#and i tend to send 2-3 asks at a time/per character
quietlyblooms · 2 months
are we all in agreement that surprise asks are nice…
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Hidden Treasure 2
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: your quiet life is interrupted by a tempestuous man. (reader is Blair from Follow You Anywhere)
Characters: Thor
Note: I'm currently in the denial and procrastination stages of schoolwork. I'm doing the readings but damn this shit is kinda complex and my brain can't function.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Asking for more or putting ‘part 2?’ is not feedback.
Love you all. You are appreciated and your are worthy. Treat yourself with care. 💖
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There's that jeep again. 
You've never been the most observant. You tend to stick in your lane, keep your head straight, and just rush by the world around you. If you don't bother anyone, you're safe. If you don't draw attention, you can't be a problem. 
But that jeep is there again. Parked by the curb across from your building. There's a million logical explanations; a new neighbour or someone visiting family, yet it sticks out sorely in the neighbourhood. Too nice, too new.  
You let the black curtain hang straight and back up to sit at the table. You bend the lamp closer to shine on your work, fussing with the gears of an old cuckoo clock. The darn thing ticks backwards. You squint and hunch over, carefully realigning the replacement gear. 
The tiny screwdriver jams down as you jump and let out a tiny yelp. Thunder rolls around the building and a torrent of rain whips against the window pane. The storm is so sudden and unexpected that you wonder if maybe you lost track of the time. 
You refocus and redo the work, checking that you didn't do too much damage. You can't focus for the way the windows rattle and the rain pelts harder and harder. Another peel of thunder shakes you and lightning flashes around the curtain. You haven't seen a storm like this in years. Or ever. 
You get up and leave the clock unfinished. You peek around the curtain. The sky is so grey, the streetlights are on. You can hardly see more than the rain speckled abstraction of the streets below. 
Another blindly strike of lightning illuminates the world and you back away, the hair on your arms standing on edge. Loud noises always make you nervous. You retreat to the couch and pull the knitted throw from over the back. 
The shelves against the walls tremble as the storm seems to center on your building. You look around, terrified, and watch the figurines and books as they shift on the wood. Oh no. 
You get up and let the blanket fall to your feet. You grab an armful of cushions and frantically set them around the shelves to catch anything that might tumble. This can't be real! The way the whole building quakes is like a movie. 
Once you have pillows scattered all around, the air grows stagnant and silence shrouds the world. You look around, feeling rather foolish as you see your manic safeguards littered on the floor. All these things you worry so much about and why? There's always more to be found. Never enough.  
You return to the window and once more look out. You cling to the curtain as you pull it back. The sun is out again and the street is slick and shining with the aftermath of the storm. Your eyes narrow along the curb; the grey jeep is gone. You don't know if it matters but you notice it. It's just a strange coincidence.  
The next day, you descend with a new box of good for sale. You leave most of your things in the car, covering them with a blanket against greedy eyes, but there’s no use in the up and down, back and forth. You rarely have the energy after a long day amidst the market crowds. 
You nearly drop your armful as you come in sight of your car. You blink. It can’t be real. Your mouth falls open as you slow and near the ruins of the old auto. The metal of the hood is crumpled and singed, as if it was burnt by some unearthly force. You recall the storm. 
What rotten luck that it should land on your car, of all things. It had seemed quite close and yet, you didn’t even think something like this could happen. You walk around the car and take in the breadth of the damage. What do you do? 
The windshield is cracked, a spider web in the glass, ready to shadow at the merest touch, and the left tire if flat. Even if the engine isn’t cooked, you don’t think it’s safe to drive. You hug the box in your arms and stare. 
Crying can’t help you. It never does. You don’t do that. Not since you were a child. You’ve dealt with worse anyhow. You still have a roof over your head. There’s that at least. 
Still ,you can’t hold onto that one bright side without an income. You can’t afford a rental and you don’t know anyone who would lend you a car, let alone spare a ride. You look down at the box, ready to accept defeat. 
You have to try... it’s not about being easy, it’s about getting it done. You don’t have a choice. You need what little you can make from selling your antiques. Come rain or shine, rather literally, you have to find a way. 
Your body reacts without a clear plan. You put the box down next to the rear tire. You open the back door and fling back the blanket. You sift through your crates and find what you need; the sign. You take that and your hand-written stack of cards, and put them in next to the lockbox in the box on the ground. You grab a few extra trinkets and the bag of embroidered coin purses and a few other light items. As much as you can do alone. 
You should be able to make back the bus fare, even if the journey might be a bit awkward. 
You get to the market and realise another pitfall. You have your things and your sign and just about nothing else. As you wander to the empty space meant to be yours, the one you pay a fee for, you have only a box and yourself. You don’t know that it will attract many people. It’s hardly professional. 
As you stand on the empty patch of grass, watching other sellers set up, you contemplate the transition to an online marketplace. You tried once but never really moved any pieces. The shipping costs were enough to deter you and prospective buyers. 
You sigh and think of the wasted three bucks. Why did you come all the way down here to stand around like some weirdo? You are a bit off but this is a bit much. 
“Hey,” a voice startles you and you turn to face the plant seller. You recognise him as he’s come to buy a gift or two for his mother from time to time. He’s always talkative, always smiling. He’s a bit much. “Uh, we going minimalist?” 
You peer around and shrug, “car troubles.” 
“Hm, that’s too bad. Um, I was just making my rounds and saw you looking a bit lost. You remember me, right? Cole.” 
“Yes,” you answer sheepishly. 
“Well, we stick around. Us vendors. If you need some table space for the day, I can move the cacti over--” 
You can’t help your surprise from showing in the creases of your forehead, “really?” 
“Yeah, of course. Did I ever mention my mom loved that new lampshade? They discontinued the style ages ago and she was ecstatic. I mean come on, I sell flowers, you think she’s beaming with pride.” 
“Erm, I don’t know,” you try not to show your discomfort. He does talk so much. Beggars can’t be choosers and you’ve settled for far worse than a chatty companion. “If you don’t mind, I would be so grateful.” You rub your neck, “I... I can’t offer much but if you want a few items. Maybe for you mom—oh, I could bring you this vase I found. I can show you a picture.” 
“It’s no problem,” he steps forward and you shy away at his suddenness. He slows down and shows his palms, “woah, sorry, I was just going to grab your stuff.” 
“Oh, you don’t have to--” 
“Please, I make a habit of helping out pretty women. My pleasure,” he assures and scoops up the box of goods. 
“Mm, thanks,” you roll your tongue against the roof of your mouth, chewing on that comment. Charming but a bit unnerving. He tries just a little bit too much. 
You follow him across the row of booths and stands and around the corner to his own. He has a much better location than your own but it makes sense. Flowers sell better than used doilies. 
He puts the box down behind his table and starts to rearrange his goods. You wait until there’s a clear space and start setting out your own things. You pick out only the stuff you know will sell and prop up your sign. You leave the lock box underneath with the leftovers. 
“You mind if I go use the bathroom?” You ask Cole as he folds up his jacket and lays it over his chair. 
“Sure, I’ll keep an eye on things,” he says. “Need anything?” 
“No, no, I’m good,” you assure him and flit off. 
You head down to the brick building that houses the public restrooms. You use the solitary to collect yourself after the disaster-stricken morning. As you emerge, you wander along and pause just outside the booth selling iced drinks and hand-made tumblers. They’re all very cute but you can’t afford a cup, yet you can splurge for some of the tea. 
You chew your cheek as you consider the menu. You’re not sure what to pick. Hm, he likes flowers. 
You order two lavender lemonades and wait patiently as you count out the money. A little treat is much needed after the morning you’ve had. You claim your drinks and turn, nearly colliding with someone else. You back up and look up at the towering man. You recognise him. 
“Ah, there she is,” the man booms, “I feared you were not attending today.” 
“Oh, uh,” you furrow your brow. He’s that man who left you waiting then came back with his mother. He seems to be a regular though you’d never seen him before a few weeks back. “Hi?” 
“Thor,” he supplies, “I don’t think I introduced myself yet. And you, little treasure?” 
You hesitate before you muster an answer. Little treasure? How strange.  
“So, have you relocated?” He wonders. 
“Um, for today,” you say, his curiosity tweaking your nerves. “My car... well, I’ll figure it out.” 
“Oh, how unfortunate,” he frowns, “well, where can I find you? My mother is due soon, I believe my brother will be with her. A family day, you see?” 
“Mm, oh, I’m... down there,” you motion with the drinks, “at the flower booth.” 
“Flowers? Wonderful, mother will like those,” he grins brightly, “well, don’t let me keep you. You must have many customers waiting and those do you look delicious. Enjoy.” 
You look down at the drinks and nod. As you look back up, he’s already heading off. It isn’t very often you remember a face and his is becoming familiar. He must not have very much to do if he’s here every weekend. Who are you to speak? 
