#and i scream as the cold water goes right though my socks and sneakers- right to my cold fucking FEET
sunkingwrites · 8 months
Oops oops I'm dumb
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Play Dead Until You’re Dead
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 3,149
Warnings: Lowkey angst ngl but nothing too bad
A/N: YAY im so excited for this part bc I've had this in my head for a while now and it gonna change so much for the story but I'm so excited for one shots in the future! also this is kinda not edited ill go through it again tomorrow :) enjoy!
A slow knock interrupts your plant watering and you glance at the time. Bucky said he’d be by in the afternoon, not the morning. You place your cup of water down and walk over to the door and open it cautiously before your eyes widen and a gasp escapes you as you see who awaits you on the other side.
Sam Wilson, dressed in civilian clothing, shoots you a smirk, “Why don’t we go for a drive?”
You don’t have time to answer. You don’t have time to think. Your blood is cold, your hands are cold, and your feet are cold as they slip into the sandals you keep by the door. You silently - and anxiously - step out into the hallway and shut the door behind you, never taking your eyes off of Sam.
“After you.” he gestures with a smile. You walk.
Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes have a lot of unspoken conversations. Although the rocky start they got off too all those years ago, they’ve grown incredibly close and trust each other like no one else.
So when Bucky calls him late at night, sounding confused, nervous, and unsure, Sam notices. Especially when Bucky then suddenly forgets why he called and what he needed to talk to him about.
Sam’s first thought was that he was drugged. Bucky was given something that clouded his mind. But when Sam saw him the next day, he seemed perfectly fine. So, he proceeded to his second thought.
Bucky was keeping a secret from him.
When Sam was passed the shield, there was one thing each of them asked of each other. Bucky asked to not be a part of the Avengers full time. Sam asked for no secrets and no lying (which he later asked the same from Sharon).
And since then, Bucky has been solely tasked with training new recruits for their seven week training which occurs twice a year, as well as to help on especially difficult cases called to them by the government. And in return, Bucky has not told a single lie to him or kept a single secret. Until now.
So Sam begins to get unimaginably curious. Bucky hasn’t picked up any new hobbies, and after a quick and encrypted check up, none of his extended family have passed away or had anything big happen to them, either. The last thing that Sam can think of to have caused such an odd change in Bucky is a girlfriend. But, if it is a girlfriend, why wouldn’t he tell Sam? Unless, it was someone he knew Sam wouldn’t like.
And that’s when he knew he had to figure out who it was.
So he waited. Until the perfect clue presented itself.
“No, I can’t tonight, man.”
“Why not? I know it’s Friday night, but, what, you got a hot date, or something?”
“Something like that - look, I just have plans I can’t cancel tonight. How about next Friday we go out?”
That was all Sam needed. The plans he couldn’t cancel. So, he waited until later that night and went over to Bucky’s apartment. He’d figure a harmless cock-blocking will teach him not to keep secrets from him anymore.
Until when he put his car into park and gathered his belongings to put them in his pockets, he noticed someone exiting the front of the apartment building; specifically a head of fiery red hair.
Imagine his surprise when he recognizes the face as you.
It doesn’t take long for Sam to figure out where you were. Everyone had already assumed you to be dead, or at least be far away from the country. But now that he knew you were still in New York, a few hours digging into your past and your file led him to a few key locations. From being so separated from society for so long, chances were that you’d find a place you were familiar with, if not the same place, the same area.
Kathleen Grover’s apartment is the first place he checks, but it’s since been turned into higher end condos, a place you probably wouldn’t be able to get away with staying at considering that you probably don’t have an ID or any money. So he checks for the absolute cheapest and low-lying apartments in the neighborhood. Which gives him two results. He just so happened to be lucky on the first one he chose to look into.
Which leads to now, the two of you riding in complete silence, on the way to the Tower, unbeknownst to you.
The only thing that’s going through your mind is Bucky. You hate the idea that he sold you out, because not only would it hurt your feelings, but it would mean those annoying voices in your head would’ve been right.
Yeah, time to put your big girl pants back on. What, you thought you’d live a normal life at some point? Buy a big house? Go out to fancy, populated restaurants? Maybe DisneyWorld? Get a grip! You were always a mistake and a failure. And you’re going right back where you belong, in that box! And Bucky will be right there in that observation room when they stick the needle in your arm and end you for good.
You swallow down the bile that comes up at the thought of going back to prison.
It was fun while it lasted. Decorating the apartment. The tattoos. The new recipes. The movie nights with Bucky. The sleepovers with Bucky. The list with Bucky. The long road trips with Bucky. The music playlists with Bucky. Bucky.
You’ll miss Bucky the most in prison. You’ll think about him everyday. You won’t be able to write him and he won’t be able to write you, not that he’d want to given the fact that he ratted you out, but there was no paper or writing utensils allowed, especially for you.
You’ll dream about his singing when he’d clean, his hugs after waking up, still warm from the sheets, and the unbelievable comfort his eyes provided.
