#and i know i've been literally up yalls asses for some time. and i'm afraid that at some point it becomes an annoyance. u get me?
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acerathia · 9 days ago
lowkeyyy, feeling self-conscious dksjfdslkf
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sugar-omi · 7 months ago
(swiftie asker) "he was the sweet lemonade you wanted for a summer but cove was the water you needed" OH OKAY. OH OKAY. YOU LITERALLY COULD'VE JUST TAKEN MY STILL BEATING HEART AND THROWN IT INTO A FOOD PROCESSOR AND IT WOULD'VE HURT LESS THAN THAT. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK DUDE
the idea of baxter filling the "other woman" archetype is so bittersweet because he doesn't even show any hints that he's upset about it. he's just so very good at reassuring others that everything's fine, that the day is meant to be about them and that he's here to make their special day perfect. but who's going to be there for him? who's going to be more than just his summer love? who's going to realize they still love him in the fall?
reminds me of some of taylor's new music from ttpd ... fortnight (the first track) is such a baxter song because like . fleeting love? the one that got away? "thought of calling ya, but you won't pick up" referring to baxter ghosting mc for five years? "i took the miracle move-on drug; the effects were temporary" referring to baxter trying to make himself as temporary as possible so mc would forget about him easily - and it not working? "i love you, it's ruining my life"? "i touched you for only a fortnight"? "all of this to say, i hope you're okay - but you're the reason"? "and for a fortnight there, we were forever"???? i'm sorry but it's literally him.
ahhhh i don't mean to constantly send in walls of text but i've been a fan of yours for a long ass time and i'm so glad you like my silly little ideas!! i look up to you a lot as a writer so it makes me really happy that you're willing to entertain my thoughts haha
"who's going to realize they still love him in the fall" OH MY GOD.... just snatch my heart up n squeeze it omg...
that song is so him. i listened to it like 3 times and it's so HIM. also "i love you, it's ruining my life" is the best fucking way to describe how I FELT AFTER PLAYING BAXTER'S DLC. the pain, the way he delicately then cruelly rejects you when you ask for more.
that'd be exactly what he was trying to avoid. it's why he didn't go further with you in the cabin, and it's why he keeps up the appearance of someone put together and strong, mysterious and a whirlwind. so much so you can't put up with it for more than the summer.
gives you the glitter and flare of a summer fling, gives you fun and excitement but deprives you of the intimacy, dodges the sensitive questions...
but you're too kind. always reaching out for him, pulling him into your small world, and he's too much of a sucker. falls for your sweet smile, your insistence that he joins your friends or family for activities. falls for you insisting that you need him, that you like him...
jfc i cannot ramble again, if anything im the one yapping your ear off LMAO. please i can ramble about baxter for DAYS. i love him but this man is the perfect angst bank and i can drag on for ages...
and please don't worry about writing long messages, even if i take awhile to respond, i love reading em so much. i was actually looking forward to what you had to say about my last response lol <3
n plus you know much more about taylor swift than i do, and the songs n stuff better. i mean i do check the lyrics n associate em n associate songs n stuff but i love how enthusiastic you are, it's very refreshing to me 😊
and omg you're so kind... ngl i cried a bit LOL i've never had someone say they look up to me n i didn't expect that, that's very sweet and i'm glad i'm good enough to be inspiring, i'm very happy to hear that🥹🫶
n i'm more than happy to listen to everyones thoughts, i think everything yall have to say is worthwhile and it's like you pluck some things straight out of my brain too 😂 i wish i could spend all day answering yall's thoughts and stuff, i get excited seeing more asks even though i cannot respond quickly
so thank you for sharing your thoughts <3 i look forward to more, n don't be afraid to dm me!!! yall are too sweet, so feel free to ask me anything 🥰
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argentdawntruthteller · 9 months ago
Aimed at COAD, PCU all Shitter Degens
I came back just to make this post so i can then dip again. Red Pill time: Yo im gon be real, i ain't played wow/RP'd on AD - wow in a year or two this is coming from somebody yall know i was part of RP Community for 8-9 years and coming back to see COAD/PCU posting makes me thankful I aint thankful because yall shittin on each other, I'm thankful because i ain't apart of that degen shit anymore, yall literally display the core definitition of "Failure to separate Character" and "OOC" you can't keep IC as IC and can't keep Warcraft as Warcraft. Yall literally RPing in a Fantasy game that dosen't exist thinking ur gaining +1 IQ from hunting each other over some nerdy ass online beef in a fantasy RP world that doesn't exist and it's goofy af to watch. Fr Imagine waking up, coming home from work and the first thing that crosses your mind isn't "Ayo, i should probably get some breakfast" or "Ayo I'm gon chill out, maybe hit "X" up to see