#and i know its going to be a whole thing with bub
rosenclaws · 10 hours
Hi again! 👋
I'm throwing another request at ya since you did such an awesome job with the last fic idea I requested. (Thank you again for that)
This time with the OG Logan and all his kitty cat hair glory lol.
The reader has similar powers to scarlet witch. Like telekinetic powers, levitation, etc. Can it be a scenario where she loses connection (like how wanda feels connected to vision) with Logan and thinks that he's dead and she just snaps. The villians who claims they killed him mock her and she pulls the move like wanda did in Endgame where she's like you took everything from me, and the villians don't know who she is and she's like you will and just goes full beast mode on the villians involved.
Bonus, Logans alive, he just was knocked out real bad and sees the whole fight happen and was like wow I love her and they reunite and it ends all fluffy with a kiss, maybe a proposal? Lol 😘
Heartbeat || Logan Howlett x Reader
a/n: This was such a great request and I have to say I really loved writing this. I did. go a little angstier than I thought I would and its darker than I expected it to turn out but I really hope you like it. Your mutant name is firefly. Also. I still haven't seen the movies so I apologize if its not accurate to how the X-Men work or anything im sorry sdakfjl;
warnings: fake out death, violence, blood, killing, angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending, the reader goes on a rampage, he calls you honey, reader almost dies, creepy ass villian guy.
wc: 2.3k
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"You alright there honey?" Logan's hand gently rests on your shoulder.
You're staring blankly out the jet window, watching the clouds pass by as you ready yourself for what is pretty much a suicide mission. A whole organization that had been hiding underground, dedicated to eradicating mutants.
They've studied you. Planned. They know things, your strengths, your weaknesses. A few people had infiltrated their base and what they found...It made you shiver. Photos and articles and deeply personal information.
They had photos of you and Logan.
It made you paranoid sometimes. Like they were always watching. So you had to put a stop to it as soon as possible. You didn't go on missions often. Your powers were, quite destructive. Powerful yes but not always needed but the X-Men needed everyone they could. You take a deep breath and try to smile convincingly.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Logan snorts and cocks an eyebrow.
"You're lying right through those pretty teeth." There's an air of fear in the jet. You all know what might happen if you don't succeed.
"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Promise."
"Yeah they're no match for the Wolverine and Firefly." Scott teases making Logan roll his eyes. Scott just loved messing with Logan, taking any jab he can to lighten the mood.
"Can it bub." He turns his attention back to you, happy to see a small smile on your face. Logan takes your hand and places it on his chest. Your hands glow as you reach deep and feel his heartbeat.
"See?" You take a deep breath as you listen.
Sometimes you got too much into your own head. Your powers were tricky and when you got overwhelmed Logan always knew how to calm you down. The world around you fades as you focus on the beat of his heart. The rise and fall of his chest. He was your rock. The jet jolts and Logan holds onto you as you stumble.
"Think I got time for a quick smoke before we head out?"
"No you do not." Storm walks up to the two of you, she shoos Logan away who reluctantly leaves.
"We're landing in 10 minutes, are you ready Firefly?" You take a deep breath and nod.
You stare at your hands as you little particles of orange start to sprout from your fingers. You had control of your powers most of the time but they were still a work in progress but you knew that this mission was important so you couldn't afford to lose control.
Once the jet lands Scott and Storm tell everyone the plan again. This was for the future of mutant kind and there was a lot at stake. Each of you had a small usb drive that would corrupt and destroy any files still left in their system. Infiltrate and destroy all of their plans.
"Do you feel like pancakes?" Logan asks as you step out of the jet.
"What?" He shrugs and stands a little taller.
"There's this diner, open all night. Thought that after you'd want to get something to eat." You know what he's doing. Trying to make you feel better, to believe that you'll make it out alive. You can't die if you have a plans.
"Sure Logan, pancakes sounds great."
"Then it's a date." Logan heads in the opposite direction of you.
He's part of the brute force while you slip into the shadows. Still it pains you to be away from him. A storm rumbles in the distance and you hurry off to your position, afraid of what was to come. Still you keep going.
This was going to end tonight.
"Shit!" You hiss as a bullet wizzes past you.
Things had went to shit pretty quickly and it's an all out brawl now. With a wave of your hands soldiers go flying to who knows where. You sneak behind one and infiltrate his mind. Using his fears to show you exactly where the main computer was being held. He falls to the ground and you step over him as you sneak inside.
It was getting bad, you could feel it. Feel the tiredness and pain your friends were feeling. The guards fall one by one as you make it to the center console room. Exhaustion was creeping up on you. Your powers exerting every bit of strength you had. Still you knew what had to be done.
You plugged in the usb drive and watched as the system crashes, deleting every single bit of information they could have on the X-Men. Then you slowly envelop the console with your powers, crushing it until there's nothing left. You press your finger to your ear, alerting the team you had wiped their main computer in the comms. There's nothing but static on the other end.
"Guys?" You feel your heart start to race as you run out of the building.
"Hello? Anyone? Storm, Jean, Logan?" Still nothing.
Suddenly you feel this horrible, horrible pit in your chest. You stop in your tracks. Blood running cold as terrible feeling washes over you. Logan. You can't explain it, but somethings wrong.
"Logan!" You plead into your comms for him to respond.
You burst through the doors and back onto the field. Your breath hitching as you see the destruction in front of you. For any normal villain's they would have been nothing in the way of you guys, but these people knew exactly who you were. Exactly how to stop each and every one of you.
It was a losing battle.
Your eyes dart around as you send blast after blast, trying to help but with every move of your hands you feel weaker. Suddenly you hear a loud yell, you turn around to see Logan driving his claws deep into the chest of someone. You feel relieved seeing him still standing.
"Logan!" You call out to him and he looks your way. There's blood splattered all over his face and he looks worried. He runs towards you as fast as he could go.
"Get down!" He roars.
It all happens so slowly.
You look to your side to see a man with a gun aimed right at you. The exhaustion plagues your brain as you react too late. You see Logan running at you. A desperate look in his face as he jumps at you. You hit the ground and so does Logan. He rolls away and lays still. To your horror there's a bullet right in his forehead.
"Logan!" You screech.
You scramble to his side. He's not getting up. Why is he not getting up? He heals. He should be fine. His healing factor should have kicked in so why isn't he getting up. You reach out to him but someone grabs your leg before you can. Your hands dig into the ground as you're yanked back. Dragged to the center of the field.
"Get the fuck off me!" You kick your feet and scream loudly.
Your hands glow but you're face is shoved to the ground, a foot on your neck slowly stopping the air from entering your lungs. You can feel your strength draining. You try and use your powers but you can't.
"He's dead sweetheart. Think we don't know about that neat little regeneration of his?" The man above you laughs and you start to feel sick.
"We're not fucking stupid." He takes his foot off your neck and you gasp for air. He reaches down and grabs you by the neck, forcing you to turn and look at Logan.
"Where's that healing of his now?" Logan remains unmoving, you try and reach out to him. Using any bit of your power to search for him but nothing. You can't feel anything. Tears start to fall as you let out an anguished cry.
"I thought you were supposed to be strong? We heard so much about you and now look at you." He lets go of your neck and you crawl to your knees. Clutching your chest as sobs wrack your body.
"Don't worry though," You hear a gun cock behind you.
"It'll be over soon. Go ahead and say hi to your little boyfriend for us."
You look up at him and feel nothing but an overwhelming amount of pure rage. How fucking dare they. They threatened your life, your friends, your world. They took your peace. They took Logan. The love of your life, he died saving you. Your hands glow bright orange, your chest heaving as you glare at the man standing in front of you.
"Oh look at that, looks like you can do something." He sneers. You chuckle darkly. Tilting your head to the side you smile. Your eyes start to glow as you become strangely calm.
"You took everything from me...So I'm going to take it all from you." You scream as a large wave of energy bursts from your body.
A wave knocking back everyone in your radius including your team. The line of friend and foe blur as you go on a rampage. Disposing of anyone who came after you with ease.
"Firefly!" Storm calls out to you, you were becoming uncontrollable. No one can even get near you. Jean tries to get into your head but you block her out.
No one can get to you now.
They took him from you and you were going to make him pay. You stalk to the ones that were foolish enough to stay. Though they were crawling away now, pleading for mercy. It almost makes you laugh. They were showing no mercy when they planned to eradicate you and your friends. Why would you show them any now?
"That's enough!" Scott fires a beam to stop you in your tracks.
"They're surrendering." He reaches out to you but you push him away.
"I don't care." You snarl. You raise your hand and lift the stragglers up in the air. You're about to slam them to the ground but someone grabs onto your wrist.
"Stop!" The grip is tight as they spin you around. The glow in your eyes fade as you take in who stands in front of you.
"Logan?" You whisper. You try and shake your hand free but he doesn't budge.
"Let them go, honey." He says gently.
"They tried to kill you." You feel the fire come back but Logan does everything he can to calm it.
"But they didn't. They can't hurt us anymore." Still you don't move. He loosens the grip on your hand, taking your other hand and placing it on his chest.
"I'm alive, just feel." Slowly you lower your hand, softly letting the men fall as the rest of the team deal with them as you collapse into Logan's arms.
"I thought you were dead!” You cried. You rest your head against his chest, hand still gripping his suit.
“You weren’t moving and I, I couldn’t feel you.” He cradles the back of your head and holds you tight.
“I’m so sorry I scared you honey, I’m alive. Just knocked out for a little bit.” Logan feels horrible.
Maybe if he had been a little quicker you both would be okay and you wouldn’t have had to deal with any of that. He grabs your face and kisses you with an intensity you've never felt. It's sloppy and desperate but full of life. He's alive. He's telling you that he's alive.
When you pull apart there's still tears streaming down your face. Still so overwhelmed from everything. He lets you cry into his chest as he soothes you. Wiping away the tears as they come.
"I love you so much." He whispers so only you can hear.
The rest of the team watch but don’t say a word. Letting the two of you sit there as long as you need. Soon your tears dry up but you don’t let go of Logan.
It’s a quiet walk to the jet. Everyone is absolutely drained. You lean on Logan's shoulder as he draws shapes on your thigh with his thumb. Your hand rests on his wrist, pressing into his pulse just to make sure he's still breathing.
"Pancakes." You say quietly. Logan looks over in slight confusion.
"You promised me pancakes," You crack a tired smile.
Logan stares at you for a moment before laughing in disbelief. The weight of what happened finally catching up to him. How close he was to losing it all, how close you were to complete destruction. The toll it's taken on everyone in the jet. The last thing on anyone's mind mind should be doing anything other than sleeping for a week yet pancakes feel like the best fucking idea ever.
"Yeah we can get pancakes honey, as many as you want." He kisses your forehead and places his chin on your head.
"With chocolate chips?" You ask playfully.
"I'll make 'em put in extra. Just for you." You hum happily as you lean in closer to him.
It's still a long flight back and one by one everyone starts to fall asleep. Soon it's just the rumbling of the plane. You look up to see Logan has fallen asleep, you watch his chest rise and fall. Just for a little bit.
He grumbles in his sleep, twitching slightly. There's a scowl on his face as he starts to shift more. Quietly you tap your fingers against his head, taking away his nightmares. He stops moving, relaxing under your touch. You smile softly as you slide your hand down to his chest.
Closing your eyes you feel his heart again. In the back of your mind swirls the horrible memories of today but you choose to ignore them for now. You close your eyes and allow yourself to rest. The steady beat of his heart acting as the perfect lullaby.
Just a steady reminder that everythings okay, there's nothing to fear anymore.
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boyduroy · 1 year
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kaciidubs · 1 month
Are You Still Watching?
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✧ Summary: It was meant to be a sweet gesture to treat you to a surprise at-home date - what a shame that the pajamas that were supposed to be covering your bodies were now on the floor. ✧  ✧ Word Count: 1.8k ✧ Warnings: Smut, fluff, light humor, slight Dom/Sub dynamics, daddy kink, spitroasting, slight choking ✧  ✧ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ✧  ✧ Additional Tags: Reader is referred to as Good Girl, Baby, Pup, Slut, Seungmin is referred to as Minnie, Chris is referred to as Daddy, Baby ✧ Stray Kids Masterlist ✧ General Masterlist
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You’d appreciated the effort they put in on the surprise date night; the living room decorated with small tea light candles as the coffee table held an array of your combined favorite snacks. They’d even treated you to your favorite restaurant for take out - and by they, you really meant Chris, seeing as he would rather be struck by lightning than have you or Seungmin pay for anything (though, recently, he has been getting better at letting you both exercise your independence).
However, your favorite detail of the whole night was the way they basically transformed the couch into a sea of blankets and pillows - Seungmin making sure to include your favorite fluffy blanket to be shared between the three of you - which only made it more shameful to note that it was currently crumpled on the floor with pajamas that should’ve been covering your bodies.
“C’mon, you can take more than that, can’t you?”
You made a sound of indigence, eyebrows pinching as the pressure on the back of your head increased just a bit.
“Minnie, don’t - ah, fuck - don’t force her, give her a second.”
As usual, Chris’s caring tone added a lighter caress to Seungmin’s bite, though those sweet words could only do so much as his hips twitched up, unintentionally pushing more of his length past your lips.
Seungmin scoffed, a humored, lighthearted sound as his eyes narrowed, “You do realize, she’s the one who told me I could do this, right? She likes it, you know she does - don’t act like you don’t like it either, hyung.”
Punctuating his point, he pressed further against the back of your head and you dropped your jaw to allow Chris’s cock to slide along your tongue and prod at the back of your throat, before letting his grip pull you back up for a little reprieve.
“Bub wants to be used like a little slut - are you going to deny her that?”
You keened at his words, flicking your tongue around the head of Chris’s cock for further coaxing - you were okay with it, more than okay, and seeing your enthusiasm served to whittle him down more.
“G-Gonna be a good girl f’me and take it?”
Your head shifted slightly, a nod, as much as you could give with Seungmin’s hold on you remaining firm and secure.
That was all he needed to see as he spread his legs just a bit more, planting his feet before thrusting his hips up; his dick easily finding its way down your throat from the way Seungmin kept your head at the perfect level.
The living room soon filled with the sounds of your choked moans, wet slurps, and breathless groans as Chris fucked your mouth with ease; one arm laid along the back of the couch while the other braced against the cushions to aid in the leverage he needed.
“God, fuck, look at you,” he hissed, cocking his head in order to catch the way your cheek puffed up and hollowed out with each stroke, the shine of saliva bubbling at the corner of your lips sending his mind into a frenzy. “Pretty little thing letting daddy use your mouth like this - wouldn’t have it any other way, hm?”
Replying in kind, you dipped your head lower, working past the resulting gag on the following thrust with nothing but pure determination and need.
“Fuck.” Both men spoke in unison, a sound filled with equal parts desperation and fascination.
The sloppy sounds of Chris’s cock leaving and entering your mouth bounced off the walls of the living room more frequently, his pace growing faster as he began to chase the hints of his impending orgasm.
“‘M gonna come soon,” he gasped out, lidded eyes trained on the way your head rocked and bobbed, but stayed relatively in the same position Seungmin held you in, “be good and swallow it all, okay, baby? J-Just a little longer- shit.”
You tightened your lips around his girth, determined to hold everything he gave you, and like clockwork his dick twitched against your tongue followed by the bitterness of his seed filling your mouth.
He came with staggered breaths, his stomach heaving with each wave that coursed through him until his body fell lax against the couch.
The grip on the back of your head vanished, though another presence made itself known underneath your chin, slowly pulling you away from the softening cock between your lips - Chris hissing from the determined suction you kept to take the remnants of his orgasm with you.
Turning your head towards him, your eyes met his lust fogged ones, pupils blown and a considerable glow emanating from his body.
“Show daddy.”
He watched as the muscles in your throat subtly shifted before you parted your lips, tongue lolling out to show the inside of your mouth void of his cum.
“Good girl,” he murmured, pressing his thumb against your tongue.
Your lips eagerly wrapped around the digit, holding his strong gaze as you sucked on it daringly - priding yourself on the way his tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek, eyes narrowing at your boldness.
However, your little show was cut short as you felt a pair of hands dragging you back by your hips, blindly following the lead as your legs were guided up and over the arm of the couch, planting your feet firmly on the hardwood while your hips rested against the cushioned arm.
“Alright, alright, I’m here too.” Seungmin mumbled, though his cadence expressed a playful annoyance than anything else as he ran his hands along the curve of your ass, “Channie hyung shouldn’t have all the fun - this was my idea.”
There wasn’t enough time to counteract with a statement of your own as you felt the blunt tip of his cock nudge against your pussy, sliding through your arousal with a gentle rock of his hips.
“Seungmin, please.”
He gave a light huff, but you could practically see the amused smirk undoubtedly on his lips, “So needy, pup.”
However, you could argue that he was needier as he gripped your hip tighter, his other hand supporting the base of his dick as he began to slowly push past your walls - a hiss of satisfaction falling from his lips in the process.
Your head fell forward, a low moan floating through your parted lips; though, it didn’t last long as a finger hooked underneath your chin and gently lifted your head back up.
“Feels good, doesn’t he, baby?”
Lust fogged eyes locked with darkened ones, a familiar hunger lingering in his irises that had your pussy clenching as a result.
