#and i dont have a car i cant look after your bunnies/cats i have 3? dogs to take care of
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scullbagsandspoopy · 1 year ago
Man last year I didn't have shit around the holidays and now suddenly everyone and their MOM wants me to petsit
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alicedoessurveys · 5 months ago
35 Get to Know Me Questions
What is your nickname?
When is your birthday?
11th June
What was your longest relationship?
a few months. ive never had a proper full on boyfriend. im asexual so as soon as they start wanting that im like ick
What is your favourite book?
i have a few; The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackesy. The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. The Heartstopper Series. Many more but i cant list them all
What is something you're insecure about?
myself. just pretty much everything about myself.
5 Male celebrity crushes:
Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac, David Thewliss, Taika Waititi, Ethan Hawke
5 Female celebrity crushes:
Kate McKinnon, specifically in Ghostbusters... i cant think of any others that i class as crushes
What is your dream job?
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
standing centre stage in front of a theatre full of people and acting my ass off after being told id never be able to because of my anxiety
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
ive perfomed on stage with Take That
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
highs; rehearsing for the show im in at the moment, getting my hair done, spending time with family, dnd with friends, seeing Jonas Brothers live, my mom getting the all clear from cancer!
lows; multiple anxiety attacks, finding out im going to be homeless in the new year
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
How do you de-stress?
Play sims. Have a bath. Have a nap. Cuddle my bunny.
What are your favourite apps besides tumblr?
Describe yourself in one sentence.
a bit weird, a bit awkward, but a nice person
What do you think makes you attractive?
my hair
What is something you're really good at?
What is something you're really bad at?
A time that you told a lie.
i honestly cant remember
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
in 2016 Mozart sold more CDs than Beyonce
Who knows you the best?
my cousin
What is your most prized possession?
a funko pop figure of my best friend rhys who died last year
What is your longest friendship?
rhys, we were friends since we were 3 and he was 28 when he died
When did you first feel like an adult?
probably driving a car on my own for the first time after passing my test
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
i dont play sports but i do dance and im looking at maybe joining a netball team in the new year
How are you feeling right now?
a bit anxious, health anxiety is kicking my butt
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owl
Do you believe in love at first sight?
for me personally no, i think i need to get to know someone well first
Favourite song lyrics right now?
"Maybe it's okay, if I'm not okay, cause the one who holds the world is holding on to me. Maybe it's alright, if I'm not alright, cause the one who holds the stars is holding my whole life."
What does self care look like for you?
allowing myself to have a lazy day. sitting on the sofa all day, watching films, playing video games, not doing housework
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
the singer whose songs i relate to the most is Cat Burns
What makes you nervous?
like, everything 🤣
What’s a pet peeve you have?
people being unkind
What will always make you cry?
so much, especially since my bestie died. im an emotional wreck.
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
im usually pretty shy and quiet at first so most people see me like that
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shameboree · 3 years ago
Could you tell us more about your bad vives AU? I love your art btw <3
okay id like to preface with a lot of it is VIBES which means if smth doesnt make sense i need everyone to suspend the FUCK out of their disbelief dont question me we are here for a GOOD TIME and a GOOD TIME ONLY. here are some bullet points largely summing up things ive already drawn!!!! pls note my fav kind of Time Stuff is bullshit miserable groundhog day style time loops
-chat blanc gets the bunny miraculous we dont ask questions about this
-he SLINKS ARND IN THE SHADOWS of paris for a while and it builds up marinettes paranoia bc shes TOTALLY 100% SEEN CHAT NOIR and knows that absolutely he isnt akumatized so she gaslights herself into thinking she hasnt caught random glimpses of chat blanc BUT ALSO spirals into a state of FULL BLOWN constant fight or flight response and wont sleep so that shes not vulnerable
-blah blah chat blanc drops in on her while adrien is arnd entirely bc i really wanted to draw that thing of adrien doing the Mom Arm when the car stops too fast bc this whole sitch is just a violent messy WRECK. anyway chat blancs whole attitude is like hewwo my love <:3c im here to give us a super romantic ending <:3c and marinettes response to everything is just like. okay cool, i am going to puke now!! meanwhile adriens just like what the FUCK is happening here
-anyway. more cat n mouse games. ANYWAY. at some point its lb vs cb but chat blanc is just having a great week and WINNING so gets her earrings or smth who cares and successfully romeo and juliets himself n marinette yandere style. a VERY ROMANTIC ENDING bc nothing was ever gonna fix things OBVI so ofc they have to just die in each others arms 💖
-YES adrien experiences massive manpain NO i dont care anyones opinion on it bc i love to see the kids cry. OBVI he is catastropically devastated and NO there is no identity reveal hes just deeply and viciously torn tf UP over marinette getting dead and also feeling completely helpless AND ALSO ALSO like hes the one to blame <:3
-everyone is so catatonic in the wake of No More Marinette that even adrien doesnt notice ladybug hasnt been arnd since
-idk. timeloop shit. adriens stuck in a cycle of the night before (V HARD TO GET A HEAD START IN SUCH A SHORT TIMEFRAME!!) day of, n day after (so no matter what he always has to reexperience the aftermath hehe). i am actually not a huge fan of when longer timespan loops get past mid teens (ESP when it gets to TRIPLE DIGITS???!) bc it feels like it cheapens the experience and also acute stress is sexier than chronic SO ANYWAY. eventually he will obviously succeed in brking the loop and keeping marinette frm dying. good for him.
-every loop is a little different bc every loop marinette CANT PUT HER FINGER ON IT but she knows something is Not Right, which chat blanc is ALSO feelin, so every time they react or do smth diff which means adrien is constantly having to deal w CHANGING VARIABLES !! hes having a bad time. marinette is having a bad time. chat blanc is having a very good time
-final actual confrontation or whatever is pure marichat (DOUBLETEAM. MARI IS AN ACTIVE PARTICIPANT EVEN AS A CIVILIAN. YOU GO BABY!!). ive only drawn adrinette moment but the whole thing is very marichat bc im PREDICTABLE!! anyway no lb bc marinette freaks out cb is gonna take her earrings or cataclysm them so she just straight up swallows em. good job baby.
-THE END BABY!! epilogue reveal EVENTUALLY but for quite some time after they are both quietly carrying the weight of their secret traumas alone w neither of them having a full picture of the situation but not knowing it. what a good time :)
i think this looks v adrien focused but they are all having their separate little stories here and its largely marinette feeling isolated and small for all her mistakes, and chat blanc feels like the worst possible one she has or could ever make so she cant consider asking anyone, let alone CHAT NOIR HIMSELF!! to help her, which just makes everything 100000x harder. by the end of the STORY PROPER she accepts she can trust herself in chat noirs hands but shes still too scared to put her full weight on him bc she doesnt wanna FUCK UP. meanwhile adrien wont say shit to her abt it bc he doesnt wanna burden her w his SECRETS also hes drownin in guilt. also eventual identity reveal changes nothing for him in terms of grief bc he already felt like he died every time marinette did except worse bc he had to just keep living anyway :) but now also hes afraid of an identity reveal for probably obvious reasons. and then beloved CHAT BLANC man of the HOUR switched gears frm wanting to Fix things to wanting to destroy things bc hes a fucking yandere wifeguy OKAY. he knows he is forever RUINED for love of marinette and since he cant have her future is instead entirely focused on making sure he has all of her end <:3c
dw the kids are gonna be OKAY. they are insane and the power of LOVE will help pull them thru, theyre just going to be incredibly clingy for the rest of their LIVES
i love to draw very cutesy w soft and warm palettes and then have the Content be batshit miserable badtimes. i also like to draw a lot of goofy moments btwn and during the Traumas bc i love to be a dumbass
THIS ENDED UP SO LONG SORRY EVERYONE!!! please enjoy my unhinged misery porn 😊💖
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deeeelightfuldee · 4 years ago
surveys 057.
what was the last thing you ate? a piece of chocolate do you have a cat? two.
what's the last book you checked out from the library? I was just thinking about how long its been since Ive done this.
got any fun plans for the weekend? well I’m traveling so does that count?
do you have a twitter? I do not
if so, what was the last thing you tweeted? ----
who was the last person you talked to on the phone? probably mom or mario
has it snowed recently where you live? not recently, no. its been a few months
what gift would you love to receive? someone telling me that this whole thing with kile was just a bad dream and surprise, I have my life back. ..... or a golden retriever puppy.
who are your top 3 actresses? oof. i dont know
how do you feel about elephants? I like ‘em.
what's the last thing you cooked on the stove? veggies
have you ever been to Australia? No.
what color is the cover of the last notebook you used? no idea
last time you saw your best friend, what did you do? went  out for my bday :)
who was the last person you know to have a birthday? henry’s :) hes 8!
what's a musical instrument you think sounds really beautiful? Piano, cello, drums
do you play that instrument? I frgn wish
do you consider yourself religious? faith.
how many times a day do you brush your teeth? 2 hopefully more.
do you always use proper grammar? ALWAYS ? no. most of the time? Yes.
what's the last play/musical you saw? uhhh shoot i cant recall. I went with sam but I can’t think of the name.
who sent the last e-mail you got? zillow. reminding me of places i was viewing for kile.
where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now? tjmaxx
should you be doing something else right now? sleeping.
do you know any sign language? Oh yes
what song is currently stuck in your head? I can make your hands clap -.-
do you have a favorite shape? uh nope.
what color are the sheets on your bed? The ones back home are teeny tiny florals with black and white colors. here, its some floral set up.
do you have a string of lights in your room? Yep
what shoes did you wear today? my comfy adidas. helps my arch
how do you feel about bookstores? I lovelovelove them
when was the last time you saw a squirrel? like every day
did you do anything to observe groundhog day? No. For a long time I used to watch groundhog day on groundhog day but I’ve lost the desire for that habit. 
what time do you usually go to bed? I sleep for about 1.5 hours total and it’s getting old. but usually I fall asleep around like 3ish
do you ever use coloring books? I love to color
how do you feel about instrumental music? I like it. Especially if its like classical are you wearing a necklace? If so, describe it. I have two on. one is like a thick gold chain and the other one is a dainty gold chain, longer, has some detail to it and a round gold disc pendant.
does it annoy you when you have a song stuck in your head but you don't remember the words? I am notorious for remembering words to songs.
when was the last time you got a haircut? yikes.. like 6 years ago
are you planning on watching the olympics? I am watching it but HARDLY at all compared to my normal watching. ugh. 
do you pronounce the word often with or without a t in the middle? With.
what's the last thing you received in the mail? makeup
have you ever been on a trapeze? No.
do you know how to use chopsticks? No. I keep trying though
what's your opinion on the oxford comma? I use it and am in full support of it.
do you buy chocolate after valentine's day when it goes on sale? heck yea
what's a song you like that starts with the first letter of your name? dangerous
speaking of that, what is your name? Diana
have you ever locked your keys in the car? yep. only 2x in all the years Ive been driving.
do you know anyone who celebrates Hanukkah? Yeah.
who is someone you aspire to be like? a better version of myself.
do you think bunnies are cute? Yeah.
do you have a preferred brand of toothpaste? not yet.
do you enjoy popping bubble wrap? sometimes. other times I’m just like eh the loud pops...
are there any waterfalls near where you live? not super close by
do you own a denim jacket? Yes.
when was the last time you went to the beach? uhhh like a month ago.
do you like seafood? Nooo.
have you ever had to wear a uniform for anything? if so, what did it look like? work. awana. leader. 
how do you feel about birds? I like them
do you personally know anyone who is an author? yes. an ex boyfriend of mine
do you own a polaroid camera? No but I would like to! if only the film werent so expensive
do you enjoy baking? I LOVE it.
what's your favorite type of flower? peonies
last time (if ever) you were on an airplane, where were you going? to where I am now on my vacation
do you know anyone who is left-handed? goodness.. a lot of people.
what is something you think is underrated? stretching
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fystarlust · 8 years ago
all the ask me stuff questions 💕
1.) what’s a song you depict with your childhood?the 'bang on the door' song if there is one, my room was c o v e r e d
2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet?yes, my bunny and my first dog
3.) have you ever been drunk?a little bit
4.) have you ever tried drugs?no
5.) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said?yes i say things i dont mean n regret when im upset, angry, or hurt, bc i feel emotions v deeply n lash out, which is smth i dont like about myself
6.) have you ever made someone cry?yes
7.) has someone ever made you cry?yes
8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it. yes, i knew bc i thought about her so so much, always wanted to talk to her, she'd be the only thing getting me through the day n being with her i always wanted it to be like, more
9.) which came first the chicken or the egg?well idk bc apparently some dino's evolved to lay chicken eggs but then apparently some dino's evolved into actual chickens so ?¿
10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them?i havent labelled myself or my sexuality but i think im part of it?? regardless i support them v much and always will
11.) how many siblings do you have?1, i want more tho
12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love?well at first i thought i couldnt love my best friend bc it just wouldnt happen realistically but here we are
13.) are you a good cook?i cook the best crispy bacon so, im decent
14.) what is your favorite tv show?the walking dead
15.) what is the last movie you cried during?oh god uhh i cant remember, i typically avoid sad films
16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)small bump by ed sheeran
17.) do you have a middle name?yes, rachel
18.) have you been out of your country?yes!
19.) are you a chocolate fan or not?yes
20.) how many people have you kissed?im not counting primary bc i was a fetus so, 2
21.) what is your favorite album?i really like the most beautiful moment in life: young forever by bts
22.) what is your dream car?i want an audi but realistically anything cute n reliable
23.) what is your lucky/favorite number?i dont have one im too indecisive to choose
24.) what is your favorite flower?roses!
25.) books or movies, why?movies, i struggle with reading consistently
26.) have you ever been on a blind date?nope
27.) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you?yes
28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends?probably a few years ago bc i was quite a biatch sometimes
29.) what thing do you symbolise love with?i might be misunderstanding this question but i symbolise love with happiness, trust, communication, loyalty etc
30.) do you have neat handwriting? yes 💅🏻
31.) do you have a friend with benefits?no
32.) do you want a friend with benefits?no
33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be?a dragon
34.) have you ever been blackout drunk?no
35.) have you ever met someone famous?not personally
36.) how many concerts have you been to?6?
37.) which concerts have you been to?5sos and 1d
38.) do you have a hidden talent?i have a long tongue
39.) what do you do when you’re stressed?either shut down or go into extreme work mode
40.) do you think money can buy love?nope
41.) how old would you date?idk, not smth i think about
42.) have you ever done something illegal?probably but not like, prison time illegal
43.) what is your biggest fear?d e m o n s
44.) what is an unusual fear you have?getting bitten by rodents, honestly im more scared of being bitten by a hamster than i am of a horse but its not the pain its just the suspeNSE
45.) can you drive?not legally but yes
46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures?some of them
47.) do you believe in karma?yes
48.) what is one quality you need in your partner?honesty
49.) do looks matter?tbh looks matter to everyone a bit 
50.) does size matter?be more specific
51.) who is the last person you forgave?my brother like everyday for being an asshole
52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor?vanilla
53.) what languages can you speak besides english? none yet 💔
54.) ever been on a plane?yes
55.) ever been on a boat? yes
56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t? yes
57.) are there any friendships you regret?yes
58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make?probably?
59.) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours?yes
60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am?yes
61.) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through?i dont think so actually
62.) are you scared of rollercoasters? yes
63.) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually?7?
