#and i said “kill yourself!!!! awwww!!!!!!” but i really meant i love you haha
briarborealisart · 11 months
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i got a little emotional because of the everything (life is so much) (in a good way) (even the sadness is beautiful because i am alive) (i literally just reblogged one too many dsmp fanarts and exploded) (crying but enjoying it.png) and had to draw my little guy to cope
a series of fun facts about this guy: it is like a bug, it has no lore, and i came up with the design when trying to draw a friend's oc from memory and butchering it Badly lol. now i draw him all over my college campus (on like whiteboards and stuff) and sometimes when ppl see me drawing him they recognize it and ask me if im the one who made him :) also i use he/him for it but in the way i would if i saw a caterpillar. my french friend calls it la fée (the fairy) and uses she/her for her since thats a feminine noun :) i think she would like that
i am in love with being alive i think she is too
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A clip of haru and rin popped up on my youtube feed, it was the -haru gets angry- scene of eternal summer (another heated rinharu argument, I couldn't say no XD) and while I was rewatching it, idk why but when haru said "I swim for myself and for my friends" and rin replied "then swim for those friends, and for your own sake!" the expression rin made made me feel like he didn't even consider himself haru's friend or close friend, but still encouraged him to find a dream for haru himself because that's the only way they can swim together again
Haha I can't say no to all the rinharu scenes lol
Idk, I watched it a bit differently. It's definitely not the fact that he didn't consider himself Haru's friend, it's just the fact that Rin thought that he wasn't gonna be enough to make Haru's future a happy one after all the points Haru made in his yelling about 'why he swims'.
It was before the time they confessed that for them both the best team is the one when they're together. So when Haru started with his "I don't swim for this assholes to stare at me and for the records or smth" you can see Rin starting to putting it all together, he was like "okay, what for then?" and Haru goes "I swim for myself and my friends", it's like... Rin knows Nagisa, Makoto and Rei won't go for the national team xD, he can't give him that, and he certainly doesn't have enough self-esteem to think that he alone is enough to inspire him to move forward, when everyone else is not there anymore, he also doesn't know yet, that for Haru being on one team with Rin makes it apriori the best team, nevermind who are the other two aparently, bc they weren't at the point of their relationship yet to admit that at this point, cause hey, insecurity, hey.
Just loving swimming is not enough to make someone want to turn it into profession, just bc it can potentially make you hate it later on. If he doesn't want medals, glory, fame and achievements doesn't excite him, then it's even more complicated. "For friends" is also not an option, bc you can't form a national team yourself. So of course Rin was a bit lost there. Because he didn't really know what to offer him. He couldn't quite go and say "And if it's only me?"
Utsumi said about this scene that for Haru it was the moment he could finally let go and yell his true feelings out, just bc it was Rin (awwww), but for Rin it was the moment he started to think just about what Haru himself really wanted, for the first time hearing his real feelings out loud. Thinking that he should shove his own wishes away to help Haru find himself.
Basically as we know Rin automatically assumed that Haru will go with him "to the world" since like 13, bc he wanted to be with him, so from his own point of view since he didn't know about Haru wanting the same thing, it looks like all this time he pushed him into that (I guess u can say selfishly) bc he finds it hard to "go on without him".
So what Rin was going through during Haru's outburst was partially self-loathing, bc it was the moment that he realized that he put his selfish wish to be with him over Haru's own wishes (which was also to be with him, but that's well.. they love their misunderstandings) and didn't even know what was on his mind all this time.
But then he was also hurt, bc that was also a moment that he realized that there was in fact a possibility that his and Haru's dream might just not be the same one, and that's why "what dream? what future? it's only you who cares about that!" was so painful.
So like... true about the fact that he just wanted to help him, even if it meant things won't work out the way he wanted, that's why he phrased it like that in his talk with Sousuke in Yakusoku like "I'll just show him how it can be" but if he doesn't want this (me), that's okay. and that's what he said in Australia, too, when Haru turned to him already after realizing that he can have that with Rin, Rin said "we can just try it out, that's all" and if you don't like it, then fuck this and that was when Haru stopped feeling pressured and feeling like a circus monkey.
