#and i said “yeah you (an alpha) never is in rut while me (an omega) forgot to take my heat suppressants so im going thru it”
am0rdecai · 4 months
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Speaking about Ghost/Soap/Darling omegaverse... May I bring the idea of Soap and Ghost being alpha and Darling an omega? But wait, let me sprinkle a little of angsty thoughts about it:
Johnny and Simon get to spend their ruts together. Hell, they share a room, and even on base they get to have privacy and go through them with the help of each other, not only fulfilling their physical needs, which are sated of course, but also emotional. Yeah sure, heats are emotional but ruts are too, and they spend so much time together that almost, if not all of their ruts together have been spent in the company of each other.
But Darling? Imagine Darling having a heat every time she's alone. Simon and Johnny gone on some mission, gone for weeks and sometimes even months. Trying to satisfy herself with whatever smell is left on Simon's hoodie or Johnny's shirt. She tries to brush away the thoughts of loneliness and being left out that arise every time she rests in her nest, every time she has to painfully get through her heats without her mates' company.
Hell, she tries to hide everything every time Johnny and Simon come home, smelling like each other and fresh bite marks on their necks. She really, really tries. But nothing escapes those two, no. They can smell that little, slightly rotten smell on Darling, sensing her discomfort and those bouts of anger flaring up, those hints of desperation hiding in a slightly-rotten fruit smell. It becomes stronger and stronger each time she sees how close they are after they tell her that another rut came while they were on base, and her? At this point she might lie and say she's on suppressants. Again, they at least suspect about it.
But hell, the fact that there are always fresh bite marks on them every time they come home, while hers is is non-existent (Johnny and Simon foolishly believe she doesn't wish to be bitten), is NOT helping at all.
And they realize how drastic, how deep the problem is once their leave coincides with Darling's heat.
Except she hides. She doesn't let them in, because they maybe have never seen her on her heats.
She doesn't trust them to know how to deal with it, how to deal with an omegas' most vulnerable moment when all they've known is how alphas deal with their ruts.
Darling doesn't trust them, not fully, at least.
Djsjjd jfc when you said omegaverse I was 👁️👁️. Peach I hope you're having such a good day and I must thank you once more for giving us such beautiful stories, I hope nothing but good things happen to you from now on:)
— 🫔 Anon
Oh… okay, I see you. This is so good! There’s so much to explore here… 🩵
18+ / dead disco omegaverse au (it needs a name but we’ll get there?) / mature themes
The door swings wide, and Johnny is nearly bowled over by the scent. It’s everywhere in the flat, wafting down the hall to where they both stand at the threshold, overcome with the smell of overripe fruit, something sour and tart hovering at the precipice.
It’s the smell of their omega in distress.
But what surprises them both, is along with the burnt tannins of distress, is another smell. A ripe smell, a bruised stone fruit smell.
The smell of an omega in heat.
But their omega doesn’t have heats. You’re on suppressants.
Still, it’s definitely your scent. There’s no mistaking it.
Simon tenses, hackles rising with a growl. Johnny’s hand finds his chest, placing his palm over the older, bigger alpha’s heart soothingly. They’ve just both come off a rut, poor timing all things considered. Both exhausted, they were looking forward to getting home and falling into bed with you, cuddling you close while they both slept off the stress from the op and the remaining… sensitivities.
“Darling?” Simon calls, keeping his voice soft and easy.
There’s no answer. The flat is silent.
“Love? Are you here?” Johnny tries, pushing through to the bedroom, where he’s half expecting to see you curled up in the bed.
Except, you’re not.
It looks like you may have been, at one point. It’s a pile of blankets and pillows, haphazardly arranged with various shirts and other soft things.
Johnny chokes on a breath. The scent is much, much stronger in here, and Simon’s eyes slide closed as he draws a deep inhale.
“Omega?” He murmurs, and to their relief, there’s a small whimper from the closet.
When he gets the door open, his heart breaks. Simon’s body goes preternaturally still, and they both stare down at you.
You’re drenched in sweat, burrowed in a pile of clothes, eyes wide. You reek, panic and fear, distress and pain burning in their nostrils, along with the overripe scent, the telltale smell of a heat. Worse, when you look up at them, there’s no recognition there. Nothing to show that you know who they are to you, or even where you are. Johnny shoves away his panic over your confusion, this state, to try to coax you forward into his arms.
“Hey, there ye are.” He reaches for you, slowly, and your body presses against the corner, head shaking back and forth. Johnny frowns. “Darling, it’s okay. It’s us, you’re alright.” His hand gets closer, nearly brushing you knee, and then to their absolute shock, you snarl.
Simon is conflicted. He’s confused.
Why did you tell them you’re on suppressants?
They would have done things a lot differently, if that wasn’t the case. They wouldn’t have left you alone, if they had known. His stomach clenches when he thinks about the possibility that this isn’t the first time you’ve been on your own during a heat.
“Darling.” Simon coos. He doesn’t want to reach for you. He doesn’t want to pull you from the closet, this safe spot you’ve built, your nest. He doesn’t want to force you out, like his father would have. Like he always did to his mother. His father would have gripped you so hard it would have hurt you, left bruises on you. He would have terrified you, taken joy from it. “Omegas are weak.” Simon was raised to believe. “The lesser. It’s our job to teach ‘em.”
You snort out a trembling breath from your nose, little groan slipping from your lips and you rub your wrist on your gland. Johnny makes a strangled sound in his throat as it happens, and Simon doesn’t need to ask to know what he’s thinking.
Only omegas who have been abandoned or lost their mates try to self soothe like that, scent themselves like that. It’s an instinct, something that happens to try to prevent them from becoming overheated or harmed by a heat unmanaged.
“No, no no. It’s alright, love, we’re here.” Johnny pleads, hand still tentatively outstretched while you stare at his fingers. Every time your wrist rubs over your gland, they both cringe, and Johnny’s body goes rigid.
“I- don’t-” You stutter. You blink at them slowly, and he can see it all on your face, plain as day. The pain. The confusion. The distress.
Simon crouches, just outside the closet. He starts up a soothing rumble, trying to lure you towards him. You lift your head slowly when you hear it, when you feel the subharmonics, the song that sings to you.
“Come here, baby.” Your brow creases, and you rub your face. You look exhausted, like you haven’t slept in days and he wonders how long you’ve been you like this, how long you’ve been suffering. You don’t smell like pre heat, so you must be on the curve upwards. Guilt burns in his stomach. “It’s alright now.” Johnny moves next to him, shifting into a kneel very slowly while you watch him, hazy gaze fixed on the bite marks on his neck, over his gland.
“You’re safe.” Johnny coaxes, and he keeps his hand towards you, but unmoving, trying to show you that neither of them are a threat.
They both work to emit soothing scents, trying to lull you into their arms. You watch them warily, curiously, eyes opening and closing in slow motion as your instincts battle whatever confusion is happening beneath the surface.
It works. You crawl slowly out from the corner, t shirt sticking to your skin, your arms trembling under your weight.
“Good girl.” Simon murmurs. Neither of them move, afraid to spook you, and then you’re curling up between their bodies, rubbing your wrist against your gland over and over.
You tuck yourself into them, head laying on Simon’s chest and his hand comes slowly to rub your back, getting you used to his touch, easing you into a more relaxed state while Johnny smooths a hand over your shoulder, coasting his wrist closer and closer to your gland, trying to scent you subtly and soothe you, gentle you. You whimper when he makes contact, and they both press a little closer.
“Shhh. You’re okay, darling. We’re here.” Simon bows his head, skimming his nose overtop your scalp, and you shift, hands grabbing for Johnny, trying to pull his body overtop yours, effectively sandwiching yourself as tight as you can between their mass. You whine, and Johnny hums in your ear, soothing you by scenting until you’re letting out little rumbles of your own, soft purrs puffing against Simon’s chest, Johnny’s lips ghosting across your sweat dotted forehead.
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holylulusworld · 11 months
Beta in heart
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Summary: You’ve got a secret.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Beta!Reader (fem)
Side pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega! Cassie Robinson
Warnings: angst, a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, lies, jealousy, unrequited feelings, Dean being an ass, rut
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Now, … 
We all lie sometimes. Right? Little white lies to make the person next to you feel more comfortable, or to protect yourself.
In your case, it was the latter. 
Maybe you did it to not be treated like someone’s property. Maybe to protect yourself from getting hurt. 
In the end, it didn’t matter. Not anymore. 
He found out the truth and is furious. Even worse, he tries to break down the door to get inside your room.
His rut won’t let him think straight. If he manages to break your door, he’ll claim you in the heat of the moment. Just like you always feared…
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A few days earlier, Cape Girardeau, Missouri
“I wanted to thank you again for helping me,” Cassie guiltily looks at you. 
It’s the first time you met her, but the second time for Sam and Dean helping her with a case. According to what Sam told you, she’s usually bubbly and self-confident. 
But the moment you stepped into her living room, following Sam and Dean to tell her that the wrath had been defeated, she changed. Her eyes drop to the ground, and you frown as you seem to be the reason for her behavior.
“It was nothing, really,” you hastily say before one of the brothers can tell her so. “Dean’s friends are our friends. And it’s our job to hunt down the evil.”
“Well…I…” She trails off, glancing at Dean. “It wasn’t nothing. All of you risked your lives.” 
Sam clears his throat, jerking his head toward the door. “I’ll get the books,” he says. “Can you lend me a hand, Y/N?”
“Sure,” you wrinkle your forehead but follow Sam outside. You know Cassie is an old friend of Dean and maybe he wants to have some time alone with her.
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Sam and you left Cassie’s place to get a few hours of sleep. It’s a long drive back to your current hideout, and you don’t want to sleep in the car again.
Dean didn’t come back. Of course, he didn’t. You’re not foolish enough to believe he’d not take the chance and get laid.
You knew the moment Cassie came back into the picture that he’d jumped the chance to have a tête-à-tête with the pretty brunette goddess. 
Years ago, you would’ve spent the night curled into a ball, the pillow tear-stained because of your broken heart. Now it’s just a dull pain you can suppress and ignore.
You accepted a long time ago that Dean is not interested in you in a romantic way. He sees the sister in you they never had. 
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Dean came back in the morning, smiling and joking while you tried to hide your sour mood. It’s not his fault that you are in love with the cocky alpha for years. 
You told him about your feelings during a drunk escapade. Dean didn’t remember in the morning, and you acted like you didn’t pour your heart out.
“Cassie invited all of us for lunch,” he casually says. As if you can’t see the hickeys on his neck, or still smell her on him. “What do you say? Sammy? Sweetheart?”
That nickname makes you want to throw up. It sounds like he tries to mock you using it after he fucked some other omega. 
Again, you tell yourself it’s not his fault you fell for him. It’s yours for not telling him how you feel sooner, or while you are sober.
“Fine by me. I’m hungry, and free food is free food,” you casually say while you struggle to keep the sadness out of your voice. “She’s nice.”
“Yeah, she is,” he dreamily says, smiling dopily, breaking your heart even more as he tells you that he wants to come back more often from now on.
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“Dean said you are beta, and that you are strong and smart,” Cassie awkwardly looks at you. She stiffly points to the couch, inviting you to sit with her. Dean and Sam wanted to check on another case one town away and you are left with the omega Dean chose over you. “So—uh…you hunt with the boys.”
“For a few years,” you shrug and try to ignore that you can smell Dean on her. He must’ve done more than help her wash the dishes. You shudder and scrunch up your nose.
“What’s wrong with you?” She cocks her head and watches you squirm on the sofa. “Y/N? Are you sick?”
You make a retching noise, concerning her even more. “I’m fine. It’s just…nothing…forget it.” You shake your head.
“Shit,” Cassie exclaims. “You can smell Dean on me. Right? That’s the reason you act like you are about to puke on my carpet. Does he know?”
Your heart drops. She cannot tell Dean. He’ll get mad and chase you away if he ever finds out about your true nature. “I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Only omegas can smell an alpha,” she softly says and places her hand on your knee. “You are hiding your nature from him, I assume.”
“Why didn’t you tell him that you are an omega? Why lie to him? If you see him as your alpha…” She sighs deeply as you still refuse to admit that you are not a beta. “We both know that you feel more than friendship for him.”
“If you have an ounce of decency and a heart, you won’t tell him, “You get up from your seat. “You fucked him without asking if I’m his mate. So, you owe me.”
It’s not fair to call Cassie out on sleeping with Dean, but you’ve got no choice. She can’t tell him what she found out. And you will make sure of it.
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“She doesn’t want to see me again, Y/N! What did you say to Cassie!” Dean is furious. After your little talk with Cassie, she decided it’s best to make sure that you and Dean finally talk about the elephant in the room.
“I don’t know what you are talking about!”
“She said you are hiding things from me, and that you have feelings for me! I thought we talked about catching feelings. We both agreed on never talking about what you told me that night.”
“You remember?” You shake your head in disbelief. “All this time I believed you were oblivious to my feelings. But you knew all along.”
“You’re beta and we can never be together.”
“What if I was omega? Would my presentation change things between us?” It’s time to be brave and talk to Dean. 
“It doesn’t matter if you are an omega or not. Your presentation wouldn't change a thing. We are friends and should keep it that way.”
“Oh, okay,” you nod and tell yourself again that you are over your crush on the hunter. “Good to know. You should call Cassie and tell her we talked shit out.”
Dean watches you storm off. He sighs and shakes his head. “We can’t ruin our friendship.”
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Dean followed your advice and called Cassie. Only for her to turn him down once again.
“Omega? No,” Dean shakes his head. Cassie tried to keep your true nature a secret, but she spilled the truth when Dean tried to kiss her. “Why are you saying these things? Do you want me to leave? Is it that?”
“I want you to talk to your friend! She’s hiding her true nature because of you and your friendship. I think she’s in love with you. You should’ve seen the way she reacted to your scent on my skin.”
Dean opens his mouth. He tries to say something, but then he realizes that Cassie must’ve told him the truth. “My scent?” Dean shakes his head. “That’s impossible. Only omegas can scent an alpha.”
“Exactly,” she softly says. “Dean, as long as you’ve got an omega yearning for you around, we can’t be more than friends.”
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Dean slams the door to the bunker shut. He can’t believe Cassie broke things up over a misunderstanding. You can’t be an omega.  
“Where is Y/N?” he asks, glaring in Sam’s direction. Dean is close to losing his composure and has no patience left. “I need to talk to her.”
“She texted me. I think she’s at the bar,” Sam wrinkles his forehead. Something seems to be off with you and his brother. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’ll be at the bar.”
“O-kay. I’ll be here, reading one of the books I bought on our way back. Call me if you need help.”
Watching his brother storm off Sam wonders what happened between you and his brother.
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“Do you ever think, whoa, I should jump into my car and just ride into the sunset?” You grumble as Donnie the bartender refills your glass.
“Sometimes,” he shrugs. “I like my job, and this town is nice. People tip me well so, it’s not very often.”
“Hmm…” you nod slowly. “I fucked things up between me and a good friend. Maybe he’ll hate me now.”
“Speaking of said man,” Donnie jerks his head toward the door. “He looks mad. What did you do?”
“Y/N, what are you—” Dean stops in his tracks. He dips his head, and looks you up and down before he takes a step toward you. He stops again, sniffing in your direction. “No. This can’t be.”
“Dean, what are you doing here? I thought you wanted to talk to Cassie.”
“What did you do?” Dean grabs your arm, making you wince as he forgets about his strength.
“Let me go, Dean. You are hurting me,” you wiggle in his tight grip. “Dean!” 
“I can scent you,” he growls. “Why did you hide that you’re an omega? Huh? You hide your nature only to reveal who you really are right when I meet Cassie again.”
“I hate being weak and vulnerable during my heats. And I don’t want anyone to believe I’m a pathetic omega who’s needy all the time and wants to nest. I didn’t want you to see a liability in me!”
You break out of Dean’s grip and run out of the bar. He needs a moment, looking at Donnie before he storms out of the bar to chase after you.
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Now, …
Dean came back to the bunker a few hours after you left the bar, his rut in full swing. When Sam tried to stop him from getting to you, he knocked his brother out.
“Open the fucking door or I’ll break it down,” Dean warns one last time. “I mean it, Y/N! OPEN IT!”
He kicks the door again. This time the lock gives in, and the door creaks open. You hide under your bed, hoping Dean will calm down before he does something he’ll regret…
Part 2
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chronosdawn · 5 months
Attached - Alpha!Wriothesley x Beta!Reader
a/b/o AU, GN!Reader
A/N: I got the idea for this while working on another, longer a/b/o fic so instead of working on that like I was supposed to, I wrote this OTL
Word count: 1.3k
Content warnings: a/b/o dynamics, mild sexual content and themes (minors please DNI)
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Not many got the chance to know the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide well. Certainly, almost everyone in Fontaine knew of him, and as the Fortress’s administrator, many people had some sort of contact with him, be they convicts of the Fortress or proprietors of businesses hoping to gain a foothold there.
But among those, very few got to actually know the Duke beyond his title and position, and when you’d first met him, you’d had no reason to think you’d be any different. Sure, you had been invited there by him personally, which was rare, but made sense once you’d learned he was looking to procure resources for some project that was being worked on in the Fortress—something you had a lot of experience doing for members of the Fontaine Research Institute.
Over the course of several meetings—and more than a couple of pots of tea—a tentative friendship had formed between you. One that had turned into something quite different when you’d accidentally stumbled into his office while he was in a rut.
And that, was how you’d come to end up in your current situation—seated in Wriothesley’s lap with your overnight bag discarded by the door to his room. You hadn’t expected this to become a regular occurrence when you’d first offered him your assistance, but for some reason the stubborn fool had refused to seek out an omega to spend his ruts with, even if you both knew that was what he actually needed.
He nosed against the back of your neck before going in with a gentle nip of his teeth, dangerously close to where your small beta scent gland lay.