64.) do you have any plans this weekend?ride my horse
65.) do you miss anyone right now?my gf
66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now?the pet store person ready to get kubo
67.) if you could have any superpower, what would it be?flyyyyyying
68.) who is your favorite superhero?iron man, if he counts
69.) are you dirty minded?yes n it makes me uncomfortable but i cant help it
70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s?i dont knOw
71.) how many kids, if any, do you want?2-4
72.) who is your biggest OTP?sowon and eunha
73.) what is your favorite food?everything
74.) do you want to be married one day?yes
75.) dogs or cats?dogs
76.) do you drink enough water daily?no
77.) have you ever seen a shooting star?no
78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you?no
79.) how many best friends do you have?2 including my gf
80.) when was the last time you cried?almost this morning bc im v proud of jess
81.) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself?yes but just a trickle
82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed?yes but again just a trickle i think
83.) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go?Africa
84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself?STOP THISQUESTION
85.) do you consider yourself a loyal person?yes
86.) what is your favorite season and why?spring or summer bc i love sun
87.) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it?nope
88.) do you know how to play any instruments?piano but not well
89.) do like like falling asleep to music or not?not music but to noise yes
90.) what are you allergic to?nothing, apparently penicillin but its a mystery
91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what there life is like?yes but i cant think of an example, probably a celebrity
92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be?michone but id skip the whole getting with rick part
93.) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why?niall horan
94.) are you outgoing?no
95.) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to?yes before i was dating her, my gf
96.) are you a good flirt?no HAHAHHA
97.) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down?in primary lol savage
98.) which planet is your favorite?im not sure
99.) are you superstitious?yes
100.) are you a good listener? i think so
101.) are you a good kisserask jess ;)
102.) would you kiss any of your friends?noah fence guys but no
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elliotthezubat · 8 years ago
hotel investigations, guilds, and spider zombies
Customer #1: "Th-Thanks..." *looks afraid of Johannes's smile* metsu: *watches as they leave* Johannes: "See? My friendly smile got that purchase!" *then he holds up--* "And their wallets!" metsu: O_O Johannes: *looks through one* "Woo! This guy has some ugly kids--" -she returned their wallets and apologized for the doctor's behavior- Jeje: -_-;;; "How should we punish him?" metsu:..leave him up there for a few more minutes... Jeje: *nods* "I hope we tied the ropes well enough--" Johannes: ._.; "LET ME DOWN!" -elsewhere- Kid: *purr* stocking: *petting his head as he lays in her lap* Kid: "How was it?" stocking: welllll i dunno~ Kid: *mock-pouts* "Oh~? Something lacking?" stocking: *smoooch* hehe, how does it feel to be on the other end of the joke~? 7w7 Kid: "Hee hee...When it's you, I don't mind being on either end." stocking: *smirks and kisses him* Kid: *smooch, hugs her* "You're amazing..." *pats her side* -elsewhere- atsushi: TTwTT rip wallet... Kyoka: "...There is a crepe truck. I want a crepe." atsushi: ok... TTuTT Kyoka: *takes the crepe* "...You look scrawny." *holds up crepe to him* "Have a bite." atsushi: !!.... Q_Q *sad nom* Kyoka: "Not that much. You'll eat all of my crepe." atsushi: s-sorry....so...did you want to go anywhere else? Kyoka: *has been walking with him, and points to a building* "I want to go there." atsushi: ?...... !!!!! *It's a police station* atsushi: kyouka, if you go there, they'll- Kyoka: "I will be executed. If I return to the mafia, I am dead. So, I am here at the police station. My existence is a crime." atsushi: but you cant throw your life away like this! Kyoka: "I killed 35 people. Let me go." atsushi: but- ???: "There you are..." atsushi: ? *turns to see*.... !!!! *STAB* atsushi: !!!! *coughing blood* Kyoka: "?!!!" ???: " 'Executed'? Hardly...Because you accomplished our mission." Kyoka: "...Aku...tagawa..." Akutagawa: *stares at Atsushi* "Man-Tiger...You are mine." atsushi: *cough* Akutagawa: "She was the bait to draw you out, you beast. The tracker on her brought you where we needed you..." *A truck appears, its doors opening* atsushi: *passes out* Akutagawa: *clutches Kyoka's head* "Home..." -elsewhere- Yohei: *rocking Toru to sleep* toru: zzzz... chie: *smiles* he looks just like you. Yohei: *smiles* "He has your eyes...and smile..." chie: ^^ Yohei: *smiles at Chie* "You and I created this life..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- ox: *on the phone*....oh....i see...right...*hangs up*....*slams fist against the all* son of a BITCH!! Harvar: "?! Ox?" ox: *wipes eyes*....mom's getting worse... Harvar: "...I'm sorry...Did the doctor elaborate?" ox: she's becoming less responsive....*trying not to cry* Harvar: "..." *hand on his shoulder* ox: i dont know how long she can keep going...i just...wish i could make this easier on her... Harvar: "As any child would...You have to trust the doctors..." ox: im trying to...i really am.... Harvar: "...I think you should try to be with her..." ox: that's what i was thinking... -elsewhere- Yumi: *sipping tea* marie: this is nice. *smiles* Yumi: "Yes..It's good to see you looking well." marie: you as well. hard to believe christa's 2 already... Yumi: "They grow up faster than expected..." marie: i know...i wanna find a papa for her. Yumi: *small choke* "O- Oh? Um...M-M-Maybe focus on a father figure for her?" marie: yeah. someone who will take care of both us... Yumi: "..." *nods* "It is a challenge...Have you met men who already have children?" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "How's the newbie?" nemuri: he's adapting...sorta. Aizawa: "...Not the most encouraging verb. I suggest we help him 'adapt.'" *pulls out an airhorn* nemuri: O-O; Aizawa: *looks around for him* -elsewhere- Arthur: *yawn...* *turns over* -LOUD AIRHORN- Arthur: "AAAAAH!" *falls forward* shinra: X'D and that is how you wake the sleeping knight. Relan: *stifling a laugh* Arthur: "..." *slowly gets up, glaring...* shinra: and here is the part where we run. Relan: ._. *already running* Arthur: "GET BACK HERE!" *takes off after them* maki: never a dull moment, eh? Relan: "Nope!" Arthur: "ARG!" *leaps forward* -elsewhere- Kid: *sighs* stocking: u////u -early morning- atsushi: *regaining conscious* nnng....huh? where...am i? *He is in what looks like a metal crate* atsushi: *looks around*.....im not bound....*bump* *falls* ow!.... am i...moving? Kyoka: *in the front seat, clutching her rabbit doll...it has blood on it* atsushi: *looking around.* *The truck looks to have crates...some look opened* atsushi: *looks around at the crates* *One crate has blood...and claw marks* atsushi: O-O; *Another crate has a cell phone* atsushi: !!! *sends a texts to the ADA* Cell Phone: "..." <CHIRP> atsushi: hello? Kunikida: "WHERE ARE YOU?! WE DON'T PAY YOU OVER-TIME TO--" atsushi: i can explain! -atsushi explains the situation- Kunikida: "...Do you have the GPS turned on? What is your location?" atsushi: i dont know Q_Q but it's bumpy. Kunikida: "Obviously on the road." *pulls out a map* "At your present speed and the time, factoring in toll stops and red lights, you can be..." *circles around a radius* "...In a shit-ton of places." atsushi: TT~TT ....wait! we're stopping. *tries to look for a window* *Outside are mafiosos with guns* atsushi: O-O; *looks at a sign* -welcome to tombstone arizona!- Kunikida: "Brat! What do you see? Answer!" atsushi: we're in tombstone arizona. not sure for how long.... Mafioso: "I'm going inside to get a Big Gulp and take a whiz." Mafioso #2: "But then you'll need to take another whiz!" Mafioso #1: "...Anyone want anything inside?" atsushi: (thinking: think man, think!).... *notices claws*....ok, i hope what i've seen in comics is true... *tries cutting a hole into the side of the truck* *He's cutting a hole into the side...* atsushi: (thinking: success!) Kyoka: *in the front seat, glances at the side mirror...and spots Atsushi escaping* "!!!" atsushi: *trying to sneak up to her side, waving a bit* Kyoka: "..." *waves her bunny doll's paw back* atsushi: *looks around to make sure the coast is clear* *It is* atsushi: *sigh of relief and opens her side door* mafioso: i heard some guys were playing with a ouija board out here once. Kyoka: "You should not have done that. They will keep hunting you--" atsushi: *puts finger to lips to say 'shhh'* come on... Kyoka: "!!!" *shakes her head* "Let me die--" atsushi: im not going to do that. if you die, you wont be able to enjoy tofu anymore. Kyoka: "..." =\\\= "I suppose I am entitled to a last meal..." atsushi: *lifts her up and runs* Kyoka: "!!!" *clutching her doll* mafioso: yeah, and that's how mr mori got banned from stepping foot on the school grounds....hey, where did they go? Mafioso #1: *sipping on Big Gulp, then looks around* "...Oh, man. I'm glad I went first." mafioso 3: guys? we got a problem.... oh man, the boss is gonna kill us for this... Akutagawa: "Understatement." -elsewhere- atsushi: *checking phone GPS for a way back to death city* Kyoka: "...Why did you...?" atsushi: well...i didnt want you to throw your life away...*panting from heat* just...just cause you did something bad...doesnt make you a bad person...i dont think... and b-besides....death city...is a city of second chances...right? Kyoka: "...Where people face Death..." *fans herself* atsushi: *looking at road signs* Kyoka: "...Walking won't get us there any time soon." atsushi: *tries to call kunikida to give them a ride* *Low tower signal* atsushi: TT~TT of course.. Kyoka: "Perhaps if you were taller, you could get a better signal?" *shrug* atsushi: *looks around and sees a rock* aha! *climbs onto it* Kyoka: "..." *looks up* "Did it improve your signal?" atsushi: *checks phone* Kyoka: *looks around...does not see any cars* "..." atsushi: yes! *dials* hello? kunikida? we're on the road somewhere neeear....tombstone outskirts? Kunikida: *static* "Tombstone? Okay, we're on our way. Do you remember the--" *static* atsushi: OH COME ON! *tries to get the signal back* Kyoka: "..." *has dug a hole in the ground* atsushi: what are you doing? Kyoka: "Digging my grave." atsushi:....well arent you a ball of sunshine? TTuTT Kyoka: "No, I am a tiny blob of skin, bones, and regrets. ... I could dig a grave for you as well, if you like." atsushi: ...we-.... !!!!! Akutagawa: "..." atsushi: ooooh fffffiddlesticks.... *picks up kyouka and her doll and runs like hell* Akutagawa: "I hate when they run..." Kyoka: "!!!" *holds onto Atsushi* Akutagawa: *sends a shadow tendril after Atsushi* atsushi: this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad- *Tendril slips along Atsushi's ankle* atsushi: O_O; *Lifts Atsushi up* atsushi: woaH! O-O;;;; Kyoka: "Ah!" *holds onto Atsushi as--* *FLUNG* atsushi: oooow... @-@; that...really hurt. Kyoka: *face down in sand* -____-;;; Akutagawa: *calmly walks towards Atsushi...holding an umbrella* atsushi: *helping kyouka up* you ok? Kyouka: "I'm still alive. Which means I--!!! Look out!" atsushi: ?! *SLICE* atsushi: *screams* Kyoka: "No!" Akutagawa: *lifts up Atsushi* "Captured." atsushi: *coughing blood* kyou...ka...run... Kyoka: *frozen* "I-I can't. I have...to do what I'm told..." atsushi: *looks at akutagawa* what is it you want from me? Akutagawa: "Your death..." *holds sharp tendril to Atsushi's forehead* "The weak should get out of the way for the strong." atsushi: !!! *dodge* Akutagawa: *stab stab stab, trying to hit him* "Stand still, pussy cat." atsushi: (thinking: i just hope the agency finds us and soon....otherwise we really will be in those graves!) Kyoka: *clutching her doll, staring at this fight* "..." *whispers* "St-Stop..." Akutagawa: *slice slice slice* *something slips out of his pocket* Kyoka: "..." *spots it* "!!!" atsushi: ? *spots it* Akutagawa: "I will silence you--" *BANG* atsushi: ?! Akutagawa: "..." *coughs up a bit of blood* "My ability...shielded me from most of it...but..." *turns* Kyoka: *aims gun at Akutagawa* Akutagawa: "..." Kyoka: "Unhand...Atsushi...now." atsushi: kyouka- Akutagawa: "..." *Akutagawa vanishes from sight* Kyoka: "?!" *CLUTCH* Akutagawa: *clutches Kyoka by the neck, lifting her up* atsushi: kyouka!! let her go! Akutagawa: "Do you know what the desert is like? Dry. Unforgiving. Here, your lungs burn with each breath, as you feel all life sap out of you. That is what existence is...The slow, daily release of whatever life you have within you. 'Demon Snow' will give you no relief here. It is carnage itself. You think someone like you can live outside the Mafia? No. That would be like trying to survive in the desert without water." *turns to Atsushi* "Man-Tiger, talk some sense into her..." atsushi: .... Akutagawa: "You have lived alone, Man-Tiger. Hated. A worm..." atsushi:....*wince* Akutagawa: “Kyoka...Return to the Mafia. Continue your carnage. Return water to the desert--bathe this world in blood. Otherwise, you are worthless. And that which is worthless--" Kyoka: "That which is worthless...has no right to live." Akutagawa: *smiles* "Yes." atsushi: ... Kyoka: "But..." Akutagawa: "???" atsushi: ?? Kyoka: "But...What is worthless...is still delicious. Like that crepe." atsushi: ah... -music can be heard not too far off- Akutagawa: "??? What now--" -a car is approching- Akutagawa: "?!" Kunikida: *leans out the car door...with a bazooka* atsushi: O-O;;;; where did he get that?! Kunikida: "Atsushi! Duck!" Kyoka: "..." Akutagawa: *tries to summon shield--* atsushi: wait! kyouka! Kyouka: *reaches out to Atsushi's hand* *BOOM* atsushi: ??!! *Smoke clears...Atsushi is collapsed on the desert...Kyoka is under him, shielded* atsushi: are you alright? Kyoka: "...Why did you do that?" atsushi: you said...the crepe was delicious... even when he said you didnt have a right to live... Kyoka: "..." *holds onto him* atsushi: ....*small smile*...here.... *hands her the doll* ...we'll wash it off when we get back to the agency. Kyoka: "...Okay. I--" *Growl* atsushi:...hungry? Kyoka: "...Yes. But I don't think that was me--" atsushi:...kunikida, can we get lunch on the way home? Kunikida: *looking around* "Yes...Where the devil did that monster go...?" -elsewhere, in a penthouse in new york- ???: "Those fools..." ???: well, since the mafia wont deliver...then we'll just have to pick it up ourselves, dont you agree? ???: "Agreed." *smiles* "Let's get to work..." -elsewhere- *Tsubaki's phone rings* tsubaki: hello? Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello!" tsubaki: *almost drops the phone* ah! w-wha-why are you calling me? i...*ahem* i wasnt expecting to hear from you... Mr. Tsubaki: "...I miss my family. I miss you." tsubaki:...did you want to talk to any of them? Mr. Tsubaki: "Of course!~" tsubaki: which one? Mr. Tsubaki: "I guess putting all of them on the phone would be too much...Start with Otogiri?" -and so- otogiri: are you behaving yourself? Mr. Tsubaki: *gasp* "I'm offended! Of course I have! ...Why, what have you heard?" otogiri: nothing. i just want to make sure c3 doesnt bother you...you still have work to do yet, dont you? Mr. Tsubaki: "Yes...in many ways..." -elsewhere- Kid: *whistles* -a few days later- Kyouka: "???" atsushi: zzzz..... Kyouka: "..." *puts a blanket over him* atsushi: zzzz... Kyouka: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Touma: "I see we are all here..." yumikage: yeah, woop-de-doo. jun: *adjusts glasses* mafura: *staring at the fish tank* o.o Touma: "I want an update. How is work going on attracting the young man and Sloth?" yumikage: still a work in progress. Touma: "Progress faster." -elsewhere- Black Star: "You done in there?" -elsewhere- higuchi:....*outside akutagawa's room*...... gin:.....*worried*.... Akutagawa: *labored breathing* rain: how is he? higuchi:....he's alive... rain: ah... Tachihara: "Who the hell did it to him?" rain: im not sure....higuchi, you seem stressed....did you want to get something to drink? Higuchi: "..." *nods* "Something hard." -and so- rain: *hic* i hate that..ffuggin bastard! a-always..always making me do weird shit...and d-dont even get me started on that brat! s-she's a damn menace! Higuchi: TT_TT "I'm in pain..." *pats Rain's back* "What a mess..." Tachihara: *passed out under the table* rain: i-if it wussnt fer mr nakahara...i-ida-ida left thus damn job ages ago...*hic* Higuchi: "??? Youze want to make babies with Nakahottie?" rain: i wish! but im justa lowly errand gurl! h-he'z like...top 100 percent. i ju-ijust get stuck gettin dicked by the boss...a-an he duznt even find me good lookin...the fughin lolicon scumshit....TT_TT bartender: i think you girls had enough for tonight. why dont ya go home. get some rest. Higuchi: "Aw, come on." *eyes the Bartender* "Just one more for me and my friend?" mafioso: higuchi! the boss wants to see you. Higuchi: D: "Oh no! I'm not ready!" *grabs the bartender* "Black coffee, now!" bartender: alright! alright! jeez... Higuchi: *guzzles the black coffee, then tries to fix herself up* "H-How do I look?