#and i just noticed hes wearing the bracelet i made him when i came back from my eras show
hooked-on-elvis · 23 hours
"It's Still Here" (1973)
Recorded on May 19, 1971 at RCA’s Studio B, Nashville, TN. Released on July 16, 1973. Album: Elvis (Fool)
MUSICIANS Piano: Elvis Presley, Bass: Norbert Putnam. * The complete recording of “It’s Still Here” runs 4:40, including a breakdown in the middle of the take; it was edited down to 2:05 for the initial master.
RECORDING SESSION Studio Session for RCA May 15–21, 1971: RCA’s Studio B, Nashville On the night of May 15 RCA’s Studio B had been decorated for an early Christmas. A tree with beautifully wrapped empty boxes stood in the center of the room, but Elvis brought real gifts for the musicians and his own associates — gold bracelets engraved “Elvis '71.” All the players from the June 1970 sessions were back, and again there were no backup singers present. With no personnel changes and as few distractions as possible, Felton expected to be able to get all of Elvis’s recording done in short order and save all the sweetening for later. BACKSTORY: The studio was decorated for Christmas in May most likely to create the right mood for the musicians - specially to inspire Elvis himself, since everybody knew how much of a Christmas enthusiast he was. During that session they would cut songs that would be release in the same year, 1971, on the then upcoming album "Elvis Sings The Wonderful World Of Christmas", as well as begin to record songs for the following albums - a contemporary music album and a gospel album. The Christmas decoration might have helped but fact is Elvis was in a great mood during those May recording sessions, cheerfully joking with everybody in the studio, even showing off his karate skills, while keeping himself seriously engaged in doing his best work, specially with the religious songs. His light mood is quite intriguing since what happened to him during the first days of the May 1971 recording sessions. During that first recording session in May 15-16th 1971, Elvis felt a striking pain on his eye and left to see a doctor, ending up being diagnosed with glaucoma.
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Excerpt from book "Elvis What Happened" by Red West, Dave Hebler and Sonny West as told to Steve Dunleavy (1977).
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Elvis leaving an eye doctor's office in Beverly Hills sometime in late 1971.
That year, 1971, was the beginning for the dark sunglasses era. Elvis took it all lightly, joking around with people about his serious health condition. One of those people was Kathy Westmoreland, to whom Elvis said, after showing her his collection of sun glasses:
"If I have to wear the damn things," Elvis smiled, making fun of himself, "I'm gonna have one in every color." Excerpt from "Elvis and Kathy" by Kathy Westmoreland (1987).
Surprisingly right after the brief hospitalization and the emergency eye treatment, Elvis got right back into the recording studio in Nashville.
— A LITTLE BIT OF THE RECORDING SESSION ON MAY 19, 1971 WHEN "IT’S STILL HERE" WAS RECORDED: During the day Elvis slept, but for most of the members of the band it was business as usual—sessions all morning and afternoon. When they came back to work nights with Elvis, Felton had an unwritten rule prohibiting anyone from yawning in the studio—for fear that it might “bring down” his star—and he insisted that the musicians take their breaks in the parking lot. And even Elvis made a trip to their “outdoor lounge” when he became bogged down in “Seeing Is Believing,” a new tune Red West had just frantically completed. Otherwise, though, he kept focused throughout the evening, actively directing the band, patiently discussing the backing parts with the female singers. Jerry Reed’s “A Thing Called Love” was completed with an elaborate vocal arrangement that featured bass singer Armond Morales in a unison part with Elvis throughout the song. References to the previous evening’s gunplay were flying, and after a while Elvis noticed how upset the Imperials became whenever he struck a karate pose. It was another night of good-humored ad-libbing. “He left the splendor of RCA—of Victor,” he sang self-referentially after one verse of “Listen To The Bells”; “went back to Sun Records. …” The next take of “A Thing Called Love” collapsed, and Felton as always deflected blame from Elvis onto the newcomer, Joe Moscheo. But Elvis, ever gracious when he was in good spirits, just changed the opening line of the song from “Six foot six, he stood on the ground” to “Three foot four …” and dedicated the song to Charlie Hodge. After the meal break the atmosphere changed. Determined to capture the mood he achieved while performing at home, Elvis sat down at the piano for an impassioned yet unassuming solo set. Two of the three songs he chose had been favorites as far back as his days in Germany: “I’ll Take You Home Again Kathleen” and Ivory Joe Hunter’s “I Will Be True,” both of which he’d recorded on his home equipment in Bad Nauheim. This old material was hardly what Felton or RCA were looking for in an Elvis session, but Al Pachucki was ready with the tapes rolling just the same. The most moving of the three was another Ivory Joe Hunter song, “It’s Still Here,” but later Felton excitedly reported to the Colonel that with overdubs they all would make “great tunes,” keen to convince both Elvis and his manager of their commercial potential.
Excerpt: "Elvis Presley, A Life in Music: The Complete Recording Sessions" by Ernst Jorgensen. Foreword by Peter Guralnick (1998)
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AFTERMATH Five albums were out a while before the "Elvis (Fool)" album could be released in 1973. Following the 1971 Christmas album was the contemporary music album, "Elvis Now", and then the gospel album "He Touched Me" preceding two live record releases, the "Elvis: As Recorded At Madison Square Garden" (1972) and the "Aloha From Hawaii Via Satellite" (1973) albums, and just then the "Elvis (Fool)" album was made by putting together songs recorded during the May 1971 recording session as well as songs taped during recording sessions in February-March 1972.
"IT'S STILL HERE" — LYRICS Songwriter: Ivory Joe Hunter The day you said we'd never part You turned around and broke my heart You had the nerve to tell me I would soon forget Now you've been gone away one year And I have not forgotten dear The love I had for you so long Is still here Wow-oh It's here, still here Because my heart cannot believe We're really through And though you said we'd never part You turned around and broke my heart The love I had for you so long Is still here It's here, still here Because my heart cannot believe We're really through Now you've been gone away one year And I have not forgotten dear The love I had for you so long Is still here Wow-oh It's here, it's here, still here Because my heart cannot believe We're really through And though you said we'd never part You turned around and broke my heart The love I had for you so long Is still here Wow-ow It's here, still here Because my heart cannot believe We're really through And though you said we'd never part You turned around and broke my heart The love I had for you so long Is still here Oh yeah
ORIGINAL RECORDING Ivory Joe Hunter (1968)
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auraismoonstone · 6 months
i do feel kinda awkward talking to him
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grimesthinker · 2 years
cw: fluff, basically daryl being soft for you. (fem!reader x daryl dixon) 776 wc
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DARYL DIXON had no idea what to do when it came to someone like you. to say the least, he didn’t quite understand you. you had proved countless times you could take care of yourself, so you weren’t weak by any means. still, there were small things that made him really question you.
after daryl’s group got settled into alexandria, they had many new faces to meet, including yours. even though he wouldn’t admit it, daryl was instantly drawn to you. with rosy cheeks, long eyelashes and an innocent smile, he just couldn’t help it. he began to notice small things about you, like the clothes and accessories you wore. although your closet was obviously limited, you always tried your best to make your appearance seem fuller. sometimes you found pieces of cloth or silk, to which you would make bows out of to place in your hair. sometimes you made jewelry, even making a bracelet for daryl. you weren’t really expecting him to wear it, but he did.
one day, you asked daryl if you could join him on a supply run. “nah, i ain’t babysittin’.” he said in a grainy voice as he lit the cigarette between his lips. you didn’t let up though, using those big puppy-dog eyes to plead with him. “damnit girl, don’t ‘ya ever listen?” he grunted, but eventually gave in.
on the way back, unknowingly to both of you, a walker that been stuck in the leaves grabs your shoe and causes you to trip. daryl quickly shoots the creature with an arrow and helps you up. he watches as you grab his hand and gain back your balance. he can tell you’re flustered, as your cheeks grow darker than normal and you fail to meet his eyes. a shy thing, you could be sometimes. he studies you as you thank him and stutter an apology for not watching where you step.
instinctively, you touch your neck where your necklace rests, only there’s no necklace. panic begins to build and daryl can see it written all over your face. “you okay?” you look up at him, shaking your head. “my necklace…” your hand begins to shake a little, and daryl realizes. you’ve worn the same necklace since he first met you, a rusty gold chain with a heart shaped locket. he heard you speak about it to carl once, explaining how it had a picture of your family in it. you drop to your knees and start looking for it, daryl about to join you when you both hear growling in the distance. a herd is coming your way, daryl realizes and touches your shoulder. “hey kid, we gotta go.” he tells you, but you shake your head and continue to search. daryl watches as the herd moves closer, his frustration building as you’re putting yourself in danger. “get yer ass up girl, we gotta go.” he pulls you up, yet his gaze softens when he sees the tears that have already fell down your soft cheeks. “daryl, i can’t-“ you start, but he’s already pulling you both out of the way of the herd and back to alexandria.
a few days pass, and all daryl can think about is you and that damn necklace. you haven’t been the same since you guys returned, and everyone has noticed. usually, you’re the most talkative person in alexandria, but recently you’ve only been speaking when you have to. daryl winces when he thinks about it, absolutely hating the fact that you’re any kind of upset. after stealing a glance of you through your window and seeing the sullen expression on your face, he grabs his crossbow and heads into the woods. a couple hours later, he finds himself standing at your doorstep.
he knocks, and you answer with a soft smile. “hi daryl.”
“uh,” he clears his throat, holding his hand out with the gold necklace in it. “i had to fix the chain but the locket is still intac-“ you cut him off as you throw your arms around his neck and embrace him with a hug. “daryl!” his eyes widen as he stands, unsure what to do with his own arms as he registers the body pressed against his own. “thankyouthankyouthankyou!” you pull back, taking the necklace from his hand and clasping it around your neck. you look down at it before you place a kiss on daryl’s cheek. his stubble tickles you and you give a slight giggle, pulling him in for another hug. he’s taken back at first, but eventually wraps his own hands around your frame.
“you sure are stronger than ‘ya look, huh, girl?”
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goldenroutledge · 1 year
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pairing: jj maybank x kook!reader
word count: 5.3k
summary: you’re there for jj when it matters most. (inspired by this post)
warning(s): sprinkles of angst, but fluffy in the end.
a/n: the song i had in mind while writing this was intimidated by kaytranada & h.e.r <3
jj maybank masterlist
© goldenroutledge || do not plagiarize, repost, or translate my work in any way
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JJ Maybank didn’t need handouts. As he told it, his independence was his most valuable asset. It’s what made him a pogue through and through. “Is freedom anything else than the right to live as we wish?”— An Epictetus quote JJ scribbled down, bored as ever in his freshman English class. His life motto condensed into twelve simple words, whether his newfound ‘freedom’ was out of his control or not. Either way, he played the cards he was dealt.
His friends— no, scratch that— his family, were his escape to comfort. A soft, pillowy landing from the nose dive that was his life. A foreign concept to him until he met John B, then Pope, then Kiara, then you. A refuge of safety, ironically enough, given the many times you all had looked death in the face.
Even though the pogues had already started wearing matching friendship bracelets that Kiara made by the time you came along, it was a smooth transition when you were welcomed into the group with open arms. By some more than others at first, given your kook status. But just as they’d embraced Kie, your initiation into the group was no different.
While it took time for JJ in particular to come around, his reservations were understandable. At first, you gave him his space and he gave you yours. Always letting him set the tone and lead the way.
As time went on, JJ soon decided he wouldn’t mind having you around him all the time, there was no going back. JJ loved to the point of no return, and it was incomparable to anything— or how anyone else could ever make you feel.
At times, he felt like that was all he had to offer. Nothing but fierce loyalty and protection over the ones he loves most. But you. To JJ, you were the fine line between hideaway and heaven itself. Even if he thought he may not end up there, he was sure that it would be you he’d meet at heaven’s gates.
Amongst any conflict or tension within the group, you always provided a safe haven for him to retreat to, though he had difficulty admitting it. In a way you had a solution for everything. Keeping tensions low and spirits high in the process. You were the original peacemaker of the group, before his precious gun came along.
Right now, it was almost all he could think about while he sat there, beer in hand, listening to John B and Sarah argue in the distance. How he wishes you were here, to ease his nerves and settle the anxiety simmering in his chest.
JJ hated this. He hated that nobody seemed to get along anymore. With all that was going on with the others, he wouldn’t even think to mention his problems. The looming eviction notice on his house, one of few things he had left on this island. While everyone’s lives continued to progress, JJ’s was at a standstill. No job, no parents, and now his friend group was falling apart at the seams. And with everyone else occupied these days, he was alone.
JJ, selfless as usual, would hate to bother you, no matter how badly he wanted to. He knew you’d have some inspirational shit to say to him. Though he’d poked fun at it sometimes, he’d never needed anything more right now.
The sound of footsteps came before JJ saw them, watching Sarah storm off and away from John B as he stood there, tense and silent.
JJ could be hot headed at times, that was no secret. He could understand his friends' quarrels to an extent. But he couldn’t look past the fact that you all were supposed to be sticking together, especially right now. When he said that nothing good could happen once you all returned to Kildare, he knew he was right. Call it a gut feeling.
Naturally, Sarah told you everything. Confidant, mom-friend, advisor— all titles bestowed upon you by your close group of friends over the years. You’d always tried to be as neutral as possible in times of conflict. Though in matters of the heart it was nearly impossible.
Days after her fight with John B, she found herself laying on your bed, venting all of her bottled up frustrations about him and the state of their relationship.
“I’m a mess, Y/n. I feel like such a mess.”
You looked at her sympathetically, knowing there wasn’t much you could do. Just listen, just be there in her time of need.
“So, I took my bag from the Chateau and I left. Kie’s parents told me I couldn’t stay, then I went to JJ’s and he wasn’t home. He’s working at Guffy’s again last I heard.”
You briefly glanced up at the mention of JJ’s name— and it didn’t go unnoticed by Sarah. Instead of divulging about it, she continued her rant.
“Then I was just wandering around, because it’s not like I had anything better to do. And who sees me drinking at Tiki Bar? Topper.”
You internally cringed at the mention of the Thornton boy. He was always nice when you saw him, nothing bad nor good to say about him. But you knew deep down he was Sarah’s achilles heel. He reminded her of everything she once had, the person she once was. Lately, you couldn’t help but crave some normalcy too.
“So.. what happened?”
She sighs heavily, dropping her hand across her eyes. “We went to Mase.”
“We went with some people from KDC. The old crew, Kelce, Phoebe…”
“Is that it?”
“We made out.”
Sarah squeezed her eyes shut in fear of your reaction, knowing it’d probably show on your face before anything.
“Oh.” You swallowed back any judgment you might’ve had, compartmentalizing your love for John B and choosing to hear Sarah out. “And how do you feel about it?”
“Awful. I mean Topper has been so good to me lately with everything going on, he’s always there to pick up the pieces and I just feel bad. It was a mistake.”
“It can’t happen again, y’know. Not if you want to work it out with John B.”
“I do, I wanna work it out with him.” She urged. “And then the next morning we had breakfast. Kie came into the restaurant and saw us together and I think she got the wrong message. She said she’s staying out of it but I can tell what she’s thinking.” Sarah takes a deep inhale, and a deep exhale to follow. “What do I do, Y/n?”
It still baffles you at times that you’ve become the voice of reason. You hope Sarah doesn’t notice that you feel uneasy about the whole thing. “Just… be honest. Don’t let John B find out from anyone other than you. He’s gonna be upset but he has a right to be.”
The blonde sits up, crawls over to you and envelopes you into her arms. “Don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Sun reflected brightly off the boats docked at the marina, the two smoothie cups in your hand sweating from the sweltering heat. Your family's boat was kept here at Guffy’s; particularly when your parents weren’t in town to cruise around the island and daydrink with their kook friends.