You go back to the stall as Cole speaks to some customers and wraps up two tall irises for sale. You wait to the side, hoping they might have some interest but they shuffle by with polite smiles. You do your best to smile back then turn to Cole. 
“Hey, um, I know it’s not much,” you take one of the cups and offer it, “I didn’t know if you’d like it but, lavender lemonade?” 
“Oo, is this from the Tea Time place? I’ve been dying to try it,” he perks up, “thank you so much. That’s too nice.” 
“Mm, well, you’ve done so much and you don’t have to.” 
“We all have bad days, huh?” 
“I guess,” you take your own drink and taste it. Different, but not bad. You’ll stick to your regular stuff at home though. 
You put the cup under the booth as more people approach. You have a few asking about the purses and browsing the sleepers. You sell some of the baby clothes but the purses are left unpurchased. Better than nothing. You’re all breaking even. That’s a weight off. 
Further down, you hear a deep roll like thunder. It’s that big burly blond. Thor? He’s there with the same blonde woman and a slimmer man nearly the same height but much thinner. His hair is dark where the other two are fair. 
Thor meets your eye, frightening you, and you quickly look down at your wares and arranges them. You sense his shadow coming closer as his mother continues her conversation with Cole about the amaryllis. The other man looks disinterested as he glares at Cole. 
“Mother,” the slender man sighs, “you could have a better bargain with the florist in town.” 
“Oh, hush,” she jabs him and returns to her barter. 
“Ah, yes,” Thor cuts into your intrusion, “I see you’ve got yourself set up. Oh, and you’ve made friends.” 
He glances over at Cole and you follow his gaze. You back up and fold your hands over your stomach. He turns back to you and narrows his eyes. 
“Friendly fellow, isn’t he?” 
“Mm, sure, he... he’s helpful,” you move your hand to grip your other wrist. “I don’t have too much today.” 
“Yes, I see. No jewelry? I was hoping to find some pendant for mother.” 
“Uh, no, sorry, like I said--” 
“Or a ring,” he insists. “She is a fan of jewelry. Back home... well, where we resided prior, she had so many pieces...” he smiles and exhales, his chest rising and fall, “ah, it isn’t any matter. I do like this.” He picks up the figurine of squirrel with an acorn, “it’s adorable.” He meets your eye and smiles broadly, “I like cute things.” 
You nod, unsure how to respond. You give him the price and he reaches for his wallet without pause. He pays and you stop yourself from offering to wrap it up. You don’t have your newspaper or little paper bags. 
“Thanks,” you cheep, “hope you have a good day.” 
“It’s already been lovely,” he purrs and wobbles the squirrel with a grin, “I do hope yours gets better as well.” 
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Welcome to the cringe corner! (Masterlists at bottom)
Here you can find various content for characters of several different fandoms! This is a multi fandom blog, constantly cycling through fixiations thanks to the Admin constantly going through different interests
With that out of the way, below the cut you can find more information about the Admin, as well as the blog itself
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About the Admin and Blog
Hello hello! I'm the Admin, I use (they/he/it) pronouns! For years I have read and consumed canon x reader insert content, and decided it's about time I give back to the community!
This is a multi fandom blog, with the blog changing with my interests! by default, though, Creepypasta is what I write when no interest is pushing me enough to right (and will continue to be the default for the foreseeable future, thanks to the fandom playing such a large role in my childhood)
This blog mainly focuses on short lists of headcannons for reader inserts, however occasionally scenarios will be posted as well as general headcannons!
I must say, I am not the best writer nor am I the best with characterization, so please note that some characters may be OOC
Below you can find what I write!
What I will write:
As of 12/24/23 I only take 1-3 characters per ask; any ask that exceeds that number will be put in the wheel to draw names to see who stays in the request
I write platonic, romantic, and found family
I will write most (descriptive)!readers however overly complex readers may be denied depending on the scenario
Typically I write hcs and scenarios!
You can ask for readers that are disabled or have a disorder but please note that while I will do research, I may not be able to get it perfect <\3
What I wont write:
Wont write any of the general no-no topics
This is more of a case by case thing depending on the ask and depending on my mental health at the time of it being sent, but I may not take requests for a reader who has been abvsed or s/hs
^ on the chance I do it will likely only be written as non vague/the harm is not being described in real time in the post + will be written strictly as comfort
I do not write NSFW, at most I will elude to something but nothing explicit
I do not write fics, those are for special occasion
I do not write canon x oc, due to me not feeling I can reliably portray the oc + this is where the overly complex described reader thing comes in, please do not try to trick me into this
As of December 2023 I do not take readers based off of existing media/canon characters unless I already know a character
If theres anything I'm not comfortable with I will let you know be it privately or by answering your ask
How to request:
Only send asks through the inbox, any asks sent through reblogs comments or dms will not be taken
Please only request one fandom per ask, if you want multiple fandoms please send in multiple asks
Please search the Masterlists to see if something similar to your request has been done before
I tend to write things and put them in a queue so as not to spam tags or the blog, so if your request is taking a new days to be posted that may be why! If you want to know what day your request is scheduled to be posted just ask!
Fandoms I write for/have written for! Will try to keep this updated!
Creepypasta (ongoing)
The Amazing digital circus (temporarily open)
Hazbin Hotel (ongoing)
Slashers (limited, temporarily open only for jason)
Overwatch (on hold)
ATSV (on hold, only wrote for spot)
TOH (on hold, only wrote for bump)
FNAF SB (temporarily open, only write for DCA)
Metalocalypse (ongoing and trying to get a hold on the characters personalities!)
Fran bow (mostly itward. Him, morgo, and remor are the only ones I write romantic and platonic for. Rest of the games casts is locked to platonic for obvious reasons)
Masterlist of ATSV, TOH, Overwatch and Fran Bow
Masterlist for FNAF SB, Slashers, and Metalocalypse
Masterlist for Creepypasta Volume 1
Masterlist for Creepypasta Volume 2
TADC Masterlist Volume 1
TADC Masterlist Volume 2
TADC Masterlist Volume 3
TADC Masterlist Volume 4
Hazbin Masterlist
The tropes list
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matryosika · 1 year
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Now open: commisions !
Author's Note
I've been wanting to do some commissions for a while now, and since my college semester is coming to an end, I figured this is the perfect time to try this out! If you enjoy my stories, and you have a specific, kinky idea in mind you'd like me to write about, i'm all ears.
As I've said before, I'm struggling with finding a decent job and being a full-time, 4th. year college student. Every tip, and possible commissions, will help me greatly. However, and with this being said, I will still write stories for everyone. I have tons of ideas for future stories and series, and me opening commissions doesn't mean that I will stop posting stuff for free. Absolutely not!
Commissions are just one of the many ways people can support an author. I'm opening them, in case someone wishes to purchase a specific story from me!
I'm actually nervous for this. If you can help me reblogging to reach more people, that would be awesome!
☕ 500 words or less: $3
☕ 500 - 1500 words: $6
☕ 1500 - 2500 words: $10
☕ 2500 - 3000 words: $13
The standard pairing for the stories is idol character x reader. If you want me to write a threesome, or something-some, that would be $2 per extra character. (Sorry! Three or more people in a single smut scene is kind of difficult to write haha!)
I also spent some time researching other authors and their fees. I tried to make the prices as accessible as possible, but also valuing the time and effort it takes me to write something.
The wordcount limit for these comissions is up to 3,000 words. Mostly because of practiticy and efficiency. I hope you understand. If, by any means, I exceed the wordcount, that's on me! I tend to give a lot of context, so I might go over the wordcount agreed from time to time. This, however, doesn't mean you have to pay me any extra. Don't worry!
If you wish to commission a story from me, you should contact me through tumblr (private messages, not asks) or discord (incheon914#7828).
Share your idea with me and be as specific as you can possibly be. The more details, the higher the probability of me writing something exactly for your taste. It's also important you tell me how long you want the story to be, based on the prices.
Once I'm done writing the story, I will let you know. Payment will only take place after I've told you the story is complete, and before I send it to you in PDF format. Payment can be done through my ko-fi platform, or directly through paypal. It's up to you!
Delivery time
☕ 500 words or less: 1 or 2 days.
☕ 500 - 1500 words: 2 or 3 days.
☕ 1500 - 2500 words: Up to a week.
☕ 2500 - 3000 words: Up to a week.
I'll work on them as fast as possible. For stories with more than 1,500 words, the estimated time is a week. It could be less, but if I need an expansion of time I'll let you know!
Additional information
You must be 18 or older to request a commission.
I can write smut, angst and fluff. Both NSFW and SFW for the last two.
I don't write historical au's, omegaverse, or anything that includes characters that aren't human (hybrid au's, for instance). There's nothing wrong with it, but the ideas just don't flow within me. I prefer to write something more domestic, in a way.
I'm open to write about any kink, even if I haven't written it before. However, my limits include the following: underaged characters, noncon, incest (step-something, I can discuss it. But I can't promise anything!), race play, extreme age play, slave / owner dynamics, emetophilia, bestiality, sounding and gore.