what they're doing this weekend" it's the compulsive urge to hop online on some discord server or blog and post some degen post about something somebody's done in the past or has done at present on a fictional game. "H3h3h3 tyme to show the wurld haw bad these people awe!!!!" Literally the growing embodiment of late stage Psychosis, an inability to seperate the real world from a fantasy game to real life as to which said seperation contributes nothing to society or has any real life gains, RP gains or in game gains. You all need to touch grass i really feel for your all which is why i'm so thankful, most would argue "You can't say that I'm just passionate about the game and the community!!!" Which i get Wow RP/Lore is something I've always been a fan of and will continue to be a fan of and the community - nothing can compare. but let's be real this ain't passion it goes beyond that cancel me, come after me, report me, take what i say to heart, do what you gotta do i simply could not care - to tell you the truth, i couldn't give a shit, I'll always be real, so let's be real. What this is, is literally borderline obssessive autistic OOC beef that's developed into a full blown obsession in the community and an obssession between two distinct groups of people that simply do not like each other which is ultimately dividing yall and killing of said community which is why a lot of the OG's don't chill around anymore which in turn player after player follow suit. People make mistakes, people do shit things - sometimes those people do shit things intentionally and those mistakes aren't actually mistakes and it's a case of lil homies thinking their Jamal pulling out the 9's or they're "Him" when in real terms their actions gain them nothing in the community, nothing in RP, nothing in game - they're just some random ass goofy ass dude/girl in europe living rent free in somebody's head staring through a computer, rping in a game that dosen't exist as to which they have nothing to show for their actions in real life. The worse thing you can do is give these people attention, be it COAD, be it PCU be it some other shitter degen trying to make a name for themselves. When they realise how irrelevant they are and how less of a shit people give, they'll calm and check themselves. The take away from this if you are indeed a degen and have found this to be insulting, I'm afraid to inform you, you fr need to touch grass lil homie.
#Any other shitter Degen
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ask-vaal-hazak · 5 years ago
And now from this room it's time to bring you a special segment called:
It's time for the dm to go on a Rant~
So buddy of mine wanted to do a homebrew dnd campaign. Hes not a first time dm(so he says). So I tried to help him out just in case (took none of the advice btw)
Mind you I wasn't trying to outright tell him anything just some basics like. Make sure you know xyz. You can use my books for xyz. Here are some websites for xyz, ect.
Ya know things and resources he can use right? Then he goes on and says
"If yall wanna use homebrew races thats cool"
So me being me. Make a jubilan. (A slime person.) Mine look like this. (Not my art btw)
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Yes I know looks like a monster. It's a monstrous race. Even showed the dm stats and where I got it and the image you see above.
He asked for a background after telling me its gonna be like a futuristic campaign.
So I told him. I wanna be (this) im a gravaturgist. From the future (bc why not)
And I'm based off of a BLACK SLIME. And yes he know what one is. So dm proceeds to nerf me session 1.
How so?
I asked him can I be a rare breed. Like not many, being the race is rather reclusive he says ok. Then proceeds to. Make them a common race. Am I a bit peeved (kinda) do I get pissed? (Further in the campaign yes)
So dm makes me a super COMMON race. (Told him in my background my kind were becoming more common but still rare due to a goverment pact of the human monster alliance) and gives everything what seems to be a +5 against any intimidation I try.
I rolled a nat 20 and nothing. Not even to civilians. Nothing. Kids (cant even scare em) So moving on. Apparently due to my background or how I came into this world apparently I caused rips in space and time and now theres hundreds of drops across the city and other time travelers popping in.
(Mind you I asked him i was only making this background and character bc it seemed intresting but i wanted no one from my background to follow me as my whole reason is to get back to my time period)
Anyways dm literally makes a ripoff UMBRELLA (like resident evil) cooperation literally named. Shoe Rack.
*face palm* yeah. I even asked him if he was serious...guess what. He was -_-
Anyways. Dm tries to run the campaign using memes and crap tons of anime references (which I dont mind but. Ot every single encounter needs a jojo adventure refrence) and to top that off. He designs every encounter kinda half assed. What do I mean. Lemme give you the last 3 fights.
3 guards vs me (a wizard)
So after a few rounds (bc I love aoe and save or suck spells) the dm goes
DM "Ok I think well call it here)
Me "it's only been 15 minutes"
Dm "well you kinda blew through everything I had planned, I thought it would be harder"
Me "they only had 5 hp? I'm lv 3 I'm sure theres gotta be more than, go down a hall and theres 3 guards."