At least you had an alibi, just in case you happened to run into JJ. The two medium strawberry banana smoothies you carried might need some explanation, though.
Ever since you all had made it back to the island, JJ had been hard to track down. He was rarely in one place for too long. So where else better to catch him than at work?
“Y/n? How are you doing today?” Billy questions from a distance away, putting on his friendliest smile for the daughter of his best clients.
“Can’t complain. Happy to be back.”
“And it’s good to have you back. Everything alright with the boat?”
“Oh yeah, everything’s fine, I just realized I left behind my favorite sunglasses.” You explained, hoping your excuse sounded authentic enough.
“Alright. You take care, now.”
“Actually… I was wondering is JJ around?”
“Maybank? He was here a few days ago.”
“Hm, I could’ve sworn he was working today.”
Billy sighs, eyebrows furrowing. “Listen, Ms. Y/l/n, I know you want to advocate for your boyfriend and all but JJ can’t work here.”
Confusion spread through your features this time as you genuinely had no idea what the man was getting at. You chose to not correct him when he’d mistaken you for JJ’s girlfriend.
“Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good kid. I know he wants the job back but Guffy put a pin in it. I’m sorry. Really not much I can do.”
You forced a polite smile on your face as the dots connected, remembering the melting smoothie you held in your left hand while your half-finished one remained in your right. The two of you exchanged brief goodbyes before you quickly left the marina.
If JJ really hadn’t been working at Guffy’s again, where the hell was he? His act of disappearing was unmatched, but so was your skill of guessing.
If a game of hide-n-seek is what he wanted, a game of hide-n-seek is what he will get.
Grass brushed against your ankles as you approached JJ’s home, your steps careful as you looked around for him.
Going to JJ’s home was forbidden. When Luke was around, that is. He was a phantom— an ugly, dark presence looming over the quaint home that would otherwise feel serene. The chirping birds in the trees couldn’t tell the difference.
You haven't been here many times. The times you had been here weren’t anything you nor JJ wanted to remember. The feeling of uncertainty creeped into your mind from your past visits. You never knew what to expect.
To your left, there was a beautiful, never-ending view of the water past the grass of the Maybank’s yard. You hadn’t noticed that before. This spot had probably seen some beautiful sunsets. In a moment of imagination, you almost pictured sitting there with JJ on the plush green, hand in hand, watching the warm hues of the sky melt into a dark night.
The caution tape wrapping around the wood of the house caught your interest as you made your way onto the porch, also noticing the eviction letter left on the door, moving closer for a better look.
JJ called out, appearing from around the corner of his home, startling you out of concentration as you re-read the notice again and again.
As if you didn’t come over to finally see him in the first place. Though you couldn’t speak— for once unsure of what to say. ‘Sorry you’re getting evicted?’, it just didn’t sound right. Then again it might’ve been better than standing frozen and staring at him, silently, like you were doing.
“What are you doing here?”
“I- um…. I brought you a smoothie.”
You held out the cup, approaching him and handing it to him. He stood there dumbfounded, eyebrows furrowed. His lips eventually pursed into a smile as a way to say thank you. This wasn’t the relaxed JJ you were accustomed to; nonetheless he was still the JJ you loved.
“Why are you here?”
“I told you. The smoothie.”
“You came all the way out here from your mansion on Figure 8 to bring me a smoothie?”
“What?” You scoffed, his tone dictating where the conversation was headed. Most likely nowhere.
“Go back to reading by your pool or something. You shouldn’t be here.”
“I haven’t heard from you in days, JJ. I’m just checking up on you.”
“So what? You touring around the Cut now? Delivering smoothies to lost pogues? Is Heyward’s your next stop?”
He resumed tinkering with his bike, and from the looks of it he was working rather aggressively— desperate to distract himself from the conversation at hand.
“I miss my best friend. Am I not allowed to miss you anymore? I mean it’s not like we were stranded on an island together… not knowing whether we would live or die!”
“Well, we’re not exactly a big happy family right now. You should know that.”
“Yeah. John B and Sarah are on some kind of break. But that doesn’t mean I can’t see you, that doesn’t have anything to do with us. I thought we were past the whole picking sides thing.”
“I’ve been busy.” JJ shrugs.
“Busy working? At the job you lied about having?”
His eyes snapped to yours immediately. Your heart clenched as soon as the words left your mouth, you didn’t mean to go too far. But at least you had his attention.
“What, are you stalking me now? Or did you hire a P.I. to figure that out?”
“Hilarious, JJ. I was at the marina earlier to grab something off my boat. Actually hoping I would run into you but, whatever.”
“Yeah. Whatever.”
A few moments of awkward silence lingered between the two of you, as you kicked a pebble around with your foot.
“I know you don’t owe me anything… but you could’ve just told me.”
He paused his movements, thinking about how he was going to respond.
“Tell you what? That I prefer mixed berry over strawberry banana?” He jested, smiling to himself.
“I’m not talking about the smoothie, idiot.”
His eyes drifted over to his home, knowing exactly what you were thinking, just afraid to acknowledge it.
“My problems aren’t your problems, Y/n.”
“And I know that. I just wanna help you, however you’ll let me.”
“Well, you can help me by not helping me. I’ll figure it out. Always do.”
“All I’m saying is you don’t have to figure it out alone. I’m here.”
At that, he dropped his tools, running tense hands through his hair. “But you aren’t here! You don’t have to live like this and you should be glad that you don’t!”
He raised his voice at you, frustrated. JJ was never good at putting his feelings into words, especially when it came to actually expressing them.
He didn’t know how he could tell you about everything. The worst day he’s ever had, the lowest he’s ever been. He couldn’t see a way in which he could tell you all of it and carry on the same. You were always a constant in his life. He needed it to stay that way, by any means necessary.
“That doesn’t make sense, JJ. What’s the point of having anything nice if I can’t share it with the people I love?”
The both of you were taken aback at what your explanation implied. In actuality, it took all of your power not to say those three words to him outright. But you couldn’t, not like this.
“You don’t have to pretend to care that much. I’m sure you can find another community service project to focus on.”
“Community service?” You chuckled emptily, baffled at his ridiculousness, though deep down you knew this was how he dealt with things. He simply didn’t know anything other than defensiveness. “That’s what you think this is?”
JJ closed his eyes in exasperation, wishing this conversation away. He could hear it in your voice, your feelings were hurt. Maybe not as bad as when your 8th grade crush asked someone else to the Valentine’s dance— but even a little was too much.
“If you’re gonna reduce our decade of friendship to me doing charity work, I guess there’s no changing your mind. I’m just wasting my breath.”
The words were stuck in his throat. He wanted to apologize instantly, but now he wasn’t sure if his apologies were something you’d wanna hear at the moment. He wasn’t sure if you’d believe him.
For all the disingenuous apologies he’d accepted over the years, he’d hate to put you on the receiving end of one. Even if his heart truly was in the right place, JJ couldn’t muster up the courage to show it.
“You don’t have to antagonize me. Because everything you’re blaming me for, it isn’t my fault. Just like this isn’t your fault either.” You gestured to the eviction notice at his door.
“Yeah.” He mumbled. “You’re right.”
“Say what you want about me, but I just wanna know that you’re okay. And if it’s an apology you’re looking for, you’re not gonna get it. I’ll never apologize for that.”
He nodded, unsure of what else to say. All he could do was try to understand.
Realizing he had no further comments, you turned your back to leave.
“Will I see you at the Chateau tomorrow?” You asked over your shoulder, hope remaining in your voice despite the uneasiness that remained between you two.
“Don’t count on it.”
“Alright, well… bye.”
JJ waves, before muttering a monotone ‘thanks for the smoothie’ as he watches you go.
Since returning to the island, it was an unspoken thing that you all were to meet up at the Chateau at some point. And with all the new developments in your lives lately, these meetings were much needed.
Pope handed you a beer as he came into John B’s living room, opening one of his own as he sat down beside you.
John B and Sarah seemed to be laying low, but it was clear they were back together or had come to some sort of resolution.
Kiara was going on about how much shit her parents had been giving her lately. They’d been hovering— watching over their daughter’s every move from the moment she set foot on the island again.
Pope told the group about how Cleo had won over Heywar in record time, much faster than John B or JJ. Pope’s parents simply wanted the best for him, and knew that the danger and mischief his friends came with couldn’t be productive.
“We’ve been best friends for what…? 13 years?” John B recalls. “And your dad can hardly stand the sight of me but Cleo won him over in a few minutes? How?”
“Are you surprised?”
“Not at all.” John B holds his hands up in surrender to Cleo, Pope smirking beside her as he witnesses the interaction. “Just confused.”
“I have many superpowers, John.”
“Apparently! Winning over Heyward is like, unheard of in this group. At least for JJ and me.” John B explains, sipping his beer.
“Speaking of, where’s he at?”
At the shift in conversation, you can feel several pairs of eyes fall upon you. All you can do is act as normal as possible, tipping off any of your friends always ends badly in the case of keeping a secret. Until the cat’s out of the bag, your friends will make it their personal mission to reveal whatever it is you’re hiding.
You raised your eyebrows, pretending to only catch onto their stares moments later. “Why’re you looking at me?”
“No reason. It’s not like you guys are secretly together or anything.” Pope mutters under his breath, catching a glare from you at his false claim.
“We’re not. I wouldn’t know where he is.”
John B hisses, pretending to shiver. “Is it a little chilly in here? Or is that just Y/n’s cold shoulder?”
You roll your eyes, further proving his point until Sarah chimes in, pondering if she should speak up about what she knows.
“I actually stopped by JJ’s the other day. He.. wasn’t home.”
“Oh yeah, didn’t he go fishing? Probably not back yet.” John B remembers.
“I don’t think he’ll be going home anytime soon.”
At this your eyes meet Sarah’s hazel ones, full of hesitation. You shoot her a look of ‘whatever you’re about to say, don’t’, and you hope she is wise enough to pick up on it.
“Why is that?” Kiara questions, confused.
“He got evicted.” Sarah blurts, regret spreading through her expression as she sees you react; you don’t react. And that slightly terrifies her.
“Really?” Pope asks in disbelief, though not too surprised. More so disappointed that his best friend had to endure this, silently at that.
“Yeah. When was the last time anyone’s heard from him?”
The group silently recollects for a few moments, Kie pulls out her phone to review her latest texts with the man in question.
Instead, you’re wondering how the hell Sarah even knew about this to begin with. How long could she know about this and just stay silent? Forget not telling the group, how long could she keep this from you? How could she not help her friend who was clearly in need of support?
“How long have you known?”
Sarah appears confused, wondering where your line of questioning is coming from.
“I- uh. After John B and I fought I went there, remember Y/n? I was hoping I could stay but he wasn’t home. That’s when I saw the eviction notice.”
“And you waited, I don’t know, a week to bring that up?”
“Y/n, it’s not like I intentionally kept this from you, okay? We know how protective you are over JJ.”
Her words strike a cord within you, already on edge regarding JJ Maybank because of your argument with him the day prior. It was still a sore subject, even more so made by having no one to confide in about it.
“It’s not about that, Sarah. You didn’t even have to tell anyone at all but you didn’t think to maybe find out if he’s okay? At the very least?”
“I was a bit homeless at the time, Y/n, sorry about that.”
“Oh, right. You were too busy hooking up with Topper to care about the well-being of our best friend? Good to know the bare minimum is impossible for you.”
Sarah scoffs, John B shakes his head in exasperation. Kiara stays silent mostly, being no stranger to your and Sarah’s sister-like fights. She couldn’t even disagree with you, though with her parents keeping her on lockdown it was hard to do anything about it. She wasn’t in a place to have an opinion.
Pope and Cleo shared looks, communicating wordlessly as they had grown to do. Being away at Heyward’s kept them out of the loop quite a bit.
“JJ will figure it out, Y/n. Relax.” John B reassured. Though he was defending his girlfriend, now that they were in a ‘good place’ again, you felt anything but reassured at his carelessness around the subject. You’d think of all of you, John B would understand the most.
“Relax? Why should I relax if JJ is in trouble? If anything, you’re too relaxed!”
“I’m sorry you feel that way but you don’t have to take it out on Sarah, this isn’t even her fault! Not all of us want to fight your battles.”
“If you had any sense left you’d realize this isn’t about me. This is about our friend, who I thought we all cared about. At least enough to share this kind of news. We’re talking about his well-being here, I mean he’s losing the house he grew up in and nobody seems to care about that?”
“If he wanted us to know, he’d tell us.”
“Like he’s ever going to do that! You know better than anyway that he won’t!”
“It’s not my problem.”
“Mhm. It’s a shame JJ’s busy solving all of yours.”
“Y/n, please. Can we just have a chill night?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be his ‘best friend since the third grade?’ Because you don’t fucking act like it.” You huffed, standing up to get rid of your beer can. At this point you were rambling to yourself, more than okay with the group hearing what you really thought about them and their carelessness for the situation.
“Indeed. Which is why I don’t need to force him to tell me shit, okay?”
“Why are you such an asshole, John B?”
“Y/n, I just found my dad. So, excuse me if JJ’s living situation isn’t at the forefront of my mind.”
“I never said it had to be, but you’re acting like you don’t even care!”
“I do care! We all do!” John B shouts. “And maybe if you’d let up on him he’d actually come to you about this stuff!”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m saying, maybe JJ would give you the love you so desperately crave if you weren’t fucking suffocating him.”
“John B!” Kiara warns.
Sarah held her face in her hands, knowing John B had crossed the line. Maybe he had one too many beers in his system. Either way, hell was about to break loose. And when it came to JJ, hell hath no fury like you did.
Your head felt like it was about to explode. How could your friends seem to be so comfortable with this? The same friends that claimed to leave no pogue behind, to never turn their back on one of their own.
If that was true, then what was this? From the looks of it, nobody even pretended to give a damn.
“You’re fucking terrible, John B. This isn’t even about me at all! You just can’t stop deflecting from what a shitty friend you are. I mean, JJ would die for literally every last one of you guys. And he almost did! On multiple occasions! But instead you’re gonna neglect the one person who's seen you through all your bullshit and as soon as it’s over you’re gonna pretend like nothing happened? Like the Earth is back on its axis? The world doesn’t fucking revolve around you, John B. That’s just not- that’s not something you do to someone you love.”
There wasn’t a need to announce your departure, as it was so quiet inside that you could hear your own breathing.
As hard as it was to fight with John B like that, you couldn’t deny the weight that had been lifted off your chest. Your spirit was lighter. It was therapeutic, really. So therapeutic you felt peaceful enough to go home and take the longest nap ever recorded, maybe in John B’s own hammock just to prove a point.
Entranced in your own thoughts, you didn’t even register JJ resting in the hammock himself, hands intertwined behind his head. Not asleep, but wondering what your next words will be. The walls of the Chateau were thin enough, echoes of your voices amplified by the open windows.
He wasn’t sure if you simply didn’t notice his presence or if you were flat out ignoring him, walking past like he was invisible. Testing the waters, he called out from behind you.
“I never really thanked you for the smoothie.”
You froze in your tracks, face heating up and muscles tensing at the thought of the argument he probably just heard and decided not to barge in on.
“It’s alright. Wasn’t looking for praise.”
JJ met you halfway, taking note of your tired eyes and your feet dragging against the grass.
“So, what? You’re picking fights for me now?”
“You heard?”
“I think Ward Cameron heard. All the way from Guadalupe.”
“Stop it.” You warned, cracking a smile for a split second. JJ was good at that. Making you smile no matter the circumstances. “I stand up against injustice. That’s all.”
