#and i still am SO curious how cordys gonna take it when he shows back up post-evil era
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loisfreakinglane · 3 months ago
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remmushound · 4 years ago
Lita's legacy, part 5!! @brightlotusmoon @scentedcandlecryptid
Mondo was heated with rage he had no idea how to express. Never before in his time as a human or a mutant had he felt any emotions near as intensely than he felt anger now. His skin felt hot, his stomach felt sick, and he felt like crying. But Lita was there still holding his hand and she was watching him intently, so he had to put on a smile while he got her to someplace safe and protected; as usual, it was on a rooftop.
“Lita, I need you to stay here while I go find a payphone or something.”
Lita frowned. “Why didn't you just use that other mutant's phone?”
Mondo blanked. Sure, he could say that he had been so mad that the thought hadn’t occurred to him, and he could admit his mistake and go back to ask to use an actual phone. Or he could find a payphone and pray to whatever higher beings there were for it to still work. He looked to the streets.
“He uh. Didn't have one. Stay here!”
Mondo gave Lita one last, comforting pat before jumping from the roof and landing with a painful crash in the dumpster below. “Ow.”
“Why didn't you use the ladder?” Lita called down, pointing to the fire escape.
“I have a technique!” Mondo grunted as he forced himself out of the dumpster and to his feet, risking a quick glance around both corners of the alley before falling to all fours and running across the street as fast as his starved body could carry him. He scrambled into the phone box, pulled a loose quarter from his pocket—he kept a bunch of change, just in case he could ever find anything worth buying— and pressed it into the slot. He hoped that was how it worked, like it did in the old movies he watched. He took Repo Mantis’ card from his pocket and, in quick glances between the card and the buttons, he dialed the number and held the phone up to his ear. He heard strange, beeping noises, and hoped that was a good thing.
“You are conversing with Donatello!” Came a confident, bold voice joined with the strange sound of clicking keys, “Are you friend, client, or evil brat come to ruin my day?”
“Suh dude! Uh.” Mondo Gecko cleared his throat and tried to sound professional. “Repo Mantis gave me this number.”
“I know a Repo Mantis.” Was the reply, and then a long pause.
“He… said you could help me?”
“Well, first, you can help me.” Donatello said, “What you need, kid? I got gadgets and gizmos aplenty and a brain that won’t let me sleep. Seriously. It’s been two days.”
Mondo stuttered. “Uh. That’s rough buddy. I… me and my friend tried to get a place in Repo Mantis’ junkyard.”
“Oo. Bad choice.” Donatello laughed, “Lot of crooks living in there, you know. That place is for the desperate and the destitute.”
“Um. I— guess I’m both.”
“Oh. Unfortunate.” He smacked his lips, “What can I do you for, mister desperate and destitute?”
“Repo wouldn’t let me and my friend stay in his junkyard because my friend, like, has this medical condition.”
“That doesn’t sound like Repo. He don’t discriminate by anything more than how much money you have in your pocket. What kind of condition does your friend have?”
“I’m uh… not like, entirely sure what it is, if I’m being completely honest.”
“Physical or mental?”
“Any medicines she should be taking?”
“I— I don’t know…” Mondo hated not knowing the answers to the questions he was being asked, but what could he do? He had to answer honestly! He put in another quarter to give himself longer to talk.
“Mm. Current place of residence?”
“We… don’t really have one anymore.” Mondo admitted. “I told you— we were supposed to be going to Repo’s place.”
“Right, right. Name?”
“I am Mondo Tubular Gecko.” Mondo gave the sound of a strumming guitar out of habit before remembering what he was talking about. “And uh. My friend’s name is Lita.”
“No last name?”
“Alright, Mondo Gecko.” Donatello cleared his throat, “Where are you currently?”
“Uh, lemme check!”
Mondo left the phone and ran out into the streets to check the nearby signs, then ran back and reported them to Donatello.
