#and i process things better and faster if i am given more deets to work with.asfdgdhg so really it's hard to go wrong when i'm
cursedfortune · 1 year
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promise i’m not ignoring anyone!! had a long day and running on very little sleep. social energy is lower so i’m just vibing with some creative stuff that comes easy.
things should be more free for me to circle back to once i get some stuff done in the morning. fgdfhghj
also anyone worried i may have missed out or skipped them in my whole rampage to see what threads are being kept/tossed/paused and talking with new peeps on starting stuff: i’ve gotten through most of my list (which is really just the list of threads i keep, people i’m talking to as a reminder to reply and then me going through my followers list to reach out) so chances are you’re in the last chunk i’m getting to. if for some reason i still haven’t gotten to you or you’re worried still, you can just tap me. i’m trying to be considerate in catching up so if anyone feels not gotten to, just tell me!!
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