You felt yourself getting lost in his hypnotizing stare, sinking deeper and deeper into the pool of desire until a thrust jolted you forward - breaking you from your reverie with a choked out moan.
Then came another, then another, then another, until you were steadily rocking against the arm of the couch as Seungmin fucked you as he pleased; hard and thorough with a hand gripping your hip while the other remained steady at the back of your neck.
“Jesus, she’s so wet,” he groaned, lidded eyes locked on the curve of your ass, “bet she’s been turned on since we started this whole ‘date’.”
“Yeah? You think so?” A low chuckle left Chris as he took in your lust fogged expression, “She’s probably been waiting for one of us to put our hands on her ever since we got to the couch, spoiled little thing.”
A slap rang through the air, your yelp of pain melting into a needy whine while Seungmin’s hand massaged the cheek of your ass.
“Needy little slut,” squeezing the flesh, he hummed, “it’s cute, though - probably means we’re doing something right.”
Your breath caught at their words, an addictive mix of embarrassment and arousal flowing through your veins like molten lava - stomach twisting and walls clenching that only served to intensify Seungmin’s precise thrusts.
“Oh, she liked that.” His hand slid around your hip and between your legs, a deft finger easily finding purchase on your neglected clit, “Did you like it enough to come for me, pup? I can feel you clenching, I know you’re close - come for me.”
A larger hand made its presence known around your neck with a firm grasp, not enough to cut off your airflow, yet still present enough to have your eyelids fluttering and lips parting in a small ‘o’.
“Go ahead,” Chris cooed in a velvety tone, gently squeezing his fingers against the column of your neck, “come for Minnie, baby - come so he can fill you up just how you like, yeah?”
The mere thought of his orgasm had yours slamming into you faster than you could comprehend - your legs nearly buckling as you gripped the couch cushion, while a staccato of moans floated past your lips.
“Seung- Baby- A-Ah- Fuck!”
Seungmin mirrored your curse with one of his own, forced through gritted teeth as his finger continued to slide against your clit, drawing out your orgasm as long as he could until his body tensed - grunting out a small “‘M c-coming-” before pressing his hips flush to yours.
Chris’s hand slowly left your neck, granting you the ability to let it fall forward and relieve some tension off your shoulders; the sound of heavy footsteps walking out of the living room keying you into what he set off to do next.
A pair of lips pressed to your shoulder blade, followed by another kiss to the junction near the base of your neck, leading you to let out a soft giggle.
“I’m okay, Minnie.”
“Even after what I said…?”
His voice was right next to your ear, soft and a tad meek - you couldn’t help but nudge the side of his head with your own, “Baby, you calling me a slut barely breaks the surface of what I can get Channie to call me if I push hard enough - I’m perfectly fine with being your ‘needy slut’ if that’s what you need in the moment.”
He made a sound that could only be described as bashful embarrassment, choosing to respond by leaning forward to peck your cheek before pulling away at the sound of footsteps once more.
After a quick - gentle and careful - wipe down with a washcloth provided by Chris, a few bathroom trips, and a refresh on snacks, the three of you settled back onto the couch like before - sans pajamas.
“So,” Chris hummed, rotating the remote in his hand, “are we still watching this, or…?”
You held back your laugh as best you could with Seungmin laid on top of you, eyes already closed and determined to stay that way. “Keep it on as background noise?”
Nodding, he selected ‘keep watching’ before tossing the remote to the coffee table and tugging you closer against his side.
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✧. ┊Tagged lovelies: @having-an-internal-crisis-rn, @midnightfrog625, @anyhow-everything, @bangchanbabygirlx, @sweetracha, @nightimescapes, @caitlyn98s, @ch4nn13luv, @ihrtlix, @jeonjungkookenthusiast1997, @maximumkillshot, @y-ur--i, @acker-night, @dreamescapeswriting, @specialstay, @s00buwu, @tinyelfperson, @jj-stay, @katsukis1wife, @inlovewithmusician, @keen-li, @armystay89, @main-character0, @vampcharxter, @ddyskz, @prettymiye0n, @bbgnyx, @bahng-chrizz, @milknhoneyracha, @hann1bee, @palindrome969, @newhope8, @kpopsstuffs, @starquokka, @wolfs-howling, @laylasbunbunny, @4-chan-inpadella, @butterflydemons, @kimahreummm, @ta3baee, @snowy-violet, @bethanysnow
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jaysng · 5 months
🫐 - jake! maybe about reader having some hardships during her pregnancy but baby daddy jake would be ready to do anything for her comfort !!
rejecting his kisses | sjy
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pairing: husband!jake x wife!reader
genre: fluff bro what else i write 😭😭
synopsis: reader is growing sensitive day by day to touches and snaps at jake, jake being a mature husband handles the situation well.
everything felt so much more overwhelming, jake kept a family dinner and everyone was over, his members and his family. 
“how are my babies doing?” jake said as he nuzzled his nose in your neck as you moved back in annoyance. 
oh he noticed it but shrugged it off, maybe it was just a silly reaction right?
the sound of everyone talking at the same time in their own conversation rings around in your ears making it hard for you to keep up with everything jake had his hands on you the whole day, hugging you from behind, talking to his friends and family with a hand on your bump, rubbing your nose agaisnt his, kissing your cheeks, lips and forehead. yeah sounds cute but not when you’re feeling everything a little too much. 
what is going on. 
it was so bad that you had to shut your room door so loud and settle on the bed, 
there you were, pregnant and finally on your thrid trimester with your annoying husband being extra touchy anywhere he could find you at.
rubbing your temples you sat on the bed, grabbed the water from the beside table and starting chugging it down. 
meanwhile, jake who already spotted your absensce in the living room came in “bub?” you heard his voice and your brain gave a reaction not again. 
he walks in as you don’t even dare to look at him in the eye, your eyes closed as you take deep breath. 
“did i do something” he leans over to your face while staring deep “no..” u say as he hums in question he sits beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder “are you oka-“ you cut him off,
“no- just no- please okay? please just get your hands off of me please jake. stay away from me i am not feeling all your touches just leave me the fuck alone.” you say raising your voice. 
the next thing you see is tears in jake’s eyes as he looks away from you trying to hold them in. 
“i am sorry.” 
a moment of complete silence goes by as you rest your head on the headboard.
you notice him avoiding your looks and turning to the other side, hesitant to ask you if you need anything again.
“did i do something wrong?” he asks out of curiosity “i won’t touch you if—“
“no i dont know.. i am sorry i dont feel like getting touched i dont know.. i don’t know why i am being like this i don’t know” as you’re saying he turns around and comes closer to you.
attentively listening as he brings a hand to tug your hair strand back.
“hey no no it’s fine, its completely fine yeah, this is super normal for pregnant women to feel..” he says as tears start spilling from your eyes because of how understanding he is. 
jake has always put your perspective before his, always understanding everything you did, always finding a reason for your actions and letting you express yourself, god you think what did you do to deserve him. 
“b-but jake” you say as he holds your face in his hands and squishes your cheeks trying to calm you down.
“at this stage you’ve grown more sensitive. to touches to words to noises to everything” he says bringing his hands back to himself, “isn’t it?” 
you nod in agreement as he adds “so don’t ever blame yourself about all this okay? i love you just how it is. nothing will ever change that” 
you look at him and take his hand and place it on your belly, he makes sure to keep it exactly where you kept and not rub it because of muscle memory 
he pauses and lets out a little laugh as he feels the baby kicking where his arm is placed “just try not to be as aggressive as you were okay?” you nod once again as he kisses your cheeks wiping your tears off his lips. 
“baby doesn’t like hearing mum and dad argue does it?” he says as he feels another kick to his palm as you both laugh out of surprise. 
it makes you giggle, mood swings are crazy.
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newobsessionweekly · 6 months
Stolen moments
Main masterlist | The Rookie masterlist
Tim Bradford x rookie!reader Fandom: The rookie
Summary: You and Tim find it difficult to have some sort of intimacy due to your busy schedules.
A/N: Here's another Tim one that I loved writing. Not really a fluff girl, but I think I wrote something cute. Hope you like it. Don't forget to leave your feedback, it'll help me. Have a great day bubs and lots of love! 🫧
Warnings: Not proofread yet, that's it.
Requested: yes Words: 1.8k Requests for Tim are open! GIF not mine, credits to the owner!
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Being a rookie was intense. The constant struggle to keep yourself out of dangerous situations and, even more important, to manage them and go home safe and sound was exhausting. Gladly, your T.O. was understanding and his open, talkative personality helped you through when things get complicated.
John Nolan was a man that you trusted with your life and you grew closer, being not just your training officer, but a very important friend in your life. When between you and Tim things weren't going smoothly, he is your go to person. Mostly because you appreciate his advices and on the other hand because you're stuck with him every day, him reading you like a book.
You and Tim have been together for a few months now and it was clear as day that you adore that man with every breath. Tim is not far away from that, his love for you reflecting in his eyes, some might say he smiled in the last couple of months more than he ever did in his whole career at the station.
Music from Tim's car echoed through your mind as you embraced that still moment. No more people talking through the radio, no sirens whiling down the streets, no gunshots fired. Just you and Tim, singing along the radio, his hand resting on your lap as he squeezed it from time to time, sending chills down your spine, memories from the last night you'd spent together reddening your cheeks.
"I was thinking, maybe, you'd want to move in." Tim broke the silence as he checked the mirrors, his car making its way to the station. You hummed at his words, considering that. No more squeezing out your schedules, no more running around to see each other. More Tim tests on your time off work.
"I'll think about it. I love staying with Lucy though." you told him as he parked the car.
"Seriously? When's the last time you saw Lucy?" he quietly laughed.
"When's the last day you've been to your apartment?"
"Last..." you tried to remember what day it was. "Saturday."
"And now it's Friday." he pointed out the fact that you spent a whole week at his place.
"I'll think about it." you smiled at him, making him do the same as Tim was about to closed the distance between you two.
A loud knock on the window made you jump right before your lips could meet and Tim grinned at the sight of Lucy. "Speaking of the devil." he murmured frustrated under his breath, making you laugh as you went to greet her.
"Y/N, here's the mail from this week. Didn't know when you'd come home so I thought..." you thanked her, stuffing the envelopes in your purse. "Morning, officer Bradford." Lucy greeted Tim and he welcomed her with his grumpy face.
"Officer Chen" he didn't leave your side, hoping your best friend would disappear, but she grabbed your arm, rambling about her date, stealing you away from your boyfriend.
The morning briefing concluded, leaving a hasty window of respite before the day's duties would fully take hold. In that fleeting moment, you found yourself alone with Tim, the magnetic pull between you palpable in the air.
"Hey," your boyfriend murmured, his voice low and husky as he closed the distance between you. "Be safe out there today, okay?"
Seeing Tim so handsome in that uniform, made your heart skip a beat. His beautiful blue eyes searching you from head to toe, admiring your beauty and playing a wide smile on his lips. A smile that means sinful thoughts are running in his mind.
His words were a tender caress against your ear, sending shivers down your spine as you leaned in, drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Your heart quickened as his hand brushed against yours, the electricity of his touch sending sparks of desire coursing through your veins.
Before you could respond, the sound of approaching footsteps shattered the moment, jolting you back to reality. You turned to see Nolan standing before you, his expression expectant as he awaited your response.
"Ready for patrol, Y/N?" Nolan's voice cut through the air, breaking the intimate spell that had enveloped you and Tim.
You blinked, startled by the sudden intrusion, and turned to face your TO with a forced smile. "Yes, sir, ready to go."
Nolan glanced between you and Tim, his expression shifting from curiosity to understanding as he realized the tension that hung heavy in the air. "Sorry to interrupt," he said, his voice tinged with awkwardness. "I'll let you two carry on."
But before he could make his escape, Tim's voice cut through the silence, his tone laced with frustration and determination.
"Be careful out there, both of you," Tim said, his gaze fixed on you with a mix of concern and love. "And stay safe."
With a curt nod, Tim turned on his heel and made his exit, leaving you and Nolan standing in the wake of his departure. As you watched Tim disappear from sight, a swell of emotions washed over you—frustration at the interrupted moment, longing for the connection you shared with Tim, and gratitude for his unwavering concern for your safety.
Tim's frustration was touching the ceiling. Both of you had plans that night, leaving him longing for the next time you'd be alone again. A next time tagged with a question mark because of your chaotic lives. He wanted to have you close all the time, to make sure he can protect the woman he loved dearly. But above this excuse, Tim wants you close because he needs you. Every touch and little kiss stolen here and there gives him the strength to carry on with his life, gives him an anchor to hold on when things get messy.
The midday sun beat down on the bustling streets of LA as officers gathered around the street food area for their lunch break.
As you and Tim sat together at the table, the bustling activity around you seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of you in your own little bubble. Tim's touch was gentle yet possessive as he reached for your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours in a silent declaration of affection.
"You know, Y/N, I think moving in together could be a great step for us," Tim said, his voice soft and tender. "We already spend so much time together anyway, and it would make things so much easier."
You nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you leaned into his touch. "I know, Tim. It's just...a big step, you know? I want to make sure we're both ready for it."
Tim's gaze softened, his eyes filled with understanding as he squeezed your hand gently. "Copy that. We'll take things at your pace, okay? No rush."
His touch sent a thrill racing through you, igniting a warmth that spread from your fingertips to the depths of your soul. His thumb traced delicate patterns on the back of your hand, a tender gesture that spoke volumes without a word being spoken.
The connection between you and Tim was electric, a palpable energy that pulsed between you with each passing moment. His gaze was intense, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and adoration as he leaned in closer, his lips tantalizingly close to yours.
You could feel the heat of his breath against your skin, the anticipation building to a fever pitch as you inched closer to each other. Just as your lips were about to meet, the voices of your beloved colleagues shattered the moment once more, leaving you both frustrated and longing for more.
"No, I mean is great that Henry is visiting me, don't get me wrong. But I feel like this weekend is going to fly by so fast and the chief already approved my OT for both days and I feel like we won't spend so much time together." Nolan ramble about his son and they sat down beside you and Tim.
"Tell me about it." your boyfriend scoffed as he caressed your thigh, his tone tinged with frustration.
For Tim, each interruption felt like a cruel twist of fate, a barrier preventing him from fully expressing the depth of his love for you. He yearned for the stolen moments, the brief glimpses of intimacy that left him craving more. With each interruption, his frustration grew, a silent plea echoing in his mind for just a few moments alone with you.
"I already spoke with him and he's gonna meet us tonight at the bar" you told John as you savoured the food in front of you.
"But I thought he's coming tomorrow." Nolan frowned and Tim raised his eyebrows at your words. He knew you meet them now and then after shift, but he didn't know that was your plan for tonight, instead of spending it with him.
The constant interruptions felt like a cruel reminder of the obstacles standing between you and Tim. You longed for the stolen kisses and whispered words, moments of intimacy that seemed to slip through your fingers before they could fully blossom. Each interruption left you feeling incomplete, aching for the chance to bask in Tim's presence without the prying eyes of your colleagues.
As the lunch break drew to a close and the time came for you to return to patrol, Tim's frustration was palpable. He shot you a longing look, his eyes silently pleading for just a few more moments alone together.
He walked you to the shop and when you made sure Nolan was already inside and away from your whispering, you turned to him and intertwined your fingers together.
"So that's the plan you have tonight, huh?" he asked you, clearly not feeling very happy that you chose them over you. He had plans too, watching tonight's game with his friends. Some important game he said, but if it was to choose, he'd rather spend the night with you than watch it.
"Well, they asked me to join after you said you have plans. I thought maybe some time apart from each other would be nice." you admit.
"Some more time apart?" he questioned.
"Maybe it's best if I move in." you told him after Nolan informed you about a call that was just dispatched to you. Tim smiled, softly grabbing your cheeks, finally placing a kiss after long hours of watching you from distance.
"I'll see you tonight, Y/N," Tim said, his voice tinged with regret as he watched you leave. "Be safe out there, okay?"
You nodded, a bittersweet smile playing at the corners of your lips as you bid him farewell. And as you headed back out onto the streets, the memory of Tim's tender touch and loving gaze lingered in your mind, a reminder of the love that bound you together, even in the face of interruptions and obstacles.
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tan1shere · 19 days
Billie Eilish x female reader !
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A/n: it's 3 am and I just thought of this. This is so rare for Ms tann to have motivation omg. Anyways enjoy !
Summary: you had been working yourself to the bone, flat out. Causing your girlfriend to worry about you.
Warnings: bit angsty, reader is stressed, panic attack, but fluffy ending MUAH
Your movements were frantic your whole brain was frantic. Speeding up with what you had to get done. It's as if time crept up on you. It was midnight and you couldn't sleep, all because of this thing you needed to do for work. You didn't want to get fired or anything. And that's the constant thing rattling round your brain.
'You're gunna get sacked.'
'You'll loose your spot.'
'They will think you're pathetic'
"What're you doing up love?" You then hear your girlfriend yawn. "Sorry Bills I didn't mean to wake you." She rubs her eyes adjusting to the light you had on in the living room. "You didn't babe. Why are you up this late?" You scatter the papers on the floor trying to find the one your after. "Bubba?" She then says a tad bit louder. "Hm? Oh, I needed to get this done, go back to bed billie-" "You come back to bed baby. You needa sleep." Your head just shakes. "Can't. I have to get this done." She lets out a sigh. "Please come to bed once your done." You mindlessly nod, still focusing on your work.