All of my work is related to SKZ, but I'm open to write about other idols as well. For instance, some other groups I enjoy writing about are BTS and all units of NCT.
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faeriegirl · 9 months
Please read before contacting me for a commission, thank you so much!
sketch: $10
lineart: $20
lineart + color: $30
add 50% for each additional character
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-Examples for bust art
sketch: $15
lineart: $25
lineart + color: $50
add 50% for each additional character
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-Examples of waist-up art
sketch: $20
lineart: $45
lineart + color: $75
add 50% for each additional character
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-Examples of full body art
Character sheets and illustrations:
Basic character sheets with front and back view with color palette start at $140, but prices will go up depending on various items, such as additional character images or other items added to the sheet.
Illustrations will start at a base price of $100 but will be adjusted according to detail required and time needed to complete the image.
These works generally take a lot of time and effort on my part, so please allow adequate deadlines if requesting one of these items. I work a full time job and so my illustrations tend to take a lot of my free time, so please be patient and always ask questions if you ever have any concerns.
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-Examples of character sheets
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-Examples of illustrations
$30 full body chibis! (price is per character)
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-Examples of full body chibis
Body Pillows - body pillow designs will be priced at 75$ per illustration (that means 150$ total for a 2-sided body pillow)
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-Examples of body pillow designs
Limbus Company
Madoka Magica
My OCs <3
Genshin Impact
Sketch Commissions/Requests - Sketch comms are rewards for any amount of ko-fi donations or patreon subscribers! Any donation or sub is entitled to request a sketch, so please feel free to message me if you decide to support in one of these ways!
I will draw:
Ship art
Animals + mythical creatures + pokemon etc
Anthro / furry (i have less experience with them but i’m completely open to making art of it)
Landscape, scenery (prices will need to be discussed)
NSFW - you must be 18 or older to commission these however!
In most of my drawings I'll usually put in a simple background of some kind, unless directed otherwise. References are always appreciated and if there is something specific you want feel free to tell me so! Any and all references or details are highly appreciated.
If you have something in particular you’d like me to draw that isn’t discussed in this post, please feel free to ask and i’ll be glad to clarify price ranges and so on.
I'm also happy to design characters, create an adoptable, or make icons if it is of interest! Prices can be discussed with me further if you’d like this.
Some other notes:
I will need the fee for paypal included in the final payment!
I will not draw or provide any content until I’m paid in full!
I will accept partial payment ONLY if the artwork costs $100 or more. In this case, I will accept half of the payment up front, and the remainder must be received BEFORE I complete any finalized art or provide ANY files beyond sketch/lineart.
When I am commissioned, I will be in regular contact and update with progress images, to discuss satisfaction with the artwork and if changes are necessary. Please keep in mind that if excessive changes are requested, I will also request additional payment. I tend to follow the three strike rule, after the third edit, I will request additional funds for my time.
I will do my absolute best to get the content to you as quickly as possible!! I am not the type to leave a task unfinished!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via DMs on shiningcelebi, faeriegirl, or on my twitter @plutopri
if you want my email, please ask and I will provide!
I currently have 3 slots open for commissions! If I manage to fill them up I’ll close them until I’m finished with all of them<3
My paypal is paypal.me/ZoeStabile, please send all payments there unless using kofi
You may not use any art I create to train AI programs of any kind, or use them for NFT’s or any other items of the sort.
If you wish to use my art for commercial projects, please let me know beforehand because our contract will have to change to accommodate this.
I do reserve the right to refuse a commission if need be. Partial refunds will be considered for those wishing to cancel if I’m partway through a commission.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns! I’ll adjust this page or make a new page if and when it is necessary! Thank you for your time!
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serabellyms · 8 months
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respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag others that you'd like to get to know a little bit better!
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ROLEPLAYER NAME: serabellym (sera is fine!)
MUSE NAME: multi-muse, so too many to list.
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: discord if you have it, IMs if not. I tend to answer Discord more regularly & IMs I sometimes leave the notification until I have the mental capacity to respond as it's usually about plotting, so I have to be in the right mindset!
EXPERIENCE: on tumblr, about 2 years now? In general, well over 10 years.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: some angst or a dab of hurt/comfort is always a soft spot for me. I don't mind fluff once in a while, but it does become dry and repetitive after a while. Realistically, what I want is plots/threads that are dynamic and have a flow; maybe it starts off hurt-comfort, and as replies go on (and we're talking 10, 20, 30 replies in, so long-standing threads) it turns to fluff. Maybe there's a dabble of smut somewhere in there. Either way, dynamic threads is what I crave.
If you constantly drop threads/forget about threads/threads never go past 1 or 2 replies & we never plot, I'm less likely to interact, period. Taking your time is a very different thing; having multiple threads that are 2-3 replies that constantly get dropped are a motivation killer for me.
If you remake your blog more than once every 6-8 months, I get exhausted. For context, in 2 years I've moved blogs only 3 times. The first was to move from a side blog to a main blog (so it wasn't like I could clean up my blog and make it a main blog); the second was to move from multiple single-muse blogs to one multi-muse blog (I had a lot of content across 4 blogs, it was easier to combine it into one fresh/new blog).
PEOPLE WHO REFUSE TO TAG FOR EYESTRAIN. It aggravates me to no end when asking for a tag is a problem. I often get the impression that people don't take the request for eyestrain to be tagged seriously, not realizing that the things I ask to be tagged trigger chronic headaches when it's missed.
Not filling out my interest tracker. I'm very clear why this is a requirement. It's actually detailed & coded on my end to organize it for my own sake well beyond what's asked for in the tracker. It makes it easier for me as someone with a disability to keep track of things, & it alleviates my anxiety to have those tools at my disposal, tools that I've taken the time to create for myself to make my life easier.
PLOTS OR MEMES: both! Generally, memes are good icebreakers, but I'm of the opinion that memes and plots go hand-in-hand. Memes are a great way to trigger a starter for something you've been plotting with a writing partner; conversely, memes can also serve to open the door for plot ideas to form when you discuss with people. I operate on the basis that memes are a way to start threads, and are generally not treated as one-off interactions on my blog. If you send a meme, it's going to be answered in a way that it can serve as a starter. In this case, anyone is welcome to continue memes that I sent if they'd like. I will not be upset.
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: Long replies. Shorter replies are more difficult for me to write and work with in most cases. I can rip through a long reply faster than I can a short reply, because with long replies there's enough content that it gets the creative juices going, and it's a matter of just letting the flow roll. If you give me a short reply, you'll probably be waiting 2-3 times as long for a response than a long reply. (& for those of you thinking "but a long reply is more words to write"--I type around 100-120 words per minute. It's not about the word count or typing speed. It's about my ability to think of a response. Longer replies come easier from a creative standpoint for me.)
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Late at night for me, usually. I need to get more into daytime writing, but it's hard. I'm the kind of person who throws together half a reply while I'm laying in bed about to crash, lol.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: As a whole? No. There are likely reasons I'm drawn to certain characters because I relate to them or empathize with them/what they've been through, but I am not like my muses. Often, my own experience influences how I interpret the muse's experience.
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tagged by: stolen lmao
tagging: @inufangs @smokedanced @hopegained @missallanea @stardustedstories @tenebriism @talesofourworlds @sailingtempest @primitiveside @bloodiedbiotic @altosk & anyone who'd like to steal!
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orchid-151 · 4 months
Commission info
So basically, I'm opening commissions to raise money to take my children to the zoo this summer before school starts back up again... so I figured I would lay some ground rules first.
Under cut to shorten post
Rule 1: No NSFW 🔞. The closest I can get to is seduction, but that's it. And it's not that I can't... just that I'm old (by internet standards), and I get enough of that with my boyfriend/husband on the regular... so no.
Rule 2: Nothing Political. I read enough about what is going on and all... I'm tired of it.
Rule 3: No Heckling to lower the price. I believe my prices are far for the art I do, even though I've never done commissions before... I'm not the best artist when it comes to most media, and I'm a little out of practice for drawing anything other than my minecraft ocs... I'm not the worst artist out there, but I have to be honest as there are much better artists out there with better skills than me...
Rule 4: Art takes time. Anything I offer in my commissions will take time to do, I have work and children to tend to... so please be patient with me. I will, however, work as fast as I can humanly possible to get your commissions sent to you...
Rule 5: I've got the shipping and handling cost. The Drawings and Digital Art are free to send, but most of the other things will cost to send... you shouldn't have to pay extra for your commission to be sent to you, especially when you paid for it with your saved up money/spare money...