“Then are you still mad at me?”
“About what?”
“Yesterday. The whole… note on door situation.”
“Could never be mad at you, JJ. Especially not about that.”
He softly smiles, one that you return. It’s been a long time since you’d shared a small moment like this. Too long.
He gestures for you to come closer and slide into his arms as he’d held them out for you, just like you belong there.
“I am sorry, though.” JJ mumbles the words softly, almost into the crook of your neck as if he was speaking to you and you only. “I know you’re just trying to stick around for me.”
“Yeah. Just trying to be wherever you are.”
“You don’t have to fight for me, y’know.” I’m already here. Though you may not have caught on instantly, nothing he’s ever said has made as much sense.
“Sorry, J. Sometimes I just feel like we don’t deserve you. Like I don’t deserve you.” You admitted sheepishly.
JJ scoffs, and you’re not sure why. He’s often sarcastic, but it’s hard to tell what he’s really thinking in these situations.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Y/n?”
Your eyes meet his, hesitation behind them.
“You’re the one who doesn’t deserve me? Is that a joke?”
You looked at him as if it were obvious, like the line had already been drawn in the sand. This fact had already been decided; there was no going back, not now, and not ever.
“I know I’m not the smartest person, okay, but you’re making no sense.”
“Come again?” You asked, equally as confused as he was. It was incredulous for anyone to believe JJ of all people wasn’t worth it— as if he wasn’t worth someone who would go to the ends of the Earth for him, someone who would defend him six ways to Sunday. There was no one in your life more deserving of such a thing.
“Listen, Y/n...”
“No! You listen. Nobody should treat you like that. Especially our friends! As if their problems are bigger than yours or something. It’s just fucked up for any one of them to act like they don’t care because I know deep down, they do. They care just like I do but they just suck at showing it. Mostly John B. He sucks the most. And I’m not exempt either, I mean I should’ve checked on you sooner-”
“Shoulda, woulda, coulda.” JJ interrupted, placing his hands on your shoulders. “Y/n, it’s okay. I don’t need anything.”
“I know that. I just want to love you. Because I really do. I really love you, JJ. Like bad. So bad that it’s probably sad at this point but I really don’t care anymore! Not about what John B has to say, not about anything, because I’ll never regret it. I’ll never wish that I didn’t love you.”
That stupid weight again, feeling as if it’s taking off like a rocketship and leaving your conscience for good. It makes you want to scream the words from the rooftops. Over and over and over again.
Confessing feels good, but kissing JJ feels damn euphoric. His lips are on yours before you can even register what’s happening, too busy being self-aware to realize the way his eyes turned glossy, or the way he’s gently got one hand on your waist and one hand caressing your cheek.
“He’s got it all wrong. I love you, too.” JJ confesses after pulling away from you, briefly taking his eyes off yours to glance at the Chateau. His head shakes as he says it, that starry glint in his eyes so undeniably present. “So bad.”
He earns a giggle out of you as he mocked your words to him just a few moments ago. But now, things were changing. He couldn’t stand before you and pretend he didn’t feel the way he did. Not anymore, not ever again.
Not after you’d shown your love for him so confidently to everybody, time and time again. JJ Maybank wasn’t sure about many things in life, but you weren’t one of them. This was surely the best decision he’d made in years.
“Come over.” You whine between kisses, breaking him out of his trance. If you let him, he’d kiss you forever, and it still wouldn’t be enough.
JJ raises his eyebrows, smirking.
“For dinner. We’re having sloppy joes.”
JJ, unresisting temptation, leans in again and moans against your lips dramatically. “What about dessert?”
You give his hair a tug and kiss the smirk off his face, whispering to him a secret.
“And maybe dessert.”
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taglist: @ilovejjmaybank @missevi @nxsmss @cameronsrafe @msgorillagripcoochie @bibliophilewednesday @tovvaa @rudybarnes @annab-nana @reawritesthings @moniamaybank @outerbankspreferences @laneylaneylaney @jjpouggues @pogueslandia @mildkleptomaniac @whcclxr @mrs-cameron @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @alanniys @amourology @luversgirl + jj maybank taglist: @destourtereaux
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dotster001 · 1 year
Request pls: Yuu's Harem
Riddle, Leona, Jamil, Idia, Malleus, Azul to gn!reader that helps them heal from overblot (unsure to add Vil cus he has Rook whom already does god's work everyday)
Reader just comes close to their space and sees if they're doing good. Then it evolves to asking about their day and about the world of TW to make convo. Then it turns to a friendship where Reader commends them for doing things beneficial and good for themselves in the day, then tells them "Good boy/good job!" at even the smallest things when they take care of themselves without Reader's help (beast tamer Yuu awakening)
Reader gives them a braided bracelet made by themself and they cherish it. But then one day the Vice/Other dorm leader notices the bracelet and goes "Ah, so you're officially part of the harem"
You can write either first or second paragraph I just wrote it all out for context of the second
Self Love and Braided Bracelets
A/N: I did a little bit of both 😁 I included Vil, because no offense to Rook, but someone who makes comments about someone's weight is not good for self love
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"So, I made this for you. You don't have to wear it, I just….I was making one and it kind of started to remind me of you," you handed Vil the gold and purple braided bracket you'd made the night before. He gently picked it up, seemingly unsure of how to feel about it.
"Also, I just want to say," you took a deep breath, "if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here to listen."
The look in your eyes was so heartfelt that Vil worried he'd tear up just from looking at it. 
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you."
Not that you'd ever know how raw you'd made him feel. Perhaps he was still too weak from his incident. It didn't matter. He was as composed and calm as ever.
A braided bracelet didn't exactly fit his wardrobe. But the next morning, his hand hovered over it, hesitating about not wearing it. So he slipped it on. His gut was never wrong, and it was telling him to wear it. Besides, his sleeves would cover it.
Months later, and Vil was now sitting at your lunch table. He'd never admit it, but he enjoyed it when you would take a spoonful of food and feed it to him when he didn't eat enough.
Malleus Draconia, of all people, walked over to your table with a tray, his entourage in tow.
"Hey Mal Mal! I'll get us some more chairs," you said with a smile, getting up and beginning your hunt for seats.
Idia looked up from his silent eating, and pointed to Malleus' wrist.
"So you're part of the harem now, huh?"
"The what?" Vil muttered before noticing the green and black braided bracelet on Malleus' wrist.
"It's not a harem," Riddle said with a pout.
"What else would you call it?" Idia snapped, fiddling with his own bracelet that Vil was noticing for the first time.
"The turnip's got a point for once. It is very harem like," Leona snickered.
"Doesn't harem imply a romantic aspect?" Azul asked, looking up from his meal. 
"The flowers we all got for love day have a certain implication," Leona smirked.
"And the "I love you, have a great day! You matter to me!" Texts every morning also have an implication," Jamil muttered, clearly flustered by the conversation.
Idia nodded, and said, "It could also just be a friendly harem. You know, a harem of self love. Harems can be platonic."
"Platonic, huh?" Riddle sounded a little sad.
"It sounds like it really depends on Y/N's feelings," Vil spoke up finally.
Before the others could respond, you came back dragging a chair with you.
"Sorry that took so long! Who knew it would be so hard to find a chair?" You laughed.
Malleus sat down, and you looked over at  Idia.
"Idia, I know I don't say this enough, but I'm really proud of you for eating lunch with us."
"Thank you," Idia practically purred, the tips of his hair turning a light pink.
Vil shook his head with a light laugh. He looked at his fellow "harem mates", and realized that whether this was platonic, romantic, or something else, he was willing to see wherever it led.
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heartfeltcierra · 1 year
Reacting to you making/giving them a friendship bracelet Pt. 2 (Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Bartolomeo, Sabo and Law
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AN- I hope you enjoy part two of OP character receiving a friendship bracelet! (You can find part one that included Roger, Ace, Shanks, Marco and Doffy here)
Characters- Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Bartolomeo, Sabo and Law
Warnings/Contents-Fluff, All SFW, Mentions of fights, Law's is a little angsty and a bit longer.
I'll be posting a marine version tomorrow night including Koby, Garp, Smoker and Issho
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡ More under the cut
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 🍶 Zoro was confused at first but smirked seeing what it said “Best swordsman huh?”  “You need to make one for curly brows that says “Dumbest cook.”
🍶  Immediately took that back saying he wants to be the only one you make bracelets for 
🍶 He noticed there was some spare room on the bracelet, so he came up with a idea to fill the blank spots
 “You were pretty tough.” Zoro said, putting his swords back into their sheath. “I’ll get my girl to add you to my bracelet.” 
 “Excuse me?” Despite being half dead, the  bloody man lifted off of the ground with a rather angry expression. “What the hell does that mean?” 
 “You see this?” Zoro bends down, showing the man the many beads decorating the bracelet. “They represent my victories, and since I won against you, she’ll add a bead to it.” The man could only give Zoro a baffled look knowing he was now nothing more than a mere bracelet charm. “Anyways, nice fight and all but I gotta go. Which way is the exit?”
 “To the left.”    
 “You fool, that's the right!”
 (To bad the bracelet doesn’t have a GPS)
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🍗 Rubber boy was very excited when you gave it to him
🍗Would walk up to strangers to show them saying “Y/N made me this, I bet you're jealous!” 
🍗The only person that was genuinely jealous was Sanji 
🍗 Tries to take good care of it, note TRIES
  “Y/n…..” You look and see Luffy peeking his head into your room with an unusual gloomy look on his face. 
  “What’s wrong Luffy?” He padded over to you and laid the bracelet, or more like parts of the bracelet in front of you. 
 “It broke earlier during the fight. ” You knew from his tone he felt bad. “I’m sorry.” 
 “It’s okay!” You rummaged through the remains and smiled realizing the damage wasn’t irreversible. “I can fix it.” The frown on your captain’s face was finally replaced by that wide smile you know and love. “I’ll even make it more durable so it’s harder to break!”
  “You’re the best.” Luffy nearly sent you to the floor as he snaked his limbs around your body. “Also can you make one for my other wrist?”
“Sure what do you want it to say?”
  (I mean it’s Luffy, what did you expect?)
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 💛-You might as well have proposed to the man
 💛- Picks you up immediately and starts spinning saying “We might as well plan our wedding~”
 💛- A little bummed to hear you weren’t proposing, but is still eccentric that you made him something 
 “What kind of fighter doesn’t use his hands?” The beaten looks up at Sanji
 “Listen pal, my hands are only meant for two things. For Cooking…” His serious face scrunches up to his signature lovestruck idiot. “And for wearing bracelets made by my dear Y/N-Swan~” 
 (Please make this man more bracelets)
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💚 -His soul ascends into the clouds seeing that you made him something (Bonus points if your a straw hat pirate)
💚-Would fall to the ground and cry for a good half hour claiming he was “unworthy.” 
💚- But despite loving the bracelet, he NEVER wears it
 “Look at what was bestowed upon me.” He proudly holds up a small display case. “A friendship bracelet handcrafted by none other than Miss Y/N.” 
 The entire Strawhat lovers congregation would ooh and awe at the encased bracelet.
 “I could sit all day and bask in the sheer awesomeness.” Bart hits the floor with tears running down his face. “I just…I love her so much.”
 “Oh no boss man’s going down!”
  “What do we do?!” 
 “I don’t know, but we better figure something out. Were losing him!”
 Luckily after a cold towel and some fanning, the Barto Club was able to revive their green haired leader.
  (Please do not make this man any more bracelets , unless you want to send him into a coma.)
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🎩- You had no idea what you were really getting yourself into
🎩-You know how people flex their engagement rings? Yeah Sabo’s going to do that… a lot
🎩-“Oh this thing? Well my beautiful Y/N hand crafted it for m-“ Would go on and on when literally no one asked 💀💀💀
“Y/N come quick it’s Sabo!” You follow Hack in a full blown panic as he leads you down to the RA’s infirmary.
 “Sabo!” You see him lying in one of the beds breathing heavily with a towel on his forehead. “What happened?”
 “Y/N….” You rush to his side and he takes your hand in his. “I’m sorry. But…” Tears roll down his face. “I promise I did everything in my power to save it….”
“To save what Sabo?”
 “My…..my…..MY BRACELET.”
 “I’m leaving.” 
 “Why?” 🥺
 “Sabo you literally went into shock, scared everyone half to death and ended up hospitalized , over a bracelet.”
 “But it’s not just any bracelet.” He frowns. “You made it for me.”
 “And I’ll make you another one.” You playfully roll your eyes. “So tell me what exactly happened to it?”
 “To be honest, I burned it off accidentally.” He nervously scratches the side of his head. “I’m still not quite used to my new powers.” 
  “I see.” You nod.  “I’ll see if I can somehow make one that’s fireproof.”
 “You will?” The blonde smiles and wraps his arms around you, pulling you down with him on the bed. “I love you so much!”
“I love you too.” You let yourself relax into his hold. “With that being said, can you promise me that you'll never do this again?”
 “You have my word not only as the chief of staff, but also as your overly dramatic boyfriend….. that I may do this again.”
 (Sabo is a absolute drama queen and you cannot tell me otherwise)
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 🫀- And the crowd goes mild
 🫀- Literally had no initial reaction
 🫀- Law would stare at it, then back at you, then back to the bracelet, then back to you
 🫀- Poor man is not good at showing his emotions, so bear with him
 “Why?” Law gives you a confused look while staring at your labor of love. 
 “Because I wanted to.” You shrug your shoulders,  a little hurt seeing the lack of reaction.
 “I see.” Law doesn’t put the bracelet on, instead he puts it in his pocket. “Thank you.” He immediately turns his attention away from you and goes back to working.
 “Sure” You turn away with a frown. “I’ll go now, see you later.” 
 The second you leave the room Law is pulling that bracelet back out of his pocket while sporting the deepest shade of red on his cheeks. 
 He was so caught off guard and over the moon because of how cute and excited you looked while giving it to him that he completely went brain dead. 
 But he was now back to his senses and remembered the frown on your face as you left the room. 
 You were laying on your bed sulking when you heard a knock on your door followed by a “It’s me.” You recognize your boyfriend's voice, but you're still hurt from earlier so you don’t reply. Instead you bury your face deeper into the pillow
 “I didn’t say you could come in…” You spoke into the “pillow” which is now none other than Law.
 “You also didn’t say I couldn’t.” His tattooed arms pull you closer into his chest. 
 “Guess not.” Despite being angry at him, you can’t help but enjoy the closeness. “Is there something that you need, captain?”
 “Yes there is actually.” Law says in a matter of fact tone  “I have a very important task to assign you to.” You look up at him completely confused. “I need you to make me a bracelet with our jolly Roger on it.”
 “You want another bracelet?” You pull back from his hold. “I didn’t think you liked the first one I gave you.” 
 “I didn't like it, I loved it... see.”  You smile seeing the bracelet was in its rightful place on his wrist. “So do you think you can do it?”
 “Of course I can.” You jump up from the bed and run over to your desk that was covered in different colors of twine. “I’ll work on it right now!”
 Law feels relieved seeing the smile he fell in love with back on your face. Mission accomplished. He was about to leave the room to let you work, but couldn’t help but notice a huge pile of bracelets sitting in a basket on your dresser.
 “Damn Y/N you really like making these don’t you?” Law said while rummaging through the bracelets.
 “Law, wait!” It was too late, he was already holding the cheesy couples bracelets you made out of self indulgence. “I umm. I just made these for fun..”
 “Oh really?”  Law smirks while spinning the bracelet around his finger. “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll take this one with me.” 
 “Are you sure?” 
 “I’m sure.” Law nods before throwing the other bracelet into your lap. “And you should wear yours too.”