“Hey, Sam, how are you?” Bucky absentmindedly answers as he finishes up watering the plants in his living room.
“Hey, man. You busy? Mind meeting me at the tower?” Bucky can hear his car in the background.
“Uh, yea, sure I can. New case?” He asks, setting down his watering kettle and walking towards his room to put on a fresh pair of socks and sneakers. If it’s a new case, there’s no point in getting all done up to listen to Sam debrief him.
“Something like that. Just get here, yea?”
That’s odd.
Normally when Sam calls Bucky about a case, he gives him at least some of the details. That was a part of their plan, their deal. Bucky only joins on missions on special occasions and with specific circumstances. So why wouldn’t Sam give the tiniest hint of what’s going on?
Unless it’s something Bucky’s involved in.
Is Zemo dead? Has he escaped? Some other big Hydra villain that’s come to light?
Bucky’s mouth goes dry like cotton at the thought of something involving you. Did someone recognize you and turn you in? Did Sam find you? No, no, he couldn’t have. The both of you had been so unbelievably careful, there was no way anyone found you.
Bucky lets out a shaky sigh before grabbing his keys and his wallet and heading out.
That phone call hurt. Hearing Bucky’s voice, for what will probably be the last time in a long, long time. Even if he betrayed you, even if he turned you in, even if he used you, backstabbed you, whatever. That fifteen second phone call caused an excruciating pain in your heart and it was so hard to hold back tears.
You didn’t want to cry. Captain America and Bucky Barnes had humiliated you enough for you to be crying on the way to the Avengers Tower. They don’t deserve your tears, and you don’t even deserve to be shedding them. This is exactly what you had coming to you.
Although the car ride felt like it lasted hours, the two of you arrived at the Avengers tower sooner than you would have liked.
Sam drove the car up though a back entrance, the back of the building opening up like recognizing Sam’s car. The ride in the elevator was quiet as Sam flashes a crystal-looking card and presses one of the thirty-seven buttons of the building.
He hadn’t put you in handcuffs and it seems he’s chosen a rather secretive way of transporting you here. Granted, you know you wouldn’t win a fight against Sam Wilson, even if you had Marine and HYDRA training under your belt, but, who knows what if you had a knife? Or were secretly an incredibly skilled fighter? What if your powers allowed you to, like, melt people’s brains and he had no idea? That’d probably be your best bet anyway, considering you're in custody at the Avengers Tower in sandals and no bra under your shirt.
The two of you exit out into an empty hallway, quiet, too, you notice. As the two of you approach the end of the hallway, swaying towards the door on the left wall, an interrogation room you deduct from peeking into the small window, a voice stops you.
“Hey, Sam? F.R.I.D.A.Y. told me you’d be here, what’s-”
His voice catches in his throat seeing you and Sam turn around to face him. He feels his eyes widen, his skin pale, his hands become clammy. This can’t be happening. This can not be happening. He walks closer and his steps slow as he’s standing in front of you. He’s literally speechless and as much as he wants to talk, to scream, to question what’s going on, he doesn’t.
His mouth hangs open even though no words come out, and you spit in his face before he gets the chance. He flinches and Sam pushes you into the room before you can react any further.
Bucky wipes your saliva from his cheek and he wants to cry. He wants to choke. He wants to throw a fucking tantrum in the middle of the hallway because he has absolutely no idea what’s going on. He feels a panic attack coming on and uses all of this strength to push it down as Sam exits the room. Relax. Figure out what’s going on so you can fix it; so you can get her the fuck out of here.
“You are going to tell me everything. And I mean everything. Absolutely no one knows that she’s here, or that she’s even alive. Sharon will remain unaware until you give me an explanation.” Sam tells him, his Captain voice taking over, and Bucky silently nods because he’s scared.
This is all so fucked up. And he hopes the truth he’s about to tell Sam will help you more than hurt you.
It’s funny how being in a familiar place affects your mind and body, regardless of how long it’s been. In the time that you’ve been in this interrogation room, your nerves have been completely on edge in a way that they haven’t been since being in prison, the voices have returned in your head, chatty as ever, and you haven’t been so angry since you killed that guard all those years ago in that first prison.
You pick and pull at your cuticles until they bleed and chew at the inside of your cheek until you taste metal.
Think they’ll let you decorate your cell this time? Or do you think they’ll just strap you straight into the medical chair and tie your arm up? No need to waste food, water, and a cot on you. Maybe they’ll bring back the electric chair or the firing squad just for this special occasion! Maybe they’ll have Bucky pull the lever-
“Shut up.” You mumble audibly, already feeling a headache coming on.
Spitting at Bucky felt good and bad at the same time. Good, because he deserves it, and more, after doing this to you; giving you the best and freest two and a half years of your life before snatching it all away from you in a second. Did he do it for fun? Did he like the game, the teasing of befriending you, taking care of you, all because he knew he’d do this and have the last laugh in the end?
