple bedrooms? Just gone
The brothers?
So tired...
None of that fake shit
Deep down you know you would've won though
You still call him bitch boy💕
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sirensvcubus · 1 year
Daryl x reader
Enemies to lovers
Takes pleace when Daryl was held captive and tortured by Negan, and later in Alexandria
Warnings: forced marriage, mentioned killing, captivity, implied torture, smut
This was written very sloppy but rest assured theres smut lol and sum parts r cringy but thats fanfic 4 u
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I had nothing against Daryl Dixon or his group I would have joined them much sooner if I could’ve, but Negan’s offer came first.
I was all alone out there no one to talk to nothing to eat when the saviors found me and brought me to negan, he told me i could be his wife or I could be on the front lines fighting for him. I fought for the saviors killed over and over again until I became desensitized to it. I couldn’t take it anymore and took up his offer to be his fake wife. I wanted him to grow on me but he didnt I only hated him more and more each day.
He knew I loathed him and he would take it out on me or the other wives. I would wander down the halls crying when i heard my cries eco back to me but it wasnt me. Thats when I first met Daryl Dixon. We talked about our lives, where things went wrong and what led us to crying in a lonely hallway or a dark room. I would bring him extra food and tell the guards to turn down the music because it was giving me a headache. Any time I was lonely or sad I would go to talk by his door.
He always talked about escaping but I knew if Negan caught me he would make me pay. But one day he yelled and he screamed after catching one of the wives cheating and after what he did I knew I had to get out of there and fast. I changed into jeans and long sleeve shirt got a gun and my machetes with a pack of food water and a map. Then i thought back to why I agreed to go with Negan in the first place. Where was I gonna go? Faced with the back exit and a long gloomy hall leading to another gloomy hall that contained Daryl, I chose the hall. You grabbed some clothes from a near by room and headed his way. I turned down the music and knocked twice like how I always do.
“You said you have a group right a good one nice fair people.”
There was a silence then he growled “yes”
You picked the lock with your bobby pin, a skill that always came in handy in the apocalypse.
You took a deep breath and opened the door he lunged at you pushing you against the wall with his hands around your throat. You had never seen him and only now released how strong he was. You let out a tear and he loosened his grip
“Please I cant, I cant do this anymore” you broke down.
He let go he grabbed the clothes, putting them on quickly. You faced the wall shaking your leg anxiously.
“Come on” you grabbed his hand leading him to the exit.
4 months later…
His group took me in after some convincing and I even got close with some of them. I felt safe in the first time in a long time. But Daryl and I only got more distant. I missed our little talks. But we both got more mad at each-other as time went on he resented me and i hated him for it. But everything changed one night. This night.
I knocked twice on his door
I waited out in the rain getting soaked from head to toe.
He took his time and slowly opened the door
“Why do you hate me.” I said desperately rain pooling down my face
“Get in here” he pulled you by your arm inside out of the cold rain
“Girl what the hell are you doing out there,its too cold, you got a death wish r sum”
“I have been through so much. Getting my ass kicked, forced to marry a monster, watching my friends die….my family. But I have never felt more alone surrounded by people who care about me because none of them were you.” You said.
He looked away from you thinking.
“Why” you said
“I don’t hate you, every time i look at you…….. I just remember that place …Negan , and I wouldn’t care except then I think of what he would do to me if he knew.” He said standing so close I could feel his warm breath on my neck.
“Knew what..” you trembled.
“The things I wanna do to you.” He whispered low in his rough accent.
You gulped “tell me”
“I have a better idea” he said as he leaned in for a kiss. It was slow at first getting faster and faster biting your lip occasionally pulling away to look at you. His hands fell from your face and glided down to your hips squeezing tightly when he got to his destination. it hurt a little bit but pulled a small moan out of you and your hole body vibrated as he pressed himself against you. His warmth radiated throughout you. Your breath quickened and he started letting out small grunts. You scrunched his hair in your fists as you made out more violently. He started kissing your neck giving small bits as he slid one of his hands down your jeans touching you lightly teasing you. You let out a begging moan. But he retracted his hand and pulled you by your waist over to the kitchen propping you up on the counter. He lifted you so easily without any strain, it made you sigh in his ear which teased out a big grunt. You chuckled a little pleased with yourself. He lashed back by grabbing you by your neck pressing you down on the cold counter as he went down on you.