Rule 6: it doesn't have to just be Minecraft related. It's your commissions. You should be free to have something you really want... After all, it's your money you're spending~
Rule 7: Please don't spend what you don't have... If you have anything that's more important to pay for right now, such as bills or a needed expense paid off, please don't. I'm not asking for commissions to pay for bills as I as I can take care of that myself... I just wanted to make some extra money to go towards a vacation trip for a single day at the zoo with my girls and husband... I don't want you to get in the hole because you felt like you had to buy something from me... bills come first! (Also, my husband and I are tucking back a little money from our paychecks to add to the funds. The tickets at the moment are $150 for all four of us to go... the extra money is for food and gasoline)
With that out of the way, now on to the price of the commissions~
I decided to just add them all as some seemed interested in plushys and Drawings/Digital...
Drawings 🎨 and Digital 💻
Characters: (1 to 5) $5
Digital: (1 to 5) $10
Background: +$2
Colored: +$2
Extra Characters: $1.50 per character added
Again, drawing characters Is a little easier for me especially when I am drawing on paper Digital artwork however is a little bit more of a task for me As I have to draw it out first and then put it in a digital program too finish Drawing it digitally. That is why the price for the digital is doubled as you will also receive a copy of the sketch with the digital drawing... The colors are a little easy. backgrounds are a lot tougher, but I left them at the same price as it wouldn't be fair to charge one more because it's more difficult ( at least to me anyway... I'm sure a lot of you would disagree on that... 😅)
And just in case you wanted more than 5 characters in your picture, there is an additional $1.50 per character....
Wire Trees 🌳
Small: $ 10
Medium: $15
Big: $20
Pipe cleaner leaves: +$2.50
Wire trees are different medium that I learned from my father to do for a while back, He was being a bit of a behind about teaching me because he believed that was his thing but I think he was actually joking so I might be able to do some plus I can add a spun twist with the pipe cleaner leaves... And no, they're not the little bonsai trees. These are different types of wire trees... But I plan to make more than just the one kind my father makes.... This is also the reason I stated I would pay shipping and handling as it comes with a big old rock for the tree to sit on... That thing alone will bring the price up to ship it 🫠
Painting 🖼
Small: $10
Long: $12
Medium: $15
Large: $20
For paintings, I am charging the size of the canvas, not for the actual paints and painting itself, mainly because I can get the paints cheap... I also came a couple of long canvases as well. So that's why they're there in the pricing as well...
Plushy 🧸
My OCs: $45
Your OCs: $50 - $65
This is slightly more because i've never done this before and on top of that it will take a lot of time but there is a slight catch...
you pay in 2 payments... aka half when you put the order in and the rest when you are satisfied with it...
I wanted to do It this way just in case When I make the plushy depending on if you don't like it I can refund your first payment, but if you like it you can send the rest of your payment as I send it to you... I want you to be satisfied with the work I do, not to be upset over what you think might be a shotty work of your request.
For now this is the best I can do, I might add something else later, such as clay modeling... or post up more references...
Just DM me when you want to request something and we can talk...
As for the payment method, I have planned to use Cash App to store the money, but if you can't pay that way, then again, DM me so we can figure this out~
To anyone interested, I highly appreciate you reading this and at least giving it a thought...
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matchbookarmy · 11 months
Okay, I'm back. Sorry I needed a bit of a break from things. Just from everything. Not this blog but everything in [gestures vaguely] life.
As some of you know, my phone broke back over the summer and I lost all of my open tabs and where I was on my journey. That definitely was a setback and I didn't know how I wanted to handle it.
But now that I've had time to think about it, I've decided to.... restart my journey.
Now I know you probably think I'm insane, but here are my reasons. When I first started reading I was only reading MCU based fic because I thought you had to choose a fandom on AO3. It wasn't for a while before I figured out I could just click on the ship's tag and see everything. So I was severely lacking in 616 fic. Also I didn't read everything when I started. I tended to skip AUs, a lot of the more kinky stuff. As I read more I opened myself up to a lot more types of fics.
And then finally my last reason is I want to change the way I interact with fic and fandom. I want to comment more and read WIPs and I dunno. I want to share and spread my enthusiasm. I also want to pull back in some ways, *except* on this blog. I want to get to know you and gush with you all about these two guys we love so much and all the creativity that gets poured into this fandom and this ship and these characters, the blood the sweat and the tears of it all.
So feel free to message me about anything. I try to be good about answering requests, though, I don't always have a fic that perfectly matches what you want.
I was thinking there's the findingstony blog that finds specific fic that you know exists, but maybe this would be a good place for people to submit things that they are looking for that they haven't already found. Like more general requests of tropes or plots that you want to read. Again I'll do my best to match you with something, but I'll also put them out to my followers (I don't have a ton but we'll see what the community can do).
Anyway, I'd like this to be a community to talk about all these things we love. I know I still have 2-3 unanswered asks, and I haven't forgotten them. For the person who asked for heartwrenching angst with or without a happy ending, I'm trying to decide if I want to rec you the most heart-shattering fic I have ever read. 🤔🤔🤔 (Are you open to Tony being evil?)
Anyway, does this restart mean that I may never get to some truly amazing fics at the end of the alphabet? Almost certainly. There are over 55k Stony fics on AO3. The first time I did this was a ship that had about 500 fics. I read them all in a couple months. I'm not going to complain about having too much good stuff.
But you can feel free to send in your own recs as well. Again, I'd love this to be a community, and a conversation.
Okay, well... I'm off to read. A couple of notes.
I will attempt to read every fic. There will be some that I do not finish. It might just be that it's not to my personal taste.
When I say everything, I do mean *everything*, which means that I may rec some fics that have content that you don't like. I will tag my posts accordingly. I'm not here to debate the ethics of fictional depictions of fictional characters in a fictional relationship with anyone.
I'm going to post as I go through. It's just easier for me that way. Also this way you can literally see my journey, lol. Posts will be scheduled for Saturdays, one post per week, unless my drafts start to get really full, in which case I'll bump it up to two posts per week.
Sometimes I may open a fic and save it in an open tag if I'm not in the right headspace for it, or if I want to read it but I'm not connecting with it at the moment. Or, if it's a really long fic, sometimes I'll intersperse other shorter fics in between chapters. So just because I skip a fic doesn't mean I didn't like it, or I thought it was bad.
Though I will give everything a shot, in general, kid fic is just not my thing, so you're unlikely to see many recs with that topic. But feel free to send in your own fic recs if there's something you really love. I'm sure others would love it as well.
I also generally tend to be not a fan of kink involving bodily fluids other than spit, sweat and semen, but I will give them a chance. Just don't expect a lot of recs for those. Also I'm not really a fan of age play. It's just not my thing.
The only hard pass for me is anything that tries to villainize Steve for MCU Civil War. That's a hard no for me.
Okay, I accidentally added a poll and it won't let me delete it, so....
Lmao - that was supposed to say goodness not goddess. 🙃🙃🙃 This is why I don't do polls. I am far too much of a mess to handle this kind of responsibility.
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yokohamapound · 1 year
Hey! I'm in the process of doing a load of housekeeping for all my imagines blogs, which includes replying to any non-request messages in my inboxes, updating/creating to-do lists from my inboxes and drafts, and generally getting back into the swing of things. I don't like to spam people's dashboards by replying to every ask or question I get separately, so I tend to screenshot them and put them all in one post. Some of these are really old - I'm sorry it took me so long to reply!
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@xiao-enjoyerz Thank you so much, lovely. I will write a proper Fyodor fic one day, but the silly mouse idea wouldn't leave me alone when I was thinking about doing something fun for April Fool's. Fyodor intimidates me even when I'm the one writing him, but like, in a good way~
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Dazai: ...you know, as disturbing as that is to learn, I'm more surprised I didn't give him a degradation kink.
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Thank you, my darling. <3
That's literally the highest praise you can give a fanfic writer, honestly. I hope your writing is going well! I'd love to read some if you ever want to drop me a link!
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I really hope it's going well for you and that you got your diagnosis! I'm not having much luck. I've sent in my referral request 2-3 times by now and my doctor somehow magically never seems to send it. It doesn't matter how much I chase them. So I'm just out here, rawdogging my existence, unmedicated and unsupervised.
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I don't at the moment, but I will be trying to put one together for this blog. I never really did it for my Bleach blog because there were over 1k posts and I physically couldn't, but this blog is still relatively new so I could. I'll also be posting all my headcanons in an anthology-type thing on AO3 soon - ten headcanons per chapter, contents table at the top of each chapter - so I'll post a link to that when it's up. I need a punny name for it, though.
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Ooh, so...
Chuuya became my favourite the very second he walked on screen. Bro is gorgeous, he has that scratchy voice, and then he did the Little Rich Girl voice and pose. Favourite character confirmed.
Poe became a favourite when he turned up at the ADA party and went "please don't leave me alone!" because same, Poe, same. Also, my friend describes me as a raccoon (messy, gremlin-like, scrabbly raccoon hands) so I feel like Poe and I would get along great.
Sigma when he gave a bunch of orders then immediately went and freaked out in private.
Fyodor when he was playing the cello for Katsura and when Katsura asked if Fyodor kidnapped him just to make him listen to the cello, Fedya went "No. 💖" It was just the Russian accent and the playful tone. Perfection.
