#and i think the scarlet witch one i did was probably less than 50
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tyranasaurusbec · 2 years ago
ouagh this cosplay shit is spensive
like fabric costs i'm used to and like i use coupons and shit at joanns but like the foam building??? wayyyyyyyyyy pricey
i have a crafting exclusive budget and i just went over it for the first time in 2 and a half years (it's 50/month + rollover from other months and like... i've spent almost $250 this month yikies) cause i gotta buy all this new shit - and yeah it's an investment bc i plan on continuing to do this + probably take more commissions from friends again but like as someone who hates spending money this is driving me all kinds of crazy
also i bought a pattern from someone and literally the instructions are so bad and there's a note that says "if you have any questions ask us on social media" so i did (after much psyching myself up) and then he told me he'd send me a video but then didn't - i followed up like 3 days later and he left me on read :( like why tell me you're gonna do it if you're not gonna do it or give me a time frame when i follow up like i assumed he was just going to give me a 360 view of the part i asked about or like tell me which pieces connect to which because it's VERY unclear from the instructions
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nileqt87 · 4 years ago
Thoughts on WandaVision by a non-Marvel fan
As someone who had only seen a single Marvel movie (The Avengers) and only watched Jessica Jones season 1 for David Tennant (while hating nearly every other character in it), which had none of these characters, I only watched WandaVision precisely because it dared to break the mold and be even remotely ambitious instead of doing the same old CGI cartoon fest over and over. And somewhat because of what Marvel has done to the film industry, television has completely and utterly overtaken film as where emotional, dramatic storytelling now happens.
And okay, I happen to have had a major TVLand addiction growing up and binged a ton of the shows referenced in WandaVision long ago (yep, those very same '50s-'80s sitcoms). I couldn't pass up the retro. Love at first sight. Combine that with what promised to be a tragic, human/non-human romance. Sold. I knew little else about the characters.
For a long time, I've seen female fans (in particular) comment on how part of the reason they write fanfiction for Marvel is that they have to read between the lines just to add the implied dramatic content of the relationship focus variety that never quite gets developed in canon (certainly not up to the standard of what a fic reader expects). I saw a few comments that pretty much described WandaVision as exactly that: a fix-it fanfic before tragic reality invaded Pleasantville. Wanda's whole Hex was essentially a glorified fix-it fanfic.
For this reason alone, I can only hope the success of WandaVision gets them to create a season 2 that is dedicated solely to Wanda trying to put her family (Vision) back together that does the tragic romance justice in a way that giving them side parts in other people's movies just isn't going to cut it.
I feel like Vision's ultimate resurrection or even Wanda's struggle with her grief is better left to her own headline story, whether be it film or television. Television is the only medium that is going to allow the actors to really sink their teeth into this sort of star-crossed, tragic drama and not have it relegated to a minor side-character plot. Either give Wanda and Vision their own movie (hopefully, with heightened focus on character development as a lesson learned from television) or wait to integrate the mind and body of Vision in another season that gives both of them center stage with room to develop it.
Them having their twins for real might also be worth a season 2 in a way that probably wouldn't even work on film, as showing such a feminine pregnancy storyline would be a helluva departure for a Marvel movie that goes from action set piece to action set piece.
I wouldn't even hate it if Wanda's sitcom comfort zone made a few more appearances, even if it is merely the occasional domestic fantasy or dream/nightmare, so there is a way to not completely divorce a potential season 2 from season 1's "gimmick". It could be merely as simple as her pointedly doing something Sam/Jeannie-esque with her magic. Cooking with floating kitchen items would be an easy nod.
Probably not what Marvel is thinking of doing, but as a non-Marvel fan, WandaVision has a real opportunity to pull in new viewers with very different tastes that have so far managed to give the films a wide berth. It would do so much better as a show.
Go the route of giving these characters their own headlined projects and Marvel could have a real juggernaut of a 'ship, as well. My impression was that WandaVision got a lot of fans talking about the characters and their relationship in a way that the previous films and comics had not; some even making comments they had barely paid attention to the characters before the show.
IMO, the mere character descriptions sound like some of the most interesting and fleshed-out characters Marvel has got right now with real opportunity for real dramatic depth. And that's putting aside that Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful characters on the entire Marvel roster. Making a whole television season about a character going through the stages of grief and about a woman who just wants the family she lost back (a woman who desperately wants a husband and children, no less) was very different territory for Marvel. Human/non-human, in addition to having the level of doom that makes tragedies very, very memorable.
There's tropey drama potential there that hasn't been mined with the non-human who becomes more and more "human" (it's the stuff of fairy tales and sci-fi both). Hayward or someone like him could easily be used as a character who doesn't see Vision as equal to humans, for example. Delve into the sort of existential questions about artificial life achieving consciousness no less feeling than a human's that stories like Data on Star Trek, Blade Runner and Bicentennial Man pose. That species difference without the magic of sitcoms could be mined for a gorgeously dramatic plotline. What it means to be human explored through the non-human--one of my favorite tropes.
And of course, it's the stuff of fairy tales--most notably Pinocchio (the once-inanimate learning to and desiring to become real by proving himself worthy and because it fulfills the greatest wish of the person who loves them most), combined with the interspecies romance elements of The Little Mermaid (tragic ending or not--see also the desperate acts taken to achieve this cosmically-denied togetherness, only for such a tragic ending to come of it in the original work).
Given that the MCU movies just lost a bunch of their A-listers, they need something big like this. Marvel needs philosophical and character-driven meat on its meager dramatic bones. Here are two actors who could carry something more ambitious and pick up an entirely different audience. Marvel could get an even bigger female audience with these two, IMO. And it wouldn't be cheap girl power pandering either (I say this as a girl). These characters are legit with incredibly warm, likable, endearing performances behind them. This chemistry works 100%.
I think White Vision having an existential crisis where he's questioning what he is if he has all the memories of a being who clearly can feel every human emotion (the idea that we are our memories), but at the same time knowing that he's only artificial life, would be an interesting lead-up to Vision being fully restored with his full consciousness in addition to the added memories of what he experienced inside the Hex.
A restored Vision would have to reconcile what Wanda did in her grief over him and her family. It's also a glimpse at the life Wanda wants with him, which included something that isn't biologically possible, though it likely is through her own abilities of creation. There's also the idea of balance that he's the one who might hold her back from the brink of going down any further dark paths as a figure of ordered stability for her, while she is key in the chaos of his becoming more "human". The to-be parenthood story is obviously hanging over them.
The situation with Hayward intending for White Vision to remain a mere machine that can be manipulated and used as a weapon in a way that an independently-thinking Vision can't be is also a path to go down. As I said, there's a potential storyline about prejudice regarding artificial intelligence, even if it has all the emotional capability of humans.
And on top of that, Vision is in a relationship with a human, even if it's one who could potentially be the key to restoring his consciousness through her own link with the original Mind Stone. It also furthers Wanda's role as a mother and creator if she can give him back his life in this way. While the heroic Avengers might not question them being "an unusual couple", who says everyone else would be so kind?
I really think he needs to be brought back. Wanda desperately needs him for her story to continue.
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comicbookuniversity · 5 years ago
Lessons for the MonsterVerse
by Bunnypwn Gold
I have always been a big fan of Godzilla. I’ve been watching the movies since I was a kid. Now that they’re making new movies again, there’s a lot to be excited about and look forward to. Recently, I re-watched the newest one from the American MonsterVerse, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, as well as the last film from the Millennium era, Godzilla: Final Wars. Both films are big, ambitious, and include some major flaws, one of which they have in common, or at least they have flaws with overlap. While the MonsterVerse, so far, is great and is on track to continue that trend, Final Wars suffered greatest from this shared flaw, and so I am here to set out what the MonsterVerse needs to do to avoid self-destruction: take itself seriously.
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Briefly, I want to provide a review and synopsis of King of the Monsters. So spoilers, it’s really good. Five years after Godzilla made landfall in San Francisco and fought against the parasitic MUTOs, Monarch is struggling to figure out what it wants to do with the Titans, as the monsters are now known, while the government and military are pressuring Monarch to kill them all. At the same time, one of their own scientists, Emma Russell, betrays them to assist ecoterrorist Alan Jonah in awakening the Titans with a bioacoustics device called the ORCA so that the Titans can spur regrowth in the environment and undo anthropogenic climate change. They revive Ghidorah in Antarctica, who then awakens all the other Titans still sleeping around the world at once, thus precipitating a conflict with Monarch and Godzilla for the crown. The film sets out to cover a lot of narrative ground while introducing several important elements to the series, and all the while it held together some solid character work for its main cast. Based on the new, expansive mythos that this film lays out—with the many new Titans and the abandoned Hollow Earth society discovered in vast underground caverns which used to live in harmony with the Titans—it looks like things will only get more exciting, and the future of the MonsterVerse is set out effectively and in grand style.
Godzilla: Final Wars is also about a large amount of monsters fighting for control of the Earth, feature monsters trapped in Antarctic ice, and ends with Godzilla fighting Ghidorah, but that’s where the similarities end. Final Wars was released in 2004 as the commemorative 50th anniversary film for the franchise. In it, the Earth has been defended from monsters for decades by the Earth Defense Force, who managed to trap Godzilla in ice in Antarctica years prior. All the other monsters around the world attack at once in the present, and the EDF was unable to keep up until the Xiliens arrived from space, removing the monsters and promising to make a peaceful alliance with humanity. In reality, the Xiliens were invading the Earth in order to herd humans like cattle because they need to eat human mitochondria to survive, and they were secretly controlling the monsters. So the heroes free Godzilla so he can help them fight the aliens and their army of brainwashed monsters. The plot also involved mutant humans and a fake rogue planet that was also somehow an actual asteroid that Godzilla later blows up. It’s a mess of a movie. That aside, it’s clear the film is trying to borrow elements from the three previous eras of Godzilla movies. It took an edgier look from the majority of the Millennium movies (from 1999-2004). The use of serious, formidable super vehicles is like the various super planes from the Heisei era films (1984-1995). However, the element borrowed from the Showa era films (1954-1975) is where it falters: campiness. The difference in this film compared to the Showa films being that they purposefully made Final Wars campy, despite the opportunity they had and despite the tone of the Showa era movies.
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The original film, Gojira, is a very serious and tonally heavy film depicting the horrors of the modern era, with rapid industrialization in post-war Japan, the advent of the Cold War arms race, and the reason for that arms race, nuclear weapons, with the one man capable of killing Godzilla horrified by the devastation such an ability would grant. This movie and its first sequel were the only Godzilla films made in black and white, which impacts the way they look and how their special effects come across. After a several year hiatus, Godzilla returned to the screen to fight King Kong, this time in color. Seeing those monster suits and the limited special effects capabilities in 1960 of a B-list sci-fi flick in color really emphasizes how phony it all looked at the time. Throughout the Showa era, Godzilla shifted from an entirely villainous character to an erstwhile hero, and though the movies never stopped being presented as dramatic, they were made with an acknowledgement of how they look despite the drama and seriousness the creators otherwise wanted them to have.
Over time, of course, special effects improved. Starting with the Heisei era of films, Toho was able to produce much better suits and visual effects, and so they resumed making their movies with the kind of drama and seriousness that they had wanted all along. The Millennium era began in response to the 1998 American Godzilla, which depicted the titular monster with CGI, in contrast to the Toho tradition of using suits. The Millennium era was the last hurrah to suitmation effects, and these films, overall, looked great, probably the best that a giant monster movie can look with people in suits. Accordingly, they also hold up the more dramatic tone of the Heisei era while allowing each creative team the freedom to make the standalone Godzilla movie they wanted to make. The exception to this is Final Wars, which, as previously said, was not serious at all. Despite the successes of making serious, dramatic monster movies since 1984 and the ambitions of the Showa era’s large and imaginative canon, Final Wars decided to celebrate five decades of filmmaking by using cheesy comedy, camera work that screams “we had to edit heavily to make our actors look like action stars,” and what may very well be the least convincing acting of the entire series. The only person on set who seemed to understand any of this is alien commander X, who looked like he was being goofy on purpose, instead of on accident like the rest of the cast. Final Wars had the same opportunity as the rest of the Millennium era had to present a serious, dramatic battle for the fate of the Earth, and wasted it with aliens that seem completely unqualified to invade another planet and cramming most of their monsters into throwaway fights with Godzilla that lasted on average less than a minute.