“Fan-freaking-tasking. You stay there with your friend, and I’ll be there in just a mo’ with a medic to give her a once-over and give the all-clear to our mantis friend. Don’t move.”
Mondo froze.
There was a pause before. “You can move away from the payphone, just don’t leave the area!”
“Oh, right on, right on. Wait. How’d you know I was on a payphone…?”
“I know and see everything. Tah tah!”
Mondo returned to the rooftop to wait with Lita. Only a few short minutes later, both of them were surrounded by three average-sized mutants and one giant, their muscles chiseled and defined by years of hard labor and faces that said they were in their early twenties, if that. Mondo Gecko tucked his tail between his legs and hugged it for support. He hadn’t been expecting so many to show up, but he couldn’t back out now.
“You the one who called?” Asked an unfamiliar voice from the brightest mutant in a blue bandana.
Mondo Gecko nodded slowly.
“Where uh. Where’s your friend?” The largest one gave what Mondo Gecko supposed was meant to be a comforting grin, but it came off as predatory and malicious.
“She’s right here. It’s okay Lita…” Mondo Gecko grabbed Lita by the arm and gently guided her out into the open.
“Aww.” The orange-spotted mutant cooed, “You’re so cute!”
Lita whined and pressed her carapace into the crook of Mondo Gecko’s arm for security. A purple-clad mutant split from the group and approached Lita, pulling goggles down over his eyes and scanning her with a red and blue light for a moment before he pulled the goggles up and his mouth fell open.
“Woah…” Just from the tone, Mondo immediately knew it was the one from the phone. He stood up, walking over to the blue-clad turtle and whispering something to him. Mondo strained to listen. “...major ectopia cordis, possible thoracic insufficiency. Pericardium is still intact. Also suffering from oculocutaneous albinism OCA1 and what appears to be second-degree burn scarring on her face and hands. Accompanied with her ectopia, it may allude to significant lung tissue damage.”
Lita looked down at the pink burns on her hands, and then back up as the purple and blue adorned turtles made their way over to her and Mondo with attempts at gentle, comforting smiles.
“Hey Lita…” The blue-dressed turtle kneeled and offered a hand to the albino turtle. “I’m Leonardo. Do you mind is I take a look at you…?”
Lita looked at Leonardo’s three fingered hands, then held out her own matching hands and looked down at them with a curious glint in her eyes. The new turtle was still smiling, his hand still outstretched. Lita accepted it and let herself be guided away from Mondo.
“I’m just gonna take a look at your heart and lungs, okay?” Leonardo asked, and when Lita nodded her consent, he took out a flashlight and shined it in the center of Lita’s chest, watching the beat of her heart with a soft curiosity. “Wow… okay, this might feel a little cold, but it’s going to help me hear your lungs, okay?”
Leonardo pulled out a device that Lita didn't recognize, letting her look it over for only a few seconds before bringing it to her chest to listen to her breathing. He kept the cold tool there for a moment before pulling away and walking back over to whisper to Donatello, who took quick notes of his brother's words. While they talked, Lita’s eyes couldn’t help but explore the sight of the other two mutant turtles that stood nearby. They were shoulder-to-shoulder with each other, staring at Lita and whispering softly in serious, curious voices. Lita felt unbelievably small compared to them.
“Lita.” Leonardo’s voice came again, “My brother here is going to take some measurements of his shell to see if he can’t get you fitted with something.”
Donatello stepped forward, standing unlike his kneeling brother, and addressed Lita like an equal. He pointed to the straps over his shoulder, “See this?” He turned around to show her his battle shell before turning back around to face her, “This is my battleshell— aka, my livelihood! Since there are no surgical options to help you with current technology, I am going to make you something just like this, except on your plastron instead of your carapace. It will cover your heart, so you aren’t just… hanging out there and give you additional protection against brunt force trauma.”
As Donatello continued to rant, he finally kneeled, but not to address her face to face; he started to measure the area of her plastron with careful, calculated measurements while metal arms coming from his battle shell scribbled down the notes he needed.