 Law leaves you an embarrassed mess, but at the same time,  despite his “cool guy” act, he was just as embarrassed if not more. Why does she have to be so cute??? 
 (Won’t say it out loud, but is loving the fact he now owns a bracelet that say “I ❤️ Y/N”)
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underscorewriting · 1 year
stupid bracelet.
König x reader
Warnings: fluff, maybe a little angst
Hope you enjoy! :)
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It was amusing to him how such little pieces of thread could calm him down. But they did. And here he was, his fingers mindlessly fidgeting with the thread of a bracelet. A red bracelet to be specific. One he would’ve called „stupid“ not too long ago. But now, could he even call it stupid if it had become a part of him in such a short time?
In the military many men and women had something that reminded them of home, of who they’re here for, who they’re fighting for or want to return home to. Some had photos. Yes, König did also have them, he had his pockets filled with small things that reminded him of her. Others had small stuffed animals laying in their rooms back at the base. And again, König, of course, had them too.
He loved having small things to remind himself of her, to keep himself grounded. His friends also knew better than to touch his stuff, especially the one teddy bear wearing small traditional leather pants holding a gingerbread-heart with a writing on it saying „Ich liebe dich.“, like it was tradition in Austria.
When it came to small reminders of his love at home, he was the one that had everything. Of course his friends thought he was crazy, but he needed those small little things desperately to get him through the day. The one little bracelet that had him fidgeting with whenever he was feeling slightly on the edge, as he was now, was one he got gifted early on in their relationship. He hasn’t taken it off ever since.
This little piece of thread, knotted together with some beads, was the most precious thing he owned.
A small smile tugged at his lips underneath his masks as his mind wandered back to how he even got it.
It was a late tuesday evening when she walked in with a bright grin playing on her lips. „Oh no, what’s going on in your head again, Schatz?“ He couldn’t help but chuckle. „We, my lovely boyfriend, will make some bracelets!“ The excitement in her voice was unmatched by anything he ever heard, he couldn’t say no, but he was tired.
König had just returned from one of the first missions he had ever since they got together and all he wanted was to snuggle down with her, have her in his arms reminding him that he’s not all he is out there in the field. He’s not s psychotic insane killer, not like his opposites think. Yes, he might be a war hero, but so we’re thousands of others. Yes, he was good at his job, but he was only as good as the next one.
He knew that whenever he comes home, that that’s where he’s most important and most needed. „Schatz…“ His voice was draggy, hesitant to tell her that he just wants to sleep.
Sleep all the pain and worry off.
Sleep all the nightmares snd blood off.
Sleep off ever needing to be away from her.
A soft smile replaced the overbearing grin on the girls face. „You’re tired, aren’t you?“ Guilt. It was the first thing he noticed in her voice, the quick change from barely manageable excitement to this unsure sound of guilt in her voice, made his stomach turn. He didn’t want to lie to her though, he also didn’t want to pressure himself into staying awake and possibly snapping at her if everything got too much.
He had the tendencies to do so if he was overly exhausted.
With a simple nod and an apologetic smile he opened his arms slightly, making room for her to lean against his chest. „How about that, ja? You can lean against my chest, make your little bracelets, while I hold you, watch you, maybe get a small nap in…“ His smile turning into a soft grin as the girl climbed into his lap.
She didn’t ask questions, she never did. She knew he wouldn’t ask if he wasn’t really exhausted. That’s who he was, he would do anything for her, even put his own needs aside just to make her happy.
Settling down onto his lap the girl took the thread and beads and placed them next to her, before getting to work. König couldn’t help but admire her more than the show she was watching. Small giggles escaped the girl as she bit her lips in concentration, her mind going god knows where.
She was adorable.
She was perfect.
She just fit right in his arms.
Soon his chin found her shoulder as he rested it against her. „Red bracelet, hm?“ His voice was soft, interested in what she was doing and what her beautiful mind had though of as an outcome.
Nodding she leaned towards him slightly, her nose brushing against his as both of them grinned like giddy lovesick teenagers. „It’s gonna look great and you know it.“ Going back to work he couldn’t help but chuckle softly at her enthusiasm.
Her enthusiasm and optimistic being was what he loved the most about her. It was what he admired the most and needed the most.
An hour passed, the loving couple was still all snuggled up. König was resting his eyes a little, he still held her tightly against himself. With a huff the girl threw the bracelet onto the couch after she was done, her movement waking König up.
A frown was settled on her face and he couldn’t help but reach out to caresses her cheek. „Whats wrong, mein Schatz..?“ He was worried, he hated seeing her upset. Anger and disappointment flashed up in her eyes and she shook her head, her hair falling into her face, making her seem even less at ease than before.
„It looks stupid… I made a mistake and now it’s all weird!“ König caressed her hip softly as he leaned over to pick up the bracelet. She threaded all the red beads onto the bracelet. „Where did you mess up?“ With a huff the girl pointed to a place where she knotted the thread wrong, it was barely visible under the beads.
A soft chuckle escaped König as he pulled her closer. „I think it looks great, Liebling… you can barely see the Knoten there.“ He turned her chin softly so she was looking at it and pointed to the at the barely visible know that was hidden underneath the beads.
“I see it, and I don’t like it…”
A moment of understanding silence fell between them. He understood her need to be perfect and to make everything the way she wants them to be.
“I see it and I love it, Liebling.”
His voice held a soothing tone, knowing it would help her calm her nervous mind.
“You do?”
“I do…”
With a soft smile and an encouraging nod he underlined his opinion. He loved it. A lot.
“Can I have it?”
A small smile formed on the girls face, excitement returning. Königs heart swelled up at the sight of her bright eyes searching for his. A disbelieving look on the girls face.
A soft chuckle left König as he kissed the spot between her shoulder and her neck while nodding softly. He knew she could get insecure about things she likes doing and the image she has of things and how they should look in her head, so it’s his job, and always will be, to make sure she sees that its perfect even if it doesn’t turn out how she wants it to be.
“Of course, would you please tie it around my wrist?”
With quick movements the girl tied the bracelet around his wrist, making sure it’s secure and wouldn’t fall off the next time he moved his hand. The bracelet was extremely visible on him,, making her unsure if he’ll actually wear it for a longer time.
A soft kiss on her cheek made her squirm but also cleared her mind from the doubt she was feeling.
He’ll wear it. She’s sure of it.
“Who knows, Liebling. Maybe Ghost or Soap will want one too if they see it, ja?”
A soft and quiet giggle made König smile proudly. The image of him threatening the two men just for them to call his girlfriend and ask her about the bracelet she made, was already imprinted into his mind.
Yes, he would even threaten them with his gun up to their head just to hear the excitement in her voice again, because whenever he heard it he felt like he could breath again.
With every small giggle that left her, he felt like his heart beat again.
With every smile or simple look she gave him, he felt like he was alive again.
On days when he felt depressed, couldn’t leave the bed because of all the things he had been through. She was there.
He’d be damned if he wouldn’t try to do everything to make her even the slightest bit happier.
In their quiet and precious moment, the girl turned towards König, straddling his lap as she wrapped her arms around his neck, hiding her face between it and his shoulder.
“Don’t lose it, okay…?”
It was a simple question, but the meaning behind it was something so deep that hurt his soul. This was one thing, one worry, he couldn’t take away from her. He hated himself for it.
“I won’t.” His hand caressed hee back softly making sure she knows he’s here.
Making sure she knows he’s going to come back home, like he always has.
The voice of one of the recruits snapped him out of his thoughts as he heard their voices all mix together. With a small smile under his mask and a last look down to the bracelet, his eyes softening at the thought of coming home.
“Like I always do…”
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itsascreambaby96 · 1 year
Summer Camp
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ mdni!!! Mentions of blood, death and stabbing, double penetration. Name calling. A little bit of somnophilia. Oral (m on f) . Pet names. Choking. Slapping. If I missed anything please let me know.
Pairings: Stu Macher x fem!reader x Billy Loomis
Word count: 5k
A/N: This technically wasn't a request. It can be read as a second part of this fic. But mainly it is its own fic no need to read the other one to understand this one. I also have no idea if the camp really exists, I made the name up. Please enjoy and leave feedback.
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"You've never been to summer camp when you were a wee kid?!"
Stu couldn't believe it, neither could Billy but he didn't make a big deal out of it, other than Stu. 
You just shrugged. "I didn't. Why is that such a problem?"
"It's not." Billy said, giving Stu a look. 
"Well it kinda is! I mean every child went to summer camp so their parents could have some time off of them right?"
That did leave a little peng in your heart. Poor Stu, he always had a rather complicated relationship with his parents. 
"You really should see a therapist because of that." Billy spoke again. Stu gave him a look.
"Yeah well if I should then you should too, because of your unresolved mommy problems!" Stu was not amused and now he was dragging Billy down too. 
You had to do something quick, or your boys would definitely kill each other. 
"So what did I miss while not going to a summer camp?" That got Stu's attention back to you. He went into great detail on all the things he had to do, shooting arrows, canoeing, even making friendship bracelets, the horror stories they told in their little cabin. How he was the master of horror stories, which earned him a snort from Billy.
"You went there together?"
"Jup, I always snuck into Billy's cabin cause it was more fun there." Stu gave you a wink. "Especially when we were older."
"And I clearly remember I got the badge for best Horror Story teller." Billy grinned.
"Pf in your dreams!"
"No no I clearly remember! How you almost pooped your pants when I told the story of the guy who slaughtered every kid in summer camp." 
"First, that was just your wishful thinking. Second, it is the plot of Friday the 13th." 
"So? Not my fault those kids didn't watch the movie."
"Yeah cause we were kids!"
"I watched it."
"Because you are not normal."
You laughed softly at their banter. You were so used to it by now. 
"What else did you guys do?" And so they went on with their stories. 
You thought with that the topic would end. And you were right. But a few weeks before you guys left for college, your boys came up with a camping trip. You weren't a big fan of camping but they were persistent. You couldn't really say no to their ideas. So you agreed. Maybe it could be fun. If only you knew how much fun it would be. 
You drove 3 hours to a big forest. Billy assigned you to make a mixtape for the journey and also let you drive shotgun. 
Stu was pouty for an hour, before his good mood returned. You might have given him one too many sweets. When you arrived you parked the car at the destined spot and got out. Both Billy and Stu had packed a big backpack making sure you didn't have to carry too much. Aren't they the sweetest? Then you three were off into the woods. It was very hot and you were glad for the shorts you were wearing, though you were sure your legs would be littered with insect bites. Oh well, the fun of going camping. What you failed to notice was that neither Stu nor Billy had packed a tent. They had a much different plan. It also seemed like they knew exactly where they were going, well at least Billy because Stu was next to you talking. It wasn't as bad as you expected it to go actually. 
After 3 hours though you were getting slower, your energy was dwindling. 
"Are we almost there?" You were whining at this point.
"Yeah, there should only be another hour." Billy was still as motivated as when you started. How, you didn't know. 
You were groaning at his reply, displeasure setting in. For the next hour you were grumbling about how "this better be worth it" and how "you were going to plan the next vacation". The whole time Stu only chuckled next to you at your attitude. 
"Don't worry it will all be worth it."
"You better be right."
After another half hour, thanks to you demanding a break, you saw a big clearing, cabins littered everywhere, and a big sign welcoming you to "Camp Silver Lake." The whole place seemed to be abandoned though.
"You are kidding." You looked at Billy who, like Stu, was grinning. 
"Nope. We thought it would be fun to show you what you missed." Stu was so excited about the whole thing. It makes you question how he didn't spoil the surprise at all beforehand. 
"So is this the one where you two went?" You were not going to ruin the fun. You actually believed this could be a great few days. 
"Pf no. We were at a more … luxurious camp. Though they are all the same anyway." Billy was making his way to a cabin, assuming you two would follow him.
"The place hasn't been closed for long. Only one or two years. So everything should still be in a rather good condition." Opening the door and going in you could see he was right. But you still didn't think it would be a good idea to sleep in those beds. Sure they were infested with bugs.
"We will put the mattresses down and sleep in sleeping bags on them." Billy saw your sceptical look. You gave him a grateful smile. 
"Enough talking. Last one in the lake is a stink bug!" Stu had already taken off his shirt running outside. Billy and you gave each other a look before darting out of the cabin. Laughing you took off your shirt while running, and somehow your shorts too. You almost fell over trying to undo your boots, giving a triumphant grunt as they slipped off. Billy wasn't far behind and Stu was a few feet in front of you struggling with his second boot. You were squealing, running past him. 
"Who is going to be the stink bug now Macher?!" Laughing you didn't notice him being done with his shoe and running after you. He's almost got you but you somehow slipped from his grasp. He was laughing too and you two almost stumbled over each other. Billy used that to his advantage and ran past the two of you onto the dock and jumped into the lake. You and Stu weren't far behind jumping in. 
Emerging from the depths of the lake you saw that Stu was dunking Billy, laughing. 
You enjoyed the mild temperatures of the water on your skin, floating on your back a little. You didn't see Stu staring at your glistening skin that was revealed from the water. He was subtly liking his lips. You were effortlessly beautiful. Suddenly two arms wrapped around your middle, pulling you under. You were trashing and swam up again looking at a grinning Billy. You pushed at his chest, huffing but not being mad. When he only laughed you splashed water at him and into his open mouth. He was gagging and coughing. 
"Serves you right." It was your turn to grin. 
"Oh you will be sorry for that!" 
Squealing and laughing, you swam away from him as fast as possible.
"Stu save me!" You were climbing onto his back.
"Oh of course princess." He swam away with you on his back, Billy hot on his tail. 
The three of you spend the rest of the day like this, mostly in the water, laughing and just having a good time. 
As the sun was slowly beginning to vanish behind the trees, Billy and Stu took care of gathering wood for a campfire, while you arranged the sleeping arrangement. You made sure you were going to sleep in between them. After getting dressed, you grabbed the food and went outside, seeing Stu and Billy fighting each other with sticks. You watched them with an amused look. 
"You can't win, old man!" It was Billy talking to Stu, trying to hit him. 
Stu blocked the attack, grinning.
"If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine!"
"You should not have come back!"
They continued fighting. After a little more of this you stepped into their view, distracting Stu. This was Billy's chance to strike and he did. Stu let out a painful hiss and went down. You knew your part and screamed a dramatic "No!"
That made Stu laugh full heartedly. Billy was chuckling. "Oscar worthy performance sweetheart." You bowed, laughing sweetly. 
"Thank you. Thank you. You can get autographs later." As Stu got up and dusted off, Billy gave you a loving kiss, making you hum.
"Now can we please eat? I am starving."
"Of course." 
They were going back to their task, you sitting down on a log watching them. The soft pushes and the banter they shared made you smile. The good mood stayed for the rest of the evening. After eating you guys talked and talked for hours. You were leaning with your back against Stu, the night colder than you thought it would be, but Stu kept you plenty warm. Especially after Billy denied you his sweater that he was wearing. Stu was more than glad to jump in and be your hero, making Billy roll his eyes playfully. Your eyes were closed and you were already half asleep. You couldn't really make out the words they were speaking, and you didn't really care. You knew you were safe with them.
"Do you wanna do it tonight?"
"No, she's exhausted, let's give her some rest. Tomorrow will be better."
You would have wondered what they were actually talking about but sleep pulled you in. 