Days pass where this kept going on. Midnight, daily. She was getting really worried. Concerned. "Baby, it's your day off." She says looking at you scribbling something down on a piece of paper at the kitchen table. "I know but I forgot to do this." She sighs, her worry increasing. She goes to sit next to you. "Sweetheart." You hadn't heard her, too caught up with your burning thoughts. "Look at me." And you do, but not for long. Only to let her talk. "Your running yourself down, you need to take a break. Please." She pleaded.
But she knew deep down you wouldn't budge. You were definitely a hard worker. You didn't want her to worry either, you were fine. Right? "Its ok Bills once I'm done with this I will." "And when is that because it's been days." You continue to write. "Just a few more days." She sighs, standing up and leaving the room.
It was bad, truly bad. You haven't slept in 4 days, nearly 5 once the clock struck 12. You hadn't eaten. It's as if something was wrong with you, you had never done this before. Until the sleep deprivation kicked in. You felt it, feeling your lids slowly close. Your head going along with it, knocking out on the table. You hadn't even realized. That was until Billie came down, ready to shoot some sense into you, when she saw you dead asleep. She was so thankful. Tip toeing around to shut your laptop, when you wake back up again. "Fuck." She curses under her breath.
"Shit!" You say. "How long was I out for?" You ask her, that franticness coming back. "I dunno babe, you-" "No no no." You look at the clock. "It's 12. No..." Her eyes scan your face. Her worried look still evident. "Baby." She says sternly. Sensing what was approaching. "Oh God." You grab your chest trying to stay calm, but with the lack of sleep mixed with the lack of hunger your body just couldn't. A panic attack started to form.
Billie was quick to you, wanting to grab your face to get you to look at her, but truly not wanting to overwhelm you anymore. "Bub, please look at me." Tears build up, your breathing unsteady. "Baby, hey." Her voice was soft. "I-" You begin, feeling your chest tighten. "Can I touch you?" You finally look at her, nodding frantically, feeling like you're going insane. She was quick to grab your hand putting it on her chest. "Do your breathing. In.. and out." You shake your head but she just nods.
"Yes, in and out." Your eyes shut, trying so damn hard to focus on her voice. Then slowly your breathing comes back slightly. "There you go, that's it. Feel how still my heart is?" You nod, feeling her gently place her hand on your chest. "I want yours to be the same. Deep breath in, through your nose." You do so feeling a little bit calmer. "Then out." You breathe out, feeling the exhaustion finally hit you like a wave. "Few more times." She then says, feeling it still beating a bit fast. You nod, fixing your breathing until it was normal again. Things were silent. Until she spoke up.
"Talk to me sweet girl." Her thumb rubs under your eye, moving to the other. "I had to finish this stupid thing which I'm now coming to my senses was for no reason, I had time I don't know what got into me." That was a lie, you do know. And it was your evil coworker. She knew how hard you worked, knowing how intent you could sometimes be, she's the one who riled you up. "Bub." She knew you were lying too, she knew you better than anything. "Fucking Hannah. She's a stupid bitch oh my god. I absolutely hate her and the way she gets to me so easily." Billie grips both your hands in hers.
Making sure you're staying calm. "She bugs me too, I think you need to tell your boss because if anything she should be getting fired. Not you, because you haven't finished something in the right time. But her for being an evil fucking cunt." You sniffle, a small laugh to be heard. "Billie." "What! She is." You smile at her. "Thank you." You then say. "What for angel." Her hand comes to put any loose strand of hair behind your ear. "For being here, I feel like I've been awful." Her head shakes.
"So far from that, you've been working so hard even if it was worrisome. You were so determined and I admire you tons for that." Her words made you smile. "But I really do advice sleep, please." You nod. "Yeah.. I agree with you, I'm definitely feeling it now." She nods. "Dare I say good, its like you were a frozen statue over the past few days." You sigh a bit. "Sorry baby." She squeezes your hands, in an 'it's ok' way. "And Missy. You needa eat something." She then gets up grabbing a small snack from the fridge.
After that you get into bed with her for well needed rest. You turn to face her as her arm slings over your waist. "I missed you." She then says. "Missed snuggling with my girl."She finishes off. You give her a smile. "I'm sorry again, I truly am Billie I never wanted to worry you or for it to get so out of hand like it did." Her hand lands on your cheek so delicately. "Come to me in future my love, talk to me. That's what I'm here for yeah? I'm here for you always." Your body moves to cuddle hers, wrapping your arms around her. She holds you tightly. "From now on we talk hm?" Your head nods as you feel sleep taking over again. "We talk." - "Good." She kisses your forehead.
"I love you." You then say.
"I love you so much more."
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giddyfatherchris · 6 months
📱skz texts — how they react/comfort you (when you’re going through a rough patch with a friend)
| including. felix, han, hyunjin
warnings. none!
a/n. who am i 😮 posting two days in a row??😮 hehe sorry it took so long for the second batch to come! bang chan and lee know will be next<3 hope you enjoy babies xx tagging my sweet bubs @httpdwaekki as promised hope they measure up to your expectations 🙈
a/n. also i know these are ‘out of order’ but… whatever:)
changbin, seungmin & i.n
bang chan & lee know
He was just about to get into the car when he got your text.
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He hefted up the last bags in before he smiled, knowing only from your words that you would be so happy with the surprise he had prepared for you. As he drove to your school, he reminisced on the last few weeks. 
His knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel as he remembered the first night you had arrived at the studio, crying. Your cheeks were red, and you looked so disoriented. You explained in between sobs that you fought with one of your best friends. School was easy for you, you had to put in your fair amount of work, but it did come to you easier than for other people, aka them. They let that jealousy grow and grow and had it become a nasty tumor hogging everything in its path. Until that one night when they held your success up against you, and it all exploded, leaving nothing in its wake. 
He tried calming you down, but it was one of those moments in his life when he felt the most unhelpful, helpless, and worried. You seemed to be reassured by his touch, but your breathing was still labored, a constant stream of tears flowing down your cheeks. He held you closer, thanking the universe he had been alone practicing, but he knew even if the whole group had been there, he would have let everything down to be there for you. 
Releasing his grip, he breathed through the memories and hung to the truth that it was now over. Yes, you still had to see that person from time to time in school, and they were still being incredibly pissy, but you no longer were hurt by their behavior and attempts at screwing you. Thanks to many, many nights spent with Felix, you talked everything through, and he helped you process the situation. He was so proud of the way you handled things, and since it had been a while since you two had the opportunity to have a special date he impulsively decided to organize this getaway. He smiled as he pulled to the curb, noticing your confused smile.
"Hey you, isn't tonight a recording night?"
"Not for me. We're going away," he answered with an enigmatic smile. He nodded for you to get in, "It's a surprise. Yes, everything is arranged. Yes, your bags are packed, and yes, I'm totally free to go."
You narrowed your eyes as he answered all your questions without you having to ask them. "And, where are we going?"
"I'm afraid I can't reveal that information yet."
You rolled your eyes, secretly delighted. "Okay then, can I ask why?"
At that, he settled and grabbed your hand. "Because I'm proud of you. I know it hasn’t been easy for you lately, but you've handled everything so well and managed to get out of it stronger. There was not much I could do to help, but I can do this. I think you deserve this little getaway for all the hard work you've been putting in."
"Lix..." your gaze softened with his kind words.
"No complaints will be accepted at this moment. You just have to sit back, relax, and let me handle it, sounds good?" He brought your hand to his lips, softly kissing it while his eyes scanned your reaction. 
"Sounds very good." You smiled back.
He kissed your joined hands once more before putting the car in drive. 
You let a beat of silence pass before you tried again with a pleading tone. "You really won't tell me where we're going?" 
He laughed at your impatience. "No baby." 
A smile wouldn't leave his face as he imagined your reaction when you would pull up in the entryway of the little cottage he had booked near the sea. He could already picture your eyes growing in size and your excited screams when you would see the blue waves and sandy beach. Felix felt his heart strain under all the love he felt for you, as he promised himself to keep doing these little things for you forever.
He already knew everything about the situation happening with one of your friends. Honestly, he had a hard time understanding why they were suddenly turning against you. But then again, he always had a bad feeling about them and never thought they treated you half as well as you deserved. 
Still, he hated seeing you so affected by it. He understood why, but he hated feeling so unhelpful. He listened when you needed to vent and tried supporting you as much as he could, but he always felt like it would never be enough. So, when you texted him before heading home from work, hinting at how hard today had been, guilt started gnawing at him.
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You got home about 20 minutes later. He was already waiting for you at the door. As soon as he saw the tired look on your face, the dark circles slowly settling under your eyes, his heart ached, but before you could notice his sad puppy eyes, he masked them with his warmest smile.  
"Hey pretty, how are you?" Immediately he took your bag from your hands and helped you take off your coat before wrapping you in a hug.  
"Could be worse, but could be better too," you sighed. "They were extra petty today, I'm not sure how to deal with this anymore."
He pulled back to grab your face, staring at you lovingly as he did. You looked back at him, the sight of his plush cheeks and chestnut eyes already easing the pain in your chest. "But, I'll be okay. I just want to think of something else. If you're still up for it, a movie night would be amazing." 
His face lit up with a sweet smile as he kissed the tip of your nose. "You can head up for a quick shower. I already started the heater and laid down some clothes for you. I'm taking care of everything."
As soon as you disappeared in the corridor he started creating the perfect setup. He made sure to bring all your favorite blankets, pillows, and plushies on the couch. When he heard the shower start he was already preparing hot beverages for the both of you, along with a few of your favorite snacks. He proudly looked at the final result, dimming the lights to create the perfect cozy ambiance. Han would have done anything you would have asked of him tonight. Still, as he looked at his work, a proud smile illuminated his features. As outgoing as he was, he always liked when you said you would rather stay in with him than go out. 
Your soft steps on the floor snatched his attention away from his thoughts. Your hair was still wet from your shower, your face bare, and as planned, you wore the matching pajamas he had laid out for you. You were now both rocking an adorable fuzzy set. His heart tightened at the sight of you, looking so relaxed and cozy. 
"Since you said you didn't know what to watch, I made a little selection."
You snuggled up next to him, listening to his suggestions before adding one of your own. "While I was in the shower I was thinking we could watch one of our comfort movies. If you want to, of course."
"Sure, what were you thinking of?" he asked as he handed you the remote and placed his arm around your shoulders to pull your body closer to his. 
You quickly typed in the movie title, and he felt a smile tug at his lips as he read it. "Are you sure you want to watch Howl's Moving Castle again? I made you watch it just last week."
You nodded confidently, "It's the first movie we've ever watched together and it gives me the best comfy vibes. So if you're down for it...?"
He only pressed play in answer, made sure you were snug in your fort of blankets, kissed the side of your head as you settled against him and the familiar soundtrack started playing.
"I wish I could do more to help you with this whole thing. I hope this still lessens your burden, at least a little. I'm sorry I can't do more." He whispered a few seconds into the movie.
You turned back to look at him, his hair falling in soft curls. The worried expression on his face made you want to hug him as tight as you could. Maybe then you would be able to squeeze it out of his body.
"It's perfect. I couldn't ask for a better partner to go through all this. You do not have to apologize. It's all more than enough." you kissed his plump lips tenderly, "You will always be more than enough." You added before focusing on the movie again, not seeing the beautiful smile now visible on the young man’s face.
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He stared at you in disbelief as you dropped to the floor from extenuation and frustration. You had barely closed the door that you laid your head on the wall and closed your eyes. Your handbag hung limply from your hands, and your coast rustled and creased from the awkward position you were in. He knew what this was about as it wasn't the first night you had assumed that position. The first time you did, a few days ago, he had panicked, thinking you had lost consciousness or were sick. Even if it was nothing of the sort, his worry was still called for when silent tears streamed down your face. That's when you first explained what you were going through, that you had made new friends at your workplace only to discover they were associating with you to steal your ideas. Hyunjin remembers your smile and shining eyes when you first came from work telling him you had made new friends. When you discovered they stole your ideas and presented them to your boss first, that dream had cruelly shattered. You had fought back and proven the ideas were yours, but still, the situation at work was horrible as they had decided to make it hell for you as revenge. Hence the exhausted slide down the door every night.
He crouched next to you, a silent support. "I'm sorry, give me two more minutes, and then I promise to get up and get in my pajamas." You sighed heavily.
"Can I ask you a question?" he softly spoke. You looked up before nodding silently. "If the situation has been solved, if you still have your job, and if your boss is happy you spoke up about it. Why do you still feel like this? I'm not trying to judge or anything I promise. I'm only trying to understand." 
You thought about his question, analyzing his features, so soft and open. "It's just so- conflicting? In a way? I mean, I feel angry at them for doing this to me, but I also feel guilty for ratting them out, even if they deserved it. And I'm angry at myself for not seeing through their schemes. It's just a lot of contradictory feelings. Plus, it hurts... I really thought they liked me at first. It hurts to know they never did, it doesn't help all the little voices telling me I'm worth dirt. I don't know, I've just been stuck in this stupid loop for a week now... I'm not sure what to do to get out of it." 
Even if he wasn't touching you, Hyunjin's attentive stare felt just as intimate. You loved that about him, how present he always was. You knew his silence was no indicator of his level of care. He stared a second more before suggesting, "You know what, I don't think you should get changed. I think we should do something different tonight. What would you say to go out?"
"What are you thinking?" you cautiously asked.
"I'm thinking you need a change of scenery. I think we should go out, have a drink, go for a little exploring, or we could even go to the amusement park! I think changing it up could help you get out of this loop you say you feel stuck in."
You stared at him in silence, weighing in the pros and the cons, still a spark lit your gaze. He dropped his chin on his knees and stared at you with his attentive eyes. You knew if you said you didn't want to go he would support you, but you also knew Hyunjin had that innate sense sometimes where he knew exactly what you needed before you even did. 
"What do you say angel?" he finally asked, slowly reaching out to wrap his slender fingers around yours. 
You simply nodded a slow smile spreading on your lips. For the first time this week, you felt the familiar pang of excitement.
You settled on going to the amusement park as it had been the thing that sparked the most interest in you. Your skin prickled as you neared the gate, it felt so refreshing, so new. You were about to head in when you heard a few familiar voices calling your name. 
You turned around to see Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N approaching you, broad smiles on their faces. You weakly waved at them as you looked at your boyfriend, a proud smile already on his face.
"I thought you needed to be reminded just how appreciated and liked you are. I'm truly sorry it turned that way with those assholes, but please do not let it make you doubt your worth. You are surrounded by people who love you and think you are the most amazing human being. Me on top of that list." He leaned in to kiss your temple while he pulled you in for a quick hug and you felt your heart overflow with joy at the gesture he had pulled and the seven excited boys joining you.
You truly were blessed with the most amazing people.
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winterrrnight · 3 months
heyy, so, it’s pride day so i was thinking a if u could do a drew/rafe imagine where the female reader is bi so he supports his girl when ppl talk shit about her
ohhh I love this so much!! I decided to go with my man drew 🤭 unfortunately this isn’t coming out on pride day, but I did manage to squeeze it in before pride month ends :) thank you so so much for your request anon, I would love to hear your views on it!! <3
here to stay
PAIRING: drew starkey x fem!bisexual!reader
SUMMARY: you experience inner turmoil when pictures of your ex-girlfriend and you resurface the internet, but it seems like you forgot Drew will always defend you no matter what.
WARNINGS: homophobia; hate comments on reader on social media and in public; one mentiom of y/n; usage of nicknames like baby and bubs; soft and sweetheart Drew; kinda toxic fandom 🫢
EDITH SPEAKS: before I got this request, I read a random charles leclerc smau that was on my dash which goes along similar lines of this request, so I have taken inspiration from that fic for this request! the credit goes to @lewisvinga and their fic ‘the only thing that matters’.
if you liked reading this, please reblog and share any feedback you may have 💐 i hope everyone had a beautiful pride month, you all are absolutely lovely 💗
AND AND AND I am dedicating this fic to the beautiful beautiful @runningfrom2am who is literally my bestest friend on this planet <3 today marks one whole year to our friendship, and words fall short to explain how much I love and appreciate her 🫶🏼🥹 I love you so so much raye, thank you for sticking with me always 💗
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You usually never do this.
‘This’ involves scrolling through social media and reaching the bottom of a pit dug so deep you’ve lost the measurement of its depth.
Some pictures of you and your ex-girlfriend from over four years ago from your college days resurfaced. You don’t know how that happened, considering how you and your ex-girlfriend always only had private socials back then, and you weren’t known for being associated with any sort of celebrity at all.
Unlike now, when you are known as Outer Banks actor Drew Starkey’s girlfriend. Drew Starkey: one of the emerging faces in Hollywood. He seems to be gaining more and more traction each day, especially leading up to the release of his movie ‘Queer’.
With his ever increasing fame, you are also becoming more and more well known. You and Drew don’t have a secret relationship, but it’s quite private. Firstly Drew isn’t active on his socials, and secondly, you’re only seen when you are Drew’s plus one for the different events he’s invited to.