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They don't show it anywhere near as much in the anime, which is a shame. It's something that humanises him a little more. They also missed out the little bit after he gets hit with a wine bottle where he says "I got wet and I'm cold. :("
I think it is a compulsion, really. He does seem to do it when he's thinking. He actually bites the skin around his nails rather than the actual nail like they showed in the anime, too.
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Hello! Yes, I'm mostly caught up on the manga!
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charcadett · 2 years
Milo He/They 22 🏳️‍⚧️
Hiii, this is a sideblog for Pokemon stuff! Mostly headcanon posts, but you might see a oneshot or two scattered about who knows. I will occasionally be posting spicy content. However, when I do, it definitely won’t be often and it will be tagged #not sft so filter that if you’re uncomfortable or a minor! Also, if you’re a minor or don’t have any indication that you’re an adult in your bio and you interact with any 18+ posts, I’ll block you.
I have ADHD, so my fixations tend to jump around a lot. So, at some point, I might become somewhat inactive on this blog, I’ll eventually come back.
My main account is @gribblehusband where I’m more active and also I follow from there lol. Ask box is always open to talk or share your own headcanons, I LOVE to talk. You are totally welcome to DM me too, I love to make friends!
Ko-Fi <3
Link To My Larry X Reader Fic
MASTERLIST (<- Last Updated: 2/4/23)
Will write
- I only Scarlet and Violet and Sun and Moon for right now, though that’ll expand eventually!
- I write for the gym leaders (minus Iono), the elite four, the teachers, and the professors.
- When it comes to shipping I only do x reader content. I’ve never been super big on shipping, but I enjoy from the sidelines! However, I am open to doing general headcanons about canon characters! If two characters would be friends, a group of characters doing a specific activity together, etc.
- Unless otherwise specified, I only write reader as gender neutral. I’m totally open to writing reader as gendered though, just let me know in your request!
- In relation to the above point, I will happily write trans readers, and canon characters as trans as well! More than happy to even! There’s not enough of it.
- Polyamory!
- Romantic, platonic, or even queer platonic scenarios. I’m also open to found family. Best trope is character seeing a kid and being like “Is anyone gonna adopt that?” but not wait for an answer.
- I’m open to doing NSFW. I’ve never done it before, so it may take me a sec to get around to at first.
- Open to writing for heavier topics regarding mental health, or health in general, as long as I feel like I can do it justice, and it’s not gratuitous angst. I’ll probably pull from my own experiences if it’s something I struggle with as well, or will ask people I know.
- Keep requests to like, 3 or 4 per person each time the inbox is open. I tend to close it around 20 or so requests, just for my own sake and I wanna make sure everyone who wants to gets a chance to send something in can! Thank you :D
- Crossovers! Total guilty pleasure of mine. I think they’re super fun and silly. Examples could be: Character with S/O who is a witch like in The Owl house, how would Character react to This Media, how would the Gym Leaders fare on Total Drama Island. Idk, go ham bro. I indulge in a lot of media, so there’s really no list of fandoms I’ll do this for. Just send something in and I’ll see what I can do!
Note: I won’t do crossover requests for the following fandoms: Harry Potter, Hazbin Hotel, or Attack on Titan. Might add more over time if I remember? I’d just rather not make content for any of these properties.
That being said, this is just for funsies, so I totally reserve the right to delete a request if it makes me uncomfortable or I uhhh just can’t think of anything for it.
Won’t Write:
- For any of the SV rivals, Team Star, or Iono. For the former, until their ages are officially confirmed, I’d rather not write for them. It’s just something I’m not personally comfortable with. For Iono, she just reads as sixteen to me, so again, not super comfortable writing for her either.
- Noncon
- Incest
- Pokephilia
- Yandere
- Pregnancy
- Hybrids, they’re just not really my thing.
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osc-aus · 2 years
Part 2 of the Milgram II AU!!
I've decided I'm only gonna do 3 characters per ask because it'd be better to like split up a huge wall of text into smaller walls of text lolol
Also I swear this was all random, the wheel just has a case of favoritism
Prisoner 004 - Paintbrush - A straightforward and hot headed person. They tend to get quite aggressive once they're interrogated and sometimes physically violent. Don't worry though, the warden cannot be harmed under the rules of the prison. They are close with 006 (Lightbulb) and have shaky relations with 005 (Fan), but still they hang out with him because of 006. They can be spotted with 001 (Marshmallow) and are distrustful of 010 (Cabby). Their first trial will focus on how their anger led to their crime. (Themes of fire very present)
If voted Innocent, they will be surprised. Then they would be enraged and get more violent overall. They will be less patient during interrogations. Their 2nd trial will focus more on their anger, not about their crime but about the warden's decisions overall. (I'm thinking of Fuuta but without the social justice cancelation gone wrong)
If voted Guilty, they will be shocked. Their anger will considerably be lessened and they will be more amicable when interrogated. It's as if they are now afraid of how their anger affects others. Their 2nd trial will be focused on after their anger had subsided and they were left alone to deal with the consequences of their crime.
Prisoner 005 - Fan - He is an odd and socially awkward boy. He is especially anxious during interrogations and questions about his crime or not. Although talk and discussion of his blog are exceptions to this. Despite his social ineptitude at times, he has befriended 006 and somewhat gotten along with 004 despite their outbursts. Like 004, he is also distrustful of 010. His first trial will focus on his blogging life and how it somehow relates to his crime.
If voted Innocent, he will be ecstatic and come out of his shell more. He'll be less anxious when answering questions during interrogations. However he is still reluctant to answer questions about his crime. His second trial will be about his motive for the crime albeit it'd be more discreet as his blog is still a reoccurring topic.
If voted Guilty, he will become even more anxious. He will become unresponsive at times, not even wanting to talk about his blog. If pressed too far he'll become aggressive even. His second trial will also reveal his motive although this time it is strikingly clear. (Although I won't write any songs I feel like this song would be something like 'Idol Worship' if that tells you anything about his motives)
Prisoner 006 - Lightbulb - She's quite the eccentric personality. She's not afraid to answer any question unless it's about her crime. She is the most social of the prisoners as she considers most of the fellow prisoners as her friends, with 009 (Pepper) being the only exception. She seems to have formed a friend group with 004 and 005 as she is especially close to them. Her first trial will detail her experiences of being a leader and how that somehow led to the death of her victim.
If voted Innocent, she will be relieved. She will gain more confidence. Not only that she will become more impulsive and act without even thinking for a moment. She will be extremely truthful. In her second trial, she will show her ego more and revel in her leadership. There will also be more victim blame. ("It's your fault you didn't follow my lead!" Or something along those lines)
If voted Guilty, her mood will noticeably worsen. She will become more unsure and would be reluctant to answer any questions. She's not sure what is truth or what is wrong anymore. In her second trial, she will look back on all her faults and mistakes she's made as a leader.
Anyways that's all for now sorry I didn't send this in sooner cuz I had to stop procrastinating on school work lolol. I'll work on the next batch soon ;p
OOOOOOOOOO I LOVE THAT THE TRIALS AND OUGHHH poor lightbulb and fan and painty and aughhhhh i love this
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zylophie · 9 months
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yahoo~ I'm yuepyon (yue), one of the three mods in this shared blog...nice to meet you if you are new here~!
☪︎⋆ yue, she/her, fujoshi, yumejoshi and otome lover :33 probably an odd combo but honestly I'm just very supportive of anything because it's a form of art !!
☪︎⋆ I'm a KnightsP, HiiroP, MikaP, MidoriP, KohakuP and JunP... it's a lot of works but I really adore them like a lot!
☪︎⋆ I don't mind brainrotting about other units though because I have...many favorites but anyways, please talk to me...I want some enstars friends that I can brainrot with~!
☪︎⋆ I tend to hesitate to talk about my interests (being a fujoshi and yumejoshi) due to my bad experience in my younger writing days but I would love to talk if you're interested just be aware that I tend to go berserk once you do... :3
☪︎⋆ I know the game way back when it was still ensemble stars! I lose my old account sadly...Now, I played the english version and I'm still making my way up there again so feel free to add me if you want!
Here is the basic rules for this fandom, more details...either click here for my writing rules or here for more details on the requesting rules, thank you for your patience, pyon pyon~
1. Menu~!
DO ; fluff, angst, yandere and au. Feel free to request with our alphabet template and theme menu if you want ^^
DON'T ; nsfw
2. Reader~!
DO ; male, female, gender neutral... I'm very open to any pairings so no worries~
DON'T ; none
3. Patient~!
DO ; patience is key since this is like an extra fandom with just one writer, the delivery might be a bit delay so yuepyon hope you understand~!
DON'T ; don't rush me please... someone did this to me before and it's not a nice feeling to have :<
4. Be Specific~!
DO; make sure to put separately if you want them to be separated like this one ! If not, I would think of it as a group kind of scenario...
