#and i was always VERY bitter that the sopranos and altos had to sit it out
theladyragnell · 2 years
If it's too similar no worries, but you've got me curious -- top 5 French songs to vibe to? Always up for more French music recs!
Here's a scattering! I'd also love your (or anyone's!) recs, it's been a bit since I listened to much French music but it's always fun to try to keep my language skills a bit alive. Most of what I've got, one teacher or another used as a lesson!
Belle // Notre Dame de Paris (but truly, listen to the whole soundtrack, it's all great)
Attila Marcel // Beatrice Bonifassi
Parce qu'on vient de loin // Corneille
La Boheme // Charles Aznavour
Je l'aime a mourir // Francis Cabrel
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joyandeggs · 5 years
For the headcanon ask (I'm sorry I'm so annoying): Shoot, Killua, Kite, Flash, and Metal Bat!
Oh my gosh, Meve! You are not annoying at all. You encourage me to do these everytime! ❤ Also, I did not realize how difficult these questions were going to be, even if I know the characters well. The music one really got me stuck since I kept thinking of my favorite songs for them. There are probably way better answers others can come up with, but I had fun writing all of these! A little too much fun, actually. 💌
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: I did not realize how difficult this question was going to be for me. I always think about music that reminds me of him, and songs I associate with him through music I love, but what he would listen to... Hm. I honestly feel like he would love a variety of music, especially 80s rock and pop. Both Japanese and English! Hotel California Okay that one is a joke. Songs like Always Something There To Remind Me by Naked Eyes, and Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears For Fears, he would enjoy songs with a good beat to bob your head to, or softer songs that are perfect for relaxing. And love songs! This is just me being self-indulgent, but I think Shoot would really like love songs. Songs like I Love You So by Junko Ohashi, especially. A lot of those old 80s and 90s Japanese songs I think he and Knuckle both would like a lot.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: This question makes me think of drunk Shoot. Whenever he goes drinking with Morel and Knuckle, he tends to get very sluggish and sleepy, so he'll fall asleep if he's not careful. But he will pass out on the floor, on the couch, anywhere he can lie down when they get home. I can imagine Knuckle gets up in the morning still half asleep, and he just trips on Shoot's dead body to land face first on the floor with him. Knuckle tries to make sure he's at least in a bed or on a couch before he leaves him be after that.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Hm... I feel like with any sport, specifically volleyball and baseball, he would be incredible at. Shoot has those hands though, so he's a bit of a cheater. 😛 But he is really good at physical sports. Volleyball, baseball, and even tennis he would be great at. Even when he doesn't use the extra hands he has.
The emoticon they'd use most often: Would Shoot use emojis? Hm... I think he would rarely. Maybe if he couldn't send a full text to Knuckle or whoever, he would do a thumbs up. He would send a simple smiley face every now and then, or some silly ones if he were feeling playful. He just wouldn't use them all the time.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: Shoot can be a bit annoyed, but really he is just out of it. Compared to Knuckle, he wouldn't be as irritable. Trying to wake up, he'll just be a bit sluggish and sleepy. He's probably use to it though since for work who knows how much time he has to spend awake and doing something.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Green tea, or a nice coffee! I've always had this idea in my head that he enjoys matcha, I don't know why. But Shoot would always be down for coffee. Always down for a cup of coffee. ☕❤
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: I can honestly see Shoot just...sitting on the couch under a giant blanket reading a book or watching tv. Maybe even taking a nap. If he's in a slump and doesn't want to go anywhere nor do anything, he'll just want to stay home. Doing chores and cleaning also helps. There are times he'll just jump up and get out of the house to clear his head. Go for a quiet walk for some fresh air. And he would definitely not mind at all if a good friend or a significant other wanted to try and cheer him up, or just keep him company when he's not feeling his best. Shoot may come off as cold when he's not in the best mood, but he is nothing but thankful. Honestly, he enjoys that more than just being down in the dumps alone. There's no reason to be that way.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: I always think about possible backstories for both Knuckle and Shoot, and why they wanted to become hunters. I kind of have an idea in mind for Knuckle, but what about Shoot? I think...whenever he was young, he wanted to be stronger. So in order to become stronger, along with trying to have a better life, he decided on becoming a hunter. Really, he was curious on exploring and traveling the world. He didn't know about becoming a hunter until he was older, like how I imagine Knuckle went about it.