Due to such scarce presence on social media and in real life, each time you and him are spotted, even a single photo tends to go extremely viral in Drew’s fandom. Headlines like‘Rare: Drew Starkey seen with his girlfriend on the streets of Paris’, ‘Drew and his girlfriend seen getting cozy in a snug Parisian café’ etc. get extremely common, and informal captions like ‘oh my godddddd drew and his girlfriend! so cute’, ‘drew and y/n spotted drew and y/n spotted drew and y/n spotted’ are also just as common.
As much as you adore Drew and his dedication to his art, you still aren’t used to the microscopic attention you get each time you and him are seen together. You feel like you’re being judged by every single eye, and they aren’t essentially thinking the best things regarding you.
Even though what you mostly see are sweet comments complimenting you and Drew, a hate comment or two does sneak its way in among the positive ones, which doesn’t essentially surprise you because you know fandoms tend to get possessive over their idols; and Drew’s fandom isn’t any different. You’ve learnt to accept it and ignore it, even though sometimes it does nag you in the back of your mind, Drew always helps you feel better and helps to get your mind off them until you practically forget you ever even read them.
But this time, this time, you fear the situation is a little out of hand.
With the photos resurfacing and the source being entirely anonymous, you aren’t seeing the best comments under the pictures. Some fans have dug so far in your life to figure out you’ve only dated girls before Drew, creating the assumption you’re actually a lesbian. Some claim you’re with Drew for his money, because your dating history is only girls, and it’s “weird” now that you’re with a man. Some claim you as a toxic partner, and say you have Drew completely fooled. You even saw a few ‘savedrew’ hashtags in the comments, but thank goodness it didn’t end up becoming an active trend.
Due to the privacy of your relationship, you never came out publicly that you’re bisexual, but your friends and family, and Drew, are fully aware about your sexuality because you are completely out to them. Drew has always appreciated you the same, before he knew you were bisexual and after he knew you were bisexual. His love for you was never impacted by your coming out, and he knows it never will.
You shut your phone and keep it aside, taking a deep, shaky breath as you look up at the ceiling of your shared hotel room with Drew. You can feel a few tears stinging the corners of your eyes, and you let your eyelids fall shut, the small tears silently starting to roll down your cheeks.
Your blurry vision trains over to the closed bathroom door from where you can hear the shower running, knowing Drew is getting ready for your night out with him. You both are in Italy as a simple vacation before Drew has to go back to LA and begin working on some upcoming projects, and it’s your first night in the country, for which you’ve decided to have authentic Italian gelato as an after dinner treat.
You can practically hear the comments you have read in your head, all of them getting progressively worse. You know you aren’t using Drew for his money, and Drew knows that too, yet the comments and watching an entire fandom side against you was starting to get to you.
Your thoughts are cut through smoothly when you hear Drew stepping out of the washroom after his shower, a towel tied neatly around his waist.
“You ready?” He asks you sweetly as he gets some clothes to wear.
You nod at him and watch him finish getting ready for your little night out as you sit there, pushing the ugly comments as far as you can in your head.
Drew gets ready in a few minutes and you both leave your hotel, walking out on the cobblestoned streets of the beautiful city, letting the streetlights and lamp posts enlighten your path for you.
You both walk in silence with your hand perfectly intertwined with his, your gaze fixed down at your shoes and the way they clack against the cobblestones. Drew notices you being quieter than usual, and he feels tempted to ask you what’s on your mind, because the last thing he ever wants to see is you feeling sad or bothered by something in any sort of way.
But before Drew can even think of acting on his thoughts, you both are forced to turn your heads around when you hear shouts of Drew’s names being called. Your eyes fall on a group of youngsters, and the moment they grab Drew’s attention, they yell out more sounds of excitement, ushering over to him.
He laughs affectionately when he’s surrounded by the small group of the fans, causing you to be pushed just a little to the side; something you’ve gotten the hang of because you know the fans are essentially here to see him, and not you. So you decide to take a couple steps back and watch Drew interact patiently with everyone, letting them take pictures and videos with him as he talks and signs their shirts, books etc. for them.
You can see a young girl and a boy from the group constantly giving you a side eye as you decide to distract yourself with your phone after you take a picture or two of Drew meeting the group. You can’t lie, the side eyes seem quite judge-y to you and you feel yourself fidgeting under their gaze.
But it gets worse when they speak within themselves but it’s loud enough that you catch it, and Drew catches it.
“She’s still with him?” The girl says to the boy who just rolls his eyes.
“Drew clearly didn’t catch the message,” the boy mumbles, and your eyes dart over to Drew who was signing a girl’s cap but stopped at the words. You catch the look in his eyes; it’s the look of protectiveness, possessiveness and anger all mixing in one – a very dangerous combination to be seen in Drew’s usually warm blue eyes.
“What did you say?” Comes his voice. It’s low, monotone, and carries a very heavy drift of coldness. The sudden deep words cause everyone to fall silent, especially the boy and the girl, who’s eyes widen when they realize Drew has his gaze zeroed on them.
“N-nothing…” the boy stammers, and you can see both the girl and boy have their pulse quickening more and more with each passing second.
You can see how scared they are starting to get, and you quickly rush over to Drew’s side, your fingers curling around his bicep in that all too familiar way; the way you use when Drew gets slightly more angry than he should and is on the verge of blowing up.
This touch of yours always causes him to start to calm down, but this time, he isn’t even close to relaxing. You can see his muscles are tensing even more as he glares at the boy and the girl.
“Drew please–” you begin to speak slowly, your fingertips starting to dig into his bicep but he ignores you.
“No, I want to hear them repeat what they said.” He mutters through gritted teeth, his attention fixed on the boy and the girl. “What did you say about my girl? ‘Why is she still with me?’ Why wouldn’t she still be with me huh?”
The girl and the boy fall completely silent, and so does the entire group. They get completely nervous under Drew’s cold gaze, all of them looking any other way but at Drew or you.
“Now I don’t know what that was about,” he begins, “but I better not hear more of that bullshit alright?” His words come out disdainful, his entire body stiff as you feel his bicep tighten under your grip.
With one scoff he takes your hand which is around his bicep in his own hand and pulls you away from the group. “Come on let’s go baby,” he says, not looking even once at the group as he leads you away from them.
Once you both are out of their earshot, he turns around in a small alleyway and stops you both right there.
“Don’t listen to them bubs, please don’t,” He mumbles softly, his hand coming up to your cheek to gently caress your skin. “You know it’s all just bullshit, their jealousy is bullshit,”
You let out a soft sigh as you feel his fingers softly trail over your cheek. This is what he always tells you when you encounter the common hate you tend to get for being with him, but this time, you know it was for an entirely different reason.
“This was different Drew,” you mutter, your gaze fixed down at your shoes, your fingers fiddling with each other.
Drew’s eyebrows furrow at your words. “Different? Different how?”
You take a deep breath and exhale it out from your nose as you train your gaze up to meet his. “My old pictures with my ex-girlfriend from college resurfaced on the internet, along with my past dating history,” you whisper, “and everyone’s been saying I’m taking advantage of your money and I have you fooled because I’ve only dated girls before you, and they think I’m a lesbian,”
Drew’s eyes widen at these words escaping your lips, his fingers caressing your cheek stopping its motion. “Jesus,” he mutters, and you can see flecks of anger and rage beginning to appear in his eyes.
A small silence falls over you both as you both look in different directions, your gaze back at your shoes and his flitting around your surroundings of the alleyway, as if in deep thought.
“I’ll talk about it,” he says suddenly, causing you to look up in his eyes with a hint of confusion in your eyes. “I’ll address this on social media, I’ll say I’ve always known you’re bisexual, and that you’ve always been out, and I’ve never doubted that. This can’t go on, the last thing I want is people being homophobic to you just because you’ve only dated girls before I came in your life. You don’t deserve that baby, and I’ll fix this matter right up okay?”
You look at him with your eyes starting to widen, a thin layer of glass forming over them.
“Unless–” he says again, “you don’t want to come out to the general public?”
“No no,” you shake your head at his words, “I’m okay with that, more than okay with that,” you mumble.
Drew sighs softly as he nods, his hands trailing down your arms and finding your hips, which he gently squeezes before pulling you in a warm embrace.
“I’m so sorry you had to hear that baby,” he whispers. “I’m so so sorry. I’ll fix this first thing tomorrow you hear me? There is no way in heck I’m letting you hear more on this,”
You bury your face in his chest and close your eyes shut, a few tears making their way down your eyes and pressing against his shirt as they do so. He squeezes you closer to him when he feels your tears against his shirt, one hand coming up to slip into your hair and gently scratch your scalp.
“Thank you, Drew,” you mumble against his shirt, your voice coming out muffled.
“Don’t thank me bubs this is the least I can do,” he says softly. He gently pulls your head back from his chest, holding your face in his hands as he looks in your eyes.
“The next time you see something on social media you tell me straight away okay? Don’t hide anything from me, I’ll find a way to fix it each time,” he whispers, his thumbs caressing your cheeks to wipe the tears.
You nod as you look back in his eyes, a look of earnest gratitude shining through them.
He presses a soft kiss to the top of your head, letting his lips linger against your skin for a moment before looking back in your eyes. He pulls from the embrace and takes your hand, intertwining his with it firmly.
“Now come on, I believe I still have to buy you some gelato,” he says softly with a warm smile, tugging gently on your hand.
You sniff as you nod, letting him lead you out of the silent alleyway.
The post debuts on Drew’s Instagram the very next morning, a long caption along with a carousel of your favorite pictures with him throughout the years of your dating journey. The comments fill up with supporters, everyone showering you with love and loads even congratulating you for coming out to the general public. The comments and appreciation makes you smile warmly, making you realize no matter what happens, Drew will always be by your side, because he’s here to stay.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am, @saccharinesammie, @maybankslover, @totalswag, @madelynie, @chenslucy /
@ietss, @elle-mp3, @viawritesstuff, @wallsdreams, @mistress-amidala, @sadfury, @sage-burrow /
@jamesbuckybarneswify, @xxxlaura, @callsignwidow, @starkowswife, @drewstarkeyswifehoe, @jjchaer /
@f4ll-for-you, @wearemadeofstardust0, @drewsmusee, @rafegirly, @addriaenne /
@leighbronk, @rafesdrew, @bejeweledreverie, @raf3sgff, @aerangi, @drewstarkey1bae /
@moneymaybank, @spideysimpossiblegirl, @noahkahansorangejuice, @rafesgiirl, @theoraekenslover /
@fals3-g0d, @personalfavsthatarerandom, @b1mb0slvt, @babypoguelife, @ilyrafe, @oxpogues4lifexo /
@fionaswifeyy /
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bluewhitehues · 6 months
Part 12 - The concert day
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Summary: You secretly like your bestfriend chan,he has no idea and sets you up on a blind date with his friend and hyung Mingyu.
Genre: fluff, comfort,strangers to lovers, romance
Pairing: idol kim mingyu ×fem reader
Warnings: slightly suggestive at the end, lots of kisses, first time hickeys, mingyu and reader both are little shits riling each other up.
Part 12 (last)
Mingyu has been very busy these past few weeks. Practicing for the concert, going to events in different countries ..that means this is the first time you're meeting him properly after nearly 2-3 weeks.
It's a 2 day concert in Osaka Japan. And as promised before he made all the preparations for you to be there ..he got you concert tickets flight tickets everything.
You're attending for the second day. And you both are very excited ..he wants you to watch him perform and you want to see him performing as well.
Well you have attended their concert before when chan and you had gotten close and it was an amazing experience. You started listening to their songs more from then. You know all of them are very passionate and a sight to see when they perform as a whole team. That time you didn't specifically pay attention to mingyu but you know he's a beast when he performs ..and as excited as you're to watch him , you know you're going to have a hard time after seeing him like that ..your boyfriend is many things and being mesmerizing and enchanting is one of them..your heart is going to have a hard time today.
They've booked the whole hotel as always, and when you landed he sent someone to get you there. It's no problem to stay in the same hotel or same room as him cause their team is already big enough so no one would notice its easy to blend in.
They're practicing when you arrive that morning so you don't get to meet him yet. He calls you briefly to tell you eat something and rest. He just melts your heart each time. He even told the staff to deliver the food that you like to your room ..you thank them and eat in your room. It feels weird and awkward even if it's his staff and they know you're dating, you feel awkward around them cause you're staying in the same room as mingyu.
You try to sleep but you can't because you're dying to meet him, hug him and kiss him finally. And when the door opens,you sit straight in the bed, he comes inside and instantly smiles big after noticing you.
"I told you to rest why are you waiting for me" he's scolding you but can't stop that smile on his face when he sees you getting out of the bed and running towards him straight in his arms and he catches you as always, chuckling at you.
"I was dying here I missed you so much how can I sleep." You whine in his neck clutching at him.
"I missed you too bub so muchhh" He whines back squeezing you.
"But wait I'm all sweaty I've to take a shower."He says pulling back pouting at you.
You tiptoe to peck his pout and he smiles instantly kissing you. He strokes your waist while kissing and you feel butterflies all over and inside your body. He pulls back after giving you a last peck.
"You didn't have any problem through the flight,did you? Was the journey good?." He asks tucking your hair behind your ear.
"No you literally got me the best flight and the first class ticket like what was the need Babe I know you're rich but please chill that was too much" You scold him.
and he sheepishly smiles at you "I wanted My baby to have a comfortable journey and you deserve the best of everything princess, your boyfriend has lots of money let him treat you like that." He says shrugging and poking your nose with his index finger.
You're flushed and flustered because he just keeps making you feel special again and again you might tear up. "Ok lover go to the shower now" You say pushing him and getting back under the blanket. He laughs at your flushed face and goes to shower.
After finishing shower he comes back wearing a white robe and Holy fuck you think it's not such a good choice to stay in the same room as him. He looks extra fine and hot. And the fact that you're seeing him after so long adds up to it. You try not to look at him but you're failing terribly. He's drying his hair and doing his skincare, while you're looking at him and his damn side profile.
He knows you're staring at him.
He smirks still looking in the mirror, "what bub cant stop staring at me? Or you're checking me out again?" He then looks at you raising one of his eyebrows at you.
You huff narrowing your eyes at him through your panicked state ..."You wish..I-I was looking because I missed you." You manage to come up with that.
"Really? Not because I look good?" He fake pouts at you.
"I didn't say that ...you're looking good" You say gulping.
"Say it more nicely then it's like you're just saying it." He loves hearing compliments from you and when you're trying to be cool about it he'll provoke you until you don't say it properly.
"You look hot and fine and handsome and right now I'm thanking god that he made you my boyfriend. " You say peeking through the blanket.
And needless to say that he smirks again, "Yeah?"
"Yeah" You repeat. And when he's coming towards you, you panick and disappear under the blanket and he laughs loudly at you, "Baby you're so cute" He says while laughing and trying to take off the cover from your face and when he manages to do it..he's smiling down at you.. the softest, most heart warming smile ever, showing off his beautiful canines and shining eyes, and then he leans down to put the most gentle kiss on your forehead. You close your eyes,And your heart skips a beat all over again..he's just so nice, so perfect so good to you and you feel just so much love for him.
You stop him when he's pulling back and put his forehead on yours, you close your eyes feeling him close to you. You whisper a "I love you" against his lips, "I love you too baby" He whispers back with a smile, sighing against your lips pressing a firm tingling peck on your lips.
He gets ready in comfy clothes because after a few hours he has to go for soundcheck and then the concert.
"Did you eat baby? " You ask him
"I did but I'm hungry again." He pouts.
So you cut the fruits for him and feed him. While he's looking at you with starry eyes, so you giggle "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because I can't take my eyes off of you ..you're so cute and pretty ..and I love how you take care of me" He says tilting his head and smiling at you. He holds your hand when you're feeding him and pulls you closer to his face.
You raise your brows at him and he motions you to eat the apple slice he's holding between his lips and you laugh out loud at him,saying "you're so cheesy" but you're still going closer to bite it..the closer he comes the far you go teasing him only eating the corner of the slice ..and he's determined to reach your lips so you surprise him by finally going forward and touching his lips with yours while taking a bite from the apple..and he pulls you in a sweet slow kiss, you both giggling in between because you still have that apple in your mouth.
After sharing your sweet time together he goes off to the concert venue for the sound check. He tells you that someone will take you there later. You hug him, giving him all the energy that he's gonna need.
You get ready when it's concert time, wearing a white crop top and blue baggy jeans, doing a cute hairstyle and make up.
You're there and the concert is finally starting. You're waiting so desperately to finally see him perform ..and everybody else as well ofcourse.
And when they open the concert you're screaming your lungs out. Your eyes automatically finding mingyu and staying on him wherever he moves, you feel so proud of him watching him perform like that. Whenever his verses come and you hear him sing and rap you're either melting or going insane at how good he sounds.
After performance they start introducing themselves and his eyes are searching for you as soon as he gets the chance ..you're still so far from the stage but he manages to find you. And looking at you it makes him blush and smile,you're looking so pretty so cute and he thinks he'll have a hard time trying not to look at you too much and make it obvious,that there indeed is someone particular he's looking at.
That doesn't mean he'll go easy on you though.