DON'T ; Don't just send me "character x reader headcanons" or similarly very short asks...I can't read your mind so if you have a scenario you would like to see, don't be shy to ask~!
5. Be Respectful~!
DO ; Always start with a "hey!" and end it with a "thank you!". Don't forget to be respectful to our fellow friends in this fandom~!
DON'T ; I know this one is pretty obvious but if you don't like a certain thing such as lgbtq community then feel free to leave and block this blog, I really don't want to argue with narrow-minded people on how to be respectful to other people again ><
6. Request~!
DO; 4 character max per request at best if different characters but if you are requesting by group, just say the group name!
DON'T; please don't request more than one request at a time such as requesting for an oneshot and alphabet in one ask for an example so other people get a chance too.
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writing-with-olive · 4 years
How to write essays fast
I've been writing a lot of papers, so that's what's on my mind.
So this mostly applies to your standard 5-paragraph paper, though it's fairly straightforward to adapt it to longer (or sometimes shorter) assignments.
One of the main things to note is that essays are VERY formulaic, so knowing the formula and being able to write down your ideas in a way that fit into the formula is probably the number one way to get stuff done fast. Because of that, most of what I’m covering is breaking down the formulas so they’re more accessable.
Also this got very long. If there’s anything you want me to expand on just let me know in the comments or send me an ask/DM and I’ll make another post that goes more in-depth about it.
Structure (I hate this step, so I’ve figured out how to do it very fast becuase it’s still important)
The first thing to consider is prewriting and structure. To start, there are two major paper structures I usually consider. The first goes
Main point #1
Main point #2
Main point #3
This is good if you have a lot to say on the topic, or if it's something closer to a summary essay where there's not really an opposing side. In something where there are distinct sides, (or if you have less to say to support your own side), you may want something that looks like
Main point #1
Main point #2
Why the other side is wrong
The "why the other side is wrong" side is involves thinking through the MOST credible arguments the other side might make, and methodically breaking them down to show how they don't work. The stronger the argument you choose, the more effective this is.
Since I personally hate prewriting with a passion, I usually do this step very fast and end up with an outline that looks like
Intro [insert thesis statement]
P1: [three word summary]
P2: [three word summary]
P3: [three word summary]
(thesis statement, introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion tips are all below the cut)
Usually, this is enough so when I look at my outline, I can see what I'm trying to focus on for each paragraph - and do so without straying from my main point.
For the prewriting, the main things to do are identify with basic structure of the two will serve your purposes better, and write a thesis statement that solidly supports your argument.
Thesis Statement
There are so many guides about creating thesis statements that are powerful, but I'm just going to quickly go over how to be fast about it.
The first thing to know is that a thesis statement is usually a complex sentence: it's your entire essay distilled down to a single line. The general formula I follow goes something like this:
"In their [media type] [name of specific piece], [creator's full name] explored/demonstrated/other verb [theme you're going to be arguing about] demonstrated/using/as evidenced/as shown by [example 1], [example 2], and [optional example 3]."
For example, a thesis statement that follows this format might go
“In his short film Job at Place, David Davidson explored the manifestations of human stupidity through the absurdity of the main character’s home, school, and office.”
Or, if you're writing a historical piece, it might look something like this:
"In [place/time period], [thing you're arguing was happening]: they had to/the conditions were such that/other thing to set up a list [example 1], [example 2], and [example 3]."
For example, a thesis statement that follows this format might go
“During the Tusken Invasion of 32nd century Tatooine, it was the lives of the children that were most affected, from their social development and connections with others to more personal struggles they didn’t yet have the tools to overcome.”
The examples you give are going to correlate to your paragraphs - example 1 is for body paragraph 1, and so on. 
I like to think of the introduction as a funnel that gets more and more specific.
First, write a broad statement that touches on whatever theme you’re referencing. 
Job at Place is about human stupidity, so something like “while great minds have flourished throughout the ages, so have the not-so-great.”
Tatooine is about war, and about child development, so something like “children’s development has always been impacted by the state of the world around them.” or “war has many effects, many of which impact those not directly involved with the conflict.”
The idea is that it’s a broad statement that can almost be looked at like a universal truth.
Next, you’re going to go deeper - two sentences that narrow down the time and place you’re talking about specifically, and how that time and place fit into your universal statement. 
The fourth sentence gets even more specific - introducing how the thesis sentence fits into your first three sentences.
Then the last line is your thesis statements. 
Body Paragraphs
Your three main body paragraphs all follow the same formula. (I’ll get to the “why the other side is wrong” paragraph in a minute)
The first sentence you’re going to want is a topic sentence. For this, you’re going to want to look at the example you gave in your thesis statement that corresponds to this paragraph, and see how it relates to your central claim. 
If we’re going with the Job at Place example from above, for the second paragraph, you might open with a line like:
“A striking characteristic of Davidson’s short film was the abnormality of the main character’s school, used to showcase exactly what happens when poor decisions get taken too far.”
Everything within the paragraph will then back up the claim you’re making in the topic sentence (which in turn is backing up your thesis). 
For each paragraph, you’re probably going to want about three pieces of evidence, either in the form of direct quotes (plucking words directly from the source) or paraphrased quotes (summarizing what happened in your own words). The quote should be used to directly support your argument.
After each piece of evidence, you’re going to want about... twoish lines of analysis (this number can change as you need it to, but two lines is something solid to fall back to). 
While analysis can take all kinds of forms, one pattern you can use if you’re stuck is
evidence sentence 
what it means
how that meaning ties back into your main point
Following this pattern, a piece of analysis of Job at Place might look like:
“One of the first images of the private school is that it’s a tall spire with creaking stairs and loose floorboards. Despite this, the principal has eight personal cars parked outside on full display. While the first glimpse of the school might indicate that there is little money to care for the structural integrity, the notion is directly negated by the principal’s actions. By using these two images, Davidson demonstrates what can happen to the youth when those in power let greed carry them away.”
After you write your analysis, include some kind of transition phrase, and go onto the next piece of evidence.
The last line of your paragraph is going to transition into the next paragraph while also summing up the main point of what you talked about in the current one. (This line can also get moved down and tacked onto the beginning of the next paragraph, before the topic sentence, but I have found it tends to look less cohesive that way).
You might choose something like:
“While the school was a disaster in its own right, it wasn’t the only example of human folly.”
If you’re writing a “this is why the other side is wrong” you’re going to want to think about the MOST compelling arguments the other side could make. Take the top one (or two), and figure out ways to crack them apart using evidence from your source material.
In this case, your topic sentence might start off with something like
“While opponents might say [insert compelling counterargument], their reasoning breaks down when one takes into account the evidence.”
At this point, you’re going to follow the same formula as above. The main thing to keep in mind is that for the duration of this paragraph, your point is that the other side’s claim of X is wrong.
If you know what you’re doing, this is actually the easiest part.
(wait, what??????)
The thing is, you NEVER want to introduce new ideas into your conclusion. Instead, you’re summarizing your main points.
The formula I follow per sentence is:
Thesis statement but reworded (you can change the sentence structure too)
Topic sentence for paragraph 2 or 3, but reworded (I’ll explain why you shouldn’t do the sentence for P1 in just a sec)
Topic sentence for paragraph 1 or 3 but reworded
Topic sentence for paragraph 1 or 2 but reworded
Wow sentence or question (i’ll get to this too)
The idea for the middle three sentences is you don’t want them to read as repetitive, so you’re going to mix up the order so it doesn’t match the order of the rest of the essay. This will help to keep it fresh.
The wow sentence is basically the last impression you get to make. I find it’s usually a good idea to go just a tad dramatic (it sounds dumb, but it has never failed me). If I can’t think of anything, a declarative statement on whatever major theme was being discussed throughout the essay usually does the trick.
All of this shows that in the absence of friendships and platonic love, humanity will falter.
Fiction may seem far fetched now, but if the world falls into those same mistakes, it’s only a matter of time until it becomes a reality.
Art has existed for as long as humans have populated the earth; it’s not going away any time soon.
A lesson everyone must understand is the most powerful weapon isn’t anything physical or tangeable: it’s the ideas that exist in the minds of those who care.
(I told you they were going to be dramatic) A way I look at it is if you can’t imagine dropping the mic on the last line, it needs to be stronger (yes I found that plagiarized with not even a whisper of credit on Pinterest, but it works).
If you wrote a SOLID essay, consider ending with a question aimed at the reader (this will push your essay in the direction of either the positive or negative extreme: a strong essay will become stronger, a weak essay will become weaker). Questions can be a call to action or rhetorical as a means to drive home your final point. Becuase they’re more nuanced to the content of the essay, I don’t really have great examples to give you though (sorry).
Hopefully this is useful to at least some of you - good luck!
If you want to be added to or removed from any of my taglists (found pinned to the top of my blog) just let me know :)
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1. when are you usually online?  I’m most active weekday evenings, EST! I have a full-time (and then some) 9-5 job so when I’m here in the afternoons, I’m either working from home or just liking/sending on mobile. I’m much more of a night owl than an early bird though, but I try not to do any real thread writing after 2 AM or so. I never write anything good after 2 AM.