“I thought you didn’t want me cold.”
“Lets get you really hot then.” He replied
He lifted you so you were sitting on his shoulders as he continued on you. You reached out only to find the ceiling to hold onto before you were dropped onto the bed.
In the morning you found him sitting up shirtless holding a cup of coffee. You were rapped up in the sheets you clothes spread throughout the house.
“Huuuuuu where did you get that.”
“My secret stash.” He smiled
The peace was suddenly cut short with heavy nocking.
“Ooooo boy, open up lovebirds I’ve missed you both”
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shygirl4991 · 8 months
Brewing Romance Chapter 5 Finding your Pride
A Collab Story with @lizaluvsthis
SMG3 and SMG4 design for the AU by Liz!
Last Chapter Next Chapter
Summary:SMG4 starts to struggle with his finances when he learns living in his newly built castle is more pricey than he thought. So when he gets an invite to the grand opening of SMG3 Coffee n Bombs he manages to land himself a second job as the cafe waiter where both men will learn that coffee won't be the only thing brewing in this cafe.
Tags: Slow burn, fluff, comedy, just two idiots in love, love confession, first kiss, angst
SMG3 gets back home from the dark web, he needs a better way to get items to make bombs. Yawning he takes the elevator to his bedroom, he changes into his pajamas before remembering he forgot to finish checking inventory “Ugh how the hell does four do anything with this little bit of sleep.”
Throwing his phone on the bed he takes the elevator back up, lazily slaps his hat on his head he attempts to take inventory fighting his strong need to sleep. That's when he heard pounding on the front door, he became confused on who the hell would be at his door this late at night.  He runs from the back from surprise to see who his guest is “SMG4?” He opens the door and gets tackled by a crying SMG4, the fog in his mind cleared as he holds the man close. He was concerned why the man was crying, he kicked the door close still holding the man close to him. He didn't notice the hat slipping from his head “Hey it’s okay what happened?” he awkwardly pats four’s back. After a few minutes standing there in each other's arms he felt the man relax at last, he stepped back sniffling “Sorry, I had a dream about…you know the god box and zero.” 
SMG3 sighs, he felt this was all his fault if he didnt rush the hat he wouldn't have triggered those memories.  He makes a mental note to take better care of himself as he takes the man’s hand, it feels as natural as breathing these days to do that. He pulls out a chair for him to sit before smirking at the man “Guess I'm making more coffee for us since it seems you can't stay away,” he teased. SMG4 giggled, that was music to Three's ears given how much of a mess the man was at the start “Can't help it if i have such a charming boss!”
SMG3 felt a smile grow on his face as he walked to the machine, that's when he felt the cold breeze go through his hair. His eyes go wide turning to grab his hat that slipped off his head, his lazily put together bun breaks free letting his hair loose. He stood there nervous at the reaction the other man would give “You..uh the er hair is long…you look haha so how about that latte?”
SMG3 blinks seeing the reaction “What? THAT'S YOUR REACTION?!” Four panics standing up from his seat “How am i supposed to react?! You have long hair that makes you look…ha uh like a…” his face goes beat red trying to find his words “knight? Yeah, like a charming prince, kind of like a coffee prince!?” 
Three squints at the man walking up to him, SMG4 could feel himself about to pass out from the heat his face was emitting.  He swears he is starting to see those strange anime sparkles he always sees happening in those romance anime that Boopkin watches, his eyes slowly drift to the side hoping he wouldn't drop dead. SMG3 crosses his arms and sighs “Sorry, I'm so used to you being an asshole I just assumed you learning that I let my hair grow…well you would have called me a girl or something stupid.” 
He walks to pick up his hair tie to put his hair back into a bun, Four watches him walk away confused by these strong emotions from seeing his hair loose. He sits back down watching Three slap his hat on and walk to make coffee, as he watches his mind start to drift. Daydreaming he pictures SMG3 with his hair loose visiting him at the castle, he grabs his hand smirking at him the light hitting him just right that his red eyes glowed “SMG4..i have been wanting to tell you something for a long time,” Four blushes leaning forward “What is it?” Three tightens his grip “I find your content super funny…i'm even subscribed to you and i always make sure that i'm the first to like it!” 
SMG4 giggles at his daydream making Three worried “That nightmare must have shaken something loose.”