You enjoy the concert to the fullest. When the hip-hop unit stage comes you are speechless to say the least. 'How is he so awesome? How's he so talented? How's he so hot ? How's he so fine af..How's he all mine? '..all the thoughts went through your head. You were just so so proud of him.
You: You're hot when you're rapping 😶‍🌫️
You: babe you're killing ittttt
You text him after almost every performance/ break. Though he won't see it right now,he will later ..and that'll make him so happy you just know it.
When there's seventeen stage again, you cant help but get immersed into their beautiful songs and dances. You knew these boys and they were the exact same as they are in real life, always spreading their contagious energy and happiness. The smile didn't leave your face the whole time.
There also came songs where your boyfriend took every last bit of sanity you had left. He totally was flirting with you and seducing you, you knew it is directed towards you when you saw him giving you glances and smirks every now and then..If you were intimidated by him earlier in the hotel room when he was wearing the robe after shower, this is definitely deadlier than that you think ..the intense choreography, your boyfriend's bulging exposed biceps, the body rolls, his raspy and hypnotizing voice... he made you a blushing mess with all of his advances.
Oh your mind went feral with the thoughts..and they definitely were not innocent. His seduction didnt help at all. Everyone else in the concert is going crazy for him and to think he's crazy for you ..gives you different kind of heart fluttering feeling, you knew you were lucky to have him but now you think it's an understatement.. you've this urge to claim him, to tell the world that he's all yours.
For the last segment of concert they're so goofy and in contrast to his earlier personality, your boyfriend turns into a big hyperactive puppy which is so adorable. You enjoy so much singing along, dancing,jumping along with them. Mingyu looks at you as much as he can without being obvious..he throws you big smiles asking you to dance and jump with him.
That sly guy even subtly says something to you during his ment "I'm especially so happy today, I wanted to show my best self and I really hope you loved it ..thank you for coming, I love you so much" He says with a big smile looking in your direction and then looking at other sides as well, bowing to carats. And your heart fills with warmth all over again, you cant wait to hold him in your arms and tell him back how much you love him too.
You meet him backstage after the concert, they're still filming some content so you're sitting in a waiting room where they told you to sit. When he finally comes to you after 20 minutes .."damn you're looking much more beautiful up close." He says looking at you up and down then grinning at you. You throw your head back laughing at him, "Really? Well I could say the same about you."
He grabs your face and leans down to smash his lips on yours, finally sighing in content followed by your own sigh, you hold him by his collar and other hand intertwined with his hand.
"How was it? Did you enjoy the concert? Did I do well?" He asks after pulling back still close to your face looking in your eyes,waiting for your answer eagerly.
You smile big at him stroking his cheek with one of your hand .."You did so well my love, I felt so proud of you ,you have no idea. You're amazing"
He smiles at you "Thank you baby I think i went a little crazy to impress you." He laughs
You grin at him .."Really? You didn't need to though, you're perfect..also you said you hoped i love it ..i did, you were so amazing.. and I love you so much too"
He smiles so big at you hugging you. "You noticed that I thought you won't may be..I wish I could mention you properly though." He says pulling back looking at you.
"Ofcourse I'd notice do you know how emotional you got me, I don't need you to mention my name to know you're talking about me ..trust me this was even more special for me..I love you." You say cupping his cheek.
"Thank you for saying that bub I love you too" He says pecking your nose.
You scrunch your nose making him laugh
"By the way you must be tired how are you feeling, don't you want to sit?" You say motioning him to sit on the couch.
"I'm tired and so hungry.. these boys are taking forever , we're good to go when they're done" He says with a groan.
He sits down, pulling you on his lap. And your heart almost jumps out of your chest. He seems so casual about it but this is like the first time you're sitting on his lap. You're flustered and your heart is beating fast.
"By the way you really do look very pretty wait we should take pictures." He says near your ear, his arm is draped over your bare tummy and he's pulling out his phone with the other hand.
When he opens the camera, the blush is clear on your cheeks..he laughs kissing your cheek "look at you so cuteee"
You groan hiding your face in his neck "uh shut upp". He laughs again "Come on look here"
You look in the camera and smile, then he's putting his face on your shoulder,pressing his cheek onto yours making a kissy face , you do the same..then he's kissing your cheek, you blush, then you kiss him on the cheek too. You click a few more pictures when someone bursts into the room and scares the living shit out of you, you jump out of mingyu's lap clutching your heart when you notice it's just Chan.
"You little shit you scared me" You scold him.
"Wow you're ever so loving just like I remember" He says sarcastically, "but what were you doing? there was no need to get so scared." He says with a annoying grin on his face raising his brow at two of you.
Mingyu scoffs getting up and holding you "idiot..we were taking pictures"
"You ok baby?" He asks rubbing your arms.
"Yeah" You say leaning back at him.
Then Mingyu is called by his manager, you talk with chan meanwhile.
When everyone gathers in the room, greeting you, seungkwan asks if you enjoyed the show.. "I enjoyed it so much and you were amazing kwannie"
"And what about me?" Dokyeom asks.
You chuckle at him "Ofcourse you were amazing too..everyone was." You give them a smile.
"She's lying guys when I asked her earlier she said and I quote 'sorry but I couldn't' take my eyes off of my boyfriend so i didnt see you much" ..chan says making you gasp and hit his arm..Ofcourse he won't be your bestfriend if he doesn't embarrass you in front of everyone.
And as soon as mingyu hears what chan said he's coming to you backhugging you while giggling ..."aww baby really."
And you're embarrassed as hell ..."NOOO I was just teasing you, you idiot Ofcourse everyone of you did a great job.. I swear I'm not lying" you say your eyes going from seungkwan to dokyeom "I saw you in your unit stages and you seriously were amazing you even made me cry." You tell them honestly and they burst out laughing "Ok ok we believe you thank you for looking at us in our unit stages" dokyeom says exaggeratedly with a annoying smile on his face pulling your leg and you groan covering your face with your hands.
Mingyu takes them off envelope your hands in his kissing them. "Really I was that amazing? Couldn't take your eyes off of me?" He's whispering near your ear a smirk on his face, making your skin erupt in goosebumps, you turn to look at him narrowing your eyes, whispering a little "shut up" He chuckles at you.
"You still didn't say anything about me though I'll remember that." Chan says grabbing your attention. He's sulking at you.
"Please are you kidding me ? It's needless to say you were so cool who do you think my favourite dancer is? And you were so much cooler from the last time I saw you performing." You tell him genuinely.
Chan finally smiles at you saying, "You really think so? Thank you y/n"
"Noted your favourite dancer is not me" says hoshi this time throwing you a thumbs up with a pretended sad expression.
Your eyes comically widen and you're fumbling for words.. "Oh my god why are you guys doing this to me? Mingyu do something" You whine to your boyfriend.
All of them are having so much fun in your misery laughing at you.
"Ok heyy shhh nobody will say anything to my baby anymore leave her alone" Says mingyu.
"Ok Ok sorry I was kidding." Says hoshi throwing his hands in air looking at you.
Then you go to the hotel with mingyu. First of all you guys eat dinner because both of you were so hungry. Then You remove his makeup for him, then he takes a shower and you after him.
When you come out he's looking at his phone smiling brightly at the screen.
Then he notices you and let's out a little happy laugh "just when did you send me so many texts Babe?"
"Oh you saw it, those are my comments like review after almost each of your performance." You say sitting beside him on the bed grinning at him.
"You're so adorable thank you baby" He says putting his phone down squishing your cheeks together with both of his hands..pulling you closer to Kiss your lips.
"I'm hot when I'm rapping huh?" He speaks lips still hovering over yours, with a smirk.
"Well ..you're ..hotter than usual when rapping." You say looking in his eyes then glancing at his lips. He pulls you even closer leaving no space between you two. His hand pulling you by your leg almost on his lap.
"Really? What about when I'm dancing though ..you know I was looking at you,tell me about it..did you notice it?" He asks stroking your jaw with one hand,and the other resting on your knee. Licking his lips and biting his lower lip between his teeth..you follow the moment with your eyes. You know exactly what he's talking about.
"You mean when you were seducing me?" You ask raising your eyebrow at him.
He laughs saying "hm did it work princess?" Eyes shifting from your eyes to lips every now and then.
"What if i tell you it did?" You say a little breathless the words coming out in a whisper. "wanted to tell the whole world that you're mine..my lover boy" your eyes going from his eyes to lips too, you want to kiss him so bad.
"Yeah? And how'd you do that baby? " He asks smirk growing on his face, feeling proud that he made you feel like that.
"You really want to know? You sure about that? " You ask challenging him raising your brow at him.
"I'd love to know, tell me" he's a little breathless himself too anticipating your answer but you'd rather show him, you don't know where the hell you're getting the confidence in that moment but you go on with it ..surging forward capturing his lips in yours boldly, hurriedly, harshly ..hand holding on his neck, other on his chest when you move to sit on his lap..he groans in the kiss, cursing under his breath saying a "Fuck baby-" his hand going from your thighs to hips, his hold tightening on your hips ,he's returning your kiss more passionately than ever before,tongues exploring each other's mouth,sucking on each others tongues, he's pulling your lower lip harshly between his teeth then sucking at it making you whine and moan the sound he's never heard before,you control yourself too much for his liking he have wanted to hear that sound from so long and finally he did,he wants to keep listening to it but you pull back, catching your breath but then smirking at him when you lean down to kiss his jaw, tongue darting out a little to lick and press a open mouthed kiss at his neck, you notice him going stiff for a moment before he's calling out to you.."Holy f-fuck Babe what are you doing?" He asks Panicked because he didn't expect you to do that, he has placed random pecks on your neck but was too aware to not rush you and make you uncomfortable so he never tried anything but here you are being so bold making him loose his damn mind.
"Is it not ok? I can stop-" You say nervously looking at him because despite your boldness you're nervous from inside you didn't know what his reaction will be.
"NOO- don't- you dont have to stop, you can do whatever you want..remember ? I'm yours baby" He says to assure you stroking neck.."I just I meant- you are ok right you're not forcing yourself?" He asks concerned.
"No I'm not forcing myself ..I-I just wanted to" You say looking at him with blush on your cheeks then avoiding his eyes immediately.
He smiles knowingly .."Babe" He says tilting your face to make you look at him..."what were you gonna do ..can you continue? Please?" You groan and cover your palm over your eyes. "I- I was gonna put a mark on you..I mean I-I was going to try ..obviously i haven't done it before." You say embarrassed.
"You mean you want to give me hickey ?..oh possessive are we?" He says taking your hand off your eyes, his own eyes are amused the smirk still on his face though, you glare at him smacking his chest but still murmuring " yes to the first sentence..no comments on the second one"
He laughs saying " Whatever you say angel" pulling you with his hand on your nape he gives you a hot kiss again before encouraging you to continue what you were doing.."go ahead angel you know that I'm not gonna judge you right? You can do it go ahead" You give him a nod you don't want to disappoint him but you know he won't care much if you even fail at it he's far too sweet to judge you or anything..."You don't even need to do anything to make me go crazy over you angel ..and since the moment you kissed me earlier ..I thought I was going to die any moment from the way you were making me feel.." he keeps encouraging you when you kiss his neck, you know he's saying it genuinely and it gives you more confidence...you keep going ..putting soft butterfly kisses all over his neck, alternating with open mouthed kisses over his throat and he can't help but moan at that..you are seriously driving him insane,the sound he makes causing a shiver run down to your spine ..you finally Suck at his skin when you reach his collarbones which are slightly visible from the t-shirt he's wearing ..you move it out of your way with your hand clutching the material ..you suck a little harshly alternating between nibbling and biting his skin..he let's out a hiss, his hold tight In your hair where he's holding you by your neck.
You pull back when you think you've done it, looking at his skin when you notice the reddish mark on his collarbones you cant help but feel proud it's not that great but better than you imagined..the smile blooming on your face then you look up at him ..he looks down tracing the mark with his finger tips then grinning looking at you .."see you did great baby.. talk about being a natural" He says teasing you making you blush again.
"Now my turn" He says before you can notice or say anything he's flipping you on your back on the bed and hovering over you...he smirks looking at your widened eyes , his knees are on either sides of your body he leans down closer to your face kissing every inch of it ..for him your comfort comes first and he won't overwhelm you in any way so he gives you a chance to refuse or push him away incase you don't want it ...but you don't do either of that..you trust him with your life you know he won't do anything that you won't want he respects you so much to do that..he will check your comfort first you know that ..so you smile at him and loop your arms on his neck. He kisses your lips again squeezing your waist making you moan again oh he'll keep listening to that sound for all of his life and won't get tired ever ..he peppers the kisses down your jaw and neck...swirling his tongue more skillfully than you and you never thought it'll feel this amazing ..you cant stop the sounds escaping from your lips and gasping every now and then..there are goosebumps all over your skin, his mouth and tongue is really something ..the open mouthed kisses he gives all over neck has you clinging to him pulling him closer to you with the low moans you let out. He's lightly sucking at your skin first and when you shudder and let out a moan of his name for the first time ..he thinks he found his heaven along with finding your sweet spot. "F-fuvkkkk baby found it...say that again" He says sucking harder making you moan his name again.
You pull him towards your face when he doesn't stop even after giving you two hickeys ..you smash your lips on his ...he hums in the kiss ..."You're crazy" You say against his lips making him smile,pulling back to look into your eyes,"You liked it baby?" He asks removing the hair strands out of your eyes.
"Like? Really? I think I'm in love with your tongue and mouth ...how did I even live without that?" You say to him.
"Shit BABYY- you cant just say things like that" He scolds you, his eyes scandalized. "Think about me- do you know what it does to me?" He says nervously..and the mischievous look in your eyes and the smile you give him with your lower lip trapped between your teeth, tells him you know exactly what you're doing to him.
"You are a menace" He says before claiming your swollen lips all over again. Making you giggle between the kiss.
A/N: HOLAAA! HIII !HELLO! ..I'm so sorry if I kept you waiting,but here it is the last part of my beloved first series HUG. This is so so so dear to me❤️
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nanis4thewin · 10 months
quackity being a dad headcanons because there has been too many baby tiktoks that give me baby fever
i think if you were both hispanic or both speak spanish fluently, he would want his kid to speak it too as their first langauge. If not and you dont speak spanish or arent hispanic and speak a different langauge , he would teach them english because its a common ground between the both of you, but he’d teach his kid spanish later when they are more like 5 or 6, teaching them common things to say.
loves your kid to death. like so so so so much. If he’s working or doing school (im not sure if he finished yet), he would carrying the kid in his lap. Or he loves hearing his baby giggle when he does something funny. and seeing the babys smile melts his heart
when the baby cries, it would break his heart. I think like if the baby cries over the night, he really tries his best to take care of it- but he gets so wind up in his work- so you usually take care of that. but he feels guilty when he sees you so tired but then he sees your smile when you finally make the baby fall back asleep. and his worries go away
i dont think he would mind changing the baby 😭 he thinks its gross but its not like he’s never gonna do it. he knows its normal so he gets it done and then goes on with his day.
if the kid got an attitude with him, he would be the type to leave them with a warning. like taking away their toys or a spanking. and if the baby stops having an attitdude, then nothing happens. but if they do it again, then something will happen. I dont think he woukd have too much of a problem with punishng your kid???i mean he knows when is too much but he also knows when a child needs discipline.
although everyone wants to be the most perfect loving parent, we all habe our flaws. I think quackity tries to be ther all the time for the kid but gets so winded up in work that he often doesnt habe enough time for the baby. But he tries to make sure he’s there for good and bad times. he hates the fact he cant be there the whole way but he also wants the best life for his child,so he works as hard to make sure his kid gets everything they need and want. I also think he puts some presure on his kids. like for grades and school. I remember him talking about how he tried and how he would try to get the best grades so i think by habit he woukd put the same pressure on his kids. but if you talked to him about, he would cool it down a bit.
takes pictures of EVERYTHING. your kids first time going to mexico? picture. your kids first time going to school? picture. your kids first time going to the beach? PICTURE. he tries to take as much oictures because its just little reminders of the progress of his child he is so proud of.
his first impression of the baby, he felt like crying. he heard the baby cry, his heart was racing out of joy and nervous. but when he saw the baby kaying down after it calmed down. he realized that was HIS. he was gonna raise this baby, and he couldn’t feel prouder.
defiedntly a nickname dad. like calling the baby ‘my precious’ ‘my little guy/girl’ ‘bubs’ ‘mija/mijo’ or a nickname of their name
an extra headcanons: he loves your baby fat and stretch marks !!! he thinks they look so sexy and beautiful and he’s head over heels when he sees you wear fitted shirts and your baby fat is more shown and he just stares in awh 🥺 !! he thinks its beautiful because thats where his children came from. AND ALSO HE PLAYS ‘never grow up’ BY TAYLOR SWIFT FOR YOUR BABY ❤️❤️❤️
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All I Want For Christmas is You (Deadpool Edition)-CHAPTER ONE
Pairing: Wade Wilson/Logan Howlett/Worst! Wolverine
Rating: Explicit (MDNI)
Wade never thought he would be engaged again.
And he wasn’t.
Wade never thought he would be engaged again.
And he wasn't.