It felt bad because as much as this sucks, you can’t find it in you hate Bucky. He’s become your best friend, your only friend, someone you actually trust in this new life you’ve been living. You want to forgive him, hug him, tell him it’s okay, that you’re not mad, that you could never be mad at him. Because you couldn’t. And that might actually be the worst part to all of this.
A click interrupts your thoughts and you stare at the Captain as he pulls out the seat across from you and sits down at the small table. How you wish there was a clock in here; how long had you been waiting for him here?
“What are you feelin’ right now?”
“Sorta like how your little wingman Riley felt when he fell out of the fucking sky.” You snap.
Sam doesn’t react. He remembers the way you’d act during the investigation years ago when they would question you in prison; he’d see the way you snap at them, at the guards, at the other inmates, how you’d really dig deep into people feelings and thoughts to say the worst thing to them in order to bring up bad memories. So, he was kind of already expecting that.
You’re upset, that he can tell from your attitude, your chipped and chewed fingernails, and you slouched sitting position, arms crossed across your chest as you lean against the back of the chair. He doesn’t blame you though, he’d probably be pretty upset, too.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., stop all audio and video recording from this room from today and erase it completely from every system, please.”
“Clearance level 1 or 2 necessary for that, Captain.”
“Clearance level 2; Wilson, Samuel T.”
“Thank you, Captain. All recordings have been erased and stopped.”
“I have a proposition for you.” Sam begins. Your confusion clouds your mind and you don’t process his statement fast enough to respond before he continues.
“I will announce to the press that your body has been found along the coast of the Pacific after following a lead on your whereabouts, I will clarify that you have been found dead and that you drowned, closing the case looking for you. I will provide you with a new identity; that includes a false birth certificate, passport, and other forms of identification with a new name, new birth date, new everything.”
“Is this a fucking joke?” He ignores you.
“There will be a few rules you will have to follow in return. You will have to stay completely hidden out of the populated public for one full year after this announcement is made. You will have to change your appearance; cut your hair, dye it, whatever. You will stay here at the tower where you will be monitored.”
He pauses, like he knows this will be the part you hate most.
“And you will be required to use your abilities to help on future cases the Avengers are tasked with; the same way you did when we came to you with those two cases in the past.”
You’re silent for a moment, “And if I say no?” Your voice is small. You really don’t want to do this. You want to go back to your apartment, you want your clothes, your plants, your blankets, your mugs.
“Then you will be arrested and sent back to prison, in the same exact place on death row you were before.” Your eyes shut, the headache hitting fully.
“Why.” You demand.
“I talked to Bucky,” A roll of your eyes. “He didn’t rat you out, if that’s what you're thinking. I found you all by myself. And I made Bucky tell me absolutely everything. And from there I’m making the decision myself to offer this to you. It’s not my first time helping a globally wanted criminal. Or my second. Or my third. And it honestly probably won’t be my last at this point.”
Do you believe him? Does it even matter if he’s telling the truth or not? You clearly don’t have a choice here.
He knows this. And depending on how deep he spoke with Bucky, he knows you won’t go back to prison.
“I’ll show you to your quarters. You’ll have your own bathroom and kitchen. Tomorrow morning you will be briefed with your new identity by myself, Bucky, Agent Carter, and Director Fury. F.R.I.D.A.Y will help you with that in the morning.”
The walk was just as miserable as it was when you arrived. You wonder where Bucky is. Does he have a room here? Is he back home in his apartment? Is he coming back? Is he thinking about you? Is he mad that you spit on him?
I mean, probably a little bit. I would be at least.
You take a moment to look around your new room; your new living quarters for pretty much forever. There’s so much stuff; a large bed covered with folded blankets and soft pillows, a folded pair of clothes, a rug beneath your feet that sits under a desk and a large bookshelf, filled with books of differing genres and notebooks, the desk is bare except for a small lamp and a cup of pens and pencil. The kitchenette is to your left and seems to be pretty modern, you can’t imagine it’s missing anything you’d need. The closed door against the wall you assume is your promised bathroom, but you don’t feel like settling in.
It’s strange, living almost all your life with nothing; as a child being poor with your family, having less than that in the Marines, and having nothing in Hydra. When you had your apartment, you had nothing, you cleaned the apartment building to make money to pay your cheap rent, you’d steal your clothes, food, and decorations, everything that Bucky didn’t buy you, anyway.
And now, you’re standing in a room that has everything you’d need, no need to pay rent, supplies and resources at your request; all that’s needed in return is the use of your powers.
But you hate it. All of it.
The colors are dull. The decor is boring. There’s no light. Nothing happy. No colorful blankets, no wacky mugs, no cute earrings, no mismatched socks and labeled underwear with the days of the week. No Bucky.
No Bucky.
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radwrites · 6 years
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THE CRYPTID CLUB | excerpt(?)
this is just a small scene i was playing around with today/yesterday to warm up and get a feel for two of the characters while i’m still outlining. (word count: 944, warnings: drug mentions, mentions of parental death)
At a quarter past five — with the sun just starting to crest over the hills in the distance, a wash of pale purples and yellows — River realises that she’s never been out this late before, has never seen this side of the hour.