And that's why I find Rin's behavior during Australian trip twice as sweet, bc I don't know how dude was even holding on there, I'm guessing it was extremely hard for him to shove it all away and don't accidentely say smth that will make Haru feel like he owns him smth, you know. That's why he always stopped himself after "I've always admired you" for example, he goes "ahh no, can't do that", but then he slips in bed again. He like tried to tell him without this sounding obligatory like when Sousuke went "well, if you quit, he quits, haven't you thought about that?" making Haru feel quilty. Rin went like I won't lie, without you it's hard for me, but it's just bc you're so amazing and you make me feel like I can do anything, but the question he ends his speech with is whether he makes Haru feel the same way or not?
Rin's just the person who always always just GOES for the thing he wants and loves, so it was clear that he was like "I can't let you go, I just can't let you go, I'm sorry. but it also kills me to see you that way, so please please say you want this with me too". That's why it was so AAAAAA cause it's like technically both of their futures were on the line there, so the way he was holding on so well and made this about Haru is just really sweet. He was like we can travel the world together, watch oceans and fountains and fishies, eat mackerel sandwiches, swim together, be together, do illegal stuff together, I won't let the system imprison you, spread your wings, babe xD He was like really considerate, but also fought for their happiness, so it's like two for two for me.
But yeah, 2x09.. I fucking love that scene, bc of reasons, but also I always get extemely angry, too, bc I'm like.. I hate when they leave half of the stuff unspoken and then their insecurities like add some absolute bullshit to the blank spaces and it all leads to me facepalming, bc I'm like... I know what one wants and the other wants and they want the same thing, but they think they don't and just... kill me pls lmao
Anyways, I'm so glad this is finally over and we won't have to go throught his ever again. Fucking finally, now just confess that you don't just want to be in one bed with him, but to fuck him too and we're ok xD
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Day 21 : Dance - Kizami Yuuya
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“Mitsuki, no! No way! Nuh-huh, you can’t make me do this!” I sweatdropped in my chair, looking up at my friend. “Awwww, c’mon, Kat, what’s the harm? It’s gonna be your first party with us! You’re gonna love it! There’s gonna be pretty lights and...Music and sweets and snacks and drinks! And so many people! Who knows, maybe you’ll catch someone’s eye and you’ll get a boyfriend!” Tohko fangirled, making me lean on my chair seat, stealing a glance at Kizami, who was getting convinced by Kurosaki as well. “What are we gonna do with them?” I whispered, as he looked at me with an annoyed expression. “Kill them.” he muttered, making me nod in agreement. “Don’t be such party poopers! We have only 2 parties left as a class together, why not spending in a nice way? What could go wrong?” Tohko pouted, making my heart hurt, as a grimaced. “Don’t...Use that puppy face on me...” I glared at her, but she only continued. “And besides, it’s 1 day after White Day, so if you gave anyone chocolate, he’d have to invite you to dance, right~? And as a matter of fact, I am VERY sure you gave chocolates to someone from our class!” my eyes widened and I could feel the blood draining from my face. “I don’t have any fancy clothes, and the dance is in a week. How are you gonna solve that, hmm?” I crossed my arms triumphantly, but both girls only grinned evilly at me. “Oh, don’t worry about that. Mitsuki, you make sure you get Katrina at my house before the dance so we could get ready together, okay?” Tohko fist-pumped in victory. “End me please...” I mutter, hanging my head in defeat. “Same.” Kizami sighed behind me.
It wasn’t long before March 13th came and Tohko forced me and Mitsuki to sleep at hers, so we could look extra pretty for White Day, so that meant no extra sleep for me, unfortunately.