"Bub, if you don't move your ass out of my face—"
"You weren't saying that last night, sugar butt," Wade shot back with a grin, wiggling his hips just to be annoying. He was balanced precariously on a stepladder, trying to hang a glittery, excessively large tree topper. It was a special ornament to Wade because it was the first thing Wade had stolen for Logan after he saw it in the window of some fancy-ass home decor shop downtown. Wade knew that Logan would absolutely hate it, and therefore he knew he just had to have it. It helped that technically he was already banned from this particular store, because what were they going to do? Ban him again? You can't double-ban him.
Logan did call the cops on him for theft when he brought it home because he's an asshole, but that was neither here nor there.
The ladder wobbled as Wade pushed up to his tiptoes, and Logan's hand shot out and held onto Wade's legs to keep him from toppling over. "You're gonna knock the whole damn tree over," Logan grumbled, eyeing the ornament that Wade was determined to hang despite it being several sizes too big for the spot.
"But think about how majestic it'll look!" Wade finally managed to secure the topper, hopping down from the ladder with a flourish. "Voila!"
Wade took a step back, admiring their work. The tree was a monstrosity of clashing colors and mismatched ornaments. Some baubles dangled precariously from flimsy branches, while others were wedged in tight clusters as if a miniature ornament explosion had occurred. The base was an overstuffed jumble of tinsel, clashing with the bold, mismatched garlands draped haphazardly across its branches. The strands of lights, a patchwork of different colors and sizes, flickered erratically as if they were struggling to make sense of their tangled surroundings. At one point, Wade had seen a spark come from a few of the bulbs, but he was sure that wouldn't be a plot point that was of anything of importance (hint: it was).
The ornaments themselves were oversized, glittery baubles in electric blue and neon pink, intermixed with tiny glass figurines of reindeer and snowmen that seemed to be fighting for space on the same branch. A collection of homemade ornaments—some crafted with excessive amounts of glue and glitter, and all created by moi—were proudly displayed, hanging at odd angles. Among these were paper angels and beaded snowflakes that had clearly seen better days.
At the top of the tree, the crowning glory was the topper Wade had stubbornly hung—a massive, shimmering star that looked like it had been stolen from a Vegas showgirl's headdress. It was practically drowning in sparkles and sequins, casting a dazzling, if somewhat blinding, light that flickered across the room.
The tree skirt, a gaudy mishmash of red and green sequins, was barely visible under the heap of presents Wade had insisted on wrapping in overly festive, holiday-themed paper with garish ribbons. The whole setup was completed with a few hastily strewn candy canes and an abundance of stray glitter that would inevitably find its way into every crevice of their apartment.
Logan crossed his arms, his eyebrows knitted together in a familiar expression of disapproval. "It's an eyesore."
"An eyesore?" Wade exclaimed, feigning shock. "This is a masterpiece! You know, people pay big bucks for this kind of thing."
Logan snorted, unconvinced. "People like you, maybe. I've seen better decorations at a fucking dollar store."
Wade reached up to adjust a strand of lights that had come loose, his fingers deftly rearranging them until they were just right. "Well, I think she's beautiful. And if you will be a good Wolvie and actually help me, maybe later you can even stuff my stocking."
"You're fucking disgusting," Logan snarled.
Wade grinned cheekily, still fiddling with the decorations. "Oh, come on. It's Christmas. I'm just trying to spread a little holiday cheer." He glanced at Logan with a mischievous glint in his eye. "And I know how much you love my festive cheer."
"And by that-"
"And by that, I mean this sweet, sweet ass sugar gum drop," Wade crooned, tucking himself into Logan's warm, broad chest. They stood there for a moment, the soft glow of the Christmas lights casting a warm mirage of light over the room. Wade sighed contentedly, his head resting against Logan's chest. Logan didn't reply, but his arms tightened around Wade.
"You know, we should probably christen the tree properly," Wade remarked, eyes fixated on the flickering lights.
Wade was a huge fan of christening things. Everything had to be christened. Everything. New suit after it was destroyed in a particular marathon of rough sex after a mission? Christened. Logan finally upgraded from a flip phone to an iPhone? Christened. Just bought milk? Christened. 
Did it have to do with the fact that his boyfriend had a body sculpted by the gods and a libido that could match a rabbit high on an aphrodisiac? No, and actually, it's offensive that you would think Wade would reduce his boyfriend down to his sex appeal. What kind of monster do you think he is? Wade's relationship with Logan was multi-faceted, like a diamond with a thousand facets—
You know what? Fine. So what? Is it a crime that Wade likes to have long, raunchy, maybe a little masochistic, probably a little too rough for Disney, outdo-50-Shades-of-Grey-and-eat-your-heart-out-BDSM-etiquette sex with his boyfriend? It's not like Logan's complaining—well, except when he pretends to be exasperated with Wade, which is just part of his charm. Get off his ass, or maybe eat it while you're down there.
Wade's lips brushed Logan's ear as he whispered in a sultry, teasing voice, "Maybe a few strategic baubles to enhance the mood. I could even drape some tinsel over us like a sexy holiday blanket. Just me, you, some eggnog—"
"You mean that shit you made in the blender? I don't think eggnog is supposed to be that color."
"It's a festive green. Besides, I added extra nutmeg. Trust me."
Logan gave him an unconvinced look, clearly not buying it.
"Come on," Wade whined, turning around in Logan's arms and pouting up at him. "It's Christmas-"
"It's not Christmas, it's November."
"-I've even put up some Mistletoe. Are you really willing to disrespect the ritualistic customs of Mistletoe? What kind of monster are you?" Wade says aghast, clutching at the invisible pearls.
Logan didn't respond at first, his gaze scanning the room before flickering back to Wade. "I don't see any mistletoe."
Wade wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, his grin widening. "It's hidden. Wanna take off my pants and find out where?"
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Heacannon that one day, somehow (don’t ask me how okay its late im running on no brain cells) a speaker in the apartment starts BLARING music
And nobody knows where it came from or how it started but what they DO know is that the speaker is blasting “While You Were Sleeping” by Laufey at full volume. On loop. For 10 or more minutes. But its so loud that you can’t really make out the lyrics that well (so it’s basically just the instrumental and the melody that laufey’s singing without any distinct words ig)
“What the FUCK is that noise?? It’s been playing for the past 10 minutes, which one of you idiots put it on?”, Al says irritably.
Wade, being the himbo that he is, (hey! I am not a himbo, thank you very much!) yes you are Wade, the whole fandom agrees, now SHUSH IM TELLING A STORY (my bad) YES YOUR BAD NOW SHH
says, “How do we know YOU didn’t put it on, hmm Al?
Al shuffles over and whacks him upside the head, “I’M BLIND, MOTHERFUCKER. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT? I DON’T EVEN OWN A GOD DAMN PHONE.”
While..all that..is going on, Logan (who had just woken up from an alcohol-induced nap) stalks into the kitchen wearing a pair of Wade’s hot pink Hello Kitty pajamas, with his eyes reduced to slits (cause yk, hangover and stuff ig?) is like
“what the hell are you guys screaming about and what the fuck is that noi-“
And then he cuts off because Wade and Al just very slowly, very carefully, turn in his direction and stare at him (al kinda just turns in his general direction)
“What the fuck are you guys looking-?”
“I can’t see, honey”
“sorry Althea, facing my general direction, for?”
“..is that my phone, peanut?”
“….yes…what about it, bub” and Logan, bless his oblivious soul, crosses his arms and scrunches his nose up, confused.
and Logan, now mostly awake, slowly pauses the song, and just stares at Wade, waiting for a reaction
“Uh…yes. This is your phone. And what about it?”
”Honey badger..did you put that song on..? See I could be wrong, (even though I never am *logan snorts* HEY!) and I couldn’t hear much, but it sounded a bit too classical and was a bit too jazz pop for the big bad Wolverine to listen to. But now I’m curious sooooo can I see? Pleeeease?”
And Logan, being down bad obviously reluctantly gives it to him cause who is he to not please Wade when he’s begging?? He can’t just NOT when Wade looks so pretty and earnest and is genuinely curious and he knows he won’t make fun of Logan no matter what and he’s pretty and HE’S JUST REALLY PRETTY WE GET IT SHUT UP NOW INNER MONOLOGUE.
Wade gently takes the phone from him and knits his, what would be eyebrows, together
“While you were sleeping?? Kitten (Logan almost chokes at that btw) are you stalking someone? Why didn’t you tell me I could’ve helped!” Wade jokes “Okay but actually, who’s Laufey?”
Logan’s eyes widen and his entire face turns red, not from a blush but from anger. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW WHO LAUFEY IS SHE’S AN AMAZING ARTIST AND ACTUALLY TALENTED HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW HER?? I’ve been alive for 200 years, bub, but she’s one of the best artists I’ve ever listened to in my god damn life! How DARE you insult her by not even knowing who she is.”
Wade, who was not paying attention, (Yes i was!) don’t lie to yourself Wade you literally weren’t.
I JUST wrote that you weren’t paying attention, now FOLLOW THE SCRIPT OMG (okay okay but keep going youre making the readers wait too damn long) SHUT YOUR YAP I KNOW ALREADY OH MY FUCKING GOD.
Anyways, Wade was looking at the lyrics instead of paying attention to Logan’s passionate rant (ooh I wish he was passionate with me) Wade actually shut up (okay sorry) you SHOULD BE.
“I'm dancing down streets, smiling to strangers Idiotic things?? I trace it all back, three-thirty AM, that night, something turned in my heart While you were sleeping, I fell in love??” He says confusedly
“Who’d you fall in love with, hmm Peanut?”
To be continued..
Thank you so much for reading!
This is pretty much the first little story that I’ve ever written, so apologies for anything that doesn’t make sense
Yea I’m splitting this into multiple parts because I’m actually kind of considering making this a small little story?
Not quite sure yet! (You better!! I wanna get to the good stuff! Like where Logan ***** while he *** and *****) Wade there will be NO smut in this story PLEASE do not get ahead of yourself. (Oh c’mon!) Sorry dude I’m ace I (personally) do not know how to write any kind of convincing smut, nor do I want to.
(Sorry to any readers who were hoping for that kind of content!)
I have no idea how it went from me just yapping to like actual story jargon, but I am quite aware that it’s weird and will be updating later! (If anyone wants a part 2 ofc)
If you all want a part 2 I’ll make it more “story-like” and won’t have it start off however the fuck it started off this time.
Thank you so much for all your love and support! It means the world
Sorry for the cliffhanger btw loves (not rlly hehe)
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weirdfreakshow · 3 months
Can I just say I love your bully Joel AU? HOLY SHIT the thought of Etho raping him and basically isolating him from everyone because "he's an irredeemable asshole, nobody would want to be close to him ever, right? Etho is the only person willing to talk to him at all" and manipulating Joel to make him dependent on Etho because Etho himself has become addicted.
Joel lashes out and rebells, just for Etho to put him in his place again and again. At first Etho just did it to shut him the fuck up, but goddamn if that brat wasn't the cutest ass he's ever had. At some point he just started manipulating him and making him have sex with Etho whenever (whether he wanted to or not) as a form of "retribution" and it's this fucked up toxic relationship but Etho doesn't care at all. All his friends praise him for always protecting them from Joel's bullying but little do they know Etho is doing something wayyy worse himself behind the scenes.
I also like to think about how Joel would cope. Like at first he'd cry a lot because it hurt like shit, but then why tf is his body reacting like this?? Why is it responding to Etho? Is there really something wrong with him? I imagine it makes him angry and defensive which causes him to get into even more trouble than before, which leads to Etho abusing him more, which leads to even more lashing out, and the loop just spirals until he's either miserable but still entirely dependent on Etho, or he starts liking it and actively seeks punishment (he never stops crying tho, Ethos likes it when he cries anyway).
Anyway can you tell I'm going insane??? Good food.
Oh my goddddd this. this is everything. I still very much cherish the Bully Joel au, it's SO good
And yeah! You got the looping spiral perfectly, that's kind of the drive for the the whole au to keep going and getting worser. Joel gets a bit shaken at first by it, obviously thrown off by being pushed out of his weird power play he had with everyone, being reminded of his place in the world as "prey", but once he recovers from it a bit he goes right back at lashing out. He's violent, mean, annoying. That's what he does! Lash out at everyone!
Add Etho into the mix and it all becomes a mess, because Etho makes him feel small and scared again, and that makes him want to appear scary, makes him be crueler with the pranks and his words, makes him want to occupy more space and let everyone know he's NOT prey, he's just not, he's not the little red riding hood, he's the wolf. Totally! It makes him hate bdubs, he knows he can't hurt Etho but he can hurt his precious "Bubs" instead. But oh well, that just gets him raped again! Joel is so fucking stupid sometimes!
And oh, when he actually is raped, speared on Etho's hard cock. It's just like he's a kid again, scared and shaking but cumming sooo hard all the same. He hates himself so much, what the fuck is wrong with him? He'll catch himself getting hard from having Etho's gross rapist dick down his throat. Slobbering all over it, taking it all in like a little fleshlight even if it bulges his throat a bit. He doesn't know what's worse, keeping his eyes open and having to look at Etho's lustful eyes or closing them and remembering other things that happened in the past. It's like there's no escape. He doesn't get to dissociate because he's just so horny his whole body burns, and a normal person would wish they were home instead of having to face this horrible situation, but Joel knows being there wouldn't be any better, so he braces for it. Tries to fight back sometimes, yes, but it's pointless. He's small and stupid and I guess his body WAS actually just made for being raped.
All their friends praising Etho is just so good. So . fucking . good . Joel knows not to mess with Gem, avoids Bdubs most of the time, doesn't even bother Tango even though he fucking hates that guy too. It's just fun, Etho says it's truly nuthin', its fine. Oh, always so humble, the guy. What a guy.
Joel already doesn't have THAT many friends, or if he did he doesn't seem to hang out so much with them anymore, especially Grian. Ever since he got a boyfriend they kinda broke apart, so getting Joel alone isn't a hard task. Joel usually ends up sitting alone somewhere hidden, like under the bleachers where he goes to smoke his older brother's stolen cigarettes. Hurting him and getting to his little head isn't hard either, after all he's all bark, secretly a sensitive kid inside
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
SORRY TO BOTHER!! But i cant stop thinking about band member y/n just being a young pop star like all of the boys, going out to parties together, and sometimes hook ups with random people. harry does it too and so does other band members, its never a big secret between them all but imagine harry walking into y/n's hotel room after a night out to check up on her and seeing a guy leave her room with a few of his belongings packed in his arms.. IDK i feel like harry would just get so jealous and get pissed off really easily by anything and anyone for the rest of the day but not know why and having to try keep his cool
stooooop because when this happened the first time in 2013, he was so heartbroken about the whole thing.
Like he just closed his hotel door behind him when he stops in his tracks as he spots a man closing YN's door that's across the hall from his room. The man doesn't even have his socks on and holds his black denim jacket and sleek Chelsea boots in his arms. The bloke looks up and he's a deer in headlights.
After a beat of awkward silence, the guy clears his throat, throwing a nod in the pop star's direction as he heads down the hall, "Sup, man."
"Sup," Harry furrows his eyebrows at the brunette stranger and looks towards his bandmate's hotel door. The crease in between his eyebrows when he knocks on her door, taking a glance down the hallway.
"Morning, babe," YN beams at her bandmate and his eyes immediately go towards her messy bedhead and the way she bites at her swollen bottom lip. "Was just gonna make a cuppa tea, want one?"
He follows her inside and sees the way she practically floats into the small connected kitchen. The oversized t-shirt she's wearing has her reaching up to cover her exposed shoulder and he has to look away when she reaches up to grab a mug to avoid his gaze from falling to the bottom of her short pj shorts.
Harry leans his hip against the kitchen island and awkwardly clears his throat, "So...how was your night?"
He doesn't know why he feels the boiling heat of jealousy at the pit of his stomach at the sound of her giggling to herself when it would usually cause the familiar flutter of butterflies.
He's grateful when she hands him his mug, already prepared just the way he likes it, as he has something to grip his fidgety fingers onto.
"And you?" YN asks into the rim of her mug.
"Oh, same yeah," Harry lies, knowing full well that he slept alone in his king sized bed the entire night. "But judging by your mood, this lad must have been something else, huh?"
He doesn't know why he's torturing himself further by wanting to know more about her night. It's an odd itch that he has to scratch even if the mere thought of someone touching, kissing, licking at his crush the way he wishes makes him want to drive his fist through the nearest wall.
"He was..." YN bites her lip in an attempt to tame her smile, shaking her head as she gets lost in her thoughts. "Let's just say that he knew what he was doing. Oh, but m'sure you don't wanna hear all of the details—"
"I don't mind," Harry casually shrugs his shoulders, hoping to pull off a cool demeanor. "We are friends, lovie."
"Curiosity killed the cat, Harry," She warns with a tempting smirk.
"Yeah but satisfaction brought it back, didn't it?"
There are two knocks on the door before the sound of the keycard beep is faintly heard.
"Rise and shine, YN—oh, hey Harry," Emma, her personal stylist, smiles as she walks into the room. "Sorry, bub, but you gotta head out. I need to get YN ready for a day full of interviews today. Go get ready with the rest of the boys, H. Now shoo."