This purposeful camp and goofiness of Final Wars is presumably meant to provide a lightness and humor to the film. This is where it overlaps with King of the Monsters, which ventured into the modern era of ironic, self-aware humor to provide levity. Borrowing from the MCU, King of the Monsters cracks wise during dramatic moments relatively often, in an attempt to lighten them up. Unfortunately, the jokes they go with are the weakest material in the film, and they do more to undermine the dramatic tension than enhance the film or provide levity. It’s like the scene in Thor: Ragnarok when Korg says they can rebuild Asgard, and then it blows up more, so never mind; or Hawkeye explaining how ridiculous his fighting robots with a bow and arrow is to Scarlet Witch in Age of Ultron. Maybe those are funny jokes, but they do more to undermine the dramatic tension than they add in humor, and both have the capacity to turn parts of the audience off by poking holes in the premise. It’s rather insecure and shows a lack of confidence in the work to stand on its own merits despite critics or easy jokes from the peanut gallery. This brand of humor gave us moments in King of the Monsters like Sam Coleman mishearing Ilene Chen saying “Ghidorah” as “gonorrhea.” It’s really not that funny, it wasn’t a moment that needed lightening up, and there’s no reason he would have misheard her since he was standing within ten feet. It ultimately undermines a moment in the film for an Asian woman to demonstrate her expertise by locating vital information about the threat at hand. But yes, Sam, I guess monsters sometimes have slightly silly-sounding names, like Ghidorah, which is based on the Japanese pronunciation of hydra, a very popular and well-respected mythical dragon.
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The 2014 Godzilla film that started the MonsterVerse was enjoyable, but didn’t quite live up to its potential. That’s part of the reason I delayed seeing Kong: Skull Island far longer than I should have. When I did see it, I was amazed. I expected it to be good, and I heard great things about it, but it was far better than anything I could have imagined it to be. It was a truly great movie. After seeing it, my hopes and expectations for the MonsterVerse skyrocketed. I don’t think these expectations have been let down yet, and I expect them to be satisfied moving forward. However, the one thing I wanted most going into King of the Monsters was for them to lean into the tone and style of Skull Island more. In certain respects, I think they did, and the ambitious mythos being built here is far more substantial than anything in the Godzilla franchise so far, which usually has stuck to “monsters keep showing up and fighting.” The dramatically absurd tone, though, was what they lost by using the ridiculousness of what’s happening to make quick, weak, sometimes self-aware jokes instead of to highlight the intensity of the drama experienced by the characters. In Skull Island, when the squad had to fly their planes through a permanent thunderstorm, Sam Jackson’s character started quoting a speech about how the righteous men will win by not backing down and so inherit the Earth. The speech makes the whole thing feel even more ridiculous than a permanent thunderstorm already is, and in doing so amps up the drama and tension. This ultimately makes the arrival of a giant gorilla, which the audience is expecting to see, much more impressive and intense. That’s what I wanted for King of the Monsters. Yes, there are ridiculous aspects to giant monster movies, but the characters are living it, not watching it and thinking, “This crazy.”
Having this more serious tone is also important in really hitting the audience with the larger thematic power of the film. In Skull Island, the way Sam Jackson didn’t want to back down from killing Kong, even after seeing that it’s pointless and even detrimental to the troop, is reminiscent of the way America is currently stuck in multiple seemingly never-ending wars. At least part of the reason people don’t want to leave Iraq and Afghanistan is because they don’t want to create another Vietnam, the war that this film centers around on purpose. Having that tension of a dedicated army colonel who was just forced to “abandon” his war amplifies the drama of the other characters wanting to understand the problems of the natives and come to a real solution to their problems, and it all works because of how it resonates in the current political climate. The Godzilla side of the MonsterVerse so far is focusing on climate change, which, while abstract for far too many, is also a very real and pressing concern for a lot of people, paralyzing at times. Seeing the dramatic steps needed to fix the problem almost makes Alan and Emma’s plan in King of the Monsters feel heroic. The film is filled with images of crumbling, flooded American cities, and Ghidorah, an alien creating imbalance in nature a la humanity thinking itself separate from nature, is literally a living hurricane. There’s a lot of strong, serious, intense potential to make such a movie really meaningful. If they had taken themselves more seriously, it would have had this level of impact. It really is sad that they squandered this potential on silly jokes and a story arc for their generic, useless white man hero, Mark Russell. Like I said at the beginning, it’s still a good movie, but I can so clearly see how much better it could have been, too.
To me, dramatic movies making fun of themselves in important scenes always comes across as insecure, like filmmakers can’t simply make their movie first, they also have to preempt the internet to protect their egos. As the MonsterVerse moves forward, my biggest piece of advice is to do what Skull Island did and take itself seriously. We live in a time when a lot of previously niche franchises and genres are getting more spotlight due to the demands of studios wanting more high-action, effects heavy movies to sell huge on the international market. As these genres, once mired in cultural neglect and seen as silly and childish, come into the limelight, they both prove they always were to be taken seriously and poke fun at themselves to prove they know they shouldn’t be. I get the appeal of ironic, self-aware humor and wanting to be silly at dramatic high points, because it can be very fun and, when used properly, be incredibly funny; look to Thor: Ragnarok for an overall great example. But besides issues of improper use, this kind of humor is arguably at saturation at this point. It’s being misused and overused to the detriment of otherwise good movies in an attempt to compete with Marvel, who remains the poster child on this. So MonsterVerse, let Marvel, Disney, and all those imitators try to outdo each other by proving they can make more fun of themselves before Honest Trailers get to them. Just have fun making movies about giant monsters with the kind of drama and seriousness only modern special effect can give them, and use the ridiculousness of it all to amp up that drama instead of undermine it. Get over people calling you a nerd and just do your thing. As they say, being cool is all about confidence. 
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chalantness · 6 years ago
fic: Meet Me Under the Spotlight
Rating: PG-13 Word Count: ~6300 Characters: Steve/Natasha and the ensemble Summary: A continuation of that celebrity social media au no one asked for.
A/N: It took a while for inspiration to strike for the next installment in the Marvelous ‘verse but I really wanted to expand upon the “show” itself since all you darlings were really enthusiastic about learning more from the previous chapter. But of course I still made sure to have extra fluffy fun following Steve and Nat’s engagement announcement!
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‘Marvelous’ Season Premiere Recap: “In Somnis Veritas”
December 12, 2017. 6:52 AM PST.
SPOILER ALERT! This post contains plot details from the Marvelous season four premiere, “In Somnis Veritas,” below.
In somnis veritas. “In dreams there is truth.”
And the truth is? We have no idea what these dreams are supposed to mean.
During AE!’s exclusive on-set interviews with the cast of Marvelous last month, Steve Rogers (playing the Captain) shared that the Season 4 premiere would be entirely centered around the concept of dreams. “There are really low points but there are really high points, too,” Rogers had dished, “and it’s just one of those things you know will have that punch and then keep on punching.” But tell us, Captain: when do the punches stop? It’s hard enough to riddle out which dreams and nightmares from last night’s episode are foreshadowing and which ones are just plain teasing! The last thing we need is to know that there are still more hits coming our way.
But we should probably be used to that by now, right?
Another thing we’re used to? Spending the entire week after an episode trying to dissect what the heck we just watched.
In the months between the surprise Season 4 teaser trailer that dropped on The Late Night Show and last night’s premiere, the cast had teased that this season will bring happier days back to our heroes. And while that’s definitely what we thought of during last night’s dream sequences, what does that say about the nightmares?
The Official Twitter of Access Entertainment @accessentertainment -- November 23       Sending confetti, champagne, and a huge congrats for @therussianprincessnat and @stevefrombrooklyn on their engagement!
The Late Night Show with Peter Quill @PeterQuillTonight -- November 23       Can’t say I’m thrilled that the love of my life @stevefrombrooklyn is off the market, but also @therussianprincessnat is too scary to steal him back from...
The Late Night Show with Peter Quill @PeterQuillTonight -- November 23       All jokes aside, sending @stevefrombrooklyn and @therussianprincessnat lots of love on their engagement! (It’s about time)
Marvelous @MarvelousCW -- November 23       We’re still not over it! @therussianprincessnat and @stevefrombrooklyn’s engagement will leave us swooning for months!    pic.twitter.com/jR71tMr...             [Image Caption: Steve Rogers down on one knee, holding out a diamond ring to Natasha Romanoff, the both of them smiling widely and tearing up as the cast and crew of Marvelous cheer them on.]
Wanda Maximoff @littlewandamaximoff -- November 23       Watching you two fall in love is the stuff fairytales are made of! Congrats to @therussianprincessnat and @stevefrombrooklyn for finally making it official!
James Buchanan Barnes @iambuckybarnes -- November 23       If anyone can keep @stevefrombrooklyn in line for the rest of his life, it’s @therussianprincessnat.. congrats on the engagement :)
Sam Wilson @snapwilson -- November 23       what will @therussianprincessnat and @stevefrombrooklyn be like when they’re married? the same old couple they are now. congrats, you two
Tony Stark @thetonystark -- November 23       You mean @therussianprincessnat and @stevefrombrooklyn haven’t been secretly married this whole time? They sure fooled me. (Congrats kids!)
Maria Hill @aproblemlikemaria -- November 23       Congrats to two of the best people I know! If you thought @therussianprincessnat and @stevefrombrooklyn were sappy before then you were wrong
Nick Fury @nickfurry -- November 23       @therussianprincessnat @stevefrombrooklyn excited to see your childish relationship turn into a childish marriage. congratulations you two
Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn -- November 23       @nickfurry did you just paraphrase Brooklyn 99?             Steve Rogers Retweeted:             @nickfurry: @therussianprincessnat @stevefrombrooklyn excited to see your childish relationship turn into a childish marriage. congratulations you two
WATCH: Countdown to ‘Marvelous’ Season 4 - Most Heartbreaking Scenes - Captain finds Widow bleeding out (3x22)
Marvelous CW - Published on November 24, 2017 - 917,946 views
[Image Caption: Writer/producer Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, and Peter Parker sharing hot chocolate and donuts between takes, laughing as Peter attempts to shove an entire donut in his mouth.]
MarvelousOfficial We’re two weeks away from the #Marvelous Season 4 premiere, which means it’s time for more #MarvelousSneakPeeks Behind-the-Scenes Edition!
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NOVEMBER 27, 2017
[Image Caption: Natasha Romanoff and Maria Hill sitting on a bed together in the infirmary set, Natasha in an infirmary gown and Maria in a bloodied catsuit, huddled together and talking animatedly.]
mariahill she may be your fiance now but she’s still my soulmate @nataliaromanov @stevenrogers #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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NOVEMBER 27, 2017
[Image Caption: T’challa T’chaka, Steve Rogers, and Thor Odinson posing while lifting weights in the training room set.]
thorodinson Working hard or hardly working? @stevenrogers @tchallatchaka #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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NOVEMBER 27, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff sleeping on a couch in the green room, Natasha curled on his lap.]
cbarton Remember that time @nataliaromanov and @stevenrogers held up shooting because they were too busy being adorable? BECAUSE I DO #MarvelousSneakPeeks
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NOVEMBER 27, 2017
‘Marvelous’ Season Premiere Recap: “In Somnis Veritas” (continued)
December 12, 2017. 6:52 AM PST.
Last night’s premiere hits the ground running with its theme around dreams: the episode opens with a beautiful shot of an outdoor wedding, complete with white petals on the ground and everyone decked out in suits and pastel dresses. Everything is bright and ethereal, vaguely eerie version of the wedding march playing as the camera pans over the audience until finally settling on the face of the bride: Black Widow. Big shocker there. Even less of a shocker? Her groom, standing under the floral arch: the Captain.