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *smiling* reimi: you seem to be in a good mood. Mr. Tsubaki: "Happy my family is largely okay..." =w= reimi: ah. how is everyone? Mr. Tsubaki: "Higan and Lavender are the same as usual, Sakuya...was a little passive aggressive. Naho is keeping an eye on Lilac. Shamrock...seems emo. And Otogiri is making sure I am behaving." reimi: ah..wait, what about the pink haired on...beruka? was it?? Mr. Tsubaki: "Hee hee...Belkia? He's still dating that new girl." reimi: new girl? Mr. Tsubaki: "Belkia had been interested in this girl obsessed with sugar, but then she married the Grim Reaper's son." reimi: ah. i see. i heard about that from tsukiyo. Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Quite an impressive wedding..." *sighs sadly* "Weddings..." -elsewhere- ochako: thank heavens for summer vacation. *chilling out at the local pool* Aoyama: "Oui! Quite relaxing." tsuyu: *swimming along casually* keron~... Iida: *squinting slightly without his glasses* momo: *chilling on a floaty bed* Izuku: *looking around* "Wait...Where is--?" ???: CANNON BALL!!! Izuku: D: Iida: ._. "What? What is happening?" -something surfaces to the water- Denki: *surfaces* jirou: of course... -_-; ???: "Almost there..." mina: *looks up*.... woah. Mineta: *his hand is just right above Mina...* ._.;;; -POW- -HOME RUN!- jirou: *hit him with a pool noodle* Mineta: *floaties fly off...and his swimtrunks land on Izuku's head* Izuku: "...Gross." -elsewhere- Kid: *sipping a cold lemonade* stocking: *sips* yummy~ Kid: *nods* "Just sweet enough." *offers a cookie* "...When do you go back to teacher training?" stocking: this fall. Kid: *smile* "Then I want to make this summer last as long as possible." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Anywhere you want to travel before summer ends?" -elsewhere- Relan: "Is this a good idea?" -elsewhere- himiko: *pokes her stomach* hehehe... ^^ Dabi: Q_Q mr compress: and this is why you use protection. Dabi: *glares* "I'll remember that when I'm riding that ass..." Kurogiri: "Himiko, may I help you?" -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." rain: *opens the door* Dazai: "..." *friendly smile* rain: *goes over to undo dazai's cuffs* Dazai: "Oh? What provokes this action?" rain: dont think im doing this for you. im just doing this to spite my boss. Dazai: "I'm sure it's still a little bit for me~" *winks* "Thanks." rain:......i-if you run into mr nakahara on your way out...p-please dont tell him i did this... ._. Dazai: "It'll be our little secret~" rain:...thank you. Dazai: "Hope this place is as I remember it...Any advice how to leave?" -elsewhere- Yosano: "Time to heal..." -screams can be heard- atsushi: O-O;;; Kyouka: *hiding behind doll* Kunikida: *organizing files* naomi: big brother! are you ok?! Tanizaki: "F-Fine!" *steps back* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "I'm...almost there!" *struggling* "Just a bit higher..." -elsewhere- toru: *splashing in the kiddy pool* io: ^o^ Tool: "Enjoying it, kiddos?" mana: seems like it. lin: we're home! Emine: *carrying bags from the mall* "...What is that tiny water tub?" mana: tuhl got the kiddy pool out for the kids. Emine: "...I never got to play in a 'kiddy pool.'" mana: no one's stopping you. but i recommend waiting till the kids are done... Emine: "But I have a bad deed to do..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Okay, doing laundry. Get your baskets out here." -and so- Shamrock: *puts a basket in--and pulls out a military jacket* "???" Sakuya: "Yo, don't get bleach on that." Shamrock: *pulls out a Hello Kitty tank top* naho: ^^ Shamrock: *pulls out leggings* himawari: thank you..... Shamrock: "Um...Yes, of course." *smiles--as he then pulls out scarves...tied to scarves...tied to a pair of panties* "???" Belkia: "Hey! Don't get that in my magic scarves!" naho:....those arent mine.... lavender: not mine... Shamrock: "???" Belkia: "..." *light bulb* ^\\\\^;; "Whoops! Sorry, gals! Um...Get those washed, I'll return them, then..." naho: gross. Shamrock: *pulls out boxers with stars all over them* tsubaki: black*star, come get your boxers! Black Star: "Oh, shit, I was wondering where those were!" *runs down in his pajama pants* tsubaki: careful you dont trip! Black Star: "Wha--?" *TRIPS* -later- Black Star: -____- tsubaki: you really should be careful... Black Star: "So embarrassing...Tripping over my pajama pants..." tsubaki: on the bright side, you didnt break anything... Black Star: "True...Just bruised my pride." ^^; tsubaki: ^^ *smooch* Black Star: ^\\\^ *smooch* tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: *rests hand on her cheek* "Thanks." tsubaki: *hugs* Black Star: *holds her, kisses her cheek* Black Star: *cuddle* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Thanks for joining me. It's been awhile since we've talked at the baths." kabuki: it's not a problem. Konro: *nods* "It'll be good to relax a bit after all this work...Kabuki was interested how you were." kabuki: how've you been? both of you. Konro: *sliding into the water, letting out a sigh* "Heh...Feeling my age." Benimaru: *smiles* "Better." kabuki: ah. i've been well myself. Benimaru: "What have you been up to?" -elsewhere- ox:...*sigh* well, she's doing better now... Harvar: "Hey, that's good..." ox: yeah, knock on wood. Harvar: *nods* "...You need something to eat?" ox: yeah. Harvar: "Okay..." *pulls some chicken from the fridge* "...You're a good son." ox:...*smiles* thanks.... Harvar: *nods* "Of course." *cleaning the chicken* "Want it seasoned?" ox: sure. Harvar: *pulls out the flavors* "...You know...You're..." ox: hmm? what is it? Harvar: "...You're a good person." ox:....thanks harv. Harvar: "..." *nods, continues cooking* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *in a skirt* "..." otogiri:...that's a nice look for you. Sakuya: "Shamrock got everyone's clothes mixed up..." -_-; *looks at Naho* naho: *in sakuya's hoodie*... nice and warm... lilac:.....*in a dress* naho: D8 its too cute! Sakuya: "Still works, though, Lilac." lilac:....t-thank you.... Higan: *in Belkia's suit* "???" lavender: *in higan's shirt* it wouldnt have been the first time.... tsubaki:....i think shamrock might be having a mental breakdown... Black Star: ._.; "This is the weirdest clothing swap ever..." Belkia: *in panties* "...I'm okay with this." naho: EW GROSS, BELBEL! Belkia: "..." *adjusts his panties* "I don't know whose these are, but I'm keeping them." himawari:...oh...ok.... Shamrock: *re-enters the room...in a bathrobe* "..." T_T tsubaki: feeling better? Shamrock: *shakes his head* tsubaki:...did you want to talk about it? Shamrock: *nod nod* "I just...feel useless." tsubaki:...you're doing your best. Shamrock: "...Not good enough, though. How did I give you all the wrong clothes?" tsubaki: maybe it's the stress?.... Shamrock: "How do I address stress?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, lying in grass* =w= reimi:.... ?? *notices two people in the distance* Mr. Tsubaki: *looks at Reimi* "???" *turns* "...!!!" *runs towards them, like a puppy* Shamrock: *shiny eyes, holds out his arms...* Mr. Tsubaki: *leaps...* reimi: *watches* Mr. Tsubaki: *leaps...past Shamrock, towards Tsubaki* Shamrock: D:< tsubaki: ah! *knocked over* Mr. Tsubaki: *licks her face, nuzzles against her* tsubaki: >///< !! Shamrock: X_Q *standing next to Reimi* "Hi again..." tsubaki: down boy, down! Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *licks her face once more* tsubaki: p-people are watching! jeez. >///<; Mr. Tsubaki: *looks up at the crowd...* .\\\\. *hops off her, sits in front of her like an obedient dog* tsubaki: ^^; fang-hua: he's surprisingly feral for a kitsune... Shamrock: "...May we go inside?" tsubaki: good idea... Mr. Tsubaki: *whimper, pawing at her leg to be picked up* -inside- Shamrock: *looks around* "Oh...This is...peaceful." reimi: here we are, home sweet home. tsubaki: *she smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: *back in human form, dressed in his usual attire, smiling widely* .w. "I'm so glad you are here." *looks at Shamrock* "Both of you." Shamrock: x\\\\o tsubaki: likewise. reimi: want anything to drink? Shamrock: "...Do you have any local beverage?" reimi: we have green tea, or sake if you want some. Shamrock: "...Green tea. To start." Mr. Tsubaki: "And for you, Tsubaki?" *smiles* tsubaki: the same. Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ "I'll get some green tea for us all..." Shamrock: "...Reimi? Is he happy here?" reimi: he seems to be...though some nights, i can tell he's lonely... Mr. Tsubaki: *not hearing, busy making tea* Shamrock: "..." reimi: ...shamrock. what is he like? i still feel like i dont know anything about him... Shamrock: "...He saves people. He reaches out to those hurt, thrown away by the world...He is a good man who loves others so much that he doesn't want to put them at risk." reimi:....*smiles* that's good to know.... Shamrock: "..." *glances at Tsubaki* tsubaki: ......*faking a smile* Mr. Tsubaki: *enters with tea* "Enjoy!" tsubaki: thank you for the drinks. *sips* Shamrock: *sips as well* "Hmm...Reimi, these are good green tea leaves." reimi: thanks. konro harvested them. Shamrock: "Who?" reimi: he's the company commander of the 7th brigade. Shamrock: "Oh. So, you know these brigade people rather well?" Mr. Tsubaki: "I've tended to their injuries." *smiles at Tsubaki* "I've done a lot of treatment." reimi: mmhmm. plus sister kirei and commander benimaru are together~ Shamrock: "Oh? The commander has a wife?" Mr. Tsubaki: .\\\. *glances at Tsubaki* reimi: well, technically they're dating. but who knows~ Mr. Tsubaki: "Y-Yeah...Who knows..." Shamrock: "??? Anyway...Um...Reimi, how is the sake?" -elsewhere- Victor: *opens a cabinet* "Huh. I guess we did have extra salt..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Oh, come on!" kim: what happened? Jacqueline: "The cable keeps going out..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *tense* lord death: *rubbing her shoulders* Yumi: =w= "Ahh...Right there..." lord death:... 7w7 *smooch on the earlobe* Yumi: *small groan* "Yes..." -elsewhere- ???: *approaches Marie* "Excuse me, ma'am?" marie: hmm? yes? christa: gubu? ???: "I saw this little lady dropped this..." *holds up Christa's plushie* marie: oh! thank you! christa: *hugs the doll* ???: "No problem...Well, have a good day..." *turns* marie: ... who exactly are you? christa: >8[ *throws her binkie at him* ???: "Ouch!" *laughs* "Strong arm!" marie: ^^; christa, that wasnt very nice. ???: "Quite alright." *holds out a hand* "Taishi Touma. A pleasure to meet you, Mrs.--" marie: mjolnir. and also, it's miss. Touma: "Oh. Sorry. I had thought--I mean...Heh. Pardon my assumptions..." marie: it's fine. Touma: "...Say...Are you busy?" marie: well- yumikage: hey teach! whats up! Touma: "..." *turns to look* marie: hmm? oh, yomika. i wasnt expecting you here. yumikage: eh, i was in the area. so who's this lil munchkin? christa: ^o^ marie: this is my daughter christa. yumikage: aint she adorable. hey there. christa: ^w^ Touma: "..." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *sipping the sake* xw= Mr. Tsubaki: *offers some to Reimi* reimi: im good. Mr. Tsubaki: *offers some to Tsubaki* tsubaki: i really shouldnt. Mr. Tsubaki: "Just one sip? It is tasty." -elsewhere- Medusa: ._. "...My eyes..." shaula:.....dude holy shit.....this is....wow. Ponera: *hiding behind Grimoire* "No no no no--" grimoire:..... O_____O milia: *has fainted* kinuta:....my words have failed me.... pandora: what? it's just a little blood. Mad!Kid: *disheveled...bloody...* "..." Ponera: "WE NEVER AGREED TO THIS! Medusa, Shaula! Administer first aid!" Medusa: -_____- beatrice: *has the med kit out* kinuta:...oh god his guts are.....*trying not to vomit* Mad!Kid: "..." *collapses* "D-Do you love it, S-Stocking?" milia: EEEEW HIS BLOOD IS GETTING ON MY SHOES!! Nals: *picks up Milia* pandora: ugh, you're all such cowards. do you want me to heal him for you? Medusa: "Yes!" pandora: alright... -closing up the wounds, though the scars remain- Medusa: "...Yikes." pandora: there, good as new...more or less. Mad!Kid: *unconscious...breathing...* -elsewhere- Kid: Q~Q stocking: *hugs him* Kid: *shudders* "Just felt strange..." stocking:....hmm... Kid: "I felt cold...and like my skin was coming off..." stocking:...*rubs his back* Kid: *sighs, relaxing a bit more* "Thank you..." stocking: any time. Kid: *yawns, lies back* -elsewhere- Giovanni: *speaking on the phone* "Yes...I know." ryuuko:....*listening, keeping out of sight* Giovanni: "...You are certain? ...Very well. I will proceed." ryuuko:.....(thinking: what are you planning...?) Giovanni: *hangs up, stands to exit the room* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *tipsy* "I just realized something..." tsubaki: um....are you ok? Shamrock: "All of us, in this room...are in love with _that guy_!" *points at Mr. Tsubaki* reimi: what? oh no no no! that's not what's happening here! tsubaki: e-eh?! Mr. Tsubaki: .\\\\\. "Ts-Tsubaki, I swear! Reimi and I are just friends! Vampire and subclass--" reimi: what he said! tsubaki: i believe you. ^^; Mr. Tsubaki: *sigh of relief, smiles at Tsubaki* Shamrock: "But there is only one person who recibro--recipicates--recipitates--reciprocates! And that's because Tsubaki and young master love each other!" *sniff* tsubaki: e-eh?! O-O;; Mr. Tsubaki: .w.; "...You do?" tsubaki: um...w-w-well....uh.... i-its complicated... Mr. Tsubaki: *happy smile* tsubaki: *sweats* sham, i think its time we went home now... Shamrock: X_TT *sniff* "At least I know young master has someone he really needs, to protect him, to watch over him--and to give him tiny baby young masters..." *sobs, onto Reimi's shoulder* tsubaki: shamrock. time to go home now! *drags him off.* Mr. Tsubaki: "Um...Maybe he should stay the night? Sleep this off?" -and so- tsubaki: and that's what all happened... *sighs*..... Shamrock: *snoring* Black Star: *sighs* " 'Complicated' is right..." tsubaki:.....*sighs* .....i didnt want to hurt his feelings.....but its hard. Black Star: *nods* "...I'm sorry. This isn't fair to you. You have some creepy insane stalker after you...and you're just, I don't know, trying to keep him from losing his shit?" tsubaki: ..... i guess.... Black Star: "...Tsubaki..." *hugs* tsubaki:....*sniff* thank you... Black Star: *wipes away her tear, kisses her cheek* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *eating alone at ramen shop* kabuki: ....?? oh, hello tsukiyo. Tsukiyo: *in the middle of slurping up a noodle* .\\\. *slurp* "...Yo. How's it going?" kabuki: well. just got back from the onsen. you? Tsukiyo: "Alright. Just having dinner." (" 'Onsen? =\\\\= ) kabuki: room for one more? Tsukiyo: "Sure!" *slides a bit to give him a seat* "Hungry?" -elsewhere- Yumi: *cuddle* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "I can't get this power coupler to work..." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "...You seem sad." atsushi: hmm? oh. im ok, really... -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: =w= "She loves me..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *holding sign* "Death City or Bust" -there is a car coming up- Dazai: *waves* Chuuya: *smirk* Dazai: D: Chuuya: "A beautiful view...even better than the most expensive painting!" chuuya: DAZAAAAAAI! YOUR ASS IS GRASS!! Dazai: .__. "Crap crap...I didn't know the little guy could talk." chuuya: *pulls over and steps out* look at you, hitchhiking like a damn vagabond. i should take a photo to memorialize this. Dazai: "I may be a vagabond--but at least my hat isn't stupid." chuuya: D8< at least _im_ not babbling about suicide when im at the prime of my life! Dazai: " 'Prime of my life'? Dude, I know you wear that hat to hide your bald spot." chuuya: grrr, if circumstances were different, i'd have mowed you down long ago! Dazai: "I'm sure." *eyebrow wiggle* chuuya: O-O t-t-the hell is with that look? Dazai: "Simple--the homoeroticism is so thick you could cut it with a knife!" chuuya: D8< *smirks* f-fine then! you want to fight? then let's fight! *cracks knuckles* i'll just beat that smug look right off your stupid face! Dazai: *already in front of him--with a punch to Chuuya's ribs* chuuya: oof!...hehe..oh now we're talkin! Dazai: "I know all your moves, Chuuya..." chuuya: heh- *mega punches* Dazai: *knocked down to the asphalt--then bounces off of the asphalt three times before landing* chuuya: had enough already?! come on! i know you can do better than this! Dazai: "..." (flips back up) "Huh. Not surprising, seeing as you are such a skilled hand to hand fighter." chuuya: *smirks* Dazai: "Too bad you can't kill me. I just have to dodge and take the force of your sissy punches." chuuya: *twitch and jumps at him* Dazai: *dodges* "Funny...Wonder why she let me out... chuuya: ?? Dazai: "Maybe she likes me! Or maybe she wanted to give you an errand to get you away from your HQ." chuuya: who the hell are you talking about? Dazai: "Oh, nothing~ Just needed a distraction while I tied your shoelaces together." chuuya: D8< YOU SON OF A BITCH! Dazai: *push* chuuya: !! Dazai: "Have a nice trip!" chuuya: YOU SUCK!! Dazai: "Hey, I was your partner for so long, of course I know your moves." chuuya: *growls* Dazai: "D'aw, I hurt your feelings?" chuuya: *glaaare* h-hey! HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH THOSE KEYS?! Dazai: "Nice wheels! Thanks!" chuuya: D8< .... at least drive me back to death city, asshole! Dazai: "...Fine. But I got a price..." chuuya: alright, what the hell do you want? Dazai: "Leave the Detective Agency alone, $50...and your hat." chuuya: i leave the agency be, give you 45, and i keep the hat! Dazai: "Deal!" -elsewhere- Relan: "Where are the towels?