When you woke up you were in your sleeping bag, Billy and Stu snoring away on either side of you. Giving them both a soft kiss you carefully stood up, getting ready for the day. While you prepared breakfast a sleepy Billy emerged. His hair stood in all directions and his eyes were barely open. You offered him a cup of coffee which he took gratefully. You turned back to your task, Billy sipping his coffee and watching you like a hawk. His eyes moving over your every curve. The swell of your ass, resisting the urge to slap it like he so often does, playful or not. Your thighs which he loves to grab and squeeze and have his head between. He was getting worked up watching you be a cute little housewife in the middle of the woods. Wanting nothing more to bend you over and fuck you silly. He put his cup down and snug up behind you. Wrapping an arm around your middle and pulling you in, a soft gasp leaving your lips. Billy nuzzled at your neck inhaling your smell. A low hum left him as the beguiling smell of you hit his nostrils. You closed your eyes, enjoying the soft moment between the two of you. He was softly squeezing your hip as he gently placed kisses over your neck. Your head lulled to the side as he bit your neck like he so often does. 
"Billy…" his name was nothing more than a whisper on your lips. He only grunted in acknowledgement not parting from your neck though. 
The moment was ruined when Stu emerged from the cabin with a more than shrill "Good morning!" 
With a sigh Billy dropped his head onto your shoulder, you softly patted his cheek.
"Morning Stu." He gave you a big sloppy kiss, making you laugh as he slapped Billy's bubble butt. "Oi! Watch it!" Stu just grinned at him. 
The three of you ate your breakfast, Stu filling the silence with unimportant chatter. 
The rest of the day was spent exploring. You saw many squirrels and got excited every single time. How could you not with their cute little faces and their fluffy tail. 
It was almost dark when you got back to the camp. You were exhausted and hungry. Stu took care of preparing something, meaning hot dogs. After scarfing down your meal you enjoyed a bit of quiet. Billy started to tell some horror stories, to give you more of the summer camp feeling. You appreciated it but some of the stories were really terrifying and you wondered where he got them from. The one about a haunted doll freaked you out the most. You were never a fan of dolls. Stu chimed in here and there because he could see how stiff you were and wanted to lighten your mood a little, but it didn't help much. That's why you stayed even closer to them while sleeping tonight. You didn't mind horror stories usually but something about being in the middle of the woods alone, only with your boyfriends made you more jumpy than usual. 
It was no surprise that you woke up when you heard something outside, noticing that Stu was not next to you, Billy snoring on your other side. Stu was probably using the bathroom. But then you heard something again right outside the cabin. You jumped and woke Billy, who gave a grunt. 
"Billy, wake up! I think something's outside!"
"That's probably just the wind. Go back to sleep." He kept mumbling, not even opening his eyes. 
"It is not. It sounded like footsteps and groaning."
"That's probably just Stu trying to scare you."
"What if not? What if someone has already killed him and now he is coming for us?!"
"I am never telling you horror stories again before sleeping." You could hear the annoyance in his voice.
"Can we please just go check?"
"Can we please go check? Are you serious? Have you never watched a horror movie in your life? That's basically a death wish."
"I know! But I don't want our boyfriend to die!" You stood up and looked around for some kind of weapon. You found an old crowbar in the room and looked at Billy expectantly. He let out another groan and got up. 
"If I die I will haunt your ass."
"I can live with that. Now let's go."
"Give me the crowbar first."
"No. Get your own weapon. This is mine." You held the crowbar close to your chest.
"Are you serious?"
Billy rolled his eyes and went outside without anything to protect himself. You were following close behind. 
The both of you looked around carefully. 
"Stu!" Calling for him as loud as you could.
"Shut up! Are you insane? This will lead the killer right to us!"
"I thought there wasn't one!" You whisper yelled.
"There probably isn't but you don't have to shout either!" Billy hissed.
The two of you kept sneaking around looking for Stu. That was until you bumped into something, assuming it was Billy you went to apologise but when you looked behind you, you saw a white mask with big black eyes and a wide open black mouth. You let out a loud scream as the person lunged at you with a knife missing you only by a few inches as you ran away.
"Billy!" You were running for your life, looking behind you to see if the killer was chasing you, but he was gone. Frantically you were looking for Billy. Turning around the corner you bumped into him, clinging to him. 
"There's a killer! There's a killer here! We need to find Stu and leave!"
Billy looked at you with big eyes and nodded, taking the crowbar, that you've completely forgotten about, from your hand. His eyes widened when he saw the masked killer show up behind you. As quickly as he could he pushed you behind him and went to hit the killer with his weapon. But the guy wasn't stupid and saw Billy's attack coming, taking a hold of the crowbar. Billy tried to get him to loosen his grip but there was no chance. The killer pulled Billy closer and stabbed him into his stomach. You led out a scream as you heard Billy groan. The killer then went on to stab Billy multiple times. Over and over again. You started to cry. Billy's legs gave out and he fell to the ground. Your hand flew to cover your mouth, tears streaming down your face.
You looked back at the killer who was looking at you, wiping his knife off of Billy's blood with one hand. Then he came stalking over to you. Your legs felt like jelly as you stumbled back, your back hitting the cabin. The killer was right in front of you, lifting his knife to strike you down too, just like he did with Billy. You closed your eyes and looked to the side. But after waiting several moments nothing happened. So you opened your eyes only for them to widen. The mask was lifted and sat atop of Stu's head. 
"Stu?" Your voice was shaking.
"Surprise princess." He was grinning.
Coming back to your senses you started pushing him. "What the fuck is wrong with you Stu?! Are you insane?! You killed Billy!" 
Just as you said that Billy jumped out from behind Stu, scaring you half to death. You didn't understand a single thing. His shirt was stained with his blood but he looked as alive as ever wearing the same grin that Stu wore.
"How are you alive?" You felt stupid asking him that.
Billy licked some 'blood' off of his fingers. 
"Corn Syrup. Same stuff they used as pig's blood in Carrie."
You were in utter disbelief.
"Are you two fucking kidding me?! I thought you were dead! I was scared for my life! I thought I was going to die!"
"Awww babes we are sorry. But a prank is always played during summer camp." Stu got a sheepish look.
"That was some fucking prank Stu!" You were getting more angry by the second. 
They gave each other a look. Pushing past the two you stormed back to your cabin. The two boys are hot on your heels. 
"Sweetheart, come on, it was just a prank." But you didn't respond to Billy, way too furious.
"Don't be mad at us. We love you."
"If you'd love me you wouldn't have done this fucked up shit." 
"Ok ok we are sorry ok?" Billy got a hold of your wrist making you stop. He turned you around putting his hands on your cheeks, making you look at him. "We really are sorry." 
"I don't know if I believe you. I was so scared. I thought I lost you." Tears were welling up in your eyes at the image of Billy laying in his own blood. Dead. Stu's head popped up over Billy's shoulder. Giving you his best puppy dog eyes. 
"Please forgive us. We swear we will never do that again."
"You better not." 
"So are we forgiven?" They looked at you hopeful. 
"Ask me again tomorrow…" With that you went into the cabin and back into your sleeping bag. You laid there for a while, eyes closed. Stu and Billy took a little while to come inside. You could hear them talking outside. You pretended to sleep when they came in, laying down beside you. They didn't know if you wanted to be close to them so they refrained from their usual cuddly positions. You didn't fall asleep until dawn, when exhaustion finally took you over. 
You don't know how long you've been sleeping for but a very pleasurable feeling between your legs was waking you from your slumber. A soft moan left your lips and you fluttered your eyes open. Between your legs you could make out a tuft of blonde curls. Stu was eating you out lazily and softly. So different from his usual pace. Your hand crept into his hair pulling softly but it only made him release your clit from between his lips.
"Good morning princess." He gave you a soft kiss. 
"Morning Stu. What are you doing?" 
"What does it look like? I am apologising." He grinned at you and went back to work, making you arch your back softly.
"If this is the apology for last night you will have to do much better."
"Oh princess, this is only the start. We plan to properly apologise, don't you worry. If you let us of course." Billy spoke up beside you. You looked at him, nodding. 
"Of course." Realising that they took off your clothes completely. Billy was playing with your boobs. 
Stu continued to play your pussy like he so often did before. Two of his fingers already buried deep inside you, fucking you open for them both. His lips were wrapped around your clit, the tip of his tongue flipping your little bud of nerves in his mouth. He loved being messy even  when things were going slower than normal. 
Billy's lips wrapped around one of your nipples, his teeth gazing softly. Your other  hand that wasn't in Stu's hair went into Billy's, pulling them both closer to you. It was so easy to forgive them like this but you wouldn't tell them that. Stu slowly added a third finger, scissoring them to fuck you more, curling them to find your gspot. He was so attune with your body, that it didn't take him long to find the spot that made your toes curl and an almost pornographic moan to leave your lips. Billy pulled at your nipple with his lips, making you clench around Stu's fingers. When you looked down you saw Stu was humping the ground while eating you out. This puts a lazy grin on your face.  
"Stu… Billy please." You wanted them both desperately.
"What do you want, pretty girl?" Billy looked at you with his intense eyes. Stu's mouth never leaving your wet cunt as he looked up at the both of you.��
"Need you. Need you both. Please." You were begging a little. But you truly needed to be filled by them. 
"Where do you need us?" Stu pulled at your clit letting it pop out of his mouth. 
"Inside me. Need you both inside of me. Please." You were looking at them pleadingly.
"Think you can handle us both?" Stu asked teasingly. You nodded quickly. Stu gave your dripping pussy another kiss before standing up and undressing. Billy doing the same. You kept staring at them both. The both of them started to make out, Billy pulling Stu closer, biting his lip harshly. They got lost in their little make out session. You cleared your throat.
"I thought this was my apology here." 
They parted and looked at you, both grinning. 
"Of course."
"Sorry sweetheart we got a little lost." Billy came over to you first, laying down beside you and pulling you on top of him, your boobs pressed against his chest. He started to kiss you passionately as he entered you. You moaned against his lips. Taking the opportunity Billy slipped his tongue into your mouth playing with your own. He started to thrust into you. Slow but hard. Deliberately. Making you feel every inch of him. Your gummy walls stretch around him. Billy continued his thrusting for a moment before he stopped.
Stu got into position behind you. Getting ready to push into your tight cunt too. Slowly and carefully he pushed in. Your eyes squeezed shut, the stretch almost unbearable. Both Billy and Stu groaned at the feeling, both being in your tight cunt while having their dicks rub together at the same time. They gave you time to adjust to being filled to the brim. You were panting. Billy gave you a soft kiss. 
"Are you ok?" 
You nodded. "Yeah I'm good."
They both started to move slowly. Working in tandem. You couldn't keep your moans in. It felt so good. How they knew how to play your body. Stu was gripping your hips so hard, definitely leaving bruises. Your eyebrows were knit together. Billy was groaning underneath you, Stu moaning behind you.
The slick sound of your juices mixing with your guys' moans. It was so lewd but it turned you on all the more. Billy kissed you again, sloppily. He kept sucking on your tongue. When he let go of your tongue you felt Stu leaning over your back, down, his head next to yours. He gave you a particular hard thrust making you scream in pleasure. Stu and Billy kissed again, just as sloppily as you two did. You were moving against Billy with every hard thrust. 
Somehow they managed to roll around, a squeal leaving your lips. Stu now under you. Your back on his chest, Billy on top of you. Billy gave your tits a hard squeez, now more in control of his thrusts. You felt like a rag doll how they handled you, and you loved every second of it. 
Billy laid a few quick slaps to your tits making you moan loudly. Your head fell onto Stu's shoulder. One of his hands wrapped around your throat. 
"You looked so cute being all scared last night. Really wanted to fuck you there." Stu's voice was deep, laced with lust. You whimpered at his words, his hand squeezing around your throat, cutting off the bloodstream, slowly becoming lightheaded. It only added to your pleasure. 
Billy's thumb gazed over the little scars you had on your hips, where you let them carve in their initials, while angling his hips a little differently. His thrusts only became harder. 
"You know we would never let anything happen to you princess." Billy's voice was equally as deep as Stu's. The same ounce of lust in them. 
"You are ours. And we protect what's ours." 
You looked at him with glossy eyes, the pleasure almost too much. They fluttered close when Stu's other hand went between your body's and he started to rub your clit deliberately. You didn't keep your eyes closed for long, because Billy took hold of your face, squeezing your cheeks together. 
"Do you understand sweetheart?"
You nodded dumbly, way too fucked out.
"Say it."
Stu's hand left your throat making you take in a deep breath, your head clearing up a little. Stu's thrusts got faster, your eyes rolling back. Billy gripped your cheeks harder, matching his thrusts into your soaking pussy.
"Say. It." His words were harsh, his thrusts emphasised his words, but you knew it was because he wanted his anwer.
"I'm yours. I'm all your Billy, Stu. Only yours." Your words were slurred. Partially from pleasure and partially from still having your cheeks pressed together.
"You protect what's yours. You protect me." You were so close. But you knew better than to come without permission even if this was meant as your apology. 
"And we take such good care of you don't we?" 
You nodded, tears now streaming down your face all from the pleasure of their cocks inside of you and Stu's relentless pace on your clit. 
"You take such good care of me."
"Good girl. Isn't she Stu?" Billy looked a little behind you, directly at Stu who, in return, gave him a shit eating grin.
"Oh she is the best girl. Aren't you, pretty thing?" He gave your cheek, that Billy finally released from his grip, an exaggerated kiss. 
Billy's hand wrapped around your throat now making you gasp. Both their pace is becoming faster. Sloppier. Stu gave your nipples a hard pinch making you sob in pleasure. You were clenching around them so hard trying not to come without their permission. 
"Aw I think she is close Stu."
"Mh you think we should let her come?"
"I don't know. What do you think sweetheart? Do you think you should come?" Both their voices were teasing, condescending even. Billy gave your throat a squeez after you didn't answer immediately. 
"Please what?" Billy's tone got harsher.
"Lemme come…" Your voice was hoarse from the moaning and screaming.
Billy looked at Stu again.
"You think we should let her?"
"I don't know man. Seems like she doesn't really want to." 
"Yeah I was thinking the same thing. But it is our apology after all."
"You are right. I think we should give her that."
They talked about you like you weren't even there. It should be embarrassing but it only got you more wet. 
"Go ahead doll. Come for us."
"Yeah, soak us in your juices."
It only took a few short moments of their hard, precise thrusts, Stu's thumb rubbing your clit the right way and Billy squeezing your throats not too tight, for you to finally come. It was earth shattering. Your legs started to shake uncontrollably and your eyes rolled back so far into your skull, your ears started ringing. You were clenching so hard around Billy and Stu that it didn't take them long to come right after you. Both groaning in unison, shooting their seed right into you without a care. They rode out their orgasms before Billy collapsed on top of you. You weren't completely back to your senses yet. 
You didn't really notice how they carefully slipped out of you, some of their joined load dripping out of you. Your thighs slick with your own arousal. 
Billy took a good look at your dripping pussy. 
"Damn. Still the most pretty pussy even all fucked out." 
You only came back to reality when the both of them started to clean you up, already dressed again after cleaning up themselves. 
"You back with us sweetheart?" Billy's voice had nothing of the harshness from earlier. 
"Yeah. That was mind-blowing. We should do this more often." Your voice was still hoarse but you kept smiling at them, utterly satisfied. 
"Sure thing, pretty girl."
"So does this mean we are forgiven?" Stu plopped down next to you, offering you something to drink. You thankfully took it and gulped it down.
"Mh I will consider forgiving you after some more mind-blowing orgasms."
You gave them a cheeky smile. 
They grinned at you in return. 
"That can be arranged."
They were on you again in seconds. You didn't leave the cabin the whole day. They really made you forgive them wholeheartedly. To be fair though you think there wasn't much of your brain left after they fucked you stupif all day
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
“I made this for you.”
Nico stares, blankly, and the freckly hand extended out to him. Twisted around the long, calloused fingers, snagging on a black-lacquered chipped nail, is a bracelet.