We all knew this was coming. Did it make us any less emotional as we watched the Captain and Widow hold hands and recite vows in front of the crying faces of their loved ones?
Absolutely not.
But just as the Captain peels back her veil for a kiss, we cut to a very grim version of the same scene: it’s nighttime now, with the chairs empty and strewn across the grass, and Widow’s beautiful wedding dress is now torn and covered in blood. Widow repeats her vows, but this time as she recites, “until death do us part,” the vaguely eerie music comes to a stop - and then the Captain bolts upright in his chair. He’d been in the infirmary the whole time, having fallen asleep at Widow’s bedside. She gives him a sad smile and asks if he’s alright, and, in true Captain fashion, he dodges the question altogether and checks on her vitals. He tries to rush off, but Widow gets up to stop him and asks him to stay, and the Captain hesitates before kissing her forehead and promising that he won’t leave.
Meanwhile, we find Thor beating the crap out of a punching bag in the gym. There are flashes back to the scene of his powers getting stripped from him from last season’s finale, his punches getting progressively harder as he relives the memory... and then it gets worse: Agent Hill comes up behind him, touching his shoulder in an attempt to get his attention, but in a flash, Thor has his hands around her throat. The buzz of electricity can be heard as the lights of the training room flicker, and Agent Hill seems oddly calm considering she’s being choked to death, which seems to clue Thor in: he realizes he’s punched the bag straight off of the chain during his dream (nightmare?) and the real Agent Hill is standing unharmed beside him as she gives him a status update: Widow’s memories are still gone, Hawkeye is still out cold, Scarlet Witch is still missing. But he’s only half-listening. He flexes his fingers (yup, powers still gone) and stares at Agent Hill’s neck, terror written all over his face.
Agent Hill asks what’s wrong, but of course, before he can answer, they’re interrupted by a commotion passing through the hallway: Agent 13 and Quicksilver are back with Iron Man, and he’s looking pretty worse for wear.
(Related: Peggy Carter visits The Late Night Show, talks Christmas plans and directing ‘Marvelous’ mid-season finale)
WATCH: Final ‘Marvelous’ Season 3 Teaser Trailer is the Most Romantic Teaser Yet!
Access Entertainment! - Published on December 2, 2017 - 1,200,918 views
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat -- December 4       hey @stevefrombrooklyn rumor has it we’ve been married this whole time, you owe me three years of anniversary gifts
Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn -- December 4       @therussianprincessnat my apologies ma’am :)
Wanda Maximoff @littlewandamaximoff -- December 4       @stevefrombrooklyn somehow got 50 dozens of flowers in the green room for @therussianprincessnat in less than an hour. How is he real??
James Buchanan Barnes @iambuckybarnes -- December 4       you think she’s exaggerating, she is not.. 50. dozen. flowers!!             James Buchanan Barnes Retweeted:             @littlewandamaximoff: @stevefrombrooklyn somehow got 50 dozens of flowers in the green room for @therussianprincessnat in less than an hour. How is he real??
Pepper Potts @twopeasinapott -- December 4       there was a teddy bear as big as me waiting for @therussianprincessnat in hair & make-up today! well played @stevefrombrooklyn
Tony Stark @thetonystark -- December 4       Replying to @twopeasinapott             yet when i give you giant stuffed animals, it’s creepy
James Rhodes @jamesrhodesisland -- December 4       Replying to @twopeasinapott @thetonystark             because we all still have nightmares about that valentine’s day “raccoon”.. give it a rest
Peter B. Parker @pbandparker -- December 4       @stevefrombrooklyn got @therussianprincessnat three dozen cupcakes and SHE WON’T SHARE!!!
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat -- December 4       Replying to @pbandparker             when you’re engaged, you can have some :)
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat -- December 4       @stevefrombrooklyn i’ll see your flowers, cupcakes and teddy bear and raise you Stadium Club at Dodgers Stadium
Steve Rogers @stevefrombrooklyn -- December 4       Replying to @therussianprincessnat             spoiler alert: i may propose to you on the jumbotron
Natasha A. Romanoff @therussianprincessnat -- December 4       Replying to @stevefrombrooklyn             make sure there’s a sky-writer and hot air balloons and i might say yes
Clint Barton @cbarton -- December 4       Replying to @stevefrombrooklyn @therussianprincessnat             YOU ALREADY SAID YES
Access Entertainment! Exclusive Preview: The Late Night Show Just Got a Little More Marvelous
December 5, 2017. 2:51 PM PST.
The last time that the stunning Natasha Romanoff was in New York to chat with Peter Quill on The Late Night Show, we expected Quill to give us the scoop on Romanoff’s cozy Hawaiian vacation with her fellow Marvelous co-star, Steve Rogers, which had us all swooning over our screens this summer. But of course, Romanoff dodged the interrogation in true Black Widow fashion: with a charming smile and a downright dirty seduction tactic in the form of a Marvelous teaser trailer, dropping an entire week earlier than scheduled.
Well played, Miss Romanoff. Well played.
Fast-forward two months later, just hours before Romanoff was scheduled to appear to tape her slot in tonight’s show, Quill tweeted about being more determined than ever to squeeze out the juicy details about Romanoff’s and Rogers’ Hawaiian getaway. But Romanoff still had more tricks up her sleeve: the audience cheered as Quill announces her arrival... and then promptly went into hysterics at the sight of her head of blonde hair!
Yes, you read that right: the infamous Black Widow is now blonde, and we’re still not sure how we feel about it. Romanoff looked every bit as stunning as we know her to be, but her fiery hair has been such an iconic feature of hers that we’re a little sad to see that it’s gone.
At least, for now it is. “You’ll see,” Romanoff answered cryptically when Quill bemoaned her new color and asked what brought on the change. “It’s a plot thing. Nick and I agreed a wig didn’t do the trick, so the red had to go. But I promise you, it’ll be back. It’ll definitely be back. I miss it already!”
We do, too, and we’re certain Romanoff’s new fiance must feel the same. Rogers has never been shy to voice how much he loved Romanoff’s bold hair color, having done so on social media on numerous occasions, long before the pair had started dating. A fact that was pretty much known following the intimate photos of the two out and about around Maui this past summer, but something neither outright confirmed until Romanoff’s twenty-ninth birthday just a couple weeks ago, when the couple took to Instagram to announce their engagement. Rogers proposed to Romanoff down on one knee at the birthday party the cast and crew had put together for her, and, in his Tweet congratulating the couple, fellow Marvelous co-star Clint Barton shared that, “it took a while for them to come back up for air.”
(Related: ‘Marvelous’ Tribute Video for Natasha Romanoff and Steve Rogers’ Engagement Sends the Whole Cast Into Tears)
There’s no doubting that Romanoff could show up in neon pink hair and still look stunning, and Rogers would still be just as head-over-heels for her, a fact that Quill was quick to point it out.
“He better,” Romanoff teased with a bright smile. “And technically he proposed to me twice, so he has to wait for another strike before calling anything off.”
Wait, what?
“He did, he did,” Romanoff laughed when Quill asked if this was true. “He technically proposed to me in Hawaii, except he was really just asking if we wanted to officially ‘date.’ It just didn’t seem like a significant enough term and we kind of joked about it. We were like, ‘is it just dating when we know so much about each other?’ We’ve spent three years together at this point and dating wasn’t going to just wipe us clean of our friendship, so why give it such a vague title? So he went straight to a proposal. And I said yes.”
Want to hear more? We certainly do!
Be sure join us in watching the full interview on The Late Night Show as Natasha Romanoff dishes more about about her Hawaiian vacation, previews the Marvelous cast’s January cover shoot for Infinity magazine, and addresses rumors of being cast in Disney’s latest live-action fairy tale remake.
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Just In: Newly engaged ‘Marvelous’ co-stars Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff address pregnancy rumors: “If it weren’t for a tight filming schedule, we’d have two kids and a dog by now,” Rogers joked via Twitter, to which Romanoff added: “And it wouldn’t be a rumor because he would’ve shouted it from every rooftop he could find.” (December 6, 2017)
[Image Caption: Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Sharon Carter, Pepper Potts, and Maria Hill laying together across a couch, dressed comfortably in variations of yoga pants and sweats as they pass around bags of chips.]
littlewandamaximoff #TBT to that one time @cbarton dragged all of us to a farm in the middle of nowhere and we accidentally had the best vacation ever
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DECEMBER 7, 2017
[Image Caption: Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, and T’challa T’chaka standing in front of a cabin, holding axes and laughing as they chop wood.]
nataliaromanov #tbt to when @tchallatchaka and @peterbenjiparker thought they would be exempt from hard work because they were the new kids. pffft
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DECEMBER 7, 2017
[Image Caption: Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Sharon Carter, Pepper Potts, and Maria Hill huddled together on the couch under a blanket with T’challa T’chaka, Peter Parker, Thor Odinson, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, and Bruce Banner sitting on the floor on top of blankets and pillows.]
stevenrogers We had so much separation anxiety from filming on location during Season 3 that we spent two weeks over the summer in a cabin being recluses. #TBT
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DECEMBER 7, 2017
[Image Caption: Natasha Romanoff sitting on Steve Rogers’ lap at a kitchen table, holding a mug in her hands and laughing as Steve whispers into her ear.]
iambuckybarnes We didn’t have enough chairs so apparently that was permission for @nataliaromanov to spend the entire vacation on @stevenrogers lap being sickeningly adorable together #tbt
View all 2,548 comments
DECEMBER 7, 2017
‘Marvelous’ Season Premiere Recap: “In Somnis Veritas” (continued)
December 12, 2017. 6:52 AM PST.
As Iron Man gets rushed into medical, Quicksilver explains the fight with Ultron from that ended in Iron Man barely hanging onto consciousness as they rushed to get him back, while Agent Hill shares how Hawkeye ended up in a coma and how Widow nearly bled to death. Then comes the worst part: Scarlet Witch is missing, and there’s been nothing but radio silence from Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Quicksilver - who had been vocal in his protest to let his sister go off without him - shouts at Agent Hill, ranting angrily, only to storm off when Thor steps in. Agent Hill then shares the news about Widow’s memories and Agent 13 snaps, nearly hitting Agent Hill when she hurls Iron Man’s broken at the wall and then storms off. Thor warily asks how Agent Hill is holding up, but she simply shrugs it off and goes after Agent 13 to comfort her, and elsewhere, Captain runs into Quicksilver and quickly does the same.
(Related: The Cast of Marvelous Get Dolled Up and Down & Dirty for Their Infinity Magazine Cover Shoot)
If you think things might’ve magically gotten better for our favorite little witch since the finale, then you were mistaken: the first glimpse we get of Scarlet Witch is her sprawled out on the floor. There are indistinct voices and sounds and sights blurring in and out as she struggles to wake up, but then the Winter Soldier’s suddenly comes into focus at her side as he brushes her hair from her face. She’s confused - just as much as we are - and then the scene shifts into another dream sequence with more ethereal lighting and happy yet eerie instrumentals. Scarlet Witch lays on the floor of a gorgeous bathroom, but this time she’s smiling and holding onto a positive pregnancy test (gasp!) as a clean-cut Winter Soldier hovers over her again. Scarlet Witch tells him that “this changes everything,” to which the Winter Soldier reassures her that she can handle it.
With that sentiment still echoing, we shift back to a battered Scarlet Witch still on the floor, with the hallucination of Winter Soldier encouraging her to get up - and so she does. She takes in her surroundings: she’s in some kind of holding cell in the middle of lab with scientists and armed guards everywhere. When she looks down at her arms, she sees marks all over herself as blurry memories of the experimentation flash. Before she can freak out even more, however, a scientist crouches beside her and, predictably, he launches into a creepy story of how he’s waited to get his hands on her and how she has so much beautiful potential. She doesn’t say a word, but like any evil villain, he shares his plot anyway: he wants to bring the world to their knees, and she’s been the missing piece of his equation.