“Careful,” you warned, “you know our agreement, nothing that can’t be taken back. I don’t want to be the reason your future omega ends up developing some sort of complex.”
Wriothesley stilled briefly before grazing his teeth over your nape once more. “What would you do if I did?”
“What do you mean?” You tried to turn around to look at his face, but the muscular arms around your waist kept you locked in place, pressed tightly against the firm planes of his chest.
“What would you do if I decided to put a claiming bite on you? Right now, you’re not in any position to stop me.”
“You wouldn’t,” you said with absolute certainty, even as he nipped at you again, harder this time.
“What makes you so sure?” His rut had come on enough that even you could smell the pheromones he was pumping out into the air, a rich leathery musk with notes of clary sage.
“I know you, you just wouldn’t.”
“You sound pretty convinced of that.”  He went quiet for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was barely audible as he muttered into your skin. “Do you even know what I was originally sentenced here for?”
“I do.” He’d never told you himself but you remembered reading about his trial in the newspaper your father had left out on your dining room table. “But that’s neither here nor there. You’re not the sort of person who’d force a yourself on someone, and I can’t imagine you ever being disloyal to your mate. Even if for some strange reason you seem reluctant to go out and find them.”
He let out a chuckle but there was no real humour in it. “You know, sometimes I wish you thought a little less highly of me.”
“If I didn’t think so highly of you, I wouldn’t be here, you know that.”
“Yeah, I do.” He went back to worrying at your neck, his mouth over your scent gland. Instead of biting down, however, he sucked at the skin in a way that was certain to leave its own sort of claiming mark, but one that would fade within a week. 
“You don’t seem to be in any hurry,” you noted, as he took his time littering your nape with hickeys, despite the growing hardness you could feel pressing against your ass.
“How long can you stay?” His hands began to wander slowly over your body, the heat of his palms burning through your clothes.
“A couple of days.” You let out a sigh, allowing yourself to enjoy the feeling of his touch while you could. “I’ve got a trip to Liyue scheduled to check on some ore shipments and it’s too late to rearrange it. Sorry I can’t be here for the whole thing; I should be able to help you through the worst of it though.”
“And when will you be back?”
“I’m not sure. Some of the merchants we’re dealing with are really dragging their feet for some reason. I should be back before your next one, although whether that’s really a good thing or not, I don’t know. Might have been a good incentive for you to actually seek out a more permanent arrangement.”
“I really wish you’d stop bringing that up.” One of his hands slipped underneath your shirt, sliding beneath your undergarments so he could give your nipple a firm squeeze. “What’s so wrong with this?”
You let out an undignified squeak and chastised him with a light slap to the thigh. “I know I sound like some nagging old aunt, but I just want you to find someone who makes you happy. Truly happy, not just sex.”
“And if I said you make me happy?”
“I can’t, not in the way deserve,” you said a little sadly, before putting the thought out of your mind altogether. It was best not to think about what ifs that could never be, it would only lead to hurt. “Now, what do you say we get a move on, before you get so wound up you tear straight through my clothes. Again.”
Wriothesley loosened his hold enough for you to turn around in his lap, fingers moving to undo the buttons of your shirt as he watched with rapt attention.
“With the way you’re so fond of telling me off, anyone would think you’re the alpha in this relationship.” He made no move to touch you, simply observing as you shed your garments one by one. You weren’t entirely sure how he was managing it, you could see the flush on his cheeks, feel the tension in his body—a piece of elastic a hair’s breadth from snapping. Still, if any alpha would have the self-control to hold themselves back during a rut, it would be him.
“Come on mister, it’s not fair to make me do all the work.” You moved to start helping him out of his waistcoat, his jacket having already been shed before you’d even entered the room.
“Alright boss,” he replied with obvious sarcasm, a smirk curling at his lips. With no warning, you were suddenly lifted and flung onto the bed, Wriothesley following you quickly after, caging you in with his body and leaving no hope of escape. “If you’re that eager, you don’t have to wait for me to go into a rut, you know, you can come here anytime. I’ve asked the staff at the front desk to let me know as soon as they see you.”
“It’s a tempting offer.” You helped him out of his waistcoat as he pulled off his tie and tossed it somewhere in the room. “But I’d hate to be the reason for a decline in the efficiency of management of the Fortress.”
“Always an answer for everything.” You didn’t get a chance to retort before his mouth was covering yours, hot and hungry as he ground his hips against your thigh. It would seem his control had finally failed him, as when you kissed back, he let out a satisfied growl from the back of his throat, fingers digging into your flesh as he tugged you into the position he wanted.
You simply let him, tangling your fingers in his hair as you braced yourself for what was sure to be a long and tiring—if enjoyable—affair.
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Every Baby Needs a Daddy 9
Part 8
I know some of yall were upset by the cliffhanger last time. I hope this makes up for it
Eddie had been more than ready to spend the next week taking care of himself with his own hand and whatever fleshlight Chrissy could get for him, as mortifying as it sounded. He hadn't packed anything for himself. He never anticipated going into rut while on the road. Then again, he never anticipated Steve.
Steve, who made him want to drop everything and breed him full of pups and then raise those pups somewhere nice.
Now, said surprise was on top of him grinding down on him and promising a night of ecstasy. Steve pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor, hips still moving. Steve helped Eddie out of his own shirt and leaned in to kiss him. Eddie nipped at his lips and couldn't help but nose at his neck. The bandana wrapped around it was thick with his scent. This was his omega.
"Mine", he growled just as Steve pulled away.
Steve unzipped the alpha's pants and began to drag them down his legs. "When you pushed me away earlier...I thought...", he laughed and shook his head. "I thought you were running to someone else."
Eddie shook his head in protest. "I'd never do that to you, I wouldn't."
"I know", Steve said, pulling his cock free from his boxers. "Mmmfuuck", he moaned as he took a deep breath, nose buried in Eddie's bush. He kissed up the length, keeping one hand on it.
Eddie watched as the other hand dipped between the bed and his body, the shifting of his hips confirming that Steve was rubbing himself through his pants while he licked at Eddie, eyes closed in rapture.
"Tastes that good baby?"
"Thinking how you're gonna knot me so good, Daddy."
"Oh fuck..."
Steve grinned and reluctantly pulled off. One of these days, he needed to suck Eddie off while humping his leg. He needed to cover him in his slick and be covered in his cum. For now though, he removed the rest of his clothing and crawled back over Eddie's body.
"I need you to get me ready for your cock. Think you can do that?"
"Y-yeah, yes."
Steve smiled and then turned around so that he was on all fours, face to face with Eddie's crotch while he had a similar view of his own.
"Shit, holy shit."
Anything smart Steve had to say was cut off by a shocked moan when Eddie grabbed his hips and pulled them down, absolutely devouring his cunt. Any plans he had to give Eddie a blowjob while in this position were for naught. He was helpless to do anything but rut against his face.
How could Steve put such a beautiful pussy in front of him and not expect Eddie to worship it? Especially when it was about to take his knot over and over? He caressed the swell of his cheek, drinking him in, tongue delving in and reaching even deeper. Steve's cries were music to his ears. When he felt Steve's cunt clench around his tongue as he came, he wanted to do it all over again.
But Steve shakily rose up, turning around and rubbing his cheek against Eddie's, their scents mixing. He'd said earlier that the bed didn't smell enough like them. They'd be rectifying that tonight.
Steve straddled his hips again, placing his warmth against Eddie's cock. Eddie's hands smoothed up his thighs while Steve slid on him. It was like he was giving him the dirtiest, wettest lap dance.
"Baby", Eddie whimpered, cock already leaking at the tip. "Baby, please, don't tease. Need you. Need your sweetness." His hips bucked upward, making Steve bounce.
"Oh, poor Daddy", Steve cooed. "You can't be more patient? What if I wanna cum like this?"
Eddie sobbed. He wanted to cum and normally where didn't matter. But-
"Don't worry, alpha. I know you can't give me pups unless you cum inside", Steve assured him playing into it. He lifted up to position himself and slowly slide down on Eddie's cock, watching with pride as Eddie bit his lip and held back until he was fully seated.
"You've been so good for me, alpha."
"Can I? Please, baby, lemme-"
"Yes", Steve permitted, allowing Eddie to set the pace from under him. They rocked against each other, meeting each other thrust for thrust. The bed under them creaked and Steve might've had sympathy but then Eddie reached between them to rub at his clit and Steve didn't care who heard now.
Eddie was entranced. This beautiful, beautiful man was his, all his and the cunt milking his cock right now was his and it was taking his knot and he was gonna give his omega all the pups he wante-
"Fuuuuck Steeeve." Eddie's body felt like a livewire as he drained into Steve, pumping him full.
Steve fell on top of him, kissing up his neck and then to his lips, tasting some of the remnants of his juices on Eddie. His fingers curled into the alpha's hair. Eddie's own fingers tangled in Steve's honey brown tresses and slowly rutted up into him, pushing his cum deeper. Steve moaned into his mouth. He was going to need to take double doses of birth control. He knew it didn't work that way, but every single force in the universe, including his own will, seemed intent on getting him pregnant.
The next morning, Steve was slow to wake up. Before Eddie's knot had gone away, he had gotten hard again while still inside Steve and fucked him again.
When he did awaken though, he noticed a slight change in decor. And an absence of Eddie. There was a sheet draped over the four posts of the bed, turning it into a canopy. Some of both Steve and Eddie's clothes had been left on the foot of the bed. Items that had been in their suitcases.
"Alpha?", Steve called out, voice thick with sleep still.
Eddie immediately showed himself through the curtain from the foot of the bed. He nodded to the clothes that he must have left. Steve's brain began to wake up as he realized what was happening. Eddie was denning. While omegas nested during heat, creating soft and comfortable spaces for themselves and anyone they trusted, alphas denned, building an enclosure. One that was meant to be nested in once they courted an omega. If an omega liked their den, they would nest. Eddie had brought their clothes as an offering.
Steve didn't know how good of a nest he could make when it would need to be taken down in just a few days, but he wasn't going to reject his alpha's efforts. And it made him think of perhaps building a more permanent one with his and Eddie's scents. Steve sat up and selected a few pieces, placing them near the headboard. Then he held his hands out to Eddie.
"Need you~"
Eddie crawled right up his body, it seemed he'd put on some pants before making the den. "How are you feeling?"
"Mmm, good", Steve said before letting out a soft yawn. He rubbed at his eye. "But you could make it better."
Eddie obliged right away, pulling the covers down just slightly to kiss his collarbone, then his just. For a moment, Eddie just rubbed his face in the hairs there. Eddie's lips on his stomach tickled in just the right way and it was in that exact moment that his phone began to ring. He was ready to ignore it. And then he remembered that he needed to be Eddie's contact with the outside world. He stretched over to reach for it off the nightstand, expecting to see Jeff's number, or Grant's, or Gareth's, or an unknown number because he didn't have Chrissy's yet only to see Dustin's name.
Steve truly had no idea why he could be calling him right now but at the feeling of Eddie spreading him wide and pecking at his clit, he decided it could wait. Eddie wrung out another orgasm from him with his mouth before Robin called this time. Steve hadn't the energy to answer her and let it ring. Maybe she'd get worried and think something bad happened, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Steve would fill her in later when he wasn't getting his brains fucked out.
She called again at literally that moment. Steve and Eddie had left the den to get something to eat. Had done so with Steve still fully naked, and that led to Steve being bent over a table, cunt on display before Eddie plunged into it. After that bout and a shower, Steve finally texted her back, scrolling through any of the ones she already sent. He looked himself over in the massive bathroom mirror. Of course, there were quite a few bite marks, but nothing Robin hadn't seen in case he needed to send a pic to prove his safety.
'im fine' 'im literally getting railed on the hour'
His phone buzzed in his hand and Steve could already hear the tirade his friend had prepared about not answering when he went on a cross country trip with strangers. Eddie came up from behind, body still a little damp from the shower they had just shared. He kissed Steve's shoulder, nipping every time he reached a mole.
Steve let out a sigh and answered. "Hey Robs."
"Steven Anita Harrington!"
"You know that's not my middle name-"
"Don't crack wise with me! Is that guy forcing you to be his cocksleeve while he's in rut!?", Robin accused.
"He's not exactly forcing me", Steve said, body tingling as Eddie made a soft sound against his skin.
"Angel, miss your sweet cunt, need it."
Steve took pity on him, since the last time he made Eddie cum with only his mouth. "Misses you too", he whispered, forgetting for a moment that Robin was on the line.
"Steve! Are you listening? What's he doing to you?"
Eddie knelt down, hand to the small of Steve's back to make him bend over the bathroom sink. Robin was asking the wrong questions.
"Look, Robs, can I call you back? I promise I'm safe, I promise I'll-", his sentence cut off with an incredibly pornographic moan when Eddie licked up his pussy. He had the decency to look ashamed while Steve craned his neck back to look at him.
"Actually Robin, I'm gonna call you back in a literal second. Just hang tight." Steve hung up and then turned around to frown at Eddie down on the floor. "That wasn't nice. I was on the phone."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I just couldn't resist, your pussy drives me wild baby, I needed another taste." Eddie put his hands on Steve's thighs, pleading at him with his eyes.
"You need to learn patience, alpha. And now you need to wait for it to come to you."
Eddie let out a whimper as Steve got onto the counter and opened up his legs. He dialed Robin again and held the phone with one hand while the other stroked his thigh.
"Hey Robs, so what did you wanna talk about?"
"Dustin tried calling you earlier to tell you, dingus but when you didn't answer, I assumed the worst. Twitter's blowing up because apparently you caused your rock star's rut?!"
Steve licked his fingers and then just barely touched his lips between his legs. "How would twitter know that?"
"I don't know, I only got a summary from Dustin. I was hoping to get the rest from you?"
Eddie was watching, hypnotized as Steve touched himself with the lightest of grazes, denying himself and Eddie what they truly wanted. He swallowed and let out a whimper as a little drop fell from Steve onto the counter.
"I'll fill you in later", Steve promised. "But I'm not in any danger. Having the time of my life, actually."
"Okay, just needed to hear your voice to confirm it. Go and finish getting your brains fucked out or whatever."
"Will do. And thanks Robbie, for caring about me."
"Anytime. Have fun slutting it up."
Steve hung up and gave Eddie his full attention now. He slid off the counter and grabbed the back of his head, pushing it into his pussy. Eddie could have cried. He nearly did, grasping Steve's thighs and letting him use him, with little to no finesse. Just a slide as Steve covered him in that glorious nectar.
Only when Steve was satisfied with how Eddie was anointed with his slick did he turn around and let Eddie bend him over the sink to fuck him.
In between their couplings, Eddie would sometimes press a hand to his torso, as if checking for new life. The den still didn't have a fully complete nest, just some of their clothes strewn about. Steve's omega felt it inadequate and in turn felt that he wasn't worthy for an alpha that tried so hard but he tamped it down. This wasn't about him. And for now, his alpha was pleased with his nest.
It had their belongings and smelled like them and thus far no one had come to challenge his claim or territory. On the fourth day, it seemed that Eddie was getting over the final crest of his hump. Steve would miss the moony, pussy-drunk version of his alpha, but maybe on the next rut-
No, not the next rut. Steve probably wouldn't be here for the next one. This whole thing was supposed to be temporary, as intense as it was right now.
Eddie's mind was clear enough to attempt to cook something substantial. While he did that, Steve finally opened up social media to see how the world had taken CC's tour delay. Fans seemed upset at changed plans but mollified since they were given refunds or allowed to exchange tickets for the new event time. So thankfully there wasn't any blowback from that.
The drama was all concentrated on the reason for the change. The band's official statement was a health concern. But since everyone but Eddie was shown in the statement, most people had made the correct assumption that it was due to a rut. What made Steve's stomach flip was a picture of him from a tabloid the night of the concert.
Part 10
Doing something new with this one! I want to show the whole circus of speculation and theory in the next part so if you'd like to show up in the next chapter, here's what to do:
Comment or reblog with how you'd react in universe to the news and rumors that Eddie went into rut thanks to a random omega (that he's possibly been sighted with before) and I'll add it to the next part. I just think it'd be fun. Be as nice, off-base, mean, bitchy, or neutral as you like (it's all in good fun and in the name of fic drama after all)
Tag Team
@awkotaco24 @lingeringmirth @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @tartarusknight @velocitytimes2 @mrsjellymunson @trashcanniballecter @paintsplatteredandimperfect @a-little-unsteddie  @sllooney  @starman-jpg  @oxidantdreamboat  @xxbottlecapx   @newtstabber @tiny-enthusiast  @desidrarry-wolfstarshipper @y4r3luv @hello-fellow-nerds  @anonymousbandgirl @alyelf @potato-of-the-lord  @beckkthewreck  @croatoan-like-its-hot @pluto-pepsi @abstractnaturaldisaster @ellietheasexylibrarian @eyesofshinigami @dragonmama76 @marklee-blackmore @greatwerewolfbeliever @chaosgremlinmunson @blackpanzy @millseyes-world @batxsignalsx @lilpomelito @goosesister @libraryofgage @aresthelostboy @royjaimie4eva @silenzioperso @she-collects-smut @lost-wondering-souls
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captain039 · 4 months
PART 2 Predator grounds (Cooper Howard)
Alpha!Cooper Howard (pre-war)x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB dynamics, vault tech things, forced heats/ruts, eventual smut, age gap, angst? Experiments, needles, drugs, talks of pregnancy, first times, anxiety attacks, anxiety, forced claiming
Previous part <-
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Has it even been a day down here? You remember falling in and out of sleep on the edge of the bed, almost falling off at one point. You know the lights went dim twice so far and the music stopped when it did. You wish you could put those damn speakers up the vaults overseers ass if he was even around. Hell the only person you saw was the man bringing the food everyday. His overly cheery voice making you want to reach through the food slot and choke him. You think you’ve used too much water considering you’ve had five showers now, well you weren’t really washing yourself more like sitting on the floor in despair trying to relieve yourself quietly so the alpha outside didn’t hear. He hasn’t said a word, he’s been quietly brooding in the corner for the last few days. You’re worried about him, he always looks tense, you swear he never sleeps and he’s always twitching at every sound he hears. You feel sorry for him, feel sorry that he isn’t with the one person he married even if they did seperate he deserves that familiarity. He wouldn’t be in this harsh rut too, someone to take the ease off. God you’ve imagined too many times about how he could take you in every single inch of this vault room. He’s moved the couch to the corner, pushed the TV out of the way, he moved it while you were in the shower the second time.