Hesitantly, Nico takes it.
It’s woven in some way. He doesn’t recognize the exact pattern; Annabeth probably would. Not a braid, certainly, not any particular shape he can recognise. It’s bi-coloured, a twist of black and yellow, strings wrapped around them in an aborted spiral, almost. There’s a snag a third way into the bracelet, a tiny little error betraying its homemade status.
Under the guise of still inspecting the bracelet, Nico peers through his eyelashes. Will’s attention has long since shifted to somewhere to the left of him, rocking back on his heels, teeth gnawing into his lips as he hums. No longer extended out between them, waiting for Nico’s next move, his hands pick at the colour on his nails, picking off the polish chip by chip.
Dozens of similar bracelets stack his wrists, his ankles; rainbow of colours clashing horribly with the mint green of the cheap plastic shoes.
“What…” He pauses, clearing his throat. He feels Will’s attention on him, the warming rays of his soft smile. Surely this can’t be…
“It’s a friendship bracelet! We were makin’ pottery in Arts ‘n Crafts; I got distracted and the whole thing went squelch.” He blows a raspberry, smacking his fist into his hand. Nico jumps. “Totally collapsed! Anyways. Made a friendship bracelet for all my friends, yellow for me, black for you. I got a matching one!” He holds up his his wrist. It takes Nico a second of squinting to find the matching one — yellow and black, twisted, just like the one he’s wearing, nestled against the others like he’s been wearing it for years.
I made one for all my friends.
“You, uh.” His palms sweat. He tucks them behind his back before Will notices, although the twinkle in his eye tells him he might have an idea. “You’ve done this before.”
It’s not much of a question. Will takes it as one anyway.
“Mhm. You don’t have to wear it, if you don’t want to, I can take it —”
Nico wrenches himself away. Will blinks.
“Absolutely not,” he says, before he realizes what’s coming out of his mouth. “You made it for me. It’s mine.” In a flurry of movement, he tugs the bracelet over his hand, twisting the loosely hanging part around his thumb.
Slowly, giving him time to pull away, a freckly hand comes back into his space. When Nico — frozen — doesn’t flinch away, they rest on the jut of his wrist, the scar on the palm of his hand.
“I got it,” he murmurs. Nico glances up to find Will already looking at him, blue eyes wide and imploring and soft.
Nico has never associated blue eyes with softness. Intensity, maybe. Clarity. Softness, to him, has long been the understanding brown of Reyna’s, the softly glowing embers of Lady Hestia’s. The golden glow of Hazel’s, especially, ever-smiling. (The gentle, endless, sun-warmed clay brown of Bianca’s. Too big for her face, hidden behind her bangs; except, of course, when Nico was overwhelmed and miserable and needed her, needed her, needed her. Or when the lawyer came to their room door, steel-faced, giving the same news, and Nico would slide a small hand in hers, squeezing.)
Will’s eyes are soft, though, he realizes. Like cotton candy at DC fairs, like grape hyacinth, like the blanket he toted around as a baby. Like a sunny smile and golden hair and teasing winks when everything is too too much.
With a gentle tug, the loose strings of the friendship bracelet tightly pull the bracelet snug against his wrist. Looser, barely even touching, Will’s fingers follow the contours of the bracelet. He lingers. Nico wonders if he can feel his pulse, pounding, endless.
“Thank you,” he manages, finally. His throat is dry. “For.”
The rest of his sentence won’t come out. Before he can panic, Will smiles; beams, really, eyes crinkling shut, and the short breaths clattering his lungs fizzle out entirely.
“Oh,” he says, several things slotting together at once. “Oh.”
“Anytime,” Will responds grinning, squeezing Nico’s wrist once more before bouncing off. “See you around!”
He’s far gone before Nico finds his voice again. But he smiles, still, eyeing the pretty bracelet, and whispers, “You, too.”
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cheesecakeisyummyy · 6 months
First post, yay! These are some sfw and nsfw COD headcanons. Enjoy :)
(NSFW headcanons came from @r0achluvr on tt! I did add on to theirs/switched the words just a tad bit. SFW headcanons came from @dolliesita. Some were my own and I just got the inspiration from their headcanon.)
Alejandro: humiliates you in the sweetest voice you’ve ever heard. 🥹
Captain Price: makes you cum at least once or twice with just his fingers before he fucks you. He will use your cum to lube himself up. 🥴
Keegan: loves having you laid out on your back so he can watch someone else fuck your throat while he fucks you. 🌶️
Captain Price: loves an obedient partner. Ex- if he asks you to do something and you do it without question or hesitation. 🐶
Rudy: fucks you with the door open because he likes the thrill of possibly getting caught. 😳
Ghost: plays with your tits religiously. Size doesn’t matter to him!!! 🍒
Soap: He wants you to sit on his face until he can’t breathe ESPECIALLY if you have thick thighs. 🪑
Makarov: ties you up and writes degrading things into your skin with a knife..ouch! 😓
Captain Price: when he’s punishing you for being a brat and you don’t end your sentences with sir, he will slap you (not too hard but not too soft either) until you fix it. 😤
Graves: he likes when you ride his thigh while he’s wearing gray sweatpants so when you’re done you can see how good you made him feel. 🍆
Ghost: VERY possessive! No one can touch his partner! If you are wearing a revealing outfit, he will cover the parts that are revealing with his hands. There is a high chance he will drag you to the bathroom and fuck you. 🤫
Konig: LOVES overstimulating you with his fingers and mouth at the same time. 😵‍💫
Valeria: Breeding kink. Wants nothing more than to fill you up with her cum. 🤰
Ghost: Waking him up with head is the quickest way to get your throat fucked so hard and raw, it’ll hurt to speak. 🗣️❌
Gaz: He will do anything for a handjob. ✋
Gaz: Loves when you wear short dresses because he likes seeing your underwear when you bend over. 🩲
Valeria: Will get you a leash with your first name and her last name embroidered on it. ♥️
Valeria: Will also get you a bracelet with her favorite dirty name that she calls you engraved on it. 💍
Captain price: whenever he sees you, he compliments you and it’s a different compliment every time. 🥴
Gaz: likes to scare you when he notices that you’re in your own thoughts. Will %100 stop doing it if you say that you don’t like it. 😛
Soap: lovesss to cuddle. He loves physical affection. He will always try to hug and kiss you whenever he has the chance. 😚
Ghost: He’s not a big affectionate/touchy person but for you, he will cross his own boundaries because he knows how it feels to not be loved and he doesn’t want you to EVER feel that way. 🥲 He doesn’t hate it but he not the biggest fan of it.
Alejandro: Loves seeing you wear his clothes. He will sometimes just ask you to wear his clothes so he can admire you and take pictures of you. 🤳
Rudy: He’s a giver. He will always buy you flowers, your favorite candy, etc. 💐
Valeria: She notices every small detail about you. You could’ve gotten a trim on your hair and she will notice and point it out. 👀
Konig: There is no such thing as personal space in his mind. Yes, if you asked for personal space, he would %100 give it but if not, he will always find a way to be around you. 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️
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iichaeyj · 4 months
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the wind was gently blowing your hair behind you as you walked to the concert venue. the warm spring breeze only added to your happiness. you could hardly believe you were finally going to see your favorite idol in concert after spending months saving up for tickets.
after an accident had left you hospitalized for nearly two years, you found it difficult to get back into your life. you couldn't finish college or find a stable job due to the incident, but it all seemed worth it as you saw the concert venue in the far distance. you sighed in relief, finding happiness in the fact that you would soon be seeing your favorite idol.
however, the sudden sound of a notification distracted you. pulling out your phone, you see a new tweet from dispatch, causing you to click it out of curiosity while waiting to cross the street.
the news you see causes your heart to drop.
you read the simple tweet over and over again, struggling to comprehend if it was a joke or not. your heart starts beating rapidly and you fall to your knees, clutching onto your phone as you feel tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
your breathing gets harsher as you close your eyes, struggling to gain composure. you can hear cars stopping to check on you and people running towards you, all worried about the young adult kneeling on the ground.
"hey, are you okay?"
"somebody call an ambulance!"
"miss, do you need some assistance?"
voices called out to you, but your thoughts were far louder than anything else. and no matter how many people tried to reach out to you, their faces were blurry from your tears that never seemed to end.
it didn't make sense to you. how was it possible that sunghoon died? he had posted just an hour earlier and he should've been preparing for the concert. surely he had a security team with him, or at the very least his manager. all these thoughts flood your mind as you feel your heart beating faster than it ever has before.
'i could save him' you think to yourself as you fall into unconsciousness. you might not be the smartest or strongest person in the world, but you wholeheartedly believed you could do it. when it came to sunghoon, you were just about ready to do anything for him. after he saved your life, the least you could do was return the favor.
the sound that you wake up to is the sound of somebody tapping.
"hey, y/n! no sleeping in class!" a familiar voice shouts at you from your left.
you stir awake, blinking your eyes as you try and focus on the person next to you. you sit up slowly, looking around slowly.
"'class'?" you mumble out quietly, looking around as your eyes adjust to the light. despite the tears you must've shed, your eyes felt strangely fine, albeit tired.
"are you daydreaming? you need to focus up if you want to get good grades," the man says, shaking his head in disappointment.
as you look clearly at the man, looking up at him from your seat with wide eyes, you notice his bald head and short stature. you could never forget the way his head glistened whenever it became hotter than 60 degrees fahrenheit. this was your 12th grade calculus teacher, somebody you hadn't seen in 6 years. and when you turn your head to see dell, your face pales at the sight.
dell was sitting there wearing a t-shirt she had claimed to lose about 6 years ago right after high school.
"hey, are you alright? why are you looking at me like that?" dell questions you, raising an eyebrow as you look at her with wide eyes.
as you look around the classroom, you try and find an explanation for everything. this could've been a dream or it could've been an unfunny prank somebody had pulled on you.
however, when you look down at yourself, you find something that couldn't have been possible.
you were wearing the exact same friendship bracelet dell had made for you back in middle school, something that was, or at least should've been, destroyed in your accident. nobody knew about the bracelet besides you and dell, and dell would never play such a horrible prank on you.
there was only one explanation—you had gone back in time.
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angstywaifu · 7 months
Surprise - Liam Mairi x Reader
Prompt - It’s your first Valentine’s Day with Liam, and you’re pulling out all the stops to make it perfect for him…complete with a special surprise
Enjoy the last of my Valentines Day prompts! Thank you to all who sent these in, I had a lot of fun making them!
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Since the night of threshing, Liam and I had been in this weird limbo. We had taken our friendship a step further that night. And neither of us regretted it. It was amazing. And it happened again frequently. But neither of us dared to label it any more than just a casual thing. Because that’s all it was. But recently it had felt like the dynamic had changed. Whenever Liam touched me, his hand would linger longer than normal. Anytime there was a free seat next to me, he would be the one to fill it. If it was taken? Then he asked whoever was there to move over. The one that had peaked my interest the most was when I had gotten injured during a challenge. Which wasn’t unusual for me to walk out with some sort of injury. In the next class Liam and the other guy were absent. I later learned Liam had started a fight with them after challenges. Yes my injuries were worse than normal. But still healable. That night I had left him to be on his own. Mainly cause I hadn’t seen him either. Almost as if he had been avoiding me. The next day it had all gone back to normal.
But the shift in dynamic had made me…. Hopeful. I couldn’t deny I wanted more. I’d always had a slight crush on Liam. After the rebellion, we had been sent off to different families, but luckily we were sent to ones close by and frequently did events together. As the only rebellion child at my family I was very much on my own. So Liam became my light in my darkest time. My knight in shinning armour so to speak. Which was very fitting with his tan skin, and soft blonde hair. And those eyes. Eyes I could get lost in and had quite a few times. Valentine’s Day was fast approaching, and surprisingly it seemed to be a big thing here in the quadrant. I guess you have to make the most of the little things around here. And that’s what I had planned to do. Even if I was scared shitless.
”Stop freaking out. It will be fine.” Rhiannon reassured me with a nod from Violet who were both sitting on the floor of my room helping me.
I had decided to leave Liam a bunch of surprise gifts throughout the day. Each with a letter. The last one leading to a surprise I had planned and would reveal it was me all day. Though I was sure he would figure it out pretty quickly. He was very smart. Rhiannon, Violet and even Ridoc and Sawyer had agreed to help me with my plan. They were going to be my couriers so to speak. Each of them giving Liam one of the gifts I had worked on over the last few weeks. The last of which I was working on now. I had managed to convince some of the black smiths to give me some materials to work with, and with the help of my dragon, I had melted it down and made a matching charm for Liam and I to wear on a leather bracelet I had also made. I wanted everything I gave Liam to be hand made. He was always making people things with his wooden carvings. Not long after threshing he had given me one of my own dragon. I kept in on my bedside table. He often teased me about it if we ever came to my room.
“I can’t help it.” I say with a sigh as I struggle to get the charm on one of the bracelets. “What if I do all this for nothing.”
Rhiannon gives me a very unimpressed look. “Girl, it won’t be. Trust me.” She holds her hand out to me. “Now give me that before you throw it out the window.”
I hand her the bracelet and she attaches it almost immediately. The cuff I had made for Liam was far easier to attach than the bracelet I had decided on for myself.
”How about we go over the plan again?” Violet suggests as she notices me start to fidget and pick at a fingernail.
Rhiannon nods in agreement. “So Violet is giving him the first present correct?”
I nod. “Yes, the candle I made.”
Violet holds up the neatly wrapped package I had given her just before.
”And at lunch time, I will give him the new wood working set you’ve gotten him.” Rhiannon adds. “Leaving Ridoc and Sawyer to cause chaos and essentially drag him to the tower where you will be waiting.”
”Yes, and I will have the bracelets and be quietly shitting myself that he might reject me.”
Rhiannon and Violet both look at me with very unimpressed looks.
”He is not going to reject you.” Rhiannon scolds me. She’s been doing that a lot the last few days.
”Rhi is right, he won’t. It will all go to plan.” She reassures me.
The girls bid me goodnight and good luck for tomorrow. Luckily no classes are on, so I will be doing my best to be around as little as possible. Hopefully Liam doesn’t try to come looking for me. But Violet assures me she will find a way to keep him busy. Which I’m sure involves the likes of Xaden. That man would do anything for her.
The next day I hide in my room. I need to make sure Liam is gone before I leave. I can’t risk him seeing me. I hear feet stop outside my door and I freeze. It was him, there was no denying that. I vaguely hear Violet call out to him. My heart is pounding too loudly in my ears for me to hear anything they say as I stand there frozen to the ground. A few minutes pass and I watch the shadows outside my door walk away. I let out the breath I had been holding for god knows how long. I open the door slowly and peek out, just in time to catch Violet following Xaden and Liam around the corner. As if she knows I’m there she looks back at me and smiles. Liam was taken care of for the day. I grab my pack with the stuff I had packed last night and made my way to the tower I had planned to use. In the many times I had gone there to escape the quadrant for a few moments, I had never seen anyone there. And today was no exception. Honestly I don’t think anyone had really been up here in years till I found it. It had a beautiful view of the valley and mountains that surrounded the college. Especially in the afternoon as the sun was setting. Which was when I planned for Ridoc and Sawyer to lead Liam up here.
Just as I’ve finished setting up the blanket, some small mage lights strung on some string and some food I had gotten from the kitchens I hear the faint sounds of commotion down below. Ridoc and Sawyer were right on time. I hear foot steps walking up to where I am. I quickly rush over and sit on the ledge of the tower, trying to act as if I’ve been patiently been waiting and my heart isn’t trying to escape my chest. The foot steps stop behind me.