“I can design it to grow with you, but you will have to come back every two years to get a replacement fitting, so it doesn’t get too worn down and become structurally unsound.” He finished his measurements and stood back up, “We can arrange a meeting in two months to get you suited with your brand-new plastron. How’s that sound?”
“Good.” Lita squeaked softly.
“Do you guys have anywhere to go until then?” The biggest brother asked in the softest voice.
Mondo came back over and wrapped a thin, lanky arm around Lita and gave her a comforting squeeze. “Um… we can go back to the vent I guess.”
All four turtles immediately shook their head and voiced their disagreement.
“No.” The red brother insisted, “No— we ain’t letting you leave here until you have a safe, comfortable place to stay! Like our place!”
“Yeah!” The orange-spotted turtle chirped, “You guys can have my room!”
“And it would be better able to keep an eye on her condition.” Leonardo added, walking up behind the two of them and wrapping supportive arms around the two children. “Trust me, niño y niña! You’ll love it at our place!”
“Think dad’ll let them stay?” The orange turtle chirped.
“You kidding? Dad would never turn away a couple’a kids!” Leonardo declared, “You can stay with us until we get you decked out someplace nice! How’s that sound?”
Lita smiled softly. “It sounds amazing!”
Two hundred years passed since that day, but Lita remembered it so clearly. She was sure she would be able to find her way around the past city even without the aid of Donatello’s maps, but still he insisted on her having one. She didn't think it was important enough to argue— it was only a day trip. Just get the egg and get out. She didn't know why her friends were all acting so weird about it though; she had gone on tons of missions into the past with the time scepter, and this one would be no different.
When she arrived in the city, the first thing she did was take a long, deep breath of the clean city air. Clean, at least, compared to what she had grown used to. She couldn’t spend long enjoying it, though. Tokka needed to be brought back home. Though she was reluctant to admit it, Donatello’s map had indeed helped her just as he said it would. Squeezing herself into the sewer was harder than she would care to admit, but she made it work. Then she had to swim, which was of little concern seeing as she was built to be aquatic.
She emerged in a place that sparked an odd memory and made her heart give a strong pang. She knew this place— and she knew those two creatures staring back at her as they held her little Tokka.
“Holy shell…”
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 5 years ago
FFT: The Story of Tonight
Ahhh. And here is the final part! parts [ one - two - three ] can be found by clicking on the links. And surprise? This turned out really fluffy? I mean.... almost teeth-rotting in how fluffy it is, but I just... Listen... after the other night, I couldn’t have this ending angsty, so I purposely held off until a day I thought I could end this fluffy like I wanted.
Again, huuuuuge hugs to you, bb. Because you definitely inspired all of this with our talk about the idea.. And the titles you sent, bless you so much for all of them.
Tag Squad:
@kyleoreillysknee @rampagewriting @writertoo18 @thatnerdwriter @wrestlingismyguiltypleasure @chasingeverybreakingwave @unabashedwrestlefics @wardl0w @missjenniferb @adampage @cabotcoves @cowboyshit @dietwrestling
[ tag list doc ] [ masterlist ] [ keep ‘em coming - they’re super fun ] - I mean that, as of now, my drafts are almost empty. I have like... one headcanon left to post (sorry it’s taking forever to the anon who asked, I’m trying to get a feel for the person you asked for, tbh) and no fake fic titles.. so yeah.
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“Are you absolutely sure this is a good idea? Because I don’t think it is.” I stopped mid-walk, staring at the ticket line with wide eyes, trying to take a few deep breaths and pull myself together.
Cordelia paused her walk and looked back at me. “Oh no. Uh-uh. We drove 5 and a half hours. You’re doing this. You’re getting your closure.”
I felt more uneasy than anything. And if you were to ask me?
I knew deep down that I hadn’t come to the show tonight to get closure. I’d come because I was so desperate to see Adam again that I couldn’t take it. Everything felt empty. I tried moving on, I tried pushing my feelings and the pain under the rug, but I just couldn’t anymore. 