You haven’t drawn the curtains back so you can’t see out into the hall way, hell you don’t want to, that couple across from you probably still going at it. You sit on the floor on pillows and a towel reading a crappy book they supplied on the book shelf. You haven’t explored all the shelves and cupboard, hell you probably wouldn’t mind watching a movie but it’s on his side of the room. You’ve never seen Mr Howard like this, so tense and caught up in his head, he’s usually a care free, kind, charcmismic man. Guess being frozen for 200 years will do that to a man. You glance at him hesitantly and gulp a little.
“Mr Howard?” You finally speak and he hums looking to you. His stare makes you falter and you nervously glance at the wall behind him before focusing back on his eyes.
“Are you- are you doing ok? Do you want a book? I think the Video tapes are on the bottom shelf too” you gesture to the light brown shelf filled with books and tape holders.
“I’m ok, sweetheart” he says his lips twitching slightly and you just nod a little saddened. You say against the wall head leaning on the mattress cursing the ache in your lower stomach.
“Room 236” a woman’s voice calls over and you frown.
“You’re not completing your functions!” She says cheerily and you raise an eyebrow.
“Yeah? Go fuck yourself and do it yourself asshole” Cooper yells and you flinch a bit at the tone but smile to yourself.
“If this continues we will seperate you to more appropriate partners! We want to save the America and you can help!” Coopers statement goes ignored and her words make your whole body tense and into a panic. You can’t go to someone else, you can’t be with someone else you’ve never done this, what the hell? They can’t just move you to get impregnated. You don’t want kids, the thought of a baby terrifies you.
“Sweetie look at me” you can hear Coopers voice briefly but your heart is pounding in your ears. He yells your name and you flinch and look at him.
“You’re alright, they’re not gonna take you from this room ok, I promise” he says so sincerely but he can’t control them, can’t control if they do take you, they’re in control here.
The lights dim signalling night time and you’re curled up hiding under the covers like it’d save you. The speakers words scare you to death, this whole situation seems to be dawning on you. Tears roll down your face silently and you suck in a small breath. You don’t hear the footsteps till you feel the bed dip and your heart rate rockets into panic.
“It’s me” Cooper mutters and you let out the breath in a shudder that you were holding.
“I keep my promises you know this” he speaks softly in the darkness and you nod your head despite him not being able to see.
“I know” you croak cursing yourself silently. He always did, he was that kind of man.
“Get some sleep” he mutters after some silence and walks back to his side of the room.
Morning comes, the lights turning on brightly making you wince. You didn’t sleep well at all last night, tossing and turning, fleeting nightmares. Alarms blare and you’re suddenly wide awake and standing up by the bed on wobbly feet. Your door is opening, Cooper is up quickly as well. You see two men in hazard suits and two people behind them with guns. You tense realising they were here to take you away. You see a scared woman being held behind the four people, she’s cuffed and held by two others in hazard suits.
“You aren’t fulfilling your duties in room 236, we are to remove the omega and replace her” his words sound automated and suddenly you’re wrapped up in strong arms.
“You won’t take her” Coopers voice is low, his breathing is coming out almost in a harsh snarl, he’s got one arm across your upper chest the other over your stomach.
“Sir, let the omega go” the people in the hazard suits are unbothered by the smells and tone he’s using.
“You. Won’t. Take. Her” he breathes harshly between each word and you swear he’s a man possessed.
“I’m so sorry” he whispers softly in your ear and suddenly there’s like an electric shock of pleasure going through your body as blunt teeth clamp on your shoulder. You let out a strangled noise as a mating bond clicks into place, you’re flooded by him and feelings making you stagger but not fall in his embrace.
“You won’t take my mate away” he challenges after he stops biting and you’re in a daze. They halt there advances, a mate bond is strong, he won’t touch another omega now. They step back hands up and the door slides shut. You breathe deeply, having held your breath majority of that time as you finally process everything that happened. You place a hand on your neck feeling where he bit and stutter. You hear him apologising feel him move in front of you but you’re in overload right now. You don’t look at him, you turn, grab a chair and head to the bathroom. You force the chair against the door and collapse to the floor in a heap. What just happened?
Next part ->
To continue Wasteland heat I gotta watch the episodes again I think I got like episode five? While writing and then had this idea xD but I’ll continue Wasteland heat after xD
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onboardsorasora · 6 months
So my very first fic/maxiel idea was this paranoid alpha Daniel thing where he was suffering at McLaren and thought people were saying he was an unfit alpha to take care of his pack. I never wrote it because, well idk. Sounds dumb but everyone was moving on from alpha!Dan narratives to omega!Dan and I also couldn’t think of how to even write it and I knew it was going to be all depressing n stuff. I guess that interview in Aus where Max says it gets smelly and Daniel said he sweats a lot kinda brought me back to alpha Dan in a way. But I focused on the after. The way after. Anyway. Idk if I’ll ever continue this. I’m just happy to get this down- with the block I’ve been experiencing lately. But at least. Here it is
“Gosh, at least open a window or something.” Lando complained when Max opened the door.
“You’re lucky I even let you in.” Max groused. The apartment smelt fine to him. Like them. Daniel’s sweat and musk was fine perfume to his senses, even as it quite literally blanketed the air in his pre rut state.
“You literally invited me.” Lando raised the tote bags at his side, pulling them out of Max’s reach playfully.
“Mate! Don’t be a dick.” Max pouted while Lando laughed at him.
“You’re so jumpy, nervous?” Lando walked into the kitchen, making sure to not brush against any furniture.
“Yeah, well. It’s his first rut since— y’know.” And Lando did know. This was Daniel’s first rut with Max since they got back together, since Daniel was allowed back on the grid, since Red Bull took him on so they could keep courting, since Daniel got healthy again. Since the incident.
Since Daniel had a public mental breakdown and they disbanded his pack, saying he wasn’t a fit alpha to take care of anyone.
Max had been taken into Charles’ pack and Lando to Carlos’.
“Are you guys going to mate?” Lando asked, picking at his cuticles— a Daniel habit he picked up.
“No, not yet. He wants it to be special he said.” Max smiled softly.
“Where is he?” Lando had expected to see the alpha in the couch with the way how his scent was so strong— as if he’d been walking around and rubbing his armpits everywhere.
“He’s taking a shower.—“
“Maxy do we have any of those- oh hey Lando.” Daniel walked into the living room scratching his ear. His shirt clung to the wet spots on his shoulders and back.
“Hey mate, how’re you feeling?” Lando chirped, giving in to a quick hug.
“Steady. I’m feeling steady.” Daniel slung an arm around Max’s shoulder and the omega leaned into him easily and with a smile. Lando couldn’t hold back his grin.
“I’m glad.”
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pinguwrites · 1 year
Kinktober 2023 | Day Eight — Thomas Shelby + omegaverse, omega!tommy
Pairing -> omega!thomas shelby x alpha!reader
Warnings -> sub!tommy, kinda bratty tommy, reader's dominant, teasing, literally never wrote omegaverse before, use of good boy, mention of racial discrimination
Disclaimer: Peaky Blinders characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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Everyone in Small Heath knew who the Peaky Blinders were. Gangsters, criminals, but most notabely, alphas, except for the fearsome Thomas Shelby, who everyone knew was an omega. 
You thought it would be a source of embarrassment for him and the Shelby family, but when you first met him, he didn’t seem to mind the snide comments about his status, or even the remarks about his Romani origin. You suspected it had something to do with being strong, the whole—if you acknowledged what people thought about you, what you were, it could never be used to hurt you.
You, of course, were an alpha. Most of your family was. When you first saw Tommy walking down the street, with his dusty black coat and cigarrete in his hand, you knew you had to have him, to claim him. It was instinct. He was going to be yours, and you were going to be his.
It took a while to achieve this, though. Tommy wasn’t one to trust, nor was he one to be trusted. After years of friendship and romance, you finally got your way into his heart, and now, it was like your needs were finally being fulfilled. 
His hair messed up, his lips coated with saliva, drops of sweat running down his forehead. He smelt delicious, sweet, like the scent of desire and lust and want.
He made you go into ruts often. You couldn’t control it, and neither could he, but oh, did you love it. Sometimes, just to be a cruel woman, you would tease him while he was in heat, tying him up, laughing as he ordered you to do as he asked, but eventually, would snap, as men like him always did, reluctant at first before he couldn’t help but beg and whine and plead.
He was almost getting there now. Tommy was in bed, above the sheets, hot and bothered. He was looking at you, his eyes darkened, but he was still in that stage, the bratty one.
“I’m not going to beg this time,” he said — a promise, one you were going to make him break. 
“Is that so?” 
You trailed your fingers along Tommy’s jawline, making him shiver.
Despite being an omega, Tommy had excellent self-control. He had to, how else could you run a gang if you didn’t have some discipline? Not to mention, he was a soldier. Military training was heavy on those like him.
“Yeah. So, you can stop whatever plan you have and just fuck me, if that’s how this night is going to end anyways.”
You giggled. “That’s not going to work.”
Tommy chuckled, but the expression on his face was incredulous. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” you said. “I’m not the one in heat. We both know who’s the desperate one here.”
Even as you spoke those words, you knew it was a bit of a lie. You were desperate too, you were always desperate for Thomas Shelby. 
Tommy’s resolve started to crumble, and you could smell his arousal growing stronger. “Don’t make me beg this time.”
“Sounds like you’re already doing it.”
Tommy sighed. He rested his head against your stomach, wrapping his arms around your body.
“Please?” he whispered, leaving kisses down your belly. “Please?” he repeated. “Give it to me, I need it.”
His breathing was starting to get a little more erratic. His hand went down across your body, caressing your curves and skin.
“I’m begging,” he breathed out, ashamed that he couldn’t control himself.
Satisfied, you pushed him down to his bed. “I knew you would.” You gave him a soft kiss to the lips, one that left him wanting for more. “Now, spread your legs, Tommy and be a good boy for me, okay?”
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bloody-bee-tea · 7 months
IntiMarch 2024 Day 10 - It doesn't change anything
The prompt for this was "It's just the two of us"
Suguru is lazily carding his fingers through Satoru’s hair when he speaks.
“How was it for you? Presenting?” he wants to know and Suguru hums in thought.
“Unremarkable,” he finally gives back and tugs on one of Satoru’s strands of hair when he pouts up at him.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that one moment I wasn’t an alpha and the next I was. It didn’t change anything. It didn’t mean anything to me,” Suguru replies and it’s not even a lie.
He presented so early that it barely made a difference for him at that time and Suguru never gave it much more thought than that. It happened. That’s all.
“I wonder how it’s going to be for me,” Satoru mutters out, stretching his long limbs on the bed. “How different things are going to be for me when I present as an alpha.”
That brings Suguru up short.
“But you’re not,” he says, frowning down at Satoru, who is still rolling around on Suguru’s bed as if it’s his.
“I’m not what?”
“An alpha. You’re an omega, Satoru,” Suguru gives back and he wonders how he even knows that.
No one can tell the orientation of someone who hasn’t yet presented; there’s no way to predict it, no indicator that points towards anything, no gene that can be analysed.
And yet Suguru is certain of it.
“Yeah, right,” Satoru laughs out. “The Six Eyes, an omega. Are you feeling okay, Suguru? Do you have a fever? Is your rut close and clouding your judgement?”
“Shut up,” Suguru huffs. “You know my ruts don’t affect me. And you being the Six Eyes has nothing to do with it. It’s just—you’re an omega,” he says again, because Satoru is, will be, and Suguru wonders how he could ever think anything else.
“How can I be the strongest when I’m an omega?” Satoru wants to know and that only makes Suguru frown harder.
“How can you not? Being the strongest and being an omega have nothing to do with each other. You’ll still be the strongest even as an omega.”
“But I’m not,” Satoru insists again, his whole posture rigid now where before it was loose and relaxed. “I’m not an omega.”
He sounds angry, mostly, but Suguru can detect the distress in his voice and he decides to drop it. It’s not as if he can explain how he knows this anyway—he doesn’t even understand it himself, after all—and so he simply shrugs.
“Okay, Satoru,” he gives back and pushes his hand into Satoru’s hair again. “You’re not.” Suguru can tell that his words do not appease Satoru, because he puffs out his chest as if he wants to go on arguing about this, and so Suguru quickly goes on. “You’re not anything yet, seeing as you are late.”
“I’m always late,” Satoru immediately proudly declares. “It’s fashionable.”
“If you’re five minutes late, maybe. Not an hour or longer,” Suguru chastises him, though his words lack heat. Satoru is never late to meetings with him and more often than not he manages to make Suguru late as well for any official meetings so it’s not as if Suguru is really in a position to say anything.
“Yeah, well, I’m never late alone, now, am I?” Satoru asks, a knowing sparkle in his eyes and Suguru flicks his forehead even though he can’t hide his smile.
“I’m still blaming you for my poor track record with Yaga,” he informs Satoru who really couldn’t care less it seems.
“The old guy deserves it. Running us ragged all the time; the least he can do is wait for us to shower after a mission,” Satoru huffs out and Suguru has to admit that he’s right.
He goes back to carding his fingers through Satoru’s hair again, enjoying the way he goes pliant and soft once more and while Suguru congratulates himself for a job well done on derailing the impending argument, the thought simply won’t leave Suguru’s mind.
Satoru’s an omega, he just knows it, and it doesn’t make any sense at all.
Suguru is unable to shake the knowledge that feels deeply ingrained in him about Satoru now that he said it out loud once and so he decides to prepare. If Satoru thinks he’s going to be an alpha, then he will not be prepared at all when he turns out to be an omega, and one of them has to be.
So Suguru does some research.
He reads every book and report he can find about the presenting of omegas; what to expect, what they need, how to care for them. He takes time after solo missions to ask around, get first hand accounts of other omegas and he meticulously notes everything down, all in the hopes of making it easier on Satoru when he does present.
If it turns out Suguru is wrong and Satoru is indeed an alpha, he’ll burn his notes but Suguru knows it won’t come to this.
He still has absolutely no explanation for how he can be so certain about this, and all of his research hasn’t helped with this. No one has experienced anything similar; sure, there are people who guessed the secondary gender of family members or friends correctly but they all admit that it was just that—a guess.
For Suguru it’s not a guess. He knows.
And it shouldn’t be possible.
He tries not to bring the topic up again with Satoru, not after how he reacted the first time but of course it’s Satoru who can’t shut up about it.
“Hey, Suguru?” Satoru asks, his head dangling off Suguru’s bed as he’s looking at him upside down. “Do you think something will change when I present as an alpha?”
Suguru has to bite back his immediate response to that and he covers it by shaking his head.
“Why would it?”
“I mean—you’re not very territorial, not yet, but isn’t that going to change with another alpha nearby? What if we can’t spend time together like this anymore?”
“You mean, how will you cope if you can’t steal my bed for yourself anymore?” Suguru lightly says and laughs when Satoru sticks his tongue out at him. “It won’t change a single thing, Satoru,” Suguru finally says and goes over to the bed to sit next to it, nudging Satoru’s head with his shoulder so he lifts it up and rests it on Suguru instead of letting it dangle down.
“How can you be so sure?” Satoru asks and Suguru can tell that he’s honestly worried about it.
He doesn’t have to be, of course, because he’s not going to be an alpha, but that’s not something Suguru can say to him and besides. It really doesn’t matter either way.
“Because it’ll still be you and it’ll still be me, no matter what. You could be the most dominant alpha in recent history and it wouldn’t matter to me.”
“You sure?”
“Absolutely,” Suguru immediately gives back because he knows it. There is nothing in this world that could change how they are now.
They are Satoru and Suguru and it will always stay like that.
Besides, it’s not as if Suguru has any trouble with his alpha side; he presented so damn early that it’s almost as if he’s always been one and nothing has ever shaken him; no omega, no heat, no other alpha has ever managed to get a reaction out of him, so he doubts Satoru is going to be the first.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Satoru mumbles and turns his head so he can bury his face in Suguru’s hair. “You’re not allowed to let anything change this.”
“If we have to worry about anyone, it’s you,” Suguru gives back. “Who says you’ll be able to tolerate me close to you?”
“I will. No matter what, I will.”
“Exactly,” Suguru agrees because really, Satoru has his answer right there and it seems to be enough because Suguru can spot a smile on Satoru’s face.
“Exactly,” he echoes and then falls silent.
They stay like that until Satoru gets a crick in his neck and Suguru laughs at him.
When Suguru wakes up he is being blanketed by the most comforting, familiar, warm scent he has ever smelled and he allows himself a small smile.
Satoru presented then and he’s an omega, just like Suguru said he’d be.
Suguru doesn’t waste any more time in bed, he gets up and gets himself ready in record time, eager to go see Satoru, maybe tease him with a little ‘I told you so’ before he takes him out for dinner in celebration.
It’s going to be a good day.
At least Suguru thinks it will be, right until he opens his door and comes face to face with a haggard looking Shoko.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asks because her bags are even more pronounced than they were before and she lets out a weary sigh.
“Satoru presented,” she tells him and Suguru frowns.
“Yeah, I can tell. So? Where is he?”
“We had to isolate him,” Shoko says and that doesn’t sound right at all.