It would be a little bit thrilling if not in direct contrast to the insanity that was the entire eight hours prior, but it’s nice to think she’s spent almost an entire day away from her father and that empty, alien house that lacks all scent and sight of her mother.
She looks down at the swimming pool in front of her. The chill of the fall air is clashing with the heat of the water and steam is drawing itself up from the surface like it’s something alive and breathing, alien in itself with how it glows a blue-green neon from the pool light.
It reminds her of her winters back home in Washington, spending every day with her sister Viper at the aquatic centre.
When she closes her eyes and takes in a breath she swears and she can smell the chlorine and blood on her lips from the last day she’d ever been. Suddenly she’s fifteen years old again and her mother is dying while her phone rings out six times in her backpack before she goes to the changing rooms and finally picks up on the seventh call.
She's sprinting with no shoes on for a bus down the street with her hand squeezing Viper’s so tightly Viper would have to wear gloves to the funeral to cover the bruises.
They made it to the hospital and the doctors wouldn’t let them in the room to see her. Even now, two years later, River’s face crumples when she thinks about how her screams had sounded as they bounced off of every ugly, sterile surface, her father grabbing the two of them in an arm each and trying so hard to haul them back outside. She’d had a mouth full of Viper’s blonde hair and only stopped when she finally choked on it, Viper thrashing so hard she almost knocked out a nurse.
Trapped in her nightmare, she doesn’t notice Art walking around from the side of the house, likely returning from throwing up in one of the rose bushes.
He looks at her — wiping at his bottom lip with the sleeve of his denim jacket on unsteady feet — and says nothing as he plops down ungracefully at the side of the pool and swings his long, skinny legs over the edge to drop them right into the water, socks and shoes still on and everything.
He fumbles around in one of his jacket pockets before finding a half-broken, sad looking cigarette. He sighs as he puts it between his lips and starts looking for his lighter.
“Still don’t wanna go home?” he eventually asks, and the sound of his voice — though muddy and distorted — is like a bullet through dream-River’s chest, dragging her violently back into the present.
She jumps with a gasp.
“Sorry,” he apologises, though it doesn’t sound or look much like he means it when she sees him for the first time since he walked over. “Just looked like a bad one, is all.”
River’s brow furrows. “A bad what?”
He pulls the cigarette, still unlit, from his mouth and gestures vaguely around her head.
“Whatever that was.”
“Oh.” River looks down at her feet, her cheeks hot. “That was…”
She looks back up. She really doesn’t want to talk about it right now, but then again Art’s not asking; just looking at her, regarding her with eyes so much keener than anyone gives him credit for.
She can’t tell him about it just yet, but she also feels like she can’t lie to him either.
She watches him fall onto his back and look up at the slowly fading darkness while she thinks of what to say.
“What did you say before?“ she asks. “When I was…”
“Hm?” He’s still looking through his pockets for his lighter, pulling out empty baggies and half crushed pills and dumping them onto the grass beside him like it’s just hiding somewhere and didn’t get lost at some point last night. “Oh. I asked if you still don’t wanna to go home.”
Even in the weak morning light River can see just how tired Art is. It’s not tired with her, or tired from the party, though he could definitely do with some sleep. It was a bone-deep kind of weariness, the kind that came with having a young, pretty face but a soul that had prematurely turned sour. The kind of tired you get when you’re only half alive, slowly killing yourself with cigarettes and drugs and bottles of cheap red wine that you’d rather smash on the asphalt in a parking lot — howling drunkenly at the moon — than recycle.
She scrubs the sole of her well-worn sneaker into the grass underfoot and wills herself to lie. She should leave. She should go back home and leave Art alone to pass out for a couple of hours. She should come back later and help him clean up with Blaire and Harmony.
She looks down at Art’s face looking back up at her, his features upside down but all of them soft and unruffled.
“I never do,” she says instead.
Art blinks his heavy lids at her slowly, and then he nods, sucking in a deep breath of cold air through his nose to wake himself up as he hauls himself back upright.
“Ok,” he says. “Then let’s go find my lighter.”