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *lying in bed, sipping black coffee* "..." *groans* lavender: feeling any better? Shamrock: "Slightly...That sake just hit me hard..." lavender: no kidding... Shamrock: "..." *sigh* "I don't think he was interested in seeing me at all." lavender:...that's rough, buddy. Shamrock: "...He is devoted to her, Tsubaki." lavender: *listening* Shamrock: "When she is there, he brightens. He is happy. Content. Melancholia itself finds in her...a home. He loves her, in his own insane way." lavender: ... Shamrock: "I can't give that to him...I can be his family, I can be his servant...But I can't gain his love." *sniff* lavender: ...*pats his back* Shamrock: "...I'm sorry I embarrassed myself." lavender: hey, it's all good. Shamrock: "I just want young master to be happy...and I think that means making Tsubaki happy." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: =w= "That was one tasty meal. Thanks for the company." kabuki: it's not a problem...you seemed lonely... Tsukiyo: "...Yeah, I was. Fang-Hua is busy, Benimaru is otherwise engaged--in the 'busy' sense, not the 'wedding' sense." ^^; kabuki: ah. *nods* Tsukiyo: "...How about you? Were you lonely?" kabuki: i guess i was just wanting to do something nice for someone. *smiles* Tsukiyo: *smiles back* "Well, good deed done!" *playful soft slug at his arm* -elsewhere- Hyde: "Okay, what you want on your burger?" licht: melon. romina: steak! julian: c-can i just have a salad please? Hyde: "Salad, sure. And...Wait, melon on a burger? That's weirder than peanut butter." licht: did i fucking stutter? Hyde: -_-;;; "No, Melon Boy." licht: still tastes better than cheese. Hyde: "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" -elsewhere- Black Star: *stretch* "I think I'm ready for sleep." tsubaki: yeah. it's been a long day. good night. -morning- Kid: *sighs* stocking: *making breakfast* Kid: *smiles* "Want some help...?" stocking: if you want, sure. ^^ Kid: *smiles* "Let me just get the salt for the eggs..." *reaches past her to grab the salt--kisses her cheek* stocking: hehe~ Kid: *helps her with the eggs, then slices up some fruit* "...Married life is great." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *inhales* "Another beautiful day~" -elsewhere- Dazai: "Approaching Death City..." chuuya: zzzzz...... Dazai: "..." *mischievious grin* chuuya: zzzzz..... Dazai: *parks the car...takes out a permanent marker* -later- Dazai: "Later!" chuuya: *face markered* .......you still suck! Dazai: "And you're without a belt!" *holds up his belt* chuuya: D8< *his pants fall, revealing heart print boxers* YOU SON OF A BITCH!! Dazai: "Peace out, Baldy!" *runs* chuuya: YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS YOU WASTE OF BANDAGES!!... *hmph*.... -elsewhere- Shamrock: *looks awful* x_-;;; "I feel gross." tsubaki: maybe a bath might help? i got some new bath salts too. Shamrock: *sniff* *nod nod* "That would be nice." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, dear...Sprain your ankle?" -elsewhere- Hibana: *standing in a street, a Flame Being rushing at her* flame monster: *SCREEEEECH* hanako: kick its butt, mommy! Hibana: *friendly smile* "Sweetie, please stay behind the barrier!" *waves* "Mommy loves you!" *turns back to the Flame Monster, stares...and unleashes her power* -later- hanako: that was so cool! it was all 'nyooom' and you were all 'fwoooosh' that was totally wicked! Hibana: *smiles* "I do it to protect people--including you, sweetie." *picks her up* -elsewhere- Anya: *looking at wedding dresses in a magazine* "..." ao: would you like some more cake? Anya: "Hmm? Oh, sure. Thank you." *accepts it* Meme: "Mmm~ So tasty!" -elsewhere- Anya: "Hmm? Oh, sure. Thank you." *accepts it* Meme: "Mmm~ So tasty!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "...Am I now the maid?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: x\\\\= "So relaxing..." naho: *setting up the bamboo tree* Black Star: "STAR FESTIVAL!!!" tsubaki: *trying to make wagashi* Sakuya: "Need help, Tsu?" tsubaki: sure. *she's following a video recipe on her phone* Sakuya: *slicing the fruits* "Oh, cool! Starfruit!" tsubaki: *she smiles* Sakuya: *notices Tsubaki's reaction, tries to act chill* "Um...I-I'll just mix these, then..." *internal squeeing* lavender: *helping naho set the tree up* Higan: *laying out some kimonos with stars on them* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *looks around the pool* "Not that crowded." kim: *streeeetch* remember when we cleaned this place long ago? Jacqueline: *smiles* "Right before we became partners..." *laughs* "You were really rude." kim: yeah, and you were even more of a hardass. XP Jacqueline: *small pout...then pushes her into the pool* kim: ack! see? you've improved! Jacqueline: *smiles* "You're right." *dives into the pool* -elsewhere- Konro: "You're looking well." shrine head: likewise. Konro: "I brought some fresh produce and fruit. How is everyone here?" shrine head: the sisters have been well. me, sister kanzaki, sister yanase, sister nishihori, have all been well too Konro: "I'm glad, after all that happened...And the children?" shrine head: well. by the way, how have the young twins been? Konro: *chuckles* "Rambunctious. My poor garden is going to have its plants retreat down to avoid them." ^^; -elsewhere- Wes: *playing with Mocha* mocha: mrew! Wes: "Hee hee..." *dangles the yarn* "Never had pets growing up..." soul: *nods and smiles* liz: ah... Wes: "...Guess this is making up for lost time." *pats Ghost Dog* dog: ^w^ Wes: *belly rubs Ghost Dog* "I'm glad you're here, Soul." soul: *smiles* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *checks his watch* "Where is he...?" -knocking- Kunikida: "???!!" *opens the door* atsushi: ?? dazai! Dazai: "Hello!" *hands Atsushi a belt* "Happy birthday!" atsushi:.... *blinks* my birthday was 2 months ago... Dazai: *deathly serious* "Happy _early_ birthday." *intense smile* atsushi: *sweats* um.... wait a moment WHERE EVEN WERE YOU?!?! Dazai: "The Mafia kidnapped me." atsushi: !!!! Dazai: "I escaped. How about you? What were you up to?" -the situation is explained- Dazai: "...Huh. Glad you got out." *pat pat* "I had full confidence in you!" -elsewhere- lana: ...... Bellhop: "Lana, could you check on the guests in the Penthouse?" lana: ah, right. *goes up to the top floor* .... *she can feel hands on her, she then turns.....no one there...* ......*sigh* get it together lana... ???: "Pardon me..." lana: ?? y-yes? ???: "Hi...We could use more wine in our room..." lana: ah right. any particular brand? ???: "Amontillado?" lana: ah. right away mr...? ???: "Poe." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Got the ice cream." -elsewhere- Yumi: "Any luck on the dating front?" -elsewhere- Hugh: *dusting the corners* mahiru: *folding laundry out front* tetsu: *also doing work* Kuro: *sleeping on top of laundry basket* uzuki: sure is nice to have someone around to do the outside work during the day. Hugh: "??? You mean Tetsu?" uzuki: *nods* saves us the risk of heat stroke, haha. Hugh: "True! He is truly excellent at work in heat!" Kuro: *grumbles* misono: *standing in front of the fan* ...... Hugh: "Mahiru, what else to do for cleaning?" -elsewhere- Giriko: "Picking up my daughter from child care..." daycare lady: ah right. anna, your daddy is here. anna: ^w^ Giriko: "There she is!" *picks her up* "Daddy's here!" anna: ^^ arachne: hey there sweetie... ^^ anna: ^w^ Giriko: "Were you a good girl today?" -elsewhere- Kid: *looking at groceries* kirika: i think that should be everything... Kid: *pulling a separate cart of only sweets* "...You sure?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: "...They came out well." tsubaki: *she smiles* naho: *shiny eyes* sparkly.... Black Star: *reaches for one--* -chop to the hand- Black Star: "Ow!" *holds his hand, pouts* tsubaki: you just wait until tomorrow, mister. Black Star: *pouts* " 'Kay..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *drying her hair* "Good swim." kim: yeah....man, im gonna need to get my hair cut... Jacqueline: "Really?" *passes a hand along the back* "It's long, but looks nice." kim: i know. but i prefer keeping it short...having it long...brings back some bad memories. Jacqueline: "...I'm sorry." *small smile* "You'll feel better with it short." kim:...*smiles* thanks. Jacqueline: *stretches* "I think the local salon is still open. Want to head over now?" *pulls out clothes* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *pats his belly* =w= "Good meal." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Now that Dazai is back, we get back to work." kenji: so whats new on the agenda? Kunikida: "I want you to visit a hotel." kenji: oooh. sounds fancy. Kunikida: "You are observing only. I booked your rooms. Your covers are inside these folders..." kenji: oooooh. atsushi: *looks* Dazai: "??? I thought I would get at least an executive Suite...So, look into who is in the Penthouse? Not too difficult." atsushi: alright then... *looks at the disguise*... ummm.... Kunikida: "Problem?" atsushi: n-no! i just...wasnt expecting this. -and so- Kenji: "..." *adjusts wig* "Not really liking this. I wanted to be a brunette." atsushi: *adjusting his tie* 7///7; Dazai: "Nice look, buddy!" *pats Atsushi's behind* Kyoka: "..." *holds her doll closer* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *sitting on a swing in the park...looks up at the sky* fang-hua: hey there. Tsukiyo: "Oh, hey! Haven't seen you today, Fang-Hua. How's it going?" fang-hua: i've been busy setting up for the festival, you? Tsukiyo: ^^; "Been lazy...Sorry I didn't help with the festival prep. Still, um, 'finding myself.'" fang-hua: ah. Tsukiyo: "...Have a seat? I wanted to ask you about something..."' fang-hua: alright. *sits down* Tsukiyo: "...What do you think of Kabuki?" fang-hua: me? well, i suppose he's alright. but i dont know very much about him. Tsukiyo: "Yeah...Man of mystery, huh? I think I want to learn more about him." fang-hua: well im sure not stopping you. go right ahead. Tsukiyo: ^^ *hug* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *bows to Tsubaki* -morning- naho: *puts her paper on the tree* 'its impossible, but let me have a growth spurt this year, in one way or another!' Sakuya: *puts his paper on the tree* "Keep our family safe." lavender: *hers said 'let sham chill the fuck out, like for reals'* i used my wish on someone else, since im satisfied with what i have already. Higan: *smiles at her, as he hangs up his wish* "Booty." naho: you're gross, old man! lavender: why wish for something you can get whenever you want~? naho: eeeeeew! Black Star: "Moving on! ..." *puts up his note* "Give Tsubaki all she deserves in the world ('cause I'm already Number One!)" lilac ... [*in really small text* 'some confidence. maybe. i dunno.'] tsubaki: ['safety and peace of mind for my family'] otogiri: ['i hope the others dont do anything too reckless'] Shamrock: "..." ["Contentment"] -elsewhere- Mifune: "..." angela: ..... Mifune: "..." *pats Angela's shoulder* angela:...*nods* yuma:...*looking at the photo*....she's pretty. Mifune: "Yes...This would have been our anniversary." yuma:...oh. Mifune: "...Sorry. I am just...feeling so much right now." angela:...*hug* Mifune: *hug* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *shiny eyes* "Ooooo...Really good work on the festival this year!" fang-hua: *she smiles* Benimaru: "Yes, excellent work, Kohana." fang-hua: *sweatdrop* you arent ever going to stop calling me that, are you? Benimaru: *an actual smirk* "Afraid not." Tsukiyo: *chuckling* fang-hua: *sigh* figured as much. -.-; kirei: ^^; Konro: "Lovely outfit, Kirei." kirei: thank you. my mother sent it to me in the mail. fang-hua: it's almost hard to recognize you without your habit on. kirei: ^^; Tsukiyo: *thumbs up to Kirei* Benimaru: -\\\\\- -elsewhere- Tool: *walking with Io* "Just one step..." io: *tiny step* saki: *kneeling and clapping* good girl! you're almost there. *smiles* Tool: "You're doing great, Io!" -elsewhere- Bellhop: "Doing alright, Lana?" lana: yeah. im starting to feel a little better now. Bellhop: "That's good. So, they give you big tips at the penthouse?" lana: i havent chec- atsushi: *walking in* Bellhop: *stares at Atsushi* "Ah, hello! Welcome! May I help you?" atsushi: um. yes, we've rented out a room? *shows the papers* Bellhop: *nods* "Understood. We'll get your bags up there!" *looks at the others with Atsushi* Kenji: *pitching up his voice* "Sweetie-pumpkin, make sure to tip our new friends well!" Bellhop: .\\\\. *staring at Kenji* atsushi: um. *ahem* right of course honey~ *pays the tip* we'll be off now~! (thinking: I DONT KNOW WHAT I AM DOING HELP) Bellhop: "If you need anything, just call me, Ma'am...um, and Sir!" Kenji: *giggles and winks at Bellhop* -in their room- atsushi: *beet red* oh my god i had no idea what i was doing. Kenji: *stretches* "No kidding! I don't know how girls deal with this--" *pulls down dress, taking off bra* atsushi:...where did you even get mini sandbags? Kenji: "Ordered them." *pulls off dress completely* "Wanted to look the part." atsushi: right.... i really should have asked for romantic advice. sorry if im embarrassed you at all. Kenji: "No big problem!" *smiles* "Not much experience with romance? Just do what comes natural! Everyone's got different ways of reacting to someone they find attractive." atsushi: i guess...though to be fair, you did look nice in that dress...*slaps himself* focus atsushi! focus! remember why you are here! *jesturing with hand movements* Kenji: .\\\\. "...Thanks? That was...natural, at least." *scratches his cheek* "I wonder how the others are doing? I can imagine Dazai laughing at our interactions--" atsushi: stage 2. staff outfits! *pulls out a butler outfit....and a maid outfit.*...um... Kenji: "...Rock paper scissors?" -kenji got the maid dress- atsushi: alright, make our rounds, meet back here at 7 PM. Kenji: *salutes* "Roger!" *departs* -elsewhere- Kid: "...I wish summer could last a bit longer." stocking: yeah... Kid: *holds her hand* "We'll make the most out of it." *smiles* -elsewhere- gin: ....*outside akutagawa's room* ..... Akutagawa: "..." *groans* "So absurd." gin:..*looks around to make sure they are alone*..do you.....want to talk about it? Akutagawa: "...How did I get defeated so easily?" gin: well....they did have a bazooka. that they stole from us. -_-; Akutagawa: "Still, they should have been easy to beat, especially the Man-Tiger. I just got distracted." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *reviewing files* "I wonder..." naomi: *showing kyouka how to do candy kits* you just mix it with the little shovel like this, see? Kyoka: "...With a bigger shovel, then I could make bigger candy?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Ready for the festival?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Can I have the treats now?" tsubaki: yes, black*star, but remember those are for everyone, ok? Black Star: .w. "Okay, just one, then..." *takes just one, hands the tray with the rest to Tsubaki...but he still is holding onto the tray* "..." -elsewhere- mahiru: *walking home from the store* Kuro: *walking alongside him* "Did you get the ice cream?" mahiru: yeah... oh. its mikuni. Mikuni: "??? Oh, howdy there!" mahiru: enjoying the summer. Jeje: *on Mikuni's shoulders* Mikuni: "...So, is it true you're working with C3?" mahiru: well....nothing is official yet. *notices abel in a summer outfit* oh, i see you changed your doll's outfit for the summer, that's cute. Mikuni: ^^ "Thank you kindly! I wanted to give her something to deal with this awful heat." Kuro: "..." *paws at the doll* mahiru: uh- Mikuni: *pulls back Abel* *glaaaaare* Jeje: "Please don't paw at his doll. He'll get annoying." -___- -elsewhere- Asura: "..." *small smile* mikan: *holding up heibito as he teethes on someone's severed arm* Asura: "He's growing up..." -elsewhere- Patty: *stare* -elsewhere- Relan: *eyes red* "So...many...statistics..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Good festivities!" -elsewhere- Rin: *fanning* "Yo, I brought back some cold treats! ...But I forgot the mineral water." ^^; kyouko: *sighs* i got it covered. Yukio: "Really, Rin, can't you be more responsible?" Rin: *pouts* "Just for that, I won't give you an ice pop." Yukio: D: shiemi: you can have part of mine. ^^; Yukio: .\\\. "...Thank you." konekomaru: so, what ever happened to mr neuhaus? i heard he called sick for a personal reason? Shima: "Maybe he caught a cold? I just hope he didn't get bitten by a...*gulp* bug..." *shudders* adrian: maybe we should pay a visit? we can give him a fruit basket! fruit baskets are hella rad! Bon: "Worth a shot. Might figure out what's up with that guy." adrian: lets go! *walking into a supply closet* Bon: "...Did she just...?" adrian:... *pops her head out* oops. that was a closet. ahaha! seiya: -_-; you and your awful sense of direction. Shima: "Know that feeling..." Bon: -_-; "Let's just go..." -and so- Shima: "...Any doorbell?" konekomaru: *knocks* -no answer- Shima: "...Um..." *looks at a window* Shima: "Maybe look inside? Or hop in?" izumo: *squints* tch-, its too dark in there. Shima: *slides open window* -silence- konekomaru: oh man, we're gonna be in so much trouble Q-Q Shima: "You worry too much! Come on!" *helps Konekomaru up through the window* konekomaru: .... -all the lights are off, not a sign of life in the place- shiemi: *shivering* Bon: "I found a light switch..." -the light sputters then dies- izumo: EEK! Shima: Q~Q "Someone hold me..." kyouko: hold on. *looks for something in her pockets* ..there! *pulls her soul gem out as a temporary flashlight* konekomaru: somehow the red glow makes it even creepier. Bon: "Beggers can't be choosers..." *looks around* "Sweep the room..." -the living room and kitchen are cleared, as is the bathroom. all that is left is the bedroom and an extra room- Shima: *opens door to bedroom* -its an utter mess, with various papers scattered all over- Shima: "Yuck! He left in a hurry..." kyouko: ....looks like he hasnt been here for a while... *examining papers* Bon: *sees a shattered photo frame on the floor* -it appears to be a man and a young woman smiling.