With a final small smile her way, he says, "Thanks for the tea, lovie," before making his way out. When he enters the chatty hotel suite where the rest of the band has already started to get ready for the day, their stylists and other team members walking around the room, the crease between his eyebrows returns. It stays there for the rest of the day and when asked about his unusually quiet mood by the other boys, he shakes them off with a muttered, "M'fine."
YN plops down on the couch and once they hear the door softly close, Emma begins to take out some potential heel choices from her suitcase.
"So...how was your night?" Emma inquires.
"Disappointing," YN rubs her face before pushing her messy hair back. "Had to finish meself off, as per usual."
"Oh, m'sorry, love. I always hope these lads would be different. Well, at least you didn't say Harry's name like last time."
"Hey, that was one time," YN points out with a knowing look. "And the bloke was too drunk to even notice. All of which stays between us, Em."
"No need to remind me, I know, I know," Emma reassures the young woman before her with a sigh. "But that bloke in the elevator did look an awful lot like—"
"Don't," YN quickly interrupts.
There's a pregnant pause before the two women share a look and burst out into girlish giggles.
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joelslegalwhre · 2 years
And just like that
pairing ⁀➷ henry cavill x (fem!)reader
word count ⁀➷ 1.8k
summary ⁀➷ You and Henry have known each other since you were both little. After his last breakup, you comfort him… which makes him realize some things
warnings ⁀➷ it’s just a shit ton of fluff and reader comforting henry
a/n ⁀➷ Please tell me if I missed a warning! The names I gave Henry's brother's wives (Elisa, Maia, Ashlyn) aren't their real names i don't even know if all of his brothers have wives!
(I listened to my h.c. playlist while writing this, especially to ‚Still falling for you‘ [the song was my inspiration for writing this in the first place])
🥤my kofi if you’d like to leave a tip🩷
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Henry never liked other women flirting with him in front of his girlfriend. Why would they do that? To discomfort his girlfriend, to prove they would be better for him, out of pure ignorance for the other woman?
He didn't know, but no matter why, he didn't like it one bit. You knew that. And even if you didn't, you had enough dignity not to do it. You just thought about how uncomfortable you would be in their situation.
You and Henry knew each other for what felt like your whole life. The earliest your memory went, was playing with him on the set of some movie your dad directed and Henry stared in as one of the kids.
There were lots of comments that you had to suppress in front of his girlfriend and him, joking with his brothers instead, it just wouldn't be appropriate. It would sound too intimate for you. And by all means, you respected his girlfriends and never wanted to discomfort them.
Henry wasn't what some would call a playboy, but he had some girlfriends now. Even if you had feelings for him way before he even met some of them, why be rude to them.
But breaking up with his latest girlfriend, really had its effects on Henry.
He hadn't been as happy as he usually was. When you had visited him, even Kal seemed to be upset because his dad was so different to how he usually was.
He didn't attend the first dinner of the month at his brothers, a tradition you shared with his family and him. Usually all the kids, his brothers and their wives would be there, and Henry would bring Kal with him. Much to the kid's joy.
So when he didn't attend that dinner this month, you knew his mind was still occupied with whatever storm was raging inside him. He had told you that he was okay, still a lot on his mind but he assured you, after worried looks and lots of long phone calls, that it wasn't because of the breakup. Which you thought was at least something in the right direction of getting your old ‚bear Henry‘ back, wasn't it?
You hadn't expected another dinner so close after the last, but you loved them, and so you didn't complain. Rather, you accepted Elisa's invitation to join her and the others for dinner that night.
You were greeted by Kal, excitedly barking when you opened the door. "Hey, bub. I missed you!" you chuckled as you bent down to pet him, as he deserved.
„Is your dad here too?" you asked him in a whisper, smiling at his loyal eyes. Kal seemed to understand exactly what you meant, as he ran to the kitchen. „'Ello!,, you shouted from the doorway.
You hadn’t expected Henry today, but your heart had skipped a beat when Kal welcomed you instead of the others.
„I was greeted by the sweetest dog I know, and he told me you’d be here." you jokingly greeted everyone. „Hey!" Maia greeted you with a hug as she was closest to you. Henry's gaze lingered on you the whole time.
The others followed right after.
So did dinner and it was wonderful. The guy's cooking skills were restaurant-worthy, and you almost drooled when you saw the plates Henry and Charlie brought in from the kitchen. When everyone had finished, you volunteered to wash the dishes. Eventually, every one of you did it once and after some discussion on whether to let you do it alone, Ashlyn won and helped you.
"l'm going to join the others outside, you wanna come?" she asked you, putting the towel back on the counter.
„Yes, I'll just catch a blanket."
„Alright." Ashlyn chuckled at you.
They all knew how easily you would be cold outside, even in the summer. But you didn't just want to grab a blanket, you wanted to look for Henry.
After he got sent out of the kitchen when he wanted to help you and Ashlyn, you haven't seen him nor heard him with the others.
You saw Kal sleeping on his big cushion next to the couch in the living room. That's where you found Henry too. You walked towards him, coming from behind without much sound.
„Hey." you said, almost in a whisper as to not ruin the mood. It wouldn't have suited the situation to talk loudly. He turned around from where he was sitting on the couch, one leg resting on his knee.
Henry looked up at you and lightly smiled, „Hey“. You knew he was still in thoughts, his features gave it away without him wanting to.
You sat down beside him on the couch and just looked at the fire burning. It wasn't cold yet, actually, it was the middle of august. But the fire wasn't on for warmth but light.
He hadn't turned on any other source of light.
You didn't say anything, you didn't even look at Henry.
It was like so many times before when you've sat next to each other. But yet it was so different. Normally you talked about god knows what. Not this time. It was hard to explain, but you knew he would say something when he felt like it. Sometimes you didn't need to talk to comfort the other.
„I put the kids to bed." he calmly told you. At the sound of his voice you looked up at him, Henry looking at the fire while he said it, but his eyes wandered to meet yours. One of his arms rested on the back of the couch, his leg still draped on his knee as he looked at you.
When you've come in you sat down, your legs were outstretched but now you bent your knees and rested your feet on the couch, facing Henry.
„Yeah? Did you tell them one of the superman stories?" you chuckled at him. „Of course I did." Henry grinned.
But rather than cracking another joke, his smile faded.
You mirrored his expression with worry.
You propped your head on your hand, lightly tilting it to the side.
„l'm here if you want to talk. I can just listen, you know, maybe it'll make you feel better."
„I know. Thank you twinkles."
Your heart missed a beat at the nickname. You couldn't remember when he called you twinkles the last time. It used to be a joking gesture of affection, not meant to be romantically at all. That's what you thought, at least.
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„Like a bear?" „Yes, you're built like one, and you do have quite a bit of hair on you." you chuckled, taking another mouthful of your pudding. „Whatever you say, twinkles." Henry huffed, „But you’ve got something on your nose.“ A smile spread across his lips as you squinted.
„Really, where? I can’t see it,“ you tried to wipe it off, unsuccessfully. „Right,“ Henry wiped the pudding off your nose, „here.“. You stared into his eyes as he was only inches away now, „Thank you.“.
„No problem, twinkles.“ he said, his voice a little raspy. Henry blinked a few times before he was back to his joking self with you, „I should call you Rudolph instead of twinkles.“
„Haha,“ you laughed ironically, „the pudding isn’t even red.“ But he only winked at you with a grin.
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His eyes captivated your own. Like you've seen them for the first time, not like you've known them for as long as you could think. Neither of you knew what you were doing, but neither of you wanted it to stop.
You blinked a few times, the sound of the crackling fire drowning out, and the only thing you could focus on was Henry. You hadn't moved the slightest as you could feel his breath on your lips.
Still not breaking eye contact, Henry moved his hand to yours, which was still resting on the couch next to you. You lifted one finger and intertwined it with his.
Your hands found each other as you still looked deeply into each other's eyes.
It didn't need one of you to move closer as your lips met.
His lips felt heavenly on yours. Like a reward, a missing piece, like they belonged right where they were in this moment.
Your lips were heaven to him. Your scent captivated him, and to finally know the taste of your lips almost made him moan into the kiss.
Neither of you held back after your lips met in a light and soft kiss. Your intertwined hands loosened in a hurry as you wrapped your hands around his neck, and Henry's hands gently yet demanding cupped your face to pull you closer to him.
It was like you two were drowning and dying of thirst at the same time. You moved closer to him and Henry grabbed your hip with one hand, the other still caressing your cheek. Your lips must've been swollen by now.
His scent gave you a feeling of safety.
His tongue gently brushed over your lips. Your fingers found his curls and lightly tucked at them. All you felt was him. You could only feel Henry at that moment, all you breathed, all you needed, he was everything.
You wished never needing to breathe again, so this could last forever.
Henry quietly whispered your name against your lips, "'m sorry, I…"
„No, don't be." you whispered back.
He exhaled and looked surprised. The next moment you reunited your lips again. Giving him a peck before finally trying to catch your breath. As did Henry. You were still so close to him, his breath tickled your cheek.
Catching you off guard, Henry grabbed your hips with his large hands. Ang yet again you just loved to compare him to a bear.
Henry lightly pulled you to him and wrapped his arms around you. You did the same and pressed your body against his, your arms tightly wrapped around his torso. Henry nestled his head in your hair, breathing in the familiar scent he loved so much. „I should've done that sooner." he whispered.
„You can do it again anytime." you smiled up at him. His chest moved under you at his chuckle.
Your head rested on his chest, and Henry planted loving kisses on your hairline. You just sat there wrapped in each other's arms, no one saying a word, just enjoying being so close.
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„I knew it." Elisa whispered to the others. They decided to look for you two on their way to bed. It had gotten late and neither Henry nor you had joined them outside.
Henry's two oldest brothers had bet that you were sleeping on the couch, and Henry had fallen asleep with one of the kids. Elisa, Maia, Ashlyn and the other two Cavill men on the other hand had bet that they would find you together. As they did.
You were curled up on Henry's big frame, his arms wrapped around your body protectively. Both your breaths steady.
„Let's go to bed." Ashlyn chuckled, grabbing her husband's hand. „They look pretty comfortable, no need to wake them up."
To say it was the most comfortable you've slept in a long time would be an understatement.
༄ Don't copy, translate or republish any of my works on any app or other platform please. I only post my work on Tumblr and Wattpad.
Reposts are always appreciated, they really make my day🧡
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btsqualityy · 1 year
Y.O.U (Years Of Us), Chapter 6: Are You Lonesome Tonight?
Jimin x half black/half Korean OC
Genre/Rating: 21+, established relationship, idol!AU, smut, angst, and fluff
Summary: Kamaria mourns her mother and some other things just…happen.
Warnings: passing mention of drug overdose, oral sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, choking, and creampie.
WC: 4.8K
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Song Of The Chapter: Elvis Presley- Are You Lonesom Tonight?
7 Years Ago
In the two years since Jimin and Kamaria had met, they ended up forming a fast friendship. They had many of the same interests, music being the main one, and conversation always flowed easily when they were together. 
Jimin had never met anyone like Kamaria, someone who was so confident and sure of themselves and Kamaria had never met anyone like Jimin, someone who was so free with their feelings and their heart. 
As time went on, the two of them found themselves spending more time together. Whenever they had a free spot in their schedules and they weren’t spending time with their families, the two found themselves together more often than not. That was the whole reason why on this particular day, Jimin found himself standing outside the door to Kamaria’s apartment. 
“What the hell?” Jimin murmured to himself, looking at his phone screen to make sure that he had the right time. The two of them had plans to go out for the day but Jimin had been knocking on her door for the past five minutes to no answer. 
“We just talked the other day so I know she didn’t forget,” he whispered. Deciding to just go for it, Jimin pressed his ear up against the door and even though he was met with initial silence, he stayed there for a few more seconds and his eyes widened when he heard the telltale sound of sobbing. 
Quickly stepping over to his right, Jimin grabbed the pot of the plant that was sat there and tilted it to the side, grabbing the key that was taped underneath before putting the plant back in its’ spot. After getting the door unlocked and stepping inside, Jimin looked around but couldn’t find any sign of Kamaria. He did hear the crying though so he just followed the sound of that down the small hallway and around the corner. 
He wasn’t sure of what to expect when he stepped through her half-open bedroom door but nothing could’ve prepared him for what he saw.
Kamaria was curled up on her large Queen sized bed, her body covered with the duvet but Jimin could tell she was shaking by the way the outline of her body moved. As he looked around, her room was in a state of disarray that Jimin had never seen before and he could tell that she hadn’t moved in a while. What caught his attention the most though, was the harsh cries that escaped his friend and the sheer volume of it seemed to cause the walls to shake. 
“Oh Bubs,” Jimin murmured as he slowly stepped over to the bed, slowly taking a seat on the edge next to her. “Kam? What’s wrong? What happened?”
“F-February,” was all Kamaria said in return and Jimin’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not knowing what the significance of it being February meant to her but having enough wherewithal to know that whatever it meant must mean a lot to her. 
“Alright, come on,” Jimin said as he reached down and gently peeled the cover off of her body. “You need to get cleaned up.”
“Kam, you can’t just lay here,” he said softly. “At least let me help you change clothes.”
“Leave me alone!” Kamaria shouted as she abruptly sat up, placing her hands on Jimin’s chest and pushing him away hard. “You don’t understand! You could never fucking understand how much this shit hurts!”
“Bubs, I don’t even know what you’re talking about,” he reminded her. “And stop hitting me.”
“Then leave!” She snapped, pushing on his thighs in an attempt to make his body move. 
“I’m not leaving you here by yourself when you’re like this,” he said as he grabbed her hands and forced her to stop moving. “Let me help you.” Kamaria froze then, taking a few seconds to look into Jimin’s eyes before she burst out into a fresh set of tears. Not knowing what else to do, Jimin wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her into a tight hug which she returned with no hesitation. 
“It’s ok,” Jimin soothed. “I’m here for you, I promise.” 
Two hours later, after Jimin had managed to get Kamaria into the shower and into changed clothes, he fixed her some food and got her set up on the couch while he set about straightening the place up.
“Alright, I’m finally done,” he announced as he walked over to the couch and flopped down next to Kamaria. “You ok now?”
“Yeah,” she mumbled, reaching forward and setting her bowl on the coffee table in front of them before she sat back again. “I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“For loosing it on you like that,” she elaborated. “It wasn’t fair, especially since you had no idea.”
“What does it being February mean?” He questioned. 
“My mom,” Kamaria replied. “She passed away on February 19th.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Jimin sighed. “I didn’t realize.”
“I didn’t realize myself,” she chuckled ruefully. “I’ve been so busy with the album, I forgot the date was coming. I fucking forgot, Jimin.”
“I forgot the anniversary of the date that the woman who gave me life left this Earth on,” she continued as she looked over at him. “Pretty shitty, right?”
“It’s not like you did it on purpose,” Jimin responded, reaching over and grabbing ahold of her hand. “And besides, your mom would understand. You told me yourself that she would’ve loved to see you following in her footsteps.”
“Yeah but I’ve never forgotten before,” she shot back. “I don’t know, I think it just hit me harder this year because of that. Makes me feel bad, like I’m letting her memory die.”
“Hey, her memory could never die,” he told her. “Not as long as you and your sister are walking the Earth. Plus, she lives in the both of you, you know?”
“I guess,” Kamaria shrugged and Jimin sighed as he tried to think of a way to make her feel better. 
“Tell me about her,” he said suddenly and Kamaria arched an eyebrow at him. 
“You’re worried about her memory living on, right? Well, you know her and so does your sister and your dad and her family. If you tell me, I’ll also know and that’s one more person that can talk about her,” Jimin explained and Kamaria felt a piece of her heavy heart suddenly become lighter. 
“You sure?” She checked. 
“Ok,” Kamaria nodded. “Well, she loved to cook, you know?”
“You know, you didn’t have to send the flowers,” Kamaria said into her phone as she sat at the small island in her kitchen, softly touching one of the lilies that came in the large bouquet. “I’m not gonna do anything but let them die so there was no need for you to waste your money.”
“Trust me, I know your storied history with any type of plant,” Taemin chuckled. “But I know how today is for you so I wanted to at least try to put a smile on your face.”
“You definitely did,” she smiled gently. “Thank you for thinking of me.”
“Anything for you,” he replied and just then, Kamaria could hear multiple voices on his end of the phone. “Hey, I have to go back to recording with the hyungs but call me if you need me, ok? I won’t hesitate to come over if you want.”
“Thanks but I think I just need to be by myself,” she murmured. “I’m gonna call my dad and Shin-hye before I spend the rest of the night wallowing in sorrow.”
“Fair enough,” Taemin sighed. “Call me when you come out of it, so I know you’re ok?”
“Talk to you soon, my love.”
“Bye,” Kamaria said before pulling her phone away from her face and hanging up the call. Right after, she went to her contacts and set up a FaceTime call with both her dad and older sister. 
“Hello?” Her father, Quincy, answered with a bright smile. 
“Hey,” her sister, Shin-hye, spoke up. 
“Hi Daddy,” Kamaria greeted. “Hi unnie. Sorry for waiting so late to call, I wanted to wait until the time difference wasn’t so bad.”