Outside in the snow, Falcon and the Winter Soldier are still right where we left them on a snowy mountainside, but at least they’ve stopped throwing punches at this point. Falcon is working to get a connection going to call the others for back-up as the Winter Soldier attempts to figure out where the hidden lab might be. It only takes a minute and a half (yes, we counted) for the tense silence to diverge into more arguing, but at least this time it ends in a mutual agreement on what direction they need to head in.
(Related: The Cast of ‘Marvelous’ Try to Price ‘Marvelous’ Collectibles on Ebay)
WATCH: ‘Marvelous’ 4x06 “Widow’s Bite” and 4x07 “Coup de Foudre” Episode Stills
Marvelous CW - Published on December 14, 2017 - 1,103,792 views
Marvelous @MarvelousCW -- December 17       #MarvelousScripttoScreen #Marvelous 401 “In Somnis Veritas” written by @nickfurry featuring @therussianprincessnat @stevefrombrooklyn             [Image Caption: Screenshot of a script that reads:
Black Widow blinks, smiling, but not knowing exactly why as she walks down the hallway. She takes her time looking at the pictures on the wall: her and Captain at birthday parties, picnics, restaurants... and the end: her in a wedding dress  -- from Captain’s dream sequence. She pauses, noticing that this isn’t a picture but an oil painting. But who painted this...
      CAPTAIN (O.S.)             Love? You home?
Black Widow follows the sound of rustling bags into the kitchen. Captain manages to set multiple bags of groceries on the counter, albeit struggling a little.
      BLACK WIDOW             (with a teasing smirk)             Didn’t feel like asking for help?
      CAPTAIN             (returning her teasing)             Nah. Didn’t need to bother you when I’ve got it handled.
      BLACK WIDOW             Or maybe you just don’t need me?
Captain flinches as if slapped, Black Widow’s smile fades a little, not expecting the reaction. Something feels off...
      CAPTAIN             I always need you. I’ve always needed you.
      BLACK WIDOW             I know.
      CAPTAIN             Do you?
Their eyes meet -- Captain’s fill with emotion, overwhelming Black Widow. Maintaining eye contact becomes too much. She rushes to him, pulls him into a hug.
      CAPTAIN             Sometimes I think you don’t. That I don’t tell you enough.
Black Widow finds this so absurd that she laughs, tearing up, squeezing onto him tighter.
      BLACK WIDOW             So tell me now.
Captain laughs too, and it sounds like relief. In a flash he’s lifting her up and setting her on the counter, pulling her close again. They gaze into each other’s eyes, not saying anything. It’s enough -- it always is -- but in this moment, they both need more...
Marvelous @MarvelousCW -- December 17      #MarvelousScripttoScreen #Marvelous 401 “In Somnis Veritas” written by @nickfurry featuring @therussianprincessnat @stevefrombrooklyn            [Image Caption: Screenshot of a script that reads:
Captain slightly stumbles on his way into the room, looking distraught. Black Widow starts to get up from bed but he’s at her side and urging her to stay put.
      BLACK WIDOW             (looking past Captain at the door)             What’s going on?             (then, looking at him, growing more concerned at what she sees)             Are you alright?
Captain laughs, hallow and almost hysterical.
      CAPTAIN             No.             (he blinks, surprised by his own honesty, then continues on before he can talk himself out of it)             The people most important to me are fighting, or missing, or dying. And I can’t do a thing. Not a goddamn thing.
Black Widow puts her hand on his face, making him meet her eyes. She wants to reassure him, but the heartbreak she sees makes her stop short. His stare is intense -- intensely lost -- and she feels connected to his pain. She hurts just like him.
      CAPTAIN             Thank you.
      BLACK WIDOW             (blinking, tearing up)             For what?
      CAPTAIN             For not saying it’ll be alright. You never lied to me before. Even when you’re not mine, you still know what to say, or not say.
      BLACK WIDOW             I was yours?
      CAPTAIN             (swallowing, visibly fighting to not look away)             Yeah, I think so.
      BLACK WIDOW             (whispering, because she thinks she already knows the answer)             Were you mine?
      CAPTAIN             Yeah.             (cracking a half-smile)             Still am.
Marvelous @MarvelousCW -- December 17     And now for a #MarvelousSneakPeek #MarvelousScripttoScreen 402 “The Darkest Night” written by @nickfurry featuring @stevefrombrooklyn @corethor            [Image Caption: Screenshot of a script that reads:
Thor turns the corner and almost runs right into Captain. They both pause to stare at each other, exchanging a knowing look, then they crack half-smiles and bittersweet laughs. What a predicament they’ve got on their hands.
      THOR             (nodding at Black Widow’s closed bedroom door)             How is she taking everything?
      CAPTAIN             Better than I am. But that’s nothing new.             (he’s half-joking, then shrugs as he genuinely considers)             It’s a shock to her. Last thing she clearly remembers is the Red Room. The rest is a blur.
Thor exhales, letting the weight of this settle. Half a decade of memories gone -- he can’t begin to imagine how that affects her, and Captain. He tries to find the right thing to say, but Captain speaks first.
      CAPTAIN             (nodding in the direction of the communal rooms)             And Hill? Is she holding up?
      THOR             Barely. The whiskey is helping.
      CAPTAIN             You probably helped more.
      THOR             (surprised that he agrees)             I did.             (exchanging a look with Captain, offering each other half-smiles)             Just when I thought things couldn’t get any more out of sorts...
‘Marvelous’ Season Premiere Recap: “In Somnis Veritas” (continued)
December 12, 2017. 6:52 AM PST.
Back at the Facility, the Captain, Agent Hill, Agent 13, Thor, and Quicksilver are gathered in the hallway just outside the infirmary wing. Black Widow is sitting in her bed, not at all pretending to be reading rather than eavesdropping as they try to make sense of the turn of events that left the Team in shambles. But they end up with more questions than answers: How could anything drain Thor of his powers, and why? What was so important about the truck Iron Man tracked down that he intercepted it without a plan? What epiphany did Hawkeye have before he chased after Widow and ended up in a coma? Are Widow’s memories gone for good? And where the heck are Scarlet Witch, Falcon, and the Winter Soldier right now?
The conversation (understandably) grows frustrated, but now Black Widow isn’t paying attention. Exhaustion is taking over, and she feels herself drifting out until she finally gets pulled into a daydream: she finds herself in a cookie-cutter suburban house, walking down a hallway lined with frames. She and Captain are in all of the photos being displayed, carefree and happy, and the frame at the end displays an oil painting of Widow in a wedding dress. (The same one from Captain’s dream sequence, to be specific. Coincidence? Not at all.) Then, when someone calls for her, she walks into the kitchen to find Captain carrying a mass of groceries. She teases him about not needing her, but the joke falls flat, and, oh look, there’s that creepy, eerie music again. Captain assures that he does need her and he doesn’t tell her enough, and we get the sense he’s not just talking about groceries. Widow comforts him, and then the dream shifts: same house, same kitchen, but this time Widow and Captain both walk in from the garage carrying groceries. Ah, lovely - positive paralleling. They set the groceries down and Captain hoists her onto the counter, and Widow puts a hand on his face as they gaze adoringly at each other before kissing.
And naturally, this is when Widow is woken up.
Captain looks troubled (obviously) as he walks back into her room, so much so that, rather than brushing it off, he shares with Widow how helpless he feels. Widow doesn’t say anything, but of course it’s enough. It always is with them. Captain thanks her for still being “his” and this catches Widow off-guard. She hadn’t realized that they were this intimate, but it seems like Captain finally has.
(Related: How Marvelous Creates “Chemistry” Through Costume Design)
Elsewhere in the Facility infirmary, Agent Hill and Agent 13 are seated by a still-out-cold Hawkeye‘s bedside, quietly continuing to puzzle everything out. What bothers them the most is figuring out what Iron Man was chasing after, though we know the truth: whatever it is that Hawkeye figured out was what he told Iron Man to investigate while Hakweye went after Widow so he could bring her back home and clear her name. Because of course Hakweye knew the real reason behind her “betrayal”, too. What doesn’t this man know?
As Agent Hill and Agent 13′s voices fade away, we’re brought into yet another dream sequence: Hawkeye finds himself walking through a farm in the middle of nowhere, and it seems like even he doesn’t know what he’s doing there, but it’s oddly peaceful. A young girl and boy come running out of the house, laughing and playing an intense game of tag, and then shortly after a woman follows. Her attention is on the baby boy in her arms, her hair hiding her face, but all of the excited chatter coming from the kids becomes a blur of noise as the woman turns her head and we’re met with the face of the agent who left Iron Man for dead. Not that Hawkeye would know this. She touches his shoulder and leans in to kiss him, and when she pulls away, the kids are gone and they’re no longer on a farm. Instead they’re in the same warehouse where Hawkeye tracked Widow to, and the mystery woman is dressed in a black catsuit. She gives him a sweet smile, which is disturbing considering that the Captain is practically in hysterics over Widow’s body as she bleeds out on the floor.
The laughter of the kids can be heard again, the little girl exclaiming, “tag, you’re it!” just as the mystery woman’s smile takes on a sharp edge - and then Hawkeye wakes up. Agent Hill and Agent 13 are immediately at his side, but before they can begin to fuss over him, he says that he “knows what it is.” A man of few words, as always. Agent Hill tells him to lay back down and take it easy, but he goes on to say that he knows what was in that truck: weapons built with extraterrestrial technology, with the designs that had been stolen from him earlier in Season 3.
Meanwhile, back in the snowy mountains, we see Scarlet Witch struggling to stay upright and conscious on the floor as the red wisps of her energy start to materialize around her. The head evil scientist is still rambling, this time about explaining the grueling experiments he’s putting Scarlet Witch under, and that’s when she sees it in the corner of the room: the cube-shaped energy behind a glass containment unit, hooked up to the machine that the scientist is tinkering with. Her energy flares in alarm, which of course catches everyone’s attention. Guns are at the ready, but the scientist is unconcerned as he comes toward her with a tool Scarlet Witch has never seen before. (One of those weapons Hawkeye thought up, perhaps? Seems like a safe bet.)
The scientist grabs her arm, yanking her to her feet, but as soon as he points the tip of the strange instrument to her skin he’s blown back by a ripple of her energy. She flinches, stares down at her hands in surprise at the pain she feels from her own powers, but she isn’t given the time to ponder this: the guards are gathering around her with their guns aimed, shouting threats at her as she starts to gather her energy in her palms. The scientist stares at her in ominous fascination rather than terror, and the cube of energy starts to spark, seeming to react to her powers. The shouting escalates, until finally someone fires a shot - and in a blink, the cube of energy and Scarlet Witch’s energy explode as if detonated. The shot cuts to the laboratory from the outside as red energy bursts from within it, and from just up the mountain, we see Falcon and Winter Soldier watching as the building collapses. Sparks can be seen as everything is crumbling, and there’s a quick flash of Thor at the Facility, wincing in pain as the sparks grow more violent before fading, being absorbed by Scarlet Witch’s red energy. Thor nearly keels over, but the pain fades, replaced by frustration as he hurls the weight in his hand across the gym. He falls to his knees as he breathes heavily, and Agent Hill can be seen watching him from the door, a worried expression on her face.
Back on the mountain, we find Scarlet Witch completely untouched and laying on the snow, her red energy dissolving into the air after having protected her from the explosion. Falcon and Winter Soldier rush to her side, and after a quick check of her pulse, the two look at each other and look visibly relieved. Scarlet Witch’s eyes fly open the moment Winter Soldier touches her, but she eases all at once when she sees that it’s him, and he lifts her in his arms and tucks her to his chest as her body shakes. Scarlet Witch catches sight of her forearm as she’s being carried and immediately tenses when she notices that the fresh marks from the experiments have already significantly faded. She looks alarmed, and slightly terrified, and she catches a red spark from her fingertip before the screen cuts to black.
What did you think, Marvels? Was the Season 4 premiere everything you thought it would be? Let us know in the comments below!