“Okay, so, who did you give chocolate too? I made a box of heart shaped chocolates and put it on Kizami-kun’s desk. Think he liked it?” Tohko asked, applying make up. “I gave chocolate to Fukuroi. He’s the only guy I’m super close to. And we made it a tradition all these years, so it’s cool.” Mitsuki shrugged, brushing her hair. “I left some for Kurosaki too, though. Hope it wasn’t weird.” she continued, putting her hair clips on. “Awww, that’s so cute! I’ve been thinking for a while that he may be into you, but I can’t be fully certain.” Tohko grinned at her friend, as I looked in the mirror with a bored expression, brushing my long red hair, as I saw them apply make up. “Why are you putting on make up? I thought it wasn’t allowed?” I rise my eyebrow in confusion. “Oh, right, we didn’t tell you. Since it’s the last week, it’s White Day today and we’re gonna have the end of the semester dance soon, we are allowed to wear whatever make up and nail polish we want. Isn’t that cool?!” Mitsuki winked, giving me her make up stuff. “Woaw...Yeah, I guess it’s pretty refreshing. I forgot the last time I wore make up.” I smiled softly, applying red lipstick, to bring out my dark eyes. “Hey, Kat, you didn’t tell us who you gave chocolate to!” she gasped, as she stopped mid-way helping Tohko with her eyeshadow. “Uhmm...Well...Remember how everyone kinda pressured me to give a boy chocolate for Valentine’s? And I got super panicky? And Shit-mada kept trying to kiss me and whatever?” I stutter slightly, knowing that the little secret would go away. “Yeah, why? Oh-...Oh my God, did you give Shit-mada chocolates?!” Tohko gasper in horror, but I shook my head. “I...Sorry, Tohko, I know you like him...But Kizami was the only one in the classroom when Shit-mada kept pestering him, and I knew it would annoy him the most if I would choose Kizami over him...So I gave Kizami the chocolates. Of course, I told him the circumstances, so he doesn’t think I like him or anything.” I try to explain the story, but I could see Tohko’s unease as she laughed awkwardly at my tale. “Oh, haha, that’s cool, don’t worry! I understand why you’d do that, Kizami-kun is a very reliable person! And who’d want Shit-mada over Kizami-kun, huh? Besides, Kizami-kun never gives back chocolate.” she tried to laugh it off, but I could feel she was feeling down.
And what’s worse, she doesn’t know that I lied shamelessly through my teeth, and only Kizami knows the truth.
Back then, I was extremely anxious about everything going on, and before even Tohko could fangirl about Valentine’s and her crush on Kizami, Kurosaki came to me to hang out one weekend and he told me about all the habits of our class, which, to say the least, weren’t few.
“Basically, Tohko’s desperate over Kizami, but she thinks she’s discrete...She’s not. Yamamoto and Fukuroi are great friends, so they’ll gift only each other, kinda. Urabe tries to skip this day, or gives Ohkawa chocolates. Shimada’s gonna try to kiss all girls around, going by the Western tradition that...Well, you’re more familiar with than us, anyways.” Kurosaki explains, making me sigh in annoyance. “Then, what do you suggest I do? It’s such a drag...” I shrug, putting my hands in my pockets. “Hmmm...Oh, why don’t you give Kizami chocolates? I mean, it’s either him or Shimada who get the most chocolates, but Kizami usually shares the chocolate with everyone ‘cause he’s not that much into sweets. I mean, I think from the boys, you’re closest to him and then me, right? He seems to have a soft spot for you too, so it would work, I think.” he smiles, giving me a thumbs up, as I started pondering the situation. “I see...So Kizami is a safe bet...Ah, wait...Do you like...Hand the chocolate over in person, or make it secret?” I ask again, shifting my gaze to my brunet friend. “Oh, that’s mostly up to you, but since we’ve been classmates for so long, we either hand it in person, or let it on the person’s desk, with our names written on a card or something. Go wild, I’m sure Kizami will like it either way.” he chuckles cheerfully, making me nod in understandment. “What a drag...” I sigh, looking up at the snowy sky. “Thanks for this, Kurosaki. It’s really nice hanging out with you.” I finish, smiling softly. “Any time!” he shows my a thumbs up sign, before he said in a softer voice, thinking I wouldn’t hear it, but incidently, I did. “No wonder he likes you.”
Now that we are are at school, I sat anxiously in my chair, not knowing what to expect. To be fair, I was only half-sure Kizami realised that I gave him chocolate, since I signed it in a code, and it’s up to him if he realises that or not. And besides...Urgh, what a bother. He received so many chocolates that day, why would he bother to bring ME back? He’s never one to actually do something for White Day, as Kurosaki said.
Why am I getting so bothered up anyways?
I was barely able to focus much at Biology, and to make things worse, almost everybody from the class left to socialise, leaving only me and Kizami, so to make things less awkward, I got up to leave, only to get called out, but not by my name, but by a code.