The fact still remained though, I was the one who was adamant that I would never settle for second best in a relationship again. And given what Adam’s friends said about this ex girlfriend of his, I just… I didn’t know what that meant for him and I as a couple. Because I certainly hadn’t just been able to ignore my feelings when they surfaced a few months back… Why would I be able to now?
It just made no sense to me.
“Fine. Okay, you’re right. What am I supposed to do when I see him though? I have no idea what to say but there’s… So much I wanted to say. You know, that last night.”
Cordelia nodded in agreement. I swallowed hard and started to walk towards the ticket line out front of the arena again, my breath catching in my throat when he walked right past me, flanked on either side by Matt and Nick Jackson. They seemed to be arguing about something. I got so caught up in staring at him, this odd sense of calm settling over me at the sight of him… Like I was coming home.
I almost didn’t call out to him, but Cordelia gave me a hard nudge in my side and I grumbled, looking at her. She nodded towards where they stood, just a few feet away and I took a deep breath, my mouth opening and…
Nothing came, naturally.
But in the time that I did that, Kenny Omega walked past, heading towards them and he saw me. Nodding towards Adam, who yes, I was staring intently at all over again, he gave me a thumbs up and as soon as he stood with the others, he tapped Adam’s shoulder.
Adam turned and we both froze. After a few heavy tension filled seconds, I finally managed to raise a hand and give a small and friendly wave. He bit his lip, staring at me almost as if he weren’t sure I was actually here or if he was imagining it.
And then I was moving. Running, shoving through the lingering crowd between us. We wound up meeting halfway and he stood there a second as if he were deciding what to do. 
Then I was being lifted off the ground an inch or two and squeezed tight. 
“Darlin?” that soft and heavy accent was music to my ears. I took a deep breath and tried to focus… To remind myself that I’d come here with a very specific purpose in mind.
A purpose that was rapidly being forgotten in the depths of those baby blue eyes… Or the honest to god actual smile on his face. He looked so happy to see me, I almost questioned whether I’d ended things first or he had. His forehead rested against mine as he set me back down on my own feet again, a hand raising, resting against the side of my neck as his fingertips grazed against my cheeks lightly. 
“I have to say this. I came all this way.” I pleaded, biting my lip as I met his gaze. His face fell a little, but for once, rather than just go quiet, he spoke up first.
“Not until I have my say.”
,, or that works too..” my brain reasoned and I went silent, giving a nod to indicate I was waiting. 
“The past few months have been hell on me, okay? I dunno what I was thinkin exactly,” Adam stopped, going silent and looking down. That sliver of hope I didn’t even realize I still had started to grow before I could stop it. I reached up, lightly gripping his chin and guiding his eyes to mine. 
“And?” I asked, my voice shaky. 
“I was wrong. Breakin up with you is the last thing I wanted… I… It took a while, okay? But I realized somethin…”
I raised a brow, waiting. My breath caught in my throat and mostly to have something to do with my hands, I twisted a strand around my finger. “Yeah?”
“My friends were all wrong. I love you. Took me bein’ away to see that. Then I came to tell ya as soon as I realized and I saw you out with some guy.”
I knit my brows together, trying to remember who he could’ve seen me with and I bit my lip, expression going a little sour. “Yeah, that asshat and I didn’t work out.” I admitted as I shook my head.
His eyes lit up and he asked quietly, “What about now?”
“Well… if he’s being serious and he can assure me that I am not his second choice… There is a guy…” I hinted, staring up at him, waiting on it to sink in.
As soon as he did, I got lifted off my feet again, noisy kisses settling clumsily against my face and lips. I gave a soft laugh but pulled back, searching his eyes. 
“I mean it, Adam. I can’t just be the one you pick because the one you want moved on.”