“Well, you kind of waited too late because I’m getting ready to head into a lunch meeting with a new artist,” Shin-hye muttered and when Kamaria looked closer, she could tell that her sister was walking down the sidewalk. 
“How’s work?” 
“Good, been busy since the label has signed like four people in the last two months.”
“Too busy if you ask me,” Quincy spoke up. “I haven’t seen her in weeks and we live in the same city.”
“Unnie,” Kamaria sighed disapprovingly. 
“Daddy, the bills don’t pay themselves,” Shin-hye huffed. “And don’t snitch on me to Mari. I’m the eldest one here, not her.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” Kamaria chuckled. 
“Dre and I are still trying to get the house finished and we keep running into delay after delay,” Shin-hye added, referring to her husband Andre. “Which means that it’s costing us more money.”
“Oh, I know that one,” Kamaria echoed. “My house here still isn’t finished.”
“I told the both of you that you would run into delays,” Quincy reminded them. “I remember when your mother and I got the house here in New York built, it was only supposed to take a year and it took three.”
“I think I’d actually murder someone if that happens to us,” Shin-hye muttered and Kamaria knew her sister well enough to know what was coming next. “Hey, I’m here now so I have to go.”
“Well, I was just calling to check on you,” Kamaria told her. “Call me if you need me, ok Unnie? And tell Dre I said hi.”
“I will.”
“Have a good meeting and make sure you make it over to see me soon, Kyla Jacobs,” Quincy smiled, using her English name.
“I will Daddy,” Shin-hye huffed as she rolled her eyes playfully. “I love you both, bye!” She then hung up the phone, leaving Kamaria alone with her father. 
“Why does she do this every year, Daddy?” Kamaria wondered. 
“Minali, some people deal with grief differently,” Quincy supplied. “You’re more sensitive than your sister and because of that, you’re not afraid to feel your feelings. Shin-hye has always felt like she has to be the strong one so it’s harder for her to be open about things like that.”
“But she acts as though Mama didn’t exist most of the time.”
“Well, her relationship with your mom is a little more complicated too,” he added. “Shin-hye was ten when your mom passed and she saw your mother do some things that caused her to have some resentment towards her. You were only seven so you still had a little innocence in terms of not really seeing and understanding what your mother was going through.” 
“So you’re saying that because I was younger, it’s easier for me to understand that she was fighting an addiction unlike Shin-hye, who thinks that Mom just choose the drugs over us because that’s how she interpreted it in real time?”
“Exactly,” he confirmed with a nod. “Shin-hye misses your mom terribly, don’t get me wrong but I think she feels very conflicted on a day like this and that’s fair.”
“I guess,” Kamaria muttered. “And you? How are you, Daddy?”
“Oh, I’m making it,” Quincy reported. “I sat down last night and went through some photo albums and listened to our old songs that we made together. That helped a little, even though I still miss her so much.”
“I know.”
“And you?” He turned the question around. “How are you, my little songbird?”
“I’m ok,” she shrugged. “I’ve been working on the album but I stopped because I could feel myself getting sad. Tonight, I plan on stuffing my face since I’ve already ordered some food and just listening to some music while I allow myself to be sad.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he smiled gently. “Let me know if you need me ok? Don’t be afraid to call, especially since it’s the middle of the day in New York.”
“Alright and hey, that offer also goes to you too,” she shot back. “You call me if you need me and I’ll take the first flight out.”
“I know you will,” Quincy chuckled. “Talk soon?”
“Yeah, I wanna show you some tracks that I’ve been working on in a few days.”
“Alright, well just call me or text me,” he nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you too Daddy,” Kamaria smiled as she used her free hand to wave at the camera. “Bye.” After hanging up the phone and getting up from the chair, Kamaria walked over to the living room and to the fireplace that really was just for decoration since she was still in her apartment, where she pulled her coffee table over to sit in front of it before doing the same with her fluffy black floor rug. Since her emotions were all over the place, it made sense that her physical body should be as comfortable as possible.
Just then, the doorbell rang and Kamaria smiled as she rushed over to it, looking forward to getting her hands on the fried chicken she had ordered. However, that excitement quickly waned once she opened the door and saw who was there. 
“Oh, hell.”
“Nice to see you too, Bubs,” Jimin chuckled. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” Kamaria demanded to know. “I’m not in the mood for your shit.”
“Don’t you think I know you well enough to remember today’s date?” He questioned with a raise of his brow. “I didn’t come here to get anything from you. I just wanted to bring you food, wine, and to make sure you were ok.”
“That’s it?”
“That’s it,” he insisted and after thinking it over for a few seconds, Kamaria sighed and motioned with her head. 
“Come in.”
“You are so full of shit!” Kamaria smiled. “There’s no way you think “Why” is my mom’s best song! I refuse to believe it!” The two of them were sat on the rug that Kamaria had set up earlier, their legs underneath the coffee table that had what seemed like a mountain of food on top, and Kamaria’s large speakers playing her favorite playlist in the corner of the living room. 
“Ok, let’s forget the lyrics for a second, even though those were sooo good,” Jimin sighed blissfully. “And just focus on the arrangement. The fact that Sora-ssi sounded like a group of five when it was just her is a testament to her production skills. Add to that the fact that she literally sounded like a choir of angels? Yeah, there’s no changing my mind.”
“We are usually so in sync when it comes to music but this? You’re on your own dude,” she huffed.
“What’s your favorite then?”
“That duet her and my dad did, If I Could Tell You,” Kamaria replied. “Their voices together were amazing and I loved the melodies.”
“Ah, is that the one that’s like, if I could tell you,” Jimin began singing. “A little naturally. If I could tell you, I'd like to tell you.”
“But my heart keeps taking over me,” Kamaria joined in. “I want to be in touch with you a little more.”
“If I could tell you,” they finished together, in perfect harmony. 
“Ok, I see why that’s your favorite,” Jimin acknowledged. 
“God, I miss her,” Kamaria said suddenly and Jimin sighed as he reached over and placed one of his hands on top of hers that sat on the coffee table. 
“I know, Bubs.”
“You’d think after 20 years, I’d have a handle on it,” she muttered. “I mean, she’s been out of my life longer than she was in it.”
“That may be true but she’s your eomma,” Jimin said. “That doesn’t go away, no matter how long it’s been.”
“I guess.”
“You talk to Quincy and Shin-hye today?”
“I had just gotten off the phone with them before you came,” she replied. “And as always, Shin-hye was dismissive as hell.”
“Still?” He gasped and Kamaria nodded her head. “Shit. Well, she’s always been that way. At least since I’ve known you.”
“That doesn’t make it right, Jimin,” she shot back and Jimin held his free hand up in mock surrender. 
“Hey, I never said it was,” he said.
“Sorry,” she mumbled. “I’m a little snippy.”
“You’ve been snippy for months,” he smiled, throwing her a knowing look and Kamaria instantly scoffed loudly. 
“Because of you,” she reminded him and silence fell over them for a few seconds. ‘Are You Lonesome Tonight?’ began to play on the speakers and Kamaria allowed her next sentence to tumble out of her mouth. “Do you still want me to be your surrogate?”
“I don’t think we should really be talking about that right now.”
“No, I wanna know.”
“Is it you that wants to know or the three glasses of wine you’ve had?” Jimin shot back. 
“Just answer the god damn question.”
“I want you to be the mother of my children, the way I always have since I met you,” he began. “That hasn’t changed. I came up with the surrogacy thing because I thought it was a good compromise.”
“How so?” She snickered. 
“I’d get what I wanted-”
“Which is always the most important part to you.”
“-and you wouldn’t be in a rush to forgive me because I knew you were angry with me, and rightfully so,” he finished.
“You really thought I would be willing to have your child when I’m still angry with you and hate your guts?” She wondered. 
“You’re angry with me but you don’t hate me,” he stated firmly. “You didn’t hate me even when I was high out of my mind on pills and drunk damn near all the time so I know you don’t hate me now.”
“You’re right, I don’t,” Kamaria shrugged. “But it’s easier to pretend as though I do. You hurt me.”
“I know I did.”
“Like, the type of hurt where it’s hard for me to breathe when I think about it for too long.”
“Bubs, I know and I hate myself for it,” Jimin confessed. “Knowing that I hurt you is one of the only regrets I have in my life.”
“It just....I spend nights laying awake wondering how everything changed so fast,” Kamaria whispered quietly, tears welling up in her eyes. “You know, I used to think we’d be like my parents were.”
“You used to tell me that,” he noted. “Especially since we met in a similar way to how they did.” 
“I thought we’d get married, have babies, grow old together,” she hiccupped, the tears spilling over onto her cheeks. “B-but we’re not.”
“Bubs, come here,” Jimin said, not even waiting for her to respond before he pulled her body into his, hugging her tightly. “I love you.”
“Y-you left me,” Kamaria sobbed. “J-just like s-she did.”
“Just like who?” He inquired but the answer dawned on him before she could respond. “Like your eomma?”
“Mmhmm,” she nodded. “I feel so fucking lonely because everyone leaves.” Jimin sighed heavily before he reached down and cupped her face in both of his hands, making her look up at him. 
“Kamaria Christine Jacobs, Choi Minali,” Jimin said. “I love you, with every inch of my being. Your smile brightens up my entire day, your laughter stirs my heart, your tears make me ready to kill whoever caused them to fall from your eyes, even if it was myself. And when I hear you sing, fuck baby, it’s like every dream I’ve ever had comes true right before my eyes. You’re the love of my life, Bubs and that’s not ever going to change. I made an impulsive decision and I know that it hurts you but you have to believe me, I’ve never and will never love anyone the way I love you.”
“I-I love you too,” Kamaria replied before leaning up and pressing her lips against his in a gentle kiss. Jimin instantly pulled away, looking down at her with a raised brow. 
“Bubs, you’re emotional,” he warned her. “Don’t do this because you’re upset over your eomma.”
“I’m not,” she insisted. “I want to because I miss you and I’m sick of acting like I don’t.”
“I miss you too, Bubs,” Jimin admitted, closing his eyes when she began to press open mouthed kisses on his jawline. “I’d do anything for you, you know that?”
“I know,” she confirmed, pulling away from him just long enough to peer up at him through her eyelashes. “If you want to do something for me, make love to me.”
“Whatever you want,” was all he said before cupping her face and pulling her into a searing kiss. The feeling of Jimin’s plush lips on hers was one that she always loved when they were together and even in this moment, Kamaria found herself sinking into the feeling. 
“Fuck,” she whispered blissfully when Jimin’s lips trailed downwards and began to suck bruises into her neck, and she grabbed the hem of his shirt in response. “Off, take this off.”
“Alright baby,” he nodded as he pulled away from her just long enough to pull his t-shirt over his head before throwing it off to the side. Jimin instantly went for the t-shirt that rested on Kamaria’s body next, his fingertips making her shiver as they slid over her torso as the shirt came up and over her head. Just as Kamaria went to lay back, she caught a glimpse of something glistening in the light and when she looked, she saw Jimin’s wedding ring resting on his left ring finger. Jimin, ever the observational one when it came to her, followed her line of sight immediately and shook his head.
“Forget it,” Jimin said as he pulled the ring off before reaching over and setting it on top of the coffee table. 
“Would you be saying that if it were me you were married to?” Kamaria couldn’t help but to ask. 
“If it were you, there’d be no reason for me to be here because we’d already be together,” he reminded her. “You’re my love, my light. There’s no place I’d rather be in the world than right here with you.”
“Don’t say things like that,” she muttered, allowing Jimin to lay her down onto the plush rug they had been sitting on. 
“Why?” He questioned as he worked on pulling down her leggings and panties. 
“Because you’re making me remember.”
“You said that you were sick of pretending,” he brought up as he leaned down so that they were face to face again. “It’s just you and I right now, like how it used to be. I know you remember how that feels.”
“I do.”
“And I know you miss it.”
“I do,” she echoed. 
“Then remembering isn’t all bad, is it?” He wondered, leaning down and pressing soft kisses onto her face. Not necessarily wanting to respond directly, Kamaria just turned her head so that their lips connected in another passionate kiss. This time, Jimin didn’t allow her to get too comfortable with that before he was moving downwards, his lips and tongue taking their time tracing her neck, collarbone, breasts, nipples, belly button and lastly her bikini line. 
“Look at this pussy,” Jimin murmured as he gazed at her bare skin and Kamaria knew him well enough to know that he was talking more so to himself. “Just as pretty as I remember.”
“Jimin,-ah fuck,” she gasped when he left a long lick from the bottom of her slit to her clit. Immediately going out for blood, he began to alternate from suckling on her clit to licking it and she felt as though she was having an outer body experience.
“Fuck yes, right there,” Kamaria whimpered as she lifted her head so that she could watch his ministrations. “God, I forgot how good you are at eating me out. Feels like I’m about to come already.”
“Not yet baby, let me savor this pussy,” he grumbled against her folds and the feeling had her throwing her head back in pleasure. Jimin continued to eat her out, easily loosing track of the time when engrossed in what was easily his favorite sexual activity. 
“Holy shit,” Kamaria swore, one of her hands coming down to rest on the top of his head while she used to the other to grip one of her breasts. She began to grind her hips upwards, the feeling of her orgasm so close that she could practically taste it. “Just like that Min, please.”
“Take what you want,” Jimin breathed out roughly and Kamaria took that as her go ahead to push his head down so that his mouth was pressed up against her folds even more. 
“Make me come, please. Fuck, that’s it,” She moaned loudly, her mouth dropping open into a silent scream as she began to come. Jimin, being the menace he is, began to lap at her faster and she had to reach down and push his head away in order to get him to stop. 
“You ok?” He checked in, chuckling softly when he saw how hard her thighs were shaking as her cum slowly dripped from her slit. 
“I forgot how fast you can make me come,” she admitted with a smile. “Shit, that felt good.”
“You ok to keep going?” He asked and she nodded her head without hesitation. After ridding himself of his jeans and boxers, Jimin settled in between Kamaria’s open legs and looked down at her. “You sure you’re ok with this?”
“Yeah,” she confirmed with a nod. “You?”
“Do you have to ask?” Jimin smirked, grabbing one of her hands and bringing it down in between their bodies where he had her grab onto his dick. “Put me inside of you, baby.”
“Ok,” Kamaria murmured, gently guiding the head of his length so that it was nudging against her slit. With one final nod from her, Jimin slowly pressed his hips forward, both of them letting out simultaneous moans as her walls stretched to accommodate him. Kamaria allowed her head to fall back, her eyes fluttering shut as Jimin began to rock back and forth inside her. 
“Oh my god,” Jimin murmured. “I missed you so much, Bubs.”
“I know, you’ve said it so many times lately,” Kamaria replied.
“And I’ll keep saying it until you believe me,” he chuckled. 
“Just fuck me,” she requested and before Jimin could respond, Kamaria grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down into a deep kiss. 
The familiarity of each other’s body came back with a vengeance for the two of them, the room filled with nothing but moans and the sounds of skin slapping together. 
“Fuck, right there,” Kamaria whimpered. “Deeper, please.”
“All you have to do is ask baby,” he grumbled, pressing his chest against hers and using his hands to push her thighs back, exposing more of her pussy to his thrusts. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Kamaria couldn’t help but to rake her fingernails down his back. 
“Feels so good,” she moaned. 
“I love you, Bubs,” Jimin said again and Kamaria rolled her eyes, though she wasn’t sure if it was from annoyance or the drag of his dick against her inner walls.
“Stop saying that,” she grunted as she looked up at him. 
“It’s the truth.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yes it is, and that’s why you want me to stop saying it,” Jimin deduced correctly. “You know I love you and you love me.”
“Shut up.”
“Say it, Bubs,” he insisted, moving his hips faster as he fucked into her. “Tell me.”
“You just want me to stroke your ego,” she scoffed.
“I want you to be honest,” he muttered softly. “So just say it or I’ll make you.”
“How are you gonna make me-” Kamaria started to say but she was cut off by Jimin wrapping a hand around her throat. “Oh, fuck.”
“Say it,” Jimin demanded as he squeezed the sides of her throat. “Tell me you love me just as much as I love you. Tell me nobody else can fuck you this well.”
“J-Jimin,” she stammered. “G-gonna come.”
“Not until you say it.”
“Oh my fucking God,” she moaned loudly, her back arching on it’s own accord as her orgasm began to crest. 
“I’m gonna stop,” Jimin warned her and Kamaria swore it was how good he was making her feel but she felt the words tumbling out her mouth. 
“I love you Jimin,” she gasped. “I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you more baby, so much more,” he replied with a soft smile. Jimin bent down then and pressed his forehead against hers and Kamaria couldn’t help but to look up into his eyes. Seeing those gorgeous brown orbs starting back at her caused her orgasm to slam into her, her essence sliding out of her and coating Jimin’s dick. 
“I’m about to come,” Jimin grumbled. 
“Inside me, come inside,” she panted. “Just don’t stop fucking me.”
“Fucking sexy ass,” he growled, gripping the rug on the floor tightly in his hands as he began to pump his cum deep inside of her. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” Kamaria chanted, a tear sliding down her face from how intense everything that she was feeling was. 
“I love you too, and that’s always baby,” Jimin whispered before kissing her passionately again. 
Tag List: @dunixxd @namaslaylife @shabbamadapot  @canarystwin
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