#and i just hear emma vigeland echoing in my head because someone called her on this spineless bullshit. calls her on kamala being no
dogsplayingpoker · 20 days
someohow even after all this time it feels like people are still managing to come out of the woodwork day and night to reveal that they don't give half a shit about human life, justice, mercy, dignity, equality....kidnlt old men i follow on fucking youtube will unmask themselves as violent racists who want palestinian children dead. my family is either to cowardly and self-absorbed to be informed about anything or they're slobbering for an easy answer so they can go back to tuning things out and pretending everything is or ever was fine. even my mom wants to desperately cling to kamala being Somehow Different. even supposedly/historically left media is just trying to fucking manifest it. we promise she's different guys we promise based on nothing because we want her to be different and in that we're revealing that our best case scenario is for a liberal one step left of center will say genocide is bad and then go back to imperial business as usual and we can all go back to playing american econimic socialist because i guess all of our morals and everything we stood for was just play pretend the entire fucking time.
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