“Isolate him? Why?”
“Don’t you smell this? His pheromones are too strong.” She pushes a shaking hand through her hair. “It’s probably because he presented so late. At least two people tried to jump him already. Even I’m being affected.”
That brings Suguru up short.
Shoko is the most unflappable beta he has ever met; she’s able to treat both alpha’s in rut and omega’s in heat without any problem at all. To think that even she’d be affected by Satoru—
“Where is he?” he demands to know again because this can’t be right.
Today should be celebrated. He had a plan.
“We had to lock him up in a basement, near Tengen’s area.”
“You—locked him up?” Suguru breathes out because this is so, so wrong.
Everything he read about omegas presenting indicates they need a pack around, people they trust; to isolate Satoru from everyone at this moment—
“Are you not listening? No one can go near him without losing it! Even now it’s—” She tries to cover her nose and Suguru realises with a start that she’s still being affected, even this far away from Satoru.
“I can,” Suguru confidently says, because Satoru’s scent is only warm and comforting to him.
“Suguru, we have to wait for another omega to arrive. We can’t put anyone in danger, not any of us or Satoru himself. Yaga contacted our sister school. They have an omega there but it will take them a while to get here.”
“I’m not waiting that long. Satoru is not waiting that long,” Suguru tells her because he will not allow Satoru to suffer for a moment longer or have to rely on someone he doesn’t know, doesn’t trust.
That’s simply not happening.
“Suguru, you can’t!”
“Watch me,” he tells her and he doesn’t wait for Shoko’s answer before he leaves.
He doesn’t need her to tell him where to find Satoru; his scent is leading him there and soon enough Suguru stops in front of a door.
“Satoru, it’s me,” he says with a cursory knock before he walks into the room.
Satoru is curled up on the bed, a pillow in his arms and he makes such a picture of misery that Suguru’s heart constricts.
“You shouldn’t be here,” Satoru whispers out, without even lifting his head from the pillow and Suguru sighs silently before he walks over and curls up around Satoru.
“Don’t—” Satoru chokes out, and he tries to get away from Suguru. “You’ll lose it, too,” he miserably adds and Suguru huffs out a laugh.
“I’m not going to lose it, Satoru, don’t be silly,” he gently says and nuzzles the back of Satoru’s neck. “How are you feeling?”
Satoru takes his time answering but Suguru doesn’t push him; he’s more than content to hold him like that and he can tell that it’s helping anyway; Satoru’s pheromones are calming down more and more with every minute they stay like this.
“Is Shoko going to try and knock me out again?” Satoru finally whispers out and Suguru tries to push the spike of anger at that away.
“It’s just the two of us,” he promises Satoru, pulling him even closer. “No one else will come and try to knock you out or otherwise disturb us.”
“How did you—” Satoru clings to Suguru’s arm around him almost painfully “—how did you know?” he asks and Suguru can feel him shudder.
“I don’t know,” Suguru admits and noses at his neck again, trying to calm Satoru down.
Everyone he talked to said it would help, having someone close by, having pack near them, being smothered in physical contact. He’s intent on making this as easy on Satoru as he can.
“I just knew, really. I can’t explain it.”
And it’s not a lie; Suguru has never been able to tell with anyone but Satoru. Since he presented so early, Suguru has watched a fair number of people present and not once did he knew like he did with Satoru.
“And this? How do you know that this is helping?” Satoru whispers and he shudders in Suguru’s arm, though he seems more at ease already.
“I did my research,” Suguru tells him. “I know you only ever read about what to do when you present as an alpha but I tried to cover all the bases; I talked to Shoko to know what to expect in the case you present as a beta and I did my own research on what to do when you present as an omega.”
“Why is it not affecting you? Does that have to do with your research, too?” Satoru asks next and this is something Suguru has no answer for.
“I don’t think so. Shoko usually knows what to do when an omega presents but it’s no help to her. I don’t know why I’m not affected,” he admits but he doesn’t hesitate to nuzzle Satoru again.
He really does smell good, but it’s nothing like what Shoko made it seem like. It’s comfort and warmth and it doesn’t spark a single aggressive or uncontrolled urge in him.
“What do I smell like?” Satoru wants to know and Suguru takes this opportunity to press his face into Satoru’s neck, inhaling deeply.
“Like all of my favourite candies wrapped into one,” he finally says and it makes Satoru huff out a laugh.
“So bitter,” he sums up and Suguru smiles into his skin.
“Not at all. You smell sweet.”
They fall silent after that for a while, Suguru content with holding Satoru like this and Satoru relaxing gradually in his arms and just when Suguru thinks that his pheromones have calmed down a spike of anxiety goes through them.
“What’s wrong?” he wants to know, keeping his voice low, keeping Satoru safe in his arms, so he knows that nothing is going to happen.
“This is going to change everything,” Satoru finally says and it sounds so final that it almost makes Suguru growl.
“It won’t change a thing,” he vehemently gives back. “I already told you; nothing is going to change anything. You’re still Satoru and I’m still Suguru, that won’t ever change.”
“That was when I still thought I’m an alpha,” Satoru weakly replies. “Things are different now.”
“They are not. I’m not affected, and I won’t let it change a single thing.”
“It’s no longer in your hands,” Satoru whispers. “Yaga will already have informed my family.”
“You don’t know, because you’re not from one of the great clans but—things are different for us,” Satoru explains and he smells so much like misery that Suguru almost feels sick with it. “I won’t be allowed to stay here. I’m no longer allowed to fight.”
“What the hell, Satoru, what else would they have you do if not what you’re good at?”
“I’m an omega, Suguru. I’m good for breeding and nothing else. Me especially, because of the techniques I inherited. They’ll want me to pass that on to someone who can use them, an alpha or even a beta. Not something like me,” Satoru says, his voice shaking and for a split second, Suguru sees red.
The thought of someone locking Satoru up, denying him what he really wants to do, touching him and laying with him when he doesn’t want it—it makes him want to tear someone apart.
“I’m not going to let them,” he promises and he means it.
No one is going to make Satoru do anything he doesn’t want to, Suguru will make sure of that.
Satoru huffs out a wet laugh as he turns around in Suguru’s arms. He seems surprised by whatever look is still on Suguru’s face and Suguru can tell that he takes a moment to make up his mind before he presses his nose to Suguru’s neck, inhaling deeply.
“Suguru,” Satoru finally mutters. “Am I yours?” he then asks and it feels as if Satoru upended a bucket of cold water over him.
Mate. Of course.
That certainly explains a few things, Suguru thinks, as he tries to wrap his mind around the fact that Satoru is meant to be his, has always been meant to be his. It’s why he instinctively knew his second gender and why he’s not being affected like everyone else.
“You smell like you’re mine,” Satoru goes on, not waiting for a reply, not giving Suguru a chance to digest this. “You smell like all of my favourite things.”
“And you smell like all of mine,” Suguru gives back, because what else is there to say and he can feel Satoru smiling against his skin.
“That’s how you knew I had to be an omega, right?”
“No,” Suguru replies, because if he’s certain about one thing then it’s this. “You would have always been mine, no matter what.”
“Even as an alpha?”
“Yes.” There is no doubt in Suguru’s mind that no matter what Satoru’s second gender is, he’d still feel the same towards him.
For him, it’s always been Satoru, he suddenly realises.
“I love you,” Suguru says and he knows Satoru well enough to know that he’s rolling his eyes.
“Of course you do, my pheromones wouldn’t allow anything else.”
“Not true,” Suguru says and nuzzles the top of Satoru’s head. “I don’t feel any different than last week, or even yesterday. More hungry maybe, thanks to your scent, but otherwise it’s all the same. I have loved you, even before this.”
“Same,” Satoru says, in true Satoru fashion and Suguru laughs, bursting with fondness for the boy in his arms.
“But if we’re mates, then your family can’t take you, right?” Suguru asks after a moment and Satoru tilts his head as if he’s inviting Suguru to bite him.
“They wouldn’t dare,” he agrees and Suguru’s teeth ache with the need to make Satoru his, wholly, completely.
He hesitates, though.
“You sure?” he wants to know, ghosting his lips over Satoru’s scent gland and making him shiver.
“Are you?” Satoru gives right back and boldly licks over the same spot on Suguru’s neck.
It’s an electrifying feeling.
“With you, always,” Suguru promises and the words have barely left his mouth before Satoru sinks his teeth into his neck.
It hurts, for a split second, until Suguru bites Satoru in return, and then there’s only bliss.
Satoru is his. He is Satoru’s. Everything is like it’s meant to be.
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lunarheslwt · 7 months
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28th appreciation fic recs: February edition
Hi! Welcome to the February fic rec list! I wanted to put together all the fics I've read and loved over this month for the 28th appreciation, so here they are! Click on the links for full tags and summaries. If you read any of these make sure to show the authors some love by leaving kudos and comments, and sharing any fic posts!
☁️To you I can admit, I'm just too soft for all of it by @starryhaze28
(28k / not rated / non traditional a/b/o)
“Harry?” Louis asks when he hears the frantic crying coming through the speaker. “H, darling what's wrong?” Concerned, Louis puts on his shoes as he keeps hearing the sobs. It’s the middle of the night and the phone call has definitely pulled Louis out of his deep slumber, but Harry is crying, and Louis has to be with him. “It’ll be okay, baby, I'm gonna come over, okay? You just- Haz you have to send me your address, yeah? Can you do that for me?” Louis asks, trying to remain as poised as possible as he presses his phone between his ear and shoulder so he can grab his jacket. “No.” Harry cries out. “It's all wrong, Lou- It’s-” Another sob. “I hate it, Lou, I hate it so, so much, make it stop.” the nesting shop au
Thoughts: the softest dearest thing you'll read, characters I would die for, a true comfort read
☁️While you're figuring it out by @silverstuff50
(4k / E / wholesome bdsm)
Harry is in a rut and his mood is getting lower and lower. Louis helps him with love and kink.
Thoughts: if you love kink, and if you love the softness and emotions that come with established relationships, then this is for you, its the perfect combination!
☁️On that note by @allwaswell16
(6k / E / pen pals, getting together)
Louis’ office job on an omega only floor would be absolutely fine, if not for the alphas he and his friends have to deal with in the building. But although they’ve never met face to face, the friendly notes sent between him and Harry in Purchasing help him get through the day.
Thoughts: this was so cute, and Louis' character esp is so endearing, and the way they get together is so precious !
☁️(drippin' on me) till my feet are wet by @justanothershadeofblue
(3k / E / watersports)
They’ve known each other so long, is the thing. More than a decade, at this point; their entire adult lives. They know each other with a deep and abiding familiarity, know each other's ins and outs, hopes and fears, secrets and kinks. There’s nothing hidden between them, and little that escapes each other’s notice. All of which is to say, Louis knows exactly what Harry’s up to, making this huge pitcher of lemonade and waiting until the lads were out the door to bring it outside and press a cold glass into Louis’ hand. He’d poured the liquid carefully, sunglasses concealing his gaze as he filled it to the top. “Drink up,” Harry had said, and Louis had, tipping the contents down his throat in one long pull, letting a few drops slip free and run down, chilled and sweet, into his short beard. He’d caught Harry’s eye and held out his glass for more. “Good,” Harry had said, voice deep, and filled it again.
Thoughts: so. fucking. hot. And bonus: the tenderness that comes with established relationship. Best of both worlds really, so it's perfection.
☁️We don't fight fair by @hellolovers13
(2k / E / chase, non traditional a/b/o)
“What, you think I'll just roll over for you now?” The smirk on Louis’ face was almost devilish. “Yes,” He breathed against Harry’s lips, cocky and sure, like it was a fact of life. It sent all kinds of shivers through Harry. God, but he wanted to. Wanted Louis to have him right against this wall, let everyone see how he fell apart under him. But not tonight. Harry fixed his posture, standing up straighter and trying to get himself under control. “I don't think so, omega.” Or: Nothing like a little chase to start off Louis' heat.
Thoughts: *muffled screaming*. Genuinely was so hot I was speechless for a good while. If that's not convincing: there's a chase. And it's O/O. I'm begging y'all to go read this.
☁️Man spreading by @red-pandaaa
(2k / E / pwp)
“Manspreading is such a bad habit,” Harry said, mainly because he felt like he was obligated to. “Is that so?” Louis said, in a tone that challenged Harry to disagree. Harry nodded as firmly as he could. “I think you should try to tone down the manspreading a bit.” “Maybe I should spread out my man instead,” Louis mused. OR Harry complains about Louis manspreading, Louis makes a joke, and rimming ensues
Thoughts: short and sexy, i loved it sm, this ones for the uh...rimming enthusiasts!
☁️Trippin', Stumblin' by @itsnotreal
(4k / M / friends to lovers fluff)
Harry was falling for Louis. No, really. He was literally falling for Louis— well, okay, maybe it was because of him. Technicalities. Or the one where Harry is super clumsy but still manages to catch Louis’ attention.
Thoughts: nervous awkward harry is so precious to me, this was so fucking cute and PRECIOUS
☁️You can try to hide by @itsnotreal
(6k / E / cnc, hunter prey kink)
Harry has managed to keep his innermost thoughts at bay when he’s around Louis, but what happens when he shows up unannounced one night when Harry’s at his most vulnerable.
Thoughts: read tags! cnc done WELL, so gripping so thrilling, so hot. The mind reading is SUCH a nice touch ahhhh
☁️Shut your mouth, baby by @larry-hiatus
(3k / E / new years smut)
While fooling around in a closet at a New Year’s Eve party, Louis can’t seem to keep quiet. All he needs to do is hold off until midnight, when Harry will finally uncover his mouth and let him come at full volume.
Thoughts: Em never misses with the smut so this is another banger, bonus: desperate overwhelmed Louis. So. 10/10 in my mind.
And that's it! Yet another short list bc I've been so tired and falling asleep before I could read sigh. Also yes literally almost all are smut but in my defence it's because I didn't get time to read long fics and short ones are usually smut. But then again we love and support smut in this house so you're welcome. Send some love to the authors if you check out any of these!!
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
A/B/O warprize au!
Dream and his siblings have recently taken over their parents’ kingdom in a much needed coup. They’ve split up all their territories and it’s going pretty well honestly.
Except Dream is kind of being his usual sulky self and now that the coup is over he is at loose ends (re: chucking bread crumbs at pigeons).
Luckily Death knows just how to help. She gifts him a piece of the spoils, one of the prizes that used to serve their father. Like all of Time’s servants, he has immortality so that he doesn’t age, all in the name of better service of course.
Omega Hob is pretty frustrated by the whole situation. He had no particular loyalty to Time, but he’d been on the verge of escaping Death’s castle. Hob was looking forward to exploring the big wide world, thanks. Stupid Death, ruining his escape plans.
Death is certain that Hob will be a good influence on Dream. She’s seen him giving food to a pregnant omega being held in the same area, so she knows he has a kind heart. Plus, she has a feeling they’ll be compatible.
So there Hob is, wrapped up in a bow (and some more sturdy cuffs) and given to Death’s sulky brother. At first, Dream doesn’t seem all that interested in Hob. He outright says he has no use for a mate or a plaything. (Which. Rude. Not that Hob wanted him either.) They talk some, but Hob’s talk of playing cards and chimneys only makes Dream’s lip curl. Sometimes Dream gives him books, which Hob takes to mean that Dream finds his uneducated manner off putting. He gives him perfumes and soaps too, because apparently hob’s natural scent is too common for his princely nose. Fine then. Hob can escape here just as easily.
Hob sets about planning his escape while Dream sets about ignoring him despite Hob living in his personal quarters. Only then, Dream’s rut hits. Stiffly, awkwardly, he asks Hob to service him. Hob can tell Dream is just barely holding himself together. He is a vision with glittering eyes and a very pleasing bulge in his trousers.
“No,” Hob says.
The prince looks surprised. “But it is what you are for. Isn’t that why you were given to me?”
“Yeah well, you’ve been nothing but rude to me,” Hob reasons. “So no, I don’t fancy it.”
Dream stares, open mouthed, breathing in lungfuls of Hob’s scent. It is empirically ridiculous for Hob to turn him down. He belongs to Dream. Hob waits to see if he will fly into a rage. He’s not sure he could take down an alpha in rut if he chose to force the issue but somehow Hob doesn’t think he will.
Sure enough: “Fine.” Dream does his best to collect himself. “Kindly remove yourself then.”
So Hob does. In fact, now seems like a great time to escape. Hob makes it two days before the guards catch him and bring him right back to Dream. Dream glares balefully at him from the bed, still flushed, the air still stinking of rut. “It’s not enough that you won’t fulfill your purpose, you also must humiliate me?” He grumbles. “The whole kingdom now knows my omega despises me.”
Hob stares at him. “I’m not yours.” (Technically he is.) “you don’t give me the time of day. You don’t even want me. I thought you’d be glad to have me out of your hands.”
“It is not proper that you should leave me,” Dream says, imperious even with his sanity hanging by a thread. “It makes me look—“ he cuts off.
“You should have just let me go. Got yourself an omega you like,” Hob reasoned. “Damn what’s proper.”
Dream stares at him. He’s so gloomy. He would be gorgeous if he weren’t such a prick. “I never said I do not …” he swallowed. “I never said I do not like you.”
“You clearly don’t. You scoff when I speak and you only want me because you’re in rut,” Hob replied.
Dream frowned at the blankets. “That is not…I realize I am not…it does not matter,” he finally says. “You are mine. Regardless.”
“Forgive me if I’d like to be liked,” hob says.
Dream eyes him again. “You are not … uncomely.”
“Gods wounds!” Hob laughs derisively. “Is that the best you can do? You think that’ll get me into bed?”
Dream just keeps staring. “Perhaps the issue is that you do not love me.”
Wait a minute, when did they start talking about love?
“I realize I am not….” Dream grumbles. And that seems to be the end of it.