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zolganif · 6 years
I carry an over-sized handbag. ^I have the most random, but useful, things in there. I have graduated from college. My phone is a touch-screen, and it drives me absolutely crazy. ^I prefer to have a full keyboard on my phone. I take some sort of medication daily. I’m getting really tired of Lady Gaga. I have been in a car accident on the highway. ^I’ve totaled my car. I like to read what the person before me wrote when I’m taking surveys. I absolutely hate being cold. I adore deadmau5 and could listen to it all day. I prefer to be barefoot whenever possible. I love dancing when I’ve had a few drinks – it feels so free and crazy. I will die of excitement if the Bruins win the Stanley Cup. I will forever be a Mac (as opposed to a PC). I still own the original Nintendo. ^Along with the gun from “Duck Hunt”. One of the best shows of the 90’s was “Doug”. Needles don’t bother me one bit. My boyfriend gives the best hugs in the universe. My job involves working with children. ^Speaking of children, I absolutely love them. ^I’d like to have at least 2 of my own one day. I love the lace-trim hiphuggers from Victoria’s Secret – they’re comfy and sexy at the same time. I live in a state that has already decriminalized marijuana use. ^We’ve also legalized gay marriage. I think it’s gross and uncomfortable when people wear sneakers without socks. I’m in a need of a larger iPod. I have more than one loan out in my name right now. ^But I also have great credit. I am an aunt. I love the sensation of an airplane taking off. I could really go for soup, salad and breadsticks at the Olive Garden right now. There is very rarely a day that goes by in which I do not sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I’ve always wanted a dog, but my mom never let us have one. I sing at the top of my lungs in the car, especially when it’s nighttime on the highway. I have very few of the same friends that I did in high school. ^I actually have very few close friends at all; but I prefer it this way. I will be getting a tattoo fairly soon. I’m definitely an emotional person. I love looking at the Facebook pictures that get posted after a great night out. I’ve actually been in a screaming fight with someone from Bank of America. ^Needless to say, I switched banks. Despite what some people say, I think Uggs are adorable. ^But only when worn appropriately (like, not with a freaking skirt). I love Runts candy, especially the yellow banana-shaped ones. I don’t like to fall asleep in complete silence. When I’m getting rid of clothes I no longer want, I donate them to Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I’m always getting headaches. ^Migraines run in my family. I don’t see anything so special about Megan Fox, to be honest. I have a bit of an obsession with Leighton Meester. I’m constantly tripping over or knocking into stuff. I’m gonna go grab something to eat now. I’d rather take shots then drink mixed alcohol drinks. I have a thing for older guys. I’ve never been on a motorcycle. ^ I want one, though. I’m still friends with my ex(s).  I love musicals, no matter how corny they can get. ^ Rent is my favourite. I have weird taste in everything. It’s very rare for someone to not like me. I’m allergic to all animals. ^ Yet I spend more time with them than people. Lately I’ve had a short fuse. I’m paranoid. I have very unsteady hands. I still don’t know what I want to do when I’m out of highschool. I want to take pole dancing lessons. I’m an Italian.  I’m also British. I’m claustrophobic. I adore plaid! I drink at least five glasses of water a day. I don’t sleep more than 4 hours a night. ^ I’m always tired because of this. I’ve always wanted dreadlocks. My wisdom teeth are slowly coming in, and it hurts. I zone out often. ^ I usually do it while staring at someone. ^^ It usually makes for awkward situations. I have trouble saying no to people. I’m finished this now.
0 notes
fluffydragon85 · 6 years
I carry an over-sized handbag. ^I have the most random, but useful, things in there. I have graduated from college. My phone is a touch-screen, and it drives me absolutely crazy. ^I prefer to have a full keyboard on my phone. I take some sort of medication daily. I’m getting really tired of Lady Gaga. I have been in a car accident on the highway. ^I’ve totaled my car. I like to read what the person before me wrote when I’m taking surveys. I absolutely hate being cold. I adore deadmau5 and could listen to it all day. I prefer to be barefoot whenever possible. I love dancing when I’ve had a few drinks – it feels so free and crazy. I will die of excitement if the Bruins win the Stanley Cup. I will forever be a Mac (as opposed to a PC). I still own the original Nintendo. ^Along with the gun from “Duck Hunt”. One of the best shows of the 90’s was “Doug”. Needles don’t bother me one bit. My boyfriend gives the best hugs in the universe. My job involves working with children. ^Speaking of children, I absolutely love them. ^I’d like to have at least 2 of my own one day. I love the lace-trim hiphuggers from Victoria’s Secret – they’re comfy and sexy at the same time. I live in a state that has already decriminalized marijuana use. ^We’ve also legalized gay marriage. I think it’s gross and uncomfortable when people wear sneakers without socks. I’m in a need of a larger iPod. I have more than one loan out in my name right now. ^But I also have great credit. I am an aunt. I love the sensation of an airplane taking off. I could really go for soup, salad and breadsticks at the Olive Garden right now. There is very rarely a day that goes by in which I do not sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I’ve always wanted a dog, but my mom never let us have one. I sing at the top of my lungs in the car, especially when it’s nighttime on the highway. I have very few of the same friends that I did in high school. ^I actually have very few close friends at all; but I prefer it this way. I will be getting a tattoo fairly soon. I’m definitely an emotional person. I love looking at the Facebook pictures that get posted after a great night out. I’ve actually been in a screaming fight with someone from Bank of America. ^Needless to say, I switched banks. Despite what some people say, I think Uggs are adorable. ^But only when worn appropriately (like, not with a freaking skirt). I love Runts candy, especially the yellow banana-shaped ones. I don’t like to fall asleep in complete silence. When I’m getting rid of clothes I no longer want, I donate them to Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I’m always getting headaches. ^Migraines run in my family. I don’t see anything so special about Megan Fox, to be honest. I have a bit of an obsession with Leighton Meester. I’m constantly tripping over or knocking into stuff. I’m gonna go grab something to eat now. I’d rather take shots then drink mixed alcohol drinks. I have a thing for older guys. I’ve never been on a motorcycle. ^ I want one, though. I’m still friends with my ex(s).  I love musicals, no matter how corny they can get. ^ Rent is my favourite. I have weird taste in everything. It’s very rare for someone to not like me. I’m allergic to all animals. ^ Yet I spend more time with them than people. Lately I’ve had a short fuse. I’m paranoid. I have very unsteady hands. I still don’t know what I want to do when I’m out of highschool. I want to take pole dancing lessons. I’m an Italian. I’m also British. I’m claustrophobic. I adore plaid! I drink at least five glasses of water a day. I don’t sleep more than 4 hours a night.  ^ I’m always tired because of this. I’ve always wanted dreadlocks. My wisdom teeth are slowly coming in, and it hurts. I zone out often. ^ I usually do it while staring at someone. ^^ It usually makes for awkward situations. I have trouble saying no to people. I’m finished this now.