“I was expecting a Scarlet Princess, not a Crimson Knight on Valentine’s.” Kizami’s deep voice echoed through the room, making me chuckle in amusement. “I’m not sure I can be a proper princess, I’m sorry.” I turn around with a small smirk on my face, leaning on the lockers in the classroom. “You’d be more than perfect.” he got up, taking a box of chocolate from his bag and towered over me, handing it to me, making my eyes widen in surprise. “I...Thought you never give chocolates back to those who give to you.” I take the box slowly, not knowing what else to say. “Nobody deserved so far. Besides, that was a rather clever play on words. Kurosaki thought it was one of Shimada’s stupid pranks, but I knew better. KiShi. the equivalent of Knight. Kitsune Shinozaki. That’s been your Japanese alias since you came here, so we won’t have a hard time pronouncing your name. Very clever...Kitten.” he smirked mischievously, seeing more emotion in his eyes than I’ve ever seen since I met him. “Should I feel flattered, then...Yuuya~?” I mimicked his tone, earning a low chuckle. “I have a proposition for you, my little Kitten. Since you and I have both been tortured into accepting to go to tomorrow’s dance, why not go together? It would spare us a lot of trouble, don’t you think?” he asked, making me hum in approval. “Not a bad idea. I accept, Yuuya, dear. And...I think this is going to piss a lot of people. Even better~!” my smirk grew wider, thinking of Tohko’s and Shit-mada’s faces when they’ll see us at the dance. “Glad to see we’re thinking the same way.” he huffed in amusement, walking back to his desk behind me, urging me to rush and hide the box so nobody else would see it.  “Did you do them yourself, Yuuya~?” I put my elbow on the chair rest, resting my chin on my palm, looking at the brunet boy with a knowing glint in my eyes. “Why don’t you tell me that?” he let out a short, amused chuckle, as the bell rang and everyone got back in the class. “Kat? You got no chocolates? Wait, did you even leave the room?” Tohko looked confused, but at the same time, suspicious at I and her crush. “Nahh, nothing. I guess nobody wants to hang out with the new girl.” I laughed softly with a fake smile on my face. “Awee, that’s too bad. I’m sorry to hear that.” she faked sadness and pity for me, making me shake my head and turn to my desk, nonchalantly.
That night, I was extremely satisfied with everything going on, but I had to decline going to Tohko’s place for the night, since I had everything ready for the dance at home, thanks to my mum.
The next evening, Kizami and Kurosaki came to pick me up from home, like the gentlemen they were, and Kurosaki apparently invited Mitsuki to dance, and she accepted, so this is super nice.
My long dark green dress emphasised my foxy appearance, highlighted by the red lipstick and cat wing, my red hair falling over my shoulders in waves of fire.
By the time we arrived at school, I hooked my arm with Kizami’s, and we went inside where the party already started and the loud music was blaring. 
“Is that...Kizami? With the new girl?” whispers and gossips were heard all around us, making the both of us chuckle in amusement at their shock. “Hey, we make quite the Dynamic Duo, don’t you think?” I smirked, looking around swiftly, seeing everyone dance. “I...May have made a slight miscalculation.” I put my hand up to my mouth, a habit I took as I pondered what to do next. “And what is that?” he towered over me, amused. “Well...I came here mostly to make fun of people...But I didn’t count on what I would ACTUALLY do, which seems like it should be dancing...Which...Isn’t my forte, to be fair. It’s...Embarrassing.” I sweatdropped, looking away, my cheeks flushing a bit. “Hmmm...I have an idea. Follow me.” he took my hand in his and guided me outside to the courtyard, where the Moonlight illuminated the trees and the little water pond filled with koi fish very beautifully. “Woaw...I never realised how pretty this place is until now. It’s almost like everything is a matter of perspective.” I gaze at the landscape before us, but I didn’t realise the cold nor the music until Kizami put his blazer over my shoulders, and it got significantly warmer. “In case you were cold.” he muttered, looking down at me. “Thank you, Yuuya. I wasn’t really paying attention to the cold, but...It is pretty chilly.” I hummed in thanks, leaning on his chest. “I guess they could have put better music...But for a party, it’s not half bad.”  “Do you want to dance?” he asked all of a sudden, making me look up at him in slight shock. “I...Don’t really know how to dance. Never got the opportunity to.” I explain, barely above a whisper, but he just shrugged, holding both my hands. “I don’t know either. It’s not like anyone is watching.” he said nonchalantly, making me nod in understanding, getting closer to him, putting my hands on his shoulders, and he put his on my waist, and we swung around the place like we owned it, with no inhibition or shame, and it was...Quite enjoyable. “Thank you for this night, Yuuya. I guess...It’s a matter of perspective, after all. Even a dance with someone can be fun if it’s the right person.” I shrugged simply, smiling passively. “I got rid of Kurosaki and Kirisaki, so I’m good. That girl especially kept pissing me off good. Glad a little fox appeared to change my view. A matter of perspective, as you say.” he huffed in amusement as he explained that. “Guess we’re the best thing that happened to each other, hmm, Yuuya~?” I drag his name in a lower voice, my fox-like smirk never fading. “Saying my name like that...You don’t know what you’re doing to me, Kitten.” his face inched closer to my, teasing me as our lips barely brushed each other. “Is that Kizami-kun and Katrina?! What are they doing here?!” Tohko’s shrill voice made both of us growl in annoyance, knowing full well that the whole squad was going to give us trouble. “This is impossible...” Kizami’s vein almost popped from the rage he was trying to hide inside. “Ah, fuck it, let her burn with envy.” I mutter, cupping Yuuya’s face and kissed him like there was no tomorrow, but it didn’t take long for him to reciprocate with just as much emotion...If that could be said even for someone like him. “N-No way...I-I thought Kizami-kun liked me...” Tohko’s voice echoed sorrowfully, almost crying, which made both of us chuckle at her misfortune. “Who lied to her, I wonder~?” I smirked slyly, tilting my head slightly to the side, foxily. “She’s been lying to herself all this time. After all...Who’d choose her, over a fox like you?” he smirked in pride, like a predator would at his prey. “Yes!! Finally, I knew it! Give me the money, Katayama!” Kurosaki’s chipper voice sounded loudly just after Tohko ran away. “I give up. Let’s go home, this is getting annoying.” I chuckle, hooking my arm with his, walking away. “Just a bit more and we’re done with Highschool. That’s a relief.” he sighed in aggravation, walking away with me, not even sparing a glance to his friend or to the girl who was crushing on him for so long.
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to {Part 15} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
ALSO I have included asks I received to do with IWSY in the hours leading up to before I posted it because there was a few! So if you sent in an ask to do with IWSY and I didn’t post it - it will be in this post!
@kpopppimagines said: *Looks at clock, notices time, starts to dance strangely and do weird jazz hand motions* Wooooooooo yeahhhhhhhh! So excited! Xx 🙌🏼🙌🏼💕
Ahhh I really hope you liked the chapter love!
Anonymous said: Hope the new chapter will be as great as the rest!! Really looking forward to what direction the story will go in❤️❤️
I hope it lived up to your expectations :D
@mocking-butts said: I'm probably way too excited for this chapter because holy moly i need more!!! Honestly one of my favorite fanfics i love it <3
I really hope you enjoyed it my dear ^^ Thank you very much!
@audreymv said: I wanna kill Yoongi like mate I UGH I CANT. Like why and now Jungkook cant tell her his secret just omg everything os crashing down. I love this so mich but Yoongi he is ooooo on my list in this fanfic. Loving it so far 😘😘😘
Just when he was about to tell her :c How can he tell her now?! heh ^^ Thank you so much for reading it!
Anonymous said: Wow, new chapter of IWSY was really good! I'm so glad to finally get some backstory on the reader, but I kind of feel bad for Jungkook now.. Because how will the reader react when he tells her? And Yoongi's going to the ball so she'll recognise him.. Ahhh! Well, I suppose there's nothing to do but patiently wait. Stay healthy and keep up the hard work! Thanks
I’m so happy you thought it was good! I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how she will react when/if he tells her ^^ lol Thank you so much for reading and I hope you stay healthy too!
@loverofotome said: 😱😱 IT'S THEIR FATE TO BE TOGETHER 😱😱 I was definitely not expecting that. Yoongi seems to think there's something special about her and I can't help but wonder what that is. Ahhh! I love your writing and it's so good, as always. I can't wait until next week!
IT WAS DESTINY~~ hehe ^^ I wonder what’s so special about her? I guess we will have to wait to find out :D Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have an awesome day :)
I am very very sorry c: hehe~ I love you too and thank you very much for reading the chapter!!