Three finished making the coffee and gently placed the cup in front of him, SMG4 was still giggling to himself which was starting to really scare SMG3. He snaps his fingers in front of the man's face “Hello? OI IDIOT IS ANYONE HOME!?” Four jumps up and lets out an awkward cough “Er my bad was lost in thought about memes for some videos.” 
Three rolls his eyes “Are you serious? How you deal with your issues can be interesting, that's for sure. Now what's this about the god box?” Four frowns looking at his drink “Don't remember much of my dream but…the moment you got hurt plays on loop in my head right now…guess I still wish I did more to stop it.”  Three sips his coffee hoping it will give him enough power to be able to listen to Four, he can feel himself slowly nodding off. SMG4 leans back in the chair touching his left eye “Hey Three…if i was the one that got hurt, what would you have done?”
SMG3 stares at his empty cup thinking, back then all he wanted was the man to be dead. That was until he jumped in front of a sword to protect him, the man no matter how many years he has known him will always be an idiot protecting others before himself. He hums thinking “Not sure, things were so different back then. I mean Four think about it back then what would you do?” he lets out a chuckle “Not like you would give an eye up for me or anything, you did what you could when I got hurt and managed to save it.” 
Four frowns dropping his hand from his eye “Yeah..like i would do something that dumb…” 
Noticing the change in tone Three reaches out and pats Fours hand “It was a life changing event that had a bright side, i know it's easy to say let it go but don't let the guilt eat you alive. Trust me, the guilt about what happened at peach's castle likes to stab me too.”
SMG4 twitches remembering the keyboard, he gets up to stretch doing his best to not focus on the negatives. Thanks to those horrible events he gets to live in peace right now with Three and hand out coffee, he lets out a small chuckle realizing how domestic his living has gotten since he and Three got closer. He turns to ask another question to see Three has fallen asleep on the table, Four smiles softly as he gets closer to the sleeping man “You're so handsome like this…” he gently lifts up the man carrying him bridle style as he walks to the elevator. He hears a soft snore making him giggle, he blinks, staring at the sleeping man slowly realizing something “Three..maybe if you stayed this relaxed and not so cranky, i would find myself in trouble.” 
He goes down the elevator and tucks in SMG3 taking his hat off, then slowly lets his hair loose. He smiles softly and without a second thought kisses SMG3 on the head, blushing at what he did as he runs to the elevator to hurry home.
He slams the door to his room and throws himself onto his bed in a panic “AHHHH WHY DID I DO THAT?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!” He covers his face with a pillow trying to figure out what was going on with him. At least he knew for the rest of the night he won't be having nightmares given his mind is filled with SMG3.
It's the next day, nervously SMG4 gets dressed; he was still unsure what came over him last night. With a sigh he starts to walk outside staring at the cafe “Please don't let today be awkward.” he steps in the cafe to hear SMG3 yelling on the phone “THE HELL YOU MEAN PEOPLE ARE COMPLAINING WE AREN'T LGBTQ PLUS FRIENDLY!?” He slowly turns to see Karen letting out a sigh as she sips her coffee while Three paces back and forth on the phone
SMG3 sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose “Have you seen our waiter? He is more fruit than fruit loops and you're telling me that's not enough?”  Four glares at his boss putting his hands on his hips “See he is doing something super gay right now need picture proof?”
Three’s face drops as he hangs up the phone, he then growls and throws his phone to the wall smashing it. Karen puts her cup down to get a broom “Told you we should have done what starbucks did.” Three glares at her “We aren't starbucks plus being a king living in one is enough for me to not want to be a starbucks. We need something different, unique to us..” 
MG4 walks up to Three rubbing his back to help him relax, Karen walks out with the broom and gives four a look. She has seen the two interact before, it was always funny seeing the two act like some old sitcom couple fighting about the strangest things. At this moment she noticed something different, SMG4 was giving such a soft look to his boss, one she never noticed before. She lets out a soft chuckle shaking her head as she starts cleaning the mess. Three relaxes as he takes out sticky notes “Thanks..also i didn't mean to pass out on you last night wanted to apologize before the day started,” Four shakes his head “Hey from how out cold you were it seems like you pulled one from my books!” he giggles as SMG3 looks away blushing “ugh baka.”