Dm "Ummm...."
Me "if ya need help or more time all ya gotta do is say you need time. (despite he has more than a week between sessions and more resources than i can count.)
Its been like this for the past 3 sessions. I dont wanna discourage the dude but its.....lazily written? Half assed? (Cant think of a way to put it nicely.
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That image does it justice yep. Dumpster fire anyway. I dont know what to say to the dude. I mean I've tried but idk. I kinda feel like no dnd is better than well... all this mentioned above.
Anyways I just had to get that off my chest if anyone has any advice dont be afraid to say something. Now I gotta roll up another hb character for something someone else wants to do. The group seems nice but idk how to feel or if I should stereotype the group bc A Handsome teifling bard, a sexy seductive succubus, a depressed half elf and a chaotic evil monk (who for some reason is also a succubus in a bikini) makes up the new party......I kinda wanna see where it goes but at the same time....err I'm getting that dodge kinda feeling so imma just make an Umberhulk (maybe Eldritch knight or maybe sorcorer) as per RookZer0 on youtube and see where this takes me. Hopefully it's not gonna be some bs. Session starts tomorrow so here's hope to a better party and session. Also if anyone has any umberhulk names that sound weird and or bug like I'd also be happy to hear them.
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broomiies · 4 years ago
k elaborating now bc im upset ,,,, rant under the cut. there's some screaming and long-winded, upset rambles and a sexual "joke" that's not even a joke i'm making, but someone else did. i hope everyone's having a good day or afternoon or night or however early / late it is in your respective timezone <3
why the fuck cant ppl understand that age regression is a coping mechanism lik bruv it isnt that hard wtf 💀 literally i hate tiktok so so so much sometimes like
"one day yall r gonna dox ppl and call it a coping mechanism" why are you comparing a literal ILLEGAL ACTION with regressing to that of a child's mindset to cope with shit that happened in their past bro?? i deadass saw that exact comment in the comment section of a tiktok. it baffles me beyond belief. even simple comments like "weird asses" n shjt like that bring me so far down yo 💀
please dont even get me started on ppl who dont know the difference between age regression and age play, mix them up, get corrected, and still continue to bash on age regressors because they still think it's weird. it HURTS. SO BAD. it's literally gotten so bad to the point where just ranting about it or simply showing my support for age regressors (bc with all this bullshit and ppl at their throats on the daily, ofc they need supporters bro) makes me shaky and choked up bc idk how ppl r gonna respond and if they're gonna fucking hate me or stop being friends with me and i dont WANT that to happen bc the ppl i've met are so nice and cool and i ENJOY talking to them it's so so fucking bad. it shouldnt BE this way. WHY does it have to be this way?? why does it have to be so bad to the point of where i genuinely get panicked when i accidentally like something from an agere blog when im scrolling thro the tag bc it makes ME feel calmer and safer?? it's not even a matter of me being ashamed to support them, because I'm not; it's a matter of being afraid of losing friends bc they dont understand. like you dont have to openly support them, just fucking RESPECT them and dont send them death threats for being "weird" when theyve probably been through ENOUGH
i literally saw a tiktok the other day where someone was age regressing and they had an ice cream and the caption said "ice cweam! :D" or smth along the lines of that and all the fucking comments were ppl making fun of them like "i cweamed in ur mommy 🥺" and "i hope u dwop it 🥺" and it made me feel so bad bc they didnt deserve that, especially not that first comment bc you dont fucking know why they're regressing. you dont know if theyve been assaulted before and is trying to cope with the fact by regressing to a simpler time where nothing bad happened to them. you dont fucimng know what theyve been through leave them alone leave them the fuck ALONE WHATS YOUR FUCKIGN PROBLEM DUDE WHAT THE FUCK
i left that person a nice comment btw. i rlly hope they enjoyed their ice cream.
another thing happened in another tiktok like a week or so ago. someone was regressing, and the captions were "pway wif me!" and they were just. playing. the comments were fucked, ofc.
i put a nice comment on that one too. gave them like as well. i hope they had fun :(
i'm well aware stupid fucking idiots like this are going to be on the internet forever bc it's impossible to wipe every single scumbag off of social media and i've come to terms with that as someone who's been on the internet as young as 8 years old, but it's still a bit...disheartening, to say the least. it wont stop, i know but. lmao i wish it would
day ?!?!?!?! of seeing mfs confuse age play for age regression and vice versa i am really about to lose it yall 😐
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