#and i had bought some meat and stuff i was excited about 😭😭
steinbit · 4 months
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binca21 · 2 years
This post contains lots of GÃ¥smamman ep2 season 6 spoilers!!
Do not read if you don’t want the spoilers!
Final warning!
Okay! So a recap with feelings, here we go:
Starts with Sonja in prison. Protocal stuff for arresting a person. Then the recap of the previous episode comes. Sonja is locked up. Linus with a shockblanket😭 Nina comes to get him and he is crying. Zac is being a bitch about being moved to a safehouse. Someone is watching Sonja at the prison? Gustav decking a douchebag at the policehouse. I love it. Tove and Gustav fight at the safehouse. She is reasonable tho. Nina is being a good sister to Linus. Sad Linus breaks my heart. Emil refuses to tell Sonja how Linus is. Vera is doing her Ecovera shit and criminal things. Tony told her Sonja is arrested. Lukas and Sonjas lawyer have a talk. Tonys sister is probably the person who spyed on Sonja in prison. Barry and Winston😭 Winston doesn’t want the apartment Barry is fixing for him. Tonys sister attacked a guy in a gym for posting shit about Ecovera? She fucking killed him!!! Wtf. Vera and Gerafi is talking about how the marked is safe with Sonja behind bars. Sonja is working out in a prison. She is scared of the food in case someone is trying to kill her. The prison guards are bitches. Safehouse, Zac is paranoid about leaving everything. Barry buys a kebab and calls Lukas. Lukas asks Barry to help him free Sonja. Lukas buys random pills from a woman. Alarm is set off in the prison. The prison guard picks up Sonja from her cell. Sonja is put in chains. She is back in her cell. Sonjas lawyer tells Sonja to take the shady pills Lukas bought. THE BITCH is back! The woman who wanted to take her down in previous Seasons! (Don’t recall her name). Sonja is checked from head to toe. Lukas and Barry are dressed as ambulance workers. The pills Sonja has been given will put her shock and unconcious and possible heartstop. Tony’s sister is attacking Sonja in the shower! The prisonguard is corrupt!! She put the pill in Tonys sister. Barry and Lukas takes the sister in the ambulance. They suck at faking ambulance workers haha i love it. Sonja is blaming Emil for the murderattempt as she should! The bitch us back! Sonja is allowed to stay in the safehouse. Barry my beloved, you are not convincing at all. Lukas and Barry ditch the ambulance and run. Linus and Nina 😭. Barry is eating more kebab? And robbing the kebab guy… Linus and Nina are eating. Tove is excited about meating Sonja? Emil is telling Sonja about how he had to tell her kids about her "death". They found a policetracker on the car that was supposed to drive Sonja to the safehouse. Sonja is running away. Tony called Vera and tells her everything went south with his sister and that she is in the hospital and Sonja escaped. Veras model for Ecovera quits. Familytime in the safehouse? Emil tells the family Sonja escaped. Emil takes the family away from the safehouse now. OMG EMIL HID SONJA IN HIS CAR AND FAKED HER RUNAWAY!! WTF
okay so, this episode didn’t really do much? I’m sure Emil is taking everyone to The majors house after making a deal with Sonja. I think Emil finally realized what big shit Sonja is in. Linus really didn’t get to grieve Tanja and the siblingstuff I wanted wasn’t really present except some Nina&Linus scenes. Hopefully more will happen next episode
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sternbilder · 3 years
ok I have about a million cardboard boxes sitting in my apartment right now that I need to take out as soon as I regain the willpower but I am reflecting on my week and phew I am exhausted but in a good way?? I've been doing so much recently???
I've been on a decorating/organizing kick since my desk project and my bedroom and and bathroom are starting to look so nice and clean now 😭 I'm still waiting for some stuff to arrive but I got new bedding for the first time in 3 years and I'm so excited for how good they're gonna look!!!
I realized I accidentally planned all vegetarian meals for my last grocery run so decided to just stick with the theme and not eat meat at all this week! so far I found that overnight oats are kind of overrated, but this veggie burger recipe I found is 💯💯💯 and I'm still thinking about her (the leftovers I had like an hour ago)
not to keep bragging about the food I made but I did bake a basque-style sweet potato cheesecake and it was incredibly delicious even though I brought it into work and none of my coworkers ate any
I've been exploring local cafes and restaurants more recently by just walking around and using the light rail (which has a stop about a 15 minute walk from my apartment) bc lyft has gotten intolerably expensive, and I've been finding some real gems while also getting a lot of good exercise!
to make this more efficient though I bought myself a scooter (one of those manual ones, not electric—bc they're cheaper and don't have as restrictive of traffic laws) and I just took it for a spin for the first time today and while I did feel like a little bit of a dork it was also fun and a surprisingly good workout??? but most importantly about twice as fast as walking, which rules
with RTO likely happening sometime next year I've been thinking about the commute and it turns out that there's a light rail stop literally right next to my new office building so I might actually start making a routine of this, which is pretty nice bc it's only $2.50 one way (even without the subsidy I get from my work) and under 30 minutes door-to-door if I take the scooter
ETA: actually I think if I'm reading this correctly my work might actually pay for my public transit commute expenses in full??? It looks like I need to jump through some hoops for tax purposes but EYES EMOJI
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