#and i dont think im as triggered anymore. we are moving forward. yippee
kkoct-ik · 4 months
honestly appreciate you talking about DID stuff so much, even tho the misinformation and mistreatment is still frustrating and hurtful it’s nice to know someone else also cares AND is willing to say something about it where i usually feel too nervous or incoherent to share my thoughts . its like both offline and online spaces make us feel alienated and mistreated but online spaces are so Positive and Well Meaning about how weirdly and inhumanly they treat us so it’s even harder to speak up lmao. anyways yeah agree so much with everything you’ve posted hope ur feeling better 🫂 much love
i wuv you and YEAH! its so difficult when its people who genuinely mean the best in the world but have been fed so much false information and guidance that they treat us like a different species
i hate the mysticism of DID and i love breaking it down into simple words without metaphors so people can actually understand whats going on and then realise that this really isnt as complicated or unique as the internet led them to believe. ill be part of that movement if need be. even if im a very traumatised creature. im verbose and nobody can stop me
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