Anonymous said: oh my gosh, yoongi.. what he did was so cruel. and that's why he's looking for y/n... i'm really curious about when and what's going to happen when y/n finds out jungkook is a vampire
Why did he do it though? And what’s the reason he is looking for her? Is it to just dimply finish what he began? If so - is he going to go looking for Sid, too? ;o SO many questions! haha ^^ Thank you for reading the chapter!
@omelys-space said: IT ALL CONNECTS GOD DAMN! Like how amazing is this update 😍 I am honestly excited for every update you post and they never let me down   Thank you ❤
I’m so happy that you can see it all connecting and beginning to come together to make a bigger picture! There is still much more to come :D hehe Thank you very much and it makes me happy that you said I never let you down. Thank you!
Anonymous said: Honestly this fan fiction is one of the best things I've ever read. I hate reading, but this story has changed my perspective about it! IWSY is also the first long fanfic that I've read heh~ I just want you to know that I think you are a really good writer and the stories that you make are amazing! I am in love with this story!❤️❤️  -Ro (you don't know me but I'm gonna put my name anyway☺️)
Hi Ro! :D Ahhh thank you so much for your wonderful words, I’m smiling so much! And thank you also for reading my series and I’m so happy that you’re enjoying it ^^
YAAAAAY I’m glad I could surprise you! I think a lot of people thought it was either going to be Yoongi or Jungkook that had something to do with her parents death. But in a way - they both did, I guess :D Thank you so much for reading the update!!
@im-so-scared-aaaa said: Ok, I'm suppose to be studying, but now I'm shooked ^^ Thank you😿
I hope you managed to get back to studying you naughty child! c: Haha thank you so much for reading it and I hope you enjoyed it too!
Anonymous said: That curveball thoooooooo I don't want jungkook to be hurt :"( how is he ever going to tell reader about his secret like this 😰😰😰😰
I know :( How could you ever tell someone that after what they just told you? :(
Anonymous said: OMG This chapter give me chills!!! It's amazing, I am loving how the plot starts to thicken ... things are about to get a while lot more intense and complicated isn't it ?!😏 I honestly can't wait for the update , thank you so much for updating every week. I Love you and you writing so much❤
I’m so happy I could give you chills c: And...it may possibly get more complicated and intense from this moment on...yes c: Thank you so much for reading and I love you too! Have an awesome day :D
Anonymous said: Ah this chapter was so angsty... I never read angst but You did so well!! Ta! x  U.K. Anon :)
I do enjoy writing angst a lot :) It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written something very angsty since my Who Are You? series! Thank you so much fellow U.K anon!
@moonlighthollow said: I somehow new that her parents were killed by a vampire But Holy shit it's yoongi He's scary af 😐 Poor brother😭 Poor girl😭 And poor jungkookie😭 It was good as always tho😅😊
Idk about you but evil Yoongi gives me such a sexy vibe isfskdgksjng lol Thank you for reading the update and I hope you have a wonderful day babe!
Anonymous said: I don't know if I'm shivering because it's cold in my room, or because of ch 15 of IWSY... Oh my fxxking god!!!! I mean, there were hints, so the plot doesn't come as much as a surprise, but the writing style had me sucked into the story completely! Loved it! 👏🏻💕
I am also shivering but my reason is that it is DEFINITELY cold right now TT I want it to be summer already I’m so DONE with the cold lol Thank you very much for reading the update and I hope you’ll enjoy the future chapters too!