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[Image Caption: Natasha Romanoff dressed in a wedding gown and Steve Rogers in a tuxedo, with Natasha sitting on his lap, the two of the holding flutes of champagne as they kiss. The cast and crew of Marvelous can be seen in the background, cheering and throwing confetti.]
stevenrogers The best Christmas will always be the one where you finally became my wife
View all 4,414 comments
DECEMBER 25, 2017
51 notes · View notes
ilistenedin · 6 years ago
I can’t sleep
1. Who is your hero? Gerard Way
2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? North, like somewhere that it actually gets cold
3. What is your biggest fear? Judgement
4. What is your favorite family vacation? We never really did some big thing growing up. We went to Disney and universal a lot.
5. What would you change about yourself if you could? That’s a very long list.
6. What really makes you angry? Cockiness. Being rude.
7. What motivates you to work hard? My paycheck.
8. What is your favorite thing about your career? My paycheck.
9. What is your biggest complaint about your job? The people.
10. What is your proudest accomplishment? Making it this far.
11. What is your child's proudest accomplishment? My child, who is also my cat, lost a lil bit of weight. He feelin himself.
12. What is your favorite book to read? Anything by Stephen King.
13. What makes you laugh the most? Gay memes
14. What was the last movie you went to? What did you think? Saw Aladdin. It was pretty good.
15. What did you want to be when you were small? A veterinarian.
16. What does your child want to be when he/she grows up? My children, who are also my cats, are grown and content.
17. If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? Eat anything and everything but not gain weight.
18. What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? Marching Band. Yes it’s a sport, fight me about it. (I also like football)
19. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car? Drive a car
20. What would you sing at Karaoke night? That’s such a hard question. I gotta get back to you on that one.
21. What two radio stations do you listen to in the car the most? The local rock station and the local r&b/hip hop station
22. Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house? Vacuum
23. If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work? Cleaning
24. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Ramen. But like, good ramen. Not cup noodles.
25. Who is your favorite author? Stephen King
26. Have you ever had a nickname? What is it? I have... many. Lindiepop, Lindita, mumski, some other embarrassing stuff
   27. Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not? Dislike, I’m bad at reactions.
   28. In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? movie
   29. Would you rather vacation in Hawaii or Alaska, and why? I wanna say Alaska cause cold, but I’m gonna day Hawaii cause scenery.
   30. Would you rather win the lottery or work at the perfect job? And why? Perfect job. Steady income, not bored.
   31. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? No one.
   32. If money was no object, what would you do all day? Online shop, eat, travel. Sleep.
   33. If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to? The 20’s maybe. Just to visit tho.
   34. How would your friends describe you? Probably funny.
   35. What are your hobbies? Drumming, sleeping, drawing, writing, sleeping, video games, and sleeping.
   36. What is the best gift you have been given? Love from any person.
   37. What is the worst gift you have received? Love from any person.
   38. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without? Humor.
   39. List two pet peeves. Loud, open mouth chewing. Lack of special awareness.
   40. Where do you see yourself in five years? I don’t.
   41. How many pairs of shoes do you own? .... too many.
   42. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have? I’d want whatever Scarlet witch is. Telekinesis for sure doe.
   43. What would you do if you won the lottery? Buy my mom and sister a house. Save the rest for the future. Take my gf to Celebration next year.
   44. What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.) my car.
   45. What's your favorite zoo animal? Lion.
   46. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? That’s too much pressure...
   47. If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Mikey Way, and Ray Toro.
   48. How many pillows do you sleep with? One
   49. What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)? Days. My brain is an asshole.
   50. What's the tallest building you've been to the top in? I have no idea.
51. Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence? Looks for intelligence.
   52. How often do you buy clothes? ...too often.
   53. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yep
   54. What's your favorite holiday? Halloween
   55. What's the most daring thing you've ever done? Go to the Philippines for five whole weeks with less than a two month notice.
   56. What was the last thing you recorded on TV? I don’t do that.
   57. What was the last book you read? Oooooof I don’t even remember. That makes me sad.
   58. What's your favorite type of foreign food? Japanese food
   59. Are you a clean or messy person? Messy as fuck
   60. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
   61. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 10 min
   62. What kitchen appliance do you use every day? The fridge???
   63. What's your favorite fast food chain? McDonalds.
   64. What's your favorite family recipe? Don’t have one...
   65. Do you love or hate rollercoasters? Love
   66. What's your favorite family tradition? ... don’t have one
   67. What is your favorite childhood memory? I don’t remember shit anymore
   68. What's your favorite movie? Right now it’s Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again.
   69. How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out? I don’t remember ever believing in Santa
   70. Is your glass half full or half empty? Half empty
   71. What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? Try to love myself
   72. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? Hunting knife, water purifier, and a sleeping bag.
   73. What was your favorite subject in school? English.
   74. What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? I have eaten a lot of “weird” stuff. It all depends on your point of view.
   75. Do you collect anything? Funko Pops.
76. Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion? No lol
   77. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert.
   78. Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest? Taste.
   79. Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise) I can’t remember
   80. Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous? Don’t think so.
   81. What do you do to keep fit? I’m not fit lol.
   82. Does your family have a “motto�� – spoken or unspoken? Nope
   83. If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce? Be fucking nice.
   84. Who was your favorite teacher in school and why? I’ve had a lot of fave teachers. Hard to choose just one.
   85. What three things do you think of the most each day? My gf, my cats, dying?
   86. If you had a warning label, what would yours say? “Prone to frequent highs and lows in mood”
   87. What song would you say best sums you up? I don’t think that’s for me to answer.
   88. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee? Gerard Way
   89. Who was your first crush? Pretty sure I had a huge crush on this red head named Jessica in first grade. I just didn’t know it was a crush.
 90. What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window? I work at home now, so a river.
   91. On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are? I think I’m a 5 at best. I think my friends would disagree.
   92. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I don’t.
   93. What was your first job? Valet in Miami Beach
   94. If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join? I wouldn’t lol
   95. How many languages do you speak? 2
   96. What is your favorite family holiday tradition? We don’t have any.
   97. Who is the most intelligent person you know? My gf or my sister
   98. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be? A hermit crab.
   99. What is one thing you will never do again? Be pathetic
 100. Who knows you the best? My sister probably.
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britesparc · 6 years ago
Weekend Top Ten #373
Top Ten Thoughts on Avengers: Endgame
Spoilers ahoy!
It’s the end of an era as Avengers: Endgame is finally upon us. As I write this, I’m less than 24 hours out of the cinema and it’s still all percolating within my brain. This Top Ten, then, will be an almost stream-of-consciousness outpouring of my joy, sadness, and occasional twinge of disappointment at what is unquestionably a phenomenal end to the Infinity Saga, a satisfying sequel to Infinity War, and a whole lot of fan-service.
“Five Years Later”: it was a long film. Three hours long. but crucially, it does not feel three hours. It feels big, weighty, epic, but it does not feel long. to say it’s considerably longer than the previous Avengers movies, it just flies by. In this way, it’s similar to the Lord of the Rings movies; breadth and depth but still a lot of pace.
“Move on”: the five-year time-jump was a little bit of a surprise (I didn’t think it would be quite that long), but it helped sell a universe torn apart by the aftermath of The Snap. What I was not expecting was for them to live with it. Okay, so the departed people came back, but won’t that cause its own problems? This is not the world we entered in 2008 when Tony Stark was blown up in the desert; it’s not even the world we left in 2012 after a stunted alien invasion of New York. Some people will have tried to move on, perhaps forging new relationships, just to find their old lovers returned. Younger siblings will suddenly become older siblings. People will have lost jobs and houses. It’s rather fortunate that, from the looks of things, Peter Parker’s entire class was snapped out of existence and then returned, otherwise he’d be a lot younger than his co-stars in Far From Home. Anyway, not just undoing the time-jump was a brave decision and sets the stage for some potentially interesting stories going forward.
“It has to be me”: I went in expecting deaths, and I was surprised. I was expecting a bloodbath, and it was actually relatively muted. I was surprised that Vision didn’t get resurrected, less surprised that Gamora (sort of) did, astounded that Nebula survived, and blindsided by Black Widow. I don’t think it’s just because she’s got her own movie out next year, but I honestly thought Black Widow would become the lynchpin of a post-Captain America Avengers team. Hey, who knows? Maybe she will…
“I really tried to bring her back”: this is actually my mum’s theory (she’s a big Avengers fan), but what if Bruce was successful? When he snapped his fingers, he wanted to resurrect Natasha, but claims he was unsuccessful. What if he’s wrong, and she is back, somehow? Perhaps compromised, perhaps changed? Maybe her solo film will be about bringing her back to the light.
“I knew it!”: I was practically crying with giddy joy when Cap lifted Mjolnir. The fact that Thor had expected it, and was actually pleased by it, was just delightful. But Cap’s fight with Thanos, armed with both his shield and Thor’s hammer, was just a fantastic piece of fan-servicing fantasy cinema. I kinda wished they’d gone whole hog and given him his own Iron Man armour to boot.
“Your majesty”: Thor’s development in this film was interesting, as he was almost used as comic relief. His depression made total sense given not only that he blamed himself for not stopping Thanos in time, but also the scale of the loss he’d suffered prior to, and during, Infinity War. All the same, it was a bit of shame to see the character he’d developed in Ragnarok rolled back a little bit, even if it does set him up for some nice solo adventures down the line (perhaps he’ll feature in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, and I really hope Taika Waititi gets to make another Thor solo movie too). But considering how Loki stole the show in the first Thor and Avengers movies, and how The Dark World and Age of Ultron were a little disappointing (in different ways) in regard to the God of Thunder, the strength of Thor’s story arc and what’s being asked of Chris Hemsworth in the role is a huge improvement and bodes well for the future.
“I am Iron Man”: if I’d put money down, I’d have said Cap dies for-real in the film, but Tony gets his own stand-alone Logan-esque swansong. That was not to be; Cap survives, sorta, and Tony really does make the sacrifice play and die saving the world. Whilst I’m disappointed he didn’t get to say goodbye on his own terms, as far as last stands go, that was phenomenal. A great call-back to one of the most famous moments in the MCU, a brilliant use of his OP armour’s capabilities, and just a really cool image. Totally Tony, totally Avengers, totally the end. Sob.
“You gonna tell me about her?” Steve Rogers totally deserved his happy ending, and if he hadn’t somehow ended up with Peggy Carter, then I’d have been a little bit disappointed. But I just don’t buy that Captain America would choose to retire. Did he get stuck in the past? Did he decide to fight crime in the 40s and 50s? And if so, did he try to do anything about Bucky or Hydra? Or did he know that that future was his past and so, as Bruce and Nebula explained, he was powerless to change it? Regardless, the fact that what we saw in the film was, essentially, Cap quitting, it left a slightly sour taste in the mouth, even though him handing the shield to Sam was a triumphant passing of the torch. Oh, and one more thought on this topic: in the Russo brothers’ first film for Marvel (The Winter Soldier), Peggy says something about how Steve was even instrumental in introducing her to her husband (I paraphrase); I wonder if, even back then, the endgame (ho ho) for Cap was always going to be “go back in time and marry Peggy”?
“That really is America’s ass”: let’s not get too mired in the mud here, despite my “Cap don’t quit!” niggles. Because as big and epic and tragic as the film was, it was also hilarious. I really didn’t expect it to be quite as funny as it was (I’m not sure why, all the previous Avengers movies have been pretty funny). I was quite pleased at how much humour Captain America was given; his exasperated “I know, I know” when his younger self trotted out the “I can do this all day line” was another delight.
“Assemble”: just like Cap wielding Mjolnir, there’s a certain geeky thrill just to hear him say those words. But the army of Avengers emerging from Strange’s portals was a phenomenal sight to behold, and it’s really exciting to see where the MCU goes from here. Captain Marvel has essentially declared her domain to be space; likewise, Thor is off with the Guardians for the time being; Black Panther is busy being King of Wakanda; Iron Man and Black Widow are dead. So who do we have, the next time the Avengers need to Assemble? Sam Wilson’s Captain America; the Scarlet Witch; Spider-Man; And-Man and the Wasp; The Winter Soldier, maybe; I guess Doctor Strange; perhaps Valkyrie? And then save the big guns for when they’re needed? Anyway, it’s just fun speculating at this stage.
