#and i havent watched ang bew shows and my attentjon span can just go out turbwindow at times like that
queenofthefaces · 6 years
For psyche we had to do a project abt our development and shit, so for one: I was the CUTEST baby
And 2 I was such a DIFFERENT kid oof,,,,,jus hearing what my mom had to say abt how o acted and shit? Comparing myself andmy development to other kids?
When I was 3 months old I wanted to be mostly left alone and I didn’t like to be held and that’s like a defining part of Me, I need my silence and solitude
I was fluently reading and writing and talking in complete sentences by two—I was correcting grammar by TWO. And I had a logical reason for EVERYTHING I did. My mom had to COMPROMISE with me when she punished me bc I wouldn’t be satisfied until I felt I was being treated fairly, and I wouldn’t listen unless I knew WHY I had to act a certain way
Teachers talked to me like they’d talk to adults, not in topic but in tone
We had silent lunch tables which were desks far away from the other kids where you’d go if you were disrupting other kids and I ASKED to go there bc I wanted to not be bothered while I ate and I wanted the silence
I was a loner bc I liked being on my own with my books and my thoughts and it was hard for me to find kids who were, as my mom put it “on my level” bc I couldn’t really talk to them all the time
I was and still am honest to a fault; I rarely ever lied bc I didn’t see the point of it, and I valued the truth above all else. If I thought something was true I was going to say it. I was overly BLUNT and at times I hurt people bc I said smth that was cruel or hurtful but I didn’t MEAN it to be, I just thought it was saying something true and that ppl needed to know the truth. I didn’t get why they were hurt
I can still to this day be harshly oblivious and struggle w reading between the lines when it comes to, like, household chores. If you tell me to do smth I’ll do it, but you can’t just expect me to do it if I haven’t been assigned the task bc I assume if I wasn’t told to do it that someone else will do it?? Or t just won’t cross my mind a lot of the time??
Or if my brain catches smth I think is illogical it will cling to that and I’ll repeat it until it’s acknowledged bc it will stick with me, and sometimes social politeness goes completely over my head—ESPECIALLY when people offer to do smth for me. Why offer if you don’t actually want to do it??? Don’t expect me to lie and say I DOKT want a sandwich
I stim a lot, I fidget and rock and rub my hands and chew things sometimes, I have anxiety that comes up mainly around needles and unfamiliar social situations and conflict
I go through phases where I’m extremely invested in smth I like and if you go through my blog you can easily see where my phases start and stopbased on just how much content I reblog and at the frequency. I talk too much about things I’m passionate about and can go on and on for hours. Sometimes I talk too much and I’m insecure about that but I just love to talk
My mom’s brother likely has undiagnosed something. My mom grew up with him, learned his mannerisms, learned that they’re just a part of who he is, and then she had me, and knew how to deal with me a lot in part because of her experience with him, then she started working with the special ed program at the elementary school
My mom told me, if she ever bothered to get me checked as a kid, they probably would’ve diagnosed me with something too
Sometimes that just sticks with me.
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