- Bon: "Konekomaru, is that...?" konekomaru: i think so...hard to recognize without the eyepatch... Shima: "Neuhaus has a lady friend? Weird." izumo: *squints* i think this was an older photo from before he lost his eye... Bon: "...Why did he run off...?" *looks at the walls* "Maybe he hid something--" *his hand rubs along something* "...Spiderweb?" izumo: gross. Shima: "Guess dusting wasn't on his priority list--" *feels something crawling on his neck* o_____O -SWAT- kyouko: gross.... hey yukio, you got a flashlight on ya? Shima: *holds his neck* .______. Yukio: *turns on flashlight* "What on earth--?" kyouko: ok everyone out of the bedroom! *slams the door shut* he needs to call an exterminator... Shima: *loud screaming* adrian: hey guys! look at this! you might want to have a look at this. Bon: *covering Shima's mouth* "What is it?" seiya: some files we found. im assuming this is-....was, his study... Yukio: *reviews one document* "Is he...No..." izumo: what is it? Yukio: "...He was trying...to revive the dead?" izumo: ?! Bon: "That's forbidden!" Shima: ._. "...Zombies? Really?" kyouko: isnt stein the only person who has clearance to do that? seiya: even then, it's a risky move. if the soul has moved on from the body, then all that gets brought back is a monster... Yukio: "We have to report this now!" izumo: right. Bon: *looks outside* -elsewhere- ???: *arm bleeding* "Have to find her..." mitsuba: *grumble* some birthday this turned out to be....hnn? ???: "!!!" *tries to hide away* mitsuba: hello?....i-im armed! ???: *tries to run--and collapses on the street* mitsuba: hello?... !!! holy shit, we need to get you to a hospital! ???: "N-No...hospitals..." mitsuba: ?? ???: "Hide...me..." mitsuba: ???*looking around* *No one around* -elsewhere- Gopher: o^o "...Spider...Woman..." arachne: hmm? did you say something? Gopher: "Sh-She sprayed web everywhere, attacked tiny exorcists..." arachne: but i was here this whole time... kirika: yeah, i can vouche. lord death: hmm....this is unnerving....as much as it pains me....*sigh* miss arachne, would you be willing to assist us in our search? arachne: ......if it is to clear my name, then i shall. Giriko: *glares at Lord Death* Gopher: "I-I'll help! I don't want that spider woman to web me!" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *nudges Naho* "Think you'll get your wish?" naho: i hope so. Sakuya: *hug* "Whatever happens, I'll be here." naho: *she smiles and hugs him* thank you, sakuya. Sakuya: *forehead smooch* naho: hehe~ Shamrock: *sipping tea, alone at table* "..." himawari:....*sits down next to him* Shamrock: "...Hi, Himawari. Did you wish?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *eating a treat* "That was a great festival!" fang-hua: yeah. *she smiles* Benimaru: "Zzz..." kirei:...*smiles and tucks him in* Benimaru: =w= Konro: "D'aw..." kabuki: they'll be good parents. kirei: *small blush* maybe someday... Konro: "Heh, of course you and Beni will." Tsukiyo: "..." kabuki:...tsukiyo, did you want to watch the fireworks? Tsukiyo: "Huh? Oh, um, sure!" *smiles* -elsewhere- Yumi: [text to Marie: how's it going?] marie: [he still hasnt showed up. =3= ] Yumi: [darn. how long have you been waiting?] marie: [an hour now.] Yumi: [if you got his number, give him an earful] -someone enters- marie: ?? Mr angel: "I apologize for my lateness, Marie: I had to receive a report." marie: oh, it's fine. ^^ caliburn: 7n7 Triple A: *sits himself* "Have you ordered?" marie: not yet. Triple A: "How about a salad to start? Any wine?" -elsewhere- Kenji: *sipping a soda in a fancy glass* "Thank you~" atsushi: *still in the butler disguise* Kenji: *whispers* "See anything?" atsushi: not yet.... *spots a girl walking outside* Girl: *looking around* atsushi: *follows and bumps into a man in a lab coat* oh! sorry sir! ???: *smiles* "Quite alright. Working hard?" atsushi: yes sir! *salutes...then stops* ???: "??? Well? Back to work, yes?" atsushi: ah! right! *exits* girl:...who was that, rintarou? ‘Rintarou’: *smiles* "I think they are what we are looking for." -elsewhere- Michizo: "BWA HA HA HA! What the hell is written on your face?!" rain: ?? !!! m-mr nakahara! Chuuya: *pissed-off face* "I don't want to talk about it." *His pants drop* rain: O////////O Michizo: *giggling uncontrollably* Chuuya: "STOP LAUGHING, YOU BASTARD!" rain: ....huh? *blinks* belt! i should get you a bel- *trips* ACK! Chuuya: "??? You okay, Rain?" Michizo: *laughs louder* rain: *caught in a rope trap* TT~TT damn that little brat! Chuuya: *pulling his pants up* "Elise! What the heck?!" rain: she's not here right now...she and that bastard went out somewhere doing god knows what.. Chuuya: "Hmph." *helps Rain up* "We'll get her back later." -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: *nuzzle* Kid: *hugs her* "Mmm~" stocking: ^^ Kid: "Love you...Mrs..." -phone rings- Kid: -_-; *yawn* *picks up the phone* voice: is young lady pheles there? Kid: "Yes? Who's calling?" voice: there's an emergency meeting at the true cross teacher's office. Kid: "!!!" *hands the phone to Stocking* "True Cross." stocking: !!! -and so- Bon: *waves her over* stocking: *taking a seat* teacher: any clue what's going on? teacher 2: i heard some of the cram students found something. teacher 3: yeah, by breaking the law! konekomaru: Q-Q;;; Shima: "I'M NOT GOING TO JAIL FOR THIS!" shura: alright everyone, chill out! jeez. no one's going to jail! teacher: alright, now miss meiling, miss fawkes, your reports? seiya: right. well, the students were discussing mr neuhaus' absence. so we decided to investigate. adrian: turns out, he flew the coop, but all his stuff was still there. Bon: "Was Neuhaus let go? Was he still a teacher here?" shura: well, his teaching license was suspended, but after that he kind of just vanished off the face of the earth. he's currently declared M.I.A. seiya: amongst our search, we discovered some things. a nest of spiders, and these. *places the files onto the desk* shura: ??.....!!! these are- Bon: "!!!" Shima: *covering his eyes* "Please, tell me it's not more spiders..." stocking:....mr okumura, these files... Yukio: "...Resurrection." -the room is abuzz with murmurs.- Yukio: "Please...Let's keep calm..." teacher 2: what are we going to do about this? Yukio: "We should first locate Neuhaus..." teacher 4: where do we even begin to start? Yukio: "His notes indicate items he needs: we start searching those sources." -the next day- Kaoru T: "Nothing here..." shura: *sigh* .....?? Yukio: *marks it off the list* "Not entirely 'nothing' here: Neuhaus's fingerprints are all over this totem." *holds it up in a baggie* shura: yeah. but these masks are givin me the heebies if you catch my drift. Yukio: "..." *counts the masks* "...How many should be here?" -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: *rubbing his shoulders* Kid: *relaxes* "Thank you..." -elsewhere- Hyde: *sipping tea...out of a heavy metal mug* -elsewhere- mitsuba: *doing homework* ???: *asleep, turns over* "...Where am I?" mitsuba: easy there, you were bleeding really bad. you're in the C3 medical ward... ???: "...C3?" mitsuba: a 'neutral' group studying and hunting vampires and stuff. but why i am here is a long story. ???: "...How bad are my injuries?" mitsuba: well, we had to give you a transfusion for starters... ???: *looking at his arm* "...Amazing...You didn't know my blood type?" mitsuba: the doctors got that figured out. but that's not my business. ???: "..." *tries to get up* mitsuba: easy there, you need to regain your strength. also, our asshat of a boss wants to talk to you then. ???: " 'Boss'?" mitsuba: mr touma- Touma: "Yes?" mitsuba:....well, i'll leave you too be....*exits, glaring at touma* Touma: *smiles at ???* "Feeling better?" ???: "..." mitsuba: *listening in* Touma: *lays down a file, slides it to ???* "Surprised to see you away from True Cross, Minister." ???: "..." *takes the file...his eyes widen* mitsuba: ?! Neuhaus: "Hmph. You know who I am. You have me weakened and unable to leave. Are you here to kill me?" Touma: *smiles* "I don't eliminate resources." mitsuba:.... Neuhaus: "I will not work for you--' Touma: "Rest up. When you recover, we'll have much to discuss. I'll be able to introduce you to some...friends." mitsuba:.... (thinking: i have a bad feeling about this...) Touma: "I would hate for something to happen to you...or those close to you." *holds up a photograph of a woman* Neuhaus: "!!!" mitsuba: .... *has already left* Neuhaus: "I can't stay here! I need to get out there to make sure--" Touma: *slams the palm of his hand onto Neuhaus's chest, knocking him back into bed* Neuhaus: "URK!" Touma: *calm smile* "Rest..." *pushes harder...* *CRACK* Neuhaus: "ARG!" Touma: *smiles* "You need your sleep..." *turns on the AV drip* Neuhaus: "Y-You bas-bas-bast--" *passes out* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Hello, Kabuki." kabuki: good morning. Mr. Tsubaki: "How did the festival treat you?" kabuki: well. and yourself? Mr. Tsubaki: "I enjoyed it! Would've been nicer with certain company, but that couldn't be helped." -elsewhere- Shamrock: *yawn* himawari: zzzzz..... Shamrock: "???" ("I guess she slept in here again...") *stares at her* himawari:...*shuffling in her sleep* Shamrock: "..." *hugs her* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Spider-Kid! Spider-Kid!" *has Cartilage of Spider in his mouth--giving him eight legs and extras eyes as he crawls along the wall* mono: *SCREAMING* Shotaro: "???" Assi: *runs in* "What's wrong?! What's happening?!" mono: CHIEEEE! SHOWTARO IS BEING WEIRD AGAIN! mana: yeah, that's kind of his thing. Shotaro: *nod nod* "Animal Bone powers! Hee hee--" Assi: *bashing Shotaro with a rolled up newspaper* Shotaro: "OW! OW! OW!" -elsewhere- Giriko: "See anything?" arachne: hmm... Giriko: *looking around* "Reports were this spider-woman was hanging around here..." arachne: *looking around*.... *spider form and crawls up to one of the webs* how unusual. Giriko: "?!" arachne: this web doesnt seem to come from any sort of spider i know of...it seems almost otherworldly... Giriko: " 'Otherworldly'? Want to get this to the exorcists to study?" arachne: it would be a good idea. -elsewhere- Vulcan: *petting cats* lisa: *putting out food* Vulcan: "Hey, thanks!" lisa: *smiles* no problem Vulcan: "I mean it. It's good seeing you tending to them while I'm repairing things." lisa: *nods and heads back inside* ........ Vulcan: *picks up a cat, talks to it* "What you think? Lisa's been good to you, right?" -elsewhere- Relan: "Flame beings, vampires, now spider-people." .w.;;; "...Creepy." shinra: well it's only been one confirmed so... Relan: "One is still a lot. And that story about the Man-Tiger. I mean, what, are cat people next?" tamaki: yo. Relan: ._.;;;; "CAT PERSON." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Be careful out there. People seem on edge today." kim: i will. Jacqueline: "..." *awkward hug* kim: !!....*small hug* see you tonight? Jacqueline: *nods* "Okay." -and so- kim: *whistling* *A garbage can is knocked down* kim: ?? ???: *growl* kim: hello? *Arachnid legs appear out of the shadows* kim: ?! *It's a spider creature the size of a dog* kim: ?!?! what the hell?! Creature: *growls...* "Wiiiiiiiitch..." kim: *picking up a lead pipe* are you some remnant of arachnophobia? Creature: "Need maaaaagic to bring her back...full..." kim: like hell! Creature: *leaps at Kim, mouth opened* kim: *SWATS HER PIPE AT IT* STRIKE! Creature: *knocked back into the wall, with a loud crunch* kim: *swats until its dead*....*pant...pant*...what....just what the hell?? *All that is left is a mess of what used to be a spider creature...and Kim stepped in some of it* kim: eeeeEEEEEW!!! Bystander: "???" -elsewhere- Neuhaus: *wakes up...restrained* "!!!" mafura:...~? Neuhaus: "What the devil is this?!" mafura: so mafura-chan just has to take blood from him, mr touma? Neuhaus: "!!!" Touma: "Correct. Mafura, proceed." {dr yukimi: if a subclass is made by a servamp giving blood to a dying human...what would happen if the blood was given to a human at full health?} mafura:....*bites his arm* Neuhaus: *screams, trying to knock his arm into her face* mafura: *pulls back....snarling* *tries to bite again* Neuhaus: *reaches for anything, but he is bound* "STOP!" Touma: "Stop, Mafura. That's enough." mafura:......*backs up, still growling* Touma: "Mafura!" mafura: ..... Touma: *steadies himself, smiles to Neuhaus* "I just want to make sure she is fed..." Neuhaus: *spits in Touma's face* Touma: "..." mafura: ........ *PUNCH* mafura: *knocked to the floor, out cold* Neuhaus: "!!!" Touma: *shakes his fist, smiling at Neuhaus* "If that is what I would do to _her_, the one who bit you, for _you_ punching me, just think how much more damage I will do to those you care about...I don't want to hurt you, Preacher. I know you can withstand torture. But I also know you can't stand to see others hurt because of you...like how you hurt your wife--" Neuhaus: "Damn you! When I get out of here, there won't be enough of you left to identify the body!" Touma: "Hmm...Doubtful." *tends to his fist, bandaging it* "When she awakens, I'll proceed with the next step." mafura: *no response*.... Neuhaus: "..." *lowers his head* Touma: *smirks at Neuhaus, then stares at Mafura* -elsewhere- Higan: "..." *shudders* lavender: you like that~? Higan: *smiles, letting out a pant* "You know it~" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "!!! What happened?!" kim: giant spider. like....really big. Jacqueline: "What?! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" kim: im fine. my shoe isnt though....*shudders* so gross... Jacqueline: "...Take those off and leave them at the door--we'll...I guess give those to the DWMA as evidence? Oh, Kim--I'm sorry..." kim: hey its alright. im still breathing, arent i? Jacqueline: "..." *nods* "I just...got worried." -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders* "Terrifying. stocking: *holding him* we're still investigating the matter... Kid: *nods* "I know you are...I have confidence you will get to the bottom of this." -elsewhere- Triple A: "Thank you for meeting with me again, Marie." marie: it's no problem. i was a bit bummed when you had to head out so early. Triple A: "I do regret that. But this emergency with work got in the way. I'm sure you have had those experiences. The good news is that I am free tonight." marie: that's good to hear. ^^ Triple A: *smiles* "Excellent. Would you be interested in going out, or staying in?" christa: *throws her binkie at him* TnT Triple A: "Ouch!" *looks surprised at Christa* "???" christa: *puffing her cheeks up at him* marie: christa, that's not very nice. Triple A: "Heh...She's just...playing, I'm sure. If you did not get a babysitter, staying here is fine." *smiles* christa: bawdy! bawdy! Triple A: *small twitch* "...I could cook..." marie: if you want, that would be great! Triple A: *smiles* "I can prepare whatever you wish! Just tell me what ingredients you have." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *looking in a medical textbook* "...This is odd." *taps on a page* "Genetic similarities between spiders and humans." -elsewhere- Bon: "Damn it..." konekomaru: anything? Bon: "Nothing. I've gone through newspaper records, magic books, history books--" Shima: "Maybe you should've started with her diary." *slams the book down* "BAM!" Bon: ._.; "...I WAS GOING TO GET TO THAT!" ???: who's diary? Shima: *smiles* "That of Neuhaus's wife! You can count on me to sniff out any woman's diary!" Bon: -___- ("He has no shame.") izumo:..... HAVEYOUNORESPECTFORPRIVACY?!YOUCANTJUSTRUMMAGETHROUGHAWOMANSBELONGINGSESPECIALLYNOTADEADWOMANAND-[blah blah blah blah] -outside patchwork labs- -a female figure skulks over to the door- Stein: *recording his notes* "And that is how I figured out how to properly vivisect a live human without them realizing it--" -thud- Stein: "???" *stands and approaches the door, opening it* -a woman collapses to the floor- woman: *groans* valentine: !!! *lifting her up and getting her to a gurney* Stein: *examines the woman* "...I'm not getting a pulse." woman: *breathing faintly* Stein: "But she's breathing. It's faint. She feels cold. Get these dirty clothes off her, let's check her heart." -later- woman:....*staring out the window* Stein: "--and I want you to stay bundled up...Hey? Are you listening?" woman: *glances over at him*....right.... Stein: "..." *looks out the window* "Yes, the decor outside is disappointing. I never have time to do much with the garden, Valentine too." woman: ....... Stein: "I want to call your emergency contact. Do you have that information?" woman:...i dont know... Stein: "...Do you remember your name?" woman:.....*she shakes her head* no....i dont remember anything....just waking up in a clearing and wandering.... Stein: " 'A clearing'? Any landmarks?" woman:...none i can recall. Stein: "..." *nods* "We'll get you to recovery physically, then work on all additional recovery..." woman..... Stein: "...Valentine? Has anyone else been here?" -elsewhere- Ponera: -___-; "The noise has not stopped. Someone, stop that noise." grimoire: oi, shut up in there. Medusa: *aiming a snake at the door* "I agree--stop it, now!" shaula: yeah anyway! i cant get my beauty sleep with all that scratching! *The door is thrown open* Mad!Kid: "...I...am making...art..." shaula: yeah, i would fingerpaint on the walls to when i was younger, but i didnt use BLOOD FROM A DEAD BODY!! kinuta:...!!! *hurk* oh god... Mad!Kid: "??? What would you have me use?" Medusa: -_-; ("Shaula's fingerprint paintings still looked like trash.") shaula:....