Okay, there we are, ten thoughts off the top of my head. It’s funny sometimes that a movie can be so bloody good but the thing that sticks is the niggles (like, where was Lady Sif at the end?! And I feel bad that they couldn’t find room for Paul Bettany just so he could get a lovely little pictorial send-off in the credits). It’s such an achievement, the likes of which I don’t think we’ve seen before and I wonder if we’ll see again. Just in the same way that Avengers united several heroes who’d (mostly) starred in their own movies, and we got to see them join up and interact in a way that cinema hadn’t shown before, Endgame gives us an epic series finale of a film, one that is dependent upon the 21 films that came before it and the hours and hours of character development devoted to its stars. Where do they go from here? Which heroes get their sequels, which new heroes do they recruit? Will we ever see more of Steve Rogers? Will a new generation – Squirrel Girl, Ms. Marvel, Ironheart – take centre stage? What will be the over-arching connective tissue that, in ten years’ time, leads to another epoch-shattering Avengers smackdown? And how – how, how, how – do they incorporate Deadpool, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men?! I’ve no idea (well, I’ve got lots of ideas but they’re probably wrong) – but it’ll sure be fun finding out.
Oh, and there’s still no sign of Death’s Head.
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deamstellarus · 7 years ago
Stranger Things Have Happened (2/11)
Pairing: Clint Barton x Reader
Summary: You’d spent your whole life hiding your ability from the world. When you ended up in a dark alley, you never expected to be saved by Tony Stark. But when you met your soulmate, you knew it was fate.
Word Count: 4207
Warnings: None really, unless you count slight embarrassment 
Chapter 2: Awkward Encounters
          You woke up the next morning with the sun shining on your face. You were so content that the realization that you were not, in fact, in your room in your apartment didn’t occur to you until a few moments later. Then you started to panic, until you heard a voice call out.
         “Miss, your heart rate indicates that you are panicking. Please try to calm down. You are at the Avengers Tower. I have alerted the Boss that you are awake,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, and you suddenly remembered the previous night. Slowly, you got out of bed, your body aching but oddly feeling more refreshed than you have in months. Sliding on the slippers and pulled on a hoodie, went and brushed your teeth with the new toothbrush you found, then cracked open the bedroom door, peeking into the hallway. It was empty as you made your way into the living room, walking up to the giant windows and taking in the view of New York. You’d never seen so much of New York all at once, it was almost calming being so high up above the fast-paced city. You didn’t hear the ding of the elevator, so the following voice startled you.
         “Well good morning, Alleycat!” Tony said, taking you by surprise. You jumped, turned to see him a few feet away. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Are you hungry?” You were about to respond as your stomach answered for you in what must have been the loudest growl that echoed in the room. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he laughed.
         “It would appear so,” you said, pulling at your sleeves.
         “Come along, let’s go to the kitchen and see what Cap is making for everyone.” Right. You were going to meet the Avengers today. Suddenly, you were nervous. They’re just normal people, people who just happened to be superheroes.
         He started back for the elevator but turned to see you still glued to the same spot, feeling unprepared. What if you were intruding on their home? Technically you were. What if they didn’t like you being there? He held out his hand and you hesitantly took it, following him into the elevator. He pressed a button with a big A on it, upon closer inspection you saw it was the Avengers logo. “This is the button for the Avengers common room floor. This is also where the kitchen is located. You can come down here whenever you’d like.”
         The doors opened to a truly impressive common room. There was a 70 inch TV on the wall above a fireplace, facing several large (and expensive) couches. Just like in Tony’s room, there were floor to ceiling windows on the far wall. There was a bar off to the side that looked fully stocked. To the right was a long table that looked like it was able to seat at least twelve, and beyond that was a kitchen, with what looked to be state of the art appliances. There were a few people sitting on the couches, watching the news: a man with longer brown hair, a woman with long reddish hair, and a man that looked...is he purple? You recognized the brunet man though as Sergeant James Barnes, the Winter Soldier. Seated at the breakfast counter was a man with deep, warm skin you recognized immediately as the Falcon, and the man at the stove flipping pancakes was none other than Captain America himself.
         “Look alive people, we have company,” Tony said pulling you towards the kitchen. “Something smells good, Capsicle.” Everyone stopped and looked at you, some doing a double take and you cowered a little behind Tony. When did you get to be so shy? He chuckled. “They don’t bite, Alleycat. Mostly.”
         “Speak for yourself, Stark,” Sam said winking at you. “I’m Sam Wilson.” He said to you, holding out his hand for you to shake. You accepted it and gave him your name.
         “I know who you are,” you giggled lightly. “You’re the Falcon.”
“Ha! See Tony?! What did I tell you? The people love me!” Sam said, to which Tony rolled his eyes.
         “Steve Rogers, ma’am,” Steve said, holding out his hand, and you took it, staring at him in awe. He really was as anatomically perfect as he seemed to be on TV.
         “Over there is Bucky Barnes, the previous Winter Soldier, Wanda Maximoff, also known as Scarlet Witch, and the Vision,” Tony said, gesturing to the people on the couch. You waved a little to them. “Here, take a seat and Cap will get you a plate.” He said pulling out a seat at the breakfast counter for you, then making a beeline for the coffee machine. Even though you’ve only just met him, you’re sure he relies on the caffeine after having spotted the bags under his eyes. He probably doesn’t get much sleep.
         Steve set a plate of blueberry pancakes in front of you and Sam passed you the syrup. They looked at you expectantly, so you grabbed you fork and took a bite and released a small moan. Then stopped, and looked up blushing. They laughed.
         “Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve eaten and this is amazing,” you said after swallowing. “Thank you.”
          “It’s my pleasure, ma’am.” Steve and Tony exchanged a look. You wondered briefly if Tony had told the rest of them about you.
         “Go on and eat up, Selina Kyle. Doc wants to check your progress.” You made a face at the nickname but deciding it could be worse. Guess we’re gonna stick with the cat-theme then. You shrugged and began eating, practically inhaling the food. Under any other circumstances, you’d probably be more embarrassed but you couldn’t find it in you to feel that way at the moment. You finished your food, then thanked Steve and waved to the rest as you followed Tony a little more confidently to the elevator. Once inside he hit the button for the medical wing, then he looked over to you, taking note of your more relaxed state, calmer than you had been when he’d first seen you this morning.
         “You’ll meet Clint and Natasha tonight, Hawkeye and Black Widow, when they get back from their mission. Thor is currently in Asgard, and Bruce is most likely in the lab. Rhodey should be around here somewhere,” he said as the doors opened. He brought you back to the room you’d been in last night, where you formally met Dr. Cho. She looked you over and asked you about any pain you might have. You didn’t have much, you’d been to used to His treatment and had started ignoring the lasting pain that came with the punches. She prescribed you some pain meds just in case and sent you on your way. Afterwards, Tony brought you down to his lab.
         “This is my workshop,” he said proudly. Looking around, you couldn’t help but notice all of the versions of Iron Man suits. There must have been at least 50. The space was large, half of the area dedicated to different inventions, completed and half-done, of Tony’s, along with papers disorganized spread across the tables, knicknacks everywhere you turned, a well used coffee machine, and a couch with a pillow and blanket on it. The other half of the area was neater by far, and housed the projects of Dr. Banner, who was working on a project as we walked in. He waved and gave a small smile, you returned the wave and grinned back. Tony brought you to a stool at one of his tables and handed you a device. It looked like a phone, but sleeker than you’d ever seen.
        “It’s a Stark phone. It’s more advanced than regular phones, and has F.R.I.D.A.Y. already integrated in it. All of our numbers are programmed into it, but you can download anything you want on it. It’s yours,” he said. He looked nervous, like he wanted, no-- needed, your opinion.
         “This is really cool. Thanks, Mr. Stark.” You said smiling. If you kept this up, your cheeks were going to hurt by the end of the day. He visibly relaxed.
         “Great! Now I’m going to work on some things down here and you are more than welcome to stay with us, or you can explore the Tower if you want. F.R.I.D.A.Y. can help you if you get lost.” You nodded.
         “Thank you, Mr. Stark. I think I’ll go look around if you don’t mind,” you said getting up.
         “Please. Mr. Stark was my father. Call me Tony,” he said, gesturing toward the door.
         Once in the elevator you didn’t know where to go. An idea occurred to you. “Uhm, hello? F.R.I.D.A.Y.?”
         “Yes, Miss,” the AI responded.
“What types of things are there to do around here?”
         “There is a theater room, and a game room. There’s an indoor pool on the floor with the gym, as well as an outdoor pool with a deck for sunbathing. There’s also a library if you’d like to read.”
          It didn’t take you any time at all to respond that you’d like to go to the library level. You were shocked by the amount of books in the room, you hadn’t thought Tony Stark, technological genius would bother with having a library, much less a well-stocked one. You perused the shelves, finding an old classic and settled down in one of the over-sized chairs tucked in a corner by the window. You got comfortable, too comfortable it would seem, as that’s where Tony found you several hours later. He nudged your shoulder and you jerked awake, blinking the sleep out of your eyes.
         “That’s a good look, Sleeping Beauty,” he joked. You were confused until you felt the sleep marks for the book on your face. So you did the mature thing: you stuck your tongue out at him. He chuckled. “Get up. You haven’t had lunch yet and we don’t need Cap thinking I’m trying to turn you into me or something.” He winked.
         You followed him up to the kitchen, and Wanda was making sandwiches while Vision chopped some veggies to dip in a ranch sauce. Wanda smiled at you when you walked in, passing you a plate. You sat at the table with the rest of the superheroes. Wow, that was a weird sentence. Never before did you believe you’d be in this position. You all were eating quietly, before Bucky broke the silence.
          “So, tell us about yourself,” he said. His demeanor was intense but he had gentle eyes. The rest of the group leaned in slightly.
          “Uhm, well,” you began, not knowing really where to start. “I’m 23, I am a waitress, er was a waitress, I suppose. I had to quit that when He made me start testing.”
          “Who are you talking about, Kitten?” Tony asked. His grip on his mug had gotten a little tighter.
          “My boyfriend, er, well, ex-boyfriend now, Mason Thompson. He found out about my ability a few months ago by accident, and since then has been testing me and working with his bosses to do...I don’t know really. Last night, he took me to meet with them in person at a fancy restaurant, and were making a deal of sorts, but before they could take me, I faked having to go to the bathroom and ran out through the kitchen. I kept running until I stopped to take a breath and then hid in an alley until he left,” you said. You’d been looking at your hands during your story. You looked up then at Tony, “I guess that’s when you found me.”
          Tony nodded, eyebrows furrowed. He looked pale and the grip was so tight on his mug, his knuckles turned white and you were nervous for the mug. You supposed he had more than enough money to replace that one, or several thousand, should he want.
         “Why would they want you? What kind of testing?” Steve asked. Oh, right. They didn’t know about this.
         “I can, uh, transform into different animals, and uhm, people. When Tony found me, I was a cat.”
         If they were surprised, they hid it well. Probably comes with being a superhero, nothing is out of the ordinary when everything is.
         “Would you mind showing us?” Bucky asked, only to get elbowed by Steve, who pulled a face that you would recognize as the Captain America face. Probably had a special voice that accompanied it too. “What?” Bucky asked, rubbing his ribs.
          You shrugged before standing up.
          “You don’t have to, you know,” Tony said, putting his hand over yours, looking worried for the first time since last night. You couldn’t quite put a finger on why but you felt safe here. Maybe it was because you were in a room full of superheroes or maybe it was the compassion they’ve already shown you after only having known you for less than a day. So you nodded but stood up anyway, backing up a couple feet. You took a deep breathe and shifted into a cat, looking up at them and observing their faces. You gave them another moment and then turned into a grey wolf, walking around the table once before shifting into a snake and slithering up next to Sam, who proceeded to jump and fall out his chair. The group laughed as you morphed into Sam, taking a seat in your chair and making the face he had when you’d scared him. Bucky was laughing so hard, he was gasping for air. You shifted back to your normal self and giggled lightly, winking at Sam.