Anonymous said: I LOVE YOU AND WRITING SOOO MUCH!!! ❤❤❤
Anonymous said: Hi Sara!! I'm the anon that had that super late 7:45 class, so I couldn't read IWSY a couple weeks ago when it updated. ANYWAYS, I usually post some kind of ask to you every update you have, but the past couple weeks I haven't been able to because of school T.T SO, I wanted to finally message you again and tell you how WONDERFUL IWSY is! Not gonna lie, it is my ALL TIME FAVORITE FIC that I have ever found on Tumblr! Like the last couple chapters with the smut.. WOO DAMN GIRL. (cont.) Usually I read the smut for the smut (lol), BUT when I read those chapters, I was so engrossed in the story that I wanted to know what was going to happen next more than reading more smut X3. AND THEN YOU HAD TO COME OUT WITH THIS NEXT CHAPTER AND HOT DAMN. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. IVE BEEN TRYING TO GET MY FRIENDS TO READ IWSY SO THAT I CAN TALK TO THEM ABOUT IT BUT NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO ME >.< Anyways, keep up the good work! You keep throwing curve balls my way gah damn. (2/2) - 7:45 anon
Hello 7:45 anon! That’s okay, I completely understand and you don’t have to apologise or explain yourself because school/work is important and I’m glad you’re focused on your studies! But thank you so much for reading and catching up with the series, and I’m really happy that you’re liking it ^^ Awwww I hope once of your friends reads it too so you guys can talk about it with each other! That’s so cute haha c: Thank you so much and I hope you have a great week :D
Anonymous said: BRRROOOOOOOOOHMYGOD WHAT THE FUCK HWAT THE FUCK WHAT THE F U C K OOOHHHH MY GOD!!!! pls tell me the next chapter is the charity ball I'm READY for the action the drama GIRL PLS I cannot wAIT GIRL!!! That chapter had me yelling at the top of my lungs 😱😱😱
*giggles* thank you so much for reading! The ball will come soon - I promise! Just hold on tight a bit longer :D I hope you enjoyed it my dear!
@fashionkilla124 said: I love you. That I won't stop you story just stopped my heart. I honestly knew yoongi had something to do with but when I found out yoongi killed her parents I was like NOOOOI NOT MY BABY YOONGI AWWW LAWD TAKE THE WHEEL PLEASE. I cant wait for next week I'll probs have a heart attack next chapter
Awh I love you too :D hehe~ Evil baby Yoongi what is he doing :c lol thank you so much for reading the update and I really hope you’ll look forward to next week too!!
Anonymous said: Omg poor Sid 😞 he was only four...DAMMIT Yoongi
I know :( Poor Sid indeed - but I wonder why Yoongi did it...;)
Anonymous said: Damn in the span of like four days (not including the hours they're at work) they've managed to christen every room the house, didn't you say there were like 13 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, not to mention the kitchen, living room etc.?? Damn they got busy 😏
LOLOLOL they got busy indeed c: Haha it was more so meant as a sexually comedic idiom, but if it’s possible it’s possible! lol I hope you enjoyed the chapter my dear :D
Anonymous said: BISH. I'm jungshook rn. I can't. I love you. But why you play with my emotions like this? I love this story. I love you. I love Jungkook. I love the way chapter 15 snatched my edges and left them at a bus stop in Miami. You're the best. ~With love, New Kookie Anon
Hello new kookie anon! lol Jungshook~ I think everyone becomes a little Jungshook from time to time c: I love you too my dear!! I hope you got home safely from the bus stop in Miami xD thank you so much for reading the update!
OOOOOH BUT WHY DOES HE WANT HER BLOOD?! That’s the most important question ;D lolol I’m so glad I could make your day a little less shitter though c: I love you too and thank you so much for reading the new chapter my dear!
AHHHHH I HOPE THAT’S A GOOD THING! I hope you enjoyed it ^^
Anonymous said: Oh mai gawdddd!!! Sara you're such a good writer! Part 15 of IWSY gave me the major feels!!!! Poor kookie... Halfway through part 15, I already knew what was going to happen before I read it, but you're so skilled that you still managed to make it sad T-T. I can't wait for part 16!!!
Ahhh thank you so much my darling :) You’re too kind to me! Thank you very much for reading the update and I hope you enjoy the next chapter as well!
Anonymous said: I cant believe Vampire evil yoongi was looking for y/n since back then ONG GET A LIFE LMAO love your serie💜
But remember that he has been locked up for the past 13 years! So he has had a lot of time to plan c: Thank you so much for reading and enjoying it my love ^^
Anonymous said: 😭😭 I wish it's a happy ending for Jungkook and Y/N, in the "I Won't Stop You" series. I love you Author-nim!
I wish for that too my dear! I love you too and thank you for reading my series *hugs* Have a wonderful day!