Their favorite kind of weather: Shoot seems to enjoy both the cold and the hot weather. I feel like he would enjoy the cooler weather, especially when it's fall, when he doesn't have to worry about getting too hot in his clothing and pouring sweat while out and about. Wants to be comfortable bundling up a bit for the cold rather than barely wearing a thing if it's hot. He would definitely enjoy the lovely sunny days during the summer though! He likes the fresh air and sunshine. I could also see him love the cold and soft rainy days though, without a doubt. It is incredibly relaxing.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): Y'all have literally no idea how much I think about Shoot singing. 💞 So...I listen to Yuuji Ueda all the time, and of course my mind always wonders back to Shoot. Shoot's voice is naturally deep, so I imagine that he sings lowly, but he can get his voice higher if he wanted. I can't imagine Shoot singing out loud or in front of others, he seems too shy for the idea. But one song I definitely hear Shoot's voice in is Lost. Ueda's voice in that is so...lovely. It sounds so romantic. And this is so silly, but I do think of Shoot in songs that Ueda sings higher in, like ヒヤシンス (Hyacinth) or...Next Door. Ahhh, don't even get me started on the Tokimemo games he's been in. I still lose my mind over how he sang songs and voiced characters in those games. There's also Daydream, which is a softer song. It's so...lovely. It sounds romantic. This is one of the first songs I ever listened to when I discovered that he was a singer. I still love it to this day a year later. 💓
(I apologize for rambling an answer out for this. If I have any chance to take time and gush about Yuuji Ueda, I absolutely will. I love him so much. I still can't believe he voices Shoot, like what a dream. I'm happy I got the perfect opportunity to gush about him. ❤)
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Whenever I first read this question while writing, I imagined Shoot doodling flowers. Oh, maybe stars! When he's working on the computer and having to write, he'll just doodle some stars in the margins of his paper while he works. Now all I can see is him drawing hands. Could you imagine?
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: I think Killua would enjoy rock music a lot! As for specific songs though... Hm. I'll have to look some up. He seems very 2000s alternative or rock to me, like Basket Case by Green Day, or The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls. Songs with that particular sound. The Blue Hearts by Hito ni Yasashiku is his style of music. Just the way that it sounds, and the best that it has.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: Killua could sleep in a desk chair at home, or sleep on a bench somewhere in the park. He could literally fall asleep anywhere if he were tired enough.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Oh, Smash Bros.! He would definitely love playing a fighting game like Smash, even though Gon would definitely destroy him at it.
The emoticon they'd use most often: The two emotions that remind me of him are 😈 and 😸. The cat emojis definitely. I can see him using a lot of the cat emojis if he were texting Gon or Alluka.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: For Killua, he would be just plain grumpy. Just grumpy, grumbling about how tired he was, and wishing that he was in a bed instead of awake.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Honestly, a mug of hot chocolate would be perfect for him on a cooler day. Coffee is too bitter, so of course he would love a hot chocolate.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: When he isn't feeling the best, he escapes from everything to walk somewhere secluded and quiet to clear his head. Training, or even fighting/sparring would help him as well to get his mind off of his bad mood.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: This is difficult for me to answer. Growing up in the family he was in, and even when he took the exam in the beginning of Hunter x Hunter, I'm pretty sure he really wanted to be something other than an assassin. So in order to kind of sway away from the family business, he decided on completeling the hunter exam, and he figured he would go from there to figure out what he really wanted to be in life. He's still young. He has plenty of time to figure out everything.
Their favorite kind of weather: He enjoys the summer and spring! He doesn't mind the cooler seasons, but when he can be out and about in the fresh air of summer or spring is his favorite time of the year.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): I actually looked up his character song to listen to it, and I love it. Killua has a nice singing voice! If I had to be specific, he is very inbetween high and low. His voice doesn't go too high nor too low.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: I can imagine his doodling lightening bolts, different shapes and squiggles, little things like that.
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: Even though he is acquainted with a little technology, this man doesn't have a music player of any kind. But he would love quite a lot of music. Classical, jazz, instrumental tracks are his favorites since they're so soothing.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: In trees! Even on random tree logs around, or just in a patch of grass. He could fall asleep in a patch of flowers. Sad to say that he has fallen asleep in many different places he really shouldn't have, but that's what happens when you're constantly traveling and on the move.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Hm... I was trying to think of a video game, but do you think this man has ever played a game in his life? I could see him being good at different card games, if he played with playing cards. Or playing something like chess or shogi. If he tried to learn it all, I bet he would enjoy it.