         “Oh I see how it is,” he said taking his seat again. “I’ve got my eye on you.” He pointed to his eyes then yours. You grinned back at him.
         “Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say we will keep you safe from Him,” Wanda said with a smile. The rest of them nodding in agreement, and you were grateful to have been found by this group of people.
         The topic switched off of you and as you finished your food, you were starting to feel a little out of place at the table. As if you were intruding on their space. “If you’d like, I can help you pick out clothes and have them ordered here. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to keep wearing those clothes, they look rather big on you,” Wanda said. It was like she read your mind. You nodded, thankful for something else to do.
         “Oh, before you go, your room is ready,” Tony said. “I put you on Wanda’s floor, if that’s alright.”
         “That’s perfect. Thank you,’ you said as Wanda pulled you out of the room.
         You and Wanda headed to your new room, and when you opened the door, it was similar to the guest room in the penthouse. The biggest difference was the desk that also had a laptop on it. It was perfect. Wanda grabbed the laptop and sat on the bed. You joined her and began looking for clothes that fit your style. In an hour, you had a full wardrobe picked out, ready to be delivered tomorrow morning. You looked at the price and the realization of where you really were and what that meant for you started to overwhelm you. You don’t don’t deserve all of this attention.
        “Don’t worry about the price. Tony is more than willing to spend it on you, and has more than enough money to spare,” Wanda said, sensing your worry. “It’s okay, there’s no need to feel undeserving.” But how did she--? Wanda smiled. “It’s part of my abilities. I can read minds and sense emotions, among other more...powerful...things.”
         Wanda patted your shoulder. She wanted to go out to the common room, but you told her you wanted to take a shower but you’d meet her there in a little while. She left and you took a deep breath. Maybe that was all you needed to relax and accept this new reality. After your jasmine-scented shower, you put on the fresh clothes you found in the drawers. They still dwarfed you but you felt better than you had in such a long time. You pulled a comb through your long, wet hair, slid on the slippers, and made your way to the common room.
         You found Wanda on one of the couches cuddled up next to a slightly stiff looking Vision. They must be soulmates, you think. You weren’t quite sure what to make of him yet; he doesn’t talk much. The other couches contained Steve and Sam on one, while Bucky scowled at Sam from the other. You chuckled softly as you made your way into the room. You felt their eyes on your exposed arms and crossed them, trying to hide the largest bruise on the inside of your right arm. Not quite sure where to sit, you hovered near them until Bucky patted the spot next to him, putting his arm on the back of the couch. You took a seat and fell immediately into him. Embarrassed, you sat up and scoot a little away from him, but he gently pulled you back.
        “I don’t mind, doll,” he said with a smile, and you could instantly understand why he was considered a ladies’ man before the war. You’d been to the exhibit of Captain America and the rest of the Howling Commandos, of course, but nothing had prepared you for seeing Bucky’s grin in person. You didn’t think it’d be so soon after Him that you’d feel comfortable this close to another man, but there was none of the men in this room had reacted nearly the same nor made you feel like an object since they’d seen your ability.
         You relaxed into his side and the six of you watched some made-for-TV-movies when the elevator dinged. You thought nothing of it until a loud voice called, “Hey! Who ate all my chips? Wilson!?”
         Not expecting the outburst, you morphed unconsciously, cowering next to Bucky. You felt their eyes on you, but your attention had been drawn to the new people in the room.You watched as a woman with red hair and a body that most would kill for walked into the room. Following close behind her was man who had dirty blonde hair, and a bow and a quiver of arrows strapped to his back. Black Widow and Hawkeye, the latter of whom was holding a now empty bag of barbeque chips.
         “Did you hear me?” he asked. “What are you all looking at?” He looked down to see your fluffy body on the couch. “When did we get a bunny?” He knelt down to pet you. “Well, aren’t you a pretty bunny,” he said smiling.
          The rest of the group couldn’t help but laugh, while the two assassins stood there looking confused. You, on the other hand, were mortified. Not only had you met two more Avengers in animal form, but one of them just so happened to be your soulmate. At least he said the words on your ribs. You got up and hopped out of there as fast as you could to the elevators that thankfully opened as you approached them. When you were safely hidden inside, you changed back and took deep breaths, trying to calm down. You got to your floor and crawled into bed, hiding under the covers, hoping the bed would swallow you whole.
         You don’t know how long it had been but you woke to the sound of a knock at your door and then the door opening. Tony stepped in and gently shut it behind him. He carried a tray with what looked like Chicken Parmesan.
         “Hey, kiddo. You alright?” he asked, awkwardly setting the tray on the desk. You shrugged. “I know you hadn’t planned to meet them this way, but even Legolas is kicking himself for scaring you away.”
         “It wasn’t just that,” you hesitated, not knowing if you should tell him. He waited, and you wondered if he was normally this patient or if this was new for him. “Uhm, he kinda, said my words…”
         A look passed over his face. “Oh. Huh. Did you, uh, say them back?” You could have smacked yourself. Of course you hadn’t thought to say anything back, too embarrassed in the moment. You shook your head.
         “I ran off before I could say anything. He probably thinks I’m just some stupid girl.” You fell back onto your bed, pulling a pillow over your face.
         “Alright, no more self-deprecating remarks. That’s not who you are.”
         “You don’t even really know me.” You said into the pillow. You winced, glad your face was hidden.
          He replied without missing a beat. “Hm, be that as it may, Grumpy Cat, I am a good judge of character.” With that he opened the door, but before he stepped out, he said, “Just remember, you can’t stay in here forever, nor can you hide from a master assassin.” He shut the door behind him and for the rest of the night, you contemplated what you were going to do about Clint. Your soulmate.
          By morning, you’d decided Tony was right, you couldn’t stay in your room forever, nor hide from the assassin for too long. But why rush to him when you didn’t have to, right? Damn, when had you become such a baby? I suppose a few months of living with Him would change anyone.
“Where are the Avengers currently, F.R.I.D.A.Y.?”
“Captain Rogers is in the gym with Mr. Wilson, Sergeant Barnes, and Ms. Romanov. Ms. Maximoff and Vision are in the common room. Boss is the lab with Dr. Banner. And Mr. Barton is the shooting and archery range.”
“Thank you.” Alright. Well you suppose you could go down to sit with Wanda, but you might be intruding on the soulmates’ time together so you thought against it. Maybe you could sit in and watch the rest of them train, or would that be weird? There was a knock at your door and several workers carrying boxes greeted you. You opened the first one and realized it was the clothes you and Wanda had ordered yesterday. You dug through the boxes and pulled on a pair of leggings, a sports bra, and a thin pullover. Pulling your hair into a long braid, a la Katniss, and sliding on a pair of flats, you decided to chance it.
You headed down to the gym level, only to see Clint walking toward a door leading to the locker rooms. You hid behind a pillar until he was out of sight, and then let out the breath you didn’t know you’d been holding. Maybe you should just go back? You were about to turn around when you saw something shiny out of the corner of your eye. There was a vent next to the gym entrance, the door was slightly opened. What if…? No, that would be too weird, right?
         Against your better judgement, you morphed into a cat, and quickly ran across the floor to the vent, nudging it open with your paw. You climbed inside, up and over, following the voices and grunts you could hear from what you assumed was the gym. There were several other vents leading into the gym but you chose the middle of the five. Looking through the grates, you could see Steve spotting Sam on the weight bench, while Natasha and Bucky sparred on the mats. Was she winning? She was. That’s someone you would not, could not, cross.
         As you watched them dance around the mat, you didn’t here the slight shuffling of someone coming up beside you, until they coughed to get your attention. Jumping away  as much as you can in a vent, you turned to see what...who... made the sound. Clint. Just your luck. He looked at you expectantly. You changed back into your normal self and looked just fast his face, not quite looking into his eyes.
         “So, uh, you come here often?” You offered, wincing at how stupid you sounded. His eyes widened as realization flickered across his face.
         “Actually, yes…,” he said, to which you made a mental note to ask about that later as he followed that by saying, “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, but are you my soulmate?”
          Your mouth dried up. You closed your eyes and nodded, embarrassment flooding through you, face on fire.. You felt one of his hands cup your cheek. You opened your eyes meeting his blue-green gaze. “It’s alright to be afraid of the unknown. We don’t have to rush into anything. But I would like to get to know you. You know, I always thought I’d meet you at a bar or something,” he laughed. “I’m Clint, by the way.”
         For the second time that day, you could have smacked yourself at how awkward you are. You told him your name. His smile was easily your favorite thing about him.
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thebibliomancer · 8 years ago
Essential Avengers: Giant-Size Avengers #1: Nuklo -- the Invader That Time Forgot
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August, 1974
Originally there were actually three stories in this. That’s what made it giant-sized. But two of the stories were reprints from Tales to Astonish #58 and Human Torch Comics #33.
The Marvel Unlimited version only has the main Avengers story. Which makes it Above-Average-Sized Avengers.
Not much to say about the cover so lets just jump right on in.
An intruder stalks Avengers Mansion and the full force of the Avengers has assembled to confront them. Except Swordsman. He’s not here and I don’t know why. Mantis is here. Remember how she’s not a real Avenger? Me neither.
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Captain America heads in first and discovers the trenchcoat fedora’d shadowy intruder messing with the chrono-module time capsule. The intruder seems glad to see Captain America but asserts that the time capsule belongs to them.
Cap doesn’t know this bozo and is peeved that he knocked out Jarvis so I guess they’re fight.
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In a burst of superspeed the intruder bowls Cap over and then takes off his clothes to reveal a goofy costume. He introduces himself as the Whizzer (hah) and dodges past Scarlet Witch and Thor and then knocks over Iron Man and Mantis.
Also, Iron Man recognizes the name Whizzer as one of the Squadron Supreme but this bozo is not that clown. He’s twenty years older and jowlier.
Vision is the one who finally stops this Whizzer, in classic Vision style.
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I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of Vision trolling people with his intangibility.
Anyway, Vision senses with his logical robot brain that the Whizzer did not mean to harm the Avengers and Mantis concurs.
Mantis: “No. This one sensed something about the intruder... even as the Vision did. The android and I have... much in common.”
You’re going to make Swordsman cry, Mantis.
The Avengers are starting to remember that there was a Whizzer who fought crime in the 40s as a member of the All-Winners Squad. Commie-basher Cap was on that team too. Which is why Whizzer acted like he knew Cap.
Whizzer confirms he’s the original Whizzer and then decides to tell his entire life story. Protesting that time is of the essence, he tells a lot of irrelevant details.
He tells of the All-Winners Squad, which only had three epic battles in its brief history. The All-Winners Squad had the original Human Torch and his flaming ward Toro, Namor McKenzie the Sub-Mariner, the second Captain America and the second Bucky, Miss America and the Whizzer.
Their first epic battle was against the master criminal Isbisa in All-Winner #19, their second doesn’t exist because there was never an All-Winners #20, and their final was against the Future Man from the year one million A.D.
The Future Man wanted to extermine all modern life so that his future kind could preinherit the Earth. He was a tough cookie with the power of astral image, an anti-motion ray, resurrected mummies, Madame Death (Miss America had to punch her because sexism), a time-radio, and a flying lair.
The All-Winners Squad managed to send him packing and since Captain America (50s variant) ripped wires out of an outlet marked future, the Future Man was probably sent barrelling backwards in time forever.
50s Cap don’t play.
And then the All-Winners Squad just fell apart. The robot Human Torch was buried in the desert by a crime syndicate, resurrected by an atomic test, and then disappeared again. Namor went back to the ocean, got amnesia, and got a shave from the new Human Torch. And Whizzer and Miss America got married.
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Whizzer: “Glad you don’t mind marrying a man with mongoose blood in his veins, Mad.”
Miss America: “Oh, darling... I wish you’d stop telling me that story. You know I’m never going to believe it.”
But he really did get his powers from mongoose blood.
But then they retired from costumed heroics, revealed their identities to the government, and were assigned to be superpowered bodyguards on a certain nuclear project.