0 notes
surveystodestressme · 7 years
Bold what applies; I carry an over-sized handbag. ^I have the most random, but useful, things in there. I have graduated from college. My phone is a touch-screen, and it drives me absolutely crazy. ^I prefer to have a full keyboard on my phone. I take some sort of medication daily. I’m getting really tired of Lady Gaga. I have been in a car accident on the highway. ^I’ve totaled my car. I like to read what the person before me wrote when I’m taking surveys. I absolutely hate being cold. I adore deadmau5 and could listen to it all day. I prefer to be barefoot whenever possible. I love dancing when I’ve had a few drinks – it feels so free and crazy. I will die of excitement if the Bruins win the Stanley Cup. I will forever be a Mac (as opposed to a PC). I still own the original Nintendo. ^Along with the gun from “Duck Hunt”. One of the best shows of the 90’s was “Doug”. Needles don’t bother me one bit.
My boyfriend gives the best hugs in the universe. My job involves working with children. ^Speaking of children, I absolutely love them. ^I’d like to have at least 2 of my own one day. I love the lace-trim hiphuggers from Victoria’s Secret – they’re comfy and sexy at the same time. I live in a state that has already decriminalized marijuana use. ^We’ve also legalized gay marriage. I think it’s gross and uncomfortable when people wear sneakers without socks. I’m in a need of a larger iPod. I have more than one loan out in my name right now. ^But I also have great credit. I am an aunt. I love the sensation of an airplane taking off. I could really go for soup, salad and breadsticks at the Olive Garden right now. There is very rarely a day that goes by in which I do not sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I’ve always wanted a dog, but my mom never let us have one. I sing at the top of my lungs in the car, especially when it’s nighttime on the highway. I have very few of the same friends that I did in high school. ^I actually have very few close friends at all; but I prefer it this way. I will be getting a tattoo fairly soon. I’m definitely an emotional person. I love looking at the Facebook pictures that get posted after a great night out. I’ve actually been in a screaming fight with someone from Bank of America. ^Needless to say, I switched banks. Despite what some people say, I think Uggs are adorable. ^But only when worn appropriately (like, not with a freaking skirt). I love Runts candy, especially the yellow banana-shaped ones. I don’t like to fall asleep in complete silence. When I’m getting rid of clothes I no longer want, I donate them to Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I’m always getting headaches. ^Migraines run in my family. I don’t see anything so special about Megan Fox, to be honest. I have a bit of an obsession with Leighton Meester. I’m constantly tripping over or knocking into stuff. I’m gonna go grab something to eat now. I’d rather take shots then drink mixed alcohol drinks. I have a thing for older guys. I’ve never been on a motorcycle. ^ I want one, though. I’m still friends with my ex(s). I love musicals, no matter how corny they can get. ^ Rent is my favourite. I have weird taste in everything. It’s very rare for someone to not like me. I’m allergic to all animals. ^ Yet I spend more time with them than people. Lately I’ve had a short fuse. I’m paranoid. I have very unsteady hands. I want to take pole dancing lessons. I’m an Italian. I’m also British. I’m claustrophobic. I adore plaid! I drink at least five glasses of water a day. I don’t sleep more than 4 hours a night. ^ I’m always tired because of this. I’ve always wanted dreadlocks. My wisdom teeth are slowly coming in, and it hurts. I zone out often. ^ I usually do it while staring at someone. ^^ It usually makes for awkward situations. I have trouble saying no to people. I’m finished this now.
0 notes
I carry an over-sized handbag. ^I have the most random, but useful, things in there. I have graduated from college. My phone is a touch-screen, and it drives me absolutely crazy. ^I prefer to have a full keyboard on my phone. I take some sort of medication daily. I’m getting really tired of Lady Gaga. I have been in a car accident on the highway. ^I’ve totaled my car. I like to read what the person before me wrote when I’m taking surveys. I absolutely hate being cold. I adore deadmau5 and could listen to it all day. I prefer to be barefoot whenever possible. I love dancing when I’ve had a few drinks – it feels so free and crazy. I will die of excitement if the Bruins win the Stanley Cup. I will forever be a Mac (as opposed to a PC). I still own the original Nintendo. ^Along with the gun from “Duck Hunt”. One of the best shows of the 90’s was “Doug”. Needles don’t bother me one bit.