*shrugs* Medusa: *sighs* *tosses a set of paint at Mad!Kid* "I got this for my child's future art. Now you get to use it. Don't disappoint." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *smiles* "I feel a lot better." fang-hua: glad to hear. Tsukiyo: *nods* "I think I have closure regarding the Commander..." *blushes a bit* fang-hua: that's good. Tsukiyo: "..." *awkward cough* "I think I'll go out on a date." -elsewhere- Assi: "...Mono? You feeling better?" mono: y-yeah...just a bit shook up.. Assi: *nods* "Yeah. Some animals unnerve me, too." *pats her shoulder* -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "..." ("Awful...demonic...evil...") {???: *SCREAMING*} Neuhaus: "!!! What on Earth?!" -silence....perhaps it was a memory?- Neuhaus: "..." *remembers* {Neuhaus: "This isn't what was supposed to happen!"} -knocks on the door- Neuhaus: "?!" mitsuba: dinner time. Neuhaus: *glares at her* "Your glorious leader thought I was entitled to a meal?" mitsuba: listen, you need to get your strength up....i dont like what he's doing either...that guy....i get a bad vibe from him... Neuhaus: "He had that girl bite my arm. That's not a 'bad vibe': that's psycotic." mitsuba: what?! Neuhaus: "And then striking the girl! What, you didn't notice her absence? She was lying right there on the floor!" mitsuba:....i'll be right back. here's your food. Neuhaus: "Keep it. It's probably poisoned." -touma's office- mitsuba: TOUMA! I GOT A BONE TO PICK WITH YOU! Touma: *his mouth is smiling, but his eyes are angry* "If I had a quarter every time I heard that..." mitsuba: what did you make mafura do, touma? mafura: ?? *looks back from the fishtank she is staring at* Touma: "I brought her to meet with our injured minister, for assistance with providing medical relief to him." mitsuba: yeah, before you ordered her to attack him! Touma: "??? I don't understand. I had given the minister a sedative when he attacked Mafura." mitsuba: ?? Touma: "He struck her. The trauma of his injuries--and whatever he did to himself--has obviously affected his mind, leading him to hallucinate. Could you ever imagine Mafura biting someone?" mitsuba: .... mafura:....*head tilt* ?? Touma: "The poor minster is not thinking clearly. Mitsuba, I want you to keep an eye on him to make sure he is safe from himself and his own imagination." mitsuba:.....very well.... mafura:....mr touma? what was mitsuba talking about? Touma: *smiles at Mafura* "Would you like some dessert?" mafura: mafura-chan wants pudding! Touma: "Then let's get you some pudding." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form...kicking slightly in his sleep* =w= -morning- Jacqueline: *tossing in bed, talking in her sleep* "N-No..." kim: jackie? *puts a hand on her shoulder* Jacqueline: "Ah!" *turns over, panting, eyes open* "..." *sighs* "Sorry...Nightmare." kim:...hey, its gonna be ok. Jacqueline: "..." *wipes her eyes* *nods* "After yesterday...if anything happened to you..." kim: *hugs* im alright, see? Jacqueline: *nods, hugs back* "Yes...I should have been there..." *holds onto her* -elsewhere- Stein: "How's this morning starting for you?" woman:....tired.... Stein: "Can you stand?" woman: *tries to walk, but stumbles a bit* Stein: *holds her up* "You're doing better...Lean on me." woman:...t...thank you...doctor... Stein: "You're welcome. And Stein is good enough." woman:...*nods* Stein: "Just a few more steps...We can get you something to eat." woman:...right... Stein: "What do you like to eat? Meat? Vegetarian?" woman:..... Stein: "??? If nothing comes to mind, we can try different meals...Valentine is a better cook than me anyway." valentine: bad news...i might have broken the microwave.....again. aya: i got it! -aya just made rice for everyone- Stein: *stares at the broken microwave as he eats his rice* "I'm going to charge you for that, Valentine." valentine: that's fair. Stein: *watches the Woman to see whether she eats* woman:...*small nom* Stein: *smiles* "There you go." woman: ...... valentine: i've sent a report to lord death. but nothing has been found in the DWMA's database. Stein: "I guess we're waiting for any memories to return to her. For now, don't spread it around that she's here." valentine: *nods* Stein: *looks at the Woman* "Are you okay with staying here?" woman: *nods* i have nowhere else to go... Stein: "Then we'll have to adjust your living arrangements--can't have you staying in just a hospital bed." woman:...*nods* Stein: "Okay, so two of us will go out to get new housing items, and one of us will stay here with--with--...Um...What should we call you?" woman: just 'miss' is fine... Stein: *nods* "Miss." ("...Miss Tery?") valentine: wouldnt that be mrs? *points to a ring on the woman's finger* woman:...ah..then i suppose 'ma'am' will do... Stein: "Okay, ma'am." *starts writing a list* "Bed, sheets, clothes..." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "..." *struggling to move* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "I'm done in the shower, whoever wants it." -elsewhere- Dazai: "How's it going?" atsushi: fairly well. havent found out too much yet. but we're getting close. Dazai: *nods* "Now, by 'close,' you got a name for these folks?" atsushi: i think one of them is named 'lucy'. Dazai: " 'Lucy'? Huh. What's she like?" atsushi: red hair and braids. kinda reminds me of pippi longstockings. from the books? i think? Dazai: "Keep an eye on her. See whether you can track a schedule. Also, try to give her this." *hands him a piece of paper* atsushi: what is this? *"Lovers Suicide Pact Contract"* atsushi: .________.; Dazai: "If you think she'd be up for that kind of thing, drop a hint to her." atsushi: riiiight. *sweatdrop* Dazai: "You two blending in okay? Not raising any suspicions, I hope." -elsewhere- Kid: "...She's dating whom?" stocking: triple A batteries! i have never been so disappointed in someone in my whole life! Kid: -_-; "Maybe she just has poor taste. Or poor eyesight. Or poor soul perception." stocking: we need to do something about this. i'll have a talk with her. Patty: *pops up* "Maybe he has a big--" stocking: *SCREAMS* Kid: o___O "Ego! She was going to say ego, Stocking, I'm sure!" Patty: "...'Ego' is what he calls his penis?" stocking: how fitting. since he is such a dick. Kid: "..." *high five* stocking: >u< Patty: *pulls up a dating app on her phone* "Maybe you can find someone else for Marie, too." *looks at options* "...Too old. Too young. This guy definitely was in prison for murdering a clown or something. Huh--this guy doesn't look bad OH GOD I FOUND SPIRIT'S OLD DATING PROFILE!" stocking: he should delete that-... *snerk* whats with the dude with the cowboy hat? Kid: "??? Isn't that...I swear I saw him before...Um, why is he holding dolls?" -elsewhere- misono: *JAWDROP* Lily: "...Hm. I wonder why I hadn't thought of this." misono: LILY! Lily: "I'm simply making an observation. After all, your brother may have a good idea..." -elsewhere- Tool: *asleep on the couch with Io* Yohei: *asleep on the couch with Toru* saki: our guys and our kids. chie: i know. *smiles* Emine: *holding up a balloon...and a pin* -elsewhere- Arthur: *practicing sword fighting* -elsewhere- atsushi: hey tanizaki. Tanizaki: "How's the work going? atsushi: i think we might have a lead. Tanizaki: "Great! What you need me to do?" atsushi: well-....hey....where did naomi go? Tanizaki: .~. "About that..." Tanizaki: "She's busy...serving tea." atsushi: ah. Tanizaki: *seizes Atsushi's wrist* "The guy looks skeevy..." atsushi: ?? Tanizaki: "He had this big bookcase--smelled like money." atsushi: ?? Tanizaki: *points outside--at a helicopter* atsushi: woah! Tanizaki: "Rich boy is meeting with our boss right now!" atsushi: just who is this guy? Tanizaki: "Fitzgerald...Rich American." atsushi: *opens his mouth to say something, then shuts up* -patchwork labs- woman: ...... Stein: "Got your bedsheets washed." woman:...thank you.... Stein: "You're welcome." *pulls out a cigarette and puts it in his mouth, then pulls out his lighter* woman: ??...*when she sees the flame, she freaks* AHH!!! IT HURTS! IT HURTS SO MUCH!! *screaming* Stein: "?!!" *closes lighter, turning off the flame* "What? What's wrong?" woman: *breathing hard* it burns! it burns! *crying and scratching at her arms* Stein: "!!! Valentine!" *holds the woman's arms* "Stop!" valentine: *gives her some sedative* woman: *shaking until she calms down* Stein: "..." ("We know one thing that terrifies her...A trigger...") "Come, ma'am: let's give you some rest." woman:.....*still shaking a bit* Stein: "...You'll be okay." woman:.... *touches her face near her eye*......... -the eye covered by her hair looks milky and dead- Stein: "..." ("Okay, I should have done more analysis of that earlier...") "...Is your eye irritated?" woman: i think...t-the fire....*muttering* blue flames.... Stein: "...Lie down..." woman:....*lays back down, staring at the ceiling* Stein: "...May I get you anything?" -elsewhere- stocking: ahhh.... =w= Kid: *smiles, rubs her hand lightly* stocking: thanks for the massage, hun. Kid: "Any time..." *kisses lightly along the back of her neck* "Feel a little less tense?" stocking: yeah~ Kid: *lays his hand alongside her* "...I'm glad..." *rubs lightly along her lower back* stocking: mmmm u///w///u Kid: "Stocking...You are so beautiful..." *lays both hands along her lower back, massaging lightly* stocking: *soft sigh* Kid: *massages lower...* stocking: oh~! Kid: *massages her bottom* "Amazing..." stocking: *pouts* you're so leeewd. *giggles* Kid: " 'Lewd'?" *kisses her lower back lightly* stocking: *soft moan* Kid: *small pat on her bottom, before he gropes her cheek* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: ._.; "...Why does he have a V-shaped frown?" Gopher: .^. "Why does she look like a demonic rabbit?" fang-hua + kirika: long story. Gopher: *hides behind Kirika* Tsukiyo: "??? What? Now I scare away tiny boys, too?" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sitting in the bathtub* "..." ("It's relaxing...Still...") kim: *sorting mail.....sees a letter from the du pre family......discards it* Jacqueline: *out of the tub, drying off, calls out* "Kim! Did you get the mail?" kim: yeah, it's on the kitchen table. Jacqueline: *comes out in towel, goes to the table, flips through--* "Oh, a thank-you card from Blair." *smiles...then frowns and glares at Kim* "Kim..." kim: what? Jacqueline: *eyes narrow* "You're hiding something..." *holds up stack of mail* "I don't see the electricity bill here." kim: oh. here. Jacqueline: *smiles* "Thanks. Don't think you can pull a fast one on me, okay?" kim: *she nods* -elsewhere- Black Star: "How's Mifune doing?" kyouko: according to yuma and angela, doing alright. Black Star: "Small miracles, I guess...After the festival, he seemed off." kyouko: ....this time of the year is kind of hard on him... Black Star: "..." *nods* "Sucks." kyouko: yeah.. Black Star: "...Maybe he needs a break?" kyouko: actually, he's out right now. i've been asked to look after the kids while he's out. Black Star: "Did he say where he was going?" kyouko: i think he has a mission. -elsewhere- Mifune: *walking* -footsteps- Mifune: *hides* yumikage: -rugi's covered in blood, has an ice pick, it was kind of a weird tuesday. Mifune: *watching* "!!!" hyakuya: is that right? -once they are out of sight- Mifune: *follows from a distance* -in another room- Neuhaus: *staring at the ceiling* *The window opens slightly* Neuhaus: "!!!" ???: "Not a word. A friend..." Neuhaus: "..." -later- Mifune: *whispers* "This way..." *holding up Neuhaus* Neuhaus: "..." *small grunt* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Quite an offer..." kirako:....*looks at fukuzawa* Fukuzawa: "And you want our permit." Fitzgerald: *nods* Fukuzawa: "I refuse." kirako: *smiles* Fukuzawa: "This permit is the soul of this agency, representing its work, its people." Fitzgerald: "..." Fukuzawa: "It can't be bought with money--" Fitzgerald: "The classic line of the impoverished person. Just remember: if the agency is its people, what is an agency without people?" kirako: ..... Fukuzawa: "Quite a rhetorical question to conclude this meeting." *stands* "Leave. Now." Fitzgerald: *smiles* "Until next time." *stands to leave* naomi:.... Fitzgerald: *departs--then looks back* "Check the papers tomorrow for a message from me. Read carefully, old sport: if I desire it, then I make it mine." -elsewhere- Touma: "?!" -elsewhere- Kid: *smooch* stocking: ^w^ ~<3<3<3<3 Kid: *hugs* "You know what feels different since marriage?" *cuddles* "My love for you only increases." stocking: yeah. i feel the same way~<3 *smooch* Kid: * kisses her hand* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: *stares at her* "...I hope a child that is ours...would have your smile." stocking: *smiles and nuzzles* Kid: "...I hope...I am good..." stocking: you're amazing, kid. Kid: "...What if i failed as a parent?" stocking: i doubt that. Kid: "Why? I...don't have much confidence after mistakes in my family...and in myself..." stocking: because i know that even with your flaws, you're smart, loving, a true leader, compassionate... Kid: "..." *holds her* "...I don't want to fail any children we would have." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *hug* naho: ^w^ Sakuya: "Glad you are here." naho: im glad you're here too, sakkun~ Sakuya: *lifts her into his arms* naho: ah! hehe! Sakuya: *smooch* naho: *smooch* ~<3 Sakuya: *smiles, as he carries her to her room* -elsewhere- Victor: *playing Crazy Taxi* "So, the point is to run over pedestrians, right?" -elsewhere- Rin: *carrying bags of groceries* "Didn't think we'd run out of food so quickly." konekomaru: you'd be surprised... Rin: "??? What? Who's been packing on the weight? It's Bon, right? Has to be Bon." Bon: *glare* -a few days later- shinra: *wakes up screaming* Relan: "!!!" shinra: OH MY GOD! JOKER IS MY DAD! JOKER IS MY DAD! Relan: "Shinra--Shinra!" *holds his shoulders* "You're having a nightmare..." shinra: *panting*....*calms down* ju...just a nightmare....not a memory....*phew*....*hug* thanks rel... Relan: "..." *holds him* "Anytime..." *strokes his head* "Just get in a few breaths..." shinra:......*shaking* Relan: *kisses the top of his head* "It's okay...Breathe in...and out..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *curled up in bed, groaning* -elsewhere- ???: ....... ???: "...I can't breathe well through this mask." ???: then maybe you should take it off for a moment. ???: "...Fine." *removes the mask* "Not proper decorum..." ???: *making a call to giovanni* any progress on the adora burst child? Giovanni: "One is close to me. The other is getting too close to _you_." ???: how so? Giovanni: "The boy has been speaking to Vulcan." ???:....i see. Giovanni: "We cannot let some alliance form between them. We need the Burst. We need Vulcan's key." -elsewhere- Meme: "Got the pumpkin sprouts!" tsugumi: awesome! Anya: *opens plots for sprouts* "Put them here?" tsugumi: *nods* Meme: *carefully placing a sprout* "Your turn, Ao!" ao: *placing it in* Meme: "Now you, Mio!" mio: ok...here? Meme: *nods* "Then you go, Tsugumi!" tsugumi: *singing and planting* Meme: *hums along...* Anya: *sings a bit* mio: ???? Anya: *starts watering the plants, humming* -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "Where are you taking me?" shura: just into questioning. you have a lot of explaining to do regarding some things we found. Neuhaus: "I don't have time for this! We need to find her!" shura: we have people looking for her now, relax. Neuhaus: "You don't know how to find her! I do!" *tries to stand up* shura: mr neuhaus! -someone comes in- person: we...we found her. Neuhaus: "?!" person: she's....not well. Neuhaus: "...May I see her?" person:....*he nods* she's in medical. Neuhaus: *nods* "Thank you..." *starts to walk to medical* woman: .......*uneasy* why am i here? Neuhaus: "...Michelle..." michelle: *looks up*.....!!! *SCREAMING* NO!! Neuhaus: "!!! Michelle, please. It's me, your h--" michelle: *scratching at herself* IT BURNS! IT BURNS! HE-HE'S GOING TO HURT ME!! medic: ma'am, please calm down. michelle: w-who are you?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?! Neuhaus: "I am your husband! Remember me! Please!" michelle: i-...i dont....*shaking* nurse: according to reports, she has near total amnesia. Neuhaus: "...Michelle...Please..." *holds up a hand* michelle: S-STAY BACK!! *a web shoots out* ah.....AHHH!!!! Neuhaus: *smacked by web* "?!!" nurse: what the hell?! nurse 2: get lady felisia! Neuhaus: *tries to pull loose from the web* "Michelle...Don't--" -someone has arrived- Neuhaus: *looks--and sees what she's holding* "No! Don't hurt her!" felisia: im not going to harm her. im just getting rid of the mess. *cutting the web away* Neuhaus: "How are you able to cut through?" felisia: these are holy garments, sewn by the hands of an angel. or in this case, a fallen one. Neuhaus: " 'Fallen'...You're..." felisia:....