2. what verses are you involved in outside of this page? Most of my AUs take place on this page, but I’ve gone back and forth on restarting my Fujiko Mine blog again. I think Fujiko, like most of the other muses I’ve written, I tend to want to write in specific scenarios/against specific character types only. Unlike with Sonia, where it’s far easier and more interesting for me to adapt her to different verses and situations.
3. what is your biggest RP pet peeve? Formatting pet peeves aside (super small text and putting multiple spaces between words), my biggest RP pet peeve is this:
Asking for meme starters/starter calls, never replying to said starters, and asking for more starters. While never communicating feedback or constructive criticism about what would make a thread or interaction more appealing and/or engaging, or answering memes/asks I send. 
This is one of the main reasons I’ll simply drop a writing partner. I never mind redoing introductions or working together with a mun to plot an interaction we both want to write! But I do mind being constantly asked for starters and having them never be turned into threads.
On the other hand, one of my lesser pet peeves are very quick replies, and this is entirely a ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ issue. Mainly, I like to keep three habits when roleplaying: 1. replying to all of my active threads in a consistent and timely fashion, 2. replying to all current threads before taking on new starters/memes and 3. taking time away from the dash to read/watch/play different things in order to take a breather, think about where I want interactions to go, and get ideas. That’s harder for me to do when muns reply quickly (I usually say 48 hours or less, but I’ll say 24 hours or less here. I’m still a slow but steady writer!), and that’s entirely on me and my habits.
My way of addressing it is, in this situation, I won’t queue my replies in the order I receive threads: I try to space out replies for muns who reply very fast with muns who reply a bit more slowly, so I’m not overwhelmed with a bunch of replies at once. I try not to be the mun who takes on too many asks and threads and then has to drop them.
4. are you drawn to specific types of muses? When I was a younger writer in RP, it was usually badass women with weapons and femme fatales (aka. I’ve had Fujiko as a muse for a long time! Just not on tumblr). In the past 5-8 years? Definitely young ladies with Rich People Problems: Sybil Crawley/Branson, Veronica Lodge, and now Sonia Nevermind. If I could’ve ever figured out how to play a Persona game, I probably would’ve picked up Haru Okumura by now. Mostly though, I love writing Rich People Problems: royals, high society, just plain wealthy, etc. 
5. are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice? Tbh I don’t really think any of my themes are that hidden, per se? Though one I do hope to emphasize in my long-term interactions, especially in Sonia’s older verses, is how much less black-and-white she sees her parents. As a teenager, she really does believe her father can do no wrong and all of the ill will in their unhappy marriage is due to her mother and her attitude and many affairs. The older she becomes, the more she’s able to recognize her mother and father in shades of gray. Her father has made plenty of mistakes and, the more she can come to understand what her mother has experienced, the more she can come to understand her behavior, especially towards her.
6. what are your favorite RP trends? I love the silly “character has appeared what to do?” meme so much. I know charts and quizzes are fun and all, but I get burned out on those. But this meme? This meme will always lead to quick and fun interactions, particularly with muses and muns I’m already threading with.
And I love info pages and carrds on tumblr, preferably linked to a pinned post. I’m on mobile a lot these days, especially at work, and if a blog follows me without their info in a pinned post I likely can’t follow back until I get on my computer and look at their blog there. This is my plea to please make your rules/muses/mun pages mobile-accessible! I’m not a fan of google docs for info, though: only interest checkers. Because they are a challenge to read on mobile.
7. what is your process for starting a new story with someone?  
Send a meme send a meme send a meme send a-
Yeah, you get the drill. :) Listen, I like memes for several reasons: 1. I can often get an idea of the tone of the thread the other mun is looking to write based on the prompt. 2. a muse and/or verse will be attached to it if the blog is a multi. I rarely do starter calls because, in the past, my starters often get ignored and I’m not a fan of greeter posts.
Beyond memes, I also like plotting OOC here or on discord for threads. That ensures that both muns are interested and engaged in the plot, and that any godmodding/toe-stepping questions can be addressed before interactions begin.
I’m not the best with unprompted IC asks though, especially those turned into threads. I’m notorious for misunderstanding asks, particularly if they’re related to pop culture I’m unfamiliar with (Sonia and I have a few things in common...), and it can be awkward for everyone involved. 
8. how do you feel about duplicates? I don’t mind other takes on my muse at all. She’s a canon muse from a popular franchise and it’s to be expected, but I also know that not everyone will like the way I write Sonia. She’s canon-divergent with a lot of headcanons and history regarding her family, her culture, and her country. That, and my preferred writing style and dynamics, may very well not appeal to everyone. And that’s just fine! Every interpretation of her is valid and if a mun doesn’t like one mun’s style of writing and interpreting her, they can write with another.
What I do mind are twin verses and long-lost relatives, for one of the points listed above: I have a lot of headcanons and lore about Sonia, plenty that I haven’t even shared in headcanon posts or threads yet, and I both keep to those headcanons and evolve them when I wish to. Twin and relative verses don’t really account for that, and the closest thing I’ve got to a twin verse is Sonia’s Vampire!AU anyway, where I’d write both the past and present Sonia.
I also mind stealing headcanons. Don’t do it. It’s bad form. I try not to follow solo Sonia blogs just so there’s little possibility of this happening but if she’s on your multi, I don’t mind. 
9. how long have you been involved in roleplaying? I started in either 1999 or 2000. I’m aware that I’ve been roleplaying longer than some muns on this site have been alive, and I don’t intend on stopping anytime soon :) 
10. is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t?
.....Bridgerton AU!
Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system (muses in a Bridgerton world, Bridgerton muses themselves, YES GOOD. If you’ve been here for awhile, this is probably old news but I can’t not mention it!), I’d like to explore more historical AUs, particularly anything mid-18th Century onward. My reasoning for this is entirely due to the available history/tech/arts from then on. I’m not great with high fantasy components, but more urban fantasy concepts are mostly fine with me. Just don’t expect Sonia to have magic powers.
In a very, very specific sort of plot, I’d be interested in a time-travel story, too.
Otherwise, I like exploring Danganronpa muses post-high school: college aged, high school reunions, etc. The reunion plot, especially in a Non-Despair context, can be particularly fun!
And finally: give me your otome muses for threads. @dangaer​ and @hitobanju​, I’m looking at you. If and when you are wanting to thread some long-term interactions...gimme. DiaLovers, Piofiore, and Cupid Parasite scream the loudest for crossovers right now but I’m getting pretty fluent in otome. 
TAGGED BY: I stole it!
 TAGGING: @cantillat​, @electricea, @causalitylinked, @dcviated, @litoredeem, @inxtricabilis (we haven’t chatted much yet but I hope it’s ok to tag you in things like this!), @psychcdelica, @orderbourne, and you! Steal it!
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xiaophobic · 3 years
my heart is yours! ˖˚ ͙✩ .*゚*。
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— hello, everyone! if you don’t know me, i’m atlas <3 i have officially hit 1,000 followers, and because of such a milestone i’ve decided to organize an event! this is a fluff only event, hence the name, and a pretty simple one at that. how it works + how to request will all be explained under the cut !!
— before we start, here are my masterlists if you’re not following and want to know how i write <3
— it’s a prompt event! i’ve organized the prompts myself (of course including the classics) and they’re individually listed under their respective categories!!!
— for this event, i will write for every character present within my current masterlists, as well as any characters who aren’t included on the list of those i do not write for (please refer to “rules” to view said list !!)
— this event does not include the children (klee, qiqi, diona, sayu) as this is based purely on romantic relationships !!
— since i wanna be cool and have like a specific way of requesting like other people do for their events, i’ve created that as well :D
— as you’ll see, all the genshin men are listed under “heartthrobs” and the women and listed under “sweethearts”, the different prompts are also listed under their respective categories that…don’t have unique names,,
— you’re limited to one intimacy prompt and one dialogue prompt per request! poly relationships are 100% always welcomed just as they were in my last event, though i do ask that it’s limited to two characters per req (ex: kaeya + childe + reader). outside of poly relationships, please only one character per request !!
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REQUEST EXAMPLE: heartthrob (diluc) + intimacy (#2) + dialogue (#2) + any additional details
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— of course depending on who/what you’re requesting this will vary!! please send in any asks containing any questions you may have, i’ll be elated to answer all of them <33
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holding pinkies
cheek kisses
prolonged eye contact
tracing shapes on their skin
clumsy kisses
hiding their face in your neck
hugs from behind
feeling their pulse
brushing something off their face
tending to an injury
laying their head on your shoulder
playful glares
top of the head kisses
cupping their cheeks
pulling them into bed with you
bribing them with a kiss
comfort hugs
speaking against their lips
searching for them while you sleep
laying in their lap
“i’m in love with you”
“you’re easy to fluster”
“do you remember our first kiss?”