(Because Dream is inwardly realizing yet again that he was terribly rude to Hob when he first arrived. And clearly awkward enough that Hob has not noticed that Dream doesn’t hate him. In fact Dream has started to like having him around…
Ohohoho yes this is very far up my alley. Hell yeah.
Hob goes from "whatever, fuck you, I don't care." About Dream’s attitude to him, to actively trying to please the king. Trying out those soaps and perfumes, dressing like the omegas around Dream’s court. Trying to be elegant and developing all the right opinions about music and art. But Dream still doesn't pay him a single iota of attention. So Hob goes right back to being himself. If he's going to be ignored he might as well dress how he likes and do as he pleases.
It's fair to say that he's developed quite a bone to pick with Dream. By the time the rut comes around Hob has had enough of feeling like shit. There's no way he's jumping on the alpha's cock just because he's been ordered to. Dream will have to pin him down and force him, if that's what he wants. (And Hob has grown to know Dream well enough to know that for all his faults, he would never do such a thing.)
So they sit together in almost silence as Dream endures his rut. He refuses to even touch himself. He just grits his teeth, sweats, and occasionally growls helplessly. And Hob? Fuck, he has to sit on his hands to stop himself from leaping onto the bed and helping Dream. He refuses to give in but it's almost torture to watch him suffer. So, he does the next best thing. He talks.
About how he's felt being passed around the Endless family like a toy. How he wanted to escape so badly. How he held out a little bit of hope that Dream would be good to him. How he's gone through his heats hoping that Dream would come and comfort him. With every word Dream seems to sink more and more into self hatred.
"I thought I would hurt you. I thought that you would reject my attentions. And I thought... that you were just another omega who would soon pass out of my life." Dream whispers. "I treated you badly. I beg your forgiveness."
Hob finally crawls up onto the big bed and wiggles up against Dream’s body. Just pressing against him and sharing the space. "I'm not letting you knot me just because you said sorry." He grumbles. "I could never despise you, but it will take something to make me love you. You can't keep giving me nothing."
It's not easy to fall asleep mid-rut but Dream does doze off eventually. His omega has given him a lot to think about, particularly the fact that Hob is his omega. And he'd better start acting like it - or he might just lose everything.
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lillian-gallows · 11 months
Kinktober Day 31: A/B/O with Steve Harrington
Pairing: Alpha!Steve Harrington x Fem!Omega!Reader Word Count: 1649 Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, P in V sex, Unprotected sex (Wrap it before you tap it), Lil bit of dirty talk, Lil bit of Somnophilia (Reader wake up with Steve already inside her), Knotting. Kinktober Master(sub)list.
Minors DNI
The door closing behind you felt like it was a clap of thunder directly in your face with how oversensitive your felt.
The whole day had been a mess of problem after problem, and you couldn’t for the life of you figure out why.
If you weren’t getting yelled at by a customer you were getting yelled at by your boss, who already treats you like shit for being an Omega because he hates having to accommodate you, which was really only allowing you days off for your heats but leave it to an Alpha to complain about it like they don’t do the same for their ruts.
You’d been on edge all day, brain in a fog when left to your own devices, but teeth on edge the moment you were addressed. You felt like a livewire in the worst way possible. The lights were too bright, the sounds too loud, the very clothes on your back felt like sandpaper.
It was a miracle that you hadn’t had an emotional breakdown at work, though it had been more than tempting during your breaks and bathroom trips.
“Baby? That you?” Came the sweet voice of your mate from the bedroom.
“Yeah.” You managed to call back as you kicked your shoes off your feet, the sound of his steps getting closer rang from the hallway.
“How was work?” Steve smiled as he came into view, but it sank when he saw the state of you, hair disheveled from running your hands through it, eyes tired, shoulders heavy, and you knew your scent carried the reek of your stress. “Baby, what happened?” He asked as he slowly approached, intending to take you into his arms but giving you the chance to reject the touch if you couldn’t handle it right then.
You fell into him, breathing in his warm Alpha scent like it would fix everything. “Everything…” You grumbled into his chest. “Nothing went right today, and everything feels…Wrong…I don’t know what’s wrong with me today…” The sigh that you let out was almost a whimper as the emotions returned to the surface, finally in a space that was safe to release them.
There had been no hesitation on Steve’s part to wrap his arms around you and hold you tight, and you felt him nuzzle his nose into your hair to scent you, then letting out a hum. “I think I know…” He murmured softly.
It took effort but you managed to pull your face from his chest just enough to look up at him. “Hm?”
“Baby, your heat is coming, soon from how sweet you smell…You can’t feel it?” He asked, brow lifted as he examined your face, flushed and a little pallid.
Now that he pointed it out, you could feel it. That explained why all your senses seemed to be set to max, why your emotions were on a hairpin trigger, and why your brain fog had been almost entirely dirty thoughts of him. Everything else was just a bad day made worse.
You pressed your face back into his chest with an annoyed groan. “Of course…Why didn’t I think of that?” You grumbled. You’d have to call your boss and let him know you’d be calling out in the next couple of days for your heat, and he’d bitch about it for half the call and be pissy when you came back.
“No, no. None of that.” Steve said pulling you back from your hiding spot to hold your face in his massive warm hands. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ll call your boss for you. If he has anything to say about it, he can say it to me.” How Steve always seemed to read your mind you’d never know, but you were so thankful for it. “For now. How about you go take a nice hot shower while I order us some dinner? Then we can watch movies till bedtime?” He suggested, brown eyes warm with affection.
You couldn’t resist the smile that found your face as you nodded. “That sounds nice.”
“Yeah?” He prodded teasingly, pursing his lips in a mock pout, pulling a giggle from you.
“Yeah.” You confirmed.
“Good. Go on.” He said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, then another to your lips, before letting you go shower.
You and Steve spent that evening relaxing till you slipped into a wonderful sleep, warm and safe and loved.
That sleep was cut short, however, before the sun rose the next morning when you woke to the feeling of fullness as Steve fucked into you from behind, deep rolls of his hips pumping his cock into you slowly, drawing out every sensation.
A raspy moan fled your lips to signal your consciousness, and his hold on you tightened. “Hey, Baby…” He breathed against the back of your neck. “Your heated started while you were sleeping…” He let out a breathy groan as you clenched around him. “Figured this was a better way to wake up than a cramp.” He chuckled breathlessly.
He was right, this was far better than waking up covered in a cold sweat with your lower belly cramping.
He had his arms wrapped around you, one hand massaging your tender breast while the other was buried between your thighs, rubbing slow circles on your clit, and his lips were leaving little marks along the back and side of your neck, saving that one spot you wanted him most for later.
“Fuck…Steve…” You moaned, feeling the first of many orgasms start to wash over you, causing your cunt to grip him like a vice.
He let out a low growl as the sensation, barely keeping himself from cumming, as he continued to pump into you, letting you ride it out.
As quick as it was over, your arousal was back again, body starting round two before round one was even over as slick continued to drench his cock, leaking out to coat your thighs.
“Ngh…Please…More.” You whimpered, tugging at his arm as if to pull him closer even though he was as close a person could possibly get.
But he knew want you wanted. He always knew.
Pulling out of you for a moment, he was immediately met with a protesting sound from you. “I know, I know…You’ll get it again in a second…” He soothed as gentle hands turned you onto your front, pulling your hips up just enough to get a comfortable angle before settling behind you.
There was no teasing, that was for normal sex, not when you needed him with every fiber of your being all the way down to your atoms.
Pushing back into you alleviated the ache that even a few moments without him had caused, and the slow press of his hips made it disappear entirely, the nudge of his not yet full knot against your pussy made you press back into him, body craving it as much as the orgasm that was surely on its way.
A whine from your lips was all the signal Steve needed to know that slow was far from what you wanted or needed, so with his hands gripping your hips, and your own gripping the sheets, he started a punishing pace.
His tip slamming into your cervix while his shaft pressed firmly against your g-spot, it was everything you could do to keep from screaming out with relief, which looked like pressing your face into the bedding to muffle the sound.
But Steve wouldn’t stand for that as his fingers threaded into your hair at the root and pulled, lifting your head from the mattress with a gasp. “Don’t you dare hide that pretty voice, Omega…” He ordered, voice low and commanding, the sound was enough to make you clench around him.
“Steve…Alpha…!” You pleaded on gasping breaths.
“That’s it. Tell the whole world who you belong to, Sweetheart…So good for me…” His hand slipped free of your hair and made its way back between your thighs, determined to see you fall apart on him again when he gave you his knot.
The room was full of your begging voice and the messy slick sounds of where his body met yours, skin slapping skin, his heavy breaths and occasional growls underlining all of it.
It was music to your ears.
The press of his knot soon became insistent as he neared his end, but ever the amazing Alpha, he would see you taken care of first, so his lips ceased their tender trail of kisses to sink teeth into your neck, marking you in the way your body craved so desperately, and driving you clear off the edge of ecstasy.
At the same moment your quivering muscles clamped down on him, he pressed his knot into you, filling you past full of both his cock and his cum, a feeling so warm it bordered on scalding.
Your body continued to milk him for all he was worth for a long handful of moments, slow presses of his hips against yours was all the aid he could offer without risking hurting both of you, but it was more than enough to help both of you ride it out.
Now a puddle of whimpers under him the only word you could murmur was his name like a mantra, body sated for the moment as he turned you back onto your side, settling behind you as he curled his body around yours, careful not to tug the place where you were connected for both your sakes.
“Shh, Sweetheart. Just rest, I’m right here.” He whispered into your hair as his hands trailed up and down your body soothingly, an aftershock spasm causing you to clench around him had him pulling in a shuddery breath.
“Love you, Steve.” You whispered as you came back to yourself.
“I love you too.”
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subbyyang · 10 months
Factory Reset - Ten/Winwin
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Ten goes into an unexpected rut while stuck in a hotel room quarantining with fellow alpha Winwin, but Ten is pack and Winwin would do anything to help him.
[A/B/O, alpha!Ten, alpha!Winwin, accidental bitching]
“Fuck, no, not now,” Ten groaned as he stopped dead in his tracks on the way out of the bathroom. He felt hot and feverish and just so fucking horny . He should still have some time until his rut came, but maybe being away from the omegas in the pack had messed up his schedule. And it didn’t help that he was in mandatory confinement with Winwin, another alpha. 
“Now?” Winwin asked as the heavy scent of rut hit him square in the nose. It wasn’t all that unpleasant but he would never admit it, “hey, it’s okay, I’ll just try to stay out of your way,” Winwin continued as he weighed his options. Which were pretty much none. He walked slowly towards Ten and even slower placed his hand on his arm, squeezing lightly. The last thing he wanted was for Ten to get all territorial on him when they were confined together. 
“No, you don’t get it,” Ten whined, almost petulantly as he let his forehead drop on Winwin’s shoulder, “I didn’t bring any toys and my hand - fuck - my hand just isn’t enough.”
Winwin hummed in reply, hand sliding from Ten’s arm to the back of his head, playing with his hair. There was an idea brewing in his mind and he let it simmer there for a whole five seconds before he shyly offered “I - I could help you…”
“Wh - what?” Ten asked, pulling away from Winwin, eyes looking markedly less focused than they had looked only a couple of minutes before, “you brought something?”
“No, I meant me, you can - you can fuck me,” Winwin said, trying to get as directly to the point as his shyness alowed him when it was clear that thinking was starting to become a little difficult for Ten, “if you want,” he quietly added at the end. He knew it was unusual and sure, they had gotten each other off, sucked each other’s dicks but offering your ass to your fellow alpha in rut was definitely something else. He couldn’t say he had never thought about it though. 
“Are you sure? I - I don’t wanna hurt you,” Ten said as he let Winwin pull him against his chest, his face nestling in the crook of his neck.
“I’m sure, go ahead,” Winwin said as he tilted his head, leaving his scent gland fully exposed to Ten, “I know it doesn’t smell as good as an omega’s but it - I’m yours for as long as you need it.”
“Fuck, Winwin you can’t say stuff like that,” Ten groaned, taking a long whiff of his scent. Yeah, it lacked the sweetness of an omega’s but Ten had always thought Winwin smelled really fucking good for an alpha. He caught himself licking at the gland as he felt Winwin tremble against him, “I’m not - I’m not biting you, or knotting you,” he said, head starting to turn, his brain fighting against what he had just said.
“You can do it,” Winwin whispered, sliding one hand to the front of Ten’s shorts, cupping his hardening cock over the thin material, “I told you, I’m yours for as long as you need me.”
Ten simply shook his head. Winwin was an alpha too, it wouldn’t be right. Besides, he might say now that he wouldn’t mind it and then, when hormones and pheromones were involved, things could be different. Before Winwin could say anything else Ten pushed their lips together in a messy kiss, that only got more and more desperate as they stumbled their way to Ten’s bed. 
Winwin keened when Ten sucked a bruise into his neck, one thigh perfectly placed between his legs, pressing down on his cock. He had promised himself he wouldn’t get embarrassed by however his body reacted to Ten’s rut but it was hard not to blush when Ten teased him for the noises he made. He let his legs spread open as Ten less than gently pulled his shirt off of him before getting rid of his own clothes. Winwin took the opportunity to remove his own bottoms, immediately getting on all fours, not wanting to see Ten’s reaction to the way his cock was already painfully hard and leaking between his legs, a hint of a knot at the base. Maybe he had downplayed it a little how much he had thought about getting his guts rearranged by Ten. 
“That eager?” Ten joked as he got back on the bed, small bottle of lube in hand (at least he still had some lube - he wasn’t that unprepared), only the slight strain in his voice showing how affected he was by the whole situation. Seeing Winwin like this, on all fours, forehead leaning on his arms, presenting his ass for him to take was leaving him dizzy. He looked fucking beautiful, like he was made for this. 
Ten had a small moment of doubt when he climbed back on the bed. Had Winwin ever bottomed? It wasn’t really something they discussed and it wasn’t like Winwin was close to any of the older packs like Ten was with Shinee. Still, if he had offered, Ten reasoned with himself as he started to feel up his ass, was because he felt comfortable with the idea. 
“How dare you hide this from us?” Ten said, quietly, almost like he was talking to himself as he spread Winwin’s cheeks to one of the most perfectly puckered holes he had ever seen. If he wasn’t so needy himself he would bury his face between them and eat him out until Winwin was crying out his name. But he was needy, so fucking needy and desperate and if he wanted to prep him while he could do it properly, Ten had to hurry up. He tried to do it as quickly as possible without hurting him, Winwin was tight, tighter than any one else Ten had ever fucked. To be fair, he was the first alpha Ten fucked; that idea alone made something heady and possessive  rumble in his stomach. 
“Fuck, Ten, you can go for it,” Winwin said, voice already sounding strained. He prepared himself as much as he could when he heard Ten lubing up his cock, allowing himself a small peek at it and okay, yeah, fuck, it was definitely bigger than he remembered it, was it the rut?
“Ready?” Ten asked, one hand placed on Winwin’s lower back, holding him in place. He waited until he nodded in reply to align himself with his entrance and start pushing in, as slowly as he could muster. But oh god was it a difficult task when Winwin was so tight, clenching around him so hard Ten felt breathless by the time he bottomed out. Without much of a reprieve, Ten pulled out before pushing inside again, progressively going faster, harder, causing the breath to be knocked out of Winwin’s lungs. And then Winwin started letting out these noises, half groan, half whimper, so delicious, so unlike himself that Ten couldn’t hold back. He covered him with his body, hips snapping into Winwin, lips leaving kisses up his spine and along his shoulder blades.
Winwin’s head was spinning, his breath was coming out in pants, sheets tightly grasped between his fingers. Ten’s pace was nearly unforgiving, the sound of his hips snapping against his body echoing in the room and pulling sounds out of Winwin he barely recognized. 
“Fuck - fuck - fuck, ” Ten cursed, thrusts becoming erratic as he nuzzled the crook of Winwin’s neck, right next to his inflamed scent gland. Ten’s instincts took over long enough for him to sink his teeth into the back of Winwin’s neck, to let his fat knot breach through his tight rim as he came inside him, claiming him from both the inside and outside. 
Winwin felt like a foggy blanket had been placed on his brain. He could tell he was in pain but it wasn’t completely unwelcomed and he felt warm and fuzzy under the weight of Ten’s smaller body. He let his eyes flutter shut at the feeling of Ten licking at the bite on the back of his neck in the middle of whispering apologies into his skin. It felt nice, he felt safe. And sleepy, so so sleepy .
The next time Winwin woke up was to Ten rutting into him again, desperately pounding into his hole, hands groping his waist so hard they were leaving bruises behind. He must have used a lot more lube this time around because everything felt so wet down there and it didn’t hurt as much. Ten was such a good alpha . 
“Fuck, fuck, you’re so tight,” Ten groaned, using all his body weight to pin Winwin underneath him, pressing him into the bed as he fucked him. He was acting on pure instinct, nuzzling into his sensitive scent gland, licking and kissing it over and over again. Winwin smelled divine, he couldn’t remember him ever having smelled this good before, it was intoxicating. 
“ Alpha,” Winwin whimpered as he attempted to spread his legs, arching his back into Ten’s body, drooling into the mattress underneath him. He had a small moment of panic as he heard himself mewl for his alpha ’s touch, not recognizing this sort of behavior and then Ten was nibbling on his neck and whispering how he was going to knot him, to breed him, to put a whole litter of pups in him and that nice mental fog was back. 
“Mine, mine,” Ten groaned as he approached his climax, his cock starting to flare at the base as his knot began to set. He couldn’t wait anymore, didn’t want to hurt him like he had before.