My boyfriend gives the best hugs in the universe.
My job involves working with children. ^Speaking of children, I absolutely love them. ^I’d like to have at least 2 of my own one day. I love the lace-trim hiphuggers from Victoria’s Secret – they’re comfy and sexy at the same time. I live in a state that has already decriminalized marijuana use. ^We’ve also legalized gay marriage. I think it’s gross and uncomfortable when people wear sneakers without socks. I’m in a need of a larger iPod. I have more than one loan out in my name right now. ^But I also have great credit. I am an aunt. I love the sensation of an airplane taking off. I could really go for soup, salad and breadsticks at the Olive Garden right now. There is very rarely a day that goes by in which I do not sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I’ve always wanted a dog, but my mom never let us have one. I sing at the top of my lungs in the car, especially when it’s nighttime on the highway. I have very few of the same friends that I did in high school. ^I actually have very few close friends at all; but I prefer it this way. I will be getting a tattoo fairly soon. I’m definitely an emotional person. I love looking at the Facebook pictures that get posted after a great night out. I’ve actually been in a screaming fight with someone from Bank of America. ^Needless to say, I switched banks. Despite what some people say, I think Uggs are adorable. ^But only when worn appropriately (like, not with a freaking skirt). I love Runts candy, especially the yellow banana-shaped ones. I don’t like to fall asleep in complete silence. When I’m getting rid of clothes I no longer want, I donate them to Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I’m always getting headaches. ^Migraines run in my family. I don’t see anything so special about Megan Fox, to be honest. I have a bit of an obsession with Leighton Meester. I’m constantly tripping over or knocking into stuff. I’m gonna go grab something to eat now. I’d rather take shots then drink mixed alcohol drinks. I have a thing for older guys. I’ve never been on a motorcycle. ^ I want one, though. I’m still friends with my ex(s). I love musicals, no matter how corny they can get. ^ Rent is my favourite. I have weird taste in everything. It’s very rare for someone to not like me. I’m allergic to all animals. ^ Yet I spend more time with them than people. Lately I’ve had a short fuse. I’m paranoid. I have very unsteady hands. I want to take pole dancing lessons. I’m an Italian. I’m also British. I’m claustrophobic. I adore plaid! I drink at least five glasses of water a day. I don’t sleep more than 4 hours a night. ^ I’m always tired because of this. I’ve always wanted dreadlocks. My wisdom teeth are slowly coming in, and it hurts. I zone out often. ^ I usually do it while staring at someone. ^^ It usually makes for awkward situations. I have trouble saying no to people. I’m finished this now.
0 notes
c-alliope · 8 years
| Bold what applies; 
I carry an over-sized handbag. I have the most random, but useful, things in there. I have graduated from college. My phone is a touch-screen, and it drives me absolutely crazy. ^I prefer to have a full keyboard on my phone. I take some sort of medication daily. I’m getting really tired of Lady Gaga. I have been in a car accident on the highway. ^I’ve totaled my car. I like to read what the person before me wrote when I’m taking surveys. I absolutely hate being cold. I adore deadmau5 and could listen to it all day. I prefer to be barefoot whenever possible. I love dancing when I’ve had a few drinks – it feels so free and crazy. I will die of excitement if the Bruins win the Stanley Cup. I will forever be a Mac (as opposed to a PC). I still own the original Nintendo. ^Along with the gun from “Duck Hunt”. One of the best shows of the 90’s was “Doug”. Needles don’t bother me one bit. My boyfriend gives the best hugs in the universe. My job involves working with children. ^Speaking of children, I absolutely love them. ^I’d like to have at least 2 of my own one day. I love the lace-trim hiphuggers from Victoria’s Secret – they’re comfy and sexy at the same time. I live in a state that has already decriminalized marijuana use. ^We’ve also legalized gay marriage. I think it’s gross and uncomfortable when people wear sneakers without socks. I’m in a need of a larger iPod. I have more than one loan out in my name right now. ^But I also have great credit. I am an aunt. I love the sensation of an airplane taking off. I could really go for soup, salad and breadsticks at the Olive Garden right now. There is very rarely a day that goes by in which I do not sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I’ve always wanted a dog, but my mom never let us have one. I sing at the top of my lungs in the car, especially when it’s nighttime on the highway. I have very few of the same friends that I did in high school. ^I actually have very few close friends at all; but I prefer it this way. I will be getting a tattoo fairly soon. I’m definitely an emotional person. I love looking at the Facebook pictures that get posted after a great night out. I’ve actually been in a screaming fight with someone from Bank of America. ^Needless to say, I switched banks. Despite what some people say, I think Uggs are adorable. ^But only when worn appropriately. I love Runts candy, especially the yellow banana-shaped ones. I don’t like to fall asleep in complete silence. When I’m getting rid of clothes I no longer want, I donate them to Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I’m always getting headaches. ^Migraines run in my family. I don’t see anything so special about Megan Fox, to be honest. I have a bit of an obsession with Leighton Meester. I’m constantly tripping over or knocking into stuff. I’m gonna go grab something to eat now. I’d rather take shots then drink mixed alcohol drinks. I have a thing for older guys. I’ve never been on a motorcycle. ^ I want one, though. I’m still friends with my ex(s). I love musicals, no matter how corny they can get. ^ Rent is my favourite. I have weird taste in everything. It’s very rare for someone to not like me. I’m allergic to all animals. ^ Yet I spend more time with them than people. Lately I’ve had a short fuse. I’m paranoid. I have very unsteady hands. I still don’t know what I want to do when I’m out of highschool. I want to take pole dancing lessons. I’m an Italian. I’m also British. I’m claustrophobic. I adore plaid! I drink at least five glasses of water a day. I don’t sleep more than 4 hours a night. [Usually] ^ I’m always tired because of this. I’ve always wanted dreadlocks. My wisdom teeth are slowly coming in, and it hurts. I zone out often. ^ I usually do it while staring at someone. ^^ It usually makes for awkward situations. I have trouble saying no to people.
