#and i dont want kids who like to read to get their flames extinguished by books that are deemed as incredible pieces of literature
brainrot-hq · 2 years
Don't get me wrong classic lit is increbily important and all but why is all of it boring as shit. Like everything we were assigned to read in class was either incomprehensible, boring, of like super fucking racist. Like I understand yes classics should be taught but can we PLEASW add some new books to the curriculum that aren't just word vomit trying to sound smart
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Zukka Soulmate AU part 12
Traveling on foot was definitely... not fun, but hey, what are you gonna do right? Definitely not avoid the guy you just confessed your undying but also irritating love to. Totally not. Sokka was only at the front because he had the map and is the only one that knows how to read it is all.
"I think we should stop here and camp for the night, its got a good bit of water so we can refill the canteens and you two can practice waterbending" Sokka said with a sigh while he rolled up his map and took a stance in front of the small oasis sort of looking place he picked.
Lily grinned "so what you're saying is I finally get to see waterbending other than water out of the canteen to drink?"
Katara and Aang gave confused looks "yeah? Didn't know you wanted to.."
"Well, with an earthbending boyfriend and a firebending boyfriend while living nowhere near any waterbenders you can guess that I've never seen anybody bend water so I am DYING to see you guys bend some water"
"Me to" Kurt raised his hand
"Yeah, me three" Tarren said with a smirk.
The two waterbenders only gave awkward chuckles before everyone started to settle into their spots, Sokka ontop of a rock, iroh and Jee under one of the trees with a small fire going and some tea over it, ginger as requested by Lily. Lily Tarren and Kurt all watched Aang and Katara bend water between the two of them, the two earthkingdom kids mesmerized by the gentle movements of the water just before Kurt joined the pair in the water.
"What are you doing?" Katara asked with a raised brow without stopping the waterbending.
"Joining" was all Kurt offered before he lit a small flame and started bending in the same forms as Aang and Katara, the flames seeming to mirror the image of the water but with heat and less liquid control. "I learned my bending from water scrolls" he said with a smile.
"I... didnt know it was possible to learn one bending from another kinds form..." Katara said with a clearly interested tone
"Its all I've ever known," kurt shurgged while bending the fire "you could bend wTer similarly to fire if you were more on the aggressive offense, more like earth if you were aggressive defense, more like air if you were more like a breeze, light and free." Kurt extinguished hus flame "I've only ever studied water scrolls and earth scrolls for bending but reading what little Ive found on air nomad culture and bending and seeing Aang in action I might be able to pick up a bit of the style"
"Wow! Your Sokka but with firebending!" Toph chimed in.
"He's... what?" Sokka turned to Toph with a confused look
"You.. you know the nonbending style of each nation and kurt knows the firebending style of each nation" Toph said with a shrug
"No wonder I trusted him" Sokka gave Kurt a thumbs up
Zuko who was filling canteens during this entire conversation and just finished tossed the last one onto the pile of their belongings loudly before storming off with a shout. He knew that comment shouldn't have gotten to him, Sokka was just making light of the situation but with all that had went down over the past week Zuko was drained and didn't have the energy to try and decode Sokka. He wouldn't have to decode him if Sokka would just talk to him like a normal person. But no. Its, be standoffish, be gentle, be harsh, confess, and then avoid.
He normally didn't want to talk to people so it pissed him off to no end how much he wanted to talk to Sokka even though Sokka wanted nothing to do with him. He was lost in his heas long enough he came to a small Boulder by a tree and plopped his brooding self on said boulder to rest against the tree. A badgerfrog hopped out infront of him and croaked "Why can't I just express normally" Zuko groaned out "not like he does, but hey, one of us should right?" He got a short croak in return "I mean, hes better at talking to people than I am! And he knows that! Everyone does! I suck at... socializing in general..." Zuko shrugged but once again got a short croak in return "wellz yeah, I was raised in a palace but my dad never wanted me to take the throne so I wasn't really taught how to... act around people? If that makes sense"
"Yeah it makes sense"
"Really? I us- wait a second" Zuko turned to see Sokka standing there with a smirk, to which he yelped and fell off the boulder with a thud and an "ouch you jerk!"
Sokka let out a giddy laugh while helping Zuko to his feet "sorry, sorry, I just... usually its me being walked in on like this."
"You... talk to animals to solve your problems?"
"No goofy, I talk to Yue" Sokka gave a grin
"Yue? You mean the northern princess?" Zuko narrowed his eyes with confusion
"Yeah! Except she's the moon now so I talk to the moon... I doubt she can actually hear me but I know she's there, yknow, when she was little she had a burning on her left eye just like you and me but the spirit water was able to heal her and prevent the scar from ever showing up"
"Wait, are you saying Yue was supposed to be our soulmate? But she... turned into the moon?" Sokka only laughed in response "Sokka I'm serious! What do you mean she turned into the moon"
"Oh, right you weren't there for all of it. Well, the moon spirit gave Yue life when she was born si after Zhao killed the fish she... gave it back" Sokka looked down "I had to watch her turn into the moon spirit and disappear"
Zuko blinked once, twice, and thrice before responding "thats rough buddy"
"Yeah, well, at least I have you right?" Sokka grabbed Zuko's collar "say, why did you run off, you were saying something to toady over there, but I wanna hear it"
"I was jealous" Zuko said plainly which caught Sokka off guard
"You trusting Kurt so easily"
"Oh... wait you want me to trust you? Thats all? You're being broody because you want me to trust you? Zuko I already do trust you"
"Hey! I am not broody!"
Sokka pulled Zuko in for a quick kiss "yes... you are, but its okay, your cute when you brood. Now lets get back to camp Lily said she was going to make dinner and I dont know about you but I'm starving"
Zuko didnt get the option to choose he was instead lifted up and hoisted over Sokka's shoulder "hey! Put me down! I can walk just fine"
"Sure you can, but were you actually going to follow me back to camp?"
Zuko stayed quiet for a bit before mumbling "no..."
The walk back was quiet and short but he was, instead of being set down, thrown down but the fall was gentle because Aang managed to bend some air for him. "Jerk"
"Yeah, but I'm cute and you forgive me right?" Sokka made puppydig eyes and Zuko couldnt help but laugh at him
"Yeah, sure, whatever you say oh cute one"
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