*she nods* cast out of the city of arcadia for carrying the child of a demon. Neuhaus: "...!!! You are--" ???: "Contain her!" felisia: ?! *Slices at Michelle* michelle: !!! *backing into a corner* Triple A: "Abomination...Time to remove you..." Neuhaus: "!!! No!" -clang- felisia: now what do you think you're doing? Triple A: "This is not life! This is not natural! It has to be removed." michelle: w-what? *trembling* felisia: do you really think you have the right to decide her fate like this? Neuhaus: "That is Michelle! You can't--" Triple A: "That thing is not your wife!" *tries to push Felisia back* felisia: *retaliates with a kick to his stomach* Triple A: *falls back* "Umph!" felisia:...stocking's right you know. you _are_ an ass. Triple A: "_The_ ass." *pulls rug out from under her feet* felisia: !! *jumps back* Triple A: *leaps back up--* Neuhaus: *leg out--tripping Triple A* Triple A: *face-plant* Neuhaus: "Michelle--run!" michelle: ah....*frozen in fear* Triple A: "Monster!" *stabs into Neuhaus's shoulder* Neuhaus: "AAAH!" felisia: !! -a loud airhorn sounds- Triple A: "What the devil?!" shura: now that i have your attention, everyone chill the fuck out! mr neuhaus, miss michelle, we have some things we still need to ask you. Neuhaus: *bleeding from his arm* "...Hard to focus..." -later- michelle: ..... Neuhaus: "Don't you remember who I am?" michelle:....i dont...remember anything...before waking up... Neuhaus: "...I did this to you." michelle: ?? Neuhaus: "I...did not want you dead..." michelle:.... Neuhaus: "I broke that taboo...I brought you back from the flames..." michelle:.....*shuddering* the...the blue flames.... Neuhaus: "I couldn't bear to lose you..." michelle:...*whimpering* why does it hurt so much...? Neuhaus: "A spiritual fire, that burns the soul..." -elsewhere- Yumi: "...I think he should be removed from his post." felisia: you and me both. *sipping tea* i think he's letting his title go to his head. stupid bastard. some angel he is....though considering how things were in arcadia, it's accurate. Yumi: "I can only imagine..." *sighs* "This is going to kill Marie, but better than the alternative." felisia: yeah, haha. Yumi: *sighs* "I'm sorry for this, Felisia. Please, proceed as best you see." felisia: *she nods* Yumi: "And please let us know how we may help." felisia: right... on a lighter note, have stocking and kid been working hard making a baby? Yumi: "...I wish. Still no pregnancy." -elsewhere- Kid: *electric spark goes through his brain* *stares at Stocking, blushing* stocking: *humming and filing papers* Kid: "..." *holds her from behind* stocking: oh~? Kid: *kisses her cheek, then her neck* stocking: mmn~ k-kid, im trying to work~ Kid: "I'm not stopping you..." *slides his hand along her belly...and down* stocking: *shudders and sighs, still trying to get work done* Kid: *he caresses her* "Can you work while sitting at your desk?" stocking: i-i think so... Kid: *leads her to her chair, pushes her to her desk...then gets under the desk* "Shh..." stocking: *smirks* Kid: *on his knees...he lifts her skirt up...kisses her knee, coaxing her to spread her legs* stocking: *does so, still working and licking her lip* Kid: *he kisses up and down her thighs...then kisses along her panties* stocking: nnng~ Kid: *he continues kissing, before tugging her panties away and--LIIIIICK* stocking: a-ahhhH~! Kid: *continues--* Patty: "Knock knock!" stocking: O-O;;; Patty: "Hey, Stocking! How's it going?" Kid: *hidden completely under the desk...* "..." *smirk* stocking: fine, w-why do you ask? owo; Patty: "Just wanted to see how work was going? Hey, you okay? You look a little hot." Kid: *smooch* stocking: must be-ee...the summer heat. haha. ^^;;; Patty: "Yeah, it really sucks. Want to head over to the commissary, get some lemonade?" Kid: *small lick* stocking: a-after i f-finish up here, sure. ^^;;; Patty: "Great! I'll see you there!" *waves* stocking:...*phew*... *pouts* kid, you're so meeeean. >3< Kid: *sits up, looking her eye to eye* "Just a bit of fun..." *looks behind them* "And since the door is closed..." stocking: *grin* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *collapsed on the ground* fang-hua: !!! tsukiyo! are you ok?! Tsukiyo: *muffled voice* "I tripped." fang-hua:.... *cheek pull* you had me really worried there, jeez. -_-; Tsukiyo: Q~Q "Ouch! It's not like I wanted to fall!" *cheek pull* -head chop- kabuki: behave you two. fang-hua: yes sir. Tsukiyo: Q____Q "Meanie..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Report." atsushi: well, that rich guy that came by is the one staying at the penthouse of the hotel. Kunikida: "Hmm...To come all the way here just to shut down the Agency..." atsushi: .... Kunikida: "Are they still at that penthouse?" atsushi: yeah. so far we know mr rich guy and the redheaded girl are there. Kunikida: "Did either of them see you here at the Agency?" atsushi: i dont think so... Kunikida: "Keep an eye on them. I want all of us to--" *stops...counts the people there* "???" atsushi:....sir? Kunikida: "Where is Miyazawa?" atsushi: um.... *glances over at miyazawa, still in a dress* Miyazawa: "Hi!" Kunikida: "...Oh. I thought you were someone else. Good disguise." Miyazawa: *wide smile--then his phone vibrates* "Oh! I got another nice comment! Love the attention." atsushi: ^^; Miyazawa: "This one wants to take me out to dinner. Hot dang! Beef bowls forever!" atsushi: *whispers to kunikida* is he gonna be like this forever? i think we may have done something dumb. maybe. Kunikida: "I never do anything dumb. My decisions are sound--" Miyazawa: "Huh. I wonder what kind of restaurant a 'love hotel' has--" atsushi: uhhh... -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Hmph. I'm not short. He's short." rain: well...m-maybe drinking milk might help? Chuuya: "...Worth a shot. We got any?" rain: i think so. *hands him a carton* Chuuya: *takes it* "Bottoms up..." *sips* rain:.... .////. *phone rings* y-yu-yes? elise: whats up ya lard! rain: *cringe* oh. its you. what does he want from me now? Chuuya: "???" ("Mori again?") elise: *grins* rintarou, rain called to complain about her paycheck again! rain: D8< WHY YOU LITTLE- Mori: "Have her come in..." rain: ..... TT_TT yes sir.... Chuuya: "??? Hey...Want me to go with you?" rain: r-really? i-im sure you're very busy, being an executive and all, and i wouldnt want to trouble you.. .////.; Chuuya: "Eh, I got a few minutes. Besides, can turn it into a meeting with Mori if need be. Let's go." rain: ok.... *stiffly walking to the elevator, sweating* Chuuya: *sipping on his milk, as he pushes the button for their floor* "What'd he want?" rain: that little brat elise lied saying i was complaining about my paycheck! and he invited me up. and we all know how that goes.... TT-TT Chuuya: "...That's fucked up." rain: and whats worse is he's not even attracted to me...mostly due to....*excalibur* unsavory tastes.... Chuuya: "I'd count my blessings that he's not. Besides, not everyone can see you're fine looking." rain: y-y-you think so? .//////. Chuuya: *shrug, sips his milk* "Yeah. Not like you got a conjoined twin or something." rain: right.... .////.; *DING* Chuuya: "Well, off we go--" Mori: "Hello~" rain: *inhales and sighs* hello sir.... T___T Mori: "Why the long face?" *stares at her* rain: ...elise was lying. elise: i was nooooot! Mori: "I have to side with Elise on this one. Elise, what do we do with liars?" elise: punishment game! rain: D8 Chuuya: "???" Mori: *claps his hands* "Excellent idea! Proceed, Elise." elise: short guy you may wanna go, this is gunna get ugly. rain: D8> Chuuya: "...I worry I better be a witness to this, or else things might get more complicated..." *glares at Elise* elise:....*griiiiin* *pulls rains skirt off* HA! Chuuya: .\\\\\. rain: Q_Q NOO!! *trying to cover herself* Mori: *smiles* Chuuya: "What the fuck?!" *removing his jacket* rain: TT~TT Mori: "Is that enough, Elise?" Chuuya: *trying to hand the jacket to Rain to cover herself* elise: yeah, i made her cry. rain:.... q/////q Chuuya: "Yeah, big fucking deal--making someone cry. Really, you are such a talent. Real virtuoso." *eyeroll* elise: *pouts* Mori: *whispers to Elise* "Just wait...You can do worse to her..." *smiles at Chuuya* "Defending the young lady? Noble." *stares at Rain* rain: Q_Q Chuuya: *glares at Elise* "How about giving up the skirt now, you demented little Polly Pocket doll?" elise: *sticks tongue out at him* Chuuya: *takes a step forward* elise: *throws it at his face* woo! ten points! Chuuya: "..." Mori: *chortle* rain: .//////. Chuuya: *holds them up* "...They're ripped. Little douche witch." elise: want me to punch you in the balls, shorty? Chuuya: "Nah, you're probably too busy grabbing Mori's." elise: ? Mori: *awkward coughing fit* rain:.......*disgusted glare at mori* Mori: -_-;;;; "Just leave, now, before Elise gets really angry." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Yo, where's everyone?" lilac: yard. Black Star: "What, for a game or gardening?" *steps outside* -there is a tent set up- Black Star: "???" *approaches* naho: we got a camp set up! lavender: yep, still got it. *smiles and nods* Black Star: "...Huh. The great outdoors and all that?" *looking around* "Campfire food?" lavender: higan's got it covered. Higan: *cooking yams* -elsewhere- Kid: *sighs* stocking: *panting* Kid: "You like it?" *small squeeze* stocking: *siiiigh~* Kid: "Hee hee...This is so naughty..." *small spank* stocking: mmmn~ Kid: *thrust* stocking: *moans* Kid: *holds her close, as he picks her up and holds her against the wall* stocking: f-fuuck~ Kid: *smirks* "Careful...Not too loud..." *harder spank* stocking: *kissing him hard* Kid: *moans, as he supports her weight and thrusts into her, matching her rhythm, his tongue along hers* stocking: *grinding and kissing* Kid: *pant pant* "Oh God..." *moans, his member throbbing* stocking: ngh~ kid~ Kid: "Stocking...You're so fucking hot..." stocking: ah~ fuck me you sexy beast. Kid: *grunt* "With--ah!--pleasure..." *slaps her behind again, thrusting harder* "Gonna make you cum so fucking hard." stocking: i dare you~<3 Kid: *leans into her neck, leaving a small bite* stocking: mmmmn~ Kid: *kisses down her neck, reaching her nipple...* stocking: *shivers* Kid: *takes her nipple in his mouth, massaging her breast* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...Why do you let him treat you like that?" rain: well, if it gives me a decent paycheck, i have no choice. TT_TT that bastard is the bane of my existence. if there wasnt one thing holding me back, i would have broken my condition long ago. Chuuya: "...And what would that one thing be?" rain: oh...um.... uhhh... ???: *howl of pain* rain: ?! Chuuya: "Shit...It came from that door." rain: *hides* O-O;;; Chuuya: "..." *approaches the door* ???: "Let me out! I said I have finished recovering!" *A shadow tendril knocks down the door* rain: eep! >.< *Akutagawa emerges from the room* Akutagawa: "..." rain: oh, its just him....that's slightly more comforting...keyword 'slightly' Akutagawa: "...Lost another skirt?" rain:...... TT~TT stupid ability of mine... Chuuya: "At least you're back on your feet. No help with the Man-Tiger--" Akutagawa: *already towering over Chuuya* Chuuya: ._.; rain: O.O; Akutagawa: "..." *pushes Chuuya with a tendril back across the floor* Chuuya: "AHHHH!" rain: m-mr nakahara!! *she runs over but slips and.....* -squish- rain: .... >//////////////<;;;; Chuuya: "???" *squeeze* .\\\\. Akutagawa: "..." rain: O////////////////////////////////////////////O Chuuya: "...I am so sorry." *tries to use gravity powers to get her off of him..but...* *rip* rain:..... Q//////////Q IYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Chuuya: .\\\\\\\\\\. *...something else is rising...* rain:.... O//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O *FAINTS* Chuuya: D: Akutagawa: "...I'm going to go now." -elsewhere- Patty: *looks at the clock* "What is taking them so long?" stocking: *comes out of the room* ok, im ready. Patty: “About time! What took so long?!" stocking:....busy. very busy. Kid: *pleased smile* Patty: "Oh, hey, Kid! I didn't see you come in." stocking: he was helping me~ Kid: "Paperwork can take a long time." Patty: "??? But you take forever to organize things 'cause you're so obsessive. How was _that_ helpful, Stocking?" stocking:....you'd be surprised~ Patty: "??? O-kay..." *smiles* "Well, time to go to the commissary!" *holds up an empty wallet* "Kid's gonna have to buy!" -elsewhere- Harvar: *looking around* "..." *pulls out a 3DS...* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Any campfire stories to tell?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sighs* *knocks on door* "Rain? You there?" rain: !!! *fixing her apartment up* y-yes? Chuuya: ".. I wanted to check in. May I come in?" rain: um.. s-sure! let me get the door for you. Chuuya: *he's in a jacket, standing at the door* "Okay." -the apartment isnt too large, but it does have some nice decor- Chuuya: ".. Wow. You do alright for yourself." rain: thanks. i get by. *she smiles* do you want anything to drink while you're here? Chuuya: ".. Sure. What you got?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Absurd." higuchi: what is? Akutagawa: "I am powerful. Yet I stand in the shadow of any weakling?" higuchi: ?? Akutagawa: "...I will show both of them that I am powerful..." *stares at Higuchi* "I want the Man-Tiger." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "??? A voicemail message?" kim: ??... its from the girl's dorms. Jacqueline: *presses play* Anya: "Get here now!" kim: ?! what's going on?! *Phone rings* Jacqueline: "???" *picks it up* Anya: "WHY DIDN'T YOU RESPOND TO MY VOICEMAIL! GET HERE BEFORE WE'RE DEAD!" kim: we're on our way!! Jacqueline: *follows Kim* -and so- -squish- kim: -_-; Jacqueline: *sigh* Anya: *hiding behind a chair* "...Is it gone?" kim: yeah, its gone. Anya: *sigh of relief* "You saved us!" TT~TT kim: -_-; it was bad enough having to kill a thousand legger for ox... Jacqueline: "I think you better pay Kim well for this..." Anya: "Oh, right!" *holds up $20* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "I think you better pay Kim well for this..." Anya: "Oh, right!" *holds up $20* -elsewhere- shura: well we got the test results back. seems her body has become home to a jorogumo. Neuhaus: *shocked* shura: it would explain the spider webbing we found. michelle:......*shaking* Neuhaus: "...What have I done?" shura:....i know you wont want to hear this, but maybe it'd be best to put her out of her misery... Neuhaus: "!!! No!" shura:....do you...need more time yet? Neuhaus: "I-I can't do that! She deserves...She deserves a life!" shura:....*nods and exits* .....damn. michelle:....sir?....am i....going to die? Neuhaus: "...I don't want you to..." michelle:...why? i barely know you... Neuhaus: "Michelle...I'm your husband." michelle:....*shaking* why cant i remember that? Neuhaus: "It-It may take time..." ("...It has to work...She can't be lost...") michelle:.....cold... Neuhaus: "..." *offers a hand* michelle:.....*slight lean*.....t-thank you... Neuhaus: "..." *holds her* "I'm here..." -elsewhere- Triple A: *holding an ice pack to his head* caliburn: are you feeling better? D8> Triple A: *removes ice pack, showing a bruise* "Fine. Just annoyed." caliburn: i cant believe that little shit hurt you like that! >n< Triple A: "Caliburn! She's just a child!" caliburn: still she hurt you! that's unacceptable. Triple A: "...Let's make an exception here. I don't want to offend Marie--" -elsewhere- Dazai: *sets out drinks* atsushi: so what's this? Dazai: "I think we could all stand to relax a bit, so I ordered a round!" atsushi:....is 18 a legal drinking age? Dazai: "It is in Canada." *pulls out a flag and slams it onto the table* "Canada!" atsushi:..... *sweatdrop* Dazai: "Come on--just a sip. You need to chill a bit." atsushi: am i gonna get in trouble? Dazai: "No, I'll make sure of that. Trust me." -later- Dazai: *giggles* atsushi: *blergh* ugh, im gonna diiiie TT-TT Dazai: "No, that's just the happy beer fairies dancing in your belly!" *sips again* "Just eat some more nachos to quiet them fairies!" atsushi: TT____TT Dazai: "??? What's wrong, buddy? Tummy problems?" -elsewhere- Rin: "Jeez..." shiemi: poor mr neuhaus.... *sniff* Yukio: "..." *pat pat* Rin: "Any word from the higher-ups?" izumo: nothing yet, just to focus on our studies. Bon: "Some of us more than others..." Rin: *sticks his tongue out* konekomaru: *looks at shima* Shima: "??? What?" *he's got a can of bugspray* izumo: the camping trip is next week, dummy. -_-; Shima: "And after dealing with the Spectacular Spider Babe, I'd like to not get bitten by more bugs! Who knows what the outdoors could have?!" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Thanks again for the drink." rain: n-no problem. .///. Chuuya: "...Hey. I know things are rough. But you don't have to shoulder these burdens alone." rain: ....t-thank you, mr nakahara... Chuuya: "...Chuuya's fine too, Rain." *pats her hand* rain:.....o-o-ok.... ./////////. Chuuya: "..." *cough* "I also wanted to apologize for a lot that happened before..." rain: i-i-its fine! really! Chuuya: "But between you getting abused by that pedo-freak and..." *blushes* "...the rest...I wanted to apologize and try to make it up to you..." *opens up a bag he brought* rain: oh um..w-whats this? *screaming on the inside* Chuuya: *he pulls out what looks like a doll--but is shown to be the ripped off top of a doll's head* *smirks* "Gift #1: I sent a message to pedo-freak's little brat." rain:..... owo; Chuuya: "You like it?" rain: um....thank you...? Chuuya: *smiles* "You're welcome...There is something else I owe you." rain: oh? Chuuya: *stands* "...You shouldn't have been embarrassed by me like that, so..." *removes his jacket--and he's just in--* rain:........ *FAINTS* -THUD- rain: ow! *blinks.....she's in her room*.....oh....of course.... TT_TT *A paper is left there by her bed* rain: ?? *she reads it and smiles* *Note* "Thanks for the company--I was glad for it, and I hope you were too. Just remember: you don't have to shoulder these burdens alone. --Chuuya" rain: *blushes and wipes away a tear*.....