On the back of his mind Winwin could hear Ten frantically begging to knot him but he didn’t have the presence of mind to give him a full reply, simply nodding his head as he prepared for it. With a desperate cry Ten pushed inside him right before his knot fully set and Winwin barely had the time to realize it was much less painful this time around before Ten was once again biting him, on the shoulder this time as he came over and over again. Just like last time he was flooded by this feeling of warmth and safety. He felt sated like he hadn’t felt in a long time and he wished he could stay awake to feel Ten once again licking his bite, peppering him with soft kisses, nuzzling his neck and leaving his heavenly scent all over him. But, just like before, he ended up falling into a contented, sated sleep. 
They went through another two or three rounds before Ten started to feel a little more like himself again. He looked down horrified at the mauling on Winwin’s neck, the soft skin tinted purple and marred with the marks of his teeth. He had done that. Quickly he pulled out, wincing at the squelching noise as he watched what looked suspiciously like a mix of cum and slick leak out of Winwin’s abused hole. 
“Alpha?” Winwin asked softly, turning around with big, confused eyes, “why’d you stop?” he continued in the tiniest of voices.
Ten had never heard Winwin speak like that, never saw him act like that, never felt him smell like that. He smelled like omega in heat and little by little the puzzle pieces started to fit together in his mind. Oh, he had fucked up. 
“Alpha?” Winwin said again, sitting up in bed with a wince. He looked so heartbroken, so rejected as he reached out for Ten, searching his eyes with his own. 
Ten knew the change was probably only temporary but he still felt like shit he had done it. But now he had a teary, wide-eyed alpha/omega feeling needy and insecure and smelling so fucking good right in front of him. So he softened his gaze, climbed on top of Winwin before kissing him.
“Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay, alpha’s here,” Ten said, nuzzling Winwin’s neck and kissing his scent gland. Fuck, he smelled so good . He led his cock to Winwin’s entrance, groaning at the wet mess as he pushed inside.
“Thank you, thank you,” Winwin breathed out, arching his back and throwing both arms and legs around Ten, pulling him as close as possible. It felt so different being fucked from this position, so much more intimate when he could see the hungry look on Ten’s eyes as he sped up his thrusts.
“Did you even cum before?” Ten asked, voice tinged in embarrassment, as he slid one hand between their bodies to find Winwin’s cock mostly dry, especially in comparison to the mess that was his ass. Ten had never considered himself to be a selfish lover, even when in rut, but it was also the first time he fucked an alpha during it, maybe it was different with omegas. 
“Don’t know,” Winwin mumbled, absolutely drunk on pleasure. He couldn’t stop the desperate noises climbing out of his throat as Ten jerked him off in time with his thrusts all the while trying to change the angle in search of his prostate. 
“Silly, dumb, little omega,” Ten tried, a satisfied smile appearing on his face at the way Winwin whined in reaction, “too cock dumb to know if you came or not, it’s okay, alpha will make sure you remember this time.”
The noise that came out of Winwin when Ten finally found his prostate was one he had never heard before, guttural and unrestrained. Ten shushed him by slotting their lips together, holding himself up by the elbows, both hands cupping Winwin’s cheeks. Ten had never seen him behave like this in all the years they had known each other, not even since they had formed a pack. It was new and exciting and Ten loved seeing him act so freely, hopefully part of it would stay after this was all over.
He hadn’t noticed it before but the room was sweltering hot, both of them sweating as Ten continued to thrust directly into Winwin’s prostate, one hand sliding down again to play with his leaking cock. He knew he wasn’t going to last long, his knot already starting to form, but he wanted Winwin to cum first, wanted to feel him clench around him, wanted to watch him lose himself to pleasure. So he jerked him off faster, taking his time to tease the head of his cock as he continued kissing him. He pulled away, Winwin’s full bottom lip trapped between his teeth before leaning down, peppering kisses from his jaw to his neck until he reached his scent gland. 
“Bite me,” Winwin begged, baring his neck to Ten. He was so close, he knew it wouldn’t take much to make him cum all over Ten’s hand. 
Ten did as Winwin asked, that heady leftover rut-like feeling clouding his mind for a few moments, telling him to sink his teeth in as far as they could go, to claim him as his, to have their scents mix together as he knotted him. He shook his head softly, trying to clear his mind before leaning back down, choosing a place on Winwin’s perfect neck, kissing the overheated, sweaty skin before biting down. Winwin moaned a series of jumbled words that Ten had trouble deciphering, something something alpha, something something please, something something yours . Ten pulled away just in time to watch Winwin reach his climax, one hand grasping the bedsheets the other grasping Ten’s hair, arching his back so far off the bed it almost displaced Ten. He was letting out the most beautiful, gaspy noises, so unlike anything Ten had ever heard from him. It was such a beautiful sight - beautiful enough to push him over the edge. He pushed inside Winwin one last time, his knot catching on the rim causing him to gasp as he seemed to cum a second time, a new wave of pleasure hitting his body and making him shudder in time with Ten’s own orgasm. 
Ten waited until Winwin’s breathing had evened out and they had both rode the last of their orgasms before kissing him, slowly, softly.
“You won’t forget this time, will you?”
Winwin shook his head with a small laugh, turning his face to the side, a light blush painted over his cheeks and nose. He looked so cute like this, Ten couldn’t stop himself from nuzzling his cheek. 
“I think we’ll be stuck like this for a while,” Ten whispered into his skin, trying to get as comfortable as possible without crushing him. 
“It’s okay, it’s like having a weighted blanket,” Winwin joked as he threw both arms around Ten’s neck, “I - it makes me feel safe,” he finally admitted, hiding his face in the crook of Ten’s neck. 
Usually Ten would tease him about what he had just said, but he didn’t have the heart to do it today. Even though it seemed that Winwin’s scent had toned down a little, he still smelled more like omega than alpha and the heat undertones were still there, even if muted. And the last thing Ten would do was tease an omega in heat (albeit technically a fake one) for feeling safe with him.
It would still take a good half hour for Ten’s knot to go down so they just stayed like that, Ten lying on top of Winwin, sharing kisses and scenting each other. 
“I feel wet,” Winwin said with a grimace when Ten pulled out, feeling slick and Ten’s cum dripping down his thighs, “don’t know how the omegas handle it.”
“Is it uncomfortable? I’m sorry,” Ten said, petting Winwin’s knee apologetically.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault,” Winwin said as he sat up in bed, wincing at his sore backside. Oh, he didn’t know he would be in pain after too. He thought back to his last rut and took a mental note to spoil Hendery when he got back to Korea.
“It sort of is my fault,” Ten said quietly, scratching the back of his neck in a fashion that resembled Yangyang so much it was almost funny to Winwin, “let me make it better, wait here, I’ll start you a bath.”
Hours later, after a good bath and an even better nap, they were both sitting on the sofa, one across from the other, Winwin dressed up in Ten’s clothes. He had mostly shifted back to normal but still felt more sensitive than usual, needing to be around Ten and his calming scent. He looked up just in time to see Ten point his phone at him with a teasing smile so he covered his face with his hands, in part to hide his blush and in part to hide the bruises on his neck.
“Oh, you look so cute, this one is going on Bubble,” Ten cooed as he looked from the picture on his phone to Winwin, still hiding behind his hands, drowning into the couch. 
He was too cute and he couldn’t wait to play with him again.
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spnexploration · 1 year
Pack chapter 22
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Madison
Series summary: Omega!Reader is thrown into a world she's not expecting when her mate turns out to be a hunter, and she's not used to Alpha & Omega Pack dynamics.
Chapter summary: The morning after your night alone.
Chapter warnings: reader self-conscious including about her body, but nothing particularly detailed
Word count: 2.6k (long one!)
A/N: I forgot to add the last chapter to the masterlist when I posted it, which I have now done. Sorry about that! Make sure you read it first.
This fulfils the nesting square of my 2023 SPN AU bingo.
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 21 <- -> Part 23
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“Good morning Y/N, how’d you sleep?” Sam asked as I trudged into the kitchen.
I just groaned in response.
He chuckled, “You really are perfect for Dean. There's fresh coffee if you'd like some.” I nodded and he fetched me a cup.
I was halfway through before I thought of sharing my news. “Dean messaged me when he got to Claire, at like 3am.”
“Yeah, he messaged me too. He said he's going to work the case with her today, then decide if they stay for tomorrow. I think he realises she'll rebel even more if he dismisses her work.”
I nodded, focused back on my coffee.
“So what are we doing today?” I asked when I was feeling more awake.
“That’s up to you. We can do some more lore if you'd like, you can spend the day reading or watching TV, or you can put yourself in Madison's hands and let her go crazy keeping you entertained.”
I laughed. “Maybe we can do some lore and then I'll see if I'm up for Madi entertainment.”
“Good choice. Grab some breakfast and then meet me in the library. I'll fill Mads in when she's out of the shower.”
Sam had me try reading some lore myself and try to make sense of it, all related to the topics we'd covered yesterday. I didn't realise how complicated killing monsters was!
After a while I was feeling tired and run down, so I headed off to Dean's room for a nap. It was probably just the poor sleep I’d had last night without Dean around. I snuggled into his pillow and fell asleep instantly.
I woke later. I was not feeling better. I felt so cold, but I was drenched in sweat. My joints ached, it was hard to move them at all.
It took a lot of effort, but I made it to the door finally. I was going to call out for Sam and Madi, hope that they had medication for whatever illness must've struck me down.
I opened the door but felt out of breath with the effort of crossing the room. I had to get my breath back before I could call out.
Suddenly, I heard hurried footsteps.
“Y/N?” Sam called, sounding worried. “We're coming.”
How did he know I needed him?
He rounded the corner a few seconds later, Madison hot on his heels.
“I think I'm sick,” I wheezed out.
“Omega, you're in heat,” he said gently. “I smelt it as soon as you opened the door.”
“But this feels- I've never felt like I was dying before!” I started to fall as I used up all my energy complaining. Sam quickly caught me and carried me back to Dean's bed. Now that he said it, I could feel slick gathering between my legs, but given how much sweat I was covered in, I hadn't really noticed before.
His phone started ringing. It said 'Claire Novak’ on the caller ID.
He answered and put it on speaker, “Hey Claire.”
“Sam! Dean just went into a rut and he is fucking mental! What the hell do I do?!”
I thanked my lucky stars that my body had settled on Dean, that our cycles had aligned. But now I just had to get to him, to be claimed. I shivered. What if my heat finished before I got to him?
“First, tell him Y/N is in heat,” Sam said to Claire. “It will reassure him some.”
“Sam says Y/N is in heat,” she said slightly muffled, like she'd turned the phone away. “He's growling, hang on.”
There were some strange noises and then Dean’s voice, much lower than normal, “Omega?”
“I'm here Alpha,” I managed.
“You... ok?” he sounded like speaking was hard for him.
“Yeah, I'll be ok.” I didn't want to tell him how unwell I felt.
Sam gave me a knowing look and said, “Alpha, can you put Claire back on? I'm going to work with her to get you two together.” Dean growled slightly throughout, but the sounds of the phone passing happened again.
“Sam?” Claire asked. “He didn't say anything, he just gave me the phone back.”
“Ok,” Sam continued, “The next thing you do is that you submit to him. If you start challenging him when he is in an unfilled rut, away from the Omega he is yet to claim, he is going to go feral. I recommend calling him 'Alpha’ and barring your neck if he gets antsy.”
“Great,” she deadpanned. The teenage sass was practically dripping.
“And then you get him back here, as fast as you can.”
“What about the case?” she asked petulantly.
“Claire, I promise, we will help you on this case. But this is literally the second time he has gone into a rut after finding his mate, their mating has already been threatened by factors outside their control. They cannot miss this opportunity. Plus I’ve got an Omega here who’s about to go through the worst heat of her life, she needs him.”
I gulped at Sam’s words.
“Ok, I get it. Sorry. I’ll get him back.”
“Thanks Claire.”
Sam hung up and turned to me. “It's gonna be a while before they can get here, so we need to get you comfortable.”
“What- what if he doesn’t?”
“That's not going to happen. You've only just gone into heat, and even your normal heat probably lasts longer than one day?” I nodded. “This one is likely to be longer, and worse. Dean got to Claire in about half a day. There is plenty of time, Omega.”
I sniffled and he stroked my hair gently.
“How about we get you some painkillers and a cool bath or shower to try and drop this fever a bit, and then Madi can stay with you. I don't think you're going to want to be around another Alpha too much, but I'll help with the cooling down because I don't think you can hold yourself up right now. Does that sound ok?”
I nodded, too tired and achey to reply.
“I'm going to take off some of your clothes, ok?” I half-heartedly nodded. “Omega, I need your words. I'm not going to do anything you don't consent to.”
“Yes,” I mumbled.
“Ok, thank you.” He started to pull Dean's flannel off me and I whined. “I know, I know, we’ll get back to Dean’s scent as soon as we can. Now, bath or shower?”
I shrugged. He kept gently removing my clothes until I was in just my underwear. I wished he was Dean. Partway through Madi had brought me painkillers and water, but I didn't feel any better yet. Everything ached and every so often I shivered, although Sam assured me I was actually hot.
“I'm going to carry you to the bathroom, ok?” I nodded and he lifted me up bridal style. I leant my head on his shoulder and, whilst he smelled reassuringly like Pack, I just wanted Dean. I started to cry.
“I know, I know,” he murmured reassuringly. “We’re gonna get Dean back as fast as we can, ok? And you're gonna feel a bit better soon. You're gonna be ok.”
He made it to the bathroom where Madi was standing next to the full bath. “Ready?” he asked me.
“Yes,” I mumbled.
He went to his knees and lowered me into the water. It felt strange at first and I clung to Sam's neck, but after a few moments it felt better and I let go of him.
“Now, ordinarily we'd leave you alone, but I don't think you're well enough for that right now.”
I nodded. I felt too weak to do much more, which was probably Sam's point.
Madi wet a face washer and put it on my forehead. I lay back and closed my eyes. I was starting to feel a little bit better. My joints weren't aching quite as much.
I relaxed.
“Hey, hey,” Sam said, tapping my face. I didn't know how much time had passed. “No falling asleep in the bath.” I blearily opened my eyes and tried to glare at him. He chuckled, “I'm not about to let you drown in our own house.”
I started to get uncomfortable, trying to find a way to position myself. And the water was starting to feel cold. Sam must've noticed my fidgeting as he said, “How about we get you out?” I nodded. “You wanna try standing up?” I nodded again and he reached in, lifting me out and gently placing me on my feet on the mat. Madi wrapped me in a towel.
I was still too sore to do much other than whimper as Madi dried me off. It was like having the worst case of flu ever.
Slick flooded out of me into my wet undies and down my legs. I saw Sam's nostrils flare as he smelled it, and he swallowed thickly.
“Are- are you ok?” I asked him, suddenly worried that he might be unable to control his reactions.
“Yes, sorry I scared you. I'm not going to hurt you. The scent of Omega in heat is just a bit, uh, overwhelming to Alpha senses. But it's fine,” he said with a reassuring smile.
I felt like I knew what he meant. His Alpha smell was starting to get overpowering. I scrunched my nose up a little as I smelled him and he chuckled.
“I think you're entering the horny phase of heat,” Madi observed wryly. “Let's get you back to your room and we can kick Sam out before you start scratching him for getting too close to you.” Sam laughed.
“I might have clawed Dean when he came into the kitchen and surprised me when I was in heat one time,” she said with a smirk. “He was literally just walking past but I, uh, reacted with claws before my brain engaged. Anyway, enough about me, I think you're dry enough.”
“Are you ok if I pick you up again?” Sam asked me.
I was still feeling weak and shaky, so I nodded. He lifted me into his arms and my skin started to crawl. I didn't like Sam touching me, he was wrong, wrong!
“It's ok, I'm going to put you down and leave in just a sec,” he murmured. I was holding myself tense, probably having my facial expressions tell the story of my discomfort.
I suddenly realised I was starting to growl.
I couldn't stop.
He placed me on Dean's bed and hastily backed away. I grabbed Dean's flannel and rubbed it over my face, utterly enthralled with its scent.
“Message me if you need anything,” he said to Madi. “I'll keep you in the loop if I hear anything from Claire or Dean.”
He left. I stopped growling.
“Alright, let's get you out of those wet things,” Madi said.
I tried to reach behind me to unclasp my bra, but my arms were too weak to undo it. I started to cry, scared and annoyed about what was happening to me.
Madi sat next to me and wrapped her arm around my back. “I promise, it'll get better. I think you're feeling rubbish right now partly because of your massive fever, and partly because you're away from your mate. When Dean gets here, I promise it will get better.”
“Omega biology sucks.”
“Oh, so much! Ruts look way easier to get through than the shit we have to put up with.”
“Was it like this for you? I didn't expect to feel this much like I’d been hit by a truck.”
“No, I had Sam with me. So whilst I felt bad when it started, we pretty quickly got to dealing with it. And it sucks you don't have Dean, but he is on his way. You just gotta hang in there for a bit longer.”
I sniffled. More slick flooded out of me, for no apparent reason, and I felt weirdly like my skin was missing something. I started to fidget, trying to work out what I was feeling.
“Ok, ok, before you get all antsy, let's get you in fresh clothes.” I’d almost forgotten my bra and undies were wet from the bath, so distracted by the various painful and strange sensations from my body. I let Madi help me out of them and into a pair of summer pyjamas.
I grabbed Dean's flannel again, rubbing it over me. Then I smelled his pillow, bringing that to me too. I tried to wrap them around me, whining when it wouldn't work.
“You ever built a nest before, Y/N?”
“I think you’re trying to nest. Hang on,” she pulled out her phone and tapped away at it.
 I couldn't focus on what she was doing, I was too busy trying to work out what to do with Dean's things. I'd positioned myself over his side of the bed, throwing back the covers so I could smell it better. I kept moving his pillow and his flannel around, but it just wouldn't do what I wanted. I was starting to shiver again, and Madison held her hand to my forehead.
“Fuck,” she muttered, “you're burning up again.”