@jynxy24 said: SARA SARA SARA SARA SARA!!!! WHEN WILL JUNGKOOK TELL Y/N?! ARGHHHH YOU ARE PLAYING WITH MY FEELINGS! LIKE JUST WHEN HE WAS ABOUT TO TELL? COME ON!!! This is just like when I found out Who Are You was a dream. T.T But i still love your writing Sara! Great chapter today, stay awesome! 👅👅
But how can he tell her straight away now right after she just dropped that bombshell on him?! So many questions hehe :P I hope you enjoyed the chapter anyway my dear ^^ I hope you have a wonderful week and thank you so much for reading!
@lostheretics said: i thought they were going to the fundraising ball in part 15 but they had a deep talk instead asdfghjkl kill me rn bc y/n's secrets omg😭😭 iM STILL CONFUSED WHAT's THE SPECIAL THING THAT YOONGI WANTS FROM HER
Deep, heart to heart pillow talks are my fav thing in the world *feels very soft at this thought* ahhhh :c lolol And I guess you’ll just have to wait to find out why he wants her so badly! Hopefully, someone will be able to tell Jungkook too, before it’s too late...heh ^^ Thank you for reading my love and I hope you’re enjoying the story!
Anonymous said: oh my fucking god :( i hope y/n wont abandon jungkook once she found out he a whole dracula :(( oh my god no but then ill love that because I LOVE PAIN but no dont do it LMAO WAIT WILL Y/N RECOGNIZE YOONGI AT THE BALL HOLY FUCKING SHIT
I hope she won’t either :c He deserves to be loved since he is so capable of loving now! You masochist hehe (fucking same tho) c: Thank you so much for reading my dear!
Well if you remember, Yoongi has been locked up for 13 years but has now only escaped with the help of Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin! Hehe I hope you enjoy how the story unfolds c: Thank you so much for reading!
Anonymous said: OMG THE BACK STORY I'M CRYING how will y/n react if jungkook tell her the truth bruh I can't take the suspense AND ALSO IS THE BALL NEXT WEEK???? I WANNA SEE HER DRESS OMG
In the story, Y/N and Jungkook are currently talking when it is Friday night - so the ball is on the Saturday; which is the next day! c: And yessssss! I wonder what type of dress Taehyung and Jimin are creating...I think it will be a masterpiece~ Thank you for reading my series! :D
I’m sorry for hurting your heart Koto :c Please forgive me ahhhhh. I love you a lot and thank you for always being so fucking awesome ^=^
@manibbunny said: i am sure that Y/N will be understanding of jungkook when he tells her about him being a vampire. she will get sad but she loves him and she knows he's different and won't do something like that ever again. loved the new chapter btw!
I hope she is understanding of Jungkook too! I think if you really love someone and have feelings for them like that - love can always find a way and triumph. So I hope that’s the case for Jungkook and Y/N too! Thank you for reading the update my love and I hope you enjoy the rest of the series too!
Anonymous said: Oh yoongi's been after OC since she was young.. Loved the chapter. I'm even more excited to find out what's special abt the OC. I wonder also why jungkook (and taehyung) dont know what's special if yoongi knows? (You dont need to answer that ofc. just me voicing my thoughts while reading). Looking forward to next tuesday~
Don’t worry - I always love to read people’s thoughts so think and say all you want! But yeah, you’re right - I won’t ever say whether is someone is wrong or right :3 Jungkook and Y/N will be talking with Taehyung and Jimin before the ball when they go to get her dress (which is the next day in the story if you remember ^^) So I wonder if something will happen then?! c: Thank you for reading and enjoying my series dear ^^ It means a lot to me!
@animeimmortal said: wow. Just wow. Like I am so curious as to how this is going to turn out but right now I'm just amazed omg
I hope you’ll enjoy how the story unfolds and pans out in time! Thank you for reading the update beautiful ^=^
@taekookiesandcream said: Sara, my love, part 15 was amazing! You keep out-doing yourself!! You're so so talented and I want you to know your very appreciated! Also, I feel really bad for only speaking to you when you update lol, I'll try and speak to you more often, pinky promise 🙋🏼💕
Ach, thank you so much my little flower ^^ And no oh my goodness don’t feel bad about doing that! You can always talk to me whenever you wish - my DMs are always open! (although I may not be able ot reply straight away due to work and Uni etc~ I will reply eventually lol!) Thank you so much dear :D
Anonymous said: SHIT JUST GOT REAL
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