*checks answering machine* Answering machine: *MISSED CALLED FROM _Ougai Mori_* rain:.................. *renames contact to 'that sick bastard mori'* Answering Machine: *MISSED CALLED FROM _that sick bastard Mori_* rain:...... *deletes it* *Knock knock* rain:.... *looks through the keyhole* *It's Mori* rain: *cringes and puts the door stopper up* Mori: "Hello, Doll." rain: (thinking: no, i wont let that bastard ruin my evening!) Mori: "Open. We have work to do." rain: *turns up the radio really loud to drown him out* Mori: "..." rain: *praying he leaves* Mori: "...Hmph." *turns and departs* Mori: *about to turn back--* *Phone chirp* rain: O-O; Mori: "..." *looks at his phone* "...Damn it, Nakahara. Pestering me..." rain:....*sigh of relief* -she didnt get any sleep until a little after midnight- -morning- Dazai: *collapsed in bed with a bottle* =w= atsushi: .....who's bed am i.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Dazai: *slaps his hand over Atsushi's face like he's hitting snooze on an alarm clock* "Five more minutes please..." atsushi: ah- mr-mr dazai! mr dazai wake up! *shaking him* Dazai: *opens his eyes, smiles* "Oh, hey, Atsushi. What're you doing?" -elsewhere- Mori: *sour mood* ???: well you seem quite bitter. Mori: *turns and looks* "I tend to be, when I see minor annoyances that impede progress." ???:.....kyouka still hasnt returned... Mori: "Another annoyance." *stands, pacing* "That Agency took her, and someone was unable to retrieve her...He failed." ???: then perhaps we shall take matters into our own hands then? Mori: "Perhaps...Who do you propose visit the Agency?" -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "..." *puts his head in his hands* michelle:.....*asleep* Neuhaus: "..." *pulls a blanket over her* michelle:....*faint smile* Neuhaus: ("She smiles like before...It can't be a demon in her...") -elsewhere- Relan: *strokes his face* "Nightmares?" shinra: yeah, just nightmares....not flashbacks...*shaking* Relan: "...This isn't healthy...You need sleep and maybe, I don't know, talk about it?" shinra:..yeah...that might help. Relan: *holds his hand* "With me? Or the Commander? Or a professional?" shinra: ....*nods* Relan: "Okay...I think there's a therapist at school?" shinra: *nods* that might help. -elsewhere- Chuuya: *whistling* -elsewhere- atsushi: the shop shouldnt be too far now. Tanizaki: *yawns, pouts* naomi: aww, are you tired big bro? Tanizaki: .______.;;;; "Um...No? Yes? Nes? Yo?" naomi: do you want to lay on me~? atsushi: O-O; Tanizaki: ._______________.;;;;; "I AM FINE AND DO NOT NEED TO LAY ON YOU!" atsushi: O-O;;; oh, seems we can cross the street now! (thinking: chibuya crossing sure is a busy place, you could get lost if you werent paying attention) Tanizaki: "Naomi--I just kind of wish you weren't so...Um, I mean, that is to say--" *looks back* -she isnt there- atsushi: huh? where did she...? -a few other people have noticed some others have gone missing- naho: lilac?! come on this isnt funny! Tanizaki: "Naomi!" *runs into the crowd* atsushi: t-tanizaki wait! Tanizaki: *runs through the crowd, disappearing* atsushi: he-hey! *runs after him* *Someone is running _away_ from Atsushi, avoiding him* atsushi: *tries to follow them* tanizaki! "Tanizaki": *stops walking* atsushi: come on, its dangerous to go running out into a busy stree- "Tanizaki": *creepy smiling face with braces* "Come and play..." atsushi: !!!! y-you! you're the girl from the hote-...huh? Girl: "Fu fu fu...Welcome to Anne's room! Oh, my, so much attention..." Tanizaki: *reappears, stands before her* "...Where is she? Where is Naomi?!" atsushi: ... naho: lilac?! where are you?! person: h-hey where the hell are we?! Girl: "Oh, you're all frightened of this new place--I can understand! If it were me, my heart would leap from my chest! As for your friends..." *smirks at Tanizaki and Naho, as she points to a door with a window in it* naho: *peaks in*... !!! LILA!! lilac:..... naomi:.... atsushi:...kenji! Tanizaki: "!!!" *slamming his fist against the door* Girl: "Can't open a door without a key..." atsushi: then where is the key? Lucy: *shows the key* "To get it, you'll have to play with Anne." atsushi: that doesnt seem so hard. where's anne then? Lucy: *points behind Atsushi and Tanizaki* Tanizaki: "???" *looks behind--* o___O atsushi:....*high pitched squeak* oh. Anna: *a creepy doll towering over Atsushi and Tanizaki* Lucy: "You hide. She seeks. If you open the door with this key--" *tosses it at Atsushi* "--before Anne finds you, you win! Who else wants to join this game?" *looks at the crowd* Crowd: *screams* naho: O-O e-eh? atsushi: ok! sounds easy enough- Anne: "But no violence in here! You must not damage my toys!" *looks at the crowd* "If you're so scared, you could go into that room..." *smiles as hostages* -several people fled; the only ones who remained are atsushi, tanizaki, naho, and a man in a white coat- Tanizaki: "??? Why are you staying?" naho: my friend is trapped in there! i cant just abandon him! White Coat: *shaking* "A girl..." atsushi: ?? White Coat: "Elise...An angel..." *holds up a photo* "Have you seen her?" naho: oh! she was in the room! we'll help her out! White Coat: TT~TT "Thank you!" atsushi: tanizaki, do you think you can use your ability to help us out? Tanizaki: *nods* girl: *smiles* "Then let's begin..." Tanizaki: *holding up the key as he summons his ability--* naho: *caught* eh? White Coat: "!!!" Anne: *ROAR* atsushi: tanizaki!! naho: *SCREAMS as she's dragged into the room* Tanizaki: "?!" *grabbed* "!!!" *tossed into the room after Naho* Lucy: *singing* "Anne sees another friend..." atsushi:.... o-o;;;;; Anne: *rushes at Atsushi* atsushi: *running* nope nope nope! -he jumps up and grabs onto one of the streamers- Anne: "?!" Lucy: *shiny eyes* "An acrobat!" atsushi: (thinking: just got to get to the door...) Lucy: "Such a powerful ability...You must have had a lot of time to cultivate it..." atsushi: (thinking: DO NOT LOSE FOCUS) Lucy: "You're an orphan, too, huh?" atsushi: !!? Lucy: "I had plenty of time to improve my ability...That's what attracted the attention of the Guild." atsushi: !!! Lucy: "...And if I fail, the Guild will throw me away...You were found by the Agency, weren't you? Welcomed, weren't you?" atsushi: ..... Lucy: "...It should have been me. I should have switched places with you..." *crying* atsushi:... (thinking: i want to comfort her....but it could be a trap...) -he edges closer to the door- Lucy: "Perhaps I should make you understand...AND TRAP YOU IN THIS ROOM FOREVER!" atsushi: i made it! *pulls out the key* White Coat: "Look out!" atsushi: ?? *A ribbon wraps around Atsushi, pulling him from the door* atsushi: !!!! *claws the ribbon off* ack! Lucy: "You lose!" Anne: *rushes at him with another ribbon attack* atsushi: !!! *throws a teddy at her and hides* ....ideas doc? o-o; White Coat: "M-Me?! Um, well, gee, I don't know...Except for one piece of advice..." atsushi: i can use just about anything right now sir. White Coat: "Game theory." atsushi:... what like the youtube channel? White Coat: "No, a philosophy: when you have an opponent who has everything to lose, beat them on the spot, so thoroughly, they can't fight back." atsushi: i think that makes sense... ok, i have an idea. we double team her! White Coat: ._. "M-Me?! But I'm just a physician--" Lucy: " 'Double,' eh? Good idea..." atsushi:.....why do i keep saying words?
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misscasper3 · 8 years ago
50 Questions To Ask A Girl If You Want To Know Who She Really Is
Found this article online awhile back and finally feel like answering the questions
1. What’s one thing that’s happened to you that has made you a stronger person? Leaving an abusive 6 year ‘relationship’
2. What’s one thing that’s happened to you in your life that made you feel weak? When I was 12 I was kicked out of my parents house which I believe is the start to my fucked up need to be loved and needed by someone else.
3. Where is one place you feel most like yourself? My apartment
4. Where is your favorite place to escape to? The woods or under 5 layers of blankets in my bed
5. Who do you think has had the largest influence on the person you are today? My dad ❤
6. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? To be able to shut my brain off and cool down. I overthink every detail that someone says or does and I think I create issues that weren’t there. Also Id get a nose job if I could lol
7. If you had one day left to live, what would you do first? Any thought that I kept to myself, I would say it to the people it was meant for and then walk away before the person could respond back. Then, after everyone hates me lol, I would hop on the next flight to Los Angeles, go to the beach, and sit in the ocean until the end of my last day.
8. What decade do you feel you most belong in? I dont see what’s wrong with living in the time I am now??
9. Who are you closest to in your family? Why? Probably my Dad. I lived with him for a long time and he was there for me for every milestone I reached. He always took my side when things went wrong, and always was there for ANYTHING I needed, without question.
10. Who is the one person in this world that knows you best? I couldn’t answer thar exactly. Certain people know certain things about me.>
11. What is your favorite quality about your best friend? She’s there to listen when I need to rant. Even when I’m being stupid.
12. When you were younger what did you think you were going to be when you grew up? A singer for awhile. Then I wanted to be an interior decorator, but I dont think I really understood what the job really was. I just liked rearranging my room all the time.
13. If you could identify with one fictional character (from a book, show, or movie) who would it be? This question requires way too much thought. I have no clue.
14. Do you easily accept compliments? Or do you hate compliments? I dont see what’s wrong with compliments, I just don’t know how to respond sometimes so my words may come out weird.
15. Is your favorite attribute about yourself physical or non-physical? Non
16. What is your favorite physical attribute about yourself? I like my skinny waist and wider hips. *I would have said hair color, but I wasn’t exactly born with purple hair so I dont think that counts*
17. What is your favorite non-physical attribute about yourself? I am understanding. I try to look at the whole picture instead of the current situation.
18. Do you believe in love at first sight? No. You cant love someone truly until you know them inside and out.
19. Do you believe in soul mates? I dunno. I believe some people definitely are meant to be in someones lives for a purpose, whether to teach a lesson and go or to participate and stay.
20. How seriously do you take horoscopes? I dont want to believe that the time and place I was born is supposed to judge my personality/fate.
21. Have you ever been in love? How many times? I have been in love. Twice. The first time I dont think could really count though since it ended up being a Catfish story. Does it count? If it doesnt,then once.
22. What makes you fall in love with someone? when they can make me laugh and forget about my bad day(s). Also if they aren’t judgmental of my actions and they try to understand why I do the things I do. Really like when people aren’t judges of my every move.
23. What does vulnerability mean to you? What has the ability to make you vulnerable? Ugh.. Vulnerable to me means, helpless. Needy. Small. A diary that was opened without permission. Bringing up hurtful times makes me vulnerable. Bringing up stupid things I’ve done, or times I’ve fucked up makes me vulnerable. The people who are the closest to me, who know a lot about my past are the ones that are able to break me down in that way.
24. What’s one thing you’re scared to ask a man, but really want to? why is it such a big deal for you guys to “be the man” in situations. Why do you feel that you have to prove your manliness?
25. If you were a man for a day, what would be the first thing you do? Shave my head with clippers. Its socially acceptable for guys to be bald haha
26. What do you find most attractive about each sex? I really like how guys are just bigger than females. Like big bears standing next to a tiny bunny. The size difference I think. I think its weird if a guy is the same size as me. Girls are obviously more sensitive and emotional, so. I guess I’ll pick that as my answer.
27. What’s one thing you’d love to learn more about? How the brain works basically. Like what makes people do or feel things. The science side behind depression or happy feelings.
28. What is something you’ve never done that you’ve always wanted to do? Travel out of country. Be brave enough to go on a trip alone. Zip line.
29. Why haven’t you done it yet? Mostly money. But I am just nervous for some reason. I think I just dont trust myself to make certain decisions by myself because a lot of times when you go somewhere new, you obviously dont know the area so you’re kind of guessing on where to go, what to do.
30. If money didn’t matter, what would your dream job be? Doing behind the scenes runway hair/makeup, photoshoots. Movies.
31. If you had off from work today, what would you do? I would go to the beach.
32. What was the last thing that made you cry? A fight between my boyfriend and I.
33. What was the last thing that made you laugh? I dont remember exactly.
34. What is your favorite memory? My dad making a speech at my graduation party about how proud he was of me and then he started tearing up
35. What’s the last thing that REALLY embarrassed you? I can’t think of anything that I really cared enough about to make me feel embarrassed.
36. What is your biggest fear? Being a loser in life. Giving up on goals because of my internal battles with myself. Being alone in life overall. I enjoy my alone hours, but I’m talking about fearing being alone IN GENERAL.
37. Do you have any regrets? What’s your biggest one? When I was about 13, 14ish I let my boyfriend at the time tell me I can’t be friends with a certain person. He made me cut off ties in order to stay in a relationship with him.. I regret so much that happened on that day. What I said to that person was hurtful…It hurt me to say those words and I know it hurt that person too. I was literally crying as i was telling this person to leave me alone because I didnt want to say goodbye yet I felt obligated to listen to my then boyfriend for some reason. I caused so much pain to that person that effected things down the road and I can never take it back… And I regret not answering him back when he texted me on holidays. I regret not taking his number when my mom offered it to me. I regret so many things that happened to that person because of me.
38. Have you ever broken a law? If you haven’t what is one law you’d love to break? I mean I’ve got two speeding tickets. I’ve gone in “private property” places just out of curiosity.
39. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done? I’m not a risk taker.
40. Would you have a conversation with a stranger? I do everyday at work.
41. Would you tell a stranger they have toilet paper hanging from their shoe? Or their dress tucked into their underwear? (Or anything else that is embarrassing to be seen in public)? Yes definitely. If that happened to me, I’d want someone to tell me.
42. What’s your favorite joke? Dunno
43. Are you a dog person or a cat person? I love both but lean towards cats.
44. If you could be any animal, what animal would you be? A bird so I can fly wherever I want.
45. What’s one show, movie, or book, you’re embarrassed to admit you enjoy? I used to like Bates Motel.
46. How do you think your parents would describe you as a child? Girly girl. Picky. Hard working (Mom just told me last week).
47. If you could go back to any age or time of your life, what age or time would it be? I was just thinking this in the car. Usually when people wanna go back, they say a happy time. I 100% cannot think of a time that I was so so happy and stayed happy longer than one or two days. Even if I was enjoying myself that day, there was ALWAYS something inside at the end of the day that just ate away at my soul hiding behind the ‘happy moment’.. This thought seriously depresses me.
48. What’s something you believe in that not everyone else does? I believe that when you are with someone, you are not 100% committed if you are okay with looking at other girls/guys and seeing them in a sexual way. Other people say “as long as they dont touch, its ok” or “nothing is wrong with just looking” but I believe it is fucking wrong on so many levels because that is showing desire for someone else other than the significant other. Call me prude or whatever the fuck you want.
9. What’s one thing you would say that makes you unique from other people? My brother told me that I am ALWAYS somehow able to pull myself out of every fucked up situation I’ve been in. Idk, does that really count as unique..? I guess something else would be that I literally put my entire soul into someone when I am in a relationship. I would do anything for that person. Is that unique?
50. What is one thing you feel your life is missing?  I feel like I’ve lost my passion for almost everything. I used to be so sure of myself and proud of what I wanted to do with my life and now its all a big question mark. My life is missing set goals and passion for doing something with it.
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