0 notes
zolganif · 7 years
I carry an over-sized handbag. ^I have the most random, but useful, things in there. I have graduated from college. My phone is a touch-screen, and it drives me absolutely crazy. ^I prefer to have a full keyboard on my phone. I take some sort of medication daily. I’m getting really tired of Lady Gaga. I have been in a car accident on the highway. ^I’ve totaled my car. I like to read what the person before me wrote when I’m taking surveys. I absolutely hate being cold. I adore deadmau5 and could listen to it all day. I prefer to be barefoot whenever possible. I love dancing when I’ve had a few drinks – it feels so free and crazy. I will die of excitement if the Bruins win the Stanley Cup. I will forever be a Mac (as opposed to a PC). I still own the original Nintendo. ^Along with the gun from “Duck Hunt”. One of the best shows of the 90’s was “Doug”. Needles don’t bother me one bit. My significant other gives the best hugs in the universe. My job involves working with children. ^Speaking of children, I absolutely love them. ^I’d like to have at least 2 of my own one day. I love the lace-trim hiphuggers from Victoria’s Secret – they’re comfy and sexy at the same time. I live in a state that has already decriminalized marijuana use. ^We’ve also legalized gay marriage. I think it’s gross and uncomfortable when people wear sneakers without socks. I’m in a need of a larger iPod. I have more than one loan out in my name right now. ^But I alsohave great credit. I am an aunt. I love the sensation of an airplane taking off. I could really go for soup, salad and breadsticks at the Olive Garden right now. There is very rarely a day that goes by in which I do not sit in bumper-to-bumper traffic. I’ve always wanted a dog, but my mom never let us have one. I sing at the top of my lungs in the car, especially when it’s nighttime on the highway. I have very few of the same friends that I did in high school. ^I actually have very few close friends at all; but I prefer it this way. I will be getting a tattoo fairly soon. I’m definitely an emotional person. I love looking at the Facebook pictures that get posted after a great night out. I’ve actually been in a screaming fight with someone from Bank of America. ^Needless to say, I switched banks. Despite what some people say, I think Uggs are adorable. ^But only when worn appropriately (like, not with a freaking skirt). I love Runts candy, especially the yellow banana-shaped ones. I don’t like to fall asleep in complete silence. When I’m getting rid of clothes I no longer want, I donate them to Big Brothers / Big Sisters. I’m always getting headaches. ^Migraines run in my family. I don’t see anything so special about Megan Fox, to be honest. I have a bit of an obsession with Leighton Meester. I’m constantly tripping over or knocking into stuff. I’m gonna go grab something to eat now. I’d rather take shots then drink mixed alcohol drinks. I have a thing for older guys. I’ve never been on a motorcycle. ^ I want one, though. I’m still friends with my ex(s). I love musicals, no matter how corny they can get. ^ Rent is my favourite. I have weird taste in everything. It’s very rare for someone to not like me. I’m allergic to all animals. ^ Yet I spend more time with them than people. Lately I’ve had a short fuse. I’m paranoid. I have very unsteady hands. I still don’t know what I want to do when I’m out of high school. I want to take pole dancing lessons. I’m an Italian. I’m also British. I’m claustrophobic. I adore plaid! I drink at least five glasses of water a day. I don’t sleep more than 4 hours a night. ^ I’m always tired because of this. I’ve always wanted dreadlocks. My wisdom teeth are slowly coming in, and it hurts. I zone out often. ^ I usually do it while staring at someone. ^^ It usually makes for awkward situations. I have trouble saying no to people. I’m finished with this now.
0 notes