A few moments later there was a knock at the door and Sam pushed a laundry basket of clothes in. I growled at him. I didn't mean to, I just couldn't help it. He quickly shut the door.
I finally smelt the clothes, now that Sam's wrongness had gone. Dean!! I reached out weakly to the basket and Madi picked it up and brought it to me.
“I asked Sam to get all of the clothes out of the hamper that were yours or Dean's and smelled like Dean. I thought you might like to use them in your nest.”
I purred at her and set about arranging the clothes. I don't think I've ever purred in my life.
I had to admit, now that I was putting things where they felt most right, I was clearly making a nest on the bed. I was surrounding myself in Dean's scent, picking up each item and carefully deciding where exactly to put it.
Once it was done, I tried to position myself in it. It wasn't big enough. It wasn't quite right. I wanted Dean!! I whined.
My skin was feeling strange again. I tried to scratch it to make myself feel better. But it wasn't quite itchy? It was something else. I rubbed it. Yes, that was better. But it still wasn't right.
I moved my hands around on my body. It felt a bit better. But not enough. Now I was getting frustrated that it wasn't feeling better enough.
I whined again.
“Where are your toys?” Madi asked me.
“What toys?”
“Sex toys. Can't you tell you’re getting super horny?”
Oh. Maybe that's why my skin felt weird. And why it didn't feel like the right touching. It didn't feel like normal arousal, and I’d been so distracted by everything else, I hadn't even recognised it.
I moved my hands lower. I slipped my fingers under the waistband of my shorts and approached my clit. Fuck it was sensitive right now!
I tried to get Dean's scent. I tried to find the best way to be in my nest. I tried to rub myself, but it felt like trying to tickle yourself. I wasn’t getting anywhere. My skin was crawling again and my joints were aching. I was so annoyed!
Madi appeared in front of me. I had forgotten all about her. She held out her hand.
“Try this,” she said as she handed me a vibrator. “Trust me.”
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jawritter · 2 years
If It’s Meant to Be
Part 13
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Summary: Bad things happen to good people, that’s just the rule of thumb. But sometimes, things happen for a reason, and that reason is so you can find the person you’re meant to be with…
Pairing: Alpha!Beau Arlen x Omega!Reader
Warnings: 18 + ONLY!!! None this chapter really. Some anxiety if you know where to look. 
Word Count: 2k
A/N: This fic is completely unbeta’d, so all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Enjoy!
My Masterlist          Series Masterlist
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"Easy Beau," Y\N said as she helped him step into the patio that led to his front door. "You don't want to push yourself too hard and end up right back in the hospital."
"I'm fine sweetheart," Beau insisted, "it's my shoulder that's fucked up not my legs."
"Don't be stubborn Beau, you heard what the doctor said, as the suppressant shot wears off you could feel lightheaded, and you're still pretty weak."
She should have known by now that scolding Beau would do no good. The man was stubborn to a fault, but he was also stronger than she gave him credit for.
"You sure you're okay staying here darlin," Beau questioned as she helped him unlock the door. "We can go to your place to do this if you're more comfortable."
Y\N helped Beau sit down on his sofa, she was pretty sure neither of them wanted to venture to the bedroom yet. Seeing as the last time they were in there she was giving him chest compressions.
"It's fine Beau, doctor said you'd probably come off of the suppressant faster if you were in a more familiar environment, besides, it might make the claim go easier if you're somewhere you feel safe and familiar."
Beau sighed heavily and sat deeper into the sofa.
"I'd never hurt you, Omega. You should know that by now."
"I do know that," Y\N insisted as she locked the door and moved to sit next to Beau on the couch. "But physically you have been through a lot of shit, and I want this to be as stress free as possible."
Beau nodded but she could tell by the disgruntled look on his face he was nowhere near satisfied and there was something bothering him. She didn't know quite what yet, but when he was ready, he would let her know. If he was going to be her Alpha, she had to learn to trust him. She knew that wasn't going to be easy, but like Jenny said, what in life worth having ever was. The almost two weeks she'd spent in the hospital getting to know Beau while he recovered told her he was definitely worth every bit of baggage and emotional damage. He was a good man. Despite everything he'd been through.
"I wish they would have never given me those shots in the hospital to suppress my rut. I know they had to, but I hate the way they make me feel."
Y\N helped him remove his jacket and knelt down in front of him to help him out of his boots and socks.
"It is almost like being asleep, and you know subconsciously you need to go to the bathroom, and you're dreaming about needing to go, but in your dream, you can't seem to find a place to go. It's tormenting."
Y\N stood, Beau's boots still in hand as she pondered his analogy. It wasn't one she would have used herself, but she could see where it would be the most accurate one. 
"Well, I guess that's one way to describe it," she admitted after a few minutes.
"Oh, come on, you can't tell me that's never happened to you!" Beau voiced as he watched her strip her own jacket and shoes. 
"I mean, yeah, I guess," she chuckled to herself. "I would have just never thought to use it as an actual analogy."
It felt almost normal between, easy even and that was an improvement to where they were the last time, they had found themselves at Beau's trailer. 
Beau shuffled himself deeper into the sofa and released a long show breath.
"I wish there was something I could do to make it wear off faster, cause you look miserable," Y\N admitted as she sat down next to him. "You look like you're trying not to crawl out of your skin."
Beau's eyes drifted towards the small picture in the frame that sat next to the couch. It was a picture of himself and his daughter.
"Everything's gonna change for me again," he admitted, "and I don't even know what to tell my baby."
Y\N swallowed thickly. When it came to things like this, it was all new to her. Beau had warned her that he came with a ready-made family. She knew what she was walking into. That didn't make it any less confusing, or scary.
"She's not a baby anymore Beau. I mean sure, she's your baby. But she is also a smart, beautiful young lady who would probably rather her dad to be open and real with her, instead of treating her like a child."
Beau sat there for a while and thought about it, and for a moment, she thought that she’d made him angry. Then he softened. 
“You’re right, I know you’re right, but it’s hard for me to make that transition between talking to her like a child and talking to her like an adult that she’s becoming. She’s been through so much with her mother and herself, I don’t want to put her through any more heartache.”
Y/N could understand that, even though he had never had children, she could see how that would be a hard transition, especially considering all they had been through as a family. 
“If you want me too, I’ll be there with you when you talk to her,” Y/N offered, but Beau just shook his head no. 
“That might not be a good idea. I think she would prefer hearing it from me alone.”
Y/N nodded, determined to not let it get to her. “I just want you to know that I’m here for you.” 
“I have a tough time, ya know, learning to let people in, let them help me, and I know that, but I hope you don’t think I’m pushing you away at all.”
“I don’t think that Beau, I know that this isn’t going to be easy, and I’m more understanding than you give me credit for.”
“Enough with the heavy for the night,” Beau voiced, suddenly stopping the conversation mid-stream. “I don’t have to wear that fucking sling anymore, and I can move my arm now. How about we just go lay down in bed and be close to each other for a while. Just be together without all the heavy drama and shit?”
Y/N had to agree, it did feel a lot like since the moment they met, there was some sort of drama and things going on around them. It would be nice to not deal with that for once, and just let the chips fall wherever they may, because it did seem like the more, they tried to fix things around them, the worse things always seemed to get. So, Beau’s suggestion wasn’t deflecting, It was more suggesting to just, for now, let shit go.
“I actually kinda like that Idea,” Y/N admitted, grabbing the hand that Beau had extended to her, and standing with him to follow him into the small bedroom of the trailer. 
That’s when the nerves really started to hit her and take their toll. Her stomach churned slightly. She was always afraid that even though they’d already crossed the sex boundry together, and even though they had both seen one another naked, there was always that fear that he’d just openly reject her, or suddenly decide he didn’t like what he saw, even though the blood test said they were true mates. When it comes to a man as attractive as Beau Arlen, it was hard not to be self-conscious, and nitpick at every little personal imperfection. 
Beau let go of her hand long enough to strip himself down to his boxers and climb into bed to hold the covers up for her to follow suit. She hesitated, but only for a moment before she quickly stripped herself down to her bra and panties.
As soon as she made her way next to him under the covers, he pulled her carefully into his arms, minding his still tender shoulder, and buried his face in her hair, allowing her to be completely wrapped up in everything that was Beau Arlen, the warmth of his skin against her own, his scent, his large hands tracing every inch of skin they could reach as he nosed alone her scent glands, allowing himself to breathe her in as deep as he possibly could manage. 
There was a safety there, a comfort she’d never really experienced before. The beginning of a bond that went deeper than sex, because really, mating was just a small part of the Alpha and his Omega. Really, it was about KNOWING one another. It was about knowing every freckle that dusted his skin, it was about knowing every touch that made her shiver as his calloused hands ghosted over her skin. It was about knowing the security and comfort one another could find when everything else around them seemed so cold and so cruel. 
It was easy, laying there like that, getting to know his scent, and letting him get to know her own. It was natural, and for the first time since all this started, she had a small glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe this was going to work out between them after all, and maybe, just maybe, they really were meant to be.
Y/N’s fingers trailed their way through his hair, and down the skin of his neck until she felt a small, raised section of skin like a scar that stopped her musing, and she immediately sat up to see what it was, afraid that he was sick again, or something was wrong, like it always was but she could only find a small scar there, one that looked much like a small burn where an Omega would have their mating gland, and she traced it curiously. 
“When an Alpha’s rejected by his Omega, we scar too, even though we don’t have a claiming mark necessary, or even a bonding gland the way you do, it still burns us, we go through the same hurt and sickness when the bond breaks,” Beau explained, and for a second, she felt like her whole world had crushed her. It made a fresh wave of hatred boil in her gut towards Carla. She’d hurt him, not only emotionally, but physically as well. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through that Beau,” she said, attempting to swallow down her anger, but Beau just pulled her back down into his arms, and wrapped her tighter to him in the blankets. 
“It’s okay, I survived it, not all Alphas are so lucky. Besides, if she wouldn’t have pushed me away, I might have never found you, and then I would have just been miserable my whole life, her too, because she was tied to someone that was not her Alpha. It was meant to happen the way it happened. At least I still have my baby girl out of it, and that’s all that matters. At the time it was a reason to live, had I known you were out there, maybe it wouldn’t have hurt so bad.”
Y/N snuggled down into his hold and held onto him a little tighter. She couldn’t reverse the damage that had been done to him, but she could make the memory bearable, and that was something she wasn’t going to mad about, she’d just have to try her best to make it better this time around.
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Jensen and Dean’s Babes
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silent-raven13 · 5 months
One Omega and Three pups
(AU: Miles is an Omega and Hobie is an Alpha. They met through Gwen and started dating when Miles 19 and Hobie 20. In a short time, they love each or so Miles thought- share their heat/rut- after two weeks not hearing Hobie, Miles goes through heartbreak... sooo angst)
Miles went through his long texts and calls from boyfriend, the need to be with his Alpha became like a drug. After two weeks, he has not heard a single word from him, it broke his heart knowing he was a possible 'another Omega' all to satisfied his Alpha urges. His hands tremble feeling his eyes watered, sniffing as he calls again. "Please leave a massage after the beep."
"Hello? Bae, um... Hobie. I've been calling you and you're not picking up- can you call me back? Or at least tell me, what's up?" He wipes his tears as he sniffs, "Um... you just left? I mean... we mated, you know? I'm trying to understand what went wrong or what did I do for you to ghost me like this! This is unfair, because I thought we were good and you just-" His call cut off, "Message ended." Miles sat on his bed wearing his comfort sweater being so vulnerable.
Was he so easy that his boyfriend decided to leave him? He felt sick to his stomach knowing his boyfriend is no longer his boyfriend...
Miles toss his phone at the end of his bed, he broke down crying his heart out. This wasn't fair.
"He knew I didn't want to share my heat! He knew how important it was for me!" He thought to himself, he view being mating with an Alpha so important. How he visions himself being in love and sharing beautiful love through their heat/rut. It's more personal for him, and told many times to Hobie. It wasn't fair.
After dealing with the harsh shitty break up, Miles never thought his ex would ghost him like that. In fact, all of his ex's socials were basically ignoring him, never blocked. It sent him through so many series of anger and depression, photos of his ex living up in Uk or any parts of the world.
Then, one day after a month of being ghosted, Gwen and Peni came by to visit Miles in his room being so depressed. They saw his parents looking upset with their son's heartbreak taking a toll, it shattered their son's belief in everything to the point he had dropped out most of his classes. Jeff tries to be honest about life, and relationships while Rio tries to brighten up his future with small hopes. Miles didn't want to hear it.
"Hey, Miles..." Gwen awkwardly said as they saw his bedroom so messy, covered in all his favorite items to comfort him. One being his ex's leather jacket that he snuggles for a bit. "Um... how you been?"
"Like shit." Miles sniffs, still crying even with those puffy swollen eyes.
Peni sighs going over to hug him, her Alpha scent helps him calm down a bit, "Sorry, you're going through this, Mi."
"Yeah, dude. Gawd, fuck Hobie. I didn't think he'll do this to you- I mean, yeah, he's known to fuck around but I never thought he would ghost you like this!" The blond nineteen year old said out loud sounding more pissed off.
"It doesn't matter. I should've listen to you and waited. I'm so stupid to let him play me like this." Miles sniffs having to wipe his eyes feeling so upset with himself. "I- I TOLD HIM! And now, he's somewhere in the UK!"
The Asian American young woman looks over at her friend, "Gwen, tell him."
"Tell me, what?" Miles sniffs with his big eyes on his close friend.
Gwen looks like she didn't want to tell him, but hearing Peni's sharp Alpha demand, "Tell him, Gwen. You know it's only fair."
"What? Gwen, do you know anything about Hobie?"
"Well..." She began rubbing her neck seeing how her friend hold her hand with pleading eyes. "Um." She took a deep breath then asked, "So, you know, how I know the band?"
"Yeah?" He nodded.
"Well, before you and Hobie were together, that week when you two did it." She tries to not use words knowing his parents might listen over the other side of the door. "Well... before that week, I learn from Riri that they were sign with a label at the UK. I thought Hobie would tell you, since Ri said he was thinking about it."
"And you didn't tell me." Miles felt so hurt.
"I didn't, because Ri told not too! They weren't sure since the band were having issues about signing to the label! So I kept my mouth shut until, Hobie left. I saw how they went to London."
Peni said, "So, Hobie possibly left to be a Star."
"That fucking jerk!" Miles sniffs, "Why he didn't tell me? I would've listen and understand!"
"That's the thing Miles... being a famous star, you drink, party around, sleep around... maybe Hobie wasn't fully committed as much as we all thought." Peni sucked her teeth, "Fucking jerk."
"Yeah, we're all still young, you know?" Gwen didn't want to admit it, since her friend loves the idea of finding the one. "I'm sorry to say this, but maybe, it wasn't all cracked up to be. Hobie loves the wild life and you want to be serious, but the truth is... you are 19 and he's 20!"
"Yeah, not even drinking age, too. You got so much to live for and being depressed about a bum won't help!"
"You guys don't understand I love him!" Miles whines, "You don't get what an Omega goes through! I trusted him, and felt like he was the Alpha for me."
"Miles, the world is changing! Omegas aren't bonded to Alphas and you can't keep using that excuse!" Peni harshly said, "You finally have a chance to reach your career. What? What was your plan with Hobie? Be his Omega and that's it?"
"No..." Miles looks so small with his voice soft. "I would've found a career!"
"Come on, Miles. The way your love sick over him- and we don't blame you, it's our gender! Our primal urges to stay with our counterpart, but you have to admit you would've been a stay home Omega, and having pups!" Gwen points out, "You have a chance to finally to develop and look out for Alpha assholes!"
"Yeah, Omegas are getting more rights, more chances in higher positions too!" Peni points out, "You can be Vice President at a company or supervisor in some tech company! Or be the artist you want!"
"No, Hobie wasn't traditional. I know, we would-" Miles sniffs knowing he would've done anything to stay with his Alpha, yet he couldn't help it. "I just love him so much!" He weeps on his bed a bit more. "It's not fair he didn't tell me! It's not fair! It's not-" His stomach turns feeling the sudden urge to vomit, quickly jumping out of the bed to rush out of his room.
His parents and little sister were on the other side of the door being surprised how their son ran out of the room to the bathroom. They were listening on the situation, and Rio stood worried along side her daughter and husband. Jeff holds his toddler in his arms seeing how they both felt upset. Gwen and Peni look at them knowing this wasn't a good sign, the faint smell of powder sweeten milk lingers.
It went on like this for another three weeks, Miles had terrible sickness and felt his emotions going haywired. There was sudden cravings for fish n' chips and a big bottle of cold Ale, his mother had to prevent him from drinking beer knowing the signs. "Mamí, stop. I just want to-" His mother shushes him, "No! Not until you," she handed him a pregnancy test, "test this."
"Wah? Ma, you must be joking! I can't be pregnant!" Miles' honey brown eyes widen at the pregnancy test tube, "I'm- I should-" Rio gave him a serious look, "Why do you think your having sudden cravings, throwing up, being sleepy? You might be pregnant, Miles! You had tu papí running around all over Brooklyn for food?"
Billie stood with her outfit being ready to go on another adventure with her dad to look for Miles' next craving kick. She giggles, "Yeah, hermano!"
"I- I used protection! I've-" Rio cut him off, again, "Miles, you and Hobie mated during your heat and his rut, where tension is extremely high to ovulate! You two should know this."
True, he does. Yet for him being stupid to do such a thing, he risk very high chances into getting pregnant. He took the test with his head down in shame to check. Billie stood with her big puffy jacket being confused. "Why is Mimi sad?"
"He's facing one the biggest responsibilities of being an Omega, mi vida." Rio finally said to her daughter with a sad look in her eyes, she knows deep down her son is pregnant. The Omega scent of powdered sweet milk lingers, her own primal urges to protect her son from Alphas, too. She's happy her daughter isn't an Omega, she knows the trouble of being a female Omega is much more dangerous.