One that blew up in 1949. Repeatedly. Ex-Whizzer and ex-Miss America dove into the atomic inferno to shut off the reactors.
Throughout storytime, Whizzer has been looking more and more ill.
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And since he wasted time recapping the history of the team when only the nuclear stuff was important, he has to skip some details now.
He says that he heard from tv about a building that collapsed and that the Avengers were there to rescue victims. How they stumbled on a time capsule that nobody would claim so they took it to Avengers Mansion.
Whizzer says that the chrono-module is his and begs the Avengers to give it to him.
But its too late. The capsule starts trembling and smoking and with a KRA-KOW!! some thing bursts out of the capsule.
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Thus stands Nuklo, as he will come to be named.
And for this atomic dude wearing a v-neck thong, we get some prose. Boy do we get some prose.
“Consider this creature which stands before us: His father was Oak Ridge; his mother was Los Alamos. He gave his soul-destroying birth cry at a place called Hiroshima... and was baptized in fire and in fury at Nagasaki. His rites of passage were performed at Eniwetok, and in the trackless wastes of Siberia. All this, while he lay unknowing within the womb which was also a tomb. Yes, father has he, and mother also, and kinsmen many -- yet none to claim him as their own. He is NUKLO. But he doesn’t know it yet. Small wonder, then, that he shrieks yet a second birth cry on this first night of awareness...”
The Avengers rally forth to fight this big glowing baby while Bob Frank, the Whizzer, exclaims that Nuklo is his son! -soap opera dramatic sting-
And there’s more where that came from.
Oh, and then the Whizzer has a heart attack.
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Wanda tells a recovering Jarvis to get a doctor. Even if he has to beg, borrow, or steal one. (How do you steal a doctor?)
Meanwhile the Avengers have kinda been getting their ask kicked but notice that Nuklo seems unsure whether to fight or flee and decide to see what will happen if they just don’t move.
This isn’t really a great plan. As Mantis points out, dude is radioactive radioactive. They don’t want to sit around absorbing that all day and they definitely don’t want it loosed on New York.
Thor tries to attract Nuklo’s attention by raising his hammer but whoops Nuklo punches out all four Avengers in one blow and then implodes.
When the Avengers come to, Nuklo is gone. They realize that mentally, he’s just like a child but could prove a threat to maybe the entire world. Which is less than great. They’ll have to track him down.
Chapter 2: The Child is Father to the Fiend!
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So off the Avengers soar, making sure to pose for a group shot. Their advanced detection apparatus has advancedly detected three instances of high-level radiation. Any one could be Nuklo and really you should check out high-level radiation anyway, just to be safe.
So they split into three teams. Vision, Thor and Mantis, and Captain America and Iron Man. All “in search of one lone wanderer, who scars the bright face of a world he never made.”
What does that turn of phrase even mean. I know Howard the Duck is trapped in a world he never made but y’know what, so am I. So are most of us. I don’t think most people made the world.
Oh and if it wasn’t enough that each chapter gets a chapter page, each team gets a panel where their logo can appear.
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He’s searching a recently-completed electric plant on New York’s west side.
He finds a glow issuing from the plant. And also fleeing humans. So, yup, looks like he found the nuclear nemesis.
So its technically Vision who names Nucklo because the radioactive man-child starts repeating words he hears. And has a definite fondness for saying “Nu-klo.”
Nuklo begins strangling Vision but Vision does his hand dealie, sticking it into Nuklo’s chest. Nuklo recoils in horror and pain.
Vision remarks how odd it is that a being that could stomp the full Avengers team would now be weak enough to be defeated by one.
But don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. He uses Nuklo’s newfound fear of him to herd him back towards Avengers Mansion.
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Meanwhile, at Avengers Mansion. The Whizzer has been stabilized by a begged, borrowed or stolen doctor enough to talk and Wanda questions him about Nuklo.
Whizzer explains that Miss America was pregnant when they both jumped into the atomic inferno. And exposure to that radiation did something to her unborn child.
The baby was born ugly and misshapen. And also glowing. And also, a few hours after his birth, he started emitting dangerous radiation.
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A doctor with bad bedside manner: “Don’t ask us how. These things... happen.”
The government decided that the best course of action was to lock the baby in suspended animation in an experimental time capsule for 25 years and build a building over the chrono-module so nobody finds it. After that time, there would be a 50% chance that Nuklo’s radiation would drop to acceptable levels.
I.... think that in hindsight, this was a shitty, shitty, shitty, shitty plan. Twenty-five years for a coin flip that the radiation would go away ended up not panning out. And besides that, half the trouble here is that Nuklo was never socialized. He hasn’t had any human contact for twenty-five years. He was never taught a thing and is learning to talk by parroting.
And it wasn’t even good suspended animation. Nuklo grew from baby size to man size. And where did he get that man-sized thong and/or pants if he was put into suspended animation as a baby?
Anyway, telling these three panels of flashback exhausts Whizzer and he passes out again.
Wanda inexplicably feels terrified of what she may hear if she keeps questioning Whizzer.
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They were investigating radiation readings on 5th Avenue and find Nuklo absorbing energy atop some elevated tracks.
Also, Thor swears “by the gargantuan girth of Volstagg!”
Its cool that he’s thinking of friends but geez. Its like if I said “by the sore loserism of William” when startled.
Nuklo throws a pole at them but Thor just Mjolnirs it away. And then a train hits Nuklo. Or rather he braces and forces it to a stop.
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Cue panel of people inside the train falling all over the damn place.
Mantis is tired of Nuklo breaking shit so just jumps up on his shoulders and then thigh tosses him. Probably suffering bad radiation burns to her legs while she’s at it.
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Also, Nuklo picks up another word for his vocabulary when Mantis says “Strength is as nothing... against skill!”
Thor notices that Nuklo seems weaker than before and cringes away as Thor twirls Mjolnir. He decides to use this to drive him back towards Avengers Mansion.
Hmm. This seems familiar.
Back at Avengers Mansion again, Whizzer wakes up again. Scarlet Wanda bites the bullet and asks him if after Nuklo’s birth whether he ever traveled to a place called WUNDAGORE!?
Whizzer is surprised that she knew where the story was going. But yeah, he and a pregnant Madeline Joyce (Miss America) traveled to Wundagore and spent some time as the High Evolutionary’s guest.
Madeline gave birth to twins that she wanted named... Pietro and Wanda?!
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Oh, hey. I see what’s happening here.
The Whizzer is Wanda’s father! -soap opera dramatic sting-
Oh and also the midwife was a cow woman named Bova. Comics!
Also also, what kind of heritage did Madeline Joyce have that Pietro was her choice of name. Was she Italian?
Anyway, now time for CAPTAIN AMERICA AND IRON MAN!
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They find Nuklo ripping up power lines at some power plant in Queens.
Captain America instantly jumps forward to fisticuffs with Nuklo, leaving Iron Man to shut off the power. I’m sure Iron Man is more shielded against radiation but whatever.
And then to save Cap who is getting his shoulder pinched, Iron Man blasts Nuklo with repulsors.
And hey, Nuklo learned a new word!
That brings his vocabulary to Nuklo, ne-siss, skill, and ree-pul-sar. Also, vocab is shared between the Nuklos. So there’s one linked intelligence going on.
Like the other two encounters, Nuklo now seems cowed by Iron Man. The armored Avenger decides to use that to drive him back to Manhattan.
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I see where this is going.
Anyway, back at Avengers Mansion again again again. Wanda summarizes her life story for the Whizzer. How her brother and her were orphans, feared and hated because they were mutants, how Magneto took them under his protection, how they fought the X-Men but eventually quit supervillainy to become Avengers. And how she and her brother are named Wanda and Pietro.
Whizzer can’t believe it. Then again, he did leave the babies alone for several years so it sounds legit.
Okay, that sounds not great. Miss America died shortly after giving birth and in his grief, the Whizzer fled at superspeed and left the babies with the High Evolutionary.
When he came back years later, the High Evolutionary had lost track of them.
He is not a great babysitter.
Apparently years old Wanda and Pietro decided that the High Evolutionary’s world of New-Men was not their world. Instead, their world was the world that hated and feared them for being different and the world where they would fall under the sway of a terrorist.
Whizzer rests again, determined not to lose his twins again right after finding them.
Chapter 3: What HELL Hath Joined Together!
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So are you ready for all of those pages of the Avengers splitting the party and fighting one-third of Nuklo to be pointless? I ammmmmmmm!
So the Avengers all herding their individual Nuklos and all end up crossing paths in an alleyway only a block away from Avengers Mansion.
The three Nuklos all fuse into one Nuklo.
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One Nuklo that’s glowing brighter than any Nuklo before because all the power that the individual Nuklos absorbed has just been pooled so now this Nuklo is many times more powerful than the Nuklo that already beat up the entire team.
Womp womp.
And with a FROOOOOOOOMM Nuklo slams his hands together and creates a huge blast that scatters the Avengers.
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Within the mansion, Whizzer wakes up on hearing the blast and shouts that the Avengers can’t stop Nuklo. Now that he’s free, there’s only one thing that can stop the radioactive man-child.
Shut up, Frank. What do you know? You’re not a nuclear scientist.
Anyway, despite being in recovery for a heart attack, Whizzer scoops up Wanda and runs out to the alley where the Avengers are fighting Nuklo.
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He whispers something to Wanda and then collapses.
Scarlet Witch approaches the pretty dang big Nuklo conflicted. Nuklo is her elder brother (until the retcons come) and she worries that she won’t have the inner strength to do what needs to be done.
Except of course she does. Despite her modern status, Scarlet Witch is a damn fine Avenger.
With her powers, she forms a hex sphere around Nuklo. Nuklo tries to grow larger to burst from the sphere but because of that sweet sciency magic that is Wanda’s inexplicable abilities, the sphere holds strong and leeches Nuklo’s stored energy as if it were a mystic sponge. Their words.
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Until finally, Nuklo falls unconscious. Defeated by the only thing that could. His kin.
Unlike those damn Summers brothers, always being immune to each other.
And because something worth doing badly is worth doing badly again, the Avengers rebuild the chrono-module with more advanced Stark technology to put Nuklo in suspended animation for another 25 years.
At my reckoning, that would mean that Nuklo would walk again in the far-off year of 1999, only a few indeterminate years taking a sliding time scale into account. But instead, Nuklo comes back in Giant-Size Avengers #6 in 1976.
Of course he goes on to be a threatening menace for a while but his excess radiation is eventually cured allowing Nuklo to live a normal life and get a GED. Unfortunately, the Whizzer doesn’t live long to see this because he has another heart attack and dies while rescuing Nuklo from old foe Isbisa.
Anyway, the still alive Whizzer is taken back to Avengers Mansion so Donald Blake (secretly Thor, true believers!) can save his life with a miraculous operation.
So a few hours later when Whizzer briefly recovers consciousness again he asks Wanda one thing. “Take good care of your brother!”
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So, phew. That’s Giant-Size Avengers #1. And one of the first forays into Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver’s mysterious past.
It would later be retconned. Because the one certainty of the Maximoff’s past is that it will be changed. I think Marvel should have fun with it. Change their backstory every five years. Maybe Captain America is secretly their dad, somehow.
The most popular version, of course, is that Magneto is their dad.
But at this time, it seemed that Marvel was wanting to tie the Avengers to their golden age heroes.
Captain America is Captain America, of course. Vision is not only shares a name with a golden age hero, he is later revealed to have been built from the body of the original Human Torch (shhhh spoilers). And now Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver have been revealed to be the children of golden age Whizzer and Miss America.
This trend would be completely retconned. Except for Cap, all the golden age ties would be lost. The twins would become the children of Magneto (tying their origin story into a weird knot involving a shell trick with babies). Byrne would retcon Vision’s connection to the first Human Torch.
And that’s just the nature of a long-running shared universe. Eventually someone is going to walk all over established things to try to tell a better story.
Which isn’t good or bad. Its just how things are.
But I still want to know where the hell Swordsman was during this.
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