I turn around to see Liam standing there, his chest rising and falling as if he’s been running. I was going to have to ask Ridoc and Sawyer what the hell they had done to get him over here. He looks confused at first as he takes in the blanket and pillows, and everything I had set up.
”All the things today, that was all you?” He asks as he walks over to where I am sat.
I nod. “Yeah it was all me. Though I will say I have no idea or had any say in how Ridoc and Sawyer got you here.”
He laughs. “Lets just say they went to a lot of effort to get me here.” He rests his hands on my legs as he stands right in front of me. “Guess I should say thank you for everything you’ve done today.”
“Don’t say thank you just yet.” I tell him.
He tilts his head to the side with a confused look as I reach into the pocket of my jacket and pull out the small bag I had put the leather cuff I had made him. I hold it out to him and he slowly takes it from me. His eyes go wide as he reaches in and pulls out the black leather cuff I had made, a small metal charm in the shape of the protection rune his mum had made us. As he looks back up at me I swear I see tears in his blue eyes. He moves so fast I barely have time to react as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me off the ledge and into a kiss. We had kissed before but not like this. This was different.
We’re a tangle of limbs as I wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers locking in his blonde hair. His arms around my waist. He quickly manoeuvres us so his back is against the pillar and I am leaning up against him between his legs. He breaks away from the kiss, one of his hands reaching up to cup my cheek. A goofy smile on his face that I can’t help but mimic.
”Thank you. You have no idea how much that gift means to me. What you’ve done all day. I had a feeling it was you. That candle instantly reminded me of the orchard back home. I just knew it was you.” He says to me quietly. “And now I can do what I’ve been wanting to do all day. Hell what I’ve been wanting to do for weeks. What I went to do first thing today.”
“And what’s that?” I ask nervously.
”Will you be my girlfriend?”
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flwrkisses · 10 months
tiffany and co. — park sunghoon.
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HAPPY HOON DAY! after seeing jakehoon's matching tiffany rings and their cute vlog at the tiffany store, i couldn't help but think... what if sunghoon was shopping for not only friendship rings with jake but also something special for you.
genre: fluff! established relationship. idol!sunghoon. ft. jake! long oneshot.
word count: 1.4k (english)
warnings: kissing.
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everyone knew sunghoon was erratically indecisive. he would pick things up and put them back only to talk himself into linking it again and picking it up once more. it drove his members wild, so wild that jay had complained about not wanting to shop with your boyfriend anymore, simply because he took far too long to make a choice. that was where you came in, you never considered yourself to be extremely decisive nor have you ever been as indecisive as he was... but, something about you giving your honest opinion on things made him choose which items to take home way more efficiently. sunghoon would never admit it, but of he liked something and you thought it was lame, he automatically would talk himself into thinking it was lame in first place. making him set the item back on what ever rack or shelf he had originally found it on. so, when going shopping— in his mind— you were an essential factor.
however, on this shopping trip... you weren't able to join, leaving both him and jake alone in a store full of an expensive amount of jewelry. on his way in, he automatically thought about getting you something with his new tiffany brand deal. what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn't get you everything you wanted within the resources he was given? he couldn't live with himself if he had gotten himself something nice and left you in the dust. so as soon as they entered the store he began looking at earrings. maybe it could have been something you would wear on special occasions like dates or fancy dinners with family... or holidays. he searched for something different, unique, and so delicately beautiful... all words that he often used to describe you and yet nothing bc stuck out to him.
after an hour and a half in the store, sunghoon began to get nervous. both him and jake had picked their friendship rings and now your boyfriend had been mindlessly browsing though the store to find something you'd actually enjoy. any other guy would have just grabbed the first pair of earrings or sparkly bracelet he came across but sunghoon just couldn't being himself to do that. especially with how practical he was. he wasn't going to get you something that would sit in your jewelry box and soon become forgotten because you didn't like it. that would be a waste. so despite his friend's impatience, he continued to look at each and every single piece of jewelry to find you something specifically for you.
luckily, after an additional 35 minutes, he found just what he was looking for. a necklace with a cursive letter 's'pendant. small, yet noticeable enough. after picking it out, he showed it to jake. to which the aussie boy couldn't help but excitedly pat his friend on the back and rave about how you'd love it. now all your boyfriend needed to do was give it to you.
after getting home to your shared apartment with a small blue tiffany and co bag in his hand, sunghoon looked for you. "babe?" he called out, as he took off his jacket and set it on the coatrack. "i'll be right there hoon!" you called out from the bathroom. some how your internal clocks always seem to sync. just as you finished your shower as he come through the door as if you had been expecting his arrival. "how was it?" you called out from the other room while getting dressed.
sunghoon loved this, how domestic it felt to know you had been winding down for the day when he got home. and talking to each other from different ends of the apartment as you both went on with your own routines. "it was really nice actually, jake and i got matching rings." he hummed as he walked into your shared bedroom and to the bathroom door which was slightly open. sticking his hand into the now humid room, he happily showed you his new rings. taking his hand, you looked at the new silver pieces of jewelry now adorning his hand happily and opened the bathroom door far enough for you to get through. "they're cute hoon, i like them a lot." you smiled warmly at him. you honestly didn't expect much, you knew some brands were extremely strict about what their ambassadors could and couldn't take and you would hate for your boyfriend to lose his ambassadorship for pushing boundaries. you were happy for him none the less, you knew that if it wasn't for the sponsorship, sunghoon would have never gone out to get himself jewelry like that.
" i got you something." he chuckled, feeling his cheeks heat up in the moment. he was never good at this type of stuff. he usually preferred to leave a gift on your bed or dining table while he was out working. however with this he was so excited to give it to you, that he had to present it to you now. "babe! you didn't have to get me anything." you pouted at him, while gently pushing past him to set your worn clothes in the hamper and hang your towel up. you truly never wanted him to put you over himself even with things like this. "you could have gotten yourself another piece or something , you didn't have to." you added.
sunghoon gently shook his head as he turned to face you again. "no, i wanted to. i spend a really long time looking for it. i want you to have it." he reassured you. something he had to do each time you had told him he didn't have to get you anything. "if it's not your style you can tell me we can exchange it for another." which was again something he would always say when ever he got you anything. the clarification was always for nothing because everything he had ever gotten you had always ended up liking and yet deep within him was a little feeling of anxiousness.
handing you the small bag in the famous shade of blue you had seen everywhere you couldn't help but get excited. "hoon this will probably be the most expensive thing i own..." you chuckled softly before sitting on your shared bed and gently pulling the tissue paper out of the bag carefully. "that just means i need to get you prada next." he smiled softly, taking a seat next to you, only making you blush more at the thought of being spoiled with all these fancy name brand things. "come on- open it babe." he added, encouraging you to reach into the bag to pull out a small bright blue box. as if it would break, you handled the box with care, gently pulling the top off to expose the dainty silver necklace with the small 's' pendant he had picked out, laying on top of the white satin lining. you let out a small gasp as you took in the beauty of the necklace. it was simple yet, beautiful. definitely something you could wear daily without fail.
"it's beautiful hoon..." you said softly with a smile plastered onto your face. "really? i thought getting you my initial might be a little tacky but jake insisted it was sweet." he responded, his lips breaking into a brighter toothy smile at your response. you could only shake your head slightly, you didn't think it was tacky at all. from a far it was hard to tell the pendant was his first initial, making it a bit more special. you knew what it was, he knew what it was. and it wasn't annoyingly in your face either, it was perfect. "it's actually really pretty." you smiled at him before pressing a soft kiss onto his cheek. being with sunghoon for so long, you should have known that one sweet cheek kiss would have turned into sunghoon turning his head to catch your lips with his own, because it did. just like each time you had kissed his cheek before. a giggle escaped your lips between each soft, sweet kiss he gave you making him rumble up a chuckle of his own as well. "you better wear that necklace everywhere." he said while finally pulling away.
"are you kidding? i'm never taking it off!"
"mmmm good~ all mine."
"yep- all yours sunghoon~"
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©flwrkisses ; please do not copy, translate, repost and/or reuse my work without my permission. (2023)
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masterlist. — requests are open !
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kekaki-cupcakes · 5 months
hello!! Hope you’re doing well!!
could you please do a Leo x mortal reader cafe au like the Connor stoll one? And could the reader be a Greek mythology nerd also please have a little brother who she’ll randomly quiz about the Olympian gods?
have a nice day 😚😚
heyyy i didn't get your whole request in but i got the vibe dw and also kind of made a moodpboard for it cause I loved the whole aesthetic and no one requests mood boards <3 LISTEN TO EXPRESSO BY SABRINA!
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Leo Valdez x Reader--- cafe au
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“Hello,” you said, looking up from your screen for a millisecond, “what can I get you today?”
When whoever it was ordering didn’t respond, you raised an eyebrow, hand hovering over the digital menu. The boy frowned at the screen above your head where it listed all the different drinks. He had the nicest brown curls, you noticed, and looked back down before he caught you staring. 
He tapped his fingers quickly on the counter. Sabrina Carpenter's new song was playing over the cafe speakers. It sounded like summer.
“How many espresso shots are you legally allowed to put in one drink?” The boy asked with a crackly voice. He had dark smudges under his eyes. And on his hands. Huh. You really needed a camera to look into at times like this, for comedic effect. Like the office.
“About six,” you said, dropping your customer service voice with a shrug, and opened up a new order on the tablet, your bracelets jingling. “What can I get you today?” 
You loved your bracelets. Some were from that second hand store down the street full of goths and grandmas where you’d bought yet another version of the Odyssey yesterday, and the rest were from your little brother. 
You never admitted it to anyone, but he’d made them based on all your favorite Greek gods. The ones you were wearing today had pomegranate seed charms and antler horn patterns.  
His eyes widened considerably. They were brown. And sparkly. “What happened to your voice?”
You squinted at him. Someone else came into the cafe with three little dogs stuffed into their giant handbag. 
“That was my customer service voice.” Your brain was finally receiving enrichment in messing with this cute greasy boy. You put it on again, paired with a fake smile. “What can I get for you today?” 
He chuckled, and hitched a giant canvas tote bag over his shoulder. There was a giant inked cat with butterfly wings on it, and a long metal pipe sticking out the back. You had a feeling this boy would steal your name if he got ahold of it, or trap you in a ring of flowers deep in a forest.
“Uh,” he trailed off, and then winked, scrunching up his entire face. “Surprise me.”
You blinked at him. How entirely helpful. You watched him pull an entire fucking old fashioned pocketwatch out of his pocket to check the time. 
Medium was the most commonly ordered size of drink, so you selected that, and then a caramel latte with whipped cream. You had that knack that every person in your generation seemed to have been born with. 
Selecting random objects and flavors to match someone’s vibe precisely. You just happened to be a barista. 
For instance, this talkative sleep deprived boy was rocky road slices with peanuts in them, and torn open sugar packets, and caramel. Your coworker, Lou Ellen, who was wiping down tables behind the handbag dog man, was those butterfly shaped ice-cubes and home brewed black coffee from a saucepan and dragon fruit juices.                            And that thick book on Greek mythology she’d bought you for your birthday last year [she’d nicked it from the library and peeled the sticker off]. 
“Four dollars and sixty cents,” you said patronizingly, in your customer service voice. He grinned like you had just invented the funniest inside joke ever, and handed over five dollars in fifty cents coins.
“Keep the change.”
You printed out the receipt and reached for a medium sized cup and the ballpoint pen from a uni campus open day, after pocketing the generous tip of forty cents and a paperclip. 
What a gentleman. “Name?” 
“Leo Valdez, super sized Mcshizzle, bad boy supreme,” Leo Valdez super sized Mcshizzle bad boy supreme said happily, as one of the handbag dogs escaped the bag and started chewing on his laces. 
You desperately needed that camera to look into now. You should be the star of a sitcom at this point, with you as the tired main character dealing with silly customers while desperately longing to go home and read your books, Lou Ellen as the hilarious trashy best friend, Will [your coworker who was currently taking out the trash] as the angry bisexual lumped with the night shift crew, and your little brother, who would pop in at random times in each episode to deliver the punchline.  
Instead of letting the credits roll, unfortunately, you scribbled out an unintelligible scrawl to represent the complete nonsense you were supposed to instead. Your smile was strained this time. “I’ll call you when it’s ready.”
Leo [you assumed that was his name] beamed. “Thanks!”
It was only as you frothed the milk and tried not to burn your fingertips on the spout did you realize that the song was still going. Lou must’ve looped it, as she did with every song ever until she got sick of it and hated it. 
You nodded your head and tipped the bubbling milk into the cup, reaching for the tube of caramel sauce. “Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya, I know I Mountain Dew it for ya.” 
“That morning coffee, brewed it for ya.” You rolled your eyes to no one and tipped the extra caramel sauce into it. It was ten o'clock at night, and your shift had just started. Morning coffees meant college students rushing in at two a.m. so they could finish their projects. 
You shook up the whipped cream. “One touch and I brand-newed it for ya.” 
One of the most satisfying parts of your job, apart from spinning around and introducing yourself as the manager [you are not the manager] when someone demands to see the manager [who comes in once a month, looks around, and leaves again], is the whipped cream. The sound of it and the little pattern it makes just itches a scratch. 
You smile as you finish the swirl, which sinks into the cup of espresso shots and caramel milk. You spin around, “now he’s thinkin’ ‘bout me every night, oh…”   
“Is it that sweet? I guess so,” you hum under your breath, and ducking the spray bottle Lou Ellen launches over your head, you stick a straw in the cup and walk to the bench, where Will’s serving the man with three purse dogs a jelly donut. 
Leo’s digging through his bag while you wait, not bothering to rush him and leave the 24/7 rip off starbucks diner empty. 
You pick up the pen and take the lid off with your teeth, doodling a little cat on the blank bit of the cup. The tail comes out all wrong, and one of the whiskers slides halfway around on the plastic with a scratchy sound. 
You add rushed fairy wings to its soft looking back, and hand the cup over as Sabrina Carpenter sings about being a singer. Her voice is so pretty. Like caramel. “There you go.”
Leo grinned at you, and while you watched in absolute horror, proceeded to pour an entire monster energy drink he’d pulled from his tote bag into the perfectly made coffee. 
“Excuse me?” you whisper shrieked. 
He blinked at you owlishly, and you tried not to notice how warm his eyes looked in the vintage yellow lights of the shop that made everything seem seventies. “What?”
“That’s enough caffeine and chemicals to give a water buffalo a heart attack,” you said, pointing at his awful concoction. It started to fizz. You wondered if the building had chemical reaction insurance.
“I’ve got a lot of work to do,” Leo shrugged, and picked up his cup happily. He looked down at it, and a grin split across his face. “I got a drawing!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
It was only a few days later when the bell rattled quietly by the door and you looked up to see Leo and smiled despite yourself, fingers tapping on the cup in your hand, wear the ring you’d made from that paperclip sat, did you realize what role he would play in your heart shaped ice-cubes Sabrina Carpenter soundtracked paperback books late night set ballpoint pen sitcom.
The love interest. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
I Was Enchanted To Meet You | J. Miller Drabble
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Summary | Literally just a Drabble about Joel being an era's tour dad, meeting a pretty girl in cowboy boots and flirting. That's it. It's dumb. This goes out to my girl Doni @morning-star-joy who is going to see Tay-Tay tonight and can now be delulu about meeting Joel Miller there. And also therapy for me because I'm in the UK and got waitlisted for tickets, so CRIES. I wrote this in like an hour so excuse any spelling/grammar errors.