“you’re clearly blushing”
“people are staring” “good, let them”
“you still give me butterflies”
“please, stay”
“i can’t stop thinking about you”
“what’s your type?” “you. wait, i mean—”
“don’t look at me like that”
“kiss me like you mean it this time”
“you’re so cute when you do that”
“how do you know you love someone?”
“i want you to rest”
“i missed you”
“your hands are so warm”
“were you jealous?”
“are we dating?” “…i thought we were”
“i don’t want to lose you”
“forever?” “and always”
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— all works published under these conditions will be located under the tag “[ 1K EVENT ] — my heart is yours !” as well as the event masterlist that is tba!!
— requests will close SEPTEMBER 9TH, meaning they’ll be open for about a week and a half !!! after this date, any requests sent to my inbox will unfortunately be deleted.
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wahh hello everyone!! been a while since i’ve done this huh 😱 i hope you’re all doing wonderful, ily!!!!!
(if this flops you will never hear from me again /j)
anyway, i hope you have as much fun requesting as i will writing!! i was given a lot of inspiration during my last event, so i hope the same for this one as well!!
with love, xiaophobic <3
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fnf-amateur-writing · 3 years
Hey! It’s Fox again! How are you doing? I just started school back up today, so I’ve been busy Xp.
Think you would be cool with writing some Pico with an s/o who is a writer, and tends to ask him about things like “hey, how long does it take someone to bleed out” or other things like that?
I understand if you don’t feel like it, and I hope you’re having fun 😊
Hello again Fox, I'm doing quite well rn. I'm cool with your prompt, especially since I need more writing material anyways.
Took me a while, because I didn't want to do a hc, but rather come up with a oneshot with a little twist to the style. Well, hope it works well.
Good luck with school, mate!
TW: Mentions of violence, swearing, slight sexual reference, and crime.
Pico with a writer S/O who asks him strange questions
On a chilly autumn morning, you were sitting out on your patio with a laptop and a mug of your favourite beverage next to you. Whenever you looked up, you could see the warm coloured leaves fall as the breeze accompanied you. The whole scene was an aesthetic.
When your boyfriend, Pico, came outside to see this, he knew that the nice environment you surrounded yourself with meant one thing. "You're back in your writing space already. Heh, with that bestseller you published, I thought you were comfy taking a break." You simply smiled and said, "can't waste the inspiration rush I got right now."
Pico had a good point though, with your rising popularity as an author, you were near set to retire before turning fourty. But you wish you weren't given all of the credit, since your boyfriend's stories of his dodgy job has occasionally sparked some ideas for your stories. However the books you wrote in the past were usually meant for the young adult and had few mature themes. This time, you thought maybe it's time to garner extra inspiration from those stories.
You were met with some disappointment when you realised that your mug was empty, only a drop entering your mouth. "Here, babe, I'll ya some more," Pico said, taking your mug and walking inside. "Quick question," you stopped him. "Yeah?"
"What would be the best place for a murder cemetery?"
"... What?"
Chapter 1:
"So you're doing some story about the police hunting down a mass murderer?"
"Pretty much."
"And to think you were gonna write Pixar's next script. Aight' I respect that." Pico takes a seat next to you with a refill of your drink placed next to your favourite writing laptop. "Thanks, Pico. But yeah, I want to branch out to something edgier, and I think you can help too."
"Let me show you what I've got so far." You showed him some of your notes in a little notepad document, detailing the story thus far and your current plans for this chapter. "Oh, that's it? Just looks like boring police preparation mainly," Pico commented. "Yeah, it's not much right now. But it'll get juicy later." "And bloody?" "And bloody."
"Welp, I'm gonna head back in," Pico got up, "let me know if you need anything." He head back inside, closing the door, but then opened it almost immediately afterwards. Pico stuck his head out, "by the way, the guy should use some strong alcohol or something to throw off those sniffer dogs."
Chapter 2:
"And then, because they used a silencer, the police don't immediately notice the--"
"Nope! I'm calling bullshit (Y/N)!" Pico had suddenly interrupted your explanation of the scene you were currently working on. "Silencers can help prevent some hearing loss, sure, but they're not magic."
"Alright," you reply, "no silencer, but the killer still has to kill in a way to not get blood on them, so I thought shooting and killing them from a distance would work." "Well, they're alone. Instead, have the guy get shanked in the neck or something, and have the killer use a plastic bag as a glove. It saved my ass one time."
"Woah!" you exclaimed with a giggle, "you used a knife once? What happened to my trigger happy boyfriend, huh? That's pretty sus."
"I forgot to reload the Uzis, alright?"
"What an impostor would say."
Chapter 3:
"What would be the best way to muffle the scream of someone you kidnapped?"
You two were sitting on the couch together watching a show. You didn't have your laptop on you, so Pico didn't expect you to still be thinking about that book. "I can't say from experience, really," he said as he paused the show. "However, shove a rag in their mouth and duct tape it in, and you should be good."
"Thanks Pico, also one more thing." "Yeah?" "What if our killer also wanted to..." God, this one was gonna be awkward, but you had to say it or else no help. "You know, cut off this victim's willy. How would you do that?"
"Wai-wha-uh-ga," Pico started fumbling his words like never before. He stopped, then took a deep breath. "YO, WHAT THE FUCK?!" "It'll make sense in the story later, I promise!" You watch Pico begin to lose it, breaking into laughter. "Ladies, gentlemen, and others," Pico dramatically stood up, pulling a little Showcaster impression and directing his arms towards you, "my famous 'young' adult novelist partner!"
Chapter 4:
It was in the dead of night, but you awoke to Pico on his phone. His vpn was on and Tor was up. As per usual, he was checking up on his little hitman service, where others could request for a certain someone's guts to fly if they paid him a hefty sum first. Though tired, you ound this to be the best time to ask him some more questions.
"Pico, how do those sites work?"
"Oh, you're awake," Pico blankly stated, sleepy too. But he still answered you. "Basically, some anonymous rich guys in the area give me money and a target, then I just do the thing and send a mission accomplished email." "Do they pay you in person?" "Nah, we use always use Bitcoin. It's a lot harder to trace than real money."
"Thanks Pico. Goodnight," you wish him, yawning and going back to sleep. "You too... So this guy is a hit man too?" "Hush. Tomorrow." "Okay." Pico puts his phone away, leaving it on a nightstand. You then spoon the night away, peacefully thinking of murder as you drifted off.
Chapter 5:
On a morning similar to before, you two sat on the patio with your drinks and laptop at the ready. Pico watched rather awkwardly as you typed away, wondering why you haven't entertained him with another question yet.
"You gonna ask anything else?" "What? Oh, nah," you plainly state. Inevitable, sure, but he was kind of saddened. He liked being able to share his messed up wisdom. "So, you're done?" "Almost." You turn to look at him, "want the spoilers?" Pico smiled, "sure thing."
In the novella you and Pico crafted together, the main character is a cop who hunts down a killer. They eventually notice that there would be two murders at a time for unknown reasons. Well, it was unknown until one victim had left up a dark web hit man for hire site. They that the hit man not only kills the target, but the client as a hidden price for the service.
And any request will be fulfilled, according to the hit man's site.
"Do they catch 'em?" Pico asked. "Well, ANY request is granted. So, if our hero were to... hire him to kill himself..."
"No way!"
"He did. They find both of their bodies in his bedroom."
Pico was a bit impressed with the ending you came up with, but then he remembered something. "Why did that guy get his thing cut off?" "Lol, I forgot," you giggled. "He sent a message to the hit man, saying he wishes the target would choke on his dick."
"That's my favourite part."
After everything was finished up, you sent the book off to your editor. After the initial joy of knowing how the story ended, you saw that Pico was still in thought. "What's up with you?" "Oh nothing, well it's just... I'm probably just biased, being that I'm a bit of a hitman myself, but it's kind of sad to see the guy go."
"Then I should spoil the epilogue I came up with." Rather than being excited, Pico nervously asked, "what's an epilogue?" He didn't get an answer, only you staring at him. "Sorry, school held too many bad memories for me to pay attention."
"Anyways," you continue, "the rest of the police gang did some background checks, and find that our killer was a normal guy with no criminal history."
"No. But I did decide to take a more supernatural approach here. Somewhere across the country, another string of double homicides occur and that site is active once more. And the story kind of repeats itself."
"You joker," you give him a playful little kiss on the cheek, one that definitely caught him off guard. "So is it canon?" Pico smirked. "Nah, just thanking you for being my cute little co-author." "Oh," Pico started, "so we're flirtin' now, huh. Come here babe!" He tackled you onto the ground, giving you several kisses in exchange.
"Actually, I think we call that 'making out'," you chuckle out, flustered. "But that doesn't mean I said stop'!" You pull him in for more, accidentally bonking your heads together rather painfully. "Nice double kill there, (Y/N)."
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