“You’re not, darlin’. You never have been, okay? Matt put that idea in your head or somethin?” he asked as he eyed me in concern, setting me back onto my own feet and then turning to glare at Matt Jackson who stood nearby. I turned his gaze back to me and shook my head as it suddenly sank in for me…
I’d taken it upon myself to let all the stories about his ex get to me. I’d let myself believe that if his friends talked about her so much then he had to still feel something deep down… The fact of the matter was now that I thought back, Adam hadn’t really mentioned her all that much.
Suddenly, I felt like the world’s biggest idiot.
“I’m so sorry.” my hand raised to my mouth and I stood there, staring up at him. “I’m the one who needs to apologize. I had it all wrong and instead of telling you, I did what I always do and I buried it…” my gaze dropped to my feet as I trailed off, going  quiet as the full reality of just how miserable I’d allowed me to make myself really sank in for me.
Cordelia was right, I needed to start dealing with pretty much everything better than I did. Starting now.
“Darlin, you’re not the one who ended things?” Adam eyed me, a little confused until I explained why I’d been on edge so much towards the end. He clenched his fists, glaring back at Matt and I directed his gaze back to me yet again.
“All they were doing was telling stories, okay? They never really did anything with bad intentions. It was me and my own fucked up line of thinking… Because of that stuff I told you about when we first got together.”
“About Sean and your daddy.”
“Mhm.. I just… started to freak out a little. And obviously, it was dumb. But honestly, Adam… Tell me the truth when I ask this, okay?” I paused, waiting on him to indicate that he understood.
“You know me, darlin.”
“If this hadn’t gotten to me… If you hadn’t panicked too and we would have just kept going.. Things wouldn’t have a chance of being better now… Right?” I finished, stepping closer to him and staring up, busying myself by toying with the front of his shirt.
And then it hit him what I was getting at, that I wanted to be with him and I wanted to try again and his face lit up. He stepped closer, mulling over what I asked. After a few seconds, he nodded thoughtfully. “Was still the worst few months I’ve had in a while, darlin.”
“But.. we made it and we’re here.. What we do going forward won’t be filled with doubts or fears, either… At least.. Not on my end.” I promised, taking a deep breath and waiting. Adam nodded and smiling, he caressed the side of my face, lowering his mouth to mine. “Mine either, darlin. I promise. If anything is botherin me, I’ll talk to ya.”
“And I promise I’ll do the same instead of going into retreat and just letting it brew.” I promised, nipping hungrily at his lower lip. His fingers dug into my lower back and he pulled me closer, chuckling quietly against my mouth. “I am curious, though..”
“Yeah?” I asked as I worked on  catching my breath when we broke the kiss and pulled away from each other just the smallest bit.
“What’d that guy I saw ya with do to ya that had you scowlin like that?”
“The guy was an actual fucking douchebag, okay? Just… ugh.” I shook my head and he laughed, pulling me against him a little. “Let me go get you a ticket.”
“Adam, no. I’ve got it.”
He eyed me but Cordelia made her way back over, slipping me a ticket. I bit my lip and looked at her. “You’re not saying?”
“Hell no! They’re doing a Magic Mike type thing at one of the casinos. Mommy got paid tonight. Mommy’s gonna go stuff her money down some lucky guy’s waistband.”
“Jesus Christ, Cordie.”
“You two have a lot of catching up to do. Actual talking.” Cordelia reminded me solemnly and I nodded. “Meet you back at our hotel room after then?”
“Or you could just take your sweet time… I intend to take mine.” she gave a teasing wink as she waved goodbye to us and made a beeline for the exit.
“So… I should go grab my seat.” I muttered, reluctant to leave him just yet. It felt so fucking good, his arms wrapped around of me. The scent of his cologne filling my nose. He tilted my chin, giving me another deep kiss to leave me breathless and then asked me with a gentle smile, “We’ll meet up out here after the show, right?”
“Definitely. It’s like you said.. We have a lot of catching up to do.”
“Yes we do, darlin.” Adam agreed, doubling back for one more kiss and a lingering hug before finally realizing he had to get to the back to get ready for the night.
And I smiled to myself as I watched him walking away.
This time, things will be different. I can feel it.
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