#and i forgot he knows the best balance for a stort
acutecoral · 11 months
No like because hehehehehehe
I loveeee this so much like, Bad is ultimately the biggest softy on the island.
He's much ancient than he lets on and many have mentioned about how much that experience with time sort of fudges with your perception and your willingness to connect with other people because what's the point when by the time you've blinked they're just gone?
Because for someone that cares so much, that cares so deeply, losing people over and over again hurts. It's best to be careful with what you give others, who you make connections with, how much you can admit to yourself you care.
And someway, for some reason, he ended up saddled with a kid that knew only survival and blood and violence, and took him in and taught him as much as he could. Watched over him when he was able, before time separated them.
And again, with the Eggs, with his friends on the island, he's attached once more. Everything he's ever done is for them. That was his grounding point. He nearly lost himself but found his footing again.
And now he sees Cellbit spiralling, following that path, echoing the same self-destruction. And Bad knows his heart. Bad knows that the child he met in those games and the man he met on the island after all these years had grown and healed so much. That even if he wasn't able to keep an eye of him afterwards, somehow he turned out alright despite everything.
But now those old wounds have reopened, and Cellbit is bleeding and he'll let himself keep bleeding if that's what it takes to win his crusade. Even if he'll end up being the empty shell of a man at the end of it, drowning in a pool of blood.
And Bad refuses that.
I am so excited what he plans next.
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