Joel Miller didn't exactly understand when he'd signed up to take Sarah to her first concert. When she'd asked to use his credit card to buy the tickets, he'd just nodded and handed it over. When his bill came through the next month, he almost passed out from the cost. But stood here now, in seats that might very well give him a nosebleed, watching Sarah almost lose her mind over the fact that Taylor Swift was about to appear on stage, it was all forgotten. All Joel ever wanted was for his little girl to be happy.
He'd spent weeks listening to the songs, learning the lyrics so he might be able to sing along with Sarah. He watched her sit in front of the television each night making bracelets to trade, and he squirrelled away as much money as possible so he could buy her a t-shirt or something on the night too.
Joel was watching as Sarah swapped friendship bracelets with two girls to her right when something else caught his eye. Two people shuffling into the two seats that had been vacant in front of Joel and Sarah for most of the night. One of them, around Sarah's age, was almost as excited as his girl, bouncing up and down, looking around the stadium with eyes as wide as saucers, taking it all in, but you? You were something else entirely. You had a white cowboy hat sat on top of your head, not dissimilar to his own apart from the colour and the fact yours was covered in sparkly rhinestones. You had a white dress on, falling to your mid-thigh, made of lace and scalloped edges, and a pair of beat-up old brown leather cowboy boots. The literal picture of heaven on earth as far as he was concerned.
He watched as you pointed to the two seats in front of him and Sarah, motioning for the other girl to sit down so you could hand her the soda you were carrying. He noticed your wrists were covered in the same type of bracelets his daughter had been going wild for all evening. Almost on cue, Sarah leans over, tapping your shoulder.
"You wanna trade?" She asks, holding up her own plastic-laden wrist to show you.
"Hell yeah," You smile, nudging the girl with you, "Why don't you give this little superstar one of yours too?"
Joel watches intently as you let Sarah scan your wrists for the specific bracelet she wants, picking one made of pink beads, swapping it with one of hers that was made of black and gold. Joel had no idea what any of them meant, all he knew was that the bill for friendship bracelet materials on his credit card nearly rivalled the bill for the tickets.
"You want one as well, mister?" Your voice cuts through his thoughts, "Can't come and see Taylor and leave with empty wrists I'm afraid."
"Well, I ain't got anything to trade ya with." Joel shrugs.
"That's okay," you smile, "I'll forgive you, this time."
Joel keeps an eye trained on you as you search your wrists, obviously having something incredibly specific in mind for him. You find it, eyes lighting up as you pull it from your wrist and hand it over to him. He takes the delicate thing in his big palm - red, white and blue beads with letters in hearts that spell out 'Cowboy Like Me'. Very fitting.
"Thanks, Darlin'," He smiles, slipping it over his hand, "You been waiting to find the perfect man to give that to all night?"
You let your head fall back in a laugh and Joel thinks you might just be the prettiest goddamned girl he's ever seen in his life. Sarah is pulling at his wrist so she can see exactly what bracelet you've given her dad, laughing and then leaning forward.
"I made him wear the hat!" She exclaims, "Told him he had to fit in."
"Well, you made a good choice," You grin, "He looks mighty fine in his cowboy hat."
You finally turn your attention back to your companion - judging by your likeness he assumes it must be your little sister. You're pointing out things around the stadium for her to look at, and he can't help but find it endearing how she's bouncing in her seat at every little thing, much like Sarah had done when they'd taken their seats.
Joel feels a nudge to his side, Sarah is looking up at him with that glint he knows and loves so much - she's got an idea.
"She's really pretty, dad."
"Sarah!" He chastises, eye flickering to you to make sure you didn't hear what she'd said, but you look completely oblivious.
"She is though!" She retorts in a hushed whisper, "I think she likes you."
Joel brings a finger to his lips to try and get this devil of a girl to be quiet, but he can't help but indulge her - Sarah was right, you are really pretty, "She don't know the first thing about me," He finishes the conversation, "Now you sit tight, I'm going to find you a soda."
When Joel returns, to drinks in hand, he can see Sarah leant over the seats speaking to you. He dreads to think what she's been trying to cook up, seemingly obsessed with making sure he's not so lonely in life anymore.
"Move over," He asks, Sarah shifting to the seat he was in before he left, "Don't drink it all at once, you'll need it for all the screaming you're gonna do." He says, handing the soda to her.
Once he sits back down, you turn in your chair to speak to him.
"Sarah says you're a builder?" She asks, clearly just trying to make polite conversation with him whilst your sister speaks to Sarah.
"Contractor actually," He shrugs, as if it matters, "But yeah, I build stuff, what do you do?"
"I'm a teacher," You smile, "Teach 4th grade." He's about to ask you another question when every single person in the stadium starts screaming, he thinks by the end of tonight he might actually be deaf, "Well, you enjoy the show, mister, hope you learnt some lyrics."
Contrary to what he'd thought, Joel actually does enjoy the show. He sings along to some of the songs he remembers, dances with Sarah for most of the night and keeps a close eye on you during it all. You know every single word to every single song, just like your little sister and he has to admit that when you're throwing your hands in the air and screaming to the lyrics, he finds you prettier than he had done all night.
When all is said and done at the end of the night, you say a polite goodbye to him and Sarah. When he finally sits in his truck, waiting for the scores of traffic to clear so he can get them home, he kicks himself for not asking for your number, but resigns himself to the fact that it was fate. Meant to meet once and that was it. It's not until he's finally carried Sarah up to bed, fast asleep in his arms and settled down to unwind in front of the TV that he pulls his phone from his pocket and sees a message from an unknown number.
I was enchanted to meet you, Joel. Drinks? Saturday @ 6pm?
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dreamwritersworld · 2 years
Once innocent. (sully family x reader)
Hi! Just a reminder that this is a mini series to show the deeper sides of Y/n’s life BEFORE “The chore” :) I did add some twdg scenes and put it into their situation because I loved the idea and I hope you do too! 💗
Ronal and Tonowari weren’t the only ones who took care of Y/n. There was once Rey’akana. He fought alongside Jake, he had always noticed how Y/n was often not watched or talked to. He also noticed how she would sit from a far watching how people worked and then running into the forest giggling and excited. He did not know what she did after she left but today he’d follow.
She was walking around the war party group after they had came back from fighting, viewing how healers went to work. She became interested on how the warriors fought, how they protected themselves. Protecting yourself was very important step to learn as a child but Y/n’s parents never taught her. So Y/n asked questions “what is your arrow made of? Who made it?” Or “when shooting what did you aim for?” Majority of the warriors smiled and turned an eye, not Rey’akana. He actually told her every detail for her question and she smiled sweetly with a ‘thank you’. Instantly she ran into the forest to retrieve her 2 arrows and old bow she had stolen from her mother. She was in her own world when training, pretending every situation was real. It was escape to Y/n.
“What are you doing little one? I can assure you that is not how you handle a bow.” He found amusement in her determination. Y/n smiled shy, scared not wanting to get in trouble by her parents but also curious as to if the man was willing to help. Why not just ask? “How should it be held then? Can you teach me? Please” and he did. When he asked about who took care of her and why they hadn’t trained her, his heart broke at how the girl hadn’t realized what was going on or why it was wrong for her parents to not pay her mind, she thought it was normal. “My story is actually very funny! Since I am a child my dad always insists we play hide n seek as soon as I approach him. And I’m alwayssss it! He’s tried hiding everywhere and I’ll alwaysss find him! Every time I did, he’d jus brush it off, saying he’s doing something important and walks away. Since we’re always playing he doesn’t really have time to train me neither does my mom, they kinda just train the boys and Kiri but it’s ok! I’ll figure it out!” The young girl let’s giggles out as if it was normal..? Her heart and mind is so innocent and was too kind to be treated the way she was “I need to practice more! I’m gonna be a warrior and healer some day!” And Rey’akana smiled and gave the girl a hug providing a promise to Y/n.
“I’ll train you. We will meet everyday. I’ll protect you.” Y/n was so excited to have someone teach her. “Ok! Thank you! We can meet tomorrow and I’ll even bring a surprise! I should head home now, eclipse is coming soon!” Rey’akana offered to take the little girl home safely and when she was entering the home he had noticed how everyone was laughing, her parents playing with her siblings as if the little girl wasn’t out by herself and not apart of the family. He watched her walk in and no one even greeted her or spared a look.
That night Y/n beaded a bracelet with pretty purple sequences, something she found in her adventures and grew to always use when beading, it somewhat became a signature for her. When the time came for Rey’akana to train her again the next day. He was gifted the bracelet and had swore to wear it everyday for her. They always had conversations at the end of their training. It soon became a routine.
Last night he heard Jake scolding Y/n about Kiri’s Bracelet being broken…? During training it was obvious Y/n was in her own head. She was still confused as to what happened last night, why was she yelled at for Loak breaking Kiri’s bracelet and why didn’t Jake listen to her when she said it wasn’t her who broke it..? As they walked home in comfortable silence, he watched Y/n while she observed the forest as if it was her first time seeing it. The way Y/n observed life always amazed him. He decided it was the perfect time to bring up what happened “…did you so happen to break your sisters bracelet?” Y/n looked up surprised with slight sadness in her eyes “no…did my dad say I did? He’s just always blaming me for stuff.” This makes him immediately more curious as to how Y/n’s home life really was. “Like what?” Y/n answers the question immediately “putting a bug on Loak’s pillow…?” He looked at her in amusement. “Did you do that?” She laughs and gives a satisfied answer “yes! But only because he didn’t admit that he was the one who broke Kiri’s bracelet and he just let me get yelled at. Even though I told dad Loak did it!” He gave a saddened smiled but soon laughed with her as she discussed the story of how she even placed the bug in his pillow perfectly in his face. She returned home and now he was walking back to his. He couldn’t help but think how Y/n should learn at least another level of survival. Like learning how to shoot a gun, just the basics. If he wasn’t teaching her this who would..? He knew all about survival. He also knew how being a warrior himself he went out to war risking his life every time, he wanted to come to a stop and maybe it’ll buy him time with the innocent child he now took care of.
He met up with Y/n at the same time they always do everyday. “When your older and want to become a warrior like you said you were going to…your gonna need to know how to protect yourself.” Y/n giggled and said “I know how to shoot arrows already!” Rey’akana smiled at the excited girl in front of him “more like shooting a gun Y/n…it’ll just be a one time thing for now, it’s just to get you used to it ok? Then when your older you will handle it on your own.” Y/n shares a nervous look as he hands her the gun. “…it’s heavyyyy.” Y/n says. Rey’akana then gives her tips and shows her how the gun should be handled. Their couple of practice shots came to an end as Rey’akana said she should be good enough to try again in a couple years, this was just to get her comfortable and not scared of the gun. “How do you feel about the gun?” Y/n looks down at her hands taking in her next words “…well my hands hurt and my ears have noise in them like eeeeeeeee” He laughed as they went about their conversation agreeing to meet each other tomorrow like normal.
However the next day Y/n rushed to him as soon as he about to leave the healing aid area “Rey’akana! I got invited to play with the girls over there! Is it ok if we skip training today?” Says the girl with the most widest smile ever “Of course Y/n anytime.” He watched as the little girl ran away and the Tsahik smiled at the scene, finally seeing a smile on her granddaughter’s face.
An hour later from seeing Y/n he hears girls laughing while hearing Y/n say “it’s not that bad! My mom just doesn’t have time to do my hair…” One girl laughs and says “So why is Kiri’s hair always done? Ha maybe she just doesn’t want to do your hair because of how messy it is!” Y/n shakes her head and walks away immediately jumping at the sight of Rey’akana “oh, what are you doing here? Do we have time to train? Can we?” Rey’akana agrees especially after witnessing what he just saw. Maybe he can help you?
20 minutes of training goes by and Rey’akana can’t shake the feeling that you were being made fun of, for the hair your mom let go on too long despite you asking for help. “Let’s take a break yea?” Y/n looks up unsure but still agrees “so your probably not gonna like this” y/n gives a saddened look “oh no, what happened?” Rey’akana is quick to reply with “Nothing, we have to talk about your hair. I heard what the girls said to you.” Y/n gave a mad look as she said “that’s not nice! Are you saying it’s messy and ugly too..?” Rey’akana returns a saddened smile and says “no-“ y/n cuts this off by saying “cause it is…kinda” he looks at her worryingly “I could do it for you so they don’t upset you anymore” y/n gives a sigh but agrees although Y/n suggests they get flowers and beads to add onto the hair and he complies. As they are searching for the perfect flower, Rey’akana reaches towards a pretty neon flower that glows until Y/n puts him to a stop “Wait Rey’akana! Don’t touch that one! It makes you have this weird reaction and it’s gross!” Rey’akana looks up amused at the child “…Did you touch it?” Y/n looks down with an ashamed face “…i don’t know” they’re search comes to a stop since they got enough materials for the hair. Settling down to start y/s hair.
A worried y/n manages to ask the question that’s on her mind “…do you know how to do this?” He considers it, I mean he has had his own mother do his hair many times, and he watched her do it to his sisters “How hard could it be?” Y/n looks down while shaking her head “I’m gonna look like an animal.” He laughs and says “shush child you’ll be just fine.” Time passed and Y/n loved her hair she jumped around with the biggest smile “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your the best Rey’akana!” They share a hug and Rey’akana drops her off home telling her she’ll still be able to meet him after he goes to battle. “Ok! Then you can tell me all the things that happened it’d be cool to learn from what you saw others do! Good night Rey’akana!”
The next day come and the war party was returning back and this time Y/n waited for Rey’akana instead of meeting them at their training area. The injured were taken to the healing tent but Y/n hadn’t seen them since she turned around to pick up the new necklace and beads she was ready to show Rey’akana as her gift to him. She turned back as the people emptied out but no Rey’akana..? Where was he? So she asked around “have you seen Rey’akana? Do you know where he is?” That was until she got to Rey’akana partner that he works with and she smiled and said “you must know where Rey’akana is! Can you tell me?” The man looks down giving her a saddened look, knowing Rey’akana took great care of the girl that he now knows an entire backstory of because that’s all Rey’akana ever talked about now. “He’s in the healing aid tent kiddo, you shouldn’t go” Y/n smile quickly falls as she ran into the healing area frantically searching, quickly passing all tables until she saw her grandmother who had agreed to stay with Rey’akana who’s shot in the chest trying to hold onto his life, as there is nothing she can do anymore.
“Rey’akana! No, no please. I need you.” The little girl comes close holding onto his hand. “You’re strong Y/n ,you can do anything. Your gonna see bad stuff but it’s ok.” She gets teary eyes scared that he’s parting away so soon “M-my parents it’s so horrible” he replies with “oh I can just imagine sunshine.” Sadness in his voice. “…a-and now you. Please. Please don’t leave me . Please don’t go.” His heart breaks as he holds her hand trying to get the strength to talk to her during his last moments “Keep practicing sunshine, I need you to enjoy your life ok? Don’t let anyone push you around. I’ll always be there with you. I’ll watch you at the same time everyday while you train. I’ll be there every step of the way while you become the great warrior you were always meant to be, the role you’ve been working so hard for. I need you to live Y/n. I need you to that for me Y/n that’s your job now. Oel ngati kameie, sunshine. You made a great impact on me.” He said that before the lights went out and Y/n’s life flashed seeing the adult who took care of here for a good couple of months and kept her safe, slip away in her hands. There it was the most painful cries and no one even knew why the once happy curious girl stopped coming around. Only the soldiers who had paid her mind because of all the great words Rey’akana had spoken of her. The sweet child who had all the strength and determination to keep going. Her eyes, were once innocent.
This is not the finally part of this series this is just the beginning! 💓 hope you enjoyed sweet moments of young Y/n!
Tag list: @noodlesfics @eywas-heir @itshype
@zatarias-pandora @yeosxxx @arminsgfloll
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