The emoticon they'd use most often: I'm not sure if Kite would use emoticons of any kind. I could see him as one of those people who doesn't use smiley faces or text launguage at all, even though he'll do the occasional ":)". It would be very rare.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: Kite is just quieter than usual, trying to get himself to not be so sleepy. If someone tries to poke fun or talk his ear off or anything, then he will get a bit snippy. He's an old man, he needs his sleep.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Coffee. He really enjoys a good cup of black coffee, maybe with a bit of milk. He would enjoy a hot cup of black or oolong tea though, too.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: A really long, warm soak in the bath or in a natural hot spring. Something about a bath really makes your troubles melt away.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: I think Kite really wanted to become a hunter growing up. Since he never really had a solid home to go to, along with always running around with nowhere to really be, he was meant to explore. He was meant to become a hunter and keep going. His curiosity of the world helped in that.
Their favorite kind of weather: I feel like he's easily cold, since he's always wearing a hat, a long sleeved top, and sometimes the occasional cover up. He likes the summer, especially on warm and breezy days. Absolutely would love the summer just because of how lovely the early sunrises are. Not too cold, not too hot.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): The heartbreaking thing about this question is that Shuichi Ikeda has never sang any songs before. 💔 Which is a real shame because his voice is really nice. However, going on how nice Kite's voice sounds, he would have a lovely singing voice. He may be off key or not get certain notes right at first, he has fun singing or humming to himself. No one else has heard him sing.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Kite is an artist through photography, not as much as drawing or doodling. I could see him trying to sketch out various animals and creatures he comes across during work after snapping some photos. Even doodles of some bugs, despite not being a big fan of them. The bugs, mostly.
Flashy Flash
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: Flashy Flash is probably into a lot of classical music as well as traditional Japanese music. I honestly don't know of any specific songs he would have on his phone or anything.
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: I could see him accidentally dozing off during an HA meeting, if it was particularly boring. Other than that, he would fall asleep in a really high up branch of a shady tree.
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Fencing! Oh could you imagine him in a round of fencing? I think he would be pretty good at it. He is a very talented swordsman.
The emoticon they'd use most often: He definitely reminds mr of the sparkle emoji. He might use that one from time to time, dare I say if he was feeling flashy. ✨
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: Flash can be very stoic and groggy. He may be use to working and training for long periods of time, but his mind will feel blank and his body will feel heavy. If you try speaking to him when he's this way, he may or may not hear you right away.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: He enjoys a cup of tea with honey. No matter what tea, he will drink it.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: I could see him meditating to ease himself and calm his thoughts. Maybe underneath a waterfall, or in a secluded forest away from civilization.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: From what I know about Flashy Flash, he seems like he wanted to become a hero in order to get away from the village he grew up in. He just wanted to live better.
Their favorite kind of weather: I can see him really liking the spring and summer seasons. When it's starting to get warm and sunny, with some nice rainy days, he enjoys the beauty of it.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): I'm actually going to look up his voice actor really quick, I don't remember who voices him. Oh Kousuke Toriumi is a singer! Oh my gosh, his singing voice is super smooth and nice, I like it a lot. Flashy Flash would definitely have a smooth singing voice. He never sings out loud, but if he's listening to any music, he will hum and sing notes to himself with it.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: He doesn't seem like the type of person to doodle to me. I'm honestly not sure if he would.
Metal Bat
2-4 songs that are probably on their i-pod: I feel like Metal Bat is just a younger version of Knuckle honestly, so he would definitely love listening to a lot of different music. All of it is upbeat, most of it being love songs and 80s or 90s music. I feel like he would be a huge sucker for love songs. I'm actually going to put I Give You My... and 明日の篝火 by Wataru Hatano. I honestly see Metal Bat's style in the way that he does his music, and I love it way too much. ❤ Other songs... I definitely see him listening to songs like Hard To Say No and Sexy Socialite by Chromeo. They are absolutely his style, one hundred percent. 💓
The one place they sometimes end up falling asleep -- where they're not supposed to: He has probably fallen asleep during an HA meeting if it were just that boring enough. Has also fallen asleep during his classes. He doesn't mean to though. How is he suppose to get decent sleep if he keeps getting calls in the middle of the night?
The game they'd destroy everyone else at: Baseball! Of course he would be perfect at it. And he would be great at video games, too! Smash Bros., Mario Kart, the SNK series, all of those multiplayer games. Even something like Pokemon. I think he would appreciate video games when he had the free time. He rarely gets to play them. Even Zenko will play games with him.