He walks to the back thinking what he could do to save the cafe “Do something gay with what you already sell…” he looks around the room. Pride cookies felt too low, he wasn't even sure how he could turn coffee gay after all he is lucky he can make the amount he knows without breaking the machine. With that thought he makes a note to study latte art in his free time.
It was time to open the cafe, SMG4 was in charge of making the coffees to cover for Three. Sadly due to the drama over the cafe being not lgbtq friendly people didnt come in,  works for Four given he was worried about having to make coffee and deliver them. He hears the door open, he smiles and waves “Hey Melony welcome should i get your usual?” 
She gives him a sad smile “uh yeah! And can you do something for me also?”  she hands him a note, he takes it confused as he reads the front of the note ‘To SMG3’ he sighs. After everything with Zero and the god box, SMG3 distanced himself from most of the crew.  Melony was one that never gave up hope that one day Three would let go and become her friend again. “I will try Melony, I will drop it off while I get your coffee beans.”  He steps to the back room to see sticky notes balled up on the floor around the other man. 
He casually walks up to Three dropping the note then grabs the bag of coffee beans heading out as fast as he can. SMG3 picks up the note and starts to read it, annoyed he gets up and walks to the front of the cafe “MELONY!”  she stands up straight turning to give SMG3 a huge smile “SMG3! How have you been?”
SMG4, noticing the other crew members walking in, he decides to serve them to give Three and Melony space.  He hands her the note “I told you to leave me alone, all you have done is harass me over this so-called friendship we never had! All we did was draw stupid shit together, leave me alone!” Melony’s eyes start to water. “I know we were friends please i just…I'm sorry I never wanted you to get hurt.” with that she takes her coffee and leaves the cafe. 
“Your parents sure raised a good one, was it really fair to just yell at the kid like that?” Karen frowns watching Melony leave. 
SMG3 lets out a bitter laugh “If by parents you mean a stupid USB ship then yeah i sure had family show me the way…unlike him.” His eyes drift to Four laughing with Tari and Saiko. “SMG4 had everything better…school everyone loved him, he then became the best at youtube he even managed to find himself a family. I came from nothing, but I grew into someone and I'm getting better day by day.”
He was going to walk away but was surprised to be stopped by Karen gently grabbing his arm. “You lived your life alone…i'm sorry for that but if i learn anything raising my kids is being able to see lost children. Right now you're lost, you don't have to listen to me but just think, is pushing folks away because you fear loss really worth being alone again?” 
With that she lets him go and returns to her station looking done with everything, he looks down thinking over her words. He pushed everyone away but SMG4 given the man doesn't know when to quit, otherwise Karen wasn't wrong he has slowly been putting himself in the isolated box he was in at the start. He walks to the back room and takes out his journal gently touching it “If you cant express your emotions through words you draw…right melony?” ripping a page from his journal he starts to draw. 
Four waves goodbye to his friends, the day has been extremely slow due to lack of customers. He was getting worried over how Three will take it if can't figure out how to save the cafe, he decides to try to come up with ideas but no matter how hard he thought he only ended up drawing memes that made him laugh.  SMG3 walks out from the back room with a huge smile “I GOT IT!” 
SMG4 jumps up in excitement “You have an idea how to show our pride?” 
Three nods, throwing a pin at Four, he catches it and his eyes light up.  In his hand was a pin in the shape of a bomb with the bisexual flag colors on it “Whoa these look amazing Three!” the man chuckles “I know! The idea came to me when I was uh…working on something personal. The two I have are prototypes I'm going to take to my people to make more! We show those pain in the ass HR our pride and make money, these bad boys five dollars want extra cost extra!” 
Four runs up to three and hugs him “This is great!” Three blushes as he slowly slips out of the hug and takes the pin from Four. He never would have pictured drawing an apology to Melony would help him find his own pride, he stares at the pin and chuckles to himself he was coloring in the drawing when he notices the colors he tested looked like a pride flag and went off from there. Never would he imagine that even after all this time Melony still can inspire him, he puts the pins in the box ready to make these pins a reality. 
“Time to get these bad boys out before HR arrives tomorrow, later losers!” He leaves the cafe determined to save not only his cafe but his lost friendships. SMG4 watches the man leave and softly smiles to himself “To think I was worried today would be awkward…but we didn't even talk.” Why did that bother him? He sighs confused by these strange emotions, shaking off the strange need for SMG3 company he finishes his chores in the cafe not noticing Karen was studying his every move. 
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