When Miles came out of the bathroom, his heart drops at the tube in his hand. His eyes widen, the color on his skin wash out looking grey like he seen a ghost.
Rio asked, "Y?"
"I-I-I..." His eyes widen with tears running down his cheek, his heart pounding against his chest. A wave panic runs through him, even his breathing became heavy.
His mother quickly went over to calm him down with her motherly Omega scent, "Relax, mi amor! It's going to be okay!"
"No, it's not! I fail you and dad! I'm pregnant all because I was stupid." Miles broke down in tears without his Alpha, what's he's supposed to do. "I'm pregnant and I can't- I can't ever be with another Alpha." Who would want a used Omega? He really fuck this up!
"No, hermano! Don't cry!" Billie's eyes water going over to hug her brother's legs. Rio weeps for her son's harsh life, so much responslty for being so young.
Jeff came into the house finding his family in tears, "What happened?" He spotted the pregnancy test tube, he stood a serious look and went over to give his son a big hug. Then he brought his wife and daughter into a big hug using his Alpha protective scent to ease them being the main Alpha in the household. The scent brought much comfort and safety that Billie will eventually learn how to be a great Alpha like her dad.
When they went to the doctors, Miles felt so anxious and sick. He didn't want to face reality, all his worries got him a nervous wreck. How many cups he drop when his parents talk to him, his mind thinking about how he's going to take care of his pup? Should he tell Hobie? No, fuck that Alpha, he doesn't care. Why would a pup be on Hobie's mind? He probably think their love child will ruin his future and toss some Abortion money.
Ah, Abortion... there's that choice. Curse being an Omega, his body is very dependent on his pregnancy, he felt his skin soft and pecks more pulp.
At first his parents mentions it as one way to terminate the pregnancy, Rio held her son's hand while his dad wants to respect his son's wishes. "I know this is going to be difficult. An Omega wouldn't pick Abortion compare to a Beta. It's in our DNA, and honestly, I'm worry about the after effects of this."
"Technology has gotten better than when we were young, Jeff." Rio said to him. "I know this can be scary, Miles. But this will be a good option, I'll call for an appointment with one doctor who's trusting, okay?"
Miles sitting in the doctor's office seeing the older man looking through his medical check up. "It is confirmed you are positive for pregnancy." Dr. Oct explained. "Now, going from here, you're going to be a strict diet, regular check ups and testing for your blood pressure."
Jeff and Rio looks at each other then the middle age woman clears her throat, "Dr. Oct, um... what about abortion? Is it possible for my son to have one and what are the side effects."
Their son flinched at the word since he wasn't too sure about this whole thing. He just wished to never got pregnant in the first place, yet his hand rubs around his abdominal feeling protective. Does he want to keep the pup? Is he strong enough to raise one- Is he strong enough to adopt his own pup? After all, his baby was made from passionately love and trust- well, in Miles' eyes. It was in the moment of love, and pure bliss- there was no consequences in that, so why should he go for it?
Then, he remembers a conversation with his parents about foster care. Can he give up his pup? Can he snoop low like his ex? Miles bite his bottom lip, he don't think he's in the right head space to abort his pup- No, he can't. Can he?
"Well, abortion have come a long way. Omegas can a have a safe recover, however as for emotional mentality... it's a bit harder. About forty percent have suffer in child lost grief due to their Omega instincts believing they lost their pup. However," The Doctor went into his desk to pull out a couple of flyers, "there's therapist, psychiatrists all part of this program to help Omegas through the after effects of Abortion. It's a slow healing process, yet it works."
"What about those rumors that Omegas not being the same after the abortion? I heard some have a certain smell after it."
"That is a trauma response and it's due to lack of safety. Now, with the technology we can ensure Miles have a safe process." Dr. Oct said in a serious tone, "Everything will be fine if you wish to go route, Miles."
Rio asked noticing her son looking scared, "Mijo, is something wrong?"
"I-I... I don't know! I-I," He felt tears coming down his cheek, with his arms protecting his stomach, "I wanna keep my pup!"
Jeff looks at his son feeling sorry instead of disappointed. It's not his son's fault to want to keep the pup, it's all instincts. He knows it's a difficult choice. His brown eyes landed on his wife, she nodded at his expression. Years of being together they understood each other by simple stares. So it's decided.
"Okay, what is the process as we continued this pregnancy?" Jeff asked in a serious tone. It won't be bad, his son is an adult, now.
Miles looks back at his parents expecting them to go against his wishes, but saw a small smile on his mother's face. She hold her son's left hand to reassure him as they listen to the doctor.
When they went to pick up Billie from daycare, the family decided to order some Chinese take-out. Billie happily smiles at her little bag with an egg roll, doing a little dance. Miles let out a small smile seeing his little sister, he had dealt raising a baby, maybe he can raise his own pup. He can do this.
At home, the family eat their dinner, Jeff chews his meal as he watch his son not eating as much, "You gotta eat Miles, your eating for two."
Rio snorted with a chuckle. "How come you guys aren't mad at me?" Miles finally asked. "I... I messed up! I messed up big time! I'm pregnant and 19! I still haven't finish college." He felt his eye watered, "All for a stupid Alpha!" He cover his face in shame, "You guys work so hard for me and I screwed it all up."
His parents were upset with themselves seeing how much they made their son believe this was big screw up. It's one way to view it, but they always pride themselves in family and honesty. Jeff finally said, "Miles, me and your mother always wants best for you, and yeah, we're upset that you got pregnant at such a young..." He wants to find the right words, "but things happen. You thought you were with the right Alpha and things went bad last minute, we don't blame you. Anyone who's in love would put all their trust in someone they are sure they want to be with. But mistake happen, this doesn't have to be viewed as a big screw up, this is just another obstacle you have to hurdle your way out."
Miles listens to his dad's words, "Right now, you have the opportunity to figure out a game plan. You can still go to school and finish your degree, you still have scholarships to help you. There's self work option if you want to start working and make money for the pup. You think your alone, son, but in reality, your not. You got me, your mother, your grandma, your friends! You have a community that's willing to help you. You and I, both know we, your parents would never kick you out for being pregnant. You know, your mom would divorce me if I ever considered it."
"That is true, papí." Rio giggles.
"And your my son, I know how much you were in love with that punk. Look, we have time to cry about this, but now it's time to be the man, suck it up and figure out what to do next. You need to focus on your pregnancy and them books, too! You have tests to finish up." Being a bit firm on his son, because this reality.
"Mijo, it's fine to feel upset with all this and you know, your papí means well. But he is right, life is only gonna get harder if you don't buckle down. We are here for you. I'm willing to help raise mi nieto." Rio said, "You made the decision to keep your pup, so it's not about what we feel, but what YOU want to do next? You are going to be a parent and it's a lot more responsibility. Being a parent never stops that's the reality. So, tell us, Miles. What do you want to do for the future? Forget about Hobie, forget about the love you to share. In this moment, it's only going to be about you and your pup!"
Miles listened to them feeling his nerves at ease, this is his responsibility. With a small nod, "I want to pass my classes, graduate and raise my pup."
"Alright. So what we need to do is focus on studying and gaining weight. The doctor saw you lost fifteen pounds and is worried about your health, we need you to gain a good amount for the pregnancies."
"Okay. I can do this." There was no time for him to cry about Hobie, that man is to be forgotten and buries. He needs to focus on his pup.
12 weeks had passed, Miles first ultrasound came by. The nurse noticed how large Miles' belly grew all for eighteen weeks it didn't look like a baby bump. Funny part, his parents thought his son looks like he's five months pregnant by the large belly.
The 19 year old lay on the chair feeling the cold gel on his pregnant belly. "Whoo," He breathes heavily feeling exhausted. These past few weeks had been so much, with school, work, and making sure his pregnancy is going well was tiring. Yet seeing his large belly made him forget all those woes.
"Alright, let see here." The Dr. Oct came by to check on the ultrasound, and heart multiple heartbeats. Rio's face fell at the sound. Miles look confused.
"What is it? What's wrong with my pup?" Miles' asked in a worry tone.
"Pups..." Rio corrected him.
Dr. Oct nodded, "Pups indeed..."
"WHAT?" Miles asked. "Twins?"
"You see this little one right here, and there's his sibling and another one right here." Dr. Oct shows through the Ultrasound as he moves the device around Miles' belly. "Three beautiful heartbeats. Congratulation, Miles. Your gonna be a father of three."
"TRIPLETS!" Miles shouted in a mixture of shock almost in disbelief.
Rio stood with her hand over her mouth being so in shock, "Doctor, triplets? You know how rare that is?"
"Yes, very rare especially when your family never had triplets. What would be rare if they all turn out to be Alphas." Dr. Oct chuckles at that. Like that can ever happen. "You should be happy Miss Morales. An Omega birthing triplets is often view as a blessing or good luck in some cultures."
Rio saw her son panicking, "Triplets! How can I raise three pups! I can't- I- Oh my god, I'mma be sick! I think I'ma throw up!" He felt sick.
"Mijo, calm down! The pups!" She said in a worry tone.
Back at home, Rio and Jeff had a long conversation about all of this. Jeff was so in shock, he needed to sit down and drink a can of beer to take the edge off. They needed to find ways to help their son, seeing how triplets need a helping hand. Rio can't ask for many day offs. Miles just cried in his room being so sad, his little sister came by looking worried.
"Miles! You okay!" Her three year old self went over to snuggle with him. "It's got be okay! There. There." She patted his head.
"Ah, thank you, boo-boo!" Miles hugs her feeling happy to see her. "Did mamí told you, you're gonna be a titi of three?"
"Ohhh, tree?" She pat her brother's belly being amused at the pup. "No pup?"
"Three pups."
"OHHH! Tree pups?" Her eyes gleams, "'m a titi! Titi Billie." She happily rubs her brother's round belly being so happy. Miles should be happy instead, but so many worries piling up. What can he do? How will he do it? How do single Omegas handle twins or triplets?
Well, his bright side did came true. His Abuela arrived from Puerto Rico, the happily older woman said, "MI nieto! Look at you, so big and beautiful! Don't worry tu abuela is here to help!"
"Abuela! How? Why? I though-" His grandmother Gloria wave her hand, "Your mom ask me to live here to help you! You know, your cousins will take care of my house over there! Anyway, let me see your face, your glowing!"
"Abuela... thank you! I really need the help." Miles' eyes watered.
"Shh, it's okay. Everything will be fine. Triplets is a gift, you will be so happy to be with your babies." She began, "Heck, I had your mom young, too! It's hard but not the worst thing in the world."
Miles slowly got over his worries. The day he hung out with his friend, Pavtri's eyes lit up at the sight. "Oh my gawd, you look so good pregnant! I always want pups!" He's the first one to touch Miles' round belly, showing so much love using his Omega scent.
Gwen, Peni, Margo, Kaine, and so many of their friend group went over to touch Miles' belly. "No way! Triplets? Dude, look at you!" Margo said.
"I can't wait to babysit them!" Gwen said out loud with joy.
"Wow, congrats!" Kaine sips his cola. "Have you thought of names?"
"Well, I only thought one boy name, Aaron from my deceased uncle. Then, maybe a girl... Mariana?" Miles admits the names he wants for his pups, "I still need to think of the other name."
"Name it after me, please Miles!" Pavtri pouted.
"Hahaha, Pav chill. Your baby fever is gonna get you." Margo laughs.
"I'm already in baby fever. I want pups now!" Pavtri whines. "I can't wait to bear them!"
9 months later!
Miles is twenty at this point. Babies born in October 31. Scorpio Vides!
Miles gave birth to three beautiful pups, all unique in their own way. Two boys and one girl, they all had different brown shades, and their hair curly. The triplets cries for their daddy needing his presence. "Shh, I'm here." He took two in his arms to breast feed and the third one on his lap seeing how this can be a handful. His heart flutters with joy, a small purring sound appeared out of his mouth.
His triplets happily quiet being with their parent, once he finish with one pup his mother helped him with the other one on his lap. He breast fed him. They all felt safe in his arms. "What are their names, Miles?" Rio asked.
"This one is Mariana." Miles whispers staring at his daughter, "And this one is Aaron." The boy in his other arm, then he looks down at the middle one on his lap, "And this handsome boy is Karl."
At least this will be the last thing, he'll give his Alpha. A name of his best friend, so when his pups ever ask about their dad he'll be honest with them. Hopefully, he doesn't have to talk about him soon.
Bilie's eyes gleam being held by her dad, "Mariana? Like me!"
"Yes, Billie." Miles smiles at her.
"Hehehe, hi babies. I'm your titi!" Billie whispers at the three babies being so happy to be an aunty. Gloria smiles at her grandson seeing Rio teary eye.
"Awe, look at them. So beautiful." She said. Yes, things will be good for them.
~3 years later~
Miles happily saw his babies playing around, "Mari, you need to finish your snack."
"No! No wanna!" Mariana rather play with her dolls.
The twenty three year old sighs at his daughter refusing to finish her sliced carrots. Karl came by taking her carrots to munch on, "Oh no, bebé! That's for your sister."
"I hun-gray, daddy!" Karl pouts at his daddy.
"OKay, you can finish it up. Mariana, I don't wanna hear you want pudding if you don't eat your carrots." Miles hums at his daughter.
"Nonono! Yucky! Pudding! PUDDING!" She rushes over with her big purple eyes on him!
"No, Mariana." He saw her sulking.
Karl munches on her carrots being so hungry, "More, daddy!"
"Honey, why don't we wait. I don't you to get stuffed." Miles always wonder how his son is always hungry, he's sure he's following the portions for three year olds. Big green eyes pouted at the response, "I know. If your still hungry, I'll give you more, okay?"
"OKay." Karl chews on his carrots.
Aaron's big honey-brown eyes on his daddy, " Daddy! I want juice!" He holds out his sippy cup, "More, please!"
"I want pudding!" Mariana whines as she hugs her daddy's legs.
Miles sighs, "No, Mari! I told you to eat your carrots." He got his son's sippy cup to fill a bit of apple juice with water to water it down, he never likes giving them too much sugar. "Here you go, mi bebé."
"Daddy, i'm still hungry!" Karl came by to hug his daddy legs.
Rio came by with Billie coming from work and picking her daughter from school. Billie being six years old saw her niece and nephews being loud and whine. "Titi is here!" Aaron said, "Y Abuela!"
"Abuela!" The triplets went over to see their aunty and grandmother being super happy.
"Y yo?" Their great grandmother came in with a bag of groceries coming from shopping.
"Abuela!" The triplets shouted for hugs and kisses.
Miles came to help his grandmother with groceries, "Oh thank god, they have the pull up pampers." Potty training his three year olds have been one crazy mission. Of course, he tries to lessen the pampers to night time, until they learn on their own. "Gracias, Abuela."
"No problem, mijo!" His abuela picks up Aaron to give hug and kisses.
Rio put Billie down so she can play with her niece. The middle age woman pick up Karl to give kisses. "Hola, Karl. Have you been behaving?"
"I'm hungry!" Karl pouts with his big green eyes on his grandma.
"Aye no! Miles, did you fed mi nieto?" Rio asked her son.
"I did, look!" He show her the tray of apple slices, carrots, and PB&J.
Rio pouts, "Aye, Miles. You and that ridiculous book. He needs real food! No wonder he's hungry. Look, I'll cook dinner today." She never believe in those mom's cookbooks, they were too American and simple. Her grand babies need really Puerto Rican food.
"No, mamí. i'm cooking today. I'ma make pork chops!" That got his babies attention, something about meat gets them happy.
Gloria laughs, "Might as well make Arroz con gandules."
"Ohh! I wanna eat dat, daddy!" Mariana said out loud.
Miles saw how his dinner plans drastically changes from something simple to a more Puerto Rican meals. His mother ended up helping him while his grandmother watches for the triplets, Billie plays with them but had to do a bit of homework and eat a snack.
Mariana watches Billie write her letters for her first grade class, "Wow, how yuh do dat?" The little girl became interested in writing.
"Easy. Like dis." She shows her how to write the letter A.
Mariana got a crayon and paper to write an A but it was choppy and hard to do so. "Umm!" She frowns.
"Keep going, Mari! I use to write like that. Practice." Billie happily said.
"Okay, titi!" Mariana nodded being confident to do another one.
The adults smile at the Mariana admiring her titi so much, it's cute to see. Even Karl and Aaron join on learning how to draw an A. Miles love seeing his babies being together, it gets his Omega so giddy and happy.
When Jeff came home from work, he was greeted by triplets attacking him into hugs. "Hahaha, awe. I miss ya'll too!"
"Grandpa!" They snuggle against him with his familiar Alpha scent.
"How's my favorite grandkids?" He chuckles at his own joke, he picks the all up with his arms seeing how happy they are to be carried by him.
Dinner placed on the table, Miles wipe his hands on his apron. "Okay. Dinner is ready, mi bebés!" His triplets rushes over to their high chairs as his daddy put them in. They got their spork being ready.
Jeff serve some glasses of juice, and Rio being able to serve plates. "Miles, you want steamed vegetables?"
"Yes, mamí."
Then the door bell rang, "Who could that be?" Gloria put on the bibs on her grandson Karl.
"Hmm," Jeff rub his chin being unsure who was at the door.
"I'll get it. It must be a delivery." He did waited for some books for class he went over to the door, his hand turn the knob opening it.
His honey brown eyes widen in shock as he stood silent. Why? Why now? His voice speechless, he could only hear his parents' voice in concern.
"Miles, who's at the door?" Jeff asked.
"Miles?" Rio asked.
Miles' mouth moved without thinking, "Hobie..."
There stood his ex boyfriend in all punker black clothing, probably expensive clothing. His dark inky eyes soften as he looks at him, "Hey, Sunflower. Been a long time, hmm?" He holds out a big bouquet of flowers with Sunflowers in the mix.
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