The emoticon they'd use most often: I think he would enjoy using a lot of them, especially when he texts Zenko. He send her little hearts, and smiley faces. Him and her would send some back and forth by themselves, too.
What they act like when they haven't had enough sleep: This makes me think of the OVA! Aw, he would be just a little sleepy and grumpy. More than he usually is since he would be a little out of it. He just doesn't like mornings!
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever: Give this sweet boy a hot chocolate. I think he would enjoy coffee and tea both, but his coffee has to be with sugar and cream.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves when they're in a slump: He seems like the type of guy to want to go out and practice batting to clear his head. If at the house, he'll just sit around and relax or something. Maybe take a hot bath, or cook if he's hungry. Little things.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: I think he really wanted to be a hero growing up, even though he never thought about it until he did get older. He had a rough time growing up and having to care for his sister as well as stay in school, he needed to support her and himself. Maybe he went through the same things as Saitama? He couldn't find a job, so maybe he took a chance and was like "Hey, this isn't so bad!" And he pretty much was experienced in fighting and everything since he's a delinquent. This all sounds like a mess, but really, all he wants to do is be tough and take down people for justice.
Their favorite kind of weather: I think Metal Bat enjoys cooler weather. He's always wearing his turtleneck, and that's better to wear in the fall and winter anyway. He seems like someone who really doesn't enjoy sweating all too much. He would love the change of the colors on the trees, the coolness of the air around him, and being able to bundle up instead of struggling with less clothes.
Thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): So...I have always thought that Metal Bat would have a lovely and sweet singing voice. I listen to Wataru Hatano's music all the time, and I never not think about him when I hear him. The first song I discovered of his was King & Queen, and...Metal Bat would sing just like that. He would sing just like every song he does.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: Would he doodle? Hm. Oh, like sitting in class or trying to occupy himself, he would doodle little hearts or cats. I'm literally just guessing because I have no idea honestly. If he had a crush, he would absolutely write their name and doodle hearts because of them.
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caulsctt · 7 years
late to the lis party but would you please complete the "super cool character headcanons meme" for Nate? :)
this has been sitting in my inbox for like years im so sorry anon but i think its time u learned i am a very shitty person and im also super bad at headcanons
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod
if i wanted to be a dork i’d just say whale songs and then all the cheesy white boi rap u can think of but we’re gonna get Fanon with this bitch so these are also songs that kinda remind me of him
i. not an addict - k’s choice
ii. i lost control - flatsound
iii. the ruler and the killer - kid cudi
iv. take me to the hospital - the faint
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to
traffic. parking lots. just being in the car honestly like hes a super antsy person but if hes still in the car for too long he’ll pass the fuck out its not good. it mostly comes from the fact that its one of the few places where hes alone and no one’s bugging him so suddenly sleeping doesnt sound too bad.
the game they’d destroy everyone else at
hes not much of a gamer but like mario kart. don’t. fucking. mess. with. him. in mario kart. not unless u like the bitter taste of consecutive defeat. don’t be hayden. give up while ur ahead.
the emoticon they’d use most often
i dont see him using a whole lot of emojis but tbh the middle finger one and the sunglasses emoji. sometimes together.
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep
what is sleep
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever.
coffee with like flavored creamers & stuff. he thinks black coffee is gross and won’t drink it but if u basically give him creamer with a side of coffee he’ll be good.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump
THIS ISNT EVEN A HEADCANON ITS LITERALLY ALCOHOL DRUGS AND WHALE SONGS but for the sake of this being an hc thing i think he likes looking at old pictures he’s taken, which is why there’s that big projector in his room. he shows them on that and just chills out. or, tries to.
what they wanted to be when they grew up
he used to want to be like his father until he grew up and saw how shit that was. even through all the abuse, as a kid, he still thought his dad was, in some way, a good person and someone you should look up to, even though he knew that wasn’t the truth.
their favorite kind of weather
cloudy. not rainy, but just cloudy. calm. cool. still.
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?)
honestly he’s not much of a singer. he’s not awful, i hc that he was taught piano when he was younger, and his voice played in a bit here and there, but he wouldn’t go out and sing publicly, nor would he consider himself very good at it.
how/what they like to draw or doodle
eyes, different people’s eyes. for a long time, he always doodled rachel’s on papers and tests, but of course, after awhile, he couldn’t bare to see them, not after what happened…
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